All Episodes

January 8, 2025 38 mins

Negotiating with Mexico. Biden is considering preemptive pardons. The grooming gangs of the UK. Why western commies have been mass importing illegals. Never checking a bag. Has Jesse ever seen UFO’s in the military?

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:10):
This is a Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show. On a Wednesday, a
hump day. We're gonna discuss this little tit for tat
with the Mexican president over the Gulf of Mexico, Golf
of America, depending on how.

Speaker 1 (00:28):
You look at it.

Speaker 2 (00:29):
We'll discuss that this hour, a little bit of system
talk with the globalists. What's happening in the UK, How
is it in any way connected to what's happening here.
We're discuss that. Do some emails, have some fun, do
some things before we do that. I'm gonna talk about
this because I got a bunch of emails and voicemails

last night after we were talking about Trump being out
there talking, Hey, I want Greenland. I'm gonna take Greenland.
I can't guarantee I won't send in the military. I
want the Panama Canal back. We should have never given
it up, and the Gulf of Mexico and all this stuff.
And as I explained last night, one of the two
reasons I only explained one last night is that Donald

Trump wants to do big things.

Speaker 1 (01:17):
People like that.

Speaker 2 (01:19):
Presidents, generals, kings, these people in these big powerful positions
often taught oftentimes want to do big things, things that
sound crazy. Chuck Schumer says it sounds zaney.

Speaker 3 (01:33):
Naming the Gulf of Mexico may be a zany new idea.

Speaker 2 (01:38):
Okay, I explained that last night, so I'm not going
to talk about that again. There is a second part
of this that I see a lot of people miss,
and it blows me away.

Speaker 1 (01:48):
How many people I see miss this part?

Speaker 2 (01:52):
Let me let me ask you if I'm selling We've
done this a similar analogy before. But if I'm selling
Jesse Kelly Burr, that's not a real restaurant. But if
I'm selling Jesse Kelly Burgers to Jewish producer Chris.

Speaker 1 (02:07):
Okay, that's a bad example. I wouldn't get a good price.

Speaker 2 (02:09):
If I'm selling Jesse Kelly Burgers to producer Corey and
I want a million dollars? When I walk in, do
I tell Corey? If I know it's a negotiation, Do
I walk in and tell Corey I want a million dollars?
Is that where I start my negotiation?

Speaker 1 (02:28):
Of course not.

Speaker 2 (02:29):
That's ridiculous. Corey is going to counter. Now, I'll only
give you one hundred thousand, and then I have to counter. No,
I want nine hundred and fifty that no matter what,
if I've started there, I'm not going to get the
million dollars. If I want a million dollars, I'll walk
in and tell Corey I want ten million dollars. I
have a much better chance at walking out with what
I want when it comes to Mexico. And this will

apply to Canada as well, So I'll come back to that.
When it comes to Mexico. Donald Trump wants things from Mexico.
From Mexico, he wants better trade deals for the United
States of America. In fact, he wants that same thing
from Canada as well. He wants better trade deals, he
wants better rates, we'll call it rates. Wants a better

deal for America. But what leverage do you have if
you come out and take these extreme positions. Well, we're
gonna make Canada the fifty first state and we'll threaten
them economically if they don't. From Mexico, we'll just we're
just going to rename the Golf of Mexico. You take

these extreme positions. Also, I should note he wants Mexico
to aid, and we'll need Mexico to aid in a
great way. The mass deportation program he wants. If you
want things from these countries and you feel like you're
going to have to negotiate with them, well that is
what Donald Trump has done his entire life. I don't

give a crap. If you hate Donald Trump, I hate him.
I don't give a He's been a businessman his whole life.
That's what he has done. Lovin Moridium, it doesn't matter.
That's what he's done. He wrote a book called The
Art of the Deal. He is taking these quote Zaney
wild crazy sounding positions on things in part because he

wants to do big things. Yes, but also when you
take a crazy position like justse Kelly Berger's is worth
ten million dollars, that becomes your starting position. You have
staked out for yourself, a good starting position that gives
you a better chance of getting a lot, or at

least some of what you want. If I'm arguing with Ob,
I know I'm about to argue with Ob about where
to go for dinner, and I, in the back of
my mind have a couple restaurants in mind. I don't
start out the negotiation by telling her, and don't worry,
I won't pick red Lobster because she doesn't like Red Lobster.

In fact, the smartest way to start out that negotiation
is I want to go to Red Lobster for dinner period.
In fact, I don't even want to consider anything else
because she's gonna argue against that, and then we might
relent and go to waffle House, go to Little Caesars,
go to one of the other places that I love

that she says are gross or white trash. You start
out with a better negotiating position. That's what Donald Trump
is doing with a lot of this stuff. You take
a Zaney position, a crazy position, whatever way you want
to put it, and it helps you get what you

want in the end. He's been doing it his entire
life in the business world, and he's doing it now.

Speaker 1 (05:53):
Will it work?

Speaker 2 (05:54):
I don't know. Look, I don't know, but I'm not
even cheering it. I'm not criticizing it. I'm just explaining
what's very obviously happening. All right, let's do some emails.
I didn't get to near enough last night. I feel bad.
Remember you can email the show Jesse at Jesse kellyshow
dot com. Jesse, sorry for your troubles in Europe. He's
talking about talking about the airlines, screwing us and all

those things. I notice you always name companies with which
you have had a great experience, even if they're not sponsors. Yes,
pause on that. I always believe in that. I like
working people. I like when companies provide a great service.
I like to talk about it, and sponsor no sponsor,

I like to talk about it. I am pro America
in pro people.

Speaker 1 (06:43):
All right.

Speaker 2 (06:44):
So anyway, the guy goes on and says, why don't
you call out these companies with which you've had a
bad experience? For instance, he said, two examples, the airline
that wouldn't let you on the plane or kept your
luggage for two freaking days, and the tour company you
guys use for you New York City trip with the
commed tour guide. You say, more public shame is what's needed.

Maybe it's time to set the example and call these
people out. It will also warn your listeners to avoid
bad situations in those companies, says his name is Chris. Okay,
he makes a very good argument for why I should
do that, because I did not name the airline yesterday,
and it's not even an American airline. To be honest

with you, I did not name the airline, and he's correct,
I have maybe, I mean, maybe I've done it. You'll
remember better than I can be. I'm stupid, but I
don't call out bad companies, bad experiences by name. He
makes a very valid argument why I should. Then people

can watch out for it. But I'm not going to
justify why I don't. I'm just going to explain why
I don't. You may like this explanation, you may not,
but this is the reason I don't. People who get
in any way famous, I hate saying it like that,

but I'm talking whatever you do, whether you're a Tom
Cruise or a dumb radio host like me, or anything
in between. People who get large platforms. There is something
that has always bothered me, and I can't put into words.

Speaker 1 (08:29):
I actually don't know.

Speaker 2 (08:30):
I've never psychoanalyzed myself. I can't put into words why
it bothers me, but it has always bothered me.

Speaker 1 (08:38):
When I see.

Speaker 2 (08:38):
It, it bothers me when these people one they almost
never complement companies when they do good, and two when
they use their big platform to blast away at companies
and essentially essentially use their power to try to bully

a company into doing something. They want done because they
have a big enough platform to hurt the company. I
don't like it. I can't explain why I don't like it.
I look when it comes to airlines, because it wasn't.
It wasn't. It wasn't United. So and it's not that

I'm a fan of United, but I'm just because it
wasn't that. I'll use this as an example. You've probably
seen this. If you're on social media, or you listen
to the radio, which very clear that you do, or
whatever however you consume media, you've probably seen somebody, whether
it's someone you love somebody you hate, go online and
said United Airlines is such crap. I hate United. I

missed my flight and now I'm twenty minutes late?

Speaker 1 (09:48):
What are you doing? United?

Speaker 2 (09:49):
You shouldn't do this United, And then almost always the
airline will get worried that their reputations garbage. So we
got Oh, I'm so sorry, mister celebrity. Sorry, let us
give you free first class tickets. Let us give you
And I can't explain why I dislike it, but I
dislike it and I don't do it.

Speaker 1 (10:13):
That's that's why what do you say, Chris?

Speaker 2 (10:18):
Because they would do it for me, but not anybody else.
That's probably it. In fact, that's exactly it. It kind
of feels gross to me that I could blast a
company publicly and they would come grovel for my approval.
Maybe maybe not, but they would come grovel for my approval.

But someone who doesn't have a radio show, which is
really not that important, they would not get the same treatment.
Does that sound weird?

Speaker 1 (10:47):
Am I weird? I'm weird.

Speaker 2 (10:49):
Well, we'll go do some other stuff. Let's talk about
someone wants to talk about the New York Subway, and
let's move on and talk about other stuff. First, let's
talk about pure Talk. I have never can about pure talk.
You know, when I was in Rome, you know I
was making calls on my puretalk phone. Pure Talk's international now,

oh more cities than I can name for you. Now,
when I say, you don't sacrifice when you switch to
pure talk, you don't sacrifice. Your coverage is just as
good or better. When I switched from t mob with
a pure Talk, my coverage got better. I pay half
with better coverage, and my money goes to a company

that actually loves the country.

Speaker 1 (11:33):
I don't have to.

Speaker 2 (11:34):
Pay some dirtball corporate company that hates me. Now I
don't have to do that anymore. You know, it's easy
to switch. All you have to do is dial pound
two five zero and say Jesse Kelly. It takes ten
minutes on the phone. You'll speak to an American. They
hire Americans. Did I mention that pound two five zero,

say Jesse Kelly.

Speaker 1 (11:56):
We'll be back.

Speaker 2 (11:59):
Feeling a little stuffy, Follow like and subscribe on social
at Jesse Kelly Show. It is the Jesse Kelly Show,
and I am all you've got tonight. I don't know
that that actually worked out the way I wanted it to.
Either way, Let's do some emails, some voicemails, and remember
if you miss any part of the show, download the

whole thing. Iheartspotify iTunes. Jesse, I'm hearing again on the
news about a woman about the woman set on fire
in the New York subway police officer failed to help.
It occurred to me the Democrats won that city again.
He's just going on a rant about all the failure
in these Democrat controlled areas. And you know what, that

pairs perfectly with the voicemail somebody left.

Speaker 1 (12:46):
Listen to this, Jesse.

Speaker 4 (12:47):
You know, sometimes when I look at the news, and
I see how so many Americans say negative things about America.
It's really easy to get down on. And then I
remember that during the Revolutionary War, at no time did
more than forty five percent of the population in the

Americas believe in the war.

Speaker 5 (13:14):
And yet from that forty five percent, we wound up
with the greatest country and the greatest constitution in the
history of the world. So keep heart, keep up the fight.
It's a war that can be won, but we've got
to keep up the hard work.

Speaker 2 (13:38):
Theymen in a bunch of different ways. There are always
evil people trying to destroy things, to destroy the things
you love, the things I love. There are always evil
people in government and evil people in business. And the
evil people have always been with us, and there have
always been good people fighting back. And it doesn't take

all of us. But the rot we're seeing, the hallowing
out of America that we're seeing, it's because we have
neglected it. We have we got so busy with our lives,
myself included, we have neglected it. And you know, we
look at these these democrat run places and we look

at what disasters they are. Now Chicago they call it
Shiraq after Iraq. You realize that we look at what's
happening in California. Southern California's paradise. Honestly, so is northern
California paradise. And we wake up one day and they
can't clear the brush out, and they're how do these
things happen? Donald Trump went off, by the way he

went off about this, Why all this stuff's happened. Listen
to him talk about the neglect. How does this happen? Well,
enough people ignored it, but we can change it if
enough people.

Speaker 6 (15:00):
And you could revert water up into the hills where
you have all the dead forests, where the forests are
so brittle. The head of oster tells me, you know,
we have trees that are much more flammable than what
you have in California.

Speaker 1 (15:11):
We never have this was Trump on Rogan. I should
do forest florest.

Speaker 6 (15:14):
Because they maintained their forests, and you have all that
water that could be used to as what they call
waterflow where you know where the land would be damp,
and you'd stop many of these horrible fires that are
costing billions and billions of dollars by the federal government,
et cetera. So one thing I'm going to do for California.
Vote for me, California. I'm going to give you safety,

I'm going to give you a great border, and I'm
going to give you more water than almost anybody has.
And the farmers up north are going to be able
to use one hundred percent of the land, not one
percent of their land.

Speaker 1 (15:48):

Speaker 2 (15:49):
Mismanagement, neglect, corruption, sending all your water, all your fresh water,
not to the reservoirs, not to the people, but sending
it out to the sea for some fish or some
weird crap. How does a government get that broken and lost?
People get comfortable, comfortable with life, comfortable with the fun

and the sun and the life and the jobs and
the family. And we neglect things. And when we neglect maintenance,
society rots out from under us to do some more emails. Jesse,
I hear President Trump wants to buy Greenland. Do you
think one of the reasons for this is to have
somewhere to send illegals if their home country won't take them. No,

he's not going to send all the illegals up to Greenland.
If you want Greenland, you don't want Greenland for anything
that's necessarily in Greenland. It's a frozen hellscape. There's only
fifty Have you seen how big Greenland is? Have you
seen it just looking about pulling up on your phone.

It's enormous. People live there? Why because it's horrible. But
if you do want it, and he does, you want
it for strategic reasons, and it opens up if you
look at your map, good, pull up your map and
look at it. It opens up a northern passageway in

east to west or west to east horizontal, a northern passageway,
a northern shipping lane. If you get control of that.
The only reason you would want it it would be strategic. Hey, Jesse,
I think you're giving yourself too much credit for solving
your rat problem. Because just now you're telling us you
had a snake in the house. We all know who's
doing the heavy lifting. His name is Dave. Listen, that

snake we found in the house, or I found in
the house and then obs screamed about that was a
tiny little garter snake. That snake's getting absolutely no credit
for the fact that Craven, that's me, Craven conquered the rats.
All I had to kill was one. I didn't have
to kill them all. You kill one you make an

example of him, the others will learn. All right, all right,
Joe Biden's gonna give out preemptive pardons. That sounds like
that's more than just a rumor. Sounds like it's real.
And the UK they don't want anybody looking into the
Muslim rape gangs. Huhn't talk about those things might be

painful unless you're taking relief factor. Actually, I don't think
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Speaker 1 (18:51):
What does it do?

Speaker 2 (18:53):
It supports your body's natural response to that inflammation. Your
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Get rid of that pain in your life. Call one
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Speaker 1 (19:23):
We'll deal with this.

Speaker 2 (19:24):
What's happening in the UK and how's it connected to
what Biden's doing here?

Speaker 1 (19:29):
Hang on? Is he smarter than everyone who knows? Does
he think so?

Speaker 2 (19:34):

Speaker 1 (19:36):
The Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 2 (19:39):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Wednesday home day.
And again you can email us Jesse at Jesse Kellyshow
dot com. We'll get to those here in a few
So Joe Biden confirmed that he's considering preemptive pardons. Liz Cheney,

Anthony Fauci, things like that. That happened today. Something else
happened today. They had a vote over there in the
UK the Labor Party, Remember the Labor Party in the UK.
That's their Democrats, that's their communist party, the Labor Party
in the UK. Stop me if any of this sounds familiar.

They have partnered with foreigners. They are bringing in as
many foreigners as humanly possible, mainly mainly Muslims over there
from Pakistan.

Speaker 1 (20:34):
Places like that. They're bringing in.

Speaker 2 (20:37):
As many foreigners as humanly possible, partnering with them, and
the partnering goes like this, and this is from people
in the UK I've talked to. If you're in the
Labor Party, they're Communist party, they're Democrats. You bring in
a bunch of these guys, they are they're very much
going to form their own community. That that's generally how

that type of mass immigration works. They'll form their own community,
really their own government. So why would Labor do this
because a deal is struck? You see, they want those
votes Labor. They're Democrats, they want to stay in power.
The deal is the imports will continue to vote for labor.

Labor will in turn continue to provide legal cover for
the crimes committed by the groups that came in. So
how's this work in the end. How it works in
the end is twelve year old British girls get preyed
upon and torn apart by.

Speaker 1 (21:43):
These rape gangs.

Speaker 2 (21:45):
The people in charge, the politicians in charge, politicians, judges, cops.

Speaker 1 (21:50):
They've struck a deal.

Speaker 2 (21:52):
They will in some cases arrest the girls or arrest
the parents of the girls for speaking out about it.
Running a complete protection racket. So labor wins, they get
to keep all their power. The foreigners win, they get
to continue to pillage the UK like the barbarians they are.

Who loses the patriotic British citizen. None of this sounds familiar, right, Well,
we've had a lot of stuff come out recently about this,
and so what happened was today it got up for
a vote and what they wanted to do they wanted
to look into this more. Only the Labor Party has

more votes, three hundred and sixty four to one eleven.
They denied the inquiry. It's not even going to be
looked into officially. Now, this is not just happening in
the UK. It's not just happening in America. I know
all this sounds familiar. It's exactly what Democrats did. It's

why they opened up the border and brought in fifteen
twenty million people from all over the planet. They're doing
the exact same thing in the exact same way, for
the exact same reason. This is happening all across Western civilization,
committing crimes against us Western civilization. The governments no longer

seeing themselves as the vanguard of freedom. They see themselves
as kings and queens, and they see their citizens, the
patriotic citizens, as the only ones who might hold them
back from taking all the money and power, and so
they have declared war against their own people. The Democrat

Party in this country has done it. You've seen all
the evidence of it in the last four years, the
Labor Party and the.

Speaker 1 (23:45):
UK, the Canada's going through.

Speaker 2 (23:47):
Everyone in Canada's screaming at the radio right now, we
got to talk about us. Exactly the same thing is
happening up there. This is happening across Western civilization. I've
said many times it is the overarching story of our
time that explains almost every single story underneath it. Western

governments turning their guns inward against their own citizens so
they can loot and pillage their countries as they burn
it to ash Joe Biden, of course, he's considering preemptive pardons.
These people have been committing crimes with their positions of

power for the longest time. Finally, it looks like the
Trump administration has the teeth in the will to start
going after the criminals for the crimes they've committed. Trump
appears to be much more, much more into it this time,

much more aware, I should say, of how evil these
people are and what must be done when the FBI
is right through your wife's underwear drawer. It tends to
wake you up to what exactly you're dealing with. And
so Joe Biden on the way out the door, he's
going to hand out as much legal cover as humanly possible.

You see this everywhere Western governments turning against their own citizens.

Speaker 1 (25:21):

Speaker 2 (25:21):
This is from Insider paper surge in Telegram. Telegram is
a social media app, A messaging app, is what it is.

Speaker 1 (25:30):
It's build.

Speaker 2 (25:32):
I never want to ever say anything is secure, because
really anything electronic is not secure. But it's sold as
being one of the most secure messaging apps.

Speaker 1 (25:42):
So anyway, the headline is.

Speaker 2 (25:43):
Surge in Telegram. User data is passed to French authorities.
Why why are French authorities? Why did they lock up
the guy who runs Telegram?

Speaker 1 (25:55):
Why did this happen?

Speaker 2 (25:57):
Because Western governments have turned against their own citizens.

Speaker 3 (26:01):
Last time I was in the US, I brought an
engineer that is working for Telegram, and there was an
attempt to secretly hire my engineer behind my back by
cybersecurity officers or agents whether they are called.

Speaker 1 (26:18):
The US government should to hire your engineer.

Speaker 3 (26:21):
That's my understanding.

Speaker 2 (26:22):
That's what he told me to write code for them
or to break into Telegram.

Speaker 3 (26:27):
They were trying to persuade him to use certain open
source tools that he would then integrate into the Telegram's
code that, in my understanding, would serve as back.

Speaker 2 (26:40):
Doors, would allow the US government to spy on people
who use Telegram.

Speaker 3 (26:45):
The US government to maybe any other government, because a
backdoor is a backdoor, regardless of who is using it.

Speaker 2 (26:52):
Why why do the quote free countries of the West, America, Canada, UK, France,
these are supposed to be the bastions of freedom. Why
are their governments so desperately trying to find out what
you are saying to your friends and family Because they're

evil tyrants. They understand you're a patriot interested in saving
your country, preserving your freedoms, maintaining your culture, and to
these people that makes you enemy numero uno. Don't think
for a second these people lay awake at night and

stress about Vladimir Bhutin in Russia, or Jijinping in China,
or Isis or any of the other evil people on
the planet. The thing that keeps these people up at
night is you, the patriotic citizen who is interested in
his country, loves his country, wants to stop the looting

of his country. You are the only thing that keeps
them up at night. And every single thing they do
is now designed to stop you from stopping them.

Speaker 1 (28:12):
That's why they do these things.

Speaker 2 (28:14):
That is the fight of our time, and it is
a fight that will go on for the rest of
your life. It will go on the rest of my life.
It is the fight of our time. We are pushing back,
it seems like globally, But don't think for a second
these evil people have changed a single one of their plans.
All right, all right, let's do some emails, move on

to some other things before.

Speaker 1 (28:39):
We do those.

Speaker 2 (28:42):
You see these fires right now, let me ask you something.
I want you to just take a second, and I
want you to take a mental inventory of the pictures
and videos in your home, Those vacation pictures, these baby
pictures of the kiddos, Grandpa's picture from boot camp. How

many of those things have you digitized and saved on
a thumb drive somewhere. How many of those things? One
fire doesn't have to be a wildfire, one electrical fire.
One thing goes wrong tonight and those things are gone.

Get a hold a legacy box and make sure those
things are preserved forever. Legacy Box has helped over a
million people. They're helping me currently.

Speaker 1 (29:37):
With my father. I want to be able to you
know what I want.

Speaker 2 (29:41):
I want to be able to pull up my phone
and I want to be able to look at pictures
of my dad.

Speaker 1 (29:46):
But they're all polaroids. How do I do that?

Speaker 2 (29:48):
Legacy Box sends you a box all those cam Quarder tapes,
film reels, pictures. You put it in the box and
you just send it to Legacy Box. They digitize it
all for you. Don't wait until after the fire. I
wish i'd done it fifty percent. You say fifty percent
right now, legacybox dot com slash Jesse. Don't wait until

it's too late.

Speaker 1 (30:12):
Do it now. We'll be back.

Speaker 2 (30:15):
I've got on an Emily side on me. This says
Jesse Kelly. You're listening to the Jesse Kelly Show. It
is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Wednesday, a hump day,
reminding you if you miss any part of the show,
you can download the whole thing on iHeart, Spotify iTunes.

Speaker 1 (30:36):
All right, let's do a voicemail.

Speaker 3 (30:38):
Show welcome back.

Speaker 5 (30:39):
I have to say you really had me laugh and
last night's both the trip we asked so glad to
have you back.

Speaker 4 (30:45):
I've never laughed so hard.

Speaker 6 (30:47):
Since the Tenderloin's story on Thanksgiving.

Speaker 2 (30:50):
Happy New Year, Happy New Year to you too. It's
not nice to laugh about my tender Loin story. I
still feel bad about that whole thing, Jesse killing me.
I used to travel for work, and you never check
anything you might need within a day or so. Toiletries, medications,
emergency socks are with me at all times. Okay, listen,

I've decided after this recent debacle with the lost bags
and everything else, you already know that I'm dead set
against checking bags period within reason. You see, if I'm
gone two three, four, five days, I don't ever check
a bag. Yeah, Chris, I've gone five days no bags,

but definitely two three days, four days.

Speaker 1 (31:37):
I never ever ever check a bag. Ever.

Speaker 2 (31:40):
I will figure out a way to do it. I'll
re wear some pants. You know, you just the pair
of shoes you're wearing. That's the only one you take
the whole time. You can make it work. You can
make it work. And ladies stunt say, well, I can't
do that. Your clothes are teeny teeny tiny compared to
dudes clothes. You wear those little little dime sun dresses
and things like that. Those things fold up into the

size of a freaking quarter. Don't tell me you can't
do it anyway. I never checked bags unless it's seven
eight days, and this was supposed to be a seven
day trip. Check the bag. We all checked the bag.
I decided from now on, I'm not checking a bag

no matter what. And I'm gonna go as long as
humanly possible without checking a bag. And if I ever
break and I check a bag, I will come on
here on the air and admit my failure to you.
But I will find a way to do it. Look,
you can always get laundry done, or stop and do laundry.

There's no everybody has a laundry mat. You can stop
in a laundry mat for an hour on vacation, especially
if you're married. That's basically her job anyway, Jesse, being
in the military, did you ever see UFOs or weird
things that cannot be explained or did you know anyone
that did. Seems a lot of military guys have seen

these kinds of things. I'm a huge skeptic, but it
seems a little too weird. Okay, what I'm about to
say you're gonna hate well, I shouldn't say you're gonna
hate me, for there's a chance the emails and the
voicemails are.

Speaker 1 (33:24):
Gonna be full.

Speaker 2 (33:26):
Well they're generally already full anyway, they're gonna be irate
with what I'm about to tell you, all right, Jesse
at jesse kellyshow dot COM's the email addressed.

Speaker 1 (33:36):
You're welcome to scream at.

Speaker 2 (33:37):
Me eight seven seven three seven seven four three seven threes.
Where you leave a voicemail, you're welcome to scream at me.
So I'm gonna tell you this. I am not the
guy to come to for things like ghost stories in
UFOs and things like that. And it's not because I

I don't want to believe those things I've told you before.
I'll go to haunted houses with Ob wherever we find them.
We'll go on like a haunted tour. We did a
haunted jail tour in Charleston one time, and everyone freaked
out when they finally locked us in the basement of
this jail where a bunch of people had been tortured.
Bob and I were both laughing hysterically. I want to

see a ghost, I want to believe.

Speaker 1 (34:27):
I just I can't do it.

Speaker 2 (34:29):
I'm worried that my mind is blocking me. Okay, So
when it comes to UFOs, this is what I believe.
There are a lot of things in the sky, especially today,
a lot of things in the sky. And I'm not
just talking about shooting stars and things like that. You

can go down to radio shack. Chris is radio shack
still exists.

Speaker 1 (34:54):
It doesn't.

Speaker 2 (34:55):
Okay, you go down to a best Buy. You can
go down to best Buy right now and grab a drone.
I don't know how much it costs. We all know
Chris wouldn't pay full price. We could run down the
best Buy right now and grab a drone, and I
could fly a drone around the sky.

Speaker 1 (35:09):
I'm assuming using my phone. I don't know. I don't
have a drone. But you can go down and.

Speaker 2 (35:14):
Pick up drones. There are personal drones. There are commercial planes.
There are private planes. We have a little airfield a
few miles from my house where people have private planes,
not jets, the little prop planes. They just park them
in a garage. You know, they're always up flying. You
always see them flying around. There's Chris said, twenty five

dollars for a drone. Okay, twenty five bucks. Twenty five bucks.
You know, Chris found the best deal. Twenty five bucks
you get a drone. That is that that doesn't even
include governments militaries, and they are all experimenting with drone
technology right now because they viewed drone technology, especially because

of the war in Russia or in Ukraine, the Russia
Ukrainian War. We're watching how that war is being fought,
and we're all saying to ourselves, uh, oh, drones look
like they're really, really, really important.

Speaker 1 (36:13):

Speaker 2 (36:14):
There are tons of things in the sky. No, I
didn't see anything when I was in the Marines that
I looked up and thought, whoa, those must be aliens.
I never looked up and saw anything like that before.
And if I did look up and see something creepy
and crazy in the sky, I would assume it was
a drone or a plane or a I know the

email inbox is going to be full of people telling
me about their alien abductions. And I know, I know,
And I'm not even denying your story. I don't know,
I wasn't there.

Speaker 1 (36:50):
Go ahead and email.

Speaker 2 (36:51):
Me your story about ghosts and aliens. I'll read them
tomorrow on the air. You know, that's fine. Jesse at
Jesse kellyshow dot com. You can leave voicemail. You can
send me an email with your alien or ghost stories.

Speaker 1 (37:03):
It's fine.

Speaker 2 (37:04):
I'm not calling you an idiot or crazy.

Speaker 1 (37:07):
I have a metal block and I just can't get there.
I'm sorry.

Speaker 2 (37:10):
I get it from my father, my dad. I know, Chris,
I don't like fun. Remember my dad didn't like fun.
He hated fun. He thought it was ridiculous. Okay, the
Obliterator is fun. How great does your blender have to
be that you name it the Obliterator. I told you
last night about Chefman, about the IQ Sense, the thermometers

you stick in the meat, and you leave in the
meat while you're smoking it, and then it connects to
an app on your phone. They do those IQ Sense thermometers.
They do the Obliterator blenders. They do more things. They
have all kinds of stuff that looks super super fancy.
You know, aub only keeps stuff on the counter that
looks good. There's stuff looks super fancy, but it's affordable.

It's for normal people. The Obliterator. I told you all
make that superfood smoothie every morning. The Obliterator handles it
every day. It's built to handle twenty years of daily use.
Go to Chefman dot com and see what I'm talking about.

Speaker 1 (38:10):
You can pick these things up in Walmart. It's how
big they've gotten now.

Speaker 2 (38:14):
C H, E, F, M A N dot com, Chefman
dot com.

Speaker 1 (38:20):
Get an obliterator.

Speaker 2 (38:21):
It's the best blender ever and it looks great.

Speaker 1 (38:23):
You'll see what I'm talking about.

Speaker 2 (38:24):
It looks great, and get one of the iq sends
things and stab your meat.

Speaker 1 (38:29):
All right, we have an hour left. Hang on
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