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June 9, 2024 23 mins

Today on the Daily Bespoke, the boys debate a pressing issue... 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Hello, it's Matt Heath here with a massive self source.
My number one best selling book, Are Lifeless Punishing Thirteen
Ways to Love the Life You Got, is out now.
It's the result of a deep dive I took into
how to deal with the emotions that make our lives
more punishing than they need to be. I reckon, I
found a way to live a life less bored, less stressed, angry, worried, annoyed, scared, dissatisfied,
and more. Karen Reid wrote, Matt has a hilarious way

of articulating an important message, highly valuable advice for anyone.
The newsroom described it as good, very good, indeed, and
Kitty Book said this is wisdom which could save my
teenage son a lot of ants as he negotiates the
slings and arrows of adult life. And under jurious Jrmy
wells he had met as a deep thinking, highly intelligent
human being, which was nice of him. The number one
best selling are Lifeless Punishing Thirteen Ways to Love the

Life You Got, as available in all good bookstores now.
Shocking self source over some of the content on this
edition of the Matt and Jerry Daily Bespoke Podcast could
be considered lewd by some people view a discretion listen
to Christ listen to discretion. Listening discretion is advised.

Speaker 2 (01:05):
But don't stop it from don't stop that warning from
making you listen to it. If you yeah, yeah, okay.

Speaker 1 (01:13):
And as you listen, and as you listen to this,
just maybe take a second to contemplate that this is
the as voted by the New Zealand Radio on TV
is the best podcast in New Zealand bises it was

the tenth of June twenty twenty four. Welcome all the
bespokey doggies to the Matter and Jerry Bespoke Daily Podcast.

Speaker 3 (02:03):
You're right there.

Speaker 1 (02:05):
She's a rough that I've come brought in to share
with you guys.

Speaker 3 (02:08):
We've a had a bit of a frog in the
throat today, even when we thoughtever is.

Speaker 1 (02:11):
I had the situation yesterday where I sent my girlfriend
out to get me some cold rigs to camp back
with nothing but night, nothing but night. I need. I
wanted the days, no days, and she just put back
the nights. I was like, can you just give Why
can't I do with these? There's nothing I can do?

Speaker 3 (02:29):
Do you get rid of her?

Speaker 1 (02:29):
Or what I was furious. I hope you are. If
I hadn't been that, if I hadn't been incapacitated with
the illness, I would have.

Speaker 3 (02:38):
I agree.

Speaker 1 (02:39):
Did you have any of the nights?

Speaker 4 (02:40):

Speaker 1 (02:41):
Well, what's the point of the Knights? Did they have pseudo?
The Knights have got Knights weren't too bad. The Knights
definitely don't have sudo, but the nights are good for night? Yeah,
well it was it was day, okay, day. I was
watching that show Eric. Have you seen the show Eric?
Sit in New York and the eighties? Eggs bented at

Kumberbatch and he's pisting around a pretty decrepit and rundown
New York. He's a puppeteer who's an alcoholic and a
drug addict on a show that's like Siame Street, but
it's called Good Day Sunshine. And his kid gets his
kid gets abducted shirt and he's trying to find him

through the seedy underbelly of you know, sexual predators and
such in nineteen eighties New York. Well, the mayor is
trying to clean the place up.

Speaker 3 (03:34):
Lea's ever listened to the trailer.

Speaker 4 (03:39):
Forty eight Hours in Seiggur Anderson was last seen around
eight am. I worked to school, urging anybody with information,
however small, please come forward, pick up them farm and
help us bring egg go home.

Speaker 3 (04:01):
Letting him walk to school, it's not a decision you regret. Okay,
that's enough of that. I think he let us could
walk to school, So it is a decision he regrets.

Speaker 1 (04:16):
Yeah, he regrets it, and he deals with that decision
with the help of crack and that's alcohol while I
was trying to search, and he starts hallucinating and stuff.
It's really great. It's quite good. I quite liked it.
I always wonder what shows I'll watch right through and
which ones I start and go there isn't enough in
there for me, because this show definitely shoves the brakes

on at one point. You know how shows on Netflix
they always go and they sort of tell the story,
and then I feel like they've got a minimum number
of episodes that they have to do, and so there's
always a couple of episodes in the middle that you
think you could probably probably race through it.

Speaker 2 (04:49):
You start reaching for your phone a bit more than
other ones.

Speaker 1 (04:52):
And they introduce this other character that's gone my scene
just I think to make a statement on how people
are more interested in finding white kids than black kids
or something like that. Throw that in there just to
cover their ass for any accusations of that by people
in the media industry or whatever. And you're just like,
there's an why are we looking for two kids at
this point? Okay? Yeah, it's a bit bit confusing. So

have you how do you go with you guys, go
with watching stuff and then not looking at your phone
at the same time. Anyone, anyone on a Sunday, for example,
if you if you're watching something and then I'm getting
a lot better at it. I'm doing everything they can
not to not to do it. Okay, I'm using the
techniques of doctor Judson Brewer and then and trying to
ride out my cravings to look at my phone, because
if I'm watching Netflix, it should be enough, right, I've

talked about this before. Havn't we mash you? Even just
eating dinner should be enough, you think so. But we
make a delicious dinner and then we've got to go
to the couch and then find what to watch while
we're eating it. It's like, can't you just you and
draw your meal at the table.

Speaker 3 (05:45):
I get absolutely furious about my and my girlfriend knows this.
My girlfriend cannot cannot watch anything without.

Speaker 2 (05:56):
Okay, calm down, you asked, I've got I've got no
issues with that.

Speaker 1 (06:00):
I've never had I.

Speaker 3 (06:01):
Never really pick up my phone. I enjoy watching TV
shows and movies, so that part's easy for me.

Speaker 1 (06:05):
I find it really frustrating. This is when I find
it really frustrating. If you've gone back to the first
episode because you've enjoyed the show, and you've gone, hey,
this is actually quite good. I will watch it from
the start with you. We'll actually watch it together, right,
And then you start watching and they're steering their freaking phone,
and then you get you start quizzing them and what
they've seen and what they're not and then they're on
the back for you in a makeup you're a quiz.
But I will.

Speaker 3 (06:25):
I will admit this that I enjoy consuming content more
than most people. So I understand that I'm waterboarding her
with some slightly alternative shows that maybe she's not going
to enjoy.

Speaker 1 (06:36):
You'll watch a doco, won't you. I'll I'll watch I'll
watch it. I'll watch a docou And it can be
a bit challenging for a female.

Speaker 5 (06:43):
I'm pretty good at things that are on the likes
of Netflix and stuff. But I'm recidivous during cricket games
of just looking at my phone's different, checking the odds,
reading forums about what people think about how far the
game's going, seeing what people are commenting on social media,
and then.

Speaker 3 (06:59):
Going, oh, we've got sixty against Afghanistan. That's interesting.

Speaker 1 (07:03):
I'm not I'm not a looker on social media about
what people are saying about the game. When I'm watching
the game, I'm not interested.

Speaker 3 (07:10):
But you're scrolling through instance, is what you're saying.

Speaker 2 (07:11):
I'll sometimes look at people's Instagram. It's interesting they're in Croatia,
that person's oh, that person's gone to France.

Speaker 1 (07:19):
And only following people on their people say at the moment,
it seems like every bloody person seems to be in
Europe sunning their bloody Here we are maybe and you're
a friend group Jerry and people like mine and meshes
friend group. People are doing it tough.

Speaker 3 (07:33):
What are all your friends? What are all your friends?

Speaker 1 (07:35):
Here are my people are posting shots at the dump.
People have been shutting shots themselves, been thrown out of
their houses. The people are posting on Minstagram, just shots
of all this stuff on their berm as they they
haven't been able to pay their rent.

Speaker 3 (07:49):
Spooch is in a tent at the moment. Yahoo is
an a tent.

Speaker 2 (07:52):
Well, okay, so they're looking for sympathy, so they're puting
sympathy posts.

Speaker 1 (07:55):
Actually, to be fair, spooches in Europe. At the moment,
he's is going up to see his mate Ivan and Georgia.
But everybody's I tell you, and it's not.

Speaker 2 (08:02):
I'm not talking about fancy I'm not talking about fancy
pence sort of stuff here. I'm talking about people on
their twenties, meshes mates, all of meshes mates, half of
the mar meshes.

Speaker 3 (08:13):
I've made some real money over the last four years.
You know they can afford to do that kind of things.
For me, I'm pucked up here. I'm not going anyway.

Speaker 2 (08:18):
International intents, yeah, there's heaps of international intents that seemed
to be living the high life.

Speaker 1 (08:23):
I think it's just that time of year. It must
be nice.

Speaker 3 (08:25):
It's always this time of the year people start pisting
overseas with their partners and start what's it called. God,
I don't know why I've come up with such a
fucking spoon of mass this morning. I don't know why
I'm so cranky.

Speaker 1 (08:36):
If you just if you just hold a second there,
we'll come back in just a minute. We'll find out
why Mash has got to spoon up his ass. Okay,
so just get us through these breaks. I don't make
spoon up your asses are saying. It's not what I mean.
I not want to put a spoon up your ass.
Like you said, it's kind of a good saying, because,
like I mean, excuse me. If I'm going to put

a spoon up my ass, I'm going to put it
up the handle first, not the not the scoop, not
the shovel.

Speaker 3 (09:04):
Do you say the excuse me?

Speaker 1 (09:05):
A partners you put that up there? Yeah, you excuse me.
I'm not going to put it up that way that
that rude is holding it up. Yeah, that's the wrong way,
I reckon. That's like you're going to get as if
you do that, and that's just a tea spoon that
rut is holding up the end bloody tablespoon? Would you
put a soup spoon up you guys?

Speaker 3 (09:19):
I hate to do this. I think you might have
taken it a bit too literally. Really, what I was
saying is I don't know why I've come and so
cranky today. I'll be thrown a couple of strays about
the phone thing, and I feel bad.

Speaker 1 (09:33):
Yeah, because I mean, there would be a lot if
you came in with an actual spoon up your ass.
Yeah I didn't.

Speaker 3 (09:36):
I didn't come in with an actual spoons a ladle,
like a full plastic ladle from Bristos.

Speaker 1 (09:41):
Okay, if you were going knife, spoon or fork up
the ask, you go a sharp sharp knife, the sharp
end of it like a like a steak.

Speaker 3 (09:50):
Now, good question, because the other end is quite round
and spoon again.

Speaker 1 (09:53):
Okay, hold once again, I'm going handle handle fist on that. No, no,
you can't go handle fist. So you've got to go.
You've got to go that the actual you chinse to in.
So it's a butter knife, Like, let's just make it simple.
It's a butter knife, a normal fork or just a
normal dessert spoon. Okay, So fork has its problem so
that you might immediately go for. I wouldn't go for.
I never go for. I feel like fork could catch

the sides.

Speaker 3 (10:14):
Look look at us, guys, it looks like it might be.
It might be a spoon up the.

Speaker 1 (10:18):
I think it might be spoon about a bread knife
like a butter knife still has the little serrated but
and I think that's dangerous to get. And I think
even for absolutely no spoon turns out to spoon. Yeah,
I mean, none of them are great. Like if I,
if I had to choose, I would have I'd go
for a chop stick if I could, if you could,

if I could, if someone, if someone can, If someone
said spoon, knife or chop stick, I wouldn't chopstick or
a plastic one.

Speaker 2 (10:45):
I mean, wouldn't you might get a splinter all because
there's actually happens to be some chopsticks in studio.

Speaker 1 (10:49):
Okay, hey, let's do it, mesh. I wouldn't. I wouldn't
put that up my ass. It's a wouldn't. I wouldn't.
We've got any warming up from any bone. But guys,
I wouldn't. I wouldn't. I wouldn't. I wouldn't put that
up my ass. That wouldn't.

Speaker 3 (11:06):
I shave this down.

Speaker 1 (11:09):
Let me shave it down. No need to shave it down.
I mean, if you can't get that thing up your ass,
is something wrong with you and you're getting anything else?
If you can't get that up, then nothing's coming out.
If you can't get a chopstick up your ass, I'll
go on the record and I'll say, if you can't
get a chopstick on your ass, and you take it
so hard, this might sound gross and like, apologies to
people listening. If you if you, if you're listening to
this and you you know you don't really like the

blue content, then then I'd say turn the podcast off.
But has anyone ever tried to get a sticky they've
got a situation where they're a bit constipated. Has anyone
ever tried to go up there with the chopsticks try
and get it out?

Speaker 3 (11:41):

Speaker 1 (11:41):
What like what sort of like a like a toilet
like when you're toilet. Remember that time you're on the
morphine for some surgery and you got that that you
got that pine cone up there? Oh my god, the
pine cone was just I want to kill you to
go up there with the chopsticks.

Speaker 2 (11:55):
The disappointment, Can I just say the disappointment of when
I finally passed that I'm going to inverted commace pine
cone after having surgery and being on more for a
couple of weeks than punk.

Speaker 1 (12:06):
It was so tiny what came out. I was like,
well that was it. So does the morphine shrink your aushole? No,
the morphine just compounds everything in your bowels cemented year
down and it's and it takes all of the moisture
out of it.

Speaker 3 (12:22):
What does it do that selfish?

Speaker 2 (12:24):
I'm not sure, But this time around when I had
my latest operation, I was so focused on that in
preparation hitting in. I was just five to five a fiber.
I was on the heavily on the kiwi fruit. I
was kiwi fruit just all the way through that. Well
not that actually not allowed to do anything. But then
the next day and then everything was fine, No problems,
didn't problems. You didn't go up there with some chopsticks,

no need?

Speaker 1 (12:47):
Why I didn't?

Speaker 3 (12:48):
Is this what you do when you get constabated?

Speaker 1 (12:50):
I'm just wondering. I don't know that, because you can
do it, because you could get it up there very
easily by put keeping them keeping the chop sticks together,
and then you could pincer and you could turn around. Hey,
we should call this podcast no fork or spoon. And
then people be like, oh, this is going to be
a nice little interesting podcast, and then will gozump them,

and they'll be surprised when they find out how many
people that listen to a podcast a lot. When they
read no fork and spoon will immediately think they're going
to talk about putting those up there there.

Speaker 2 (13:19):
I like the fact that we love the chopstick option, though,
which is obviously opening us up culturally, makes a lot more.

Speaker 3 (13:25):
I think it's too. I think it's I think what's
problematic about bringing in the chopstick though? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (13:29):
Is that no shit?

Speaker 3 (13:30):
You're going to do the chopstick?

Speaker 1 (13:31):
Yeah, that's true. It's a good one. Don't break the
chopstick off. Okay, here's here's a different good point. Here's
a different thing. Read hot poker, pineapple.

Speaker 4 (13:43):
Or or like.

Speaker 1 (13:49):
Or a cat or a cat's paw. I was gonna
say Barbie doll, but cat's paw. Everyone's going to go
cats pour a cat's paw? Is it still on the cat? Yeah?
From the cat, but I'm not. You can remove it
from the cat if you want to. But imagine imagine
the claws on that thing. Ye, cat's poor to get
that back out, it gets poor. So cat's poor. Red

hot poker or what I want to do? My one?
I want to get your cats poor out of it,
because I feel like this pc A will involve the cats.
Did cat's poor? Peter, Peter, it's a cat's poor. It
was a live cat. No, no, no, it's did. But
it's still on belved that's still a touch to the cat. No,
you can remove it from again if you want to.

It's a recently did cat. And can you go the
other way with the cat's poor? Do you have to
go with the I think the problem with the cat's
paw is coming back out again? Law first? Oh god,
I think going in nice, going out again problematic? Is
it still warm? Yep? How recently did you kill the cat?
Ten minutes? Why did you kill it? You can use
the blood because he found it as a road it
was roadkill and he and he he tried to resusciate

and he couldn't.

Speaker 2 (14:55):
And then I've got a spade and I tried to
put it out of its Missouri but and then it
didn't work.

Speaker 1 (15:01):
I think that you have sort of taken us down
a bit of a sort of a rabbit like what
about a rabbits? Because because I like I want to
do I'll do my one and then you can do
your one. Jerry, yep, okay, and I'll go with you first. Okay,
So poker, Pineapple or Barbie Doll? Up the ass? Barbie Doll?

Do you in mind that that Bobby Doll's going to
leave its hid in there? You can't go foot first
with the Barbie Doll.

Speaker 3 (15:31):
I'm just gonna I'm going to put Babby Doll at one.

Speaker 1 (15:34):
Yeah, I Gobby.

Speaker 3 (15:35):
There's a sexual attraction to a Bobby Doll that I
can get behind get.

Speaker 1 (15:38):
Myself in a way. It does turn it into a
sixth act rather than just a deer from a friend.
What happens if you try the pineapple like you get
put the pineapple up? You know which way? By the way,
there's no good way. Is it cut up? It's a
full with the at the top.

Speaker 3 (15:56):
Now call me tight, but I don't beg myself to
get it up?

Speaker 1 (16:00):
What really? What's wrong with you? The problem with you?
You can use mate, But the problem with the problem
with the leaves is that they'll be in back. Why
they and then they go they get much wider. I'm
going other in first. I think you've got to go
the other in first. You can hold I think you
hold the leaves and work it in and out. I

think you're allowed. Are we allowed to this? I think
I think you're allowed. I think you're allowed to hold
onto the I don't think you have to push the
leaves up there. I think you go on the other
way and you can hold onto the leaves. I think
you get half of the pineapple up and you've go
God's work. Yeah, I reckon, I reckon. Barbie has to
go and head first.

Speaker 2 (16:36):
I agree with head first, but the shoulders are going
to be difficult, and then we shave the barbie.

Speaker 1 (16:41):
Yep, right, breach. I'd go breach for Barbie. I think
you're allowed to go breach. Surely breach leads first first yea, yeah, yeah,
I see, like I'd be shoving it up there, breach.
But once you've still got to deal with the arms.
When when that time comes, it's like giving birth all
the arms, because where if you're going the other way
with the head first, you only have to deal with
the shoulders. The arms sort of tie the Barbie up

like Peter plummey Walker going over the falls.

Speaker 3 (17:07):
See I do the arms above the head.

Speaker 1 (17:09):
Yes, oh okay, yeah, that's smart. If you've got you's
done this before. If you've got swimming barby, But I
noticed that everyone's showing away from the red hot Poker,
which is the narrowest. But also what are you doing though,
because that's the biggest house, so that that'll go in
the easiest, but it'll do more damage when it's in there,
no doubt.

Speaker 3 (17:27):
Oh there's a disaster. In terms of the ends of
the pineapple. It's the same thing with lots of fruit.
So if you were to, I hate to bring up
the banana incident from when I accidentally shoved up the
banana O your eys.

Speaker 1 (17:40):
And equally, could we could bring up that time and
put that frozen banana?

Speaker 3 (17:43):
And what end are you shoving a banana? Mine?

Speaker 1 (17:47):
Was mine was a frozen like a frosted kind of
sugary on a sta was it peeled? It was peeled?

Speaker 3 (17:53):
That's feel quite nice.

Speaker 1 (17:54):
And I went up, I've got the picture here. It
feel good.

Speaker 3 (17:58):
After the Hot Poker show, Can.

Speaker 2 (18:00):
You put the picture up on the on the on
the dock again just soa can have another look at that?
Just how pleased you to? I think I took the picture.
In fact, I did.

Speaker 1 (18:08):
I took that photo.

Speaker 2 (18:09):
Can we put the did you never you've never given
me a photo credit for that, which is quite disappointing
when you have placed it up on social media. Next time,
I want photo credit photo creator d Wells please, JJ
d Wells. Is that what you call yourself? Well, those
are my initials jj D and then my surname as Wells.

Speaker 3 (18:28):
You never winners that beforehand? Is that just ever since
JJ and he became at one point you're trying to
distance yourself saying that jjs A d well JJ d Wells,
Jeremy Drummond.

Speaker 1 (18:38):
Wells, Jeremy James Drummond.

Speaker 3 (18:40):
Well, oh, so I was going to say the extra
j's coming from somebody. How are you finding that image?

Speaker 1 (18:43):

Speaker 3 (18:44):
Any luck there? No, I'm not actually so many years ago,
isn't it annoying when you have to find a photo
and then we've got so many photos of our ship and.

Speaker 1 (18:51):
You can't and you can't search bana banana up someone's
chips and you search Mike Lane.

Speaker 3 (18:58):
You can see people by their face.

Speaker 1 (19:01):
We'll put it up.

Speaker 3 (19:02):
We'll put it up on our socials again tonight.

Speaker 1 (19:03):
Yeah. Anyway, sorry, I did railed you because when that
one it was a different It wasn't really like a
banana and then it was like it was a special
banana treat.

Speaker 3 (19:10):
So where did we land on the Barbie pineapple and
red hot Poker? It was Barbie number one, the pineapple
number two. I have to disagree with the pineapple, and
number two. I don't really think I'm gonna be able
to get it. The red hot poker is gonna you
don't want that.

Speaker 1 (19:25):
It's no way you don't want that. It's really hot. Yeah,
it's the last one.

Speaker 3 (19:30):
Okay, So we've decided Barbie's the best option. Up the
arse imagine.

Speaker 1 (19:36):
Minute, I'll just go to the content because gu Lane
is when I ring Gulaine that comes up.

Speaker 3 (19:41):
Can we record just a little bit here to say, hey, look,
today's content own the podcast is a little bit lude
coming up.

Speaker 1 (19:52):
And you can only see his face.

Speaker 3 (19:54):
Oh that is the photo just without the banana part.

Speaker 1 (19:56):
That's the So it's just concerned on his face.

Speaker 3 (20:00):
But he is happy. God, he was happy, wasn't he.
There's so much pleasure in that photo.

Speaker 1 (20:03):
Yeah, maybe we should put a message like whatever you're doing,
just be weary, whatever you do, and do not listen
to this podcast.

Speaker 3 (20:13):
I would also say it might turn some people on
as well. I think it's a good thing to note that.
I don't know if you're about to get dating or
something like that. You don't want to be all coming,
all hot and steamy. But I think the main key
focus is, hey, if you've got kids in the car,
we're about to talk for twenty minutes about shoving it
up your ass.

Speaker 1 (20:26):
Yep, just be weary. I'm happy with that party. You guys,
happy with them. Never been happier. Yeah, I think that
was a good one.

Speaker 3 (20:31):
Well can you record that? But can you do a bit?

Speaker 1 (20:34):

Speaker 3 (20:35):

Speaker 1 (20:37):
Some of the content on this edition of the Matt
and Jerry Daily Bespoke Podcast could be considered lude by
some people view a discretion listen to listen to discretion listener,
discretion is advised.

Speaker 2 (20:52):
But don't stop it from don't stop that warning from
making you listen to it.

Speaker 1 (20:57):
If you yeah, yeah, okay, And as you listen, and
as you listen to this, just maybe take a second
to contemplate that this is the as voted by the
New Zealand Radio and TV Awards, the best podcast in
New Zealand. So that what you've just listened to, if
people coming back this way, just you think about that,
and you actually maybe look at the mirror and ask,

what's wrong with you that this is the best podcast
in New Zealand.

Speaker 3 (21:21):
No careful what you're doing here is I wouldn't blame
I just cand it's viectim blaming. Don't inviect him blame people.

Speaker 1 (21:27):
People's fault that they're listening to this, right. I just
think people need to take a long, hard look at
themselves and ask, how can this be the best podcast
in New Zealand? At the radio Victim, I mean that
was a major that was a major awards. It was
fifteen hundred people at it. You've got Jeremy Corbett hosting it.
It's a huge gala event, and this is the best
freaking podcast. Is the best our country can come up with?

It's better than hosking Zim.

Speaker 2 (21:52):
It's not that it's not the people that's listening's fault.
Better than I think you'd be very careful there.

Speaker 1 (21:57):
I think it's I think it's our nation as a
whole is to like have a look at itself and go,
is this the best we've got? What we've just done
for the last twenty three minutes, is that the best
that our nation can come up with?

Speaker 2 (22:08):
Is it yeah, I don't know if this one's going
to be going into the next years.

Speaker 3 (22:13):
You know, it might be surprised.

Speaker 1 (22:15):
Yeahs if it does. The entryway we've won something years
in a row. We want to sort try and crenate it.

Speaker 5 (22:21):
We also say just please, don't let this just encourage
you to put things up your ass if it's not
something you're into.

Speaker 2 (22:27):
Are we going back in time or is that coming
at the end.

Speaker 3 (22:30):
I don't think we need it at the start, just
at the end.

Speaker 1 (22:32):
Okay, So I hope you've enjoyed knife, fork or Spoon,
and we'll be back tomorrow with another daily bespoke podcast.

Speaker 2 (22:39):
You don't want to call it Barbie, hot poker or pineapple.

Speaker 1 (22:43):
I think that I think that gives it away what
we're talking about, because if if someone says hot poker,
I know exactly and people, no one's gonna listen to that.

Speaker 2 (22:53):
I think it just sounds a little bit softer if
it's but if it's hot poker, pineapple or cats poor,
I just think it's a little bit, just a little
bit softer. A man, you're just so pushing this cat,
cat's poor. You're just pushing this cat pa so hard.

Speaker 1 (23:07):
Give it I go front paw over the back paw.
I'll tell you what, I wouldn't mind cats teal dry
out up there, though I wouldn't mind cats down. Wouldn't
mind wouldn't

Speaker 3 (23:18):
We have to fucking in this Christ
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