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Saulsbury. Old, Okay, let'sdo this. Sewn Salisbury, there to
usc truth, longtime friend, ShawnSalisbury, Ryan Lima, go Lobos.
This is the Sewan Salisbury Show.I try to go for a three peat.
I would have too if I wouldhave to. Mike Tomlin getting a
contract extension with the Pittsburgh Steelers,Shawn Triple League, good morning, good
morning, smartest with the Steelers bag. Just keep just to just keep me
extending this, but just extending tolike twenty sixty does his win, that's
all he does. Backtrack here orgoing back from where you're you're you're really
nice headlines to start the morning.Solid, really solid. Yeah, good
morning, good morning, Good morningis Lakers? What did you know the
Lakers think about this? I hadto beg to give their job. Boy
had to beg for a head coach, a good head coach. Well,
I know why why who? Hestarts with it l it ends with it
ends Lebron maybe different. Well,when you go there, two things are
gonna happen. You're gonna get hiredand Lebron's gonna get you fired. Exactly
right, it'll be the I confessit's the coach's fault. Dan Hurley made
the right move. So there's that, and then the Astros brother I know
we'll talk more about the Lakers.And then there's the guys pining for the
Lakers job. You think you thinkthe JJ Reddick wants that job? Very
bad, good gracious, Yeah,And then there's then there's the Astros.
Championship talent. Not a championship teamright now, simple way to put it,
harsh as it may sound, becauseyou know how we how much we
love them, but if you're not, if you're just looking at it fair,
they're they're championship talent. They arenot a championship team right now,
and I'm not sure they will bethis year long. Get a lot a
lot of baseball left. I getit. We hear that every week,
and I know we say it,but at some point, you are you're
you know who you are. Maybethe spots get a little bigger, a
little smaller, but they don't goaway. This team is going to have
to grind it out to get there. It's going to be a hell of
a run. And they are extremelygifted and talented, but they are not
a championship team right now. Talentyes, team no, And there is
a difference. Spencer Araghetti is gonnabe a guy that you're gonna have to
count on. And he was atsixty pitches by the third inning. That
is tough sledding. So what hego five and two thirds still grinding through
it. But this one was doinga pretty good job of This was one
of the concerns that we've talked about, especially since you've lost Christian Haavier and
you've lost Jose Rakhti. The inningstreshold it's coming, and in a game
where you play a not very goodSan Francisco Giants team, you cannot afford
to lose in extra innings. Whenyou're trying to get back to five hundred
and you're trying to climb back intothis Al West race. You are now
thirty and thirty seven, seven gamesunder five hundred. Let's see, going
into the bottom of the sixth,it was nothing nothing. They get a
run, Ashro's tied up in theseventh, roll into the extra inning in
the tenth, put the the oldManfred Man on, Hey, Astros did
did a little small ball, SoI like them. Get a guy over,
get him in, score a coupleof runs. You feel pretty good
about it. And then the Giantsput up a three spot yep, sure
did man, and that's a toughway to lose it, and Montero had
a hard time getting people out.It was Raffi. Four hits. You
call him Raffi now, yeah,Raffi or Raffi. Raffi sounds better,
actually Raffi. Yeah. Let's seefour hits, three runs, two of
them earned through fifteen pitches, andthey lose. Yeah, I don't no,
I'm just thinking about how often wemove the goalposts for the Astros this
year. Well, I was justwe do. I mean, I'm talking
about all of us, do Yeah. Now, listen. One thing I
love, among many things, oneof the great things I love is when
are we have some you know,I think we all get unrealistic at time
about expectations, but we also getunrealistic time about you know, twelve games
and we want to replace people.We all do it, and then fifteen
games in your crown and a teama champion, all those things. I
think our listeners and callers are prettydamn rational for the most part. I
mean, we're all irrational times onour frustration carries over and our emotion.
We don't take a deep breath andlike, what's going on here? They
got no shot? Well, ofcourse the season is not over. But
we got some pretty damn good rationalcallers and listeners that kind of understand what
we're saying here is that we movethe goal posts. The reason why we
move the goalpost for the Astros isbecause of the success they've had the last
seven years. We move them.Oh, well, and I'm putting you
and I'm me in The category twois Oh, they lost to a row,
but that's okay. Wadel Bregman getshot, right. Oh, they
got four injured pictures, but Wadal, mccullors and Garcia come back. Oh,
they don't have leadership, but Joea Spot is just a rookie.
Oh, Presley, well, theninth guy. He'll eventually adjust to the
eighth to the eighth Innien rule.We do that because why the bar they've
set so high in the last sevenyears makes it almost not forces us,
but it's kind of a built inexcuse to move goalposts for them. Yeah,
because we think twenty twenty one entitlesthem to twenty twenty four, or
twenty twenty two entitles them to twentytwenty three or twenty twenty seventeen entitles them
to twenty twenty four. Well,that that's normal. The fact of the
matter is, take yourself out ofthis, stick yourself in another city.
Toronto, Okay, over the lasttwo years, who's been one of the
top favorite the last three years,who's been as as big a favorite as
anybody to win the World Series inthe American League. Toronto's always up there,
that's right, and they've underachieved forthree four years in a row.
We look at their talent, whatdo we say, ooh, Vlad and
Springer and you know, the shitand chat everybody, and what do we
say going to the World Series?I've done. I picked them to go
to the World Series a couple yearsago. I'm sure you maybe you did
too. If not, we hadthem in the final four, right and
in the ALCS well underachieved. Butwhat do you think they did there?
I'm guaranteed move the goalpost for what. Oh, we'll get this picture back.
Oh, it hasn't happened. Thisteam's had more access to them,
so we move it even a littlemore. Right now. I'm telling you
now, if you're a diehard Astrosfan, and we all do it,
and even if you're if we're ifwe're a little unrealistic. You know what
we're saying to ourselves. Ah,no, big deal, it's not even
the All Star break. That's amove of the goalposts, right, that's
a hug. Yeah, if you'retalking about give me another team. If
if we are talking about the TorontoBlue Jays, what are we saying or
the Red Sox. They're not gonnawe know who they are at this stage
in the game, right or arewe not? They're not gonna make the
playoffs? And I know people say, well, the Astros are more talented.
Yeah, maybe so, but thatmakes it even worse because they're more
because this year, more underachieving andyou can't the injury thing, there's nothing
you can do about that. Butyou know what, there's been teams,
plenty of teams, including the Astros, that have gone through injuries in the
past and survived it. So atsome point in time, nobody wants to
hear that, right, Nobody wantsto hear, yeah, we only lost
by two runs. We've been inevery game. How often you want to
hear that? I don't What thattells me is you don't know how to
close out, close games most ofthe time. That's the part that would
bother me if we keep saying movethe goal post. They only lost by
one run, So I just wedo move the goalpost for them. They
are not a championship team right now, and you're lying to yourself if you
believe they are. If you wantto tell me they got championship caliber players,
they got rings on their finger.If you want to tell me that
this is a loaded team talent wise, absolutely, which may make it even
deeper dive of hurt because they're underachieving. That's the problem. Yeah, and
you talk about moving the goal post. One interesting thing that I saw from
last night, just as it's offthe top of my head, and I'm
not going to continue to Actually,yeah, we are going to get to
you having us to discuss jose Brayat first base because he was over for
last night. You want to talkabout moving the goal post, he should
not be playing. I don't movethe goal post for him. I'll tell
you what. They're the ones that, as much as we love what the
Astros organization does, they're moving thegoalpost for jose A. Brady. Oh,
he got a couple of hits twothe games he's gonna get hot,
he won't get hot enough to gethim in the playoffs. In first base,
they have to have production, andI'm telling you patience is going to
it's gonna get to the point wherepatients wear it's thin in the own locker
room, and then you're gonna startto feel like you're not giving your team
the best chance win. And intruth, Singleton's not a championship first baseman
either, right, I don't meanthat disrespectful. He did play well enough
to earn that gig that a Braidersshould have brought it back. And I
love John's story, I don't lovewhat he had to go through. I
love the comeback part of them,but let's let's face facts. That's not
a World series position for them byany stretch of the imagination. And if
you were really going to grow adeep set all of us, you'd completely
shift that position and put somebody inthere to grow into the position, not
grow out of it. If youreally want to grow a set of stones
and say we got we gotta thinkoutside the box because and you can't keep
saying well, we got ninety gamesleft, well, we got eighty games.
Eventually you'll have twenty left and you'llbe out. You got no shot.
At some point in time, you'regoing to have to whoever's involved in
letting them drop and say, youknow what, it's time to make the
shift. The goal posters stand rightwhere the hell they are and instead of
letting two guys Singleton can be youcome off the bench great or obray you,
whatever it is you want to do. Those guys are not productive enough
to give us a chance. Wehave got to go and find somebody with
pop and let him grow into itas opposed to out of it, because
I really don't want to go intonext season not knowing who your first basement
is. That's where we're headed rightnow, and that will find him.
Now. If there was ever atime when you say, we've got to
make a decision and it's unfair foreverybody here to blame the whole season on
a bray you that's BS. Yeah, okay, that's then I'll go through
a litany of players that I cantell you that, well, this guy
didn't do this, this guy hasn'tdone this. You're going to have to
make some hard decisions and that's whythose guys get paid. And in the
you can't move the goal post becauseyou keep moving them. Eventually you're going
to move the goal post. You'regoing to move the goal post into being
fourteen games out of first place andit won't matter anymore, and then people
won't show up, and then youknow what you want to share with the
Texans. You're about a month anda half away of doing that if unless
you pick this tempo up. Theconsistency talented, yes, Consistent, absolutely
not. I'll tell you what they'reconsistent at. They're consistently inconsistent is what
they're doing. That's a perfect wayto put it. Consistently even been the
best thing they've been good at thisyear. Consistently inconsistent with an enormous town.
And I don't I'm not quitting onthem. They can go on a
roll and win ten in a row, but have they shown you the ability
and what eighty plus games? Whateverit is? What are it? Ninety
now? H sixty seven? Sothey're thirty and thirty seven? I mean,
okay, wuld I say say notninety eight? I met halfway through
the season, I'm exactly and halfwaythrough the seasons eighty one games, so
we're right there. Fourteen way ifyou come on, man, if they
if you're warn't in the organization.Let's just say you're sitting at home watching
baseball and you're not involved with anyorganization, and I but you're a baseball
guy. I go up to PeteRose right now. I go up to
Wade Box right now, and Isay, how long into the season do
you know who your team is?Now? There'll be hot streaks and loser,
but do you know what the identityof your team is? And I'll
garant ask to you. They're notsaying ninety games. I'd probably say six.
I say, right about a thirdor more of the way. To
see, that's usually the way itis. Now, you got to you
got to make adjustments, and whoadjusts on the fly changes? You're the
cool We've seen teams go twenty likeremember Colorado. We talked about this back
when the Red Sox beat them inthe World Series. Yeah, they had
to win like twenty two or twentyfive down the stretch to get in,
and they did. And then whenthey got the World Series they were overwhelmed
and got swept. But point is, Clint Hurtles team went on a roll.
And but that's how often that happenswhere you're gonna win twenty four out
of the last thirty or whatever itis. So it just to me it
has to there's gotta be a dynamicshift, man. There does, and
they're not. They haven't been deciseenough to be dynamic on a consistent basis.
So you're gonna have to make somehard decisions. But with hard decisions
also you find gems and there's gotto be a different energy there. Just
does. This is an inconsistent energythat that can't be because right now,
when I say what's the identity ofthe Astros, you know what you're gonna
say, inconsistent. Yeah, Andthat's the last thing you want to hear
with this squad, as talented asthey are, is the astros roster construction
flawed, one writer thinks. Solet's talk about it next on Sports Talk
seven to eighty