Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly Show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show. Final hour of the Jesse Kelly Show on
a Wednesday. Remember, you can email the show, and you
should Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com. We'll talk about
this US Ukraine thing in a moment. Looks like the
elite communists COUM have had enough of one of the
street communists scum creating the monster that you actually fear
the most. All that and so much more. We'll get
to emails and other things this hour, but let's dig
into this. So I've been digging in more and more
and more recently to the Ukraine angle. And here's what
I mean. When I say angle. I need to explain myself.
It's not the Russian invasion of you. It's not what
I'm talking about. It's not what's happening with Ukraine. It's
not what's happening with Zelensky and whatnot. Honestly, neither of
those countries are of great concern to me. They just aren't. Okay,
Putin's a bad guy invaded Ukraine. Zelensky's very clearly a
bad guy. Okay. Ukraine was a terribly corrupt place before
the war. Is still and will be afterwards, and so
is Russia. These are not things that I that I'm
worried about, Okay, so set that side of it aside.
One thing I can't I can't help but notice is
how unbelievably committed to this conflict America is. And not
just America, it's all the western countries. But let's just
make it about America. And we're not even talking to
standard Mitt Romney. Invade every part of the planet, raw
ra stuff. You've heard speech after speech after speech from
Demaic Republicans, you name it. How this is the most
important thing on the planet, It's the most important issue
in the world. How many World War Two comparisons have
you eard, well, Vladimir Borton's gonna mark through Europe. How
many times have you heard something about this endlessly, endlessly
You've heard that this is the most important thing in
the world. It's all that matters. Remember Mike Johnson, Remember this,
Mike Johnson. Mike Johnson pledged, he committed when he was
Speaker of the House that there would be no foreign aid,
no foreign money until the border was secure. And he
capitulated on that. He collapsed like a house of cards
in five seconds, almost immediately. Okay, forget about that borders.
I remember this.
Speaker 2 (02:52):
We've been pressing the White House every day for answers
to critical questions. The American people are owed, and we
have to know that. We have to know strategy, endgame.
How do we How does Ukraine get out of that conflict?
Why aren't the critical weapons systems that have been requested
and necessary to push Russia back been supplied by the
White House. I mean, I've met with President Zelensky when
he was in town last before Christmas, and he said
they haven't gotten the weapon system they asked for. So,
in other words, the White House is not even providing
the assistance that has been needed, and yet they're asking
for more billions. There's a lot of work yet here
to be done, and I understand the frustration of the
American people. We share it as well.
Speaker 1 (03:27):
The best you can get out of Republicans is we're
not helping Ukraine enough. And remember he passed that big
four and eight bill, all that money for Ukraine. No
border security just violated his word, openly, platantly violated his word. Well,
I mean, I was going to keep border security in there,
but then I got a security briefing, and I realized
it's the most important thing in the world.
Speaker 2 (03:49):
We know what the timetable is, we know the urgency
in Ukraine and in Israel, and we're going to stand
by Israel, our close allied, dear friend, and we were
going to stand for freedom and make sure that Vladimir
Putin doesn't march through Europe. These are important responsibilities.
Speaker 1 (04:03):
Of a strong a march through Europe. They can't even
march through Ukraine, march through Europe. Hasn't it been bizarre?
Remember remember Randy Winingarden, Communist John Denver, the head of
the teacher's union here in America. Remember when she flew
to Ukraine to meet with Selensky? Why is the teacher
union lady? What is the deal? I I've known there's
something more there for a long time. And you may
remember I did a long interview, at least on my
television show. Remember I have a TV show every night too.
On the first TV I've done now a couple very
long interviews with a guy, Mike Bens is his name,
Very very very sharp guy, kind of guy who knows
where a lot of these bodies are buried. And Mike
Bens has kind of elaborated in much more depth on
something we've talked about the show. This is very obviously
about money. This has got to be about money, money
for business interests, money for nation states, because this is
not about democracy or freedom or stopping World War III
or any of those things. That's all a lie. That's
what they're selling us. Well, I have a couple little
things to pair with that headline. It's from the post
millennial US and Ukraine to sign ten year security deal
for troop training, weapons production, and ongoing military aid. We
not only are mired in this conflict, we've just signed
a deal to shovel unending amounts of cash to this
place for the next ten years. And then remember how
I just say, God, this has got to be about money.
Here's Lindsey Graham.
Speaker 3 (06:05):
They're sitting on ten to twelve trillion dollars of critical
minerals in Ukraine. They could be the richest country in
all of Europe. I don't want to give that money
and those assets to putin to share with China. If
we help Ukraine now, they can become the best business
partner wherever dreamed of That ten to twelve trillion dollars
of critical mineral assets could be used by Ukraine and
the West, not given to putin in China. This is
a very big deal how Ukraine.
Speaker 1 (06:35):
And there it is, Isn't It pretty much breaks it
down quite simply, doesn't it. This is about money. This
is about finance giants making billions of dollars to rebuild Ukraine.
This is about defense contractors making gobs and gobs and
gobs of money. While you can't afford grocery or a
family vacation, defense contractors are printing money. You want to
make yourself scream, do some digging and go look at
the bonuses of defense contractors CEOs. It'll make you pull
your hair out. If I had any left, I would
pull mine out. This is about money. This is about
money poured into the coffers of political candidates, Republican and Democrat.
This has nothing to do well stopping prudent from marching
through Europe. This has nothing to do with protecting democracy
or freedom or any of those other things. This whole
dag gone ugly affair is about money all at a
time when we are running out of it. Jobs there
was Jerome Powell.
Speaker 2 (07:54):
You have payroll jobs still coming in strong even though
you know, there's an argument that they may be a
bit over still, but still they're still, they're strong.
Speaker 1 (08:02):
A bit overstated. Here's a stat for you, Seventy five
percent of jobs creative has gone to immigrants. They're looting
the American treasury. They're pillaging the American citizen, destroying the
value of your dollar, buying new citizens for a five
hundred dollars visa card in a stay at the Radisson
in New York City, all while lining their own pockets
with defense contractor cash, finance cash. And all of this
is to loot Ukraine to quote, rebuild it, loot it
and everything else while we suffer. And the sad part
of this situation is there is nobody who is going
to stop it. Nobody, no one, not Republicans. Republicans are
as guilty of the more than Democrats. We have two
major political parties, neither of them have even feigned interest
in stopping it.
Speaker 4 (09:09):
It is.
Speaker 1 (09:11):
It is something to watch your country be bled dry
by evil people who lead both parties, and to feel
relatively helpless to stop it. Gosh, I can't freaking stand it.
All right, Let's me do some other things. Jesse My
Diamond and I are going to have our first child
this fall, and he's going to be a boy. We
both have liked to name Jesse for a long time,
but the wife will not name him Jesse now because
I talk about you too much. She even said I'd
probably email you telling you that my kid was named
after you. Go figure. Anyways, Look, the decision has already
been made. There is nothing else you can name that kid. Now.
Do you want your child to be great? Do you
want your child to have a lot of mature? That
child has to be named Jesse. Maybe your child will
also attend a fully accredited community college one day, like
I did. Maybe your child will be a top five
napper like I am. Maybe your child will come up
with the world's greatest burger recipe, well second greatest. No
matter how good your kid is, it won't top mine.
The kid has to be named Jesse. Tell your woman
that kid has to be named Jesse. All right, we'll
do some more emails, but I want to get to
a couple things first, the elite commies versus the street commies,
and creating the monster that you then fight or that
you claim to fear. Before we do that, Let's do
this let's talk about something incredible. Have you ever you know?
The nonprofit world's a big world out there, a whole
lot of charities and nonprofits. You want to feel gross.
I got this feeling. I worked in the nonprofit industry
for one year and I got to see behind the
curtain and it sickened me. These nonprofits they take your
money and they pay it to their CEO, private jets,
parties and Aspen, and precious little of it actually gets
to what you thought you were donating to. Go look
up the charity ratings of all these nonprofits. While you're there,
go look up tunnel to towers. Your money goes to
widows and orphans like it's supposed to. That's where you were.
Eleven dollars a month goes Go to tthumber two t
dot org and sign up to give eleven bucks a
month ttwot dot org. We'll be back.
Speaker 5 (11:44):
It's the Jesse Kelly Show.
Speaker 1 (11:47):
It is The Jesse Kelly Show on a Wednesday. If
you miss any part of the show, download the whole
thing I heard Spotify iTunes. So for you new listeners,
we need to cover something that I've covered many times before,
but it's important to understand it. There is a difference
between street communists scum and elite communists scum, right, all right?
Who who are the elite communists? Coum Democrat politicians, the
Joe Biden's, Hillary Clinton's, big shot Democrat donors, George Soros,
Bill Gates, those types, elite communists, scum. They they are
the real power. They have the real power. They don't
necessarily believe in communism or any of those other things.
They believe in acquiring more money and power for themselves,
and communism is simply a good way to do that.
That's what communism really is. In the end. It's blood
sucking a society drive of all what's power and money
and giving it to the hands of just a few people.
That's what communism is. It's what it always has been,
it's what it is now. Okay, So the elites understand
that communism is an effect vessel to hoover up more
money and power for themselves. The elites don't actually care.
That's why it's the most mind numbingly ridiculous thing in
the world to say. When you point at John Kerry
and say, oh, John carry claims to care about climate change,
but he's on a private jet. What Yeah, John Cary
doesn't care about climate change. John Kerry understands that this
world is full of morons with the IQ of a
bar soap who believe that man and fumes are somehow
changed in the climate. And he understands he can use
all those morons to gain more money in power for himself.
So he flies around the world on his private jet
and pretends to care about it, and he's not swayed
or concerned by the hypocrisy of it, of course, because
he doesn't believe in it anyway. All right, that's the
elite communist COUM. Now let's go to the street communists COUM.
You know who they are, Black Lives Matter, all the ELDERBTQ,
phil the streets, the Feminazis, you know, all the street animals, Antifa,
those types. They they are true believers. They really do.
Just want to burn America down. I hate that swice
burn it down. That's how they think. Okay, to their credit,
they are true believers. Now they work with each other,
the elites in the streets. The elites need the streets
to cause chaos, angst anger, hurt their political opponents, and
or intimidate them. They have value there. The streets need
the elites, they need the legal cover the elites give
to them. So that's why, Oh, how do they get
away with this? Why is Antifa doing this? A couple
of these black lives matters, scumbags. Molotov cocktailed an NYPD
cop car during the Saint George Floyd riots. That comes
with something like a twenty year prison sentence and they're
out in eighteen months. You see, they work together. But
there is something the streets have never understood. The elites
have always understood this. The streets have not the elites.
They're the only ones who are allowed to have real power.
And if you're one of the street animals and you
want to make the transition from being a street to
an elite, and they all do, they all do. Almost
every Democrat politician you see today was a street animal
at one point in time in their history. Oh, I
marched with this, I date with that. They've all done
this stuff. But if you want to graduate from the
streets to the elites, no more throwing poop on people.
You want to walk the halls of Congress, you want
to do something fancy, they will let you. However, you
have to civilize yourself, because if you continue to act
like an animal in the halls of power, then what
you do is you jeopardize their power. You see, Hillary Clinton,
she doesn't care that Antifa just shot a Trump supporter
in the face in Portland and killed him. Remember that story.
Hillary Clinton doesn't care about that. It happened in Portland.
It's not her problem whatever. But what she can't have
is Congressman Antifa shooting someone in the face in Capitol Hill.
That creates problems for her political problems. Now, now you're
jeopardizing her power. Now you gotta go. You see, if
you leave the streets to become an elite, you got
to learn how to use your napkin, got to put
your fork just where it is. You got to learn
to say please and thank you. You have to shower
every day. You have to stop your street animal ways.
And if you don't, if you refuse to, and it happens,
it happens a lot. If you get there and you
don't want to, now, no, just burn America down. Well
they're gonna get rid of you because you don't have
the real power. Jamal Bowman was one of these types
out of New York City. I brought him up many
times before. He couldn't help himself. He's been a street
animal his whole life. He gets to Congress, and remember
remember when he pulled the fire alarm on camera. He
went and pulled the fire alarm to interrupt the congressional proceeding. Again,
he only knows how to act like an animal. He
only knows how to act like a barbarian. That's the
kind of thing he's always done. Remember he got like
a two or three hour long sit down with the
King Jeffries. After that, a King Jeffries had to pull
him in and say, hey, oh my gosh, it, please
stop acting like an animal. But he couldn't help himself.
He kept going to the news every other day, kill
all the Jews, you know, he hates Jews and that
kind of thing. And now you have headlines like this,
Hillary Clinton endorses Representative Jamal Bowman's Demoocratic primary challenger. Jamal
Bowman will not be in Congress very much longer because
the animal couldn't control himself. Always remember that's how it works,
all right, And always remember this when there's a twenty
five dollars extravaganza sale at my pillow you need to
take advantage of it. That's equally important that you remember that,
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Speaker 5 (19:26):
We'll be back The Jesse Kelly Show on air and
online at Jesse Kellyshow dot com.
Speaker 1 (19:34):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show reminding you you can
email the show, and you should Jesse at Jesse kellyshow
dot Com email anything, including your ask doctor Jesse questions
for Friday. You can get those in right now. Sometimes
I even pick some up during the week, like this one, Jesse.
I was recently eating at an Asian Asian restaurant with
other white American dudes. The restaurant of choice gave out
chopsticks along with silver I can eat with chopsticks, so
I made the choice based on experience. I just prefer
a fork. All the others at the table tried using
chops or tried used using chopsticks, started ragging on me,
while I confidently stood my ground. Forks are vastly superior
to chopsticks in every way. It's not like we were
at some business in downtown Tokyo where cultural aspects may
earn you some points. What say you, his name is Dan,
See what we have here Dan and others is we
have a difference in priorities. And in fact, I run
into this in my own house, in my own life
with me and the wife, and I'll just explain and
then I'll come back to the Asian restaurant. All right,
she is a very very healthy person. You know, she
was a world class gymnast. You know all the you
know the deal, the works. She's one of these people.
She tracks her calories, she works out like a beast.
She's trying an organic dis and healthy that and but
at all that stuff. Right, that's who she is, and
I'm glad she is that way. It keeps her hot,
and that's the most important thing. What Chris now me,
polar opposite is probably fair. But when it comes to food,
she says, it's an unhealthy obsession with food, and that's
probably fair. She has said this many times to me
in our marriage. She said, you look at food, other
people's food, the way most guys look at other women.
And she has caught me doing this many times in
the restaurant. No matter who walks by, if it's a
waiter with a plate full of food, a tray full
of food, will I'll be rubberneck and I'll be goking it.
Oh did you see that? That looks good? I'll talk
to people beside me, Hey, well, how is that that
looks good? Is that the stuff? What did you think of?
Speaker 3 (22:01):
Like food?
Speaker 1 (22:03):
It really is way too much for me, to the
point where I'm almost positive it's sinful. You know, gluttony's
a sin. I'm almost positive I'm guilty of it. Food
affects my mood. Chris and Michael will back that up.
It's not just you know, I'm hungry. I'm in a
bad mood. If I have a crappy meal. And let's
say I have two breakfast sucked and then we got lunch,
it was cold, they forgot the cheese on my burger something,
I'll be in a bad mood and I don't like
this about me. I want to be clear, and vice versa.
I get home and the wife has one of her
spreads laid out, one of you know, fetticini, whatever various
things she makes, and I stuffed myself full of food.
You you could ask me for a new car, I'd
probably get it for you. I'm just the happiest man
on the planet, all right. So when it comes to restaurants,
oftentimes my wife and I will approach it in different ways.
She she've views the experience as being a critical part
of going out to a restaurant. I have no interest
or use for the experience at all. If you told
her that there was this restaurant right there on the ocean.
It's right on the beach, and in fact, you can
eat out on the patio overlooking the water as the
waves crash in the food. Oh, it's very average, but
the view is beautiful. She would eat at that restaurant
without a moment of hesitation. I would never go to
a restaurant with crappy food because I can look at
the ocean. The Hooters types of the world. These restaurants
are big now. They're selling that too, where you have
young dimes and you put them in a little tank
top and some shorty shorts and they're out there serving
chicken wings. I don't go to those places. Why don't
I go to those places as well? Just beyond anything else.
The food sucks. Why does the food suck? Because it
can suck. It can suck because they're selling something different.
They're selling the view.
Speaker 3 (24:13):
Speaker 1 (24:14):
Well, I don't go out to eat for the view.
And I'm not trying to act like I'm in the navy.
You know, I like a pretty diamond as much as
anyone else. When I go out to eat, I go
out to eat good food. If you told me there
was the best restaurant on the planet, and it was
in the most run down, decrepit ghetto on the planet,
and that there were cockroaches on the floor, but the
food was the best thing you've ever eaten. I would
go eat at that place all the time. And that's
not waffle House, Chris, that's not fair. There's some cleanliness
problems in waffle House, but they've cleaned a lot of
that up. Anyway. Now that takes us back to your
Asian restaurant question. The fork or the chopsticks. Your buddies
are ragging on you because because they want to feel
a little Asian, they want to do the chopstick thing
while they eat their lo maine or eat their fried rice,
because for them that's part of the experience of going out.
It all is just a matter of how you view
food and the restaurant life. I would never, in a
million years voluntarily use chopsticks. Why would I make it
more difficult to get the food I came to eat
from my plate into my mouth. I'm not claiming I'm right.
I just want you to understand that's what you're dealing
with here. It's just a different view of the restaurant experience.
Now I'm going to cover a couple things before I
get back to any more. Emails. One Rachel Maddow, that
useless host on MSNBC. She lamented on her show that
she's worried that Trump will send her and other civilians
to camps. And I was thinking about this a lot
because it's an old lesson, it's an old saying, and
it's a lesson that's been woven into many stories throughout history.
Is be very very careful when you are fighting against
a monster that doesn't exist, because you might inadvertently create
that monster. What's a good example. I was just talking
about the wife. Let's make it about her. She's not
one of these big spending types. It's just she's not
a big shopper. But you know what, let's go off
of that, she's not a big shopper. What if I
came home tonight and said, what do you do more
shopping today? I bet you were shopping all day? And
I came home tomorrow, what you spend money on today? Shopping?
More shopping? And then tomorrow and the next day, and
the next day and the next day. How long would
it be before she said, you know what, screw this
if I'm going to be accused of this. Every day
I'm doing some shopping. I'm buying a new pretty little dress,
and I'm buying some shoes, and I can create the
monster that doesn't exist. Let me warn you communists of something.
All you communists hate listening to the show. You need
to hear me here. And I know you hate me.
That's fine. I'm not asking you to like me. I
don't like you either, but you better hear me here.
You are going to create the right wing monster on
your own by pretending that Trump is that guy. You
are going to bring about that guy, and you've already
gone a long way to doing that. Trump is a moderate,
a pragmatic guy who wants to strike deals with people
and move things forward. It's not a political ideolog he
never has been. You have turned him into some right
wing fascist in your mind, and then you've talked about
him and attacked him as if he is that fascist. No,
we have to arrest him, No, we have to he's
a Nazi, he's Hitler. No arrest him. No matter what
you do, just stop Trump at any cost, and in
your mental illness, your efforts to attack Trump and destroy
him in any way you possibly can. It has done
so much to creating that monster. It won't be Trump.
But there's a guy, maybe he's fifteen, watching right now.
There's a guy out there. He's watching you act like
an animal, and he's going to treat you like an
animal one day. I'm telling you right now, you are
going to create the monster you pretend currently exists. You watch,
it's coming. It's coming, and I'll be laughing when that
day gets here. Just so you know. Now, speaking of animals,
how do you treat your animals? Your dog? Do you
make sure your dog has good food? Well, yeah, Jesse,
we buy dog food at the dog store. Okay, do
you know that there's no nutrition in that dog food.
If your dog's food is brown, your dog doesn't get nutrition.
Your dog gets empty calories. But no, you don't understand.
We got him the special shrimp blend. No, yeah, there
may have been shrimp in it at one point in time.
They cremated all that crap at the factory so it
would last longer on the shelf. That doesn't mean you
have to stop giving him a shrimp blend. Start pouring
roughgreens on your dog's food. All natural nutritional supplement created
by naturropathic doctor Dennis Black, who's a Green Beret. I
should note he gives it to his dogs. I give
it to my dog. You will see physical differences in
your dog. A free bag for you free Jumpstart trialbag
eight three three three three my Dog or Roughgreens dot
com slash Jesse miss Something.
Speaker 5 (30:00):
There's a podcast getting on demand wherever podcasts are found,
The Jesse Kelly Show.
Speaker 1 (30:08):
It is The Jesse Kelly's Show. Final segment of The
Jesse Kelly Show. I'm going to try to get to
a couple emails here if I have time before I
get the headlines. But I did. I did want to
get to this really quickly. Oh. I saw the Rear
Admiral was out there talking about the Pride File.
Speaker 4 (30:23):
I hope that most Americans can understand the difference between
a flag that symbolizes, you know, love and acceptance and
signals to people who have sometimes feared for their safety
that they're going to be okay and insurrectionist symbology. I'll
just leave it at that.
Speaker 1 (30:43):
Yeah, your flag's garbage. Burn it, it's filth, it's garbage.
Now I saw this one. This is from a Pew
Research between nineteen ninety four and twenty seventeen, the Democrats
shifted drastically to the left. The Republicans didn't hardly shift
at all to the right. Now, why is that it's
that way? Because Democrats, they have a voting base of
communists who care about their will, about their view of America,
and they have chosen to enforce their will. So when
a Democrat primary comes up, the street, animals will flood
it and they'll demand their candidate do all the revolutionary
things they want done. The Democrat primary voter is a
legion of rabid communists demanding revolution. Therefore, the Democrat Party
has gone left left. Why hasn't the Republican Party shifted
at all? Because because when it comes time for the primary,
the only people who even bother showing up in the
Republican primary are the seventy year olds who watch Fox
News every single day, and they're voting for Lindsey Graham
because he sounded great last night when he was talking
about America. We have got to start participating in primaries.
And you know what, I'm sick to death of every
time I show up at a local election or a primary.
It's all old people in there, And you know I'm
not anti old people. Where are the young people? Where
are the young people? It's only eighty year olds working,
it's only eighty year old's voting.
Speaker 6 (32:42):
Are you young people not aware that your country? You've
got to live in it longer than the eighty year old?
Get involved. You want the Republican Party to finally get
some testosterone, then you've got to go out and get involved.
Even Chuck can't get the Republicans where they need to be.
You have to do it by voting the losers out
in the primary. And allow me to spoil something for you.
Speaker 1 (33:09):
If you see him on Fox News, he probably sucks.
Go vote against him and win, in doubt, vote them out. Jesse,
how do I know if my congressman's good? Well, let
me let me spoil it for you. There's about a
ninety percent chance your congressman sucks. So show up in
your primary and vote against whoever the dork incumbent is. Oh,
but I met him once. I don't give a crap.
I saw him on the news, so what he sucks.
I can't take it anymore. We sit on our hands,
and sit on our hands, and sit on our hands.
And then we're looking at them saying, Wow, I can't
believe how far left they've gone. Why isn't the Republican
Party fighting for me? The Republican Party doesn't fight for
you because you don't get off your rear end to
go vote them out in the primary. The Republican Party
doesn't fight for you because they don't fear you. The
Democrat congressman, the Democrat senator, the Democrat president. He understands
he has to speak to his most rapid believers, and
he speaks to them often, and he understands he has
to deliver for them. The Republican congressman, senator, presidential candidate.
He knows he can spit in your face a thousand
times over and then run an ad when it comes
time for campaign season talking about how he loves guns.
After all, I go visit hooding with Grandma, and he
knows the idiot Republican primary voters will say, wow, I
love Senator Cornyn after all, he's Texas. I saw him
with cowboy boots on. And I'm not speaking to you specifically.
I know you get involved, but you know how frustrated
I get with the norms and normas and the lazy
people out there who don't get involved, and don't you
dare email me and say, well, they're all stolen. That's
a lie, you're lazy. Do they steal presidential elections? Of course,
of course I've never denied that. I think they stole
twenty twenty. I know that your school board isn't run
by the comedies because it's stolen, it's run by the
commies because you're lazy. That's why, let's get involved. Take
ownership of save in this country. Gosh, and take some
chalk while you're at it. Get yourself energized and ready
to go. It's not just the GOP that needs it.
Very clearly, we as a voting base need it too.
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Chalk dot com promo code Jesse, or if you want
to talk to somebody, They realize a lot of people
want to talk to people, and that's fine. I'm that way.
Here's what you do. Pick up your phone, you can
call or text and the number is five zero CHOK
three thousand, five zero c HOQ three thousand. All right,
all right, and now here's a headline by go you know,
you know.
Speaker 5 (36:24):
The thing headlines We didn't get to.
Speaker 1 (36:30):
Fitness center. Internal memo labels pride and BLM, symbols freedom
of expression, and bans the US flag except for holidays.
Which fitness center would that be? That would be twenty
four hour fitness. So if you are a member, you
know what you need to do. Now put your money
where your morals are. FBI interrogates coworkers, and WIST are
about whistleblowers political views. The Federal Bureau of Investigation. They
have what's called a security division. And this might be
the most evil branch of that evil state state police agency.
I talk to the former agents I know and some
current ones. We speak off the books, if you will.
They are doing an active purge of anybody who descends
from communist view. I'm telling you, frightening things are going
to come out of that building. Democrat candidate calls for
Trump voter re education camps. Oh what a shock. Another
Democrat calling for violence or camps. Merrick Garland says unfounded
attacks on the Justice Department must end. Know, as an
American citizen, you should be speaking boldly and loudly and
often about the evils of the justice system in this country.
The credibility must go away on people's minds. Biden moves
to give mass amnesty to paroled illegal immigrants married to
US citizens. They are going to move at breakneck speed
now making sure every one of these people they've let
in the country gets to stay here permanently. They're going
to try to make sure these gains are permanent gains. Again,
this Trump nass deportation effort he talks about is the
most critical part of his presidency. If he gets another one,
let's hope we can get it done. All right, I'll
see you tomorrow, That's all.