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July 16, 2024 91 mins
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The stage is set for a historymaking events. It's the twenty twenty four
Republican National Convention. Republicans scattered tomake it official. Donald Trump is their
nominee for the White House. Nowlive for Milwaukee. Here are rod our
Jet at citizen Greg Hughes on Utah'sTalk radio one oh five nine knrs.

Well, it is day two ofthe Republican National Convention. Rot Our Kid
along with citizen Greg Hughes and Idon't know how we tough yesterday. It
was a jam packed news of newsdayyesterday. Greg, I don't know how
we topic today. Look, we'rejust trying to keep pace. I'm trying
to keep my head above the water. We got, I mean, we
had so much a digest happening yesterday. We have continued. I think breaking

news are emerging news about what happenedin the attempted assassination of Donald Trump on
Saturday. We're starting to hear moreabout that. None of it good news,
none of it making me feel anybetter. We have a I think
a deranged political cartoonist in assault LakeTribune's Pat Bagley, who's his history includes
painting drawing cartoons that show a lawenforcement as the KKK Republicans. As Hitler,

this is the guy. This isa tip of the spear, guy
who has fomented hate and divisions asmuch as anyone in the national media scene.
That's and he's a hugeas sadly assaultLa Tribune cartoonist rhetoric, I thought
that was I think it sounds greatto say. I don't think the Democrats
have any idea or intention on howto do it. So that's happening.

But at the same time, we'vegot an incredible convention with the energy that's
here. People are excited, You'refeeling a unity that I certainly didn't feel
this early in twenty sixteen. Therewere still some things to sort out on
that convention floor. So that's thatis a very different Today's theme, which
there's a theme every single day.Yesterday was make America Wealthy once again.
Today it's make America Safe once again. And they have got a great lineup

of guests who will be speaking tothe convention tonight. You've got Ron Decentis
who is here tonight. What I'mlooking for, Greg, is the reaction
Greg tonight to Nicki Haley. Yes, Nicki Haley has turned over her del
against to Donald Trump. Right,she hung in there longer than anybody else
did against Donald Trump. You know, it got a little ugly at times,

Yes, but apparently rumor as they'vekind of kissed and made up.
But she is speaking tonight, whichwas not originally scheduled, but he put
her on the schedule for her tospeak, and it's Jess. I think
he's going to be fascinating tonight towatch the reaction and what she has to
say. And you know, thisis what I would say to my friends,
are smart the smartest listening audience andall the land Rod is that as

you see the Democrats and the leftistretreat from everyday Americans, just get ready
for some people that we might nothave seen the similar the world, the
same as coming to the Republican Party, because they are everyday people that need
someone to have their back. Forinstance, the union leader last night from
the Teamsters, the Brotherhood of aTeamster International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Teamsters,

speaking maybe for the first time ata Republican convention, he said last night
that he supports workers, whether theyirunion or whether they're not, he supports
them in So that's not someone thatwe would usually end up a Republican convention
here, but it is an everydayperson that the Democrats have zero interest in.
Now you get that Nikki Haley.People have been frustrated with her.
I'm going to tell you that sheeven understands that a world with these leftists

and what they're doing and the violencethat's happened even over this weekend, there's
a desire to unite, and Iwould hope that we are going to do
that because it takes math to winelections, you need people coming together.
So I look forward to her speechand I hope it's conciliatory in tone a
little bit, but also that thedelegates receiver well, well, the teamsters
boss last night and you and Iwere actually in the convention center when he

was speaking. Yes, gave avery powerful speech did and the one thing
that I picked up Greg was thathe kind of said, thank you Donald
Trump for letting us come here,for sitting down and listening to us.
And I think that's the trait thatthe Democrats don't realize. Donald Trump is
not afraid to listen to all sides. He is and he will listen and

he make it may make a decisionthat goes against what they want. But
guess what, He's going to listen. And that's what I think the American
people want. They want somebody who'sgoing to listen to the other side.
They may agree or disagree, butthe mere fact that they get a chance
to express their opinion is what Americawants. And Rod, look, the

ground is moving underneath our feet alot in politics, the Republican Party as
I understood it growing up, isvery different were we were all for business
and I lived in Pittsburgh where unionsI think it contributed to the demise of
the steel industry and America, andcertainly in Pittsburgh, but where big business
has joined with big government in mymind, where the supply chains have disappeared,

and this power that you see thatthe social tech tech has and the
way we feel like the everyday menand women are been forgotten. You've got
JD. Vance who understands this intimately. You have Josh Holly as a senator
who does. You have a lotof these other centers that are leaders that

are just saying, look, we'refor everyday people, okay, And clearly
the Democrats are not. They don'thave kitchen table issues. They have luxury
issues, and so I think thatthat's one of the shifts that we're seeing.
It's not populism, it is justcommon sense that now seems to be
a part of aan issue to havecommon sense. Yeah, yeah, that's
right now. The one thing aboutJD. Vance. You know, I

were talking about this earlier, EricEricson, who is a radio talk show
host in Atlanta, and we've viewedEric's really a sharp guy. Yes,
he talked about the fact that intwenty sixteen, Eric Erickson, along with
one Jdvans, supported a guy bythe name of Evan McMuffin. I know,
crazy is crazy and how things havechanged, but I think what we're

seeing is and I think this ishappening to a lot of Americans. Greg
At first Donald Trump turned him off. They just they couldn't. But now
they're starting to realize, you knowwhat, let's go beyond the politician.
Let's look at the policies, andthe policies are what America needs. And
that's why I think they're starting towake up, come around and support Donald
Trump. We'll have to see inNovember, but well, you know,

it'll be interesting to see which developsafter this and after the dnc Rod.
It's a very easy migration to havebeen in sixteen aware of or not sure
about Donald Trump and now look atfour years that he was president and contrasted
to the four years of what couldonly be described as a disaster under President
Biden. So I understand that whatwe're also going to talk about on the

show today is how this this callfor civility that Biden called for after this
attempted to say fast nation has gone, It's already disappeared. I'm looking at
feeds, I'm looking at his speechtoday at the NAACP where he is already
attacking Donald Trump an inaccurate and lifeand just you know, misleading ways that
would would leave people just to continueto stigmatize and demonize him as a human

being. The Democrats want you tobelieve that they're right and any any any
interest and Donald Trump requires a moralfailing on your part or an intellectual failing
on your part to even consider someoneother than Biden or the Democrats. And
that is that is I think whatcontributed to the violence we saw on the

weekend against the President. And it'sthis, you know, you're telling this
twenty year old kid and everyone likehim whatever else is going on in their
lives, that the country will end. He's a fascist, hit he's hitler.
He wants to attack you. He'stelling the n DOUBLEACP at their convention
that he sent a National Guard afterthem when they protested about Floyd. It's
not true, and it leaves peopleif they don't know any other alternative to

the facts. What is this guydoing? Why would we ever want Donald
Trump? And that is the verything that he said he was condemning and
didn't want to see more of inthe A in the aftermath of the attempted
assassination. It just didn't take Youdon't what, Greg, I don't know
if some Democrats, not all Democrats, but there are some good Democrats in

the state of Utah. We've hadthem on the show before. But those
who are on that far left thatyou just talked about, if they can
in fact rewire their brains not tohave it dominated by Trump derangement syndrome,
it's going to take a rewiring ofthe brain. I don't think they can
do it. I don't. Ijust don't think. I don't think they've
built anything. I don't think anything'sgotten better on their on their watch,

I don't think they have anything byway of real substantive issues to really make
their case to the American people.They only have fear and they only have
the ability to dismantle our American institutions. I mean, the New York Post
or the Washington Post just broke rightbefore the show started that Biden, from
unconfirmed, unconfirmed sources but will comeout here very soon, is set to

announce support for major changes of ourSupreme Court. So, if you're willing
to take our institutions, our courts, and you're going to want to push
for term limits of justices because youdon't like their decisions, if you're going
to want to have constitutional amendments,it's saying in this New York Po or
Washington Post story that they want toeliminate broad immunity for presidents. Biden better
be careful about that one, becausethat's going to get him but right in

jail. And then you've got thethe what is Oh, they want to
reverse the decisions of Roe v.Wade, and they want to in the
regulatory decision of Chevron that that theyjust had. They don't like the decision.
They want to try and change thecourt to change those decisions. If
someone's trying to you know, harmour institutions or erode the confidence in our

Supreme Court. Just look at thePresident Biden to day, not not before
Saturday, but look at it today. He's doing it today. Well,
we've got a great show lined upfor you. Are still Udio here at
the Media Center in Milwaukee has justbeen graced by congress From Burgess Owens,
the man, the myth, thelegend. He's going to join us,
coming up. He's going to joinus, coming up. It is Rotten

greg broadcasting live from Milwaukee. Itis the site of the twenty twenty four
Republican National Convention. One event anda great event lined up for tonight,
and we'll talk all about that,So stay with us. Congressman Burgess Owens
will be joining us. We arebroadcasting live from the Republican National Convention here
in Milwaukee, sponsored by No FarmTax. Check it out today learn all

you can about the No Farm Taxeffort at No Farm Tax Dot organ It's
great to have Utah Congressman Burgess Owis, who represents the fourth Congressional district here
in the state of Utah, joiningus on the show. Burgess, how
are you great convention already, Burgess. It has been a blast, It
really has been. And I'll tellyou it's been so fun. It's my
first time being at a convention andalso being a national delegate, so just

to be on the floor of thedelegates, it's that in itself has been
just a remarkable experience. So I'mexcited about that. What's that feeling like
last night when when Donald Trump showedup or just can you describe it?
You know, I'll say this,I think this whole what's happening, Really,
this entire week has been historical insome different ways. Uh, there's
no question in appreciation for President Trump. Uh, there's also and we talked

a little bit about this, Uh, there seems to be this countenant is
a little more of an emotional He'sa little bit close to the surface.
I can see this in the waythe way he's accepting everything that's going on.
He has to appreciate the people somuch at this point, having come
that close to death and seeing howwhat the outpouring is and how much we're
excited about seeing him and knowing thathe's in a position whether it's unity is

coming, he's bringing it together guys. I mean, every facet of our
party is coming together, and it'sgonna show up in twenty twenty five in
a big way. Our country's gonnabe so excited about things we did accomplished
come out. I want to tellour listeners. I've been watching you since
you've hit the ground here. You'vebeen on I mean, you're you're on
the television, You're on you youget to we're here in talk show row,
but you're there's also the televisions udiosthat are in the convention hall.

You're in high demand. I knowyou're traveling, even Congressman the country,
helping people, candidates and colleagues inCongress to win re election and to get
them you know, a strong,stronger majority in Congress. But you're just
getting a taste of the nation.You're talking to other members of Congress.
Tell me what the mood has been, whether it's between other members of Congress

that you serve with, or thepublic that you've been interacting with, or
the interviews that have been really endlesssince just Saturday. We're sitting here on
Tuesday. What is it that you'reseeing or experiencing that's happening in this country?
And in the political world, evencoming before coming into this week,
I've never seen the engagement from Americapeople. You know, we've all been

around this for a while. We'vekind of been engaged understanding what the politics
are. We've we've put out voice, we've been out of frustration, but
I've never seen the American people it'stuned in the way this is right now.
That's the difference. So we couldtalk about getting the House to cener
and a president, but all thatonly works is the people behind us.
We've had four years in which folksbegin to say, you know what,
I'm just tired. I'm tired ofit. I want to leave the American

dream. And it doesn't matter whatour color is, with our background.
We're having conversations right now. That'svery very healthy, healthy, and I'll
be honest with even the process betweenJD and President Trump, that highlights really
what we do when we start talking. JD was not he was never trouble
for an understand truck. And herewe are because they realized talking and getting

an idea where they came from,they found out coming bond and if the
coming bind and such. Now thatthey are a very tight team and JD
has the chance to being being thelegacy of our President Trump. So I'll
say this, I'm excited because Ithink this is the time that we've been
prepared for this. And if Ican just make this one point. The
year that we played Super Bowl fifteen, what I recognized by the year we

were underdogs. We're guys coming fromdifferent teams, but we had that one
thing in common. We wanted towin. We wanted to make sure we
got on that field and we didn'tlet each other down. And I've never
felt that thing that before, whennobody cares who got the credit, and
it was just the zone you getinto. And that's what I'm feeling now.
I feel like comforts in the throne. It is where we now we
know what it feels like to havehope and hopelessness, and we don't want

hopelessness anymore. So we're gonna We'regonna see something coming out of this where
and I'm seeing it also within theparty. All we need the last time
we talked about the wet wave.We don't need a red wave. We
just need to have a majority tenfifteen. And with President Trump at the
top, it's going to be sucha unified process. We're gonna make a
difference. Pretty exciting. Just ifhe wins November, are you going to

give much super Bowl ring? Becauseyou're comparing, You're comparing. Come for
him. The highlight, My highlightwas the haven't put it on and took
a picture with him over there.Man, I was excited about that.
So, Burgess, you're a spiritualman. As long as I've known you,

I've known that you've never the familyfather. The Lord has always been
such a strong influence and really guideyour life. And you talk about how
it's not a guide your life,but this country what we saw Saturday.
I mean, I really feel likeI don't know how we can see what
happened that day and all the failuresall along the way, And it's still
coming out today about people that sawhim for thirty minutes, the person on

the roof, everything that was pointingto a catastrophic moment for this country and
losing President Trump. And so myquestion is, do you think it was
a miracle. Do you think thatthat that we that we saw something,
or that even that we feel thatthere was a miracle that took place this
weekend. I've never heard the amountof conversations that I've heard the last few

days about God provide intervention of JesusChrist. I mean, it is is
a prevalent thought process, and it'sso healthy because that's really who we are.
We we're a country that does lookto Him. We always have,
but for some reason we got awayfrom that for quite a while now.
So to hear that, to hearfrom every corner of the country, it's

healthy that we're finally getting back tothat, to know that we have a
special place in this in this world. And I'll say this too, each
and every one of us and allowedtoday, that's taken part and whatever that
is. I mean, we allhave some talents we bring to the table.
Every one of us will be thankfulthat we're allowed today. And we're
adding to this because we're gonna lookback and tell our kids, our grandkids,
great grandkids were lucky enough that wewere there in twenty twenty four and

our country is about to go overthat edge, and we brought it back.
We were part of it. Wewere having interviews. Yes, ju
well, Virgess, you were saying, I find it so interesting that people
I don't know what has changed,but since it happened on Saturday. People
are not afraid to talk about miraclesand God intervening to save the life of

this man. They aren't afraid todo that anymore. And something happened to
this country. I don't know when, but we were afraid for a little
while. I don't think we areanymore well at the moment. Not only
going to that, but there's amoment that present from brought this all together
in a way they will not forget. With a beautiful blue sky in the
background, the flag with with bloodon his side, we saw what it

was to be a warrior, awounded warrior, and one that was not
was in defiance of anything going up. That's America, you know, That's
That's that's where we grew up with. We had our parents, our dads
were that way, so we understoodit. But for a country to see
it, even those who don't likethem, have to respect that because most
people will be cowering. They'll bethey will be literally crawling out the door
trying to get to the car,and here he is. They was supposed

to from covered. He just wouldn'tlet him. He just kept place.
It's an unscripted moment and and andand to share. You know, it's
hard for me to talk about thatand not mention that that heroic father who
who shielded his wife and his in, his in, his daughter. But
so that shows that this wasn't thisThis really was that fatal. It was

that scary that that happened. Andyet people weren't running, people weren't falling
over each other trying to get away. It was just it was I think
on many levels. Sorry, itwas miraculous. And can I say this
also, a part of we sawis again what we saw with our parents
growing up. Nobody was the worldtoo that that was a group of men

that would run toward death to savetheir families. And so I'm hoping that
people recognize we saw there not onlythe miracle of a President Trump. We
saw what men have always done inthe past, and we can never allow
that to get slip away. Ithink the biggest fight we're having right now
is not just the attack on women, but the true attack on manhood that
stands by and unless it happen andit says nothing, it's just to me,

it's egregious that we've gotten ourselves tothis point. So we see what
it truly looks like to have ahero in the household, and that hero
will impact that family for a lifetimeand beyond because he did what men and
fathers should do. He gave theirfamily exactly. So it's exciting to see
that, and I think that keepsit somber to for me at least.
And and and seeing President Trump inthe most unscripted moment and he's not talking

about fighting as in picking a fight. He's talking about resisting and and standing
up for our principles and for theeveryday Americans that we feel we feel under
siege. But then to have thefatality and these people critically wounded, so
that nobody misunderstands that this was alife and death moment of the worst kind.
And so I just think that that'sa that's a moment that you can

never you never know it is coming, you never wanted to but when it
comes, I hope we learn thelessons from it. I think it's a
good point Greg that, you know, if if it had just been the
miracle of President Trump and making itthrough, it would have been one thing.
But we have on the same side. It was not a miracle for
everyone. No, it wasn't andless and less over time, we look
back in life and said, themiracle was the entire process of us seeing

a man, a defined president anda man who would you know, we
didn't know before, just who lovedhis family, did exactly what instinctively men
do. Uh. So if youlook at it in that way, it's
it's uh, it's it's it's showingreally what Americans should be like. And
I think it gives an example wherewe should hit me hitting on this point
on and with President Trump in head, uh and and and and that's kind

of coalescing around that we're going tobecome such a much more perfect union as
we move forward twenty twenty five andbeyond. So that's what we're looking for.
It purchase. I know you're inhigh demand. Were really appreciate you
stopping by and spending some time withus. Thank you for just well thanks
and not kicking me off. Iknow we've got to go. I know
we had done and you came onyesterday, so we had to step up
our game. We had Dodger yesterday, we had to we had to raise

the bar. I love it,Burgess, Thank you, Todors and Burgess
Owens, former Super Bowl champion,getting the sense rad did you hear that
that he feels like he did thattime when people this team was coming together.
We're coming together and Raiders are justwar baby. We got this usfore

Coming up. It is Rodin Greagbroadcasting live from the Republican National Convention here
in Waukee. More coming up onTalk Radio one oh five nine knrs.
Sorry mister voice, absolutely right.We are broadcasting live from the Republican National
Convention here in Milwaukee Roderkett along withcitizen Greg Hughes. And the theme,

by the way, tonight is makeAmerica safe once again. And that's a
big topic in this country right now. A lot of people feel unsafe.
Great, well they do because theyare unsafe. Yeah, I mean it's
the crime, it's rampant, it'suh. You see, for decades,
we saw the reinvestment or the attemptto see and blighted you know, urban

areas, you know economic development.You know, companies come back, shops
come back. They're being looted,they're being destroyed, they're leaving. It's
all going backwards. And it tookdecades to see those areas reinvested in.
They're gone you're seeing even in thestate of Utah, we're seeing crime rates
that we've not seen before. Yep, it's amazing. You know, whatever
happened to that grace period that JoeBiden talked about Sunday night, where we'd

cool down, let's cool the rhetoricdown, tone it down, hasn't happened.
I mean, you've got you know, the Morning Joe Show, which
MSNBC was canceled yesterday. They're veryupset by the way that their show was
taken off the air for one day. They came back on the air today
and ripped into MSNBC. How dareyou take us off? Well, they
did so because they knew you weregoing to say some stupid about the attempted

assassination on Donald Trump. You've gotthe president today, what do you say?
He criticized Trump for calling out theNational Guard during the riots following the
death of George Floyd. What wasDonald Trump supposed to do when these thugs
are burning down our cities. Yeah, that wasn't a peaceful protest. So
the answer to your question is itlasted about as long as his speech lasted.
It was a talking point he wantedto be seen as being conciliatory,

and and we got to tone thisdown as if you know, let's join
together, let's join together. ButI have not one thing I can run
on if I don't scare the daylightsout of you about Donald Trump or the
Republican So I have to just keepgoing. So here we have a newsfeed
from the NAACP speech that President Bidenis giving today. He says to the
crowd, when you peacefully protested GeorgeFloyd's murder, Donald Trump called for the

National Guard to go after you.What in the blank is the matter with
this man? Boy? Is thatever lowering the temperature rod? That is
a lowered temperature of the story socialmedia? Was it a Dallas police officer
the story that you're seeing tonight?Yeah, just again another absolutely just so

disappointing. Dallas Police sergeant Arturo Martinezhas been placed on leave for posting quote
aim better after the attempted assassination ofPresident Trump. This is a police officer,
a sergeant in the Dallas Police PoliceForce. So it's not lasting long
with the Democrats because again they havespent nine years with the regime media stigmatizing

Donald Trump and anyone who would supporthim. And you heard from Congressman or
just someone's that there is a unitythat's being felt. There is something that
is transcending political parties. Uh,politically, there is we want to be
united as a country. We don'twant to demonize and and that's happening it
all but for the media, andthen I have to point this out,

Rod. I mean, I thinkthat the Solid Tribune, if this isn't
its lowest moments as a newspaper,it's got to be in the It's got
to be in the top five,because they have a lot of low moments
in that paper as far as I'mconcerned. But the political cartoonist Pat Bagley
has a political cartoon. If youever saw any images of the game Game

of Thrones or you've seen that,you see this, uh, this throne
and it has all these swords thatare behind or Pat Bagley using that image
has a has an image of acartoonish, buffoonish looking George or President Donald
Trump sitting there on that throne witha bullet that rickish off of his ear.

Ricochet's off his ear and is flyingthe other way with instead of those
being swords being those being guns,and it says violent rhetoric and the Iron
Throne and the entire to think thatan attempted assassination of the President the United
States within two days three days ofthat happening, to put this cartoon out
here mocking President Trump having the bulletbounce off his head in a throne of

guns. It's disgusting. It's somethingthat would normally and good and civil society
would never be accepted. That newspaperwould have never allowed this to be done.
But it's being done because they cannotlet this man looks sympathetic. They
don't know how to convince Americans andUtahns to please do not feel any sympathy
towards this man, because that's allwe have to prevail. We cannot win

on issues we can't. We didnothing substantive other than to tell you that
this guy you can't trust them oryou can't like them. So they're back
to this. It took less thana day. Well, and you know
what they say, an attack onTrump is an attack on everybody who supports
them. That's what that article.Oh, that's what that cartoon is all
about. It don't feel that onlyyou, but everybody who supports you Donald

Trump. When when When Pat Bagleydraws that and shows that this violent rhetoric
and is saying it's his own ownwords that created that situation. It's as
if he's saying, if you,you know, you can beat your wife
if she deserves it. If someone'sbeen assaulted sexually, they they probably deserve
that too. This, this,this image doesn't fly on any level with

anybody except for Pat Bagley in hisbrain and that Saltly Tribune and those that
just know how to fement hate.Yeah, to try and carry an election,
and that's all that means to them. It's it's it's the only thing
they have so much for toning downthe rhetoric right so much. I mean,
they, like I said, Idon't think they're wired to decompress or

decompose or whatever word you want to. You know, you've got to get
them away, and I don't thinkthey can. No, I don't think
they can. It could be themost substantive presidential race we've ever seen,
with two presidential terms back to backnext week each other. Contrasted to contrast
these eight years in which four wasyour life better, where you struck,
where you're safer? Was the economybetter? Was your cast prices and grocery

prices lower, was our military stronger, where our borders more secure? Take
those four years, contrast them.You could do it on real substance.
But that's why, that's why Biden'snot, because he would never prevail in
a substance of debate or discussion aboutthis race. All right, mare coming
up. It is The Rod andGregg Show, broadcasting live today from the
Republican National Convention here in Milwaukee.We've still got two great hours coming your

way. Big events tonight taking placein the Convention. They're talking about making
America safe once again. On theagenda night, Greg Ron, desentis Nikki
Haley. It's going to be afascinated evening to hear from them tonight,
The Rod and Greg Show, broadcastinglive from the Republican National Convention here in
Milwaukee. We've had a fun timealready, crazy day yesterday, More craziness
taking place today. We've got thisunbelievable story about security surrounding former presidents Trump

folks. You know, I reviewthe Washington Posts so that you never have
to and straight from the Washington Postor actually this one's the USA Today.
Security agencies identified Iranian plot to assassinateTrump separate from weekend attempt. Now this
story in the in its chronological orderis true. We're I mean, it's
even more ridiculous. It's been reportedthat the Secret Service has beefed up security

in recent weeks for President Trump,that they put more resources and assets on
the ground to protect him, andthat was prior to Saturday, because they
have credible threats of assassination from Irantowards President Trump. So when we see
the dysfunction and we see the failure, the abject failure of the of what

happened in securing that area for PresidentTrump and the and being unsuccessful at it.
According to this article, that's withincreased security and beefed up security from
the Secret Service because of intelligence sayingthat there's a credible thing from Iran.
So very very disheartening to read.I hear that story, Greg, and
I say, Okay, where wasthe beefed up security if that was it?

If that was it, man,what did the skeleton crew look like
prior to that? Are you kiddingme? Yeah? Yeah, I mean
threats against threats against the president,and it is real. And then you
have the ahead of the Secret Servicesaying she's responsible. Buck stops here.
She's not going to resign, andI don't see how you get any credible
change in that in that agency ifyou don't have because that is the failure.

If if an attempt is even ableto be pulled off a littleone successful,
that is the failure. They havea they've had one hundred sex success
rate as the only standard that theywill accept, and this clearly was not
that. And so there it shouldbe automatic. It should be an automatic
response, new leadership and a newfocus, learn from what you've done.

And they're not going to do it. He didn't do it for Afghanistan.
Why is he going to do itnow. It's just so pathetic. It's
just there's no leadership there at all. Yeah, and we'll we'll, we'll
have to see. I think itis at this coming Monday. I think
she appears before a House committee,and that's going to be interesting to watch,
greg because there are a lot ofquestions out there that are unanswered and
she's got appear before the House committee. I think it is on Monday,

the twenty second, I believe,and it's going to be interesting to see
what she has to do. Iwant to see if it even happens because
there was a secret service was theywere expected to brief lawmakers just today about
what happened there, and the Departmentof Homeland Security stepped in, intervened and
wouldn't let them speak with Really,who knows if they're going to let her
CYA. Yes, on West Go, they are covering their tails called Cya

and certainly as well. We've stillgot a great show coming up. Sure,
Mike Schultzen's scheduled to join us.Of course, Mike and Speaker of
the Utah Househill way in. Wemay have a chance to talk with John
Solomon, I know you with youinvestigator reporter. We're hoping he'd show up
a little bit later in the show, and a lot more to come live
from Milwaukee. It is a RepublicanNational Convention with Rod and Greg. Stay

with us. We are in factbroadcasting live from the Republican National Convention here
in Milwaukee. It is Rod ourkeatalong with Greg Hughes and boy, there's
some new information coming out tonight.Before we talk with Mike Schulz to Speaker
of the Utah House about what happensSaturday. John Miller, who is a
security expert on with Aaron Burnett onCNN tonight and some amazing information Greg that

he's sharing. Now, you walkthrough a megatometer, secret Services having you
go through, and you've got arangefinder used to scope and to shoot,
and you're bringing that in, yeah, and you're using it to see where
the snipers are, and that thatdidn't just qualify him from getting any deeper
into that bairground. The lost trackof him. Apparently what we understand he

got on the roof, he scopedout where the sniper teams were, all
right, he wanted to get thedistance there. He also it was found
on him he had three fully loadedmagazines about one hundred rounds is what they're
guessing. The story was as wellthat they had found some IED's in his
own car well on his person's brakewhen he was shot and killed. There

were three remote switches to set offthose IEDs in his van. So,
I mean, this guy was planningsomething just amazing. It's and to see
before it went to the break,We said, this is when we've it's
just been reported that there were crediblethreats from Iran and that they had actually
increased his security and provided greater assets. What would that crew have looked like.

Yeah, I mean it's already lookslike the Keystone Cops as far as
I'm concerned. So I just don'teven understand what it looks like to be
increased from what we see and allthe failures that are being reported in real
time. Yeah, that's pretty amazing. Well, we're'll bring on our next
guest early. We're talking about thespeaker of the Judaha House, Mike Schulz,
who is here to join us onthe show tonight and talk about him

here at the convention. Mike,great to have you on the show.
Hey, Rod Hughes to be herea long way probably my first name.
You're just Hughes, you know what, Speaker Shultz. It's so it's so
great to have you here. You'rea delegate, Yes, have you been
to the convention before as a delegate. This is my first time at a
convention. Do you think I loveit? The excitement here is unlike anything

I've ever experienced. It's neat.Hughes, you and I went, We
went with a delegation from Utah toinauguration Day in twenty seven. That's right,
yep. This reminds me a lotof that day when we went there
in that trip that we went on. Yeah, it does have that similar
emotion. It absolutely does. We'vehad some great there's gonna be some great
You're gonna be on the floor.There's gonna be some great speakers tonight.

Today's theme speaker is make America safeonce again. And so we live in
a in a In the four yearsof Biden, we've seen a very different
America than we saw in Utah.Then we saw with President Trump as our
president. The soft on crime iswe're not immune from that. In Utah.
We're feeling that we're seeing crime goup, We're seeing the catch and

release, that that judges are stillsomehow able to do open borders with I
fifteen and coming through the state ofUtah, we are being pressed with these
open borders that have brought so manypeople. As a Speaker of the House,
this is the theme, but maybeshare with the listeners what is it
we're grappling with in the state ofUtah on some of those issues of soft

on crime or even the open borderssituation. Well, it's really interesting to
me because it did even transcend andyou saw this happen a few years ago,
transcended out of the Democrat Party andinto a portion of the Republican Party.
But over the last couple of yearsit's been coming back around. And
that's one thing that gives me alittle bit of hope and a little bit
excitement. I've been on soft oncrime around and that the one positive thing.

There's not nothing positive about Biden,but the one positive thing that we're
seeing is people are starting to becomeaware that the policies that he's put in
place do not work here here,and so I think that's why you're seeing
some of the sitement excitement come around. I think that's why you're seeing some
of the parties start to unite andAmericas start to unite, I think around
the things that don't work, andthat's why Trump's going off the rails right

now. Yeah. Yeah, youfeel the energy within the convention right now?
I do. Great. We've talkedabout it. So wow, there's
energy here as exciting as that inaugurationday was that I talked about in twenty
seventeen. This seems bigger to me. It does and I and I don't
know if you've noticed this, SpeakerShultz, but we've known, uh,

you know, the Trump family andPresident Trump back in sixteen and back in
seventeen. They've been to your ranchand we you know, we've we've just
spent some time with this family.Great family, and this is a this
is a resilient family of strength ofwill. They are strong. And when
you saw that iconic moment where he'dbeen shot and you cannot script it,
and he said to fight, Yeah, it doesn't mean to pick a fight.
It means to defend. And we'reunder siege and we're not going to

stop this side of the family happen. Oh yeah, I've seen that.
I'll tell you what. What's excitingto me, what I thought was excited
was at that point in time,when there's that type of chaos going on,
it's instincts that takeover. And thatwas President's Trump's instincts that took over.
That's who I want run in thiscountry. Absolutely. So let me

ask you this. I sense notnot with Don Junior by the way he's
angry that his father had been shot. I mean, I mean, he's
not saying he's not disagreeing with hisfather in terms of unity, he's all
on board. But I can Icould sense yesterday in our interview the anger
of a son about what's happened tohis father. I could feel it,
and I know it and I understandit. But with Trump himself, I'm

seeing a more measured maybe even Idon't want to ever use the word humble
with that with our president, buthe honestly, but it seems like he
understands this moment and I feel likealmost dying has brought him. So he
ripped up that speech that he plannedto give. He wants to he wants
to reach out to all the allAmerican people. You know, we've talked

about hidden before and can he dothat? And we've talked about whether he
could unite the country. Are youfeeling a sea shift since Saturday at all?
I've seen it now feeling it?I have seen it. Yes,
People that I know that are closefriends that are never Trumpers have called me
and sent me letters and whatever andsaying this is unbelievable. What's happening.
We need to unite around what thepresident is doing right now. I'm excited

for Mike can't Speaker of the House. Should Donald Trump be elected and back
in the White House, wain whatwill he win? Okay, what do
you what are you hoping what areyou hoping that he does for Utah.
Well, I think one of thebiggest things that we're facing right now that's
just really top of mind for meis our public lands. Our public lands
are under siege right now with theBOLM and the federal government in those agencies

and Hughes. You are the onethat got President Trump to uh uh those
boundaries on Bears, Ears and escalone. That is I was as I was
in my hotel room getting ready fortoday. That's what crossed my mind,
is to be the Speaker of theHouse when this happens and to redo what
you did in twenty eighteen. Ithink it was when he came to Utah

and reduced those and for our wasttround listeners, why that matters to you.
The Bureau of Land Management, thefederal government is at sixty five plus
percent of the state of Utah.You can't put fiber cable, you can't
put utilities, you can't access,and we can't grow as a state if
the whole thing has to happen infour counties along the wast that front.
You need the whole state. Therest of our rural counties they're locked,

they're land locked. And it's afight every day even going beyond that.
That's where it was when you speaker. Right now, they are closing down
access to these lands, closing downthe access. You can't even go on
those lands. See, that wouldhave never happened if us still there.
What if? What have you done? What have you done? See my
excitement for President Trump. We're goingto reverse course on this stuff. I

tell you what. I have heardfrom a number of groups that enjoy the
outdoors, and they keep on shootingme noticing Rod, do you realize what's
going on down in Moab? Wecan't go anywhere anymore in Moab. That
is frustrating to people. They say, wait a minute, this is our
land. Can't we use it andenjoy it? And it's been sealed off.
It's it's you know, it startedwith oil and gas drilling and you

know, mining and those types ofthings, and then went to uh,
you know, grazing and you know, like you were saying that you can't
cross for the to get pipelines andstuff to these communities, waterlines to these
communities, and those types of thingsto these communities. And now we are
talking about access. They won't evenlet you go on the roads or even
go to your favorite camping or hikingspot. It's crazy to me. You

know. The beautiful part is thatroad was away and I was guest hosting
during our caucus night, and soPresident Trump got to call it called in
because he loves Utah. And atthe end, I asked, you're gonna
when you win, you're gonna lookat You're gonna have Utah's back. He
says, I'm going to reverse allthat Biden did. We're gonna get back
to it. And so I lookforward to that day that I will tell

you that, as you say,the stakes are higher now, aren't they
are? And so I think there'sa lot of work to be done,
and I think it's good for ourlisteners to realize this isn't This is a
president who, when he was onthe clock, did fight for our state
in Utah. And let me tellyou one of my things that I'm focused
on because you learned from the past, right, Yeah, we learned that
Democrat president comes in and none doesit. So we're going to work our

butt off to make sure that weput things in place that the next Democrat
president can't kind the things that we'redoing I'm going to be working on over
the next couple of years. Youknow, one of the great things I
think lawmakers did this year, Mike, was the passage of the Sovereignty Acts
and say, before you do anything, we're going to weigh in on this
first commination. How important is thatin your opinion for Utah to say not

yet? Well, I'll tell you. I think that's federalism. That's the
key to it. Out of controland out of control federal government. Right.
And look, Trump's going to comeback to you and when, and
He's going to do a things,but that still does not get at the
heart of the issue and federalism andstate rights and letting Utah be Utah and

make their own decisions, letting Californiado California thing whatever they want to do,
but stay the heck heck out ofUtah. Okay. So I think,
you know, putting those types ofthings in place is going to transcend
beyond just the Democrat president. Andwe're going to work find ways to to
keep keep good policy in the state. Yeah, that's great. Oh.

By the way, you know,when he was interviewing Donald Trump a few
months ago, the former president soonto be president again said you know,
I'll do all these things on onecondition. And he was asked him,
what's that condition, and he said, as long as you aren't around.
Yeah, that's said that. Theysaid, I'll do everything I can for

Utah as long as you are around. It was on Caucus night. You
never heard anything. He just said, you have to listen carefully between the
lines. Democrats, listen. TheSpeaker of the State House, Mike Schultz,

joining us here at the National Conventionhere in Milwaukee, the Republican National
Convention. Uh. Great time tobe here. Great, I mean,
just feeling the energy and everything.As you mentioned. Thanks for joining us
on the show as well. Thankyou for having me, Thanks for being
here. Taking it back to yourlisteners. Sorry, we love it.
Joy the rest of the convention thanhere on the Rotten Great Show in Utah's

Talk Radio one oh five nine.Were on Utah's Talk Radio one oh five
nine k n R as special editionof the show. Since we're on the
road in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, lovingit here live at the We're at the
Panther Arena, which is just nextto the main arena. But this is
talk show. Row, ladies andgentlemen, if you could see us.
We are we have I mean anyonethat you're either following that's a large blog

or podcast that people follow, orany of the large radio syndicated radio stations.
We're kind of like the local station. It gets to kind of elbow
our way in with all the bigwigs around here. It's been it's been
a great it's a great venue.Jesse Kelly, who show airs every night
from seven to ten here on TalkRadio one oh five done canter uses.

But right beside us. We're gonnaget Jesse on the show tomorrow. We
asked, let me be begging youto be on our show. Hey,
can I get on with you?I think he was it would mean a
lot to him to get on theshow with you, and I think you
said yes. It blew me away. When he was out a couple of
a couple of months ago at abrand new book out the line at Barnes
and Noble in Leyton. I thinkit was to get me Jesse and have

him sign their book. Was acountry a mile long? It was.
It was absolutely and he's such anentertaining guy. He is. He's right
next Tosey. I could hear youknow. It's a show. And it's
just just he's great. He's andhe's a super nice guy. You know,
sometimes you don't know these radio guysif they're if they're real or not.
This guy, he's a really niceguy. He is a he is
a good, good guy. Allright, let's talk about toning down the

ride now. Joe Biden last weekurged the American people to tone it down.
Yes, he was very defensive yesterday. Greg in his interview with Lester
Holt on NBC then, Hey,you know, I love the line.
You know, I didn't say bullseye, at least I didn't say crosshairs.
Uh isn't bullseye and crosshairs one andthe same. And he's talking about today,

he's critical. I think he spoketo the NAACP today saying, you
know, look what Donald Trump did. He called out the National Guard on
people who were protesting. George Floyd, you want to peacefully protest, and
he called out the National Guard againstyou. That is just and it's just
untrue. It's just they were theywere there to things were being destroyed.
There was there was violence. It'spolitical violence. Yeah, And the National

Guard was called in for him toframe that any other way, it's just
more of what he apparently told usthat needed to be toned down in terms
of rhetoric and inflaming people and theiremotions and suggesting that the world ends if
fascists and Hitler, if Trump Hitleris elected. And here he is today
and he's just back in stride becausehe's got nothing left. He doesn't.

So we want to open up thephones to you tonight. We've got a
few minutes here on our special broadcastfrom the Republican National Convention. Do you
honestly believe as we enter the really? I mean, it starts after a
labor day? Isn't that the traditionalstart of the run for the White House?
If the rhetoric will be toned downat all? I have no faith
at it that it will be.I don't. I think the question to

listeners is do you think that thatthere can be a lowering of the temperature
and a more substantive campaign about issues? And if not, well, are
the American people going to reject thesame old, same old? Or are
they going to or are they goingto buy into it as the media has
worked so hard to have them buyinto it in the past. Yeah,

you know, I think it's goingto be. I think it will have
a little great spirit here, butthat great spirits already at least, and
I don't think they can. Andyou know, it was so funny,
it was. I think it wason Sunday, George Stephanopolis on his show
ABC this week, had Martha Raditson there, you know, and everybody's

thinking, well, it's the Democratswho have turned up the rhetoric right,
calling him Hitler, Nazi, dictator, you name it. And on ABC
they're saying whether Republicans did it too? See George Trump, he said faults
for doing this. Look what hesaid of being Donald Trump. He's never
called for violence, in my opinion, in dust Joe Biden, and I'm
telling you that not even did democrat. The Republican did too. They lay

this at the feet of Donald Trumpand any anything he's ever said, it
was his fault that he was thatassassination attempt OCURR, which is you have
to be either lying or you justhave to be so disconnected from what's going
on around us, and both couldbe the case. Yeah, well,
we want to open up the phonesto you eight eight eight five seven eight
zero one zero trumple eight five seveneight zero one zero on your cell phone

dial pound two fifty and say hey, Rod, a couple of questions.
First of all, do you thinkthe rhetoric will be toned down? I
don't think it will be, andI think you agree with me. The
Democrats are trying to blame it onTrump. Is it fair to blame it
on Donald Trump? Because Donald Trumpsays what's on his mind and there are
people who are going to say,well, he could do this, and
he did this. I don't recallDonald Trump ever calling Joe Biden a Nazi,

calling him a dictator, Nope,calling him a fascist. I don't
think he's ever done that. MaybeI'm wrong with Greg. Be interesting to
see what our listeners have to say. Yeah, I want to see it,
because again, I think it wouldbe healthy. I might sound like
a broken record here, but again, uniquely, we have two serving presidents.

We don't have someone that's challenging andhas never had the job before and
will promise you what he's going todo if he ever gets the job.
He or she. We have twopresidents back to back four years and four
years. Compare them. Just dothe Let's have a substantive discussion about your
lives, were you safer? Wereyour grocery what were your grocery prices like?
Could you afford your home? Andcould you afford, you know,

to take care of your family castle? What did the border look like?
What was our military like? Whatwere the schools and the classrooms and the
curriculum like? And nothing's ever beenperfect. But if you were to take
the four years sixteen to twenty andtwenty one to twenty four, can you
tell me which one you'd want torepeat again? I can tell you.
I can tell you which one itis, and without without blinking, I

can tell you. And I thinkthat that substantive debate leaves Joe Biden and
the Democrats know where to go becausethey can't really have that conversation keep they
can They aren't going to have itall right eight eight eight five seven OA
egs or A one zero triple eightfive sevenage zero A one zero or on
your cell phone dial pound two fiftyand say hey, Rod, love to

get your thoughts on the rhetoric andif it will be toned down and if
Donald Trump is the man who shouldbe blamed for all of this. We'll
get your calls and comments coming upright here on the Rotten Greg Show is
we're broadcasting live from the Republican NationalConvention in Milwaukee. Your calls coming out,
Yeah, we certainly are back.We are live in Milwaukee. The
Republican National Convention well underway, justabout a block away from us. They're

at the Fire Serve Forum. We'rein the Panther Arena, which is a
beautiful basketball court used by UW Milwaukee. I bet they're called the Panthers.
You think you saw? What wasyour hints? Well, how did you?
Well? That big sign of thebuilding probably helped out the Panther Arena.
That probably helped out our broadcast beingbrought to you by I want to

mention this by No Farm Tax.If you want to learn more about it,
just checket out at no Farm Taxdot org. They'll give you all
the information there about what they're doingto save the nation's great, great farmers.
All Right, The topic we've tossedout for people tonight get their comments
on is the rhetoric, the heatedrhetoric that is taking place in this country
right now. Everybody's called for itto be toned down a little bit.

I think the great spirit that's alreadyover because that hasn't stopped, it's picked
up yet again. Well, youknow, while we're sitting here in this
at the Panther arena we have inthe big arbitron, we can see the
convention going on. We just sawa speech. We can't really hear it,
but we saw a speech by theWest Virginia Governor Jim Justice. He's
got his bulldog on the child store. That's toned down. That's that is.

That's a softer tone. That dogis so cute. That was a
cute dog. That ain't no manbeing the owner of two bulldogs over the
years, that ain't. That's alovable dog is just sitting there loving it
all. Right, Let's see ifour listeners are in love with the tone
down rhetoric, yes, that wehave in this country. Today we begin

in Ogden. Zane has been waitingvery patiently. Zaine, how are you
and welcome? We appreciate you joiningus here on the Rod and great show.
How are you, Sane? I'mdoing good, Rod. How are
you guys doing today? We aredoing good? What are your thoughts on
this? Sane? So I've gottwo theories on the everything. The first
and probably most likely is This isjust a really weak way of acknowledgment of

the shooting that happened, the attemptedassascination. It's just a real weak response,
just like everything else Joe Biden does, real weak and ultimately disappointing.
Uh. Secondly, I think itmight he might just be going off on
doing another thing that he does andtalking about himself and saying, hey,

guys, stop talking so much toknack on me. I can't I can't
get a break. I have tokeep doing all these Perth conferences and interviews.
I need to go take a nap. Good point. Good point,
Zane. Yeah he needs his rest, and yeah he does. Yeah,
it's thank you for the calls andthe observation. I mean, he doesn't

have anything else. He's trying todeflect. He's trying to mean it was
a week saying I've heard it said, and and I think it's what Zane
is point he's making is he couldeasily have said, these are the things
we're going to do differently. Yeah, we are going to get we're going
to change a secret service. Weare going to get that SERI, We're
never letting that happen again. We'regoing to stop talking in these tones.
I am going to look and becareful about what I say and all of

it. He could have said ordone any of that. He did none
of that, none of it.Yeah, yeah, well he could have
come out Greg and said, lookit, we are going to tone to
the debate. I think what ismost important to Americans right now is immigration,
of the economy, what's going onin the world stage. That's what
I'm going to focus on during thiscampaign. I'm no longer going to attack
Donald Trump. No, that's notgoing to happen. No. No,

if you were thinking that would forgetit. Let's go to Alex. Alex
is in West Valley tonight here onthe Rodden Greg Show. Alex, how
are you? Thanks for joining us, Thank you for taking my call tonight.
And what most people are missing isthat Biden put out a call to
action that's to encourage people to takeaction, to do something. When Biden

said they needed to put Trump ina bullseye, this was just the first.
Expect more because as we've been hearingthe rhetoric from other people and other
groups about how they missed or shouldtry again, they're going to do it
again. And Biden has never apologizedfor this call to action or rescinded it.
You go ahead. I'm sorry whenthey say Biden say camp Live,

ask that person to, uh,what are four items that he's lied about?
They can't repeat it. They're justbeing wrote from what they've heard.
It's so true. And and thankyou again for that call in the observation,
because you know Lester Holton NBC andlook, NBC has got to be
the biggest softball throwing or news socalled news organization to ever interview Biden.

I mean, all they want todo is prop them up. But Lester
Holt says, uh, to yourpoint, Alex, he says, he
says, you said put a bullseyeon on on Trump. It's time to
put a bull's eye on him.And it was and it was a call
to action, and he was actuallyasked about it directly, and his answer
was so ridiculous. He said,well, I didn't say crosshairs. I

didn't I didn't mean true, Ididn't mean a gun event. Focus.
Well, then, how are youtoday at the NCAA conference. Uh,
saying that that he was trying toTrump was calling the National Guard to attack
peaceful protesters about George Floyd. Thatis just a blatant lie. And it
again goes into the demonization of andthe and the stigma that they need to

attach to Donald Trump and anyone whosupports him. And that's the only place
they know how to go. Andhe doesn't get caught out enough on put
a bull'seye on on on Trump,like he said, See, they don't
see it. They actually think they'rejust pointing out facts. Yes, it's
they don't realize the rhetoric is mean, it is heated, but they think

or we're just pointing out the facts. That's what they do on the left.
And you know, I work veryhard, Okay, I work very
hard for this audience, and thatI have to endure The New York Times,
the Washington Post, the LA Times, and I read these rags for
you so you don't have to andand to see how they frame every single
issue. If that's all you everread, you would you never get the

whole story. I try to.I try to. I have news aggregate
sites that give me different stories fromdifferent sources. If you're just going to
the Times, the Washington Post,the LA Times, you're you're just getting
You're not getting news. You're justnot that is so true. All right,
are your phone calls coming up?Eight eight eight five seven eight zero
one zero triple eight five seven eightzero one zero, or on your cell

phone, justtyle pound two fifty andsay, hey, Rod, we're talking
about the toned down rhetoric back.It is a special edition The Rotting Rag
Show, broadcasting live from the RepublicanNational Convention and Wonderfilm, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
If you have enough fill of broadsyet, I had one broad I
mean you know I'm eating the I'meating the fried cheese curtsy. That's what
I'm getting. Those are the worstthing. They are excellent. I love

those. I didn't even know theymade fried cheese courage. Now you don't,
I'm totally into it. Well stayrepresentative of Carrion lives in BIA.
This was so nice. People justwalk back and say you want to be
on the radio. This I loveabout the National Convention and all my friends
and former colleagues and everybody's here.Everybody, just the place is buzzing.
Majority whip. I was the whipwhen I was there, so I love

the I think the whips. Youknow, the whip you got work to
do. I love it. We'regetting calls from people right now. We're
talking about the rhetoric and the heatedrhetoric that it has been in this country
for nine years now against Donald Trump, you know, the attempted assassination.
I think he's a bit of achange guy. I think we saw that
last night when he came out.But do you do you think that we

can tone down the rhetoric in thiscountry? Is it gonna happen? Do
you think, Carrion? I thinkwe can. Obviously we can make that
choice. I don't know that theleft will. Yeah, I think ultimately
if they don't, it undermines theircredibility even further. The American people are
losing trust. When you continue tolie and point fingers falsely at an individual,

it has to undermine your ability tohave a voice in the future.
So that's an interesting take because wewere talking to Break and I was saying,
okay, if it takes two totango sometimes to lower those the tone.
The Democrats are clearly showing they don'tknow how nor have any intention to.
They don't really have any real spacefor a substantive issue based race.

But you bring up such a goodpoint. Representative the American people. Will
they see through what the Democrats andwhat Biden's doing? Will they will they
be offended by it? Or wedo we have short memories and they're going
to forget it like they did Afghanistan. It is the summer before the election,
so it's it's it's a lot shortertime period. What's your what do
you I guess you're you're a publicservant. What are you hearing? Do

you think since Saturday that you're sensingsomething different in terms of people that might
not have liked Trump or weren't sosure or that do what What's what's your
sense of things? Absolute I'm seeing? I mean myself. I was crying
on Saturday watching the photos and itwas incredible. And you know, early
on I wasn't on team Trump.I was on team DeSantis. But when

Trump became the nominee or the obviousthe obvious nominee, I was all in.
And after Saturday, I'm all ineven more. And I hope that
the American people can see what we'reseeing here. I was astounded at Trump
last night, him on stage.Yes, it is clear he's a changed

man. Yeah, we've just gota been before. We need to get
to a break hery in. Butwhat's your sense about how the convention is
going? Right now? Wow,it is a hopping place. I'm still
trying to wrap my mind around.This is my first time here and it's
just been incredible. It's an incredibleexperience watching all of these passionate people who

love our public and love our countryand love Team Trump. And I'm grateful
to be here and be part ofthe support. So how the speech is
going, Well, we'll finish theshow here at seven o'clock on Mountain time,
and then we're going to head overto the to the convention. And
so today's theme it's a it's makeAmerica safe once again. And this is

a place where we representative you spenda lot of time. I know we
have. We're coming to a breakhere. But do you think that with
imm a great illegal immigration, howit has impacted Utah in this country?
Are you hearing speeches and are youhearing the today's theme in a way that
you it gives you hope that ifyou win, he wins, that Utah
itself will be improved. It's anabsolute necessity he has to win because that's

the only way we get these problemssolved, she said succinctly. She was
great. Absolutely, That's why she'sthe whip. She knows what to do.
I was never good at that part. I got to tell you now
that. All right, Our numberthree it is the Rodden Great jow Bro
bodcasting live from the Republican National Conventionhere in Milwaukee. It's been great.

We'll be here for a couple moredays. Another great hour of great gas
and topics coming up right here onthe right, great show. You want
to hang around, I'm hanging here. We're in for the long haul ride.
Yeah we are. We're here.We're here. That's all coming up.
Stay with us on Utah's Talk Radioone oh five nine o KNRS.

The second night of the Republican NationalConvention here in Milwaukee. Brought our catalong
with Citizen Hughes. Night number two, and they're already critical Greg. The
media is already out there after thosewho are speaking tonight, and they're all
people who tried to take down DonaldTrump. They couldn't, so they're allowing
them to come on stage and speaktonight. A parade of vanquished foes who

previously criticized Donald J. Trump.We'll speak on the second night, you
just love it. Yeah, whata what a what a wit? That
is just a just the fart inthe room, you know, just just
ruins the whole thing. To sayit that way, that is not what's
happening here. You've got a partythat is uniting together, rallying around one
another, as you would hope aftera primary season's over. And uh and

by the way, earlier they don'twant to say this, but earlier you
have a lot of great emerging USSenate candids that spoke today. Yes,
a great guy from from from Virginia, who Justice, Jim Justice, the
governor from West Virginia, the guyfrom the Republican nominee for the Senate seat
in Virginia. He talks about thebang he banged his hand on the elector

and he talked about that's the soundhe heard when the Communists where he's where
he was from, he was fromwhat country? Whatever, comments to the
countries they were from, took hisparents away. And he just says,
and this is the quote I'm reading, it says, don't embrace the American
dream if you're not willing to embracethe American laws and embrace the American culture,

that's that's addressing two things. That'sdressing our law and order, our
public safety, as well as theculture of a country, land of the
free, home of the brave.We we are not divided. We are
not divided by identity politics. We'renot divided by you know, the cancel
culture and everything else. We are. We we have each other's back,
and I just I just love that. Uh, those messages from that that

candidate. Well, there are twostars that are coming out of the convention.
You're ready, here's my prediction.Donald Trump of course be the nominee,
and Jim Justice is bulldog. Yeah, I know, I love that.
Paul Dock he brought the dog onstage. The dog had a better
chair to sit in than you andI have right now. I know it
was really nice. I have adog. Her name is Ruby. I

think she's beautiful. I should Ishould post a picture if Jim just Ruby,
if he if he's going to bragon his dog, I should.
I should be pushing my dog becauseRuby is beautiful as well. So it's
Jim Justice as bulldog. Yeah,it's cute. We had two bulldogs,
Lucy and Gracie. Did you reallyYeah, we love the bulldog. I
don't know what Ruby is. Ithink Ruby Ruby has some genealogy that has

bulldog in her for sure, butI don't know. You know, yeah,
but I don't. It didn't it'snot one hundred percent bulldog, So
I don't know what she she's she'skind of lethargic like a bulldog. Yeah,
but no, anyway, I shouldput my pictures out of Ruby.
Yeah. Now I want to talkabout it because you said something interesting the
other day. I can't believe I'madmitting that, but you said something interesting
the other day about the Biden campaign, and your thought was, as I

recall that if nothing is done toJoe Biden between now and the convention,
or even after the invention, yourtheory is that the Democrats are are showing
the white flag, they're they're givingit. I want to add to that.
I think if in fact that's thecase, they're doing it for reason
number one, because they don't likeBiden. They think he is too old.

They can't convince him to get outof the way, and he won't.
Reason number two, I think that'sgood for the Democratic Party if they
know raise a white flags were justyou know, were on given they get
rid of Kamala Harris. That's rightbecause I mean, if you think about
that, Greg, if if she'son the ticket, they lose. I
think her political career is over.And I think they would like that to

be the king. And I thinkthe Democrats will be the king. They'd
like to thin that they don't havea bench to start, but they those
two, whether it's President Biden orVice President Kamala Harris, they're they're not
their strong that's not their strong team. No. I still look, I
you've known, I've said this tolisteners that that I have always always worried
that they would They'd wait till afterthe Democrat nomination. Biden would have it.

Then he would come to this realizationthat he can't run any longer,
won't or at least not seek reelection. And then the Democrat National Committee,
which would take two hundred and fiftyor three hundred, would and these
are the elected officials that are Democratsand the party chairs of each state would
vote a brand new ticket. Andmy greatest fear is that it would be
a Michelle Obama, who I thinkwould would pose the greatest challenge to to

Donald Trump. After Saturday, youwonder would they even risk a Michelle Obama
losing to Donald Trumps And so maybethat's not the case, but that is
my worst case scenario, is thatrolling out? Well, you know what,
I I just find it so interesting, Greg, that the longer he
takes to get out of the race, the more likely it is he's not

going anywhere. Now, the otherquestion I have, Greg, and maybe
you've seen this, where are thenew public opinion polls showing the horrible debate
which was what now three weeks old, and then, of course the assassination
attempt on Saturday. Understand the assassinationattempt, but where's the polling on how
America, what America thinks about himafter that unbelievable, horrible debate he had.

And I haven't seen any polling ofyou, No, I haven't.
It's a liberal media afraid to showit because since Saturday, the entire I
mean NonStop narrative about him having toget out of the race from his own
side, it ceased. We didn'tsee that anymore. I think they're trying
to figure out what's next, andthey're starting to come out with some new
narratives, some new approaches, notnew, they're actually the same approaches.

So they're getting back into the game, and you know, we'll see.
Well, I think I am socurious to see because our previous guests in
the last segment, state Representative CarryenneLisby the majority whip in that state House.
She believes, and I actually agreewith her, that if the Democrats
can only continue to demonize and stigmatizeDonald Trump and supporters, which was like

seventy six million people in twenty twenty, which is the largest number of people
that have voted for aside from Biden'spre tend eighty one million, if they
can't break that mold that they've createdof stigmatizing and demonizing Trump, it will
turn off the American people. Thepeople will be put off by this.
They are no longer ready to acceptthat Donald Trump and what happened to him

is worthy of our concern and oursympathy. And it doesn't matter what party
you're from, you represent Krriyenne Lisbeththing. That is the consequence if they
decide to keep going the route theregoing, I will I'm really looking forward
to Thursday Night's speech to see whatPresident Trump says is his move, what
is he going to do to strikethat tone. What is he going to

do that we are going to hearand we are going to support in terms
of how he'd like to lead allof America in a unified way. I
I'm really looking for. This isthe speech I'm probably looking forward to more
than any acceptance speech from a Republicannominee for president. And how does jd
Vance, who will speak tomorrow night, he is the vice presidential nominee to
go with Donald Trump? How doeshe set up the president? Does he

use tomorrow Knight's speech to almost setup Donald Trump and talk about what is
going on? How does he Howdoes he do that? I? I
think that does he does? JieMan his story? Yes, jd Vance?
He was. He grew up poor. He grew up as poor as
as you're going to. He wouldbe what I call white trash. I
have a I have a strong lineageof white trash rod and uh and and

and so he grew poor. Youwould look at his him by way of
demographics and you would not see upwardmobility. You wouldn't see any of that.
He lived through nine to eleven,he saw the attacks happen. He
joined the Marines, YEP, heserved his country, he got out of
the Marines, he went to hewent to college. He got into Yale
Law School, law school at theage of thirty one. And he starts

his book by saying, I haven'treally done anything worth writing a memoir.
It's almost arrogant that I'm doing this. I've never I graduated from from Yale
Law School. But three hundred graduatesa year graduate from Yale Law School.
That's not that great. Yeah,he goes, I'm not a senator,
and all this anyway. He goeson to tell a talk about a marginalized

the majority of Americans who are theworking class. You know, they've been
marginalized, they've been demonized. Hisstory and how he was able to overcome
it with the and live the Americandream and then and then defend the American
people in a unique way, froma unique perspective. We've not heard from
uh people doing this. Why thebook was such a best seller, the

Hillbili elogy, is because we haven'theard somebody articulate this America the way he
did. Here he is. Nowwe're in Wisconsin. You're looking at Michigan,
another rest belt state. You're lookingat Ohio, you're looking at Pennsylvania.
I believe that jade Van's Center,Vance's speech on Wednesday night is really
going to speak to the everyday peoplewho don't really trust politics or trust politicians

per se. But he is goingto draw in that audience and he is
going to speak to in America thatis the majority of this country in a
way that they feel understood. AndI think that's what Trump already naturally does,
and I think that's how he setsit up. If you're asking,
well, you've talked about you know, the people out there that he will
talk to, they typically are notpolitically engaged. No, they do not

get involved. You know. Nowwhen it comes to helping their communities,
they'll be there in a flash.Yes, they don't get politically involved.
I think now they feel they almosthave to greg if they're going to slow
down what's going on in this countrybecause it frightens people out there. But
it's not going to be anyone thatpulls them in because they don't trust politicians.

They don't care what party you're from. They don't trust politicians. And
there's a good reason not too.If you look at this country, you
look at the why Washington works,there's good reason, and so that's what
that's what Trump. No. Peoplethat don't understand Trump, especially the political
class people I've run with in politics, just do not understand why he's popular.
It's those rough edges. Whatever itis about Trump that makes him different

than everyone else, is what makeshim authentic, makes him the unpolitician,
and that is that is why theytrust him, because he doesn't follow the
rules. He doesn't he doesn't focusgroup what color tie he's supposed to wear.
He's not trying to say nothing tooffend no one. He doesn't play
those games that have sadly become Americanpolitics. And that is why you see

people the everyday people vote in numberswe've never seen. And for him,
he doesn't have long coattails. Ifhe tells you that he likes someone,
it's like, Eh, they looktoo much like a politician. I don't
know if I like them. It'snot sheet music people are singing from.
It is just he is connecting uniquelyto the American people. And I think
jd. Vance, at the youngage of thirty nine bookmarks does the same

thing from his generation that people loveabout Donald Trump. So I think that's
why that's such a powerful ticket.Now, it's going to be interesting to
see how this all falls out.Looking very forward by the way, Nikki
Haley is speaking here in a veryshort time at the Republican National Convention.
Ron DeSantis, who I think.I think his decision to get out after
Iowa was a smart movie as hewas, he looked at it said right

now, it's not my time.I understand it. He needs to be.
He needs some of the rough edgespolished before he gets out. If
he takes another shot at it intwenty twenty eight. I think he's done
an unbelievable job in Florida. Yes, can he take that on a national
level. We'll have to wait andsee subsetctively at Courage under Fire, he
led a state, there was aswing state that he won by less than

one per sent in his first election, won by a landslide. Even helped
in the school board races to getthese kids and not let them be sexualized
in our schools. He is andbeing attacked by the national media. He
has shown all the things we wantto see out of a leader, but
he jumped the gun a little bit. And I think that this speech tonight
and the unity we're going to feelas a party will also help us with

Ron De Santis being a potential leadergoing forward. Yeah, all right,
more coming up. It is theRod and Greg Show. We are broadcasting
live from the from Milwaukee and theRepublican National Convention right here on Utah's Talk
Radio one oh five nine CANTERATS castinglive today from the Republican National Convention here
in Milwaukee. And you know theone thing, Greg, that I think

we all fear when we have anassassination attempt that we had on Saturday,
that there would be copycat efforts made. And we've got a breaking story today,
this from Bill Malugin, who iswith the who is with Fox News?
You want to read that? Imean? And Bill Mallugien is a
great reporter. He's done a wonderfuljob with Fox News and covering what's going

on on the border. He ishere in Milwaukee, and here is a
frightening story that he's learned about tonight. Yeah, so just breaking just within
the last hour, per federal lawenforcement source, yesterday, Capitol Police and
HSI surveilled at the RNC Secure Perimeterpoint a suspicious man wearing a ski mask

blocks away from the five Serve Forumand he's speaking his own words. He
says, I'm told he had ofAK forty seven pistol, a full magazine,
and a Scream the movie Scream,a scream mask, and a large
backpack he was carrying. Milwaukee PDarrested him, unknown what his plans or
intentions were. I think, Iknow, I might not be a detective,
but I think I know what thescream mask and a magazine and an

AK forty seven pistol what he's lookingat. Milwaukee PD confirmed that they arrested
twenty one year old man. He'scarrying this concealed weapon, did not have
a concealed weapon permit. Secret Servicereferred to referred to the Bill Milligion to
the Milwaukee PD, and he's reachedout to the Department of Homeland Security for
comment. Has not heard yet.So that just happened yesterday at one o'clock.

Wow, and so copycat again,you're going. I think you're going
to see more of this. Ithink the left, and I think the
violence we've seen on campuses, Ithink they know no other way. Rod,
I don't think there's any other waythan the destruction of our institutions and
now just trying to create general chaos, you know, the Democrat National Commute.
I don't think they're going to beimmune to this. I think there's

going to be the potential of violencewithin their own party at their own convention.
Yeah yeah, and so yeah,we'll see what how they handle that
in Chicago. You know this,You know, as we've been here,
what a couple of days now,day two of the convention, and we
as we talk to people, wehear some people complaining about the security and
they you do have to walk.I mean, you know, we ubered

up here today and our Uber drivers, Grace says, oh, I wouldn't
have picked you up if I knewyou're going to the convention because you know,
if he drives into an area,it takes him forever to get out
of here. Do your wisdom andknowing the streets of Milwaukee, you said,
no pull off here, and wecan get off, and we were
able to get through. But youyou know, for a we're what a
block and a half away from theconvention center here at the Panther Arena,

this whole area is sealed off.I mean another block this way, another
couple of blocks. Now, nobodygets in here. You walk and security
is very tightened, but it soundsof it. We're glad it was tight
Yes, absolutely, and so that'sthat's happening. When I was in twenty
sixteen, when we were in Chicago, I'm sorry, Cleveland, that was

an immense show of law enforcement.And it's not just our federal agencies.
Back when I and I was speakingof the House in sixteen, so we
had a very very large Utah HighwayPatrol, Utah public safety presence that was
joining the convention effort. I've seenoutside during grabbing some indeed, I've seen

the Miami Dade Police leader here.I've seen from jurisdictions across the country.
You're walking out last night, therewas a police officer from Colorado. Oh
that's right, Yeah, that's fromColorado and from Colorado. And so we're
seeing and this is where law enforcementscoming together for these conferences to really ensure
that these political parties and the freedomof speech can occur. But we're seeing
that they're being tested. They're beingtested at a high rate. And so

that's that's breaking having just happened.But I guess we should sadly shouldn't be
surprised. Yeah, if you're justhearing those, says Palluging, and reported.
Milwaukee police have confirmed tonight that undersurveillance, they stopped a suspicious man
wearing a ski mask blocks away fromfly Server, a forum that's where the

convention is being held. He saidauthorities have told him that the suspect had
an AK forty seven pistol, afull magazine, and a scream mask.
I think if you've seen those movies, you know what that looks like in
a large backpack that he was carrying. I don't even know I was,
but we don't know what his intentionswere. The man has a scream mask,
do we not? Let mean,what do you need a CSI episode

to figure this one out? Onme? Come on, we know exactly
what this lunatic was going to do. He has a scream mask. We
know mayhem, Yeah, terror,that's what he was gonna do. Sure
my goodness. Wow, all right, we've got another half hour of the
Rodin Great Show coming to you livefrom the Republican National Convention right here on
Utah's Talk Radio on five nine kn R. S. All right,

we are live in Milwauke. Finalhalf hour of the show tonight. As
we wrap up night or day,I guess number two of the Republican National
Convention. It's been a lot offun. Right now on the stage is
by eight Ramaswami. He we've hadhim on the program, you know,
in the past, and he's lightingup the crowd right now. These are

he sure does you know? Youknow, my Queen Bee christ has been
worried about JD. Vance being thevice presidential nominee because she hated to lose
such a strong voice and all thatleadership in the US Senate. Well,
I would say to Queen Bee christaand anyone else that's worried about that,
when Trump wins and JD. Vanceas the vice president, what about but

as the Ohio Senator, As anOhio senator, I think he could fill
those shoes adequately at least, don'tyou think? Oh? I think he
could. Yeah, and we gota challenge, but they'll find it get
there. You know. The thingis the bench strength the Republicans versus the
bench strength to the Democrats. Imean, come on, it'l there's so
many good young Republican leaders out there. And you know, other than Boy

Wonder, Pete Boodhajeedge, you know, the small town mayor. Yeah,
I don't see any other youth onthe side of the Democratic Party right now,
not any sane youth. I mean, we just you know, the
twenty one year old with the screammask. You know, he's on the
bench of the Democrats over there.I don't think we want him either,
So he got kicked out of ourcom or our commit He'll probably be he's

probably a delegate to the DNC.But but you know, so it's uh,
it's you know tonight. I don'tknow if you've seen ladies and gentlemen
the lineup, but the lineup ofspeakers is quite powerful. We're hearing from
of Ake Ramaswami. He's speaking intothe crowd right now. But after you
know, you're going to see uh, Ted Cruz is on on you know,

is ready to go. As you'vebeen mentioning Nikki Haley and Ronda Santis,
the family that you mentioned. Yes, that's a sad story their who
was killed illegal alien. Yes,And and look I see some what they're
calling everyday Americans that will be speakingtonight. I think the perspective of people

that are not elected but are justthe people that their lives have been impacted
one way or another. Uh,these are important voices we're going to hear
as the night progresses here at theNational Convention. And again, I think
that's something that's less part isan,less about your party platform, more about
the American people just needing the support, feeling under siege in the world we
live in, in the country welive in today, and they are scheduled

to speak at this convention. AndI think that's a good statement. And
I'm looking forward because hopefully when weget done, we can get over to
the convention center and take in afew of these speeches. But you've got
back to back Nicki Haley, RondaSentis talk about that is a wonder pleasure.
What one of the papers say,the vanquished, Yes, the creative

vanquished follows we suppose will be speaking. I'm really looking forward. Marco Rubio
is a very good speaker, yes, and he's going to be one of
the concluding speakers along with Lara Trumpor Laura Trump tonight from the Republican National
Committee. Can I take a minuteand talk about this because I see this
that just angers me. Greg.I don't know how much you've paid attention,
because we've been here in Milwaukee butmajor League Baseball's All Star Game.

Yes, last night they had thehome run derby. Okay, the woman
who was selected to sing the nationalanthem, I don't know who this is.
She's a I guess a country musicstar. Her name is Ingrid indrests
right, Okay, she sang itdrunk, really did a horrible job with
our national anthem. Terrible, youknow. And she came out today and

said, I sang it, Iwas drunk. I apologize. I'm going
into a treatment center to get thecare I need. You know, what's
wrong with baseball? Well, wrongwith baseball, but just wrong with people.
Yeah, Well, so she walksout, she admits she was drunk.
You listen to her rendition of theStar Spangled banner and you just cringe,

and you the whole run derby.I'm so into this convention. I
didn't even get to see it.You just get so frustrated. Now,
judge when no, he didn't,he didn't participate. He did no,
Tommy, oh he didn't. Yeah. Neither one of them did well,
even though someone has effort him onemillion dollars to do their own, which

would be kind of fun, funto watch, fun to watch, But
country Star Cody Johnson, who wasselected as the Young Rising Star. But
I think it was the American MusicAwards. He sang tonight at the game
itself knocked it out of the ballpark. Good, good acapella. Not I
hear that song is one of themost difficult songs to sing. I heard

you. I've heard it sung inenough uncomfortable ways for people that are supposed
to be good singers that I haveto conclude that there must be something up
with that that song would Heavens,no, you have a music not at
all. Hey, but my,my, my, Paul Skiin is the
youngest starting picture of the All StarGame ever. He's starting and he has

an inning behind him, zero hits, zero runs. Uh, what's that
pitchy throws you were telling me?Either they call it they call it the
splinker. It's a sinker and asplit finger fastball at the same time.
No strikeout. Still for that firsthit, you know, well, he's
going against baseball's best. Yeah,just all zeros though, pretty tough to

do. All Right, We've gotmore coming up right here on The Rotten
Gregg Show. As we continue withour live broadcast from the Republican National Convention.
Lee Greenwood. It's up there singingright now at the RNC at the
Convention Center, which we've said it'sjust about a block away from where we
are. As soon as the showgets done, we're heading over there.
Some great speakers. Tonight. We'resitting with our Utah delegation of alternate delegates.

We don't get to be on thefloor, but we get to be
in the stands. We'll get onthe floor before this thing. Yeah,
we have got actions. Yeah.Yeah, you called Donald Jr. Is
your best of buds with them.When you talk. People might not have
seen your face, but as soonas they hear your voice, it's like
it's just the whistler starts running over. They can hear you. It's something

else to see, folks. Youhave to see it happen. By the
way, we should mention this ifyou didn't catch the interview that we had
with Don Junior yesterday, it's upon our podcast. That's right. Actually
I had some requests for that.And if you go to the iHeartMedia and
you download that app, you cango to the Arcut Show and all of
all of your programs are archives.So this week is archived in yesterday's it's

about the six o'clock hour. Yeah, I figure with us. Yeah yeah,
and it's time stamped. If youlook at the podcast, it'll tell
you what time he came on theshow. But check it out. It's
worth listening to. He has notspoken really all that much since it happened,
since the tempt assassination on his father, So there's some insights. So
I think some human experiences in ourin our exchange with him that people haven't

heard. An interesting note, hewas back here in the media center today
and I was wandering around. Iwonder, you know, we were looking
for someone or something. And Iwandered around and I got to a certain
area and said, sure, youcan't go here. I said, well,
do you mean she goes? Sorry? Secret Service? And I realized
what they were blocking anybody within acountry mile of Don Junior right now.

They're just they're so concerned about anotherattack on the Trump fan and I think
it's they're doing everything they get elevatorsfrom yesterday because he was over here and
I we were lucky told he textedme you would but I didn't even know
if you could see me with allthe people that are around. To remind
him that he said, sit downwith us. But I think it's with
what we reported in the last segmentabout someone being stopped with the screen mask

on the AKA gun in a fullmagazine, that they're even getting strong.
The security is getting tighter. Yeah, as we said that, sure is
all right. Some final thoughts comingup from the Republican National Convention. Rod
and Greg broadcasting live from Milwaukee.The Rodi Gregg Show is rebroadcast live tonight
from the Republican National Convention here inMilwaukee, Wisconsin. Great lineup of speakers

right now. Speaking to the conventionis Mayor Eric Johnson. Mayor Johnson was
the or is the mayor of Dallasand African American who left the Democratic Party
to become a Republican because he justsaw what was going on with the Democratic
Party. He's got quite a storyto tell. Dallas police, by the
way, Greg, I think youknow this have been recognized by their wonderful

efforts to cut down on crime.I mean a lot of cities from around
the country are going what are theydoing in Dallas, because apparently it is
working. But he is speaking rightnow to the convention. As we said
a little bit later on, aswe mentioned. Ted Kruz will be speaking,
Nikki Haley, Ron De santis Uh, doctor Ben Carson, Marco Rubio
will speak tonight. It is apowerful lineup of speakers tonight. I'll tell

you what. And you bring upDallas. I'm so glad we have a
mayor that's speaking at national convention tightbecause lives of TikTok. They're reporting that
that Dallas police Sergeant Arturo Martinez literallyput on a social media post aim better
in regards to the attempted assassination thepolice I leave. It just blows my
mind to do that. He hasbeen put on administrative leave, as we

would expect, as he should be. It is free speech in this country.
But come on, I mean,well, that's you know, they
say the classic example is yelling firein a movie theater. I think a
police officer saying am better is aboutfire and a movie theater. As you
get so, we're getting already thefeedback from A. Vake Ramaswami's speech.
If I could just share just amessage that I because we've asked this question,

how do we move forward? Whatis that message sound LIKEE? Bvaik
said, he said, and I'mgonna quote and Our message to to gen
Z is this, if you're you'regoing to be the generation that actually saves
this country, you want to bea rebel. You want to be a
hippie, you want to stick out, stick it to the man, show
up on your college campus and trycalling yourself a conservatives. Conservatives say,

you want to get married, havekids, teach them to believe in God,
because you know what, Fear hasbeen infectious in this country, but
courage can be contagious, contagious too, so that that too, is what
it means to be an American.He's saying, Look, if you want
to be a rebel, the greatestexample of being a rebel is to say

you're a conservative and that you wantto get married and have kids and teach
them about God. You're going toget You're you're gonna get the man,
hating every single word, the system, the elite. Nobody wants to hear
you say that. In fact issome have gone into inner city schools and
they've said, the simple give youa ninety percent chance of never living in
poverty, graduate from high school,not college, high school, get a

full time job, get married,and have children, and that and that,
Yes, in that order, andyour chances in America of never living
in poverty are more than ninety percent. And literally they've tried to stop that
speech. And and a minority principal, who's who's come across this teaching this
to kids and that you know,disadvantaged areas. They've said it's racist to

teach that sequence. Yeah, well, I love that line. What do
you say was courage is contagious?Yep. And one person stands up and
shows courage, others will follow gregand that is so important in this country
today. I've seen I've seen fearin the political arena be infectious or contagious.
You've seen it spread. I couldsee it spread amongst lawmakers that live
in swing districts and whether they shouldvote for a tough bill or not.

And I can see how that spreads. But I've always believe that courage is
contagious too. I've seen it,I've witnessed it, I've lived how you
can you can find courage in oneanother and doing the right thing. So
I do. I love that,and I love that vive A pointed that
out in his speech tonight. Well, and you mentioned jd Vance is leaving
the Senate. Yes, when DonaldTrump wins November, you've got to find

a good replacement for him. Andyou were mentioning that, Grandma, Yeah,
I can think of no better versonto take his the age, demographic,
the vision, the understanding of what'sin front of us and what it's
going to take to keep this countryand restore it and keep it strong.
And you're seeing him up tonight atthe at the National Convention and uh,
and you're seeing the Uh. Ithink he'd make a great replacement. Speaking

of JD. Vance, he isnow entering the arena live to a great
applause and great reception. He'll bespeaking tomorrow night. That's the keynote speaker,
and then Donald That's Donald Trump.Hey, how much time do we
have? An old time? Ijust want to touch on this quickly if
we've got a couple of minutes.Had a couple of listeners that said,
what about this? H this reportthat President Biden is looking to sponsor and

support changes to the Supreme Court,major changes to the Supreme Court, which
sounds pretty unsettling. He'd like toestablish term limits for the justices because he
doesn't like the justices that are there. Funny how Republicans have never argued for
this when we were seeing decisions wedidn't like. He wants a constitutional amendment
that would eliminate broad immunity for presidentsand other constitutional office holders. He better

be careful there, because I don'tthink that guy's been all right the law.
I mean, that could be thatcould bite him. He'd like to
see the changes in ethics rules becauseonly Clarence Thomas, in his mind,
has done anything wrong in this world. And he wants to see different ethics
changes. And they'd like they'd likesome some changes because the new Court's decision

on abortion and the regulatory powers thatthe executive branch has been able to foist
on people without without congressional action,he'd like to see that come back.
All of those things I've described,ladies and gentlemen, would require congressional action,
of which I think might be morepolitical pageantry, political reality that doesn't

go anywhere. All right, Thatdoes it for us. Tonight is Day
two of the Republican National Convention.Greg and I will be back again tomorrow
as we broadcast live from Milwaukee.We've got another great lineup of guest We
invite you to join us tomorrow startingat four it's all Lake study time.
All right, heads up, shouldersback, Thank God, bless you and

your family in this great country ofours. We'll talk to you tomorrow live from Mill

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