Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:10):
This is a Jesse Kelly Show.
Speaker 2 (00:15):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show.
Speaker 1 (00:18):
Final hour of The Jesse Kelly Show on a Wednesday,
a Hope Day. We'll make fun of the fact checking
union getting mad at Mark Zuckerberg. We'll talk very, very briefly.
I don't want to spend too long on it. It's
a little dark, and between these fires and everything else,
I don't want to get too dark tonight. But we'll
talk a little bit about bankruptcies and some trouble that
may be brewing on the rise and economically and otherwise.
But other than that, we get through some emails and
have some fun in this final hour. How does that sound? First,
remember this, this is where I'm going with This is
Mark Suckerg. You know, the Facebook CEO I already talked
to yesterday. How I don't trust anything he says. But
he came out and he said, oh man, I love
freedom now and I'm gonna be working with Trump and
well with all that censorship. Oh sorry about censoring you.
That was totally not my fault. There were some mistakes,
and really the problem was we hired some independent fact
checking company and they didn't do a good job, and
we fired them, but it wasn't my fault. Okay, so
I'm not gonna go off on Zuckerberg again. But that company,
it's called the International fact Checking Network, what it's called,
they had an emergency meeting and essentially they said, oh
my gosh, we're going to go out of business if
Facebook isn't paying us anymore. But this goes well beyond them,
This goes to the fact checking industry itself. You see,
the fact checking industry, if you dig into it at all,
is almost all in fact. I've never seen one that isn't,
but it's almost all funded by communist billionaires and communist organizations.
Why what's going on there? Well, if you listen to
the show for any length of time, you already know.
But let's assume you're new here for a moment. Communism
is awful. We're not even gonna talk about how it
doesn't work. Are those things, but it's awful. It's awful,
and its promises are awful too. You know, they're promising
to bring down everything that's the idea, Everything that currently
stands is evil, and therefore everything must be brought down.
And then, of course they promised to build something after,
but it never gets to that point, it's just burn
and burn and burn and burn and burn. It was Mao.
I believe it was Mao or Lenin. I think it
was Mao who said revolution without end. Yeah, it was Mao,
Revolution without end. Always burning, always burning, always burning things.
That's what it is. It's a demonic religion. So how
do you sell that? That's hard to sell. Even your
liberal ant pegy wouldn't buy into that. So you have
to lie. As we've talked about many times, it's not
that you have to lie on occasion when you're a communist, Wow,
I mean if it gets too bad, we'll tell a
little fib and kind of no. No no, no, no, no no no.
When you're selling a religion, a demonic religion of destruction,
you have to lie about everything at all times. Everything
has to be a lie. Why because if the morons
who follow your religion catch on to the fact that
you're just trying to destroy everything, they won't support you anymore.
You have to construct a world of make believe so
they can live inside of that world. That's why your
liberal ant pegy thinks the Hunter Biben laptop was Russian Galuo.
That's why your liberal and Peggy thinks George Floyd was
killed by Derek Chauvin, by that cop in Minneapolis. She
thinks these things. She knows these things because she lives
in a world of make believe. How do you hold
up the world of make believe? Whether There are a
bunch of different ways you have to censor the truth
and things like that. But one of the ways is, hey,
why don't we just start a company and we'll call
it a fact checking company. Of course, who can decide
what that means? Whoever's paying the bills. So I just
hire a company, or I just start a company. I
call it Jesse Kelly fact Checking, and I tell everyone
who works there to cover for communists at all times,
attack the right, and cover for communists at all times.
And then you go to people in the corporate world
who are either evil or don't know any better, and
you sell your services as a fact checker company. Hey,
we're an independent company. We will fact check that thing
for you. That's how it worked at places like Facebook.
The thing is this, the world of make believe eventually
comes crumbling down. It always does. That's a huge reason
why the Soviet Union fell. Yeah, there are a bunch
of different factors, but one of the main reasons, probably
the main reason it wasn't Ronald Reagan, although he was
great and he did great things to bring it down.
One of the main reasons was the lies just didn't
hold up anymore. And people on a long enough timeline,
after they suffer enough, people will look around and say,
wait a minute, these people have lied about everything. And
as soon as people's eyes are open, as soon as
the scales fall off their eyes and they see the
world of make believe they live in, then communists cease
to have any power at all. And it is a vast,
well funded network out there of people trying to keep
the morons in a world of make believe. Your Liberal
and Pagy very likely is not an evil demon. You know,
it's very likely she's not an evil demon like Bill
Gates or something like that. She's probably just really stupid,
and really stupid people are really easy to keep in
that world of make believe, even Liberal and Pagy. After
enough pain, there's a chance she will wake up one day.
The second you see fact checking network like PolitiFact. That's
a big one in the political world, PolitiFact, or it's
another one, Snopes. Snopes is another big one, these fact
checking organizations. For yourself a favor, go dig into the
funding behind and all these things. It's all a bunch
of dirty comedies. Jesse. I have a party coming up
from my daughter's softball team and the parents. What are
the menu whispers recommendations to bring food? Okay, so I'm
gonna give you two recommendations, and you will probably dislike
both of my recommendations. That's fine. You don't have to
listen to the menu whisper. But I'm here to tell you,
depending on your finances, you're gonna hit a home run.
One's really cheap, the other one that's not super expensive.
It's just more complicated. First, if you have access to
a smoker, but this would work in an oven. You
don't have to have a smoker. You can do this
in the oven. My world famous Kso don't shake your head, Chris. Onions, Okay,
you eat onions. They could just buy the diced onions
from the store if you don't want to dice them yourself.
But it's really cheap to buy an onion and dice
it yourself. Pickled jalapenos, I've tried it with fresh ones.
You gotta go with the crushed the chopped up, pickled jalapenos,
crushed chipotle peppers, velveta velvita's key. Shut up, Chris, there
could be a second cheese. I usually use smoked gouda.
Depending on your budget, you can chuck it up. You
can chunk it up yourself, or just buy the chunked
up thing. A couple cans of cream of mushroom soup.
Don't shake your head, Chris. The cream of mushroom soup
is not there. There's no mushrooms in it. It's just
there to keep it liquidy. Otherwise this thing can get way, way,
way too thick. We're talking the view thick. It gives
way too thick. A couple cans a cream of mushroom soup.
Throw it on the smoker. Let it go for an hour.
It does three five. Open up your smoker. Mix all
the ingredients in. You don't have to mix them beforehand.
Throw it on for another hour. Pull it off. This
works just fine in the oven. It won't be smoked
in one of that smoky flavor, but it works fine
in the oven. Pull it out, Oh, Jesse, I can't
do that. Someone is bringing brisket and someone's bringing her
beer canned chicken, and someone else is bringing this. I
bet you money Jesse Kelly's caso. And I just stole
this recipe from a bunch of recipes I saw online.
Don't think I came up with this one scratch Jesse
Kelly's Caso. It'll be gone before any of the rest
of this stuff's gone. And if that fails, or maybe
you don't have the money or whatnot. Ob gets really
really mad when I do this. And guess what goes
like hotcakes? Every time Little Caesar's Pizzas it's six dollars
for a large pepperoni. I love Little Caesar's Pizza. When
we had Little Caesar's Pizza Night when I was a kid,
this once every few weeks. We didn't eat out a lot,
but we get Little Caesar's pizza and some crazy bread.
It was fantastic. Grab a couple large pepperonis. It's twelve dollars. Oh,
everyone's gonna make fun of you. Everyone makes fun of
me at these neighborhood parties I go to. Every single
time I show up with Little Caesars obs yelling. The
neighbors are laughing. Ah, look at white trash. Jesse guess
what's gone in half a freaking second. The Little Caesar's pizza.
Everybody wants to go get a slice of Little Caesar's.
Trust me on that boom. Just solve your pot luck.
Let's talk about the January sixth committee and then back
to some more emails. First, let's find you a decent employee.
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slash jesse We'll be back. Missed out catch up Jesse
kellyshow dot com.
Speaker 2 (11:41):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Wednesday, a
hook day. Reminding you you can email the show Jesse
at Jesse kellyshow dot com leave us a voicemail eight
seven seven three seven seven four three seven three. So
from the Daily Fetched, the January sixth Committee colluded with
Fanny Willis to target Trump. Well, this is not news,
but this explains why the preemptive pardons are coming down,
and it is something that I am looking forward to.
I think seeing just how many bodies are buried and
where they're buried, how many criminal acts were committed underneath
the Biden administration, by the Biden administration themselves, by the DOJ, FBI.
The ultimate question with this is, and I said, I
think I'm looking forward to it because.
Speaker 1 (12:42):
What is Pam Bondy going to do. Pam Bondy's going
to be the Attorney General. I talked to a US
senator today, Pam BONDI looks like she's going to sail through.
In fact, I got some good news. It sounded like
all the nominees are going to sail through. Hag Seth Cash.
But tell all of them, but let's focus on probably
the most important one. The head of the DOJ. Let
me positive explained why it's the most important one. I
always talk about how government people need to go to jail.
They have to go to jail. The most severe punishments
in any society have to be reserved for government people
who abuse their power. It has to be that's how
you preserve a socie. Well, government people in our country,
because everything's upside down, they're never held to account at
all for anything. But why because of the DOJ. You know,
your senator whoever it is, you're congressman, he can refer
somebody to the DOJ for the most heinous crimes. It's
still up to the DOJ to decide whether or not
that person gets prosecuted for those crimes. The DOJ is
the wall protecting government employees from accountability. We have this BONDI.
She's going to come in, She's going to be ag
what is she going to do?
Speaker 3 (14:07):
Speaker 1 (14:08):
Yeah, I know she's going to prosecute cartels and things
like that and do the basic GOP things. I know
that the ultimate question is is Pam Bondy going to
have the stomach to arrest communists in our government who
have used their power illegally, and that is a coin
flip cynical. Jesse says, not a chance. I've never seen
that before. Every one of these losers gets in there
and they talk tough and it sounds really tough. But
for some reason, government people never end up in jail.
Is it going to be a repeat of what I've
seen my whole life? I don't know. I hope not.
But the Biden administration was a criminal enterprise. The things
they did were criminal family themselves before we even get
to the FBI, this is all criminal. These are criminal acts.
Don't let them off with while they're dumb or a
little These are criminals. What will Pam Bondy do the
January sixth Committee? Everything I've seen looks like they committed crimes,
lots of them. And if they colluded with Fanny Willis,
Prosecutor out of Fulton County, Georgia. Uh, that's like life
in prison. No, no, no, don't get wrong. No one's
going to spend life in prison for it. But it
should be life in prison. The question is, does Pam
Bondy have it in her to actually clean out government corruption?
Does she have it in her to look inward instead
of outward. They all get in there and announce these initiatives.
We're going after drug trafficking, and we're going after this
group and that group. We're gonna go after the mafia.
But all that stuff's fine. I don't care. I want
to hear who's going after the government, who's going to
go after government officials? And that starts and stops in
the DOJ. Did you know the DOJ works with the
Central Intelligence Agency? Do you know that you see CIA
when they have whistleblowers and there have been many who
have come forward talking about the corruption in the CIA, Well,
the state secrets. The DOJ will come out and they'll say, well,
I'm sorry, that's a state secret. You can't say anything.
The DOJ runs cover for the corrupt CIA. The DOJ
runs cover for the corrupt FBI atf IRS. The DOJ
has been the wall preventing government employees from going to prison.
Is Pam Bondy going to shatter that wall? I don't know,
But that is the ultimate question.
Speaker 3 (17:06):
Do you hear Fetterman to remind everybody that we have
hundreds and hundreds of thousands of migrants here illegally that
have convicted of crimes, and I don't know why who
wants to defend to allow them to remain in our nation?
There that and now if you're here illegally and you're
committing crimes and those things, I don't know why anybody
thinks that it's controversial that they all need to go.
Speaker 1 (17:35):
I don't trust them either. I know everyone's on the
Fetterman bandwagon. I get all that. You know what that
sounds like to me? That sounds to me like a
Democrat in a state that just went solidly for Donald Trump.
That's what it sounds like. That that sounds like a
Democrat who's interested in getting re election re elected. Call
me crazy. John Fetterman has a very, very far left
career behind him. But maybe I'm just being cynical. Jesse.
All right, let's do some more emails. Before we do that,
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Preborn dot com slash jesse sponsored by Preborn We'll be back.
Is he smarter than everyone who knows? Does he think so? Yeah?
The Jesse Kelly Show. It is the Jesse Kelly Show
on a Wednesday. Remember, if you missed any part of
the show, you can download the whole thing on iHeart, Spotify, iTunes.
All right, so we're not gonna take a lot of
time on this, but I've had more than one guy
economist tell me some version of this. The most recent one,
very very sharp guy. He's with heritage. Peter saint Are
is his name. He's the most recent one. But he's
not the only one who said this to me. Biden
has done so much economic damage in the last four years,
and they've essentially been painting over the rust, pumping as
much money, funny money into the economy as humanly possible
so it all didn't come crashing down under his watch.
And things are if you look at the various the
different ways you can look at the economy, things are
on very, very shaky ground. I've been told some version
of that by multiple people that it's really really rough
out there, and if you look at the right things
when it comes to economic indicators, that we might have
a rocky road set up for the incoming Trump administration.
This headline, I'm not going to spend a lot of time.
I don't want to be all dark and depressed right now,
just not going to do it. But this headline kind
of backs that up. This is from the Epic Times.
Corporate bankruptcies surge to a fourteen year high. Fourteen years
that's twenty and eleven was the last time bankruptcies were
this high in corporate America. That's a big deal. That
that's not good. That means businesses are not making ends meet.
When they're not making ends meet, they're not hiring. It's
bad for everybody. I don't know that we're on the
way to a rocky road. You know, Trump's going to
get in there. And economically, he was a very very
good president for three years last time till COVID got here,
very very good president here. He deregulates things. It's one
of the things he does really well. So the economy
is going to open up, if you will, fewer rules,
get more of the government out of it. Hopefully we
can ease the pain of what's to come because of that.
But it is not set up to look that great
right now. And that's all I'm gonna say. Now. I'm
also going to say this, I've not been a big
fan of Brandon Johnson, the filthy communist mayor who runs
the city of Chicago. Not being a big fan is
actually putting it pretty mildly. But yeah, he's a dirt ball. However,
every now and then, even people we dislike can say
things we love and we admire, and Brandon Johnson said
it here. Brandon Johnson was asked about his dreadful approval numbers,
and look, you've heard some political spin in your life.
I've heard some political spin in my life, but spinning
disastrous approval numbers in this way. But love the goos.
Speaker 4 (23:13):
Some polls shows seventy six percent of those surveyed say
Chicago would be better off with a different mayor. I
actually am humbled that the people of Chicago believe in
my administration enough to have greater expectations than any other administration.
That's what leadership looks like, and I'm humbled to do it.
Speaker 1 (23:28):
Why do you say that, Why do you say that
there's greater expectations?
Speaker 4 (23:32):
I don't know, because I hear that because and then
the feedback instead is that the polling is poor. So
how do you're just I don't know how you interpret.
Speaker 1 (23:41):
It that way?
Speaker 4 (23:42):
Well, because maybe because I'm a middle child. Maybe it's
because I'm a Bears fan. By the way, the Bears
are undefeated in twenty twenty five, So off to a story.
Here's what I'm saying, though, Look, the people of Chicago
voted for me to invest in them, and that's exactly
what we've done, and I'm going to catch me to
do that.
Speaker 1 (24:01):
Maybe it's because I'm a middle child. Hey, seventy six
percent of the people hate your guns, and once you replaced,
I am humbled by their support. Ha I love these guys, Jesse.
I was elected president of the Lake Association last year
and now attend meetings with the group that calls themselves
the Coalition of Lake Associations for our state. They're all
total leftists. Every meeting leans to the far left. Here's
a statement from them about our December meeting. Quote. In
the first part of our meeting, wee we'll talk about
kids and why we should be focusing on them. We
often direct our efforts toward adults as we work to
improve some lake problem, but we know that engaging kids
in issues that impact the environment is a winning ticket.
Once kids learn about something, they push their parents and
grandparents to change their behaviors. Communism. One oh one. I
read this email. We got this email a while back,
but I've been meaning to read it to you for
this reason. Not because you care about this guy's Lake Association,
but because there's something else we don't talk about enough.
I always bring up school boards, legal and local school boards,
city councils, county board of supervisors. I want you to
run for office. I want you to get involved the losers,
the communists in your society, in your city, yes, even
your red city. They all take positions of power. However,
I say school board and city council enough. But I
don't want you to think that's the only thing. How
many different boards are there in your town? How many
do you even know? Most people don't, And it's fine,
I'm not judging. Go look, go look at how many
county boards. There's a water board, there's a lake board,
there's a this that they're the homeowners association. If you
don't get involved and occupy those positions of power, the
communists will, And I almost guarantee you the communists already are.
I've seen this as I've gotten more and more involved
in local politics in recent years, showing up at the meetings,
the forums, things like that. You'll show up in some forums,
so local meeting, and they'll be talking about the local
water board, and you'll be looking to your buddy, what
local waterboard? There's a waterboard. I didn't even know the
waterboard was a thing. And then you start talking to
people about it and you find out that it's a
team of five people. They ran for it. Of course,
about twelve people even voted in the election. And surprise, surprise,
the five people who knew about the waterboard and ran
for the waterboard, they weren't experts in water. They were
dirty commies trying to seize positions of power inside of
your local government. Go run for something. It doesn't have
to be big and scary. I didn't tell you have
to go be a senator or even a congressman. It
doesn't have to be that. And it's not gonna be sexy.
And you're gonna have to show up on Thursday night
when you get home and all you want to do
is eat your little Caesars or maybe take the old
lady out for something nice and some red lobster, and
you want to watch Matt Locke, and you would have relaxed.
You're gonna have to go to some boring water board meeting.
But that's where real power is held, and those are
the people. Look look at La right now. Why didn't
the brush get removed? Why what's up with the water?
What the you dig into these problems? You know, we're
all pointing fingers at the mayor, and I realized the
buck stops with that idiot mayor Karen Bass. But the
truth is the people who make these decisions, lots and
lots and lots of them, they're not even at the
city council level. They're not even at the mayoral level.
It's at this board and that board, and it's the
tree board, and it's the street board, and it's this
Go take these positions of power back from the communists.
The communists, take over all these positions, and we can
win these elections because no one else shows up. Rally
your friends, or if you're like Christy, you don't have
any friends. Get your friends that, get your buddy to
or I guess you wouldn't have a buddy if you
don't have any friends. I guess that ruined the whole joke.
Find some people to vote for you. Also, go get
on some chalk. If you don't feel like you have
the energy, ah Jesse, I don't feel like going out
on Thursday night. That's because your tea levels are too low.
You don't feel like going out on a Thursday night
because you're low testosterone. That's why you don't have the focus.
That's why you don't have the energy. That's why you're
drinking a cup of coffee or four cups of coffee
at three or four in the afternoon trying to get by.
You don't have to live like that. Get your tea
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Get your mind cleared up with natural herbal supplements. The
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Natural herbal supplements. C hoq dot com promo code Jesse
gets you a huge disc out on subscriptions. Go, We'll
be back. He doesn't care if you believe them, but
he's right. Jesse Kelly. It is the Jesse Kelly Show.
Final segment of it Jesse Kelly's Show. Reminding you you
can email the show Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com.
I'm not even going to bring up with Jewish. Producer
Chris and producer Corey were just ranting about during the break.
Oh I'm so mad right now. They were talking about
HOA fees because you know, I was just talking about
how you need to run for HOA and waterboard and
all that other stuff. Here's the truth. I don't know
what I pay for HOA because Bob handles that stuff.
Now I want to know, but I don't want to know,
and I never tell you. I got in trouble with
the HOA one time when I live back in back
in Tucson. So here was the deal. We had a backyard.
It was not a big backyard, but it was a backyard.
And behind our backyard was no one else's yard, and
it wasn't it was a common area, but common area.
It was just kind of some nasty weeds that nobody
really maintained. And it led back to this little little ditch,
this huge drainage ditch. So it wasn't the best location
in the world I'd met, but that was right over
our back fence. Well, I was mowing the lawn, just
hand mower. I mowed my lawn and I have the
bag I had one of the mowers with the baggye
that collected the grass. So I did what any red
blooded American would do, and I took the bag of
grass and I put it in a garbage bag and
I set it out front. Well, they were having all
kinds of problems with waste management in the town at
the time. They would come get my trash, they'd come
get my recycling. They refused to take the grass clippings.
And I'm yelling, what am I supposed to do with
the grass clip? I have the grass clippings. What am
I supposed to do with the grass clippings?
Speaker 4 (31:52):
Speaker 1 (31:52):
Sorry, you're on your own? What ever? You what do
you mean? You're on your own? So I said, okay,
if that's how it's going to be, I would finish
mowing the lawn and I'd take the bag off the
mower and I would just walk over to my back fence.
Nothing back. There were freaking weeds in a drainage ditch,
and I just dump it over the back fence. Huh
that big deal? Well, the ho A was famously a
bunch of Nazis in this place. One day I get
a letter. I get a letter from the HOA that
they have observed piles of grass clippings behind my fence,
and that they know I'm pouring the I'm doing the grass,
I'm dumping my grass clippings back there, and that if
I go don't go back and remove it, that they're
going to find me. I think they threatened to find me.
That's okay. Well, next time I mowed the lawn, took
the bag of grass clippings, went right back to the fence,
dumped the grass clippings over the top. Next time, grass
clippings right off the top. Again. They said in a
letter we know it was you. Still nothing. They make
a phone call one day when I'm home, Hey, it's
your ho AVV. I've we're here to address the grass
clippings you're dumping over your back fence. So I completely
I went forward. I went exactly like you should do
if the FBI ever talks to you about anything. I said, well,
wasn't me. And this lady, of course, was a lady,
some feminist cat lady. On the other end of the line, sir,
there are twelve piles of grass clippings right behind your fence.
We know what you I said, Prove it wasn't me.
I don't know who's doing that, and now she's getting frustrated.
Well now I'm starting to laugh because she's getting more
frustrated and more frustrated. She's just everyone knows it's me,
and she needs me to admit that it's me before
they can hand out a fine to me. But I
know this too. It's not like someone that's secret video
of me dumping the grass clippings back there. So I
just kept going with it. Now, wasn't me, wasn't me?
And finally I started having too much fun with it,
and finally I told her, you know what you're with
the hoa. I need you to find out who's dumping
the grass clippings behind my fence. By the time I
was done, she started screaming on the phone, and then
I hung up on her, and then she started calling
back and calling back, and I was laughing too hard.
I couldn't answer the phone anymore. Oh gosh, that made
me laugh. Jessie winking at someone is so underrated. I
want to make it cool again. I think it's classy
and really leaves an impression. Are you a smooth winker
or an awkward winker? All right, I'm gonna tell you
something right now, I'm an amazing winker. Hey, Chris Corey,
look at this. Look at this. They're just so people
don't think I'm lying. Am I a good winker? See
see they're both shaking their head, but they're impressed. I
can tell. I can tell deep down that they know. Look,
that's the kind of wink. And I did not strain
to mu Chris, I even did it. Did you hear that?
When I did? I even did? I even throwing that? No, no,
it's not covering up the strain that chicks love it.
I do that to ob all the time. I shoot her.
One of the little drives are crazy. I mean, she
yells and rolls her eyes, but I can tell she's
going nuts. Now, it's not what I did to the waitress, Chris.
That was a little That was yesterday when I told
that story. You know, if you want to know what
Jewish producer Chris is talking about, you're gonna have to
go download a podcasts which is available on iHeart, Spotify, iTunes.
Look for everyone watching on the simulcast. Remember you can
watch me do the radio show. You can the simulcast
it on the first TV. I'm looking in the camera
right now, Corey, Corey, I needed to make sure this
is on the simulcast right now. Watch this? See that
smooth as silk. Don't roll your eyes, Chris, you're just jealous. Chris?
Can you can you wink? That's it? See Chris. Chris
admits that he can't. Corey. Can you wink? You can't wink? Oh, Corey,
you look like you look like you had a stroke.
That doesn't count as a win. Are you okay? Hey, Chris?
Call nine one one for Corey? Anyway? Do you want
to learn more about history and the constitution and stuff?
Everyone knows what Hillsdale College is. I'm not going to
insult your intelligence. You know. They offer free online courses,
more than forty free online courses. Constitution, the Book of
Genesis fairly important. How about how much do you know
about the ancient Christian Church? The rise and fall of
the Roman Republican Roman Republic? You can get Hillsdale Information,
Hillsdale Education free, Hillsdale dot edu slash jesse is where
you go to enroll. There's no cost. Don't we all
need to get a little bit more boned up on history?
I'm signed up Hillsdale dot edu slash Jesse. You want
to be smart enough to rub it in your friends
faces because you know more than them. What other reason
is there to gain wisdom like that? Killsdale dot Edu
slash Jesson. And now here's a headline. Why oh you
know you know the thing headlines we didn't get to.
I am a smooth winker, Chris. And look at this.
Look at this. I bet you didn't see this coming.
You saw me wink before, right, I'm looking at the
camera again. See that. Now check this out. Don't shake
your head, Chris, both sides. I'm an ambi winker. I
can do it both. Ambiwinker doesn't sound right. I wish
i'd I wish i'd put that differently, but you understand
exactly what I mean. Anyway, back to headlines, Sweden says
Christmas tree needles are safe to eat. Everyone who's ever
had gin knows that. Good guy post Malone gives Houston
bartender and single mother the ultimate Christmas gift. Apparently he
gave her a twenty thousand dollars tip. I was feeling
pretty good about that fiver I floated at Applebee's the
other day, But now apparently I've been Tommy topped. The
US and Taliban talks continue on the detainees exchange. Yes,
that's just absolutely wonderful that we are still sending gobs
and gobs of our money in diplomatic talks with the Taliban. Anyway,
we'll come back again tomorrow and have some fun, all right,
that's all