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October 30, 2024 9 mins
Looking back at Houston and the city's success over the years regarding just the sports world of things, the city has achieved a lot in talks of teams moving and being placed here in the city of Houston. From historic teams, to flashy colors, and memorable names have all been a huge contributor  to the the city of Houston's sports success over the years. Looking ahead and even currently, Houston looks pretty well rolling into the future regarding the city's teams looking well enough to compete for national titles across all three sports in baseball, football, and now even basketball. Sean and Brian pose the question to listeners what type of city can Houston be labeled as, is it a baseball one with the Astros? Basketball with the Rockets? Or Football with the Texans?
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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
This high fastball mince colors to you and your view
is just an Astros You're listening to Shawn Salisbury on
Sports Talk seven ninety colors.

Speaker 2 (00:09):
How about the performance your home for Houston Astros.

Speaker 3 (00:13):
Baseball seven ninety is the number to join? Also something
that we're gonna discuss pretty much all show long, and
we want your thoughts on it. What city is this?
Texans Rockets Astros? Is it an Astro city? Is it
a Texans city yet? Could it be a Rocket city?

Speaker 2 (00:35):

Speaker 1 (00:35):
I asked you that at the end of the show yesterday,
so tease it for today.

Speaker 2 (00:38):
What do you think? Man?

Speaker 3 (00:41):
I still think it's an Astros town baseball town.

Speaker 2 (00:46):
Do it feels to you like they're more passionate? Is
that fair? Yes? Does it?

Speaker 1 (00:50):
Is it fair to say that that's because of the
the uh sustained success or they just like baseball more
and don't trust the Texans yet?

Speaker 3 (00:59):
What what is I think it's the sustaining I think
it's both. Actually, I think it's the sustain success. I
think last year was an unbelievable season for the Texans
and now, honestly just from I mean, we have the
Texans at six and two and yet people it still
feels like the fan base is like, ah, yeah, there's
six and two, but you lost Stefan Diggs. What are

they gonna do now? Nico Collins is injured, the offensive
line is banged up or not even banged up there,
they're just not very good when it comes to pass protection.
I think for a team that's six and two, they're
still I mean, there's excitement, but it's not as much
as I thought there would be. I think just a
suctain sustain success for the Astros makes this an Astros
town for right now. Now, the Texans gets the FC

Championship this year, maybe even a Super Bowl, obviously that's
gonna change. But then you look at what the Astros
have coming back next year. They're gonna have a lot
of pitching. There's still a lot of question marks. Whether
they're gonna try to bring back Alex Bregman, will Jeremy
Pegne elevate, what's gonna happen with Kyle Tucker, can he

perform in the playoffs so far?

Speaker 2 (02:06):
And so on?

Speaker 3 (02:07):
So I think there's a pivotal time for the Houston Astros.
But as of right now, for me at least, I
still think it's a Houston Astros town. And then the
Rockets are you know, we'll see how they do this year.
They're two and two so far.

Speaker 1 (02:19):
Well, not that we feel this way, but they're a
distant third. When it comes to passion, it feels, I mean,
it's almost like it's a selected thing, you know what
I'm saying, that they're tread and waiting for it to happen.

Speaker 2 (02:31):
Young players.

Speaker 1 (02:32):
But I wonder if all three won a championship within
a year, which one would be most celebrated, man the
one that hasn't won one yet, yeah, meaning the Texans,
or would it still be the pride of we keep dominating.
Look at the Astros have done, They've rebuilt it and
done it again. Well, I've just wonder which one strikes

the what's the biggest lightning rod here? When things go
good and when things aren't going good? Which one evokes
the most emotion?

Speaker 2 (03:02):
Is it?

Speaker 1 (03:03):
When they're going good, it feels like the Astros does. Yeah,
when they're going bad, it still feels like the Astros. Yeah,
excuse me, I mean this is listen. We are on Thursday,
they'll be more than halfway through the season, meaning the Texans,
And if they're able to go into New York and win.
That's seven and two. Is it a seven and two?

You think Super Bowl seven and two or a seven
to two that you think we're still a ways away?
You know what I'm saying. But it this way, I
don't know what we'll find out today. It's just and
we can't. You can't judge by callers or the buzz
through a phone line and just how we're talking about it.
But just around town, I wonder, like our people is
uptight about Stefan diggs injury. Not saying they're rooting for

him to be hurt. I'm just saying uptighting. Oh my gosh,
look what happened. Imagine now, So would you say that
Stefan Diggs is one of the more popular and highly
I mean at his position, one of the when you
talk about each position on the team, say he's one
of the more well known stars in the team. Right, yeah,
all right, So this would be the equivalent of let's

say it's the equivalent of Pro Bowls. Never been an MVP. Okay,
Alex Pregman injury out for the season, with two thirds
and a half the season to go, where would we
be tripping more Stefan Diggs or Alex Bregman, Alex.

Speaker 2 (04:24):
Pregman, And I don't know if it's close. I don't
think it is close.

Speaker 1 (04:27):
Which is crazy because you've got Stefan dis who's been
a number one everywhere he's been, and you got Alex Bregman,
who's been in the starting third basement here. I just
I'm not saying, and maybe it may be wrong.

Speaker 2 (04:40):
Would it change? I mean, what will it take then?

Speaker 1 (04:44):
If you're telling me that it's an Astros town, what
would it take to flip the switch to the to
a Rockets. I think the Rockets would would take It's
going to take even longer. Bringing Dream back would be nice,
but they got good young players. But in a state
of Texas, yet it's still I tell people around the
country said, since I've lived here, it's a baseball town

even though it's a football state. So what will it
take for the Texans to overcome? If the Texans went
and won a Super Bowl this year or next year,
does it all of a sudden become the most popular
or is it still the Astros or the Astros? If
the Astros did a downturn, would would the interest wayne
or would they say we got to get this back.
Where would it go? I mean when? Or let's put

them all are mightily struggling. What What's which one cuts
the deepest? If all three franchises were in last place
in their division halfway through all their seasons, which one
would people emotionally be.

Speaker 2 (05:45):
Ruin their day?

Speaker 1 (05:46):
I think it's the Astros. I do too, I really do,
and I'm not sure, and I may be wrong. If
there's somebody on this, It's not like saying you're wrong.
If you think that, I'm just trying to get a
gauge for that. You got a six and two team
with the dynam quarterback, is it?

Speaker 2 (06:04):
You get my point? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (06:05):
If they're all suffering and struggling and miserable, are the
fan base more miserable because of the Astros, the Texans
or the Rockets? Yet if they're all winning, you're happy
for all of them. It's bragging part. But which one?
Which one?

Speaker 2 (06:19):
If you say you're going to go to all three?
Which one you go into?

Speaker 1 (06:23):
Which one makes you grab the phone the most and
call your buddy or text your friends. I can't believe
this is happening, bad or good? Yeah, if it's a
good part so I just because I right now, I'm
sure you can ask this question in a lot of
towns in Boston and Philly and Los Angeles. Is Los
Angeles say Trojan town when they're winning? Is it a
Laker town when they're winning? Is it a Dodger town

right now? Is it a football town? Do they want
the re What town is it? I've grew up in California.
Which one is it? Which one would they suffer the
most over? I wonder if it's the Dodgers because of
the law time off. That's what I'm saying is that
I think for that city, I got I gotta feel

like it's either the Dodgers or the Lakers, because they've
got two football teams. Right, It's not the Chargers. It's
not the Chargers, so to see you see what I'm saying.
In Boston, hell, you could even throw the Boston Bruins
in there. Which whose town is it?

Speaker 2 (07:21):

Speaker 1 (07:21):
The brain it's not a Patriot town anymore? No so,
Red Sox Celtics are the reigning champion probably their city
right now. But that's been one of you can make
the argument with Russell and through Larry Bird and all
the Halcheck and Larry Bird that it's been a Celtics town.
There's four you can choose from there because they've all
won titles. So I just wonder, here, worthy what evokes
the most emotion winning or losing? Right now, I still

think it's Astros. Yeah, you come off a ten win
two season in a football state with them as popular
high school football state as there is on the planet. Yet,
what's the equivalent of six and two in football? For baseball?
What's half playing baseball? Okay, so you're half, you're Let's
say you're at you're at eighty one games and they

are Is the equivalent of that?

Speaker 2 (08:09):

Speaker 1 (08:09):
That is a fair day? Say what's sixty five? Yeah,
you'd what's sixty five and twenty five? That's that's ninety Okay,
So sixty five and sixty and twenty would be eighty games.

Speaker 3 (08:23):
Let's say you one and twenty, sixty one and twenty.
That's that's essentially what it is. Okay, if you're if
it's about.

Speaker 2 (08:32):
You, imagine the Ashros are sixty one and twenty. You
get my half way point.

Speaker 1 (08:37):
Get my point, So they're seven and two if they
went Thursday, sixty one and twenty at the All star
Break or seven and two?

Speaker 2 (08:43):
Which was which? Which one's evokeing more emotion? Is the
the close?

Speaker 1 (08:48):
The Astros are kicking ass right, So I guess I'm
looking for our great fans to tell us how's it switch?
Or are we are we missing something here? Is there
more buzz about that? Yeah than we think? Yeah, curious,
It's just interesting. Seven one three two one two five
seven ninety. Will take your calls on that.

Speaker 3 (09:05):
What kind of town do you think this, uh Houston is?
Is it a Texans Astros rockets? How do you feel
about it? We'll uh take your calls. All show along
on that. Seven one three two one two five seven ninety.
Gotta hear from uh Demico Ryans. He talked about the
loss of Stefan Diggs. We'll hear that audio discussed next
on Sports Talk seven hutighty
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