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This is HUES Radio seven forty katrhHouston Live Everywhere with IRN Now the latest
news, weather and traffic. It'smore what matters to you. From the
John Morris Services Studios. It isfive am here on Houston's Morning News.
Good morning, I'm Jimmy Barrett.SHA's on vacation this week. Cliff Saunders
is in for her. Among ourtop stories as we get started this morning,
Centerpoint hopes to have ninety percent restorationby tonight. Michael Cohen isn't just
a liar, He's also a thiefand coming up at five oh eight,
City group accuses or is accused,I should say, a discrimination against white
people. Details in the minutes ahead. You're in Houston's Morning News. First,
we're check out the drive for thefirst time this morning. Here's guy
Mike. You know we're back onthe way to normal when Mattress Mac is
full power. Noticed that on Iforty five this morning, looks like we're
getting all kinds of lights back,signals coming back on. Some of them
still out, especially on the northwestside thirty four Worth two to ninety that
area and all up and down HempstedHighway. So let's continue treating those like
a four way. Also watch outfor people who don't know how to do
four way stops. Go freeway.This is an inbound reck. It's right
at the south belt. Looks likeit's knocking out the ramp and also three
left lines. What are we doingto get around this thing? You know
what, I'll put you on Highwaythree for now. The Generator Supercenter dot
Com traffic Center from r KTRH toptax defenders, twenty four hour weather center
becoming partly CLOUDI today looks like abouteighty eight for the high temperature. We'll
get Terry Smith in here from theWeather Channel with the complete forecast in about
nine minutes. Right now, eightyand your official sub of your weather station,
News Radio seven forty k t RHtime Now for the news and for
share of this morning, Here's CliffSaunders. Hey you, Jimmy, it's
coming up on five oh two.In our top story. The community is
tired of words and they won't action. We're working around the cart. Houston
Mayor John Wickmeyer is one hundred andforty five thousand Center Point customers still have
no power across the Houston area thismorning. My fine keV, I've still
to go home, and I hadto explain to him, like, we
can't go home right now because wedon't have any power. That woman talking
to our TV partner channel to Centerpointexpects ninety percent of those that lost power
to have it back by tonight.Several school districts are still closed today,
including the sci Fi ISD where seniorswill have their finals waived because of disclosures.
We have the entire list at KTRHdot com. By the way,
a man who survived that crane accidentlast Thursday night is suing all of the
companies that were involved. The deathtoll from the storm remains at eight.
Coming up on five h three.Testimony resumes this morning at the Trump trial
in Manhattan. The prosecution star witnessMichael Cohen admitted on the stand under cross
examination that he stole thousands from theTrump organization legal spokespersonally in a hobbasis.
The whole thing is a sham.It is a show. It's a Biden
show trial, that's for sure.If you look at the audience that's sitting
there, if you look at thelack of evidence, and you look at
how they are literally floundering because theyhave no case in its coming out abba
with KTRHS Sean Hannity. The judgein the case has reserved a decision for
now on the defense motion to dismiss. Defense team has called two witnesses so
far, including Cohen's former lawyer RobertCostello. Cohen did testify that he's considering
a run for Congress because of hisquote name recognition. Closing arguments are expected
to take place next week. Thecorruption trial of New Jersey Democrat Senator Bob
Menendez is in its second week.He's accused of taking bribes from Egypt.
His defense has been to blame hiswife, who's fighting cancer. The mainstream
media, though, continues to treatthis trial differently than they treat Trumps Cliff.
As Eddie Scary wrote for The Federalist, they use imaginary chaos to cover
up the real chaos. Well,why don't you care about COVID anymore?
Why don't you care about January sixth? Why don't you care about all the
tweets and the chaos. It's alla fake chaos cover to protect Joe Biden.
There are many ways the media triesto explain away Biden's lack of popularity,
but the most absurd one is thisidea that voters simply don't remember how
chaotic thing were under Trump. Hesays, it's now just the opposite,
with voters longing for the return ofthe so called chaos we had under Trump.
Jeff Biggs, News Radio seven fortyk t H, thank you,
Jeff. When the former president saysthat if he wins reelection, he'll consider
Texas's top cop, Ken Paxton tobecome US Attorney general. He's a very
talented guy. I fought for himwhen he had the difficulty and we won.
He had some people really after him, and I thought it was very
unfair. He's been a very goodattorney general. Trump talking to a TV
station in Dallas. His campaign raisedseventy six million dollars in April, compared
to just fifty one million for JoeBiden's campaign. Five oh five on KTRH,
we get stories almost every week nowabout improper student teacher relationships. So
why is this happening? Texas AFTpresident Zef Cappo says it's a rush to
fix the teacher shortage that lowered standards, creating loopholes for non certified teachers.
If you're from out of state andyou weren't certified in another state, the
likelihood that you're going to get pickedup in a background check is dramatically decreased
because there wasn't a certification dissanction inyour previous state. He says that false
net allegations are also a problem.Education budgets are huge, and remember schools
have been spending COVID cash for years. So why are the districts always short
on money. They get plenty ofmoney, they just don't spend it.
Right over ninety two point four billiondollars, that's exactly sixteen thousand, seven
hundred and ninety two dollars per student. Mandy Drogan with the Texas Public Policy
Foundation says there needs to be moretransparency with how this money is being spent.
It's going to expose a lot ofnefarious actors that are on the pay
using taxpayer money at the expense ofour children. Drogan says, allowing parents
to choose where their children are educatedby a school choice but also solve a
lot of these problems. Ethan BuchananNews Radio seven forty KTRH. None of
these schools are run by business people. They're all run by educators. What
do you expect exactly, Get somebusiness people in there and run it like
a business. Speaking of businesses,the conservative libertarian group Americans for Prosperity is
partnering with about two dozen gas stationsnationwide to roll back prices this week and
remind you of what you paid intwenty twenty. You know, when Joe
Biden took office, you were payingless than two dollars a gallon for gas.
You're paying three dollars and fourteen centsthis morning. In part that's because
of Biden's book push towards evs.It's not just cars either. They want
diesel power trucks gone replaced by electrictrucks. That would raise operating costs for
trucking companies by one hundred and fourteenpercent. And it gets worse. We
would need far more trucks to hauldthe same amount of freight, and each
of those trucks would cost two tothree times a comparable diesel truck. Converting
the US fleet of Class eight trucksto battery electric would require a one trillion
dollar investment, which ultimately would flowto consumers. Andrew Boyle is the chairman
of the American Trucking Association. Hewarned Congress about this last year, and
finally the Astros lose to the Angelsadmitted made Park nine to seven. The
series continues tonight. Pregame is atsix o'clock on Sports Talk seven ninety,
game time at seven to ten,simulcast on seven ninety and KTRH Infra Shara.
I'm Cliff Saunders on Houston's news,weather and traffic station news Radio seven
forty KTRH. You'll know more ifyou listen. More and more going on.
I want to be more informed,No more four and twenty twenty four
with News Radio seven forty JTRH.Five. Boy, it's hard time.
You're on Houston's more News. Wheredo you get your cash? Oh?
Yeah, I get my cash totthe grocery store. I'll get to the
grocery store here in a second.That's why I always seem to pick up
cash or or you know, somewherewhere I'm using my debit card where you
can get cash back, you know, if I need to get some cash.
I don't use an ATM. Andthe reason why I don't is because
there's not an in network ATM that'sclose to me. And I have a
thing against paying a fee to getmy money so I won't use it out
of network. And this this storyjust tells me, Okay, I guess
I'm making the right decision, atleast for me. In this case,
is city group discriminating against white people? Turns out that there's a racial discrimination.
Lawsuits been filed in federal court againsta city bank by Florida customers who
say they were charged out of networkfees for transactions at city ATMs, while
customers of minority owned banks were not. So, if it is a black
owned bank and you are a customerof that bank, you don't have to
pay an ATM fee. But ifyou are not, then you do have
to pay an atmv City has quotean express policy of charging customers different ATM
fees based on race, According tothe two players in this lawsuit, like
most banks, City charges customers andout of network feed when they use City
ATMs to withdraw cash off of financialinstitution outside of City's ATM network. But
unlike other banks, City imposes thisfee only when a customer withdraws money from
a financial institution owned by people ofthe wrong race. Well, if that's
the case, they can't get awaywith that, then that will have to
change, I would think, Iwould think. But now back to where
do you Where do you get yourcash from? I usually get from the
grocery store, except I don't getit from Kroger because they'll charge you.
I think it started at fifty cents. Now it's at seventy five cents to
get cash back at Croker stores.And I asked a manager there, I
said, why are you charging regularcustomers a feed to get cash back?
And obviously the real answer is they'redoing it to make money. But the
excuse, well, people, ourmachines are always empty because people were just
taking out too much money, andwe're always having to restock the machine.
So that's why we're trying to discouragepeople from using it. Okay, Oh
the other part was, oh,and these are people, These are people
who are not They're just coming into get cash to bund like a couple
of sticks of gum, and thenthey're getting the cash. Well, if
that were the case, would youjust charge people who only spend I don't
know, less than ten dollars dowithdraw money? Why would you charge somebodyho
just came in there like me andjust spent two hundred and fifty dollars on
groceries. Shouldn't I be able toget my money for free? Anyway?
Five eleven Time for traffic and weathertogether. Sky Mike is here. Yes
I am, it's a golf freeway, Jimmy inbound. This is all lanes
blocked. I'm seeing this car overhere against the support pillar for the ramp.
This is golf freeway inbound at thesouth Belt. It's blocking all lanes,
and all of a sudden, I'vegot this wall of law enforcement behind
it that are blocking it off theforcing everybody off onto the frontage road and
then off to few Quay. Youtake the fu Quay exit ramp. But
I don't like the way this looks. This is looking we'll find out soon
enough. Northbound. Don't have abig backup just yet. And instead of
three, let's do something easier.Let's jump on Scarsdale over to Beamer.
You'll hit a couple of lights,but back to Fuquay and that's a much
easier way around. Three just getsall clogged up with those lights, and
as soon as they hear about it, then it'll get really crazy. So
uh, Scarsdale, Beamer, Feuquayget around this. It's our only big
incident right now on the main lanes, and we do have that road work.
Of course, the toll bridge.It's going to be like that for
a while. I'm getting rumblings ofa fire on Sheldon Road and Channel View,
so we'll zoom in on that.At the five twenty break Sky Michael
the Generator Supercenter, dot Com trafficCenter from r KTRH Top to Accid Avenders
twenty four hour whether Center. TerrySmith is here. We've got about ninety
percent of the power, but atleast they expect to have ninety percent of
the power back by tonight, sowe can get the AC back on it.
Great, Yes, that'll help.That'll certainly help Terry Smith. In
the meantime, Can you keep itbelow ninety degrees today? I'd like to,
but unfortunately, I don't think we'regoing to see that, at least
not for most of Southeast Texas.Now, if you're closer to the coast,
you're probably in better shape. It'sgoing to be another day of heat
and humidity and maybe a shower ortwo. I really don't expect much rain,
but we could get a shower too, So it's a twenty percent chance
of a shower today and the temperature'sup eighties to low nineties. The heat
in decks will be close to onehundred again today the rest of the week,
no rain, just a mix ofsun and clouds, and again the
temperatures are not going to really changemuch at all. High pressures just knock
at a budge, so we'll bein the uper eighties to low nineties the
rest of the week. The heatindecks around one hundred are running even higher.
So thank you set a point energyfor getting all the power back on.
Where we've been able to turn itback on? Well, yeah,
exactly not everybody, but we're gettingthere right now. Temperature selve nine at
your official severe weather station. NewsRadio seven forty k TRH. It's Houston's
morning news, brought to you Biden, New South Windows solutions. Now back
to Jimmy and Sherah with the infoyou need to take on the day.
So I saw something Why am Istuttering? I saw something really strange yesterday
Bill Maher, the liberal comedian onFox. I thought, what the heck
is he doing on Fox? ThatI realized he had a book to sell.
Everybody goes on Fox to sell thebook. But Bill Maher was on
and he and Guttfeld were talking aboutthe Biden Moorhouse speech. So we'll share
a little audio with you on thatcoming up next. First though, at
five op, sounds like we gotproblems out there sky, Mike, what's
going on. I'll tell you whatphones are going I'll tell you through this
disaster we just had too. It'sa weird thing when I don't hear from
Mike from Magnolia and some of ourother regulars. I think we had some
real communications breakdowns that we had nocontrol over Golf Freeway at the Beltway.
We've got tip line a Mike,not about bound northbound? Okay, there
is let's free all over the playas far as round the road. Burnty
vehicles all right, that's golf Freewaynorthbound at the Beltway. Big wreck here.
That's Toby from League City. Onemore tip line guy, Mike,
exact, A guy lost his boatand trailer. He's up on the left
lane. Trailer was off on theright lane. I didn't see the boat
all right. This was inbound justa little past the Beltway. They had
closed off all the lanes here.Checking one twenty one if you're playing the
home game. Looks like they're justnow clearing this up, and let's go
in and stay the course. Wenever really got much of a backup from
it. Skylike and the Generator Supercenterdot com Traffic center from our KTRH Top
tax Defenders twenty four hour weather center. Becoming partly cloudy today with the high
temperature around ninety. Mostly cloudy andwarm around ninety Tomorrow Thursday, partly clouding,
high temperature right about ninety. Currentlyit is seventy nine at your official
Silvia weather station. News Radio sevenforty k TRH. We're checking out some
of our top trending stories here onthis Tuesday. Shari's on vacation this week,
Cliff is in for her and we'responsored by Morrow Mechanical. About one
hundred and forty five thousand Centerpoint customersare still without power. Multiple school districts
are still closed, including Si FairID. We've got the list at ktrch
dot com. And Target has loweredprices on five thousand items, kicking off
a price war with Walmart. Getthe latest news anytime at ktrach dot com.
Our next updates at five thirty.Today's Donald common Sense so moving re
election. Here the dominoes fall,political dominoes falling, the fun Huge Radio
seven KTRH. So, I thinkJoe Biden's living on a different planet,
in a different worlds, at leastthat's how he comes across. He gave
the speech at Morehouse College, andhe's talking about the world as it was
maybe fifty sixty years ago, notthe way the world is today, as
far as discrimination and those types ofthings. And he painted a I thought
mess a coress were supposed to beinspiring. Aren't they supposed to be inspiring?
Aren't you supposed to be hopeful withthe commencement speech? Aren't you you're
talking about the future for young peoplewho are graduating from college. Don't you
want to give them hope? Well, there was no hope in Joe Biden's
speech. Here's a little clip ofit. We've played these before, but
here's a little clip of the speech. In some reaction at the other end
from Greg Guttfeld in Bill Maher,who was a special guest on the show
last night, Biden's commencement address atmore House College in Atlanta, where he
started off strong by saying it wasVP during the COVID nineteen pandemic, which
he meant to say the Spanish flupandemic of nineteen eighteen. He was out
of Black college, so he pretendedthat it's the Republicans who are racist and
not him, resulting in the worstrace pandering since Rachel dalizol odeed on Bronzer
roll It. Today, in Georgia, they won't allow water to be available
to you while you wait in lineto vote an election. What in the
hell's that all? I never thoughti'd be in a president of time when
there's a national effort to ban booksnot to write history, but to a
race history. They don't see youin the future of America. But they're
wrong. Sorry, the only historyof race is from his short term memory.
He also bragged about ignoring the SupremeCourt in a desperate move to buy
student support and told them they faceinsane racism wherever they go. I'm relieving
a burden of student debt. Manyof you have already had the benefit of
us, so I can chase yourdream to grow the economy. When the
Supreme Court told me I couldn't,I found two other ways to do it.
What is democracy a black matter beingkilled in the street? What is
democracy? Betrayal of broken promises solelyblack communities behind what is democracy? You
have to be ten times better thananyone else to get a fair shot.
Most of all, what does itmean, as you've heard before, to
be a black man who loves hiscountry even if it doesn't love him back
in equal measure? Do you thinkthere are any a purpose a purpose to
him being so stark and bleak.I think it's I think it's not helpful.
First of all, it's anachronistic.I mean that speech would have made
sense some years ago. I thinkwe should acknowledge that racism still persists,
and we should always be making redeemmedial remedies for it. But we're not
in the past. I always keepsaying, let's live in the year we're
living in. We're not living inthe year where you have to be ten
times better to succeed if you're aperson of color. And in some instances
it's it's an advantage. Yeah,in some places it's not an advantage.
But we're not living in that worldthat he's talking about. No, And
I think most people realize that,at least i'd like to think they do.
Here's the student loan thing. Ithink there's a lot of people.
I think there's a fair amount ofpeople out there, maybe even a few
of them that went in took themoney and got the loan forgiven. Who
realized that, you know, we'respending money we don't have, and you
know, these types of programs aremaking the rest of the inflation problem even
worse. Five twenty six, Itis time to take a look at your
money. Fortney Donaho's here. Well, good morning, Jimmy. It's a
quiet start. It's Tuesday. Dalfeatures are a little changed to kick off
the morning. Data showing inflation hasbeen easing has been a big support for
stocks of late, and this couldallow the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates
this year. A mixed finish forstocks yesterday, the Dell fell one hundred
and ninety seven points, which broughtthe benchmark back below the forty thousand mark.
However, the S and P roseslightly, getting a quick check of
oil this morning lower at seventy eightdollars a barrel. Meantime, the main
oil company of the United Arab Emirateshas purchased a stake in Houston Base Next
Decades natural gas export project near Brownsville. Abu Dhabi National Oil will take a
close to twelve percent steak in theLNG project, and powerful hailstorms are wreaking
more destruction in the US, costingbillions of dollars a year. The damage
done by thunderstorms has been steadily ratchetingup in recent years. There have been
sixty seven storms that reached a billiondollars or more since twenty nineteen. I'm
courting Done Hope Bloomberg Business on NewsRadio seven forty k TRH. There are
no Houston's News Weather. We're trafficplus Breaking News twenty four to seven.
This is News Radio seven forty KtrhchildEverywhere with the IRF. More of what's
happening now from the John Morris ServicesStudios. It is five point thirty now
here on Houston's Borning News. I'mJimmy Barrett. Seri's on vacation this WEEKLFT
Saunders is in for her. Amongour top stories this half hour, cy
Fair Seniors they could to bail ontheir finals, crime still Houstonian's top concern
and coming up at five thirty eight, electric stoves they could make your meal
flame broiled. Details and the minutesahead you're in Houston's Morning News. First,
we're gonna check out that morning driveagain. Here's sky Mike. We've
got your golf freeway. Keep thetip lines, I love them seven one
three, two one two tips.Nikki from Keema k time Ike, head
it up forty five. I don'tsee anything on the golf freeway at the
belt. Wait, it's wide open. It's posted steeds in a bush.
Yeah, we're clearing the wreck.We've cleared the debris and we're clearing the
boat too. Looks like everybody's okay. Hopefully the boat is too. Stephen
from Dayton got Mike fourteen oh ninesouth of Caddy Road four seventeen. Looks
like there's been a rig Everybody turnaround, head back to Dayton to get
on one forty six. When wehave one on fourteen oh nine, it's
never good. All right, we'llzoom it at five point forty. This
is your Generator Supercenter dot Com TrafficCenter from r KTRH Generator super Center,
twenty four hour weather Center. Becomingpartly cloudy today with the hetep butt you're
right about ninety. We'll get youthe latest on the forecast with Terry Smith
at the Weather Channel in about nineminutes right now seventy nine at your official
severe weather station, News Radio sevenforty KTRA. It is time now for
the news and for shera who's onvacation. Here's Cliff Sanders. Thank you,
Jimmy. It is five thirty oneon KTRH top story. We expect
everyone to be back on by endof business Wednesday. Centerpoint officials still dealing
with about one hundred and forty fivethousand customers in the dark this morning.
In the meantime, it's Texans helpingTexan. Everybody's pitching in. They're helping
me with the guests up Soul.That helps. BT Man talking to our
TV partner channel too. He's theonly one in his apartment complex in Spring
Branch with a generator, so he'sletting his neighbors plug in. There is
a temporary curfew from midnight to sixam in Waller County because of storm damage
that will be in effect until Fridayat least. Meantime, there are some
twenty five hundred windows damaged in downtownHouston. Several school districts remain closed,
thirty six HISD schools, among themsci Fare as well Seniors there they don't
have to worry about their finals thisweek. You can see the entire list
at KTR coming up Bond five thirtythree Eustonians list crime as their number one
concern for the second year in arow. That's what this year's Kinder Houston
Area survey from RICE says crime wasthe biggest problem in nineteen of thirty neighborhood
areas survey in Harris County. Anew report shows that the Dallas area is
struggling with response times to nine toone one calls. Doug Griffith with the
Houston Police Officers Union says it's tobe expected because of a cop shortage,
kind of a nationwide effect that wehave right now. We have issues recruiting
and retaining officers, so everybody's lowon manpower, and when you're dealing with
higher volume of calls and big citieslike Houston, you're going to have a
slower response time. Response times arebetter here in Houston, but not where
they should be with HPD short byhundreds of officers. A federal judges blocked
the bike administration from enforcing a newrule in Texas requiring dealers to run background
checks on buyers at gun shows.The rule was supposed to go into effect
yesterday, but Democrats keep trying gungrabs. This time they want to stop
sales of fifty caliber rifles. Idon't think anybody's going to make the argument
that a fifty caliber rifle is forhome decents. This is like a military
grade weapon. The push being ledby Democrat San Antonio area Congressman Joaquin Castro.
It's five point thirty four at theborder. New reporting shows that many
of the Chinese nationals being caught cominghere illegally are using TikTok to plan their
roots. Many of them are alsousing Ecuador as a starting point in South
America to get to the US.A crisis continues to hit small town ranch
communities in southwest Texas the hardest.They don't function the way they used to
function years ago. Del Rio textsa small town feel. It's a very
friendly feel that is gone now.They are more afraid when they go out.
Former Homeland Security Asian Victor Avola toldkti H that everything from cars to
businesses are now regularly broken into.There are also increases in stampings in shootings.
It won't pass, but Senate majorityleader Chuck Schumer is about to revive
the border bill that already failed oncein the US House. The bill failed
to get enough support when it wasattached to a foreign aid package in December,
and it could be facing a similarfate. House Republican leadership, in
a statement says the bill is deadon arrival and would quote codify many of
the disastrous Biden open border policies thatcreated this crisis in the first place.
That's Ryan Schmels reporting new Reuters pollingshows that fifty six percent of American voters
support deport deporting all illegal aliens inthe country. That includes sixty one percent
of Democrats and thirty five percent ofIndependence It's five point thirty five. An
International Criminal Court prosecutor once an arrestwarrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and
the leader of Hamas for war crimes, Netanyaho says this is the latest example
of quoach what the new anti Semitismlooks like. The White House also criticized
this, and then President Biden madeanother gaff during a speech to celebrate Jewish
American heritage. Months minorss you workingaround the clock to free their main hostages,
just as we of freed hostage isalready and here this today is hersh
Goldberg Poland actually he wasn't because he'sstill a hostage of hamas in the Middle
East. Biden had to backtrack.But while the president supports Israel, his
fellow Democrats like aoc or pushing legislationthat would punish charities for supporting Israeli settlements.
It is more important to have thaneffort to hold in that young a
government accountable for endorsing and the factssupporting some of this settler violence. That
bill is being talked about in theNew York State Legislature. The UN held
a moment of silence after the deathof Iranian President Iberhim ray Ysi in a
helicopter crash. Robert Wood is theUS Deputy Ambassador to the UN, and
he's taking a lot of heat thismorning. He stood up with other ambassadors
to honor the man that was calledthe Butcher of Tehran. What do we
do? We send a condolence overtonebecause their president died in a helicopter crash.
When they got responsible for over thirtythousand days women and children. Tennessee
Republican Tim Burchett on Fox five pointthirty seven. The Manhattan trial of former
President Donald Trump resumes at eight thirty. The defense is called two witnesses so
far. After the prosecution rested theirstar witness, Michael Cohen admitted he's still
about sixty grand from the Trump organization. More on this at six o'clock,
and finally, the Astros lose theirseries opener to the Angels nine to seven.
Pregame tonight at six on Sports Talkseven ninety and after being sent to
the Miners, Skipper Joe A.Spotta says the first basement JOSEA. Brew
is close to coming back to thebig leagues. You could see him by
this weekend in Oakland. In forSharer this week, I Cliff Saunders on
Houston's News, Weather and Traffic stationUse Radio seven forty k TRH, Classic
Elite, Chevy, Sugarland dot Com, The Elite, Buy Elite, I
live in Spring, I live inKatie. You're reliable forecast. Next on
the ten on seven forty ktrh forstoves on fire, I actually have I
actually have a story about that.Five thirty eight is the time here on
Houston's Morning News. Over two hundredthousand electric Aha electric stoves from ken Moore
and Frigid Air recalled after multiple firesand injuries. You know what is going
to make this story complicated is thatwhen it comes to appliances, you know,
it really doesn't matter what the brandname is on the appliance. That
doesn't mean that's who made it.There's just a handful of companies now that
make appliances, and they still stampa bunch of names on them. For
example, I don't think I thinkSears ever manufactured Ken Moore, but ken
Moore used to be a really goodbrand name. I remember my mom as
a kid. My mom always hadKen Moore washer and dryer, and we
always bought you know, lawnmowers andthings like that at Seers because they were
very, very reliable back in theday. But Ken Moore is actually made
in many cases by frigid Air,and frigid Air is owned by Electrolux.
So you see what's going on here. We have all these different companies that
are involved the recalled electric ranges.Their stoves have several issues including oh this
isn't good, including spontaneously turning onand family to turn off when switched off.
The initial recall was in two thousandand nine, and they're still out
there. I guess they're still outthere, some of them. They've received
at least two hundred and twelve reportsof stoves functioning erratically, including fourteen reports
of fires. There's also been eightreports of entries from burns to hands or
arms, and reports of smoke inhalation. The recalled appliances were sold from June
two thousand and one through August mindat Seers and other independent appliance stores in
the US. So if you cango online if you need to get the
model numbers. If I mean ifyou have a stove that is that old
and you may generally they last forquite a while. The recall includes cam
Moore Elite smooth top electric ranges.It also includes frigidaire, frigidatory gallery and
frigid air professional stoves, electric stoves, and the repair if it can be
repaired. The repair is going tocome from Electrolux, but don't look for
a lot of help here. They'regoing to give you a fifty dollars electronic
gift card and up to sixty dollarsto haul it away, but they won't
give you anything for the stove itselfby forty time for traffic and weather together.
As we check out the drive onceagain, here's sky Mi. I
was hearing something about a church fireand channel view, but I don't see
anything affecting you know what. Let'scheck Junior from Dayton. He's on your
tip line. Guy. I didit chilled and maybe eight minutes ago,
and I didn't see anythings motoring ona main lane yet. Let's just's on
a theater. The only thing Igot it Tontin with the target Pinky plinky,
that's going through Mott Vllevue. Yeah, southbound, we still have that
light situation there. And actually,you know, hard Hats, you did
a lot better than a lot ofthe rest of town. You got the
tall bridge, sucking git starting nowan extra twelve minutes on the southbound and
also fourteen to Old nine coming intothe Old River south of Dayton. I'm
still getting reports of accidents there ofsomething that's shut down fourteen oh nine.
Completely keep me up to date onthere, because I have no eyes over
an Old River. But for now, if I were you, i'd skip
over to one forty six. Ifyou're a big shot, must be nice
to be able to drive on thetollway. Grand Parkways a good alternative course,
and you just zip right by allthat mess. Let's check around North
Freeway. Andrew from spring Hey,Scott Mike southbound between Grand Parkway and the
Boat. Wait eight, everybody's movingright along, no trouble, all right,
ghetto. Dave's checking the hood.Heys got Mike all the way from
Caroline Drive, so forty five onParker Road. We have lights, man,
we got green light, the redlight green light. Eh. Yeah,
there's a little red light going onthere. I'm skylike from the Generator
Supercenter dot Com Traffic Center from rKTRH Generator super Center, twenty four hour
Whether Center. Terry Smith is standingby, and it's going to be dry
probably for the next almost week,isn't it. Yeah. I don't see
really any rain of consequence through Saturday. I'll go ahead and looking at the
rest of the weekend. Here shortly, I've been trying to nail down some
of the finer details of the forecastfor the rest of the week. Now
we might get a shower too today. There's enough moisture that one of those
little streamer showers, a little earlyshowers might pop up. That's a twenty
percent chance of rain. That meansthe majority of us won't see a single
drop. It'll be another war day. In fact, we're going to stay
in the upper eighties to low ninetiesbasically the rest of this week, and
they'll be even more humidity, likeit's not human enough right now, but
even more humidity toward the weekend.So the heat in deck is close to
one hundred most of this week,and then likely over one hundred just in
time for the Memorial Day weekend.There you go, right now, seventy
nine at your official severe weather station, These radio seven forty k TRH.
What you need to know for theday ahead. This is Houston's Morning News,
brought to you by New South WindowsSolutions. We'll be on Friday,
YEP. For most school systems,they're getting out on Friday. And that's
the problem. You know, youmay have heard. I've heard some grousing
about this too, about how insci fair the twenty twenty four final exams
for seniors have been waived and thereason. Listen, you know, I
think everybody should take their test,but at the end of the day,
you know, graduation is going onright now. This is just the seniors,
So you're gonna hold off graduation sothey can take a final exam,
especially for students where the final resultof the final exam are not going to
have any impact on what their finalgrips it is going to be. I
guess they have a setup so thatany senior needing to take the final to
improve here's or her overall average cancontact the director of instruction on their campus.
They could still take it if theyneeded to improve their grade. But
at this point, come on,they're getting ready to walk down the aisle.
So what if they're missing their finalexam? They took all the other
ones, right, they hopefully've learnedsomething by the time they get to this
point. Five point fifty. Timefor traffic and weather together, we're checking
out the drive once again. Here'sguy Mike Way Travis from Dayton says that
wreck on fourteen oh nine north ofOld River at that's County Road four to
nine. It's clear now, butthe backup is still there. Still a
good time to jump on one,big shots. Do Graham park Way if
you want. I've got Doug fromMott Bellevue ringing in and he says that
the lights are still out itenant Normandy. Actually actually I can actually see that
that's on the both sides Peter Road. And also he notes that some people,
just a few, don't know whatto do at a four way stop.
I noted that also, oh somefirst time callers Nikki from Keema first
banana sticker this morning. Also Chrisfrom Nasau Bay and James from League City
helping us out. James Stephen fromDayton gave us the fourteen oh nine reg
Golf Freeway. We cleared the beltway. If you were hearing that it's out
of the way, stay the course. We're wide open and on the North
Freeway. So far, we're goingall the way to Shepard Skymike and the
Generator Supercenter dot Com Traffic Center fromo r KTRH Generator super Center, twenty
four hour weather Center. For today, we're going to become partly cloudie with
a high temperature right about ninety,mostly cloudian, warm ninety Tomorrow Thursday,
partly cloudie, high again right aboutninety, nosing a trend right down.
Temperature is eighty At your official severeweathers station, News Radio seven forty k
TRH. I'm to check out someof our top stories on this Tuesday morning.
And for Sharon who's on vacation,here's Cliff and we're brought to you
by DNM Autoasing. Thirty six HISDschools are being closed because of power issues.
Center Point hopes to have ninety percentof those affected back online by tonight.
Tonight's media millions Jack bought four onehundred and twenty one million dollars at
the Latest News Anytime at KTRH dotcom. Our next updates at six.
I live in Katie, I livein it. You're reliable forecast next on
the ten on seven forty kt RH. You know, there's there's all kinds
of chaos. Most notably, there'sreal chaos and there's imaginary chaos, and
the media pedals a little bit ofboth. Well, I think they actually
pedaled more of the imaginary chaos,the chaos that they want to create or
they care about, versus the realchaos. And I think it also upsets
them that you don't care about Youdon't care about their chaos, and they
need to care about yours. Theborder. For example, Elizabeth Ames joins
us. He's an author of FoxNews contributor. You know, I think
we live in a day and agewhere it's chaos by design. Elizabeth,
what do you think of that ideathat that what we're seeing, the chaotic
things we're seeing are being done purposelyto keep us on our toes. Well,
thank you for having me. Ithink that the piston Trump is a
chaos candidate which has emerged recently.It's a Biden narrative with about as much
truth as his claimed that the Cannibalsain't his uncle or that inflation was nine
percent when he entered the White House. I mean, you get chaos when
there's a leadership vacuum, and that'swhat we have today. Yeah, and
you know, where do you be? Where does one begin? I mean,
chaos is twenty percent inflation since twentytwenty, riots on campuses, a
chaotic foreign policy starting with the withdrawalfrom Afghanistan. An open border that's let
about ten million people flood into thecountry. That's chaos. Those images of
people crowding the border, what isthat? That's chaos And that's holding with
Biden. Chaos. That's all chaosby design. It's all chaos by design,
especially the border's chaos by design.We don't need to be letting all
these people in but we do fora very purposeful reason. You know,
we don't need to be spending moneywe don't have creating even more inflation,
but we do. I mean,all these things are very preventable, absolutely.
I mean, he could stop ittoday wanted to, but he doesn't.
They don't want it. They wantthose people eventually to get to get
green cards to vote. I mean, obviously if they wanted to stop it,
they'd stop it. Uh. Andchaos is also crazy far left protesters
of all stripes gluing themselves to roads, blocking on a citizens Why why why
don't we have a president that callsthem out? We really don't. I
mean, I think that this issomething that yes, it's absolutely I think
there's a reason, uh for forwhat they're doing. Sure, because I
think that, yes, absolutely,Well, what do you think that the
reason is the reason that they're doingwhat they're doing on college campus is is
bought and paid for by dark money. You know, the George Soroses of
the world and the groups that theyfund are doing this for a very purposeful
reason. And and and and thatis the great chaos on campus. And
it is also to continue to divideus in this case, dividus between those
who are pro Israel and pro Hamasand uh and Joe Biden is not going
to do anything about it because he'safraid of the squad. He's afraid of
that faction of his party. Hehas to have their support absolutely well.
It's also to gym up division.So people are angry and they'll vote them
into office based on some of theissues that they see. But I don't
think that, frankly, it's goingto work, because the polls are showing
otherwise. People don't want to beangry. They don't want this. They
want they want to return to normal, you know. They want to return
to stable prices and a stable populationwhere we're not we want to really like
each other. I mean, Ithink Americans sense that there's just something wrong
with this administration, something's off kilter, and that's the they sense almost the
inner chaos of the administration and thelack of leadership that we have and we
have also a prose. You know. The irony of that, Elizabeth,
the irony of that is is thatthat why they supposedly got rid of Trump
or Trump didn't win the elections becausethey were tired of the divisiveness and the
arguing and the means and all thatstuff. Now they're longing for it.
Well, I think that most ofthe Trump so called chaos was almost it
was a matter of style. Nowthe big, you know, the big
counter to that that they bring upis January sixth. But I think that
the population that the voter sense thatthat basically was an anomaly, and you
know, it was something that happened, Yes it did, but it's not
We're not living with that every day. We're living with the chaos of Trump
of Biden policies every day. That'swhat we live with. And you know
so, but the January sixth isthe case is going to revolve around that
for chaos, which we basically haveto say that this is you know,
it doesn't compare to the day today craziness in the streets that we're that
we're living with now. It certainlydoes not. Elizabeth Ames always a pleasure,
thanks for joining us. That's authorand Fox News contributor Elizabeth Eames.
At five fifty seven is used Radioseven KTRH Houston Live Everywhere with the IMNUE
now the latest news, weather andtrapping. It's more of what matters to
you. From the John Morris ServicesStudios. Six am is our time here
in Houston's Warning News. I'm JimmyBarrettchera's on vacation this week. Lift Saunders
is in for her Among our topstories this half hour. Centerpoint hopes to
have ninety percent of restoration by tonight. Michael Cohen isn't just a liar,
He's also a thief and coming upat six o' eight, Climate Fear is
no longer working details In the minutesahead, you're in Houston's Wonning News first
to strick out their body ribe onceagain. Here's Skymine. Look at you
go on the north Freeway. It'sa little thick right after West Road or
after west Mount Houston, but it'snothing compared to the way the North ustually
gets. We're looking at an extraminute or two trying to hit the north
Loop sixty ten east tax elevated startingto smash up just south minute made on
the south Loop just westbound. It'sa little bit of roadwork two eighty eight
little skinny lanes and the textalk wallof death and somebody double check my digital
on the tollbridge. Suckets shows sixteenminutes on the southbound I think it's worse,
worse than that. It's always goodto jump on the Sherman Bridge six
y ten. I'm Skymike the GeneratorSupercenter dot Com traffic Center from our KTRH
top tax defenders twenty four hour weathercenter. Becoming partly cloudy today with octemperature
right about ninety. We'll get tothe latest on the forecast with Terry Smith
of the Weather Channel. We'll talkto her in about eight minutes right now
eighty at your official severe weather station, News Radio seven forty k TRH.
It's time now for the news andfor Sheriff Ryar. Here's Cliff Sanders.
Thank you, Jimmy six Z two. We are sponsored by all Star Construction.
Our top story this hour. We'regetting through this together and there's not
gonna be a community that has forgotten. Houston. Mayor John Wickmeyer is about
one hundred and forty five thousand CenterPoint customers are still in the dark this
morning. Some Ustonians are frustrated.We need help, We need water and
food. I would like some answersas far as how long it's going to
be, if maybe we need tomake plans to actually leave the area for
a while, Centerpoint and hopes tohave everybody's power back by the end of
the day tomorrow. Scy Fair ISDis one of several districts still close seniors
there, as Jimmy has talked about, we'll get to skip finals this week
because of the closures. The entirelist is at ktrh dot com. The
death toll from last week remains ateight, and a lawsuit has now been
foiled by the surviving victim of lastThursday night's crane accident against the companies involved.
It's six' oh three. Testimonyat the Trump trial picks back up
at eight thirty this morning. Yesterday, Michael Cohen testified that he stole thousands
of dollars from the Trump organization.The defense also called Cohen's old lawyer,
Robert Costello, to testify, butEric Trump says the judge continues to show
his bias. He said over andover and over again that Cohen kept on
saying that Donald Trump did absolutely nothingwrong. He has no information on Donald
Trump, he did nothing illegal,and at every single chance that he could
stop him, he could sustain youwould block him from any of that testimony.
Trump with ktrh's Sean Hannity. Cohendid testify that he's considering a run
for Congress because of his quote namerecognition. The judge reserves a decision on
the defense motion to dismiss. Closingarguments are expected next week, and a
new McLauchlin poll shows that a majorityof you want the prosecutions of Trump to
stop. There is another high profiletrelo Manhattan that the mainstream media is completely
ignoring, and that would be thebribery and corruption trial of New Jersey Democrat
Senator Bob Menendez, now in itssecond week. The mainstream media continues to
push a chaos narrative about Trump.Political analyst Eddie Scary says they're ignoring the
real chaos under Joe Biden. Whenthe media talks about chaos, they're talking
about things they find interesting or thingsthat maybe bother them, things that they
think should matter to people that reallydo not matter whatsoever. He says.
Voters care about the real issues,not COVID and not January sixth, If
Trump wins the White House back,he might bring Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton
with him to DC. Would youconsider him for US Attorney General? I
would? Actually, he's very verytalented. I mean, we have a
lot of people that want that oneand will be very good at it.
But he's a very talented guy.Trump this weekend talking to a Dallas television
station. Trump out raised Biden inApril, and it was not close seventy
six million dollars to fifty one milliondollars. Now, Trump and Biden have
agreed to at least two debates,but even Democrats are doubtful it'll actually happen.
I don't think it's much better thanfifty to fifty. James Carvel on
MSNBC six five on KTRH. Thereare more stories coming about out about improper
student teacher relationships. So the questionis why is this happening. It boils
down the lowering standards and loosening backgroundchecks. The answer to the state's teacher
shortage has been find new people orfind more people to bring in, rather
than retain the ones that you have. President of the Texas AFT, Zep
Cappo, says, non certified teacherscan circumvent background checks. Unfortunately, those
some also use false allegations to getteachers they dislike removed, and there needs
to be better regulations put into placeabout how we investigate this. He says
lowering the standards has hurt the educationsystem all the way around. More Perard
News Radio seven forty KRH, schooldistricts and their Democrat allies are once again
claiming they need more money despite thebillions of tax dollars they already get taxpayers.
Their responsibility continues to go up andup and up. The returns on
the investment into our children, intothe next generation of Texas do not bear
out with the amount of money thatwe're spending. Andy Drogin with the Texas
Public Policy Foundation says that instead ofmore blank checks, school districts should just
spend the money that they have moreresponsibly. Six oh six Americans for Prosperity
is teaming up with about two dozengas stations across the country to roll back
prices this week and remind you whatyou paid for gas just four years ago.
You know, before Biden, itwas less than two dollars a gallon.
Here in Houston. This morning,it's going for three dollars and fourteen
cents. And as the White Housecontinues to force us into evs that we
don't want. Now there comes awarning about electric trucks that move from diesel
to electric trucks could raise operating costsfor the industry by a wopping one hundred
and fourteen percent. And that's accordingto numbers from Rider Trucks. For the
same twelve hundred mile journey, we'dgo from fifteen minutes of fueling a clean
diesel truck once to charging today's BEEVfour to eight times for dozens and dozens
of hours. American Trucking Association ChairmanAndrew Boyle testifying for Congress last year that
this conversion would require a trillion dollarinvestment which would be passed down to you.
The chair of the FDIC is steppingdown over harassment charges. Martin Ruenberg
Is faced backlash following a Wall StreetJournal expose in the fall detailing a culture
of sexual harassment, this conduct,and retaliation at the agency. Finally,
the Astros lose their series opener tothe Angels at Home nine to seven.
The series continues tonight. Pregame isat six on Sports Talk seven ninety,
game time at seven to ten onseven ninety and here on KTRH. In
for Shara, I'm Cliff Saunders onHouston's news, weather and traffic station,
News Radio seven forty KTRH. Listento News Radio seven forty KTRH on the
free iHeartRadio app. It's all yournews, music, sports podcasts, and
talk free. Never sounded so good. Six O wait our time here on
Houston's Morning News. Fear mongering aboutclimate change seems to be gaining to the
point of maybe backfiring a little bit. Little survey just came out, a
survey on climate change, while justsurvey in general of what what you and
me are concerned about, what wecare about right now, and we found
that only forty five percent thought thatdealing with climate change was very important,
similar to the same rating that youhave on issues of race forty percent.
Really, what we really found importantwere some other issues and we'll get to
those. Well. Here they arethe economy eighty two percent of you are
concerned about the economy, Inflation seventynine percent, inflation, crime sixty five
percent. And this is by aCBS News poll, by the way,
so you gov polls, so ifit's going to be slanted, it can
be slanted maybe a little bit towardsthe left. Here. You're much more
concerned about those things than you areabout climate change, and what particularly sticks
out too, is that there's nothingin particular on this survey that people indicated
they want government to do about it. They're not asking for more government regulations,
they're not asking for In fact,they're probably going to be asking for
less government regulations as it relates tothings like evs and powered fuel pines and
those types of things. Yep,the government is on a completely different page
than the vast majority of Americans rightnow, is it relates to climate change.
Six ten, I'm for trafficking weatheredtogether. We're checking out the drive
once again. What's gots guy mine? Well, I've got the toll bridge
and that's going to be an everymorning thing. Of course, southbound,
I'm showing about an eighteen minute dragcoming across. So no reason why you
don't want to jump on the sixto ten Sydney Sherman Bridge instead or the
Fred Hartman Bridge. A quick notehere on Metro of all things. Parking
ride service is suspended again today exceptfor the Med Center. And if you
know anybody that rides a Metro buswho expect some to tourism delays, especially
downtown, and some of these stopsmay not be accessible. We've got south
loop spackling up now on the westboundright before two eighty eight little skinny lanes
and the text top wall their westbound. You lose about two or three minutes.
We're cramming up on the east taxa little bit of a kerpuffle on
the North freeway just right after GulfBank. Scott from Wallaceville on the World
Inside. Dude, you got myhat on the ramp from Highway ninety nine
out district Voltagram. Brazer's a stallvehicle on the ramp and on the right
hand side, and got to bewatch out because you can all the problem
later. Yeah, it's a realsticky spot there if you're coming off of
either one forty six past the LeeCollege or ninety nine from Beach City.
So we'll keep an eye out forthose tow truck ninjas on the southbound trying
to get over to the Laporte side. And Scott from Wallaceville with the banana
sticker on his hard hat. Wewill check your advisors, will check your
katie. At six twenty the GeneratorSupercenter dot Com Traffic Center from r KTRH
stop tax Defenders twenty four our weatherCenter. Time to check into Terry Smith
Memorial Day. Believe it or not, it's almost hear, terry, and
the weather's finally starting to feel likethe right time of the year. It
is feeling like summertime. We're alittle bit ahead of schedule, but you
know, we can't handle it.We've done this drill before. The one
thing that you need to pay attentionto is the heat and humidity because it's
going to be with us for theentire week into the weekend, and it
looks like the temperatures likely will geteven hotter into the weekend, the humidity
even higher, and so that heatindex may be more of a factor in
your outdoor plants this weekend. Rightnow, we're looking at temperatures upright eas
to low nineties today, Tomorrow,Thursday, starting Friday, we may see
a few mid nineties right now.The heat indecks topping out around one hundred,
pretty close to it most of theweek, but then we're talking about
over one hundred degrees over the weekend. We do have a slight chance of
a shower today twenty percent chance ofa sprinkle, but that is it for
rain right now through Sunday. Deepertureright now is eighty at your officials,
severe weather station News Radio seven fortyk TRH news, traffic and weather.
You're starting your day right with Houston'sMorning News, brought to you Biden New
South Windows Solutions. Well, actually, there's que a few people who think
that President Biden is juiced up.I guess, for lack of a better
terms, juiced up up. They'regiving him something. You know, they
gave him something before he did thisState of the Union address because he looked
like a whole different guy. Andthey'll probably juice him up before they allow
him out on the debate stage becausehe's again, he's a whole different guy.
When when when when whatever that ishe's taking. So Trump has suggested
that maybe we should both submit toa drug test before before these debates,
and of course, you know theWhite Houses want to have anything to do
with that. But uh, doctorRonnie Jackson, who's now a US representative
these days for the great State ofTexas, and of course the former personal
White House physician of Donald Trump,says a drug test is in order.
Well, I think we would neversuggest something like that, but I think
we live in a different world now. I think President Trump's saying what everybody
else in this country's thinking, rightnow, what's going on with this man?
What is he on? I meanwe see him for three years now,
slurness speech, I'm a sleepy Joe, can can barely stay away long
enough to read the teleprompter. Andthen over the la last few months we've
seen them when he comes out publicly, like he did at the stud of
the Union, he is completely juicedup on something. I mean he is
screaming at the camera, his eyesare wide open, I mean he's not
blinking. I mean he's got allhe looks for all the world like he's
on some type of drug. Thequestion is what is he taken? Right?
And you know we don't know becausehis doctor is completely untransparent about everything.
You know, this doctor has refusedto go out and talk to the
press and answer questions about what medicationshe's taken, you know, or what
are any other questions related to hishealth. We need to know. It's
a national security issue, Larry,doctor Jackson is exactly right. It has
reached the point and everybody can seeit that we have got to determine if
he has the middle capacity to bethe single man in Amert that controls the
nuclear codes, I maintain he doesnot. What was it you were in
the nuclear command? I was.I commanded a nuclear detachment in Special Forces
of the Green Berets. We werethe forward deployed detachment in Germany obviously during
the Cold War. Thankfully we nevergot deployed to exercise nuclear war and nobody
wants to. But you have tohave somebody with a sound mind that controls
those nuclear codes. Yeah, sixtwenty one is our time. Let's do
a little trafficing weather together. Yeh, listen, where would like whatever whatever
they gave him? I don't know. I think I would. I think
it's an advanced form of riddling,I really do. I'm surprised you aren't
on it. You know, along time ago, you know, when
I used to stay up too latesometimes before my morning ships, a long
time ago. Uh huh. Itwould have been nice to have that,
you know, right, uh nordSam Uh. The toll way. I'm
glad you can get on it.I'm banned by the toll way for now.
But eastbound Antoine it's a minor wreck. It's a left shoulder. Just
look out here. As they're comingover from forty five trying to reach two
forty nine toll bridge suckets now attwenty two minutes on the south bound.
If you want to check my notes, I'd love for somebody to do a
little timing for me. If youcan do it safely and beytown watch out.
Grant Parkway. Scott from Wallasville calledthis in there. It is.
I'll let the rest of the mediaknow that's a stall that's on the ramp
from ninety nine, but it's movedover to the side getting on the heart
Met Bridge. For now, it'sjust a minor hubub. Just watch out
so it doesn't become a full blownhoo ha. I'm in the Generator Supercenter
dot Com traffic Center. All right, Are we wasting too much money in
our school short answers? Yes,We'll tell you how coming up in just
a moment. First, let's doa little on the weather for you for
today from our KTRH top tax defenderstwenty four hour weather center. Becoming partley
cloudy right about ninety mostly claudium warmaround ninety tomorrow hardy cloudie around ninety on
Thursday, temperatures eighty Dad your officialsevere weather station News Radio seven forty KTRH.
Time to check out some of ourtop stories here on this Tuesday morning.
Infra Sherah, who's on vacation.Here's Cliff. Why do I feel
like we're going to have the sameforcast until like October fifteenth. Headlines are
sponsored by dn M Auto Leasing.Over one hundred and forty thousand Center Point
customers are still without power. We'vegot more school closures today Channel View and
Galina Park. The entire list atktrach dot com and Ivan Boski remember him.
He served three years in jail forinsider trading in the eighties. He
died at the age of eighty seven. At the latest news anytime at ktrch
dot com. Our next update isat six thirty. If it's happening,
people coming across the board of FutureAmericas bring down inflation. It happens here.
I turn on KTRH on News Radioseven KTRH six twenty four time here
on Houston's Warring News. We weregoing to talk to Mandy Drug in Texas
Public Policy Foundation. She's into allthings education. She is a big supportive
school choice and at a critic anddeservedly so, of the way many school
systems operate. And one of thestories they're following at the Texas Public Policy
Foundation is how Dallas ISD and FortWorth ISD are begging taxpayers for more money
and claiming and claiming to the governorthat they don't are not getting enough money,
when in reality they are not spendingtheir money wisely. Schools like Dallas
ized dpay their superintendents north of threehundred thousand dollars a year. Now,
I don't mind that. If youhave a great superintendent who actually has the
ability to turn test scores around andknows how to educate children and knows how
to run an efficient school system,then by all means give them a great
salary. But the thing I havefound about public school systems is, in
addition to liking to build big,expensive buildings in football stadiums, they also
like to spend money on things theydon't really involve education. And they are
very, very layered in their hierarchy. Most schools don't just have a principle.
They have four or five or sixassistant principles, and then they have
another layer of bureaucracy underneath that.And these are people who are all making
very good money. Now, weunderpay, in many cases, we underpay
our teachers and we especially underpaid thesupport staff. You know, the people
who actually make most schools run,whether they run efficiently or they don't run
efficiently. Those people who are inthe trenches every day, those people are
not making diddaly and that may havesomething to do with the quality of some
of the people who are doing thosepositions. So I think it's time for
the public school model to be blownup in many cases, at least the
hierarchy of the way it's structured,the way it's run. We need to
find out how we can run apublic school like a business, and it
is a business as far as I'mconcerned. It's turning out educated young people
ready for the next phase in life, and there's got to be a more
efficient way to do it. AndI know parents like the latest, greatest,
newest school building, but that latest, greatest, newest school building has
nothing to do with whether or notyour kids are learning anything. Six twenty
six, It is time to takea look at your money. Forty Danaho
is here. Well the morning,Jimmy, there's little change this Tuesday.
However, keep in mind that stockshave been training near record highs hopes that
the federal reservoi cut rates this yearhas been supporting stocks shares of lows higher
in the pre market. The homeimprovement chain report a quarterly sales of top
analyst testaments it's a sign the companyis making inroads working with professional contractors.
The lead contractor for the Golden Passliquefied natural gas project, co owned by
Exxon and Cutter Energy, has filedfor bankruptcy. Zachary Holdings has filed for
Chapter eleven. Since beginning work onthe Port Arthur project in twenty nineteen,
the company has faced disruptions stemming fromthe pandemic and geopolitical issues. And if
the kids aren't getting enough sugar inthe morning, post is out with summer
Fruity Pebble cereal which are red andblue Fruity Pebble's Waffle cereal and my favorite
frosted chocolate cake cereal. I'm Courtney'son a Hoe Bloomberg business. On News
Radio seven KRH There's a great nutrition, Houston's News, Traffic plus freaking News
twenty four to seven. This isNews Radio seven forty ktrh Hive Everywhere with
more of what's happening now from theJohn Morris Services Studios six point thirty now
here in Houston's Boning News. I'mJimmy Barrett. Shar's on vacation all this
week list Suders is in for her. Among our top stories this FF hour,
Sipeir seniors get to bail out ontheir finals. Crime still Houstonian's top
concern and coming up at six thirtyeight, parents are complaining the classrooms are
too hot. Details in the minutesthey head. You're in Houston's Bonning News.
First hot hot, That's what I'mthinking, sky Mike, what's going
on with the drive. Let's seehere, I got this message Jennifer wants
me to look at her Twitter.Let's see something on the west what west
lips sixteen Memorial southbound. Yeah,I see that skun shop. I we'll
zoom that at six forty see exactlywhat's going on. Nord, Sam and
Twine. Look out east found that'scorrect, they've moved that over to the
left shoulder. So far, justa minor krippufful. Watch out for the
ninja so that doesn't become a bigthing. And let's look toll Bridge southbound
losing twenty minutes, Katie Freeway,look at you rocking on this morning Graham
Parkway. That's a little thick,but all the way in from six it's
SKYMIAE and the Generator Supercenter dot ComTraffic Center from r KTRH Generator super Center,
twenty four hour weather center for todaybecoming partly cloudy with a high temperature
right about ninety. We'll get youthe rest of the work week forecast when
we talk to Terry Smith at theweather Channel in about nine minutes. Right
now seventy nine at your official severeweather station, News Radio seven forty k
TRH. It is time now forthe news in for Sheriff Ryar. Here's
clifts Onders. Thanks. Should becoming up on six thirty two on KTRH
our top story all the way fromAirline Drive to forty five on Parker Road.
We have lights. We got allkind of lies, man, We
got any kind of lum on thestreet light, the red light, green
light. We all gon that.Called you our traffic tip line at seven
one three two one two tips.That's the good news. The bad news
is that nearly one hundred and fortyfive thousand Center Point customers still don't have
power. This morning, about twentyfive hundred windows were damaged in downtown Houston
because of the storm, and atemporary curfew is in place in Waller County
from midnight until six am because ofstorm damage. Several school districts remain closed
today, including Goalina Park in Channelview. Cie Fair ISD is also closed.
Hiics thirty six schools that are notopen at all of the closures rt ktrh
dot com coming up on six thirtythree. For the second straight year,
Ustonians list crime as their top issue. That was the result of the annual
Kinder Survey from Rice University. Crimethe top issue in nearly twenty of the
thirty neighborhoods in Harris County that wereresearched. Thanks to a shortage of officers.
Police in Dallas continue to struggle withslow response times, and so Cliff,
the question is, how are theresponse times you're in Houston right now?
I think we're sitting at about sixto six and a half minutes for
a Code one, which is ahighest party call that we have code to,
probably somewhere in the ten to elevenminute range. That is Doug Griffith,
president of the Houston Police Officers Union, who says the times would be
better if the city had enough officers. When you take a look at Houston,
we're six hundred and seventy seven squaremiles with only five thousand offers and
out of that less than half orpatrol. It's going to make it where
you're going to have a longer responseon now ours is better than Dallas,
better than Dallas, but still someof the longest since the nineties. Jeff
Biggs News Radio seven forty k tierH Thanks Jeff for federal judge has blocked
the White House from enforcing a newrule in the state that would require gun
dealers to perform background checks on buyers. It shows the regulation was supposed to
take effect yesterday. It's six pointthirty four on KTRH News from Biden's border
crisis. Many of the Chinese nationalsbeing caught coming here illegally or abortedly are
planning their roots using TikTok with ecuadors, a popular starting point in South America
to get here. Small town Texascommunities and ranches have had their worlds turned
completely upside down by the disaster.Property crime has become a normalcy for these
communities. You've seen a lot ofbreak ins, a lot of vehicle break
in, burglaries of homes, businesses, vehicles. Former Homeland Security Agent Victor
Avilaw told KTRH this is causing majordisruption to the day to day life in
these border towns. An eleven nearold little girl, the mother's telling me
that she can no longer ride herbike to the bus stop because there are
illegal aliens around there. Avila says, these communities have been left hanging by
the federal government and are already pasttheir breaking point. Ethan Buchanan News Radio
seven forty KRH, thank you,Ethan. The disaster will be a key
talking point for Republicans in the runup to the election in November. The
border is a key issue in thiselection, and it's a key issue because
Joe Biden opened our border. Hepromised in the twenty twenty campaign he would
open the border to all comers.We shouldn't be surprised that we have more
than ten million illegal aliensers who havecrossed the border. Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton
on Fox. Senate Majority Leader ChuckSchumer is bringing back the border bill that
House Republicans already killed once The Senatewill then vote on our bipartisan border bill
on Thursday. All those who saywe need to act on the border will
get a chance this week to showtheir series about fixing the problem. House
Republicans say they will kill the billagain if it gets to them. A
new Reuter's poll shows that fifty sixpercent of voters support deportations of all illegals
in the country. That includes morethan eighty percent of Republicans. It's six
thirty six. The International Criminal Courtprosecutor is seeking arrest warrants for the Israeli
Prime Minister Benjamin nets and Yahoo tocharge him with war crimes. This is
like creating a moral equivalence after Septembereleventh between President Bush and Osama bin Laden
or during World War Two between FDRand Hitler that Yahoo says, this is
the latest example of quote what thenew anti Semitism looks like. A White
House also criticized this decision, andthen the President went out and insulted a
Jewish Democrat during a speech about JewishAmerican heritage. Month Representative W. Wasserman
Schultz, who is responsible for thisoccurring, having sponsored this early on back
when she was twelve years old,and while Biden was doing that, the
squad was pushing a bill in theNew York State legislature that would punish charities
for packing Israeli settlements. The defensecontinues when the Manhattan trial of Donald Trump
picks up at eight thirty this morning. They've called two witnesses so far,
after the prosecution wrested their star witness, Convicted felon and perjurer Michael Cohen,
admitted under oath that he's stile aboutsixty thousand dollars from the Trump organization.
Six thirty seven, the he Strosloose to the Angels nine to seven.
Pregame tonight at six on seven ninety, game time at seven ten, simulcast
on seven ninety and KTRH and managerJoe A. Spotta says first baseman Josel
Brew could return to the big leaguesby this weekend. In Oakland, Brew
was shipped to the Miners after gettingoff to an awful start this season.
In for Shara, I'm Cliff Saunderson Houston's news, weather and traffic station
News Radio seven forty KGRH. Needsome drainage work, Daniel dean Land clearing
and dirt work two eight one threefive six dirt. It's gonna be a
hot summer, this war, protestedtrial, our border, this election,
The hottest happenings happen right here.News Radio seven forty kt rh AS six
thirty eight is their time here onHouston's morning news. I feel like I
I should do it. Dislaver herebefore I do this story. Warning,
Jimmy Barrett is about to go intograndpa mode. Okay, remember grandpa mode.
Remember your when you were a kidand your dad would tell you stories.
You complain about how it's too hotor or it's too cold or or
whatever it was, and and hewould have a story about what he when
I was a kid, Yo,you missed the bus and you go walk
ass, I can't go to schooltoday because I missed the bus. And
you say, when I was yourage, we used to walk to school
uphill both ways, ten miles.That kind of story. This is probably
gonna sound a little bit like that. Some Houston ISD parents expressing frustration.
They're frustrated as their children return tocampuses without air conditioning. No AC,
no AC, yep, some ofthem didn't have working air conditioning, yet
they held classes anyway. As thetemperatures got up near ninety degrees, HISD
clear bol or than Twitter. Schoolsstopened Monday after storms struck up power caused
widespread damage. As of Monday morning, fifty five of the districts two hundred
and seventy four schools remain closed.State Oh oh, here's the part.
Here's the part you'll want to know. Texas state guidelines recommend a room temperature
in classroom environments between seventy two andseventy six degrees. Hang on, we
have to have state guidelines for whatthe temperature should be inside of a school
seventy two to seventy six. Someparents said they heard classroom temperatures were in
the eighty to ninety degree range.You can't survive that. Did you have
air conditioning in your school when youwere a kid? I did not,
of course, I grew up upnorth. But they got hot towards the
end of the school year. AndI went to an old high school that
had been built like in the earlynineteen hundreds, and there was no central
air conditioning of any kind. Therewasn't central heat either as far as that
goes, and so not a lotof working windows. The place was the
dump. But that aside. Youknow, there used to be a time
where people actually lived here without anyair conditioning at all, any time of
the day. I know we're notused to it. I know that we
think that we're gonna die if wehot. Sweating is a sign of impending
death. Right, I'm gonna dieif I sweat too much. But I
assure you your kids, although theywill be somewhat discomfortable, will be fine.
Nobody's going to allow them to sitthere in truly dangerous conditions. If
it's ninety degrees in the classroom.They're gonna sweat, and they're gonna be
hot, and they're gonna be uncomfortable, but they're still going to be okay.
Time for traffic and weather together.Let's check out the drive once again.
Here's guy mine all right, tipline. I'm gonna give you that
number shortly because here's our problem.This is west northbound. I know there's
a wreck at wood Way. Idid check with Houston Transtar. They can
see the spackle themselves. It's adrag all the way up to uptown.
I'm bel air, and do youhave a timestamp. That's a twenty five
minute delay northbound from Meyerland southbound.A lot of suckage there from two ninety.
Also, that's got to be rubbernecking. They may be responding both ways,
but this is the wreck. I'mputting this in the system reported.
This is west loop northbound wood Way. We just need laneage. If you
can hold off on the what's goingon calls and let me get to the
calls that are giving me actual laneage, that helps a lot. Southbound,
I see we're packed up from twoninety. We'll figure that out quickly.
And southbound you lose about twelve minuteshere. Now this is connected like you're
Neboe with the backups from the SouthwestFreeway from He'llcroft. That's becoming a twelve
minute drag. It's getting worse bythe minute. Even two ninety. I
look for you to start packing upfrom Antwine. Plus you have those signal
problems still in the frontage road.North Freeway not bad for the north air
Tex breaks breaks at west Mount Houstonsix' ten norths getting loopy at the
squeeze forty five westbound backed up fromHersh losing eight minutes that way, and
it's getting worse. Sixteen the EastTex starting to cram up now after Collingsworth
and a bit of a smash onthe Golf Freeway Airport Tollbridge, losing twenty
minutes southbound. I'm Scott Miike andthe Generator Supercenter dot Com Traffic Center from
b r KTRH Generator super Center twentyfour our weather center. Let's check in
with Terry Smith and find out we'llhave a day we're expecting today. When
when will the clouds part? Wehave that usual early morning, low cloud,
heazy thing going on, We certainlydo. Let's see sun sunrise six
forty six, twenty four, soit should be starting to improve here shortly.
Once the sun comes up and thewinds start to kick up and mix
up the atmosphere, we'll see alittle bit of sunshine breaking through. We
may get a shower today, justa brief shower. Twenty percent chance of
rain. Rest of the week we'redry. In fact, I think we'll
stay dry through the holiday weekend,and we're going to keep doing this day
after day after day. So uppereighties to low nineties through Friday, and
then as we head into the weekendsomeplaces in the mid nineties. Heath index
is that's the issue that happens inthe afternoon. That's why we have our
peak heat and the humidity impact isin the afternoon, so look for those
heat in the seas around one hundredor slightly higher all week long. Doublege
right now, seventy nine at yourofficials, severe weather station, News radio
seven forty k TRH. You aren'tcommute, you are forecast, you're news.
It's Houston's Morning News, brought toyou, buying you southway to those
solutions six to fifties our time.All right, So it turns out Michael
Cohen is not just a liar,he's a thief. He's he's very good
at all that bad stuff. Morethan that story coming up next. First,
though, this's do traffic and weathertogether. We're checking out the drive
once again. Here's Ky Mike,all right, west Loop. This has
become full blown Hubastankrey. We've gotlaneage now northbound at Woodway. Hopefully everybody's
okay. It's erect three right lanesright before it and then northbound. Here
comes the big cram up. We'recalling it Bracewood now a thirty three minute
drag on the northbound side. It'sworth it to take the belt instead.
Two to ninety that's all breaks fromthirty fourth That connects with the backup that
comes down. It's rever necking.It also looks to me like they may
be taken part of that left laneon the southbound, so that explains the
big drag both ways. West Loopdon't go there, Nord, Sam and
Twine eastbound. I'm wanted by thisall way, you're not. You can
get on it now eastbound at Antwinethey've just cleared the accident. We're still
packed from two forty nine Blake fromNew Caney. I might just got on
the rants of forty five from theBelway. There is a whole vehicle.
No so turnages around, no extrapoints for verbage. That's going to be
eastbound coming from the Belt to fortyfive north. I'm in the Generator Supercenter
dot Com Traffic Center brobo r KTRHGenerator Supercenter, twenty four hour weather Center.
Becoming partly Claudi today with the hightemperature right about ninety. Mostly Claudiam
warm around ninety tomorrow and the Thursdaypart of Claudia again high temperature right about
ninety. Currently it is eighty atyour official severe weather station, News Radio
seven forty KTRH. Time to checkout some of our top stories. Here
in this Tuesday morning, share'som vacationall this week. Cliff is in for
her and we're sponsored by dn MAuto Leasing. Power issues force thirty six
HID schools to remain close. Theentire list of closures is at KTRH dot
com. Centerpoint wants to have everybody'spower back by the end of business tomorrow,
and Elvis's granddaughter is suing to stopthe sale of Graceland. Auction had
been scheduled for Thursday at the latestnews anytime at KTRH dot com. Our
next update is at seven o'clock fiftynine. In Bound at the Loop is
always a problem KTRH time saving trafficconnext on the ten, don't forget thief
six fifty two. So that's that'sthe stunning moment. While I take it
back, it's not sunning, Michael. The idea of that Michael Cohen would
steal sixty thousand dollars from the Drumorganization is not the least but stunning.
You think anybody, by the ways, thinking of charging him for something on
this now No now in New York. That's fine. You could steal from
your boss. The more thing iswe get Trump, we don't care.
We don't care the durre liar ora serial liar, and he may be
committing perjury in this courtroom. Weonly care about getting Trump. So there
you go. He did admit thisthough yesterday, and the mainstream media was
like, what this too. Sohere's the mainstream media reaction in some Janine
Pero on the five reaction to thatkind of reeling from the revelation that Michael
Cohen stole money from the Trump organization, that was just kind of stunner.
This has given such ammunition as topossibly fatally undermine the prosecution's case. There's
an argument to be made that actually, you're just an opportunistic thief. I
think has moved Michael Cohen from thisfigure where he's part Tom Hagen from the
Godfather, but really more like FredoCorleone to now this guy who's just a
thief. Stealing sixty thousand dollars throughfraud to be larceny in New York State
is more serious of a crime thanfalsifying businessman. I have always said that
Michael Cohen is the lynch fin ofthis case. The lynch fin of this
case has been attacked, and hiscredibility is totally destroyed. I mean today,
everybody was blown away when he admitted, yeah, I stole sixty thousand
dollars. He should be indicted forgrand larceny. And the amazing thing is
the Southern District knew about it,the side Vans and DA in Manhattan knew
about it. Alban brag knew aboutit before the Statue of the Limitations ran.
But instead what they do is theycatapulted him to the centerpiece of the
corruption that Donald Trump is engaged in. Look at the bottom line here is
that Michael Cohen pretty much canceled himselfout. And that's their star witness.
Their star witness, A guy who'sbeen convicted of perjury and and now has
admitted in the courtroom that he stolesixty thousand dollars from the Trump organization.
That's their star witness. They gotno case, never did. Six fifty
five times for the timeline. Gota pair of tickets see Luke Combs on
his Growing Up and Getting Old tour. It's going to be Friday, August
the ninth at NRG Stadium. Ticketsto both Friday and Saturday shows fron sale
right now at AXS dot com.But you can win a pair from us.
Just tell us what year today's timeline'sfrom I can report to the American
people it was May and to theworld. President Obama has a big announcement
in the United States has conducted anoperation that killed Osama bin Laden, the
leader of al Kaido. On TV, Hello, everybody, Welcome to entertainment
tonight, I'm Mary. After twentynine years, Mary Hart hosts her final
entertainment tonight. My name is CaptainJack Sparrott. At the movies, I've
taken some of your hood on that. Johnny Depp returns in Pirates of the
Caribbean. On Stranger Tides, Igrew to look at the world. And
on the radio, Lady Gaga istop ten with Edge of Glow? What
year was it? If you knowseven one, three, two and two
fifty eight seventy four, that isseven one, three two and two k
t RH good luck, all right, we have ourselves. I wonder that
would be Matthew in Texas City,who knew the right year was twenty eleven.
Matthew, you get pair of tickets. Go see Luke colmbs On has
grown up and get an old tourat NRG on August the ninth. Enjoy
the show and thank you for listeningto Houston's Morning News. This is Huge
Radio seven forty kt RH Houston LiveEverywhere with the im now, the latest
news, weather and trapping. It'smore of what matters to you from the
John Morris Services Studios. Seven amis our time here on Houston's Morning News.
I'm Jimmy Barrett along with Cliff Sanders. He's in for the vacationing Sheriff
Fryar Mounderdop stories. This f hourCenterpoint hopes to have ninety percent of restoration
done by tonight. Michael Cohen isn'tjust a liar, he's a thief.
In coming up at seven o eight, Wendy's says they've run out of a
key in ingredient for their burgers.Details in the minutes ahead. You're in
Houston's Morning News. First, let'scheck out that morning drive here sky Mike,
west Loop six' ten is badenough. I would take Chimney Rock
and that's a lot of lights orshepherd to get around that. The Beltway,
of course, obviously your best skiparound if you're a big shot with
the stickers. This is your westLoop northbound at Woodway. I had's erect
taking up three right lanes. Abig cram up all the way from bel
Air on the northbound and then southboundwhere cram from two ninety east tex Blake
New Caney today sky Mike southbounds Whiteat the Beltway exist. There is a
small friend of vender with two carsand no tricks. No blue officers there.
One by done boom, that's abanana sticker. It's your Generator Supercenter
dot Com Traffic Center from r KTRHtop tax Defenders, twenty four hour weather
center. Becoming partly cloudy today witha high temperature right about ninety. We'll
get you the complete forecast from TerrySmith at the Weather Channel when we talked
to her in about nine minutes.Right now, temperature is seventy nine at
your official severe weather station. NewsRadio seven four KTRH. It's time now
for the news and for share ofthis morning. Here's Cliffs Onders, Thank
you, Jimmy, Good morning everybody, seven oh one on KTRH our top
story. The community is tired ofwords and they won't action. We're working
around the card. Houston Mayor JohnWhitmyer one hundred and forty four thousand plus
center Point customers still in the darkacross the Houston area this morning. All
of our pros and foods and stuff. Yeah, I just have to get
rid of it. This is thefirst time we've ever really just had damage.
Lightly. I had a lot ofanxiety those women talking with our TV
Parker channel too. So now Centerpointexpects ninety percent of those that lost power
last week to get it back bytonight. Several school districts are still closed,
including sci Fare ISD. In thatdistrict, seniors at their finals wave
because of closures. At HISD,thirty six schools still shut down. The
entire list of closures is at KTRHdot com. A man who survived a
quin accident last week is suing thecompanies that were involved. A death toll
from the storm remains at eight sevenoh two. Testimony resumes this morning at
the Trump trial in Manhattan. Theprosecution star witness Michael Cohen admitting on the
stand that he stole thousands from theTrump organization. Legal spokesman Elena hobbas is,
the whole thing is a sham.It is a show. It's a
Biden show trial, that's for sure. If you look at the audience that's
sitting there, if you look atthe lack of evidence, and you look
at how they are literally floundering becausethey have no case in its coming out
Aba with katrh Is Sean Hannity.The judge in this case reserves a decision
until a later time on the defensemotion to dismiss. Cohen also testified that
he is considering a run for Congressbecause of his quote name recognition. The
corruption trial for your Jersey Democrat SenatorBob Menendez is in its second week.
He's accused of accepting bribes from Egypt. The mainstream media continues to ignore that,
treating that trial very differently than theytreat the Trump trial. Cliff As
Eddie Scary wrote for The Federalist,they use imaginary chaos to cover up the
real chaos. Well, why don'tyou care about COVID anymore? Why don't
you care about January sixth? Whydon't you care about all the tweets and
the chaos. It's all a fakechaos cover to protect Joe Biden. There
are many ways the media tries toexplain away Biden's lack of popularity, but
the most absurd one is this ideathat voters simply don't remember how chaotic thing
were under Trump. He says it'snow just the opposite, with voters longing
for the return of the so calledchaos we had under Trump. Jeff Biggs
News radio seven forty k t Hand the former president says if he wins
in November, he would consider Texas'stop cop, Ken Paxton, to become
the US Attorney general. He's avery talented guy. I fought for him
when he had the difficulty and wewon. He had some people really after
him, and I thought it wasvery unfair. He's been a very good
attorney general. Trump on a DallasTV station seven oh four on KTRH.
We get stories nearly every week aboutimproper relationships between students and teachers. So
why is this happening? Texas AFTpresident Zef Cappo says a rush to fix
the teacher shortage lowered standards, creatingloopholes for teachers that weren't certified. If
you're from out of state and youweren't certified in another state, the likelihood
that you're going to get picked upin a background check is dramatically decreased because
there wasn't a certification dissanction in yourprevious state. He says, false allegations
are also a problem. Education budgetsare huge, and remember, schools have
been spending COVID cash for years.So why are these districts always coming out
with their hands out looking for money. They get plenty of money, they
just don't spend it. Right overninety two point four billion dollars, that's
exactly sixteen thousand, seven hundred andninety two dollars per student. Mandy Drogen
with the Texas Public Policy Foundation saysthere needs to be more transparency with how
this money is being spent. It'sgoing to expose a lot of nefarious actors
that are on the pay using taxpayermoney at the expense of our children.
Jrogan says allowing parents to choose wheretheir children are educated by a school choice
but also solve a lot of theseproblems. Ethan Buchanan News Radio seven forty
KTRH Now, yesterday we told youabout the classical education boom across the country.
More conservative think tanks are now endorsingit. It really is the foundation
of how to think. But mostimportantly, it really inspires us to know
what is true, what is good? What is beautiful? Kevin Roberts with
the Heritage Foundation on Fox seven ohsix. The conservative slash libertarian group Americans
for Prosperity is teaming up with abouttwo dozen gas stations across the country to
roll back prices this week. Justto remind you of what you were paying
in twenty twenty in Usin this morning, it's three dollars and fourteen cents a
gallon. It's not just gas poweredcars that Biden wants to get rid of.
He wants to turn the diesel powertruck fleet all electric. That would
raise operating costs by about one hundredand fourteen percent for trucking companies. And
it gets worse. We would needfar more trucks to hould the same amount
of freight, and each of thosetrucks would cost two to three times a
carparable diesel truck. Converting the USfleet of Class eight trucks to battery electric
would require a one trillion dollar investment, which ultimately would flow to consumers.
Andrew Boyle, the chairman of theAmerican Trucking Association, want Congress about this
in testimony last year. Finally,the astros lose their series opener to the
Angels nine to seven at Minute Made. Pregame tonight starts at six on Sports
Talk seven ninety and the game atseven ten simulcast on seven ninety and KTRH.
In for Sharer today, I'm CliffSaunders on Houston's news, weather and
traffic station, News Radio seven fortyKTRH. It's gonna be a hot summer.
This war protested trial. The hottesthappenings happen right here, News Radio
seven forty kt RH. No,you know, I saw this story and
I realized I haven't been to Wendy'sin a while. I'm not quite sure
why I like Wendy's. I justlike what a burger more than Wendy's.
I guess that's what it is,don't we all? No, I hope
so, I would think so.But Wendy's is sold. I remember when
Wendy's first came out, I meanFrosty's. Frosty's were righteous. When did
Wendy's first come I don't remember itas a teenager. Really. I want
to say my earliest recollection of Wendy'swould probably be late seventies, Okay,
late seventies in nineteen eighty ish,I think somewhere in that general range,
at least before they showed up whereI was living at the time. But
I saw this story and I thought, well, this is this is not
good. Wendy's runs out of akey ingredient in it's burgers and sandwiches.
Uh oh wait a minute, keyingredient the beef. No, no,
no, no, no, we'renot We can't run out of cows.
No, it's not the beef.Buns. They can't get their hands on
any more buns. No, bunsare not a problem. Care to guess
what they've run out of? CheesezNo, no, they got geese.
Okay, so far we're good.I'm talking about the ingredients that I care
about. Yeah, well, Ithink that's the point of this whole thing,
the key ingredient, folks, thatthey run out of. Are you
ready? Lettuce? Oh see,that's not a problem for me, not
at all. I'm not a fanof tomato lettuce. Lettuce is a key
ingredient in a burger. No,it's not a carnish exactly. I might
pull the lettuce out because I don'twant my stomach to be confused about what
it's eating exactly. Don't worry.There's plenty. There's there's plenty of beef
and condiments and everything, but lettuce. And evidently the problem with the lettuce
is because of rain and flooding inCalifornia, in Arizona in January and February,
which is where, evidently where theWendy's has their own supplier, specific
supplier of lettuce, and evidently they'verun out of lettuce. I would suggest,
if I were a Wendy's franchise owner, go to AGB and buy yourself
some lettuce. Sure they have plentyof it there if anybody really is missing
the lettuce. I mean, Iknow that they have salads there, and
I can understand how that could bea problem if you're going to eat a
salad. But then again, I'mnot going to Wendy's for a salad.
I'm going to Wendy's for a burgerin fairness, In fairness, who cares
about being fair? But go ahead. Their salads are not bad. No,
their taco salad is really quite goodbecause their chili's good. Anyway,
seven ten time for traffic. Lettucelooked it up. I looked at that
one. Skuy Mike when these goesall the way back to nineteen sixty nine.
There you go, when I startedwearing my socks like this, we've
got you're supposed to turn those socksback in my book to the garbage man
at this point, tell me you'resupposed to wear ankle socks. I just
can't do it all right, westlopesix' ten full hooplaw both ways northbound.
This reck's taking up three right lanes. Can't completely see the response here,
but I've got lots of help frommy friends, especially those of you
driving around in it, and evensome of the folks from the air.
Let's see, let's see how badthis goes. Thirty to four minutes now
from bel Air trying to get upto Uptown. Going down to Uptown,
that's a big cram up from twoto ninety. Looks to me like they're
trying to block a left lane.So whenever they respond in both directions,
that's a lot of trouble. Alsotells me it'll be there for a while.
It's also causing this big hitch,and you're giddy up on the Southwest
Freeway northbound eighteen extra minutes this way, Katie Freeway is a good way around
your scun step around Mason Road.But Katie Freeway, if you can go
ahead and come inbound, I'd rathertake Shephard or even it's bad enough,
I jump on Chimney Rock to getaround that North Sam clear Antwine. That
was eastbound. They had a leftlane still backed up from the Veterans Toll
Plaza. Let's see Green's point,Blake, Katie, dude, I min
did not on the ramps forty fivefrom the way there is a vehicle.
No, all right, that's abig smash coming over from the Veterans Plaza.
Lance Magnolia two forty nine is good. Thanks, we're really needing you
to publish your commossary on when doesit become a fish macho from a who
ho or a hubbo? Well,you know it's color coded. We'll get
to that. I'm in the GeneratorSupercenter dot Com Traffic Center from our KTRH
stop tax defenders twenty booger A woolybooger, wllly booger. Yeah, we
haven't had a thought. That wasjust rain. Is that traffic's traffic could
have a WILLI booger? Sure,okay, I see I think he's right.
You need lossary of terms here fromour KTRH top tax defenders twenty four
hour weather center. We don't havea Willi booger weatherwise today, do we.
No. We don't have anything fallingfrom the clouds really most of the
week. Now. There is atwenty percent chance of a shower today,
and I'm going to count on Skymikeand his listeners to tell me if it
rains where they are, because I'mnot expecting much rain today. Yeah,
just sunshine eventually. We got theclouds right now, but some sunshine and
a warm day like the other day, upper eighties, still low nineties,
in fact, upper eighties, stilllone nineties all week long. We're dry
through the weekend, folks, includingMonday. Just a factor in the humidity
into those outdoor plants. Because thetemperatures stay hot, the humidity is high,
so our heat and disease will berunning close to one hundred the next
couple of days, and then likelyeven warmer than that over the weekend up
to right now seventy nine at yourofficial severe weather station, News Radio seven
forty k TRH. It's Houston's morningNews, brought to you by New South
Windows Solutions now back to Jimmy andScherah with the info you need to take
on the day. All right,One of the big problems we continue to
have is inflation. One of thebig reasons why we continue to have the
inflation is the amount of money thatthe government is spending, even if they're
spending it on us. Student loanforgiveness comes to mind, for example,
all the money we're spending on that. This is all money that we're printing.
This is all money that we oweto somebody else. This is not
money that we actually have, andit's leading to more and more inflation.
And a couple of folks, LizPeek and John Carney among them, seem
to think that people are getting figuringthis out and getting tired of it.
They would rather we not spend themoney. They'd rather we calm inflation then
worry about giving free handouts to people. I hope they're right about that.
More than that story coming up next, first, traffic and Mother Together.
Yes, coma. Have you everbeen in a bar late at night and
you just kind of wanted to conversewith someone female and you know, the
choices weren't so anyway? Were youwearing beer goggles or not. Yeah,
that's it. Six' ten westall right. I guess Shepherd gets prettier
at closing time or Chimney Rock orVoss. I mean, I just don't
have a lot for alternates for youfolks. This is we northbound at wood
Way. There are three right lanesblockchair. I sure hope everybody's okay,
but that's a massive From beach Nut, we're looking at forty extra minutes trying
to get up on the northbound upto Uptown and then down to uptown.
That solid breaks from two ninety.I think they're responding both ways here.
This is also causing the Southwest Freewayto cram up from Fondren, and that's
getting worse by the minute. TheWest sam not so pretty either. From
Belford that's a lot of breaks allthe way back up to Iten Sinco Ranch.
You're part of Graham Parkway jammed upboth ways Highland Noles to Fry Road.
I'm Skymichael the Generator Supercenter dot Comtraffic Center from r KTRH top tax
Defenders twenty four hour weather center fortoday, we're looking at the skies to
become partly clotty right about ninety Tomorrow, mostly cloudy and warm around ninety Thursday,
partly cloudy, temperature again right aboutninety currently seventy nine at your official
severe weather station, News Radio sevenforty KTRH. Time to check out some
of our top stories here on thisTuesday. Cheryl's on vacation this week,
Cliff is in for her. Andy. We're brought to you by DNM Auto
Leasing. Nearly one hundred and fortyfive thousand Center Point customers are still without
power. Multiple school districts are stillclosed, including sci Fair. The entire
list at KTRH dot com and Jimmy. The Final Wheel of Fortune with Pat
Sajak will air on June seventh.He's hosted the show since nineteen eighty one.
Bow at the latest news anytime atKTRH dot com. Our next update
is at seven thirty. Do youunderstand is to listen? I check in
all the time, keep up withwhat's happening. Staying in form matters to
the Hues Radio seven forty KTRH.Oh. Yeah, it is all about
the Benjamin spending money we don't have. Seven twenty three is at a time
here in Houston's Warning News. Andhere's a good good example, by the
way, California, it's a primeexample of this. You know how much
they wanted. We need twenty dollarsan hour. We need to pay our
fast food workers to make burgers andfries twenty dollars an hour. We need
to give them a living wage twentydollars an hour, so on and so
on and so on. And theygave them a wage of twenty dollars an
hour. So what's going on now? All the people who were making twenty
dollars an hour doing something they deemto be more important than making burgers and
fries are demanding thirty dollars an hour. Now they want thirty dollars an hour.
Twenty dollars an hours, done enough, thirty dollars an hour. Think
that might be a little bit inflationary, Yeah, just a little bit.
No wonder. Things cost so muchmore in California, but things cost more
everywhere because again, we spend money, we don't have. Liz Peak and
John Carney a couple of economists.Well, John Carti's an economist at Breitbart.
Liz Peak has a syndicated column talkingabout how maybe people are wising up
to all this. I think it'sactually very encouraging that early on in the
administration, after they passed that horrendousone point nine trillion dollar American Rescue and
inflation then four months later started toaccelerate. People connected the dots. They
actually saw that pushing all that moneyinto the economy at a time when there
were supply chain problems, there werelimits on what you could deliver to people,
prices went up, and I think, I mean, to me,
it's just kind of heartening actually thatpeople didn't connect the dots and blame President
Biden for spending all that money anddriving prices higher. I would add to
your rift just this. It isn'tjust evs. It's also about how we're
going to get power in the future. Electricity prices in this country have always
been benign. They've never gone upvery quickly, very quickly. Now they
are because you're forcing so much electrificationon an economy that's not ready for it,
and demanding renewables and all this stuff. Larry is badly planned, it's
badly executed, and it's really hurtingAmericans. I have an answer to the
electricity part. It's going to bea second rift. But drill, baby,
drill. Yeah, Okay, drill, baby, drill, It's not
so hard, John Carney this memoto which Edward Lawrence referred to, which
came from the Press office Andrew Bates. They blame business for inflation. I
think they were getting it wrong.When they think that people are against profits.
The American people are not. Whenthey say, oh, you know,
everybody's making profits, people say,hey, that's great the economy.
You must not be doing that badly. That's a good thing. When they
say, by the way, there'sa contradiction in there. They say they're
raising prices even though inflation is falling. Right, guess what those things don't
You can't be raising prices while inflation'sfalling. That means inflation's going up.
What we saw in the beginning ofthis year was that inflation stopped going down
started going up again. That's thething that they're most worried about. There
you go. I think they're deadon right about that. Seven twenty six
is our time. As long asyou we're on the subject, let's talk
a little more about your money.Here's Gordey Donahoe. Well, good morning,
Jimmy Stocks treading water as we headto the opening bell. However,
The S and P has gained elevenpercent so far this year on resilient economy
and the market frenzy surrounding artificial intelligence. The down now back below forty thousand.
Department store giant Macy's raised its profitoutlook for the year. Macy's has
been investing in new products, displays, and customer experiences. Macy's closing stores
that haven't met growth targets while openingup more of the upscale Bloomingdale's. Home
sellers are spending more to spruce uptheir place. According to The Wall Street
Journal, requests to hire home stagingcompanies increase ten percent in the first quarter
compared to last year. The averagecost by the Way to stage a home
it's a little over eighteen hundred dollars. And fast food prices have been surging.
Restaurant advisory firm Kalinowski Equity Research hasfound the average check size that fast
food chains has gone forty seven percentsince twenty nineteen. They attribute the increase
to both bigger orders and of course, inflation. Cortney Dona Hope Bloomberg Business
on news radio seven forty KTRH.You are your own Houston's News. Why
there We're traffic plus Breaking News twentyfour seventh. This is News Radio seven
forty KTRH Trive Everywhere for ther appmore of what's happening now from the John
Morris Services Studios. Seven thirty isour time here on Houston's Morning News.
I'm Jimmy Barrett. Schera's on vacationthis week. Cliff is in for her.
Among our stories this half hour,siefears seniors get to bail on their
final exams. Crime still Houston's topconcern and coming up at seven thirty eight.
His bill would sentence campus lawbreakers toa month in gaza. Details in
the minutes ahead. You're in Houston'sMorning News. First the strick of that
morning drive again. Here's sky Mikeninety nine minute delay west Loop northbound,
the wreck at Woodway southbound. It'snot pretty from two ninety. It's back
in two ninety up twenty two minutesthough backups from Gastner Golf Freeway back doors
Edgebrooks Southwest Freeway back to all ninety. You lose thirty minutes this way.
Clayton from Splendora is on the EastTexas Morning sky Mike inbound right before the
ramps that goes to at belwait eight. There are three cars got in a
bende bender. There are no towtruck, ninches or plaefs on the scene.
Well said, it's your Generator Supercenterdot com Traffic Center from r KTRH
Generator Supercenter, twenty four hour weathercenter for today becoming partly lotty with the
high temperature right about ninety We'll getyou at the complete forecast. Sterry Smith
will fill us in at the weatherchannel at nine minutes. Right now,
it is eighty at your official severeweather station, News Radio seven forty KTRH.
It is time now for the newsand for share of this morning.
Here's Cliff Saunders. Thank you,Jimmy seven thirty one on KTRCH. Good
morning everybody. Our top story.We expect everyone to be back on by
end of business Wednesday. Centerpoint officialsstill dealing with about one hundred and forty
four thousand plus customers that do nothave the lights on this morning. As
for what homeowners who have suffered damagefrom last week's storms should do moving forward,
the first call that I would makeis to your insurance agent and then
ask all of those what if questions? You know, is this covered is
that covered and then of course you'redeductible. Is the number one thing insuranceation.
Jessica Fuentes with our TV partner,Channel two. A temporary curfew is
in place from MIDNIGHTE to six amand Waller County this week. In the
meantime, there are some twenty fivehundred windows damaged in downtown Houston during the
storm. It's why you have thatexclusion zone. Several school districts that are
still closed, including Galina Park andChannel View. The list at KTRH dot
com seven thirty two Ustonians list crimeis their top concern for the second straight
year. According to this year's KinderHouston Area survey from Rice University, crime
was the biggest problem in nineteen ofthe thirty neighborhood areas surveyed in Harris County.
A new report shows that the Dallasarea is struggling with response times to
nine to one one calls. DougGriffith with the Houston Police Officers Union says
that's to be expected because of anofficers shortage. That's kind of a nationwide
effect that we have right now.We have issues recruiting and retaining officers,
so everybody's law on manpower, andwhen you're dealing with higher volume of calls
in big cities like Houston, you'regoing to have a slower response toime.
He says. Response times are betterin Houston, but not where they need
to be with HPD short itself byhundreds of officers. A federal judge blocks
the Biden administration from enforcing a newrule in Texas requiring gun dealers to run
background checks on buyers at gun shows. The rule was supposed to go into
effect yesterday, but Democrats keep tryingtheir gun grabs. This time they want
to stop the sales of fifty caliberrifles. I don't think anybody's going to
make the argument that a fifty caliberrifle is for home decents. This is
like a military grade weapon. Thepush being led by Democrat Texas Congressman Joaquin
Castro seven point thirty four. Atthe border, DO reporting shows that many
of the Chinese nationals being caught cominghere illegally are planning their roots by using
TikTok. Many of them are usingEcuador as a starting out point in South
America to get here. The crisiscontinues to hit small town ranch communities in
southwest Texas. The hardest. Theydon't function the way they used to function
years ago. Delrio, TeX's thesmall town feel. It's a very friendly
feel that is gone now. Theyare more afraid when they go out.
Former Home Land Security Asian Victor Avolatelling KTRH that everything from cars to businesses
are now regularly broken into, andthere are also increases in shootings and stabbings.
It won't pass, but sent amajority of Leader Chuck Schumer is about
to revive the border bill by partisanin air quotes that already failed in the
US House. The bill failed toget enough support when it was attached to
a foreign aid package in December,and it could be facing a similar fate.
House Republican leadership, in a statementsays the bill is dead on arrival
and would quote codify many of thedisastrous Biden open border policies that created this
crisis in the first place. SinceRyan Schmeltz of Fox knew Reuters polling shows
that fifty six percent of American voterssupport deporting all illegals in the country.
That include sixty one percent of Democrats. It's seven thirty five an international criminal
court prosecutor once the arrest warrant forIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas leader
ya Ya Sinwat for war crimes.The push being led by Aman Clooney,
the wife of George Clooney. NetsonYeho says this is the latest example of
quote what the new anti Semitism lookslike. The White House criticized the decision
as well, and then President Bidenmade another gaff during the speech celebrating Jewish
American Heritage Month minors working around theclock to free their main hostages. Just
as we have freed hostage is alreadyand here this today is hersh Goldberg,
Poland, except that particular hostage isstill hostage. So Biden had to backtrack
that. But while Biden supports Israel, other Democrats like AOC are pushing legislation
to punish charities for supporting Israeli settlements. Is more important than effort to hold
an young of a government accountable forendorsing and fact supporting some of this settler
violence. That bill is in theNew York State legislature right now. The
UN held a moment of islands afterthe death of Iranian President Ibrahim Rayisi in
a helicopter crash and Robert Wood,the US Deputy Ambassador to the UN,
is taking some heat for standing asthat body honored demand that was called the
butcher of Tehran. What do wedo We send a condolence, Oberton because
their president died in a helicopter crash. I mean I got responsible for over
thirty thousand days women and children.Tennessee Republican Tim Burchett on Fox News.
By the way, the Today Showthis morning was talking about the funeral of
Raisi, and it made it seemlike a big party. The Manhattan trialo
of former President Donald Trump resumes thismorning at eight point thirty. The defense
has called two witnesses so far.The prosecution star witness Michael Cohene, did
admit that he stole thousands of dollarsfrom the Trump organization. More on this
coming up at eight o'clock. TheAstros lose their series opener to the Angels
nine seven. Tonight's pregame is atsix on Sports Talk seven ninety. Game
time at seven ten on seven ninetyand KTRH And after being shipped on down
to the Miners, Astros manager JoeAspota says, Hosea Bray, who is
close to coming back to the bigleagues, possibly in Oakland this weekend.
In for Sharret Today, I'm CliffSaunders on Houston's news, weather and Traffic
station News Radio seven forty KTRH digginga pond, Daniel dean Land clearing in
dirt work two eight, one,three, five six dirt. Houston's Morning
News continues with Jimmy Verrett and SheriffFryer. Yeah, who in here trying
to start a riot? Seven thirtyeight is their time here in Houston's Morning
News. Tennessee Representative his name isAndy Ogles, United States Representative, has
a bill. It's not going anywhere. There's no prayer could ever get past.
But it's about I think, sendinga message. But the bill's interesting.
The bill would would send anybody chargedat an anti Israel protest. You
don't you have to be charged witha crime. Anybody charged with the crime
and an anti Israel protest send themto Gaza for six months. I think
I said thirty days, not Ithink it's six months. Here is Representative
Ogels on his bill. Well,you know part of the it's a messaging
bill to reset the conversation. We'vegot to have accountability all these college campuses.
And so we're literally shortly after droppingthe bill, you started to see
this crackdown on college campuses where theystarted disassembling these protests in these camps and
so it had the impact to say, look, if you guys don't do
you know, essentially create the ruleof law. Because again, if this
was a Christian group, it wasa conservative group, they wouldn't have allowed
these types of protests, mayhem anddestruction on these college campuses. But because
they're woke liberals, and quite frankly, many of these administrations agreed with the
students. They're anti Semitic, youknow, they're anti quite frankly America,
I would argue, And so itwas a messaging bill. But look,
if these folks truly understand what theworld is like, go to Gaza see
for yourself. They're going to becrying back home wanting to be with their
mommies and daddies because you know what, if the world's a dangerous place and
the comfort of their college campus israther nice compared to the guys. A
strip Yeah, yeah, guys isnot exactly a tourist destination, that's for
sure. Seven forty time four trafficand weather together as we check out the
drive once again, taking a deepbreath. Here's sky Mike Man, let's
go around the horn here, Jimmy, we've got just a second. You've
got Southwest Freeway backed up from mostcity actually from Stafford Nope, further back
all the way sugar Land ninety passingthe fountains. You lose twenty four minutes
trying to get to the West Loop. And then you've got the smash up
right as the Downtown split hits WestPark Tollway from South Park or Cyprus about
an eleven minute drag to the Beltway, Katie, not bad so far.
I mean you've got the Grand Parkwayto Fry Road smash. We're also squashed
up right after Durham trying to hitthe President's Here, you lose about twelve
minutes. Nord Freeways getting pretty nastyfrom the belt I'll connect those dots all
the way downtown. We lose thirtyminutes that way. Two eighty eight.
We're looking at the squish make hardup just to the Beltway. Remember we're
having a little trouble with that beltwaysouth Loop six' ten. You can't
get on the ramp that goes totwo eighty eight. You have to go
around, they say, Scott Street. I'd rather you go to uh,
let's go to Wayside instead. Doa U turn and the smash up on
the west Loop six ten Memorial.That's three right lanes, eighty eight minute
drag coming around the curve from southPost up from Meyerland southbound. It's not
pretty either. In fact, it'scausing two ninety to squish up all the
way back from Guessner seven one threetwo one two T I P S R.
Tip line. Hey, good morning, good night. This is for
Terry. There are sprinkle alfully.That's the Beltway out here in Pasadena heading
up toward two twenty five. Trafficingweather together there, Terry, I'm in
the Generator Supercenter dot com traffic center. I'd prefer my sprinkles on ice cream
today, Thank you very much fromour katrh Generator is supercenters on four hour
weather Center. Don't need any sprinklesor rain around here for a while.
We're still trying to dry out,Terry Smith. Yeah, the rivers are
still running high, especially the TrinityRiver is still running major to minor or
moderate flood stage and spots. Andhey, thanks for the Sprinkles report.
Don't forget to give us your namenext time. Yeah, that's right,
Pasadena called in, or she calledfrom Pasadena and told us she had sprinkles.
Well, I don't think we're goingto see a lot of rain today.
I don't think we'll see any rainthe rest of the week. I
do think a twenty percent chance ofa shower is as good as it's going
to get in terms of rainfall,heat and humidity all the way through the
weekend. Upper eighties to low ninetiesfor high temperatures and the heat index up
near one hundred through this week gettingeven hotter than that. And hey,
if you know folks who don't haveany power, A lot of the community
centers are open for cooling centers,so let them know they can head to
one of those community centers and staycool hopefully through this tepajare right now is
eighty at your official severe weather station, News Radio seven forty k TRH.
What you need to know for theday ahead. This is Houston's morning News,
brought to you by New South WindowsSolutions. We're coming up on seven
fifty here on news Radio seven fortyk TRH. Hang on here, what
do you mean they're going to forecloseon Graceland. You know Elvis's house in
Memphis. There is a foreclosure proceedingagainst Graceland. We'll have more in that
story coming up here in just amoment. First, though, it's to
a little traffic and weather together aswe check in again with sky Mike.
All right, I'm gonna double checkthis, but I've got indications that they've
closed. They've reopened the west Loopsix to ten northbound at Woodway. Looks
like they've ninjed most of those vehiclesout of the road. We had three
lanes here. Let's get a timestampquickly. Seventy minute delay now from Meyerland
on the northbound, so let's avoidthat west loop like crazy southbound all breaks
from two ninety. You've got sixto ten north. There's an accident at
Fulton that's on the westbound, backedup from Lockwood tollbridge twenty x for minutes
down your tip line. You're mysecret weapon. Seven one three two one
two tips mostayke is jin from theWoodlands. It's the school for me today,
Pappy Tuesday. Oh all right,couple more days the school zones and
a pair of banana stickers for Gin. We'll check your belts and loops at
the eight o'clock break in the GeneratorSupercenter dot Com Traffic Center from r KTRH
Generator Supercenter twenty four hour weather Center. Becoming partly cloudy today, looks like
about ninety for the high. Tomorrowmostly claudiy and warm again around ninety,
and then Thursday partly cloudy, thehigh again right about ninety currently eighty at
your official severe weather station, NewsRadio seven forty KTRH. Time to check
out some of our top stories hereon this Tuesday morning. SHARE's on vacation
all this week. Cliff is infor her headline sponsored by Morol Mechanical and
other Two ITHISD schools are closed todaybecause of air conditioning problems, Marshall and
Hamilton Middle Schools. Centerpoint aims tohave ninety percent of those in the dark
back online by tonight. The TrumpTrailers Who's at eight thirty in Manhattan get
the latest news anytime at KTRH dotcom. Our next update is at eight
o'clock. I live in Pasadena,Sharptown Southwest. Next on the ten time
Saving Traffic on seven forty Ktright sevenfifty two is our time here on Houston's
Morning News. This is this isa really bizarre story. It only got
my attention because it's Graceland. Afterall. It's you know, the mansion,
if you will, formerly the homeof Elvis Presley, and of course
it's a part of the Presley familyas far as you knew the new anyway,
there was no money owed on Gracelandjo Elvis bought that property one hundred
and two thousand dollars in nineteen fiftyseven. I'd have to look that up
to find out what it is intoday's money, but one hundred and two
grand back then. Of course it'sworth millions now not so much because of
the house and the property although itis thirteen point eight acres in Memphis,
Tennessee. It's it's about you knowwho who owned it, and it looks
pretty much the way it did innineteen seventy seven when Elvis Press Presley passed
away, it kept it pretty muchthe same. So anyway, who owns
it now? Well, once LisaMarie died, the property went to his
granddaughter Riley Keyoh. A notification cameout that Graceland is on the verge of
being sold at a foreclosure auction thisThursday, sparking a legal battle Shelby County
Courthouse, stating that Graceland and itssurrounding property in Memphis will be auctioned off
to the highest bidder for cash.May twenty third, Riley Keoh, thirty
four years old, the current ownerof the property and the granddaughter of Elvis,
fiercely contesting the sale. She hasfiled a lawsuit calling the auction a
scam and a sham, and onMonday yesterday, her attorney secured a temporary
restraining order. So I guess itwon't be auctioned off this week anyway.
They're having an injunction hearing tomorrow.Source says that Kio is quote traumatized at
what has unfolded and never thought thata historic piece of property could even be
considered to go in the hands ofany random stranger. But if there's an
outstanding loan and that's the accusation thatnever got repaid, and if Graceland was
used as collateral, then that's exactlywhat could happen. Evidently, the drama
comes from a twenty eighteen deed oftrust that Lisa Marie Presley allegedly signed,
securing a three point eight million dollarloan using Graceland as the collateral. The
loan was supposedly taken out through acompany called Nasani Investments in Private Lending,
a Missouri based company. The firmclaims Lisa Marie, who died last year,
defaulted on the loan, but accordingto Keo's lawsuit, it asserts that
Lisa Marie never borrowed any money fromNasani, saying these documents are fraudulent,
according to the suit, alleging thatLisa Marie's signatures were forged and that Nasani
Investments isn't even a legitimate company.Furthermore, the notary listed on the documents
denies notarizing Lisa Marie's signature or evereven meeting her. Wow, So I
guess they're gonna have to figure thiswhole thing out. I don't know if
the company's legit or not, orfor real or not. But you know,
you hear about this kind of fraudall the time. I mean,
you hear commercials here in our stationfor you know, people who are you
know, stealing homes by you know, faking the deeds and and all that
kind of stuff. So it makesit look like they own the property and
not you owning the property. Maybethis is just a giant scam. After
all, you know, this ispretty valuable piece of property, can give
millions about millions of dollars. It'snot just a house, it's it's a
shrine. It's not just a house, it's it's a graveyard. For goodness
sakes, Elvis Presley's buried there.Hundreds of thousands of people come there to
visit it. I'm mystified by thisone. This is a crazy, crazy
story. I guess we'll have tokeep on following and see what happens with
this. According to the Graceland website, all the furniture in the home is
original to when Elvis lived there.Everything, So again, it's like a
time capsule. It's like going backto the nineteen seventies and Elvis is still
alive and is still performing in Vegas. All right, listen, you all
have a great day. See youtomorrow morning, bright and early at five
am, and this afternoon four ona nine fifty KPRC