Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Bravy Gang Gang Gang.
Speaker 2 (00:06):
Baby the Top and lead spread. As we're listen, it's
a past the Grave, Gray goin fishing for your bitch
today with Chunk and Houston Houston Baby. Now we go
ahead and link Campo get rich today.
Speaker 3 (00:22):
Danish Bitch.
Speaker 1 (00:25):
Grat be Grave be Gravy good. What's going on? Guys?
Ain'tal send everyone that is here.
Speaker 3 (00:32):
It is the episode five ninety seven of Past Gravy,
the eleventh Annual Christmas Spooktacular. We're live at Cobo's Q,
Downtown twenty twelve, Rusk Street, and I appreciate everybody that
came out here. We're at technically the unofficial, official, unofficial
halftime show of the Texans right now, even though we're
gonna be bleeding into the.
Speaker 1 (00:52):
Texans second half. But it's fine. They'll come back. They'll
come back. It's fine. It's fine.
Speaker 4 (00:55):
We'll get to live Rey act for the rest fucking
the Textans.
Speaker 3 (00:57):
Everybody listening to this on Monday is gonna be like, oh,
we already know the outcome of that game. Yeah, remember
that sucked or it was awesome, or it was back
in one or it was awesome.
Speaker 1 (01:05):
They came back in one uh, the eleventh Annual.
Speaker 3 (01:08):
Christas spook Tacular. A lot of people like Alex, why
is it the spooktacular? And we have just have to
tell you because ghosts are not just for Halloween. Ghosts
also are a Christmas thing. To this, ghosts of Christmas past,
future present, and then that's it. What was the ghost?
What was the ghost that visited him? Was that the
was that past that was just like a ghoul?
Speaker 1 (01:27):
Speaker 4 (01:28):
Past showed up?
Speaker 1 (01:29):
No Patrick mccle oh, he's well, he has the gouls
in his act.
Speaker 5 (01:34):
No, President, I think past showed up. Then President the future. Okay,
I think it was a train there. We go ran
a train on it.
Speaker 1 (01:40):
We ran a train on Yeah.
Speaker 3 (01:41):
Right, the Ghosts Spooctacular. We're very excited. We got Rosie
in the house tonight, uh today, well tonight whatever. And
then we were gonna do our Christmas movie bracket. We're
gonna see if the Grinch can go back to back.
Never had a back to back Christmas movie bracket. We
got good Fellas in the tournament this year, so that'll
see if that can spice some things up.
Speaker 1 (01:59):
But first I wanted.
Speaker 3 (02:00):
To say that when I was coming over here, I
got an Uber and on my way here, somebody on
their car and the grease pinn said, my sister's getting
married on the back of their car.
Speaker 1 (02:10):
I don't care, well, like why would you write that,
but like.
Speaker 3 (02:12):
You read just married it or like going to get married,
but you don't just say my sister's getting married. That
was very Michael Scott I'm going to a wedding on
the back of his car vibes.
Speaker 5 (02:22):
That's definitely the girl who thinks her parents love her
sister more than her.
Speaker 4 (02:25):
She's like, I have to get some attention.
Speaker 1 (02:26):
Out of this, right. It was like, congrats to your sister.
Speaker 4 (02:29):
Yeah, what am I supposed to do?
Speaker 5 (02:30):
Run up behind you in honk, Like I should have
a honk your sister found love and you still can't.
Speaker 4 (02:35):
I got and here's my number.
Speaker 1 (02:36):
I got an Uber Black just because like I had
a bunch of stuff.
Speaker 3 (02:38):
I had to African American Uber African American, and I
felt like I didn't want to be like it was
a classy ride, you know, so I didn't want to
be like, hey, honk it that car, Can you hank
it a carro fast for me?
Speaker 1 (02:50):
I just wanted to get a couple of honks in me.
But yeah, let's let's.
Speaker 3 (02:53):
Get let's give you the We're in the pre come
segment right here where we get all of our thoughts
that did you bring anything in for today or do that?
Speaker 1 (03:00):
You love Kobos?
Speaker 4 (03:01):
I just love Cobos man.
Speaker 5 (03:02):
I had the I want to say it right because
I say it wrong every game Boo Dan macin Brisket
case Ada, I think I nailed at that time, absolutely amazing.
Speaker 1 (03:10):
The wings.
Speaker 4 (03:11):
I dream about the wings every year.
Speaker 3 (03:12):
I yeah, you talk about the wings, and then I
start thinking about the wings, and then I start dreaming
about the wings.
Speaker 1 (03:17):
That's how it works.
Speaker 4 (03:17):
If the wings were a woman, I would have sex
with them.
Speaker 1 (03:19):
The breath that's how goose are my personal favorite.
Speaker 3 (03:21):
And the brisket case of Da also rocks every nothing
nothing bad at Kobo's Q twenty twelve, Rush Screek come here?
Speaker 1 (03:27):
Why you still can? I had a couple of questions
Christmas related. I wanted to ask you. First off of
A's start with our boy Rudolph.
Speaker 3 (03:35):
Does his light is like his nose? Is it just
lit up all the time or just when he wanted
to light out?
Speaker 5 (03:40):
No, just when he's got to cut through the fog.
And honestly, I don't even know if he can control it.
I think it's like like a motion sensor on his light,
but it's a fog sensor.
Speaker 1 (03:48):
It's like a boner like sometimes like he just gets
a little excited. It's like and by bleep, I mean
that's making it red.
Speaker 5 (03:54):
Definitely, Like he doesn't have a red rocket on his dick,
He's got it on his face. Rudolph's nose probably should
be covered in front of the children.
Speaker 1 (04:05):
Yeah, it's true.
Speaker 4 (04:06):
As two children walk by us, this is a weird.
Speaker 1 (04:08):
It's a kid friendly show. Kids love, kids love.
Speaker 5 (04:11):
Pass the baby, it's a it's a fun We've already
given that kid the finger like three times today.
Speaker 1 (04:14):
Yeah, so you're good. You're good.
Speaker 3 (04:16):
So Rudolph does not always have a red nose, but
not always.
Speaker 4 (04:19):
Lit up right, just when he's excited.
Speaker 3 (04:22):
I feel like you always get like you get screwed
over when they give you like.
Speaker 1 (04:25):
A Rudolph sweater. If it's not lit up. It should
always be lit up.
Speaker 4 (04:27):
Oh there's got to be a bolt, really cheapen out.
Speaker 1 (04:29):
I want the lit up version of Rudolph. That's really
what I want.
Speaker 4 (04:32):
Oh see, that's the problem though, when he gets too
lit it won't light up.
Speaker 1 (04:34):
It won't light up.
Speaker 5 (04:35):
No, he can't control it. It'd be funny, like he tries,
but it's just not gonna happen.
Speaker 1 (04:39):
It was like Pinocchio when he's lying, it just turns red.
That would be really funny. I like that. I like
that idea. What else did I have? Fruitcake? We do
have a fruitcake.
Speaker 3 (04:49):
If anybody gets our random celebrity at the end, we
have a fruitcake I brought and then I realized it fruitcake. Yeah,
because if Jordan Welch shot out to Jordan Welch, he
was like, you should give away something if anybody gets that.
And I think two times ever anybody has got their
random celebrity at the end.
Speaker 1 (05:03):
Was it you?
Speaker 4 (05:05):
I don't want to talk.
Speaker 1 (05:05):
It was not you. It was not you. It was
me and it was Robert. But fruitcake is just meatlove
cake cake, cake loave. It's a meat love version of cake.
Speaker 4 (05:17):
Damn it. That would have been a good one.
Speaker 5 (05:18):
Cake Robert, Yeah, fruitcake, fruitcake. Gather Oh, I guess his
cake is already in the name. No, that doesn't work
as well as I thought.
Speaker 1 (05:27):
I liked where you were going with it, though.
Speaker 4 (05:29):
If I if I put some thought into it, I
could probably figure.
Speaker 6 (05:31):
Do you like where you were going with it?
Speaker 3 (05:34):
I was right though in that a hundred okay, okay,
And then really the last thing I had it was
a very important question.
Speaker 1 (05:40):
It was are all Christmas songs carols.
Speaker 4 (05:44):
If they're acapella?
Speaker 1 (05:45):
I think carrols have to be acapella.
Speaker 4 (05:47):
That's the only way it works.
Speaker 3 (05:49):
But you like jingle bells is a Christmas carol and
that's not a cappella. We wish you Merry Christmas. Also, well,
I don't know. I see carol carols.
Speaker 1 (05:58):
I think Carrol's are just when you're a group of
people closer.
Speaker 4 (06:03):
This is loud in my head.
Speaker 1 (06:04):
You can adjust your microphone if you'd like.
Speaker 5 (06:06):
I don't really want to break anything, so I'm scared
to move this at all.
Speaker 4 (06:10):
Sure we go.
Speaker 1 (06:11):
Definitely should have done that beforehand.
Speaker 5 (06:12):
Yeah, I should have. But I don't do this. Well,
no Carol's. It's got to be like multiple people singing.
See that's the other thing. You can't do a Christmas
Carol by yourself. I think it has to be multiple
people singing acapella.
Speaker 3 (06:23):
I feel like, though you can't sing a Christmas Carroll yourself.
But if me and you say a Christmas Carrol, then
it is a Christmas Carol.
Speaker 4 (06:32):
You got to have at least two get to two people.
Speaker 1 (06:35):
If you're in a band that's rosy sing Christmas Carol,
then that.
Speaker 4 (06:40):
Means everybody in the band better be singing.
Speaker 1 (06:42):
They have to all be singing.
Speaker 4 (06:43):
Yeah, and no instruments. Okay, it's got to be acapella.
Speaker 1 (06:47):
I don't think it's got to be a cappella. I do.
Speaker 5 (06:49):
I don't you want to fight if you have sleigh bells,
I won't hit you in front of your daughter.
Speaker 3 (06:54):
But if you have sleigh bells, yeah, my daughter's here
her first podcast.
Speaker 4 (06:57):
See now you fuck me up. Your sleigh bells count
as an instrum.
Speaker 1 (07:00):
Slay dolls are definitely an instrument.
Speaker 5 (07:01):
All right, So I guess it doesn't have to be
a capella. It does not have you convinced me.
Speaker 3 (07:04):
Okay, Christmas Carols are just any Christmas song.
Speaker 1 (07:08):
Yes, all right, nailed it. Nailed it. That's all. That's
all I really had for that, including the theme song
to Die Hard.
Speaker 3 (07:13):
We are doing the twenty twenty four Gravies Awards today,
and why don't we just start off with do you
want to do?
Speaker 1 (07:20):
One of those bad boys. Hell yeah, dude, you gonna
do one of those bad boys? All right, Let's let's
do the Gravies Award for the Darlin like a Marlin Award?
All right?
Speaker 3 (07:34):
Are Darlin like a Marlin Award the person that is
most Darlin like a Marlin all throughout the year.
Speaker 1 (07:39):
If you know you know each donatory, you.
Speaker 3 (07:41):
Don't need to know our nominees. Pat Wijack to read
the nominees.
Speaker 4 (07:44):
I would love to. Our nominees are Bro Brad, God,
he's beautiful. David Ruiz.
Speaker 5 (07:50):
Also, you know, I'm not gonna say everyone's beautiful, because
that's gonna take forever.
Speaker 1 (07:53):
You're all beautiful. We love you all.
Speaker 5 (07:54):
We got Bro Brad, David Ruiz, Cruz Garcia, Josh Tree,
Melissa Hide, Quentin Hughes as he says, Brandon Whitehead.
Speaker 4 (08:05):
And Todd Voss.
Speaker 1 (08:07):
And the winner is.
Speaker 4 (08:10):
The big man himself, Josh Tree, Cotton.
Speaker 3 (08:11):
Josh Ricardo, You're darling like a Marlin. Gravy and woodwinner
for twenty twenty four. Wow, Wow, speech.
Speaker 1 (08:20):
We got Mike. We got Mike. Come on up, buddy,
Not that Mike.
Speaker 4 (08:22):
That's a fake Mike.
Speaker 1 (08:23):
Come on up. They won't hear you here, take this.
Don I think I think we did have one that
was a faulty when I ordered an extra. Dude, you
gotta be more careful. What the hell you can't just
break everything, dude, This is a nice place. It was
a nice place. Hey, can't you love it? And it's broke?
You broke it more? He broke it more? Josh? Pick out?
Speaker 4 (08:48):
Does it feel Pick up that microphone?
Speaker 1 (08:51):
There we go. I honestly was not expecting anywhere. Well,
you're darling like a Marlin. Dude. That's that's for wow.
Speaker 3 (09:00):
Thank you, thank you.
Speaker 4 (09:02):
Now you've got two balls in the shaft.
Speaker 1 (09:03):
There, two balls in the shaft. It's all yours. Congratulations. Nice.
So I can put this right next to the other ones.
Speaker 3 (09:07):
There you go, give a hand to your twenty twenty
four dollars, like Amarlin. Let's keep it going. Let's keep
it going. Let's give away a couple more. I'm in
the giving it's the giving season. This is an auxiliary
one for Fight of the Year. The Fight of the
Year nominees are Cam Newton versus all of those kids
that he tried to fight or tried to fight him
at his football camp.
Speaker 1 (09:31):
Remember that Wold. That was crazy.
Speaker 3 (09:34):
Get Drake versus Kendrick Lamar, some good old fashioned rat beef,
Caitlin Clark versus the w NBA and the haters, Jane's
addiction versus James addiction when they got in a fight
on stage. Get Jake Paul versus Mike Tyson in the
fight that nobody could really watch most of because Netflix sucks.
And then the Ohio State Michigan flag planting incidents and
the winner a Fight of the Year, who's not here,
So we're just gonna move on. The next one after
this is Drake versus Kendrick Lamar. Drake versus Kendrick Lamar.
Speaker 4 (10:07):
Good old old fashioned, non violent rap.
Speaker 3 (10:10):
Mean and now we know that Drake supedo. So shout
out to Kendrick. Yeah, like maybe the best song of
the year.
Speaker 4 (10:16):
Yeah you Canada.
Speaker 3 (10:17):
Yeah, We're all team Kendrick here and we just the
US dominated Canada once again.
Speaker 1 (10:22):
That's really what it was.
Speaker 3 (10:23):
So that congratulations to Drake and Kendrick Lamar on winning
the Fight of the Year at the Gravy's Awards.
Speaker 1 (10:28):
Let's keep going.
Speaker 3 (10:28):
This is this is a regular one, the Gravy Gangster Award.
We like to say that the Gravy Gang is a
lawless bunch, and this is whoever personifies that throughout the
year the most. We had Brett Brandon, who's trying to
defend his title. He's just a general badass, but he
got arrested last year with the Past the Gravy face tattoo.
We have David Ruiz, who is the first person they
got an actual tattoo of Past the Gravy. He is
there another nominee. And then we have Jordan Welch and
the Machine who won tickets to a y Uston SaberCats
game and then got mad at everybody else didn't win tickets,
and then it was like, fuck you guys, why didn't
you'll come to this game that I want tickets to
but you didn't win tickets to. And then like we
were on a whole rampage and we were like making
fun of him, and they were like, actually kind of badass,
kind of gangster he turned on everybody. So those are
your three nominees. Pat the winner the twenty twenty four
Gravy Gangster of the Year.
Speaker 1 (11:26):
You got to open the top player. Yeah I tried,
but it was it. See how I sealed it well?
Speaker 4 (11:29):
I don't have fingernails due I chew them. Leave me alone.
The tattoo boy himself, David Rui.
Speaker 6 (11:35):
David Ruey, Well, I don't know that very deserving. Be
careful with the top, it might fall off. Yeah, he's
not default. Cradle you gotta cradle it.
Speaker 1 (11:46):
You have a speech and show us the tattoo. Show
the tattoo.
Speaker 3 (11:48):
Let's see it as let's see the ink.
Speaker 1 (11:52):
I love it, I love it. It was worth the pain. Whoa, whoa,
definitely worth the pain. I love it. I love the pod.
We love you too, buddy, love you. Are you mad
at Pat? That Pat has not yet?
Speaker 7 (12:07):
Speaker 1 (12:07):
What's taking y'alls along? Well?
Speaker 4 (12:09):
When we had planned to do it? What was it
two saturdays ago?
Speaker 5 (12:11):
I texted him the night before and we both realized
that we had forgotten to plan it out.
Speaker 4 (12:15):
So it didn't happen.
Speaker 1 (12:16):
Again, it will happen, but we're gonna do it.
Speaker 3 (12:18):
We're gonna do it the January twenty twenty five guarantee
New Year's resolutions.
Speaker 1 (12:23):
We're doing that January. Let's dude, that's a perfect best resolution. Dude,
that's so.
Speaker 3 (12:27):
And then we'll do it and then we'll have a
resolution just I already did it.
Speaker 4 (12:30):
It'll be the first one New Year's resolution.
Speaker 1 (12:32):
I've done in years. Set one more hand rat. Applause.
Speaker 3 (12:35):
David Ruiz your Gravy Gangster of the Year for twenty
twenty four. Right, let's do one more Auxiliary Gravies Award.
This is the Arrest of the year. Whoever had the
coolest arrest of the year. Our nominees for the rest
of the year. Scottie Scheffler, who got arrested for trying
to go to work. He was pulling into a tournament
and they're like, you can't come in here. He's like,
I'm the number one golf in the Shut the hell up.
And then he assaulted a police officer, except he didn't
at all, and they did free Scottie and then went on.
Speaker 1 (13:09):
To have the best season ever.
Speaker 3 (13:11):
Morgan Wallen, he tried to kill a guy by throwing
a chair off at the.
Speaker 1 (13:15):
Top of a He tried to kill a cop. He
did so, he almost killed a cop.
Speaker 4 (13:19):
Adam was not a fan of that.
Speaker 3 (13:20):
Adam probably did not vote for Morgan Wallin Epei, Mizuhara,
Shoo Tani's translator took the fall for show. Hey, he
was just a addicted to gambling, generate scumbag. Didn't get
suspended or anything like that, but I took the fall
for him. Justin Timberlake, d W I ruined the world tour,
the world too. It's gonna ruin the tour. And yet
all the memes that came from that. And then did
he m.
Speaker 4 (13:51):
Speaker 1 (13:52):
Yeah, lube? Did he?
Speaker 3 (13:54):
Just the worst guy ever? Luigi Mangioni was. We gave
away nominees before before his whole thing happened. Just to
be clear with everybody, The Gravy Award for the rest
of the year goes to Epei Missuhara for being show
heo Tony's.
Speaker 1 (14:09):
Fall guy and like one of the boys, like my.
Speaker 3 (14:12):
Favorite Christmas movie. He remembered the two important rules. You
never read on your friends, and you keep your fucking
mouth shut.
Speaker 1 (14:17):
Exactly that's what he did, shout out, it's just one
of the boys. Oh we got didd he here? Did
he's here? Get out?
Speaker 3 (14:26):
Get him out, Get diddy out. Did he's not allowed
at the spectacular?
Speaker 4 (14:29):
There's no lube here, Get out of here.
Speaker 1 (14:31):
He should be in a penitentiary somewhere.
Speaker 3 (14:33):
All right, we're gonna get to some more Gravyes Awards
in just a little bit. But let's do the twenty
twenty four or eleventh Daniel Christmas Movie bracket. We have
in the very back. There's some green and red pieces
of paper there. If everybody would go grab one of each,
that is how you will be participating in the vote
this year. Just go grab one of each. We got whoever?
I think my mom's out there help him pass him around,
and my wonderful wife is here, uh to do the
whole bracket thing. But let's tell you that the twenty
or the twenty twenty four Christmas Movie Bracket is brought
to you by the Texas Bowl. It's getting close to
The twenty twenty four Kinders Texas Bowl is just days
away on New Year's Eve at two thirty at Energy Stadium.
You don't want to miss it as the Baylor Bears
take on the LSU Tigers. Tickets are selling fast for
this Texas Size match at Baylor University Louisiana State University
New Year's Eve at Energy Stadium. What more could you
ask for to close out an unforgettable year like twenty
twenty four?
Speaker 1 (15:28):
Are you ready for football and fireworks?
Speaker 3 (15:30):
I know, I sure Am Pat, head over to Kinders
Texas Bowl dot com right now for tickets, suites and
group opportunities and concert information as well. Do it right now.
Tickets are almost gone. Do not miss this.
Speaker 1 (15:42):
Visit Kinders Texas Bowl dot com. Tigers Go Doiglas and
we're very Piaga.
Speaker 5 (15:49):
No no, go Tigers Texas over everyone, Tigers Texas forever.
Speaker 1 (15:53):
All right? Has everybody got their sheets? You should have
a No, they have not.
Speaker 3 (16:00):
If we if we could disperse red and green sheets
to everyone, they would like to participate, that would be ideal.
Speaker 4 (16:06):
There's Alex the cop. He's good at dispersing people.
Speaker 1 (16:08):
Red top is red, all right, Adam the cop?
Speaker 4 (16:12):
Did I just say Alex? I was looking at Alex?
Speaker 1 (16:17):
All right?
Speaker 3 (16:17):
So the top will be red on these pat and
then the bottom will be green.
Speaker 1 (16:21):
Okay, all right, we're waiting. We're just waiting for everybody
to Texas Bold. It's gonna be Confusedders Texas Ball dot com.
Hinders Texas Ball dot Com. Don't forget go get on that.
I can't wait.
Speaker 4 (16:31):
I'm gonna be on my couch. I'm gonna have some
drinks ready.
Speaker 3 (16:34):
But you could get tickets now Texas that day okay,
but but all your good morning, I've thirty two thirty
pm drinking at work. Did you not hear the fucking
ad read? I just did. I did a great job
reading that ad. Obviously not great enough.
Speaker 4 (16:47):
I don't listen.
Speaker 3 (16:48):
Well, clearly not great enough. Is everybody set on cards?
If we got all the cards handed out? All right,
hold them all up, hold them both up. Just let's
do a test. Let's do a test. Okay, okay, the
taxes just scared. Say it's a magical time year the
Christmas movie bragging down taxes?
Speaker 1 (17:09):
Oh oh no, do we have an injury? Tank Dell?
Was that Tank Dell?
Speaker 4 (17:16):
Or was that Mechi? Who's number three?
Speaker 1 (17:20):
I don't know, I don't know.
Speaker 3 (17:21):
That killed the mood fast, yeah, okay, well well still,
all right, let's.
Speaker 1 (17:26):
Let's get this thing.
Speaker 3 (17:27):
Let's get this thing started with our number one seed,
the defending champion from last year, Jim Carries the Grinch
going against a newcomer that we decided was a Christmas
movie this week.
Speaker 4 (17:41):
I always wanted to be a gangster.
Speaker 3 (17:42):
I always wanted to be a gangster, Goodfellas, the sixteen Seed, A.
Speaker 1 (17:47):
Little Low now a Christmas movie for the.
Speaker 3 (17:49):
One of the greatest movies of all time. But it's
a Christmas movie. Remember there is a scene, there is
a scene. So Green for Grinch, Red for Goodfellas. Let's
see it. Let's see some red.
Speaker 1 (18:01):
Come on, let's see some red. Let's see.
Speaker 4 (18:03):
Oh, I see some red.
Speaker 1 (18:04):
I see some red. I'm seeing red. Ooh ooh.
Speaker 3 (18:09):
This would be This would be one hell of an
upset if a sixteen seed takes down a one what
it's only been done twice the n C Double a Tournament.
Speaker 1 (18:18):
This is this is like the n C Double Tournament,
maybe better, maybe more.
Speaker 3 (18:22):
Important because it's about Christmas. Cheer all right, Red for Goodfellas,
Green for Grinch.
Speaker 1 (18:29):
I feel like Grinch. Manage up, I feel like edged up.
It's green Goodfellas. It's good.
Speaker 5 (18:37):
Wait wait no, no, Alex. Beforehand, he did mess that up.
He said green for Grinch.
Speaker 1 (18:42):
Green for Grant.
Speaker 5 (18:43):
He did say he had already Grinch one.
Speaker 1 (18:46):
My bad, damn it.
Speaker 5 (18:48):
I was very I kind of caught that, but I
was like, maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention and
I heard it wrong though.
Speaker 6 (18:53):
Right, top is green, top is green is red, top
is red, top is red.
Speaker 1 (19:00):
All right, I'm writing it down, so I don't forget.
Speaker 3 (19:02):
I can I cannot see the board.
Speaker 1 (19:05):
Don't blame me, Do not blame me, all right.
Speaker 3 (19:08):
Next up, we have a final four participant from last year,
The Nightmare Before Christmas Spooky, going up against the Santa
Claus with Tim Allen Murder movie. So Red for Nightmare
Before Christmas and Green for the Santa Claus.
Speaker 1 (19:24):
God damn it, guys. Okay, okay, okay.
Speaker 5 (19:27):
I feel like people haven't watched The Nightmare in a
long time and they're just remembering nostalgia.
Speaker 1 (19:32):
I don't like the musical suck. I don't like musical.
Speaker 4 (19:34):
Okay, al right, South Park, the movie is the.
Speaker 3 (19:36):
Good, So it's it's all right, all right. The Santa
Claus moves on as it should. My biggest fear was
that Nightmare Before Christmas was gonna make a run, honestly,
and well it's the Bracket's been saved.
Speaker 1 (19:51):
Brackets has moe.
Speaker 4 (19:53):
He literally murdered Santa That's yeah, it took his job.
Speaker 3 (19:56):
I don't want a skeleton to be the like guy
that I go to for Christmas.
Speaker 4 (19:59):
Speaker 3 (20:01):
That's Halloween, dude, keep it fucking Halloween, all right, So
Red Red for our next matchup is Home Alone and
four Christmases Home Alone, the first one against Vince Vaughan
Reese Witherspoon in four Christmases hold up reds for home
alone and green for four Christmases.
Speaker 1 (20:21):
That I figured that, all right, red, hold alone, all right,
home alone? I mean that makes sense.
Speaker 5 (20:27):
Everyone wants to watch a child almost get horribly beaten
to death.
Speaker 1 (20:30):
But he didn't though I said almost, that's what's important.
I said almost, that's what's important.
Speaker 3 (20:35):
Okay, moving on, and this is the final round of
the final part of this first round of this side
of the bracket. We've got the fifth seeded, a Christmas
Story going against number twelve, Scrooged Little Bill Murray Action.
That's a ghost movie for this spoctacular. So red for
Christmas Story and green for Scrooged.
Speaker 5 (20:58):
We got there some green out there is not a
whole lot.
Speaker 4 (21:02):
I think that's pretty.
Speaker 1 (21:04):
Looks like Christmas story took this one Christmas story, all right.
Speaker 4 (21:11):
I want a red rifle guns so badly, BB gun.
Speaker 1 (21:14):
Who doesn't, Dude, who doesn't.
Speaker 4 (21:16):
I'm gonna try and shoot my own eye out.
Speaker 1 (21:18):
Don't but if I tell you, But if I do
it at work, I can maybe get work. Can you
shoot guns at work?
Speaker 4 (21:25):
Can they stop me?
Speaker 1 (21:27):
Maybe legally if you try to like go at him.
Speaker 5 (21:30):
I don't think we have a sign that says no
guns in the premises. In fact that you're going, I've
seen people walk in with guns on there.
Speaker 1 (21:35):
So I work in a federal building. No big deal.
They got that planner right there, all right, the FCC.
Speaker 4 (21:41):
Fucking fucking So what you're saying is you're a FED.
Speaker 1 (21:43):
I'm basically a FED. I'm not that guy. Not no, no, no,
he's in a FED penitentiary. Did he He's not a FED?
All right, let's go to the other half of the bracket.
Speaker 3 (21:53):
We got the third seeded ELF with Will Ferrell against
another newcomer this year, fourteenth seeded Eating Places, dan Ackroyd
Eddie Murphy Red for Elf and Green for Trading Places.
Speaker 1 (22:09):
I watched Trading Places. Yeah, it's such a good movie. Elf, Elf, Elf,
Elf took that easily.
Speaker 3 (22:18):
Yes, So I said, okay, okay, you're looking at me like, yeah,
that's fine, that's fine.
Speaker 1 (22:23):
All right, this is her dream. You're talking, but she
can't hear you. She can't hear you either, so really
it is her dream. She can't hear either of us.
All right.
Speaker 3 (22:32):
Next first round matchup is the sixth seeded die Hard
going up against Jingle All the Way. Die Hard is
was the champion back in twenty twenty. We're seeing if
they can go again. There's only been one, two, three, four,
four movies have won it twice.
Speaker 1 (22:48):
That's The Grinch Home Alone, Elf and Christmas Vacation.
Speaker 3 (22:51):
But hold up Red for die Hard and Green for
Jingle All the Way.
Speaker 4 (22:56):
Oh, we got some Turboman fans out there.
Speaker 1 (22:58):
Turbo Man, turble Man. Oh, put the cookie down. That's
my favorite. That's my favorite line than that Jamin. My
dad is turbo Man.
Speaker 3 (23:09):
Then I like where he goes to his son's karate
thing and like no one's in the parking lot, and
then he goes to like the gym and there's still
no one there.
Speaker 1 (23:15):
It's like, why did you think anybody would be there?
Speaker 5 (23:17):
I just liked that with his physique and accent, they
couldn't tell that was him under the Turboman mass.
Speaker 1 (23:21):
Even his wife was like, Jimmy, I picked Jimmy to
win the Turbo Man, which.
Speaker 4 (23:26):
By the way, that was just nepotism.
Speaker 3 (23:29):
Alright, So die Hard die Hard advances with a vengeance.
Speaker 1 (23:34):
Ho Ho ho no, I've got a machine gun. All right,
two more matchups in the first round.
Speaker 3 (23:39):
We're gonna go seventh seeded Home Alone two lost in
New York against number ten Bad Santa Billy Bob Thornton.
Speaker 5 (23:47):
Best sex scene ever in a movie?
Speaker 1 (23:51):
Which one the dressing room one? All right?
Speaker 3 (23:56):
Red for Home Alone two and green for Bad Santa?
Read for Home Alone too, Green for Bad Santa.
Speaker 1 (24:06):
Let's see it alone too Green.
Speaker 3 (24:13):
This is gonna be a close is our closest one?
I would say so far? Oo's gonna take you know,
I don't know, waiting on our amazing kind team of guys.
Speaker 1 (24:30):
Remember Donald Trump was in Home Alone too. Let that
affect your vote? Oh yeah, it's a tie. All right,
we got to redo this again.
Speaker 3 (24:37):
It doesn't That means we go to our engineer, extraordinary
David Obert. You are the deciding factor in this one
Home Alone two or Bad Sanna.
Speaker 1 (24:47):
Home Alone too two? Home Alone to make the bracket
great again? Don't don't or do? I don't know.
Speaker 3 (24:57):
We're not telling you what to think. I love having
David is just like the kill vote.
Speaker 4 (25:01):
It's correct, so does Robert. He doesn't have to do
it anymore.
Speaker 1 (25:04):
Yeah, Robert wanted to be that. Robert doesn't have to now,
all right, that's all on you now if they win, David,
it's all you, all right.
Speaker 3 (25:13):
Our final matchup in the first round the number two seed,
Christmas Vacation going up against thirteenth or fifteenth seeded Office
Christmas Party, a fairly new one, but also good. Red
for Christmas Vacation and green for Office Christmas Party, Red
for Christmas Vacation, green for Office Christmas Party.
Speaker 1 (25:35):
It looks.
Speaker 5 (25:38):
That's why it's a two seed, more lopsided than this
Penn State game.
Speaker 4 (25:41):
Speaker 1 (25:42):
Hey, what's the score that right now? Oh god, I
just see the tections on.
Speaker 3 (25:46):
All right, Christmas Vacation advances on to round two of
the bracket, where we've got the number one overall seed,
the Grinch taken on number nine, the Santa.
Speaker 1 (25:58):
Claus boo, Kimie fairban early not cool. Kimie Fairban oh
early not cool in general.
Speaker 3 (26:09):
So let's hold up some Let's hold up red for
the Grinch and green for the Santa Claus. Red for Grench,
green for Santa Claus.
Speaker 1 (26:22):
Hey, he did his time, he didn't snitch on no one.
Speaker 4 (26:29):
That was pretty good.
Speaker 1 (26:30):
I was proud of I was very good. That was
very good. All right.
Speaker 3 (26:33):
I'm feeling like it's it's looking grinchy.
Speaker 1 (26:37):
It's looking grinchy.
Speaker 3 (26:40):
Yeah, that's a lot of red Grench, the Grench advances
trying to go back to back first time ever.
Speaker 1 (26:46):
I'm not going we would have come on match all right?
Uh wallowing self pity. I've got that. I was gonna
be all day, that's all afternoon, all right, next matchup
to see who's gonna take on the Grinch.
Speaker 3 (27:01):
We've got Home Alone, another two time champion going up
against a Christmas story that won it back in twenty sixteen.
Speaker 4 (27:10):
Both of them had BEB guns.
Speaker 1 (27:11):
They both did have BB guns.
Speaker 3 (27:13):
Great point, good, good fact, pat all right, Red for
Home Alone, Green for a Christmas Story or yeah, Christmas story,
Green for a Christmas Story.
Speaker 1 (27:23):
Home Alone was.
Speaker 5 (27:23):
Looking a little lopsided on that one. And I only
see like four or five, six, seven Green Home Alan,
Which Christmas story iconic Christmas movie kind of sucks?
Speaker 4 (27:35):
It's whats no, it doesn't. It's sh all the new.
Speaker 1 (27:39):
Christmas movies that have come out since like nineteen twenty.
You can't compare the eras I can, and I did
Home Alone just won.
Speaker 3 (27:46):
That's how you compare, shouldn't we have We have a
bracket to compare movies, but it's literally.
Speaker 1 (27:50):
What we're doing.
Speaker 5 (27:51):
We'll do an eras bracket sponsored by Taylor Story.
Speaker 1 (27:54):
We gotta get taylored. Somebody get Taylor on the pod.
Speaker 3 (27:57):
All right, Next side of the bracket, let's go, Oh,
the third seeded Elf against number six die Hard. Let's
see red for Elf, green for die Hard, red for Elf,
green for Diard.
Speaker 4 (28:14):
I don't like the voting here, mcclaim.
Speaker 1 (28:17):
I'm gonna just go ahead and say it's out. Yeah,
that's Elf.
Speaker 4 (28:22):
All right, you're still counting.
Speaker 1 (28:26):
You're still counting.
Speaker 4 (28:27):
This is California.
Speaker 3 (28:27):
We're still tabolating Red, Elf winds Elf wins.
Speaker 1 (28:34):
Wow. Wow, Pat's heartbroken. That's Pat's favorite.
Speaker 3 (28:40):
Well, die Hard, where's your Robert Field?
Speaker 1 (28:44):
And have it deceased? Erect or whatever? Stupid? All right?
Speaker 3 (28:51):
Next up, we've got Home Alone to courtesy of our
very on Dave Obert and Christmas Vacation the number two
see against the number seven seed.
Speaker 1 (29:01):
Hold up red for Home Alone two and green for
Christmas Vacation.
Speaker 4 (29:07):
Okay, we haven't had a close.
Speaker 1 (29:10):
This is a close. I hope it comes down to
Dave again.
Speaker 4 (29:15):
It'll be great of every single.
Speaker 3 (29:16):
Home alone two only advances from him every single time.
Speaker 5 (29:21):
Ooh, it's green, Christmas vacation, Christmas vacation, Chevy Chase, all
around good guy.
Speaker 1 (29:28):
Kind of a chalk bracket. Very chalky right now, very chalky.
Speaker 3 (29:33):
Yeah, you have the one, two, three, am four seed
all final four is office as that's why.
Speaker 1 (29:39):
Yeah, this is just like Anyway's March Madness bracket exactly.
Speaker 3 (29:42):
All right, Let's go see who goes into the title
the title game. Number one seeded the Grinch against number
four seeded Home Alone.
Speaker 1 (29:50):
Let's see red for Grench, green for home alone, red
for Grinch, Green for home alone, red for Grinch, green
for home alone.
Speaker 3 (30:01):
That's how I got tricked in the first I thought
Grench is green, but it's not.
Speaker 1 (30:04):
His top is green.
Speaker 4 (30:05):
We got dumb brains.
Speaker 1 (30:07):
Yeah, I'm not smart, never claimed to be.
Speaker 4 (30:09):
That's why we're not counting.
Speaker 1 (30:11):
Yeah, we have counters. We tried to count in the beginning.
That was a bad idea Green for green for home alone,
red for Grench. I think I see a hanging chat
out there.
Speaker 3 (30:24):
Green is the top one, guys, Come on, Red is
my bad.
Speaker 8 (30:30):
Red is the top, cards down, cards down, recount. You
said red Grinch, Like I read it wrong, Red for Grench,
green for home alone.
Speaker 1 (30:41):
That's it. I got it right right there we go.
Speaker 4 (30:43):
I thought that's what you said.
Speaker 1 (30:44):
Okay, I did, I think, and then I walked it back.
Grinch is green. It draws me off.
Speaker 5 (30:48):
I like how the child is choosing home alone just
because he thinks he could definitely do that.
Speaker 4 (30:51):
And he's like, I think you.
Speaker 1 (30:52):
Could justin could absolutely home alone. Somebody. He's got the attitude, Todd,
I need you to leave your son alone for a holiday.
I needed him to home alone. Someone green, home alone,
home alone.
Speaker 4 (31:06):
Violence is always the answer.
Speaker 3 (31:07):
The champion is down, all right, who's gonna take on
home alone? Is it gonna be our third seeded elf?
Or is it gonna be the second seed? Christmas vacation.
Speaker 1 (31:20):
Green? No red for ELK. I was gonna go backwards.
Speaker 4 (31:24):
Yeah, red for Elf, green for Christmas vacation.
Speaker 1 (31:27):
We only do this.
Speaker 3 (31:27):
This is the eleventh time I've done this. You would
think it would get easier. Yeah, Red for Elf, green
for Christmas vacation. Although Elf makes you think green, doesn't it?
Speaker 9 (31:35):
Speaker 4 (31:36):
I know That's why I had to take over Red for.
Speaker 1 (31:37):
Elf green Christmas vacation.
Speaker 3 (31:39):
I I was gonna say, I think Elf. I think
this side of the room is more Elf, this size,
more Christmas victims.
Speaker 1 (31:45):
The house divided, house divided. Print the shirts, the flags,
you print the flag. Oh it's the stickers that going
back to your car, and we got a red Elf
moving on. My wife kind of hates Elf. I don't
know why.
Speaker 4 (31:58):
Because she's a grinch.
Speaker 3 (32:00):
She's not a grinch show, but she does like the
Great Show.
Speaker 4 (32:03):
Yeah, maybe she's wearing bugshots. It's pretty grinchy.
Speaker 1 (32:06):
Well, she would be very biased.
Speaker 3 (32:07):
She's a home alone, she's doing a home Yeah, you
can't hear. We can take anything we want, we can
say anything we want.
Speaker 1 (32:14):
Emma got her. We didn't say. I like how you
got the death stare there and not me. I've never so, yeah,
you get a free a free pass. I don't. Yeah,
all right, So.
Speaker 3 (32:30):
Elf going up against Home Alone, A four versus A
three sounds red Home alone versus Elf. Home alone is red.
This is for for all the marbles, everybody home alone.
This will be also the first three time champion. Fun
fact about the Christmas movie Brag maybe first every well,
both of them have won it twice. Home Alone is Red,
Elf is green as it should be. See Elf should
always be green Elf versus the Grinch should just break
my brain if that was thing, all right? Home Alone
is Red, Elf is green. Home Alone Red ELFs.
Speaker 4 (33:05):
Reed seems pretty decisive to me.
Speaker 1 (33:10):
And it's home Alone.
Speaker 3 (33:11):
You're twenty twenty four Christmas Movie Bracket champion.
Speaker 1 (33:16):
Kauley Culkin all the way.
Speaker 3 (33:18):
It's he's had such a comeback, you know, like as
an adult. And then his family is also like, we're
gonna get in it too, and now we act also.
Speaker 5 (33:25):
When MERV gets electrocuted in his Skeleton show. So that's
just movie magic. That Home Alones, that's cinema Home Alones.
Speaker 3 (33:32):
First title since twenty seventeen. A long championship drought has
come to an end, thank god. And they are the first.
They won in twenty fifteen, twenty seventeen and now twenty
twenty four.
Speaker 4 (33:42):
Twenty seventeen was a good year.
Speaker 1 (33:43):
It was a great year.
Speaker 4 (33:44):
Ashrow's won the World Series.
Speaker 1 (33:46):
Yeah, great, he's great. It was great.
Speaker 5 (33:49):
I think they beat some team from up north in
the playoffs that year too.
Speaker 4 (33:52):
Who lost that Boston. There was another one to be
Boston another team of.
Speaker 1 (33:58):
It doesn't match the past. We don't talk about the past.
We don't talk about the past. We're all about the future.
On past the gravy.
Speaker 3 (34:03):
All right, thanks for everybody for participating in our twenty
twenty four Christ's Break.
Speaker 1 (34:07):
If you want to hang on to your with one
of your cards.
Speaker 3 (34:09):
At the end, we're gonna do our random celebrity guests
and if you write your guests on there, you have
to bring it up to us. So you can't just
lie to us, because I know Jordan Will he'd lie,
he'd lie.
Speaker 4 (34:18):
All of them would lie.
Speaker 1 (34:19):
Yeah, you'd all your I said it. I get I
want the fruitcake. Who would have lackluster prize? Though? Fruitcake
for I don't think it's a great prize.
Speaker 3 (34:27):
Yeah, well all right, uh now let's bring on our
good friends at Rosie.
Speaker 1 (34:32):
We have Rosie in the house today. Y'all wanna y'all
wanna come hang out? You wanna come hang out for
a little bit. I hope they brought the bus. I'm
gonna talked about the bus.
Speaker 4 (34:42):
We forgot to do Robert Feelings.
Speaker 1 (34:43):
Or we're not We're not doing rob Okay.
Speaker 4 (34:45):
I was about to say I wasn't copy past.
Speaker 1 (34:48):
And then then we'll see if they want to give
away gravy a word. Ooh a right, y'all, y'all have
to share a mic.
Speaker 3 (34:55):
I want you to be like a team more cool
like sixties do op band where you just uh.
Speaker 1 (35:04):
Yo yo yo Zoe, Molly and.
Speaker 3 (35:06):
Brandon from Rosie one of the best local bands on
the planet or in Houston history.
Speaker 1 (35:13):
Fast so nice.
Speaker 3 (35:15):
My first question is did you come on the bus?
Did you guys bring the bus.
Speaker 10 (35:19):
To that No, there was currently a line break, like
in the gas line really, so yeah, we're not driving
it right now.
Speaker 11 (35:29):
It's it's a what is it ninety one international school bus,
so it's like super old hell sorry.
Speaker 1 (35:34):
Yeah, tell us a little bit.
Speaker 3 (35:36):
How did you like that's how you travel that you
have bunk beds in it.
Speaker 1 (35:39):
That's yeah, that's your band bus. You didn't.
Speaker 3 (35:40):
You were like, we don't need to be fancy. We're
not Zach Bryan nah driving. I don't know why he
was so I picked, Why Why was that?
Speaker 1 (35:47):
Brian? The guy picked? We're not regular people with tour bus.
We build our own tour bus. I like the grit
the determination exactly.
Speaker 12 (35:54):
Thank you.
Speaker 1 (35:54):
Yeah, you were like we could do a van or
a bus school bus.
Speaker 13 (35:59):
Yeah, sprinter van was the first idea, but we wanted
something more roomy.
Speaker 1 (36:04):
Yeah, somewhere to chill, a lounge if you will. And
now with the bunk beds, you got playing room for
activity exactly, lots of activities.
Speaker 12 (36:13):
The two.
Speaker 11 (36:14):
The two we have this friend, her name is Peyton
Howie and they have a sprinter and we were like, hey,
I should come come check out our bus.
Speaker 12 (36:21):
And so they came on and they were like, like
all of them were.
Speaker 11 (36:24):
Like, there's so much room for activities, and we were like, yes, exactly.
Speaker 12 (36:28):
That was that was the point.
Speaker 1 (36:29):
So, well, we see all on your socials.
Speaker 3 (36:31):
It's Rosie official, right, yes, at Rosie Official. On your socials,
you're always playing on the bus and that's always one
of my favorite things.
Speaker 1 (36:37):
You guys post were y'all just jam on the bus. Yeah,
that's really cool.
Speaker 3 (36:41):
Like, what is the weirdest thing besides the line breaking
on the bus that's happened on that bus.
Speaker 10 (36:46):
We were on the way home from California a few
months ago and so we bought the bus just kind
of as it was, and you know, we were like,
everything looks pretty fun.
Speaker 14 (36:57):
It's a couple of cracks in the windshield.
Speaker 1 (36:58):
Whatever had the seats in it and everything.
Speaker 14 (37:00):
Yeah, we gutted it all out.
Speaker 1 (37:01):
Speaker 10 (37:02):
The only thing that's left as far as like the
seats are concerned is like the drivers the bus driver's seat.
Speaker 1 (37:06):
That seems essential. Probably need that.
Speaker 14 (37:09):
Yeah, you should just.
Speaker 1 (37:09):
Put a stool, get a lazy boy.
Speaker 14 (37:13):
That'd be sick, yo.
Speaker 1 (37:16):
It's like when we're that's when we're bad. You can
just have somebody to sleep in it, and facts massage chair.
Speaker 14 (37:22):
That would be dude, they fall asleep.
Speaker 5 (37:26):
Massage chair is probably not a good idea. You can't
have the you can't have the driver that cozy that
for long rides.
Speaker 1 (37:32):
I don't want my drivers stressed out though, so like
maybe that is the best thing. Stressed is better than
a sleep, that's true. And you guys take turns driving it.
Speaker 14 (37:39):
So me and Brendan do not drive it. My sister does.
Speaker 1 (37:42):
Because you have to get like another like a license
for it, don't you.
Speaker 12 (37:45):
Well, the way we did it.
Speaker 11 (37:46):
We we we renovated it so it's basically like a
big ass truck and so that's how it's registered. So like, yeah,
so we had to do like we had specific things
that we had to meet, like requirements and stuff, and
so we added like it's like wall outlets and a
specific AC and and stuff like that. So we added that.
And so, yeah, nobody needs a CDL or anything.
Speaker 3 (38:08):
So they still have the alarm that goes off if
you open the back door.
Speaker 12 (38:12):
No, I think it's too old for that. I'm not
even gonna lie. I don't think it had one.
Speaker 1 (38:16):
They haven't merged it yet.
Speaker 4 (38:17):
There was no safety laws before like two thousand and four.
Speaker 12 (38:20):
Yeah, there was. It's a pretty old school bus.
Speaker 1 (38:22):
But you have a Facebook marketplace.
Speaker 12 (38:26):
Facebook marketplace. Yeah, we like.
Speaker 3 (38:27):
Yeah, so we all just like I want to get out,
Like let's get us like a school bus. What y'all
to land it on? Like we should try and like
redo a school bus or like was that just on
you saw it on Facebook?
Speaker 1 (38:36):
Like what if?
Speaker 11 (38:36):
Well, I don't even know how the idea came about.
I think I think Renee. He he's like our sound guy.
He he was like, I can I can do this
if you guys want to do it, Like, I think
it's the smartest decision if you guys, because it's.
Speaker 12 (38:49):
Like cheaper overall, you know. And then of course too.
Speaker 11 (38:52):
It's a diesel, so it's a little bit more expensive,
but with everything in it, we.
Speaker 10 (38:56):
Were you know by the time you like add a
you know, cost of like hotel.
Speaker 14 (39:00):
If we're going to be it's gonna cost about the
same amount.
Speaker 10 (39:03):
So we may as well just sleep in it, you know,
stop at a gas station or like a RV stop, plug.
Speaker 3 (39:08):
It in and just go the fun conversation starter for Yeah, yes, anybody,
I'll play with this.
Speaker 1 (39:13):
That's badass, dude. Yeah.
Speaker 11 (39:14):
Every time we pull up, people are like anywhere and
then we pull out. They're expecting like children to come out,
like a ton of little kids, and we just roll
out with like.
Speaker 1 (39:22):
Our gear and say rosy ID on the side of it.
Speaker 14 (39:25):
No, it's gonna say robusts like r O b U.
Speaker 10 (39:28):
S's the robust And so that's kind of what we
have planned for it.
Speaker 14 (39:33):
But rosy I SD would honestly be pretty list.
Speaker 12 (39:36):
That might be the move. That might be the move.
Speaker 1 (39:38):
Ideas out there. You can take all the cranit for that.
Speaker 13 (39:40):
I remember when we pulled up the canes and the
employees were.
Speaker 1 (39:44):
Like fuck.
Speaker 10 (39:48):
And then we were at we were at Warehouse Live
not too long ago, and we were like, we don't.
Normally it's super late, so we'll go to I Hop.
But it was a little early, so we're like, we'll
go to hospas Man. We spent first off, we spent
like ten minutes trying to find parking.
Speaker 14 (40:00):
But luckily no one was really there.
Speaker 10 (40:02):
But if we were pulling in and you just saw
all this staff like from the windows, they were like
just watching us turn in, and I was like, I promise.
Speaker 14 (40:10):
They were like, wait till there's not thirty of you.
We're like, no, just the six of us.
Speaker 1 (40:14):
God, we're gonna get busy exactly.
Speaker 14 (40:16):
We're about to close.
Speaker 5 (40:17):
It's a restaurant's worst nightmare, a late night table of
thirty bus.
Speaker 3 (40:21):
Just what's the most people you've had on the bus
that once at once?
Speaker 12 (40:28):
Like six six or six or seven.
Speaker 14 (40:31):
We keep it pretty chill.
Speaker 10 (40:32):
It's not like everybody can go on also too, because
it's still like we're not finished with it, like we're
still trying to like renovate it and stuff, like we've
got the bunks in, we have we we honestly, yeah,
we have carpet like a little runner and stuff. But
like even a couple of weeks ago, we were in
like kind of cleaned it out like a deep clean
from like when we left to La and did it.
Speaker 11 (40:54):
We standed it and everything, because like when we were
initially gonna use it when we went to Austin, but
it wasn't ready yet and then we were like, Okay,
we need to take it to California, and so we
we didn't sand it or anything. We just were like
praying that we weren't going to get stabbed in the
middle of the night with like sleeping in this thing,
and so we needed like a refresh.
Speaker 12 (41:12):
So we took like a day.
Speaker 11 (41:13):
Like once we came back and everything to reorganize too,
because we used to just use a trailer and my
jeep and we have like these specific boxes that we
just stick all the all the stuff in, and so
at this point we were just like throwing stuff in
the bus like under the bunks and like figuring out.
So it would take forever to unload and load in
because we we had to figure it out. But but yeah,
we took a day to reorganize. It looks a lot
better now, but still needs some work.
Speaker 3 (41:39):
Would you guys do with the seats y'all took out?
Like does anybody just have like a bus seat hanging
out at home.
Speaker 1 (41:44):
I want to keep one so bad. I don't know
what I would do with that.
Speaker 12 (41:46):
We don't have one.
Speaker 1 (41:47):
Those look so dirty? Oh yeah, any think they were
so crusty.
Speaker 3 (41:51):
The blast somebody's trying to get rid of it might
not be the best seats.
Speaker 4 (41:55):
So would that be more likely to end up on
Pimp My Ride?
Speaker 1 (41:57):
Purpose it is?
Speaker 4 (41:59):
It more like they ended up on Pit My Rider cribs?
Speaker 10 (42:02):
Oh, we actually did for Instagram. We were gonna post it.
We're doing like MTV cribs robus editions, so.
Speaker 11 (42:10):
It was very We still need to edit it, but
we definitely took a day, a content day to do that.
Speaker 1 (42:15):
So that's fridge in it.
Speaker 12 (42:17):
No, actually it's the cooler. There's like a cooler.
Speaker 11 (42:20):
We were gonna do like a mini fridge, but like
when the bus is on and like the power and everything,
we were like, it's just easier to do ice with
the cooler.
Speaker 13 (42:28):
It's super bouncy on the bus, like school buses are
not meant for comfort.
Speaker 12 (42:34):
We drove to California.
Speaker 11 (42:35):
It took like thirty eight hours and the whole time
we're just like we had to get used to it.
So we didn't barf like it was crazy. It was
I don't know how we did that, honestly.
Speaker 3 (42:45):
Wait what you guys got going on? Rest of twenty
twenty four? I know, Zoe your what happened to your pinky?
You look like you're being just very fancy when you're got.
Speaker 10 (42:52):
Yeah, so now I'm pretty fancy with my pinky now.
So we went to New Mexico. We put it the
we put it the Whiskey Go Go in Los Angeles
and the on the way back, we had a recording
session out in New Mexico because we did a Battle
of the Bands earlier in August and we won in one.
Speaker 14 (43:07):
Of the prizes.
Speaker 10 (43:09):
So one of the prizes was a recording session at
one of like this new studio that was there. So
we like, we're like, we're just gonna go to California,
stop here and then we'll record then go home. And
we were at the studio and we were unloading some stuff,
but they didn't want long story short, they didn't want
guitars in Well, last minute they were like, actually, yeah,
bringing the guitars, So we brought it in.
Speaker 14 (43:29):
It was me and.
Speaker 10 (43:30):
Airis and the way the bus is set up Essentially,
it's like an old school bus. So you can still
open it and close it the door, right, and so
but when we lock it, we have to like pretty
much undo it, undo the bolt.
Speaker 14 (43:43):
So that way you can't just like push it open.
Speaker 10 (43:45):
And Aris walked out and as he was walking out
of the bus, I needed a second, and I like,
I saw, you know, everybody was kind of going like this,
just pushing.
Speaker 14 (43:54):
The door and it would close flat, right.
Speaker 10 (43:56):
So I did that, and I did it so fast
and too hard to wear my pinky. The folds of
the bus like caught my pinky so last minute, and
in my brain I was like, I don't know why
I thought or how I thought this fast, but I
was like because I felt it.
Speaker 14 (44:12):
I felt a break, and I was like out And
then I.
Speaker 10 (44:15):
Was like, if this goes flat, my finger's gone, right,
Oh yeah, So I yanked it out.
Speaker 14 (44:19):
And when I yanked it out, I like ripped open.
Speaker 10 (44:20):
My pinky and like, dude, all of a sudden, I ras.
According to Aris, he heard my blood curdling scream. There
was blood all on the bus, like on the window
of like it, dude, it looked like a horror movie.
And then so we go and he's just grabbing it
and holding it. They got me have paper towels, and
I'm like, I'm freaking out. We're about to go record,
I'm about to go play.
Speaker 1 (44:41):
Definitely the worst situation.
Speaker 14 (44:44):
Dude, But here's the crazy thing. So it's happening.
Speaker 10 (44:47):
I'm starting to get really hot and I'm like everybody
sounds really far away. I'm like, oh no, let's pass out. Well,
AARs calls Mollie. I'm like, call Molly.
Speaker 11 (44:55):
I was like upstairs, like setting out my drums, and
he's like, your sister just cut herself. I was like,
what are you talking about. He's like, no, you need
to get down here. I was like, shit, okay.
Speaker 14 (45:03):
I was like it's not that. I was like, Era,
snow you need. I was like get out there, and
she was like okay. So she get into the call,
they come out. She comes to.
Speaker 10 (45:10):
Everybody's coming out except for Brandon, because Brandon was completely
unaware of what was going on because he was recording. Yeah,
straight up, So we come out. I don't know what's
going on. Everybody's trying to figure out what to do. Luckily,
the guy who was working at the studio was an EMT.
Speaker 14 (45:27):
He was like he would.
Speaker 10 (45:28):
I don't remember what happened, but he ended up wrapping
my finger. And then the guy we were staying with,
which is uh, he was he's one of our mods
for TikTok, which crazy. That was a crazy story, but yeah,
he ended up being an EMT as well.
Speaker 14 (45:40):
So we went to the hospital.
Speaker 1 (45:41):
Speaker 14 (45:41):
I was like, wow, what a great setup, you know
very much. So we went.
Speaker 10 (45:46):
I ended up getting eight stitches in my finger. My
pinky it was broken. It's like it was like a
hard fracture, so I couldn't they couldn't put a pin
in it. And I'm left handed and I broke my
left pinky.
Speaker 14 (45:58):
So I was just like, oh my god, what do
we do?
Speaker 1 (46:01):
Oh? Yeah?
Speaker 14 (46:01):
They were like so what happened? I'm like yeah, So
I told him. I was like, yeah, essentially, we have
a school bus. I broke it and uh yeah, it's
really old. And she was like, when was your last
tennis shot.
Speaker 12 (46:11):
I was like I don't know.
Speaker 14 (46:12):
She's like, well, you getting one today? I was like okay.
And I don't like needles.
Speaker 1 (46:15):
I hate needles.
Speaker 14 (46:16):
I hate needles. So Mollie is in there with me
and I'm like it's fine, right, and then she goes, hey,
how about you call Arison.
Speaker 10 (46:23):
How about you call Aarson be cause I scarred my
sister a long time ago.
Speaker 12 (46:27):
Yeah, I don't know.
Speaker 11 (46:28):
At some point, long story short, she was getting like
something done with her teeth and they didn't numb her correctly,
and so they're doing the shots and she's like screaming,
and it just traumatized me. So I was like, I
don't want to be here. I was like, I'm gonna
get airis so good luck.
Speaker 10 (46:43):
So Aras came in and they have to They had
to give me shots in my pinky while it was
like broken and blading.
Speaker 14 (46:48):
And so to numb it.
Speaker 10 (46:50):
She was like, I'll do like the jail first didn't work,
she did that. Dude. I don't think I've ever cried
more in my life than I did. It's like five
hours that that took place. Yeah, it was very dramatic.
I ended up being allergic to the antibiotics they gave me. Yeah,
I ended up like going home they gave them to me,
and I was like breaking out in hives and I
was itchy.
Speaker 14 (47:10):
And then so then we mind you, we still had
to go record.
Speaker 1 (47:13):
Speaker 10 (47:15):
No, So what we did was I was like, well,
I'm allergic. So they were like, well, you gotta come
back to the hospital.
Speaker 12 (47:19):
I was like okay.
Speaker 10 (47:21):
So we dropped Molly, Erris and Brandon off at the
studio and my dad took me in the bus to
back to it. And the lady who was stitching up
my finger, she's like, why are you back here? I said, girl,
I'm allergic to the atbiotics you gave me.
Speaker 12 (47:31):
She was like no way.
Speaker 14 (47:32):
I was like yeah.
Speaker 10 (47:33):
So they were like, well, hopefully this is the last
time I see you here. I was like, if you
ever want to come see a show in New Mexico,
he'd go. But yeah, it was crazy, but it's all
good now. Thankfully that yeah, I can bend it. It
was crazy, but I'll ended up working out very well.
Speaker 1 (47:51):
So whatch you guys got going on? You canna heal
out the rest? T twenty four?
Speaker 10 (47:55):
Yeah, did she comes January? I'll be back on guitar.
I'm slowly going back into it because the cards she
is right where I play.
Speaker 1 (48:01):
Oh yeah, so you had to cut off one finger.
Speaker 14 (48:04):
Here's the problem.
Speaker 10 (48:06):
So it was so funny because he was talking about
like he's like, yeah, you know you're Pinky's not really,
like you don't really need it.
Speaker 14 (48:10):
And I was like, well, here's the thing.
Speaker 10 (48:11):
My hands are really small, so I need all my
move So I was like.
Speaker 1 (48:18):
I feel like ring finger would be what I go?
Speaker 14 (48:19):
Ring finger?
Speaker 1 (48:20):
Yeah, you can grip everything if you got your pinky, so.
Speaker 14 (48:23):
Maybe middle finger then.
Speaker 1 (48:26):
I know it's right.
Speaker 13 (48:29):
Yeah, if you can keep your index in your ring,
you'd be golden.
Speaker 1 (48:34):
You'd be golden.
Speaker 3 (48:34):
Yeah, just this a little claw, like a weird, like
a little a weird like.
Speaker 13 (48:39):
Rocker Tony Iomi had his fingertips completely off and he
wrote like iron Man, and I mean, yeah, you make
it worse classics.
Speaker 3 (48:47):
Yeah, well, do you have anything set up in January?
Speaker 10 (48:51):
We can go seet so come January. Shoot, where are
we in January? January is kind of empty. February we've
got new stuff coming out. We've got a new single
coming out. We'll be at Sawyer Park in spring at
the end of the month, and then yeah, we've got
a lot of new music coming out next year. We're really,
really really excited about it.
Speaker 3 (49:12):
Jamming new single, Happy Hour, it's out now, it's jamming
that this morning, getting ready.
Speaker 1 (49:16):
But yeah, let's go, everybody go get at Rosie Official,
The Rosie Official, Rosie Official. Almost I almost had it.
I was off off of the dome.
Speaker 14 (49:26):
I love that didn't cost like Roxy.
Speaker 1 (49:28):
Or the first time.
Speaker 3 (49:31):
I think when we're on home down for the hottage, right,
said Rosie, and we're like no.
Speaker 14 (49:35):
No, honestly, it's all good. It's a good conversation starter.
We don't keep saying exactly right exactly.
Speaker 3 (49:42):
Hey, thank you guys so much for for coming on.
Speaker 1 (49:45):
Thanks, thank you guys. Hope you guys have merry Christmas.
Hit us up February. We'll come see you guys.
Speaker 12 (49:50):
Yes, definitely, thank y'all.
Speaker 1 (49:54):
You have a hand for Rosie.
Speaker 3 (49:55):
Everybody you check out their new single, Happy Hours rocks, all.
Speaker 1 (50:00):
Their ship rocks. Check him out, one of my favorites.
Speaker 3 (50:02):
Well do you want to do you want to give
away one of the awards a Gravy's Award. We have
quite a few Gravies awards to give away if y'all
would like to award them.
Speaker 1 (50:10):
All right, this is the I Love You Man Award
at the Gravies. If we give away every it's.
Speaker 3 (50:15):
Got fancy little trophy with it too, and the nominees
for it are Todd Voss bro Brad Quintin Hughes. There's
a million nominees, Josh Treecoddle, alex O, Mikey Paul, Ashley Wilkins,
Melissa Hyde, Brett Brandon, Raymundo, Benavidez, and Jordan Welch.
Speaker 1 (50:35):
Once I'll rip that bad boy open. Once I'll rip
that bad boy open. We're gonna see's. I wrapped it
real good.
Speaker 3 (50:44):
I got the kind that George Stanza's wife used to
so I might die, which.
Speaker 1 (50:50):
Is better than being a Giants fan. You just riped
that bad boy wide open. There we go.
Speaker 13 (50:57):
The I Love You Man award goes to Todd boss Wow.
Speaker 1 (51:04):
Who saw that one comment? He's all the way outside.
He was outside just so he could make an entrance.
That was perfect. He's so fucking Hollywood.
Speaker 3 (51:13):
Right, Thank you guys, appreciate Shaw Well, y'all have to
present to him too.
Speaker 1 (51:19):
He's he's the first person. That's y'all are the first
guest presenters.
Speaker 3 (51:22):
Man ever, I'm past the gravy history.
Speaker 5 (51:32):
Yeah, say a few words, A few words, buddy.
Speaker 4 (51:36):
Here's a microphone right there. It's that Iowa State Education.
Speaker 1 (51:42):
We're hand a rosie. Oh, thank you so much, Gravy gang.
We love you body. I love YouTube. This award shows it.
Speaker 15 (51:51):
I I could not have earned this word without the
love of the Gravy Gang giving them the love as well.
Thank you very much. If I could break this and
give it to.
Speaker 3 (52:03):
All of you, I would don't though it's glass, so
yeah I will if I could.
Speaker 1 (52:08):
That's probably the worst award to break. Thank you.
Speaker 3 (52:11):
We're had, Todd, boss, everybody, Todd. Do you want to
give away the Athlete of the Year award?
Speaker 1 (52:17):
You want to give it? You want to announce the winner?
Speaker 10 (52:19):
Speaker 1 (52:20):
All right?
Speaker 3 (52:20):
Well, the Athlete of the Year Gravy Award.
Speaker 1 (52:23):
We picked the best athlete of this year according to US.
Speaker 3 (52:26):
Last year it was Tommy DeVito, Everybody's favorite Italian football player.
This year's nominees are Caitlyn Clark, Scottie Scheffler, Raygun, the
Australian breakdancer from the Olympics, Alona mar the rugby player
from the Olympics, and Jamis.
Speaker 1 (52:44):
Winston Everybody's favorite. Cleveland Browns were just the most fun
in this one. I'm not sure. Well, why don't you
tell everybody who the winner is? Then you don't even
have to worry about who you're pulling for. I was
said Tommy DeVito.
Speaker 15 (52:58):
I would honestly give it to Caitlin Clark, but it
might be alone of.
Speaker 1 (53:00):
Mar the Athlete. The Gravy Award for Athlete the Year
goes to Regal what an International Award now.
Speaker 3 (53:12):
International Podcast International Award the Australian Breakdancer from the Olympics.
We gave it to her because she kind of like
cheated how she got in and I respect that. Yeah,
that's how I would be considered an athlete. I have
to cheat, and she did that.
Speaker 4 (53:25):
And if you're not cheating, you're not trying.
Speaker 1 (53:27):
She cheated all the way into the Olympics. So shout
out to Reygun the most successful cheating.
Speaker 3 (53:31):
Let's keep it going. Let's keep it going one more,
one more and then do you want to blaze?
Speaker 1 (53:36):
Do you want to skip?
Speaker 3 (53:37):
Not cool?
Speaker 4 (53:38):
That's what that works.
Speaker 1 (53:39):
We're gonna skip for a good week. Yeah, we're gonna
skip not cool because Christmas is very cool.
Speaker 3 (53:43):
And then we're gonna we're gonna just move on to
the answers segment.
Speaker 1 (53:46):
Woman of the Year, let's give away Woman of the Year.
Let's just run through these.
Speaker 3 (53:49):
Yeah, we're actually gonna keep giving awards away, all right,
Woman of the Year Award to the twenty twenty Gravies.
Speaker 1 (53:55):
We've got our nominees Melissa Hyde, Ashley.
Speaker 3 (54:01):
Wilkins, Glamour Perry, Helly, Ray Hughes, Tessa g because we
can't pronounce her last name, Samantha Garcia, and everyone's favorite Hippo,
Moodang Moodang, who stole our heights this year. She's she's
gotta be the favorite to win. You would think, well,
let's see, let's see if she got done.
Speaker 4 (54:21):
Whoa, whoa, whoa, She's a lady.
Speaker 3 (54:24):
The twenty twenty four Gravy Award for Woman of the
Year goes to.
Speaker 1 (54:30):
Ashley Wilkins.
Speaker 3 (54:33):
Ashley Wilkins, you listen to rod Ryan Show Ashley with
and I and everybody wants a speech.
Speaker 1 (54:40):
Congratulations Ashley. She's wearing a fantastic sweater too.
Speaker 12 (54:43):
So this is.
Speaker 1 (54:46):
First award, your first prestigious Wow.
Speaker 14 (54:50):
I'm never.
Speaker 10 (54:52):
Got talking to the sorry, so I'm very excited.
Speaker 1 (54:56):
Did a winning Congratulate you so I will.
Speaker 3 (55:02):
Get we get awards. This is this has been done.
Ray Mundo did this last year. I think because Bobby
got the Hog.
Speaker 1 (55:10):
Of the Year award. I remember that surprise award. What
we got for out X for me, What do I got.
Speaker 3 (55:31):
Number one podcast past the Gravy co host?
Speaker 1 (55:34):
Hell yeah, dude, hell yeah, you earned it, buddy.
Speaker 3 (55:38):
This is I don't do it for the award, but
it's nice to be recognized, you know, for path.
Speaker 1 (55:43):
Thank you very much, dude.
Speaker 3 (55:44):
I hope you didn't win co host awards all I
hope you get something that's not good.
Speaker 1 (55:49):
I also got number one. Oh hell yeah, let's go.
And for the Bobby jokes. Hey, who's holding the camp
of Bobby look at? Actually won an award and then
gave out three.
Speaker 4 (56:07):
Bob, he's probably getting Hog of the Year.
Speaker 1 (56:10):
Waited and it says Hog of the Year.
Speaker 3 (56:19):
Hell yeah, hell yeah, thank you Ashley and Surger. He's
playing injured, he's got he had shoulder surgery.
Speaker 1 (56:27):
He's dressed like a pimp and he has snoopy on
his hat. That's awesome.
Speaker 3 (56:31):
Congratulations our women, the women around applies for Ashley Wilkin
to everybody.
Speaker 1 (56:39):
All right, all right, let's keep going, let's let's let's
get through this. We want to finish by the UT
game next one.
Speaker 5 (56:43):
We got Man of the Year and our nominees are
Raymundo Benavidez, Mikey, Paul alex O, Todd Voss and Josh
Treecoddle and the official Man.
Speaker 1 (56:58):
Of the Year. The man, this man, this year.
Speaker 5 (57:01):
He manned so hard this year. I'm bad at I'm
so bad at envelope. Rip it open, dude, I rip
it open. The most virile. This guy doesn't even need
blue Cheo.
Speaker 1 (57:16):
He doesn't. We're actually steat our x stetur x podcast.
By the way.
Speaker 5 (57:20):
He he doesn't need it, but he uses it to
be even moreginations.
Speaker 1 (57:24):
Buddy, here you go, here you go. Wow. Wow, my
wife said, your wife is booming. Do not booming. Do
not boo. This man give us a few words.
Speaker 4 (57:40):
As Man of the Year, you are allowed eight seconds.
Speaker 1 (57:42):
What's going on?
Speaker 13 (57:42):
Speaker 1 (57:43):
How you doing?
Speaker 3 (57:44):
Just hey?
Speaker 13 (57:45):
Toxic masculinity is an honor to be Man of the
Year with all the other contenders.
Speaker 1 (57:51):
I love you all. Let's have a good time, a
good time. I like it. Short and sweet, short and sweet.
Let's do another.
Speaker 4 (58:01):
This was probably our toughest one.
Speaker 3 (58:03):
This was the toughest auxiliary where we had to decide
this year the Death of the Year award. A lot
of people died, a lot of people always die every year,
but these are the people that we chose to give
the nominations to. Our nominees for Death of the Year,
Toby Keith, O J. Simpson, Bill Walton, James Earl Jones,
he got winner, James Earl Jones, Richard Simmons, Pete Rose,
and Peanut the squirrel who has taken from us way, way,
way too soon because the government, the damn government. Our
winner for Death of the Year, which is like loser
of Death of the Year, but like you win, the
Gravy Award for Death of the Year goes too.
Speaker 8 (58:50):
James Earl Jones, Darth Vader himself, and the guy from
the Stamlon, which this is actually a historic award because
he is now the first member ever.
Speaker 3 (58:59):
Of the Got Award because he was already and he
got award winner. He won an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and
a Tony. Now he has a Gravy the eed got.
He's in the Got Club. So we need somebody make
a poster. It's just him. Congratulations to James Earl Jones.
He will not hear this because he's dead. All right,
you're right, do you want.
Speaker 1 (59:24):
To do meme of the year. Let's do me of
the year. They're gonna do answers if anybody would like
to do it.
Speaker 3 (59:28):
We're gonna do a live answers if you If you
have some questions, come line up here. We're gonna make
it quick. We're trying to finish by the ut game start.
We're gonna do an auxiliar one before that. So if
you have a question, start lining up. We're gonna do
something that we already had and then we'll wrap things up.
Speaker 13 (59:42):
Speaker 1 (59:42):
This is the Auxiliary Gravy Award for Meme of the Year.
Speaker 3 (59:47):
This was another very difficult win to choose for The
nominees for Meme of the Year are the Tiger Woods
Big Dog meme.
Speaker 1 (59:54):
Where's dapping out the guys? What's that big dog?
Speaker 3 (59:57):
Travis Kelsey yelling at Andy Reid during the Super Bowl
Squirtle playing the saxophone hawk.
Speaker 1 (01:00:03):
To a spit on that thing.
Speaker 3 (01:00:05):
Justin Timberlake's mugshot. This is going to ruin the tour?
Speaker 1 (01:00:08):
What tour? The World Tour?
Speaker 3 (01:00:10):
Ray Gun the Dancing Australian Our Athlete of the Year
because she have two Gravies awards, that'd be that would
be crazy moo dang.
Speaker 1 (01:00:17):
She captured our hearts, didn't.
Speaker 3 (01:00:19):
Win Women of the year though, Feist to capture our
hearts and then the chill Guy meme. That was a
late participant, but it did a lot of damage. Your
twenty twenty four winner for Meme of the Year, just.
Speaker 1 (01:00:35):
Rip it open.
Speaker 3 (01:00:36):
I'm doing it did it was way faster than anything
you did, way faster.
Speaker 1 (01:00:40):
The Gravy Award for mem.
Speaker 3 (01:00:41):
Of the Year goes to Hawk to a Hailey Welch,
spit on that thing some financial advice, do not buy
her meme corn what's going on? We got Quentin Hughes
and Halle Ray.
Speaker 1 (01:00:50):
What's happening? Gang?
Speaker 3 (01:00:52):
Put him up on the cameras. They give me on
a camera here handed to Pat there he is so him.
Now you all on cameras see so you can see
yourself out to Halle Ray and.
Speaker 1 (01:00:59):
Quinn and they got their gravy gear on even though
they're not here.
Speaker 3 (01:01:02):
They're journeying from Afar. But congratulations. Talk to uh on
be our meme of the year. Now, before we get
to the answer segment again, you can line up right
here if you'd like to ask the question our best
answers question.
Speaker 1 (01:01:13):
Asker of the Year. A lot of people send us
these questions.
Speaker 3 (01:01:16):
These are the people that send us the most, that
made it on the pod this year.
Speaker 1 (01:01:19):
Our nominees our Brandon.
Speaker 3 (01:01:21):
Davis, Todd Voss, alex O, Ashley Wilkins, and Mikey Paul.
Speaker 1 (01:01:31):
Do it, Just do it, Just do it.
Speaker 5 (01:01:37):
Our winner for best Answers Answers Question Asker of the
Year goes.
Speaker 1 (01:01:40):
To Alex Oh alex O. See that's a quick way
to do it.
Speaker 4 (01:01:45):
You just rip down.
Speaker 1 (01:01:46):
Yeah, I mean yeah, you know what it is. There
we go.
Speaker 3 (01:01:49):
Congratulations buddy, He's still up for another one.
Speaker 1 (01:01:52):
The reigning MVP. Can he have a two time Gravy
Award winning day back to back? Yeah? Is it not working?
Can you him? Not?
Speaker 4 (01:02:04):
Speaker 1 (01:02:06):
I want to give a shout out to.
Speaker 9 (01:02:09):
Do Is it working?
Speaker 2 (01:02:09):
Speaker 1 (01:02:10):
He like, try it again? There we go, There we go.
Speaker 16 (01:02:13):
I want to give a shout out to Cobo's and
the crew for letting us host here. Shout out to
Pat for being pat whatever you do, Alex for starting
past the Gravy and the eleventh annual, so you've been doing.
Speaker 1 (01:02:30):
It for eleven years years, eleven years.
Speaker 16 (01:02:31):
Shout out to Robert for putting up with the Alex
and Pat every and uh, I'm grateful.
Speaker 3 (01:02:40):
We love anybody love you too, Man graduation, Thanks for
always participating. Man, Love all y'all.
Speaker 1 (01:02:46):
One more reply alex O your answers shot.
Speaker 3 (01:02:51):
Of the shot on everybody anybody shot shots of water.
Speaker 1 (01:02:56):
We say it in that it will happen.
Speaker 3 (01:02:57):
All right, Let's let's do the answer segment real fast.
Speaker 10 (01:03:03):
Just answer the question.
Speaker 11 (01:03:04):
Why do you answer the question?
Speaker 9 (01:03:07):
Speaker 3 (01:03:07):
Answer it don't thanks the subject question.
Speaker 5 (01:03:14):
Answer answer.
Speaker 1 (01:03:18):
Shout out to the question or in house band on
that one. All right.
Speaker 3 (01:03:23):
Our first question from the answers question and asker of
the year.
Speaker 1 (01:03:26):
He sent this in before.
Speaker 3 (01:03:27):
Is this from alex O at alex mc thunder one,
and he says, if all of Santa's reindeer had.
Speaker 1 (01:03:32):
A battle royal Royale to the death, who would win?
Speaker 4 (01:03:35):
I think there's only two options.
Speaker 5 (01:03:37):
All right, It's either Donner or blitzen Donner because of
the Donner Party. Some mess up shit happened there. We
discussed this earlier. Rudolph can't always get it up for you, right.
Speaker 1 (01:03:47):
No, My question about Rudolph is what if Rudolph breaks
his nose and can shank people because's not glass? What
if how would we We don't know?
Speaker 3 (01:03:55):
By a luminescent I'd like to think that it's glass
and if you shattered it, you can stab people with.
Speaker 1 (01:04:00):
I didn't Rudolph fox everybody up.
Speaker 5 (01:04:01):
I think it's probably Blitzin, though, because I feel like
Blitzen is German.
Speaker 3 (01:04:05):
I think Blitzen was not as cool as Donner, so
they had to give him a cooler name, so I
would go Donner.
Speaker 4 (01:04:10):
I think Blitzin could Blitzkriegy.
Speaker 1 (01:04:12):
I'm gonna go Donner. Oh hell yeah, okay, we'll do shots.
We'll do shots.
Speaker 3 (01:04:15):
If Cobo brings him up here and he lets us
do it at his bar, we'll absolutely do that.
Speaker 5 (01:04:20):
But I think Blitzen. Blitzen is the is the Battle
Royale winner over.
Speaker 3 (01:04:24):
You know, Blitzen, I'm gonna go I'm definitely not a prancer, No,
not prancer.
Speaker 1 (01:04:28):
Danser comment might fox some shit up.
Speaker 4 (01:04:32):
Cubid might have an arrow.
Speaker 1 (01:04:33):
Uh, he's got hooks. He can't really shoot him.
Speaker 4 (01:04:36):
That's true. I'm I'm sticking with Blitzen.
Speaker 3 (01:04:38):
I'm gonna say Donner, but only if Rudolph can't shank
people with his nose, he breaks it. If he can
shank people with his nose, Rudolph takes him out.
Speaker 1 (01:04:46):
He's just slitting throats, dude, that's what he's doing.
Speaker 4 (01:04:47):
He can cut people, all right.
Speaker 1 (01:04:49):
Cheers buddy, cheers dude. All right.
Speaker 5 (01:04:54):
Next question from Josh Tree Coddle at Joshua Tree seven
to three. If you were Sanna, what would you use
to fly around? Instead of a reindeer and a sled?
Speaker 1 (01:05:04):
I wrote this down, what would I use?
Speaker 3 (01:05:06):
I would use the flying monkeys from Wizard of Oz
and a lazy boy recliner.
Speaker 5 (01:05:11):
I would like the Budweiser Clydesdale's and an original Ford Bronco.
Speaker 1 (01:05:18):
I would like OJ's Bronco. I want the OJ Bronco
with the OJ Bronco, the exact one. See.
Speaker 4 (01:05:22):
But here's the thing.
Speaker 3 (01:05:23):
It's white, so it didn't have blood in it.
Speaker 1 (01:05:27):
Speaker 5 (01:05:27):
I was gonna say flying through the snow and a
white one, it could get a little dangerous.
Speaker 17 (01:05:31):
I don't know.
Speaker 5 (01:05:32):
I want a black Bronco with the blood Budweiser Clydesdales.
Speaker 1 (01:05:35):
Okay, that's a good one. That's a good question, Josh.
Good question.
Speaker 3 (01:05:38):
Quentin Hughes, who was just facetimed in. He's at qbas
on Twitter. He says, power rank these holiday smells. We
are the best of a fun fact for anybody that's
new here. We are the best at power ranking anything ever.
And uh so if you give us five similar rank things,
we're gonna poerrank the fuck out of him better than
anyone power rank these holiday smells, and he gives us
Christmas Tree, hot cocoa, eggnog, gingerbread, and peppermint.
Speaker 1 (01:06:00):
What say you passed?
Speaker 5 (01:06:00):
I mean number one is Tree. There's nothing better than that. Yeah,
Pine is number one.
Speaker 1 (01:06:04):
Josh Tree, then Christmas Tree.
Speaker 3 (01:06:06):
But in this specific example, I'm gonna go Christmas Tree.
Speaker 5 (01:06:09):
Two, I'm gonna say eggnog because it's been told to
me that I might have a bit of a drinking
problem and they'll actually think of booze, so that makes
me happy. Three hot cocoa, four peppermint. Who doesn't love
a nice minty smell? And five gingerbread.
Speaker 1 (01:06:21):
It's it's good, not the best smell, but it's good.
Speaker 3 (01:06:25):
Okay, I'm gonna go Christmas Tree, gingerbread, peppermint, hot cocoa,
and eggnog.
Speaker 1 (01:06:32):
I don't really, you don't get down with the nog.
I don't not like I was drinking eggnog yesterday.
Speaker 3 (01:06:36):
I made Nagasaki pignog Partsaki shout out Andy Bernard, but
it just I don't think that's better than gingerbread.
Speaker 1 (01:06:44):
And it's cool.
Speaker 4 (01:06:45):
Not everyone's a noghead.
Speaker 1 (01:06:46):
It's all good. Robert, what are yours? What are you power? Right,
Robert's not doing powder in my case today. Never mind.
Robert's working. Robert's working. Robert's working, hard, working, working, all right,
this went through another one, then we'll get to some
live ones.
Speaker 3 (01:06:57):
This is from Todd Voss at asunders Gustina and go
buy Underscore TV, and he's the I Love You.
Speaker 1 (01:07:02):
Man Award winner this year as well.
Speaker 3 (01:07:04):
He says which college bowl game has the best gravy?
The Texas Bowl, no doubt, is obviously the Kendris Texas Ball. Yeah,
you can get your tickets at Kendris Texas Bowl dot com.
Speaker 4 (01:07:14):
It's named after the greatest state of all time, with
the best of them.
Speaker 3 (01:07:17):
They sponsor the best podcast. It's the best podcast. It's
got We got an award. We just went and we
won two awards, three awards, including Roberts.
Speaker 4 (01:07:24):
So that's so beautiful.
Speaker 3 (01:07:25):
So yeah, and then if you had to not go
with that, I did tweet this out of it.
Speaker 1 (01:07:28):
I was like whoever wins the New ORNs Bowl should
just be the national champion. We don't need to do
a playoff.
Speaker 3 (01:07:33):
I didn't look at who played in the New Onons Ball,
do you.
Speaker 5 (01:07:37):
I would have probably gone with the Serve Pro First
Responders Bowl, because you know, you gotta respect first responders.
Speaker 3 (01:07:41):
It looks like Sam Houston won the New ORNs Bull,
so I guess we just give them the national championship.
Speaker 1 (01:07:45):
Oh, that's weird.
Speaker 4 (01:07:45):
Your bowl game was so early.
Speaker 1 (01:07:46):
That's we just give them the national championship. So Samuelson
National Championship, New Orons Bowl. But Texas Bowl has the
best gravy if we're not counting the actual Gravy Bowl.
Speaker 3 (01:07:56):
Well that was Sam Sam Houston, Jacksonville State obviously. But yeah, okay,
Texas Ball. Let's let's go. Let's let's have some quick answers, questions,
rapid fire, let's go. We got and we're gonna maybe
talked to Cobo real quick.
Speaker 18 (01:08:12):
This is a uh two part question. I'd rather remain anonymous. Okay,
first of all, you have yes, ignore that.
Speaker 14 (01:08:25):
Do y'all like baby oil?
Speaker 1 (01:08:26):
And do you'll want to party? No? Yes? And yes
no not with Diddy? Be sure?
Speaker 4 (01:08:34):
Well we can't sure that's Diddy.
Speaker 1 (01:08:36):
Might be historic. Will Lebron James be there? We don't
name names? What about jay Z? Yes?
Speaker 4 (01:08:50):
All right, we always down to party with host.
Speaker 3 (01:08:52):
I was gonna clap, but like it was Diddy, we
don't clap for no claps.
Speaker 1 (01:08:57):
I was justin right by him. That's bad. I want
to keep him going after Diddy. I don't like that. Okay,
this is.
Speaker 15 (01:09:05):
A collaboration, and I promised. I told Justin not to
cuss up Pat.
Speaker 5 (01:09:08):
Todd Voss and Jasin Vos'll cuss right back at him.
Speaker 15 (01:09:11):
I told him not to cuss up Pat. Whether he
listens or not, that's.
Speaker 1 (01:09:13):
Up to him. This was his idea. I just helped
him refine it.
Speaker 3 (01:09:17):
Speaker 14 (01:09:18):
I will not I will not cuss. But okay, the question.
Speaker 10 (01:09:24):
Answer this question, questions.
Speaker 1 (01:09:29):
Question, it's podcast.
Speaker 9 (01:09:31):
You know, power rank these things if they were gravy
flavored airheads, lollipops, pop charts, popsicles, and ice cream.
Speaker 5 (01:09:41):
I think you gotta go with the pop tart right away,
because you are It's basically like a small.
Speaker 4 (01:09:45):
Biscuit and gravy.
Speaker 3 (01:09:46):
Yeah, yeah, I think popsickle kind of sounds.
Speaker 5 (01:09:50):
Dope pop gravy pop school would be dope, then lollipop lollipop.
Speaker 1 (01:09:54):
Speaker 9 (01:09:55):
With the other two options, uh, airheads, lollipops, pop charts, popsicles,
ice cream, I'm.
Speaker 5 (01:10:02):
Gonna go ice cream four and the uh the what
was it?
Speaker 4 (01:10:07):
I'm losing the name for it. It's just the consistency
on that. What was the first one you said?
Speaker 1 (01:10:11):
Again? Airheads?
Speaker 4 (01:10:13):
Yeah, I don't.
Speaker 1 (01:10:14):
I don't think the consistency would go well with great.
Speaker 3 (01:10:15):
Like Yeah, I wouldn't want to be I would not
want to have chewy gravy, you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 4 (01:10:19):
But ice cream gravy. I could get down on that, dude.
Speaker 1 (01:10:21):
Great question.
Speaker 3 (01:10:21):
J just and if you had to tell Pat anything,
If you had to tell Pat anything.
Speaker 1 (01:10:26):
What would you tell him? Your dad? Can't your dad
your dad's rules, You're gone.
Speaker 3 (01:10:30):
If you had to say one last final thing to Pat,
what would you say?
Speaker 9 (01:10:32):
I want to be nominated for answer questions, Questions, be
question answer Okay.
Speaker 1 (01:10:39):
Well, hey, if you get you gotta earn it the more.
Next year we can put you up on that. Now.
Speaker 4 (01:10:42):
There's no nepotism on this podcast.
Speaker 1 (01:10:44):
You gotta earn all right, thank you? Anyboddy? Alright? Who
we got next? Who we got next. Jordan Welch. Jordan
Welch in the machine rapid Fire, this bad.
Speaker 17 (01:10:57):
Boy tests Hello, that's working Jordan Welch Twitter handle at
j underscore Welch two seven ninety five.
Speaker 1 (01:11:08):
I had that memorized.
Speaker 19 (01:11:09):
Of course, numbers from high school. Shout out to sych great.
Speaker 3 (01:11:13):
Shot to brand Jacob at twenty seven right back.
Speaker 1 (01:11:16):
My answers question is it's a two bar question.
Speaker 19 (01:11:19):
Actually, if zombies have to survive off human flesh, are
they already dead?
Speaker 1 (01:11:27):
Speaker 19 (01:11:27):
How do they do that? And be like they're already dead?
Why do they need to survive anyway off anything?
Speaker 5 (01:11:33):
We'll see because a zombie it still needs sustenance to
keep the body going, and their their skin is no
longer edible to what the nutrients that they need because
it is an infected They are an infected organism. They
need the fresh human skin. And it's also the blood
that is helping sustain them. Their blood is a little
bit infected, so it won't go after like if you
ever played Halo. The reason Johnson was able to get
away from the flood his uh he had a special
like something going on with his blood to where it
did not attract the flood it's very similar with the zombies.
They're not attracted to each other. They are not cannibals,
all right, So that's what it is. Zombies still need
fresh blood and fresh human skin to sustain themselves, because
otherwise they would just they wouldn't die, but they would
wither away and then they would just like start falling apart,
and then they would be useless.
Speaker 1 (01:12:20):
They are living corpses though.
Speaker 5 (01:12:22):
I mean, I was actually talking about zombies at work
yesterday and I went over all of.
Speaker 1 (01:12:25):
This shore living corpses though.
Speaker 19 (01:12:27):
That's one thing, But you know, I'm just trying to
figure out, like, if they're already dead, how do they
do that?
Speaker 5 (01:12:32):
See, I subscribe more to the zombie theory that they
have been infected and they are not actually risen dead.
I think that's more likely to happen in this time.
I'm the zombie expert. I have way too much time
on my hands.
Speaker 4 (01:12:45):
I need to play more zombies than Yeah.
Speaker 1 (01:12:47):
There, you just gotta get after.
Speaker 5 (01:12:48):
It's not so much Nazi zombies, you know, not Nazi zombies.
I mean, I'm sure there are some Nazis that were
turned out.
Speaker 4 (01:12:55):
They are fun to kill. Kill them with a ray gun. Baby,
has a Black Ops Zombies. Oh yeah, Black Ops had
a good one.
Speaker 1 (01:13:02):
Yeah. Jordan welcherverybody, thank you, Jordan, dude, Merry Christmas, love
you all all right, looks like we got one more
and it's our man of the Air with a fantastic
hat on.
Speaker 18 (01:13:14):
Okay, first, Pat, it wasn't herpes I gave he goes
gone to stiffrom herpal aids.
Speaker 1 (01:13:18):
That sounds worse.
Speaker 4 (01:13:19):
It's okay, I ignored it.
Speaker 1 (01:13:20):
Okay, something else I was gonna say, did you sorry
that you gave it to them? I'm not sorry.
Speaker 4 (01:13:27):
I didn't ask for an apology.
Speaker 18 (01:13:30):
I was Mikey Paul and is just Mikey p one
X established nineteen eighty five.
Speaker 1 (01:13:36):
Nineteen eighty five. I arrived j Cole shout.
Speaker 18 (01:13:38):
Out, why are blimps called blimps?
Speaker 1 (01:13:45):
Who came up with? Who came up with that name?
I don't know, but I feel like it's a perfect
name for it. If we saw a blimp coming here,
I'm like, why do they call him blimps?
Speaker 5 (01:13:54):
Because when there's a negative connotation with the word zeppelin
there were some people that use those back.
Speaker 1 (01:13:58):
In the day that, uh, but why blimp?
Speaker 4 (01:14:01):
We don't like so much anymore.
Speaker 3 (01:14:07):
Speaker 1 (01:14:10):
They are called blimps just because I feel like somebody
said that word that. Look what is that?
Speaker 3 (01:14:13):
And somebody's like, it's a blimp And I don't know
what that means, but it's the perfect word for it.
Speaker 1 (01:14:17):
It's one of those things you look at you like, blimp.
Speaker 3 (01:14:20):
Yes, that looks like if you I don't know what
the word blimp means, but that looks like it's that.
Speaker 4 (01:14:24):
Yes, sky whale didn't really roll off the tongue of
the sky.
Speaker 1 (01:14:27):
They see it on the radio like that's a blimp.
Speaker 3 (01:14:29):
The blimp and somebody somebody like accidentally typed in the
hit on the.
Speaker 1 (01:14:32):
Keyboard, somebody from with their accident that sounded like great, great, great.
I love you both.
Speaker 4 (01:14:39):
I love you too, but I love you.
Speaker 1 (01:14:40):
Congratulations on man, I got to I got two DAPs
ha ha. All right, Oh Alex coming in here. You're
like the first person to have to answers questions on
the pod.
Speaker 16 (01:14:51):
Got a quick question if you if you are to
fight the Grinch, would you win if I went, what
fight the Grinch?
Speaker 3 (01:15:00):
His Max fighting against me? Also yes, because I would
not fight Max.
Speaker 1 (01:15:04):
No, I could not fight Max. Max is out.
Speaker 5 (01:15:08):
Now I think just I think I could definitely take him,
But you forget he's got some crazy athleticism.
Speaker 4 (01:15:14):
Oh yeah, no, I'd ground and pounds.
Speaker 1 (01:15:15):
How would you win? Tackle him?
Speaker 4 (01:15:16):
Ground and pound, rain down elbows and hammer fist on top.
Speaker 1 (01:15:19):
Of his face. I'd have to just stab him.
Speaker 5 (01:15:21):
You gotta remember, also, the Grinch covered in fur. You
can grab a handful. It's not like me. You can't
grab my head. I got no, this is all tactical.
That's why I shaved my head. If I'm ever in
a fight, you can't get a grip. The Grinch, he's
covered in fur everywhere.
Speaker 3 (01:15:33):
If you watch his hands, he said, he's got like
little weird fingers that are like fur.
Speaker 1 (01:15:36):
Most of it, like I don't make most of his
fingers aren't.
Speaker 3 (01:15:38):
Fingers you can snap if you're in a grappling match,
He's not gonna be able to really compete with you.
Speaker 1 (01:15:43):
His entire ground and pound, his entire body is like
he's wearing. What do you think Robert would do against
the Grinch?
Speaker 3 (01:15:47):
Robert would just he'd find a way to be really
nice to the Grant, and the Gunch wouldn't even want
to fight him.
Speaker 1 (01:15:52):
Let them win.
Speaker 4 (01:15:52):
He beat him with pacifist.
Speaker 3 (01:15:54):
Yeah, like the Grinch would quit because he bet Roberts
just too nice of the guy.
Speaker 1 (01:15:58):
And just like he whip with a hog if you
really had to.
Speaker 4 (01:16:01):
Also, if I had a lighter, I would just light
the Grinch on fire.
Speaker 1 (01:16:03):
That that that I would do that.
Speaker 4 (01:16:06):
I grab a lighter in a can of w D
forty and fortune.
Speaker 3 (01:16:08):
That is a great answer. Yeah, because he's very flammable.
He's very very flammable. Yeah, great question, great question. All right,
all right, let's uh, let's uh, can we hit Cobo
up here?
Speaker 1 (01:16:19):
Can we hit Cobo up for a second before we
wrap these up? I know you T is about to
kick off. Let just be real fast. He did. He
did have us here. We're gonna give away.
Speaker 3 (01:16:27):
Our MVP right after the host with the most the
hostess with the most.
Speaker 1 (01:16:30):
He's a host hostess with the mostests.
Speaker 4 (01:16:33):
Okay, you can him talk to us us.
Speaker 1 (01:16:38):
He doesn't watch hog.
Speaker 4 (01:16:40):
Don't boo the guy that's serving you beer and food.
Speaker 1 (01:16:43):
Animal boo him, or he will kick you out.
Speaker 4 (01:16:46):
I've always wanted to be a bouncer. I'll throw your
ass out. He had on dj M.
Speaker 7 (01:16:49):
Throw one person out, Clarence, you're about to get kicked out.
Speaker 12 (01:16:54):
Speaker 1 (01:16:56):
First off, I love you. I love you too. So
what is uh, what is the plan for this? We
know there's an expansion coming.
Speaker 7 (01:17:04):
And yeah, so we have a we have a couple
of spots in mind, but one of them is probably
you know, at the two yard line. But uh huh,
you know, we can fumble it, they can fumble it.
So I don't want to announce anything.
Speaker 3 (01:17:17):
Yet, right, you don't have to announce anything officially, but
we got plans in the work.
Speaker 7 (01:17:20):
We do have plans.
Speaker 1 (01:17:21):
We are.
Speaker 7 (01:17:23):
Uh, we will be in the Taska Sita as well,
very very soon. That's where we you know started.
Speaker 3 (01:17:30):
And my brother Arian Foster would always post about you,
and my brother and I would would like we would
try and go up and you would sell out. You
would always sell it. We never were able to make
it before you'd sell out. And then when you got
this location, we're like, fuck, yeah, let's go. I remember
coming here when it was BYO B. Yeah, it was
BYO B. And like I was when you were testing
out the menu and everything too, and this is my
favorite best food in town. And uh, we're gonna miss
this location. But like, thank you man, When can do
we have any idea of like when we could expect
the like a task, a set or anything like that.
Speaker 7 (01:18:05):
So the task Sea location, I mean, that's just gonna
be a food truck. I'm not going to do a
full blown whatever. I mean, we just have too many
you know, of our loyal customers out there or that,
you know what I mean. It just makes sense to
go back, you know as like you know, just like
as a second location, but not you know.
Speaker 1 (01:18:22):
A brick and mortar.
Speaker 7 (01:18:23):
But no, we'll do another brick and mortar you know,
within like a five minute radius of here, and you know,
keep that going and uh, you know, bigger better. And
you know, this was my first go around, so a
lot of mistakes. And you know we built this, you know,
my wife and I built this, you know, with no experience,
no nothing, man, So we just I just kind of
built it like a man cave, you know what I mean.
I love this kind of built it like a man cave.
Went from there. But the next one will have more
you know what I mean, like like it'll have.
Speaker 1 (01:18:52):
More perfected a little more correct. So but hey, do
we appreciate you having us out here. Thank you so much.
Speaker 3 (01:18:58):
The third time you've had us out here. Uh, we're
gonna have Biggie on the wall at the next place too. Sorry,
We're gonna have Biggie on the wall at the next place.
Speaker 7 (01:19:04):
Biggie is always Hey, we appreciate you by thank you
so much.
Speaker 1 (01:19:10):
Thank you, Thank you so much, everybody. Thank you guys for.
Speaker 7 (01:19:12):
Coming to appreciate y'all.
Speaker 1 (01:19:13):
Applies for Cobo. What is the last day boy? Clarence
and Loope, by the way, what happened? What's the last
day here? I don't know.
Speaker 7 (01:19:22):
We'll we'll announce it pretty summing. We're still waiting on
text dot. Uh so, but we are the last Uh.
I guess shopping Centered or whatever the hell this lot
or whatever that has not been bought out yet, all
the other bars that way, Kim's son, everything down there,
everything's already.
Speaker 1 (01:19:39):
I was going, Yeah, that's my boy, man.
Speaker 7 (01:19:41):
So I go to Neils probably three or four times
a week.
Speaker 1 (01:19:44):
That's my boy.
Speaker 7 (01:19:45):
So he I guess it's not my place to tell
his business, but you know, he's he only has a
couple of weeks laught and he's already kind of made
that know. But uh yeah, man, it is what it is, man,
you know, it's it's gonna the big conglomerates will be here,
but you know.
Speaker 3 (01:20:00):
We're gonna go to you though, We're not going to
VIC and GM guys.
Speaker 1 (01:20:04):
Hey, love you, buddy, thank you, Thank you again.
Speaker 13 (01:20:06):
Speaker 7 (01:20:06):
Love y'all, brother man, Christmas Man, Christmas Man, take your bust.
Speaker 1 (01:20:11):
And go Tigers, go tidlers. All right, let's wrap it up.
Speaker 3 (01:20:15):
Let's wrap it up with our MVP Award, the most
Valuable Player at the twenty twenty four Gravies Awards all
throughout the year.
Speaker 1 (01:20:23):
Our nominees for our twenty twenty four.
Speaker 3 (01:20:26):
MVP R last year's MVP alex O trying to go
back to back. We also have Ashley Wilkins, Mikey Paul,
Raymundo Bina Vedez, and Todd Voss And ladies and gentlemen,
you're twenty twenty four Gravy's MVP is Raymundo bina vide.
Speaker 1 (01:20:53):
This is his second MVP in Gravy's history. Rare wow.
And this was the time.
Speaker 3 (01:21:00):
This is the toughest wordy about every year. There are
a lot of very deserving candidates. He has a championship
belt already. I feel like.
Speaker 4 (01:21:08):
Now he's got a championship pedigree.
Speaker 3 (01:21:09):
Now he has a championship pedigree and a championship trophy.
Speaker 1 (01:21:13):
Congratulations Buddy.
Speaker 4 (01:21:17):
Hacksaw, Jim Duggan get here.
Speaker 18 (01:21:22):
This is to all the little people had to step
on to get here.
Speaker 1 (01:21:27):
You are all beneath me. I am above you. This
is proof.
Speaker 18 (01:21:34):
Josh Tree, you've been retired for like five years. Todd
out on the Cops showed you you're no longer a champ.
Speaker 1 (01:21:44):
This proves it here. This is my villain origin story.
Speaker 3 (01:21:49):
Thank you.
Speaker 1 (01:21:50):
Alex Ward is your villain origin story?
Speaker 18 (01:21:52):
Oh yes, And so I went to his story about it, Okay,
about like how you do it?
Speaker 1 (01:21:57):
So now when you win, you become a villain. Okay,
that's kind of the opposite of the way it's gone
it story. I don't know, just work with okay, and
I'm getting the Patriots trap. So so this is the beginning.
So we're gonna have like two movies like the Astros
you won, but were mad that you and yes, yes,
everyone's gonna be mad that I won.
Speaker 18 (01:22:14):
Todd's gonna say I cheated, okay, and then and then
Josh is gonna throw things at me.
Speaker 1 (01:22:19):
I do want that narrative going, Yes, I want that narrative.
We're gonna keep going. Everybody just call me. He's gonna
be like, hate us. Who's the best? Yes, you know
what I mean. Just just keep it. Embrace the hate,
Embrace the hate. Embrace the hate.
Speaker 18 (01:22:31):
Hey, we love you body, We love you too, Love
you guys, Love the Gravy Gang, Love Coppos. This is
for Taylor Swift and Baby Ell Love y'alls.
Speaker 1 (01:22:43):
Yeah, Merry Christmas.
Speaker 3 (01:22:44):
I'm more around with the plas for your twenty twenty
four gravies.
Speaker 1 (01:22:48):
MVP rad Bina Videz.
Speaker 3 (01:22:52):
All right, all right, let's wrap this bad boy up.
Let's wrap this bad boy up. We had a lot
of people to thank, everybody that came out here. Everybody
it's listening, everybody that's watching this later. We appreciate all
of you. And and el El's here too.
Speaker 1 (01:23:06):
Here the official Gravy Baby, the Gravy Baby. What's up?
Speaker 3 (01:23:10):
She don't crap bits, please don't crack some Thanks you though,
everybody that listens interacts with us. Everybody's ever come out
to any event, not just this one. Shout out to
David Obert for filling in. I had been tweeting for
like two weeks about an engineer and David was like,
what do you fucking need?
Speaker 4 (01:23:24):
Speaker 3 (01:23:24):
I got you And he's been an absolute ge all
day long and he got home alone too. Through the
next round of the bracket. Shout out to Elle, She's
an awesome. Shout out to Robert for always putting up
with us. Robert is the best producer in the biz.
Please don't ever leave us. I don't know what we
would do without you. Shout out to my wife for
letting me do this podcast for hours every week and
putting up with my shit.
Speaker 1 (01:23:48):
Shot out the patt you for hanging out with me
every week. I appreciate you, buddy, I love you.
Speaker 3 (01:23:53):
And then shout out to Texas Bowl and little mshop
dot com, Little emshop dot com. Go you know if
your air freshness you need and yeah, yeah yeah, and
then shout out to uh yeah, everybody in the tier
right now. We love you guys. Merry Christmas. We'll talk
to you guys in twenty twenty five. We've got the
best step coming out next week. This will be out Monday.
We love you guys until next year. Past the gravy, Yeah,
mother fucking Bitchkag.
Speaker 2 (01:24:26):
Gang Gang, Baby, Powder Top and lead spread.
Speaker 11 (01:24:35):
That's wait.
Speaker 2 (01:24:35):
Listen and to past the gray. Gray go with fishing
for your bitch today with Chunk and Houston Houston Baby.
Now we go ahead and lick and we'll get witch today,
witch bitch.
Speaker 1 (01:24:48):
Houston's that's his home town.
Speaker 2 (01:24:50):
Passa gravy, passa loud. Now we can talk and go
for hours hours entertainment, superpower, gravy gang getting louder and louder.
Gust up, no childern we laugh, no prouder I have
about baby, about the top and lead spreads. That's we're listening.
Speaker 1 (01:25:07):
In the past.
Speaker 2 (01:25:08):
The gray and Gray were't gonna with fishing for your
fish today with Duckie Houston, that Houston baby, and we
go ahead.
Speaker 3 (01:25:15):
And lick you.
Speaker 2 (01:25:16):
We'll get rich today, rich bitch