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This is used Radio seven forty ktrhHouston Drive Everywhere with IR the exclusive audio
home of NBC's coverage of the twentytwenty four Paris Olympics. Now the latest
news, weather, and traffic.It's more of what matters to you.
From the John Morris Services studios.It is five am now here on Houston's
Boning News. I'm Jimmy Barrett alongwith Sheriff Fryars. We get started on
this Wednesday morning. Among our topstories, Trump and Abbott react to Biden's
border order, the twenty twenty fiveHPD budget won't get us very many new
officers, and coming up in fiveoh eight, fishing with a magnet leads
to a one hundred thousand dollars catchdetails in the minutes ahead. You're in
Houston's Morning News. First, let'scheck out the drive for the first time
this morning. The sky Mike,how we start out with a clean slight
for now? And uh, whatlooks like the jackpots reset here? Now?
I can't you know what, Ican't wait till September because when that
happens, Ani uh done September.That means wayside that roadwork between Harrisburg and
the Golf Freeway will finally be outof our way and we'll have like an
extra alternate, won'ever we have troublegetting across the ship channel. For now,
you just have this little puny laneand a big nasty concrete wall,
so you'll have to avoid wayside tothe golf Freeway for a couple of months.
I'm Skymike the Generator Supercenter dot Comtraffic Center from r KTRH top tax
Defenders twenty four hour weather centers.Some scattered towers and storms are possible today,
but the high temp at you're rightabout ninety two. We'll get the
latest on the forecast from Terry Smithof the Weather Channel. Looks like most
of the rain's gonna be east ofHouston, but we'll check with her when
we talked to her in about anothereight minutes. Right now eighty two at
your official severe weather station, useradio seven forty k TRH. It is
time now for the news. Here'sSheriff Fryar. Good morning everyone. It's
now five o two on news Radioseven toty ktr RAG. In our top
story this hour, to protect Americaas a land that welcomes immigrants, we
must first secure the border and secureit now. Joe Biden announcing executive action
to quote suspend the entry of noncitizens once border encounters hit twenty five hundred
a day over a seven day period, but there nothing that he did,
and allowing massive numbers of people stillto come in millions. Donald Trump was
on Newsmax. The move didn't goover well with Texas Governor Greg Abbott either.
What Biden did was actually entice morepeople to come to our border,
to increase illegal immigration, not tostop it. Making it worse. Yeah,
that was the governor with Katie orHS Sean Hannity who told you more
people on the terror watch list arecoming here illegally and it concerns supposedly FBI
Director Christopher Ray, there was alreadya heightened risk of violence in the United
States before October seventh, and sincethen we've seen a rogues gallery of foreign
terrorist organizations call for attacks against Americansand our allies. Ray add a Senate
Appropriation Subcommittee hearing yesterday. It isnow five o three. He was looking
for money. Overnight an officer involvedshooting on the north side of Houston Precinct
four Constable's assisting Harris County deputies ininvestigating. City of Houston itself is short
two thousand cops, but the newbillion dollar budget doesn't close that gap.
The new budget only provides for aboutone hundred new officers in the city the
size of Houston, It's a negligibleamount of manpower. They're fifteen stations throughout
the city. It's a massive areato cover, and we're several thousand.
Ultra sharp Law enforcement expert Greg Freemantold KTRH there is still the option of
additional state and federal funding for EAHPD. I mean, we did it during
Clinton's administration where they provided hundreds ofmillions of dollars towards law enforcement to boost
up the police personnel and give policedepartments more money for recruiting. Freeman says.
The only question now is will anyof that money ever make it to
hpd Ethan Buchanan News Radio seven fortyKTRH over in Austin. The George Zorros
paid for activist District Attorney of TravisCounty trying to have the governor's pardon of
the former Army veteran Daniel Perry overturnedthe Board of Pardon in Paroles and the
Governor put their politics over justice andmade a mockery of our legal system,
and for that they should be ashamedof themselves. Yeah. There he is
Jose Garza. He's running for reelection this year in Travis County. He
filed for a rid of Van Damaswith the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals,
a decision that could overturn the pardonof Perry, who was defending himself.
It is now five h four.Despite the spin from the leftist Texas Tribune,
political consultant Luke Massias tells KGRH therewas a clear winner in last week's
Republican runoffs ultimately, I mean conservativegrassroots who won more races than they ever
have against the more establishment moderate forcesin the Republican Party and move the Texas
House significantly to the right. Yeah. He points to fifteen GOP incumbents who
lost to conservative challengers. Closer tohome, Judge Lena Hidalgo says, yes,
she's going to run for a thirdterm is Harris County judge. But
she might face a primary challenge fromformer mayor a niece Parker, which could
create some fireworks. You're gonna havetwo high profile democrats going after each other.
I think this creates an interesting dynamicheading into his upcoming election. Charles
Blaine of Urban Reform says Lena's hostilitywith fellow city leaders has turned voters sour
in her indictment in the big bidrigging scheme won't help her case. I
think Democrats they're in the rally aroundher more so than they did before.
But I think when that information comesout, I think it's going to open
people's eyes a little bit more.He says this could open the door for
another run by Alex Mieler. AndrePerard News Radio seven forty KTRH. Meantime,
the county Commissioner's court, you know, is loaded with Democrats votes to
raise the minimum wage for all countyemployees and contractors to dollars an hour.
The lone Republican commissioner did ask akey question, do we know what this
is going to cost? So wereviewed it in our employees. We feel
pretty confident that it's a very minimalamount, if at all. Okay,
Precinct Three's Tom Ramsey, The votewound up being unanimous. Is five oh
six. Hunter Biden felony gun trialcontinuing with a defense trying to claim that
the first son lied about his druguse on a federal gun form because he
doesn't consider himself an attic. Thereis no defense that I can see here.
I mean, it's a kin togetting yourself locked in a bank fold
and saying I got lost on myway to the restroom. Fox League lenalyist
Jonathan Turley. There Hunters on trialafter a judge rejected what was initially a
sweetheart plea deal from the Department ofJustice. Just last year, the man
in charge of the Justice Department,US Attorney General Merrick Garland, was on
Capitol Hill being asked a lot ofquestions my house Republicans over the law fair
that is continually launched against Donald Trump. Here's the thing that you come in
here and you lodge this attack thatit's a conspiracy theory, that there is
coordinated lawfair against Trump, and thenwhen we say fine, just give us
the documents, give us the correspondence, and then if it's a conspiracy theory,
that will be evident exactly. Garlandwas confronted by Florida's Matt Gates over
the DOJ refusal to turn over allthe tapes the recordings of the Special Council
Robert Hurst's interview with Joe Biden inhis classified documents crimes, you know,
the ones that hers said he wasto be fuddle to be prosecuted for.
Wall Street Journal reports that the presidenthas shown signs of poor cognitive performance in
recent meetings with congressional lawmakers. He'sthe oldest president in history already at the
age of eighty one. Five ohSeven's are Times strosby the Cardinals eight to
five, wrapping up the series thisafternoon pregame Noon first Pitch one ten.
You'll hear it. Sports Talk sevenninety I'm sure a fryar a news radio
seven forty k TRH. You'll knowmore if you listen. More is more
going on? I want to bemore informed. No more more. In
twenty twenty four with US Radio sevenforty KTRH. Do you ever do you
ever watch people with those what dothey call those the magnetometer things? What
am I word? I'm trying tocome up with here shre? They you
know, will walk along the beachtrying to find Yeah, and they're finding
things like, you know, poptops from soda cans and usually not much
of anything else. Well, thesethese folks were fishing with a magnet in
Queens, New York, which doesn'tseem like a great fishing site, but
it's you know, Queen's, NewYork's pretty old. And somewhere along the
line, somebody deposited into this ponda safe, a small safe with cash
inside the safe. They estimate thatthere's about one hundred thousand dollars worth of
cash in this safe. The duoshared a video of the Muney safe and
the bills that were damaged due tobeing soaked in the water. So the
lord knows how long they've been inthe water, don't know who they belonged
to, Finder's keepers right after acertain period of time. But here's the
part that I find very interesting andI'm trying to figure this one out.
Normally, when you find something likethis, because it is not yours,
you're supposed to take it to thepolice. So the NYPD was asked whether
or not they needed to hand themoney over to them. They said,
as a general matter, found propertyvalue to ten dollars or more is required
to be reported to and depositive withthe police. In this instance, the
value and authenticity of the alleged currencycould not be determined due to the severely
disintegrated condition of the property. Sohow do they know it's one hundred thousand
dollars worth of cash if they can'tdetermine, if the police can't determine what
the value is under they got tippedoff to go looking in that particular pond.
Do you suppose this is a randompeople are going out Queens and checking
ponds and looking at you know,maybe these these two have a history.
They have found grenades from World WarTwo, they found nineteenth century guns,
they found a motorcycle once, theyfound a wallet containing foreign coins, pearls,
and gold jewels. So they're outthere treasure hunting all the time.
Maybe they just picked this spot withthe magnet down Maybee got a hit.
It's not I mean, it's notlike you're going to go swimming in a
pond in Queens, right in amuddy pond. But I don't know what
happens with the money. Do areyou allowed to If they can figure out
how much it's worth, can youget new bills to replace the old bills?
Or are they just stuck with abunch of old muddy cash that's not
really worth it that digital anyway?So here you go go ahead and give
it to him five to eleven.Die for traffic and weather together. Sky
Mike is here. We're looking atyour southwest freeway now. And remember that
big road works coming up that's goingto be from seven sixty two to University
with this really means from Rosenberg upto Sugarland. That'll be a long time
deal. It's just going to bea lifestyle for a while. That starts
this coming weekend. We've checked yourship Channel bridge is six' ten southbound
coming down from ten to two twentyfive, rocking along nicely tall bridge.
That roadwork starts to suck well.That roadwork has already started, but the
suckkitch has not just yet. Iwould if you're headed in then you're from
like ninety or so, go aheadand stay the course. If you're still
trying to get across the river fromCrosby, I might think about taking six
ten instead of Skylike and the GeneratorSupercenter dot Com Traffic Center from r KTRH
top hacks the benders twenty four hourWhether Center. Time to check in with
Terry. Looks like we've got achance of a scattered shower storm this morning.
Terry. I'm just wondering because theradar looks like most of it's going
to be east of Houston. Whatare you seeing? Yeah, right now,
we're watching this cluster of thunderstorms.That's the one that we think will
make its way into southeast Texas,and it's up around the Dallas area making
its way southward. So I thinkthe first part of the morning looks pretty
good. Exactly where these showers andthunderstorms are going to make it into Houston
is really hard to say. Butthe bulk of the instability and the moisture
that we use for these thunderstorms,it is more eastward than it is on
the west side. But that doesn'tmean we're not going to see anything on
the west side. So just beready for some rain. A forty percent
chance of those showers and thunderstorms alittle later on this morning. We may
see some of that in the afternoonas well. Temperatures they're not going to
change. Load of mid nineties today, load of mid nineties through the weekend.
Twenty percent chance you might get wettomorrow. Right now, I think
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday,no rain, just sunshine. Temperature right
now is eighty one at your officials, Severe weather station news radio seven forty
k TRH. It's Houston's Morning News, brought to you by New South Windows
Solutions. Now back to Jimmy andSherrah with the info you need to take
on the day. So Tuesdays aretestimony day Congress and there's usually some interesting
stuff that comes out of it.Two hearings that I found particularly interesting were
the one involving FBI Director Christopher Rayand the other one involving Attorney General Merrick
Garland. Both pretty damning and whatthey had to say or what they failed
to say. One of the questionsthat came up from Senator John Kennedy involved
Jeffrey Epstein and whether or not theFBI has a whole slew of tapes of
prominent people having sex on Jeffrey Epstein'sisland and that they're protecting prominent people from
prosecution. So we'll have more onthat coming up next. First, let's
do traffic and weather together as wecheck on the drive again. Here's sky
Mike. Hey, let's do somegolf freeway coming up from Galveston and Causeway.
You look good. I'm wondering ifvisibility might be a thing this morning.
The onlines are showing some extra roadworkright around College or the mainland the
Emmett Lowry Expressway northbound. I'm notseeing any kind of spackle from that though.
League Cities Now thirty minutes. Letme defer time here and we'll get
to your Southwest Freeway at five thirty. The Generator Supercenter dot Com traffic center
from our KTRH top tax defenders twentyfour hour weather center becoming partly cloudie with
scattered showers and storms most likely thismorning forty percent chance of that high temperature
about ninety two. Tomorrow partley Cloudie'slight chances with shower ninety two, and
then Friday's sunny, hot and humidwith IIVEH ninety five. Right now,
temperature is eighty two at your officialsevere weather station. News Radio seven forty
KTRH. Time to get you caughtup on some of our top stories here
on this Wednesday morning. Here shareit morning. Everyone is now five twenty
one on news Radio seven forty KGRH. Our headlines are sponsored by D and
M. Autoleasing a Syrian man arrestedfor firing shots at the US Embassy in
Lebanon. The ACLU says now they'regoing to sue the White House over Biden's
executive action at the border, onethat won't really do much of anything.
New Jersey Democrat Congressman Donald Paine Junior. He won his primary yesterday, six
weeks after dying of a heart attack. Latest news anytime at ktirh dot com.
Our next update is at five thirtybottom of the hour. I Live
a Katie. Your best ways areround Houston. Next on the ten on
seven Ktright. So Jeffrey Epstein isdead and Ms Maxwell is in prison.
Those are only two people are reallyin a position to say exactly what happened
on Jeffrey Epstein's island, Who wentthere, who had sexed with underage girls
other than the victims themselves, Exceptif you believe the stories. Epstein had
the goods on everybody, And there'sgot to be proof of it somewhere.
It's not just eyewitness testimony. Itcould be videos, as you say point
out, supposedly their cameras all overthe island. Exactly. Yeah, you
don't have many copies of it.There are around the world, and who's
got them right. And one ofthe questions that came up is whether or
not the FBI has them, andif they're hanging on to them for whatever
purpose they may have, including protectingprominent people. Here's Senator John Kennedy questioning
Christopher Ray. There have been articlesafter articles from witnesses who have said he
videotaped sex acts with prominent people becausehe was trying to cur with young girls
that he had procured, to tryto incur favor with those prominent people and
potentially for to be able to blackmailthem. Now that's a fact, and
the FBI and other federal agencies haveraided his houses. Do you have those
tapes? I can't discuss the specificsof our law enforcement operations related to mister
Epstein or Ms Maxwell, but obviouslywe had very active investigation related to both
of them. But whether it extendsto other people, I'm not sure that's
something done. But here comment.A suit was filed yesterday against one of
those prominent people by one of theyoung women's sex trafficked allegedly said he was
part of the ring. It's onthe front page. I don't know,
is this New York Times Wall StreetJournal? And we keep seeing article after
article after article, and we keephearing about prominent person after prominent person after
prominent person. I just want toknow if these prominent people are above the
law and are going to be andaren't being investigated, or is the FBI
investigating? Well, no one isabove the law. Number one. As
to whether specific people are being investigated, that's not something that I, as
I'm sure you can appreciate, canengage on. Here. We've devoted significant
resources to the investigation. Is itongoing? I'm not sure there's anything I
can share with you on that,but let me see if we can get
back to you and provide a littlebit. Well, for example, these
allegations in this lawsuit, the civilaction, I haven't see you read article.
It'll trigger your gag reflects. Isthe FBI going to investigate that?
Well, again, I haven't seenthe article, but I would be happy
to take a look at it andtake it back and see if it's part
of something I just want to know. I share your is still investigating this
or are are these prominent people?Don't go scott free. It seems like
a fair question. You're not compromisingany information by answering the question, Yes,
we are still investigating, We're stillpeople who are investigating or no,
the investigation has been concluded simple andif they're not, if they're just sitting
on it and not investigating, thenhe'd be lying to Congress. Uh huh,
Yeah, there's no problem. There'salways that problem. Although I don't
know why they're worried about lying toCongress. What's going to happen to him?
Nothing? Five twenty six. Itis time to take a look at
your money. Courtney Dona, whois here? Good morning, Well,
good morning Jimmy. There are somesigns that the labor market is cooling down
and that's boosting speculation this better reservewill be able to cut rates this year.
It's putting investors in a good mood. As a result, we are
looking at a higher open. Dowfutures up seventy points. Stocks rose in
yesterday's trade. The Dow gained onehundred and forty points. A report yesterday
showed the number of job openings acrossthe US fell in April to the lowest
level in over three years. TheFed is hoping it can tame inflation without
putting millions out of work. DollarTree is said to be exploring a potential
sale or spin off of its familydollar business. According to the Wall Street
Journal. The retailer is working withadvisors on a review, and Blackrock and
other investors are backing an upstart TexasStock Market to challenge the New York Stock
Exchange and the NASDAC. The TexasStock Exchange has raised one hundred and twenty
million dollars and plans to register withthe SEC. The exchange will be headquartered
in Dallas. I'm Corney, DonahoeBloomberg Business on News Radio seven forty KTRH.
There are no Houston's News. Whythere are traffic plus breaking news twenty
four to seven. This is NewsRadio seven forty KTRH five Everywhere with the
IRF. More of what's happening nowfrom the John Morris Services Studios. It
is five point thirty now here inHouston's morning News. I'm Jimmy Barrett along
with Sheriff Fryar Bunger. Top storiesthis f are Hunter's own words and cord
guests today used against him. Theweaponization of the DOJ comes from the very
top and coming up at five thirtyeight. If you bought tickets from Ticketmaster
or from Live Nation, your personalinformation might be on the dark web.
Details in the minutes ahead. You'rein Houston's morning news. First, we're
checking out that morning drive again.Here's sky Mike. Wow, okay,
let's still get too used to this. You know you're two ninety up.
Not yet, just a little rightaround thirty fourth to the loop. You
loose about a minute or so comingin bound if you put it all together
from Highway six two forty nine areforgotten freeway. I rarely have to talk
about you. You're looking good fromMagnolia all the way in Nord free Y.
Wait, just that little smush aroundShepherd Curve, otherwise you're good.
Twenty four minutes from the Woodlands Skymikeon the Generator Supercenter dot Com Traffic Center
from our KTRH Generator Supercenter twenty fourhour weather center. Becoming partly cloudy with
scattered showers and storms today, hightemperature right about ninety two. We'll get
the complete forecast from Terry Smith atthe Weather Channel. In nine minutes.
It's eighty one at your official severeweather station, news Radio seven forty k
TRH. It is time now forthe news. Here's Sheriff Ryer. Good
morning. Everyone is five thirty oneon news Radio seven forty k TRH.
Our top story this hour, Cracktakes you into the darkest recesses of your
soul, as well as the darkestcorners of every community. Hunter Biden's book.
There, jurors and the Hunter Bidenfelony gun trial heard from the defendant's
autobiography as prosecutors painted him as anaddict who lied on his federal gun application
forms. Prosecutors showed Hunter Biden's laptopthat has been an evidence locker for the
past five years to show it doesexist and they are quoting for it.
They showed picture after picture and textafter text relating to mentions of illegal drugs
and Hunter's addiction, specifically to crackand cocaine. David Spunt, reporting from
Delaware the bribery trial of New JerseyDemocrat Senator Bob Menendez. An FBI investigator
testified about a dinner back in twentynineteen in which menendez then girlfriend asked an
Egyptian official, what else can thelove of my life do for you?
Meantime, Donald Trump's legal team requestto have Manhattan Judge One Mershawn's gag order
lifted since the trial is now over. Attorney Will Sharf says a weaponization of
the justice Department is being led byPresident Joe Biden. They don't want to
compete with President Trump at the ballotbox, so they're dragging them into courtrooms
like they did in New York,and they're trying to poison the well to
convince American people that it convinced theAmerican people that President Trump is just no
good. Sharf on Newsmack Now,a New Morning Console poll shows Trump leeds
Biden post conviction forty four to fortythree percent. I think that's a little
bit weird. Closer to home,State Attorney General Ken Paxon has asked the
Texas Supreme Court to intervene against thestate bar, which is trying to censure
and strip him of his license topractice law. Yet this is lawfair against
the Attorney General of Texas. It'sbecause of his role in that lawsuit he
led several states challenging the twenty twentyelection Democrat law fair. It is now
five thirty four. Joe Biden andFrance taking part in the eightieth anniversary of
D Day Tomorrow. He'll be therefor five days, meeting with the French
President Emmanuel Macron and Ukraine's Voladimir Zelenski. Meantime, halas yet to accept the
White House proposed cease fire deal inGaza. That the Ausgraelis have agreed at
least to the framework of what wehope they will do in the end is
see that the best pathway to anend to this war, the return of
all the hostages, a surge ofhumanitarian assistants, is to accept this proposal,
which is a good proposal that theUnited States stands behind it. National
Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. The familiesof the eight remaining American hostages, you
know, remember them taken on Octoberseventh in the Hamas terrorist attacks. Well,
those families met with lawmakers yesterday.Time has run out for all of
the hostages are loved ones and allof the others. Jonathan Decklehan's son has
been held captive since being taken Octoberseventh. Breaking the border that Trump fixed,
telling o oneone who would listen thathe couldn't fix it. The President
did issue an executive action, albeita weak one, for our border just
five months before the election. Ofcourse, we've got reaction from Donald Trump
and from the Texas Governor Abbott.At the top of the hour at six
am, according to a new report, Senate Republicans plan to keep the filibuster
even if Donald Trump is re electedand even if they take control of the
Senate. Sarah, if you rememberin twenty eighteen, while President Trump wanted
to end it for our friends inthe Senate, Oh boy, we have
to get rid of what's called thefilibuster rule. We have to. But
senior legal fellow with the Heritage Foundation, Hans von Spakowsky says he disagrees.
The filibuster has to stay so thatthe majority cannot oppress the views of the
minority in this country, which theDemocrats would have already done without it.
Jeff Biggs, News Radio seven fortyk t H. Yeah, they'll use
it if they'll use it to fightthe majority if it becomes Republican. Though,
don't ever get doubt that five pointthirty six is our time looking at
our money. US job openings droppedto eight point one million in a really
so the lowest level since February oftwenty twenty one. Reopening effects from the
pandemic are supporting the labor market,but at some point the services side of
the economy will have caught up,and then you would expect employment growth to
slow. We think we're seeing theearly signs of that today. We'll see
if we get more validation in comingmonths. As Bank of America's Michael gapp
and He told Fox Business, it'sa sign of a cooling economy and surprise,
surprise, a majority of Americas arestill using the bank of mom and
dad. More than three out offive parents say they've made a significant financial
sacrifice to help their adult children,according to a bank Rate survey. Bank
Rate analyst Greg McBride says this ismore evidence of rising housing and living expenses.
Shelter is the most common area ofassistance, and that can be everything
from paying the rents to living athome rent free two assistants in buying that
first time, But right behind itis assistance with everyday expenses that can be
groceries, utilities. Nearly half ofthose parents are tapping their emergency savings or
going into death to help their adultkids. Corey Yelson, Who's Radio seven
forty KTRH, it's down five thirtyseven. American pride at an all time
low among young people, according tothe latest polling. Blame social media and
the leftist controlled education systems. Socialmedia can be extremely powerful. I think
that over the course of the pastfew decades, we've also seen the college
campuses being used to foster that kindof anti americanisms. Kyle cole Lyle with
mission roll Call There Astros b SaintLouis eight to five pregame this afternoon for
the series finale at noon on SportsTalk seven ninety. The game delayed in
the sixth inning, though, becauseof a medical issue involving a non uniformed
member of the ASTRO staff. I'mshipber Fryar on news radio seven forty KTRH.
I live in Spring, I livein Katie. You're reliable. Forecast
Next on the ten on seven fortyKTRH. Take them Out. Master and
Live Nation both being sued because millionsof customers personal data has been stolen and
is listed on the black market.It's on the dark Web, which means
that is for sale to anybody whowants to pay for it. Now,
the good news is is it doesn'tinvolve any Social Security numbers. The bad
news is it does include partial,at least partial credit card numbers and names
and addresses and those types of things. So it's enough information where somebody might
be interested in buying that evidently forsale for about a half a million dollars
on the dark web. According tothe lawsuit brought by a couple of California
residents, they're alleging the Ticketmaster andLive Nation failed to properly secure their personal
information such as full names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, ticket
sales and event details, order information, partial payment card data. The compromised
data includes the last four digits ofthe card numbers, So I don't know.
Maybe they could run it through analgorithm and try to come up with
the combination in order to be ableto duplicate your card A card number.
Hard to say. This just isone of those things that seems incontrollable to
me, that the data these arealways one step ahead of whatever security measures
just about anybody takes. And thething I think if that scares me the
most share when I think of somethinglike this, is the United States government
and all the information they have aboutus, because I know that they're they're
probably the least secure of anybody becausethey don't spend money on the latest technology
when it comes to protecting that information. Can you imagine if somebody were able
to get into the social Security Administration. They'd have the names, addresses,
social Security numbers for every American,every working American, every single one of
them at their at their behest,anytime they wanted to use. It.
Wouldn't surprise me at all if thatwould happen. And do you think you
think the US government would tell usif that happened. Highly doubt it.
Five forty Time for traffic and weathertogether. We're checking out the drive again.
Here's all right, let's do somesouthwest side. You've got sixty nine
northbound. Remember we've got that roadworkcoming up next weekend and it's gonna be
a big deal, so we'll getready for that. If you're a big
shot with the toll sticker Graham Parkway, you look good both ways. Southwest
Freeway to two ninety and Katie Freeway'sgoing sure all the way from Graham Parkway
to the President's Heads. I'm skylikeand a Generator Supercenter dot Com Traffic Center
from r KTRH Generator Supercenter, twentyfour hour weather Center. This check in
with Terry Smith. We're gonna seesome showers and maybe some thunder showers later
this morning. At least a fewof us. Terry yeah, I think
some of us will get submarine watchingthat cluster of thunderstorms that's well to the
north of us right now. It'sbetween the Dallas area and near Jasper,
just north of Huntsville. Moving southeast, some of that's going to make its
way into southeast Texas. I've gota forty percent chance of showers and thunderstorms
today, some of that being inthe morning hours and certainly in the afternoon
as well. It's moving fairly quickly. I don't think we're going to see
a big problem, though. Youmay get some brief heavy rain. Temperatures
today, load of mid nineties,twenty percent chance of getting wet Tomorrow,
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday rightnow looking dry, no rain over the
weekend. Expect the temperatures to continuein the load of mid nineties through the
weekend. Right down eighty two atyour officials, Severe Weather Station News Radio
seven forty KTRH. What you needto know for the day ahead. This
is Houston's Morning News, brought toyou by New South Windows Solutions. I
know you're going to be excited bythis. Lena Hildago is going to seek
a third term as our Harris CountyJudge. Isn't that exciting? More in
that story coming up next first though, with five fifty traffic and weather together,
as we check out the drive onceagain, here's sky Mine. I'm
just about this close to getting theslinky here. Let's go belts and loops.
And if you're trying to catch aplane around Bush Airport, I'm hearing
bad things about that terminal road construction. The bellways wide open. Sure would
be good to hear from Uber Mike. I'm sure he'll be checking in shortly,
East tex Will Clayton. We're lookinggood. You could take my secret
route, which I don't like totalk about, the Hardy Toll Road airport
connector because I like to keep thatfor myself. But so far, we're
rocking along on your freeways, Skywikeand your Generator Supercenter dot Com Traffic Center
from our KTRH Generator Supercenter twenty fourhour weather Center. Becoming partly CLOUDI a
forty percent chance of you seeing ascattered shower storm today with I temperature right
about ninety two, and then tomorrowpartly Cloudy's slight chance of a shower ninety
two again, temperature right now eightyone. At your official severe weather station
news Radio seven forty k TRH.Check out some of our top stories here
on this Wednesday, here's Sharon fivefifty one, now a news radio seven
forty KTRH. Our headlines are sponsoredby Moro Mechanical Governor Greg Abba taking his
shot at President Biden's so called executiveaction at a border. A man and
a woman shot to death in northwestHouston last night. HPD says domestic case
no threat to the public. FormerHouston Texas head coach Gary Kubiak will be
presenting Andre Johnson at his Pro FootballHall of Fame induction this summer. Latest
News anytime at KTIRH dot com.Our next update will be at the top
of the hour. I live inPasadena Sharptown, Southwest. Next on the
ten time saving traffic on seven fortyktr eight five pin fifty two is our
time here in Houston's morning news.That would be Lena Hildago, of course,
the right hand woman of Rodney Ellis, you know, doing Rodney's bidding?
And why wouldn't she run again?You know she's making a good loving
What else would she do? Youknow? Saying seek and running? I
don't know how I never really sawher campaign. No, you no,
she doesn't have to kind of gotswept in. How did that happen?
Well, that's out. That's howshe got elected to begin with. It
worked, so maybe it'll continue towork. Charles Blaine joins, US President
of Urban Reform. I guess weshouldn't be surprised by this, should be
Charles, Yeah, good morning.Well, you know, it comes as
a little surprising because there was alot of conversation before about whether or not
she was going to seek another term, if she was looking for an appointment.
I think there is even rumor ofher attempting to seek a statewide position,
which I think we can all knowthat that's out of the question.
But it is interesting that this earlyon that she's out here saying that she
plans to seek a third term.Well, there is this maybe running for
her life in order to evade whatmight be coming down in terms of legalities
in the malfeason. So it's beenpracticed within her office. I'm not accusing
her directly. Yeah, well,the office certainly offers some protections for that.
I mean, as we've seen interms of legal costs, the legal
bills for all the things that sheis alleged or her staff has alleged to
have done mount up. And soI think if she stays in the office
with control over the District attorney's funds, because we know Commissioner's Court has control
over those, it definitely offers anotherlevel of protection. You know, one
of the areas that she obviously hassome issues has been health, and you
know she disappeared for a period oftime to seek some help for her mental
health condition and issues. Do yousee that as a potential campaign problem for
her? Well, you know,she brought that up and she's and one
thing I think that she has interms of seeking this third term that she
had tried to do is really leaninto that and kind of put it out
on front street. So when theyasked her about this when she was talking
about her third term, she saidthat, you know, the treatment has
brought her back and now that nowshe feels she can do anything. So
she feels even stronger than before.So we'll see how big of a campaign
issue it is. As twenty twentysix years, Well, let's talk about
a niece Parker here. What arethose rumblings all about? Yeah, well,
you know, a couple months agothe rumbling started and then there was
a brief comment from a niece Parkerthat said she was considering it. And
so it's definitely in the cars,I think, and there and we remember
last a cycle November twenty twenty two, I think it was one of the
local papers or something with interviewing AniseParker and asked her if who she was
voting for. She couldn't commit tovoting for Judge ad Ago. She was
kind of waffling between Judge Adago andAlex Mueler. And so I think there
is some a rift there between herand Judge of Augos. It's not incredibly
surprising that she might seek that officebecause she has said that she wanted to
be county judge in the past.All Right, here's the big question though,
I brought to the name of RodneyEllis. Rodney Audo obviously controls Harris
County. You know, whoever isgoing to be the judge in Harris County
will be doing his bidding. Sois Lena still solid with Rodney or would
Rodney Ellis want to look at maybereplacing her. You know, it seems
as though that is one of heronly allies lately. I mean, you
know, we've seen on Commissioner's Courtkind of a split lately, with her
and Commissioner Ellis taking one side andCommissioners Brunus, Garcia and Ramsey taking another
side. And so I really dothink that he's going to pull out all
the stops to make sure she wins. And we know that he has a
lot of influence over what the CountyJudge does, and I don't know that
he would have that same level ofinfluence if it was County Judge Parker or
anyone else, And so I thinkhe's going to stick with Hidago. Is
this a split in the Democrat Partyby Parker's stepping forward? Now? I
think so. I think that that'swhat we're seeing is kind of a rift
in the Democratic Party, you know, kind of younger Progressives going to one
side and then older traditional school Democratsgoing to another side. I think it's
kind of a similar rift that yousee between the county judge and the mayor
and kind of the differences in thepolitical party there, and is the county
judge and the district attorney And soyeah, I definitely think this is a
growing rift in the Democratic Party.Interesting Charles. Thanks for Johnny, it's
good to talk to you. Appreciateit. President that urban reform. That's
Charles Blaine. It's five fifty six. This is HUSED Radio seven KTRH Houston
Prive Everywhere with the exclusive audio homeof invc's coverage of the twenty twenty four
Paris Olympics. Now the latest news, weather, fantastics, it's more of
what matters to you. From theJohn Morris Services Studios. Six am is
our time here on Houston's Morning News. I'm Jimmy Barrett, along with Sheriff
Ryer Monger. Top stories this fR Trump and Abbott react to Biden's border
order. The twenty twenty five hpD budget won't get us very many new
police officers, and coming up atsix to eight the eighteen states they can't
survive without money from the Feds.Details in the minutes ahead. You're in
Houston's Morning News. First, let'sstrick out that morning drive. Here's sky
Mike. All right, hard hats, listen enough. If you live in
the Stickson, you're trying to goto Chevron or Liondale to work this morning,
Let's take the tunnel for now.Be the first to do that because
we got a new wreck on twotwenty five. This is outbound right before
Richie, right before your exit,and the skunch is all the way back
from Alan Genoa. By the timeyou get there, it'll be worse.
We'll get you some laneage at thesix' ten report toll bridge suckond just
start at nineteen minutes six' ten. Sherman's scunching up about an extra six
seven southbound. I'm Skymike and theGenerator Supercenter dot Com Traffic Center from r
KTRH top tax Defenders twenty four hourweather center. For today, we're looking
at the guys to become partly cloudy, scattered showers and storms in particular east
of Houston. With a hike todayright about ninety two, we will get
you the latest on the forecast inthe range chances with Terry Smith at the
Weather Channel in nine minutes. Rightnow, it's eighty two at your official
severe weather station, News Radio sevenforty KTRH. It's time off for the
news. Here's Sheriff Frank. Goodmorning everyone at six poh one on news
radio seven forty KTRH and our topstory this centur if the United States doesn't
secure our border. There's no limitto the number of people may try to
come here. Yeah, right.President Joe Biden announcing his executive action,
he claims he's going to shut downthe southern border once apprehensions hit twenty five
hundred a day. Of course,all those who use the app, you
know that border app, they don'taccount two million a year are being allowed
in under that. Texas Governor GregAbbott says it changes nothing really about his
own and the state of Texas borderplans. Texas is not going to back
off of what we are doing toactually securing the border. Abbott joins kt
RHS Clay and Buck Today at noonformer President Donald Trump weighing in, frankly,
this should have been done three anda half years ago, but something
meaningful like the one that Congress passed, or we wanted Congress to pass.
Trump on newsbacks Biden's move too late, with all those on the terror watchlifts
already coming here illegally, increasingly concerningis the potential for a coordinated attack here
in the homeland, not unlike theisis K attack we saw at the Russia
Concert Hall back in March. AtTHEI director Christopher ray on Capitol Hill.
He's seeking more money. Meantime,a Syrian man arrested overnight shooting at the
American Embassy and Lebanon. No Americancasualties. That Syrian man was wounded.
It is now six' oh three. Harris County deputies have arrested the sixteen
year old son of a woman whowas found murdered this past Sunday inside her
apartment in East Harris County. Houstonhas a shortage of about two thousand police
officers now. The latest budget,though, will only add about one hundred
new cops. We are literally atthe same level of officers today that we
had almost fifteen years ago, maybetwenty. Law enforcement expert Greg Fremans told
KGRH that both the state and federalgovernments have money they could be sending to
HPD to help George Sorow, supportedDistrict Attorney in Travis County moving to have
the governor's pardon a former of theArmy veteran Daniel Perry, overturned. We
will be asking for the courts tointervene in order to restore the sanctity of
the rule of law in this greatstate. Ose Garza filed for a rid
of mandamus with the Texas Court ofMandamus with a Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.
He's running for re election this year. It is now six to oh
four. More proof that African Americanvoters turning to Donald Trump. His campaign
in its first ever office in Philadelphiayesterday here at home with the primary runoffs
over for us. Who's the realwinner in the Texas GOP, Well,
Sharah, if you listen to theleft, the more legacy media outlets are
trying to spin the narrative in orderto give moderates more power than the voters
gave them. That's political consultant LukeMassias, who notes what the runoff results
say. Fifteen moderate incumbents lost toconservative challengers, while not a single conservative
fighter lost their primary. So it'sa very clear winner and that includes the
expected win next year for school choice. Jeff Biggs News Radio seven forty kth.
So Here in Harris County, LenaHidalgo, the county judge, says
she is going to seek a thirdterm, but she might have a few
obstacles in her way. The potentialindictment, of course, her office being
looked at investigative for COVID bid riggingcase. Another The former Houston mayor Aniese.
Parker. Parker says she may challengeHidago. She endorsed County DA kim
Ogg earlier this year. Part ofthe back lass with primary voters against kim
Ogg was that she moved forward withthis prosecution, and so it'll be interesting
to see if Democratic primary opponents aregoing to use that during a campaign.
Charles Blaine, if Urban reformed,he says, the drama presents Alex Meeler
with another chance a Republican to runfor that office. County Commissioner's Court unanimously
approved raising the minimum wage for allcounty employees and contractors to fifteen dollars an
hour. We need to make surewe're living out our values with every lever
of change we can do. Sothis energizes me to no end Precinct four
Commissioner Leslie Brione's living out her values. County Democrats claim most employees are already
making fifteen dollars, so that costto raise others will be minimal. It's
now six oh six. Hunter Biden'sfelony gun trial continuing this morning morning.
The former acting US Attorney General MattWhitaker isn't sure that the prosecution can actually
beat the Bidens on their own hometurf of Delaware. This is very much
a home court advantage for the Bidenfamily, and having Jill Biden as the
first lady walk into court and sitbehind Hunter sends a very clear message to
that jury. Hunter's facing twenty fiveyears in prison if he's convicted. There
was a plea deal that was rejectedlast year by the judge in this case,
sort of a sweetheart deal that wouldhave kept him from having to go
through this court case and trial.He was Attorney General Merrick Garland on Capitol
Hill, answering questions from Republicans aboutwhy his Department of Justice will not release
the videotapes of Special Counsel Robert Hurrinterviewing then President Trump about his classified documents
crimes. We want to be ableto see the demeanor of the President,
when that was in fact the primaryrationale for Special Counsel her In saying that
he wasn't going to pursue charges againstthe President. Yeah. Texas Congressman Chip
Roy on Fox Wall Street Journals,saying that Biden is showing signs of poor
cognitive performance in recent meetings with congressionallawmakers. Get the tape out there,
let's see it. It's six ohseven is our time. The Stros beat
Saint Louis eight to five. Wrappingof the series later today, pregame at
noon, First pitch at one tenon Sports Talk seven ninety and now the
president of Texas A and M saysthe school will not bring back the Aggie
Bonfire. The disaster in nineteen ninetynine killed eleven students one graduate. Some
had hoped it would make a comebacknow that the football rivalry with Texas returning
to schools once again in the sameconference. You know the SEC, but
no bonfire. I'm sheref Fryar onnews Radio seven forty k TRH. Listen
to news Radio seven forty KTRH onthe free iHeartRadio app, saw your news,
music, sports podcasts, and talkfree never Sound. It's so good.
Six o eight is our time herein Houston's morning news. The reason
why I'm playing the song about Vermontis that there are eighteen states that cannot
survive without federal money, and thenumber one state that can't survive without federal
money is Vermont. Now, howcan that be? Well, it turns
out thirty five point eighty three percentof all the money that they use to
run the government and infrastructure and everythingelse on the state Vermont comes from the
federal government thirty five point eight percent, well over a third, So they
are what we would call a Idon't know texta. While Texas is a
donor state, Vermont is one ofthose taker states right number two on the
list based on percentage of coming fromthe federal government at thirty four point zero
seven percent. West Virginia. WestVirginia came in number two. Some of
these states will surprise you a littlebit. Sriff number three, Alaska,
number four, New Mexico, numberfive, Mississippi. So it's not all
Democrat run states, and it's notall liberal states. There's some conservative states
here are also overly dependent on thefederal government. Louisiana comes after Mississippi.
South Dakota also on the list,Montana, Wyoming, Arizona, Rhode Island,
Delaware. There you go the president'scurrent president's home state. If that's
by a sheer number of dollars,or is it based per capita, it's
based on the percentage of government incomethat is coming from the federal government that
is provided by the federal government versusbeing raised by the state itself. That
I'm saying in states that a lotof it would come from states where you
don't have a very big tax base. Right, Smaller populations, smaller population
base, smaller industry. Right.You know you don't have tax space to
make up the difference. You've gotto get it from the federal guiding.
Right. Here's here's one that willsurprise nobody. The District of Columbia.
Obviously, Maine made the list,Arkansas made the list, Idaho is on
the list of the top eighteen,Alabama and New Hampshire, which is far
lower than vermontat again in one ofthose Northeastern states that also made the list.
California did not, which surprised mea little bit, and obviously Texas
didn't. We don't depend on anybodybut US six eleven time for traffic and
weather together. Let's check out thatdrive again. Here's came one all right,
more responders on that two twenty fivewreck and the backups getting bigger.
So again, if you work atLiondale or Chevron, Pasadena used to be
the crown plant, right, Let'stake the Washburn tunnel or six' ten,
because what you have is a wreck. Two twenty five. This is
outbound, not inbound at Richie andthe lane that's here. This is backing
everybody up from sims By. Youalmost the Goodyear Plant and we're looking at
twenty extra minutes that way, plusyou have the toll bridge spackle southbound twenty
one extra minutes this way. Andwhile we're over on this side of town,
we're checking out Ien east after SheldonRoad. It's a pretty big drag
right before Cedar Lane. Doesn't looklike getting things up. It just looks
like sometimes we lose a little laneageafter the truck. We lose laneage after
the truck stops, and that's whywe're a little squish that way. Six
' ten north. Lookout for awreck at Irvington. This is westbound.
We were already getting loopy trying toget through that squeeze at forty five.
A quick look at two eighty eight. Here's Danny morning sky Mike. We
have posted Steeves, no accidents,just a normal construction coming up to eighty
eight from the statues. Steven F'slooking happy this morning. We'll check your
west side at the six twenty andthe Generator Supercenter dot Com traffic Center from
our KTRH top tax Defenders twenty fourhour, Whether it's enter time to check
invent Terry Smith could get a littlerocking a few spots here this morning.
Terry, what's the if we dosee some marine here in Houston? What
do you think the timing is.I think it'll be about mid more warning
that we may get some of theseshowers and storms to kind of graze us.
I'm not expecting widespread rain, butwatching this cluster of thunderstorms that's north
of Huntsville right now. It kickedup some winds around Dallas and slowed the
planes down too. There were someground delays there earlier, so we'll keep
an eye on it. Forty percentchance of showers and thunderstorms today, not
only this morning, but later onthis afternoon as well. Load of mid
nineties today. Twenty percent chance ofa shower thunderstorm tomorrow, Friday through the
weekend. We're dry. The temperaturesthey're really not going to change a whole
lot. We are generally in theload of mid nineties through the weekend.
Temperatures eighty two here at your officials, severe weather station News Radio seven forty
ktrh use traffic and weather. You'restarting your day right with Houston's Morning News,
brought to you by New South WindowsSolutions. Six twenty one is our
time here in Houston's Morning. Sowe've had the runoffs here in Texas and
it's kind of a mixed bag.It seems like maybe there's not a clear
winner between the factions as far asthe Republicans who we may consider like Dad
feeling to be a Rhino who won'tsupport school choice, and conservative people who
have won their races. We'll getsome thoughts from Steve Toathi's a Texas state
representative about all this coming up next. First though, traffic and weather together.
Starting with you, Skymike, Iwant you to be super duper careful
if you're going up the North Loopsix to ten westbound over to Irvington.
There's a stall. Now, he'sright there in all that loopiness, but
it's a center lane, and youknow, we do all that merging crazy
business trying to get onto the NorthFreeway. So just watch out for other
stations listeners that don't know it's there. Two twenty five out bound of Richie,
still working this wreck at solid breaksfrom the loop. Did you see
that giant thing that fell on theramp yesterday? Anyway, stay on topic,
Mike, I'm in the Generator Supercenterdot Com traffic Center from r KTRH
Top tax Defenders twenty four our weathercenter for today, We're looking at about
forty percent chance of getting hit witha little shower or thundershower. Otherwise it'll
be partly cloudie with a high temperaturetoday right around ninety two. Tomorrow we
have a chance of an afternoon showerbut partly clotting again right about ninety two
for the high currently eighty two atyour official severe weather station, News Radio
seven forty KTRH. Time to checkout some of our top stories this morning,
your share, Good morning everyone atsix twenty two on news Radio seven
forty KTRH. Hunter Biden's own wordsbeing used against him now in that federal
felony gun trial in Delaware. Thetrans woman accused of murdering a Houston stranger
last month, Total local TV stationshe has no regrets about that attack.
In the Montana primeieries yesterday, abell weather perhaps the race now set the
Navy sealed back by Donald Trump.Tim Sheehy will try to unseat the Democrat
incumbent John Tester in the upcoming election. Could be the swing state that makes
the difference in the Senate. Latestnews anytime at kgorh dot com. Our
next update is at the bottom ofthe hour. I live in friends with
Your forecast is at the bottom ofthe hour by seven forty ktrh. So,
who were the winners and losers theprimary runoffs? Dvee Feelin, thanks
to help from Democrats, is goingto be perhaps reelected this fall. Certainly
he'll be running this fall. Chancesare good he will win reelection. The
question is will he still be HouseSpeaker after all this is over and done
with? Well the Conservative faction.Are there enough Conservatives now to prevent him
from becoming speaker or there's still enoughDemocrats with a help from a few Rhinos
to get him to be the nextspeaker again. Steve Doath joins US Texas
state representative. What do you makeabout who won in these primary runoffs at
the end of the day, Steve, Jimmy, we did exceedingly well.
It's the biggest turnover, and wehad a lot of help from the governor.
But it was the biggest turnover orin a primary election that we've had
in the history of Texas within aparty. So we turned out, we
turned out fourteen rhinal Republicans and replacethem with good, hardcore conservatives. And
these are individuals that understand that we'vegot to fight Democrats, not appease them.
Yeah, this whole point, Imean, part of the factions of
the Republicans, led by the governor, trying to take out those who voted
against school choice or who were onthe wrong side of school choice from the
voters certainly opinions. There was alsothe faction that was backing Ken Paxton and
the Lieutenant governor who were all aboutretribution for this movement to impeach him from
his office. So did you win? Did the state win? Did the
voters of the state Republican voters ofthe state win? On both counts?
I think they did, and youknow, really share both both parts are
both factions, if you will,came together to throw a lot of these
guys out. The frustrating thing.And I was down in Beaumont on Tuesday
night when David Covey lost to DadFeeling, and it was just so frustrating
because nearly four percent of the peoplethat turned out to vote were Democrats,
and Feeling worked really hard to getthem to turn out. But you know,
in response to it, two weekslater, at the convention in San
Antonio, we made a decision downthere. It's the biggest political convention in
the United States, bigger than ournational convention, and we made the decision
that no more Democrats are going tobe voting in our primaries. We're going
to close our primaries. Probably twodozen other states do this, they hold
close primaries, and we're going todo that in Texas. Now. I
thought it was interesting that Ken Baxton, the Atary General, weighed in.
He basically is saying that you willnot return if you vote for Dad Fielding
again. So he's sending a warningshot to any Republican that would consider supporting
Date Feeling for House Speaker. Yeah, very clearly. And and I you
know, we've had multiple people nowturn out and run against him, people
that supported him last session, peoplethat were committee chairs that have said no
more, we're done with you.All right, I hope that's the case.
Yeah, we don't know how manyWill we end up with another Rhino
as speaker? Is the question?I think on many people's minds, Yeah,
what do you think about that?That's that's what we fear, we
do. We we fear that we'regoing to wind up with another Democrat uh
picked speaker that that we're you know, you've got sixty four Democrats and twenty
or so Republicans that that pick thatpick that person. But if they do,
they're going to have a mark ontheir back as soon as they as
soon as they take the gamble.Okay, good to hear from you,
sir, appreciate it. Texas StateRepresentative Steve Toade at six twenty seven,
it is time to take a lookat your money. Party. Donaho is
here. Well, good morning,Jimmy. Wallstreet is focusing on a slew
of labor market readings this week,including Friday's government jobs are for traders looking
for further clues on when the federalserve will be able to cut rates.
Stocks are looking at a slightly higheropen down futures up fifty points, oil
on the rise seventy three dollars abarrel. However, oil has stumbled around
five percent this week following a decisionby OPEK on Sunday to start unwinding supply
cuts in the fourth quarter. I'mCourtney's on Hope Bloomberg Business on News Radio
seven forty k t H. Youare Old Houston's News. Why they're traffic
plus Breaking News twenty four to seven. This is News Radio seven forty KTRH
five Everywhere poins ir app more ofwhat's happening now from the John Morris Services
Studios. Six thirty is our timehere in Houston's Morning News. I'm Jimmy
Barrett Law with Sheriff Ryer Longer topstories this half hour in court Hunter's own
words used against him and the weaponizationof the Department of Justice. It's coming
from the top. Those stories andmore in the minutes ahead. You're in
Houston's Morning News. First, we'recheck out that morning drive again. Here's
sky Mike. All right, theonlinees have some laneage now on two twenty
five at Richie. Of course ktrH listeners knew about it a long time
ago. This is two twenty fiveeastbound outbound Richie Direct. It looks like
everybody's okay, but that's quite asmush now off the loop. It's also
messing up your ramp that takes youoff the ship channel bridge two to twenty
five. If you can get aroundthat, let's do Let's do the Washburn
Tunnel and get around that for now, or if you can find a way
to make two twenty five outbound,get around that. Golf Freeways packing up
from Airport North Freeway from Sheppard.I'm Skymike from the Generator Supercenter dot Com
Traffic Center from r ktrhe Generator Supercenter, twenty four hour Weather center for today,
partly Caudi Skuy's about forty percent chanceof you seeing a shower of storm
where you are in high temperature todayright about ninety two. We'll get the
latest on the forecast from Terry Smithat the Weather Channel in nine minutes.
Right now, it is eighty twoat your officials Severe Weather Station. News
Radio seven forty KTRH. It's timedout for the news. Here's Sheriff Ryer.
Good morning everyone. It is nowsix thirty two on news radio seven
forty KTRH. Our top story thisera, Hunter Biden's felony gun trial entering
its third day today. The mostdamaging prosecution witness may actually be the defendant
himself. Federal prosecutors are trying toprove Hunter Biden was using drugs days after
buying a gun in twenty eighteen,An FBI agent detailing texts he allegedly sent
to his brother's widow, Haley Biden, saying quote, I was sleeping on
a car smoking crack and getting upsetwith her after she took the gun and
tossed it in the trash. Itwas later found and turned into police.
Fox Is Kristin Goodwin reporting attorneys forDonald Trump make an official request to have
that Manhattan Judge One Mshan lift hisgag order against him because the trial's over,
or don't you know. A newpoll is also showing that Trump leads
Biden after the verdict last week.Fortunately, I think their plan is failing.
I think the American people see throughtheir tactics and see through their lives,
and I think that although last Thursdaywas unfortunate, we're going to get
this verdict overturn. Attorney Will Sharfon Newsmax. Biden campaign using convicted felon
Donald Trump as their talking point inthe run up to the debate. If
it happens and the election, theAmerican people want to know that there is
a president who believes they are accountableto the people and who's allowed to travel
overseas, and also a president whothe people can count on. Vice President
Kamala Harris with Jimmy Kimmel on ABClast night, six thirty three is our
time. Biden and France participating inthe D Day anniversary events tomorrow. While
there, though, he'll be meetingwith the French president of Manuel Macrone and
the Ukraine leader Voladimir Zolensky. Evenas Hamas not accepting the ceasefire deal that
the White House broker and is pushingon the Israelis, the balls in Hamasa's
court as to whether they're going toaccept it or not. Now we are
waiting for a response from Hamas NationalSecurity Advisor Jake Sullivan. The families of
eight American hostages, Yeah, they'restill there, those who were taken on
October seventh. They met with lawmakersin Washington. We're waiting for Hama's reply.
And it feels like a perfect stormnow that everything needs to come together.
Yeah. Adi Alexander's son Edon isone of those hostages. Before the
trip overseas, the President did issueat least the White House issued his executive
order at the border called out forgreat making being weak and political. We've
got reaction from Donald Trump and theTexas Governor Greg Abbott coming up at the
top of the hour seven. PresidentTrump, when he was in office,
in favor of ending the filibuster inthe Senate, but a group of Republican
senators say no, They're going topreserve it. You know, the whole
point of the filibuster is to ensurethat there is bipartisan agreement when bills are
passed. If they got rid ofthe filibuster, one partner controlled both houses
and they would and they could suppressthe views of the minority, slow things
in the Senate. Hans van Spokowskiwith a Heritage Foundation says Democrats have shown
why we need to keep it becauseof the way they run rough shot over
everything. Six thirty five is ourtime. In April, job opening can
hit their lowest levels in three years. It might mean will there be rate
cuts later this year. The signalfrom this report, I think is the
risk of overheating is reduced. Itshould leave the door open for FED rate
cuts later this year. We candebate on when, but I think that's
still the likely course of action.Michael Gabin with Bank of America told Fox
Business. At the late has beenheld up by COVID job recoveries, but
now that is starting to taper offby no i'mics forcing more adults to rely
on their parents for financial help.Sixty one percent of parents say they've made
financial sacrifices for their adult children.A lot of this certainly speaks to housing
affordability woes and rental affordability woes,but two you're also seeing a reflection of
just the higher cost of living,particularly that early career professionals are having to
contend with bank great analyst Greg mcbrideysays the most common financial sacrifices for parents
are tapping into their emergency savings ornot paying off debt. Only forty two
percent of young voters say, thoughthat they're proud to be Americans. Half
say that the US of A isa dying empire. Thankfully, patriotism hasn't
completely died out in young Americans.I think that there are plenty of young
people who are willing to raise theirright hand and serve, and further than
that, just be patriotic American.Cole Lyle with Mission Roll Call told ktr
H. Despite this, social mediaand colleges have spread an anti American narrative.
Jen Z. I think it's thefirst generation in American history that doesn't
feel like they'll have it better thantheir parents did, and that is a
destruction of the American dreament Lyle saysthat encouraging young Americans to pursue civil service
is a good way to start restoringpatriotism. Ethan Buchanan News Radio seven forty
KTRH got another consequence of COVID shutdowns, grading at your kids' schools more lenient
than it used to be. They'recalling it great inflation. Now. What
they said was, well, wedid the best we could with what we
knew at the time. No,they did not. They did not do
the best they could with what theyknew at the time. They had a
new hammer and everything looked like anail, so they went around shutting everything
down. So you ruined the educationalsystem, yeah, Doctor Phil McGraw on
with kg r h's Clay Travis andBuck Sexton. Some school districts went as
far as to even eliminate zeros.Astros beat the Cardinals eight to five.
They wrap it the series this afternoonpregame at noon, first pitch at one
ten on Sports Talk seven ninety I'mShereer Fryer on News Radio seven forty k
t RH. It's gonna be ahot summer on this war, protest,
the trial, our border, thiselection. The hottest happenings happen right here,
News Radio seven forty kt RH.It didn't take long. It you
didn't really expect it to take long. Right before before the president started using
the term convicted felon, you describeDonald Trump. You're gonna hear that a
lot between now in November, ifthere is a debate, you will hear
it probably every two minutes, ifnot more often. He was at a
fundraiser when he used it. Hecalled him a convicted felon and says the
twenty twenty loss is quote liberally drivinghim crazy. Oh so he's a crazy
convicted felon. Uh, here's Jimmyfallon Fox. Hey, Jimmy, do
you think that this is going towork for the Democrats and for Biden?
It's going to be Trump's can victedfelon? And of course, as Joe
calls it, July the sixth,because he keeps screwing up the date of
January sixth, But He's got torun on these two things because against you.
You know this, he can't sellhis record, the Biden record.
You know the old analogy about gettingset up on a blind date, but
they won't tell you how the personlooks. You're like, I got this
good girl for you, Like,is you good looking? They're like,
she loves sports? You like sports? You're like, yeah, how she
looks, great personality, you liketo laugh, she likes to laugh.
That's the Biden sale right now.He can't tell you how the girl looks
because we all know the truth.There is not an Instagram filter on Earth
that can make his record of governancelook pretty. So that's who run and
he's attacking Trump, convicted Felon doesn't. It will work for low IQ voters,
but for the people that are affectedby Biden's policies, there's no chance.
Again, this is the reality here. You can't look at Trump,
okay, paying Stormy Daniels and seehow that affects your life. It's not
tangible to you, okay, Butwhat Biden did at the border, as
you said earlier, that affects peoplewith Biden to the groceries, that affects
people, and good on him forpretending to care about the border after letting
in ten million people like, what'snext? Is he gonna order five hundred
more lifeboats for the Titanic. I'mlike, you're a little behind the game
here, Joey. Can we stepon the gas a little bit? Yeah,
there's no gas left of the tank. Six forty. Time for traffic
and weather together. Let's check outthe drive with sky Mine. Oh,
it's two ninety. It's about allthe direct connector you could take. First
of all, we had a stall. Now we've got an accent behind it.
Let's let's stay on the main lanesof two ninety instead of that direct
connector and get on the north loopbus to you around here. Got some
tip line going on, Let's gosouth. What's up Mike six between Harvey
six and two W four. It'sclosed. I'll people use that to get
to the plants I'm talking about you. Also, where is the canyon?
Oh, I'm glad you asked thatwould be downtown to merge with two eighty
eight and sixty nine. If youlook at it, it looks like a
giant concrete canyon, and we alwaysseem to have trouble there Jimmy, let's
go Rick Magnolia dude for that foundat Parramatta. I don't know if it's
a Sender Ventre or broke down carwhere there's two cars over in the left
hand lane. Most tap on thebreak. All right, let's watch out
on the inbound side here and I'lllet the rest of the media know about
that. To eighty eight dude onthe two eighty eight northbound toll road just
south of the Oh wait, there'sa car on fire. Let me let
the rest of the media. Bythe way, don't forget to tell me
your name and where you're from,especially if it's from road Sharon and hard
hats talk to me, got Mike, Johnny j out of quarter. Dude,
Hey, this this tonnel option forthe wreck on two twenty five.
That's not good. It's backed upto it in all right, thank you
so much. You know what.I'm going to own up to that.
Sometimes I mess up, just likeeverybody else. Toll bridge not much good
for you there. Let's take theSherman Bridge. Don't know about that either.
Let's see if we can go outboundtwo twenty five from the Laporte side.
I'm skylike atcher Generator Supercenter dot ComTraffic Center from r ktr H Generator
super Center, twenty four hour WhetherCenter. Time to check in with Terry
Smith. There is a chance ofa shower or maybe a thundershower in the
forecast. Very cloudy to start todayfor sure, Terry. Yeah, we
do have our clouds hanging around thismorning, with pretty steady flow of moisture
off the Gulf of Mexico and thethunderstorms right now, it's a big cluster
of them to the north of us. They're making their way southeastward, but
I don't think we'll see any ofthat wet weather and are part of Texas
until maybe about mid morning. Butthere is that potential for rain not just
this morning, but also into theafternoon once we get a little bit at
heating the day to kick in.Forty percent chance of showers and storms today.
Nothing to get too excited about.Some brief heavy rain, possible load
of mid nineties tomorrow. It's atwenty percent chance of a thunderstorm Friday through
the weekend. No thunderstorms, justsunshine. We're feeling the heat and humidity.
We'll stay in the load of midnineties through Sunday. Right now eighty
one. The do your officials severeweather station News Radio seven forty KTRH.
Trending news is changing by the minute. Updates continue on Houston's Morning News.
You are forecast your news. It'sHouston's Morning News, brought to you.
Buying new Southway to those solutions.It is six fifty one now here in
Houston's wanting to new so Merrick Garlandwas getting quizzed on a whole variety of
different topics in front of Congress yesterday. One of them, of course,
was the tape. Where's the tapePresident Biden doing his interview with Robert Hurt.
Where is it? We want tosee it. We want to be
able to hear it. What hesaid about that in a response to it
from Texas Representative Chip Roy. Comingup next, first though, traffic and
weather togethers we check out the driveagain. The skynike right two twenty five
hardhats. We're really struggling because wehave kind of a three headed monster to
wreck it, Richie outbound two leftlines. It looks like everybody's okay,
but it's crazy from the loop.This is outbound, not inbound. If
you're trying to get to work,Tollbridge. Suckage is now twenty two minutes
southbound with the roadwork, six tensall scunched up. And I just got
to report the Washburn Tunnel. Isthat federal or Maxie, it's Federal.
That goes to the tunnel southbound fromI ten is a alid smush. So
the only thing I could imagine todo is go outbound on two twenty five.
I've got a vehicle fire on twoeighty eight. Let's go to Amy
from Lake Jackson. Takes time.I just a little more information on two
eighty eight northbound. It is inthe rich people lane, so the main
lanes are getting by quicker. Itlooks like the fire is out, so
hopefully it'll be clearing out pretty soononce they get a ninja in there.
All right, that's northbound at theBeltway. It's a vehicle fire. And
if you've invested in gold, goahead and stay on the regular lanes.
Kyle friends with Dude Mike northbound justbefore West Timer. We got a hard
hit on the brakes. I don'tknow what may be going on up there.
That's the west Sam John sugar Landat north almost to where the jags
are. You got three of them, I get your schmudget and put you
in the wall. Boom urbage,banana stickers all around. That's West Park
northbound. Boy, that West belt'smessed up. Skymike from the Generator Supercenter
dot Com Traffic Center, I'm hismoney. Sky Mike from r kt I
R Generator super Center, twenty fourhour weather center for today. Partly Cloudie
Sky's once the cloud deck lifts alittle bit. But we do have a
forty percent chance of seeing a showerat thundershower high temperature ninety two. Several
of forecast tomorrow only it's more ofan afternoon shower at thunderstorm chance high again
ninety two. Temperature right now iseighty one, and your official severe weather
station, News Radio seven forty KTRH. Let's get you caught up on some
of our top stories. Here's shaamorning everyone. It's now six fifty three
on news Radio seven forty KTRH.Governor Greg Abbott puts Joe Biden's border executive
action on Blast Citadel and black Rock, backing a project to start a national
stock exchange here in Texas. InDallas, Alec Baldwin just a month before
he goes on trial, from Manslaughterin New Mexico is announcing all over the
airwaves a reality TV show that willshowcase the ups and downs of family life
with the Baldwins. Mean there's ups. Yeah, it looks like a very
cul in color. Ozzie and HarrietLord leave it to beaver. Latest news
anytime at KTRH dot com or nextupdate is at the top of the hour.
Life it's stop and go. Well, just go talk cheap up with
our steady flow of updates to continueonward wide with News Radio seven forty KTRH
Merrek Garland will not allow the tapeof the Robert Hurry interview with President Biden
to see the light of day.Here he explains why he won't. He
gets rather vigorously questioned by Texas RepresentativeJip Roy. We have made clear that
we will not provide audio recordings fromwhich the transcripts that you already have were
created. Releasing the audio which shillcooperation with the Department in future investigations and
it could influence witnesses answers. Membersof this committee and the Oversight Committee are
seeking contempt as a means of obtainingfor no legit meant purpose sensitive law enforcement
information that could harm the integrity offuture investigations. Well, first of all,
we want to be able to seethe demeanor of the president, when
that was in fact the primary rationalefor Special Council her in saying that he
wasn't going to pursue charges against thepresident. When I was engaging with the
Attorney General, I asked him pointblank, I said, look, I
said, did you all claim privilegewhen it came to the actual transcript?
He of course said no, theydidn't, but he had already just testified
literally moments before that. The transcriptis the same as the audio. That
the only distinction really goes to theheart of the demeanor of the president.
But when the demeanor of the presidentis at the core of why the Special
Council said, hey, I'm notgoing to pursue the charges, then it
leaves you with only one ability totake something away from it. Was that
they're going after President Trump because they'resaying he is mentally fit to be able
to stand trial, but that PresidentBiden is not mentally fit to stand trial.
We think we ought to be ableto see the audio, and if
look, we think the demeanor iswhat he said, it is fine.
If there's no issue, fine,but we ought to be able to see
it as an impeachment inquiry. Wehave the right to see it as numbers
of Congress. Yeah, but they'rehiding it and they will continue tonight.
It all right, Time for thetimeline. Got a pair of takets?
Go see Cindy Lauper's special guests Liveon Girls just want to have fun.
Farewell tours could be November sixteenth ofToyota Center. Tickets on sale starting Friday
morning at ten am at livenation dotcom. But you can win a pair
from us. Just tell us whatyear Today's timeline's from the assassination of our
ambassador in dey Rude. It wasJune three, Americas, where kidnapped and
murdered in Lebanon, an act ofpenseless, outrageous brutality. Brand new at
the movies, Tyry Joe Walter,and now it's time to say Harry and
Walter go to New York on Broadway. A chorus line is the big hit
on television. Welcome Back Vinny,Welcome back Cotter is new and John Travolta
makes his debut and these are MyPeople, and brand new on the radio,
Dorothy Moore's Misty Blue is Top ten. Missed boo, what year was?
If you know seven one three twoone two fifty eight seventy four,
that is seven one, three twoand two k t RH. Good luck.
We have ourselves so wonder That wouldbe Mike and Tom Ball who knew
the right year was nineteen seventy six. Mikey, you get a pair of
tickets. Go see Cindy Lauper andspecial guest on The Girls Just Want to
Have Fun. Farewell Tour November thesixteenth at Toyota Center. Enjoyed the show
and thank you for listening to Houston'sMorning News. This is HUS Radio seven
forty kt RH Houston Live Everywhere withthe IRM, the exclusive audio home of
NBC's coverage of the twenty twenty fourParis Olympics. Now the latest news,
weather and traffic. It's more ofwhat matters to you from the John Morris
Services Studios. It is seven ohone. Now you're in Houston's Morning News.
I'm Jimmy Barron along with Sheriff Fryer. Among our top stories of this
fur, Trump and Abbot react toBiden's border order. The twenty twenty five
HPD budget won't get us very manypolice officers, and coming up at seven
oh eight, Progressive still want tocap your wealth details in the minutes ahead,
you're in Houston's Morning News. First, let's check out that morning drive.
Here is Skymine. What a terribleplace to have a stall vehicle.
It's I forty five downtown, thepiers elevated right at that Dallas Street squeeze
where we just lose a lane forno reason. Now we're in the right
line, so this will spackle upnot only your piers elevated, but it's
connected to the backup on your NorthFreeway all the way back from the loop.
Now twenty four extra minutes of this. You've got more breaks right southbound
just before west Mount Houston two twentyfive. Still working on that wreck at
Richie that's outbound, two left lineswest sam northbound. This is causing crazy
headaches northbound at West Timer and Sarak, tacking up to left lane four vehicles.
I'm in the Generator Supercenter dot Comtraffic Center from r KTRH stop DAX
defenders twenty four our Weatherston to becomingpartly Claudie today. Forty percent chance of
using a scattered shower storm of thehigh rid about ninety two. We'll get
the rest of the forecast from Terryat the Weather Channel in about eight minutes.
Right now eighty one at your officialsevere weather station, News Radio seven
forty k TRH. It is timenow for the news. Here's Sheriff Ryer.
Good morning. Everyone is now sevenoh two on news radio seven forty
KTRH. This news sponsored by ChoiceHome and Commercial. Our top story this
hour. The simple truth is thereis a worldwide migrant crisis. Joe Biden
absolving himself of any blame the crisiscaused by him announcing though executives action to
suspend the entry of what he callsnon citizens once border encounters hit twenty five
hundred a day over a seven dayperiod. This is a public relations executive
order and it's meaningless, meaningless,not going to stem the tide at all.
Donald Trump on Newsmax, Texas GovernorGreg Abviss says, this state's already
done the job that Biden's just gettingaround to, at least flapping his lips
that he's doing well. Illegal immigrationhas increased in California, Arizona, and
New Mexico by about twenty percent ortwenty five percent. In Texas, it
has gone down about seventy four percent. Governor will be on ktr H at
noon with Klay, Travis and BuckSexton. Syrian Man has been arrested overnight
firing shots at the US Embassy inLebanon. FBI Director Christopher Ray says,
well, he's worried about who's cominginto this country illegally and what they might
try given those calls for action.Our most immediate concern has been that individuals
or small groups will draw a twistedinspiration from the events in the Middle East
to carry out attacks here at home. The Director Ray rousing interest at the
Senate Appropriations Subcommittee hearing yesterday looking formore money to protect US seven four our
time. Overnight, an officer involvedshooting on the North side of Houston.
An eighteen year old shot by adeputy after a pool party turned into a
gunfight. That teen and stable condition. No deputies were injured. City of
Houston itself is short two thousand cops, but the new billion dollar budget to
the city doesn't even come close toclosing that gap. The new budget only
provides for about one hundred new officersin the city the size of Houston,
It's a negligible amount of manpower.They're fifteen stations throughout the city. It's
a massive area to cover, andwe're several thousand dollars for sharp Law enforcement
expert Greg Freeman told KTRH there isstill the option of additional state and federal
funding for EAHPD. I mean,we did it during Clinton's administration where they
provided hundreds of millions of dollars towardslaw enforcement to boost up the police personnel
and give police departments more money forrecruiting. Freeman says. The only question
now is will any of that moneyever make it to hpd Ethan Buchanan News
Radio seven forty KTRH over in Austin. George Soros back that has paid for
active as district attorney in Travis County, trying to have the governor's pardon of
army veteran Daniel Perry overturned the Boardof Pardon in paroles and the governor put
their politics over justice and made amockery of our legal system and for that
they should be ashamed of themselves.That's the da Jose Garza, he's running
for re election this year. Hefiled for a writ to the Texas Court
of Criminal Appeals, a decision thatcould overturn the pardon. It is now
seven o six. Spin from theultra left Texas Tribune. Political consultant Luke
Massias tells his KGRH that there actuallywas a clear winner in last week's Republican
runoffs. Ultimately, I mean conservativegrassroots who won more races than they ever
have against the more establishment moderate forcesin the Republican Party and moved the Texas
House significantly to the right. Yeah, Date Feelin is probably headed back to
the House, but fifteen gop incomsdid lose to conservative challengers. Closer to
home, Judge Lena Hidalgo Democrats saysshe's going to run for a third term
as Harris County judge, but shemight face a primary challenge from former mayor
a niece Parker, which could createsome fireworks. You're going to have two
high profile Democrats going after each other. I think this creates an interesting dynamic
heading into his upcoming election. CharlesBlaine of Urban Reform says Lena's hostility with
fellow city leaders has turned voters sourin her indictment in the Big bid rigging
scheme won't help her case. Ithink Democrats they're in the rally around her
more so than they did before.But I think when that information comes out,
I think it's going to open people'seyes a little bit more. He
says, this could open the doorfor another run by Alex Mieler. Andre
Perard News Radio seven forty KTRH nowseven oh seven. The man in charge
of our US Justice Department, theAttorney General Mary Garland, on Capitol Hill.
He was grilled by how Republicans overthe excessive lawfair being used against Donald
TRUMPA. But here's the thing thatyou come in here and you lodge this
attack that it's a conspiracy theory thatthere is coordinated lawfair against Trump. And
then when we say fine, justgive us the documents, give us the
correspondence, and then if it's aconspiracy theory that will be evident, Yeah,
show us. Garland confronted by Florida'sMatt Gates the Goojay's refusing to turn
over, by the way tapes ofSpecial Counsel Robert Hurri's interview with Joe Biden
and his classified documents' crimes. Theone that her said, well, he
couldn't prosecute because Joe was too befuddled. But they won't turn over the tape
to let the Congress see Astros beatSaint Louis eight to five pregame this afternoon
in the series finale noon on SportsTalk seven to ninety. I'm sper Fryar
on news Radio seven forty KTRH.It's gonna be a hot summer on fire
or protest of trial. The hottesthappenings happen right here use Radio seven KTRH.
The headline of the story is politiciansstill discussing a wealth cap. In
other words, you could only makethis much and that's all. Where would
that cap be? A billion,a million, five hundred thousand? Where
would that cap be? And whywould we do something like this? Well,
all you have to do is readthe story to see what the impetus
is behind it. Allow me toshare just a little bit with you.
The implementation of a wealth cap couldpotentially broaden the political spectrum by enhancing the
representation of a wider range of voicesand concerns, rather than allowing the affluent
few to dominate. Excessive wealth oftenexacerbates economic inequalities and can lead to financial
instability By curbing the excessive accumulation ofwealth. A wealth cap could help prevent
economic disruptions such as speculative bubbles thatdestabilize the economy. See, we could
get rid of all those problems ifpeople don't have that much money. And
if they ever want to implement somethinglike that, then you have what happens
to that wealth? Oh, itgets redistributed, right of course, quality
of outcome exactly right. In otherwords, communism is what they're talking about,
and they just won't drop it.Seven ten. Time for traffic and
weather together. But what's another bigbuney if if, if we don't have
rich people, who's going to driveon the toll lanes on two eighty eight
Jimmy, all right, let's dosome two eighty eight sean pair land.
Dude. Hey, the pupil firesout. Subway that's just just open,
even though the traffic signs says thought. But I tell you it's talking to
be in a sole lane of that. All right, take, I mean,
as you're happy. Now, Seethey didn't want you to have that
income. Now here's the backup onthe toll lanes themselves, all the way
back from Pearland. So let's stayon the main lanes for now, and
just right around with the riff RaftGolf Freeway northbound Edgebrooks the back door.
We're doing a nice job of notbumping into each other at park Place like
we do every morning. Toll bridgesuck. It's an extra sixteen minutes on
the southbound. We still have thewreck, yes, two twenty five,
No, correct that two twenty fiveat Richie. They just cleared. It
was two left lanes. But thesmush is there from the loop. In
fact, it's messing up your southboundcoming off the ship Channel bridge. We
are all packed up, so I'mnot gonna put you on the Washingbrood Tunnel
because Federal's packed up from Ien.Let's go outbound this way. Oh lord,
Wayside's not much of an option eitherwith that road work going on.
And quick look at the north freeway. Still a lot of breaks. We
don't have the wreck at Shepherd yet, and Terry Smith, by the way,
is flying around and all that.I don't know what kind of pollen
we've got, but I got agot a prog in my throat. I'm
in the generators Soup dot Com trafficcenter from our KTRH stop tax Defenders twenty
four our Weather Center. I don'tknow if there's any pollen out there or
not. Terry, there's always pollen, that's true. That's true. We
just go from one allergy season tothe next around here. I know the
grass pollen is probably becoming a littlemore prevalent in spots. You know,
we go from trees in the springto grass in the summer, So that
may be what's going on. Hey, Mother Nature is going to wash some
of that out of the air,I think not a lot. But still
watching that cluster of showers and stormsnorth of us. It's still north of
US, may begin to make itsway into the Houston area mid to late
morning, so we'll keep an eyeon it. Forty percent chance that you'll
see some rain today and then thatcould be during the late morning, it
could be in the afternoon as well. Load of mid nineties today Tomorrow.
There is a twenty percent chance ofrain Friday through the weekend. I don't
think we're going to see any rain. I think we just got blue skies
and temperatures are going to be inthe load of mid nineties every single day
through the weekend. Tempature right nowis eighty one at your fish Severe Weather
station, News Radio seven forty kTRH. It's Houston's Morning News, brought
to you byen New South Windows Solutions. Now back to Jimmy and Sharrah with
the info you need to take onthe day. Seven twenty is their time
here in Houston's More News. Here'sthe story that you're has been telling you
about all morning long, and thatis the twenty twenty five HPDE budget is
out and there's not enough money inthat budget to hire more than maybe one
hundred police officers. And we areshort by thousands of police officers. So
as far as fighting crime goes,that the help is not there. So
what are we going to do aboutit? We'll talk about it next.
First, let's do traffic and weathertogether. As we check out the drive
once again, here's sky Mike right. Vehicle fire is still there technically on
two eighty eight, they've moved itover to the side. The toll lanes
are not the way to go thismorning. If you're up from Pearland,
they're backed up now from five toeighteen. Your main lanes are starting to
smash up too, but they're abetter option if you're coming up to eighty
eight, you might want to jumpon if the alt ninety or four men
tole route is close for you,do that instead. Southwest Freeway northbound,
we're squished up right after the fountains. That's a drag. I've got a
wreck reported at Gastner and that wasa dog in the toll lanes on forty
five North Freeway forty five between Timbleand Parker southbound. He's okay. They
moved him out. But the backup, back order slip is from west Mount
SKYMIKEE on the Generator Supercenter dot ComTraffic Center. Do you have an easy
tag? No? No, hegets by with it. You know they
they throw the book at me,but he gets away with it. That's
that figure though. I'm on parolefrom our KTRH tom Tax Defenders twenty four
hour weather center. Becoming partly cloudyforty percent chances with scheduler shower storm ninety
two for today, sim of theforecast tomorrow. But there's the onlyest slight
chances shower and that's in the afternoon. I again ninety two. Right now,
temperature is eighty one at your officialsevere weather station, News Radio seven
forty KTRH. We're checking out someof our top Wednesday morning stories. Here's
SHAFF seven twenty two now on newsradio seven forty KTRHG headlines are sponsored by
D and M auto Leasing. HunterBiden felony gun trial continuing this morning in
Delaware. AT and T says ithad an issue affecting thousands of customers nationwide.
It's been resolved. I don't knowwhat it was. The world's largest
BUCkies opens in Luling next week onthe site of actually the original BUCkies,
established twenty years ago. The latestnews anytime at KGH dot com. Our
next update will be at the bottomof the hour. We're living in faithful
moments here. There's so much goingon your world we have to pay attention
is front and center. I checkyou in all day on US Radio seven
for now KTRH. We love ourpolice officers. We support our police officers,
and we know how hard their jobis, and we know we are
way way short of having enough policeofficers here in the city of Houston.
The department needs to be hiring abouttwo thousand of them. Not that it's
going to be easy to find twothousand, but even if you could find
two thousand. There's not enough moneyin the budget to do that. Maybe
enough money for one hundred, GreatFreeman joins US law enforcement expert. We
can talk all day long about who'sfault it is that there's not enough money
in the twenty twenty five budget.I'd go back to previous administrations in some
of the ways they've spondered money herein the city, Greg But at the
end of the day here this isnot going to help crime very much,
is it. No, it's not, Jimmy, it's a negligible amount.
It's a good faith effort on thecity spark to do bring on additional offers,
but it's going to be a droppinga bucket. We are literally at
the same level of police officers,staff, and wise than we were almost
ten to fifteen years ago. SamHouston State did a study analysis years ago
we should be about eight thousand officerseight to nine thousand. We're hovering right
at about five thousand. And thecity has grown exponentially. We've had hundreds
of thousands of new population growth andthis citizenry into the city, so it's
gotten bigger and we've remained at thesame So it's policing has been doing a
lot more with less lately in thecity of Houston, and it's very difficult.
And as we've been overrun with criminalgang activity, absolutely share, that's
one thing. The crime has notstopped. And so and of the fifteen
major patrol stations that are scattered throughoutthe city of Houston in place, not
scattered, but place, it's tough. You got some areas that are just
inundated with criminals and officers are runningfrom literally call to call to call.
Well, and as you know,Greg, we had a problem where we
had some cases that weren't even beinginvestigated due to staffing shortages. We are
told, what will prevent that fromhappening in the future If we can't hire
enough police officers to make sure thatthese can all be investigated. You know,
that's the million dollar question. Youhave to have personnel in there to
properly investigate these cases. And it'sgoing to be a challenge. I mean,
it really is. And that's theproblem that Houston has faced for many
years. We run when the PoliceAcademy is at full speed, we're running
five classes a year. Each classproduces between seventy and seventy five maybe eighty
cadets. So you're looking at threehundred and fifty new officers each year,
but when you look at the numberof officers that are retiring, and that
hovers between two hundred and three hundred, it's a minimal amount of new officers
on the street overall. So it'sbeen like that for years. And like
you said earlier, it's previous administrationsthat failed to adhere to hiring new offers
and the citizens at then they willsuffer because of the amuntochrome and then the
length of time it takes these ulcersto get to the calls because truly they're
so sharp handed and underserved. Yeah, let's talk about that a little bit.
Previous administrations who always talented how greatthe relationship was, how great crime
is being handled here in Houston,and how great the relationship was between the
police officers unions and the city.So what was being pulled, what wool
was being pulled over our eyes andall of that, Well, let me
brag on the city for a second. Chair. The city Houston has always
had great relationships with the citizenry.When other cities were burning, Houston remained
fairly calm. But in terms ofstaffing and allocating proper monies towards the police
budget. They've been wofully inadequate forthe last twenty twenty five years, and
that's been I can remember firsthand.I mean, how can we produce more
offers? They were even talking aboutdoing nighttime academy classes for HPD, but
it just didn't work out because theydid not have the money. And no
mayor wants to raise taxes to hiremore police officers. And that's one of
the biggest political issues. So it'salways been it's always been a foreign on
the side. It really has.Yeah, all right, Greg, thanks
for your insight. We appreciate it. Greg Freeman our law enforcement expert joining
us at seven twenty seven. Itis time to take a look at your
money. Hardy Donahoe's here. Well, good morning, Jimmy Stocks in the
green This morning, douth futures upseventy points. The cooling economy could give
the better reserve room to lower ratesthis year. This Friday we get the
monthly jobs report from the Labor Department. Gun demands in the US is at
the lowest in about eight months.Criminal background checks from the FBI fel ten
percent in May. Background checks areconsidered a proxy for sales by firearms companies.
Citygroup is expanding its family leave policies, bringing them closer to benefits offered
by other banks. The changes includeincreasing the time off allowance for new parents,
and Chippotte employees say stop filming sinceit won't give you more food.
Hundreds of people on social media havevideo Chipotle workers preparing orders as a way
to protest what they say are smallerportion sizes. The company tells MarketWatch there
have been no changes in their portions. I'm courting to Don Hope Bloomberg Business
on News Radio seven forty KTRH anHouston's News, Why They're Traffic plus Breaking
News twenty four to seventh. Thisis News Radio seven forty KTRH, Trive
Everywhere with the IR app more ofwhat's happening now the John Morris Services Studios.
It is seven thirty You're on Houston'sMorning News. I'm Jimmy Barrett along
with Sheriff Fryar among our top stories. This f hour in court, Hunter's
own words used against him. Theweaponization of the DOJ comes down from the
top, and it's seven thirty eight. If your budget is tight, eliminate
these items first details in the minutesahead. Here on Houston's Morning News.
First, we're checking out that morningdrive again. Here's sky Mike. Holy
wow. All right, Southwest Freewaynorthbound at beach Nut. Nobody needs this
truck wreck. It looks like everybody'sokay. Two left lines, big backup
from will Crest. The beltway Suckejust cleared. Now we have that northbound
wreck at West Timer, but goahead and take the belt if you're trying
to go south up to north.We still have the vehicle fire two eighty
eight of the toll lines. They'vemoved it over, but that's a big
cram up from five eighteen northbound.I'm skywiite Atcher Generator Supercenter, dot Com
Traffic Center from r KTRH Generator Supercenter, twenty four hour Weather center for today.
Partly cloudy skies at least when thecloud deck burns off a little bit
later, and about a forty percentchance of seeing a shower or thundershower where
you are HI today about ninety two. We'll get the complete forecast from Terry
Smith that the Weather Channel when wetalked to her in about nine minutes.
Right now, it's eighty one atyour official severe weather station, News Radio
seven forty KTRH. It is timenow for the news. Here's Sheriff Fryer
Morning. Everyone is now seven thirtyone on news radio seven forty KTRH and
our top story this hour. Thejurors and the Hunter Biden felony gun trial
heard from the defendant's autobiography. Prosecutorspainting him as an addict who lied on
federal gun forms portions of Hunter's audiomemoir Beautiful Things of the quotes played in
Hunter's voice quote crack takes you intothe darkest recesses of your soul, as
well as the darkest corners of everycommunity, end quote. Prosecutors told jurors.
While drug addiction may not be achoice, owning a gun as a
drug user and lying to buy thatgun is a choice. David Spunt reporting
from Delaware. In the Ivory trialof New Jersey Democrats, Senator Bob Menindez,
an FBI investigator, testified about adinner in twenty nineteen in which menindez
Is then girlfriend asked an Egyptian official, what else can the love of my
life do for you? Meantime,Donald Trump's legal team requests to have Manhattan
Judge Wan Mershawn's gag order lifted sincethe trial is over. Attorney Will Sharf
says the weaponization of the US JusticeDepartment is being led by President Joe Biden.
They don't want to compete with PresidentTrump at the ballot box, so
they're dragging him into courtrooms like theydid in New York, and they're trying
to poison the well to convince Americanpeople that it convinced the American people that
President Trump is just no good.Sharf on Newsmacks. A New Morning Consult
polling poll shows that Trump is leadingBiden post conviction, closer to home.
State Attorney General Ken Paxon has askedthe Texas Supreme Court to intervene against the
state bar large lead led by theuniparty trying to censure and strip him of
his license to practice law because ofhis role in the lawsuit where he led
several states challenging the twenty twenty election. It is now seven thirty three Joe
Biden in France taking part of theeightieth anniversary of D Day. Tomorrow.
He'll be there for five days,meeting with the French President Emmanuel Macron and
Ukraine's Vladimir Zelenski hamas not yet acceptingthe White House proposed cease fire deal in
Gaza that the Israelis have agreed to, at least the framework of it.
What we hope they will do inthe end is see that the best pathway
to an end to this war,the return of all the hostages, a
surge of humanitarian assistants, is toaccept this proposal, which is a good
proposal that the United States stands behindit. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan families
of the eight remaining American hostages thatwere taken October seventh by by the terrorist
they visited Capitol Hill yesterday. Well, he broke the border the Trump had
fixed, and telling anyone who wouldlisten that he didn't have the power actually
to fix it again. The Presidentdid finally issue a weak executive action at
our border five months before the election. You can see this reaction for both
Donald Trump and the Texas Governor GregAbbott coming up at the top of the
hour. According to a new report, Senate Republicans plan to keep the filibuster
even if Donald Trump is re elected. Sarah, if you remember in twenty
eighteen, while President Trump wanted toend it for our friends in the Senate.
Oh boy, we have to getrid of what's called the filibuster rule.
We have to. But senior legalfellow with a heritage foundation, Hans
von Spakowsky says he disagrees. Thefilibuster has to stay so that the majority
cannot oppress the views of the minorityin this country, which the Democrats would
have already done without it. JeffBiggs, News Radio seven forty kt H,
it's still seven thirty five looking atour money. US job openings dropped
to eight point one million in April, is the lowest level since February,
three years ago. Of twenty twentyone, reopening effects from the pandemic are
supporting the labor market, but atsome point the services side of the economy
will have caught up, and thenyou would expect employment growth to slow.
We think we're seeing the early signsof that today. We'll see if we
get more validation in coming months.Bank of America's Michael gap And He told
Fox Business is a sign of acooling economy and surprise, surprise, a
majority of Americans, well a majorityof children of Americans, are still using
that Bank of mom and Dad morethan three out of five parents say they've
made a significant financial sacrifice to helptheir adult children, according to a bank
Rate Service. A Bank Great analystGreg McBride says this is more evidence of
rising housing and living expenses. Shelteris the most common area of assistance,
and that can be everything from payingthe rents to living at home rent free.
Two assistants in buying that first Chile, but right behind it is assistance
with everyday expenses that can be groceries, utilities. Nearly half of those parents
are tapping their emergency savings or goinginto debt to help their adult kids.
Corey Yelson, Who's Radio seven fortyKTRH. It's now seven thirty six.
Astros beat Saint Louis eight to five. They wrap up the series later today,
pregame at noon, First pitch atone ten on Sports Talk seven ninety
the president of Texas A and Msays, no, the school will not
bring back the Aggie Bonfire. Thenineteen ninety nine disaster killed eleven students one
graduate. Some had hoped it wouldmake a comeback now that the football rivalry
with Texas is returning. The twoschools once again in the same conference the
SEC. I'm Sheber Fryer on Houston'sNews whether in traffic station News Radio seven
forty KGRHA Easy. Houston's Morning Newscontinues with Jimmy Barrett and share a fryar
things they suggest if your budget istight and you're kind of feeling squeeze thanks
to inflation, check and see ifyou have any of these things that you
could eliminate to free up some money. Number one gym memberships unused gym memberships,
of which we have all had oneat one point in time of our
lives or another. Right you signedup, you had the best of intentions,
You're gonna go work out, andyou just you started off well,
but you just didn't work out thatmuch. Get rid of the unused gym
membership. Bottled water number two ontheir list. Get yourself a good water
filter and drink it from the tap. Our water's not that bad here in
Houston, generic versus brand name.Just about everything is cheaper. Any subscriptions
that you may have that you completelyforgot that you had about, maybe they're
automatically being deductive from your debit cardevery monthing. You don't even think about
it, but you're not using itanymore. Get rid of those. I
think there's an app out too.I saw sheriff that you can run that
will identify or will pull up it'llidentify all these subscription things that you have
and identify them for you and thencancel them for you. And they're very
slick aout how they do this online. You know, if you've got to
be sure that you don't have thatbox checked, they check it for you,
or they uncheck it for everge andhow that works. But next thing
you know, you're getting billed forsomething that you didn't want to keep taking
right now. Yeah, extended warranties. I never do those. You ever
do extended warranties me either? Veryrarely do they get used. Daily coffee
runs. I know we had afriend who she was hopelessly addicted to Starbucks.
I mean she would go, shewould probably spend ten into fifteen dollars
a day just in coffee drinks.It's Starbucks, you know, think about
that. Fifteen dollars a day timesfive days, five days a week.
It's more than the toll road.Yeah, all the fat cats. This
guy Mike, he's talking about that'sright. Premium gas. It's very rare
that your vehicle has to have premiumgas if you don't have to have if
you absolutely don't have to have premiumgas, I'd never put premium gas.
And they might be all, doyou notice the difference? Well, I
would know because you've never done anythingelse. I have once. I think
I put in something I didn't putin regular. I put in the one
in between. Okay, yeah,the bed grade. Okay? What else
is on their list? Excessive?Dining out guilty? Excessive? No,
it's just daily, that's it.I mean, is that excessive? I
mean you got to eat. Idon't eat out more than seven days a
week. Is that excessive? Andit's got to eat? Yeah, that's
true. Cable television is one ofthose things that maybe you could get rid
of. No, you can't payand just as much by the time you
stream all these different things. Well, and if that's your main form of
I want to watch the Astros.Do we have this? Do we have
that? Well, here's the thing. If that's your main form of entertainment,
right and very Barry loves watching theAstros. I mean, think of
I guess the way to look atit is this way, which is cheaper
to watch it on TV or togo to Minute Made, I have to
buy the ticket and all that otherstuff to do in order to see things.
Impulse purchases, that's a that's aproblem for some people. You know,
you're out shopping, you see something, you just want it, and
you get it. When when whenyou really didn't need to get it?
And what else prepackaged or convenience foodsthat are already pre packaged for you.
I call it being shopping ben shopping. Yeah, when you're feeling powerless in
your life, you go out andyou think I can do this, and
you go and you bing shop.It's on't makes you feel better? Is
some kind of control for what you'redoing? I think, I think you
just I think you nailed it there. I think it's a cause you can't
control any everything that's going crazy aroundyou. So you think I can control
whether I buy that new lipstick.I think that's true. Then you see
it's fifteen dollars, You go,oh my word, what was I thinking?
I think that's true of a lotof things that we do are based
on control issues. You know,when you feel like everything else around you
is out of control, you controlwhat you can control. To make yourself
feel a little pay that credit cardmakes it easy, it does until she
doesn't control it all until the billcomes seven forty one. Let's do a
little beating tickets on that list anywhereit's some form of whole way. Fine,
Yeah, you could probably save alot of money, but I think
you have a control issue as relatesto your vehicles accelerator. That's definitely about
feeling like you're in control, noteven in a hurry. I mean,
it's just you know, there'll belike you know, Tom Petty or Bob
Seeger on the radio, and Ijust I drive to the speed of the
song I'm listening to. Let's goto the Southwest Freeway. You better be
listening to some carpenters right now southboundat Beachnut. That's a wreck with a
truck, and you're just that's showingsouthbound. I think this is northbound,
but they're responding in both directions here. The backup is now from the fountains
and nineteen minutes getting close to youand the person in the buffer in front
of you. Outbound, I've gotbreaks from just past bel Air. So
either way Southwest Freeway, that's notgood enough. Over our shoulder. The
Beltway's not much help. Belford isthe back door trying to get up earlier
wreck at West Timer. We clearedthat a while back, but the backle
is still going northbound. Southbound.We're looking better. And then Westpark to
Alway. A lot of breaks fromfourteen sixty four up into the beltway and
we loose about nine extra minutes.Oh more breaks at Bonderom. We may
have to get Eddie off of that. Advisors, you're Katie Freeway dragging it
now, Graham Parkway all the way. I'm connecting the dots to the loop
here and then inside the loop you'llhit more slowdowns at Student we are too
nine ea up from Huffmeister into Jones. Did you see that truck that ran
into the train? That ran intothe truck yesterday? He was okay,
he's fine. I'm in the GeneratorSupercenter dot Com traffic Center. Terry,
how long is your rap sheet?Have you even? I mean, what'd
you get in trouble for chewing gumand too much? Have you ever had
a speeding ticket in your life?Tell me no, hang on, you've
never had a speeding ticket? Wow? In your whole life? I want
to criminal. Hang on, let'splay. Where's where's Adam Man? We
need a little miss Goody two shoes? Right about that? Wow? From
our kat r H Generator super Center, twenty four hour Weather Center, here's
Terry Smith. Wow, I'm okay. So uh have you ever been stopped
by a police officer? Oh?Thank god? But not for speeding?
No. An eighteen wheeler and Ione time had a close encounter and that
kind of cured me of going toofast. Yeah, yeah, that'll do
it. Yeah. So that's that'smy short story. All right, back
to weather business. We got somerain on the way, folks. I'm
a little surprised, not totally surprised, but been watching this cluster of thunderstorms
still north of US. May kindof graze US. Not going to be
a big deal, but there isa forty percent chance of showers and some
storms, not just this morning.We may see some of this this morning,
but also in the afternoon. Loadto bit nineties today, twenty percent
chance you might get we tomorrow,the weekend, Friday, Saturday, and
Sunday, just sunshine. Temperatures arenot going to change. We'll be in
the low nineties through Sunday. Jebicha. Right now is still eighty one at
your officials severe weather station, NewsRadio seven forty k TRH. What you
need to know for the day ahead. This is Houston's Morning News, brought
to you by New South Windows Solutions. It is fifty two. Now you're
in Houston's Morning News. Constituential lawexpert Logsbord in General Jonathan Turley seem to
know the same thing that we noticedyesterday about the jury at the Hunter Biden
trial. Warn that story coming upnext. First, though, traffic and
weather together as we check out thedrive once again with sky Mine Southwest Freeway
outbound at Beach Nut. That's awrek. We're taking up two livelines and
right in the same spot they justcleared ustalled eighteen wheeler. We're smashed uff
all the way from the fountains.I'm Skymike and the Generator Supercenter dot Com
Traffic Center from our KTRH Generator Supercenter, twenty four hour weather center for today
becoming partly Claudie. There's a fortypercent scattered shower storm chance, especially east
of Houston today, high temperature ninetytwo tomorrow. Park of the Cloudi's like
tanks of shower ninety two and thenFriday's sunny, hot, and humid ninety
five. Right now eighty one atyour official severe weather station, News Radio
seven forty KTRH. We're checking outsome of our top trending stories this morning.
Here's Sheryon Morning. Everyone is nowseven fifty three on news Radio seven
forty KTRHDS headlines sponsored by Moral MechanicalGovernor Greg Abbott responding to the executive action
that was taken by President Biden regardingour border for ben County reporting its first
positive sample of westnow virus and mosquitoesfor this season. The winning five hundred
and sixty million dollar Mega Million's ticketwas sold in Illinois. Latest News anytime
KTRH dot com. Our next updatewill be at the top of the hour.
How bad things are the twenty twentyfour elections? What's really happening?
Everything in your world? Here andabroad News Radio seven KTRH. All right,
here's Jonathan Turley. He noticed thesame thing about the jury makeup that
we noticed about the jury makeup yesterday. There is no real defense here.
The hunter Biden defense team has beengoing through a number of options. Some
of those were destroyed by Hunter Bidenhimself. For a while, they were
saying that they would argue that hehad this brief moment of sobriety, But
then Hunter Biden came in and reaffirmedthat he was using drugs throughout this period.
So now they're going to try themysterious check mark and the possibility that
someone else did it. That's nota very convincing defense, obviously, but
it may not be the purpose here. You know, this case is beginning
to look like a jury nullification strategy. This is the home city of President
Biden. He won this city overwhelmingly, so the jury pool here is the
mere image of Manhattan for the defendant, where here it's a great jury pool
for the defendant, and they maybe hoping that it will take little to
get a hung jury, maybe evento get a jury to nullify the evidence
and the crimes in this case.She's a very good judge. I was
very critical ultimately of the judge inManhattan. But she is not a finder
a fact that jury will make thedetermination of guilt. She will instruct the
jury on the law. She hasruled for both sides, unlike the Manhattan
case where almost all the rulings seemto go for the prosecution. She has
ruled against and for both sides onvarious issues. But the question is going
to be the jury itself, whetherthe case will bring some sympathy. When
asked forrtually everyone on this jury saidthey knew someone who had struggled with drugs.
And whether you know, having JillBiden in the room, and again
this being the favorite son of Wilmingtonin the case of the president, and
this is the son of the favoriteson, whether that will have a gravitational
pool on the jury. And whatdo you wanted bet too that just about
everybody on that jury knows someone whohas a gun illegally, never bothered to
register it, never bothered to gothrough the process and putting that properly,
and people are buying it, youknow, you know everybody does that.
You'd have to rest all of America. Yep, yep. I think he's
dead on right about that jury tryingto play both sides. Yeah, hey,
listen, you all have a greatday. We got to run.
We will see you tomorrow morning,bright and early five am. I'll see
you this afternoon four on the mnine to fifty KPRC