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For the Shawn Salisbury show continues andnow you know Sideline CEO, which I'm
gonna ask him a few questions aboutthat as well. He joins us.
Now ESPN's Marty Smith. Marty,welcome in, man. What a pleasure
it is to have you on,sir, not every day I'm on air
with Legends. Brother. I hopeyou guys are will We're doing very well,
man. We appreciate you joining us, and we're gonna get to what
Southwest is doing for the SEC,I know europe Media days. We'll get
to that in a second. Letme just ask you something I've never been
able to talk to you about.What's the best part of your job?
I would say, first of all, the relationships and you know that,
like you know how that works whenyou're part of a team that really accentuates
each other's talents. But aside fromthat wonderful camaraderie, I would say,
it's the opportunity to have time,which is our most precious resource, to
have time with iconic sports figures andopen them up and humanize them in a
way that maybe they haven't been seenbefore, and that that is just the
most fulfilling thing for me. Inmy job, and regardless of the sport,
whether that's uh here in college football, which we're doing at SEC Media
Days, whether that's the golf majorswith with the the great players in both
leagues, the Triple Crown horse racing, all the auto racing I do.
It's just such an amazing blessing.I love that opportunity. Yeah, Marty,
you get to cover some Marty SmithESPN and a bunch of other stuff.
But whether it's the majors at golfand you getting to talk to those
guys and cover them, or youmentioned NASCAR, all this college college sports,
college football, it's a great gig. And your author as well,
sideline CEO and you know, andlooking at your book and kind of going
through all the people you talk towhen you go through the process of this,
is there something you found out fromthese coaches or maybe it's something they
all have in common, or thepeople you talk to winners, people who
excel. Is there a parallel towardstheir success in all of them, or
did you find out something maybe wedon't know about them that you're like,
damn, that's why they win?Well, going back to time, I'm
just so grateful to all of themforgiving me that time. I interviewed twenty
championship coaches. They have fifty fivechampionships at the collegiate or professional level between
them, and it's a who's who. I mean, it's sabingbo Sweeney,
Kirby, Smart, Doc Rivers,Mac Brown, Roy Williams, Jacque Caliperry.
It's really a who's who of championshipleadership minds. And I broke the
as I was making my way throughthe reporting of it, I realized there
were common threads and a light bulbwent off that I had to break the
book up into those common threads.So I broke it up into eight pillars,
which were basically, first, whatis leadership? And as you know,
leadership is not power, Leadership isinfluenced. Can you bring people with
you, especially when they don't believethey're capable themselves. And then it's what
are those pillars? Trust, communicationand listening, delegation, crisis management is
a very big one, self evaluation, evolution, all of those pillars.
And then I interviewed all these folksand broke the book into those eight pillars
in almost an oral history format,as if you're reading it where you're all
in the room together, and it'sdone really well. And like, I'm
a huge saving guy. I wasjust talking to him in our green It's
super weird to be his coworker.That's a different deal. But I was
talking to him in the green roomand he's such a student. He said
to me, He's like, howmany interviews you got today? I said,
I don't know ten. I think. He goes, do you how
do you do that? What isthe process of how you do that?
And really it's fundamental, it's thehuman condition. Shut your mouth, open
your ears, let that person sharehis or her truth, and then follow
up on that truth. And it'sjust been so fun to see how that
book has resonated. Man, it'sI knew that it would kind of move
some people in certain ways, peoplethat are leadership geeks like I am,
But my goodness, I didn't expectsome of the companies, corporations, teams
to gravitate to it the way theyhave. I'm incredibly thankful. Leadership's everything
great. That's Sideline CEO and MartySmith joins the CESPN SEC network. He
covers all these big events and he'sat SEC media days. You mentioned Nick
Saban Canaan the bore taking over forhim and did a hell of a job
at Washington. But Marty with thatleadership and you're feeling, well, you're
filling the shoes of the best collegecoach ever in my opinion, and maybe
the best coach he's been phenomenal.How how big is that gap? How
big are those shoes that Caitlin's goingto have? And what are the expectations
at Alabama? Now? I don'tyou know, you always hear the old
adage you don't want to be theguy who follows the guy right because the
expectations and the body of work areso impossible to attain that how do you
define success? Well? I giveKaylen a lot of credit and here's why
he did not come into Alabama andtry to emulate coach Saban's culture or emulate
the day to day operational procedures withinthe Alabama building. He came in and
did it his way, which isway the hell more relaxed. And if
you talk to the support staff andyou tell that they almost they've had to
sort of relearn how to operate becauseit is such a different culture. And
Kaylin has done nothing but win everywherehe's gone, he's won, and I
expect him to win at Alabama.He's I mean, the cupboard is very
full for him in terms of talenton the field. He's brought in a
lot of his guys operationally and interms of the x's and o's of the
game. But the league is soimpossible when you're taught talking about Kirby Smart,
what he's built at Georgia, Sark, what he's built at Texas Lane.
Kiffin's built a tremendous program at OleMiss, what coach Drink is doing
at Missoo, what Hypel's doing atTennessee. There's just no relent It's a
relentless gauntlet. And so I didsee that Vegas, which is right a
lot. They feel like Alabama's overunder I think is eight and a half
right now, and that's the lowestthat's been in a really long time,
which is natural. That's understandable becauseyou're replacing Nick Saban. I don't think
there is any replacement. But ifyou wanted a guy who could come in
and continue the success, I thinkthey got a great one in Kaylen.
ESPN's Marty Smith joins us for afew more minutes here on Sports Talk seven
to ninety from SEC Media Days downin Dallas, Marty. You mentioned Steve
Sarkisian in Texas. Are they readyfor this jump in the SEC? By
all means yeah? Obama at homelast year, yep. So yes,
they are absolutely ready for this jump. They have tremendous depth. They have
his leader. Going back to leadership, one thing that I admire so much
about Steve is the transparency and thevulnerability with which he leads these young men
and this program. They gravitate tothat joan. They gravitate to real these
days, whether it's a coach,an athlete, an industry leader. They
can tell bs instantly. And sowhen you're recruiting these young people or trying
to recruit them through the portal andthey meet you and you have that ability
to meet them on their level andtell your true story, they gravitate to
it. And it's a magnetic force. And sark has that. Plus he's
an offensive mastermind, and so Ithink they're going to be really good for
me. It's everybody's happy right nowin mid July, and everybody's optimistic in
mid July, and I know thaton October nineteenth in Austin, Texas.
The Horns are gonna host the Dogs. They're playing head to head in the
regular season. But I still feellike right now to me, those are
the two programs that we might seein Atlanta. When do we get there
in December? No doubt about it, Marty. You've seen transformation happen,
as we all have. But you'reright in the thick of it in college
football? Is the NIL transfer Portalcollective gonna good guy him here? You
got me? Oh? I gotyou? Jumps are yeah, no problem?
No problem is the NI You've seenthe transformation? How your feelings on
NIL collective transfer Portal? Are wein a dangerous area to ruin college football?
Or can we make this really reallygood? Interesting question that I would
have had a different answer to yesterdaymorning. Have we spoken? I am
forty eight years old. I grewup going across a mountain in Appalachia with
my daddy to watch Virginia Tech playfootball under Frank Beamer. And those are
the sweetest memories I have with myfather. That college football is extinct,
now, that doesn't mean that thereisn't still generational adoration for the game.
There is. The game is veryhealthy In that regard, I think that
the spirit of the fan bases andwhat Saturday afternoons and evenings is is still
very very strong, maybe stronger thanever. But I do have concern that
college football and college athletics in generalhas become transactional. It is not I'm
going to the University of Georgia,Texas, Alabama, you name it,
Tennessee for my love for the letteror my love for the state. It
is how much you're gonna pay mein so many instances. And that's that's
interesting to me. And now there'sall this litigation where you know, they're
obviously they've they've agreed that they're goingto play the pay the players a revenue
share at the player level, andso that is quite a substantial and seismic
shift. Yeah, and I withthe led the very there are no rules.
It's the big problem. If we'regonna save this thing and keep it
where we all love it, therehas to be some governance, over all
over arching governance, because now it'sa state by state governance, and that's
just it's just not right. Martytell us you, I mean, your
involvement with Southwest, a big newsponsorship happened with the SEC. Your involvement
with Southwest Airlines and what Southwest isgoing to do with the SEC. I
know there's some great things for fansas well. What's going on with Southwest
and the SEC. Yeah, Iappreciate you asking. They are the new
official airline of the SEC, andthat's great for the league And honestly,
it's great for Southwest because of theloyalty and the passion that SEC fans have.
It's really the brand of the conference. What other conference do you see
fans if their team lost, they'llthey'll cheer for the other SEC team who's
still alive. Like that's that.There's only one conference that does that you
and you're not gonna see Michigan fanscheering for Ohio State. I can promise
you that. And so it's cool. The Southwest is on board. They've
added a bunch of flights to hugeSEC centric matchups this year in those markets,
starting with Week one at the VegasKickoff, that usc LSU game,
Bama at Wisconsin in Week three,Tennessee at Oklahoma Week four, Georgia at
Texas week eight. They've added flightsin order for fans to have a more
seamless way to get to those marketsfor those games. And they're also doing
a really cool sweepstakes Southwest SEC Sweepstakesdot Com. Go there, you'll have
the opportunity to win, an opportunityto go to the SEC Championship. It's
just cool. It's great that they'reimmersing invested, great for the conference,
and really good for them too.Okay, let's get to the real stuff.
I'm an obsessive, compulsive golfing nutjob, you know, all day,
every day, and and who iseverybody playing for second place of Scheffler's
right at the British at Royal atthe Royal Troon or you got a surprise
for me. What Scotty is doingis just it's just beyond unbelievable. If
he were to win, he wouldjoin Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicholas tiger Woods,
and Ben Hogan among a vary esteemedgroup of players to win. I
got to remember the the tournaments,the masters players, I forget the exact
tournaments. But he'll join I mean, he's already joined all these esteemed lists
of of of elite players. Ireally feel strong about Ludwig Oberg. I
know that he kind of fell apartlate last week at the Scottish awesome to
see Bobby McIntyre win that thing theway he did it was just his phenomenal
Marty, the game is so healthydespite what a lot of people feel and
a certain narrative. Bryceon de Shamba, the emotion he showed winning the US
Open, Zander winning at Valhalla,I just feel like it's really healthy and
going in if you if you're notpicking Scotty, something's probably wrong with you.
But I just really feel like Ludwigmight might be the guy. Yeah,
if you could ever emulate a swingin tempo, Odbrigg's the guy you
want to do it. That guyis just so even keel. Yes,
he's gonna he doesn't ride emotional wavesand it's fun to watch. He's gonna
win a lot of them. Marty. You'll see Marty Smith on every platform
on the planet, not only withESPN and Marty and McGhee and doing all
his features. And he's an authoragain, Sideline CEO, you got to
go read it. Great on leadershipand always entertaining. And I know you're
beloved everywhere across this country and theSouth loves you as well. And my
man I'm telling you his first timeI've been able to interview your You've been
a fan for a long time andhonored to have you on and I'm watching
everything you do, brother, SoI appreciate you taking time. I appreciate
your kind spirit, brother, Andlikewise, I've been a fan for a
very long time. And what anhonor you get to spend time with you.
And I imagine in Houston it's probablyone hundred and three already on it's
way about eighty five percent of abidity. I appreciate you. A beer and
around of golf at some point mytreat. I'd love that, man.
I look forward to it, forwardto it. Thanks Marty, I appreciate
you you too. That's Marty Smith, big fan, his reverence for all
of it, but his interest andpassion for all of it, well in
the South, maybe unparalleled. Theguy knows it and it's got great insight.
And I kim I'm a leadership honktoo. I get books. I
read them all the time. Itry to live up to it. I'm
not sure I can, but Isure read them. That's Marty Smith,
Sideline CEO. It's a hell ofa read as well. Sports Talk seven
ninety with Ross and Tripoli. I'msean, we'll come back and discuss.
We've got a lot of Texans talkhere. In the next ninety minutes,
DROs will open their home away seriescoming out of the All Star Break on
Friday in Seattle. A chance tocome back home, win this series,
well after this series. A chanceto be in first place one game out
as the second half of the seasonabout to get underway. Thanks again to
Marty Smith, great Stuff Sports Talkseven ninety