Episode Transcript
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Great. All right, Gino,what's up. How are you doing well?
I'm doing great, thank you.It's been a minute since we've had
a conversation, and I'm very excitedabout this now. I was one of
the very lucky people to get tohear all the songs from the new album
that Crosses is about to drop,and it's good. It's got this like
industrial little vibe to it that Ireally really love. Like, you know,
going into it, do you kindof already know the basse you want
to do for these albums? Notreally, I mean we you know,
we don't go in with any likebig preconceived idea of what we're trying to
make. You know. Obviously it'sit's Sean's production, my voice, so
it's you know, hopefully going tobe in the realm of what the last
thing we did. But you know, we always try to expand and explore
I guess, you know, newterritory and and you know, whatever ways
we can. But uh, butyeah, I mean, you know,
it's definitely a lot of that stuff, you know, whether it's industrial or
know new wave and all that stuff. I mean, you know that's definitely
at the at the you know,the foundation of you know, our influences
and stuff we grew loving and listeningto. So yeah, I feel like
those sounds are very very present.So it's been nine years since the first
album dropped. Did you guys alreadyhave that plan to like keep it kind
of open ended and just go withit or did you revisit it and go,
you know what, we should doa second album? Like what was
the plan to make such a likeyou you had such a gap in between
albums. Yeah, it's been awhile. You know, Sean and I
both got busy with you know,uh other projects and and you know,
it didn't it wasn't a decision wemade, like, you know, straight
on where we were going to doit. But Sean came up to visit
once and uh, up in theOregon where I live, and we we
just kind of ended up in mystudio and started taking around with since and
you know gear and next thing,you know, we had like three or
four ideas and at that point it'ssort of when we had a discussion about
you know, about making making moremusic. Even though though we didn't really
know how we're going to do it, we kind of thought how we did
the first record, which we putout EPs and then combined all the EPs
for a record. So initially wewere thinking about doing that, but after
this this EP that was released almosta year ago, we just kind of
got back into it and realized thatwe have a lot of material, and
at that point we decided we wantedto focus on a full link record.
Yeah, because when I got thelink for all the music, I was
like, hot, damn, there'sthere. This wasn't just like a nine
you know record, a nine songalbum. There's a ton of songs on
here. So it's kind of niceto know this. Uh, we get
this big chunk of music and it'scoming in such a good time. I
feel like the world of rock altis having a big resurgence right now.
I know, you know, NewMetals having a big resurgence right now.
So it's nice to have this bandback because no matter what, if I'm
on the air in any of mystate, I'm on, and I'm on
in Portland, I'm on everywhere.And if I even mentioned Deftones, Everyone's
like, bro, but did youdo you listen to Cross? You know
what I mean? Like, Ilove that this is more than just like
a side band for you. It'sgot such weight. Yeah, it's exciting,
you know the fact that you knowthat people are are are are listening
to it and are eager to hearwhat's to come. I mean, I
do feel like it. It's agood feeling to come from a place where
you know, we we already releasedsomething this year, and so to drop
another full length, you know,to me seems a little unexpected, and
it's always good to work and becreative from that point where you know,
you kind of feel like you're aheadof yourself a little bit and and sure
of just like, oh, wegot to do this. It's more or
less a labor of love and somethingthat we just wanted to do. So
it's nice. Now. On oneof the tracks, which of course I
know everyone's talking about, you dida collab with Robert Smith. It's called
Girls Float Boys Cry. Obviously it'sa play on boys don't cry, right,
Uh you kind of a little nowdthere? Yeah, a little that.
Now. Did you actually get tocall Robert Smith and ask him or
was it through his people and yourpeople? No, I'm luckily enough,
I've I've had a relationship him.Uh uh. We refurnitor in you know,
the late nineties, and you know, I always kept in touch with
him and and you know see himwhen you know, when when they're around
or whatever. And and yeah,it was kind of a thing where I
just I figured, you know,I'll reach out if he if he's busy,
which he was at the time.I was. I think it was
it was when I reached out tohim was the time when he was going
through the Ticketmaster drama and you know, putting that cure the last year tour
with that. But I just figured, yeah, but I just, uh,
I just reached out to him andhe was then he was you know,
he was cool. He was like, I'm down, and yeah,
surprised him as well. So uhyeah, he was able to do it.
And it was very very very exciting. Did he have feedback on the
song or has he has he heardit yet? Yeah? I mean he
as soon as he sang his bookall week, he sent it over.
We dropped it in and we hyou know, kind of just mix a
little bit with with his voice andmy voice and then send it back to
him, you know, right away, like the same night. And and
he actually was really cool because hereally took the time. He wrote back
to me right away and was like, oh, I have another idea.
I'm going to add something hold on. And then literally like like a couple
hours later, he sent another versionof it, and I was like,
Sean and I were bole sitting therekind of like because this was like I
don't think, I feel like itwas like ten o'clock at night here,
so and he's you know, overin. U came to myself like,
what what is he doing tonight?Like up in his studio just like you
know, recording cross his songs thatwho knows what time? You know,
So it was, Yeah, itwas pretty amazing to him. So the
one thing I will say when listeningto this album, so you know,
the new album is called good NightGod Bless I Love You Delete. It's
going to be out in a coupleof days, Friday the thirteenth, and
you know, I'm sitting I'm workingin my studio and listening. It's such
an immersive experience, Like I feellike there was one point even some of
the songs where I just kind ofgot lost in it. I love that
it's like this floaty little ride andI can only imagine because I know you
guys are going to go on theroad. Do you are we going to
see those big visuals on stage?You know, I don't want to compare
it to Tool, I would neverdo that. But it's an immersive album,
like I feel like I'm in themusic. Will we see that when
you're on tour on stage? Yeah, I means as far as now,
we don't have like any like uhproduction wise, we don't have any big
sort of thing, but we've we'veactually been doing a lot of visuals.
I mean, you know, uh, whether it be visualizers or you know,
or music videos, and a lotof that stuff is is uh you
know Sean, you know, it'shis creation, so he's very hands down
on the visual side of things.So so yeah, I mean, uh,
you know, we hope to incorporateyou know, anything we can in
that in that vibe the show itself. You know, we're actually putting that
together right now. So I'm excitedas well to see kind of what,
you know, what it becomes.But we're definitely excited to get out there
and play. I mean, well, who do we call to get you
guys to play this fear so wecan have like a full dome immersive experience.
That would be amazing. I knowI seen those videos. Those for
the YouTube videos. It looks insane. They're insane. All right, I
know you got to roll out.I'm so happy I got to talk to
you. This album is sick.It will drop on Friday. Fingers Crossed.
We get a good tour, andI mean, I know that fans
are gonna want to go about wouldyou ever do it like a manor Devtones
crosses co tour? Is that alot of energy? Yeah, I don't
know. I mean, I don'tknow if people want to see that much
of me. So of course,Oh that's the stupidest thing you've ever said.
Of course we do. Of coursewe donny. Well think about that.
I love that I got to chatwith you. I know you got
to go. The new album's outFriday. I'm gonna pimp it on every
station and every moment that I've got. It's outstanding. So congrats and hopefully
we'll see you in town soon.Right, thank you so much. All Right,