Salem’s Ghosts is a chilling, genre-bending anthology series set in and around Salem, Massachusetts. It began production in the autumn of 2020 with the feature installment, ”Salem’s Ghosts: A Salem Witch Trials Paranormal Audio Drama.” This story was set during the Salem Witch Trials and tracks some of that era’s lesser-known players as they wrestle against or instigate the oncoming storm of witchcraft. The second installment is titled, ”Salem’s Ghosts: The Lynn Lady.” This more modern tale is rooted in a real-world unsolved murder that occurred in the Salem era in the 1940’s. The six episode series tracks the modern-day Bishop family, a mother a daughter pair still reeling from the sudden disappearance of the much-beloved patriarch a year before our story begins, as they become increasingly entangled in the emotional, paranormal ramifications of that horrible day eighty years prior.
Please note this episode was initially published on The Salem Witch Podcast, which has since transitioned to an interview show.
Salem’s Ghosts - A Salem Witch Trials Paranormal Audio Drama is a feature-length, full-cast audio drama. This immersive audio experience begins at the height of the Salem Witch Trials, but this take on 1692 is unlike any you’ve ever heard. It casts an unflinching eye on Salem that erases the divide betw...
The Lynn Lady follows the Bishop family as they become increasingly entangled in a strange, paranormal rift, the beginnings of which lie in a horrific, unsolved murder that occurred some eighty years before the beginning of our story.
The 2021 Characters
Salem’s Ghosts: The Lynn Lady centers on the Bishop family. We follow daughter Marina Bishop, a podcaster and true crime/paranormal enthusiast born and raised in Salem, Mass...
In episode two of Salem's Ghosts: The Lynn Lady our 1941 couple chances upon each other on the streets of Lynn. We experience the emotional aftermath of Patricia's faculty dinner on Marina and Tyler. We also dive a bit deeper into the nature of the relationship between Ashley and Patricia. And we hear the moments directly following the mysterious car accident that concluded episode one.
Coming Up
Salem's Ghosts: The Lynn Lady ...
Episode Three sees Marina and Tyler getting their tarot read at Salem's, "Corwin's Curiosity Shoppe," Mason returning to the accident site with an team of medical professionals, and Marina discovering Ashley sneaking out of the Bishop home in the late hours of the night. In 1941, we meet Al's father and get to know Lynn's local diner, "Marvin's One Stop."
Coming Up
Salem's Ghosts: The Lynn Lady will release one episode at a time...
In episode four, Al "chances upon" Frances at Marvin's One Stop. We hear yet more from the car accident's aftermath, and another episode of Twisted Salem comes our way - this one with chilling results. We also learn a bit more of what Frances has in mind for her future and Marina has a show-down with her mother following the discovery of a certain set of papers in Patricia's closet.
Coming Up
Salem's Ghosts: The Lynn Lady will r...
In episode five the stakes are on the climb as Marina heads toward Swampscott to investigate the site of the car accident. Al and Frances have their date, during which all the cards are put on the table and the fate of both of our 1941 characters is sealed. And Patricia, Ashley, and Tyler make a desperate run to find Marina.
Coming Up
Salem's Ghosts: The Lynn Lady will release one episode at a time for the rest of this week. The...
Our season draws to a close with this final chapter of Salem's Ghosts: The Lynn Lady. We hear the thrilling conclusion to the tense scene in the woods near the site of the accident from episode one. We learn what is to become of Al and Frances. And the mysteries of The Twisting Place are finally fully explored.
Coming Up
Salem's Ghosts: The Lynn Lady is the latest installment in the Salem's Ghosts saga, but definitely not the la...
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