Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:10):
This is a Jesse Kelly show.
Speaker 2 (00:15):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Final hour of the
Jesse Kelly Show on a Friday, and asked doctor Jesse Friday,
we're gonna talk a little bit about primaries being a
cheap date. Yes, that's the second time we're going to
discuss being a cheap date on this show. The wife's name,
the seventeenth Amendment, all that and so much more coming
up this hour this hour. Why can't I talk? It
sounded like Joe Biden on the world famous Jesse Kelly's show. Okay,
so John Cornyn's out there in the news now, Senator
John Cornyn of Texas, this guy said, three day, Emperor
of Barris, I just saw your boy Cornan introduced a
second Amendment bill. It appears favorable at least. I don't
think any bills regarding the Second Amendment are good, so on,
so forth. But John Cornyn, you'll see him on the news,
has been very very public about introducing a second Amendment bill.
Now Here is how it has worked historically in this
country when it comes to the GOP, especially senators and primaries.
Senators get six year terms. As you well know, six
years is a long time, let me ask you something.
I'm gonna ask myself the question at the same time,
what was the biggest controversy in the month of December?
Political controversy? Chris Corey, can you even remember nothing? Off
the top your head? In neither of you? Me two,
I don't remember. I'm sure we talked about it on
the show. I'm sure it was quite the outrage. I'm
not even saying it was unimportant, but I don't remember.
Today we have a blessing and a curse, and the
blessing and a curse is an abundance of information in news.
Let me let me tell you what I'm talking about here.
The California wildfires are like the only thing in the
news right now. So let's just go with that right there.
If it was the year nineteen eighty, I'm not talking
ancient history here. If it was the year nineteen eighty
and this fire was raging through California, how would you
learn about it? And how often? Well, let me go
ahead and give it away. You generally wouldn't know unless
you turned on a morning news show and they would
do two minute, if you're lucky, a five minute segment
on it. You'd see some video and pictures, and people
would be interviewed in Wow, Okay, there's that. Maybe in
addition to that, maybe you would pick up the local newspaper.
We always had a newspaper delivered to our house, and
the newspaper would have an article, one article about it.
Probably wouldn't even be a full page fires rage through California,
even if it was on the cover. Okay, one article
probably would be on the front page. One news story.
Then what else are you going to learn about it
throughout the day. Nothing. We're not talking internet, we're not
talking smartphones here. If your friends are talking about it,
you may may It would be a short conversation, Hey, Marty,
you see the fire. Yeah, it's crazy, Say a prayer
for those people. But that's it. But today, because of
social media, because of the eight million podcasts of this show,
everything else, you can consume as much of it as
you want. You can immerse yourself in the biggest stories.
You can sit all day long and look at California
wildfire videos and pictures and articles and did you say this?
And that? We're pulling up old DEI ads from the
from the LA Fire Department. You can sit and consume
news cycle after news cycle after news cycle, and you
can immerse yourself in it. But because you can immerse
yourself in every single news cycle, you me, myself included,
we tend to forget the last news cycle, the last
outrage which we immersed ourselves in. That is our condition. Now,
Now how that works when it comes to politics is this.
I tend to hang on things. That's part of being
a Kelly. It's oftentimes very very unhealthy. But Kelly's don't
let slights go easily. I remember the Uvalde school shooting.
I remember how horrible it was. I remember we all, you, me,
all of us, we immersed ourselves in it, twenty four
forty eight hours. The cops didn't even go in. This
is an outrage. The kids are dying. I remember we
played the audio. You and I talked about it on
the air, and then I remember the savages on the
left did what they always do, and they stood on
the bodies of dead children and they began grabbing for guns.
It's what they do. I remember Beto O'Rourke, he was
running for office here in Texas. He ambushed a press
conference where the sheriff was giving an update on the
dead kids and started screaming about guns and stuff. Democrats
have no shame whatsoever anymore, immediately gun grabbing. And then
I remember Mitch McConnell. Mitch McConnell announces that he, in
response to the Uvaldi school shooting, is going to assign
somebody to work with Democrats on a gun control bill.
And who did he assign to work on that gun
control bill? Senator John Cornyan. So while the communist animals
were grabbing for your guns, Senator John Cornyan of the
state of Texas reached across the aisle, got buddy buddy
with them, and passed gun control legislation, a bipartisan piece
of gun control legislation, because of John Cornyan. Well, guess
who's up for reelection in twenty twenty six, John Cornyn.
He's up for reelection in a state, Texas that is
quite fond of guns. So what John Corny is doing
is he is banking on this forgetfulness of all of us,
the forgetfulness of not just voters, people themselves. And John
Cornyn is going to spend the next two years passing
Second Amendment bills. We need reciprocal carry all across the country.
John Cornyn is going to sound tough on illegal immigration.
John Cornyan is going to sound tough on spending. He's
already announced he's going to be part of this Department
of Government Efficiency with Elon and Vivek, and John Cornyan
will have his big, fat, stupid face all over every
news channel. This is why we really need these spending cuts,
and we got to get more Second Amendment. I love guns,
I'm from Texas, and we'll deport some illegals. And John
Cornyan is going to spend the next year and a
half treating the GOP primary voter as if he's lazy
and he's stupid. And the reason John Cornan is treating
the GOP primary voter as if he's lazy and stupid
is because in general, the GOP primary voter is lazy
and stupid, and he'll get He'll watch the ads on TV.
Huh you see that, herb. He's fighting for us Second Amendment.
We gotta vote for Cornon again. Now, I will say
I think John Cornan would be mistaken if he believes
the modern GOP primary voter is as lazy and stupid
as he has been. GOP primary voters are finely getting better. No,
they're not good enough, not near good enough, but they're
finally waking up to this scam at least a little bit.
It's my job and it's your job to finish waking
them up. But that's why you're going to see a
lot of John Cornon in the news. Now, let me
give you the bad news. You're ready and you're gonna
hate this, probably be mad at me for it. You
can email me, I don't care, Jesse at Jesse kellyshow
dot com? Does Trump get involved? And if Trump gets
involved in this primary, which way does he get involved?
Because I will tell you right now from the poll
numbers I'm seeing already, they're already pulling Texas Attorney General
Ken Paxton against John Cornan in a primary. And as
of right now, John Cornan is losing this primary. There
is a chance John Cornan's toast unless unless Donald Trump
gets involved on Cornan's behalf. You see, all that's going
to take is Donald Trump showing up in Texas telling
Texas primary voters to vote for Cornin and that's it.
We're done. Cornyn's gonna win that re election campaign. I
don't know what Trump will do, I don't know, but
he's run cover for guys like Lindsey Graham in the past.
I don't know what he's going to do. Hope he
stays out of it or backs paston. But that is
the thing that will doom us the second you see
Trump walking into Texas back in corn and if he does,
I'm not saying he's going to. If he does, we're done.
That's kind of thing that hurts. Right, We'll see what happens.
All right, Let's talk about different things. Medals of honor
in the seventeenth Amendment. Let's talk about why you're out
of energy at three in the afternoon, your eyes getting heavy,
coffee pot in the kitchen's starting to look better and
better and better. It's because your levels are all off.
We have mass quantities of estrogen in the water. It's
because they're not filtering out all the crap that's in
the birth control. We drink, We chug estrogen, we shower
in it. Men's testosterone levels are at an all all
time low. We've lost half of our testosterone in fifty years.
You realize that chalk, natural herbal supplements, they're gonna reverse
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levels in ninety days. You won't even feel like the
same person anymore. You'll be mad at yourself for all
the time you weren't taking it. C hoq dot com
promo code, Jesse, You're about to feel better than you
have in years.
Speaker 1 (11:51):
Hang on the Jesse Kelly Show on air and online
at Jesse Kellyshow dot com.
Speaker 2 (11:59):
It is Jesse Kelly Show reminding you. You can email
the show Jesse at Jesse Kellyshow dot com. You can
leave us to voicemail eight seven seven three seven seven
four to three seven.
Speaker 3 (12:12):
Three are just another flying Republican medio.
Speaker 2 (12:16):
Hey, Jesse's talk about the repeal of the seventeenth Amendment.
This all change your term limits for a repeal of
the seventeenth Amendment. Yeah, the seventeenth Amendment is devastating. Seventeenth
Amendment is the one you see. United States senators. We
have this twisted up view of how we get them
or how we should get them. Originally, the senators they
were not held up for election. The people of the state,
you know, so Texas, the state of Texas wouldn't get
to actually go vote for the senator the state legislature
in Texas. They would decide who their senator is going
to be. What having them go for elections has done
is has it has turned them into complete swamp creatures
who only live to serve Washington d C. And in
so doing, Washington d C. Ensures that their campaign coffers
are always full, thus making it extremely difficult to primary
out a United States Senator that has been crushing for
this country. The Senate is where good ideas go to die.
So much of the horrible stuff that happens in our
country happens because of the United States Senate. And part
of the reason our Senate is so horrible is because
of the seventeenth Amendment. It was never ever, ever supposed
to be this way. It's done almost as much damage
as the nineteenth Jesse. When you refer to your wife
you shorten her name ob instead of Aubrey. First, do
you personally call her ob all the time? And if
her name was Helen or Rachel or Michelle, pick any
two syllable names, would you also shorten it. What do
I call her? Well, first, almost everyone calls her ob.
That's just kind of how it goes goes by ob. Second,
it really depends on whether or not she's angry with me,
which oftentimes, you know, as any good husband does. I
try to ensure I'm doing something that will aggravate her
on one level or another. And then whenever she gets
angry with me, did you really take the kids to
Jack in the box before you got home? Then I
will actually call her princess. Princess is the name. That's
the pet name I give her whenever she's angry or
at least pretending to be angry about something. And then
I do something else that absolutely drives her crazy. Is
whenever she's mad, I reach out and I put my
hand on her, like on her shoulder, and I like
rubber back or rubber shoulder. And that's when she says,
don't pet me like a dog just because I'm mad,
And the fact that it only makes her angrier only
makes me laugh even harder. And then the boys start snickering,
and then she does that oh that sighing thing, and
it just it puts me into stitches. Jesse the other
day I saw President Biden present the Medal of Honor
to me seven men from the Korean and Vietnam Wars.
How can it take fifty years to decide to make
this award? Seems like after a couple of years the
impact of the event would gone stale. All Right. I
touched on this on on Tuesday a little bit with
Medal of Honor Monday. But first I'm going to remind
you that a lot of a lot of people, a
lot of people when combat is hot and heavy, a
lot of people do things brave enough. If we're looking
at the Medal of Honor on as a scale, is
it braven enough to meet the minimum requirements? Lots and
lots and lots and lots of people do things on
the bravery scale. That warn't a medal of honor? So
who actually gets one? If lots of people have done
enough to get one, how do they decide only these
select few guys get one. Well, like a lot of
things in life, a closed mouth don't get fed. As
the old saying goes, you have to lobby for it.
Family members will lobby for it. Family members, unit members
who were there and saw what happened will lobby for
it oftentimes pretty much all the time. You also have
to have an officer with enough rank to put you
in for the award. Remember that story I told you
about John Yancey, one of the biggest studs ever World
War Two. I mean, the guy was a beast, and
then the Korean War. And in the Korean War he's
just a lion leading his men. He finally gets shot
in the face by a China colm by a chi coom.
And after he gets shot in the face, he pulls
out a gun, kills the Chikom and then reaches up
because his eyeball is on his cheek, and he shoves
his eyeball back into his head. The guy's basically a
superhuman beast. I got so many emails after I read
that story about John Yancey by people saying, how did
this guy not get the Medal of Honor? There's a
lot more to the story that I just said, how
did he not get the Medal of Honor? All the
officers who could have put him in for it had
already been killed. You need lobbying, and sometimes the lobbying
takes years, and sometimes even then it falls on deaf ears.
Until you know a guy who knows a guy who's
a senator. Trump is close with Lindsey Graham. Trump is
always cozying up with Lindsey Graham, much to everyone's dismay. Well,
let's say I was personally friends with Lindsey Graham, which
of course I'm not because I don't hang out in
the same clubs he does. But let's say I'm personally
friends with Lindsey Graham. Maybe I have had an uncle
who I thought earned the Medal of Honor for years.
Maybe I say, hey, Lindsey, could you put my uncle
in And maybe Lindsay would have dinner with Trump and
convince him to give it to him. That's oftentimes how
it goes. All right, we'll have more questions in just
a moment, such as flying the flag half staff. Before
we do that, let's talk about making sure the memories
we have are kept around. Saw some heartbreaking video today
from LA Lady named Fran was standing out in front
of her home, pointing towards where her home used to be,
and she's talking about the grandkids loved the home so much,
and she was crying, and she's pointing to their neighbors
and she said he lost everything, and she lost that.
We have so many memories, all those camquarders, the camp
quarterer tapes, the film reels, the hard pictures, the ones
we used to get a polaroids. You're getting your pictures developed.
You are one fire tonight away from losing those forever.
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Speaker 1 (19:51):
Jesse Kelly returns next.
Speaker 2 (19:56):
It is the Jesse Kelly joll on a fry. Remember,
if you best any part of the show, you can
download the whole thing. Iheard Spotify iTunes. Dear Dr craven
I own a heavy construction company, he said, feel free
to apply if this talking thing doesn't work out. I
hear you have experience. I do have a little experience.
I have given instructions not to lower our flags, to
have staff whenever a Democrat politician dies, he said appropriate
or low brow? Now it can be built with, can't it?
I support it? Jesse, Do you think we should increase
the number or increase the members of Congress to give
us better representation? The population has increased so much that
we really don't have effective representation now, and we can
never get a hold of our congressman. It would also
be harder for lobbyists to bribe so many more. Well,
we don't have that many examples throughout history of representative governments,
but there are examples out there. And I like representative government.
I'm a fan. I don't want a king or a
dictator or any of those other things. I want to
live in a country where I have some say in
who governs me, don't you. However, it can get so big,
it can get so vast that, yes, you may consider
yourself having more representation, but your voice also would get
watered down even more than it already does. Who's a
good congressman? You love?
Speaker 1 (21:37):
Speaker 2 (21:37):
Aren't that many great ones, but there are some very
good ones in there, the freedom caccus guys and those types.
Who's one you love? A Thomas Massey or someone like that.
Let's say you're a big Thomas Massey fan. I think
Massy's a stud. But let's say you're a Thomas Massey fan. Well, yes,
he has a big district because of population increase, so
you may not feel like you know him personally, or
he talks to you personally, but if you water down
his voice, then he has even less power than you
do now. And countries historically where their legislature has gotten
so big, you a five hundred person legislature, well, nothing
ever gets done because you really can't ever form a
coalition to do anything. Now, don't get me wrong. The
thought of the federal government not being able to do
anything sounds wonderful, but at some point in time it
can end up hamstringing you. I don't know that there's
a perfect answer, though what you just said might be reasonable.
There's no perfect form of government becomes because governments are
made up of men. Governments are made up of men,
And here's the reality. Different forms of government work for
different periods of time and for different cultures. You know,
why didn't Why didn't democracy work at Iraq? That's what
we were gonna do. That's what we said we were
gonna do with Hey, we're gonna get rid of this
strong man dictator, piece of trash Saddam. We'll get rid
of him and we'll give you people freedom. Why was
it such a disaster and remains a disaster to this day?
Freedom doesn't actually work for everybody everywhere. I brought up
the Mongols earlier, so that's making about the Mongols. Genghis
Khan he had to govern the Asian step. The Asian
step is full. It's much more than just the Mongols,
full of a bunch of wild, tough, nomadic horse archer types.
Back when he was taking it over. You have to
govern an area like that like a strong man period,
end of story. That's the only way that works. The Romans,
you know this, before they got into emperors, when they
were a republic, they would set aside the republic in
times of crisis or war because you want to live
in a representative country. I want to live in a
representative country until it's time to make quick decisions in
times of emergency, and then we don't have time. We
can't afford Chuck Schumer and John Cornyn arguing on the
Senate floor about whether we do this or whether we
do that. That's why America put in the system we have.
We're in times of war once Congress gives the president
the power, which we don't do anymore. But in times
of war we hand over complete control of the military
to the president himself. That's why he's called the commander
in chief. He's not a dictator ever, But in emergency times,
like when the countries at war, we built a system
in place that we could hand it over to one man.
There you go, you have the powers prosecute the war.
All systems of government don't work at all times, but
none of them are perfect. All of them have flaws. Jesse.
Nobody has ever mentioned that the lower wage savings these
business owners are pocketing by hiring illegals is comparatively minor.
Think how much more they keep by not paying any
health insurance. Why pay their medical bill when the taxpayers
will look. He's not wrong at all. His name is Russ.
He's not wrong at all. It's a huge saving. Big
business in America has gotten used to slave labor human
beings love slave labor. Sadly, that's why slavery seems to
be a permanent thing. Of course, it's not called slavery
as much now as no it's cheaper foreign markers. But
that's of course what it is. Human beings when they
lose any moral compass, when they stop looking at their
fellow human beings as unique, god breathed souls, when you're
just flesh and blood, when you're just labor, then you
want to get it as cheap as you can possibly
get it. You want to get as much work as
you can and pay as little for it as you can.
As soon as you get to a place where you
don't value human beings, human life, human beings, all of
them now, one hundred years ago, two thousand years ago,
human beings. They're conditioned to like slavery. It's awful, absolutely awful,
but that's part of who we are. And yeah, big
business in this country has gotten hooked on it, and
that includes a lot of big business GOP types. We
get these billionaires, these CEOs and they sound right wing and.
Speaker 4 (27:04):
Yeah, absolutely, let's deport the illegals, and then maybe they
even come out as pro life or no, no, we
do need to lower taxes, and we find ourselves cheering, Yeah,
it's so nice. We got a rich, powerful guy on
our side. Oftentimes, that rich, powerful guy is still a
guy who wants slave labor.
Speaker 2 (27:24):
Looks better for the bottom line, helps that bonus at
the end of the year. That's the truth. I ran
into it when I was running for Congress. I told
you that story many times when the big rich powers
that be, the big GOP donors in my area were
trying to figure out if I was really as right
wing crazy as they thought. They didn't pull me into
a meeting and ask my positions on abortion, which of
course are considered extreme. They didn't ask me about taxes,
they didn't ask me about government spending, they didn't ask
me about any of that stuff. The only thing they
were concerned with was, Hey, are you are you super
serious about deporting all the illegals. I mean, surely we
can just deport one or two, right, we don't. We
don't have to deport all of them. Of course, And
of course, many, many, many of these guys they owned
or were running companies that use slave labor. The hotel
industry uses a lot of slave labor. You find any
industry that has a lot of manual labor hands in it,
you will find a lot of illegals working in that industry.
And the people running those companies, if they don't have
any sense of morality at all, they want to keep
paying seven dollars an hour instead of fifteen dollars an hour.
That's the ugly truth of it. All right, we have
one segment left. We'll do some sound bites in them,
a couple more emails, and we'll check out here. All right,
hang on, mists, catch up.
Speaker 1 (29:00):
Jesse kellyshow dot com.
Speaker 2 (29:02):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Final segment of the
Jesse Kelly Show. We'll be back on Monday. Remember, you
can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kellyshow dot com.
All Right, I didn't play these at all, just kind
of didn't get to him. I was more focused on
the ask doctor Jesse question. But Trump has been out
there every day, given these long press conferences, answering questions.
It's almost bizarre to have somebody as president who actually
shows up and answers questions about things. Now, it's quite refreshing.
Trump's apparently going to give up the goods on the drones,
got to give.
Speaker 5 (29:36):
You a report on drones about one day into the administration,
because I think it's ridiculous that they're not telling you
about what's going on with the drones.
Speaker 2 (29:44):
And it's not only with me.
Speaker 5 (29:47):
Glenn was telling me today that in Virginia they have
drones all over the place too, and nobody's reporting it.
I don't know why they're not.
Speaker 2 (29:54):
Trump says he's going to give us a skinny on that.
Between that and the declassification of the jail j AFK files,
which she promised, this might get extra spicy. I'd like
to know specifically what the deal is with the drones.
Already told you before what I was told, he went on, said,
does I'll have to.
Speaker 5 (30:10):
Define it for you. All hell will break out if
those hostages aren't back. I don't want to hurt your negotiation.
If they're not back by the time I get into office,
all hell will break out in the Middle East, elaborate,
and it will not be good for Hamas and it
will not be good, frankly for anyone. All hell will
break out. I don't have to say anymore, but that's
what it is.
Speaker 3 (30:31):
And they should have given them back a long time.
They should have never taken them.
Speaker 5 (30:34):
They should have never been the attack of October seventh.
Speaker 2 (30:38):
That's Trump talking about our hostages. Remember there are American
hostages being held in Gaza. That's a big deal. And
these people never talk about it. The people in charge
never talk about it. This is Russia still has our people,
Russia has people of ours. Why is this not priority one?
Because that's just not how Democrats do things anymore. It's
freaking off. Well, I can't wait till we Trump was
very good at that last time, getting our people out
of dumps where they've been grabbed. I can't wait to
have round two of that. Here we go.
Speaker 5 (31:12):
One of the things we're going to do is we've
got to fix the elections so that we get honest
counts and they get done by ten o'clock in the
evening or something up thereabouts.
Speaker 3 (31:22):
They have places where they're still counting votes.
Speaker 2 (31:26):
I'll tell you something about California, because obviously California is
in the news, and California is blue, and we talk
about Democrat rule. I have a lot of friends in California,
and they say that cheating is so rampant there. They're
doubtful about the future. This stuff has to be tightened up.
It has to be tightened up. There is obviously cheating
in elections in a lot of places in this country.
No it's not everywhere. No, that's not an excuse to
sit at home on your fat butt with the stupid,
dumb thing every election stolen that was obviously proven to
be wrong, just as I told you it would be.
We can overcome, we can win. But there are places,
extremely blue places in the country where they have rigged
up the system so they can find as many votes
as they need to find in the days and weeks
after election day. You cannot maintain a free society like that.
You simply cannot. The reason it takes so long to
count votes is Democrats want it to take so long
to count votes so they can cheat. That is as
simple as the answer could possibly be. And third world
dumps across the planet. They do same day voting on
paper ballots, They count it all and the results are
in that night. We are the wealthiest, most technologically proficient
country in the world, and it takes a month in
California to count votes. That's because you're cheating in elections.
That's something that needs to be dug into now as
I said before, I am extremely skeptical as to whether
or not the federal government can do anything about it.
And when I say that, people respond and they say no, no, no,
they can pass a same day bill, they can pass
this bill, they can pass that bill. They can pass
an ID requirement bill. No, no, I don't think you
understand what I'm saying. I know that if you wrote
the bills, if I wrote the bills, that they could
pass a simple, single subject bill that would address this problem.
When is the last time you saw a single subject
bill on anything? A broken Congress like the one we
have doesn't pass single subject bills. What they pass are
these massive bills. And if someone brought up a good
bill that let's say I did. Let's say we're going
to pass the Jesse Kelly Act. That'd be cool. Don't
shake your head, Chris. Let's say we're gonna past the
Jesse Kelly Act. And the Jesse Kelly Act says, one bill,
one page, you are required to show government ID before
you were allowed to vote an election. In an election,
you'd be all gained for that right. I'd be all
gained for that. Well, here's what would happen with that bill,
if it didn't get thrown into the paper shredder immediately,
it will get attached to some big monstrosity of a bill,
and then they would hold Congress people, they'd hold their
feet to the fire where they'd put all kinds of
garbage in the bill. But they'd add my bill to
that bill. And they'd say, well, I guess you don't
want people to show idither vote. Our Congress is broken
and we have to act as if it is broken.
I mean, lots of things are broken. That's why I
tell you to buy gold. I should note freaking monetary
system is shattered and they're still printing and printing and
printing and printing and printing. Please tell me you've taken
some steps to protect yourself. You do not have to
go crazy. Don't go crazy, but don't lose all of
your retirement when the bubble pops. Either. Don't do that.
You don't hoard a gold co. Gold Co has been
around for freaking ages. They've won awards over the last
ten years. Who gets an A plus rating for the
Better Business Bureau? Gold Co does you can trust gold
Co And they're offering deals ten percent instant matching bonus
silver on qualified purchases things like that. See what they
can do to protect your retirement, to get physical gold
in silver in your hands, which is always a good idea. Again,
you don't have to go nuts some basics. Jesse likes
gold dot com is where you go for that, all right,
Jesse likes gold dot com. And now, oh, one more thing.
Trump on the January sixth.
Speaker 3 (35:54):
When they took you know, there was never charges of
insurrection and anything like that, but if there were, would
be the only insurrection in history where people went in
as insurrectionists.
Speaker 5 (36:05):
With not one gun. Okay, and let me tell you,
the people that you're talking about have a lot of
guns in their home for hunting and for shooting and
for entertainment, a lot of good reasons.
Speaker 3 (36:16):
But there wasn't one gun that they found.
Speaker 5 (36:20):
And why didn't they find the bomber, the pipe bomber?
You know, they know who the pipe bomber is. The
FBI knows who it is.
Speaker 2 (36:28):
I like what I'm hearing so far.
Speaker 1 (36:29):
And now here's a headline, you know the thing headlines
we didn't get to.
Speaker 2 (36:39):
California's incompetent Democrat leadership results in four million without power.
A reminder that California, if it was its own country,
would be the fifth wealthiest country on the planet. Californians
should be dripping in everything, cheap energy, you name it. Instead,
it's ridiculously expensive brownouts, blackouts, the fire hydrants don't work
because you keep voting for Democrats. Trump is bringing back
the Monroe doctrine. Sounds good to me. Justin Trudeau winds
that he was forced to resign because of disinformation right
wing attacks. It always comes down to that I just
couldn't censor enough people. You and your freedom and all
that being able to say whatever you want has hurt me.
You put your phone down, go enjoy your weekend, enjoy
your family. All the problems will be here on Monday,
all right, that's all