Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Bravy Gang Gang.
Speaker 2 (00:02):
Gang Baby pout of the top and lead spread as
we listen. It's a past the gray Head Grave we
go and fishing for your bitch today with Junkie Houston
Houston Bay. Now we go ahead and let him. We'll
get rich today, nich Bitch, Gravy, Gravy, Gravy Gang.
Speaker 3 (00:32):
What's going on, everybody, It's past the Gravy, Episode number
five hundred and ninety eight, the first episode of twenty
twenty five. We're back, Babe, were back the boys. We're
back in town. I haven't really left town, but I'm
back now. I'm back here in this room, in our room,
the room we should always be in with Alex, Pat
and Robert. Happy New Year, everybody, Happy new the happiest
of the happiest, the happiest.
Speaker 4 (01:03):
This room is kind of getting a bit of a mess.
Speaker 1 (01:06):
Yeah, but it's not us.
Speaker 4 (01:07):
It's not us.
Speaker 3 (01:08):
It's it feels like we're Milton from Office Space. And
I know you've never seen that, Robert, but he's in
this movie. This guy they find out isn't really working
for the company. So we'll just stop paying him then
and just see how long he shows up to work
and he keeps showing up to work and then they
keep trying to slowly push him out and then they're like, hey,
actually your desk isn't with everybody else. Your desk is
in so this this basement by itself, and actually, you
know what, we're gonna start closing it off. And then
like they put him in like a closet and do
all this stuff, and like I feel like they're doing
that with us because there used to just be like
trashing here all the time, and then we got pushed
out because people would take naps in here. And then
they now have a TV that doesn't work and a
TV that's in a box, and then a bunch of
banners just throwing a monk, a monngst, a muck, a muck,
a muck throwing a muck and we have to just
move all this stuff before and after. I'm fine with it.
We get it done. But it does feel like they're like,
just put a bunch.
Speaker 1 (02:07):
Of garbage in there and pass the grave. You'll leave
a saloan.
Speaker 4 (02:11):
Yeah, it's it's always a fun experience. There's broken TV
behind me, there's boxes everywhere, banners, like you said, but
we make it work.
Speaker 5 (02:19):
We do and they don't know. This is what my
living room looks like. So jokes on you.
Speaker 3 (02:23):
Yeah, I've overcome obstacles my whole life, so a little
trash in my way. You might think you can put
trash yet, but I was born into it.
Speaker 5 (02:31):
Molded by it, molded by that. I see a clean
room until I was already a man.
Speaker 1 (02:36):
I am trash. I still don't have a clean room.
I don't know. I literally I have a crean half
of my room that my wife is on, and then
my half is just.
Speaker 3 (02:44):
Like laundry, laundry, laundry, laundry, laundry, stuff and stuff from
Christmas that I still haven't used yet.
Speaker 5 (02:49):
When it's time to do recycling and stuff, I just
don't think about it. There's like nine empty liquor bottles
just around the couch where yeah, no, a bunch of
like little nips because I went golfing this weekend. By
the way, Personal Record Stations did not lose a ball.
I had the same ball for all eighteen It's in
my center console. I keep forgetting to grab a sharpie
to sign it. I'm gonna put it in a little plaque.
Speaker 3 (03:14):
You should sign it and just give it to a
random kid like, hey, kid, I like the grocery store. Hey,
get yourself, get yourself something nice.
Speaker 5 (03:22):
There's like scuffs all over it. Though, because I still
suck at shipping.
Speaker 3 (03:24):
It doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. But yeah, it is twenty
twenty five, New year. Knew us. We're doing the things
we're you know, we only live once, guys, y hello.
Speaker 1 (03:38):
But every year at the end of the year, since
we just kind of did this, they're always like, this
is the word of the year.
Speaker 3 (03:43):
This is the slang terms, the phrases that people used
most in twenty twenty five, and sometimes there's some new
ones that come along. So I feel like, as a
podcast that sets trends, we should be coming up with
new phrases and some slang terms to come up with
in the new year. And I can start us off
with a couple of them because I've been working. I've
been working on this. You know, I want to get
ahead of the curb. I always want to get ahead
of the curb. So these are some slang phrases, some
slang phrases we're gonna use in twenty twenty five.
Speaker 1 (04:16):
All right.
Speaker 3 (04:16):
The first one that I feel like we should work
on is a ranguetangan just means I'm hanging out. Man,
what you're doing, I'm a ranguetangan. Fucking you're loose with it,
just hanging dude, because I'm rangutang.
Speaker 1 (04:28):
Just hang out.
Speaker 5 (04:28):
Maybe your titters are out with it too. It doesn't
have to be, but that could be ultimate ranking.
Speaker 1 (04:32):
It could be. It could be doesn't have to, but
it would be nice. Another one.
Speaker 3 (04:36):
And this is when this is kind of what gave
me the idea of coming up with a new phrases
on my gift soap shit, which means like you have
a run out of soap and then you just gotta
go to whatever the gift soaps are that people gave
you for Christmas. I ran out of the Irish Springs
and was like, fuck, well, let me use this Budweiser
soap that somebody gave me like two years ago, until
I could order some more. And it's just it's really like, look,
I didn't prepare to be here today, but things happen.
This is me like when you're wearing two different socks,
like I'm on my gift soap shit, man, I don't
know my kids are running around I'm right like I'm
I'm I'm out of it, you know. Sorry, I'm wearing
two different socks, two different shoes.
Speaker 1 (05:15):
Whatever happens.
Speaker 5 (05:16):
I was about to say, who the fuck is still
gifting people soap? Then I remembered my mom when I
went up after Christmas, she had a bar soap for me.
I was like, thank god, I just ran out of
Irish spring.
Speaker 1 (05:28):
But that's what it is.
Speaker 3 (05:29):
And then you put it in the bottom of your
cabinet or whatever, and you're like, fuck my soap, and
then you gotta crawl over wet out of the shower
to the drawer, grab whatever's left. It's like, all right,
this is a sasquatch bar.
Speaker 1 (05:42):
Oh no, I'm want to use this.
Speaker 5 (05:43):
If I don't remember to bring it in the shower
with me, it's a it's a shampoo shower everywhere.
Speaker 3 (05:46):
Yeah, But eventually you remember it and you're like shit
because I don't remember to buy soap the next time.
Speaker 5 (05:51):
I've been out of my two and one conditioner for
like two months now, so I'm using these old bottles
that have that someone gave me years ago. But they're
menth Also, they're kind of tingly, so when you gotta
go do an all body one with that one. It's
weirdly tingly in some places.
Speaker 4 (06:05):
Yeah, you have to excuse me here, but like two
in one.
Speaker 5 (06:09):
Conditioner it's shampoo and conditioner.
Speaker 4 (06:11):
Yeah, shampoo, conditioner beard beard.
Speaker 1 (06:14):
Speaker 5 (06:15):
Well, I mean it's what I always bought, and then
once I started shaving my head, I just can't kept
buying the same bread.
Speaker 4 (06:20):
Couldn't you do use like body wash?
Speaker 5 (06:24):
No, because the hair still needs to be conditioned, Robert,
I want it's not soft, by the way, I need
to just buy conditioner. I don't need the shampoo. I
just need the conditioner. That's what I should buy because
it's not scratchy. But it ain't soft. Yeah, so but yeah,
I've just been using shampoo. That's probably why it's not softy,
because I've just been using shampoo for.
Speaker 1 (06:41):
The last time.
Speaker 5 (06:41):
You get tea tree oil yet, Well I need to
get that.
Speaker 1 (06:44):
I haven't. I don't have any beard oil or beard
butter buy it. Problem.
Speaker 5 (06:48):
I need to hit I need to hit somewhere, probably
on the way home, because I also need socks.
Speaker 3 (06:52):
I probably need to You ever heard of sammers? Run
be there like today?
Speaker 5 (06:59):
Well, I don't because I like when I think about like,
I don't want to wait for socks, but then I
just won't buy socks for like two months.
Speaker 3 (07:05):
That's my favorite thing to do, is like, well I
can't use new so I'm not gonna like wear socks
today because they're on their way.
Speaker 1 (07:12):
Oh. I have also not gonna do laundry because whatever
I mean, Yeah, I need to do laundry. Also, mustache.
Speaker 4 (07:21):
That's what the the bet is for picks this year.
Whoever loses gets a mustache.
Speaker 1 (07:27):
It's kind of late in the game to say that.
Speaker 5 (07:31):
I don't know, but we also just still haven't decided.
Speaker 3 (07:33):
Anything else hasn't taken. They've done the other bet from
last year.
Speaker 5 (07:37):
We were gonna and then we both forgot. That's on
us both.
Speaker 1 (07:40):
Really, it's your job to remember now that's sure.
Speaker 5 (07:43):
Well, hey, we're about to have weekends back shortly, so
we can get it done. Then once football is over
for this year, I can settle up on last year.
Speaker 3 (07:51):
Another slang phrase to use in twenty twenty five is
a real shrimp fried rice situation where I'm shrimp fried ricing,
which is like like when you're with your friend that's
making up a story. They're telling a story you clearly
know isn't true. I know shrimp didn't fry this rice,
but I'm gonna eat this rice. Be like, I'm not
gonna kill the vibe here, but like nothing he's saying
is true. Then you just remember, like, yeah, that guy
totally made that up. Like you leave, you tell your
friendly that absolutely didn't happen. When somebody's just absolutely lying
about a story or telling some some lie or fib
or whatever, you just go with it because you're like,
I'm not gonna ruin the vibe. I don't really know
this guy, but sure sure that happened. Shrimp didn't really
fry this rice, so you're shrimp fried rising.
Speaker 5 (08:31):
I had to sit through one of those around Thanksgiving,
and I literally half of the story.
Speaker 1 (08:35):
I just started playing on my phone. Yeah.
Speaker 5 (08:37):
I was like, I'm not even this is so outlandishly stupid.
It was like a junior high level of bad lie.
Speaker 1 (08:44):
Like I just let him go. What do you got
You got some? Yeah? I got the first one. I had.
Speaker 3 (08:49):
Just want something ain't great? This mac ain't cheesing, This
mac ain't jeesus, I don't. I don't hate that, this macaane,
I don't hate that. You just you ain't got it
going h the other one. And this is especially because
he's are like TikTok to. I think this one could
actually catch on on there. Just when you're calling people old,
you're melted ice cream, Bud.
Speaker 1 (09:07):
You're melted ice cream. Just old people. Yeah, dude, you're
just it's you're old. I mean you're bad melted ice
cream at the.
Speaker 5 (09:13):
Mall to we all as kids used to start our
ice cream from time to time until it kind of
came that like soup inconsistency. Yeah, but it also means
it's been out for a while.
Speaker 1 (09:21):
It's pretty old.
Speaker 3 (09:23):
Okay, put them on ice. Put them on ice, you know,
is what you're trying to say.
Speaker 4 (09:28):
It's kind of hyper from my ice cream, like a
little a little soupy, not like yeah, not like, but
like a little soupy.
Speaker 5 (09:36):
Like if somebody was like, I don't understand that what
that means, I'm like, it's.
Speaker 1 (09:39):
Because you're melted ice cream. But melted ice cream. Bro,
you ain't down with the kids. You ain't hip with
the kids.
Speaker 3 (09:44):
You ain't down with the sickness. You melted ice cream.
The two that I had, Robert, did you have any
I really just want to keep pushing igbowl igebul works. Yeah,
he dropped an IgE bowl on message to my wife
and when she was like, what does igwel mean? And
I came up with something really really dirty, and she
was like, why would Robert says like what he Obviously
that's not what that means.
Speaker 1 (10:09):
Speaker 5 (10:10):
I remember I was saying, it's well, I don't remember
that what it was an acronym for.
Speaker 4 (10:14):
I just brust out laughing.
Speaker 1 (10:15):
I use it. Oh that's right. Yeah, Robert started a trend.
Speaker 5 (10:17):
Sorry, I'm too melted ice cream for that.
Speaker 1 (10:20):
Yeah, you're very melted. I very look like ice cream.
Speaker 3 (10:25):
Another another couple that I did, another one to use
in twenty twenty five is minding it or getting mimed.
And that's when somebody's just telling a just meaningless story
that you don't care about. And we're just saying a
lot of stuff without saying anything, really a whole story
without substance.
Speaker 1 (10:42):
Just look, no one cares. What are you?
Speaker 3 (10:43):
What are you doing? Because you know mime's just do
all that. It's like, you could just tell me what
you're trying to tell me. Min You don't got to
fucking act out. Just just fucking get to the point, dude,
what you need. You want a cigarette, I got a
cigarette for you. You don't go only like, don't do that.
Speaker 1 (10:58):
Every time my brother calls me, he's just mind dude,
there's a wall. Yeah, dude, you're really mine in right now?
What you got? What you got to the point, buddy. Yeah.
Speaker 3 (11:06):
And then rovering is kind of another one they would
they would go with this. This is when someone clearly
doesn't care about the conversation or isn't a one sided
conversation and they don't really care if you get over it,
or when you get trapped in a conversation, you're being rovered.
So like when your brother calls you, you're being rovered
where you're just like it's really it's a combination of
really and over. So I'm rovering right now. I'm really
over this conversation. But like he just will not hang
up the phone. I do not care about the Cincinnati
Reds right now. Please please stop rambling about Ellie de
la Cruz right now. I don't care. I do not care.
I do not care about off season baseball right now.
Stop talking about it.
Speaker 1 (11:43):
You're rovering. I usually just stop answering it.
Speaker 3 (11:46):
Yeah, Well that's kind of what that is, Like you
can see somebody rovering where it's like, oh, yeah, Pat's
just saying a bunch of that's crazy, dude, Like Pat's
ropping a lot of those Packers game.
Speaker 5 (11:55):
He by the third phone call, while we were still
in the first quarter, I just stopped answering until after halftime,
like this is too much.
Speaker 1 (12:03):
He calls you in the middle of the Packers games,
Oh yeah, the whole time, call me like, did you
see that play?
Speaker 5 (12:07):
I'm like, no, I'm not watching the Packers. What the
fuck do you think?
Speaker 1 (12:10):
Speaker 3 (12:11):
I like there's certain people that I'll text during games,
but it's like calling me like I'm I'm I'm running
hot right now, dude, I don't fucking feel like talking.
I don't feel like, yeah, that's that. That is frustrating
out of me. You're getting rovered, bro. And then shark toothing.
Another one I got is shark toothing when someone takes
credit or tries to take credit for something they didn't do,
when someone's trying to be someone that they aren't. It's
like when you see the guy with the shark tooth necklace,
we all know you didn't get that tooth. You didn't
go get that from a shark, But some people want
you to think that they got it from a shark.
Bought that from air Apostle, Yeah you bought it from Yeah,
we're just some gift shop in Port Ransis when you
were there, I don't know, But like you didn't get
that fun aquarium.
Speaker 1 (12:53):
Well, I'll just.
Speaker 3 (12:54):
Let it go along right now. But like you're you're
trying to be something you're not. All right, you're not
a shark hunter, and you're just acting like you are.
You're shark toothing.
Speaker 5 (13:02):
You're gotta live on the beach to be a dude
that wears a shark tooth necklace.
Speaker 1 (13:06):
Or you should. But like a lot of people, I
went to a beach one time. Now I have a
shark tooth.
Speaker 3 (13:11):
This is pretty much also just the new way, like
I want to rephrase posers. So like people that are
trying to be something they're not, you're shark toothing dude,
a shark tooth, shark tooth, shark toothing dude. Oh and
then a couple more. Last one last one I have
is eleveny. It just means a lot of something. And
when you're like, dude, how many are there. I don't
know eleveny how many people with this spook tacker? I
don't know about eleveny, which means I do not have
a head count. I'm not going to do the math,
and it seems like a lot.
Speaker 1 (13:43):
All right, So dude, all right, how much? How much
about eleveny? Yeah?
Speaker 5 (13:47):
I need it, sir, I need a number. We have table.
Speaker 1 (13:50):
Just get put a table for a lot of people.
What does that mean? A lot? Eleveny?
Speaker 3 (13:55):
You need to never put eleveny? How do I write that?
Eleven t y? Done?
Speaker 1 (14:02):
Very easy?
Speaker 3 (14:03):
Yeah, So those are some phrases I feel like we
should start working on for twenty twenty five. We'll be
ahead of the game for eleventy yards last week? Eleventy
yard dude, Yeah, I ran for you. See, Mike Evans,
you had eleventy thousand yards this season?
Speaker 1 (14:16):
What eleven thousand? No more than that?
Speaker 5 (14:18):
Our defense sucks. Saquon ran for eleventy yards yesterday.
Speaker 1 (14:22):
He won't anymore, won't any more? Fuck that guy? Fuck
that dude. All right, let's move on.
Speaker 3 (14:31):
Pre come segments, some stuff, any pitches, any ideas, any thoughts.
I had one and it was I was reading to
my daughter about the Three Little Bears and they're talking
about their porridges being being too hot, too cold, and
just right. I was like, whatever happened to porridge? Because
like in Oliver Twist, there's porridge. There's a lot of
books that had porridge. As you were growing up, you
never really had anybody like, yo, dude, you want to
come over. Just made some porridge and then I looked
it up a lit little bit. I always thought porridge
was soup. Did you think porridge was soup?
Speaker 1 (15:03):
Speaker 5 (15:03):
I thought it was like oatmeal.
Speaker 1 (15:04):
Okay, that's exactly where it is.
Speaker 5 (15:05):
I always I've never I guess I was gonna say,
I've never had.
Speaker 3 (15:09):
I always have imagined it was just like some like
sort of stew or soup.
Speaker 5 (15:13):
I think it's oatmeal. If you're really.
Speaker 3 (15:15):
Poor, Yeah, that makes sense, just porridge. That was the
thing I learned today.
Speaker 5 (15:20):
It's like when you can't afford to put the maple
syrup in your oatmeal to make it not taste like
fucking cardboard. Yeah, maple syrup and the oatmeal was a
fucking elite tray.
Speaker 4 (15:30):
I always thought that porridge was, which is not what
not what that is?
Speaker 5 (15:36):
I guess for different cultures cultures. Porridge could mean something different.
Po ridge, What is happening? My body is shutting down?
Speaker 3 (15:44):
And so in Louisiana they have poe boys and po
ridge you can get if you porges.
Speaker 1 (15:48):
Just for the English probably it's.
Speaker 5 (15:51):
Like it's in England, it's porridge. Here it's oatmeal. South
of border it's.
Speaker 4 (15:57):
But no, I think I think it's a rice pudding
is what it tries like to Yeah, in English.
Speaker 5 (16:02):
But I mean similar consistency, very similar consistency.
Speaker 1 (16:08):
I don't really like oatmeal.
Speaker 5 (16:10):
A lot of it's put marup in it.
Speaker 3 (16:12):
Yeah, I mean I still eat it regularly just because
it's an easy breakfast.
Speaker 5 (16:16):
Every once in a while I'll see like someone will
bring it into work and I'm like, buy some motherfucking oatmeal, dude.
Speaker 1 (16:21):
I used to dominate that as a kid.
Speaker 3 (16:23):
Somebody remind us to do power rankings because mock draft
of mock draft season of smells that don't live up
to what they smell like, because that is definitely what
oatmeal is. We're like, oh, dude, that's cinnamon sugar that
smells really good, and then you try oatmelia.
Speaker 4 (16:41):
This tastes bad.
Speaker 1 (16:42):
I still like oameal. I mean sometimes there's there's good oatmeal, but.
Speaker 3 (16:45):
But you got to add when you try and be healthy,
it's like steel cut out.
Speaker 1 (16:50):
It's like cool, No, I.
Speaker 5 (16:52):
Want to put some fucking tahen on this. See how
it tastes pain. I mean now I would probably just
dump pot sauce on it.
Speaker 3 (16:57):
Because yeah, man, and I've killed all my taste cocaine.
That's a that's a morning you can start that morning.
Hell yeah, brother cigarette, would.
Speaker 1 (17:11):
You bring in for pre com today? Back in Cheeson?
That was good? That was that was all there, And
I was like, okay, I did it starting the year
off strong baby.
Speaker 5 (17:24):
As soon as you're like all right now Preakumb, I
was like, fuck, I thought that was the pre comb ship.
Speaker 1 (17:28):
That is.
Speaker 3 (17:29):
That is precumb segment. So let's move on New Year.
Say me right, New Year, Sam Pat Constancy. Let's get
to the comeback Kid of the Week segment where we
tell you what's back in the news according to us.
Speaker 1 (17:44):
Here you go, it's the comeback kid, comeback of the week.
Speaker 4 (17:54):
Comeback kid of the week.
Speaker 3 (17:56):
Bitch our first I'm back kid. Is Manuary.
Speaker 1 (18:05):
Manuaryside a month for men. Finally it's finally a month.
Speaker 3 (18:12):
It really is and a shout out to Adam Knockrass
Adam the Cop. He's been posting the Manuary Man.
Speaker 1 (18:18):
Of the Day. I don't have it on Twitter Twitter
because it's really good. I was, I was one day,
Robert was one day.
Speaker 5 (18:28):
It's a time for dudes to be guys, you know.
I mean think it's off to a great start. W
W rows on Netflix. Yeah, that's some dude ship right there.
Dude's rock just beating each other with chairs and crazy storylines.
Speaker 1 (18:44):
Okay, so here we go.
Speaker 5 (18:45):
The I went golfing already this month.
Speaker 3 (18:47):
That's man ship, the Man of Happy Manu A. Gents,
he's doing a Man of the Day and kicking off Manuary.
He did all of those that we lost last year.
Then Manuary second, I was the Man of the Day.
Manu a third was Pat Manuary fourth was Bobby Jokes
Bobby the Hog. Manu a fifth was the Chile from
The Rod Ryan Show. Manuary sixth was Rod Ryan from
The Rod Ryan Show. Manuary seventh was bro Brad Gravy
nominee so Hot, He's very hot. And then Manuary eighth
today is ray Mundo B. Navidez, the reigning MVP of
Pasta cocky with it too. He's turning heel, dude, he
is turning heel and I love it.
Speaker 1 (19:35):
Hey, but you know what this mon what wants. Yeah,
it's his month. It's his thing, dude.
Speaker 3 (19:39):
So shout out to Adam Adam the Cop at Adam
the Cop t X on Twitter if you want to
give him a follow is twenty twenty five when we
call it X the Everything app.
Speaker 1 (19:51):
Still not ready, Still not ready.
Speaker 3 (19:54):
I've been doing because like on The Monk Show, I've
kind of got a slightly different role on the Morning Show.
And when I like, I'm like, well you can check
that on Twitter to x X, Like I don't know,
because we always call it Twitter everywhere else.
Speaker 1 (20:08):
And then on the Morning Show we've called it X
and I feel.
Speaker 5 (20:10):
Like I'm trying to get in on that creator money.
Huh is that what it is? I think like if
you don't, like, if you're very publicly still call it Twitter,
I think they just won't really monetize your account.
Speaker 1 (20:21):
I didn't monetize it anyway, so yeah, don't. I'm not
Twitter is what we've always called it.
Speaker 5 (20:26):
I think it's gonna slowly morph that way, but I'm
still not ready.
Speaker 1 (20:29):
Okay, just fight to fight it.
Speaker 4 (20:30):
I only ever call it X when I do, like
an X in front of me, X, go and give
it to you. I'll do that.
Speaker 1 (20:39):
Are we solid? Are we squid gaming it?
Speaker 3 (20:41):
Which also that is also just normalized, that being when
you and your brothers or you and your group packed
together and you're like, we are not doing this, we're boycotting,
like a quiet boycott amongst your friends. I like that,
Like that's we've we did that with squid game. I
saw people like squid game too.
Speaker 5 (21:00):
I don't think that happens until now you're in your
thirty zo. At some point in your thirties, something will
like go trendy and you're just like, we're not doing
like I'm not even I missed it.
Speaker 1 (21:07):
I'm fine with it. I don't care. I'm squid gaming it.
We squid gamed Blue Sky.
Speaker 3 (21:11):
Yeah, so that twenty twenty five, start just calling like,
I'm squid gaming it. Even if you watch squid game,
call it squid gaming because we are telling you to
do that.
Speaker 1 (21:19):
Yeah, right, listen to us. We're trendsetter. We know things.
But it's Manuary.
Speaker 5 (21:23):
I thought there's gonna be a lot of people out
there that just squid game, squid gaming it. Yeah, you're
just gonna skip skipping it.
Speaker 3 (21:28):
Yeah, so really, yeah, they're gonna squid game doing the
squeak again. I knew what you just did there, I
geve what you just did. But Manuary is a lot
of fun. And I also like Manuay because you do
get the people that get upset about Manuary, and Manuary
is a month to celebrate dudes. Like you know, there's
never really a time when guys can really just be
guys in this world. But now we have Manuary, all
thirty one days of it. So I'm very excited for
the rest of the month.
Speaker 5 (21:54):
So if your ladies ask you to, like, we gotta
go to dinner with my friend and her husband, just
be like, Manuary, not it's the Manuary. I might get
real toxic with it. I might start going on Twitter,
see there we go, whatever is natural. And anytime I
see a woman in the comments, I might just be like,
it's Manuary, sit out of this one.
Speaker 1 (22:12):
Anytime you see a woman trip and your boy say,
it's Manuary.
Speaker 5 (22:16):
Anytime a woman tries to like say anything to a
man in the comments, like your man splaining this, I
make Hey, honey, this is Manuary.
Speaker 1 (22:24):
This is our out of it. Yeah, I like that.
And then also man which Mondays is what I like
to implement.
Speaker 3 (22:29):
Although I forgot to do that this week, we'll definitely
do it next week and the week after that. Man
which Monday's rock just sloppy Joe's fuck. Yeah. The Manuary
really we started a few years ago because there's always
those people all throughout the you like, well, I don't
understand why does Hispanic heritage history have to have a month?
Speaker 1 (22:49):
When when's the God month?
Speaker 3 (22:50):
You're like, well, you had Manuay, And I was like,
if we just knock it out early, then anybody that
bitches about any of the other like history months or
any sort of like Women's Women's vide Month or Black
History months, well when's watt shut up?
Speaker 1 (23:04):
You had Manuary.
Speaker 3 (23:04):
Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck uf you can
do around the Me Too movement, right. We were just like,
because everybody would bitch about.
Speaker 5 (23:11):
Guys, we're finally having a rough go of it for
the first time. But they were like, you know what,
we need our own space.
Speaker 1 (23:17):
And it's not really that we do.
Speaker 3 (23:18):
We do need our own space, yes, but also then
when somebody bitches later and you're like, motherfucker, we had
Manuary for thirty one days and you didn't celebrate. That's
on you. You can't get mad. You had your culture.
Speaker 5 (23:30):
Next time complains that you for spending too much time
in the bathroom, be like Manuary.
Speaker 1 (23:35):
It's Manuary, sweetheart.
Speaker 5 (23:36):
I will take my half hour dumps. Yeah, you will
leave me alone.
Speaker 1 (23:40):
Speaker 3 (23:40):
So you know, tell your fellow brothers happy Manuary, and ladies,
take it easy on us this month. Okay, it's our month.
Don't forget about man Give us a price man much
Monday's rock if you're celebrating man Which Monday at Passier
a pod, hashtag man which Monday, and we will give
you guys shout outs. I bought like such a big
case of Manwich two years ago and it expired. But
I had I had because I would go through like
four each each month and I did it. It was
good for like two years, I guess, so like I
had whatever is lested, I remembermoved.
Speaker 1 (24:12):
Make fuck this is gonna last to this Manuary.
Speaker 5 (24:14):
Let's just say, does it go bad? But it is meat,
so I guess.
Speaker 3 (24:17):
It can canned meat, the best kind, so you know
it's good. Now you know it's good man stuff.
Speaker 5 (24:25):
Yeah, put your meat in the can. Manuary all right?
Speaker 3 (24:29):
Uh so other than Manuary, another comeback kid this week bagheats.
Bagets are fucking back boys.
Speaker 5 (24:36):
The smell of a nice fresh bag at.
Speaker 1 (24:38):
Oh yeah.
Speaker 3 (24:39):
So, Like, I am not a big resolutions guy, but
I do like being like, here's a thing that you
should get better at. It's not like I want to
be able to run five marathons by the end of
the year. Like I don't want to do that, But
it's just like, do a thing and then work at
that thing. So if that's a resolution, then that's my resolution.
But this year my resolutions like start cooking a little
bit more. I started that at the end of last year,
and it's like I want to cook for my family
and my friends and my people more. And really I
learned that sandwiches are just the best way to do that.
Speaker 1 (25:08):
You brought me a sandwich. Yeah, I made the sandwich.
I made sami for the boys.
Speaker 3 (25:13):
It was really just a little little turkey Swiss Dijon mustard,
carry gold butter on it, some fancy salt that I
bought at the store. Pretty good stuff. And I'll just
buy a bag at and you can make like three
sandwiches with it. It rocks. It is the best method
to just make food for yourself and other like, oh hey,
here you go, wife, here you go, me, here you go.
Speaker 1 (25:37):
Speaker 3 (25:38):
You have three meals now done or breakfast, lunch, dinner
if I want, if you really want, you can do that.
And buying a bag at a daget's like a dollar.
Speaker 1 (25:45):
It rocks.
Speaker 3 (25:46):
You feel like you're stealing even though you're definitely not stealing.
It goes bad the next day. But buy a bag
at a date and you can have three sandwiches a day.
Speaker 1 (25:54):
It rocks.
Speaker 5 (25:55):
I always when I get them, I'm like, I'm gonna
make sandwiches out of this. Then I end up I'll
just keep it in the fridge and over the course
of like two days, I go in and I'll just
rip off a hunk at a time, just eat a
pitch and just eat some bread. It rocks, though, And
it's an excuse to eat a shit ton of bread.
Speaker 3 (26:09):
And also when you eat a sandwich that you made
on a baguette, it's smaller than like a regular sandwich, Like,
I'm being healthy. This is healthy that I did this,
even though there's four thousand calories worth of stuff on
top of it.
Speaker 1 (26:21):
This is healthy, even though I like.
Speaker 3 (26:23):
Half of your half of your bag ad was just
coated in butter. It's healthy because it's a baget. It's
like a little baby sub, not a full size sub.
See that doesn't happen with me.
Speaker 5 (26:33):
Because of the bag at, I end up throwing way
more meat in there so it doesn't look like the
bread to meat ratio is off.
Speaker 1 (26:38):
Yeah. So basically every.
Speaker 5 (26:40):
Sandwich I make on a bag at is like two
and a half to three sandwiches as a pernetual sandwich.
Speaker 1 (26:45):
Yeah, but back at, dude, they rack.
Speaker 3 (26:47):
Yes, manual guys can be guys finally, and just buy
the bag at.
Speaker 1 (26:51):
Do the thing.
Speaker 3 (26:52):
Buy the bag at. Don't don't shark tooth like you're
not a bag act guy. Don't be a shark tooth,
all right, be a bag guy. This is the year
of the bag At twenty twenty five.
Speaker 1 (27:04):
I'm feeling it. I'm stoked about it. Fellas.
Speaker 3 (27:07):
We're buying bag ats every day, nice fresh warm, we're
buying bag ats every day.
Speaker 1 (27:11):
Another fun thing to add in this year. We're getting
the bag.
Speaker 3 (27:14):
We're getting the we're getting baggy baby, We're getting baggy.
Speaker 5 (27:18):
People, some people try and get the bag.
Speaker 1 (27:20):
That's what we should.
Speaker 3 (27:21):
Add that to our twenty twenty five cool phrases, to say,
list just when something's cool instead of calling it cool.
But that's baggy as hell, dude'e.
Speaker 5 (27:28):
The opposite end of that. Mac ain't cheesing, Yeah, because.
Speaker 3 (27:31):
That's what like when kids try and like remember when bad,
Like yo, dude, that's bad, and that was when something
was cool, Like kids are always trying to change stuff up.
Speaker 1 (27:38):
Baggy's jeans. Now, no, baggy's cool, and so now we
can flip it. Yeah, I'm finally backing.
Speaker 3 (27:44):
No, but like not even baggy jeans. Like when something's cool,
it's just baggy.
Speaker 1 (27:48):
Speaker 3 (27:49):
See that TV show, Yeah it was that was baggy, bro.
That that game last night was baggy as fuck. What
do you think about Pat? That guy's pretty baggy, douche
baggy mate. No, no, got the bags.
Speaker 1 (28:05):
Bagging it up.
Speaker 3 (28:06):
He's the bags, bro, he's baggy af all right, So
start working in a conversation. Twenty twenty five bags there
are is.
Speaker 1 (28:14):
Now we're back.
Speaker 3 (28:15):
Love bag attes fun to say, really cool to spell,
and just like grabbing a.
Speaker 1 (28:22):
Little like it.
Speaker 3 (28:23):
It feels like you're you're walking away with a thousand
pieces of bread.
Speaker 5 (28:26):
It's got to be the best French word. Well, no,
I don't say it French. It's just and it's only
good because it's just bread.
Speaker 3 (28:33):
What about fromage the fuck is from rge cheese? Yeah,
oh yeah, yeah, no, well brie brie.
Speaker 5 (28:41):
Is also, yeah, I mean, but those are types of cheese.
But like bag it is just it's just bread. Bread
is the fucking best, dude.
Speaker 1 (28:47):
Bagettes are baggy, bro, they're baggy.
Speaker 5 (28:52):
Trying to think of, like what other French words could
be cool.
Speaker 1 (28:54):
Like, I guess guillotine is pretty fucking Guarantine's cool.
Speaker 3 (28:58):
Okay, friends have a couple of good things on God,
that's cool. He's pretty fucking sick too. The bag at dude,
Yeah yeah, dude, bag'll get your horny. Twenty twenty five
the Year of the bag At. I don't know what
the Chinese are gonna say it is. Don't listen to them.
Speaker 5 (29:15):
Get a nice warm baghead, cut a hole in it.
Speaker 3 (29:17):
Somebody make that like design this year, like on a
Chinese New Year calendar, and it's just like the.
Speaker 1 (29:22):
Year of the Dragon.
Speaker 3 (29:24):
No, no, no, no, that's the Year of the bag At all right,
but your shark tooth in it's the year of the
bag At, just a.
Speaker 5 (29:30):
Loaf of bread with a bunch of Chinese symbols around it.
Speaker 3 (29:32):
Yeah, no, no, somebody make that. We'll sell it. That'll
be the ttoo Robert. We're gonna put that in the
store by fed. What if that's the we got the
year Year of the bag At and then we'll never
forget and Chinese symbols around it and think I could
just make up whatever simple.
Speaker 1 (29:47):
Like rainwater, ashtray. Yeah, we should, we should do it.
Speaker 3 (29:50):
We should find like Chinese symbols that are just curse
words like fuck, shit, ass hits and then just put
that around it and be like, no, it says Chinese
New Year, twins me five and then you can wear
that and tell everybody that and then you'll look cultured.
Speaker 5 (30:04):
But really get the shake for the George Carlin seven
words you can't say on TV. Yeah, that would be sick,
or like get the Riley Reid and it just says
like lemonade, just says panda. That would be a good
one for me. That's one of my nicknames.
Speaker 3 (30:20):
Yeah, all right, let's do that, Panda boy, Let's do
that bag ats back.
Speaker 1 (30:26):
Enjoy a bag at today and every day.
Speaker 3 (30:28):
Oh dude, you know I should do a man which
Monday next week on a bag at Manwich, on a
bag at bro. Consider it done, Consider it dun should
do a cooking video. Yes, what's the d I want
you to know how hard it is to make a
man witch.
Speaker 1 (30:44):
Not hard.
Speaker 5 (30:45):
And then I want like you to also have a
secondary camera set up because I want to watch Emma
having to film you do a cooking video.
Speaker 1 (30:52):
Yeah, because I feel like she'll be laughing.
Speaker 3 (30:54):
You can put it go pro and weezy same time.
You just put it go pro wheezy, so it's not
at all looking at me.
Speaker 1 (31:00):
I do have go Pro. They gotta go pro for
Christmas's fucking awesome. All right.
Speaker 3 (31:04):
We gotta set it up right here so we can
have Robert in the future. I want Robert cam back
when I was I was editing instant for stuff for
Best of when Robert was in like the screen and stuff,
I was like, I miss Robert, like being on the screen.
Now we see Robert, but when we're on the YouTube,
it's like we'll just talk to you and then no
one sees you like that. But That's the funny part
of how the podcast used to be because Robert was like,
I don't want.
Speaker 1 (31:25):
To be on the camera. No, I don't want to
be on the.
Speaker 5 (31:27):
See more of Robert. You gotta go to only hoogs
dot com.
Speaker 3 (31:29):
Onlyhogs dot com. Yeah, onlyhogs dot com speaking of only
OnlyFans dot com. Not a sponsor of the show, but
a sponsor of fights that we're about to talk about,
because fighting is back this week.
Speaker 1 (31:44):
Fighting is back.
Speaker 3 (31:45):
So has passed the gravy sponsoring athletes because we are
sponsoring Jordan Garcia of Fury FC and Fury FC one
hundred is this Sunday in Houston. It's sold out, but
you can watch Jordan Garcia undefeated, Jordan Garcia take on
Sean Tillman at Fury f C one hundred on YouTube
on the prelims. Just go to Fury FC on YouTube,
watch that account over there.
Speaker 1 (32:09):
And then what I want to do.
Speaker 3 (32:11):
The prelim start at two thirty on Sunday, so you'll
have the football games on just on your phone, your tabler, whatever,
go to YouTube and then spam the fuck out of
the comments where Jordan gets out. They be like past
the gravy bitches, Jordan's gravy gank, Jordan's gravy gank, George
Gravy Gang, and then just talks so much shit about
Sean Tillman. I don't know Sean Talman. I'm sure he's
a great guy. No, you know what, he's not a
great guy.
Speaker 1 (32:32):
He's a fucked that guy. Yeah, fuck, he spells Sean
the wrong dude. That guy like what I hear, he
like people.
Speaker 3 (32:36):
People are listening to him, and he like whenever he's
doing his prelims and all, he is like he's like
pre his pre fight talk.
Speaker 1 (32:42):
He's just just rovering around.
Speaker 3 (32:43):
Bro. That guy doesn't make any sense. He's not baggy
at all. This guy fucking sucks. Sean Tillman, Get fucked, Bro,
Get fucked. Jordan Garcia's but the fuck you up Fury
FC one hundred. This weekend, you're gonna see Jordan rocking
past the Great Podcast on his shorts. It's gonna be awesome.
Obviously he's gonna win when he's got the Gravy Gang
behind him. But everybody goes spam the fuck out of
those comments. I know I will be there and just
want to I want to get on those comments and
just see Gravy Gang, Gravey Gang, Gravey Gang, Gravy Gang.
Speaker 1 (33:12):
Just just take over. I don't want to take over.
Speaker 5 (33:14):
I don't want to put too much pressure on Jordan
on this, but uh, he comes out with the dub
on this one. I think we got an early candidate
for athlete at the.
Speaker 1 (33:23):
End of the year.
Speaker 3 (33:23):
Absolutely, dude. Might be able to lock that up early
in the year very well. Could then we'll have him
on the pod. We'll do all this will be our
best friend. It's pretty much what's gonna happen. So Jordan,
go out there, kick ass.
Speaker 1 (33:35):
We know you will.
Speaker 3 (33:35):
I know you don't need our encouragement, all of our encouragement,
all of our support going behind you. You or Fury
FC one hundred this Sunday, It's gonna be awesome. It's
gotta be awesome. Can't wait to watch this dude fight.
This will be the first time I've seen him. He's
a lightweight fighter one hundred and fifty five pounds four
and oh in his career and uh yeah, Fury FC
one hundred. Check it out on Fury FC on YouTube.
Just go to their YouTube channel, just search Feury FC
and you can go see all the information about this
weekends fights, but go spam the fuck out of those
YouTube comments. It'll also be in UFC Fight Pass when
you want toatch the main card. But I'm really excited
to see our boy Jordan fight, and now we gotta
get him on the pot, especially if he wins. He wins,
We're gonna absolutely have him on the pot.
Speaker 5 (34:17):
Oh yeah, I'm just looking at him right now. He's
gonna fuck this guy out.
Speaker 3 (34:20):
If he loses. Sean Tullman cheated. Everybody knows Sean Tumman's
a dirty fighter. Pat's always talking to me like he
was like, you know who the dirtiest fighter I've ever
seen was? And I was like, who is like Sean Tullman?
Like Pat said that in high school, Sean Tullman tried
to fishoke him one time.
Speaker 1 (34:33):
Tried to fish choking saw.
Speaker 5 (34:34):
I'm trying to punch a baby one time.
Speaker 1 (34:36):
Yeah, two babies. And then he kicked a puppy.
Speaker 3 (34:39):
He kicked a puppy, and then he threw a cat
off a bridge. He's like, their, I have nine lives.
Speaker 5 (34:44):
Well, I mean you gotta hear him out on that one.
Speaker 1 (34:46):
Yeah, he had done it nine other times though. The
cat doesn't have ten lives.
Speaker 5 (34:51):
And now that I am softening on cats as I
get older.
Speaker 1 (34:54):
Do you know that guy that was just slashing tires
in Houston earlier? They got arrested.
Speaker 3 (34:58):
Sean actually not Sean Tullman, but that was probably Sean
Tuman's friend.
Speaker 1 (35:03):
Because he's a bad guy. He's probably someone in this corner.
He's a bad guy.
Speaker 3 (35:06):
Jordan Garcia, remember that time when you and I were
going to visit Robert over the holidays for Christmas, and
you like it was it was a little it was
snowing because we were out of town, and you hit
some snow and you slid and then the car flipped
and then like we were like, oh God, we're gonna die.
We were upside down, there was oil dripping, the car
was on fire, and then Jordan Garcia came and saved
us and he just pulled us out of the wreckage.
Speaker 1 (35:30):
He risked his life and he saved us.
Speaker 3 (35:31):
Great guy, that guy hero, That's the guy I want
to root for a Fury FC one hundred, Not Sean Tullman.
Speaker 1 (35:37):
That's some scumbag like that.
Speaker 5 (35:38):
Sean Tillman watches Karate Kid and roots for Cobra Kai.
Speaker 3 (35:41):
Oh, absolutely, which I think is kind of popular now.
Speaker 5 (35:44):
But no, I'm talking about the original movie, the original one.
Speaker 3 (35:47):
Okay, yeah, absolutely, bad guy, bad guy. You know who
his favorite team was in World War Two, The Access
Powers m Big Access Powers guy.
Speaker 5 (35:57):
Sean Tillman. Sounds like a like an Italian name to me.
Speaker 3 (36:00):
Nah, not tiring enough, not tight enough. Still a pervort,
which makes it worse, almost makes it worse. Definitely nobody soon.
This is Sean Taleman.
Speaker 1 (36:12):
Yeah, who can get beat up by by Jordan Garcia. Bro.
I was gonna say it look bad.
Speaker 3 (36:17):
For me if one hundred and fifty five pound guy
whoops my ass, I'm double the size of him.
Speaker 1 (36:24):
Well he won't because love jordan'bac us up.
Speaker 3 (36:26):
So we're sad true all right, Jordan Garcia Fury f
C one hundred this Sunday. Check out their YouTube channel.
You can go to tapology dot com look for Jordan
Garcia's name right there. Just go to Fury FC and
it'll show you all the information for this weekend's fight Sunday.
It'll be during the games. It's gonna be awesome. I
can't wait. Shout out Jordan Garcia. All right, Next up,
we got America as our last comeback kid. This week,
America is fucking back. We're so fucking back. We have
never been more back than we are right now. Donald
Trump said he wants to like make Greenland the state,
and then he wants to make Canada state, and then
he wanted to take the Panama Canal.
Speaker 1 (37:10):
Well, we're not gonna get Canada. And then he said
he was like, you know what we should as to do?
Speaker 6 (37:14):
We should we should cut it the Gold of America,
say that the Gulf of Mexico. I'm just gonna start
cutting it that. And I do like that because that's
some bit we would do where it's like no, I
like you have to legally change that. We could just
start referring to something like we were just talking about
Twitter and X. It's pretty much what he's doing. He's like,
are we to cut of Twitter?
Speaker 3 (37:34):
Are call it?
Speaker 1 (37:37):
I want to known as Twitter? Who knows?
Speaker 5 (37:39):
I don't even want the maps to necessarily say like
Gulf of America. I wanted to say Gulf of Mexico.
It's on the map, it's crossed out and then like
written in like on Google Maps by Patriot. Yeah, I
wanted to say that and like maybe put like a
little bald eagle. Yeah, yeah, dude, they can't stop us.
What's Mexico going to do?
Speaker 1 (37:59):
I don't know, but it's pretty sick to think about
in theory.
Speaker 3 (38:03):
I don't know if I really want to get into
all doing that stuff, because it seems like it could
look bad or be bad.
Speaker 1 (38:08):
And I don't know about a state. Don't they be
a territory again, the Mighty Ducks taught us.
Speaker 3 (38:14):
Mighty Ducks too taught us Greenland covering ice, Iceland covered
in green. Greenland is not the cool one out of
Iceland and Greenland.
Speaker 5 (38:23):
No, but still it's way bigger. That's what I'm saying.
A territory, not a full bone state. They have to
earn statehood. But I think if like we just make
it somewhere where you don't need a don't need a
passport to go, I think we could drive up terrorism.
I've heard they've got some cool golf course. Yeah, okay,
the terrorism.
Speaker 1 (38:39):
No, I don't want to drive up terrorists. Don't want
to drive up terrorism.
Speaker 3 (38:43):
Not. Yeah, this is an anti terrorism podcast, FYI, We've
said that many terrorists. No, if you're a terrorist listening
to us right now, delete this delete this episode because
this ain't for you.
Speaker 1 (38:54):
All right, but I think you're watching us in your terraces. Unfollow.
Speaker 5 (38:58):
Okay, Greenland could be tight as a territory like Puerto
Rico is like technically a territory territory, but they don't
have to do anything. We let them do their own shit.
They just hang out. They're vibing down there. We need
someone above us to vibe with. Also, So what.
Speaker 3 (39:11):
I've I've always said that we have room for three
more states if we wanted to add three more states,
because you merge the Dakotas, you merge the Carolina's, let's
merge the Virginia, the No West states. We could add
three and then not to change the flag because I
don't want that's a lot of rebranding. Dude, I don't
want to have Oh I see what you're saying. I
don't want to just take three more Yeah, so you
start up fifty states. So you're like, oh, guess what
North Carolina, South Carolina boom, You're Carolina, just like the
Panthers love it. You can be South Carolina University, you
can be North Carolina University, doesn't matter, just the whole states.
Carolina now West Virginia, you have no business. You have
no business. You're just all Virginia. Now, okay, you're merged
North Dakota, South Dakota. We don't need to you. You're
just Dakota. We're fine. Boom Canada, Boom, Greenland, Panama Canal.
I don't think that would be a state, but I
like that. That was just another thing. He was like,
I also would like that. That's cool too, Like he
went to the stories. I want that fun thing we
built it that. Yeah, it's true. But then did we
have an agreement that we were gonna give it back
and then we gave it back?
Speaker 1 (40:13):
Yeah, like per our agreement. People go back on agreement. Salt.
That's true. That's true.
Speaker 3 (40:18):
So we're not gonna do power rankings this week. But
I did think Robert out of Canada, Panama Canal, Golf
of Mexico, and Greenland, would you want your pick, dude.
Speaker 4 (40:33):
Out of those? I guess I'd go in Greenland.
Speaker 1 (40:36):
Speaker 5 (40:37):
I don't know anything about it, but I know they
have funny sounding city names covered in ice. I mean
I know that it's covered in ice, but like nobody
pays attention to them up there, I say, let's give
him a little shine.
Speaker 1 (40:50):
Or we could just have Canada and make Canada dope.
Speaker 5 (40:52):
I don't want Canada.
Speaker 1 (40:52):
Canada's like a pulp my ride situation.
Speaker 5 (40:54):
Canada is already on the right track. Trudeau just resigned
because he's a little bitch.
Speaker 3 (40:59):
Somed to me about Trudeau resigning and they're like, did
you see the Canadian justin Trudeau resigned as like the
president and they were like, no, the Prime minister is like, buddy,
I don't give a fuck about careadis politics at all.
Speaker 1 (41:13):
I do not care.
Speaker 5 (41:14):
I don't want a country that doesn't even have a president.
Speaker 1 (41:16):
Dude. That's true.
Speaker 5 (41:17):
They were like still somewhat of a protectorate of England.
Speaker 1 (41:21):
I don't know.
Speaker 5 (41:21):
Some shit, dude, France. At the same time they gave
us hockey. They can stay.
Speaker 3 (41:28):
So I think like if we were like without like
a like a peaceful transition, if we wanted to do it,
like we could like Canada goes to whoever has the
Stanley Cup. Oh, I guess that would But here's what
that would be us. Then I don't want Montreal, but
that would be us.
Speaker 1 (41:43):
Though I don't want Montreal, I kind of do on it.
It's like another Philly, another Philly.
Speaker 5 (41:48):
Know if anything would be another New Orleans, just a
shitty New Orleans.
Speaker 1 (41:51):
The French French Philadelphia.
Speaker 3 (41:54):
French Philadelphia, born and raised on the playground is where
I went.
Speaker 1 (41:58):
I wanted that playground. That's why I went most of
my days. No, I don't want Canada.
Speaker 5 (42:05):
We got enough cold already. We don't need the ultra cold.
Speaker 1 (42:08):
And then you'll smoke with your you'll smoke the cigarettes
with your auntie and uncle in Quebec.
Speaker 5 (42:14):
Well, I don't want all of Canada. I do have
my eye on one part.
Speaker 3 (42:18):
Okay, So here's a fun exercise. We're not gonna do
power rankings just yet to start the year. We'll do
power rankings. We'll bring them back next week for regular powerrankings.
From the answers, what if we just power ranked our
top five places we want the US to NX.
Speaker 5 (42:32):
You ready that I didn't Actually I didn't put a
power ranking.
Speaker 1 (42:35):
There are in no particular order. Oh no, you gotta
put them in an order. I'll go first.
Speaker 3 (42:40):
There's in an order, okay, Robert, start thinking top five
places that the US x A right, my five. I'm
gonna go number five. Cuba just it's basically Miami to
electric boogloo, like you're Miami anyways. Just dude, they got
a red, white, blue flag.
Speaker 1 (42:58):
Come on over.
Speaker 5 (42:59):
We ended our you know, decades of bullshit and bargo.
We could build a bridge maybe, I don't fucking know,
if maybe people can get back into Rum.
Speaker 3 (43:07):
That'd be tight. Yeah, Cuba, why not? Seems close enough. Canada,
we could unite the NHL. I want to unite the
NHL because then you're not like if I watch a
Stanley Cup playoff game and it is a Canadian team
against an American team, unless it's Dallas or Philadelphia, I
am going against Canada.
Speaker 5 (43:28):
But if they're part of the US, then then we
can no longer hold over hold over them that they
can't win a Stanley Cup.
Speaker 3 (43:32):
Right, But I wouldn't care anymore that I'd like, welcome,
welcome aboard, and then we'll be like, you know, you know,
remember back when you were in your own country and
you have to become our country to be good again.
Speaker 1 (43:43):
We could do that. Three Paris.
Speaker 3 (43:48):
I feel like we could do all of France, but like,
I don't want to get greedy. Just Paris. You get
the tower. I can eat baguettes all the time. That'll
be sick.
Speaker 1 (43:56):
Then bagets are an American thing, which rocks.
Speaker 5 (43:59):
We would all get the Louver, so then we're even
more of the art capital of.
Speaker 3 (44:02):
The Catacombs, we could get that too, and the whatever
the loof the thing they drive under.
Speaker 1 (44:10):
Oh, the Victory Arch, that the Octic Triumph.
Speaker 3 (44:14):
We could have all the places that they put the
Olympic stuff at.
Speaker 5 (44:19):
We can have that road that Hitler flew out of France.
Speaker 3 (44:22):
On after he lost, right, Yeah, explains it, Okay, all right,
So I would take Paris maybe France. I feel like
historically it seems like France is pretty easy to get.
Speaker 5 (44:35):
Yeah, Like it seems like it wouldn't be that hard,
and I don't think anyone would stop us on the
way to Paris.
Speaker 3 (44:41):
And like, you don't have to have a passport to
technically go to Europe. You're like, no, I'm in the
United States still, just in my place.
Speaker 1 (44:46):
It's a little hot spot that we can pop in on.
Speaker 3 (44:48):
So yeah, it's like an embassy, but it's a full state.
Then I'd like Australia. I just want the whole the
whole place. Give me Australia. If the US could get
their hands on some kangaroos and just the outback. We
could weaponize that against anybody, and then we're coast to coast, Baby,
We're fucking coast to coast. We're used all the way
up here at Boom, the other side of the planet
right there.
Speaker 5 (45:10):
I thought about that, but I was thinking that's a
little too big. I almost went with New Zealand.
Speaker 3 (45:15):
I did it, Yeah, but like down there, Yeah, a
lot of a lot of Australia is just nothing.
Speaker 1 (45:22):
And I like the idea of just.
Speaker 3 (45:23):
Like there's too many, too much deadly shit there, dude,
But I like that. I don't makes this deadly, dude.
Speaker 5 (45:28):
If they don't, if people don't have to declear customs,
they might bring those animals here and then it's deadly
all over the US.
Speaker 3 (45:33):
I don't want that shit, No, dude. I don't have
crocs in America.
Speaker 5 (45:38):
I know there are like some down in Florida, but
like Australian crocs are mean and cocks are mean.
Speaker 3 (45:43):
To imagine living, imagine be able to go to a place,
it's just like our back steakhouse, no rules.
Speaker 1 (45:48):
Speaker 5 (45:49):
Well, on the plus side, you could be like, dude,
me Chris Hemsworth. Same same, both America.
Speaker 1 (45:53):
I'm the same American, one of my favorite American actors.
Speaker 3 (45:56):
So I are Australia and then number one, the Great
Wall of China. I want all, not not China in general,
just the Great Wall. I want to defend the wall.
I want the whole wall to be ours.
Speaker 5 (46:09):
A lot of it's already built. We could finish building
the well.
Speaker 3 (46:11):
We could finish building that's an alpha mood, be like,
oh hey China. No, we didn't want the whole country, bitch,
just your fucking wall. Now, what you're gonna do with
nothing else you have is valuable to us. Yeah, we
just want your cool fucking wall.
Speaker 5 (46:24):
We'll actually build the wall so big that you can
see it from space. We'll make that reason.
Speaker 1 (46:28):
Speaker 3 (46:28):
So Great Wall of China, Australia, Paris, maybe France, but
mostly Paris, Canada, and Cuba are my my five power rankings.
Speaker 5 (46:38):
Okay, so I will go five. I want Guatemala. What
the money it gives us. Then we got both sides
of Mexico, so we can keep an eye on them,
you know, Okay, all right? And also I work with
a lot of Guatemalans, good hardworking people. Yeah, plus all
of them fucking tiny. They're tiny, so basically they'll be
like our e walks to our rebel alliance. Okay, big
fan of Guatemala. Number four Jamaica. I just want those vibes.
Speaker 3 (47:07):
I mean, I that's my second home, you know that.
And then I'm pretty much just an assist in already.
Speaker 5 (47:12):
But but now you don't need a passport to go.
I don't need a pass but just they they bring
the chill ass vibes.
Speaker 1 (47:17):
They didn't be the class vibes. Uh that was four three.
Speaker 5 (47:24):
I want Nova Scotia, just Novaska. Just Nova Scotia. They're
like the outcast of Canada. They're way off on the side.
They descend from like a bunch of Irish. Their accent
is the weirdest fucking accent.
Speaker 1 (47:36):
Ever Ava Schoolisha.
Speaker 5 (47:37):
It's not that was like Sweetish, it's like ay buy like,
it's like it's like almost Irish and almost Canadian but
fucking neither one. And they're all just a bunch of
drunk fishermen.
Speaker 1 (47:48):
Speaker 5 (47:49):
There vibes also, like it's like different vibes from Jamaica
but also still immaculate vibes. Good fucking people up there.
I just like the cut of their jib Okay, that's
what it is. Uh Two, I want the British Virgin Islands.
They're right above They're slightly closer than the US Virgin Islands.
Speaker 1 (48:08):
They're like right above us. You want, you want, just
because you want.
Speaker 5 (48:11):
Well, Also, it's a good island vacation spot that once
again no longer need to pass work for way closer
than Hawaii, so you don't have to have that long
ass fucking flight. And also if we're now that we're
down there and we've got that, we start an island
Baseball League, which is basically like a minor league feeder
system for the MLB. We get Cuba in there, we
get Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, and the US Virgin Islands,
and we have this just a dope baseball league down there.
I don't hate that. It's gonna be awesome. Number One,
I want Columbia. Man, have you seen the fucking women
down there?
Speaker 1 (48:45):
Dude? Yeah?
Speaker 3 (48:47):
Yeah, Also Colombian foods, dopas ship. But but then when
you get Columbia, you know it's just north of Columbia, Hippos, Panama.
We fucking so we do decide we want that canal,
and then we're right there. We're right fucking there, and
they have they have pobles, wars, hippos. Still, yeah, we
got that mainly the women and the women, and then
our soccer teams would get way better.
Speaker 5 (49:14):
Every time I see a video of Colombian women, I
call my best friend and I'm like, dude, I might
have to come with you next time you visit your
wife's family, because holy ship, dude. So yeah, I got
uh five Guatemala, four, Nova Scotia, three British Virgin Islands.
Hold on, I miss so no, no, no, Jamaica was
in there, and then one Columbia. Sorry I have strolled
up and miss Jamaica. You're good, Robert. What you got
all right?
Speaker 4 (49:40):
I got all landmarks?
Speaker 1 (49:42):
Oh? I like that.
Speaker 4 (49:42):
I like that, all landmarks the core reef.
Speaker 3 (49:47):
Number five right outside Australia. Yeah, okay, talking about the
down in South America. Great Barrier reef.
Speaker 1 (49:54):
Are you thinking of the Great Barrier? Yeah, that's bad, bro.
Speaker 4 (49:59):
Number four the Bermuda Triangle.
Speaker 1 (50:03):
Yeah, let's figure out what they got going on. We weaponize it.
Speaker 4 (50:05):
We can weaponize it.
Speaker 3 (50:07):
I like that, and we can see the song a lot.
We could alway, you might as let just take the Muhamas.
Speaker 1 (50:12):
At that point, I just know I just want the triangle.
Speaker 3 (50:15):
Okay, it doesn't even want Bermuda. He just wants the air,
the triangle.
Speaker 4 (50:19):
That area only number three the titans submersible, just.
Speaker 1 (50:24):
What's left of it. Yeah, okay, no.
Speaker 4 (50:26):
One else can go. Let's go near it.
Speaker 1 (50:29):
We just controlled that part of you. No, don't stay away,
you can you put up down here. You can't come
see it.
Speaker 3 (50:35):
In that same vein number two, that Titanic, you should
just yeah, just put the whole like a fence around
all of it and then just black it out like
no one can even look now haha.
Speaker 5 (50:43):
We'll make James Cameron the ambassador to the Titanic.
Speaker 1 (50:45):
Yeah, there you go, only James Karen.
Speaker 3 (50:47):
The code you can get any they say code, get
the type end and then number one International waters.
Speaker 1 (50:57):
Oh I love that. Where are you going? American waters?
The US?
Speaker 3 (51:03):
Motherfucker, I'm going to American waters? I think Robert wins.
That's a sick list. That's a really good list.
Speaker 1 (51:10):
That's a good list. Question.
Speaker 5 (51:13):
Can I bring Colombian women to all those places?
Speaker 3 (51:17):
Anytime you go anywhere, you just gotta go to America
to get to it. I'm going from Africa. I should
have taken March trying to go to Asia. Ah fuck,
I gotta go through America to get there. Hell yeah
you do, baby National Waters now, motherfucker.
Speaker 1 (51:38):
I like that. That was a great list. That was
a really good list, Robert.
Speaker 3 (51:42):
I'm surprised that nobody said Antarctica because I felt like
that is another one I thought about.
Speaker 5 (51:47):
But people forget how tiny it is. It's just that
we were showing Antarctica is like they show it like
this on the bottom of the map. It's really like this.
It's like it's fucking still.
Speaker 1 (51:57):
I want it so you can like I got the
ice kept.
Speaker 5 (52:01):
I'm pretty sure anar guart is like not even the
size of the United States, or it's like a similar size.
Speaker 3 (52:05):
Whenever, like a country talks shit, you just go up
to the Antarctic ice caps and you just like you
turn on a hair dry like I'll do it. I'll
fucking rise these sea levels. Motherfucker. Australia. You wanna get frisky.
You wanna get frisky now?
Speaker 1 (52:18):
Huh what now?
Speaker 5 (52:20):
Oh you all live on the coast, You're about to
move inland?
Speaker 1 (52:22):
Bitch, what you doing now.
Speaker 3 (52:23):
China, Oh water's rising.
Speaker 5 (52:28):
Japan starts to show too much national pride again, We'll
wipe leave.
Speaker 1 (52:31):
It on all night, all night. We hair drying all
fucking day and night.
Speaker 5 (52:36):
Fucking starting to remind me of Emperor Hirohido. Yeah, don't
like that anyways.
Speaker 3 (52:40):
If we took Canada, though, do you know how sick
our hockey team would be in the Olympics.
Speaker 1 (52:45):
We would never know win the other Oh okay, I
didn't think about that. We would win.
Speaker 3 (52:48):
We would absolutely just destroy everyone in the Winter Olympics,
all the Canadian sports we don't really care about. And
then like hockey, we gold every time, every time, every time,
curly every time.
Speaker 5 (53:02):
Imagine if Connor McDavid was an American, that'd be sick.
Speaker 3 (53:04):
It's an American sounding name, that's true, tends more American
than Canadian. But yeah, so those are our top five
places that we feel like the US should annex.
Speaker 1 (53:15):
While we're just in a discussion of it, I really
hope we don't do any of that stuff.
Speaker 3 (53:19):
But like, I just like like that seemed like it
was a very trolley press conference. I feel like Donald
has hung out with Elon Musk a little too much.
Where Elon does that where he'll just be like, oh,
I'm gonna do my thing where I just tell everybody
something that they don't want to hear, so then they
control me on my own app and I'll be like, cool,
thanks for the engagement.
Speaker 5 (53:38):
Trump will have the press conference, bick we're taking Columbia,
and they're like, you can't do that. He brings out Elon,
go fuck yourself. Yeah, that's pretty much. But then I
feel like he's hung out with them enough. He's like,
you know what, you should tell everyone. You should tell
everyone that we'd like to take Greenland. Just see what
they say.
Speaker 3 (53:55):
Speaker 1 (53:56):
Or he just was joking.
Speaker 3 (53:57):
I don't know. He might have not been joking. That's
this thing you can you don't know. He does joke
all the time.
Speaker 5 (54:04):
But then also sometimes you're like, I feel like that
was a joke, but he was testing the water.
Speaker 3 (54:09):
It's gonna be a wild four years. It's gonna be
a wild four years. Strap in man, You're a twentieth
The Inauguration Part two.
Speaker 1 (54:17):
It's gonna be on Netflix. Oh dude, I.
Speaker 3 (54:20):
Wonder, I wonder if it would be all right? Moving
on stream will be shit. Let's get on to the
Not Cool segment where we tell you what's not cool
each week, which it's a good way to vent with
your friends and bitch about stuff. We're kind of like
a therapy therapy session with everybody. It used to just
be a way to get to an hour for us.
This is now something you can partake in as well.
Speaker 1 (54:42):
Hit us up.
Speaker 3 (54:43):
We're on Twitter or the x at past Grade pod
and use the hashtag PTG not cool, so we can
search for that. But hashtag PTG not cool just you
know something that may say, hey, man, that's not cool.
You stub your toe, get run over by a bus.
There's varying degrees, but hit us up, try and summarize.
Is it in three four sentences that are easy to
just repeat back and yeah, hit us up at pass
grape by hashtag PTG not cool for us to search it.
We'll pick some of the best ones each week and
share those with you.
Speaker 1 (55:11):
This is the not Cool segment.
Speaker 3 (55:12):
Not cool, man, dude, that's not cool?
Speaker 1 (55:23):
All right?
Speaker 3 (55:24):
Our first listener viewer reader submitted not Cool is from
Mikey Paul at It's just Mikey p the reigning Man
of the Year at last year's Gravy's Awards. Mikey Paul
says it is not cool. Was getting my daughter up
and ready for school only to find out that there.
Speaker 1 (55:43):
Is no school.
Speaker 3 (55:45):
I think I saw some school started Tuesday instead of
Monday this week, and yeah, that would suck. I ran
into a few people that had this exact problem. Really, yeah,
starting back Monday. You gotta go back Monday too, right,
and then fuck got shit.
Speaker 5 (56:00):
But like most of them was that they were like
getting ready and they're like, wait a minute, just double
check this, and they would look at the school website
and remember Monday's a teacher workday. Tuesdays when school starts,
and you're like, god, damn it. Now it's early. The
child's awake and I have to start entertaining them at
fucking six a.
Speaker 3 (56:17):
Or I had to figure out what I'm gonna do
for childcare depending on how old they are. Well, I
guess I'm working from home or not going in today.
Damn it, Sorry, I can't come to work today. I
thought it was a school day. Yeah, yeah, that's a
really good one.
Speaker 1 (56:34):
Mikey Paul.
Speaker 3 (56:34):
There's nothing like I've done that for work, where we
had a Monday off or whatever and you get up
you're like, oh shit, I'm running late, and you hop
in the shower and then you're no, we're off today.
Then you're just up at that point, neat.
Speaker 1 (56:48):
I can't fall back asleep. That sucking. I'm sorry, buddy,
teas and piece. That's a that's a really tough one
to start the year with.
Speaker 5 (56:53):
Alex Mac is not cheasing that.
Speaker 1 (56:56):
Mac is not cheasing, not cheating at all, dude.
Speaker 3 (57:00):
Alex O is at alex mc thunder one on Twitter
or x and he says coming back to work after
having or he's not cool is coming back to work
after having two weeks off and having a fuck ton
of work to catch up on.
Speaker 1 (57:12):
Yeah, no, that's a good one.
Speaker 3 (57:13):
All that's the beauty of the end of every year
is doing the why don't we circle back to this
next year? The worst part about that is that when
next year comes, then you do have to circle back
to all those things.
Speaker 1 (57:25):
And you're like I said, I said, we'll circle back
to thirty meetings.
Speaker 5 (57:29):
Damn it, back at the top of the circle, son.
Speaker 1 (57:31):
Of a bitch. Fuck.
Speaker 3 (57:33):
I was hoping that you were joking and you were
also trying to put this off and not do it either,
And then we were just that.
Speaker 1 (57:39):
Doesn't have to happen now.
Speaker 3 (57:40):
Oh no, actually we have to still do that thing
that we talked about.
Speaker 5 (57:44):
Show up to work with one hundred and twenty emails
and thirty calendar requests and you're like, oh no, what
have I done?
Speaker 1 (57:50):
Yeah? Hey, so next week you're free to like, I
guess I am. Yeah. I did say that I was
gonna do that on Tuesday. I did.
Speaker 3 (57:57):
Fuck, I have a meeting and two have a recording
session on Monday next week.
Speaker 1 (58:03):
I was getting this this week too, like.
Speaker 3 (58:05):
Yeah, all right, but I did the thing where then
I pushed it one more week after this week, so
like I wasn't blown up this week, but like, next
week's just gotta punched.
Speaker 1 (58:13):
Me in the face.
Speaker 5 (58:14):
Hey, but at least you got a buffer week.
Speaker 1 (58:16):
I got a buffer week.
Speaker 3 (58:17):
But then I'm like, fuck, why did I schedule this
so far out?
Speaker 1 (58:20):
It was future alex Is problem.
Speaker 3 (58:22):
It was future alex Is probably future future Alex doesn't
have to worry about it.
Speaker 1 (58:25):
So next week, what if I push it back one
more week? Just keep it?
Speaker 3 (58:28):
What if we circled one more week, one more years,
circling the runway?
Speaker 1 (58:33):
Here? Boy, you know what twenty twenty six. I feel
like that'll be our year. Do that. I got some
bag at related business. I gotta take care of this year.
Try back at if you had one. Yeah, I everyone's
had it back.
Speaker 5 (58:43):
That's a power move. You should just walk into your
meetings holding a bag at just carry it like as
and you're just like ripping off pieces and like popping
it in your mouth.
Speaker 1 (58:50):
That's your new power move.
Speaker 3 (58:51):
Brings a guy, bring some my oil and like a
plate and just pour the oil out on it and
just start dipping it.
Speaker 1 (58:56):
Oil with a little red pepper flakes.
Speaker 3 (58:58):
Nobody's gonna hate that guy. It's you want to snack
breaking bread with you?
Speaker 1 (59:01):
Speaker 3 (59:02):
Was this the fucking olive garden? Can be my olive garden?
It's the bagete garden.
Speaker 1 (59:07):
Little oil plates are so nice.
Speaker 3 (59:09):
Yeah yeah, it's a little cheese in it, a little salt.
Speaker 5 (59:12):
Pepper oil, parmesan red pepper. Filly's right there. Bam, you
are good to go.
Speaker 3 (59:16):
Good to go, dude, good to go. That does suck,
Alex Oh, good point, good call. And that's the two
sod not cools to start us off. Next one is
from Ashley Wilkins at Buster Healer Mix on Twitter Hour.
Speaker 1 (59:29):
Reigning Woman of.
Speaker 3 (59:30):
The Year at last year's Gravy's Wards, Ashley says her
not cool is that she went to the bathroom in
the middle of the night only to find the toilet clogged,
spent fifteen minutes on it with the plunder and nothing worked.
So I woke up my husband and took him. It
took him forty five minutes to use a special tool
and fix it because they use a snake.
Speaker 5 (59:53):
That's one of my guess to say that sucks, but
also not very respectful of Manuary to wake him up
in the middle of the night, is true, ash Ashley,
I expect Manuary.
Speaker 3 (01:00:02):
Woman of the Year should respect Manuary because you're an
ally and.
Speaker 5 (01:00:08):
So I know she's a better person than me. Though,
because if I woke up to the mill of the
night and went to the toilet and it was clogged,
I'm going to a different toilet and leaving that until tomorrow.
Speaker 1 (01:00:16):
Well that's obviously what someone else had done.
Speaker 5 (01:00:18):
Yeah. Well no, they use the toilet clogged and then
just walked away. At that point, I still have to
poop yah or pee in the middle of the night.
I don't think I can wait fifteen minutes Actually, if
it's the middle of night and I have to pee
that bad, I'm probably just going outside. I'll lift a window,
just pee right out in the front of my house.
Speaker 1 (01:00:33):
Beauty even man, mm hmm.
Speaker 3 (01:00:36):
But uh yeah, clogged toilet the mid of night. That yeah,
that it sucks. I can't even imagine. That's a sad
not cool. Three sod ones from three solid people to
start the year. Who wants to go next? Well, I
got a couple. I'll go from least worst of the worst.
Speaker 5 (01:00:56):
I got this like pimple that's just coming in on
my nose right here for like three days, but it
will like white head and won't fully form, so I
can't pop it. So it's it's almost like callous. It's
like hard, but it's there. It's annoying me is doing
where it hurts. No, don't even feel it.
Speaker 1 (01:01:12):
I hate that when like they aren't showing. But like
if you like try and get it, it just it stings.
Speaker 5 (01:01:17):
Like the first like I could feel it coming in,
and then once it like got to the size, I
didn't feel it, so I thought it was gone. And
I was at work the other day and someone's like, dude,
you got that thing coming out on your nose, and
I was like, oh, I thought it fucking went away.
God damn it. Now it's just actually forming. It's pain
in the ass.
Speaker 1 (01:01:30):
That's not fun.
Speaker 5 (01:01:31):
The other one on New Year's Eve, I went to
my buddies and uh, he loves the mac and cheese
at the restaurant and I was working that night, so
I I grabbed is the cheesinest of the max. I
grabbed him two sides of it, brought it over. They
were already in the backyard around the fire pit with
some of our other friends when I got there, so
I just put him on the counter, went inside. We're
all just drinking. Like an hour later, he goes inside
to grab some more beers, comes out his boxer, jumped
up on the counter and ate one of them. I
was like, ah, sorry about that. He's like, you know what,
I let you put food in the fridge. When I
get it, I was like, I thought you were gonna
eat it when I got here. And also those fire
and whiskey outside, I was a little distracted.
Speaker 3 (01:02:12):
Also, it's not your place, true, and so I always
feel like it's rude to go and like if you're
trying to put something that's kind of bulky, and someone's refrigerator.
I feel like it's incredibly rude to like move a
bunch of shit without asking, unless it's like the beer fridge.
But I hate doing that where you're like, all right,
it's I gotta move these vegetables over to probably where
they don't go, and then wedge this and like that
always feels like it's not a cool move to do,
and instead you could just be like, hey, you do this,
or yeah, this will be fine.
Speaker 5 (01:02:44):
Awkward, So that's like the worst one though, was yesterday
at work. Last night, we had a table of twenty
six that was booked.
Speaker 1 (01:02:54):
And we called out eleventy people.
Speaker 5 (01:02:55):
Yeah, we called them earlier on in the day to
go to confirm, as we always do, and they were like, actually,
you know what, it's only gonna be nineteen. We're like, cool,
that's actually better. The table fits more. We're gonna do
it at one table because we were gonna have to
split it into two. About an hour later, somebody calls
back goes, no, that person didn't know what they're talking about.
We are gonna be a full twenty six, all right.
We get all the tables set up, takes up two
different server sections worth of tables. I decided to stay
later at Worth to help out in restaurant. Basically, it
was like sixteen on one and like eight on the other.
Speaker 1 (01:03:29):
Speaker 3 (01:03:33):
We're asking me questions, right, probably I don't know a lot.
Is it like a hundred probably close to that something
something like that, one hundred and ten maybe, and they
start to show up.
Speaker 5 (01:03:46):
They're all sitting at one table. Time is going by time?
Sixteen fucking people showed up. Wow, sixteen fucking people showed up.
So we had, like I said, it took up two
service sections, so we just had them both away.
Speaker 1 (01:03:57):
Okay, you guys will share.
Speaker 5 (01:03:57):
The table and then they'll split the tip for twenty six.
Speaker 1 (01:03:59):
People, they'll both get paid.
Speaker 5 (01:04:00):
Well, no, sixteen people, they make like eighty bucks for
the fucking night. If you do that, if you book
a large fucking table, think you better be fucking accurate
with the goddamn.
Speaker 1 (01:04:12):
Note because it just fucked us for the whole night.
Speaker 5 (01:04:13):
There was Then we had three tables on the side
that were put together that eventually we were able to
split up. But that was like an hour and a
half that we couldn't sit those fucking tables. I don't
know if you know this right now, cold as fucking
shit outside. So if people come in and they can't
get a table, they leave, they don't go sit out
on the patio.
Speaker 1 (01:04:28):
Yeah, it's just the.
Speaker 5 (01:04:29):
Fucking I was so good I stayed later for no
fucking reason. It outrages me.
Speaker 1 (01:04:36):
Like it happens all the time. People will book eight.
Speaker 5 (01:04:39):
And six fucking show up and that's annoying, or they
booked twelve and fucking nine show up and you're like, god, did.
Speaker 3 (01:04:45):
I kind of understand if it's like eight and six
show up, But when you have a group that big
and then there's that many people that fall out, that
is like, especially when you have to call to make
sure that a group that large is going to be
okay to go. And y'all are more of a reservations
based restaurant anyway, instead it is a walk I know
you can walk in, but it is more reservations based.
It's just it's so twenty six to have ten less
than that is definitely.
Speaker 5 (01:05:09):
Bullshit, especially when you call we called you, We called you,
and you changed the number and then changed it back. Going, No,
all twenty six of us are coming, you know, and
if it's a company thing.
Speaker 1 (01:05:18):
Because it was nineteen and you need to get a
showed up. That's not that bad because you got it.
Speaker 5 (01:05:22):
You have to think too, if it's a company thing
after hours, there's gonna be a lot of people that
are like, I'm not fucking going to that.
Speaker 1 (01:05:27):
Yeah, oh, I guess that that could be it.
Speaker 5 (01:05:31):
I don't even know if that's what it was, but like,
just give us an accurate fucking number, man.
Speaker 3 (01:05:36):
Yeah, that's a lot of reasons why a lot of
restaurants are.
Speaker 1 (01:05:40):
Like, well, we can't sitch you to your whole parties here.
Speaker 5 (01:05:42):
That's that's not really a thing really, that's like a
thing that you'll see on TV.
Speaker 1 (01:05:46):
I mean, I've definitely been to places like I mean like.
Speaker 5 (01:05:49):
Really higher end places, but most of the time you're
not gonna do that. There's not room at the front
of the restaurant to have twenty six or sixteen fucking
people standing there.
Speaker 1 (01:05:58):
I've never gone with that many people.
Speaker 3 (01:05:59):
But when you had like six or eight people, they're like, well,
we'll sit you when everybody's here.
Speaker 5 (01:06:02):
Yeah, on on like that you could. I mean nobody
does it though, just and that's the annoying thing. If
It's like you set up a table for like ten
they'll all sit on the one side, and then all
of a sudden, less people show don't show up, and
you're like, well, we can't even split this other table
off because it's against the fun. Can you all slide
down so we can have our and.
Speaker 3 (01:06:22):
You gotta start, But well they might be coming later,
they're gonna come for coffee.
Speaker 5 (01:06:29):
Fuck you, Fuck you if you do this type of behavior.
Speaker 3 (01:06:32):
Yeah, don't do that. That's that's a good especially during
like the holiday season. It just like you're like, none
of you ever fucking worked service industry at all. Probably
you're all pieces of ship. Probably my buddy uh where
he said a restaurant was telling me that, like it
was not Christ's even I think it was maybe the
day before Christmas, the other the day before that, and
he was like ten minutes before closed, and they came
in and he's like, rules, we got a stare of them. Yeah,
He's like, we had fucking turned the grills off, we'd
done all this ship and there what is that?
Speaker 1 (01:06:59):
Over See? That's a good thing about family restaurants.
Speaker 5 (01:07:02):
Like if we decide to close early and someone comes in,
I'm just like sorry, we closed early tonight.
Speaker 1 (01:07:06):
It was really slow.
Speaker 5 (01:07:08):
Well can I just get I was like, I can
get you desserts because like we don't have to cook anything,
but we've already turned off the gas. Yeah, not turning
it back on to serve you.
Speaker 1 (01:07:14):
Or if they show up like late.
Speaker 5 (01:07:17):
It's say they show up at eight fifty, I'm like, well,
the kitchen closes at nine, so you have to have
your order and so start looking at your menu. Well, yeah,
we'll get which people are pretty good about.
Speaker 1 (01:07:26):
Speaker 5 (01:07:26):
Back in the old location, it would be like, okay,
you know you have five minutes to order. Now that
you showed up five minutes that you walk over the
table like, can we just have a couple more minutes?
Speaker 1 (01:07:34):
Okay? You nine oh five?
Speaker 5 (01:07:36):
Now can we just And I was like, I need
you to I okay, but I'm gonna be back in
two minutes. I need you to place the order because
we have to start cleaning and get people out here.
Speaker 1 (01:07:43):
Now I am telling you that you must place an order.
Stop talking. You don't understand.
Speaker 5 (01:07:47):
I've got six guys in the kitchen that are all hourly,
and the longer that you take, I'm paying all these
fucking people for the same amount of money I'm gonna
get off of you when they should already be.
Speaker 1 (01:07:55):
Off the clock bike. But it's their jobs.
Speaker 3 (01:07:57):
Yeah, and their jobs are supposed to stop done at
the time. Yeah, you're being an asshole. Yeah that's just
solid not cool. Yeah what about you?
Speaker 1 (01:08:05):
What you got? Okay? I have two.
Speaker 3 (01:08:08):
First one, I went up and went fishing this weekend
with my wife and my parents and my niece and
my daughter.
Speaker 1 (01:08:16):
It was a lot of fun.
Speaker 3 (01:08:17):
And we stopped to get gas on the way up there,
and I go to fillp my wife's car and I
put my card in, did the whole thing, all right, Yeah,
this is the kind of gas I want. Boom, put
it in there, pulled the trigger and like was waiting
for it. It just didn't start pumping. And I was like,
what's going on? And I looked and it was like,
would you like to donate X amount for cystic fibrosis?
Speaker 1 (01:08:42):
And like I hadn't hit anything.
Speaker 3 (01:08:43):
I didn't know that it popped up and it wouldn't
let me start pumping my gas until I was like, no,
it was the South Park, like just put the pull
the sandwich out of the hungry kids at mouth, just
pull just did you want Oh well, yes, you can
get the gas. As soon as you say that, you
don't give a fuck about people with cystic fibroses. I
was like, I don't know what cystic fibrosis is. I'm
sure it's bad, but like, this is a gas pump.
How do I know the gas pumps? Giving them any
of them? Like, I'm not doing that, You're just fucking
I'm here to pump gas. Don't don't play this game
with me. Don't I'm at a gas station, at a
fucking we've We've done We've allowed it on checkout counters
too much. Where like at that PetSmart, like you want
to help help homeless pets, You're like, okay, I like
this is a pet store. This is a little bit
I feel guilty, but like now I'm paying for prescription
dog food.
Speaker 1 (01:09:30):
No I'm not doing that.
Speaker 3 (01:09:32):
Oh well, at the grocery store, did you want to
donate to you know, meals on wheels?
Speaker 1 (01:09:36):
No? Thanks, no thanks, I'm good.
Speaker 3 (01:09:38):
But like now at the gas station, to not let
me even fucking start doing it, Like I understand just
leaving it up there and if I don't hit it,
like just go away, but like, don't you're not letting
me start Like that was exactly like what I would
have done if I was loading up my like if
I was putting gas into then go run in and
buy some stuff in the store.
Speaker 1 (01:09:56):
And then I would have been so pissed had I
come back and not started pumping.
Speaker 5 (01:09:59):
Well, first of all, that's wild. I would never pump
and not be next to it, just for paranoia.
Speaker 3 (01:10:04):
If it's well, my my wife and kid and niece,
we were in the car, so I was just like it.
I was gonna if I had gone run in and
do that like but by itself, no, but like it's that,
I would have been so mad.
Speaker 1 (01:10:16):
I would have been so mad.
Speaker 3 (01:10:18):
Ever since that I learned doing this, people are gonna
be fucking losing their minds because people are gonna do
that when they go shop him for thirty minutes, they're
gonna come out and it's gonna be zero dollars.
Speaker 5 (01:10:25):
Bucky's not gonna do it. BUCkies has too much in tagrity.
But ever since I learned that these companies have already
pledged the money, and when we donate it just cuts
away from what they have to actually pay. I will
never fucking donate in those situations again.
Speaker 1 (01:10:38):
Yeah, so that's what grocery stores.
Speaker 5 (01:10:39):
Do you want to give a dollar to childhood Hunger
pick you say yes, You're like, okay, now that company
only owes it set of five hundred thousand, four hundred
ninetynine thousand, nine hundred ninety nine. Well, I'm also because
they're not adding they when they say they're gonna give
five hundred thousand, and it's not five hundred thousand plus
what the customer gives. What the customer gives takes away
from what they fucking ow.
Speaker 3 (01:10:57):
I'm also selfish and like when I donate to the
Red Cross, I want the Red Cross, like thanks Alex,
not thanks Kroger.
Speaker 1 (01:11:04):
Yeah, through Alex. They're not gonna say Alex gave you this.
I don't games. Yeah, but that's bullshit. That was the
first time I had seen that on.
Speaker 3 (01:11:14):
Gas station, like a little touchscreen thing and like that,
I know they got the ads. I don't give a
fuck if I'm filling up you want to throw Maria
Menuno's being like and these are the top TV shows though,
I kind of like those, like well because some I
mean I'm not doing I'm either on my phone or
just standing there anyways, Like, Okay, that's fine, don't fucking
start doing the charity angle at me.
Speaker 1 (01:11:32):
Don't do that.
Speaker 5 (01:11:33):
You're you're literally a company that sells gasoline. You make
all of the money, you make all because we're not
gonna be able to stop using that.
Speaker 3 (01:11:40):
Oh I can't wait till they do an animal one
like you literally like like fucking leak oil into the
Gulf of Mexico, Golf of America and are trying to
kill animal.
Speaker 5 (01:11:48):
Do you want to help clean up the oil spill
that we just called we did it.
Speaker 1 (01:11:51):
We're sorry, fun prank, No, fuck you.
Speaker 5 (01:11:56):
You pay for the dom soap to clean up those
little baby ducks.
Speaker 1 (01:11:58):
You fucking shark tooth and gas station. I'm onto you.
Fuck you all right, it's not very baggy of you.
Just chill out.
Speaker 3 (01:12:05):
Let me fucking because when you do it with the
no car wash, it's like would you like a car wash?
Like no if that's up during the thing, and like
it doesn't make you hit no on the car wash
saying to start pumping.
Speaker 5 (01:12:16):
Just feel like me, dude, squid games those donations I did.
Speaker 3 (01:12:20):
I will And then like when I'm mad about you
asking me to do it, I'm absolutely doing that, but
it did feel like it was the South Park, just.
Speaker 1 (01:12:27):
The pull the sandwich out of the boy's mouth.
Speaker 5 (01:12:28):
I don't get in there, so I can't feel bad
about not donating to it. Robert, look up what cystic fibrosis? Please,
I'll tell my other not cool, the more serious version
of fibrosis.
Speaker 1 (01:12:39):
It's the cistic kind.
Speaker 3 (01:12:41):
My other not cool is that the people below me,
the Spanish speaking couple that would always fight, they moved out.
Hopefully everything's okay with them, but they moved out about
three weeks ago, and their smoke detector and their apartment
that they moved out of is beeping and has.
Speaker 5 (01:12:59):
Been for The apartments just won't do anything about it.
Speaker 1 (01:13:02):
In tele no one lives there.
Speaker 5 (01:13:03):
Well, I mean, did you tell your office to be like,
can you guys go change those fucking batteries?
Speaker 1 (01:13:07):
I did, and they won't.
Speaker 3 (01:13:09):
They said that they will be painting it and doing
maintenance in there, and they can do.
Speaker 1 (01:13:13):
It the cool Can someone just go in with a fucking.
Speaker 3 (01:13:15):
They literally my apartment smelled like paint because they were
painting it down there, and it's still is peep.
Speaker 1 (01:13:22):
Peep, peep.
Speaker 5 (01:13:26):
Peep, and like in the middle of the night, I'll
bring a fucking nine vault or change it.
Speaker 3 (01:13:31):
But it's gotten so bad, Like, yeah, I want to
if they were if somebody still lived there and it
was doing that, I would have just taped the nine
volt battery to the door and be like, please fix this.
Speaker 1 (01:13:41):
Here you go. I can bring a ladder if you'd like.
But yeah, that's just where.
Speaker 3 (01:13:46):
Like if it was mine, I usually just unplug it
and we don't worry about smoke detectures for the rest
of the apartment time.
Speaker 1 (01:13:51):
There you go.
Speaker 3 (01:13:52):
But I can't change this. I wish I could go
in there and do that. I should just saw a
hole like and and cartoons and.
Speaker 5 (01:14:01):
Maybe you should take a nine volt battery to your
apartment offense offensive offices off front door. Yeah, yeah, that's
a good idea.
Speaker 1 (01:14:09):
And be like, hey, nine be needs to sit. Can
you just get me their key? You can go with me.
Speaker 3 (01:14:13):
I'll do it. I know exactly where it is. It's
by where the podcast room or the just show up.
Speaker 1 (01:14:18):
Hey, do you guys want to give me the key?
I'll fix it.
Speaker 5 (01:14:20):
No you can't do that, Okay, well then follow me.
Here's the nine more it is.
Speaker 1 (01:14:22):
I know exactly where it is I'll.
Speaker 5 (01:14:25):
Show you how to do it if I can't legally
do it, but we're going to fix this today, or
I'm gonna stand here in your doorway staring at you
for three Do.
Speaker 1 (01:14:32):
You know how?
Speaker 3 (01:14:32):
Like something just like went with my daughter, Like she
cries and so I just like sometimes just imagine a
kid crying. I was doing podcast prep before I came here,
and my wife took her to my in laws today
and so she wasn't there, but I felt like two
times I was like, uh, let me go get like
just in my my my head just imagines baby crying.
Speaker 1 (01:14:53):
And now like I hear fake beeps.
Speaker 5 (01:14:55):
It's like the phone ring when you're holding your phone
but you think it's in your pocket.
Speaker 1 (01:14:58):
But now I just hear what is it? I'm shell
shocked from a fucking smoke detector.
Speaker 3 (01:15:05):
All right, But that that was my buddy. I'm sorry, Robert.
Would you would you find on cystic fibrosis.
Speaker 4 (01:15:10):
So it's a genetic disease that affects the lungs, pancreas,
and other organs.
Speaker 1 (01:15:16):
Okay, sounds bad?
Speaker 4 (01:15:19):
Yeah, basically makes it hard to breathe and gain weight.
Speaker 5 (01:15:22):
And makes it hard to gain weight, makes it hard
to gain sh I need to get hard to breathe too. Yeah,
but I mean if you're skinny, then it's usier than
being fat not being able to breathe.
Speaker 1 (01:15:36):
There you go. Look on the side, you know you
have to take those empic. I don't need osempic. I've
got cystic fibers.
Speaker 3 (01:15:44):
Oh do you think that that'll be one of the
side effects.
Speaker 5 (01:15:49):
Cystic fibros of we're gonna we're gonna start hearing.
Speaker 1 (01:15:53):
About like that's I am.
Speaker 3 (01:15:55):
I've wanted so badly to just try it, Just do
it so I can get it on the lawsuit it
like inevitably when it comes, and it will because everybody
that's doing it is definitely the.
Speaker 5 (01:16:08):
People, like so you can get twenty dollars, all of.
Speaker 3 (01:16:10):
The celebrities that are doing it are definitely the people
that are there. The celebrities that are suing it, and
they're going to do like you know, the colonial pen
stuff where it's just like be.
Speaker 1 (01:16:18):
Part of this class act. Yeah.
Speaker 5 (01:16:19):
Yeah, but there's three million people in this, so everyone's
getting twenty dollars.
Speaker 3 (01:16:22):
Some actor that you knew when you were a kid
that was like on your parents' TV show, and it'll
just be like, name.
Speaker 5 (01:16:28):
A fucking Hi, I'm Wilford Brimley. Yeah, I'd be like Wilfred.
Speaker 3 (01:16:31):
Brima, A colonial pen will help you today, and blah
blah blah, like Alex Trebeck would do all that stuff.
Speaker 5 (01:16:36):
Who's the guy in like Apollo thirteen and stuff that's
always chewing gum. He's always like the control room guy.
He's chewing gum, but he's also on there, like he's
buy Gold's commercial for Fox News by Gold I see.
Speaker 1 (01:16:49):
Oh yeah, always on there.
Speaker 5 (01:16:53):
I'm like, you're not chewing gum. And then just like
looking at Clark Kent when he turns into Superman, you
look different.
Speaker 3 (01:16:58):
And then it was the mad money man guy. He's
always like, join my investing club.
Speaker 1 (01:17:02):
We'll make your money. As like that seems like a scam.
Oh yeah, hey, all you gotta do is do all
the stock tips.
Speaker 5 (01:17:09):
I tell you you'll be rich. No, just follow what
Nancy Pelosi and Dan Crenshaw do and.
Speaker 1 (01:17:13):
You'll be Okay. Do you see how much money she made? Dude?
Speaker 5 (01:17:15):
They make so much dude, She's but they're not inside Trader.
Speaker 3 (01:17:19):
They should be on Wall Street, dude, Like they should
just be she Wall Street people only why are they
doing politics?
Speaker 5 (01:17:25):
I saw it last year, and they like put up
a chart of like Blackrock and all, like the big
investment or. I don't think Blackrock is one, but like
all the investment firms, and the best any of them
did was a thirty two percent return. Nancy Pelosi's was
like fifty six percent last year.
Speaker 1 (01:17:39):
She'd be a sick gambler.
Speaker 5 (01:17:40):
Bet it's amazing how good she is at this. She's
not She doesn't have any information. Any of us don't
have no.
Speaker 3 (01:17:44):
Information, no information? All right, Robert, what you got for
us for not cool?
Speaker 4 (01:17:50):
I got two small ones number one. Sam doesn't know
my phone number.
Speaker 1 (01:17:55):
Oh, I don't think I know AMA's phone number. I
don't have anyone's phone number.
Speaker 4 (01:17:59):
Do not know you don't have any phone? I'm memorized.
Speaker 5 (01:18:02):
No, I just been like, I don't have a girlfriend
anything phone.
Speaker 1 (01:18:04):
Oware so I'm better than both of you.
Speaker 4 (01:18:07):
I have two numbers memorized, my mom's and Sam's. Those
are only two numbers I have memorized.
Speaker 3 (01:18:13):
I know the first three digits of my wife so well,
not including technically six.
Speaker 5 (01:18:18):
I know I only in four digits away. I know
my mom's and my brothers because they're almost the same
as mine. But I don't know which one is which
of theirs if I think I've told her on the
podcast before. But a fun story about my brother and
my wife that my brother and wife did not say
at our wedding because they were embarrassed about it. But
they were both arrested for public intoxication on the same
night in Huntsville when I was in college.
Speaker 1 (01:18:42):
Hell yeah, and.
Speaker 3 (01:18:44):
Then I were getting ready to graduate. Will came up
the last summer before he graduated and we went to
one of the bars.
Speaker 1 (01:18:50):
We had pregamed a lot before.
Speaker 3 (01:18:51):
We went to the bar as you do, and my
brother like was stumbling out of a bar stool, like
he fell down off of a bar stool, and like
some cop came and got him, and I was trying
to go deal with that. And then I remember Emma
was very drunk at the time too, and I told
her friend. I was like, do not let her leave
your sight, please, do not like whatever she does, you be,
attach yourself to her. Do not let her go anywhere,
but do not let her get up. And I went
and was trying to deal with the cops with my
brother and they were like now, like we got We're
taking him in, man, we're taking him in. You can
get in to mar I was like all right, whatever,
and then Emma was gone and her friend was like I.
Speaker 1 (01:19:27):
Don't know if she just laughed.
Speaker 3 (01:19:28):
I was like, what was the one fucking thing I
told you? And I was like wandering all around the bar.
I went outside, was like maybe she went to her car,
Like I hope she didn't fucking go to a car.
Speaker 1 (01:19:37):
We had a DD for us that night.
Speaker 3 (01:19:39):
I found her phone on the like concrete and she
had gone across the street to a CVS bought it
because she had dropped her phone in a toilet. She
tried to do the Rice trick with the phone, so
it was just like Rice Aeroni her phone. But I
remember just seeing like the picture that was her background
pop up on it and be like that is uh
uh uhh. And I went and I went back to
the same cop that I had just been arguing with,
and I was like, you wouldn't have happen to have
And I gave him my wife's name at the time,
and they were like, yeah, yeah, we did. We got
her too, and I was like sick fuck. And so
they were trying to remember my phone number. Neither one
of them remembered my phone number. This is where the
story makes sense. But they were trying to remember my
phone number, and Will was like, well, I know the
first three the first three digits or this, and em
I remember the other part. Like they put together like
the first part of it, and then like, I have
a word that you can say, like I always try
to do the like five five five cube like you know, like,
but that's not what it is. But I have like
a word that you could say for the final four
digits of my phone number.
Speaker 1 (01:20:41):
And my brother.
Speaker 3 (01:20:42):
My Emma was just like that was one of like
the bonding moments with you and not your brother.
Speaker 1 (01:20:46):
And I was like, no, it's not, it's that.
Speaker 3 (01:20:48):
It's that this it's so and so so and so
so and so bam and that's that was a pretty
funny story about like he's always remembering like, well, I
don't know what the numbers are, but I know that
you dial it like this on the phone. So that's
a little hack because they wouldn't get like I think
now in jail they'll give you like the one phone call.
They let you see your phone so you can get
the number out.
Speaker 5 (01:21:05):
Of it assume they have to. Nobody knows phone numbers.
Speaker 1 (01:21:07):
So I just call my parents and the radio station.
So it was Sam pissed, Sam pissed. You don't remember
her number, She doesn't remember his, you pissed you kinda.
Speaker 4 (01:21:19):
She remembers my old one.
Speaker 1 (01:21:21):
That's but that was she had to remember. Though. See,
if you had a new one, that's different.
Speaker 4 (01:21:26):
But this new one I probably have had longer than
I had my old one.
Speaker 3 (01:21:29):
But when y'all were younger and you were calling each
other when you're at your parents and stuff like that,
that was probably a little different, you know, because you
had to remember it off the top of your head,
so you could call it from like a different phone
if you'd have a fake phone, or you do the
whole phone swap trick. Like I don't know, I don't
get as mad because now, like when you when you
call me, you don't have to remember like go look
up a number, because that used to how how it
would be like you'd be like Pat's phone number is
right here, let me go dial that. Robert's phone numbers
right here, Like remember everybody had that by the by
the phone.
Speaker 1 (01:21:58):
Yeah, and that was the whole thing. Now it's just
a pat in my phone dial.
Speaker 5 (01:22:03):
By the home phone with the cord that could reach
the entire.
Speaker 3 (01:22:06):
Kitchen until you got the cordless one. That bad Boy
was sick. Bad Boy was dope. But uh yeah, I
don't think a lot of people know phone numbers.
Speaker 4 (01:22:17):
They gotta at least know their partners to it.
Speaker 1 (01:22:19):
One three, three, eight years zero four. I know, Mike Jones.
Speaker 5 (01:22:22):
Here's the crazy thing. I don't know my GM's phone number.
I have to look it up constantly. It is the
password to our Wi Fi at work, and every time
somebody asks, I'm like, let me pull out my phone.
Every time, I'm like, oh yeah, it's that I'll remember
someone lasts no shit, it's it's it's a skill that
the human brain has lost remembering.
Speaker 1 (01:22:44):
Phone and directions. Gal, I think, m hm, dude.
Speaker 5 (01:22:47):
Even if I know where I'm going, I could still
put it in GPS half the time, I too, just
just so I could be like, I'm gonna beat that time.
Speaker 1 (01:22:55):
Well. I also like when you have like ways and
you're like traffics.
Speaker 4 (01:22:58):
Yeah, yeah, sometimes there's like unexpected traffic.
Speaker 5 (01:23:01):
Traffic coming of no. I mean it could be like
a five minute drive. I think I'm gonna get there
in four.
Speaker 3 (01:23:05):
Oh, it looks like I like being that guy in
the in the car, but it looks like there's a
wreck up ahead, Like yeah, no ship, we're all stopped.
Speaker 1 (01:23:11):
Well ways says there's a wreck. Looks at there's cars
still there? Yes or no.
Speaker 5 (01:23:16):
I'm like, I'm not contributing at all.
Speaker 1 (01:23:19):
I'm not a narc. Except a narc wouldn't driving.
Speaker 5 (01:23:23):
I probably shouldn't be fucking looking up.
Speaker 3 (01:23:25):
Yeah, you yelled at me to not touch my phone
when I'm doing that. Now you're want to tell us
the secret, tell us the thing?
Speaker 1 (01:23:31):
Speaker 5 (01:23:32):
Cold cops still behind the second tree, behind the third bend.
Speaker 1 (01:23:35):
I don't know. I know I'm looking. So it's just
not cools. So not cools. You said you had two?
Speaker 4 (01:23:41):
Yeah, because of the cold. It's so lame, du the cold.
I like kind of want to keep myself warm. So
I've been like going in myself and so like now
my my chest hurts when I had to like leaning back, yeah,
leaning in, and I got like stretch it out.
Speaker 1 (01:23:58):
Messing up.
Speaker 5 (01:23:59):
I get it in this like the way I sit
while I'm playing video games myself like fucking boat over
for like two hours and then I'm like, I'm like, oh,
hold on, I have to stretch my shoulders back because
everything is ty.
Speaker 1 (01:24:09):
Yeah, that does side. That's good.
Speaker 5 (01:24:15):
Long drives that will happened to me too, like all
scrunched up and I'm like, oh my god, my sternm
is stabbing into my fat ass gut.
Speaker 3 (01:24:23):
All right, let's wrap this bad boy up with the
answers segment. We do the precup segment in the beginning,
where we pitch any ideas, we ask any questions.
Speaker 1 (01:24:34):
We do all kinds of stuff. This is your chance
to participate in that as well.
Speaker 3 (01:24:38):
Give us a you got a high thought, a drunk idea,
a business idea. You want parenting advice, you want health advice,
you want you want us to be your doctor. We're
basically a doctor relationship advice. We got you on that.
You want us to tell you what color of a
number is. You want to tell us what something smells
like that doesn't have a smell. Do you wanna do
you wanna ask us? I'm trying to not give away
any of this. You ask us what number something would
be or anything like that. Do any of that stuff?
Hit us up at past Gray Pod use the hashtag
ptg answers on Twitter, slash the x and uh, let
us know what you guys want us to answer, And
we're gonna pick a couple of those each week and
answer them at Past Gray Pod hashtag ptg answers. To
get your submitted, you can also email them to us.
Answer It's Past Gray Pod at gmail dot com. But
answers in the subject, although we do check the Twitter
slash x way way way more often at past grey
pot hashtag ptg answers.
Speaker 1 (01:25:36):
This is the answer segment.
Speaker 3 (01:25:37):
Do you just answer the question?
Speaker 1 (01:25:39):
Find just answer the question?
Speaker 3 (01:25:40):
You big answer answer.
Speaker 1 (01:25:43):
Don't thanks the subject, just answer the question. Kept. Let's
answer the answers. Answers answer.
Speaker 3 (01:25:54):
Any questions. All right, Let's start off with our boy,
Quentin Hughes at qbace on Twitter, and Quentin says, is
the New Year's eve or is the New Year's baby
a baby forever? Or is it a new Let me
retry that one more time, alright, guys, Quentin Hughes says,
is the New Year's baby a baby forever? Or is
it a new baby every year? Is there an application?
Speaker 1 (01:26:22):
I think it's a new baby every year? It's a
new baby. Actually every year. I actually did like a
little bit of research on it. I don't want the
same baby every year. Yeah no, because you had to
stay that, you would have to be a baby forever.
You can't.
Speaker 5 (01:26:32):
Well no, I just mean like I want to change
it up. Yeah, Let's have an Indian baby one year.
Let's have an Asian baby. Let's have a Puerto Rican baby.
Speaker 1 (01:26:39):
Let's have a trans baby. There's no trans babies. They
can't commune, not that you know of.
Speaker 3 (01:26:46):
Sometimes I don't know. Let's have all kinds of the babies,
all of the kinds of babies. I did do some
some fact checking a rainbow baby. They do get a
new New Year's baby every year, and a lot of
them have actually ended up in jail at some point
in their life.
Speaker 1 (01:27:03):
Lee Harvey Oswald and Jared Fogel were both New Year's babies. Yeah,
so maybe don't fill out that application.
Speaker 3 (01:27:10):
Fun fact. Fun fact. So I don't know if there's
an application, if you just had to get picked. But
Lee Harvey Oswald, Jared Fogel.
Speaker 5 (01:27:18):
I mean, to be fair though, most of my friends
have ended up in jail at some point. But most
of the time it's like a PI that's.
Speaker 3 (01:27:24):
True, so that that was probably what most of it was,
but the names stuck out to meet Jared Fogel, Lee
Harvey Oswald share that with a friend, you're more likely
to go to jail if you were in New Year's
or if you were the New Year Baby.
Speaker 5 (01:27:39):
Probably that statistically probably checks out. You know what the
most dangerous profession is? Statistically? Do you have any guesses?
Speaker 1 (01:27:47):
Being a mother?
Speaker 5 (01:27:48):
No, Robert, do you have any guesses at what the
most dangerous profession is?
Speaker 1 (01:27:54):
Oil rag worker president? Statistically?
Speaker 5 (01:27:59):
The amount of residents that have been killed makes it
the most because there's only been forty six of them
and what three of them have been killed or died.
That's a very high percentage of deaths per profession, a lot.
That's a fun, little fun fact you can break out
at your next cocktail hour.
Speaker 1 (01:28:16):
All right, I'll definitely do that. Good question, Quentin.
Speaker 3 (01:28:20):
Our next one comes from Josh Trecoddle at Joshua Tree
seven to one to three on Twitter, and Josh says,
why aren't there any lower case numbers? There definitely are
lower case numbers, just every number doesn't have a lower
case version, So I.
Speaker 5 (01:28:38):
Think there are, but it's they're above them. Exponents. Well, no,
there's exponents are smaller numbers and they're up there in
the corner above it.
Speaker 1 (01:28:48):
Yeah, I guess that's like a nerdy way to do it.
I just wrote rude.
Speaker 3 (01:28:52):
Okay, well looking through this when I saw the question,
I tried to, you know, logically run through this. There
are several numbers that do have lower case and upper ks,
and that is the way that people write them.
Speaker 1 (01:29:03):
Write those numbers.
Speaker 3 (01:29:04):
So one can be done just a straight line down
and then I think the lower case version is when
you have the little squiggle like that and then it
goes down and then you got the little base.
Speaker 5 (01:29:14):
Oh no, the lowercase would be the tally, the one
where you got the little diagonal and then the base.
Speaker 3 (01:29:20):
That's definitely the upper case one. Okay, all right, that's fine.
I'm fine with that. I'm fine with that.
Speaker 1 (01:29:26):
Then you have two upper ks.
Speaker 3 (01:29:30):
Is this it's the regular two, then lower cases the
little loop that's the loop you have the loop that's
the lower case two. Four has a lower case because
you have the regular four, and then I think lowercases
the closed one upper Yeah, the goalposts is the upper ks.
Lower case is the one that looks like an A.
Speaker 1 (01:29:55):
It uses like an A. If you were using numbers
to write words, I dig that seven. If it's got
the line through it, I think that's I think seven
with the line through it is lowercase regular seven, that's
upper case. I was gonna say uppercase, but I think
the more common one.
Speaker 3 (01:30:10):
Has to be the upper case, which is why I
was going with the dash for one. But still that
just seems you're right, you were fancy.
Speaker 1 (01:30:17):
You changed my thinking on one.
Speaker 5 (01:30:18):
You're right on It's one of those English rules where like,
here's the rule for it, but I'm gonna give you exceptions.
Speaker 1 (01:30:24):
Yes, so one, two, four, and seven have lower.
Speaker 5 (01:30:30):
Cases technically than you could do, like, no, it's only
the single digits.
Speaker 3 (01:30:33):
But that's that's what I meant, because then like those
base those are the basis of all the other numbers. Yeah,
so one, two, four, and seven definitely have lower Ka's numbers,
just the rest of them don't.
Speaker 1 (01:30:45):
What about zeros are the slash?
Speaker 3 (01:30:47):
Nobody does that? Nobody actually does that, It really does that.
I think that's like only on checks zeros. It's not
a number, you know, No it is, but it's not.
It's the as it has a value of nothing. It's
like it's like black is not a color, it's the
absence of all color. And you're all right, what color
is that shirt?
Speaker 1 (01:31:08):
Yeah? And the app it's absent of colors?
Speaker 5 (01:31:11):
Yeah, this is an absent of cold that I'm wearing.
Speaker 1 (01:31:13):
Okay, I did did you absent of color out last night? Hey?
Is this knife that I'm about to stab you with?
How about that? Yeah? But I don't know is that
going to demonetize us? What just blurred out? I wasn't
actually threatening Alex right there. Blur it out though, and
make it like just look risky.
Speaker 3 (01:31:32):
That'd be funny if like this video got if we
didn't blurt out I didn't say that.
Speaker 5 (01:31:37):
Remember we found it out, was like this video has
been taken down for violence.
Speaker 1 (01:31:40):
Well we did learn we had episodes taken down like
a couple of weeks ago.
Speaker 3 (01:31:43):
We did copyright but whatever, bitch is fuck copyright, bitch,
I mean baggy copy.
Speaker 1 (01:31:54):
So yeah, there are definitely lower kse numbers. Josh, that
was a really good question.
Speaker 5 (01:31:59):
That was a good that you had there. Yeah, I
was stumped. Yeah, good team.
Speaker 1 (01:32:06):
Lowercase numbers are cool, man. I like this next one?
Speaker 5 (01:32:09):
All right, what we got from Raymundo Benavitez at Kmundo B.
Does adding a side of eggs make any meal breakfast?
Speaker 1 (01:32:19):
Speaker 3 (01:32:22):
Yes, back and forth on this because I'm if you
could have a breakfast for any meal, eggs are a
staple of it.
Speaker 5 (01:32:30):
Yes, you know, I'm gonna go yes, because I want
to be like eggs are you know, eggs are good
anytime they are.
Speaker 1 (01:32:38):
But eggs are a breakfast food. Let's not fucking kid ourselves.
Eggs are a breakfast food.
Speaker 3 (01:32:41):
And I will say I will not count it if
you're just like throwing an egg on a burger, that
doesn't count.
Speaker 1 (01:32:48):
Doesn't count if you had like the exception to the rule.
So if you have like.
Speaker 3 (01:32:51):
Scrambled eggs, if you have sunnyside up eggs, taking eggs breakfast,
that's that's breakfast.
Speaker 1 (01:32:57):
Breakfast's breakfast like like and it's.
Speaker 5 (01:33:01):
Fun because then you can be like, dude, you know
what I'm doing tonight?
Speaker 1 (01:33:04):
Fuckinger. Yeah. Love. If you're having fa and you you
break you put an egg in it, that doesn't count.
That's an exception. That's an exception.
Speaker 5 (01:33:13):
That's that's that's a different culture, different kind we're talking
about for American food.
Speaker 3 (01:33:19):
Yes, if you put an egg with like ninety percent
of things, ninety nine percent of things, but like not
like you're just cheaping out to like throw an egg
on something to be like look at this, Like egg
salad doesn't count.
Speaker 5 (01:33:31):
Yeah, because it's salad. It's a salad. Yeah, that's a.
Speaker 3 (01:33:33):
Solid lunch or dinner type breakfast salad. Yeah, there is
breakfast salad. It's like hash pretty much is with breakfast salad.
Speaker 1 (01:33:40):
You mean potatoes. Yeah, well when you mix it with
all the other shit, that's breakfast salad. That's right. You
get hash browns, you chop it all up with the
eggs that get scrambled. Yeah, but that's taking up. You
make your own. There's no lettuce in that. Have you
seen candy salad?
Speaker 5 (01:33:54):
Or if it's a salad, that main thing of the
it's got to be a bunch of lettuce.
Speaker 1 (01:34:00):
Salad is just a bunch of ship mixed together. Unless
it's capricy salad.
Speaker 3 (01:34:04):
Salad is pretty much there's just some basil exception exception
of the rule. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Adding adding a side
of eggs to anything makes it breakfast.
Speaker 5 (01:34:16):
And see that's the thing, that's what he said. A
side of eggs we were we were saying throwing eggs
on top of ship. So the burger usually that's adding egg.
Speaker 1 (01:34:28):
And the side of eggs. Now you're having a burger
for breakfast. You know what, Michael Scott would have sent
it back. He ordered that egg on the side and
not on top. That's true. That egg comes on top.
I send it back. So you got them eggs on
the side.
Speaker 3 (01:34:41):
You eating brecky baby, Yep, yep, eggs on the side.
It's breakfast. That's a great question. Next question is from
David F and David F. This is kind of a
long question, but he says, can I use cargo pants
as a carry on? I got a cheap flight that
only permits one personal item?
Speaker 1 (01:34:57):
I think most flights.
Speaker 5 (01:34:58):
I like that right for the airlines that we fly.
Speaker 1 (01:35:02):
Yeah, no carry on or check bag if I load up? Okay,
I uh, let me restart that.
Speaker 5 (01:35:07):
Then you want me to read it. You have problems
with these long ones.
Speaker 1 (01:35:10):
Can I use cargo pants? Yeah? Go ahead, go ahead ahead.
Speaker 5 (01:35:13):
Can I use cargo pants as a carry on? I
got a cheap flight that only permits one personal item?
No carry on or check bag? If I load up
the pockets of a pair of cheap cargo pants and
wear them over a pair of leggings. Can I just
take the whole pair of pants off, put them in
a plastic bin and go through security that way, or
will TSA get angry with me?
Speaker 1 (01:35:31):
I don't see why the fuck not.
Speaker 5 (01:35:33):
If you're wearing a jacket that's got stuff in it,
you take that jacket off, you put it in there.
I think you might have just revolutionized the flight game.
Speaker 1 (01:35:40):
Speaker 5 (01:35:41):
I think David f is a fucking genius. I want
to shake your hand.
Speaker 3 (01:35:45):
Yeah, David, I would say make sure that, like, don't
forget the leggings underneath, don't forget the legs underneath, because
then you get into a weird situation and it's like
public indecency and shit like that, just polge out there
in public. But if yeah, yeah, if you, I would say,
don't make it too bulky, Like make it where it's
like you can still sit down next to the person.
That's like if you imagine if you're in the middle seat,
just assume that there's no one that's going to be
inconvenienced by the cargo pants in your pocket. Also, I
think it would be hilarious if then you just rolled
your pants up and like put that in an overhead
bend because you got the leggings on.
Speaker 1 (01:36:25):
That would be really funny, saying.
Speaker 5 (01:36:27):
Like a fucking biker's bed roll. Yeah, no I think
that would you just.
Speaker 3 (01:36:34):
Wear them after you get the security, But like that
is a really funny. I like thought to just be like,
hold on, let's gout's take his pants off. Now I
got leggings, I got leggings.
Speaker 1 (01:36:42):
We're good. We're good. We're good. Dude.
Speaker 5 (01:36:44):
Think about being this guy where's the rest your stuff
in the airport, sitting there with just their backpack because
it's all they're allowed to bring on bliar it not
yeah or bun tier. And then you show up, you
got your backpack and you just take your pants off
and put them bend, and everyone around you're like, I
don't know, we can do that. Yeah, this is this
is absolutely genius, David.
Speaker 1 (01:37:05):
You have to do it.
Speaker 5 (01:37:07):
If you get hit with that extra fee, you know it,
so be it. Sometimes pioneers get the shaft.
Speaker 1 (01:37:13):
That's true. Einstein is misunderstood. But you have to fucking
do this, and you have to let us know if
it works. Jesus is awesome. Misunderstood that's true. I'll forget that.
Speaker 5 (01:37:25):
I mean, I'm fucking Oppenheimer was a pioneer.
Speaker 1 (01:37:27):
He got the shaft.
Speaker 5 (01:37:27):
Later on he did finally watched it was fucking amazing it. Yeah,
uh yeah, David, I think you can one hundred percent
do this. Sometimes you gotta be willing to put your
pants on the line and see if this will work.
And I say, you go for it, and you gotta
let us know. I need a follow them. I would
like a follow up as well, David. I don't know
when this light is. Hopefully this flight isn't in like
three months. That's why you got it so cheap.
Speaker 1 (01:37:51):
I hope it's like Friday, and then you can just
let us know. I hope.
Speaker 5 (01:37:54):
I hope tonight he's on the flight listening to this.
Speaker 3 (01:37:57):
No, I hope he's listening to it tomorrow. He needs
to listen to this before his flight, so we can
tell him what to do.
Speaker 5 (01:38:05):
If you already taken the flight, when you're listening to
this on your way back, I need you to buy
some cargo pants and fill them up.
Speaker 1 (01:38:12):
Fill his bad boys up and let us know on
the way back.
Speaker 3 (01:38:15):
So that's if you're wearing cargo, you're can cargo pants
has multiple ones. Cargo shorts, you'd have the two cargo
pockets cargo pants.
Speaker 1 (01:38:25):
You put your phone charger.
Speaker 5 (01:38:27):
People are gonna start sewing like fucking pockets onto their
jeans before they go on flight.
Speaker 3 (01:38:31):
Be all pockets pocket pants. Make the whole outfit out
of pockets.
Speaker 5 (01:38:37):
This is like, this is legitimately probably the smartest thing
that anyone's ever sent into US.
Speaker 1 (01:38:41):
T s A hates this one simple trick. Fire up
the tiktile Corrobert.
Speaker 3 (01:38:49):
Do you know you could just put all of your
carry ons in one pair of cargo pants as long
as you had leggings under.
Speaker 1 (01:38:57):
They'd be cool. If you had tear away cargo pants
like in the NBA, just throw them on the thing. Dude.
Speaker 5 (01:39:03):
At first, when I was thinking that, I was like, man,
that's I mean, that's a lot of shit they're gonna
have to put at that bind. I misread it the
first time when I was like, no, he's saying take
those pants off.
Speaker 1 (01:39:10):
And put them in there, like that is your carry on?
Is your pants? Well no, because it's still the backpack.
These are just well because I always thought like you're
allowed to take on anything you're wearing yeah, that's the thing.
Speaker 5 (01:39:21):
Like, you can get your bag and I'm wearing these,
I'm simply taking them off so it's easier and faster
going through the line.
Speaker 1 (01:39:28):
Right, But I'm to have a bag.
Speaker 5 (01:39:29):
I just didn't want to have to take seventy things
out of my pockets while I'm sitting here in line
slowing everybody else. I meann consider it by taking my
pants off. Make sure you wash them before you go,
and they're very clean.
Speaker 1 (01:39:38):
Yeah, dude, this is a good idea.
Speaker 5 (01:39:40):
And make sure you're not sweating too much on any
Nobody wants you to take off your pants and get
a waft of fucking goulash.
Speaker 1 (01:39:44):
This is a good idea. This is the like I am.
Speaker 5 (01:39:47):
This is I think David might be the smartest person
I've ever talked to.
Speaker 3 (01:39:50):
Be like David in twenty twenty five. You know what,
that's a baggy as fuck idea. ID That idea is
baggy af like cargo pants. Yeah yeah, yeah, fuck yeah dude. Good, good,
good question, David. If you don't update us on this,
please please check in. Please check in, all right. Last
question of the day. Jordan Welch at j Anderscore Welsh
two seven ninety five. He says, why are hurricanes named
instead of numbered so they can change them every year?
But I like the number system better.
Speaker 1 (01:40:25):
I don't. I like the name.
Speaker 3 (01:40:26):
I like the number, and I would like it if
they would add, like what are they called the suffixes
to the names, so like you can, like when you
reuse a name, like Hurricane Alex, if they've already had
a Hurricane Alex, asked to be Hurricane Alex Junior. Then
Hurricane Alex the third, than Hurricane Alex the fourth hurricane. Well,
they try and change if they they'll retire names, but
I think there's a cycle of like five or six
years and then every so many years they reuse the names.
They weren't bad. Big ones like Katrina got retired, and.
Speaker 5 (01:40:53):
The chances are the big one being the exact same
number of the year, because that's how they do it,
like a is the first one?
Speaker 1 (01:40:59):
Be's the second one?
Speaker 3 (01:40:59):
No, But it would just be funny that it was like,
this is the third time we've had a Hurricane Alex,
so it's Hurricane Alex the third.
Speaker 5 (01:41:05):
But we but that's the thing we've never had, like
really big ones get repeated like that. Well do you
remember Hurricane four. Which year that's true. It sounds like
a roll I remember hurricane and that's thing, Like every
year it has to be Hurricane four, So it's more
likely that's gonna be a bad one again. Chances we
get another really bad Hurricane Katrina pretty fucking well.
Speaker 3 (01:41:27):
But I would like there to be some sort of
distinguishment on like like I think Alicia's gone. I think
was the bad one that just happened. I don't, it
doesn't matter.
Speaker 5 (01:41:36):
But I mean the ones I think I think if ike,
I think of Katrina. Yeah, but late back in the day,
I remember there was like the big Galveston one in
like nineteen oh eight.
Speaker 1 (01:41:46):
I don't even think they had names back then. It's
just the great flood. Yeah.
Speaker 3 (01:41:50):
But like if they had like a Hurricane Robert and
then Hurricane Robert didn't do anything, and then six years
later they had another one, it should be Hurricane Robert junior.
Speaker 1 (01:41:58):
It should absolutely be Hurricane robbing. It would probably just
Hurricane ROBERTA no, but it would be funny to be, like, dude,
Hurricane Robert.
Speaker 5 (01:42:04):
Junior is Hurricane Rachel, and you can name it so
many different names with the R, like with every letter
there's a bunch of different names with the numbers.
Speaker 1 (01:42:11):
You're fucking shoehorned in. Well, don't forget that. We do
name the hurricanes.
Speaker 6 (01:42:14):
Speaker 1 (01:42:15):
Remember we we released our list of hurricane names last year.
That was fun.
Speaker 5 (01:42:20):
I want a name like Hurricane bitch Face. That'd be
more fun.
Speaker 1 (01:42:23):
Yeah, I can't believe we didn't. That be fine, Well
we can this year you got b That's what was
every hurricane.
Speaker 3 (01:42:31):
Hurricane Barrel was. This year we change off. They give
it the name, and then we give it our own name. Yeah,
but we we'd be like, oh, dude, Beryl Junior was
a fucking pussy compared to his dad. Barrel fucked ship
up Barrel. The third didn't even fucking make it past
a category two.
Speaker 5 (01:42:47):
Everyone's freaking out, But I'm not really scared of hurricane
butt fucker.
Speaker 1 (01:42:52):
So uh yeah, I guess if it was just numbered,
then you wouldn't know the years. It would be hard
to track that.
Speaker 3 (01:42:57):
But that's a good question, Jordan, It's a sod question.
Saw crop of answers to start us all off.
Speaker 1 (01:43:02):
For the year. There were a ton of answers questions.
Speaker 3 (01:43:04):
This is maybe the most that we've had on like
a first episode of the year, So I mean, I
only did the five this week. We have a lot
going in the next week, but keep keep bloading us up, guys.
We may not get to yours every single week, but
we are definitely going to be looking at these and
we're excited for a fun year of Past the Gravy
and twenty twenty five the year of the bag At.
Speaker 1 (01:43:22):
We love you, guys. I'm not gonna forget this like
I forgot at the live podcast.
Speaker 3 (01:43:26):
Remember we were like, We're gonna give away a fruitcake
if anybody, Oh, yeah, can if anybody can guess this
person or the random person, and then I like ended it.
And then after I was like, yep, we're done, I
was like, well, can't go back now, there's no going back.
So if you're watching on YouTube, go comment who your
random celebrity is.
Speaker 1 (01:43:45):
Now. If you get it correct, I will not believe you.
But right now, what are we gonna do? Fellas? Who
are we going with?
Speaker 4 (01:43:52):
I'm gonna go you guys have been saying this Mac
and cheesing and we think I'm gonna go Bernie Mack, Bernie.
Speaker 5 (01:43:58):
Mack nice I brought him up earlier. I'm gonna go
with Chris Hamsworth.
Speaker 1 (01:44:02):
I'm gonna go Billy Bob Thornton.
Speaker 3 (01:44:05):
Billy Bob, by the way, shout out fucking Jerry Jones
for that goddamn scene in that show. Holy shit, Jerry
can act.
Speaker 1 (01:44:11):
Did you not see it yet? I have not watched that.
Speaker 5 (01:44:13):
I haven't watched it, but the look look up the
clip of Jerry. Jerry Jones has one scene and it's
like Jerry might win a fucking Oscar for that scene.
Speaker 1 (01:44:22):
Dude, that was incredible. He will never win an Oscar.
I think it would be an Emmy because it was TV.
He would never learn an Emmy.
Speaker 3 (01:44:27):
He would never probably choke in the first round of
his second round past the first all right, Chris Hamsworth,
Bernie mac mac.
Speaker 1 (01:44:38):
Okay, here we go, three two one.
Speaker 3 (01:44:43):
Yannick, Noah, Maximilian Shell, Kim Kleisters, you have Guinea kaf
and the kid.
Speaker 1 (01:44:50):
Do it again. Charles Chaplin.
Speaker 5 (01:44:56):
I've never heard of one of the Kim was a
tennis player, and Charles playing tennis.
Speaker 1 (01:45:02):
You don't know who that is. I remember when she played.
All Right, we'll do it one more time, Okay, So
there's actually people on this.
Speaker 3 (01:45:08):
One TV wonder celine Dion, Tom Hardy, Oscar Robertson, Pat Cash,
Groucho Marx, Jimmy Carr, and Ella Fitzgerald.
Speaker 1 (01:45:16):
Nope, no winners, No winners to start the year.
Speaker 4 (01:45:21):
Do you think this is the year that all three
of us get it? Because last year two of us
got it.
Speaker 1 (01:45:25):
That's true. He has got it in a month or
a month and got it this year. You got this year? No,
it doesn't. It resets. You haven't got it this year.
Have you got it?
Speaker 5 (01:45:35):
No, just like you haven't got but have you ever
got it? I mean, just like you haven't got it.
Speaker 1 (01:45:39):
I've got it one time. But I mean, Robert, did
you get it? You got it before? Okay? I also
got it that I'm all about, Okay, worried about that
old ship.
Speaker 3 (01:45:51):
New year, new pet. He's just a rangutanging dude. It's
just hey, we'll have you, baggy Fox. I'll talk to
you next week.
Speaker 1 (01:45:59):
Until then. Past the Gravy, yeh bitches.
Speaker 2 (01:46:02):
Braby, Gang Gang Gang, Baby Powder, the Topping Lead and
spread Man. As we're listen, there's a past the gray Man,
Gray we Go and fishing for your Bitch Today with
Drunk in Houston, Now Houston, Babe, Now, we go head
and lick and poor get rich today, minch bitch, Houston.
That's it's on Town, Town PASSA gravy passa loud, loud
we can talk and go for ours hours entertainment, superpower,
gravy gang, getting louder, louder, cast up, No childer Man,
we laugh, No Prouder, live on, maybe pouder the topping
lead and spread. As we're listen, there's a past, the
gray gray win going fishing for your bitch today with
drunk in Houston. Now, Houston, bab Now we go head
and lick and we get rich today, Minch bitch