Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
We are back. It's good to see you again. So
what's on tap for tonight? Well, we're gonna talk about
these social media people coming around to our side, Chinese
drones flying over the country. Tim Burchett is here to
discuss that and so much more coming up. I'm right, forgiveness, repentance,
those are concepts that we're all familiar with, right, Some
of us have a hard time saying I'm sorry. But
what is real repentance? Have you ever thought about that?
Maybe you're a believer, have you ever thought about what
real repentance is? But real repentance, genuine repentance, It means
honest contrition for the wrongs you've done, admitting the wrongs
you've done, admitting you don't ever want to do those
wrongs again, in seeking reconciliation. That is real repentance, you see,
and that that is the only way people are able
to come back together again.
Speaker 2 (01:15):
Truely. Real repentance is.
Speaker 1 (01:17):
Not oh sorry, I had too many beers last night,
but you're not really sorry, and then you go out
tonight and the next night, the night after that and
have some more beers.
Speaker 2 (01:27):
That's not real repentance.
Speaker 1 (01:28):
You were never really sorry, And so I bring this
up because there's something I've been noticing. I'm sure you've
been noticing it as well. All these people who have
been our mortal enemies for years now, they really they're
starting to sound like freedom fighters. They're starting to sound
like they are on our side. And this is what
I'm seeing a lot of from our side. I'm seeing
a lot of Man, I'm so happy he's coming around.
Mark Sockerberg's actually a great example of this, because this
is all over the news right now. Mark Sockerberg's in
the news right now, Man sounding pretty good saying things
like this.
Speaker 3 (02:14):
Here's what we're going to do. First, we're going to
get rid of fact checkers and replace them with community
notes similar to X starting in the US. Second, we're
going to simplify our content policies and get rid of
a bunch of restrictions on topics like immigration and gender
that are just out of touch with mainstream discourse. Third,
we're changing how we enforce our policies to reduce the
mistakes that account for the vast majority of censorship on
our platforms. Fourth, we're bringing back civic content. For a while,
the community asked to see less politics because it was
making people stressed, so we stopped recommending these posts. But
it feels like we're in a new era now and
we're starting to get feedback that people want to see
this content again. Fifth, we're going to move our trust
and safety and content autoation teams out of California and
our US based content review is going to be based
in Texas as we work to promote free expression. I
think that will help us build trust to do this
work in places where there is less concern about the
bias of our teams. Finally, we're gonna work with President
Trump to push back on governments around the world. They're
going after American companies and pushing to censor more.
Speaker 1 (03:27):
Wow, that sounds good, right, and he even threw in
there was so much there to like.
Speaker 2 (03:34):
He even, of course, had it finished up.
Speaker 1 (03:35):
We're gonna work with Trump, whoa make America great again.
He said, we're leaving California. We're moving to Texas. Man
sound red, white, and blue. He's clearly on our side.
Except you know what, I didn't here, and I believe me,
I listened to that clip five or six times today
just to make sure I didn't hear. I'm sorry I
didn't hear we've done wrong. In fact, let's just set
that aside. Maybe you're saying, well, he can't say that, Okay,
maybe I'll give you that. Did you hear even that
much genuine contrition? That Mark Zuckerberg and his communist friends
have spent years doing everything they can do to silence
free speech in this country as long as the speech
was from the right.
Speaker 2 (04:32):
You know, the content.
Speaker 1 (04:34):
This show's content has been censored on Facebook because Mark
Zuckerberg was taking in George Sorow's money to ensure you
couldn't see it.
Speaker 2 (04:46):
In twenty twenty, when Donald Trump.
Speaker 1 (04:49):
Was up for reelection, Mark Zuckerberg didn't sit on the sidelines.
He wasn't just you know, watching as things went by.
Mark Zuckerberg spent four four one hundred million dollars, not
four hundred dollars, not even four million dollars, four hundred
million dollars to ensure ballot boxes were placed in just
the right spots and those swings areas. Mark Zuckerberg has
done as much as anybody to censor's speech in this country.
And so what's happening though, is is he coming around? Well,
I mean it's like five minutes ago he was talking
like this and leave.
Speaker 3 (05:33):
I spent a lot of time with our teams on
the issue of Russian interference in the US elections, and
I made some decisions on the next steps that we're
going to be taking, and I want to share those
with you.
Speaker 4 (05:42):
Speaker 3 (05:43):
First, let me say this, I care deeply about the
democratic process and protecting its integrity. Facebook's mission is all
about giving people a voice and bringing people closer together.
Those are democratic values and we're proud of them. I
don't want anyone to use our two rules to undermine democracy.
That's not what we stand for now. I wish I
could tell you that we're gonna be able to stop
all interference, but that just wouldn't be realistic. There will
always be bad actors in the world, and we can't
prevent all governments from all interference. But we can make
it harder. We can make it much harder. And that's
what we're going to focus on doing.
Speaker 1 (06:23):
Undermine democracy, stop governments. So when you were questioning the
vaccine or mask policies and you were censored on Facebook,
that same guy was doing it. And again, I don't
want to just single out Mark Zuckerberg.
Speaker 2 (06:39):
I could go on and on about him.
Speaker 1 (06:40):
He of course, is responsible for the censoring of the
Hunter Biden laptop story, the story the FBI worked with
the Facebook worked with Facebook to censor to ensure Joe
Biden could win the election. Let's just move on from that,
because he's not near alone in all this. Tim Cook
with Apple, Tim Cook, who has said things like this
in the past.
Speaker 5 (07:03):
Mother Nature, welcome to Apple. How is the weather getting in?
Speaker 6 (07:13):
The weather was however I wanted it to be. Let's
cut to the chase and twenty twenty. You promised to
bring Apple's entire carbon footprint to zero by twenty thirty.
Speaker 2 (07:23):
Electricity status.
Speaker 7 (07:25):
We're operating on one hundred percent clean electricity.
Speaker 6 (07:28):
This building is carbon neutral.
Speaker 2 (07:29):
Yeah, we do.
Speaker 7 (07:30):
With the mix of clean energy and eliminating greenhouse emissions.
Speaker 8 (07:32):
It's kind of like if you are too.
Speaker 6 (07:33):
We're seriously explaining carbon neutrality to Mother Nature. Our aim
is to permanently remove carbon from the atmosphere.
Speaker 5 (07:40):
As you can see, we've innovated and retooled almost every
part of our process to reduce our impact on the planet.
But there's still a lot more work to do.
Speaker 6 (07:51):
I want to see you do more of this.
Speaker 5 (07:53):
You will when by twenty thirty. All Apple devices will
have a net zero climate impact, all of them, all
of them.
Speaker 2 (08:02):
They better. They will wow. Pretty inspiring. But you see
he's changed his tune.
Speaker 1 (08:10):
He donated one million dollars to Donald Trump's inauguration, just
wrote a one million dollar check. He's not alone either,
Jeff Bezos, the head of Google. I can't pronounce the
guy's name, Sudhar Pachai, whatever, it doesn't matter. They have
all flown down to mar Lago to bend the knee
and kiss Donald Trump's feet.
Speaker 2 (08:29):
Bill Gates himself has.
Speaker 1 (08:31):
Been out there begging for a meeting with Donald Trump. Now,
I'm not telling you to cut people off forever after
they've wronged you.
Speaker 2 (08:40):
I would never say such a thing.
Speaker 1 (08:43):
But real, genuine repentance comes with an acknowledgement of the
things you've done wrong in a heart, a real heart
to not do those things again. Real repentance is not
a million dollar check to your an eye. Real repentance
is not showing up tomorrow Lago to get down on
your knees and kiss Donald Trump's behind. That's not real repentance.
And these people are not street animal morons pulling down
statues and gluing themselves to the street. These people are
the brain children and the money behind almost all of
the communist activity and the United States of America.
Speaker 2 (09:27):
And so this.
Speaker 1 (09:28):
Entire monologue was just one big warning for everybody. There
is a difference between repentance and licking your finger, sticking
it in the air and seeing which way the wind
blows so you don't get hurt over the next four years.
Forget trust, but verify. I don't trust any of them
at all. All that may have made you uncomfortable, but
I am right. We have so much more to get
to the great Congressman. He's so dry it kills me.
I mean, Tim Burchett joins us in just a couple moments.
Before we get to Tim Burchett, let's talk about a
good night's sleep, because there's just nothing better than waking
up in the morning and knowing you are rested and
ready to take on the day, and vice versa. I've
been there too, when you wake up and one eyes
still closed.
Speaker 2 (10:23):
And even sometimes let out that because you know the
day's gonna suck.
Speaker 1 (10:29):
Why don't you get some dream powder in your life?
Dream powder from beam.
Speaker 2 (10:33):
It's natural.
Speaker 1 (10:34):
Forget about all the pills and all that other natural things.
Dream Powder is a cup of hot chocolate with natural
things in it. You'll sleep like a baby and wake
up feeling like a million bucks up to forty percent
off at shopbeam dot com slash Jesse Keller, Go enjoy
a cup, enjoy a good night's sleep.
Speaker 2 (10:56):
We'll be back.
Speaker 3 (11:06):
So we built a lot of complex systems to moderate content.
But the problem with complex systems is they make mistakes.
Even if they accidentally censored just one percent of posts,
that's millions of people, and we've reached a point where
it's just too many mistakes and too much censorship. The
recent elections also feel like a cultural tipping point towards
once again prioritizing speech. So we're gonna get back to
our roots and focus on reducing mistakes, simplifying our policies,
and restoring free expression on our platforms.
Speaker 1 (11:39):
See, it's not that it was funding the opposition for
all these years. It's complex. You dummies just wouldn't understand it.
It's complex, you know, it's even a few cents or
one percent. It sounded like me trying to explain to
my wife how it's complicated that I aid an entire
bag at the Rito's before bed last night joining me. Now,
great congressman from the state of Tennessee, Congressman Tim Burchett.
I'm not allowed to call him congressman those so Tim,
look can let me skeptical. I want to be a
forgiving qan being. But now we got Jeff Bezos wants
to be friends, and Mark Zuckerberg wants to be friends.
Speaker 2 (12:12):
Bill Gates wants to be friends. Everyone wants to be friends.
Speaker 1 (12:15):
Now, I don't trust any of these freaking people as
far as I can throw them.
Speaker 9 (12:18):
I don't trust them as far as I can throw
the dad gum Dome off the Capitol. Brother, Look, all
they trust is theirs. They're not They're not on our team.
Better be really careful with these guys. We get enamored
with their you know, the celebrity of being whatever they are.
You know, God put them in a particular spot and
just gave them a little bit of luck.
Speaker 4 (12:40):
And you know they're not out. They don't do anything
for me. You know, I.
Speaker 9 (12:47):
Wouldn't step out of the electric chair to shake their hands.
So I'm not I'm not a fan of that crowd.
You know, they're a one world government kind of group,
and they are very arrogant. The Bible talks about people
like that, says, professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.
They looked down upon us. We are all just cattle
with them, and we better wake up. We get in
bed with this bunch. Yeah, and then we become what
we hated just a couple of years ago. Let's be honest.
They're afraid of Donald Trump because he doesn't care. He
does not care about those cats, and so they know that,
and so they are trying to suck up and because
he will eliminate.
Speaker 4 (13:35):
What they do, I think, and they're afraid of it,
and they should be.
Speaker 1 (13:41):
Where are we at on speaking of eliminating things like TikTok?
Speaker 2 (13:45):
We're gonna ban it? We're not. We're not gonna ban it.
I know.
Speaker 1 (13:47):
Trump came out recently said no, that's another I like TikTok?
Speaker 2 (13:51):
What do we believe?
Speaker 1 (13:52):
I generally shy away from the federal government getting involved
in banning anything because they just screw the whole thing
up like they do everything else.
Speaker 2 (13:59):
But where do you stand on all this?
Speaker 9 (14:02):
Well, with TikTok, it was a It's just an arm
of the Chinese Communist Party. There's a reason that they
don't even have it in their country. Their country is
an educational tool. Over here, it's used to market things
and to change the mindset of our kids during COVID.
Prior to COVID, you heard about transgender but.
Speaker 4 (14:22):
It wasn't that big of a thing.
Speaker 9 (14:23):
Now, all of a sudden, these kids are self diagnosing
themselves with it. And how they're doing that and why
they're doing that is because all they get curious, they'll
click on something on TikTok and then the algorithm markets
towards them. And you know, what better way to take
over our country than just to take over the minds
of our of our children who will be our future
leaders and weaken them. So, you know, I see TikTok
at what I'd like to see as an American owned company.
Speaker 4 (14:54):
If there's something doing us harm, if they're doing.
Speaker 9 (14:56):
Something that's causing this country harm, which I believe TikTok
is and was, then yeah, let's let's make some regulations
so at least it has to be American owned and
that we could get a wall between us and some
of the people trying to do as harm because they
are really just forcing this propaganda on our kids. It's
I would warn you these parents who don't pay enough
attention to their kids, tell them to put these dad
gum cell phones down and all that garbage. It's being
marketed towards them because it is, and it is. They're
very crafty.
Speaker 4 (15:28):
You know.
Speaker 9 (15:29):
For instance, my wife and I one day, we're talking
about these solo cups, you know, a red solo cop.
Toby Keith god Rest his Soul had a great song
about red solo cups, although he hated that song. But
we were talking about these aluminum ones they have now
that are like made out of aluminum but look like
a solo cup, and we were just talking about it
in our kitchen. Within a couple of hours, both of
us were having ads pop up on our phones about
these illuminum solo cups for sale.
Speaker 4 (16:00):
Now, imagine that taking that one.
Speaker 9 (16:03):
Step farther and your kids are talking to somebody about
something sexual in nature or or something.
Speaker 4 (16:11):
Harmful to them or what have you.
Speaker 9 (16:13):
And these are minor children, these are pre teen children even,
and then all of a sudden they're they're being marketed
this stuff.
Speaker 4 (16:22):
In that line, I think.
Speaker 9 (16:23):
We better get get get a grip on what we're
doing and what's going on in some and the people
that are responsible for it are those very same people
that you just showed up on the board there that
are sucking up to Trump and sucking up to the
Republicans right now. They hate our guts, man, They would
they would destroy us if they could. And and again
we are just cattle to them. We're just numbers on
a on a chalkboard of them.
Speaker 1 (16:50):
I'll tell you on the devices and the social media stuff.
To have two teenage boys of my own, and we
obviously strictly monitor how often they're allowed to be on
that stuff. But if we ever have a lazy day,
negligent day, and we just say them, oh, go ahead
for a couple hours, it's like I have two different kids.
They go from being polite, well mannered boys to freaking zombies,
more likely to back talk and get themselves grounded. It
really is poison if you let your kids just disappear
into that Instagram, Facebook world of filth out there.
Speaker 9 (17:22):
I agree, and I'm glad, And I'm glad you're a father,
because anybody can, you know, be a sperm donator, but
that gummant you're a father, and I dig that. I've
got to I can show you the folks that are
just on the opposite of that, and just how wild
their kids are and how much trouble they're getting into.
And we got to start taking responsibility for this stuff, man.
And it's and yeah, it's legislatively, but it's it's it's
just parents stepping up and the government tries too much
to take.
Speaker 4 (17:54):
Them everything else.
Speaker 9 (17:59):
You know, these school districts not allowing parents to know
what their kids are being taught, or what's going on
or anything like that. To me, it's just I mean,
that's that's uh, that's straight out of the Soviet handbook.
I know you didn't get me on to talk about that.
And sorry, I went to preaching. I guess I guess
I'll do a love offering when all this is over with.
I'll pass the offering play oh these, I said, in
true fre Southern Baptist tradition.
Speaker 1 (18:30):
We can rent and rave against these dirty comedies for
the whole segment, for all I care. I don't have
some kind of specific agenda here, Okay, I do want
to ask you about the FBI. Obviously everyone knows at
this point in time this organization is seriously, seriously flawed.
But we just had a horrible terrorist attack in Bourbon Street.
Speaker 2 (18:49):
God rest their souls.
Speaker 1 (18:50):
Had some guy blow up his cyber truck in front
of Trump Tower. And the problem is tim that no
one knows where to get accurate information anymore because the
institution's supposed to rely on are.
Speaker 2 (19:01):
Completely against us.
Speaker 1 (19:02):
People keep asking me as if I have some special
knowledge of something. I don't know the organizations I would
go to, they've been lying to be about everything, So
I don't believe anybody. And that's kind of where we're
stuck now. It's a big, big problem, and it doesn't
feel like the people in Washington realize that it's a
big problem. That's the kind of stuff that changes that
end societies.
Speaker 9 (19:22):
Absolutely and until you've got to realize we're gutless and
we're compromised. And I feel like emptis compromise at the
top levels you've got. I live in Noxville, Tennessee, and
those agents there, Every Dadgama one i've met is patriotic,
loyal Americans. Many of them are veterans, and they've.
Speaker 4 (19:40):
Served their country and they want to continue.
Speaker 9 (19:42):
It's just that upper level of management they have there
that's been compromised. Either they either they have to change
to get to that level, or they're already changed and
get to that level that way, and so you'll never
get their straight answer. It's just like January sixth, coming
to find out. I mean, it's it's common knowledge now
the FBI had people that were on the inside that
were involved in that thing that we're helping instigate that
this isn't my mom and dad's FBI, This isn't the FBI.
Speaker 1 (20:12):
You know.
Speaker 4 (20:12):
I have letters in my files from j Edgar Hoover.
Speaker 9 (20:15):
My granddad was writing him about about the communists trying
to take over things, and mister Hoover was kind enough
to write my granddad back in Clarkson, Tennessee, you know,
And I just I worry about our country. The infiltration
is just so deep. I just feel like we're almost
to the point where somebody could literally flip a switch
and we would we would lose our country.
Speaker 4 (20:41):
And I think that was the plan all along.
Speaker 9 (20:44):
I think the the anarchy that these people are sewing,
like today, the Lake and Riley Act, the little girl
brutally murdered and rape in Georgia, and this dirt bag
who they couldn't send a hell fast enough, you know,
I'd publicly hang that son of a bitch my language.
Just put another dollar in the swear jar. But that guy, Look, man,
we are I got an I got IOU's.
Speaker 4 (21:09):
At the house my little girl. Dad. I know, honey,
because I got IOU's in my swear jar. I guess
I do it. I need to watch my language. I
just get riled up about this stuff. Man.
Speaker 9 (21:18):
I got a little girl and these dirt I've got
a man. One hundred and fifty nine, one hundred and
fifty eight Democrats voted against this act.
Speaker 4 (21:27):
Just now. Now, how in the world.
Speaker 9 (21:30):
I don't care if you're an atheist and hate everything
about this world and everything, but how in the world
can you justify some dirt bag coming over our border
that we allowed to Again, the reason they don't vote
against this stuff is because they have to admit they
created a problem.
Speaker 4 (21:50):
Fourteen million people in.
Speaker 9 (21:52):
The last four years that we know, it's probably twenty
or thirty million.
Speaker 4 (21:56):
You know, you got over one hundred on a terrorist
watch list.
Speaker 9 (21:58):
Could you imagine if Trump had allowed illegals to come
and then we in our own state department said, yeah,
these people are terrorists our own border people, Yeah, these
people are on the terrorists watch list, and we let
them into our country and probably gave them money and
gave them an apartment.
Speaker 4 (22:15):
You know, and this is reality.
Speaker 9 (22:18):
Now. I want to tell you one other I've got
a bill and Dad Gum. Elon Musk tweeted about it
last night. I wrote a letter to Trump because we're
funding the Dad Gum Taliban forty million dollars a week.
We're sending the Taliban those dirt bags will hate us
for free. We don't have to give them money, but
we're giving them forty million dollars. It flows through some
of these NGOs and other things, and you know, it's
just too much. It's too much. And thank goodness, Elon
got onto it last night. Guy Sean Ryan over in Nashville,
Middle Tennessee, is a former Navy seal. He's got this
podcast and he started got me on there and talking
about it, and I dig into it a little farther.
I'm thinking, you know, you think about you hear this
stuff all the time. You think, oh, that can't be true.
Dad goument is the truth. And thank goodness, a reporter
from OA.
Speaker 4 (23:10):
In what was his name, Brian?
Speaker 9 (23:11):
What Brian had Goma can what Yeah, Brian Glenn from
Oa N He asked him today, asked the President about it,
and so it's on their radar.
Speaker 2 (23:23):
But you know, I.
Speaker 9 (23:24):
Passed the bill just a few few weeks ago in
the House. It went to the Senate and the senators
wouldn't even take it up. How in the world are we?
What country am I living in?
Speaker 1 (23:36):
Speaker 4 (23:37):
And this stuff is just every day.
Speaker 9 (23:39):
And these anarchists that we think are statesmen, you know that,
the ones that are saying we need to talk about compromise,
the only time they talk about a dad gum compromise
is when they're in the minority, not when they're in
the majority. So hopefully we'll get something passed on that.
There's a little there's a lot of win behind that
bill now, which is good. I'm going to refile it,
make it stronger, and hopefully we'll get it pasted in
this Congress.
Speaker 1 (24:06):
Fingers crossed does my hurt well? Knowing I went to
work today to fund the talent band. Tim, Thank you,
as always, you are welcome anytime on my show, sir,
appreciate you.
Speaker 2 (24:17):
That murders me man.
Speaker 1 (24:20):
All right, focus, I'm want to talk about before we
get to that. I want to talk about pure Talk
the greatest cell phone company ever, because I used to
have AT and T, I used to have Horizon. The
one I had last was Tea Mobile. And have you
seen what these companies do with our money? They hate
our guns. They take our money and they do this
corporate social responsibility DEI garbage, and they use our money
to crap on the country we love.
Speaker 2 (24:48):
Pure Talk's never done that.
Speaker 1 (24:50):
When pure Talk gives back, and they do, they get
back to veterans.
Speaker 2 (24:53):
Pure talk is.
Speaker 1 (24:54):
Run by a Vietnam veteran. Two tours and you don't
sacrifice coverage, pay less, same coverage.
Speaker 2 (25:03):
Why wouldn't you switch? There's no reason not to switch.
Speaker 1 (25:06):
Puretalk dot com, slash Jesse TV.
Speaker 2 (25:10):
We'll be back.
Speaker 1 (25:19):
Well, I have a thing that I'm hot on now
and I can't decide if I love the idea or
hate the idea. But you know how, we have the
election and then there's this transition period. Right, the elections
always first week in November, first Tuesday November, but the president,
the new president, doesn't get sworn until January. Donald Trump
gets sworn in January twentieth, and so there's this lag.
And historically that lag has been used for presidents to
clean this up, clean that up, help the new guy
coming in, figure out which ways the bathroom, all that
other stuff, get everyone laid out. But now that we
have a party trying to burn down the United States
of America, they use this period of time to tour everything
on the way out the door. That's what Joe Biden's
been doing, springing terrorists loose, letting the most vile murderers
off of death row, pardons for Chinese communists, and trying
to make sure Donald Trump can't open up offshore oil drilling. Maybe,
just maybe there should be no transition. Maybe it should
be like a week and then we just push your
mind out the door and get the new guy in there.
Speaker 2 (26:26):
Anyway, let's ask Mark about that.
Speaker 1 (26:27):
Joining me now, Mark Morano, executive editor of climatedepot dot com. Okay, Mark,
what exactly did old Senile Joe do with the oil?
Speaker 7 (26:39):
He is locking up offshore oil production under this lame
duck restrictions, a seventy two year old law to block
Donald Trump from doing this. Now people think, oh, this
is a cynical mood by an old man who's not even.
Speaker 8 (26:54):
In charge of his administration.
Speaker 7 (26:56):
And Trump will just be able to reverse it January
twentieth or twenty first, And it's not that simple. This
is actually a legal nightmare now and it's going to
require acts of potentially Acts of Congress, lawsuits in order
to undo this. So all Joe Biden, we should call
it the Biden administration, because they actually think that Joe
Biden is doing this is a little bit naive, but
they're actually putting in serious roadblocks that are going to
slow down the Donald Trump energy boom that he has planned.
Speaker 8 (27:26):
And it's really destructive. And it's not just this.
Speaker 7 (27:30):
One thing that he's doing in the final days. He's
going after all the gas appliances. He's going after the
ev mandates. He's doubling down. They're pumping out the money
from the Inflation Reduction Act so much so, and this
is actually very concerning, so much so they're targeting swing
district Republican congressmen who don't want to lose that massive
amount of federal funding going into their districts. And not
only that, but the Biden administration has orchestrated it. So
the farmer's lobby, which has always been skeptical I made
climate change, has now changed their tune because they're getting
billions of dollars for carbon capture projects for American farmers.
So the farmer's lobby is going to be in opposition
to shutting down the Inflation Reduction Act. So he's legally
banning offshore drilling. He's going after all the appliances to
the regulatory administrative state, he's co opting Republican vulnerable districts,
He's going after American farmers.
Speaker 8 (28:24):
This is really creating quite.
Speaker 7 (28:26):
A steep cliff for Donald Trump when he assumes office.
And you got to give the Biden administration credit. It's
a lot easier to destroy America than it is to
build America up. And they are doing a great job
on the way out the door. They're showing true competence
at something.
Speaker 2 (28:40):
Finally, Mark, what.
Speaker 1 (28:43):
I don't understand, because you're right about, is why is
it so difficult for Trump to go in and just
undo what he's doing. You know, laws are difficult to
get around. Inflation Reduction Act, that's already law.
Speaker 2 (28:54):
That's a disaster.
Speaker 1 (28:55):
But these rules about offshore drilling, if the president does
it with the stroke of a pen, the next one
has always been able to undo it with the stroke
of a pen.
Speaker 2 (29:04):
Why is this different?
Speaker 8 (29:05):
You know, it's it's complicated.
Speaker 7 (29:08):
I'm actually on chains now of inside Washington, you know,
energy experts explaining this is this seventy two year old
law that he's exploiting some kind of aspect of this,
and we're dealing it. Particularly with this offshore wind. It's
six hundred and twenty five million acres of ocean East
coast and west coast. That's going to make it a
regulatory nightmare. Now the very least, Joe Biden has just
made it so that the cost of doing business, the
cost of any oil exploration now off our coast has
gone astronomically up.
Speaker 8 (29:37):
Keep in mind, you can build all the windmills you want.
Speaker 7 (29:40):
We're at thirty whale deaths in thirty days, which is
a new record, and the whales advocates are beside themselves
because this is almost directly due to offshore win Nothing
else has changed in that equation. But it's an amazing thing.
He's found a bureaucratic loophole. And one of the things
Washington is good that is issuing regulations, particularly arecane regulations
that require lawyers, legal expertise, years of paperwork and courts
to figure out what that's how they're able to do
this again. They're showing great competence at destroying American energy,
and you have to give him some kind of evil
genius credit for that.
Speaker 1 (30:22):
Mark Trump, how obviously as plans, he has oil plans,
natural gas plans, and all this Biden stuff. Notwithstanding, how
quickly do you think he's going to be able to
get us rolling again? I mean, it's not like you
could just snap your fingers and make this stuff happen.
It's complicated, it's not a light switch. So is it
going to happen? How fast is it going to happen?
Speaker 7 (30:49):
Give you an example, the Keystone pipeline, huge issue eight
years ago, even four years ago. Now Donald Trump can
come in until he's blue in the face and say,
we're going to restart the Keystone pipeline. We're going to
bring in all this oil, the Canadian pipeline. Guess what,
it's over. I shouldn't say it's completely over, but it's
just about over. All of the economic interests, all of
the companies, all of the places ready to make this
happen have basically broken up. And Canada's end, there's almost
no interest in the Canadian end and their companies to
even pursue this. At this point, they're looking at it
as a regulatory ying yang and they're afraid if they
even invest all the money necessary to get it ramped
back up, who knows who's going to be president in
four years. By the time they actually got anything going,
it can be shut back down again. So that's one
thing that you can't just undo it. It's very hard
when you're trying to get an energy machine moving and
you have a force out there, and it's the regulatory state,
it's the unelected bureaucrats, it's the lawsuits from the environmentalists,
it's the federal mandates, and it's a lot of the
blue state mandates.
Speaker 8 (31:52):
It's a pretty daring thing. So do you ask how fast.
Speaker 7 (31:56):
The biggest impact Donald Trump's going to have is day
one by reversing a lot of the the Biden executive orders,
which also goes back to the President Obama's administration. Remember
they couldn't get climate rules passed through Congress as Cap
and Trade Climate Bill failed in twenty ten President Obama,
so they decided to go the Chinification of America executive orders.
So Donald Trump can undo all that, and he can
start allowing as much as legally possible, and each Cabinet
agency can, the Interior Department, and the EPA can start
reversing it. The biggest effect we'll have immediately is opening
American energy for business. And if you understand the price
how energy markets work, a lot of it is on
futures markets and how you feel and the prospects.
Speaker 8 (32:39):
Very similar to how Wall Street works.
Speaker 7 (32:40):
If Wall Street feels like there's good economic news, they
get it buoyed and the market goes up. So what
will happen almost immediately is potentially gas prices will drop.
Natural gas prices. A lot of the market forces. There's
going to be a natural easing of the prices because
they figure there's a new sheriff in town who's going
to open the spigot, and that will have a pow
positive impact lowering electrical rates, lowering all that. But in
terms of actually producing this and making it happen, we're probably,
you know, two years away.
Speaker 8 (33:09):
It's hard to say.
Speaker 7 (33:10):
Again, it's hard to say because there's so many factors
that influence that, from inflation, getting that under control, economic growth,
foreign foreign obviously foreign wars, or anything else that could
infect it, but it's going to take a while. This
is not something Donald Trump can undo in six months
or even a year, or even a year and a half.
Speaker 8 (33:30):
I don't think.
Speaker 9 (33:31):
Speaker 7 (33:31):
This is just the pure evil genius of the whoever
Joe Biden has around him that are coming in and
just clamping down American energy because they want to basically
keep Trump and check so they can regroup and hopefully
take over in four years.
Speaker 1 (33:47):
What about the Paris climate stuff. Surely that's something Trump
can just walk away from immediately and intends to do so.
Speaker 7 (33:54):
Right, Yes, but that's another great example of what he
did wrong in the first time. Trump one point zero
was a totally different ballgame. He had his Energy Secretary
Rick Perry, don't get out of the Paris Agreement. He
had Rex Tillis and a Secretary of State, don't get
out of the Paris Agreement. He had his EPA chief
Scott Krewitt absolutely get out of it. Donald Trump's natural inclination,
but he didn't do it the right way.
Speaker 8 (34:18):
All he did was signal.
Speaker 7 (34:19):
He basically said we're going to withdraw from the UN
Paris Agreement. It didn't go in effect until November of
twenty twenty, when Donald Trump's final months in office. So
I don't know if technically, I don't even if we
ever actually got out of it this time around Trump
two point zero. We've had legal experts look at this.
We have a ten point plan. When I say we,
I mean the energy realist climate skeptic movement here is
trying to advise President Trump he needs to submit the
UN Paris Agreement as a treaty to the United States Senate.
Speaker 8 (34:46):
It will be rejected.
Speaker 7 (34:47):
Similar efforts have been done back and a vote wasn't
a treaty submission but neck in nineteen ninety seven on
the Kyoto Protocol, the UN Climate Treaty.
Speaker 8 (34:54):
It failed like ninety seven to nothing.
Speaker 7 (34:56):
If the US Senate rejects the UN Paris Climate Packed,
then it ends that whole United the nineteen ninety two
Rio Earth Summit that George HW. Bush, the Republican president,
got us into, which led to sustainable development, the whole
UN Climate Conference, the UN Paris Agreement, net zero, the
whole shebang. He needs to end this by saying this
is a treaty. Have the treaty voted down. Then the
next president it gets us out immediately. By the way,
it gets us out of the UN summits, gets us
out of the whole net zero commitments we made under
President Obama. Then the next president can't just put us
right back in because we will. Essentially, this is according
to legal experts, and this is in somewhat dispute, but
we think we got this legally. You can't just re
put us back into the UN process. If the Paris
Agreement was rejected by the Senate as a treaty, that's
what he needs to go this go around, and we're
hoping he does that. That is one of the most
important things he can do. In Trump two point zero.
Speaker 1 (35:54):
Mark as always, my friend, Thank you, enjoying that tobacco.
All right, Pastor Arthur, you know the guy who was
oppressed by Trudeau. He joined us next. Well, it's not
all about us, is it. Our good friends in the
North Canada got some amazing news. And that amazing news
is the dirty little tyrant Justin Trudeau has announced his resignation.
And don't think it was just us who suffered. The
Canadians probably suffered worse than we did, especially one Pastor
Arthur Polowski.
Speaker 2 (36:37):
Maybe you remember this little tidbit ouch out out of
this property.
Speaker 10 (36:44):
Nazis out ouch, Gestapo is.
Speaker 2 (36:49):
Not allowed here.
Speaker 10 (36:51):
Immediately, Gestapo is not aloud out You're not welcome here.
Nazis are not welcome here. Guest stop or it's not
welcomed here. Do not come back, you Nazi psychopaths, unbelievable, sick,
evil people intimidating people in a church during the passover.
You'll guest stop, or Nazi communists, fascists. Don't you dare
coming back here.
Speaker 1 (37:26):
I love this guy and he's joining us now. Figured
he might as well get a chance to spike the
football a bit.
Speaker 2 (37:33):
Well, I don't know. I don't know.
Speaker 1 (37:34):
Let's find out what the good pastor is feeling joining
me now, Pastor Arthur once again, Okay, Pastor Justin Trudeau
is resigning.
Speaker 2 (37:42):
Why do you do it? How are you feeling about it?
Speaker 11 (37:45):
Well, here, as a kicker, he is not resigning yet.
He said that he is intending to resign because there
was supposed to be a non confident vote just in
a few days to his escape scrutiny, to escape accountability.
He is saying he intends to resign. So we are
not there yet. I know the mainstream media when a
ballistic the prime minister resigned, But the truth is he's
still in power, and actually he has now more power
to do damage than ever before because he's doing exactly
what Kamala, Harris and Biden are doing right now. He
is doing exactly what the Clintons and Obamas were doing
just a few years ago. He is making sure that
there will be no evidence of his crimes, so we
are not out of the woods yet. He knows that
he would not be able to survive the non confident vote.
He knows that they are member of his own cabinet,
member of parliament from the Liberal Party that hate him
and won him gone. He effects actively destroyed not just
our beloved Canada, but his own party. So we will
have to wait for that victory dance a few more months.
He suspended the parliament, believe it or not, to escape accountability,
and that until March to twenty fourth, and even then
he's not saying that he's going to resign when that
date will come.
Speaker 2 (39:27):
So we are not there yet. My friend.
Speaker 1 (39:31):
Pastor, what are his crimes? What did he do to Canada?
His own party? You know, we tend to focus on
our own news, that's all people do. You focus on
your own country, so we're not that up to date
on Canada.
Speaker 2 (39:42):
What did he do?
Speaker 11 (39:44):
I mean, what he didn't do? He effectively destroyed democracy.
He still is destroying democracy as we speak. He pro
provoked parliament so effectively this is against the constitut. He
is of course responsible for shutdowns, lockdowns, E mandated experimental
drugs on his own people. He evoked Emergency Act. He
throwze bag accounts. He arrested thousands upon thousands of peaceful
protesters during the truck convoys. You remember, I have become
the first one to go to prison. I was actually
charged with terrorism for a sermon to a peaceful trucker.
So what she didn't do? I think that's more appropriate
a question this guy. If I was the king, this
guy would be charged with treason and of course his
entire party. So he has done so much. I mean
from a guy that was worth a couple million dollars
a few years ago, he is worked over one hundred
and thirty million dollars. So when the question is how
on a prime minister's salary, I mean, come on, it's
maybe my mathematics, but the numbers do not adapt.
Speaker 2 (40:59):
So the guy is as crooked you can be.
Speaker 11 (41:02):
I mean, the only comparison I can have is McCrone
in front or Biden of course his entire criminal family
in the United States, so the list is huge.
Speaker 1 (41:16):
Pastor is this a case of Justin Trudeau getting on
the outs with just his own party for various things,
or on a larger scale.
Speaker 2 (41:26):
I guess I'm asking a hopeful question here, is.
Speaker 1 (41:29):
Canada finally having enough of this socialist garbage and perhaps
moving to the right. Is this some kind of right
wing backlash? Maybe hopefully.
Speaker 11 (41:39):
Well, here's my problem. I think Canadians are focusing on
one man. But the truth is, the problem is an
entire system.
Speaker 2 (41:48):
The system is crooked.
Speaker 11 (41:49):
The system has failed Canadian people.
Speaker 4 (41:52):
And I'm talking.
Speaker 11 (41:53):
About all UNI party. All of those people did this
to us. You got to remember I was arrested and
people like me by the Conservative government. I would I
guess they are like your Raighinans in your Republican parties.
But we have all rhiners here. So that's the biggest
It's a bigger problem than just one man. I think
the height is being focused on one man, but the
problem is a lot bigger, and I think what we
are seeing happening in the United States of America is
very hopeful. So I think more and more Canadians are
looking to the South and they're saying, well, if Americans
could pull this off, if Americans can have a man
that actually loves his own country and wants Americans to prosper,
maybe perhaps we can do the same thing. You know,
belove it, Canada. So you're powerful. We are watching you
very closely. Kudos to you. You're doing the right thing.
And it's just the beginning. I mean, the people need
to understand that the fighter is not over. We are
in the middle of war, and the war is not
regional like I remember growing up under the boots of
the Soviets. The war is global. Those people are not
hiding their colors. They are telling you you will own
nothing and you will be happy while they're accumulating Moland.
They're flying private jets and driving subs, while they are
telling you you will be eating bags and you will
be riding a bicycle. So we have to understand that
this attack on our liberty is not a regional anymore.
It's a global thing and we have to push it back.
And that's why I wrote the book in prison. I
don't know if you know that I wrote the book.
Lines do not about exposing the key players, exposing politicians,
crookie judges, Crown prosecutors and telling you telling the public
who is who in the zoo if you will. And
it's very important for the people to know what's really
going on. When I was still in a business like
one hundred and fifty years ago, it feels like we
had this saying that information is more powerful than money.
People need to know what's really going on, who is
doing this to them, and of course why it's being
done to them. Ions do not bow on Amazon dot
com if people are interested in really knowing what's going on.
Of course, there is the whole story of arrest. While
I was arrested in imprisonment, metal cages, solitary confinement, concrete cells,
and attempted assassinations and attempted briberies, the Canadian government offered
me two million dollars to keep my mouth shut. I
was offered a guaranteed seat at the legislature and a
government job if I would just stop telling Canadian people
what's really going on.
Speaker 2 (44:29):
But hey, I'm not for sale.
Speaker 11 (44:30):
I have been already bought by the precious blood of Jesus,
and I have no intention of becoming Judas is current.
Speaker 2 (44:39):
Speaker 1 (44:40):
Wish you all the best. Thank you so much. That's
freaking awesome.
Speaker 2 (44:45):
All right, light in the mood with Grandma Vodka. Next,
it is time to lighten the mood.
Speaker 1 (45:01):
And nothing lightens my mood than seeing people who probably
celebrated the New Year a little bit too hard and
wonderful spirits. Allow me to introduce you to Grandma Vodka.
Speaker 11 (45:14):
Hi, it's Nancy.
Speaker 6 (45:15):
I'm on my way to Washington to proudly represent the
people of San Francisco in Congress.
Speaker 10 (45:21):
I'm honored to do so, to are San Francisco values.
Thank you for giving me that honor.
Speaker 1 (45:29):
You know, I'm not here to judge anyone else and
how they live their life. But I've never understood these
people who get sauced on an airplane. Where's the benefit.
You have to pee the whole time, it's miserable. You
have to either keep going and then you're just hammered
by the time you get there. I just saw a
lady take a facer getting off a plane the other day.
Then you're miserable when you get where you're going. I
don't know she's She's apparently just built different. Anyway, I'll
see them
Speaker 9 (46:04):