Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Lunchtimers. This is the Matt Thomas.
Speaker 2 (00:05):
Show, SANO two in h Town. Good morning, everyone, and
welcome do a Thursday edition of The Matt Thomas Show
with Ross.
Speaker 3 (00:14):
We're all here.
Speaker 2 (00:15):
This is Sports Talk seven ninety as anybody we have right.
Speaker 4 (00:19):
Now in the FL seven Play is four course downs
and out eighth play for a touchdown. Derek Henry pounds
at home, brother, want to start for Baltimore? Play action
for Jackson. Pump Jackson stepped on the brakes, extending the play.
Speaker 5 (00:37):
Throws Amazon touchdown, Isaiah likely Lamar Jackson making magic at
h Town.
Speaker 1 (00:47):
Jackson, I'll keep this time and look at the speed.
Speaker 5 (00:50):
Lamar Jackson, Who's gone touchdown? Love Merry Christmas? Forty eight yards?
Speaker 2 (00:58):
Derek Henry's down the bulk of the damage throughout his career.
Speaker 4 (01:01):
Person goal Jackson, play action cooks it.
Speaker 5 (01:04):
Why don't been touchdown? Mark Andrew's tenth of the year
and Jackson is cooking three.
Speaker 2 (01:13):
Grisly and in well. I help all of you. Got
your presence yesterday? You spent time with family and friends. Yep,
open your stockings up. You got the sweater that you wanted,
or maybe the remote control vehicle or that paras socks
or you got I don't know whatever you was on
your wish list, because yesterday was a day that you
wished for a Texans victory. Frankly Ross, battle Red Ross.
I'm gonna probably call you this between now and two o'clock.
You wish for a competitive game. You got none of
that and liked it.
Speaker 6 (01:49):
I didn't like it, but it wasn't a competitive game.
You are correct. Thirty one to two, thirty one to
two thirty one to two man thirty one two.
Speaker 2 (02:04):
Thank god we're here because there are a bunch of
wannabe radio hosts on YouTube channels or film miserable hosts
that are trying to sell you. Oh, they'll fix this.
This team is toast and you know it. Battle Red
Ross knows it. Deep Steal Dan knows it. Texans Darlene,
although she's an idiot because she's all she's trying to
do is get on TV. She doesn't know because she
didn't know anything about football, so didn't matter. This team
is done, finito, I mean, and it. You ain't coming
back from this, mom man, You know it?
Speaker 6 (02:42):
I mean, I guess it depends on what sense you're
talking about. They're in the same spot that we thought
they were coming into this game, that they weren't a
World the World Series, they weren't a super Bowl, and
they have a better chance of winning the World Series
in the super Bowl at this point.
Speaker 2 (02:56):
So yeah, actually, you know what, there was a positivebout it.
This go ahead, yo ya, you don't have to play
Baltimore in the in the wall card you might have
a chance to win a wald card.
Speaker 6 (03:08):
Yeah, maybe they take the game, not just what it was.
They tanked. It was it was a tank job, so
they could have. Let's sell it as.
Speaker 2 (03:14):
That, You're not gonna find it anywhere else in any
of the radio station to toab the Texans intentionally tanked
to avoid Baltimore in the playoffs, that makes total sense.
Speaker 6 (03:23):
We talked about it when the schedule was released. We
pointed to this stretch of the schedule. We said we
were going to learn who the Texans really were by
this time of year, And we have learned who the
Texans really were. They're they're They're mediocre at best. They're
not horrible.
Speaker 7 (03:39):
To me.
Speaker 3 (03:40):
They've still won nine games.
Speaker 6 (03:41):
Even though that was the worst performance of the year,
it wasn't even close. They obviously have major issues. They
do have some injuries, and they're not anywhere near where
we were hoping they would leap this year.
Speaker 2 (03:54):
And c J.
Speaker 3 (03:54):
Stroud, by the way, had his worst game of the year.
Speaker 2 (03:57):
Okay, I I brought this up, and it's a phrase
that you sometimes in sports. One of our favorite players
massively underperform. Is CJ broken?
Speaker 6 (04:11):
Maybe I don't have the answer to that question, but
he's been he he now, he looked. He looks really sharp.
For a lot of stretches of the Chiefs game, I
will say.
Speaker 2 (04:19):
So, let's let's get into it. The overthrows. That's just
bad mechanics, right, I mean there, he didn't do that
last year.
Speaker 6 (04:28):
He's rushing with his feet more this year than he
did last year. He's not getting a set He's not
been last year. He was way more cool under pressure.
Speaker 2 (04:36):
Speaker 6 (04:36):
But I think maybe the amount of pressure he's been
in under has has possibly gotten to him and to me.
He missed more throws in that game. Of course I
don't chart every one of CJ. Stroud's throw he missed
more games in that throw than he has all year.
Speaker 2 (04:50):
Yeah, he looks like and and look, it's not a
Darren headlines because I think he is, that he knows
what's going on. I think he's wanting to win. I
don't belie this is injury related. I do believe this is.
Speaker 6 (05:04):
I mean, he missed some time in the game, and
he has talked about how he's not been one hundred percent.
I was even mentioned what was one of the Thursday
night games, the Thursday night game they had.
Speaker 3 (05:12):
I don't know what that was weeks ago. Was it
against the Jets?
Speaker 2 (05:14):
But how many, but how many NFL quarterbacks are feeling
great after sixteen weeks of competition. I mean, he knows
he can't. He can't go to the injury card, especially
when Pat Well he not and he hasn't. No, that's
what I'm saying. I mean, I refuse to believe that
he is so hurt. If he's so hurt, he can't play,
can't play. So that's not I'm not even used as
a factor. This is a byproduct of losing some key receivers.
This is a byproduct of his offensive line being mediocre
at best. Although there were some lanes ever opening.
Speaker 3 (05:44):
Yes, they're horrible, They're horrible.
Speaker 2 (05:47):
Oh no, no, no, no, no. Nick Cassaro didn't think there
was anything to worry about come trade deadline.
Speaker 6 (05:51):
Well, he didn't have Kindrick Green and Blake Fisher on
the right side of the offensive line with Titus Howard
kicked outside.
Speaker 3 (05:57):
This is not this is not the offensive line the
nickos Harry envisioned.
Speaker 2 (06:01):
Yeah, but Nick Cacio also didn't want to do anything
come trade deadline. He just thought we're fine, you know,
he just he gave us a bunch of words salad
around the deadline, and it was ridiculous. He should have
done a better job of at least kicking the tires
of find something. But that's that's other Here he's he's
regressed a little bit, and it's and here's the thing.
Speaker 7 (06:18):
C J.
Speaker 2 (06:18):
Straud is still a franchise quarterback. You've you've got I'm
on your side on that. But sometimes franchise quarterbacks have
off time. Sometimes rookie year campaigns lead towards sophomore slumps.
And he's in a sophomore slump. You add on top
of the fact that your defense has been hurt by injuries,
you you have two key receivers gone. There's just nothing
that they're not gonna come back from this, and it
is what it is. They'll go hopefully try to fix
this in free agency. They'll hopefully be able to go
get this with fix it in the draft. But this
season's done. It's there's no there's no coming back from that.
That was yesterday one of the worst performances I've ever
seen in my entire life.
Speaker 3 (06:59):
What do you mean this season the home team?
Speaker 2 (07:01):
Yeah, I mean no, they might win a wild card
game and that's a mite, but there should be nobody thinking.
I mean, the difference between Kansas City, uh, Buffalo and
Baltimore just took I mean, it was a it was
wide separation to begin with. It's ten times worse. Now.
There are people around the world going, how in the
hell are the Texans going to the playoffs? That's how
bad it was yesterday. They're like, are the are the
Texans really getting into the playoffs? They were bostening that
Alabama should take their spot in the playoffs the playoffs
for some.
Speaker 3 (07:34):
Sort that seems a little extreme.
Speaker 2 (07:39):
Yeah, I know, I mean, it was just awful.
Speaker 8 (07:44):
It was.
Speaker 2 (07:45):
It was just an awful day for people to go,
oh boy, we gotta check in with Connor. Connor, you
went the game, You probably had more fun beyond than
the game itself.
Speaker 9 (07:56):
Beyonce was the best part. I checked out in the
second half. I was just talking with my friends and
hanging out. No, you didn't do you stayed at the game, though,
I stayed in. So there was five minutes left in
the fourth. By that energy was pretty empty except for
Ravens fans of course.
Speaker 2 (08:14):
Yeah, all right, So, I mean, so I'll throw up.
I think this is I mean, if you win the
wild card game, it's unbelievable because I I don't think
they're I mean, I look now, granted Pittsburgh was terrible yesterday,
and Denver, I don't I'm not sold on. I told
you this when we did to tell the truth on Monday.
You got a chance against Pittsburgh, you got a chance
against Denver. You're not beating the Chargers. I don't care
if the home game, and you certainly aren't being the
Baltimore Ravens. So you tell me. I mean, so, do
you disagree with those four thoughts?
Speaker 6 (08:48):
I didn't catch all of them, but I don't think so.
They're just yeah, they're in shambles right now. The offensive
line is a mess. It was already one of the worst.
It was already coming down the stretch one of the
worst units in the league, and they were they were
whole horrible yesterday.
Speaker 7 (09:01):
C J.
Speaker 6 (09:01):
Stroud definitely looks like he needs some time off, like
he needs the off season in the worst way. And
you're down, You're down Stephan Diggs and tanked Dell That
that is significant.
Speaker 2 (09:11):
Yeah, but you get Alsie's out our earback this week.
Speaker 3 (09:14):
Okay, great?
Speaker 1 (09:15):
Speaker 6 (09:19):
I mean, if he's even gonna play, has there any beeny,
any announcement about who's who's playing or I guess we'll
hear some more from coaches he's speaking today.
Speaker 2 (09:28):
I have not seen an calendar for what they're doing.
Speaker 9 (09:31):
Okay, no media availability the rest of the week. Oh,
that's a good idea.
Speaker 2 (09:36):
That's probably the best smart for everyone involved. We'll see
you next week.
Speaker 10 (09:40):
Speaker 2 (09:41):
Yeah, well, you know, have a long weekend. Enjoyed town
with your family and friends. It's a Christmas group exactly
by the way Ham on Christmas Eve. It was quite delicious. Okay,
thank you, Matt and barbecue yesterday for Christmas Ross brisket,
Burnand's ribs. How do you feel about that?
Speaker 3 (09:58):
Wow? You ate brisket. I'm proud of you.
Speaker 2 (10:01):
Math the it was the moist brisket too. Okay, lean
that word, but I like to lean in the moist. Ah, yeah,
that's true, but the moist is better.
Speaker 3 (10:14):
Uh, it depends on how it's cooked.
Speaker 6 (10:16):
I can prefer a perfectly cooked lean to me, is
is good, but a lot of places don't do the
lean perfect There you go, then you gotta go all right?
Speaker 2 (10:23):
Seven one three two one two five seven ninety seven
one three two one two five seven ninty. I mean
if I say that the Texans won the walk card,
do you go, all right, Well, then they do that,
then maybe they'll get their mojo back. Or do you say?
You know what? I don't even care if they win
the walk card, because again, Kansas City, Baltimore, and uh
Buffalo have certainly separated themselves from the rest of the AFC.
Seven one three two one two five seven ninety seven
to one three two one two five seven eighty. I'm
here in New Orleans. Uh Ross is back in Houston.
We've got Yeah, I'm not in studio with you. You're
a week log twelve thirty. We have he may a
Doka We've got That's why we should have been together here.
Uh he may Dooka is at twelve thirty. Today we
have shut Your Bull mass up at eleven thirty. Got
that going on, and we have a Doctor Roto hosted
by Ross today at one o'clock as Ross goes for
yet another championship. I mean there is a there's a
lot of sadness in the iHeart fans trying to cement
the dynasty. One of them is you.
Speaker 6 (11:24):
We'll see how it goes. Matt, and you're at the league.
You're playing Trey. It's me, yes, it's myself and Trey.
I've got some injury issues and some concerns. We'll see
how it shakes out. I'll speak with the doctor and
I bench Xavier Worthy Worthy who got nineteen points.
Speaker 2 (11:38):
Hate to hear that. Seven one three, two, one two, five, seven, eight,
ten to fourteen. Matt and Ross with you here on
Sports Talk seven ninty.
Speaker 11 (11:46):
The Man Tana Show with Ross continues so on Sports
Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 2 (11:58):
Kidding so ten nineteen. This is the Matt Thomas Joe
with Ross. I'm here in New Orleans and Ross is
back in Houston. Great to have all of you with
us on this Thursday. I hope you guys that are
very happy and safe Hanikah and Christmas. Uh and uh,
sorry that your local football team blank the bed. Glad
to see that. Hannah and Cal really aware of what
was going on with them and they want to jump
out in the convertible and hang out with Beyonce during halftime.
Speaker 3 (12:23):
H it's nice. Nice to see them and see the
ownership at the forefront.
Speaker 2 (12:27):
Good for them. No, they were tone deaf. Seriously, go town,
Thanks but no thanks. That was terrible.
Speaker 3 (12:34):
Oh you don't think that was the suggestion of one
of them?
Speaker 2 (12:39):
No, are you kidding me? Hanna gets a chance on
national stage and be hanging out with Beyonces. She ain't
turning that down. You don't know idea? Oh I'm sure
it was. Here's a great idea. Why don't we go
out there in a separate vehicle and run and hang
out with him? And our team's down seventeen to two
and our fans are doing us at halftime. Let's go
out there and do it. Cal's like, okay, whatever you
want to very Christmas baby.
Speaker 6 (13:03):
Yeah, I'm not going to turn down the shot to
be near Beyonce. How about that one guy who's the
luckiest man on the planet.
Speaker 2 (13:12):
How lucky is he?
Speaker 3 (13:13):
Do you know what I'm talking about. No, did you
see when she got held up?
Speaker 12 (13:21):
Speaker 2 (13:22):
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, I can of be Brilli. Honest
I don't know any of her songs. So she did
sing Blackbird, and I was very impressed with that because
that was a Beatles song.
Speaker 3 (13:31):
Yeah, she covered it on her latest album with Paul
McCartney's Blessing.
Speaker 2 (13:36):
Well, I would hope so. I mean, he is one
of the greatest songwriters of all time, the Lennon McCartney duo. Okay,
and I'm starting a debate. I don't want to do that. No,
I'm ran to ba. They wrote great songs. I feel
like you're clenching your teeth as you say, I just
dubbed my toe. That's fair, that's fair. Uh yeah. Her
outfit was just unbelievable. I mean it, it was actually polite.
Speaker 6 (14:08):
You didn't tweet anything this time. We're proud of you
this time. That did not not this time pretty as
years I might have, but strong to very strong, as
some might say one Beyonce Knowles. Yeah, and by the way,
just like I thought it would. I went to go
look on social media. How was the performance?
Speaker 2 (14:24):
Half America hated and a half I loved it, which
is again, party lines got politics got in the way
of politics.
Speaker 3 (14:30):
That's oh, I guess she did appear. Okay, I forgot.
I didn't even think about that.
Speaker 2 (14:33):
Yeah, yep, yep, but I didn't know. I didn't know
any of her songs. So really, you know, after she's
saying blackbirdy came out in that outfit, and I had
my well my wife next to me, I was like,
let's go eat, and so I just saw it from
a distance.
Speaker 3 (14:46):
All of a sudden, you're you're hungry for a honey
ham All of a sudden.
Speaker 2 (14:50):
Correct, how much do we do? We know how much
you got paid for that? I have no idea.
Speaker 3 (14:54):
It had to be a pretty penny.
Speaker 2 (14:56):
I mean.
Speaker 3 (14:57):
To get Beyonce.
Speaker 2 (14:58):
I mean, that was a that was a Super Bowl halftime.
That wasn't like a let's put out. Uh yeah, yeah.
That wasn't the the teacup girl what's her name? Oh uh?
The red Panda, red Pand that wasn't Red Panda halftime.
That wasn't the dog that catches a frisbee in the year.
That was then Beyonce. That had to be a pretty penny.
Speaker 6 (15:19):
It was a whole As you mentioned, they had a
full band, they had all the cars. They she got
lifted up on a platform that was Super Bowl esque. Yeah,
but that's good.
Speaker 2 (15:30):
I mean that was the highlight of the night. Frankly
and watching Mark Andrews uh not four four four point
four speed down the sideline right sideline in that game.
Speaker 6 (15:41):
According to Variety, the halftime performance costs twenty million.
Speaker 3 (15:47):
I don't know how much of that is that goes
straight to Beyonce.
Speaker 2 (15:52):
So how much did Netflix pay for that? And how
much did the NFL pay for that? Did did the
Texans have to cut a check for that? I don't know.
Hannah's like, uh, I'll pay for some of this, but
I'm gonna damn well meet her and I'm gonna be
in a in a convertible behind her, and Cal, you're
coming with me? And if you don't want to, too
bad And Cal's like, I'm going, how are you kidding me?
I get a chance to hang out Beyonce. Sure throw
up the ages in front of her? Did they do that?
I didn't notice?
Speaker 13 (16:22):
Speaker 2 (16:22):
Yeah, Well Cal's always throwing the ages up when he
can because he sets down through and through Matt. Yeah,
his age town three and two and he's going to
be a one playoff game through and through. Let's go
to kennon Numble ten twenty four on seven Hunty I Ken.
Speaker 14 (16:36):
Hey, guys, how you know I'm driving back from Dallas
and his poor running. But I covered about two three
weeks ago by the offense from my head, I said,
they were followed me up with this with that. But
you know, the the thing about a kid at quarterback,
you know, would you want to be standing back to
you if I think he's trade or shy? And he's
and and the kids are one hell of a damn
right quarterback. And but we're seeing changes any because when
you've got to stand behind an offensive line, take it
for me like that, he's gunshot. His throws indicated. I mean,
you know you're thinking about what's coming from from your backside.
He's running for his life, trying to make throws on
the runs. I feel for the kid. And what's said
is the Texas they known if you're gonna have a
quarterback like that, you gotta you look at him a home,
Look look at his home. If you have a quarterback that,
you've got to do everything in your power. People say
defense wins championships. Let me tell you that's great, that's
that may be true. But if you don't have an
offensive line, you can't you can't control the football at
when at important times, well especially put points on the board.
Speaker 15 (17:42):
You're not gonna you're not.
Speaker 14 (17:43):
Gonna be successful. I know they've won nine games, but
look who they beaten. But I just feel bad for
the kid. He's he's really a super talent, but he's
right now. You can't blame him for anything. I just
you know, you can just watch his footwork, his throws,
and you got you two guys know football. He's shell
shy right now. He's trying to get rid of that
football without getting killed. I'll tell you the worst thing,
the one thing I'm gonna go let you guys talk
about it. But the one thing about it is watch
the kid. Watch his expressions when he's out on the field,
when he's walking off the field. He's just not a
happy player right now. And I don't blame him, and
I feel bad for him. If I blame the Texans,
they knew we had to build an office for life
with this kid, and look what they gave.
Speaker 2 (18:31):
And with that, I'll let you.
Speaker 14 (18:33):
Guys comment, but I mean that's just what I call.
Like I said, I caught a few weeks ago and
everybody people filled with boohoo, it's not the line all that,
but yeah it is. And until the Texans are committed
to put some good people in front of him, it's
gonna be a rough road for him. So but TJ,
I think it's a it's a great cleaz, a hell
of a damn young kid, and he's got a ton
of talent, but shame on the Texas for putting what
they put in front of him. I'll leave it at that.
You guys comment, I'm heading back from Big D and
you guys have a great, great day.
Speaker 2 (19:07):
Thanks, Ken appreciate it. Okay, So I don't want to revisit.
I don't want to re I don't want to. I
want to go.
Speaker 3 (19:14):
Let's be accurate about the history.
Speaker 2 (19:16):
So they signed, they draft Blake Fisher, right, yes, and
they picked they drafted Juice Scrugs the year before, and
they said, uh Green, we're gonna give him an opportunity
to be to be one of the starting offensive linemen
because yeah, because he has been often hurting when he
was not heard. He sucks. I mean, I don't mean
to be blunt, but I'm trying to think of it.
I'm trying to I don't. I'm trying to be accurate here.
Just this is stating facts. So that's where the goofle
was was well, thinking that Blake Fisher could step in
here right away and help, and maybe he wasn't needed
to do that. It has been You've got guys moving
in and out of different spots. You Kenyan Green has
been terot. Kendrick Green is just a guy, a shack.
Mason Ross looks like he's fifty six years old right now.
I mean so yeah, I mean, what do you do
if you if you were if you had a chance
to go back and recreate and redo this, what would
you do? Would you go draft more offensive lineman? Would
you go spend some more money in fens? Where where
was the where's the flaw on how this was developed
to begin with?
Speaker 7 (20:31):
Speaker 3 (20:32):
I would say the interior line.
Speaker 6 (20:33):
I feel like, I mean, Titus Howard has been a
good NFL right tackle and you've been paying him good
money and Larry Tunseel you'd prefer him not to have
fifteen penalties or whatever he has, but you you don't.
Speaker 3 (20:45):
It's not a need to address left tackle. At that point.
Speaker 6 (20:47):
You drafted Blake Fisher as a black up, backup plan
for kind of a developmental year for him, and he's
been playing better since he was horrible to start the year.
But I would say, yeah, interior or the line perhaps
could have could have been addressed at some point, especially
the Yeah, anywhere in the interior could have been addressed.
Speaker 2 (21:07):
Yeah, Ted twenty nine and it's the Matt Thomas Show.
We got shuts up on Max up coming up at
eleven thirty today, we have the News at noon, we
have Doctor Roto, We have I may Adoka Rockets and
Pelicans tonight playing here in New Orleans. And I don't
believe it or not today. Ross, you want to give
me the category, I'll do it, okay, absolutely whatever it is.
Would you like.
Speaker 3 (21:26):
How about questions about the four touchdowns scored by the Ravens.
Speaker 2 (21:36):
How about who would want a foot speed contest between
Mark Andrews, me and you? Who would finish first, second,
and third?
Speaker 3 (21:44):
I would go Andrews first, then me and then you.
Speaker 2 (21:47):
By the way, does Lamar Jackson have that zero to
sixty going pretty fast when he takes off?
Speaker 3 (21:52):
That guy's pretty good.
Speaker 6 (21:53):
Now even if the Texans offense was humming on all cylinders,
they probably lose that game. But it looks that much
worse that they were just horrible, horrible, Yeah.
Speaker 2 (22:02):
Yeah, ten twenty nine, Matt and Ross with you till
two o'clock this afternoon seven one three two one two five,
seven ninety.
Speaker 11 (22:09):
More Matt Thomas Show with Ross now Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 16 (22:17):
Everybody didn't play well, right, and that's everybody. Nobody played
good enough for us to win the football game today.
So of course there are, you know, opportunities we had
that we did it make, not only you know from CJ,
but defensively tackling all those things like in position to
make plays. At the end of the day, you have
to make plays. The Ravens made way more plays than
we made today.
Speaker 2 (22:58):
Yeah, they were not good last night. Let's get into
it if y'all want to. I mean, I mean, all
the happiness of Christmas is gone. It's reality time. Your
NFL team is a hot mess right now. Ten thirty
six on Sports Talk seven ninety seven one three two
one two five seven ninety seven one three two one
two five seven nine eighty Ross, here's a reality of
it too. I know it was a short week for
everybody that played yesterday. They could have played this game
Sunday at twelve noon. I don't know we had a
different result. I mean, the Texans look defeated almost from
the jump. And I don't know. We're hearing finally, not
finally because I don't think it's fair, but we are
hearing some criticism of Demico not getting his guys ready
for this game. Uh.
Speaker 6 (23:48):
I mean, it would probably be more inside football. It's
to get into that.
Speaker 2 (23:53):
I guess.
Speaker 6 (23:53):
I don't know exactly what they could have done more
as far as scheming and all that type of stuff.
But it was a short week. But the raven were
on a short week as well, and they just looked
it just looked like they didn't belong anywhere on the
field with the other team. And that hasn't happened since
the game against the Vikings very early.
Speaker 3 (24:11):
On in the season.
Speaker 6 (24:11):
They've lost some games, yep, but to where they got
completely and utterly outclassed. They looked like they were at
least I don't know, somewhere on the They weren't as
good as the Chiefs, but they were somewhere in the
in the ballpark. They didn't belong on the field with
the Ravens.
Speaker 2 (24:26):
That was that was I mean, a.
Speaker 6 (24:30):
College team scrimmaging against a high school team is what
it looked like yesterday.
Speaker 2 (24:33):
Yeah, well that was in the storyline. The theme has been,
this is a team that won a division that's one
of the worst in sports. It's you know, it's nine
and seven. Right now, it acts like a nine and
seven team. It acts like it's been played to Jacksonville
and Indianapolis and Tennessee and blah blah blah blah blah blah.
I mean, it looks like it's played a first play schedule.
When you play somebody that's really good, you're gonna get beat.
And here's the crazy thing it as ross is this
is the same team that beat the Buffalo Bills that
gave Josh Allen one of his worst days ever. I mean,
I thought, well Anderson early on looked like he wanted
to play. Yeah, he was playing well early on, and
I mean.
Speaker 6 (25:11):
The game just completely slipped away with the turnovers and
with I mean not getting the fourth downs and the
fourth and goal that it looks that's missopportunities. That's points
off the board, which I still stand that they should
have gone for that fourth and goal because you needed
eight You need sevens, not threes against Ravens and Lamar Jackson.
Unfortunately you couldn't. You didn't get sevens or threes. You
didn't get any of them. But it's been a season
of we've been away. Even when they were up five
and one, we were talking about, Okay, this team's five
and one, and I was saying at that point, they
still have an opportunity to play better and to show
us that they are going to be a contender, and
it just has never materialized.
Speaker 3 (25:50):
It's never come to fruition, isn't it.
Speaker 6 (25:52):
It's that you can point to the injuries or whatever
you want to, but it's just it had they have
not gotten all on the same page. And they haven't
had really a dominant performance.
Speaker 2 (26:02):
Speaker 6 (26:02):
I mean maybe against the Cowboys who were down a quarterback,
and then what else the Patriots game when Drake was
making his first start. So we're talking about the Cowboys
who aren't missing, they aren't going to make the playoffs,
and the Patriots, who are one of the worst teams
in football. Those are their two best games. Other than that,
it's been a struggle even when they've been winning and
beating the Colts or the Jaguars or whoever.
Speaker 2 (26:22):
I'm gonna ask you this question, and I really don't
have the answer to it, because you know, I don't
know the intricacies of football like this. But what happened
to Joe Mixon? I mean, Joe Mixon was getting one
hundred yard games, Joe Mixon was breaking tackles, Joe Mixon
was getting seven eight yards of carry? Where has that
been the last? Are we just talking about going against
better teams, because maybe that's the answer. But it wasn't
like he was not doing having some success against some
good teams. He had good night. It wasn't like he
was getting fat happy against the Colts and second against
everybody else. But for the last month, Joe Mixon and
maybe maybe it's the injuries, I don't know. I'm a
little throwing this out to see what people can figure
that out on this. He hasn't been the same player
the last month or so.
Speaker 6 (27:04):
Yeah, and he's had multiple ankle injuries this year, So
I don't know how much that's hampering him or slowing
him down. He's still their best option. And I would
also say early in the year when he was getting
going and really flexing his muscles. It's not like he
was getting eight nine yards per carry. Necessarily, it was
averaging out. It was one hundred yards, but it was
like twenty carries twenty five carries. And he hasn't really
been able to get in the rhythm in any of
these games because they've been behind and you know, to
one bad run and then all of a sudden and
then a mispass at third and twelve. You're not gonna
run on third and twelve if he's even going to
be on the field, and then you're going three and out.
They're not having sustained drives. He's not going to rack
up carries. He's not going to be able to make
his presence felt in the other team's defense if he's
not even on the field and able to get the opportunities.
Speaker 2 (27:47):
And one of the things that we have counted on,
especially since CJ first took over as the quarterback of
the team, is his impeccable accuracy throwing into tight windows,
being able to complete passes for first downs when you,
I mean, how does that ball get to that receiver.
I'm talking about Nico Collins or before Stefan Diggs gets there,
even Dalton Schultz. The two screens and they made have
been on the same driver. I think they were in
back to back drives. I don't remember which one it was,
but there were two screens that he massively overthrew, and
you know, and and they kept saying Greg Olsen kept
saying something is off and something and I don't know
what that is, but we had the accuracy has been
the number one thing this year that we have not
seen that we saw last year from CJ. And I
want to know what that is too. Is that because
of the constant heat? But ross, that's a quarterbacks due
quarterbacks in the NFL face heat. I mean, if you
don't sit in a clean pocket for sixteen to seventeen
weeks a season, that's not it's just not possible. But
as the early effects of being hit and being sacked
as much as he has forced him to be had
not the case of the yips, but he's just not
as confident because of all all the different hurries that
he's had to go through this year.
Speaker 6 (29:02):
I think it's all of the above. I don't think
he's one hundred percent healthy. Just the way he's moving around.
He just hasn't looked like that since probably, I mean
even the Jets game.
Speaker 3 (29:11):
I think it's been. It has been the pressure. It
does look like it's getting to him.
Speaker 6 (29:14):
It looks like even I think he anticipates not having
a clean pocket, to where even if he's cleaned for
two to three seconds, he's like, I gotta get moved,
I get it moved. Even if he there was a
couple of times yesterday where he would have had five seconds,
but at three seconds, he's starting to run. He's starting
to look around, he's seeing ghosts, and he's starting to
rush things, and then he's rushing his throat.
Speaker 3 (29:35):
He's not setting his feet. Perhaps the I.
Speaker 6 (29:38):
Don't know if I'm just speculating, if it's a legg
jury or whatever, but he just doesn't look like he's
moving great. So he maybe he's not planting as well
and as stoutly as he can. I don't know, but
I think it's a combination of everything.
Speaker 2 (29:49):
You know, It's like quarterbacks supposed said that clock on
their head get rid of the ball for a certainly
the time, it's almost like he's trying to get rid
of it a half.
Speaker 3 (29:55):
It's an accelerated clock, and that half a second is everything.
Speaker 6 (29:59):
Last year he throwing, he was standing in the pocket,
guys were bearing down on him, and he was throwing
under pressure and he was taking the hits, but he
was also still braving the pressure.
Speaker 3 (30:11):
And I just don't think he's doing that as much
this year because of how much pressure is one.
Speaker 2 (30:15):
Three yeah, yeah, seven one three two one two five
is seven ninety seven one three two one two five
seven ninety I brought this up multiple times, and I
don't know when you've been with me or not, but
somebody Ross is going to be very disappointed because Kansas
City is playing out of its mind right now, going
to Pittsburgh and completely destroying the Steelers yesterday. But then
you've got Josh Allen, who needs a Super Bowl in
the worst way you need Lamar Jackson. They are gonna
be now. I'm not nobody feels bad for Kansasity because
they went back to back, but ROSSI, Josh Allen, and
Lamar Jackson are having MVP type years. One of them
is not even going to the Super Bowl. Isn't that crazy?
Speaker 6 (30:55):
Yeah, that's the nature of the be SAE and that's
that's also the narrative That's why I hate the super
Bowl or bust narratives or this Olamar Jackson doesn't have
a super Bowl, so Josh Allen doesn't have a super Bowl. Like,
it's hard to win a freaking super Bowl, man, just
because the Chiefs and Pat Mahomes make it look easy.
Speaker 2 (31:14):
It's hard to even get there. At this point, when
you got the Chief standing in front of you, it's
almost like that, you know what it is. It's like
the Rockets trying to win Western Conference when the Golden
State wars in front of them. We don't have to
bring that up. I want to do it again, I
promise seven one three, two one two five seven ninety
shut chill butt my masks up coming up at eleven
thirty today, the it was at noon, Emaoka twelve thirty
and Doctor Roto at one. We got a busy edition
of The Matt Thomas Show with Ross ten forty four,
Sports Talk seven ninety, The Man.
Speaker 11 (31:40):
Tama Show with Ross continue so on Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 2 (31:49):
There will be no one complaining about NFL football next
year on Christmas because it's on a Thursday, which means Rossie,
we're not gonna get two games on Christmas day, we're
gonna get three.
Speaker 17 (32:01):
Speaker 3 (32:03):
Right, does Amazon have rights to that date?
Speaker 2 (32:09):
I think they, Well, again, everything is adjustable. I mean
they you know, they they adjusted to have a Black
Friday game. I mean there's no like said rule that
says every Thursday game must be on Amazon.
Speaker 6 (32:21):
NFL says, you will cut the check. We'll figure it out.
A football on a Wednesday.
Speaker 1 (32:26):
We got you.
Speaker 2 (32:27):
You want to play Tuesday morning at six thirty in
the morning so people in Paris can see it. Yeah,
we'll put a game on.
Speaker 3 (32:32):
We'll figure it out that.
Speaker 6 (32:33):
Yeah, we'll send you the Jaguar Jacksonville, Carolina. You guys
are available, We'll put you guys on there. So yeah,
maybe it could be as you're you're predicting a triple header,
it could be one Amazon game and then two Netflix.
Speaker 2 (32:45):
Or it could be, you know, all three could be
on one.
Speaker 1 (32:46):
Who knows.
Speaker 2 (32:47):
I mean my guess is Netflix is very pleased with
spending one hundred and fifty million dollars because they got
Beyonce on there. I mean, you got you had millions
of people that could give two craps about Baltimore and
Houston playing football watching because Beyonce was performed. I was doing.
Speaker 6 (33:00):
For the first game, I was kind of I'm not
really watching super intently. And then the second game we
played on CBS, so they're but there were no streaming
issues for Netflix.
Speaker 2 (33:08):
Right, I don't think so, no one. I was doing
the same thing I put on Channel eleven two. So yeah,
just not not. Yeah, I don't think anybody said anything.
I think people generally speaking said the graphics were good,
the production was good. I mean they Netflix spent a
lot of money putting the people on the broadcast. It
put a lot of I mean a lot of extra cameras.
They had the blimp, I mean all that kind of stuff. Man,
Titeo was there. It's great. One and fifty million dollars
for the rights to burn. It was two football game.
My god, is the NFL powerful. It's like the sports mafia,
you know what I mean?
Speaker 6 (33:47):
Yeah, yeah, I get you, Like they're taking over. Like
it was a tweet I retweeted. It was like the
NFL is just taking over all the corners.
Speaker 2 (33:55):
Yeah yeah. Meanwhile, Lebron's like, hey, you know, I love
being NFL. It's been important to us, but the NBA
is our day. I'm like, Bride, ain't your day? Anymore. Well,
I mean, I love the NBA myself. It's never going
to be the NBA's day over the NFL's back.
Speaker 6 (34:10):
The NBA was a better product on Wednesday than the
NFL was, just by virtue of the blowout games. I mean,
we were watching, We're pretty invested in Houston, but how
much how much were people watching when the when the
Ravens got up big like they did, well again, they
probably stuck around until Beyonce any on that they were done. Yeah,
let's go to the phone seven one three two one
two five seven ninety seven one three two one two
five seven ninety Tims and Friends with ten p fifty
two on seven ninety high.
Speaker 2 (34:36):
Speaker 18 (34:37):
Well, what's up, guys, Matt. It's been a long con
since I called into your show. But hey, one thing
I've always appreciated about you is you know you're laying
And I don't mean that in a negative way. I
really appreciate earlier when you said you don't know the
intricacies of football, and I appreciate that. Man, don't bess
and pretend like you did.
Speaker 10 (34:51):
So I really appreciate that.
Speaker 18 (34:53):
So listen, I got I got a question and a
short comment and then I'm gonna hang up because I'm
driving and it's freaking rain. I'm gonna listen you guys
talk about this. So when it comes to the Texans, right,
so you pull up quarterback sacks over the past. God,
you can go back as far as you want, but
let's just say all time, right, there's three Texans in
the top seven, and CJ is second this year in
sacks allowed. We've spent high, high draft picks on three quarterbacks,
David Carr, Deshaun Watson, and now CJ. I'm different kind
of curious, is why do we spend so much of
our draft capital and stuff moving up to get these
guys or having the ability to get these guys and
squandering their their potential careers. I mean, I look at
you know, Deshaun was kind of different, right, but Carr
was a product of his environment. And I'm not gonna lie, man,
I'm worried about CJ. I'm starting to see happy feedback
there that the dude is constantly under fresher and I
don't understand why it's an organization we can't being to
protect the guys that go out and draft high. So
once you got maybe chat about that but hey, I
got one real quick comment for you, and this is
a real unpopular opinion, but I think it's factual. Tank
Delle is the Lance mccullors of the Houston, Texas.
Speaker 10 (36:13):
Oh jeez, great day after great day.
Speaker 2 (36:17):
I got one thank you. Be careful, be careful driving,
but apparently the weather's not great back home, so go
or driving and rain, be careful, tornado watching to be
in effect leader of this afternoon as well. Let's go
to Tank real quick. Rossie, he ain't playing next year.
It's not that's what it sounds like.
Speaker 6 (36:32):
It sounded like what did they say, kneecap A cl
pl m c L they they were making up of initials.
Speaker 3 (36:39):
He got Tommy John as well.
Speaker 2 (36:41):
He got Tommy John, which I didn't think you can
get in a knee, but you can get to Tommy John.
He's gonna have career. Arthur writis like Freddie Sandford head.
Speaker 6 (36:49):
I mean, it is a potential career threatening injury, all
tearing all those ligaments with your kneecap busting as well.
Speaker 2 (36:55):
And the fact is if this was the number one
thing that I was scared about, and again was friendly fire.
So it wasn't like he was an What happened to
him there could have happened to anybody.
Speaker 6 (37:05):
I would are the his size perhaps played a factor
in the first injury, even though anybody could get rolled
up blocking in the in the red zone like he
was in that first one.
Speaker 2 (37:16):
So but can somebody and here's the question, can somebody
six Can a receiver that's normal six two two fifteen
with stand with the friendly fire that tank dell?
Speaker 3 (37:25):
Couldn't you got somebody's firing like a missile at your knee.
I don't think so.
Speaker 6 (37:29):
I think that I think anybody in the when the
planet gets injured there, But yeah, you don't know the
But here's the.
Speaker 2 (37:34):
Thing you can't argue is that somebody that's of his
slight build is going to have a longer recovery time.
I don't know. I mean, I feel terrible for him
because he's a nice young man. He's worked his ass
off to get to the NFL, because he is a
typical of a typical receiver size and build. But that
was the number one thing is it, can can this
guy stay in the NFL as big and physical, whether
it's friendly fire or non friendly fire? Can he withstand
freakish injuries? Non freakish injury. Who knows. And yeah, I
would be stunned if he plays in twenty twenty five
because there's no way he's running for training camping. And
then at that point, what would you bring somebody in
that has had the kind of injury you had and
say week thirteen of a season. I don't think you
want to do that either.
Speaker 3 (38:20):
Yeah, the foot victors I follow, say fifteen month injury.
Speaker 2 (38:23):
So ooh gosh, almighty mm hmmm.
Speaker 6 (38:28):
Speaker 2 (38:29):
Now, as far as the offensive line is concerned, Rossie,
here's the thing. Every team fights through this. Every you know,
we always do these reports. We have different people on
from different cities. You know what the common theme is.
I don't know if you pay attention to this or not,
but everybody's worried about their offensive line. Everybody. Everybody, even
the Baltimore guy we had on Cordo Woodland to day
from a one O five to seven the fan in
or the game or whatever the hell it's called, he
was worried about the Baltimore offensive line. I don't tell
me of a team, and I know there's got to
be one, but it can't be twenty of them. The Lions. Yeah, okay,
maybe the Lion. That's right.
Speaker 10 (39:07):
We went.
Speaker 2 (39:07):
We had Detroit's radio guy out of They were fine.
They're fine.
Speaker 6 (39:11):
They're not worried about off but everybody's worried about it.
Eagles are not worried about the offensive line. I don't know,
there's some other chiefs line chief stuffage has been pretty good,
but even Baltimore was worried about it. It's about having
one of the worst units on the planet. That's what
the Texans have. Everybody is worried about their offensive line,
and everybody's going to say the quarterback.
Speaker 3 (39:30):
Needs to be protected.
Speaker 6 (39:31):
But you look at any sort of metric that you
pull up as far as blown blocks, uh, pressure rate,
all that type of stuff. Texans are amongst the worst
in football. And they remember they were had somebody penalties
in the first half of the year. At leasty're not,
you know, illegal formations not an issue anymore.
Speaker 3 (39:45):
That's good.
Speaker 6 (39:46):
At least it's not constant false starts from Laramie Tunsil,
although I just jinxed it.
Speaker 3 (39:50):
Now, when's the last time he had a false start?
Speaker 2 (39:52):
It's been a while, right, it's been a while. Yeah,
it's been a while. But you know that when you
watch a Sunday night game. They have the p f
F the rankings I underneath the guy's name.
Speaker 3 (40:00):
Yeah, I noticed that.
Speaker 6 (40:01):
I think they didn't even bother putting up Kenyon Greens
or Kendrick or it was Blake Fisher as I can't remember.
Speaker 2 (40:07):
Well, I think it was that it was asterisk not available. Yeah, well,
and I was kidding on that, but yeah, it's.
Speaker 7 (40:15):
You have to go.
Speaker 2 (40:17):
You have to consistently invest in the offensive line. Yeah,
you have to find out if it's thirty two teams
want to do that. It's just not that easy. You
got you gotta make You gotta make smart draft decisions,
and you have to be able to if if you
got to if you have a good offensive lineman, you
got to make sure he's compensated well. And if you
have a if there's an offensive lineman, then that feels
like he wants to go somewhere else. You got to
figure that out. I mean, it's what's sate quivalent in sports.
In other sports, you can have a great lineup one
through eight, but if your starting pitching rotation is a
hot mess, giving up seven runs a game, and I's
I'm gonna do any good?
Speaker 3 (40:52):
I would say pitching rotation or offensive line might have
some similar.
Speaker 2 (40:56):
Yeah, I'm just trying to find you know, you know,
I mean, I'm trying to find analogies on the.
Speaker 6 (41:00):
I just don't know that one necessarily exists, just because
of the nature of the different nature of the sports.
Speaker 3 (41:05):
But yeah, I mean, yeah, you're you're down.
Speaker 6 (41:08):
You're of where you thought you were gonna be with
your starting five at your offensive line. You've got one
in the place you thought he was going to be,
and that's Laramy Tunzel.
Speaker 2 (41:18):
That's it.
Speaker 6 (41:19):
Everything else at this point is guys you didn't know
were going to be either. You didn't know Titus how
was going to be your guard, Jared Patterson at center,
and then Kendrick Green and then and Blake Fisher on
the right side. That's so four out of the five
positions is not going as planned, and four of.
Speaker 2 (41:32):
Those five positions probably don't start for half of the
really good teams in the NFL.
Speaker 3 (41:37):
To Titus could start somewhere, but the other guys.
Speaker 2 (41:41):
See you look at you, you you wiggle all that. Titus,
I guess could go somewhere. Yeah, there's a team that
could use Titus Howard come on, and Blake Fisher may
ultimately be a good guy, but he's just just's not
their experienced. Yeah, and Juice Greggs has been hurt and
hasn't played a whole lot Franklin's NFL. I mean they
could turn around. They could. But if Nick's not worrying
about this is with his first, second, third, fourth round.
I mean it's a heavy offensive line draft with yeah, but.
Speaker 6 (42:08):
I mean he drafted Kenyon Green in the first round.
Kenyr Green has been a disaster. So it's also not
as it wasn't reach to begin with. Didn't didn't everybody
all the draft goods said the draft said it was good,
it was a good pick, but I think it was mixed.
But I would say philosophically, philosophically, taking a guard that early,
you can't have to have a can't miss prospect, and
clearly Kenyon Green was not a can't miss prospect.
Speaker 15 (42:29):
Speaker 2 (42:29):
Seven one three two one two five seven ninetie seven
one three two one two five seven nine zero Ross Matt,
I'm here in New Orleans. Rockets and Pelicans will have
it for you tonight. By the way, some interesting NBA
injury news to get to as well. We have shut
Choball mass up at eleven thirty and Ross one is
today's edition. To believe or not that I should be
working on.
Speaker 3 (42:48):
Uh, the city of New Orleans.
Speaker 2 (42:51):
Okay, the things about New Orleans, I can do that.
Speaker 3 (42:53):
A lot of rich history, though, Matt oh, A lot
of rich history.
Speaker 2 (42:58):
A lot of rich history. A lot of money left
a certain casino next door to my hotel. Things didn't
go so hot for you. It was fine. I wasn't
there too long. It was. It wasn't great, but it was.
It wasn't horror high limits, by the way, six five
on the black jack, twenty five dollar limits. But if
you want to play more than one hand, you can
still play at twenty five dollars a hand. If they
don't have to double your back, you're playing six to five.
I couldn't find there was no three two defined unless
it was a hundred dollar minte. Woman, I'm not playing
hundred dollars a hand. You disgusted me.
Speaker 7 (43:25):
Take a stand?
Speaker 2 (43:25):
Where are I supposed to do? Nut? Just give up?
Speaker 7 (43:27):
Speaker 19 (43:28):
Just not play? Yes, take a stand, draw a line
in the sand.
Speaker 2 (43:31):
Picking? Why am I? Why am I argue with Jerry
Seinfeld over this?
Speaker 19 (43:35):
What you sound like?
Speaker 2 (43:37):
Jerry Seinfeld, what's the Dayal?
Speaker 19 (43:39):
What's six to five black jack?
Speaker 2 (43:43):
Seven one three, two one two five seven doinety seven
one three that was actually very good seven one three
two one two five seven ninety. I want to tell
you about Love Volleyball l OVB dot com. L OVB
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Speaker 11 (44:34):
Lunchtimers, this is the Matt Thomas Show four on Sports
Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 2 (44:41):
It is the Matt Thomas Show. And Ross. I'm here
in the Big Easy. Ross is back in Houston. Ross.
They're looking for you. By the way, you've got a
tab that you have not painted a couple of bars
in the local areas, so you need to that's nuts.
You're back here to all right, I kid, Rockets and pelicans,
Rockets and pelicans.
Speaker 10 (45:01):
Speaker 3 (45:03):
Good, that's fine.
Speaker 2 (45:04):
Good. By the way, getting word from the Texans here comes.
We are adding two new members of the Ring of Honor.
Oh boy. Previous members would be, of course J. J. Watt,
Andre Johnson, Bob McNair, m Reggie Wayne. Okay, come on,
t Y Hilton, and now we're what's that, t Y Hilton.
Don't forget t Y Hilton. T Y Hilton, Marvin Harrison.
But it's very a lot of Coult reviewers in this group.
Not a bad second. We're now yeah, and we're now
welcoming Lamar Jackson and oh Derrick Henry. Welcome to the
twenty twenty four class of the Texans Ring of Honor.
Now I disagree with the addition of Lamar Jackson. I'm
gonna see I need to see a little bit more
of him in his career in RG Stadium. Why has
he lost to them yet?
Speaker 3 (45:57):
No, Derrick Henry well earned, well earned.
Speaker 2 (46:03):
I don't know if there is been a bigger misstep
in recent NFL history than the Titans saying Derek Henry
you're done.
Speaker 3 (46:12):
How about the Eagle?
Speaker 6 (46:13):
How about the Giants saying Saquon Barker, Yeah, yeah, yeah,
this is the two leading rushers in the NFL.
Speaker 7 (46:21):
Yeah, I mean my.
Speaker 2 (46:26):
But Derek would be a little more pronounced because he
was He's another Sakwan's not even thirty years old yet,
is he?
Speaker 3 (46:32):
No, I think he's.
Speaker 2 (46:33):
Derek's on the other side of thirty. Yeah, yeah, and
then allowing him to go to another team within the
own division.
Speaker 3 (46:42):
Saquan is only twenty seven.
Speaker 2 (46:44):
Oh yeah, yeah. I think that Derek Henry one is
even more profound because of the fact that he was
plus thirty. He had his per game hurts per carry
average dropped a lot. Hey, you know, thank you very much, Derek.
You're a good guy. We appreciate all you've done for us,
and now goodbye.
Speaker 6 (47:00):
This begs the question, what would his rushing yards be
if he had good offensive No, they had some decent
offensive lines of the Titans over the years, but.
Speaker 2 (47:05):
Yeah, yeah, oh, I put Derrick Henry in the Barry
Sanders group of if you had good offense like good
ones been.
Speaker 3 (47:14):
I praise he's had a two thousand year season.
Speaker 2 (47:19):
Yeah, God, he was good. He he just maybe it's
just he just plays well against the Texans because and
I thought, I watch every Derrick Henry game, but I mean,
look at the numbers. He was second in the NFL
and rushing going into the game yesterday, and he broke
He had on a hundred yards almost say there in
the first quarter. It was just it was awful. Yeah,
you poor people that went to the game.
Speaker 3 (47:43):
There's a lot of Beyonce fans there, Connord doesn't.
Speaker 2 (47:46):
Right, Let's let's build a curtain back. Connor y McGovern,
I want to I want you to tell me who
you went with, how you spent your day. You said
you left with five minutes left to go in the
fourth quarter, but realistically, when did you check out and
when were you thinking about downloading some new Beyonce songs
after her halftime performance.
Speaker 9 (48:05):
I went with my brother, my cousin, my aunt, uncle,
and my mom and then my girlfriend showed up too.
We went to the game, watched the first half, and
watched the Beyonce halftime, and then checked out midway through
the third quarter. Like I was, I would have check
in and everyone's wat to catch a snap. But then
I was I wasn't watching football. I was just talking
with everybody else.
Speaker 2 (48:28):
With Okay, now you said your girlfriend showed up. Did
someone drop a ticket off for her or what happened?
Speaker 9 (48:34):
My dad was supposed to go with us, but he
wasn't feeling well, so we had an extra ticket and
I called a couple of people. She was available, and
she was a big Beyonce fan, so it worked out.
I didn't we didn't want the ticket to go unused.
Speaker 2 (48:47):
So good for you. And how were your seats?
Speaker 3 (48:49):
They were good.
Speaker 9 (48:50):
We were in the in one of the end zones,
a couple of rows up with that second level and yeah,
one of the end zones.
Speaker 2 (48:58):
Yeah those are good seats, you know. And it looked
like to me Ross the stadium was full at kickoff. Look,
maybe that's part of the charm of having a three
thirty games that people who actually could get there before.
You know, twelve o'clock games are never full.
Speaker 6 (49:09):
I wouldn't have spent my Christmas Day watching them lose
to the Ravens or I mean, never projected to lose anyways,
but congratulates people that did so and you would say,
when you looked at five minutes off ago in the
fourth quarter, did you have any trouble leaving the parking lot?
Speaker 2 (49:26):
Was that it was an easy, breezy leaving Energy Stadium.
Speaker 9 (49:29):
We had to walk a little bit to our car anyway,
so we were pretty close. Where we parked was pretty
close to the exit, and people started leaving it. It
was pretty nice. It was staggered people were leaving the stadium,
so it wasn't all jammed up. Everybody leaving at the
same time, so it was pretty easy to get out.
Speaker 2 (49:43):
So basically, ross the easiest way to go to a
Texans game is but have a law one way to
the others. You can you can kind of just choose
your time when you want to leave.
Speaker 3 (49:51):
Or you could just head back to tailgate.
Speaker 2 (49:55):
M mm hmmm, what a night. What a night.
Speaker 3 (49:59):
Well, at least on Hannah got a good view of
hanging out with Beyonce.
Speaker 2 (50:02):
It's good. Do you think do you think that? Do
you think cow was staring at you know what? And
Hannah's like, eyes up here.
Speaker 3 (50:09):
No, I don't think so.
Speaker 2 (50:10):
He's well trained, Yeah he's He's like, yeah, I can't,
I can't mess this up. Because Hannah. Hannah will. Yeah,
she she's running the organization. She will, she will put
him in time out. Yes, she will. All right. So
after the Texans get beaten badly, they need to play
next week. By the way, at least the starters Lea
need to play a half. Guys, I no, but you can't.
But you've been promised Ross. You cannot have the last
feeling of a regular season game be what that was
yesterday and expect to have any sort of good vibe
going to the playoffs. That's my point on that.
Speaker 20 (50:49):
Speaker 3 (50:49):
So they had to risk injury for vibes.
Speaker 2 (50:54):
It's not necessarily vibes, it's it's working out the kinks
on things.
Speaker 6 (50:58):
Yeah, I mean, I imagine, just just the way the
Demiko is, I imagine we'll see the stars are at
least some.
Speaker 2 (51:04):
I mean, you tell me, if you have a compelling argument,
I'll listen to it. But I don't think that's if
that's the last time they would play a regular season game.
You're talking about two and a half weeks in between games.
I wouldn't want that to be the last thing in
the last naps I took.
Speaker 6 (51:18):
Yeah, I would say, treat it like one of the
last preseason games, play a couple of drives and then
get out of there.
Speaker 2 (51:24):
Yeah. Yeah, that's what I think they should definitely do.
I don't think it would play all fourth quarters. By
the way, it will be, there are two guarantees rossing.
Next week's game will be at twelve noon. That's a
Sunday game. Yes, on those noon Sunday games a week eighteen,
no one cares about. And if you're making plans for
the postseason, and had that playoff game planned to be
three thirty four o'clock at Energy Stadaum on Saturday, the
Texans rightful place in the first round of the playoffs, and.
Speaker 6 (51:48):
Good for you in your under nine and a half
that the division is all wrapped up and they don't
have anything to play for. Otherwise they would beat the Titans,
I think.
Speaker 2 (52:00):
Yeah. By the way, I had a gut feeling the
Texans we're gonna lose by double digits. Yes, you did
think it was gonna be by twenty nine points. If
was that a score got me last night? By the way,
do we know it was not? It had happened two
other times. Yeah, we had a first half score go
on me, but never a full game score on me?
Can you spell score got me by the way you
want me to spell it? No, you don't have to.
I'm just thinking if you just goodnesssed off the top
of your head s C O R I G A
M I it sounds good to me. I am I
gonna argue with you?
Speaker 6 (52:27):
I don't know go with that all right? It just
really I just see it's right. Yeah, it looks like
I got it right. But I did see the tweet yesterday.
It had happened twice before last in September nineteenth of
nineteen sixty five.
Speaker 20 (52:44):
Is it is?
Speaker 2 (52:45):
Is thirty one that it would have been better thirty
one zero or better? Thirty one to two?
Speaker 6 (52:49):
To two sounds funny. At least two sounds very in truing.
At least you got off the got on the board.
You didn't get shut out, even though you did get
shut out, but you didn't. Yeah, it's yeah, that's the story.
You did get shut up, but you really didn't. When
Kamorrow lasts lead your leading points scoring, that's not great.
Speaker 2 (53:07):
That's not good at all the way that's right. Seven
one three two one two five seven ninety seven one
three two one two five seven ninety If you want
to join us on Twitter, you may do that at
Sports MT, at Sports Servey, and at Connedy McGovern. If
somebody ROSSI, did everybody have a perfect Christmas? Did everybody
behave themselves? And Aunt Mildred come to the house and
she didn't cause any issues yesterday? If she did, you
can tell her to shut her by mass up because
she's not listening right. Nobody got time for that. Seven
one three two one two five seven seven one three
two one two five seven ninety eleven thirteen. It is
the Matt Tomas Show with Ross. This is Sports Talk
seven ninety.
Speaker 1 (53:48):
This is the Matt Thomas Show with Ross on Sports
Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 2 (54:01):
Eleven eighteen. I have Sports Talk seven ninety. We'll have
a shut shiball mess up to got ten for that
that's coming up at the bottom of the arm. Seven
one three two one two five seven ninety seven one
three two one two five seven nine zero. If you
want to visit with this for you Twitter, you may
do that as well at Sports Empty, at Sports Rvy,
and at Connedy McGovern. All right, so uh are we
getting our playoff parties ready? Because it's going to be
the Texans probably against the Pittsburgh Steelers. I didn't see
a whole lot of Steelers game obviously yesterday because I
didn't want to spend time with the family and friends.
But man, oh man, Kansasity went in there and beat
them badly.
Speaker 19 (54:36):
Speaker 6 (54:38):
Yeah, maybe you can go back. I told you not
to sleep on the Steelers. Maybe you can go back
to sleep on them. They lost three in a row.
Speaker 2 (54:43):
Yeah, I think you were the weren't you the president
of Russell Wilson fan club?
Speaker 6 (54:47):
And that is a natural last night that he was
going to be good enough and then that defense is
going to be dominant to where they can win some games.
Speaker 3 (54:53):
But defense has not been so dominant the last three.
Speaker 2 (54:59):
And by the way, are we gonna stop trying to
convince ourselves that the Chiefs are fluky now with all
their victories?
Speaker 6 (55:05):
No, well, they were playing poorly early on what kind
of what we're hoping in parallels to the Texans like
to where okay, yeah, they haven't played their best ball,
but they're still winning games. That's how it was with
the Chiefs. And now they're playing their best ball. They're
looking great, they're rounding into form.
Speaker 2 (55:21):
So are you are you ready? Because we watch Baltimore,
say Ross they looked fantastic. Yes, I mean the one blemish,
the last safety on the on the run for Henry
I mean, but other than that, I mean their biggest
problem is their offensive lineman had to be trained to
stay at the line of scrimmage because Lamar Jackson keeps.
Speaker 3 (55:43):
Plays alive for like twenty five seconds at a time.
Speaker 6 (55:45):
Yes, he does, and he does a great job of it.
And I mean when he's locked in, he's unstoppable. He's
completely unstoppable. I mean, Henry's getting six yards of carry.
I mean, watching Mark Andrews try to sprint down the
right side of the on that screen pass, it wind
up being like, what was it sixty nine seventy yards
or something crazy like that. Yeah, well, yeah, he he
stiff armed Christian Harris into oblivion and then he never
caught up to him, and then he got ran down
by who was a Kaylen Bullock I can't remember.
Speaker 2 (56:16):
And then that one scramble play where like Lamar Jackson's
back in the pocket and then he turns what was right,
He goes to BUCkies and gets some some doughnuts and
then goes and gets some coffee at Starbucks and then
he takes a nap and then he throws and finds
the was it Andrews and Dean touchdown?
Speaker 3 (56:32):
That touchdown was likely Isaiah likely.
Speaker 6 (56:34):
Oh that's when he floated to the right side and
then found him the other way, and then the ball
left his hand and he turned around to celebrate before
it was even caught.
Speaker 2 (56:42):
It was like he was playing a game of Frogger.
You know, He's just jumping from lane to lane trying
to find a spot.
Speaker 6 (56:47):
Steph Curried. He like, Steph Curry, let's get the three,
and it just starts all right. Time to go to
the other end of the floor. He's Steph Curried. It
was incredible. He's he's so good.
Speaker 2 (56:55):
Yeah, by way, I want Steph Curry to to try
one of those he he did want to last night
where he made a three and he took off. I
want him to. I want him to do that with
an airball. Does he shoot airballs? No, very rarely, man.
I mean that was an ass kicking yesterday. I mean,
they just really no other way to say it. Thirty
one to two. It's pretty bad. When Tommy Townsend is
that the guy's name. I don't even know the damn
punter's name. He was the MVP of the game. Dude,
When when when Netflix is showing the highlights of him
jumping up high in the air trying to get some
bro hugs from somebody in the bench, because first of all,
no one's gonna bro hug a punter. But he was
up there in the air trying to get everybody motivated.
When your punters trying to motivate you, you know your
team sucks.
Speaker 3 (57:41):
He's letting him know his legs getting tired.
Speaker 2 (57:45):
God almighty. I mean, if anybody should get a full
meal after the game, it's him here.
Speaker 6 (57:50):
He's the only text and they're in their paycheck. Yeah,
he and Kamari last about him, and Will Anderson was
good too, But it was all for me. It was
about well, yeah, she was a Houston one. At the
end of the day, Houston America won with Beyonce yesterday.
Speaker 2 (58:08):
She's she's nice, that outfit one, that outfit one for
America yesterday. That was a gift that just kept on giving.
M seven one three two one two five seven ninety
seven one three two one two five Seveninnie Lamanz with
his eleven, twenty three and seventy Lamar, good morning, hey man,
I'm here Christmas to you guys.
Speaker 15 (58:30):
Man, I'm kind of saying to you.
Speaker 8 (58:33):
Yeah, I'm upset, but I'm not really upset because it's
a silver lining up. I believe that UH.
Speaker 17 (58:42):
Is gonna happen to come to some contelligence. Is last
year c J Shroud the real deal or this year
because c J shrout freaking fucked. I mean, he freaking
sucks right now. Now you get rid of you on,
we'll see brand some because then do it is probably
if if the friends are going correct, he's probably gonna
stand make like thrette hundred million dollars.
Speaker 10 (59:06):
So you got some decisions to me winning.
Speaker 8 (59:09):
Yesterday outside of uh out side of cal McNair and
uh his wife, you know, driving on the field with
the with the drop top of uh, you know, carve
with the elbows on it.
Speaker 7 (59:22):
The biggest one, I guess the the biggest one of
this season was the s two tests. I can soon
tests told us what c J. Shroud was.
Speaker 17 (59:30):
It didn't groove.
Speaker 3 (59:31):
It didn't grove that last year.
Speaker 7 (59:33):
This year.
Speaker 2 (59:36):
Him straight up.
Speaker 7 (59:38):
As far as the.
Speaker 2 (59:41):
Captain pussle, So.
Speaker 17 (59:48):
What's a freaking jokes cursed.
Speaker 2 (59:52):
All right, sailor. Was that my connection or his?
Speaker 3 (59:55):
Like he was going in and out. I was calling
c shrug garbage, which is just false.
Speaker 2 (01:00:02):
Yeah, I don't think was terrible yesterday. Connection was going out.
So I don't know.
Speaker 6 (01:00:07):
So, yeah, the month the benefit of the doubt. He's
playing poorly, and he, like I said, he had his
to me, his worst game of the season.
Speaker 2 (01:00:15):
Last year, maybe his worst game as a textan yesterday.
Speaker 6 (01:00:20):
Yeah, he might have had worse games by numbers, completion percentage, whatever,
but just the amount of misthrows and just the lack
of confidence in his overall play that felt like the
worst game of the year last year.
Speaker 3 (01:00:31):
Last The screams yesterday were terrible.
Speaker 2 (01:00:34):
I mean, how do you for a guy that was
known for his accuracy last year to miss on screens?
Then the they weren't going to be Well, maybe one
er woul't have been a nice sized game, but I mean, god, it.
Speaker 6 (01:00:47):
Was just He's still some good throws, but he can
still wow you every now and then, but it's about
he needs to be more consistent or and he hasn't
been this year.
Speaker 2 (01:01:00):
So if you were to pour some some true serum
down him, could you say, man, I'm beat up. I'm
getting my ass kicked this year. I don't trust my
offensive line. I ain't feeling it. I don't like slowk
anymore because I don't know if you've been with me
when I said I maybe now things have changed that
maybe the offensive performance was so bad that Hannah's going
to force U to make going to make a move.
I just don't know. If you have one bad season,
if you, if you have to, if it requires a
significant coaching change, like an offensive coordinator, especially for a
guy that was so highly regarded less than a year ago. Yeah,
but I think it was yesterday so bad that it's
going to force a change.
Speaker 3 (01:01:45):
I don't think there's gonna be a before before the
end of the season.
Speaker 2 (01:01:50):
No, I'm coming out of next year. Yeah. I mean,
we'll see.
Speaker 6 (01:01:53):
He's not gonna probably be the hot coaching candidate that
he was last year.
Speaker 2 (01:01:56):
No, no, no, no, but I mean, if you, if you,
if you were to really if like you and me
went to and him went to get some some deep
we went over to we went to let's go. We
were the three of us went to go get mc
ribs and CJ. What's really going on? Would he say
part of it is I suck. Part of it is
I have a terrible offensive line. Part of it is
I don't respect Bobby Sloak's play calling. Could be combination
of all. I don't think there's a lack of respect.
Just to me with Bobby Sloak, I.
Speaker 6 (01:02:29):
Think it feels like he's not as creative as he
could be with play calling. I think he often keeps
it simple. I don't know if this is even instructions
from Jamaico Ryans or what or how that whole hierarchy goes,
but it does seem like, especially when they get leads,
it's played extremely close to the vest, and and when
there are plays, let's say a play works in Week one,
he's just gonna keep running that play into the ground.
And what he needs to realize that other teams get taped, like,
for example, the wide receiver screens. Those were great early
on in the season with with Nico Collins and with others,
but teams have caught up. They have not been working
for basically three weeks now, and he keeps calling them,
and he needs to realize that at the surface level, yes,
I make this play call, this play call works, I
will keep calling this play but he needs to get
to that next level and say, you know what, this
play works when there's not as much tape on it now,
when teams are ready for it. I need to stop
calling that or play off of that look and do
something else. And I just don't think sometimes that that
next level creativeness to me doesn't seem to be there.
Speaker 2 (01:03:32):
Let me ask you this real quick. Was the wheel
rout to mix create a fourth down play? Was that
the call? Or was that CJ gone available downfield?
Speaker 21 (01:03:42):
Speaker 6 (01:03:42):
I think there was a couple of I would Yeah,
I don't know. I'm not looking at like the ALL
twenty two. It feels like there was a call. Oh
you should be looking at ALL twenty two. There's probably
a couple of short throws that were covered up and
so he had to go along. Yeah, or CJ missed something.
I think somebody was somebody said that Nico Collins is
wide open on that play. So I'm not totally sure
something was missed. I don't think it was let's chuck
it deep on a fourth and short.
Speaker 2 (01:04:06):
I can't Again, I'm not the the Robert Woods.
Speaker 3 (01:04:10):
Pass interference play.
Speaker 2 (01:04:12):
Well, that got into where they were down here.
Speaker 6 (01:04:14):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, So There was no pass interference on
that play they got bailed out. No, no, no, if anything,
it was offensive pass interference if anything. But I don't
think on that fourth down play to mixing, that was
a mixing or it was mixing right on.
Speaker 2 (01:04:28):
The on the wheel route.
Speaker 6 (01:04:30):
Oh you're talking about fourth Oh I got you. Yeah, Yeah,
I think there there was probably he looked to his left.
Now I don't know if he was trying to look
off the defense and that was the plan, right, but
he should have gotten that ball out faster. Mixing was
open from the get on that play, But yeah, I
don't know exactly what the read was. It looked like
he was either a looking off the linebackers to try
to look left and try to get them to shift
and didn't throw at the mix in, which I think
is probably what the play design was. And Mixing just
couldn't get there entire and the Ravens did a good
job of closing out on it.
Speaker 2 (01:05:01):
Yeah, first time I knew is I get to the
hotel yesterday here in New Orleans and that that's the
play they're showing over and over again. How bad was
it for the Texans? Joe mix and Ath what that
guy that he's been all year long. Good run after catch,
good bouncing off tackles, can't get to the past the
one yard line stop there. Baltimore took over from then
and it was over. It was frankly before that, but
that was just the how it happened to be shown
on the ESPN eleven thirty Sports Talk seven ninety seven
one three two one two five seven ninety seven to
one three two one two five seven NINTI. We've got
Roger and James and Mike want to talk Texans. Uh,
we can certainly get into that. If you want to
tell somebody to shut their but masks up, we can
do that as well at seven one three two one
two five seveny. But we can always push that back
because we got a lot of folks that want to
get in on what they saw and heard yesterday inside
in RG Stadium, eleven thirty Sports Talk seven ninety Let's
get back on the phone. You guys want to talk,
We're here to listen to you. Eleven thirty five Matt
Thomas Show with Ross. I'm here in New Orleans. Im
A Dooka is going to join us in less than
a on our Rockets and Pelicans tonight. No Dylan Brooks
again for the Rockets. No Zion Williamson, no Brandon Ingram,
no Jose Alvarado, easy win. What you're saying, I'm saying
that Zion's never gonna play seventy games in the NBA.
He did, yeah, but he had the playing game as
part of its own.
Speaker 3 (01:06:22):
He didn't count.
Speaker 2 (01:06:24):
Roger and Arlington at eleven thirty six on seven and
a Roger, good morning.
Speaker 15 (01:06:29):
How are you doing guys?
Speaker 2 (01:06:29):
Lever show? Thank you, Hey.
Speaker 20 (01:06:33):
Yesterday's loss is a reflection. You know, two rookie coaches.
You know, second year, correct.
Speaker 2 (01:06:43):
For Damico, second year.
Speaker 6 (01:06:46):
Not for John Harbor, not Harball, not quite John Harba
talking about I'm talking about the Texans guys.
Speaker 2 (01:06:51):
You know, uh, oh, okay Bloback, you know second year,
you know.
Speaker 10 (01:06:54):
Speaker 20 (01:06:55):
The only thing that bothers me is that that team
wasn't ready to play. And I understand that time of
the scheduling and et cetera. But if you look at
that game, that old line was terrible. You know, I
think Strout has lost confidence through the through the year
this year of what he's lost as far as uh,
his receivers, then the on line, you know it blocks,
you know, and then it doesn't block. The running game
was non shealant yesterday?
Speaker 12 (01:07:24):
Uh, and it was.
Speaker 7 (01:07:26):
It was ugly.
Speaker 2 (01:07:26):
It was ugly, and I.
Speaker 20 (01:07:27):
Hope this doesn't continue because you we we have to
understand when you reach the playoffs, it's a different season,
regardless of how they've been playing during the season.
Speaker 2 (01:07:38):
Does that make sense? Guys, are you telling me that
they're going to turn it on or they need to
turn their preparation up because they need to turn on.
You're trying to be a team that you know you're
gonna have to beat the win the AFC, and and
if they were prepared to try to play even on
a short week, there's the they a me zero hope
they're going to have a long playoff run.
Speaker 20 (01:08:04):
I get it, guys, but what we have to understand
that there's a different season coming up at the end
of this one. And it's not the well, it's the
team in itself, but the responsibility. There's a responsibility that
falls on the coaches, which falls on Bobby and Ryan.
You know, Uh, they just have to get this team
to ra to race to another level. And you can't
tell me that these players. You got a bunch of
all pro players playing for this team, you.
Speaker 2 (01:08:34):
Know, and you have some rook.
Speaker 3 (01:08:36):
Well with some that can rally this team.
Speaker 2 (01:08:40):
You know, Uh, we we're.
Speaker 20 (01:08:42):
Playing bad ball, period.
Speaker 3 (01:08:44):
We're not a bad team.
Speaker 20 (01:08:46):
And it's the responsibility of these two coaches in particular
and the offensive line coordinator to prep up these guys
because yesterday it wasn't just about c. J.
Speaker 2 (01:08:58):
Speaker 20 (01:08:59):
This team was really unprepared to play uh, the Ravens
in general, period, and it showed off that it's it
just they just showed it off. Just I hope, I
hope we get the Steelers, man, because the Steelers offense
can be nonchalant at times. You know, Russell Wilson is unpredictable.
You know, they have a good, good defense. Nothing to
say about their defense, but their their offense is is
it's not in tune at times, and they put him
some points yesterday against those those uh those Chiefs. But
I think we really have a good chance and we
play the Steelers, you know, That's all I'm saying, guys,
because I'm a Estonian and these guys just need to
raise their level, I mean, you know, to where they
know where they can play and do their thing.
Speaker 2 (01:09:45):
Thanks a lot guys for the show. And how about
that Beyonce show? Thanks a lot, all right, thanks Roger.
Speaker 3 (01:09:50):
Finally agree with Roger.
Speaker 2 (01:09:52):
Yeah, I was gonna say I I I'm sorry, folks.
This team is cooked, all right, they just are. It's
it's not this has been a season long issue. This
is There have been very few oh by out wild
moments for the Texans this year, like we had a
bunch of them last year. This team is beset by
poor offensive line, pay play, a variety of injuries, second half,
super conservative play calling, regression by its quarterback. I mean,
I don't see any silver lining. I don't see them
coming back on Monday after having a few days off
and going all right, guys, we're not gonna step it up.
That was we were. As we heard ROSSI when they
had the bye week or the off week, was we're
gonna come back. We're gonna rejuvenate, we're gonna get our
juices flown. We're gonna be we'rearrested. We're ready for the
home stretch. No, they weren't ready. They have They're not ready.
They're not gonna be ready. This team is done toast,
finished over with. If they get one playoff win. Consider
that a blessing of bonus. But that's it.
Speaker 3 (01:10:55):
Yeah, I mean, it's all relative to what you're talking about.
Speaker 6 (01:10:57):
I mean, if you want to say their division champs,
they're going to the playoffs, so they're they're not done.
The Las Vegas Raiders are done, the New York Giants
or whatever.
Speaker 3 (01:11:06):
They're done.
Speaker 6 (01:11:06):
But the AFC South sucks, the FC South does suck,
and they won. They arguably the probably the worst division
in football. But if they how long is Shack Mason
and Jewe Shrugs Scrugs going to be out?
Speaker 3 (01:11:17):
That would be my question.
Speaker 6 (01:11:18):
If they if this is going to be their offensive line,
I'm gonna agree with you they they probably won't even
win one playoff game. I think that that Pittsburgh front
will mull them if this offensive line doesn't get healthier,
if both Shack Mason and Juice Scrugs stay out, if
they do come back, if they can play some semblance
of decens like, you know, mediocre, we're asking for mediocrity
at the offensive line. I can have some sembilance of hope,
but if not, it doesn't matter. And the ceiling is
already going to be limited because of just how poorly
they have played, especially offensively, where they're not going to
be able to move the ball consistently against I mean,
any of these, any of these teams in the playoffs,
talking Chiefs, my Bills, maybe you can move the ball
a little bit, but they we just saw they scored
literally zero points against the Ravens. Chiefs have one of
the best defenses of football. Same for the Steelers, Chargers, Broncos.
Speaker 2 (01:12:12):
Mike north Houston on seven out he Mike, good morning
and good morning guys.
Speaker 21 (01:12:18):
My comments are, I think last year, uh CJ surprised
the league and play the play played above the means.
And then when you've got to remember that all these
are professional football players that they had time to this year,
they know what to expect, so they sat in it.
The opponents are setting the bar higher against CJ, and slowly.
My second thing is is that CJ is, in my opinion,
is holding the ball too long, trying to hit the
big big shots instead of taking the mediocre medium round
and getting rid of the ball instead of standing there
in the pocket. And that's why he's getting beat.
Speaker 7 (01:13:05):
Up like that.
Speaker 21 (01:13:05):
He's almost getting beat up like David Carr.
Speaker 15 (01:13:07):
Did back when he first came into the league.
Speaker 21 (01:13:10):
And the third comment is that maybe his concentration is
off because of the fiance and the expected twins, and
he's not concentrating on his his full duties on the field.
Speaker 3 (01:13:24):
Hmm, he impregnated somebody.
Speaker 2 (01:13:26):
I didn't even know that he's got twins coming.
Speaker 21 (01:13:29):
That's what I heard about a week and a half ago.
Speaker 2 (01:13:33):
Huh. So the so having sex and having impregnant our
girlfriend's slash wife is ultimately affecting his performance on the field.
Speaker 3 (01:13:41):
I'm buying it.
Speaker 6 (01:13:42):
He's worried about being a Father's that he's on YouTube
about how to change diapers and instead of on his
iPad looking at coverages.
Speaker 2 (01:13:51):
I like this. Yeah, he's trying to figure out what
baby food is proper for the child, whether I should
go formula or should go with breastmel Oh. Yeah, I
got that.
Speaker 3 (01:14:00):
That's good, the benefits of a natural birth.
Speaker 2 (01:14:04):
I mean, honestly, Ross, I'm I have three children. My
performance during those times when my wife was pregnant and
I was still on.
Speaker 3 (01:14:11):
The air it suffered. Yeah, I'm sure you were terrible, Matt, Yeah.
Speaker 2 (01:14:16):
Thank god it that was. That was seventeen years ago,
and I've been perfect since then.
Speaker 12 (01:14:21):
Speaker 2 (01:14:22):
I didn't know.
Speaker 3 (01:14:24):
I didn't know that CG had twins on the way.
Good for her, I didn't know that.
Speaker 2 (01:14:28):
You are we sure?
Speaker 3 (01:14:29):
I don't know that's what he said.
Speaker 1 (01:14:30):
He heard.
Speaker 3 (01:14:33):
I had not heard that. But also it.
Speaker 2 (01:14:35):
Doesn't matter for him being on the field, of course.
Speaker 15 (01:14:37):
Not No.
Speaker 2 (01:14:39):
In fact, you probably should be better because he's like,
you know what she's He would want to go to
the office a lot early because man, imagine a pregnant
woman with twins like, oh, well, you run my feet?
Will you go get me some pie? Will you go
order me nineteen pizzas? No, honey, I gotta go to
the office. I gotta go work, go work out, I
go study tape. It worked. It's just the opposite ross.
You're spending more time in the fasoda, not less. Okay, well,
we're looking for solutions. My wife, my wife, every can
we go get some pizza? Like, honey, it's six days
in a row with pizza? Can we back off?
Speaker 15 (01:15:17):
Speaker 2 (01:15:17):
Can I just go to the stortgage and pizza roles? Well,
that's ass yu. And then she wanted you wanted cherry
tomatoes every day? Oh my god, women in your cravings
for when you all are pregnant.
Speaker 3 (01:15:32):
I'm glad you were there for her, Matt some of
the time.
Speaker 2 (01:15:34):
I was. I was there most of the time.
Speaker 6 (01:15:37):
Weren't you all separated by geographically for some of the pregnancy.
Speaker 2 (01:15:43):
A little bit? That's why to work, That's right. My
focus is working. Yeah, And when I went home and
obviously took care of what I needed to take care of.
That's the pregnancy.
Speaker 3 (01:15:55):
I always thought Peyton looked like the garbage man.
Speaker 2 (01:16:01):
You can't sit that to me, just kidding, Actually, you
just did eleven. It is the top of the show
with Ross up here in New Orleans. Thank god back,
but morning moment on seven.
Speaker 11 (01:16:14):
Ninety The Man Show with Ross continue so on Sports
Talk seven ninety car Len.
Speaker 22 (01:16:23):
Again here, let me again here, Let again damp here,
leave age damp care, Let me get damping care, Len again,
damp here, Let me get time here, let me get damped.
Speaker 2 (01:16:36):
Seven one three, two one two five, seven ninety. If
something is bothering you, somebody is irritating you, did you
get a terrible gift this holiday season? Tell me anybody
got time for that? Or if somebody rain you off
the side of the road yesterday and your away from
your your mother in law's house, or your mother in
law annoyed you, or anything happened in your life. You
want to tell somebody to shut their bumb ass up.
We are here for you at seven one three, two,
one two five sevenout eighty seven one three, two, one
two five seven nine is zero ross. What do you
got this week?
Speaker 6 (01:17:09):
Last week, Matthew, I was in the Crescent City as
you are now, as Big Easy as it's also known,
and for my birthday, I had purchased tickets since some
people came from way out of town. As a gift
to them, I purchased a bunch of tickets to this
concert I wanted to go to on Frenchman Street, and
we did reserve tables, so we had table number one
and table number two for the purposes of this conversation.
When we get there, there's this guy in this lady
sitting at table two. This is behind a velvet rope,
and we're like, sir, you are in our seats, and
he starts fighting with us. He's like no, no, no,
or not I got I got table two. And we're like, no,
look at I show him my phone, I show him
our passes. I'm like, I'm on table one.
Speaker 2 (01:17:53):
And table two.
Speaker 6 (01:17:54):
We have these tickets, and he's still like, Okay, well,
how many people do y'all have. I'm like, it doesn't matter,
you need to leave, And so then he won't get
out of his seat, so we have to go call
the manager. The manager comes over there and checks his tickets.
The dude has general mission tickets. He does not have
a seat. And the woman he was with was some
random drunk lady he was trying to pick up. She
was smashed, hammered way out of it. Couldn't hardly speak
a sentence.
Speaker 19 (01:18:22):
So that man who has fought us the entire time
trying to argue that he had a seat and.
Speaker 6 (01:18:26):
He had general mission tickets, ain't nobody got time for you,
and you got to shut your bumb ass up, and
I hate you, your scum.
Speaker 3 (01:18:32):
Of the earth.
Speaker 2 (01:18:33):
Ain't nobody got time ford shut your bum mess up?
Speaker 10 (01:18:36):
Speaker 2 (01:18:37):
I got one from a couple of days ago.
Speaker 7 (01:18:39):
Speaker 2 (01:18:39):
Okay, I want you to close your eyes, Raws, you're
not driving, you can do this, Okay. I want you
to pretend that you're married and you have three kids,
and it's late December. I'm not going December twenty third,
twenty fourth and it's about seven o'clock at night, and
you're like, hey, let's have a futtle famine movie night,
all right? You still envisioning this, yes, and you're sitting
down and say, let's go find a movie that cherishes
the season of the holidays of Christmas. One person says, oh,
let's watch Elf. Another person says, let's watch It's a
wonderful life under no circumstance as a seven year old
child who's dreaming of Santa Claus and gifts and toys,
thinking hey, mom and dad, let's put die Hard on.
Die Hard is not a Christmas movie. And for those
of you that think it is, shut your bumb ass
up me shit.
Speaker 3 (01:19:28):
Obum ass up.
Speaker 10 (01:19:29):
Man h.
Speaker 2 (01:19:34):
Thank you, Matt. I agree. You would not put your
children in front of that movie and go, hey, kids,
let's see the real Christmas meeting. Let's you know what,
You can even go comedy. You can put a Christmas
vacation on, or Bad Santa, or I don't know what,
anything else but die Hard. The plot is around December,
the plot is around the holidays, but it does nothing.
You can put home alone on planes, trains and automobiles,
any of that stuff. A movie with violence and terrorism
is not a Christmas movie pearing in the story. I'm
not having this conversation anymore until next year.
Speaker 6 (01:20:13):
It was a summer blockbuster action thriller. Now the sequel
took place at Christmas, but Diehard three didn't take place
at Christmas. Dart Herd four didn't take place. Where did
When did Home Alone two take place Matt Christmas? When
did Home Alone three take place?
Speaker 2 (01:20:27):
Matt Christmas?
Speaker 3 (01:20:29):
Christmas movie?
Speaker 2 (01:20:33):
Die Hard? So shut your bumb ass up. Shit, your
bum ass up, man, And if you're putting your five
and six year old in front of that movie before
Santa Claus comes, you're bad parents. Now, after twenty three
year old kids, that's different, but five and six, no, connor,
what's the matter with you?
Speaker 9 (01:20:54):
Yesterday I started off a little bit stressful, just because
we had to go to the airport pick up the
family that was coming out of town, and then my
dad wasn't going to the game, so we kind of
had to find somebody to fill that ticket.
Speaker 3 (01:21:03):
We didn't have to, but we wanted to, but anyway,
and then get all the way down our just stated.
But we got there.
Speaker 9 (01:21:07):
We were excited to watch the Texans take on the
Ravens and then the Texans got shut out. Thank god
for Kamari Lassiter and frankly Beyonce for kind of saving
the day, because that whole experience kind of would have been,
I don't know, terrible. Did you bring did you bring binoculars?
Oh no, no, no, we had pretty good view. The
big screen did did some good work as well. But anyway,
anybody gets time for the Texans. Get everybody hyped up
for a good Christmas Day matchup to go out there
and lay an egg.
Speaker 2 (01:21:37):
Hey, nobody get except for you're telling the Texans to
shut there, bum ass.
Speaker 6 (01:21:44):
We're getting a tweet Matt people sending text after a
team loss, shut your bumb ass up?
Speaker 10 (01:21:51):
Speaker 3 (01:21:51):
Is that is that aimed towards you?
Speaker 2 (01:21:54):
I mean I might have done that.
Speaker 21 (01:21:55):
I did.
Speaker 3 (01:21:56):
I did tell somebody lost Yester the worst.
Speaker 2 (01:21:59):
By the way, Callan Hannah. Ain't nobody got time for
you getting in the convertible and trying to cloud Chase Beyonce.
Literally on the field, your team was down seventeen to two.
People were booing, and you were out there with your
Nima Marcus black.
Speaker 3 (01:22:16):
Card, where, by the way, were black card.
Speaker 2 (01:22:20):
You were away with a black card, stay with me
on this. Where were your kids? Why don't you put
your kids in the convertible? Why don't they want to
see one of their their musical heroes. Damn cloud Chasers,
hand and cal chut your bombmasses up for being out
there yesterday.
Speaker 3 (01:22:35):
Shitch obum ass up.
Speaker 7 (01:22:36):
Speaker 6 (01:22:40):
You know what, man, Let the mcnairs do what they want.
If they want to appear with they own the team.
If they want to appear with Beyonce on Christmas, let
them do that. Shut your bum ass up.
Speaker 2 (01:22:49):
No, why don't we change the name of the team
the Houston tone Deafs, because that's exactly what they were
yesterday tone deaf.
Speaker 3 (01:22:58):
It wasn't wait a minute.
Speaker 2 (01:23:00):
If the Rockets are getting there, askicked by forty two points,
do you think till m. Fritina is out there.
Speaker 3 (01:23:07):
Based on what the score is?
Speaker 10 (01:23:08):
Speaker 9 (01:23:09):
Absolutely, I don't think they should have been out there,
even if the Texas were blowing them out there.
Speaker 2 (01:23:14):
You go even better, Connor, thank you. That's fine. Yeah,
that's right. That's the that's the number one thing. Don't
even be out there. That's not your time. What purpose
was it? The seriously, I answer this question, what purpose
was Kalanhannah being in the convertible for for their own
personal benefit very perfectly said. You could meet them, you
could have drinks them, you can bite them. You can
buye Beyonce to your suite and have prime rib carved
up over there.
Speaker 12 (01:23:41):
Speaker 2 (01:23:43):
That was a terrible look. Seven one two five seven under.
The News at Noon is up.
Speaker 1 (01:23:50):
Next, lunchtimers. This is the Matt Thomas Show, all three.
Speaker 2 (01:23:58):
Sports Talk seven on EMA. Don is gonna join us
at the bottom of the hour. We've got doctor rote
for your playoff championship week of Fantasy football. At one o'clock,
Ross's rotten five at one thirty and I'll have believe
it or not today at one fifty about all things
about New Orleans. Don't say it like that. It's gonna
be New Orleans or Nolans. Right now, we present to
you the News at Noon and they never won a
New Year's resolution. For Ross during the News at Noon,
as he doesn't put on his news anchor voice.
Speaker 3 (01:24:27):
I would never put on a voice, Matt. Oh, sorry
for talking over you there in New Orleans.
Speaker 7 (01:24:32):
Speaker 3 (01:24:32):
How are things in the big easy?
Speaker 2 (01:24:35):
It's fine. It's like sixty one degrees in overcast.
Speaker 3 (01:24:37):
You know that's what they used to call my high
school girlfriend.
Speaker 2 (01:24:41):
You know you gotta make sixty one degrees in overcast? Nice?
Speaker 7 (01:24:45):
Speaker 2 (01:24:45):
Why not?
Speaker 3 (01:24:46):
You gotta make a cheesy joke if you're gonna be
on the news at dude, Matt, you know that.
Speaker 2 (01:24:50):
You know what? Can you imagine all the news anchors
yesterday going go text ends like Texans Darling's like, we'renning
the five o'clock.
Speaker 1 (01:24:56):
News, more Man Thomas show with Ross now Sports Talk.
Speaker 2 (01:25:06):
Oh we're back. I think Hannah pulled the station from
us here station are we on? We on the air?
At seven ninety I was swearing a lot. Do you
kick us off the air? We were off the air? Yes,
Well we just had uh Taylor Swift on the show.
That was a huge game. Nobody got to hear it.
Speaker 6 (01:25:29):
And so you sound way better by that way now,
thank you very much. Something sounds different, Oh, something sounds
different in my ears?
Speaker 2 (01:25:36):
Never mind? Oh do I sound molotanous, melotanous, melodious? Well yeah,
that's that's why I sound like, yeah, yeah, that sounds good. Dulce, Yeah,
the dulcin tones of one sports empty.
Speaker 6 (01:25:54):
I'm gonna go with euphonious because it's a funny. It's
a fun word to say it is.
Speaker 2 (01:25:58):
Howf do you say it? Once a here?
Speaker 3 (01:26:00):
Well, I don't know, it depends.
Speaker 2 (01:26:01):
All right, did we miss anything of the news at noon?
You mentioned rockets, you mentioned Texans.
Speaker 3 (01:26:06):
Well we only really got talking about the Texans.
Speaker 2 (01:26:08):
Matt ending off the beaten track that you wanted to prop.
Speaker 3 (01:26:13):
All we can talk about the Houston Rockets. That's why
you're there in New Orleans.
Speaker 2 (01:26:16):
Yeah, and he may Doug's going to join us at
bottom of the hour, so looking forward to that.
Speaker 6 (01:26:21):
Yeah, all right, time for breaks. You well know, we
just we just took a break. Okay, fine, we can
actually talk to the people.
Speaker 2 (01:26:27):
Let's talk to Geo on a Taska seed at twelve
thirteen on Sports Talks Everything. Hi, Geo, good.
Speaker 12 (01:26:35):
Morning, I mean, well, good afternoon. Uh, mister Thomas and
mister real, how are you saying that equipment? I'm good man,
Actually I'm pretty okay. Uh at equipment y'all got back.
There's probably as reliable as Bobby Schlower called him played
on Game Day.
Speaker 21 (01:26:49):
Speaker 12 (01:26:49):
That's I gotta get that fixed, geezik. But anyway, so
I gotta set it my mess up. I'm at work
today with a Chris his hangover, like to the dinner
that I am, and uh, the coworkers and everything, you know,
they're they're they're, you know, taking talking about the Texans
game with the glass half full kind of mentality, and uh,
you know I am a Texans.
Speaker 15 (01:27:13):
Fan through and through.
Speaker 12 (01:27:14):
But you guys, you got to shut your bump ass
up because ain't nobody got time for a glass half
full top of mentality. Man, we're cooked, all right. We
scored two points on Christmas on Netflix. That's ridiculous. Man,
Ain't nobody got time for that? And shut your bumb
ass up. And Matt stopped getting on the Ross for
his damn his news anchor voice.
Speaker 2 (01:27:32):
Man, I think is incredible. Ross, keep going man, all
that voice. By the way, Geo, shut your bump ass.
Speaker 3 (01:27:40):
You shut your bump ass up.
Speaker 2 (01:27:41):
All right, Hey, get over your hangover. Man, you sound
like cowboy. Love it anyway, Thank you very much.
Speaker 3 (01:27:52):
I watched you, g O the best.
Speaker 2 (01:27:55):
Poor Geo sounds like he's yeah, look at him. He
keeps back there, Bill, back there, Yeah, oh, poor Geo.
Nobody yeah, nobody wants you know what they are? Ross.
I've just I've just I thought of this earlier, and
I saw this yesterday and Twitter. They're cooked. The Texans
are cooked. There ain't. You can't come back from this.
You don't have to go dig deep inside your inner soul.
You don't have to get into workouts a little harder,
you don't have to spend a little bit more time
in the in the in the film room. You're not
having more. They're done. They ain't beating Kansas City, they
ain't beating Baltimore, they ain't beating Buffalo. They might be Pittsburgh. Okay,
that's great, is it? They're cooked?
Speaker 6 (01:28:40):
So they're where they were before the game started. In
my opinion, they're gonna maybe win a playoff game and
that's about it.
Speaker 2 (01:28:47):
But what about all those has been radio hosts that
are doing YouTube pages that are stop worrying about it?
Speaker 6 (01:28:52):
Can you stop bringing it for the new year? Can
you stop bringing those people up? Let them live their life.
They don't matter. It's fine, but like making fun of
those years results.
Speaker 2 (01:29:00):
They overly are self important in the in the in
their world, so I don't want to make they know
they're not important, Matt.
Speaker 3 (01:29:06):
They've seen their YouTube revenues.
Speaker 2 (01:29:08):
Okay, fair enough. All right, you know what, that's it,
you get rid of news anchor voice. I won't bring up.
Speaker 3 (01:29:14):
I don't know if that's a deal I'm willing to
make on this one.
Speaker 2 (01:29:16):
Batteah my god. All right, So where are we on
commercial breaks? Because we were off their I.
Speaker 6 (01:29:22):
Mean, I think, are you rolling all the way to
I think we got rolling back on regular as if
we're just coming from back from break.
Speaker 2 (01:29:29):
Now, I think, all right, we gotta get email. We'll do.
We'll take a little smaller break before we get ready
for email. Don Yeah, but that's what get ourselves prepared,
all right.
Speaker 6 (01:29:40):
But by the way, there there is I don't know
if this is related to why we were off air,
but there was a tornado warning issued for the city
of Houston.
Speaker 3 (01:29:48):
So wait, let me make sure. Is it a watch
or a warning? I believe a warning.
Speaker 2 (01:29:52):
No, I think the I think the reason why we
were off the air, I mean, we do have terrible equipment,
but it was because of the weather. It wasn't because
of us.
Speaker 6 (01:29:58):
Okay, uh yeah, tornado watch. Tornado watch issued for the
entire Houston area, north and east sides of the city,
higher risks.
Speaker 3 (01:30:06):
So you folks be careful out there.
Speaker 2 (01:30:08):
Yeah, where's our transmitter? Do we even know where seven
on any transmitters?
Speaker 3 (01:30:11):
I do, but I'm not going to say publicly.
Speaker 2 (01:30:14):
Okay, and that feels about it right?
Speaker 7 (01:30:17):
How right?
Speaker 2 (01:30:17):
So let me ask you serious question. We were talking
about how much you know, Netflix paid one fifteen and
obviously the Texans would have played. We don't know the
answer to this because we probably won't know until next year.
But when we spend a lot of time netflixing games
that don't involve the Texans next year, I mean watch
We've seen a lot of national television textan games a
year from now.
Speaker 6 (01:30:35):
I mean when National NFL is on, I watch it
generally eighty five percent of the time.
Speaker 2 (01:30:40):
Yeah, but how'd you Watch'd you spend your yesterday? I
watched a little bit of Spurs Nicks. I watched the
end of the Minnesota Dallas game because it got a
lot closer than it was supposed to be. I watched
a little bit of Lakers Golden State, and then I
watched a little bit at the Casino of Denver Phoenix.
But I mean I did check in on everything yesterday.
I was a pretty sportsy guy yesterday.
Speaker 3 (01:31:01):
That's good.
Speaker 6 (01:31:02):
I'm proud of you, Matt. Wait, so you weren't even
near your family on Christmas Day?
Speaker 23 (01:31:07):
Speaker 2 (01:31:07):
They were there in spirit, in spirit, I mean, let me,
let's face it. They got their gifts. They they left
me alone. After about nine.
Speaker 3 (01:31:16):
Thirty, I was wondering if if the casino was going
to be open on Christmas Day. Clearly they were.
Speaker 2 (01:31:22):
It wasn't super crowded though. Honestly that's good. But I
didn't get to the casino TI almost ten o'clock at night,
so it wasn't like I was going there during prima. Oh.
Speaker 3 (01:31:29):
Yeah, you're a real degenerate. You're there at ten at
night on Christmas Day.
Speaker 2 (01:31:32):
Yeah, like all the all the cocktail witch was like,
do you need a hug, sir? I'm like, yeah, I mean,
I'm giving you a break. You're work traveling, that's different. Yeah, yea.
I would not know. I would not have come here
with your family. Yeah, that would have been a serious problem. Matt.
Why sir, why are you here? Because I have no
family and no friends and no one likes me, and
I'm hitting here. I'm sitting here, bitting on twenty five
dollars black check at sixty five.
Speaker 6 (01:31:56):
Yeah, they'd be like on Step Brothers when Doctor Dobeck
goes to the Christmas it's a cheesecake factory on Christmas Day.
Speaker 2 (01:32:02):
Thank you Dan Matthews for that.
Speaker 3 (01:32:04):
I tried to bring you that on purpose. Actually I
know you did.
Speaker 2 (01:32:07):
You were you were, you were going, You're gonna go
all the way to that.
Speaker 3 (01:32:10):
I had a smile on my face when I did it.
Speaker 2 (01:32:13):
It's terrible. We can never mention movies on the show
over again because we're gonna bring up a Dan Matthews reference.
You know, we had to do. We need to have
Dan Matthews do the ding for us, or we used
to get a Dan man.
Speaker 6 (01:32:23):
It's an official Dan Matthews movie reference.
Speaker 3 (01:32:27):
Yeah, obligatory Dan Matthews reference.
Speaker 2 (01:32:29):
Yeah, yeah, exactly. Let's talk to James and Kleine at
twelve eighteen on Sports Talk seven. I James, good afternoon.
Thanks for holding good afternoon.
Speaker 15 (01:32:40):
When you look like clowns, you little play like clowns.
Speaker 14 (01:32:42):
Ain't no, ain't nobody got time for them uniforms.
Speaker 2 (01:32:48):
Ain't nobody got time for it.
Speaker 6 (01:32:50):
You know we had to do.
Speaker 2 (01:32:51):
We need the ding forest.
Speaker 6 (01:32:54):
It's an official Matthews.
Speaker 1 (01:32:58):
Yeah, bligatory.
Speaker 2 (01:33:02):
Let's talk to what.
Speaker 7 (01:33:06):
Supports talk when you look like you.
Speaker 18 (01:33:14):
Ain't nobody, camera and uniforms.
Speaker 15 (01:33:19):
Speaker 2 (01:33:24):
We can't let this go on much longer, can't we.
It's gonna go on a loopid perpetuity if you like.
It wasn't a great segment to begin with. We're like,
let him play over and over again. That would have
been like putting a mirror against a mirror.
Speaker 3 (01:33:42):
It was just gonna keep going.
Speaker 2 (01:33:44):
Yeah, it was gonna bounce back off of different audio walls.
I hate you for saying a word.
Speaker 10 (01:33:55):
Speaker 2 (01:33:55):
The uniforms are not great. Days are not good. Yesterday
they didn't look like clowns. It just didn't look great.
Speaker 3 (01:34:04):
I don't mind them. I thought they were fine. What's
wrong with them? There?
Speaker 1 (01:34:08):
Speaker 2 (01:34:08):
I like them. I the logo gummy the logo.
Speaker 3 (01:34:10):
I don't the logo. I don't like the uniforms.
Speaker 2 (01:34:12):
I do, yeah, you know I I like to have
the white pants on the with the blue tops would
be oh my god, but I'm in the I look
I lose on that one.
Speaker 6 (01:34:21):
Pants obsessed. You and everybody have white pants? Yeah, you
tell your groomsmen to have white pants?
Speaker 2 (01:34:30):
Mmmm? No, we were, but we wore black suits.
Speaker 15 (01:34:34):
That's good.
Speaker 2 (01:34:37):
Yeah, nobody. I'm talking about that.
Speaker 6 (01:34:38):
I'm not white pants in general. I'm talking about white
pants in a football like white you know, you were
of white pants on the Space City for the Astros too.
Speaker 2 (01:34:47):
That's why they're getting rid of those uniforms because the
Astro players didn't even like them. So yeah, to color
on color, I don't like, like like when Seattle wears
like the green tops and the green pants those, that's
that's a.
Speaker 3 (01:35:04):
Tough watch, the highlighter green, the highlighter green.
Speaker 2 (01:35:08):
And then when Baylor does it when they were like
the the uh uh highlighter yellow on top of the
highlighter yellow. I mean, you know, I'm not I'm not
you know, you know they don't call me a fashionista,
but no they don't.
Speaker 3 (01:35:22):
That's okay. You have your opinions on uniform. That's okay, Matt,
your opinion you are valid.
Speaker 2 (01:35:26):
Yeah, yeah, the age probably to me in the light,
like the is it not even it's like a bubblegum.
Speaker 6 (01:35:34):
Blue, right, Yeah, it's definitely not exactly. They call it
h Town blue, I guess, but it's certainly not Columbia blue.
I think they had to go off a hue or two. Yeah,
they should they had a couple of a couple of
pantones off.
Speaker 2 (01:35:44):
Matt, Oh, you said pantones and hue in the same sentence.
There's an art major around town by moronco and that
man knows his colors.
Speaker 6 (01:35:54):
So I think should look, let the Oilers have their stuff.
Ford your own legacy, with your own logo, in your
own uniforms. You don't have to to huff the fumes
off the dead Oilers franchise. Just make your own legacy. Unfortunately,
they haven't been able to do that.
Speaker 2 (01:36:12):
No, and well, I mean the best thing was when
the when the Titans wore the Columbia blue uniforms and
the Technans kick their ass.
Speaker 6 (01:36:19):
That's when they were ultimately dead. In my mind, that
was that was the nail and the final nail in
the coffin to me. Yep, yeah, I have I have
absolutely zero affiliation.
Speaker 2 (01:36:28):
With anything Oiler related. Now, you know you can become
as a texts fan.
Speaker 6 (01:36:31):
Now, Matt, Nobod's gonna accuse you of hopping on a
bandwagon after that performance.
Speaker 2 (01:36:34):
M maybe I should maybe do reverse jinks. Maybe they
need me, they I think they do. Maybe me and
Darlene will drive up to Nashville. Together will go a
little road trip.
Speaker 3 (01:36:44):
I don't think she wants to be anywhere near you.
You've been slandering her for years.
Speaker 6 (01:36:48):
All she wants to All she wants to do is
represent her team and have a good time and get
on the jumbo tron and get on.
Speaker 2 (01:36:54):
The jumbo tron and get on the TV. And you
couldn't name five players and she wears lots of blaming
and no.
Speaker 3 (01:37:01):
Yeah, so what she's like that the Texans?
Speaker 6 (01:37:06):
Did you see Tom Fireman Head is beefing with met
Life Stadium because they won't put him on the jumbo tron.
That's when fans have got to check themselves. Yes, Firemanhead
doesn't you know what? He can shut his bumb ass up.
Speaker 2 (01:37:17):
Yeah, Firemanhead, nobody cares about you. You know who cares
about you? Your ego?
Speaker 3 (01:37:25):
I thought he had retired anyways.
Speaker 2 (01:37:27):
I don't know. It's like, it's like crazy George when
the orders were around, I don't know who that is.
You don't worry about it. It was Oilers fan like
he's the one that kind of started the wave too.
Really yeah, And basically he would he would he would
have a tambourine and a drum and he would play
this thing to get people repped up. I don't think
he was an employee for the Orders. I think he
was just some super fan. And then one day in
like nineteen seventy six or whatever is it, he would
go to different games. He won't even a real Order fan.
He would just bump he anywhere where he could go,
put a jersey on, and start banging his tambourine.
Speaker 6 (01:38:04):
Oh he did create the way, so you're never gonna
guess what his described profession is on the Wikipedia page.
This professional fan, American professional cheerleader, Oh my god.
Speaker 3 (01:38:20):
Professional then play he got.
Speaker 2 (01:38:21):
Paid, yeah, because I remember when other when teams would
bring bring him in and pay him to sit in
the stands to start get the fans.
Speaker 6 (01:38:30):
Going, Oh wow, Houston Hotshots, Houston Oilers, Houston Stallions.
Speaker 2 (01:38:34):
Yeah yeah, yeah. When I was doing hot Shot games
on a radio, he was there. Really to me and
twenty three and.
Speaker 6 (01:38:42):
Ane of our closest soccer friends, Hey those games are thrillers,
weren't they like ten to seven and stuff?
Speaker 2 (01:38:47):
Oh my god, I had fun calling. I was actually soccer.
I appreciate because somebody's actually scored in a game.
Speaker 6 (01:38:53):
Maybe that's what's you know, it's ruined your opinion of
real soccer because the low scoring the real stuff.
Speaker 2 (01:39:00):
Yeah, I like to go to Fashion eleven nine indoor
soccer game. That's true, You're right about that. All right,
let's take a quick time out and come back and
hear from e may Adoka. Your Rockets are playing the
New Orleans Pelicans tonight. We'll have an update from him
on how the team is doing and how a Tara
Easton is feeling and shoot around today and whether or
not we should be worried about Dylan Brooks for the
long term. Seven one three two one two five seven
ninety seven one three two one two five Sevenati it
is twelve twenty seven. Here I want to tell you
about set these fine a jewelry on Voss Rope between
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Speaker 3 (01:40:01):
It's a holiday sales going on for many, many weeks here.
Speaker 2 (01:40:04):
And that's why Sethis is like, Hey, get the people
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Speaker 1 (01:40:30):
This is the Matt Thomas Show with Ross on four
Talk seven.
Speaker 2 (01:40:35):
Ninety twelve thirty one on Sports Talk seven out. It
is a Matt Thomas Show with Ross. Will spend ten
quality minutes right now with a head basketball coach. If
you're Houston Rockets tonight at New Orleans take on to
the Pelicans, it is Imeadoka here on Saturday. Coach. Good afternoon.
It was nice seeing Tari Easton practicing over at the arena.
How's he feeling right now?
Speaker 23 (01:40:58):
He's feeling better of Uh, we'll see, you know, game
time decision. How he feels after this workout and test
it out before the game and go from there.
Speaker 10 (01:41:08):
Speaker 2 (01:41:09):
You mentioned this a few days ago about maybe the
number of days off in between the tournaments in Vegas
and the extra long time off in between games may
have hurt him a little bit. Is this being back
in a more of a normal routine helping him right now? Yeah?
Speaker 15 (01:41:25):
I think so.
Speaker 23 (01:41:25):
But I mean, honestly, you know, if you if it
flares up, and you know, who knows what the cause
of that is. And like I said, being stagnant a
little bit or an office schedule may have added to
the stiffness. But you know, benefit of other guys with
the rest and all that, and so for us, we
just have to test through it and and hopefully, you know,
if he doesn't feel any more pain and it settles
down and we can get him back to a normal routine.
Speaker 15 (01:41:49):
But yeah, so it's a weird thing where.
Speaker 23 (01:41:50):
You know, different injuries affect people different ways, and for him,
hopefully it's just back to normal routine treatment you know,
playing his regular minutes and it's it comes down, settles down,
he's good to go the rest of the way.
Speaker 2 (01:42:02):
So I just spent yesterday and obviously had some family
and friends around. Uh there were five different NBA games
going on. Did you did you peek in on all
of them? Watch them religiously? What is it like for
a coach on a non Christmas because you played before
and Christmas, I'm assuming or at least coached on one.
So what's it like just kind of being a just
a relaxing in front of the TV kind of guy.
Speaker 23 (01:42:21):
Yeah, I played in one myself and coached in several,
and so obviously a different experience, experience you want to
get to as a coach, and we'd love our team
to get on that stage eventually. But for me, it was,
you know, open presence with my son and and uh
then I went to the Ravens Texans game. So I
did a little bit of both, but caught some caught
a piece of every game in between.
Speaker 2 (01:42:44):
Oh, it's your fault in for what that Texans did yesterday,
all right, I see where the blame can go.
Speaker 15 (01:42:49):
I think it was a little more probably.
Speaker 2 (01:42:54):
Are you a Beyonce guy, yes or no.
Speaker 23 (01:42:59):
Not really any more than any other parts, I guess,
but definitely wanted to see her and that was part
of the reason we went. But nice were interested in
the game until halftime it was not looking great.
Speaker 2 (01:43:14):
Yeah, it didn't turn out well very well at all. Hey,
a thought or two about the road trip so far,
and and we went home for a couple of days.
But the Toronto game was emotional for I think Fred
actually playing his first time, and then you had the
bounce back with him the next game against New Orleans.
By the way, sixty two to thirty one halftime leads
are never going to get old, are they.
Speaker 23 (01:43:37):
I think you're talking about Charlotte game after Oh Charlotte,
that's what I meant. Yeah, yeah, it was obviously, you know,
at place you want to every since then. You know,
I had started up undrafted and was obviously giving me
a little bit emotional, but other guys everybody stepped up
and you know, you made a lead, but other guys
stepped up into again as well. But yeah, looking for
you know, we had from our last game and you know,
well home, you know, le's than a week ago and
we'll be back at it.
Speaker 15 (01:44:11):
But uh, you know we'll be like a consistency we've
been showing for the great start at the times. We'll
also figure out how.
Speaker 2 (01:44:17):
We're gonna try to We're gonna try to call email back,
just like we got a little bit of a phone
connection issue. We're gonna get him in just a couple
of seconds here, so we're gonna put him on a
hold and try to call him back to them to
finished the conversation again. Rockets tonight against New Orleans Pelicans.
It'll be the launch pad at six o'clock. We'll have
a pregame network joined at six thirty, and then at
seven o'clock we'll have the tip here from New Orleans Rockets,
by the way, where they semi difficult back to back.
Tomorrow night they'll be home for the Minnesota Timberwolves. So
tonight it's New Orleans, Tomorrow it's Minnesota, and we'll have
both games right here on Sports Talk seven to ninety.
And then on Sunday the Miami he'll be in town.
So evenail the Rockets have had a pretty nice stretch
of some off time in between these games. It's gonna
be three days and four nights, and he may is
back with us. Here I was gonna. I was just
telling that the audience coach after having a little bit
of time off to relax and kind of rejuvenate. Three
games in four days and some good competition coming up,
especially when you have a Minnesota the way they beat
Dallas last night.
Speaker 23 (01:45:16):
Yeah, I think we had the scheduling for the most part,
you know, around the nd season tournament, some days off,
but now we'll get the you know, games every other
day and the level of competition we'll kick in. But
what I do like is that we have taken care
of business against some of the lesser teams, and that's
a sign of a good team is not having any
flip ups. Obviously, need to continue that with Wieless tonight
and then here's some really good thing coming in and
starting with Minnesota on the back to back tomorrow, I
have Agelous Dallas Boston. So it's a really good schedule
for us to dropped up and to try to grow
and go in the right direction.
Speaker 2 (01:45:51):
I know Dylan is out for tonight as well. Where
are we on how he's feeling these days.
Speaker 15 (01:45:58):
That's literally day to day.
Speaker 23 (01:46:00):
You know, he needs a little bit of time and
the scheduling you've had the two days off in between,
but you've had back to backs with Toronto and Charlotte
obviously played great back home in Toronto and then tonight
and Minnesota.
Speaker 15 (01:46:11):
Doesn't give you a lot of time to rest in between.
Speaker 2 (01:46:13):
But literally day to day.
Speaker 15 (01:46:15):
He's got some shouts out today, have.
Speaker 23 (01:46:17):
Some swariness there, but that calms down as well, and
he's back on the court in no time.
Speaker 2 (01:46:22):
You know, it feels like to me that we've had
a lot of back to backs this year, is compared
to maybe the last couple of years. And I know
the NBA it's look at just trying to schedule these
things is tough. How much input does you as a
coach to the Coaches Association have about the number of
back to backs? As I know, you're trying to squeeze
in a bunch of time, but you want to give
some guys some time after in the All Star break,
You want to give some time off during the in
season tournament. Does it feel like to you that maybe
they've gone back to more of these three game and
four night deals and that could they be ultimately detrimental
to some teams that are trying to fight through some injuries.
Speaker 23 (01:46:57):
Yeah, I felt like pretty I think it always kind
of balances out and you have a tough stretch throughout
the season. But I think we may the high end
of the back to backs, and I think they give
a little more leeway to some of the level things,
and so we have to work ourself up to that
level to not have as many back to backs.
Speaker 15 (01:47:15):
But it's just part of the season. Everybody wants to
go through it, and we've done so far this year
due to you know, guys being in shape. Our health
is a little bit of luck.
Speaker 23 (01:47:24):
Obviously pretty much injury free, some little things here and there,
but compared to the rest of you, I think we're
as far as that.
Speaker 15 (01:47:31):
So we like that part about us. We like our depth.
Speaker 23 (01:47:34):
We can play several different guys, and you know, these
back to backs think it's the same amount, so everybody
has to go through them and accomplished.
Speaker 15 (01:47:44):
Nice back to backs, have good records.
Speaker 2 (01:47:48):
Going forward. All right, last question for let you run.
We were having dinner last night with a family and
my father in law who's always been a Rocket fan.
But you know, it's been tougher to watch the team
the last handful of years, and obviously things have gotten
a lot better. He's like he was telling me, He says, man,
I love him in Thompson and what he does in
terms of playing different positions. He's very tenacious defensively, he's
a good ball handler. His shooting has gotten a lot better.
Is he is he the one I mean among many
things that you're very boastful about and prideful about. His development,
even from just last year, I feel like has been
significantly improved. Tell me about what he's done in terms
of becoming a guy that you've been able to rely
on for more for shooting beyond the other things he
already did before, He's all of a sudden become a
much better scorer for you.
Speaker 23 (01:48:35):
Yeah, I think really the main thing with him was
he got hampered by the health earlier in the year
with the ankles that you know, hurt in Summer League
and then hurt the first twenty plus games of the season,
So that when he came back, you saw a rapid
increase in his confidence, his game overall and how he
impacts the game for us and the versatility and so
now being healthy this season so far, he's had big
carryover from last year kind of hit the ground running
as far as is what he did towards the end
of the season when when he was starting a bunch
when Opurn went out, And so it's good to see
him take that second year jump. He's a meticulous worker
on this specifically with his jump shot, tireless worker in general,
and so it's a luxury for sure to have a
guy like that that you can play every position offensively
and defensively. And if somebody happens to be out Dylan
right now, you just plug him in and then he
can fill that hole.
Speaker 15 (01:49:25):
And so for us, his growth has been great.
Speaker 23 (01:49:29):
One of the you know, one of our favorite players
on the team, just the way he goes about his
business every night and diversity versatility brings to our team.
So a definitely invaluable guy that's worked extremely hard and
he's reaping those rewards right now.
Speaker 2 (01:49:43):
And maybe you don't want to do this, but I
think people as sports fans like to make comparisons to players.
If you look ahead in his career, three, four, five
years down the road, what do you think he could
ultimately be. Is there is there a cop right now
in the NBA that makes sense for who he is
or what he can be.
Speaker 23 (01:50:02):
That's a hard one honestly, because he's so unique and
what he does. There's not a lot of people that can,
you know, play one through five and guard one through
five and play both sides of the ball at every position,
and so you know, has a point guard mentality and
pushes the pace and one man fast break, but also
can guard threes, fours, fives and everything in between. And
so it's a tough one and we love the uniqueness
about him and what he brings the table, and so
hard to say, honestly, you know, I coached Ben Simmons
in Philadelphia when he was rolling an All NBA defensive player,
and he has a lot of those traits as far
as being uber to guard every position, pushes the pace
of one man fast breaking those things.
Speaker 15 (01:50:40):
But it's even tougher because Ben was.
Speaker 23 (01:50:42):
A bigger guy and couldn't guards as well with the
ones and twos as much.
Speaker 15 (01:50:47):
And obviously I'm in as lockdown as far.
Speaker 2 (01:50:50):
As that coach. Thank you for the visitors always, Happy
holidays to you and your family. Congratulations on the great
start like being in the number two spot in the
Western CONFERENALCE. Keep it that way, and goodluck to night
against Repelicans. Will see at the arena later this evening.
Speaker 15 (01:51:03):
I appreciate it.
Speaker 2 (01:51:04):
Alrybody, that's uh you made oko joining us here on
the Matt Thomas Show with Ross. If you are playing
for a fantasy football championship, you're gonna get some help
in about thirty twenty minutes from now. Is Doctor Roto's
gonna hang out with the Ross between one and one
thirty to get you ready for championship week. We resume
on the phones next. If you want to join at
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Speaker 11 (01:52:40):
The Matt Thomas showing signed Sports Talk.
Speaker 15 (01:52:43):
Seven Home of the Strows.
Speaker 2 (01:52:53):
Thanks again to emy A Dookin for joining us. We
had a little bit of a phone glitch on that.
It is what it is right. Ross is back with us.
Ross is already game ready for his championship weekend. Now,
who's if we're rooting for Team Ross and his Fantasy
football Who were two or three guys you've got to
have good play this weekend. I will my Baker Mayfield
number one, okay, and then let's go with the Bijon
Robinson hook him horns. Hopefully he can have another good week. See,
you're relying on NFC South people to help you win
a championship.
Speaker 3 (01:53:27):
They have me in the championship.
Speaker 2 (01:53:29):
I can't.
Speaker 3 (01:53:29):
I can hardly hear you, Matt from the bench over there,
all right, got am mighty?
Speaker 23 (01:53:36):
Speaker 3 (01:53:37):
And DeVante Adams is questionable.
Speaker 6 (01:53:38):
Jackson Smith and Jig has been good, but he's playing
against the Bears who have a good secondary.
Speaker 3 (01:53:42):
So we'll see. We'll see what happens. James pray for
James Connor's knee.
Speaker 2 (01:53:47):
I will you know I'm gonna root vicariously for you
the rest of the way because I fantasy football.
Speaker 3 (01:53:52):
I don't believe you for one second.
Speaker 2 (01:53:54):
You can you know what? Trust me on this when
I tell you I'm done.
Speaker 3 (01:53:59):
No, I'm saying I don't believe you're rooting for me.
Oh that's second, that's probably right.
Speaker 2 (01:54:04):
Yeah. I was trying to get away with it, but
it didn't work.
Speaker 7 (01:54:07):
All right.
Speaker 2 (01:54:08):
Seven one three two one two five seven ninety seven
one three two one two five seventy today's edition. I
believe we're not coming up at one fifty today. What, Connor,
what is in the prize vault? Do we have anything
on the prize vault for a? I know, by the way, Ross,
I'm assuming there's nobody in the office. Is that accurate?
Speaker 7 (01:54:23):
That is correct?
Speaker 3 (01:54:23):
Nobody's up here now.
Speaker 2 (01:54:25):
Not a single soul is in a There's like two people,
Gordy one of them.
Speaker 6 (01:54:31):
I think he's out of town. Oh, okay, he might
be in New Orleans. I thought he was in New
Orleans with with you.
Speaker 2 (01:54:37):
No, he didn't ask for tickets.
Speaker 3 (01:54:39):
Yeah, well I think he's uh in the Sugar Bowl
in town.
Speaker 2 (01:54:44):
Well, yeah, next week. No, that's not for a while,
I don't think.
Speaker 3 (01:54:48):
Okay, Well, well, he clearly didn't want to hang out
with you if he had to hitch you up.
Speaker 2 (01:54:51):
You know what, they should be playing the playoff games today,
the college football ones. Yeah, why not?
Speaker 3 (01:54:59):
Didn't they just play Saturday?
Speaker 2 (01:55:01):
Well, but I mean you could, you could space them out.
You don't have to play.
Speaker 3 (01:55:04):
You know, these kids got to get in school, Matt.
It's all about the tests.
Speaker 2 (01:55:07):
First of all.
Speaker 3 (01:55:08):
Winter break never worried about school student athletes.
Speaker 2 (01:55:12):
Matt mm hmm. Yeah.
Speaker 6 (01:55:14):
How about those Texas Longhorns the big win over the
the Clemson Tigers taking Arizona State.
Speaker 2 (01:55:21):
You know what you're going to the You're going to
the championship.
Speaker 1 (01:55:24):
I don't know.
Speaker 6 (01:55:25):
It could be Oregon looming in the semi final. Organ's
pretty good. Yeah, they're really good. Actually, it would be
nice if if Texas could knock Phil Knight out of contention.
Speaker 3 (01:55:35):
That'd be great, the fighting Phil Knights.
Speaker 2 (01:55:38):
Isn't it crazy? What Phil Knight basically told Oregon if
you heard this blank check, blank check, I'm eighty six
years old. I want to I want to win Annational.
Speaker 3 (01:55:46):
Championship before I die, whatever it takes.
Speaker 6 (01:55:51):
Well, you know, the the the mighty underdog Longhorns who
don't spend any money in NIL are hoping to knock
out the Oregon Ducks.
Speaker 2 (01:56:02):
Why are you laughing, Matt, I don't know.
Speaker 3 (01:56:05):
By the way, what do you think of my idea?
Speaker 6 (01:56:07):
If they reseeded, it would be Oregon taking on Arizona
State this week.
Speaker 2 (01:56:13):
Where would Boise State be in the mix? State A
top four?
Speaker 6 (01:56:16):
They would be No, I'm going by playoff ranking seed
rather than the actual seed. Georgia would be taking on
Boise State.
Speaker 2 (01:56:24):
Hmm. You know, I'm mixed about it because in the
NCAA march Man is they don't reseed, but they receed in.
Speaker 3 (01:56:34):
The NFL NFL Major when they receed, do.
Speaker 2 (01:56:37):
They reseed in baseball? I don't think they do. I
don't think so.
Speaker 20 (01:56:41):
Speaker 2 (01:56:42):
I mean, it's not one of those arguments I'm willing
to have with anybody that's you know, I was like, oh,
you have to do it this way.
Speaker 6 (01:56:48):
Yeah, but when you get Arizona State as an audio,
when you have the auto bids, I think that makes
the receeding even better.
Speaker 3 (01:56:53):
Because Boise State right now is a three seed. That's ridiculous.
Speaker 2 (01:56:59):
Well, I mean, so the number one change you want
is if you win your conference, if you are the
highest ranked of the non power fours, you deserve in
but you don't necessarily deserve a top four spot if
you are better than say the ACC was.
Speaker 3 (01:57:16):
The number one change I would want is just go
one through twelve and that's that.
Speaker 2 (01:57:20):
Regardless of championships. Right.
Speaker 6 (01:57:24):
But don't you think that the Arizona State would have
made it they were twelfth in the final rankings. Boise
State would have made it their ninth in the final rankings.
Notre Dame can never win a conference. That's their fault.
Speaker 3 (01:57:38):
That's true. They want the money.
Speaker 2 (01:57:40):
Yeah, they're saying money is more important than the college
football playoff. But hell they they got another home gate
and they I mean, they beat up Indiana. They had
the completely sold out place. They were selling high. I mean,
if you're Notre Dame, do you really feel bad that
you didn't you had to host a first round game
except having to play it? Probably not right.
Speaker 3 (01:57:58):
No, they're probably not that bad. But what's an extra
game you.
Speaker 2 (01:58:00):
Have to win. Let's go to our buddy, Yankees Keith
at twelve fifty three on seven on a Yankees Keith,
good afternoon, do you well?
Speaker 10 (01:58:08):
Good afternoon to both of y'all. And Mary will Happy
New Year.
Speaker 2 (01:58:13):
We'll take Merry Christmas too. We'll accept all that.
Speaker 10 (01:58:17):
So yesterday when they had uh Mariah carry on, it
was that the fifty five year old Mariah Carey or
is that an old tape.
Speaker 2 (01:58:29):
That's a great question, because I as soon as I
saw her on camera on the on the video whatever
it was, I went and looked at her age. She's
fifty five.
Speaker 10 (01:58:38):
She looked gorgeous.
Speaker 2 (01:58:39):
Man, she was amazing.
Speaker 10 (01:58:42):
She was amazing, Beyonce was amazing. Uh, but I got
I got a comment for both of y'all. All right,
So when I became Texan's Keith last year at the
ditching the Titans because of of what happened with you know,
the Titans, and I became a Texans key that I
called y'all after the season was over, I said, you
know what the Texans need Derrick Henry, and both you
and Ross Derrick Henry's washed. We don't want to spend
all his money for running back. And now Derrick Henry
has eighteen hundred yards and sixteen touchdowns. So I can
tell both you and Ross y'all's bomb asses, oh goodbye.
Speaker 7 (01:59:32):
Speaker 2 (01:59:32):
Honestly, Ross, if I did, then I will then I
should be told to shut my bumbassad.
Speaker 6 (01:59:38):
I don't remember saying familiar. There was significant decline with
Derrick Henry. There is a reason that the Titans let
him go. He's a thirty year old and he was
coming off his worst yards per carry basically ever.
Speaker 2 (01:59:52):
But did we say it was washed?
Speaker 3 (01:59:55):
I would have that's I'm saying. No, I don't think
the word wash was used.
Speaker 6 (02:00:00):
I would say probably if I said he was past
his prime. I probably could have said that last year
he was used. Look, there was doubts that he was
going to be as effective as he has been this year.
Nobody expected him. If anybody knew that he was going
to be getting six yards of carry and be threatening
for a rushing title, he wouldn't have been as readily
available as he was at thirty years old.
Speaker 2 (02:00:24):
I just let me ask you. When the Ravens signed him,
were they thinking he was going to carry the ball
twenty times a game, averaging about five or six yards
of carry.
Speaker 6 (02:00:34):
No, it was a two year, sixteen million dollar deal.
So even they're surprised by his performance, I would say yes.
Speaker 2 (02:00:43):
No, I wouldn't say surprised. I'd say stuh.
Speaker 7 (02:00:46):
Speaker 2 (02:00:48):
There's no way that they thought that the Dereck Henry
they were getting was the one of five years ago.
No chance, So good on them now if you're the
now to compare. I thought when the Giants gave up
sa Kuon Barkley and he's in Philadelphia, you know, Philadelphie
was dancing around like they ever going to the Super
Bowl because he's still had a lot left in the tent.
Speaker 6 (02:01:09):
Yeah, I thought Saikwan had a lot more left in
the tank because he I mean, he's younger. He's twenty
seven now.
Speaker 2 (02:01:14):
Yeah, so yeah, I again, I don't know if Washington
seems a little strong.
Speaker 3 (02:01:20):
I'm sure I thought I might have thought he was
past his prime.
Speaker 6 (02:01:22):
And I do remember him saying that Texans should sign
to Derrick Henry, but I don't know they ended. I
don't know how that timed out with him and them
getting mixing.
Speaker 2 (02:01:30):
Speaker 6 (02:01:32):
Uh, I don't think the Texans were ever in on
Derek Henry. I mean I was worried about Mixing and
he was great. What has happened this year? People have
to realize it's largely unprecedent. When you have a bunch
of veteran older running backs switching teams, it doesn't normally
work out as a smash hit as it has for Barkley,
mixing Henry. Josh Jacobs you can throw into the mix,
although he's still younger. But yeah, what is happening right
now is is a running back renaissance that really nobody
saw or these teams. They would not have all changed
hands the way that they did. If these teams thought
that all these running backs are as good as.
Speaker 2 (02:02:05):
They have been. That's right, by the way, getting breaking
news that Chris Gordy will be in attendance in tonight's
game here at the Center. So now the problem is,
if I see Gordy tonight, he better speak to me
in all New Orleans tongue.
Speaker 3 (02:02:22):
Why, because he's in his town. This is where you
can you can tease in the five man.
Speaker 2 (02:02:27):
Yeah, yeah, I don't. I don't want to hear regular
speaking grammatically incorrect Chris Gordy. M okay, are you guys
going to the cats me out tonight? No, I'm going
to do the game and then get on a plane
and come back into the game tomorrow. You go right now.
Speaker 3 (02:02:47):
You have to show you got time.
Speaker 2 (02:02:50):
No, I have to where we leave right after the game.
You can sleep.
Speaker 6 (02:02:52):
I'm saying you can go right now after the show. No,
I got take a nap and you sleep on the plane.
Speaker 2 (02:02:59):
All right. Maybe, So all right, you and doctor Rodin,
you're gonna have 's next half hour. Yes, here's the reality, folks.
Ross is gonna spend the whole half hour talking about it.
Speaker 7 (02:03:11):
That is not true.
Speaker 2 (02:03:12):
That is all you do. Go not anymore, zero time champion. Hey,
we're going in the Pro Football Hall of Fame Dog
wh for sustained success. O call in with your questions
about your team, because unless you don't, unless you don't call.
If you call, you don't call in, it's gonna be
basically Ross running through his entire roster for half an hour.
That's not compelling around.
Speaker 3 (02:03:38):
I'm prepared to do it.
Speaker 2 (02:03:39):
Seven one three two one two five seven Nintie seven
one three two one two five Sevenatti Rotto is up
next for the fastest thirty minutes of major market radio
here on Sports Talk SEVENATI.
Speaker 1 (02:03:52):
Lunchtimers. This is the Matt Thomas Show.
Speaker 19 (02:04:09):
Wo waiver claims.
Speaker 24 (02:04:13):
Have to be made, and I've got trade proposals for
lying my way.
Speaker 3 (02:04:23):
My first round pig turned out to be a big flop.
Speaker 2 (02:04:30):
I don't know which.
Speaker 24 (02:04:31):
Wide receiver I need to drive. Doctor roto give me
the news. I really don't know what I should do.
My quarterback keeps getting sacked. I've got a batcas of
fan deceive blue.
Speaker 2 (02:04:53):
We will.
Speaker 3 (02:04:58):
All right, baby. I know what that music means. It
time to talk some fantasy football.
Speaker 6 (02:05:03):
And it also is championship weekend with the Houston Toros
not even limping into the playoffs and.
Speaker 19 (02:05:12):
Me going for back to back to back.
Speaker 6 (02:05:14):
Championships, Doctor Roto. Matt Thomas has handed off the segment
to me, how are.
Speaker 7 (02:05:19):
You Are you going for your third championship in a row? Yes,
I am, And that would be so possible that you
How is it possible that you and mt could be
sitting at the same studio and one of you listens
and one of you doesn't.
Speaker 3 (02:05:33):
I always listen, Doctor Road.
Speaker 6 (02:05:34):
And then Matt Thomas is just zoning out and he's
like liking picks on Instagram while you're talking.
Speaker 3 (02:05:39):
I think that's what's happening, could be, could be.
Speaker 7 (02:05:42):
But I wish, I hope you had a merry Christmas,
and I wish an all happy New Year. Let's kick
some button, get you another championship.
Speaker 3 (02:05:48):
Yah'll give you a second to brag on yourself, Doctor Roto.
How many leagues? How many championships you're looking at this week?
Speaker 7 (02:05:54):
I am in three finals for sure this week, and
then I'm in a bunch of high stakes leagues where
you know it's another accumulations, so I can get you
a pretty good week. But three weeks, three championships available
this week, so hoping to take them all down.
Speaker 6 (02:06:07):
And what is your thoughts philosophically, when you get to
the finals of the playoffs, how much of are you
just a dance with who brung it?
Speaker 2 (02:06:14):
Kind of guy?
Speaker 3 (02:06:14):
Keep it simple.
Speaker 6 (02:06:15):
Are you're still really looking for the razor thin margins
and the matchups? And how much are you hmming and
hawing this week as opposed to other weeks where you
want to, of course win the championship, but you also
don't want to get too cute.
Speaker 7 (02:06:28):
That's not such a good question. So I'm in a
big experts league. It's the Fantasy Sports and Gaming Association
as an experts league, and one of my I'm in
the finals. I had Kyler Murray not happy, he's got
both of his tackles out. No way I want to
play Kyler. I have Marvin Harrison not through with Marvin
Harrison this week doesn't looked good in a while, So
you know it's gonna sound I'm crazy, But I just
picked up Bryce Young this week. Why last time he
played Tampa through for two hundred and ninety eight yards.
Tampa can't stop anybody, including Cooper Rush. So do I
want to put my fantasy season on Bryce Young? Who's
looked good over the last few weeks. Who's playing a
horrible defense though, I want to worry about Kyler Murray.
No way, I'm taking Bryce Young. So I'm willing to
do what it takes at this point to win a
fantasy championship.
Speaker 6 (02:07:12):
All right, there you good good advice from the doctor
there for championship weekend. So just keeping in general again,
what are we monitoring as far as guys with playing time.
We know that there's been a lot of teams who
have been eliminated from contention who maybe aren't going to
get the snaps that they once were. We know that's
probably gonna happen with the Texans, although that'll be next week.
Who are some of the running backs, wide receivers, quarterbacks,
whoever you're monitoring keeping an eye on as far as
they might not get the playing time and opportunities that
they would normally.
Speaker 7 (02:07:41):
Yeah. I think the big one is the Cardinals. Right
James Connor hurt himself last week. Are they going to
rush him back? I don't think so, not after giving
him a big contract. Trey Benson their rookie. You know
this guy's got a ncle injury. This would be a
great day for him to start. But will he I
can't tell you Aaron Rodgers for the Jets dealing with
an injury. Does he sit out? We don't know. So
basically the problem is you It almost goes down to
the last second here. And I hate to say that
to people because people love certainty. They want to know
where they want to put their lineups in on a
Thursday and feel great about it. Kenith Walker's not playing tonight.
I know that. I know I played Zach Sharbonnet. We're
on a day to day basis. We're on a practice
to practice basis. But you've got to be able to pivot. So,
for example, Kate Aughton may not play this week against Carolina,
so you better pick up Payne Drham. If Kate Aughton
is out, paining dorm is pretty drawn good. So you
have to leave yourself options and you've got to be
ready to the last second.
Speaker 2 (02:08:33):
Speaker 6 (02:08:34):
So you're saying I could be in a situation where
I'm saying it's Payne Durham and Bryce Young season for
the championship.
Speaker 7 (02:08:40):
Dude, that's what I'm doing on I'm not saying I
just told you about it.
Speaker 2 (02:08:43):
That is what I'm doing.
Speaker 3 (02:08:44):
How you feeling about that?
Speaker 2 (02:08:46):
I actually feel pretty good. It's not gonna lie.
Speaker 7 (02:08:49):
You're talking about two teams who can't stop the pass.
And look, do I want to have the name. Of course,
I want to have the name, but I want to
have the points. Ross, I want to win.
Speaker 3 (02:08:57):
It's right, You're right, You're right, whatever it takes. That's
why you are the good doctor.
Speaker 6 (02:09:00):
Right, seven one three two one two five seven ninety
if you want to get in seven to one three
two one two five seven ninety. As we mentioned their playoff,
I mean they are playing time question marks, there are
injury issues. So let's go to the waiver. Well again,
you mentioned Bryce Young is a good guy to pick
off as far as a quarterback, any other quarterbacks you're
looking at who could be available on people's waiver wires,
who could give them some points this week?
Speaker 7 (02:09:24):
All right, that's a really great question. So I think
we're looking at don't laugh now, I'm just giving your
und names. Uh, you're at a point where you could
Mason Rudolph playing the Jaguars. Last time these two teams
played as a ten to six game. Do I think
it's going to be ten to six this time?
Speaker 3 (02:09:38):
No chance?
Speaker 7 (02:09:39):
Is Drake May worthy of playing? Yeah, Drake may may
win somebody a championship this year and certainly next year.
What about the Eagles, Is Jalen Hurt's going to play?
I don't know. Michael Pennix though, has a really good
matchup against the Commanders. If he's out there and you
need a quarterback, might want to play him. So I
think these are some names that I'm willing to look at,
depending on how badly I need them.
Speaker 6 (02:10:01):
All right, let's keep it going on the waiver side
with some tight ends. You mentioned paying Durham. Anybody else
we could be looking at this week that might be available.
Speaker 7 (02:10:09):
Yeah, So David Njoku, I don't know if he plays.
Jordan Akins. If he's out there, you guys remember him
from his days in Houston. He might be a good one.
Let's see Brenton Strange for the Jaguars, not at one
hundred percent. Luke Farrell would be his backup. Juwan Johnson
if he doesn't play, Foster Morole would be his backup.
You know the problem is Adam Troutman. I'll give you
two that nobody're thinking. First of all, Adam Troutman, Why
would anybody play this guy? I'll tell you Cincinnati's defense
is horrific against opposing tight ends. So this is a
name where the guys have two or three receptions each week.
He may have three or four this week if you're desperate.
Daniel Bellinger Indianapolis has been one of the worst teams
against opposing tight ends. If the Giants just had a
quarterback who didn't suck, Bellinger probably catched six or seven
passes this week. I mean Drew Locke could get that done.
So once again, that's another guy who's high on my list.
Speaker 2 (02:11:01):
All right.
Speaker 6 (02:11:01):
Then, Also, it's a bad matchup for some of the
good defenses, including like the Vikings. I've had to drop.
What about defenses that you could pick up and find
on the waiver ire give me the Colts against the Giants.
Speaker 7 (02:11:13):
I mean Drew Lock or de Vito. Those guys will
take four or five sacks for sure. About the Browns,
I think the Browns are a bit of a mess
in terms of who is their quarterback. As a DTR
like I stinks, Jameis Winston is a gift that keeps
on giving, so I'd be looking there. That's a good one.
I think the Saints Raiders game that could be a
defensive struggle. And I'm using that term loosely, but there
could be a lot of sacks in that one, especially
if Spencer Rattler's in there. All of a sudden, the
Raiders defense looks interesting to me. So once again, I
think for me, it's the Colts. I think the Colts
versus the Giants feels like a good one.
Speaker 2 (02:11:45):
All right.
Speaker 6 (02:11:45):
Another thing that we always look at is the wide
receiver cornerback matchups. You're always good at bringing us zone
versus man matchups as well. Can you give us a
couple of guys you think we'll really thrive this week,
either with the coverages or because of their cornerback matchups
and maybe even some stayaways from We know some of
the stalwarts around the league, the Patrick Scutains well, Joey.
Speaker 3 (02:12:04):
Porter has already played.
Speaker 6 (02:12:06):
But those types of guys that might be limited by
cornerbacks and those who will thrive.
Speaker 7 (02:12:11):
Yeah. So, for example, I love Jayden Read this week.
Vikings play a lot of his own coverage, and Read
thrives in his own coverage. He hasn't done a lot
the last few weeks, so people might not want to
play him. You definitely want to play Jayden read this week.
I love Terry McClure in this week, Atlanta has the
second worst DVOA against the opposing wide receivers. He's in
a great spot, Tyreek Hill, Oh man, this dude is
in the greatest spot ever this week. Why because Cleveland
plays man coverage and they let up a lot of
explosive plays. I think he's a really good play. Some
other ones for you see wide receiver ones like Terry
mclaur and I mentioned Calvin Ridley. Calvin Ridley's in a
really good spot. And then I would look in whether
it Juwan Jennings who didn't do much last week. I
think he has a rebound week this week.
Speaker 6 (02:13:00):
All right, there you go, Doctor Roto here on the
Matt Thomas Show with Ross. It is championship week.
Speaker 3 (02:13:06):
You know you got some questions for doctor Roto.
Speaker 6 (02:13:08):
Go ahead and get in at seven one three two
one two five seven ninety seven one three, two, one
two five seven ninety is the phone number. You can
also send tweets at sports RV More with doctor Roto
after the short break on The Matt Tommy Show with Ross.
Speaker 11 (02:13:24):
Back to Matt Thomas and Ross vireals on Sports Talk
seven ninety.
Speaker 6 (02:13:30):
Champion Ship Week here with Dr roto Sports Talk seven
ninety on the Matt Thomas Show with Ross phone lines open.
If you have some Championship Week questions seven one three
two one two five seven ninety seven one three two,
one two five seven ninety and Doctor rodo before getting
to the questions of anyone else. Uh well, I'm gonna
have to ask you questions for my own team. So
I do have James Connor in the flex, I do
have have Trey Benson, and I have Michael Carter. If
it comes down to Michael Carter, it is a flex
and a half PPR. Do I still play him over
Josh Downs or Jalen Waddle or I also just picked
up Jalen Cocher.
Speaker 7 (02:14:14):
Wow, what a mess up? I think? Yeah? Yeah, I
think Downs is not a great play this week. I mean, Jaye,
how many passes anything Richardson completed last week? I think
it was seventh? Yeah, right, So I don't know if
Josh Down's getting more than two maybe three like you
had last week. Jalen Waddle's not one hundred percent, but
I do. I mean, if he's playing, if he's actually active,
I think he does well against man coverage. So I'm
not against that start. Jalen Coker's fine, I mean not
that game could explode. It's a very high scoring game
on the slate. But I think sadly I might just
stick with Carter because if Carter's playing, it means that
Connor and Benson are both out and DJ Dallas is
nobody's starter. So I think Carter will probably gets fifteen
to eighteen touches and touches rules, so I think I would.
Speaker 3 (02:15:00):
Yeah, I have all three of them.
Speaker 6 (02:15:01):
So but so if Benson plays, play, definitely pay Benson
over everyone?
Speaker 7 (02:15:04):
Right, Oh for sure, he's great.
Speaker 3 (02:15:06):
Okay, all right?
Speaker 6 (02:15:07):
And with that seven one three two one two five
seven ninety the phone number to get in seven one
three two one two five seven ninety. Let's start with
Maddy Bee holding longest. Want to talk to Donogan derodo
Maddie Bee.
Speaker 3 (02:15:20):
Go ahead, Hey, doctor Rhoda real quick.
Speaker 2 (02:15:23):
I know you said he liked Jayden Reid.
Speaker 15 (02:15:24):
Would you start him over?
Speaker 12 (02:15:26):
Speaker 15 (02:15:27):
Garrett Wilson?
Speaker 2 (02:15:28):
And also quarterback? Would you go golf tu uh?
Speaker 15 (02:15:31):
Or Anthony Richardson if he goes?
Speaker 7 (02:15:35):
Okay, So look, I don't love Anthony Richardson. I know
what he did last week. I get that he could
give you that type of game. I kind of like
two of this week. If two is healthy and playable.
You know, I told you against man coverage, they should
be able to score a lot of points in that game.
I know it doesn't feel like they will as long
as the weather holds up. I think two is actually
a really sneaky start. Garrett Wilson. I don't know what
he did to piss off Aaron Rodgers, but Aaron Rodgers
doesn't look his way, and I get I give Garrett
Wilson a Good Soldier award because he doesn't call anybody
out during these interviews, but you can tell he's miserable.
You could tell he doesn't want to be there. I'm
starting Jaden Reid over him.
Speaker 15 (02:16:11):
All right?
Speaker 6 (02:16:11):
Seven one three two one two five seven ninety. Championship
Week with Doctor Roto rolls on seven to one three
two one two five seven ninety, John and Conrad go ahead.
Speaker 15 (02:16:22):
Hey, what's the guy edge one of the Colleen I
was listening to you.
Speaker 20 (02:16:26):
It's one of the say I'm in four championships and
I'm going for a four p all right, Doctor Rodo.
Speaker 15 (02:16:33):
I got a question in my four P James Connor.
Speaker 20 (02:16:37):
Might not play Saturday, so I'll have to stay forward
in But in my flex do I play DK Metcalf
or Calvin Ridley and I'll hang up?
Speaker 7 (02:16:47):
Yeah, congratulations, I'm making your another championship there. I'm playing
Ridley ten times out of ten over DK Metcalf, mat
Keeff's not even the number one receiver anymore. They're going
to JSN all day. Secondly, Chicago's been stingy against opposing receivers.
Jacksonville has been very generous, and you got the revenge narrative.
You know really wants to stick it to Jacksonville. So
I really like him this week?
Speaker 2 (02:17:07):
All right?
Speaker 6 (02:17:07):
Se one three, two, one, two, five seven ninety on
the phones. Got a couple on Twitter super flex QB
doctor roto Gino or Tua or pick up Bryce Young
off of Waivers.
Speaker 7 (02:17:19):
I'm definitely not playing Gino tonight. I'll pick up Bryce
Young off Waivers just in case. I'm having no problem
going with TUA. But I always like flexibility, so just
cut your worst player and pick up Bryce Young.
Speaker 15 (02:17:30):
All right?
Speaker 6 (02:17:31):
Another one on Twitter, Doctor Roto picked two out of
the three as in bench one full PPR Keenan, Allen, Deebo,
Samuel Calvin, Ridley.
Speaker 7 (02:17:43):
All right, Keenan Deebo. And really, I'm definitely playing Ridley
one thousand percent. I'm playing Deebo Samuel as well. I mean,
Detroit is really generous against opposing wide receivers, and I
worry about this game tonight. I think this game tonight,
here's who's going to be successful. I love Zach Sharbonet, right,
Zach Sharbnet is going to have a good game. Chicago
hasn't stopped any running back in weeks. Don't laugh. I
like me some Noah fan tonight. Chicago can't stop a
tight end. I like JSN two. Those are the three
guys actually like here on the other side. I mean,
I don't hate Swift, I don't hate any of these receivers,
but Seattle's been kind of stingy on defense, so I
don't think any of these guys are great plays. And
I don't trust Caleb Williams as far as I could throw.
Speaker 6 (02:18:21):
Them seven one three, two, one two five seven ninety
Keeping it rolling with doctor Rodo here on the Matt
Tomas Show with Ross Roy on the South Side.
Speaker 25 (02:18:29):
Go ahead, doctor Rodo, I heard your point about Jayden Reed,
and uh, he was. He's been disappointed all here, so
I was just gonna keep on on the bench. But
to your point, him or Tank Bits, the Mike Evans
and flex or Juwan Jennings and Keelan, would you put
him in or any one of those?
Speaker 7 (02:18:56):
Yeah? So I look I like I love feeling this week.
I think in a great spot. I love Jowon Jennings two.
You don't trust Tank Bigsby. It's not that I don't
like Tank Bigsby. On trust Tank Bixby. But here's what
I can tell you about Minnesota. They're going to try
to pressure Jordan Love. Jordan Love has looked a lot
more confident recently, and I think the Packers have played
really some good football. If you can give Jordan Love
a little time can pick you apart. How do you
beat the Vikings through the air. It's hard to run
on them. I don't see this as a big Josh
Jacobs week. So if there was ever Jaydon Reid week,
I think this is it. We haven't seen it in
a while. And Christian Watson's not one hundred percent. He's
got a bruise on his knee. I like Dobbs, and
I really like Red. Now, could I be wrong? Of
course I can. I mean, nothing is perfect here, this
is fantasy football, but I can tell you this Tennessee's
run defense hasn't been bad. Travis Epn is still hanging
around those things annoying me too.
Speaker 6 (02:19:48):
Seven one three two one two five seven ninety. The
phone number if you'd like to get in seven to
one three two one two five seven ninety.
Speaker 3 (02:19:56):
Michael, next up with doctor Rode.
Speaker 15 (02:20:00):
Question for you.
Speaker 17 (02:20:01):
I've got flex physician and thinking either Charbonne or Dante Adams.
Speaker 7 (02:20:08):
Yeah so DeVante Adams. Yeah, Adams is a good play.
Look Aaron Rodgers loves Davanta Adams. That's a good play.
But Buffalo is a tough team to play against. I
love Sharboney tonight, Kenneth Walker is out. Look at what
running backs have done to Chicago recently. It's been a bloodbath.
I mean the Charboney I would have told you if
he was playing on Sunday would have been my lock
of the week. That's how much I like him. I'm
not benching him.
Speaker 6 (02:20:34):
All right, let's keep it going on the phone lines
or actually, looks like that person is on hold.
Speaker 3 (02:20:40):
That's okay.
Speaker 6 (02:20:40):
Another question from Twitter doctor Rodo James Connor Jacoby, I
think he means Jerome Ford or Isaac Garrindo.
Speaker 7 (02:20:50):
Yeah, so, if I had a guess, I think James
Connors out. There's just no reason to play him unless
Connor goes up to them and says, hey play me, coach.
They're not playing him. What is a purpose? None. Grindo
would be a good start, but we're gonna have to
wait till Monday because we just don't know. Now the
good news is by late Sunday, which is when that
Dolphin Brown game is gonna happen, we should have some
idea about Grendo. If Grenda's playing, I'm happy to play
him because you know, anybody in the San Francisco backfield
gets over twenty touches and I don't think Patrick Taylor
looked very good last week. But if Gorendo's out, I
think I think Jerome Ford doesn't played looked good last week.
I mean he's he's a solid players, not Nick Chubb,
but I mean in week seventeen, if you need a
running back, he's certainly fine.
Speaker 2 (02:21:33):
All right.
Speaker 6 (02:21:33):
Final Call of the Week, Championship Week Scott in sugar Land.
Speaker 3 (02:21:37):
Go ahead your question for doctor Roto.
Speaker 14 (02:21:40):
Hey, yeah, I've got two questions if you can do
it for me.
Speaker 25 (02:21:43):
The first one is would you play Connor or Charbonnay.
Speaker 2 (02:21:50):
One million?
Speaker 7 (02:21:52):
Yeah? I don't think Connor's playing.
Speaker 3 (02:21:53):
Oh yeah, you can't wait. Oh sorry, go go ahead.
Speaker 2 (02:21:56):
That's terrible news.
Speaker 15 (02:21:58):
Well what about out Knicks or Love?
Speaker 7 (02:22:03):
Great question? That is a great question. I think Knicks
may be one of the locks of the week. And
I'll tell you why. Sincin Natti's defense is bad and
they let up a ton of rushing yards to opposing
quarterbacks and bow Knicks is mobile. So this could be
one of those games where Bonix throws for two hundred
and forty yards, throws for two touchdowns, rushes for forty yards,
and maybe even find the end zone. You could have
the Bonnicks week that you've always dreamed about. So I think,
crazily enough, I'm starting Bonnicks.
Speaker 6 (02:22:32):
Wow, well, I'll stir go back to my team, then,
doctor Roto, I have Bonnicks on the bench for Baker Mayfield.
Speaker 7 (02:22:38):
Oh yeah, I'd see Baker that one. I'm going to
stay with Baker, okay, And the reason why is Carolina's
defense has been very generous and that game could explode.
But they're both two of my favorite five starts of
the week. On my website, I do something called visionary
Plays of the Week. They're two of my five favorite
quarterbacks of the week.
Speaker 6 (02:22:55):
Yeah, I got two of the top five that got
them both off the waivers. That's funny how that works
in the champion playing your league. Hey, well, Matt Thomas
and Adam Klanner a leaving the league, so it's gonna
get a little stronger.
Speaker 3 (02:23:05):
I think next year.
Speaker 7 (02:23:07):
Yikes, and he's leaving. He threatens to leave every.
Speaker 3 (02:23:09):
Year, I know, but I think he's serious this time.
Speaker 7 (02:23:12):
I'll be his silent partner.
Speaker 3 (02:23:14):
Yeah well, okay, well, no, we don't need you involved.
Speaker 6 (02:23:16):
Actually, one call snuck in, so let's get it real quick, Jeffrey,
go ahead, be quick.
Speaker 21 (02:23:20):
Hey, yes, sir, I've got uh Terry mclonferin or T
Higgins for flex good questions.
Speaker 7 (02:23:28):
I do like both, but I'm gonna go Terry McLaurin.
Higgins is not one hundred percent. Denver's defense has been
pretty good this year, so I'd be careful. Mclaurin's the
only game in town. I think he goes for one
hundred yards in a touchdown.
Speaker 6 (02:23:38):
All right, doctor, it is that time of the week.
It is championship week, so Neat, we.
Speaker 19 (02:23:43):
Need what you have, and that is Doctor Ronos, a
lock of a week.
Speaker 7 (02:23:49):
There's a lot of guys I like. I mentioned Tyreek Hill,
I love him. I mentioned Terry McLaurin, I love him.
But the lock of the week is Jamier Gibbs. If
you have Jamier Gibbs, congratulations. David Montgomery's injury probably brought
you Fantasy Championship. The dude's gonna get I don't know,
twenty five touches, one hundred and thirty yards and two touchdowns.
Lock him in your lineups.
Speaker 6 (02:24:07):
I will be locking him in the absolute no doubt
about it. Look, oh a week, Jamiir Gibbs. Thank you,
Doctor Roto. Let the folks know where they can find
all of your great content.
Speaker 2 (02:24:19):
All right.
Speaker 7 (02:24:19):
You can find me at x dot com, at d
R R O t O. You can find me at
my website, Doctor Roto dot com, and of course at
sirius XM Fantasy Sports Radio every Saturday morning from eight
to ten am Eastern Ross. I wish you and all
the listeners are very happy and helping you year my friend.
Speaker 6 (02:24:34):
Yes to you as well, and of course, good look
in our championship games, and good luck to you doctor Rodo,
you too, talk to you soon. All right, there you
go doctor Rodo with some fantasy football stuff. Find him
on Twitter at doctor Roto d R R O t O.
He is very good on Twitter about answering questions and
you can get all his content there as well. All right, Tom,
for a quick break here on the Matt Thomas Show
with Ross. Man has gotten a half hour off, and
while he's gonna have some of the next segment off
as well, but that's okay. He's been busily writing, believe
it or not. That is also coming up. As we're
with you until two o'clock. The Rotten five is next.
Don't go anywhere on the Matt Thomas Show with Ross.
Speaker 11 (02:25:11):
The Matt Thomas Show with Ross continues on Sports Talk
seven ninety.
Speaker 2 (02:25:19):
What thirty four I have Sports Talk seven ninety Good
to hear doctor Roto give Ross all the proper advice. Ross,
we on behalf of all of us in Houston rooting
for you for championship success this weekend.
Speaker 3 (02:25:30):
I don't believe you. But that's okay. It's good, thank you, Matt.
At least you're feigning support, which is that that counts
for something.
Speaker 2 (02:25:37):
Yeah, I mean, but Trey County needs money more than
you do.
Speaker 6 (02:25:40):
Yeah, I'm okay with getting second. My team was probably
and my team was not the best team in the
league this year. I got lucky in the playoffs and
I went up against the best team and I got
lucky to win. That's how it goes. And fantasy football.
If I happen to win, I happen to win, all right. Sure,
a lot of luck involved in fantasy football. Man, I
got a decent squad.
Speaker 2 (02:26:00):
But I mean, even Adam Clinton got lucky one year.
I don't know how I think he won back to back.
Speaker 6 (02:26:05):
Jamar Chase, that's two more championships in Matt Thomas, you
don't get lucky in back to back seasons, buddy. Oh,
Jamar Chase did drop a fifty bomb on you, Mattie
in the championship.
Speaker 26 (02:26:15):
Drafted him like as a rookie in like the late
rounds too. So I don't want to hear it.
Speaker 2 (02:26:21):
What you're gonna hear is that Diehard is not a
Christmas movie.
Speaker 1 (02:26:26):
Get a Matt.
Speaker 26 (02:26:27):
So wait, when does it take place again? Christmas Eve?
When was it released?
Speaker 3 (02:26:32):
Who cares? When it's released? July thirty, Fourth Street was released.
Speaker 6 (02:26:36):
The Christmas storyline the movie. Yeah, we're talking about a
movie in thee.
Speaker 3 (02:26:42):
Being released.
Speaker 6 (02:26:43):
Home Alone was in November. Chris Christmas Vacation was in December.
Home Alone two was probably in November. December. Christmas movies
are released in Christmas, and as I pointed out earlier,
the sequels are Christmas movies too, and Dieard three, there's
not even a mention of Christmas. That's because it was
taking took place in the middle of the summer. So
it's not christ because they're not Christian. Because it's not
a Christmas series of movies movie, It's a.
Speaker 2 (02:27:05):
More important thing. Okay, Number one did how was your
show on Christmas Eve? It was?
Speaker 3 (02:27:11):
It was great. What are you talking about?
Speaker 2 (02:27:13):
How is your show on New Year's You've coming up?
Speaker 26 (02:27:16):
We won't have one because LSU is playing on our
on our station.
Speaker 2 (02:27:20):
Yeah. Seriously, the amount of work you don't do and
get paid for is incredible.
Speaker 26 (02:27:25):
I mean, get it written into your contract. Man, don't
wind to me. You need an agent or something. Oh wait,
just kidding.
Speaker 3 (02:27:31):
We don't.
Speaker 2 (02:27:32):
We don't need agents.
Speaker 3 (02:27:33):
If you have an agent in this business, you're kind
of lame.
Speaker 2 (02:27:37):
That felt kind of personal for some people.
Speaker 26 (02:27:39):
It was for a couple of people in this city.
Well one's not here anymore. He's fat, m all right?
Speaker 2 (02:27:47):
Is Adam part of a rotten five rossy?
Speaker 3 (02:27:50):
No, he's not in The Texans have all five spots.
Speaker 1 (02:27:53):
No they don't.
Speaker 2 (02:27:55):
I was waiting for your video today at what happened?
Speaker 3 (02:27:58):
Well, that team sucks, so they can get a video.
Speaker 2 (02:28:01):
Are the Rockets start getting some videos here shortly?
Speaker 26 (02:28:03):
I've been asked that question repeatedly. I'll see if they
make the postseason and then we'll go from there. Am
I retiring the Astros videos is the real question? And
then here's the thing.
Speaker 2 (02:28:12):
When you start saying I was there with you, I
really was there with you.
Speaker 26 (02:28:15):
Well for the home games, that's true. We can't take
you on the road.
Speaker 3 (02:28:19):
When did you really walk around in a casino on Christmas?
Speaker 2 (02:28:23):
Speaker 26 (02:28:24):
And your family did?
Speaker 15 (02:28:25):
Speaker 3 (02:28:25):
When did you open presents with your family? Are you
doing that when you get back?
Speaker 2 (02:28:28):
No, No, we know we were. We didn't leave it
until eight o'clock last night.
Speaker 26 (02:28:33):
Oh I didn't know that I don't know your track.
I'm not on fancy Matt time.
Speaker 2 (02:28:37):
Well, I mean you can text, but you were busy
doing god knows what.
Speaker 26 (02:28:40):
I had family over.
Speaker 2 (02:28:41):
It's good.
Speaker 3 (02:28:42):
I was busy, not walking around a casino.
Speaker 2 (02:28:44):
I had family in my house too. We were all good.
Speaker 20 (02:28:46):
I got it.
Speaker 2 (02:28:47):
I got the best of both worlds. I got a
great meal, I got great presence, good time with the family,
and I got to say, uh, double down please.
Speaker 26 (02:28:55):
Hey, it's one thirty eight in the afternoon on a
day where where the Rockets tip off against the five
win Pelicans at seven pm, So I don't think it's
too early for me to ask you this question, Matt,
and you'll be very familiar with it.
Speaker 3 (02:29:08):
Should the Pelicans just give up.
Speaker 2 (02:29:12):
The man? There were people on Twitter and rescue you
did it for the Texans. I was like, you know,
but no, we had to wait to see Kala Hannah
go out at halftime with it the in the in
the convertible. That was the best.
Speaker 26 (02:29:23):
Remember when she like had some some juice in the
off season because of the uniforms and they were looking good.
Speaker 3 (02:29:28):
Yeah, that's all gone.
Speaker 2 (02:29:30):
Yeah sor right, did you get your Christmas gift from them.
Speaker 26 (02:29:33):
By the way, No, I never do anymore.
Speaker 3 (02:29:36):
But I'll tell you what. Their pr staff is very
good to me in Kansas City.
Speaker 2 (02:29:40):
I saw that.
Speaker 3 (02:29:40):
It's the first game I've gone to all year and
the last.
Speaker 2 (02:29:43):
And did you who just sit with?
Speaker 3 (02:29:46):
Mmm? Which side the right side of me? Was some
very nice people.
Speaker 2 (02:29:52):
Okay, fair enough, ladies and gentlemen. We present to you
this is this is this the last Thursday? No, we
got one more of these, right, Yeah, we are more wicked. Yeah,
we present not the five best teams. That takes you
to hear that kind of stuff. On the eight team.
We want to give you the five worst teams in
sport in the NFL. We present to you Rosses Rotten five.
Speaker 1 (02:30:13):
They've gone there, they draw flies Rich Ross's Rotten five.
Speaker 2 (02:30:23):
This don't smell quite right?
Speaker 6 (02:30:25):
All right, Matthew, the penultimate Broaden five for the year.
How are things shaking out?
Speaker 25 (02:30:32):
Speaker 3 (02:30:32):
I will let you know. Let's welcome back to the
list of familiar name the Cleveland Browns.
Speaker 19 (02:30:38):
They've earned their way.
Speaker 6 (02:30:39):
Back on this list after losing their last four games
and six of their last seven. And oh, by the way,
they only have three wins on the year. The Browns
clearly in tank mode. They're like, yeah, we're gonna go
with Dorian Thompson Robinson as the starting QB because he
gives us the best JITs to win.
Speaker 2 (02:30:55):
Sure things going to plan there.
Speaker 6 (02:30:57):
They only mustered six points against the mighty Cincinnati Bengals
defense defense actually still been decent most of the year.
Congratulations to Miles Garrett. He did notch his one hundredth
sack of his career. But at the end of the day,
my goodness, the Browns are horrible. They are the fifth
worst team in the NFL.
Speaker 19 (02:31:16):
You are a factory of sadness.
Speaker 6 (02:31:18):
Let's keep it rolling along with the New England Patriots,
all familiar names for throughout the rest of this list.
They played the Buffalo Bills. The good news they did
cover the fourteen points spread. The bad news they turned
the ball over a bunch and they have now lost
five games in a row, their last win coming over
the Chicago Bears. The defense continues to be mediocre. They're
about nineteenth in yards per play, but the offense continues
to be one of the worst in football, twenty eighth
in that metric. Add to the fact they had the
Chargers in town this week looks like more losses. They
are on the horizon for the team that is also
going to get the Bills again at the end of
the year, although mercifully the Bills may be low into
their playoff seed. We will have to see. But right now,
the New England Patriots, the fourth worst team in the NFL.
Speaker 15 (02:32:06):
We're getting ready for Cincinnati.
Speaker 3 (02:32:07):
No, I think I think it's New York Bell and
our year. You're you're at UNC Why are you here?
All right? The horrible Jaguars poof. They have been really bad.
Speaker 6 (02:32:15):
They've lost seven of their last eight games, the loan
win coming against those terrible Tennessee Titans, so I had
to rank them ahead of them. Last two losses coming
against the all Jets and Raiders. It was supposed to
be a cake schedule down the stretch for the Jaguars.
They seem to disagree, as they've turned to Mac Jones
and well, looks like Matt Jones is still a bad
quarterback squad, only putting up fourteen points against the Las
Vegas Raiders defense giving up more yards were played than
any other team in football. Jaguars in line to get
another high pick. They've had four top ten picks in
the last six drafts, looking like it's gonna be five
and seven because they are terrible.
Speaker 3 (02:32:49):
They are the third worst team in the NFL.
Speaker 20 (02:32:52):
Oh, we've been strong.
Speaker 1 (02:32:53):
We're just playing by the rules.
Speaker 6 (02:32:55):
Gonna miss you Jaguars lady when the offseason hits, all right,
Holy hell, the Titans are terrible.
Speaker 3 (02:33:00):
They're a bad football team.
Speaker 6 (02:33:01):
They've now lost six of the last seven games, including
bad losses to the Jacksonville Jaguars. I mean, then they
lose last week to Anthony Richardson and the Colts.
Speaker 3 (02:33:10):
What is going on? Things are so bad for Will Levis.
Speaker 6 (02:33:14):
The team has been turning to Mason Rudolph and to
the shock of absolutely no one, Mason Rudolph is not
the answer at quarterback for the Tennessee Titans. And also,
good thing is signed Tony Pollard to an eight million
dollars a year contract, the same number that Dereck Henry
was signed by the Baltimore Ravens. Great dynamite stuff there,
Tennessee Titans. You could have had Derek Henry for the
same money. Holly Poler's been decent, but he has not
been Derek Henry level. The Titans are terrible. They are
the number two worst team in the NFL.
Speaker 7 (02:33:45):
Guys, we've got to go get Vince Young.
Speaker 3 (02:33:48):
Well, he is available, all right, Let's keep it here
at the bottom. We know who is here. It is
the New York Giants.
Speaker 6 (02:33:53):
I mean, goodness, gracious, how many different ways can they lose?
Speaker 3 (02:33:57):
And lose horribly?
Speaker 6 (02:33:58):
Losing this past weekend to the Atlanta Falcons thirty four
to seven to Michael PENNOCKX and the Atlanta Falcons.
Speaker 2 (02:34:06):
Drew Lock turns out he's not the answer.
Speaker 6 (02:34:09):
Nora is Tommy DeVito, nor is Daniel Jones, and looks
like Brian Dable could be on the way out. They
have lost ten games in a row. The New York
Football Giants Melic neighbors has hurt as well. I mean
it is time to just pack it up and try
to get that number one overall pick for the team
that only has two wins on the year and is
thirty second in the NFL. There's thirty two teams that's
not good in yards per play. The New York Football
Giants are horrible. They are the absolute worst team in
the NFL.
Speaker 15 (02:34:39):
The fuck more than anything that I've ever fucked before.
Speaker 3 (02:34:43):
And there's your rut in five.
Speaker 2 (02:34:45):
You sound like Charlie Wick. That's not good. That was good.
Speaker 3 (02:34:51):
I came to get pneumonia and die.
Speaker 2 (02:34:54):
I open up the refrigerator and there's milk and sour
cream and butter and that's about it.
Speaker 3 (02:35:05):
Hold on, hold on, all right.
Speaker 2 (02:35:08):
We open up the refrigerator door again, looking for a
big tasty sports story, and.
Speaker 3 (02:35:15):
There's milk, sour cream and that's about it. No, butter man,
there's nothing going on today. If you're not going to
play the storm one, what's the point you.
Speaker 2 (02:35:29):
Want to go ahead play the storm?
Speaker 3 (02:35:31):
Speaker 6 (02:35:32):
Well, uh yeah, it's the holidays, right, It's fine. Hold on,
let me get the here.
Speaker 3 (02:35:38):
Off the top.
Speaker 2 (02:35:39):
This is the absolutely most ridiculous professional environment in which
I have ever ever worked. I have the mic turned
dead away from the rain and the wind. But we
are live, and I've never said that as excitedly at
the Shell Houston Open, where we are thirty nine days
and forty nights away from full on arc conditions. It's unbelievable.
We our electric just got blown out. We on the
air with this generator? Was that just the light switch?
Speaker 3 (02:36:17):
All right, we're on the air. Make sure that's not
gonna catch fire.
Speaker 13 (02:36:22):
That's a chair blowing in okay, starting, can you hear
this through the air.
Speaker 2 (02:36:36):
I don't think we're gonna be here much longer, particularly
if this tent blows over on top of me.
Speaker 3 (02:36:43):
Matt's umbrella.
Speaker 2 (02:36:44):
Just bit it.
Speaker 3 (02:36:45):
Yeah, I came to a golf tournament to get pneumonia
and die.
Speaker 2 (02:36:51):
So good. It's so good. Shout out to you, Charlie
if you're listening. Man, that's good stuff right there. All right,
So we've got time for one more audio bit, a
famous moment of mine in New Orleans when we return
one forty six. Believe It or Not is up next
the prize vault basically empty autograph photos of Adam Clinton
and some daisy dips. If you win today seven one
three two, one two five, seven ninety seven one three two,
one two five, seven eighty all things about New Orleans
on today's edition to Believe or Not plus Ross go
to the archives and find that audio of me in
New Orleans a few years back. Right now, quick word
for set These Fine Jewelry forty percent off fine diamond
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Speaker 11 (02:38:12):
The Matt Thomas Show continues on Sports Talk seven ninety
Will Rockets and astrol Is playing and Real Texans Talk.
Speaker 2 (02:38:22):
All right, we need contestants quickly. We're gonna play Believe
It or Not? Seven one three two one two five
seven ninety seven one three two one two five seven
ninety Here is the one of the times I was
previously in New Orleans.
Speaker 8 (02:38:35):
I would think you.
Speaker 2 (02:38:43):
I have no idea. Hell you said it, but I'm
sure a great point. Matter of fact, yelgay, I'm gonna
do it for him.
Speaker 3 (02:38:48):
I'm gonna give you a chance.
Speaker 2 (02:38:49):
For you United debate in a couple of minutes, but
you won't be around a second.
Speaker 19 (02:38:57):
Hey, New Orleans, you're marking radio hosts.
Speaker 2 (02:39:01):
I cannot do this show like this.
Speaker 1 (02:39:05):
Turn yourselves down.
Speaker 3 (02:39:08):
I'm trying to do a show.
Speaker 10 (02:39:11):
Speaker 7 (02:39:12):
Hi, it's not working.
Speaker 2 (02:39:14):
Hey, it's not working. Stop they don't care. Hey, it's
getting more.
Speaker 10 (02:39:23):
Quiet now though.
Speaker 3 (02:39:26):
You're starting to draw attention to yourself. You're starting to
embarrass yourself. Matt, don't embarrass yourself. Don't embarrass our station.
Speaker 2 (02:39:35):
Four minutes left to go on the show. What should
we do.
Speaker 7 (02:39:40):
Speaker 2 (02:39:41):
We should play America's fastest growing sports radio game show.
We simply called it be leave it or out of
Here's how it works. You're called seven one three, two
one two five seven ninety and try to answer questions
based off of the city of New Orleans. I'll give
you a statements completely not only accurate. You'll say this
believe it in the same as you run as football.
Commit if you'll say this not to believe it or
not in a row when you're a prize connor are
we playing for today?
Speaker 9 (02:40:05):
We have our final pair of tickets to see The
Toady's live in December twenty ninighth that the House of Blues.
Speaker 3 (02:40:09):
Or if you can get a shutout, you can give
a shutout.
Speaker 2 (02:40:12):
Yeah, the shoutout's good. Steven on seven ninety. Youre ready
to play Believe it or not? Believe it? The city
of New Orleans is bigger population wise than Cleveland. Believe
it or not?
Speaker 1 (02:40:23):
Not believe it it is.
Speaker 2 (02:40:25):
New Orleans is fifty fifty third uh seven one three
two one two five seven ninety Chris and the Heights
on seven ninety Chris, You're ready to play Believe it
or not?
Speaker 15 (02:40:37):
I believe it.
Speaker 2 (02:40:38):
The city of New Orleans is number three in per
capita murders, number three believe it or not? No, Yeah,
they are number three. Sorry if I said it one
set a thousand times. You gotta know the per capita
murder counts in major metropolitan cities. I am in Magnolia