Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Bravy Gang Gang Gang.
Speaker 2 (00:06):
Baby pout of the top and lead spread.
Speaker 1 (00:10):
As we're listen, it's a.
Speaker 2 (00:11):
Past the Great Gray. We go win Fishing for your
Bitch today with Chunk and Houston Houston Bay. Now we
go ahead and Leck Camp. We'll get rich.
Speaker 1 (00:21):
Todays Bitch Gravy, Gravy, Gravy Gang. What's going on? Everybody?
Happy Gravy Day. It's Past Gravy Episode five hundred and
eighty five with Alex pat and Bobby Jokes. I know
we like to have a lot of fun on this podcast,
but for the second straight week, I feel like it's
time to break its awareness. Okay for a very serious,
very dangerous infestation that I've seen taken over are getting political,
mostly in Egyptian Africa, mostly in Africa right now. It
could come over here. It could come over it's the
windy season. It's these fucking scare of beetles. They just
crawl up under your skin and just eat your alive.
Are you seeing these things? They just like a little
big bump comes under your arm and then it goes
and just fucking kills you. It's not the bump most
people are looking for. No bump. Also, you mean, like
like from the Mummy, exactly like from the Mummy. These
scare beetles, they are a fucking problem. We need to
be aware. Have you seen them outside of the Mummy. Well,
like I said, they're in Egypt right now, so they
haven't made their way over here. But I think we
got to keep an eye on I don't. I don't
think we do, buddy. That's that's a movie. Those aren't real.
Scared beetles aren't real. They're not real. They're real. They
were Scared beetles are real things long times ago. But
like not they don't crawl under your skin like see
the way skin works is it's like get it right
in you see the movie. It doesn't work that way.
That's that's what they call movie magic. So they're not real. No,
you don't got to worry about those, all right? Well
then scratch that. That's that's low on the list of
that you need to worry at. That part from the podcast.
Never mind?
Speaker 3 (01:59):
Okay, anyway, why do you think they didn't talk about
it at the VP debate last night? It's not real?
You think you think scared beetles weren't real, We wouldn't
know about it.
Speaker 1 (02:06):
We just sent our tax dollars over to save them.
Speaker 3 (02:08):
Like that would be so we did, they'd be using
a terrorist attack if they were real. Oh yeah, unleast beetles.
Speaker 1 (02:14):
I ran got a hold of some scared beetles. What
would that would it?
Speaker 3 (02:16):
Would it be insect warfare, insect fair, insect affair, insect insecticide. No,
that'd be if you were killing the beetles. Insect warfare, Yeah,
whichhould be. That would be a dope for him.
Speaker 1 (02:32):
Yeah, weird it be. I don't like that.
Speaker 3 (02:34):
Like before you attack, like a village or something, you
just unleased like ten million locusts. That's what Jesus did,
fuck up their ecosystem. After you're gone.
Speaker 1 (02:42):
To it's like what we did with Florida? And can
we kind of did do that? We're like, can you
live here? Do you like bugs? What about crocodiles? What
bad snakes? Are you a weird person that thinks snakes
are good? Pets? Moved to Florida and then after a
while they're like, I don't want this snake. And now
Florida's over on with bow constrictors.
Speaker 3 (03:01):
You're gonna love these every every form of animal that's
not native in native of America.
Speaker 1 (03:06):
It is now in Florida and is on the loose
wrecking Havoc. What's it's called Killing It. It's a TV
It's a show on Peacock called Killing It with Craig
Robinson from the Office that played Darryl and it's I
think it's two seasons now solid watch thirty minute episodes.
But it's about like the python, like the problem they
have with pythons, where that people would get pet pythons
and then like turns out they kind of fucking suck
because they're snakes and all snakes suck, and then they'd
be like, well these get really big and I don't
want this in my house anymore, So then what do
I do with it? Well, it's just let it go.
And then they were just like go, and like pythons
didn't really have a ton of like predators or so
a yeah, like any predators. So then they just ate
everything and fucked up everything. And now there's like all
these like crazy pythons people come across, so like they'll
pay you to like kill pythons, and like that was
the whole premise of like there was a contest, and
that was the premise of like they were going to
get rich so they could do this, so that they
were just going out to kill pythons. But it's pretty
funny Florida show. If you want to watch a Florida show,
I mean I don't so i'd watch, though.
Speaker 3 (04:11):
I mean I would watch a Florida show if they
edited out all the snakes. That's the one thing I
wouldn't want, Like gators killing snakes, caters and iguanas. I'd
watch that kind of stuff. Once a snake appears, change channel.
Speaker 1 (04:22):
That's your number one you don't like.
Speaker 3 (04:23):
I don't do I do not do snakes at all,
Like little garter snake. Like if a garter snake all
of a sudden crawled out from behind this whole thing
right here, I'd be through that door.
Speaker 1 (04:32):
I'd run up, I run, I run. I don't do snakes.
One time I saw a snake and I was just
running down a path. I was jogging, you know, working out,
and I saw a snake. He was getting some sun
laid across the sidewalk, and I was like, fuck, this
guy just picked up, tied him of not and threw
him the street and ran off braver man than I did.
I don't do their eyes. I was wearing all khaki.
Did you say karky? I didn't say kakey. That would
have been if I was in Australia. You're not allowed
to say that in the States.
Speaker 3 (05:03):
Oh is that like like a bad word, like only
they can say it.
Speaker 1 (05:07):
Oh, maybe let's just make kroakey's the N word for Australians. Yeah,
a lot of people don't a lot of people don't
know that that In Australia, crikey is actually the F
word for for homosexuals. So don't say that. It's inappropriate
and we don't agree with that. So if you want
to be a bigot, didn't say that. Look at that
kroakey over there. That would be a good clip. And
then we'll get a bunch of people being like what,
And then I hope somebody's like, please don't say that.
We have to censor Steve Rwin. You can say it there,
you can say it there.
Speaker 3 (05:39):
Also shout out Stephen Norwin's kid. He just became some
like global ambassador for conservation or something.
Speaker 1 (05:44):
I watched everything that kid does on Instagram. By everything
that he does, like on Instagram when he post stuff,
I'm like, fucking let's go with Robert doing.
Speaker 3 (05:51):
Like it's so weird for me to see someone that's
just that happy, Like he just loves his life.
Speaker 1 (05:56):
And he's the exact same person as his dad. Yeah,
just like we don't have your dad, but thank you
for kind of just giving us the exact same thing.
Speaker 3 (06:04):
Well, the only difference is I don't see him diving
on top of crocodiles.
Speaker 1 (06:08):
Probably smart, Yeah, but his dad he'd be like, oh,
look at this, check it out. And then he's like,
BEAUTI like, what what's his son's name is? Is it Robert?
And Robert and Bindy?
Speaker 3 (06:18):
So like Robert, you'll just see him. He's like, look
at this beautiful koala. Look at he's gorgeous, he's got
great fur. And his dad would be like, I'm gonna
snake up and check.
Speaker 1 (06:26):
All this koala.
Speaker 4 (06:28):
What you go here?
Speaker 1 (06:28):
Is you gotta scorp in now?
Speaker 3 (06:29):
You gotta be careful of the koala because they all
have sapherless I hate it's true.
Speaker 1 (06:35):
And they hate eucalyptus. It's a miss. There's a misconception
of the like and epalyptus. You're just doing British and
nobody's doing like with like the whisper. Even you're doing
Jason Statham as well. You know, maybe that's what it is.
You're right, see that Koala over there. I could kill
him fourteen different ways. Hey, non nonar, you want fries
with that nar? I always joke with them and I
do my British accents and like Emmr Mror. You know.
See that's like, that's like Northeast.
Speaker 3 (07:09):
That's one thing I learned early growing up with all
my family DAGs from there. No throwing rs where they
don't belong, and then also not using rs where they
do belong.
Speaker 1 (07:18):
And that's what they do in the Northeast.
Speaker 3 (07:20):
Like like my dad, he used to have a lot
of great ideas, but I got an idea. I'm like,
what the fuck did you just say to me?
Speaker 1 (07:27):
I like that. That's like the Southern version of like sandwich.
It's called a sandwich. It's like, it's a sandwich. Now
it's a sandwich. To shorten it, throw a couple of
limbs in it. Girl I used to work with she
always called it a sandwich. I like sandwich. I say
sandwich just because I've heard other people say sandwich, and
I think it was It wasn't a bit for her though,
wasn't it Dame Cook did it? He was like, who
wants to ban at a sandwich? Could be?
Speaker 3 (07:49):
No, it wasn't a bit like i'd be. It's sandwich.
She's like, dude, I just I can't.
Speaker 1 (07:53):
Ever since then I said sandwich, I felt like that
was a really funny way to say sandwich. And I
like saying that sarcastic.
Speaker 5 (07:57):
I don't know if that's like a Chicago thing and
we're up there because Sam's mom would say, uh, sandwich
from Chicago.
Speaker 1 (08:05):
SAMs mom was, yeah, boo, but tell her, I said, boo,
and go packers. She's not a live anymore. Way to
bring today. That's the podcast everybody thinks slot.
Speaker 3 (08:19):
Okay, if you guys visit her grave, can you just
leave a piece of paper that's his boo?
Speaker 1 (08:23):
Or that Pat says sorry.
Speaker 3 (08:24):
That too like that you you don't lay down one
that's his boo and then you lead on my bad sorry,
I mean, I mean, I'm a meant it. I hate Chicago.
I feel bad now though I'm a dickhead.
Speaker 5 (08:41):
So maybe it is like an up north kind of thing.
Speaker 1 (08:44):
That Scott. If they just do everything wrong up there, sandwich.
Speaker 3 (08:47):
Everything's sorry you guys are probably gonna hear a couple
of pauses during because we're watching the Ashes right now.
Speaker 1 (08:52):
We're watching game two of the wild Card Series three
the Ashers and Tigers, and you guys had never really
been in this spot before where it's like you could
watch all of your six months of a season be
gone and like a two day span, which sucks. I've
had that happen in a one day span, in a
two days span. Yeah, we haven't been in the wild
Card in a while.
Speaker 5 (09:11):
In like seven years since I think twenty fifteen.
Speaker 3 (09:14):
Yes, it's straight like Game one happened yesterday and like
I wasn't.
Speaker 1 (09:18):
I just punches you in the face, like like the
one game Wildcard was the worst but also the best
because the Yankees lost to the Red Sox and the
Astros and I think in back to back years and
it was like, cool, don't care anymore, Like now it's out.
Now I can just peace out, like I can fuck off.
But like now you come back tomorrow and you're like,
this is it, this is it, and it's like the
if it's three games, like it's do or die, but
like a five game series, you can kind of like
convince yourself. Maybe every week of bats back get on run.
Speaker 5 (09:45):
Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and say this is this
is my might become segment contribution. No, if the Astras
lose today, I'm gonna need to be put on some
sort of like watch list I need. I would need
like well for check. Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna.
Speaker 1 (09:59):
Yeah, Roberts used to have at least one more month
of baseball. I know. I don't think I've ever known
Robert when he hasn't had baseball. This week, he's gonna
have so much free time on it. He won't because
we're gonna win.
Speaker 3 (10:09):
But I don't know what I would do with that
much free time, just being able to like, like have
have no sports WNBA playoffs.
Speaker 1 (10:18):
Huh, you could get into hockey. It starts this week, Robert,
do it, dude?
Speaker 3 (10:22):
You know would be funny if Robert just became a
fan of the Utah Hockey Club.
Speaker 4 (10:26):
Do it?
Speaker 1 (10:26):
Now, that's such a team for you, Like, who's your Utah?
Speaker 5 (10:29):
We ever went to one hockey game? It was the
Arrows when they were here in Houston.
Speaker 1 (10:33):
They were based there, the Utah Hockey Club of the AHL.
Speaker 5 (10:36):
Then yeah, we would say, like elementary school trip there.
For some reason, I didn't know any better. I thought
it was, you know, just like a regular league. I
didn't I don't realize that Arrows were minor.
Speaker 1 (10:46):
League one below A. Yeah, so it's still pretty pretty good.
It was fun, but I think it was minor that
people didn't go, and that sucked because then they took
it away and now I don't know if we're ever
getting it back.
Speaker 5 (10:57):
I remember anything about that game except the fact that
they played cut an Eye Joe, Yeah over the PA system.
Speaker 1 (11:03):
Speaker 3 (11:03):
I went to one as a child, and I must
have been really young. I don't remember any I just
remember that I was there, and like, I have a
vague memory of cold and ice.
Speaker 1 (11:13):
That's it.
Speaker 3 (11:14):
And then we've always had an Arrow jersey hanging in
the closet for like thirty years now.
Speaker 1 (11:18):
Not to brag, but three times I got to like
walk out on center ice like wave. Because if you
were in high school hockey the i s HL Interscholactic
Hockey League, and you were a player of the month,
then you got to go to an ARAS game with
your family and like they'd bring the three players of
the month down and be like it's you. There was
only three goalies, so you had a one in three. No,
it was all of the high school kids. All right, yeah,
come on, there's a goalie. There was offense and defense.
So pretty good doing that award three times? How many
times did you lose it to a girl? I don't
think any Did we have a girl goal We did
have a girl goalie. She was a senior when I
was a freshman. Ah, so probably it looked weird. Yeah
yeah not. I mean women can play sports too, Women
can play sports, women women playing sports. But really, so like,
I don't know, would that be a Ted Cruz ad
or a Colin all Red ad because if you're in Texas,
that's all the ads are. Oh wow, what happened would
happen on single baby? Okay?
Speaker 3 (12:16):
Bases loaded? I thought, oh, that's allowed because that's a
girl that was playing. It's a girl playing a boys sport.
Speaker 1 (12:20):
But she was happy. But men were playing against girls.
Everyone was in high school, right do you think anybody
does that in like like Little League baseball? You know,
like how how they have a couple of teams will
have girls on them, Like do you think he was like, Wow,
she's having to play against the boys. It's a Little
League baseball.
Speaker 3 (12:38):
Yeah, but that's the thing. They don't have girls baseball.
Now they have softball. They have Yeah, but like now,
like why do you I played with a girl, But
why didn't you put your girl on softball? She didn't
want to play softball, she wanted to play baseball. His
base was better and her dad.
Speaker 1 (12:50):
Was the coach. Oh okay, I want to be L's coach.
Or just let her play and let her start over
all the boys. She's batting lead off, she's pitching, pitching.
You can't make it to the plate. Don't worry about it.
I'm in charge. She's just warming up. I'm an experienced coach,
all right. But yeah, astros are playing, so that's gonna
I'm sure you're gonna get a lot of updates that
you already know. You're not gonna have to worry about. Robert.
Speaker 3 (13:17):
We're about to Yeah, Singleton's about to hit a Grand
Slam right here. We're gonna take the lee, We're gonna
we're gonna win today, We're gonna win to morrow. So
don't worry about it.
Speaker 1 (13:24):
Okay, And if it makes you feel better, if they
do lose, then the ankles will probably be out in
like three days anyways.
Speaker 3 (13:29):
And I want you to really think about what you
just said too, because he did just say somebody, but
I could be somebody. Do you want me just showing
up to where you live?
Speaker 1 (13:38):
Just check on you? He doesn't need to live now,
I might need that. I need to give my funny
thing I don't remember.
Speaker 3 (13:46):
I could probably look through our text and find in
the text, but like that'd be a far scroll.
Speaker 1 (13:51):
That seems like a lot of effort to check on
my friends. Well, if you got iPhone, though, you can
just go search address at the top of like a
text combo and sometimes a popsot.
Speaker 3 (14:00):
Well that work because he's gotten Android. Oh maybe not
see that green bubble? Maybe for your fun though, I
don't know where did I have? Oh buttermilk?
Speaker 1 (14:12):
I wrote you? I was, I was using buttermilk, no
big dalm cook still I've been cooking for a while.
But do people just drink buttermilk? Maybe like high school
wrestlers that are trying to gain weight, But that's not
like just like anybody's milk of choice? Right, Like you're
never like mmmm, hole, do I want two? Don't want chocolate?
Give me butter? Can I buttermilk? Place? I bet there's
like three people in Wisconsin that are like five hundred
pounds where that's their milk of choice. Like only in
Wisconsin too, it's the only place it could be played.
Speaker 3 (14:46):
The plate score Astros tried it up because the catcher
can't catch the ball.
Speaker 1 (14:50):
Uh sorry, guys, this is gonna be a weird one
for you. Yeah, dude, like like Wisconsin, like the they
dip their cheese into buttermilk and eat it, yeah, and
then just go into diabetic shock. A lot of Wisconsin
like cheese curds who were like, that's fucking sick, and
it's like, yeah, she's cried the rocks. It's awesome, she's awesome.
It's not healthy for you, but like that's cool. There's
no good there's no foods that are amazing that are healthy.
It's like a dude rock but like just Wisconsin rocks. Yeah,
and some.
Speaker 3 (15:21):
People like, what do you mean eat this each steak
all the time and it's amazing. Yeah, but like if
you need to make in order to make the steak amazing,
you have to.
Speaker 1 (15:28):
Just douse it in butter, yeah, just with nothing wrong
with it, or make a slopy steak that bad boy
slap that bad boy up. That's the most delicious steak
I've ever had, so buttermilk buttermilk. Yeah. I also feel
like since we're both bad at like we're coming up
with punishments before like halfway through the season. By the way,
I think week four is over. We didn't get tattoos.
Yeah you know this ship? Huh? You to eat ship?
Now do I? Yeah? Wasn't that the rule was that?
You remember you saying that rule? Well I started to
do that, So Pat's now gonna eat ship. So maybe
I just drive some buttermilk. Nobody tweeted Pat until he
eats ship that he has to eat fiaky. Okay, you
can also shove a BF five intro rectro.
Speaker 3 (16:19):
Guy did that? Though, he did, he did do that.
He did respect to that man.
Speaker 1 (16:23):
I didn't see it. I didn't watch it. I heard
that he did it. I mean I didn't watch it.
I really I saw the picture. You should see the picture.
It's great. The picture is great. The Internet told me
he did it, and that's all that I really need.
Speaker 3 (16:33):
Yeah, and then his next text to me, it was like, ship,
my wife saw the picture on the trouble.
Speaker 1 (16:40):
That's all you got to do. The buttermilk. I feel
like we should have to drink a whole thing of
buttermilk during a show if you lose on the passing
he picks. That's good to We could also This one
just came to me a minute ago. Remember how we
did the waffle bet where I had to eat what
was it like forty waffles before he could eat something
like that? What if you had to go one week
with zero seasoning on your food, like you weren't allowed
to eat white guys.
Speaker 3 (17:05):
Don't we have We have no seasoning pits to speak
for yourself, Doll, I season my shit.
Speaker 1 (17:10):
I do like It's an idea. I do like. The
waffle house rule that I've seen has a lot of
fantasy fot punishments where you have twenty four hours. Every
waffle you eat is one hour off of your time.
But then, like we would have to have Robert would
also have to do the twenty four hours or whoever
long it was because Robert have to film it. Or
Robert would just have to spend three hours with me
at waffle house. That's too Do I do the waffle house?
I haven't been to waffle House in many, many years.
I think I could eat ten waffles, so it takes
ten hours off my time, not all like I feel
like I could do over ten hours. I could do
ten hours, which would take off ten hours, which is
just four more hours.
Speaker 3 (17:52):
We got time, we got. We're just gonna keep coming
up with ida. We could also instead of buttermilk, we
could also just do heavy cream. You have to drink
heavy cream.
Speaker 1 (18:00):
That's gonna because that It's gotta be something where the
payoff is funny for everybody else, Like the tattoo, it's
like cool, you have to chug butler milk until you vomit,
so really you just have to chuck. What if it
was three cups you had to be at Chili's for
twenty four hours and then each triple dipper you ate, or.
Speaker 3 (18:19):
If you had to eat a whole tub of sour cream.
Speaker 1 (18:26):
Just give you diarrhea for weeks. I like Chili's better.
Something good, something grows with food sounds good. But if
any food sponsor would like to come on board and
we can stay in your facility for twenty four hours
or whatever.
Speaker 3 (18:42):
We eat, be a real shame if I had to
eat a hundred wingstop wings, But.
Speaker 1 (18:45):
That would just be funny because like people would watch
you have to eat that many wings because like it's
gonna be funny for a little bit, but it's gonna
get uncomfortable after a little bit. But then you're still
gonna have to be there, and that's the entertaining part.
Speaker 3 (18:54):
I almost said, what if we did like you had
to eat a hundred wings before you did, But that's
not a punishment.
Speaker 1 (18:59):
Hundred wings would be a lot of wings. I love wings.
I do too, but like once you get to wing
twenty five, I feel like you're gonna be full and
then like you can space it over the day.
Speaker 3 (19:09):
But like, oh, I just meant, like like we did
with the waffles, where you can't eat anything until you
eat x amount of wings. Is all you can eat
is wings. But that's not a punishment. It's just like
what did you have for breakfast?
Speaker 1 (19:17):
I had wings? It was the fucking greatesteaks.
Speaker 4 (19:21):
Speaker 1 (19:21):
So we're working on it. We're working on it. That
was just me trying to come up with some other stuff,
some other other ideas for the punishment. But buttermilk, I
feel like it would be a good one, just because
I was using it as like a I was frying
some stuff, so you had to use that before you
got some bread in it, and I was just like,
who the fuck drinks this? Seasoning? Your flower too? Right season?
And yeah, obviously you salt. I mean you're white, so
I had salty. I was actually using corn starch.
Speaker 3 (19:46):
You do you have to drink a whole bottle of
to uh not tabascoa Tabascos. I guess Tabasco would be
the one because it's the worst of the hot sauces.
You'd have to drink a Tabasco bottle.
Speaker 1 (19:56):
Remember when that guy gave us the the hot sauce
at the of our Spectacular episode that one year. He
was like, I made this hot sauce and we were like, well,
I don't know what what. And it was like at
the end of the show when everybody just came in
and was like talking on the microphone, He's like, you
gotta try this. And I did a shot of it
and then was like coughing and hacking, and it was like,
oh no, yeah, right to end this passing gray pitches,
I was just like, yeah, give me some of that.
You were in trouble. Yeah, that was it was hot.
We had been drinking. We had been drinking for the
two hours we were doing that pod, and I just
very liberal with the uh the amount of hot sauce
that I took it in, but I don't even with that.
Was it something sailor? It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter.
They're not advertising on the podcast. But hot sauce we've
done before, short of maybe not the worst idiot a lot.
That would be terrible. That'd be terrible.
Speaker 3 (20:46):
We have to like order one of those ones online
that's called like acid hell hot sauce or something, oh.
Speaker 1 (20:52):
Too, like our own hot ones. But you just did
drink a shot of everyone. We could do the.
Speaker 3 (20:57):
Uh, this is a bad idea. We could do the
fight club. You just give yourself a chemical burn.
Speaker 1 (21:07):
I don't want to do that.
Speaker 3 (21:08):
Well, you don't have to do that. We can just
do ice and salt. It's also a chemical. Yeah, that's
also a chemical.
Speaker 1 (21:13):
Did you ever do that in high school? Robert? You
hold salt, You pour salt in your hand and then
you put a nice cube on it and see how
long you hold it and it just burned the fuck
out of your hand.
Speaker 5 (21:21):
Oh, absolutely not.
Speaker 1 (21:23):
So anyone do it on their hand, that psycho behavior,
and people do it on like their arm. My brother
I think in the hand saw. I never did it
because they were like, yeah, it's like a chemical burn.
I'm like, are you trying to convince me to do it,
because that's a bad Yeah, I'm not I do that.
Speaker 3 (21:36):
I got baseball this weekend. I gotta lather myself up
with fucking sunscreen and sweat for nine hours. Can't really
have a chemical burn on my arm while I'm doing that.
Speaker 1 (21:44):
One last one, last one thing I need the least
with chemical burns. What we could also see, and this
is it would be much more problematic for me. What
if we did like you weren't allowed to wear socks
for a week, so you just had like smelly feet
at work. That Uh, it's also a punishment for everyone
you work with, which then becomes fun. Yeah. Actually, I
don't think I can do that.
Speaker 3 (22:05):
I can't be walking around a restaurant where people are
eating and then just be like, what smells like foot?
Speaker 1 (22:10):
I think it's my feet. I'm also down to do
the frosted tips if you're gonna do the two.
Speaker 3 (22:14):
Pet See here's the thing. If you did frosted tips,
I would have to just tie dye my beard.
Speaker 1 (22:20):
I'm not doing I think you could walk. I think
I could too. I don't think my boss would allow it,
but he wouldn't know. He would know, he wouldn't know.
You just show up with hair and you're like, no,
I got hair. He's like, wow, great hair had What
are you talking about, John? This is fine? This is mine?
See how lush? This is just pull a Brian Urlacker.
He just showed up. He's bald as whole live. He
showed up. He's like, full had hair. What the fuck?
I'm not gonna talk about it. You just look bad.
You look We got used to you as bald. You
look bald. Now you look bad? That are you? Funny though?
All right? Either way, if you have any good punishments
before I hit us up, I'm at Alix and Pets
that not Pat Dion, rap Aste, Grady Pod Black barber
Shop and tell them to make us look just like
stupid white boys. Is that cultural appropriation?
Speaker 3 (23:09):
No, because they'll get a kick out of it. Be like, listen,
I get this is not my normal. I need you
give me a haircut that makes me look like a jackass.
Speaker 1 (23:15):
But that's the other thing.
Speaker 3 (23:17):
Restaurant, you can't get a haircut like literally the first
nine years of your career.
Speaker 1 (23:21):
Here you had a stupid haircut.
Speaker 3 (23:24):
Yeah, so so like it's not a punishment for you,
and it's not I have frosted.
Speaker 1 (23:28):
We gotta do something with food. It's gonna have to
be food related. We'll see, we'll see, all right, what
did I have for precomps statement? Oh? Why haven't statues changed?
Like they dig up old statues when they're doing like
excavations and stuff, and they're like, wow, this is the
statue with David where he's that the little dick, and
it's like that's the same statue that you could go
look at in front of like a football stadium, and
it's like the same kind of statue. Like you would
think that statues would have changed over time. I know
that how we made statues changed, but like that that
is still they don't put dicks on them anymore. They
do not public ones. Well I mean, yeah, we just
went with clothes. Now, if you think about it, mostly
the people that make statues of wear clothes.
Speaker 3 (24:13):
And actually they have changed because I don't know if
you knew this, you know you want a little history lesson. Yeah,
all those those Greek statues that you see of the
white porcelain and everything. When those were made, when they
were in the Greek times, whatever those were, they were
painted like they were colorful and everything like they they
didn't just make white statues and end there. They like
colored them. It just over the years the color washed away.
So now setches have changed that we stopped, we stopped
giving them pretty colors.
Speaker 1 (24:41):
I think that like people make worse statues now, oh
for sure, yeah, the Ronaldo and that Lucy one in
I think it was Ohio or.
Speaker 3 (24:51):
You see paintings over time, and like they're just better now.
People are better at drawing shades and depths and statues.
Speaker 1 (24:58):
We just lost the art because like cave paintings were like, yeah,
that's cool. You can draw a buffalo on a cave
with like flowers and whatever ink you found. And then
they were like and here's the Mona Lisa. This fucking rocks.
But like statues, it wasn't like now we can put
beards on this guy. Like they didn't have like some
new thing they invented. It was just like it's very basic.
But like like we've got better tools to make statues
look cooler, and they still just don't look any cooler
than they did back then.
Speaker 3 (25:27):
There's not a lot of statues in It's it's fountains.
Now we do fountain who fountains? When I found found
of like a dog lifting its leg and ping, and
that's the fountain.
Speaker 1 (25:36):
I feel like statues have really gone downhill though. Yeah,
I'm good. Do you find the arts. I've been saying
it for years now, we tear them down. Let's find
the most like basic statue that has nobody hating it
and hate it and try and see if we can
get taken down. I mean, Diddy's probably going to statue
of himself and I don't know, but that's a very
easy one to be like, let's take that down. Like
I want to find a statue of just like somebody
random that we're like, who did this? Is just that
worked at Kroger for a long time, so Kroger built that.
Why is there you got a fucking statue? I mean
in the.
Speaker 3 (26:04):
Quad at Texas State there's a statue of Lyndon Johnson
and we could just be like, well, he used to
take his dick out in front of foreign leaders, so
technically that's kind of sexual.
Speaker 1 (26:15):
Yeah, but I don't want to find like a sexual
harassment one or a racist one, like with like like
I want to find the most Like, here's a statue.
Speaker 3 (26:21):
Down, any statue of a guy from more than forty
years ago, it's a racist statue. They were raised aw
man or evil. Everybody knows that. Hold on how many
years ago is forty forty was like the eighties. I
probably should have gone back farther than that, phi longer
than that. I keep forgetting how time works. Like in
my head, forty years ago was like the sixties. Yeah, no,
I still think like two thousand was ten years ago.
It still throws me off, old and washed, dude, it
still throws me off. But yeah, statues, it's weird.
Speaker 1 (26:52):
That we haven't really upgraded statues. Some think about and
then somebody, if you want to find a statue, we
can tear down and I'd tear down. I mean like
make a big stink about it and then try and
deface it. Let me know, I would love to do that.
Would love to do that. Would you bring in for
a preckum segment?
Speaker 3 (27:10):
I am It's it's kind of a not cool, but
it's more of just a I'm old and cranky. The
executives at Paramount Plus need to be stopped because I
found out today that they're going to make live action remakes.
They had a moment they can be fun. We're going
too far.
Speaker 1 (27:28):
They're trying to action is where they just make a
cartoon into like the Little Melt with real people.
Speaker 3 (27:33):
Okay, they're doing the rug Rats. They're doing a rug
Rats movie live action. And I can't think of anything
I would rather have, rather not have more than that, Like.
Speaker 1 (27:43):
So, what are we gonna do.
Speaker 3 (27:44):
We're gonna superimpose faces and mouths onto actual baby because
they're babies. They're crawling around in diaper babies.
Speaker 1 (27:51):
Right, they probably wouldn't have very good dialogue.
Speaker 3 (27:53):
Yeah, so like we're super imposing people talking over it,
and then you're gonna give one of the Tommy Pickles
aways carry screwge. You're gonna give a screwdriver to a
baby that's not saying.
Speaker 1 (28:02):
It seems bad.
Speaker 3 (28:04):
Like everything his idea was this, the practicality of it
just doesn't work. I don't know any babies that are
going to actress. Plus, for every baby, you gotta hire twins.
You gotta find that many sets of twins around Hell,
Phil and Little are all ready twins, so you canna
find you gotta find quintuplets.
Speaker 1 (28:19):
For that one. That's a lot. That's a lot. It's
it's irresponding, and just stop it. Create original content. They
can't just go to the look who's talking and look
who's talking to route or they just today were their
mouths were talking. See look who's talking. It was all mental.
Their mouths weren't moving. Since this is like a live action.
Speaker 3 (28:41):
Oh, I'm sure they would just computer generate the mouth
moving and work. But like, no, leave Rugrats alone.
Speaker 1 (28:46):
It was perfect. We had all growed up for a
little bit, and that was kind of cool. I saw
the original like the first episode, like, I don't want
to see him growing up. It was a little weird,
but it was kind of cool when to see him
growing up.
Speaker 3 (28:58):
Yeah, I just just leave them as babies, leave them
as cartoons.
Speaker 1 (29:02):
We knew them.
Speaker 3 (29:04):
They already like recreated it and it's all like different.
Animation now is like computer animation. I wasn't jazzed about that,
but I heard it was good. But just leave the
live action. No more live action.
Speaker 1 (29:13):
Stop it. I don't need real lions doing the lion
king they're talking. I understand that should be a cartoon. Yeah,
like dude, this isn't realistic. Brother, these fucking lions talking
too much. I just I don't and don't get me
talking Lorens. I'm never gonna watch it. It's not gonna
affect my life at all. I don't like the fact
that they're trying to make it exist. You don't like
that anyone can watch it? Yeah, if you know what
you know it should be.
Speaker 3 (29:42):
If you want kids to watch rug Rats and show
them Rugrats, just put on Rugrats, like did that age poorly?
Speaker 1 (29:49):
Maybe a few things here and there, but like so
kids won't know. I can't tell me too many episodes
of Rugrats. I watched everyone. I mean I watched it
all the time.
Speaker 3 (30:02):
But I like how many jokes were in that show
already that went over our heads, that were just for
the press.
Speaker 1 (30:06):
So many of them just do that and running back
let the kids have reptile and like, I don't understand why,
like because kids now don't like if they didn't see Rugrats,
just be like there's a new show. It's called rug Rats,
and just they're not gonna be run the original episode
back like it's brand new, and then kids are like
this is awesome.
Speaker 3 (30:26):
Yeah, they're not gonna be like, why is the animation
all crappy? They don't know they're fucking kids.
Speaker 1 (30:29):
They did that on Yellowstone like Yellowstone was on, uh
was it Paramount Network? It was on, and then during
the pandemic they were just like, CBS is gonna run
Yellowstone in primetime because nothing else is on, And people
were like, have you guys seen this Yellowstone show. It's like, yeah,
it's been out for like four years, you've seen it.
It's really good. Just do that with Rugrats, like and
here if you haven't seen it, repackage it, put a
new cover on it. It was a perfect show, same show,
Just run the same show. It was a perfect show.
Made me who I today? That in Rock is modern
life for me. I Rugrats in south Park south Park too.
There was actually years of overlap there.
Speaker 3 (31:08):
I think where I was watching Rugrats in south Park
at the same time. I don't overlap those probably shouldn't overlap.
Was like eight years old watching Tommy Pickles and Eric Cartman.
Speaker 1 (31:20):
Get Your Guy. I can do it all, ladies, Pack
can do it all. Pack can do it all. I
can do it all for short periods of time. So
we're out on Rugrats now.
Speaker 3 (31:28):
I'm out on the executives at Paramount Plus. I'm pro Rugrats,
not live action Rugrats. I'm pro cartoon Rugrats.
Speaker 1 (31:36):
I like that too, and it's fair ollow. They should
just hire me. Hey, is this a good idea?
Speaker 4 (31:42):
Speaker 1 (31:42):
Stop it. You do need just somebody that's just like,
ah na, get no, don't do that, but it'll make money,
make something new, all right, just at this instead. Okay,
ashes are up right now. No, we're tied. We had
a pass ball and then they tied on that idea
not ideal. Okay, so that was our precomp segment. Let's
move on to I guess No, we have Robert Felines.
It's Robert Feline's time. I go like, we're about to
have a fucking intro to Robert Feelins. We do not
have an intro to Robert Feelins. It's just the Robert
Feelins bit. So if you want to, if you're new
to the podcast, Robert Felines is just a bunch of words.
There are codes for other words. We're going to say
a certain grouping of words, and you have to try
and guess what word or words we are trying it
to use his codes for that, if that makes any sense,
Robert feline is code for bobcat. It's the proper term
for Bobcat. All of the other words will be much
similar to Robert feline. Okay, I'll start us off with
let's try my easier ones, and then we'll go harder
as we get there. Ao my first one. This is
a movie Wyoming, Nice Spirit, Wyoming, Nice Spirit, Casper the
Friendly Ghost. YEP. I thought Wyoming that's gonna throw you off,
but it did a little bit place in Wyoming. This
is a kitchen accessory. Rubber shoe weed, rubber shoe mm hmm.
This one's a show. This is a kitchen or accessory. Yeah,
rubber shoe weed.
Speaker 3 (33:42):
I got nothing for any of those three words. I'm
trying to reverse engineer into kitchen stuff like weed. I'm
sure he means like weeds. Girl, I'm thinking like weed,
rubber shoe weed.
Speaker 1 (33:53):
Am I on the right weed? Or am I on
something you'd use to cook?
Speaker 2 (33:58):
Speaker 1 (33:58):
Ship, it's a kitchen thing you to cook. What you
can do other stuff?
Speaker 6 (34:02):
Uh of an air fryar.
Speaker 4 (34:08):
Splenderd like.
Speaker 1 (34:12):
You was really fucking me up in there. I'm like soul,
but like, I don't know what else would have soul
in it. Give up, Yeah, I give up, crock pot,
rubber shoe.
Speaker 2 (34:23):
Speaker 1 (34:25):
I always forget to try and put two of the
words together sometimes on his this is a song flea socket,
Joseph cottenite Joe. Yep, I was like, Joseph, it's gotta
be cotton eye Joe. This is a viral sensation. Cowshit
moo dang, yep, okay these are This is a US
city mud hook, tree ring.
Speaker 4 (35:01):
Mud hook, tree ring the US city.
Speaker 1 (35:14):
See I heard mud and immediately I thought Mississippi, and
now I can not Mississippi. Yeah, because that's a state,
not a city. I understand that it's not a city
in Mississippi. Uh ring ring, say it again, mud hook,
tree ring, hook, mud ring, circle, tree? What could tree be?
Branch wood paper? I think MudHook and tree ring separately, tree,
a tree ring. I don't love the name of that though,
Age carthage at something. Mud hook What could a mud
hook be? Fishing lure anchorage, yes, Anchorage, Alaska, mud hook,
tree ring. We were gonna get that one mud because
the anchor. Yep. Yeah, okay, all right, this is another
US city oyster oyster.
Speaker 3 (36:20):
Corso sorry you said this is a city, a US city.
Give a fucking two run, three run triple great. Sorry,
say it again one more time. Oyster oyster corso. So
the second part of this word is gonna be Lee
because Lee Corso Oyster.
Speaker 1 (36:45):
It's a city that ends in Lee Valley. What could
oyster be? Uh clam clam Lee family not Clamley, Alabama, unfortunately,
mussel shoals Uh oh god, oyster app uh horseradish. No,
you give up? I give up Raleigh, North Carolina, raw
oysters Raleigh. Yeah.
Speaker 5 (37:25):
See, in my head, I was thinking l e E,
like what ends with L E E?
Speaker 1 (37:30):
So was I? Yeah? So was I? I was spelling
it out of my head. All right, this is sandwich
pack with some sandwiches last week. So I had Mountain Jesus.
Speaker 3 (37:47):
Mountain Jesus the sandwich. I'm trying to think of what
could be, uh say, Saint no.
Speaker 1 (38:01):
Mountain Jesus wine fish. No. I don't know why.
Speaker 3 (38:06):
Monte Carlo just popped in my head, but that ain't
it christ Christian? Yeah, Monte Cristo.
Speaker 1 (38:14):
Yeah, I think that's actually like the like sort of
Spanish translation of it. Probably not because Monty is mount
or mountain, and I think it's a Spanish sandwich, and
Crystal is christ. It's sandwich with powdered sugar on it.
Like it shouldn't work, but it does. Just plays, just play. Okay,
what you guys got I have a few? The first, uh,
category is gonna be bathroom.
Speaker 7 (38:50):
Bathroom Okay, porous farah porous farah porous fair ruh.
Speaker 1 (39:02):
Something fawcet. I knew you'd be able to get that far.
I figured this one wasn't really one for Robert. Shower faucet,
no porous porous sponge. What happens when something is porous
water faucet leaps, leaky faucet. Okay, my next one, the
category is bathroom. Okay, so like this friend, fraud feces, fraud, feces.
Speaker 6 (39:41):
Fraud, so fake fake poop, fraud, frauds.
Speaker 3 (39:55):
I will say, you're on the right track. You're close.
You're not close at all, but you're close.
Speaker 1 (40:02):
I'm not close, but I'm close. You're real close. But
like the words you're using are wrong.
Speaker 3 (40:07):
Obviously, shit, I don't know these's his ship it is,
but that's not you're colder now than you were, amazing.
Speaker 1 (40:19):
Falls m.
Speaker 3 (40:25):
I don't know shampoo, that's good. All right, let's change
up a little bit of the category. This time is
bathroom cavity copy.
Speaker 1 (40:42):
Cavity copy, a lot of alliteration, going to paste, yes,
copy paste, and my last one shocker. Some one's also
bathroom mouth dance, mouth dance, mouth dance toothbrush mm hmm
mouth to dental floss. There you go. I was prepared
to give you mouth a fortnite dance. I was like,
not any brushing. You can brush up against them. But yeah, okay,
I like.
Speaker 3 (41:29):
That those are mine. Do we have any user submitted
or listener not user listener?
Speaker 5 (41:36):
Yeah, yeah, we got one Brandon Whitehead. This category famous athlete.
Speaker 1 (41:42):
Speaker 5 (41:44):
It is shopping broken pipe next door.
Speaker 1 (41:50):
Shopping broken pipe next door? Yeah, her next door neighbors. Yea,
all shopping broken pipe? Leak had broken pipe next doors.
I think next to your neighbor. It's a neighbor. Although
I think we can go ahead and get say you
won Milik of the Week the week officially Milik neighbors
because Milik Willis did not start. I don't he played.
They said he had packages for him. I don't remember
seeing him in the game. Maybe he should have played. Well.
Speaker 3 (42:21):
The problem was we gave up so much or so early,
we got behind the game script and we couldn't use
him in there. But hey, Jordan Love also played out
of his fucking.
Speaker 1 (42:28):
Mind, but he's going too. And then Milik Willis is
two and oh, which seems better than oh and two? Robert,
would you rather have a guy that's two and oh
or oh and two? This blind resume two? And would
you rather have an alcoholic or vegetarian? But the vegetarians too, Yeah,
the vegetarians Adolf Hitler and the alcoholic was when Church,
but the vegetarians two and oh. Actually he was on one.
He just took Poland out. He was one. Well, he
was two and oh when he took over Poland in
Switzerland or doesn't countuntil America's in, true, but at one
point it was probably two. In h they are making
me say final three outs, oh four, that was the
third out and they just hadn't Sometimes like I hate
when they have the three dots for all three outs,
like just put the two and then it's over because
the scoreboard's gone. I just have to third out, like
we just need the two. So when they have a
third and.
Speaker 3 (43:23):
Real mad if we get bounced because Josh Hater came
into the game and just fucking blew it when we
paid him all that money.
Speaker 1 (43:31):
Maybe make you a hater, I would be a see
but that I'm not a hater. Hater. Yeah, you had
to pitchbacks back days.
Speaker 3 (43:38):
Today sometimes it doesn't work out for guys, but hey,
you know you paid the game of the year.
Speaker 1 (43:42):
You can't hold anything back. But yeah, that was our
Robert felines everybody. I hope you enjoyed those. All right,
let's move on two, the Comeback Kids segment where we
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Now let's move on the comeback Kids segment.
Speaker 7 (45:36):
It's the comeback Kid, the comeback Kid of the Week.
Speaker 1 (45:42):
Comeback Kid of the week, bitch, all right, first comeback kid,
Spooky Sison, it's officially here. I was never trying to
be a Spooky Season hater. I feel like there's people
that just rush into spooky season. Now it's time October first,
officially spooky season. All right, congratulations everybody. We made it.
We made it, goat, we made it. It's the spookiest
time of the year.
Speaker 3 (46:06):
It's that time of the year where we get to
be like, ooh, it's fall. It's gonna be cold soon,
but it's not. But like in our head, we get
to be ready for cold, but like spooky now though,
but it's still gonna be warm at least for two
more months.
Speaker 1 (46:19):
Right, So fall hasn't hit, yeah, but spooky season absolutely
has hit this month. Though.
Speaker 3 (46:24):
We can be like, well, dude, it's that time of year.
We might get a cold front at some point this
month and have a couple cold days.
Speaker 1 (46:29):
Yeah you did. You can wear a sweater.
Speaker 3 (46:31):
Like we're already into the next morning the market. Wear
it like in the morning. Now, it's like can be
sixties or low seventies. So we're getting there. We're almost there.
It's on the way, it's on the doorstep like it's
you can't touch it, but like you can reach out,
you can almost reach it. It's like when something's behind
the couch and you just can't quite get to it. Yeah,
we're there.
Speaker 1 (46:52):
We're just gonna move the couch a little bit, but
we're almost there. Spooky season, though, get you decorating up,
get the fake spider webs. But hey, let's lock beware
the fake spider webs might attract real spiders. Okay, well,
you know Frankie and I'm Sometimes they get lost in
the wrong web, all right. They're drunk in their little
spider bod, trying to go back to their web. They
wandering in a fake web. What is this? Just be careful.
Your web of lies is what it is.
Speaker 3 (47:17):
It's good to have them around, though, but don't take
their web down once they're in it.
Speaker 1 (47:21):
That's theirs. Now, they're squatters. And also if you just
don't clean your house long enough, you'll get your own
spider webs that are just seasonal or season year round,
not seasonal. That's what I meant. That's what I meant.
All right, Spooky seats back, which also means that my
favorite spooky season characters back. David S. Pumpkins. Any questions.
We are on day two of thirty one days of
David S. Pumpkins. Every day in October past, the Gray
Pod on Twitter will tweet out David S. Pumpkins. Although
there are not two, there's two skits they did on
SNL with them. So maybe we alternate the new one
the old one. Maybe we get a new one. Maybe
we'll get a throw and it took a while to
get the second one. You never know, though. Tom could
be bored. He could be. He could be. He lives
in New York.
Speaker 3 (48:10):
That'd be funny if like he did an interview and
someone's like, who's your favorite character, He's like, I gotta
be honest.
Speaker 1 (48:14):
David Pumpkins is Pumpkins. I love I love David. There
is so much fun to play an animated David S.
Pumpkins Halloween Special it's like thirty minutes long. I bought
it several years ago and I watched every year and
it's really silly, but it's funny. It's just a cartoon
version of it. Can we just get thirty minutes long?
It's take a whole storyline, like they have to get
the kids candy back. There's these bullies steal the candy
from the neighborhood and David S Pumpkin and his strawberry car.
They go and they help the kids collect and he's like,
why is your Why is your car strawberry and not
a pumpkin? He's like a car that's a pumpkin. That's
just crazy, man.
Speaker 3 (48:50):
What if can we get someone who's good with this
guy and like splice together that In the Charlie Brown Halloween.
Speaker 1 (48:55):
Episode, I'd like to I've also or just Charlie Brown
at the end of it, the Great Pumpkin is just
David S. Pumpkins. Ooh, that'd be really good, to be
really good. Yeah, I like that too, But Davids Pumpkins.
I mean, if your kids don't know about Davids Pumpkins,
you're gonna need to edit. It's not inappropriate, not inappropriate, right,
I'm shocked you don't own the suit. I am too,
But now I have a kid that's gonna have address
it for Halloween. Maybe what if I babys Pumpkins. If
I'm David S. Pumpkins and her and EMM are just
the b boy skeletons.
Speaker 3 (49:26):
Yeah, either that or you just her as David S
Pumpkins and you guys are the people.
Speaker 1 (49:29):
I could be a boy skeleton too, Ba broun Back.
Give her candy candy?
Speaker 3 (49:37):
Are you gonna Are you gonna be smart and not
take her trick or treating? Are you guys gonna force
something that she won't remember this year?
Speaker 1 (49:44):
My mom is probably going to have us go out
there and to like one door, and then we'll be cool.
We're done. You got all of the candy.
Speaker 3 (49:52):
Hey, I have a baby. Can you give her candy?
Wink wink, give me some candy?
Speaker 1 (49:56):
Well, you do give her candy and then I eat
that candy. Yeah, because she didn't have teeth, you.
Speaker 3 (50:03):
Can let her like suck on the Snickers or something
for a second. Like they can go they can dumb
at it for a minute. They can't really chew me.
Speaker 1 (50:09):
She's just some milk. We're just some milk right now,
old thing, give her some milk, chocolate milk. I'm not
gonna give her. Ay, she has breast milk and formula.
Those are the milks, chocolate. Very strict diet through uh
like three months now, Well, I mean that's your call.
It doesn't have to be strict. Well, just have some
weird poops and babies already have weird poops. Ye, that's true.
We're just trying to keep it consistent. Just don't let
her eat the Snickers. You don't want to find a
peanut in there. But shot David as Pumpkins. Definitely sure
your kids David as Pumpkins and then go look for
like the David A's Pumpkins Halloween special. Get it. I
don't know how much it was, but it wasn't that expensive.
Money's not an issue you can buy and it's totally
worth it. All right. You're doing it for David as Pumpkins.
He's the Santa Claus of Halloween, and everybody knows that
Halloween needed a Santa Claus. This game is set. Is
this how other teams feel when they play the Astros
in the postseason? Yeah? Yeah, it is. M I guess
you would know. Also back this week is death. Not
trying to bring up anything's happening right now on a
baseball game, but death is back this week because Pete
Rose died and Kimmimtumbo died, so we'd have Chris Christopherson
and Chris Christofferson who just looks like Will Ferrell and
in a character kind of yeah.
Speaker 3 (51:20):
And then also and technically this death didn't just happen.
It happened like early August. But John Amos, if you
don't know, he played mister McDowell in UH Coming to America.
M He died in August, but like it just came
out yesterday. He also played Admiral Fitzimmons and West Wing.
For any other people of culture out there like me
that enjoy that show.
Speaker 1 (51:40):
If I die, will you guys just like not tell
anybody for six months? I feel like anything I went missing,
I feel like it'll get out, like I want people
to know. Here's the problem. It would get out, but
the podcast just doesn't come out for six months. Nobody
says anything like I think, don't ever address it. Rod
and Chili.
Speaker 3 (51:57):
Could play along with it for the bit for a while.
Tess won't be to keep your mouth shut.
Speaker 1 (52:00):
That's true. Like you'd have to like you would have
to have everyone. You can't. You can't. You can't tell
Testa won't No, she's ay aver, that would be yeah,
he's dead. Well why didn't y'll tell us six months ago?
He wouldn't want us to. It was just his wishes.
It was specifically his dying wish was to not let
anybody know for six months and then what now? Just
calling it on open phones Friday. Hey, by the way, guys,
Alex isn't on vacation. He died for so thank a lot.
But yeah, Pete Rose decameit. Tumbo. We're going to add
them to the Death of the Year, not man, Chris Christopherson.
We're not adding christ stuff.
Speaker 3 (52:34):
Do you mean we're not going to win it? He's
one of the greatest songwriters of all time.
Speaker 1 (52:39):
Christofferson. Hey, guess what only one person is? Yeah? I know,
so that's fine. You never saw Blade, did you? The movie? No?
He was Blade.
Speaker 3 (52:49):
He was also you know Bradley Cooper's role in the
Star is Born. Yeah, he played that role in the
seventies with Barbara Streisa and when they made that movie
back then.
Speaker 1 (52:56):
Cool. I didn't watch that. Yeah, I didn't see that
one either. I heard so Death of the Year nominees
so far that are better than Chris Crow. At least
write it down because he has to be putting honorable
mentions and I'll forget. We've got Toby Keith, OJ Simpson,
Bill Walton, James Earl Jones, Jerry West, Richard Simmons, Pete Rose, Decamimtumbo.
This is like the twenty seven Yankees of like death years.
Is this the biggest year for deaths of all time?
Speaker 3 (53:21):
Is this the Murderer's Row of deaths? I want to
just make the one murderer row.
Speaker 1 (53:26):
Can somebody make a graphic of all those people and
just put them in heaven with Harambe? And I had
an idea, maybe you guys get Armba with wings and
it's just them as ghosts.
Speaker 3 (53:33):
I had an idea with Alex that, you know, how
we do the Christmas movie bracket, we might have to
do a death bracket to find out who wins Death
of the Year this year.
Speaker 1 (53:40):
The Christmas death brackets.
Speaker 3 (53:41):
Like, I don't know if that's a little morbid to
do it the Christmas Spoctacular. Yeah, but like maybe we
still do the bracket, but maybe me and Alex just
do it beforehand to like spook tacular, Dude, you can
make a whole board and we can like rip off
the names and like that's how we find out who advanced, because.
Speaker 1 (53:56):
Like we already pre did it. But it's also a spooktacular.
Robert to counterpoint that spirits it should be a little
spooky and death, oh pretty spooky.
Speaker 5 (54:05):
But you would you don't want to bring down a
live audience like that, But I think.
Speaker 1 (54:08):
It is it's more of a remembrance, it's an immmorial.
Or would we spook them by doing that? Which is
kind of in the name, like does it bring down
the oscars when they show who died? That's true because
then we're just like, who did you leave out? And
we're not doing it? Can we actually do all? I'd
like to add an I memoriam to Robert, write that down,
And what we can do is it's just nobody. None
of us died on the show.
Speaker 3 (54:28):
So if it's just me and you who are deciding
all the ones, if we can't agree on someone to
go on, we call in our resident ghoul expert and
Pat McClelland breaks the tie. To go on to the
next round. Yeause, Robert doesn't know who any of these
people who have died are besides Toby Keith, Keith and
oj he I think he's heard the name Toby Keith.
Speaker 1 (54:49):
Don't know Tobie Keith, but uh yeah, deaths is there.
Uh Pete Rose is really cool gambling and like really
good at hitting Baseball's yeah, and actually, uh if if
there's a Diddy party, probably loved it. Adam Dunne he
get into the restaurant the day that Pete Rose died
and I was just like, did you hear about Pete?
And He's like, yeah, it's look sad and then I
just like walked away from his table. It was weird.
I'm just gonna let you sit with your feelings right now.
Super nice guy. It was just him and his buddy Hours.
But yeah, death is back, and I mean the most
stacked category right now for the Grabies has to be
Death of the Year, I would guess. Although I did
add Diddy to Arrest of the Year, I feel like
that was appropriate, so Diddy might steal that category. Diddy
justin Timberlake, Morgan Walla and Skottie Scheffler was Trump arrested
this year or was that last year? It was last year.
Still got time a fraud. Someone to say, all right,
next up, Oh this is tough. Baseball is back. It's
about to be gone. No more baseball after this, Well
there's still baseball. No no, no other teams we care
about it playing still baseball I care about We got
three outs left. Hey, you gotta believe, right, this is
a I mean, I didn't expect this to be during
this part of the.
Speaker 3 (56:15):
Game, but yeah, we've only been to eight straight alcs's
and we get the fucking day games.
Speaker 1 (56:21):
This is bullshit. I got why they had the day
game yesterday because everyday game, well no, I mean it
makes sense if Dodgers or Yankees play, people are gonna
watch the primetime games like that. I understand that. And
even if you're an Astros fan and like, yes, you
do have an argument now that you've gone to all
of the alcs is and you've won the titles, but like,
it's like the Cowboys. I fucking hate the Cowboys, but
the Cowboys are gonna get the primetime games because people
watch the Cowboys. And that's just that's what whys playing
early they are But they're not playing because they had
that doubleheader on Monday, so like Tuesday when the first
set of the wild gard games, they could have been
playing today during the day, right, but they probably just
went like, let's just run back what we already had,
which anti Houston bias. They hate us because they like
the Braves game was in San Diego and that was
the day after they had just played a doubleheader and
then they had to fly across the country. So it's
like that makes sense to me to be like, Braves
get the late game. It's the Padres too. Mets also
should probably get one of the late games because they
had a double edge. O. Yeah, they get the better
spot because they made it in on the last day
of the year. But just like for Rest, okay, fuck Rest,
it's a punishment. It's already the wild Card already. Half
these teams shouldn't be in there. But they didn't have
to play because there was like a tie, or.
Speaker 3 (57:31):
They didn't have to play because the rob manfraud is
trying to hurt the Astros.
Speaker 1 (57:35):
No, they didn't have to play because there was a
tie or anything, because like if it was like a
one game playoff like they do, like I understand like
that you should have wrapped up the regular season in
the regular season, but they had to rain out doubleheader
that they had to make up, so it was like
they weren't like, well they're even right now, Like this
just happens to also be you could both get into
the postseason and neither of you could get it, or
one of you could get in the postseason the other couldn't.
So I think that was the logic behind why the
Astros weren't the late game. I get like, on the surface.
Speaker 3 (58:02):
Houston doesn't get late game postseason games in any sport
unless it like we advance farther in Also, if you
are the Texans, every time they're in the postseason, it's
the one thirty like Saturday game.
Speaker 1 (58:15):
But also what I as a fan of the Yankees
who have had the postseason games in primetime slots, it
sucks way more when you're watching your team lose at
night and then they lose and you're like, fucking I
have to go to bed mad, Like football, like the
noon kickoff, your team loses there you're like I'm mad,
I'm a stew about it for the rest of the day.
Then you can just play video games. It's kind of
over with. Yeah, yeah, it's kind of over with, but
it's like like today God forbid. But if if the
worst were to happen, then it's like, well you have
all day. Still, you still have all day, but like
if that happened tonight, then you're like, fuck, it's over
now and now I have to go to bed like this,
like that's the worst day games are, Like that's what
soccer kind of taught me. Like if like the west
Ham loses, it's eleven am on a Saturday, Dude, I
got all day. I'm not gonna be mad about this.
Mad up for a little bit of soccer. Soccer, Yeah, like,
oh no, love west Ham. Okay, onto real sports. Now.
We did bring West Hama title. We did. We did,
we did. We promised you guys that we would bring
west Ham a title when we became America's west Ham Podcast,
and we did by no means of but we did.
It happened. But baseball's back and it is kind of cool.
The like wildcard round. I hate it. If your team's
playing it, it sucks, but like if your team's not playing it,
it's like March Madness the first day or so where
you're like, oh cool, Like I had off yesterday and
I forgot that it was like that it started yesterday,
Like oh fuck yeah. So that means like I go one,
thirty three, thirty five, thirty seven, thirty, let's go, yeah,
all day going on and like day Baseball's on. It's great. Yeah,
And it was just like NonStop. I really enjoyed that,
and so I think that's the fun part of the
wild Card. And also not just being a one off
is a huge game changer too.
Speaker 3 (01:00:03):
Which I mean, it's cool having the three game series.
I when people hated, oh my god, how many times
can we fly out to the fucking morning track today?
Speaker 1 (01:00:13):
Speaker 3 (01:00:13):
Why people hated the one game playoff, But I was like, well,
you can't complain it's the wild Card. Technically shouldn't be
in the playoffs anyway, Like if you wanted you had
one hundred and sixty two games to be better and
you just squeaked in, you can't complain about a one game.
But I don't think they make more money.
Speaker 1 (01:00:28):
And I do think baseball is the weirdest postseason where
you do so many games that like the postseason is
the shortest part of like okay, well, cool, and it's
not like a one off or anything like that. So
to have just a one off where you've always had series,
that's weird. And to have like, let's let one other
team get in, we can kind of cause chaos. In
the last two years you've seen chaos is kind of
what happens. Like if the Ashers lose, I feel like
it's going to be Tigers, or like the Tigers are
the Diamondbacks this year. Baseball is stupid.
Speaker 3 (01:00:57):
No, if anybody's the Diamondbacks this year, man, No, I
think Robert got they got the alert before that. Okay, Yeah, see,
now I don't know what to do Yankees. In all
of my thirties, I have not had an ash shows
deep playoff run.
Speaker 1 (01:01:12):
So now I don't I'm just gonna go home, guys.
Speaker 3 (01:01:16):
I don't know what to do now that. If you
guys can tell, just lost, we're out of the postseason.
Probably never see Bregman in a jersey again for us,
So that just hit me extra. Verlanders is probably about
to retire in three days.
Speaker 1 (01:01:33):
Good thing he came back.
Speaker 3 (01:01:35):
We should have recorded this on a different day. Yeah,
I didn't think about that. I didn't think about that
at all.
Speaker 1 (01:01:40):
But also if they had one yesterday, this is a
way different podcast. At least it's not a team that
we hate that beat us. I can we can be
happy for a J. Hinch.
Speaker 3 (01:01:48):
Congrat You know what, I'll be the first to say
congratulations to the Tigers. You've played amazing for the last
few months, been the hottest team in baseball. You're young,
scrappy team, you got a great manager, you got fun
guys to root for. So I guess, uh, I guess
I'm rooting for Detroit in the next round.
Speaker 1 (01:02:03):
Who are they gonna be playing? Robert the Guardians? Guardians? Yeah?
Fuck Cleveland? Yeah, fuck Cleveland. I agree? Who are you
gonna go for?
Speaker 3 (01:02:12):
The fun Detroit team and the downtrodden city that hasn't
had much going for them in a long time.
Speaker 1 (01:02:15):
They have a city that brought in a piece of
shit quarterback who likes to sexually assault women allegedly. Do
I still have to put that on There have been convicted,
so yeah, I don't think he's gonna hear it anyway.
Fuck that guy. This is weird. Yeah whatever, Backey and
like Hoday starts, Yeah, nothing matters football. We have football
on tomorrow. Tomorrow speaking of football comebacks, also a comeback kid.
This week we have Texas State football tomorrow. I have
Sat Mowson football tomorrow. They did play on Saturday. We
don't need to they did playday. There was a game
past the Gravy Derby we called it, and well, you
were up twenty two nothing. You have that you're up
twenty two nothing at the end into the first quarter.
I want to fire our defensive cord you had like
you were up it was like thirty nine to twenty
two at some point too or something like that.
Speaker 3 (01:03:08):
No more room for air though, and then only got
to win the Sun Belt. That's what we're going for
this year.
Speaker 1 (01:03:12):
Final score was Sam Houston forty and Texas State thirty nine.
What were your thoughts on the game? Uh?
Speaker 3 (01:03:22):
My thoughts weren't a lot like this. Yes, yes, we're
the best. Nobody's stopping us. We're gonna win the Sun Belt.
And then the second half started and apparently our defensive
strategy in the second half was.
Speaker 1 (01:03:34):
Not one.
Speaker 3 (01:03:35):
It was just let's defense is overrated, we're up enough,
not the way they're going to come back and win.
Speaker 1 (01:03:40):
And then it was it was a bold strategy.
Speaker 3 (01:03:42):
I think you guys scored on every single possession in
the second hand and Black to field goal.
Speaker 1 (01:03:47):
And be honest, I was watching on my laptop. Yeap
did not see the block field. You did not know
about that toy would have put it away, would have
put it away. And then Sam went down kicked their
game winning field goal. Uh shout out Hunter Watson. Uh
pave on the kicker from Sam Houston. Absolutely like I
was very mad at Sam Houston. In the first quarter.
I was just like, well, you know, we're it's our
second year in FBS. Just took a step up, say
to text, State's gonna have more depth. And then the
second half they were just like, what did we just
scored all the time, Let's just do the scoring thing.
They were to each other the whole game. I wasn't
right because I knew there's a lot of game left.
When it came.
Speaker 3 (01:04:24):
Close, I texted you, I was like, we got a game,
because I didn't think that. I thought we were just
then pulled away. I thought we gave you guys a
couple of scores and then we would figure it out defensively.
We did not figure it out defensively.
Speaker 1 (01:04:33):
Not not not at all. Your jerseys pop they did.
I didn't un pops. The helmet wasn't cool because there's
a throwback helmet just said like script bearcats on it.
I didn't like that, but the jerseys are awesome. This year.
I like. I started watching it. I was getting ready
to go to a party. Get revenge on you so hard.
Next year, I was getting ready to go to party.
Shut up molssa hide. I was getting ready to go
to a party on Saturday. So I was watching that
and it was twenty two n then as I'm like
shower instead of like this game whatever, I kept it
on my phone on an uber all the way out there.
And then I was I was standing around at a
at a party and was just like watching the whole
time had been a lot of ball game left, a
lot of ball game left. Let's score. They just kept
at a ball. Hey, we're now two scores. Now it's
now it's one score. Now you get the ball back,
got got six minutes left to go down the field.
Just just and I like, my my favorite thing to
do when your team is trying to make a comeback
is or like run out clock is just tick tik tik, tik,
tik tik tik tik tik tik tik tik tik tik
tik tik tik tick and then Sam Houston did I
thought they were gonna miss the field goal. I was like,
something's gonna happen. I don't expect this to go my way.
But then they did it, and I was very happy.
Shout out to Sam Houston Bearcats, very very happy. It
was a team that their second year in this like
this division of football, that didn't win a game until
their next to last game last year, and now they've
started four and one, pretty awesome. And Texas State's a
fucking good team. They might not have played great, but
they building. They had a really good team, And for
like what Samuwston, Texas State are in Texas State like
to hang with Texas State. I was really really impressed
with Samuelson, which I thought was Texas State, UCF and
Rice were like the hardest games this year, maybe Liberty
and I feel like we've we've won two of those
three we've played so far. I on the plus side of it,
I was like, well, maybe with this loss, we'll get
to keep our head coach for another year because he's
such a good head coach.
Speaker 3 (01:06:32):
His offensive system is amazing. So after the first year
last year, I thought he was gonna be hired up
by somebody else.
Speaker 1 (01:06:37):
They didn't.
Speaker 3 (01:06:39):
I fully expected going into this year this will be
his last year at Texas State because he's a great coach,
and some other maybe not major program, but like a
mid major would pick him up. But you know what,
now that there's talks we're going to the Mountain West,
maybe we just keep him and he becomes one of
those coaches that's at the same school for sixty years
and it builds us into a powerhouse.
Speaker 1 (01:06:54):
That'd be cool. I'd like Casey Keele to do that
with Sam. But it was. It was. It was interesting.
It's kind of fun like playing Texas schools that are
not like yeah, keep it in the state carnate word,
you know, like not Lamar University. Not anything against those schools,
but they gets cool being like, Okay, we had Texas State,
now we got UTEP. That believing word is where my
coach came from and where future Giants quarterback Uh cam
Ward played for a year two, I thought, what are
you talking about the future? You got your guy, no
future quarterback? Dan God, what's wrong with Dan. God, you
got him for this year. Yeah, he's there right now.
He is our quarterback. He is the current quarterback on
the New York Giants. You see the guy. He is
our guy. Great guy or now great guy, very nice guy.
Speaker 3 (01:07:41):
Nice guy, strong jobs, super crazy, fucking eyes, cocaine eyes.
Speaker 1 (01:07:45):
But yeah, Samuwson fucking rocked. That was awesome. And then
I think what the problem was for you guys was
that your coach was is that we didn't play defense
in the second Well, that was a big part of it.
I would say thank you for turning that off, Robert.
I didn't want to watch it. Can you put the
Baltimore game on? I want to see the Yankee I
kind of want the Yankees to play the Royals. Yeah.
If I was you, I would want that too. Yeah,
you know how to It's fine, it's fine. You meant
you don't want to watch football, don't watch baseball. It's fine,
we'll turn off. But your coach had a hat on
that he always wore that says take Texas back, and Sam,
I guess printed a bunch of orange ones that. Then
our coach was like swagger jacked. Our coach kind of
swagger jacked. Because he didn't say Texas original. It didn't take
Texas State. So like, now that's our thing. It's not
your thing, it's our thing. We want. We took it.
We had it first, we took it, we took tech.
We weren't playing for that back. Come and take it.
You had to come take it. Now, do we play
next year? We should play every year? It should.
Speaker 3 (01:08:42):
It's like the only rivalry that ever existed for Texas
State was sam Houston and then we went D one
and it was gone, Yeah, now you guys, do you
want so like we have to Boston with ours forever?
Speaker 1 (01:08:53):
But yeah, I mean we've got.
Speaker 3 (01:08:56):
UTSA, but like I still see Sam Houston's more of
a rival than UTSA, even though, like I get it,
it's the.
Speaker 1 (01:09:02):
I don't even remember the highway thirty five.
Speaker 3 (01:09:04):
I thirty five, that's it. I fucking was there for
five years. You'd think i'd know the highway.
Speaker 1 (01:09:08):
Turon it out, but turn out, dude. Yeah, I was sad.
Comeback shout out the comebacks, Shout out to the Samuelson Baker.
Speaker 3 (01:09:15):
Georgia almost had a comeback, and then the seventeen year
old decided to just fuck their plans up.
Speaker 1 (01:09:19):
That was crazy. Robert, did you see that? I guess
you don't care about football. But they had the EyeBlack tape.
One of the Alabama receivers had it said psalms whatever,
and it was a Bible verse. And then the other
guy in the picture it just said kill everybody across,
which is from it's from a movie, but still movie.
But it's great. And somebody said it was Tim Tebow
and Aaron Hernandez. Yeah, the duality of man. That was great. Yeah.
I feel like our not cool segment might have just
gotten some stuff added to it. But why don't we
hop into that? Why don't we hop into not cool?
Not cool is where we kind of get the vent.
It's actually the perfect timing of not cool, maybe the
most perfect for not cool ever. But yeah, not cool.
If you got you know, you step your toe, you uh,
you locked your keys in your car, something like that.
Those are all varying degrees. If not cool, share us
You're not cool at Past Gray Pod. Use the hashtag
PTG not Cool. We're going to search through them and
we will pick some of the best ones each week
to share from you viewers and listeners. But hit us
up on Twitter at pass a Pod, use the hashtag
PTG not cool and then kind of summarize you're not
cool in like three four cents is max where you know,
we can explain it to anybody, and if you're not
watching on the video version, which is on YouTube YouTube
dot com slash pass a podcast, if you're you're not
watching the video version, then we can still explain it
without you being completely lost. So hit us up at
pass a pod used the hashtag PTG not cool. This
is the not cool segment. Not cool Man's cool? All right?
Our first listener viewers submitted not cools from Brandon Davis
aka Cat their Texas Cat Daddy at a stream of
cream on Twitter, and Brandon's not cool is having to
pay a thirty five dollars service fee just to pay
rent online. That is bullshit. That is bullshit. I think
we have to pay like a five dollars one and
we've griped about that because during the pandemic, like before
the pandemic, we would just take a check and we
would drop it in like the box, and I was like,
this is it, like first through the third of the month,
you drop it off there and then they're like, hey,
you know, for safety concerns, why don't we just go
the digital route. You can pay online, which is like okay, cool,
but then it's like, also, it's going to charge you
to pay online. I was like, well, if that's the
only option, I'm not. No, you can't charge you to
pay online if I cannot also hand you a physical check,
because that's bullshit. And thirty five dollars dude, that's so
they're saying, Hey, thirty five dollars in their service fee.
Is them saying, okay, you gave us the money, now
we're gonna hand the money the other person. It's a
thirty five dollars service fee. That should be a thirty
five dollars service fee to your apartments. Yeah, I'm paying
like it's like a credit card company where they charge
the vendors being like, look, you use their credit card,
but we're gonna isn't Isn't that how that works? Yeah?
Speaker 3 (01:12:16):
Like that's basically this doesn't make any sense. It's hey,
we want you to pay online so that we get
the money instantly. I understand that. That's fine. It also
is gonna cost you thirty five more dollars to pay
that way. Then no, you're getting a check every single time.
Now then you're getting a money only checks. I'm gonna drop.
It's inconvenient for me, but it's more inconvenient for you
because you're not getting the money all the way. You're
gonna get seventy fucking checks from everyone in the apartments,
and then you have to take all those checks and
then you when you deposit them, that doesn't hit your
account for so it's another two or three days. Whereas
I can pay online, it's more convenient for you. You
get your money faster, but it's costing me more money.
That's Bullshityeah, it's called the Better Business Bureau.
Speaker 1 (01:12:51):
That's shit. Definitely do that. I actually called the Better
Beer Business Bureau a couple of weeks ago. I can
help you out with that if you want. It's not
fun and it's probably not gonna have anything happen from
I won't. I'm sure they're like, no, it's totally legal.
ID file. I did file a claim. I did file
a claim with a certain cable company that I've now
been told to stop talking about and tweeting about from bosses.
Oh but you know, so then maybe I can't you
know who they are? Maybe I possibly shouldn't put them
in mind. Go ahead, do it. You you didn't get
you didn't get told not to do it. Okay, do
whatever you want. Okay, you can do whatever you want.
You guys know who I'm talking about. I just can't
say the name and I can't tweet at them, but
you guys know what I'm saying. I need to come
with a code word where I can just like I
say this word on Twitter and people just attack them
for me, like verbally, verbally, not physically or with any violence.
Like buzz light here. If you just yeah, if I
ever just tweet out a buzz light your gift, that
means that it's bad and I need you guys to help.
Just you'll just see nothing but a buzz light like that.
Oh shit, Alex is going through it. There's an extra
finite amount of resources.
Speaker 5 (01:13:55):
Could you do it like a Sideways eighto?
Speaker 1 (01:14:01):
But yeah, that is bullshit, dude, sir. Like a thirty
five dollars service feed just so you can pay your
own rent is absolutely so. They just raised your rent
by thirty five dollars a month. That's pretty much what they did.
Like we didn't raise it, bully to them doing like
you should ask for a thirty five dollars like rent
decrease and be like, look at this, like do you
understand from our point of view, they'll probably just make
We don't give a fuck.
Speaker 3 (01:14:22):
Just increase your rent by four hundred and twenty dollars
a month or a year.
Speaker 1 (01:14:25):
And then just call your landlord a slumlord. They love
that fucking slumlord. Fucking dickheads. Our next not cool is
from Cruise Garcia at my name Craig eight on Twitter,
and Craig said, got rear ended on my way home
from work. Yeah, dude, that sucks. Every time. That sucks.
Speaker 3 (01:14:48):
I mean, hopefully it was one of those ones where
like you get out, there's no damage. You're like, okay, whatever,
let's not get insurance. It's fine, I get insurance involved,
but you.
Speaker 1 (01:14:57):
Still get the insurance. You're like, I don't want to
call you, dude, I'm not planning on calling you. I'm
just gotta get your shit.
Speaker 3 (01:15:02):
Let's check just in case, in like three months my
left tail light goes out.
Speaker 1 (01:15:06):
I can blame you, right, but no, you don't get
to do it then, dude, I don't know. Probably so
I I there there's like a U turn to get
into our old building and a guy I got in
a wreck one time because I thought this guy was
going and then he stopped all of a sudden, and
I was like right on his tail and I just
bumped into him and like there was no damage on
either cars. And he was like, yeah, I just got
check and see if I have whiplash tomorrow. And I
was like, okay, yeah, cool, here's my info whatever, dude,
and he's like, yeah, man, so my next really hurting bad.
I was like, we were going from a stop and
then you stopped, so we weren't going ten miles an hour.
I don't think you have whiplash. He's like, oh, we're
gonn to the doctor to get checked out. And I said, okay,
well I want you to call me as soon as
you get out of the doctor. And he never called
me back again. I never heard from him. So I
was like, cool, this guy was definitely trying to see
like what he could do. But but don't be that guy.
Hopefully you're not hurt too bad. But a fender bender,
just getting rear ended any in any way like that
at all, Like that sucks. That sucks. So Teas and
Peas cruise, Teas and peas Buddy our Next one is
from Samantha Garcia at Underscore xx sam G three on
Twitter and Sam says, the AC in our house went
out and now we have to crash with our in
laws because it's too hot. That's that's an A plus.
Not cool right there? No AC is just it's too
hot to ever not have a C here. Isn't it
crazy that some places just like don't have a c
You can just live up north and be like, oh,
we don't need AC, like, but it does get hot still, Like, yeah,
we just keep windows open. We're far from the equator.
It's not crazy. We just keep it up at eighty
five degrees, keep the windows open. It's like that's brutal.
That sounds just miserable. But they don't have the humidity,
but don't Yeah, all of that that sucks. Teas and
peace and peas. Next one is from Ashley Wilkins at
Buster Healer Mix on Twitter, and Ashley says, are not cool?
Is my dog got attacked by a cat? Yeah, gotta
watch out for those cats.
Speaker 3 (01:17:01):
They just got You got a good puppy, just enjoyed.
Want to be friends. High and the cats like, fuck you.
Speaker 1 (01:17:08):
I'm a cat's always a cat. Cats.
Speaker 3 (01:17:10):
I'm sorry that happened. Give the teas and peas, give
the puppy an extra cookie. That's what she said, So
shout out eight.
Speaker 1 (01:17:15):
I give her a boop for us and the pat
A firm pat on the head for Robert, A somber
firm pat on the head, Robert scratch. Yeah, okay, if
you guys again, if you want to send you're not
cool to ask for the future episodes at passy podhashtag
PTG not cool. That's how we'll search for them, Robert.
Once you start us off with with your not cool,
what you got.
Speaker 5 (01:17:36):
Mine not cool is that the MLB Playoffs aren't played
at a neutral site, so the Astros don't ever have
to play at home again. They have lost seven straight
home playoff games and minute may talk.
Speaker 1 (01:17:48):
Yeah, I did not know that. That sounds bad. That
sounds bad.
Speaker 5 (01:17:54):
So I don't know why games aren't playing a neutral site.
Speaker 1 (01:17:56):
I don't get it. They did do that in COVID
they had to play in Dallas. Do you I'm playing Dallas.
He's got a point at the Astros wind though, he's
got a point. But that was cool and you're just like, hey,
this team has more championships on your field than you do.
Speaker 5 (01:18:12):
Yeah, you would love if the Yankees played in Dallas, Like.
Speaker 1 (01:18:15):
Yeah, I don't want. I don't want to be anywhere
near that city. I wouldn't go tell you that much.
Speaker 5 (01:18:22):
Also, a few days ago, I was what was I doing?
I don't know I was. I was loading a box
something in my car and the box flaps were open.
When I set it down, it cut my wrist.
Speaker 1 (01:18:35):
I don't know if you can see it. Can you
tell somebody? Yeah, I know it looks like I went
to your cutter.
Speaker 4 (01:18:40):
Speaker 1 (01:18:41):
Yeah, I knew, to be.
Speaker 3 (01:18:43):
Honest, I don't remember seeing that on his wrist before
the Astros game ended.
Speaker 1 (01:18:46):
Yeah, and he did walk out of the room for
a second. I did walk within a knife there. You
gotta get Yeah, somebody needs to, like everybody check in
on Robert every hour. Please at Robert my boss. You
have to be like, hey, you good, dudeyea, I need
a welfare check. You good.
Speaker 5 (01:19:01):
Came back in with like eyelighter around my eyes.
Speaker 1 (01:19:03):
Yeah, he's listening to my chemical romance hair. My father,
don't call me anymore, call me Raven.
Speaker 3 (01:19:17):
What if Robert showed up like eyeliner, black fingernails.
Speaker 1 (01:19:20):
Tomorrow. I'm judas you should just morning all black. Do it?
Might do it? You should do it?
Speaker 4 (01:19:32):
Do it?
Speaker 1 (01:19:33):
Do you do you even own black pants? Yes? Yes,
you gotta wear all black tomorrow all black.
Speaker 5 (01:19:43):
Can I wear my black Astro shirt?
Speaker 3 (01:19:46):
I think that fits? Yeah, because you're morning the death
of the Astro season.
Speaker 1 (01:19:50):
And I always feel like I don't wear my team
you got back after they lose because I get mad
at them, Like when the Giants lose, I don't wear
Giants ship the next day and I'm just like, fuck
you guys, you're not gonna get I'm not gonna support
you today. Hey, you know, do what you did. And
then like the next day it's like it's fine. It
was a hell of a run the season.
Speaker 3 (01:20:06):
We started the year without two or all of you,
all of our pitching, two of our starting pitchers were
just done for the year before, you know, and we
made a run.
Speaker 1 (01:20:18):
You know, Jimmy Crane, just just sign Bregman. Don't think
about it, just do it. You had hope, Just give
him the money.
Speaker 5 (01:20:26):
You think he's gonna need surgery at the end the season.
Speaker 1 (01:20:28):
Yeah, I don't know.
Speaker 5 (01:20:30):
Because he was out, you know, all like the last
couple of weeks of the season with the elbow thing.
I don't know, I feel like it's gonna need surgery,
might lower his value.
Speaker 1 (01:20:41):
What if I learned there comes back for one more,
We'll get one more final year of Orlander and he
just wins the si last dance, the last salsa.
Speaker 5 (01:20:53):
I'm trying to remember what the dance was, Robert Felines,
what was it, you said something dance.
Speaker 1 (01:20:59):
Oh, it was the dental floss. There's dental floss. Yeah,
one last dental flows on last floss. That sucks too.
Speaker 3 (01:21:07):
I'm sorry, but everything going on in the Middle East
right now, I think we could do one Jewish guy
solid and sign Alex Brightman.
Speaker 1 (01:21:15):
Well, well, you don't decide with Palestine. No, what if
we also they also had to sign a Palestinian? Are
there any Palestinian baseball players? They have to that's the rule.
That's fair. Fair is fair? Hey, if we find one
and he can hit a But I mean, if you
think about like Astros fans, I felt like I had
more hope this week about baseball than I do and
my team was like the number one seed, and it
was just We're used to being here, we expect to
be here, we expect to win, and then we think
of that happiness you had and I'm just like, I'm
just dreading watching my team knowing that, like they're still
in it, and I'm like, this fucking sucks.
Speaker 3 (01:21:55):
Actually, I feel like you should want to play the
Orioles because they can do damage. And if you lose
to the Royals, like you're.
Speaker 1 (01:22:02):
Just gonna hate.
Speaker 3 (01:22:03):
You're just gonna hate Bobby Witt. You're just gonna turn
into hating Bobby. Then you shouldn't hate Bobby. If they lose,
I'd hate the Yankees. I'll just hate the Yankees. Like
that's what I turned my hate towards Aaron Boone and
Brian Cashman. Whenever things go south, it's their fault. It's
not any other person's fault. It's their fault.
Speaker 1 (01:22:18):
Like I thought the Ashes were very good, but like
Aaron Boone is a piece of shit that doesn't have
to manage a team, and like that's how it's gonna go.
The Yankees are gonna get in a situation where Aaron
Judge leaves Aaron Boone. Aaron Judge could never do anything wrong.
Aaron Boone would will leave in a picture some good parties.
You don't know. He wasn't. He wasn't. That was before,
that was before his time. But Aaron Boone will just
leave a picture in thirty pitches too long, he's gonna
get shelled. We'll be down four runs. That would be the
game losing decision. That at least we didn't have to
see Caleb Ferguson suck. He didn't pitch. I thank god
I don't have to see him.
Speaker 5 (01:22:52):
I think he did pitch yesterday, but.
Speaker 1 (01:22:54):
Goody, I don't know. I'm blacked out yesterday already they
still lost. Just that's that's that's his fault. Caleb Ferguson
is the real fault. Sad things, Okay, mine not cool,
I'll go next. I was like we were talking about watching football,
watching this Sam Houston and Texas State game on Saturday.
I was going to a party, so I ubered like
thirty minutes away and the entire uber ride like I
get in. I didn't have headphones and I just had
my phone on silent, so I was like I can
just sit here and watch this. And the guy was
like Alex, okay, cool, gotcha, got your name cool. And
then he was like, yeah, oh, I just been just
invested in this stock and whatever technologies and it just
just doubled yesterday. And I was like that's awesome, dude,
you working, you work in stocks. He's like no, it's
just somebody doing for fun. And I was like, cool,
thought that was gonna be it. I didn't respond, and
then he just kept going about stocks and crypto for
thirty minutes from like my like we weren't even finished,
like we were on my street still where I had
been picked up, and he's already breaking into it. It
was like, I don't know, maybe like it's like if
you just hit a bet, like fuck, yeah, dude, I
just bet on this team to win, and they just
fucking won. What a great what a great day? Yeah? Awesome, man,
it's awesome. Good to hear. I was like, oh, that
guy just put it. He just got a nice little
stock tip and it worked out for him. And then
he just wouldn't shut up about it. And I didn't
want to be like I don't fucking care, dude, so
I'd be like that's crazy, no way, oh it's awesome,
like I did so like that was my response. No,
I didn't know that. That's insane, dude. Yeah, that's pretty good.
That's pretty good. Uh huh. I never even heard of
that one. Yeah. No, I don't really do anything of
the crypto. I just don't understand it.
Speaker 3 (01:24:33):
How many people do you think drive uber because they
don't have friends and just want people to talk to.
Speaker 1 (01:24:37):
I don't think there's a lot of them, but I
definitely think there's a group of them. Bless you. Yeah,
chatty uber drivers suck. I don't mind if it's chatty
uber drivers. But it was just like I was so
he was trying to be polite, and I was it mad.
I gave him five stars, tipped him and everything, but
like it was like, dude, I'm watching a football game
and I'm kind of like my team is kind of
coming back right now. Like I'm really stressing out over it.
Really cool if you could just shut the fuck up
about stocks. I don't sure what stocks at. Oh, I'm
not even listening to what you're saying, just replying at
where it sounds like it's not even real money, Just
replying when it sounds like there's a pause. That's all
I'm doing. Yeah, that sucks, buddy, I'm sorry. Yeah, and
it was like not that bad. But he wasn't really
pushy about the crypto, but he was like, you ever
looked into crypto? Well, if you do, you should get
this and this and it. It was like that's like
if you were I like Robert, Dude, you like football, right,
He's like, no, not at other Well, anyways, Daniel Jones
and the Giants are gonna do this, and they just
got this linebacker's gonna do this. Like I said, I
didn't care at football. Cool, I know you don't care,
but have you ever thought about watching football? And then
this cornerback, the guy the Giants just got, they just
draft him, He's gonna be really good. Deontay Banks is
gonna do this like you like, I stop, but just
thirty minutes of that, that was what that was the
equivalent too. Yeah that sucks. Yeah, I mean it was.
I was watching football, so it was like I could
kind of zone out, but just being like, oh, yeah,
you're still talking to me my bed, So that sucked.
Speaker 3 (01:25:54):
I'm sorry mine are wasn't that bad? I want to
I want I find I've been talking about forever. I
finally tried to cancel my TV and just have Internet yeah,
and they're like, you can do it online.
Speaker 1 (01:26:06):
I was like cool.
Speaker 3 (01:26:06):
So I went and they're like, switch your playing and
I select the internet that I want and I hit
next and he goes, you got to select something to
replace both of your services, and I was like, I
don't want to replace. I don't want to change my
TV package. I want to get rid of my TV.
So then I go into the UH there's like the
little live chat. It's like what can I help you
with today? I was like, I want to cancel TV
and keep my internet, and he goes, so do you
want to pay your bill? This is like your bill
for the upcoming month. And I was like, no, I
want to cancel TV and he goes, oh, so do
you want to and it sends the exact same do
you want to pay your bill? And I was like
I got to do this in fucking person, don't I?
Because I refuse to do it over the phone.
Speaker 1 (01:26:42):
Oh dude, go to this doore tell them you've been
having some issues and see like, well, I need to
be reimbursed for this and seventy bucks.
Speaker 3 (01:26:49):
My brother was like, d you can do it over
the phone. They say you can't, but like you just
make them give you a month. I was like, I
don't want to. I don't care any on the phone.
Speaker 1 (01:26:55):
You can't do it over the fun though, Oh I
know you can't. I don't want to do I hate
being I would rather go and do.
Speaker 3 (01:26:59):
It in person, because then there's a person staring in
front of me and like, well you want to they
can just look at my face.
Speaker 1 (01:27:04):
Make listen.
Speaker 3 (01:27:05):
I came here to cut off my TV and only
have internet. I don't want to hear any other words
from you on the phone. They can put you on
pause and all this in a hold. No, I just
I just want to cancel my TV and just have
it internet. That's all I want, and in person, like
even if they're like, well you have to bring everything
with you A but cool, I live five minutes down
the road. Go get it and I'm back, Like, here's my
three cable boxes. Take them. I don't want to pay
for this anymore. I don't use especially now that fucking
baseball is over. Like hockey, I watch all that through streaming.
Anything else I need to watch I can watch through streaming.
Speaker 1 (01:27:40):
Yeah, they just sent me a bunch of shit, and like,
we sent you some new things. You should return this, Like,
now I have a chore, dude, they send at tact
to fix it.
Speaker 3 (01:27:48):
And the other little fucking tag on charges. It's like,
it's eighty nine dollars a month for the internet or whatever. Well,
plus a five dollar a month rental fee.
Speaker 1 (01:27:57):
We up it till one hundred and five dollars. Yeah,
well t twelve. I saw that.
Speaker 3 (01:28:01):
But then also it's like, so, uh, if you install
it by yourself, it's thirty five dollars. If you have
a technician come out to install it, it's thirty five dollars.
Speaker 1 (01:28:10):
I'm like, it's the same fucking Send the fucker here,
let's go.
Speaker 3 (01:28:14):
It's just also already talk by yourself. It won't that's
the other thing they're gonna make. Well, we have to
change your modem. You can't keep that modem since you
don't have the pack.
Speaker 1 (01:28:21):
I'm like, Jesus fucking Christ.
Speaker 3 (01:28:23):
Yeah, so I now I have to go talk to
somebody in person, and I don't want to do that.
Speaker 1 (01:28:29):
What company is it? Uh?
Speaker 3 (01:28:31):
Extra Infinity. It's fucking Exfinity. It's it's it's everything's a
goddamn problem with them, he said it, not me. Fuck,
everything's a fucking problem with them, So you know you
can change it online. Okay, No, well you can change
it simply if you're also keeping everything you have and
just changing the package. I don't want to change. I
want to cancel half. No, not even half. I want
to cancel two thirds of my bill because right now
I pay three hundred dollars a month for all of that.
I want to pay one hundred.
Speaker 1 (01:28:58):
For just so it doesn't work most of the time.
Speaker 3 (01:29:00):
Honestly, I could find better or like other internets that
are like probably cheaper for like other things. I don't
want to switch. I just want to like keep the
same thing. I don't want to have to get a
new company, not have internet for day. Will everything changed.
Speaker 1 (01:29:10):
I'll stay with you, I'll keep giving you money. I
just don't want this other part of it anymore. Yeah,
that's so my shit to work, dude.
Speaker 3 (01:29:17):
Yeah, that's not even my main one. My main Not
cool is that in both of my fantasy leagues I
had no.
Speaker 1 (01:29:25):
No, you don't get this is my time, this is
my obody cares that your fans I don't care. Done
back to back weeks of fantasy football. Not cool. Yeah,
but here's the one with this one I had the
second highest total in both of my fine and lost,
and that no one cares. I don't care if nobody cares,
nobody cares. I don't care about the ones you say
half the time. And I sit here and I have
nobody cares. I have the microphone, so you will listen
to every word. I have just had lost fantasy football games.
Speaker 3 (01:29:47):
I had a great week both we Also, this isn't
really part of it. It's just weird that like you know,
how it gives you like a score. I don't know
if it does it on ESPN and all like grade
your week, like you had an A plus week, you
had a CEO at it. I both of them second
highest score in the league. But because I lost, it
was like C minus week. I'm like, I beat my
projection by thirty points and outscored everyone in the league
except for this one guy who I happen to be playing,
and I get a seat. Not that it means anything,
but just like that's going you're just trying to piss
me off with it.
Speaker 1 (01:30:18):
Now, well, if you're pissed about it, that makes one.
Speaker 3 (01:30:23):
And now this week I have to play my other buddy,
who our third buddy who's an idiot just traded him
Jason Kelce, Travis Kelce, Travis.
Speaker 1 (01:30:32):
Kelcey losing a lot.
Speaker 3 (01:30:34):
I don't care right now, but I have to face
the best tight end in football now because our other
friend is an idiot and didn't like that he wasn't
playing well, so traded him.
Speaker 1 (01:30:41):
Away because he hasn't done anything this year, so you're good. Yeah,
but they just lost their number one receivers and now
he's gonna get fifteen targets a game. Did you see
my Rashi Rice? Sweet? No, he cares about your No,
I didn't though it was Rashi Rice's name right now,
and it was the carrect because because he just didn't
get in trouble for that. Yeah.
Speaker 3 (01:30:57):
I like how everyone in football is like he shouldn't
be playing, saying this is bullshit, and God was.
Speaker 1 (01:31:01):
Like, I'll take care of that, don't worry. He can't.
Speaker 3 (01:31:03):
Yeah, good luck driving a car when you can't use
your right knee.
Speaker 1 (01:31:08):
Oh yeah, that'll be problematic. That'll be problematic. I also
did lamb utensil before I play. It's just him at
the bong, him with the gas mask on. That's pretty funny.
That dude just loves committing penalties, and I feel like
there's been illegal man downfield this year and they just
penalty themselves to death. They make it. They're winning it
on hard mode, which is I respect that. I respect that.
All right? That was our not cool segment at Passy
potashtag PTG not cool. If you would like to participate
in future not cool segments, we are. We are on YouTube.
We talked about that earlier. Go subscribe to YouTube. It
is spooky season. I'm trying to they tell us your
favorite spooky thing. You're either it be a goblin or
just just list off all the spooky things you can
think of. Let's get to two hundred comments this week
on the YouTube version.
Speaker 3 (01:32:00):
A thing that says we're going to have an astro
list ALCS for the first time since David Ortiz was
an active player.
Speaker 1 (01:32:05):
That's pretty crazy. That's nuts. That's pretty crazy. But yeah,
if if you're you're go go listen. If you're listening
right now, go to the YouTube channel and go to
this episode on YouTube and then just comment all of
the spooky things that you can think of. And I'm
gonna just pick the most random spooky thing and give
away a shirt. So that'll be the Gravy Game twenty
twenty fourth shure you can get a past gramerg dot com.
But if you can list all of a bunch of
spooky things and we can get up to two hundred comments,
that will give.
Speaker 3 (01:32:36):
Away a shirt watching postseason baseball without the Astros, that'd
be that's a very spooky thing.
Speaker 1 (01:32:41):
Just list all the spooky things you can think. Okay,
gang all one at a time on our on our
YouTube channel. Also subscribe to it, make sure you like it,
share us with a friend too, and then go to
your friend's house, get on their their computer and then
go to their YouTube and then subscribe from their place
as well. But subscribe to YouTube. That's really it helps
us out. We're trying to trying to get as many
viewers on the YouTube video as possible. But if you're watching,
also hit play on the audio version because we need
we need clicks on both. Please it would really help
us out. But let's get let's get this this show
on the road and wrapped up with the answer segment
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do just answer the question. Find just answer the question
on your big answer answer it, don't thanks the subject,
just answer dot com question. Kept talking, let's answer answer answers,
answer any questions. Shout out David. That's Pumpkins year round,
Baby year round. Remember we used to have like that
was a late addition to the intro and I had
to play it by myself and I would always forget
it and Pat would be like, uh, and then we
just the one thing I ever remembered if I just
added that and not fixed it. Answer segment This is
we do the pre come segment in the beginning of
the show where we get to ask any questions we have,
pitch any weird idea, We've got any business plans, anything
on our minds. This is your opportunity to do that. Also,
if you want us to power rank things, we are
very good at power ranking things. If you want to
know if something is a lateral or a boomerang, we
can absolutely help help you out with that. You need
parenting advice, you need health advice, we got you there too.
We're basically doctors. I am a parent too, And we
can also tell you what color numbers are if you
want to ask us what color a bunch of things are?
We can also we can also do that if you
want to ask us what color, what numbers smell like?
We could help you on that too, And then what else? Yeah,
that's about it. That's about it, just all anything you
can think of, any drunk ideas, high thoughts and anything
like that. At pass Gray Pod, use the hashtag ptg answers.
That's how we searched for them at pass gay Pod
hashtag ptg answers. Make sure to attach that hashtag so
we can search for it. And then also if you
want to email us, although we do check email way
less often than we do Twitter, it's past gray Pod
at gmail dot com. Put answers in the subject. That's that.
We'll get it. Let's get on with it. Our first
answers question this week from Josh Tree Coddle. He's at
Joshua Tree seven one three, and Josh says, does your
dog bring you the ball because he likes to fetch
it or because he thinks you like to throw it?
He likes to fetch it?
Speaker 3 (01:36:19):
Yeah, I think he wanted to fetch it. Even if
he thought you enjoyed it, he would bring the ball.
Let you throw and like, okay, I did one thing
for you.
Speaker 1 (01:36:25):
I think the dog absolutely likes to fetch it, but
I think the dog also thinks that you like to
throw it, because, like Weezy, they just want you involved
all day. She's like, yo, dude, check this out. Just
drop this little ball, this little rubber. But as the
ball like bounces and then settles down, I'm like, all right,
now I'm holding a baby. I can't do that, but
Weeze will do that all day. It's like you want
to throw this, I don't you want to throw this
fucking ball. Let's go there. Throws ball, does ball, So
I think like he loves throwing this ball too. So
like he loves throwing it, I love getting it and
bringing it to him. This is a mutual thing. I
think dogs kind of think that, and then they get
like that's why they get like pissed off when you're like,
we're not playing fetch.
Speaker 3 (01:37:03):
There are times though, when like you'll throw a ball
and they're just not interested. They're like, okay, yeah, I'm
not going to get it.
Speaker 1 (01:37:08):
They're paying of the dog too.
Speaker 3 (01:37:10):
I don't want to do that right now, but yeah, no,
it's the dog just wants to play fetch it. It
wants you to throw it way more than you want.
Speaker 1 (01:37:18):
To throw it. Absolutely, absolutely great question in the job.
But they want you involved because they do because they care.
This is from Mikey Paul at It's just Mikey p
on Twitter, and Mikey says, what color is the number
one million? What color is the number one million? Right?
Close your eyes? It's green? Red? You got green? One
million's green? Red means bad. I don't know why I
thought red. I just I closed my eyes. I saw
one million. Now did you see all? Do you see
one zeros years years years, y's years years year zero?
Or did you see the word one million? Because I
saw the word one million, I saw the numbers.
Speaker 3 (01:37:58):
And not only that, there's also like little green dollar
signs around it, and it was written out like the
way like US currency.
Speaker 1 (01:38:08):
So it's like that like dollar bill. Fonto the When
I'm closing my eyes just looking numbers, it is green.
You're right, but not try it with just the with
just letters read one million. I actually got blue there,
Yeah blue still green for me? Still green?
Speaker 4 (01:38:28):
Speaker 1 (01:38:29):
Crazy? Do you even know what green is? Bobby? Yeah,
you didn't even You wouldn't know Green, it slapped you
in a face.
Speaker 3 (01:38:36):
Just get Tom Green to slap Bobby in the face
if he's ever at the radio station. I got a
guy and you just slap for something we said one time.
Speaker 1 (01:38:47):
So I'm gonna say one million is it's green. It's green.
It's a consensus, but it's gotta specifically be just the
number nine dancing. Great question. Great question. This is from
Hannah Etzler. I think this is her second or third
week writing into us. Hannah says, since it's spooky season,
power rank these spooky things. She gives us ghosts, spiders,
haunted houses, witches in, vampires, Robert, what do you got?
What do you got here? All right? My number one?
I'm going ghosts, most spooky or least spooky is number one.
Speaker 5 (01:39:32):
I interpret this as like your favorite spooky things.
Speaker 3 (01:39:35):
Oh, I was just doing, but what is the spookiest?
I see, That's how I was thinking, was spookiest. But
you can rank yours my favorite favorite spooky things.
Speaker 5 (01:39:43):
She doesn't say power rank based on spookiest. That's true, Hannah, I'd.
Speaker 1 (01:39:48):
Like you to be more specific in the future. Jesus, Hannah,
appreciate your contribution to today's show. But in the future,
please be better. Do you guys want me to rank
by most spooky? Rank? How you want to rank? These
are your ranking?
Speaker 5 (01:40:00):
All right, I'm going about my favorite spooky things. I'm
going ghosts ghost one, Ghosts one, then I'm going witches
number two, Pretty spooky vampires number three, spiders number four,
Haunted houses number five.
Speaker 1 (01:40:18):
Okay, feel me, Coke, I'll go next. I'll go next.
One is haunted Houses, one of the songs. I don't
like hunted houses. They're scary to me, not say they're spooky. Well,
they are spooky, but like just when people are like, dude,
you want to go to this haunted house it's open. No,
That's why it was my number five. I don't like either,
very spooky to me, like and like it's like they're
just gonna jump scare you. I get punchy at times.
I feel like and it's like, no, I've never punched
anybody at a haunted house, but it's like always like
a fear that I'm gonna jump punch and just be
like what am I doing? Don't like it? No, thank you, no,
thank you. Haunted Houses one. Two is witches. It's always
up to something. They always up to something you know
and think curses on things. Witches man witches witch is
be tripping all right? Number three is ghosts. Nope, don't
like them. Uh. Four as vampires. I feel like I
could avoid a vampire that I've learned through many years
that like silver, garlic, like a bible across, Like I
got like a bunch of stuff I could repel a
vampire with. Like I've got a vampire prepared preparedness kit,
probably ready to go. I usually have enough garlic in
my bloodstream to prepare. Yeah. Yeah. And then five is
spiders because I'm really tight with my boy Frank Kyocho
and his associates. They you know, they keep me safe.
I'm not worried about being spooked out by spiders. They
got me so hard. Houses, witches, ghosts, vampires, spiders. Number
one spooky.
Speaker 3 (01:41:51):
It's ghosts, ghosts because I always think back to the
snl skit where it was Christopher Walking and all his
family of Walkings and it's me Pohlar and they've all
got the Christopher Walking hair, and she's like she's supposed
to be a little girl, and she's like, this is
a ghost in my room.
Speaker 1 (01:42:08):
He's a spooky ghost very spooky.
Speaker 3 (01:42:12):
It makes me laugh every time. Ghosts number one, spooky,
number two spooky. Haunted houses they're spooky, man, very spooky.
That's like the point of them. They're spooky or even
just abandoned houses that become haunted.
Speaker 1 (01:42:23):
I go in there. I'm more scared of hanted houses
than amn ghosts. This isn't a fear thing. This is
just what's most spooky. Yeah.
Speaker 7 (01:42:31):
Speaker 3 (01:42:32):
Three witches, Yeah, magic and shit man, they're spooky. Yeah,
hocus pocus spooky, oh thank you.
Speaker 4 (01:42:39):
Speaker 3 (01:42:40):
Four spiders you know, it just fits the theme. I'm
not really scared of them or anything, but like you know,
guess what you might find it a haunted house. So
spiders part of the ambiance. And five vampires. I don't
find vampires spooky at all. They're scary, they're dangerous. I
won't say they're spooky though.
Speaker 1 (01:42:59):
Yeah, and we had one on the Pope. Do not
really like haunting, They just like they kill you. Yeah,
we had a vampire on the podcast, so they can't
be that spooky. Although there are there are multiple kinds
of vampires. There's energy. Vampires definitely not spooking. Patrick McLellan
on and he had a ghoul in his attic, so
that was guls were on here.
Speaker 3 (01:43:18):
Gools would be wayuls are spooky. But uh yeah, I
went ghosts haunted houses, which is spiders, vampires.
Speaker 1 (01:43:27):
Solid solid power. I like those, Hannah, and I like
that all of ours were like for different reasons. Well yeah, yeah,
great power rankings, Hannah, keep going, keep them coming, keep
them coming. Alex oh at Alex mcthunder one on Twitter says,
if you've been given an elephant and you can't get
rid of it or sell it, what are you doing
with the elephant? I mean they're just gonna die in
my front yard? Oh no, I think this is a
very easy question. I'm gonna teach you how to like
balance on a ball like the Oakland A's logo. You
not sick? That would be no you could do. Don'
wouln't like it? What it's a lot of free meat.
You can't so you can't get rid of it. It
doesn't mean you can't kill it. I'm gonna get I'm
not gonna get rid of it. I'm gonna keep all
the meat. I assume that this was like you can't
get rid of it, as in kill it or remove it.
Speaker 3 (01:44:14):
Okay, Well, then I got a pet elephant. He's my buddy, right,
I tell you what first thing I'm gonna do. I'm
gonna go on to Amazon find out how many peanuts.
Speaker 1 (01:44:21):
I can give a peanut peanut. We'd watch a lot
of baseball. I'd have him like pick me up and
put me on his back. Dude, you you could just
like he could just shower you. You don't have to
use the regular shower.
Speaker 3 (01:44:35):
The pats you could give an elephant, they're so strong.
I would love tussele his ear around. Well, good boy,
what would you What would you name your pet elephant?
Speaker 1 (01:44:46):
Speaker 6 (01:44:48):
Speaker 1 (01:44:50):
It doesn't make sense. It's like tiny Tim. He's a
big guy elephant. What would be a good elephant name
like Tim? Tim? L? Alright, have a kid. We already
have an l. We already have an el.
Speaker 3 (01:45:06):
Floppy Floppy would be good. Fluffy Cartman had a little
uh pig named Fluffy.
Speaker 1 (01:45:13):
It's not fluffy at all. It's why Ambar. Wasn't that
a book with an elephant? I don't know, not a nerd?
All right, well whatever, I would definitely teach my elephant
to balance on a ball like the Oakland A's logan
and then put a baseball on his nose.
Speaker 3 (01:45:31):
I would probably have to rewatch on Bach and see
what he named his elephant, and I'd name it that
out of respect and remembrance. What Ongbach. It was a
martial arts movie. I don't know if Tony jaw and
I don't want to just start throwing out Asian country,
so I don't. I think he's Indonesian, but I'm not
one hundred percent sure. Yeah he Uh they were in
like a small village and he had an elephant. Some
poachers came in and stole his elephant, and uh, then
he killed everybody in awesome ways.
Speaker 1 (01:46:03):
There's like a John Wick situation.
Speaker 3 (01:46:04):
Yeah, dude, And like at one part, like they stole
like the elephant and the mother at the end. No spoilers,
but this movie came out twenty six years ago, so
they the mother they had like killed it and like
set up all the elephant bones and like the bad
guys like layer and in the fight, like it got destroyed.
So then he like strapped some of the elephant bones
to his arms and was like fighting.
Speaker 1 (01:46:23):
Dudes with that.
Speaker 3 (01:46:24):
And then at one point he's running through the room
and he does a double jump, flying knee with both
knees and takes out like two guys. It's a fucking
some of the best fighting scenes I've ever seen a movie.
Speaker 1 (01:46:33):
That's pretty said. But yeah, on bach onng bak, a
big movie. You said it like we would know what
the movie was. I mean, all my friends in a
long bak. Okay, Well I thought you might have known.
I didn't.
Speaker 3 (01:46:44):
Apparently you didn't watch weird, trashy fight movies not always
no that were in broken English, but I did. But
if you can't teach your alpha to these circus tricks,
what are you doing? I don't know if I would
really even want to, big dude, just hang out an
outdoor projector teach at football. You could probably teach it
to throw a football with a trunk.
Speaker 1 (01:47:04):
Or you could just watch football on it. He could
be the projector he.
Speaker 3 (01:47:09):
Could be like he's laying he's laying on the ground
taking a nap. You're just leaned up against him. Yeah,
just my big old elephant pillow. Yeah, you know what,
big problem though, what are you doing with the poops?
Speaker 1 (01:47:23):
Hire a guy, hi guy?
Speaker 3 (01:47:26):
See that's what If you can't get rid of it,
I think you have to hire somebody else to steal
your elephant, because otherwise your entire yard.
Speaker 1 (01:47:33):
Is just poop. I would hire somebody to steal my elephant. Yeah,
it's the only option. If I'm not allowed to get
rid of it, you can't get rid of it. Somebody
has to take it from me. Yeah, I just leave
the gate open. Hopefully it waters away. Missing elephant who
you're sneaky, you might not be able to spot him.
All right. Last question we got this is from Brett
Brandon at Price of a z J and he says,
why is it called a pound cake? Is it because
you can fuck it? Yeah?
Speaker 4 (01:48:11):
It was, It was.
Speaker 1 (01:48:12):
It was originally made in the frontier days. And I
don't know if you know it's got lonely out there. Yeah,
I mean it is the most fuckable cakes. I would
say foll by, sponge cake soft, I don't know.
Speaker 3 (01:48:23):
Yeah, I was gonna say apple pie, but that's a pie.
Apple pie is a pie, a bunch cake. It's got
a hole in the middle of the right.
Speaker 1 (01:48:28):
Yeah, yeah, ribbed for your pleasure. Robert, what do you
think the most fuckable cake is? Uh? But that's legs. Oh,
that's you know why it's wet because it's got the
three laches in it, it's got a three lay chase
that's about to be a quatro lech you know what
I'm saying. This gag gets it. This gag gets it.
Speaker 3 (01:48:55):
I mean it's practically probably there was probably like a
pound of butter in it. That's probably what hell got
the name that was.
Speaker 1 (01:48:58):
I did look it up. Yeah, in England it was
the pound cake and it was like sugar, eggs and
milk you got you had to like buy that for it.
So it was like buy a pound of or butter, eggs, milk,
flour whatever like the main ingredients to it where you
would buy a pound of each. So it was a
pound cake because it was very easy to like explain
it to somebody. Get a pout of this, this, this,
and this makes it done pound cake but also very
fuckable cake, not as fuckable as Tress Ledges. Also, if
you actually you know what in the YouTube comments comment,
just comment your most fuckable cake, fuckable cakes and spooky things.
That's all I want to see. Yeah, I want to
see if somebody cake than Trust Ledges. That's what we're
gonna give away the shirt for now. We're gonna wait,
we could give way two shirts. Everyone that doesn't say
trest sluges. I'm like, like a dry fuck. Yeah, whoever
has the most spooky thing, and the most spooky things
they list, and then whoever has the most fuckable cake
that they they and the reason why it's fuckable? No, no, no, no,
don't say fuck, don't say don't say the word at all,
Just say the cake. And then I'll just like, what
kind of cake? Never heard of that cake? Never heard
of that cake because it's moist. There you go, all right,
I guess that's it. I guess that's it. Guys, sorry
about your loss, fellas. I'm sorry, yeah, thank you, thank you.
You're just sit in my car and listen to the
Sounds of Silence by Simon and Garfunkle. No, I'll just
be hungry. Next year. I might drive across the the
wrong side of the street. I've been there, been there, dude,
not gonna lie. All the nukes going off right now
doesn't sound too bad to me, Like how you feel
right now, Just think about the fact that, like, that's
how I feel every Sunday, every Sunday almost We just
have to look forward to the Yankees and the Dodgers losing.
Now my team is still in it. I have no
joy about that. I have no joy about that at all.
So you had you had joy. I don't have any.
But his whole career has just been been being a
thief of joy. Yeah, yeah, no, he's really done. That
brought me joy when he was a player for.
Speaker 3 (01:50:57):
A little bit, but like yeah, like an O three
as a man has absolutely just been making sure my
life sucks. And oh three the Red Sox, they had
a legitimate chance to win it that year, and uh,
Aaron fucking Boone hitting that Wakefield knuckler just deep into
the night and now he uh steals the joy of
Yankees fans. So yep, so Boone giveth and Boone he
does more than giveth away.
Speaker 1 (01:51:20):
All Right, I'm at Alix J. Milton pats that not
Pat Dan, Robert is at Robert Barbosa at zero three.
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Go subscribe, go like, go comment, share us with the friends,
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We love you guys. You guys are the fucking best.
Let's wrap it up with random celebrity generator, Chris Kristofferson,
Chris Christofferson, Maggie Smith, Maggie Oh yeah, Maggie Smith. I too,
we got to add her in there. I gotta go
dead guy, I Mo p Rosen. We're not gonna at
Maggie Smith. She's gonna he's not wow sexist. You're not
gonna have a single woman on there. Okay, we're gonn
add a Maggie Man.
Speaker 3 (01:52:06):
And now you're gonna have a token woman, you sexist. Okay,
we'll add one more woman. Next woman that dies.
Speaker 1 (01:52:10):
He has to go on it, all right, Pete Rose,
Maggie Smith, and Chris Chris Christoverson, Charles Schultz doesn't even
have a picture. It's sloading but creative, the Peanuts, Ken Jong.
We're getting on this, on this, But did he die?
Paula Abdul, Nobody got it? She likes to drink. Nobody
got it. All right, guys, have a great rest of
your week. Maybe go Yankees, go giantsh everybody, let's go Mets.
Fucking stop believing the Mets. All right, everybody but the Mets.
I hope you have a great rest of your week.
Love you, guys. Past the gravy, Yeah, bitches, gravy gang
Gang Gang.
Speaker 2 (01:53:00):
Baby popped the top and lead spreads. That's we're listen
in to pastor Gray Gray. We'll go and fish and
fear your bitch today with drunk in Houston Now, Houston Baby,
Now we go ahead and lick him. We'll get rich today.
Nch bitch,