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This is huge Radio seven forty ktrhHouston Drive Everywhere with the avenue now the
latest news, weather and traffic.It's more of what matters to you.
From the John Morris Services Studios.Hey, good morning, five am.
Now here in Houston's Morning News.I'm Jimmy Barrett along with Sheriff Ryar.
Amonger top stories as we get startedthis morning, about forty thousand without power,
one dead after our latest storm.Drunk Dave is one his primary runoff
and coming up at five to eight, how you can buy the house from
home alone. Details in the minutesahead. You're in Houston's Morning News.
First, we're checking out the MorningDrive for the first time. Here's sky
Mike. Dude, all right,Golf Freeway. Which way we're going?
I'm looking at the South Sam atthe Golf Freeway. This is westbound coming
off of Let's say you come forpasting to Paarland. I got a truck
here sitting on the side. Can'tquite get the lanage out of that.
Let's just look out. I knowwe need some super sized ninjas here.
That's Southway boystbound forty five. Andthen we just cleared a minor deal on
the North Freeway outbound at the beltweigh nothing up, stay the course coming
down from the Woodlands. I'm SkymikeKits your Generator Supercenter, dot Com traffic
Center from our KTRH top tax defender'stwenty four hour weather center. Chance of
a scattered barning storm more widespread forthe afternoon today with I tempt you're read
about eighty four. We'll get tothe complete forecast when we talked to Jeff
mar inf Terry today at the WeatherChannel in about nine minutes. Right now
seventy at your official severe weather station, News Radio seven forty KTRH. It
is time now for the news.Here's Sheriff Fryar Pasadena's a pair land sounds
like a country song. I'm SheririffFrary. It is now five oh one
two. Let's call it five ohtwo on news radio seven to forty KTRH,
our top story this hour. Wejust get tired and frustrated that it
keeps happening and happening over and overagain. We're just tired, but we'll
have to prepare for it like it'sgoing to happen. Talking about the weather.
That man with our TV partner Channeltwo forty one thousand Center Point customers
without power after yesterday's storms. Atone point that number was over three hundred
thousand. A sixteen year old constructionworker in the Magnolia area sixteen years old,
killed when a home collapsed. HISDhas closed one campus today, it's
Frank Black Middle School because of powerissues. It also knocked out power to
thirteen Harris County voting centers during ourprimary runoff election day. The majority of
these locations restored power within a shortperiod of time. That's County Clerk Tanisha
Hudsmith, who said that only onelocation actually fully closed for the entire day.
Make up at the Texas House,so it's going to change after yesterday's
vote, but with one major exception, that being House Speaker Dave Feelan,
who survived to challenge from the DonaldTrump endorsed David Covey by less than four
hundred votes. If voters as SoutheastSex, they chose me, and it's
a good day for southeas Sex feelingon Beaumont TV. But of the eight
incumbent House Republicans push to a runofflost. That's a wing for Governor Greg
Abbott's push for school choice locally,Molly Cook leads Jarvis Johnson in a Democrat
state Senate primary by less than onehundred votes. Carolyn Kaine leads Kenneth A.
Marie in the race to challenge DemocratCongresswoman Lizzie Fletcher. Cliff Saunders News
Radio seven forty KTRH. Yeah,some shake ups there. We're going to
talk to the Texas GOP, thenew chairman, Abraham George at seven twenty
on Houston's Morning News. We'll havecomplete runoff results at KTRH dot com.
It's now five oh three. Thejury and the Donald Trump trials should be
getting in the case today. Afteryesterday's closing arguments in Manhattan, prosecution once
again called out it took them morethan four hours to conclude their closing arguments
because they don't have a crime andthey know it. Trump spokeswoman Caroline Levitt,
We're gonna hear from Trump at fivepoint thirty. Meantime, the Biden
Trump debates a pair at least stillup for debate. The New York Post
sites sources at CNN that Team Bidenis already looking for an out of the
schedule June twenty seventh debate with DonaldTrump. GOP strategist Flat Davidiac expected this.
I think the Biden team used thepresentation of a potential debate and the
acceptance of the debate as a wayto buy time and to really quiet the
concern. I think if there wassome way for Biden and the good team
to get out of the debates,are going to take that opportunity. Evil
these Biden may use a conviction thatTrump's New York trial as an excuse to
get out of the debate. Biden'steam has already demanded things like no live
audience and the ability to mute Trump'smicrophone. Coreyolson, Who's radio seven to
forty KTRH. It's now five ohfive well led by GOP Congressman Thomas Massey
and backed by Chip Roy of Texas. There's new legislation now to end the
Federal Reserve. Economist Joe Griffiths says, even if it doesn't pass, the
message is getting louder. It isreally indicative of a growing sense that our
central bank has acted threatlessly that causedthe American people a lot of pain.
Former Texas Congressman Ron Paul we shouldpoint out try to abolish the FED every
year from nineteen ninety nine to twentythirteen. The Central Bank may not be
lowering interest rates this year after all, and is also changing its long stated
goal of two percent inflation. Itis moved sideways, and that's raised questions
in my mind, is the disinflationaryprocess continuing or are we landing to more
of a three percent inflation level.Minneapolis Fed President there Neo Kashgari on in
CNBC bidens raised prices on everything,retirement account balances too. That is,
stock prices have also hit their highestlevels in two years. Now. It
looks good and if you had beena good saver, you've benefited. It's
a combination of market appreciation and consistentcontributions into retires. Yeah. Financial planner
Richard rosso of and Fidelity Investments isadding that the average four O one case
savings rate that did go up peoplesave more a record high at fourteen point
two percent increase of rate. There'salso this hospital costs skyride rocketed seven point
seven percent in the last month.Healthcare expert David Bellott says he saw it
coming. Hospital pricing has been onan exponential curve for over a decade compared
to commercial goods, television, cellphones, other things, Affordable Care Act
anyone. The increase the largest inthirteen years. It's now five oh seven.
Legislation proposed in New York to limithow social media companies can use algorithms
and user data to profit off children, well, it's facing an uphill battle.
These laws could affect how social mediaadvertises to children. It was very
profitable for advertisers to target these peopleand then the social media companies to serve
those ads to the targeted audience.For these products are appealing to fourteen to
eighteen year olds, Privacy attorney TravisKrabtree told KTRH algorithms that suck kids into
social media binges are also a targethere. That's what makes the product predictive.
That's why pittok is way better thanall the other short video platforms.
Their algorithm keeps people watching and keepspeople doing it. Crabtree says. The
good news is most social media sitesdo already have parental controls that can be
used to limit online time. EthanBuchanan News Radio seven forty KTRH Stros lost
again to Seattle four two pre gametonight seven thirty on Sports Talk seven ninety
and here on KTRH. I'm ShereffFryer on news radio seven forty KTRH.
I live in the Heights. Ilive in Spring, kingw Next on the
ten Your Faster Commute on seven fortyKTRH, find hi. I've believe it
is our time here in Houston's morningnews. Right, you remember Moving Home
Alone? Right? Home Alone?Back in nineteen ninety, McCall culkin is
the kid. The first of all. The plot of the movie was stupid.
Nobody is leaving a kid home alone? Nobody, nobody can You don't
get to the airport, You'll geton a plane without one of your kids
and not being able to account forone of your kids. They caring that
so efficient professional appearing mother. Yes, yes, stupid. It was a
stupid plot. Goofyr dad. Right, They're all all answered. All that
all arose back there in the nineteenninety you did well. The house they
used, the exterior anyway of thehouse they used for Home Alone is up
for sale and you could buy itif you have a five point twenty five
million dollar budget, which is significantlymore than the last time it's sold,
which was twenty twelve. It soldfor one point eight five million, So
that's a two hundred and thirty onepoint two percent increase. You think somebody
thinks that maybe it's worth more thanit's worth just because it was used in
the movie, or did they doimprovements, Well, they probably did some
improvements. It's a big house,five bedroom, six baths. It's at
six seventy one Lincoln Avenue in Winnetka, Illinois. That's a suburb forty miles
north of Chicago, just off LakeMichigan. House exterior used as the McAlister
family home for two movies Home Aloneand Home Alone Too Lost to New York.
House was built in nineteen twenty one. It is nine one hundred square
feet has two laundry rooms. Idon't know why you need two laundry rooms,
because it's a long way to carrylaundry through nine thousand square feet.
The just book went upstairs next tothe bedrooms upstairs downstairs, I guess two
laundry rooms, a gym, aprivate movie theater room, and an indoor
sports court. Well, there youhave it. They are. It's already
been viewed on Zillo five hundred thousandtimes since it was listed on May twenty
fourth. Just the other day as. They sold for one point five to
eighty five million in two thousand andtwelve. And that's all you need to
know about that. Don't say anythingabout who owns it other than the interior
of the home revamped home there asa minimal modern black and white style,
looking very different from the home ofthe movie. It doesn't. It looks
the same from the outside, butit doesn't look at all like we do
movie. They moderate you know what, they probably never used the interior.
They probably just used the exterior anddid it all in the movie set,
so it never it probably never lookedthe way it did in the movie the
inside. Whoever owned it? Whatdid they use? The gym? Maybe
gyms are kind of a wasted spaceif you don't use them. Shoot hoops,
I guess five ten? Time fortraffic and weather together. What house
I always wanted? What's that,skuy Mike? I want the Walton's House?
Is that real? I wonder whereit is the house to where they
did? I think it is?And I want to say it's either in
Virginia or West Virginia. Yeah tothe two. You know what house I
don't want? I don't want theAmityville House. These are all famous houses
that you could just see in yourmind. Right, Yeah, I don't
need that house either. Let's youknow what, let's put our hard hats
on here. We've got let's see, let's go to the Fred Hartman Bridge
and check it out. And sofar, going both ways, what a
beautiful view is we have Jeff Marrthis morning both ways between Baytown and Laporte.
We are rocking a long. Jeffscotthis Georgia Bulldog's hard hat on with
us. We've got the toll bridgehere. Wow, the suckage has not
started yet. Southbound down to onelittle skidding lane and the text dot wall
of death that's southbound northbound. You'rejust fine. One of these days we're
gonna have like four lanes each way, I think, And boy, that's
gonna be a nice six' tenSherman Bridge Budplant to twenty five. It
rocks so far both directions here,if you're going from jack City or through
Gleana Park down to two twenty five, smell. It's kind of funny.
A good year. I'm Skymike andthe Generator Supercenter dot Com Traffic Center.
Jeff. It felt like there shouldn'tbe football on this morning when I got
up, bro Mark KTRH top taxDefenders twenty four hour Weather Center tell you
what they Colborn came through, setup a bunch of storms, Jeff.
But it dropped the temperature from aboutninety two to sixty seven degrees. And
that's the good news, relief fromthe heat certainly, as we make our
way from today to Thursday to wrapup May. On Friday, the bad
news, though, we are notdone with this unsettled weather pattern. We'll
have a series of disturbances moving through. Just some light rain tapering off early
today, but during the afternoon anotherrount of showers and storms, some of
which may produce gusty winds at heavyrain up to eighty seven. Rain continues
into the evening at overnight love ofseventy six, scatter thuaderstorms tomorrow eighty six
to hyd There may be strong tosevere thunder storms Friday with the high of
eighty seven. More rain off andon during the weekend. Right now seventy
at your official severe weather station.News Radio seven forty k TRH brought to
you by Morow Mechanical. It's Houston'sMorning News, brought to you by New
South Windows solutions. Now back toJimmy and Schera with the info you need
to take on the day. Youknow, I realized that I missed some
of the some of the crazier claimsthat Pete Buddha Judge made about climate change
on CBS Sunday morning, including onehe made involving airline in airliner turbulence,
He's blame with that at climate change. It's too bad you got such a
bumpy ride. It's climate change.Where's the hands of maddening? We really
are wackos. Trump says more onwhat he said in some reaction to it,
coming up next. First, though, it's fine, funny, let's
do a little traffic and weather together. Sky Mike's a little bit bored.
Hey, by the way, Yeah, while you're bored, I guess who
got caught up in that hearty disasteryesterday, hardy hardy toll wave disaster.
Really yeah, I was right behindit. Oh, it's a good thing
you were listening to it. Igot video of it if you want to
see it. I still that overturnedvehicle. Was there some kind of crane
thing involved in the there's a cranetrying to get that thing right side up
again. Yeah, totally wow.That do you know what? That's why
we have traffic here every ten minutesevery morning, and stuff changes just like
that. So we got to payattention here. So so far we cleared
this one thing we had on theSouth Belt south Belt westbound. That was
a very minor hiccup. It's outof the way. Looks like we're good.
From the toll bridge all the waydown. Let's go back up and
look at that toll bridge southbound.Nope, the second she hasn't started yet
coming over from the north Shore downto Deer Park. So it's a good
time if you're going to get onthe next five or ten minutes out,
it's a good timing. But ifyou're fifteen minutes behind now, I would
jump on six to ten instead.Rest of your freeways rock. We'll check
your visors at five thirty. TheGenerator Supercenter, dot Com Traffic Center Promo
KTRH top tax Defenders twenty four hourWeather center for today, chance with scattered
moarning storm more widespread for the afternoon, eighty four scattered mourning thunderstorms than claudi
for the afternoon, with thunderstorms likely. Eighty three degrees for the height tomorrow.
Jump it right now seventy at yourofficials Severe Weather station News Radio seven
forty KTRH. Let's get you caughtup on some of our top stories this
morning. Here's share Good Morning fivetwenty two on news Radio seven forty k
TRHR. Headlines are sponsored by MoralMechanical. The Jury and the Donald Trump
Accounting Trials should begin its deliberations todayafter getting instructions from that judge polease find
the body of a missing woman inthe mouth of an alligator in Clear Lake.
The official cost of death has notbeen determined, though Houston Texans give
wide receiver Nico Collins a three year, seventy five million dollar contract extension.
Should I learned to play football?The latest news anytime at KTURH dot com.
Our next update is at the bottomof the oun real small for football.
Sharet can't life, It's stop andgo. Well, just go to
keep up with our steady flow ofupdates. To continue onward ride with News
Radio seven kt r H. Cannickexcept it don't forget it scary as it
guess, it's just tu plent gamespull it'students, just a bunch of hair
moving around up there. That's that'swhat's causing the bumpy ride. It's not
climate change. But Secretary Pete BuddhaJudge was trying to convince. I don't
think he was doing a very goodjob either. Even the mainstream media wasn't
buying this line about turbulence being causedby climate change. Here he is making
his case with some rebuttal on theother end from Mark Burno We've talked to
him before from Climate Depot. Herewe go. The reality is the effects
of climate change are already upon usin terms of our transportation indications that turbulence
is up by about fifteen percent.That means assessing anything and everything that we
can do about it. Turbulence canhappen, and sometimes it can happen unexpectedly.
Our climate is evolving, our policiesand our technology and our infrastructure have
to evolve accordingly too. What SecretaryPete is doing here is continuing this absurd
tradition. At the Department of Transportation. During the Obama administration, they did
a study saying that fatal car crasheswere rising due to climate change, or
they're worried climate change was going toimpact that. What he's saying about airline
turbulence is insane. He quoted somefifteen percent number. The only data,
the only study that anyone can claimis one study looking at twenty years,
and it was based on climate modelsof one spot in the North Atlantic.
The actual data from thirty years ofairline turbulence clearly shows that even though flights
have increased, number of passengers haveincreased, there's been no change in the
reported actual physical reports of turbulence.So they're using a computer model to try
to scare people, claiming that they'reup. This is the height of absurdity.
I'm surprised he didn't blame the failureof the EV charging station on climate
change, but why not. Wenow have, by the way, the
Washington Post doing an article saying takecold showers in order to prevent climate change.
The whole media has gone nuts theadministration. This is just unscientific clap
trap that Secretary Pete is talking aboutairlines, linking it to climate change with
turbulence. Last time it took acold shower and purpose was probably when I
was about eighteen years old. Ithad nothing to do with climate change.
You know, I go away fora week and I come back and I
just have to deal with y'all toomuch. That's the problem. When you're
not around, the dystosterone level getsout of control in this place. That's
why we got to have you aroundto balance things out, Sheriff rar Man.
What else was I going to say? Oh? The other thing?
That that that that struck me aboutwhat Peter Bludder Judge was trying to sell
on this whole climate change thing.It is that. I'm surprised we haven't
heard that claim, at least Ihaven't on the local news from our weather
people, you know, all thesestorms we've had lately. They'd love to
tell you how dangerous it is.They'd love to tell you, you know,
to warn you to stay inside anddon't go outside because it's too hot
for goodness sakes. But I haven'theard anybody at least directly blame climate change
for, you know, the stormyperiod we're going through right now. Five
twenty six. It's time to takea look at your money, Courtney Donaho,
good morning, well, good morningTommy. It's also looking like a
tough day a head on Wall Street. Stocks are looking at a lower open.
Dowt features right now down two hundredand twenty points, the Federal Reserve
is focusing on evidence that inflation iscooling stock. Starting the training week yesterday
with the mixed session, the SMPfinished little change, with the Dow dropping
two hundred and seventeen points. Techshares drove the NASDAC to another all time
high. Conoco Phillips is said tobe in advanced talks to acquire small Arrival
Marathon Oil. Adding Marathon would broadenConico's footprint in domestic shale fields from Texas
to North Dakota. There's been awave of mergers in the oil and gas
industry, with producers looking to cutcosts and shares of American airlines tumbling this
morning in the pre market, thecarrier cutting its profit outlook heading into the
crucial summer travel season. Airlines havebeen trying to capitalize on strong demand coming
out of the pandemic, even ashigh costs weigh on profitability. I'm courting
to do on Hope Bloomberg Business onnews Radio set kh You are no Houston's
News, Why there are traffic plusbreaking news twenty four to seventh. This
is News Radio seven forty KTRH fiveeverywhere with the IRF. More of what's
happening now from the John Morris ServicesStudios. Good Morning, five thirty is
at a time here in Houston's BonningNews, I'm Jimmy Barrett along with Sheriff
Ryar Monger. Top stories this halfhour. The Trump trial goes to the
jury today, Biden sends out deNiro, and coming up at five thirty
eight, the move to Small Townscontinues. Details in the minutes ahead.
You're in Houston's Morning News. First, we're check out that morning drive again.
Here's ky Mine Freeway still rocking along. Kind of nice this morning,
and your hair straight too. Aroundthe tollway. We cleared that accident at
Golf Freeway exchange. No big whoopthere. Do you have a stall on
the North Freeway outbound at the Beltway. He's kind of in a sticky spot,
so watch out if you're coming northboundfrom west Mount Houston Downtown. Dwayne,
what's up, dude? Hey,Scott Mike coming out a huffin on
twenty one hundred dere at Bowley Ode. The light's non flashing red. It's
just black and some people are stoppingand some people aren't all right. Not
only do we need to stop,we've got to really watch out for other
people who aren't stopping so that fullyread. I think that's just north of
town Skymichael A Generator Supercenter dot ComTraffic Center from our KTRH Generator super Center,
twenty four hour weather Center today.Chance of a scattered warning storm,
more widespread for the afternoon. Lookslike a hike today right about eighty four
degrees. More storms for tomorrow andmaybe even on Friday. We'll check that
out when we talk to Jeff Maerinfan Terry at the weather Channel in about
nine minutes right now seventy at yourofficial some of your weather station, News
Radio seven forty KTRH. It istime now for the news. Here's Sheriff
Ryer Morning. Everyone is now fivethirty two on news Radio seven forty KTRH
and our top story this hour.This is all election hunting. Election interferior
Donald Trump saying what little he isallowed to say is still gagged. This
was outside of court. The jurywill get the case today. After yesterday's
closing arguments in that Manhattan sham trial, the prosecution finally revealed the underlying crime
that former President Donald Trump is accusedof. It's a fika violation. That's
the Federal Election Campaign Act. Essentially, Trump is accused of engaging in a
conspiracy to unlawfully influence the twenty sixteenelection by suppressing negative stories about himself.
M M Fox's Nate Foy reporting there, Biden campaign tried to grab some attention
in the trial in Manhattan. Theyuse the actor Robert de Niro as a
weapon. He doesn't belong in mycity. I don't know where he belongs,
but he surely doesn't belong here talkingabout Trump, Trump campaign called de
Niro a quote washed up actor.Other things that make you go hmm.
The President visited Hallie Biden. That'sthe widow of his son Bo and oh
yes, the lover of Hunter.Yeah, he went to visit her Sunday
night. She's expected to testify inthe federal gun trial of her former lover,
Hunter Biden. She took up withthem after her husband died. Meantime,
the judge overseeing the bribery trial ofNew Jersey Democrat Senator Bob Menendez has
ruled that the prosecution cannot use thosetext messages related to getting aid for Egypt
as evidence. The Feds call thosetexts crucial to their case. It's now
five point thirty three. Texas HouseSpeaker Dade Feeland has survived a primary runoff
challenge by David Covey, winning byless than a thousand votes, but six
pro choice school pro choice, Iguess pro school choice. Yeah. Republicans,
including former Trump spokesperson Katrina Pearson,beat sitting House incumbents. What we
are seeing is a real renegotiation,and in some ways a very contentious renegotiation
over what it means to be aconservative in Texas. You tease James Henson
on Austin TV and Houston, MollyCook leads Jarvis Johnson in that Democrat state
Senate race. Caroline Cain leads Kennetho'marui in the Republican race to challenge the
Democrat incumbent Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher. Elsewhere, Texas Republican Congressman Tony Gonzalez he beat
back the challenger, Brandon Herrera ina runoff, thanks to help from actor
Matthew McConaughey, who did a robocall for the incumbent. Matthew does not
get involved in any race that Iknow of other than mine, So I
was excited about that. Yeah,remember at one time McConaughey was floated as
a gubernatorial candidate here in Texas.Economy a major factor in our upcoming elections,
and the stock market can be atool to predict election outcomes. So
what is the market now saying aboutNovember? And at the end of the
day, if people think in thefuture things will be better, then they
start buying stocks today. They don'twait until the future. Heritage Foundation economists
EJN. Tony. He told KTRHthe stock market doing well right now is
assigned that people are hopeful for aTrump win. The NASAC closed above the
seventeen thousand mark for the first timeever on Wall Street yesterday, the Dow
lost two hundred and sixteen points,so those are the old companies. Futures
were down by another two hundred atone point while we slept. That Gulf
Coast storm two weeks ago here didup to eight billion dollars in damage in
juston and now another thirty nine thousandCenter Point customers are in the dark.
After yesterday's storms, it looked likea teacup. I mean we saw the
ground cracking around it and then itjust stepped right over and there it is
laying in the middle of the street. Thank goodness that man. With our
TV partner, Channel two. Thenumber of outages were over three hundred thousand
at one time. Some downtown streetsblocked off again because of the falling glass
from higher buildings first damaged by thestorm. Two weeks ago, a sixteen
year old Magnolia construction worker was killedin a collapse caused by that weather.
Yesterday, it was a collapse ofa home under construction. Five point thirty
six is our time. Skipping outon your appointment it ends up costing all
of us. Businesses now are implementingcancelation and no show fees. But what
people are trying to do is getpeople to make it stick to the commitment,
and most importantly, do so ina way that does not require them
to charge a late fee. Yeah, customer service expert Richard Wyloon there,
He's told KTRH that not showing upfor a scheduled appointment costs the business twice
the revenue, and it's a wayto cut down on that lost money for
these small businesses. A new medicalreview shows that modified RNA you know what
you had in the COVID vaccines mayactually contribute to the development of cancer.
Doctor Mary Tally Bowden, who hassays, look, those shots were just
rushed. This is why most productswe don't put on the market for five
ten years with a brand new technologythat we've never used in humans before.
It's why we need to take theseCOVID shots off the market so people are
not harmed further. Yeah, whiledoctor Boden has won big court battles,
she's still battling the Texas Medical Boardover treating COVID patients with ivermectin and other
conventional medicines. Says the vaccine shouldbe halted until more research is done about
its effects. Now we know thatsome of doctor Anthony Fauci's top advisors were
deleting emails in order to avoid Freedomof Information Act request, it's quite likely
that it did come from that lab. Okay, if anybody with the brain
sort of could have thought, wasat least a real possibility at the time,
because, as John Stewart famously saidin twenty twenty one, if there's
a giant chocolate Week in Hershey,Pennsylvania, maybe with chocolate factory. Investigative
reporter Alex Bearnson he was talking toktrch's Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Astros lose
to the Mariners four to two.The series continuing tonight pregame seven thirty on
Sports Talk seven ninety and here onKTRH, first pitch at eight forty.
I'm surebye Fryar on News Radio sevenforty KTRH. You like free stuff.
We all like free stuff. Guesswhat our Ihearts Radio app is free and
free. Never sounded so good.Getting tougher to keep the small town small
five thirty nine er at the timehere on Houston's Morning News. Just look
at a story here. Small townlife beckons for many Americans as they continue
to flee the big cities. AndI know you were home in Hollinsville for
a while. I was last weekwhen I was off here and you were
telling me you ran into a bunchof people that from the Houston area,
all from Houston. They recognized mefrom Houston, and they've now retired and
moved into the Hollinsville area. Howdo the folks in Hollisville feel about that?
I mean, is this kind ofshocking? It is? We have
traffic gems now. I'm never usedto have traffic jams. Well, we
only have like three lights in town, so you may have to put up
a few more, I guess.So yeah, I'm hearing stories too,
like Shiner, for example, Shineris unbelievable. What's happening there is there's
only like a couple thousand people wholive there. At least there used to
be well twenty and forty, Ithink, is what the population sign says.
You know, they're part of LevacaCounty, right, and we've got
seventeen thousand people in the county.Howls Sill's the county seat. Everyone knows
Shiner, but Howsill's the county seat, right right, seventeen thousand people and
growing, yeah, growing by leapsand bounds. But this seems to be
this is not just happening here,It's happening all across America where people are
leaving the big cities. Kind ofhad the trend there until COVID, you
know, back in the nineties andearly two thousands of especially young people moving
back into the city because I wantto get their kids into the schools right
at the end of the day,Like they're safer in these small town schools
well, and safer in general too. I think crime is driving this.
Schools certainly are are driving this.Young people, as you said, who
were finally ready to start a family, maybe a little later than they intended
to. You know, rural peoplethin for themselves, whether it's self defense
or whether it's just taking care ofthings around the house. Yea, you
know the handyman. You don't pickup the phone and call people to come
do it for you. You takecare of your own yards. And I'm
curious, what do you think qualifiedto see? I've always thought I grew
up in a small town that wehad about twenty five thousand people lived in
that town. Oh that's big tomeet up to me, that was a
small town. But what do youthink a couple of thousand. Well,
like I said, twenty seven ageis what the population of hallser was when
I was a kid. It's belowthat now. It's more like twenty five
hundred people about this. You know, we're a little bit larger than Shiner,
Yeah, Espreating others Shiner and Hallisvilleand Yoakam and Moulton and all these
other little community A lot of smalltowns, and you've got different schools,
high schools. You know, Hallsvillehas two, the public school and the
Catholic school, right, I don'tknow. It's a different way of life,
it really is. It is standingin line for the barbecue and three
people from Houston, who, well, who will my daughter married so and
so? And I said, oh, you know, and who which one
is that I know that family?Oh well he's so and so. Oh,
I said, he used to workfor my dad. So. I
mean that's the kind of conversation.I think. The other thing about it
is too small towns are generally,I'm sure that's changing, but generally more
affordable than big towns are, especiallyas it released to real estate. You
know that's so expensive. Well,real estate's climbing. Everything's yeah, yeah,
better, yeah, exactly five fortyone time for traffic and weather together.
Parkington is on the colonial map ofTexas, the old historic map,
you know, when we were underMexican rule. It was actually on the
map before Houston or Dallas existed.How about that? How many people live
in talking to gosh, it's athree a school, but it's not a
town. It's never been a town, and we don't want it to be.
It's like where I am up byclimb. Yeah, yeah, what
worst climb. I don't see it. Yeah, and you know, before
I worked across the street with thosedinosaur farts, no one knew where was
all right. Smith and Louisiana Streetdowntown. I'm still showing a closure.
Somebody correct my work if I'm wrong. Smith Louisiana Street between P's and Walker
due to all that hubbubbery we hadwith a storm a couple a week or
so ago, and I think glasswas an issue, maybe glass falling out
of windows. So I'm still showingclosure. Let me know if I'm wrong.
Seven one three two one two tipas tollbridge Sucke has begun southbound an
extra six to eight minutes and that'llget worse. So let's jump on six
' ten belts and loops. WishI could drive on a belt, but
belts and loops are looking good.And downtown. Dwayne gave me a twenty
one hundred problem that is going tobe coming down from Huffman to Newport Crosby.
You know where that is fully rodethe lights out completely and some people
aren't stopping, so watch out forthem. We will check your north side
forty five do some woodland stuff inten minutes and the Generator Supercenter dot Com
Traffic Center from r KTRH Generator Supercentertwenty four hour with the center Jeff Mars
inf Terry today more storms of theforecast than if so, Jeff, what
what's the timing on those? Doyou think? Yeah, a little bit
of light rain moving out this morning, but then between noon and one o'clock
we'll start to see some showers andthunderstorms developing again. Some of the storms
later today may produce gusty winds andheavy rainfall as we reach a hind the
midw Oper eighties. That's the goodnews. At least temperatures will be a
little bit cooler. More rain ispossible this evening over night, Love seventy
six and unfortunately now much been changingin the weather pattern as we headed a
Thursday and Friday, and that's goingto mean scattered showers and thunderstorms, some
strong storms of possibility heading through Friday. Highs on Thursday and Friday and the
midw Oper eighties again. We'll hitthe uper eighties this weekend with scattered thunderstorms
and rain diminishes a little bit byMonday. Right now seventy at your officials
Severe Weather Station News Radio seven fortyk TRH. What you need to know
for the day ahead. This isHouston's Morning News, brought to you by
New South Windows Solutions. It isfive point fifty now here in Houston's Morning
News. Coming up in a moment, there's a GOP lawmaker who's introduced the
bill to abolish the Federal Reserve,saying that's the best way to fight inflation.
Well, doctor Joel Griffith, he'sa research fellow with the Hair Foundation.
About it. Coming up next,First, though, traffic and weather
together, Starting with you Skuy MikePitch from the stretch here, we'll take
a quick look on the northwest side, Steve from Burton Hey. It's got
Mike two ninety eastbound right at springsYprid. One car spun out, another
car hit another car that it stopsand it's gonna be a big ole of
a Oh, well said, that'sa banana sticker. Look out inbound.
I'm seeing something around Mushiki. It'sthe Generator Supercenter dot Com Traffic Center from
r KTRH Generator Supercenter twenty four hourWeather Center. Chance for a scattered barding
storm or widespread for the afternoon todaywith the hot temperture about eighty four tomorrow,
scattered boarding thunderstorms clouding for the afternoonwith thunderstorms likely eighty three right now
seventy at your officials severe weather station. News Radio seven forty k t RH.
Time to check out some of ourtop stories here on this Wednesday morning.
Your share Good morning everyone, isfive fifty two on news radio seven
forty k t RH. Your headline'sa sponsored by dn M Auto Leasing.
Well just under thirty nine thousand nowkcenterpoint customer in the dark after yesterday's storms.
US military working to repair that temporarypeer you know, the one it
built for humanitarian aid in Gaza.That peer it failed over the weekend.
They claim it was rough seas abunch of tugs also ran aground. SpaceX
says it's ready to launch another Starshiprocket from Texas, about two months after
the third test flight reached outer space. Latest news anytime ktorh dot com.
Our next update will be at thetop of the hour fifty nine inbound at
the loop is always a problem KTRHtime saving traffic connect on the ten.
Well, that's the good old days. Five fifty three is of a time
here in Houston's warning news interest rateswent up rather quickly, and now they
are staying there and there's no signthat the Fed is going to lower them.
I think they're you know, completelywalking back any statements about lowering interest
rates during this particular year, certainlyduring the fiscal year Joe Griffiths joined US
Research Felt the Heritage Foundation. Beforewe get to all that, though,
we have a state representative, ThomasMassey, US Representative Thomas Massy should say,
Republican from Kentucky introducing the HR.Eighty four to twenty one, the
Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act. Hethinks the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve and Federal Reserve Banks should bedemolished, abolished, let go no more
Fed. What do you think ofthat idea? Well, I wholeheartedly agree
that the Federal Reserve has been destructiveto our economy really dating back to its
founding more than one hundred years ago, and in particular, if you look
at the past few years, theinflation that we're experiencing today is largely at
the hands of the FED. Becausewe know the FED financed the explosion of
government spending. It turned in brillionsof dollars to buy a government debt that
allowed both the Trump reckless spending andPresident Biden's reckless spending to be furthered.
So I think without a doubt weneed to have new rules put in place
on the FED to ensure that theycannot continue in such dangerous behavior going forward.
Yeah, they're not elected, they'reappointed, and they had to run
amok. I mean, Treasury SecretaryJennet Yellen used to be it's a FED.
I mean, the whole thing becamevery political. A lot of power
in the FED. And let meask you this, with all this move
to digital currency, with the FEDbeing in charge of being able to push
the buttons on me and how Ispend, not too happy about that.
No, And we need to keepin mind the powers that the Futter Reserve
has are because Congress gave them thosepowers. And when you talk about digital
currency, it's very important that theFED not stray beyond it's already expansive mission.
Congress has not given the Futteral Reservethe power to create digital currencies.
And you're exactly right, those digitalcurrencies, if in the hands of the
Federal Reserve or the government written large, it'd be very dangerous. It looks
something like China, where the governmentwould have the power to turn on,
turn off your currency, access toyour accounts, trace your actions, decide
while you're spending it, and ofcourse put in place a social credit score
that could be based on things suchas how carbon intensive your activities are.
So one of the things that Congressesare working in right now is actually precluding
specifically forbidding the FED from issuing thosecurrencies. But the bottom line is the
FED does not have that power now, and I'm really discouraged to even see
them exploring the notion of issuing one. It'll never happen, but is far
the answer here a balance budget Joelbalanced budget amendment, In other words,
you can't spend more than you're takingin. Well, I'm so glad you
brought that up, because if wewere to shut down the FED without actually
having in place a balanced budget,that means that Congress would have the full
power to issue more Fiat currency.Ziat currency itself has already proven to be
destructive, but at least the FederalReserve is somewhat independent from the federal government,
meaning they're not just running the printingprincess to fund all of government operations.
They're just funding part of government operators, the printing president. And we've
already seen how harmful that is withthe inflation in the last few years.
If we were to shut down theSAD, moving all the powers to print
that currency straight in the hands ofCongress, it would be a disaster,
more akin to what we saw inArgentina recently. And of course, Venezuela,
you're exactly right. We have toget federal spending under control. It's
largely because Congress passed these enormously bloatedbudget that the Fed already resorted to the
printing presses over the past few years. We have to get that spending under
control. And by the way,it's not just Democrats that have been reckless
spenders. If you look at,for instance, the big COVID spending bills
that were passed several years ago,those are passed with overwhelming Republican and Democrat
support. Yeah, so this thisrequires us taking a close to cut ourselves
as well. All right, sir, thank you so much. Good to
talk to you this morning. Weappreciate it. Joel Griffith, research fellow
at the Heritage Foundation, is fivefifty seven, is used radioh Houston Live
Everywhere with now the latest news,weather and trapping. It's more of what
matters to you. From the JohnMorris Services Studios. It is six am
here on Houston's Morning News. I'mJimmy Barrett along with Sheriff Ryer. Among
our top stories this half hour,around thirty nine thousand now without power after
our latest storm. Surprise Drunk Daveone is primary runoff and coming up at
six o' eight. Eighty percent ofus eighty percent of us now consider fast
food a luxury. Details in theminute ahead. You're on Houston's Morning News.
First, we're checking out that boardingdrive once again. Here's gky Mine.
I'll be serving you here on twoninety inbound. Who was that that
brought me the accident? That wasoh, Steve from Burton founder Wreck.
It's a spinout, So that tellsme we've got a problem with moisture on
the freeway two ninety inbound. I'mcalling this muski about a ten minutes,
about a two minute spackle on theinbound. We've got iten inbound. Some
debris in the road. Greg fromFolscher says it's a mattress. How about
that ten inbound under the Beltway.You could sleep on it tonight, don't.
It's inbound right in that left shoulder. Let's watch out for other people
swerving. SKYMIAE on the generator ofsupercenter dot Com traffic center from our KTRH
top ACX defenders twenty four hour WeatherCenter. Chance of a scattered morning storm
more widespread this afternoon with thehigh tempertureright about eighty four. We'll get you
the complete forecast from the Weather Channeland Jeff bar In for Terry today.
We'll talk to him about eight minutes. Right now, it is seventy at
your official severe weather station, NewsRadio seven forty KTRH. It is timed
out for the news. Here's SheriffRyer. Good morning everyone. It's six
oh two on news Radio seven fortyKTRH. Our top story this hour.
Thirty nine thousand Centerpoint customers in thedark this morning after yesterday's storms. A
sixteen year old construction worker killed ina Magnolia home collapse at one point straight
line wins seventy five miles per hourrecorded Category one hurricane strength. Not rather
related here, but a missing Houstonwoman has been found. Her body and
the jaws of an alligator in ClearLake. Now that reptile was put down,
unclear if the gator killed her.There hasn't been a fatal gator attack
in Texas since twenty fifteen. Primaryrunoff voting impacted by the storms. Thirteen
voting centers went dark temporarily yesterday.All of our heart Verity machines have battery
backups, so even if power isout at a voting location, the battery
backup still allows voters to vote,which is what took place vote in the
dark. County Clerk Tanisha Hudsbon saidonly one location was actually forced to close
for the day. As for theresults, Texas Conservatives got good news and
bad news. The good news sixof the eight pro school choice candidates one
in beat incumbents. The bad news, Dave Feeling survived the challenge from David
Covey. No one is more excitedthan I am, and my wife and
my children. They've been put throughso much negative press. Feeling on Beaumont
Television. Here in Houston, CarolynKin leads Kenneth o'marui in the race to
determine Congresswoman Lizzy Fletcher's challenger, MollyCooks, got a slim leet on Jarvis
Johnson any Democrat state cenic race.Cliff Saunders News Radio seven forty k TRH.
We have our local election runoff resultsat KTRH dot com. It's now
six oh four. Jury deliberations inthe Manhattan accounting trial of Donald Trump should
start today after the closing arguments yesterday. The only thing this trial actually proved
is that Michael Cohen is not onlya liar and a perjurer, but also
stole tens of thousands of dollars fromDonald Trump and his company. Laura Trump
talking to KTRH is Sean Hannity,We're going to hear for the former president
at six point thirty weeks after JoeBiden challenged Trump to debate him. Well,
now the Biden team reportedly getting coldfeet. GOP strategist at Vlad d'lvidiac
says, the Biden campaign is justlooking for an goose now to back out,
and it could be a crisis thatrides it up, an emergency that
requires his detention. It could besome excuse saying, well, Trump's been
convicted of this tense or Trump sayssomething that's unforgivable and we won't take the
stage with somebody like that, whateverpretense he could be. I think they're
going to try to do everything theycan to avoid these debating. The New
York Post, now citing CNN sources, is saying, well, if Trump
is convicted there in Manhattan, thatmeans Biden may have an excuse to refuse
to debate him. It's now sixo five, Kash you missed at Kentucky
Congressman Thomas Massey has introduced a billto abolish the Federal Reserve. Suare of
the Buill doesn't have a prayer,but economist Joel Griffith says he gets it.
Many of us who are free marketeconomists and supporters agree on is that
the Putter Reserve has actedherently over thepast few years, hence the forty year
high inflation. But Griffith says it'snot just the FED. Clear that Congress
has the power to resolve a largepart of this problem beyond the Federal Reserve.
Let's remember it was Congress that hasapproved the enormous expansions of government spending.
Massi is also calling for a fullaudit of the FED. Jeff Biggs
News Radio seven forty k t rH FED now talking about not lowering interest
rates this year at all. MinneapolisFed President Neil Kascari told CNBC that they
need more months for rate cuts andthat inflation is now considered sideways. First
it was sticky, now it's sideways. Despite this, Fidelity Investment's latest search
shows that retirement account balances of attheir highest level since twenty twenty one.
If you're in the upper quintile ofwagejourners and good savers, you've seen your
ACID values increase. Fidelity is oneof the largest retirement plan custodians. They
report this data and that's what itshows. Achil planner Richard Rosso credits market
appreciation, though, as well asconsistent contributions, appreciation grow in value,
maybe just growing in price. Hospitalcosts are up seven point seven percent since
April. That's the largest increase sincetwenty eleven. Other things have maybe increased,
but not at the same feed orsame intensity as that of hospital prices.
Healthcare expert David Belott says prices didn'tspike early during COVID because hospitals were
locked into contracts at that point withhealth insurance insurers. We know that health
insurance companies are turning in some recordprofits right now. By the way,
six oh seven is our time inNew York social media companies spending big to
protect their algorithm from legislation that's aimedat protecting children. What I think is
going to happen is there's going tobe states like New York and California that
will take the lead, and thenthat might spur the federal government to kind
of watch what happens after a coupleof years and to pick a scheme that
they think that makes sense, andthen they'll pre empt it on a national
level. As privacy attorney Travis Crabtree, it's now six oh seven. Stroe's
lost in Seattle for to two.Coverage tonight starts at seven point thirty on
both Sports Talk seven ninety and hereon KTRH. I'm Shereff Fryer on Houston's
News, Weather and Traffic station NewsRadio seven forty KTRH Info at this speed
of Houston, Houston. Right now. Houston's Morning News continues with Jimmy Barrett
and Sheriff Fryar six o' eight yearin Houston's Morning News. You may have
to leave McDonald's out of that one. They are considering leaving California cheer this.
McDonald's is talking about leaving California theentire state, as eighty percent of
Americans can no longer afford fast food, or at least they may If they
can't afford it, they consider ita luxury item. Here's a McDonald's receipt
from California. One bacon cheeseburger twelvedollars forty nine one small fry five dollars
and nineteen cents, One regular sodatwo dollars and eighty nine cents. Grand
total twenty dollars and fifty seven centsfor a burger a fry Innesda. Yeah,
California is also talking now about withholding back on that twenty five dollars
an hour minimum wage cast the law, but they're not going to implement their
try not to implement it. Yeah, dude, you think maybe the two
things go hand in hand just alittle bit, a little bit, And
it's not just you know, it'snot just California. Restaurants are kind of
in trouble at a lot of placesbecause their margins have always been very,
very low. You know, peopleget matted restaurants for charging more for the
food. The reality is is theirmarkup, just like with grocery stores,
their markup is really small. It'syou know, they're they're having to pass
along the cost of what it coststhem to get the products that they serve,
you know, the meat for theburgers, the chicken, whatever.
It is so all costing them more, whether it's coming from the whole sail
or if it's coming from the parentcompany, coming from from the wholesalers within
the state. They've got all thesedifferent kind of trucking rules there, sure,
and emission rules and you know whatthe cost of fuel is. Regulations.
Yeah, I mean, on andon and on, talk about a
regulated society. Yeah, it reallyis. And this is what you get
there. You are a lot ofrestaurants will be closing in California, and
I wonder if if it will slowdown the amount of restaurants opening even here
in Texas, if we're going tosee fewer and fewer operators wanting to expand
you either expand their franchises or addnew restaurants for fear that it just it's
just too cost prohibitive to do it. You know, it's really funny those
people, most beautiful, beautiful placein the country that Pacific Coast and till
the people ruined it. And thoseare the same people who think that people
are what ruined the planet. Yeah, you know, ironic, is it?
We've already seen what you can do. Yeah, it's ironic. Six
' ten. Time for traffic andweather together as we check out the drive
once again. Here's Skymike iway wereclear to wrect off the North Freeway all
deemed bender. Interestingly, some ofyour online sources showed that to be still
there, and even though it wasmy work wife Christina Cruz watches the cameras.
She cleared it before the rest ofthe media, even news out of
the way. Stay the course.We have a usual smash right around the
Shepherd Curve southbound, but nothing worthgetting off of your roads. Now,
if you're a big shot, dothe Harty Till Road obviously sixteen nineteen minutes
now from Spring to the North Loopand we're looking at eastex twenty two minutes
in Emily from Spring Branch. Ithink she's on night tenth. There's a
giant king side mattress in the farleft lane before the Bunker Hill Egg that
heading on the inbound all right,it's a ten inbound save money there.
That's on the left side, sowatch out for other people swerving at the
last minute. Downtown Dwayne gave methat Crosby problem. That's twenty one hundred
at Foley Road. As got Mike. Im out a huffin on twenty one
hundred there at Foley Road. Thelight's non flashing red. It's just black.
I didn't mean to run that wholething, but watch out there are
other people are paying attention. Northwestside. What's up to ninety I know
I have that wreck at Muski that'sblocking part of the left side here and
the northwest Hey got mine and raindrubs keeps pulling on my he out here
on to ninety C. I likeyou better as a woman, but yeah,
watch out inbound. Jeff Morrow hassomething to say about that. Yeah.
I didn't even notice the moisture,but yeah, that's what I'm hearing.
Generator Supercenter, dot Com Traffic Center. I'm Skymike. I do kind
of like Bob Dylan from our katrhDot's Defender's twenty four hour weather center.
Jeff mar is here. Yep,he's got more storms of the forecast for
us. Yeah, boy, ithas been quite a month. As far
as these are severe thunderstorms were notdone unfortunately. I think Friday we may
face another round of severe thunderstorms.Light rain tapers off early today, but
during the afternoon scattered showers and thunderstormsdevelop again as we hit eighty seven.
Some of the storms later today mayproduce gusty winds and heavy down for us.
More rain into the evening overnight aload down to seventy six. I
have eighty six tomorrow with scattered showersand thunderss to wrap up May. On
Friday, some of the stores mayturn severe into the afternoon with a high
of eighty seven and some more scatteredthuader storms for the weekend as high sitt
the upper eighties on Saturday and Sunday. Right now seventy at your official severe
weather station, News Radio seven fortyk TRH News, Traffic and Weather.
You're starting your day right with Houston'sMorning News brought to you. Biden new
South Windows solutions, Well, Ithink it's no surprise or in no secret
that there may be a plan totry to get Joe Biden out of actually
debating Donald Trump if if it comesto that one of them is happening in
a courtroom in Manhattan today. Ifthey can get a guilty verdict, that's
an out for Joe Biden. Atthat I'm going to I'm not going to
debate a convicted fella. But whatelse do they have up their sleeve.
We'll talk about that with Vlad Davidiatpolitical analyst coming up next. First,
So at six twenty, traffic andweather together as we check out the drive
once again with skymat Now this isbecoming more of an issue now two ninety
in Boo Muski that Rex now takingthree lanes. KTRH listeners were the first
to know about the problem, andyou've got to to tend to twelve minute
drag. If you can jump onthat HOV you can get around that.
Otherwise you might want to consider skipit over to the KD Freeway. I'm
Skymike on the Generator Supercenter dot Comtraffic Center from our KTRH top tax defenders.
Twenty four hour of Weather Center.Chance of a scattered morning storm more
widespread for the afternoon today with hightemperature about eighty four. Scattered morning thunderstorms
clouding for the afternoon, with thunderstormslikely tomorrow h ive eighty three temperature right
now still seventy at your officials severeweather station News Radio seven forty KTRH.
Check out some of our top storieson this Wednesday morning. Here's shera good
morning. Everyone is now six twentyone on news radio seven forty KTRH.
Our headlines are sponsored by DNM AutoLeasing. Jury delar deliberation should start today
in the Manhattan accounting trial against DonaldTrump. Over four million chickens are going
to be killed. A say,it's a major outbreak of the birdflow in
Iowa. Pope Francis Well he hadto apologize for using a gay slur during
a recent meeting with bishops. Latestnews anytime at KGERH dot com. Our
next update is at the bottom ofthe hour. Hi, let's talk radio
all the time. The world doesn'twait for you to clock out. Usually
have it on all day at work, so check in office. Stay up
to date with used Radio seven KTRHsix twenty two. Now Here in Houston's
morning news will there be debates.We have two that are supposedly scheduled,
But Cindy Adams, who's the gossipdiva for the New York Post, thinks
there's a behind the scenes effort toget Joe out of having to debate.
As I mentioned going into this segment, the first possibility is that Trump gets
convicted in his New York trial andtherefore becomes a quote unquote convicted felon.
He wouldn't want to have to debatea convicted felon, right, Glad Vidic
joins us political analyst. Can yousee that ploy potentially working for the Biden
camp. Yes, I can certainlysee it working as an excuse sticking out
of debate. Would it work asa way to free Joe from the responsibility
of actually having to debate his Republicanopponent, I don't think so. I
think I think they've kind of paintedthemselves into a corner here, mostly because
of Joe's failed policies and his reallyadvanced cognitive decline. That the Biden team,
you know, agreed to the debates, and it was, but it's
less important that they agreed to debatesthan they than they would have the debates.
The reason they did so is theywanted to buy time. They knew
that they could not refuse and turndown to debate because it would make Joe
look weak, so they accepted itbecause it would buy them time. To
say, yeah, of course we'regoing to take them off. It's kind
of like going into a bar andtalking, opening your mouth and saying all
kinds of stuff and then offering totake the guy outside, and then when
he says, yeah, let's gooutside, and you know, oh,
hang on a second, I gotto pay my nails first. So it
was just an act of desperation ontheir part. You know, this sounds
like this has become a very desperaterace, and it seems to be all
about momentum. Everything they can doto slow this juggernaut that has been Donald
Trump, and instead all their actionsseem to keep fueling it. Come back
with a guilty verdict there in Manhattan. How does that change the race in
any way in your mind? Well, Joe Biden's always been very dismissive of
anything that President Trump has had tosay, and this would give more fuel
for that fire. This would givehim, as he sees it, it
gives him carte blanche to be ableto say, I'm not going to take
anything from a convicted felon. Weall know that Joe, He's going to
say things like you know, JoeBiden's going to say things that we all
know Donald Trump was convicted in courtof defrauding and lying or whatever it is,
and he's going to use that asa blanket statement to presage anything that
he then blames them for. Hecan attack any single one of Trump's policies
by just prefacing it by saying,well, Donald Trump is a convicted fella,
and therefore x y Z. It'sa crutch. It's a crutch because
there is no substantive way to attackPresident Trump's policies on a level that's equivalent
to, uh, the intellect ofthe American people. What Americans know,
what Americans see is the policies ofJoe Biden have led to their their disabilities
or their their their their problems,their challenges that they're overcoming, their inability
to get to work, their inabilityto hold a job down, their inability
to maintain their credit. Uh.And if Joe can dismiss it with something
as tawdry as this, he'll doit all right, very quickly. I
just want to get your quick thoughton Robert de Naro being paraded out by
the Biden campaign yesterday after after theTrump trial in order to make his case
for getting rid of Trump. Wouldyou think of that move entirely scripted,
entirely based in Hollywood. We knowthat, we know Biden depends on cheap
lines and Robert de Niro did notfail to deliver. Okay, fair enough,
Glad, thanks appreciated, Glad vidiacPolitical and list At six twenty six,
It's time to take a look atyour money. Here's Courtney Donahoe.
Well, good morning, Jimmy.Stock futures are heading for a lower open
down. Futures down two hundred andfifty points this morning. Investors are looking
for evidence slowing inflation that would allowthe Federal Reserve to step in and cut
interest rates. Encore Electric says thedamage to the electric grid this past week
was so extreme that some equipment willneed to be rebuilt rather than repaired.
Some outages will likely last for days. Breaking news, Conco Phillips agreed to
acquire Marathon Oil in a twenty twoand a half billion dollar deal, extending
a major buying spree in the oiland gas industry. Conoco Phillips joining the
ranks of major drillers such as Exxonpursuing production growth through acquisitions. And speaking
of that, HASH shareholders have approvedChevron's fifty three billion dollar takeover clearing away
another obstacle to that deal. Thetransaction still needs to get past the Federal
Trade Commission and an ongoing dispute withExcellon over a South American oil field.
I'm Courtney to don A Hope BloombergBusiness on News Radio seven forty k t
rh A, Houston's News. Whythey We're trackic plus Freaking News twenty four
to seven. This is News Radioseven forty kt RHIL. Everywhere boards the
IRP. More of what's happening nowfrom the John Morris Services Studios. Six
thirty is our time here on Houston'sBanning News. I'm Jimmy Barrett along with
Sheriff Ryer Monger. Top stories thishalf hour. The Trump trial goes to
the jury today, Biden sends outde Niro and the comic go was six
thirty eight. Oh oh Hunter,Biden's baby mama has a tell all book
coming out. Details in the minutesahead. You're in Houston's Bonning News.
First, let's check out that morningdrove again. Here's skuymine. Oh good
clear two ninety. That was arecon on at Muski. It was starting
to really smash things up. Iwould say stay the course if you're coming
in from Hockley. By the timeyou get there, the backup should be
out of there. North sam westboundat the Veterans Toll Plaza. Got to
wreck. What's the lane? It'sit's over on the right, Okay.
I just watch out from two fortynine Clayton, Splendora is on the east
tex Good morning, Scott, Mike, just south of fourteen eighty five.
Right we go to get on theentrance ramp today dot erect. It's backing
up pretty bad on that theater totime get to the ninety nine. All
right, we're plumb backed up onfifty nine Clayton with the banana sticker.
And he's from Splendora, so thatalso includes an olive branch. I'm Skymike
from the Generator Supercenter dot Com TrafficCenter from our KTRH Generator super Center twenty
four hour Weather Center. Chance ofa scattered morning store more widespread this afternoon
with high temperature today right about eightyfour. We'll get the latest on the
forecast with Jump mar infan Terry todayat the Weather Channel in about nine minutes.
Right now it is seventy at yourofficial Severe Weather station news Radio seven
forty k TRH. It is timedout for the news. Here's Sheriff Ryer.
Good morning. Everyone is now sixthirty two on news radio seven to
forty KTRH. Our top story thishour, we have a judge's highly conflicted.
He happens to be corrupt. DonaldTrump outside of that court room with
the judge in the Manhattan bookkeeping trialwill finally give jury instructions, make them
public later this morning. Judge WanMershawn is expected to take about an hour
or so to instruct the jury onthe law. Then the seven men and
five women will enter a room todeliberate on thirty four felony counts of falsifying
business records based on now we're told, breaking federal election code. That was
Granald Scott. Reporting court resumes atnine am our time this morning. Biden
campaign rolled out actor Robert de Nirofor a photo op, and boy did
he do a die tribe in frontof the courtroom yesterday, speaking for Biden
team Trump had the perfect response,don't worry, my remarks will be shorter
than the irishman. I won't makeyou suffer for three hours. But the
best they can do is roll outa washed up actor spokesman Jason Miller.
Joe Biden makes a campaign stop inPennsylvania today after visiting Hallie Biden. You
know, his daughter in law.She was married to Bo Biden and then
became romantically linked to Hunter. Biden. The visit just before she's expected to
take the witness stand in Hunter's Junetrial on federal gun charges. Get a
visit from the President. Interesting.Six point thirty three is our time Texas
runoffs. They're in the books now. Dade Feelin he held off the challenge
from David Covey in the Beaumont areafor that seat in the House. That
means he could remain speaker. Thisis just a cage match within the Republican
Party. Six pro choice, Ineed to say pro school choice. Republicans,
including former Trump spokesperson Katrina Pearson,and beat the sitting House incumbents and
Houston. A couple of close racesthat have yet to be officially called.
Carolina Cain leads Kenneth o'moroui in theRepublican race to challenge Democrat incumbent Congresswoman Lizzie
Fletcher. Now Molly Cook is leadingJarvis Johnson in that Democrat State Senate race,
Republican Congressman Tony Gonzalez. He defeatedthe challenger, Brandon Herrera in that
runoff with help from actor Matthew McConaughey, who did a robo call for the
incumbent. Gonzalez says, well,they bonded during the Uvaldi tragedy. Him
and I have worked hand in handalong with his foundation to really deliver on
the next aspect of security and mentalhealth. It's the first race McConaughey,
who is a Laredo native, hasgotten involved with after declining I should say
a Uvalde native has gotten involved inafter declining to run against Governor Greg Abbott
in twenty twenty two. Almost impossibleto correctly predict how elections will go as
we're learning, but they tell usthe stock market provides clues. As of
right now, the stock market likesTrump. The stock market tends to do
much much better when President Trump isahead in the polls as opposed to when
President Biden is ahead. Economist DJand Tony with the Heritage Foundation told KTRH
hope for a Trump victory is boostingstock prices as markets think, okay,
we'll get lower taxes, we'll getless burden some regulation under Trump administration.
As that becomes more likely, stockprices will tend to elevate, and Tony
says that the stock market doing wellright now really isn't a good sign for
Biden. Ethan Buchannan News Radio sevenforty KTRH. You know that Dericho storm,
the Durecho storm that hit Houston twoweeks ago. It did up to
eight billion dollars in damage according toCenter Point. Well, now another storm
last night and thirty nine thousand CenterPoint customers are without power. It was
three hundred thousand plus at one pointyesterday. Ten year old construction worker and
Magnolia killed in a home collapse duringthat storm. Strong wins seventy five miles
per hour straight line six thirty sixis our time. Well, you may
soon learn to regret regret skipping yourappointments because companies are now recouping their lost
revenue by instituting no show fees.And what it's really it's unfortunate it's had
to happen, but it's because manypeople are not thoughtful and kind and caring
enough about the business that they've madea reservation with or an appointment with to
actually bother to call them, tocancel, or to show up. Customer
service expert Richard Waylamb told kt RhIthinks it's going to become a more common
part of doing business in America littleby little. More stories coming now about
the side effects of the COVID vaccine, sher. A new review published last
month found that the modified RNA inthe vaccine may increase your chances of getting
cancer. We are definitely seeing strongstatistical signals with cancer and all ages for
both incidents and mortality. That isHouston doctor Mary taly Boden, who says
those cancer signals are eighteen to thirtythree times higher. The COVID shots were
not studied for risk of cancer,so there's legitimate concerns we take these shots
off the market. They're on thepediatric vaccine schedule. All children six months
and older are now expected to getthe shot. Jeff Biggs, News Radio
seven kt H. Yeah, noticeshe calls it shots, not vaccine.
Maybe rightfully. So. We nowknow that doctor Anthony Fauci's top advisors were
deleting emails that they were passing aroundin order to avoid transparency. Freedom of
information Act requests. What is comingout now is the cover up of the
cover up. Okay, the USled cover up of the Chinese cover up.
Investigator reporter Alex Barnson on with KTRHis Klay Travis and Bucks Sexton.
Stros lost to Seattle four to twopre Game to Night seven thirty on both
Sports Talk seven ninety and here ktrH. I'm Sherey Fryer on News Radio
seven forty. KTRH needs some drainagework, Daniel Dean Land clearing and dirt
work two eight, one, three, five six dirt the tools you need
to take on the day news inthe morning, weather and traffic. This
is Houston's Morning News with Jimmy Barrettand Sheriff Fryer. We got some baby
mama drama six thirty eight ers ata time. Here in Houston's War News.
This is Hunter Biden's baby mama.Remember her. London Roberts, the
stripper from Arkansas. Why is itall I've mentioned Arkansas? I'm going back
to the Clinton days now. Whywhy is it all the crazy sex people
are all from RKETSA. It's leeveslike anyway. London Roberts is releasing her
book tell All book in August twentieth. In it, she will describe her
relationship with Hunter Biden with such wonderfulphrases as well. Here's a little tease
from it. He was sitting therewearing nothing but parrot boxer briefs, organizing
his pipes on the Rosemont Seneca desk, and I was sitting at Barack Obama's
actual chair from the Senate floor.I've got I don't figure out what happened
next to that desk or that chairas far as that goes. I'm guessing
that probably Hunter is not really excitedabout this book coming out. I mean,
it is a tell all. Butmy guess is is that this might
make up for London Robert's inability toget child support for so long from Hunter.
She'll certainly make a lot more money, I would guess from this book
than she ever went from child supportfrom Hunter Biden or acknowledgment from Joe Biden
of his grandchild Navy Joan, whoby the way, looks a lot like
her dad. Got her father's eyes, that's for sure. Sake forty time
drificking weather together. Check out thedrive once again here Sky Mike, Oh,
we're getting a lot of hoofly aroundtown. Let's go around the horn
here, guys, two eighty eightnorthbound. You've got that smush at McCart
pardon me, I had a frogin my throat Shery northbound. We lose
about six minutes up to Almeta,Genoa or Or, but at least we're
incident free. Golf Freeway. Thebreaks at Edgebrook gets off lay thick right
at waystside, and we'll have thatpavement repair after eight o'clock, So keep
your eye out there. We're lookingat West Loop down to uptown from Ien.
It's a drag ien Katie Freeway.We're slow now around Grand Parkway into
Barker Cypress. Give me a second. We'll take a look inside the loop
here. Toll bridge suckage about twelveminutes southbound two forty nine. You never
back up like that Willebrook. Ibetter check that out. North Freeway breaks
right after Ranking or right before RankingMan again from the chefferd Curve, got
Audrey from Cypress on it. Ithink I can east going downtown good,
of course, until you get tothe be Someone Bridge, and then of
course that slows down. Light atFranklin and Smith is a blinking red light,
just what we need. Plus youhave the closures. I'm glad you
mentioned downtown Louisiana and Smith's still withthe closures between Peas and Walker due to
us the storm stuff we had awhile back in the falling class, et
cetera. Don't know how long that'sgoing to be like that, Skymichael the
Generator Supercenter dot Com traffic Center fromour KTRH Generator super Center twenty four hour
Weather Center. Time to chick inonce again with Jeff Barr. He's filling
in today for Terry and ever sinceyou started filling in, we're getting stormy
weather. What's up with that?Jeff? Sorry, I'm gonna I'm done
after today, but we're still getto have storms unfortunately. Yeah, this
pattern this month, our rainfall forthe month over eight inches. Officially,
that's almost three and a half inchesabove average for the year. We've got
a surplus of six and a halfinches, so it has certainly been wet
for the month of Maine. Itcontinues today. Light rain ends early,
but during the afternoon as we startto warm into the midiwapperradies will see some
more scattered showers than thunderstorms. Someof the stories may produce gusty wins at
heavy rain. That rain tapers offthis evening overnight a low seventy six,
scattered showers, some thunderstorms tomorrow andFriday with highs and the midwaper eightys.
There will be the risk for somesevere thunderstorms during the afternoon and evening hours
on Friday. Te But but youare still seventy at your official severe weather
station, news Radio seven forty kTRH. You are commute, you are
forecast your news. It's Houston's MorningNews, brought to you, buying you
southway those solutions. He may bestruck a stuck, I should say,
in Manhattan in the courtroom, butDonald Trump is still outworking his opponent born
That story coming up next first atsix fifty traffic and weathered together. As
we check in again the skymike right, let's zoom in on I forty five
South Golf Freeway coming up from TexasCity and Lamark. Some of the onlines
are still showing some extra roadwork there. I don't know, we're having a
visual problem in that spot right wherethe new lagoon places that new neighborhood northbound,
whatever that is. Check out thenorthbound. I'm not seeing any backup,
but somebody give me some laneage ifanything's missing. League City up looks
like now forty minutes. You've gotthe big smash from Edgebrook Tall Bridge stuck
at twelve extra minutes southbound Katie startingto cram up right around Graham Parkway.
And again as we come in rightafter Yale, trying to reach the President's
heads, you lose about sixteen minutes. Skymiche and the Generator Supercenter dot Com
Traffic Center from r KTRH Generator Supercentertwenty four hour Weather Center. Chance of
a scattered bonning storm more widespread thisafternoon with the height today eighty four.
Pretty much the same forecast for tomorrowwith the high eighty three. Right now,
we have a temperature seventy at yourofficial severe weather station, News Radio
seven forty k TRH. It's timeto check out some of our top stories
on this Wednesday. You're SHAF sixfifty one now on news Radio seven forty
k TRH. Our headlines are sponsoredby DNM Autoleasing. About thirty nine thousand
Center Point customers no power this morningafter those fierce storms yesterday. A pair
of schools in Spring isd Carl WonsheeJunior High and Winship Elementary are closed because
of power outages. Today, twoHouston area flight attendants are suing the Jacksonville
Jaguars and The Kicker. Brandon McManusforcual Assault Latest news anytime at kgorh dot
com. Our next update will beat the top of the hour. I
live in Pasadena Sharptown Southwest. Nexton the ten time saving traffic Cone seven
forty KTR eight. Oh, he'sa busy man, all right. Six
fifty three is the time, andhe is whooping Biden's you know what is
behind in all the polls, especiallyin the battleground state poles, those numbers
just keep seemingly keep on growing.So Patrick Bett David was on Fox This
Day, Value team and founder talkingabout those dismal poll numbers for Biden,
and he just says, Hey,it's really simple. Trump is just out
working the guy business. In alife, it comes down to four things.
Whoever outworks, out improves, outstrategizes, and outlasts wins. Let's take
a look at this between Biden andTrump. Trump outworking. He gets one
day a week to campaign Wednesdays.His opponent has seven days right one on
seven us like a quarterback that getsseventy attempts Joe Biden, a quarterback only
gets ten attempts. The guy withthrow in ten attemps gets ten touchdowns.
The other guy cannot get a singletouchdown. So he got out work.
He's out improving because if you noticetwenty twenty, President Trump seemed a little
bit upset. His campaign was it'snot faire, it's not fair, it's
not fair. Twenty twenty four,it's optimism, unification, greatest country in
the world. We gotta make acomeback. Messaging has improved, uplifting.
You want to be around the guy. He seems optimistic, even though they're
doing all the stuff to him.Outwork out, improved, outstrategize. This
guy's got the audacity to go toNew York in AOC's county. Campaign is
shake hands with people, five,ten, fifteen, twenty five thousand people
show up. You're willing to tellme you have the audacity to come to
my city, New York. Eventhough the campaign manager for Biden today that
showed up, I don't know ifyou saw him. One not very famous
campaign manager, Vito Corleon, showedup today and he had to analyze this
to see if he can kind ofchange it up AKA Robert de Niro and
last, but not least, outlast. It's his biggest strength. Good luck
outlasting him when it comes up tocampaigning. There's no way pre that and
Biden can do that. When youlook at the polls right now, couple
embarrassing polls for Biden New York intwenty twenty, you win by twenty three
points, sixty one to thirty eight. Right now New York, he's only
got a nine point lead. Thisis Sieno poll. By the way,
you look at blacks voting in twentytwenty, they won twenty two percent.
A nine percent is what Trump gotwith the black votes. Ninety one percent
pretty much went to the other side. Trump's got twenty two percent now on
climbing. He's winning the business owners, he's winning the workers, he's winning
the black vote, he's winning theyoung vote, he's winning the people in
the middle Libertarian vote. You goto their convention, it starts off booing,
you don't give up, and itends with cheering. I mean,
this is how you go into thesetypes of moments to be able to win.
He's doing it. The only thing, the only thing I always say
is stay paranoid. You want himto run, You want Biden to be
the candidate. You don't want himto bring anybody else, But only the
paranoid survive. They're not going tolose this easily. Okay, Well,
don't worry. We'll stay. We'llall stay pre ernoid. Okay. Six
fifty five Time for the timeline.Got a fair ticket to see John Party
Live October the eleventh at the WoodlandsPavilion. Tickets around sale right now at
livenation dot com. But you canwin a pair from us. Just tell
us what year today's timeline's from.I'm Bobby Hall from the Dumb Line.
It was May Bobby Hall of ChicagoBlackhawks scores our record setting fifty one goals,
Bobby, and now back to ourstage from England. On television,
the Rolling Stones make their second appearanceon The Ed Sullivan Show. It was
at the movies. Trout and shareenough, Jane Fonda and Lee Marvin Starr
in Cat Blue When a gunfighter aroundtrouble just naturally stay away and number one
on the radio, The Beach BoysHelp me run? What year was it?
If you know? Seven one threetwo one two fifty eight seventy four.
That is seven one, three twoand two k t r H.
Good luck. Right, we haveour ourselves so wonder that'd be Tim Invider
knew the right year was nineteen sixtyfive. Well done, Tim, You
get a pair of tickets. You'llsee John Party October the eleventh at the
Woodlands Pavilion. Enjoyed the show andthank you for listening to Houston's Morning News.
This is huge Radio seven forty ktRH Houston Drive Everywhere with the IRNE
now, the latest news, weatherand trafa. It's more of what matters
to you from the John Moore ServicesStudios. Seven am is our time here
on Houston's Morning News. I'm JimmyBarrett along with Sheriff Fryar mong your top
stories this half hour. We stillhave about a little over thirty eight thousand
of you without power, one deadafter our latest storm yesterday, a surprise
surprise drunk Dave wins his primary runoffand coming up at seven oh eight,
actor Robert de Niro mixing it upwith Trump supporters. Details in the minute
to head. You're on Houston's MorningNews. First, we're gonna check out
that morning drive. Here's sky Mike. It's something reported downtown. I tim
westbound right before the merge with fortyfive. We'll double check that at the
seven ten. I don't have alaneage, but it looks like a stall
Katie Freeway. You're all smashed upnow. I'm Mason Road into Barker Cypress
loose about ten minutes here West Parkslow at that's going to be fourteen sixty
four and Southwest Freeway right at ChimneyRock. Had a possum in my Fanily,
it's a stall over on the sidelookout from Fountain Dew Skymike and the
Generator Supercenter, dot Com traffic Center. From our KTRH top tax Defenders twenty
four hour weather center. For today, they have a chance of a morning
storm, more widespread for the afternoon. With the high temperature today right about
eighty four cib. Storm chances justabout every day through at least Saturday.
We'll talk to Jeff Martha Weather Channelabout that in eight minutes. Right now,
it is still seventy at your officialsevere weather station, News Radio seven
forty KTRH. It's time now forthe news. Here's Sheriff Fryer. Morning
everyone. It's seven o two onnews radio seven forty KTRH. This news
is sponsored by Choice Home and Commercial. Top story this hour about thirty eight
thousand Centrepoint customers without power this morningbecause of yesterday's storms. At one point
that number was over three hundred thousand. A sixteen year old construction worker in
Magnolia, that area, Anyway,killed when a home collapsed during the storm.
Hid closed one campus today, FrankBlack Middle School power issues. Two
schools in Spring ISD, Carl WonshiJunior High School and Winship Elementary closed because
of power outages. The weather knockingout power to thirteen Harris County voting centers
during primary runoff day. The majorityof these locations restored power within a short
period of time. County Clerk TanisiaHudsmith said that only one location had to
actually close for the day. Themakeup of the Texas House, though,
is changing after the vote. Onemajor exception, however, that being House
Speaker Dave Feelan, who survived tochallenge from the Donald Trump endorsed David Covey
by less than four hundred votes.A Southeast Sex They chose me, and
that's it's a good day. Forsoutheas sex feeling on Beaumont TV. But
six of the eight incumbent House Republicanspushed to a runoff lost. That's a
win for Governor Greg Abbott's push forschool choice. Locally. Molly Cook leads
Jarvis Johnson in a Democrat state Senateprimary by less than one hundred votes.
Carolyn Kaine leads Kenneth A. Mariein the race to challenge Democrat Congresswoman Lizzie
Fletcher. Cliff Saunders News Radio sevenforty k TRH, and you want to
stay with us because we're gonna betalking live to the new Texas GOP Chairman
Abraham George at seven point twenty hereon Houston's Morning News. We've got runoff
results for you at KTURH dot com. Our news time seven oh four.
The jury and the Donald Trump trialshould be getting to deliberate the case today.
After closing arguments in that Manhattan bookkeepingtrial against Trump, the prosecution got
called out once again. I'm stillas I sit here as an attorney trying
to understand how they could have possiblybrought this. Trump spokeswoman Caroline Levitt,
We're going to hear from Trump atseven point thirty Biden Trump debates apparently still
up for debate. The New YorkPost sites sources at CNN that team Biden
is already looking for an out ofthe schedule June twenty seventh debate with Donald
Trump. GOP strategist Flat Davidia expectedthis. I think the Biden team used
the presentation of a potential debate andthe acceptance of the debate as a way
to buy time and to really quietthe concern. I think if there was
some way for Biden and his teamto get out of the debates, are
going to take that opportunity. Hebelieves Biden may use a conviction that Trump's
New York trial as an excuse toget out of the debate. Biden's team
has already demanded things like no liveaudience and the ability to mute Trump's microphone.
Coreyolson, Who's radio seven to fortyKTRH, it's now seven oh five.
Well, led by Kentucky GOP CongressmanThomas Massey, back by Texas's Chip
Roy, there is now new legislationto end the Federal Reserve. Economist Joel
Griffiths says, well, it won'tpass, probably, but that message is
certainly getting louder. This is reallyindicative of a growing sense that our central
bank has acted recklessly that caused theAmerican people a lot of pain, kept
interest rates low, kept printing money. Former Texas Congressman Ron Paul tried to
abolish the FED every year he wasin Congress between nineteen ninety nine and twenty
thirteen. Central Bank may not lowerinterest rates this year. They're now indicating
either they won't promise to stop raisingraids either. Can you rule out a
rate hike? No, I don'tthink anybody should. I don't think we
should rule anything out. Minneapolis FedPresident Nel Kashkari on CNBC. Bidenomics raising
prices on everything. Retirement account balances, that is, the stock prices and
whatever they've got as equity in themhave also hit their highest level in two
years. It looks good and ifyou had been a good saver, you've
benefited to combination of market appreciation andconsistent contributions into retirement plans. Financial planner
Richard Rosso Fidelity Investments says average fourone case savings rates hit a record high
at fourteen point two percent. Also, this hospital costs skyrocketed seven point seven
percent. In the last month.Healthcare expert David Ballot saw it coming.
Hospital pricing has been on an exponentialcurve for over a decade compared to commercial
goods, television, cell phone,other things increase the largest in thirteen years.
Cyber attacks on water utilities are increasing. Cybersecurity expert David Malaco says it's
because they're a soft target. Aboutseventy five to eighty percent of our water
districts are small municipal co op andso a lot of times not same resources
is the big areas. So itmakes sense, not in a good way,
that the threat actors would want totarget these areas. Yeah, he
suggests individually, you should have supplieson hand in your home as you would
during a hurricane season. It's sevenoh seven. The Strows lose to Seattle
four to two. Pregame to Nightat seven thirty on Sports Talk seven ninety
and here on KTRH. I'm sureberFryer on News Radio seven forty KTRH.
We're living in faithful moments here.There's so much going on your world we
have to pay attention is front andcenter. I check in all day on
Youth Radio seven forty. Now KTRHamazing. Seven to eight is our time
here in Houston's So Robert de NiroTrump campaign pulls out Robert de Niro,
well known trump eter, and hedoes a little press conference. I'm not
sure what the point was, butafter the press conference he uh was leaving
the stage area. Of course,there's plenty of Trump's orders around there,
and they're not really impressed with.Barbara Denario has a little interaction between De
Niro and Trump supporters. We're tryingto be gentlemen in this world. The
Democrats you are gangsus you are Tentionsboiled over from the very beginning, with
actor and New Yorker Robert de Niroshouting back at pro Trump protesters, who
launched a barrage of expletives and demeaninginsults. Some blocked his car, pushed
away by police. They pushed back, but no one was detained. Later
in the afternoon, violence broke outbetween Trump and anti Trump protesters. Donald
Trump wants to destroy not only thecity, but the country, and eventually
he could destroy the world. Hewill never leave. I love the part
where it was intentionally without where youdid hear him say, you know,
democrats are gentlemen. Right, andright after that he tells the Trump supporter,
fu because that's what gentlemen say.You know, he he naciously says,
this is my city. Yeah,your bunch of gagst this didn't you
make your almost your entire living playingthe role of a gangster Very well,
I might add, he makes avery good gangster. Something tells me it
comes to him very naturally. Youknow, he's got to have Joe Biden
has to have a front guy,tough man. I guess that's this tough
guy surrogate. You know, we'retrying to act like this is totally scripted.
We're trying to act like this issome sort of happenstance in front of
the court room. Right, you'retrying to put him away. Sure,
totally bogus sham charging. I mean, this whole thing, it's like a
movie. I'm beginning to not reallythink a whole lot about New York.
Yeah, you know, it's likea Hollywood script. It's like somebody wrote
a screenplay and they're acting enough alreadysaid they're going to turn it into a
virtual convention. Yeah, you know, it'll be scripted, it'll be Hollywood,
it'll be virtual sure, so Joecan have fifteen takes on any statement.
Get be's still around by them sevento ten. Time for traffic and
together sky Mike is here, let'sgo south side this time. We're doing
I forty five your golf Freeway comingup from South Houston right after waffle House
at Airport. That's an extra nineminutes trying to stop and go your way
into downtown gets real heavy after youof H two eighty eight. We're looking
fairly good. Now from the beltWay up to Airport you'll have a bit
of a cram up, but actuallywe're moving fine. Outside the belt looks
like check around six, not seeingany big smush ups there. And coming
into the canyon you'll hit that wallo Braakes trying to reach the ramp to
forty five northbound. And if you'veinvested in gold you can avoid that.
You can afford the toll lanes.Blake New Cany what's up, dude,
guy Mike outbound way when you're exitingto go to items there looks like four
vehicles that have a little kerfuffle goingon the exit ramp and the mainland.
Well said, that's southbound the EastBelt before it will zoom that at the
seven twenty break. I think we'vegot west side Mary on the tip line
two seven on two t ips.Mike is Thereackle on the coal lane each
High ten going downtown World going theSaints. Be very strange. I'm so
fute, Oh thank you. Thisis inbound. I'm seeing to a Graham
Parkway to about Barker Cypress. Abouta nine minute wait on the inbound otherwise
so far, I think they pickedup the mattress already at the beltwait skymichel
A Generator Supercenter, dot Com trafficCenter from r KTRH top tax Defenders twenty
four our weather center. We haveJeff mar standing by. Lots of clouds
out there. Jeff, we havemore stormy weather on the way. Are
we looking for severe weather today orjust your run of the mill thunderstorm.
Some of the thunderstorms that pop upthis afternoon may produce some gusty winds and
heavy rainfall, but I think thehigher severe weather risk will be as we
head into Friday afternoon or evening.We'll keep an eye out, certainly for
some thunderstorms developing today. I hideyour eighties seven degrees more rain into the
evening overnight the low down to seventysix and more of the same tomorrow.
Clouds and periods of showers and thunderstormswith the high in the midw upper eighties.
On Friday, scattered showers, possiblya few severe thunderstorms be Hive eighty
seven. Scattered thunderstorms for the weekendwith highs and the upper eighties. And
finally the weather pattern we'll trend alittle bit dryer. Were just isolated thunderstorms
early next week. Temperature right nowseventy at your officials, severe weather station.
News Radio seven forty k TRH ninetynine one HT two. It's News
Radio seven forty KTRH on FM.It's Houston's Morning News, brought to you
by New South Windows Solutions. Nowback to Jimmy and Scherah with the info
you need to take on the day. All right, we have a new
head of the Texas GOP. Hisname is Abraham George. He was elected
in San Antonio over the weekend.We're going to meet him and kind of
pick his brain for a few minutes. Coming up next. First though,
it's seven twenty. Let's do alittle traffic and weather together as we check
out the drive with skyline right cleartwo ninety that accident Nick from Cyprus with
the banana sticker on the inbound Wehad that wreck right before the beltway,
and boy, that's still a bigold squish from Huffmeister west Sam. It's
US struggle now two forty nine downto two ninety, lose about eight extra
minutes here. We've done a prettynice job of not collide on the North
Freeway. Backdoor is still Westro losingeighteen minutes downtown. I'm Skymike from the
Generator Supercenter dot Com Traffic Center fromour KTRH Todd Pax Defenders twenty four hour
weather center. For today, we'relooking at a chance of a scattered morning
storm, more widespread for the afternoonwith a high eighty seven. Scattered morning
thunderstorms than Claudi for the afternoon.Thunderstorms likely tomorrow eighty six, mix of
clouds and sun with more scattered thunderstormson Friday in high eighty six. Right
now seventy one at your official severeweather station, News Radio seven forty KTRH,
we're checking out some of our topstories here on this Wednesday morning.
Here's Shery. Good morning everyone.It's seven twenty one now on news radio
seven forty KTRH. Our headlines aresponsored by Moral Mechanical Jury. Deliberations in
the Trump Manhattan trial are expected tobegin today. The State Department was a
full investigation into Israel and its strikesin Rafa. Over the weekend. Danika
Patrick became the first woman to leadthe ND five hundred on this day in
two thousand and five. Get thelatest news anytime at KTRH dot com.
Our next update will be at thebottom of the hour. The supporter of
Bloodbath Silent Clash speak up. I'mfull the foking Joe things are happening.
I listen every day because I gotto stay informed. On Youth Radio seven
KTRH. All right, we havea new driver of the elephant here in
Texas. His name is Abraham George, elected over the weekend in San Antonio
as the new chairman of the TexasGOP. Mister George, Welcome to News
radio seven forty k t RH.Are you gotta start with this? Are
you a little surprised that Dave Feelinwas able to pull off a primary victory
yesterday? And if you are,does that mean that one of the things
you're going to be working on islimiting access to the Republican primary to just
Republicans. Well, i gotta sayI'm not surprised, but I'm disappointed,
to be honest with you, DavidCovey would have been a much better choice
for the district. But people spoke, and like you said, most of
a very good amount of people camefrom the Democrat side to support him.
Last night, before I go tosleep, we were able to identify somewhere
between fourteen forty two or fourteen fortyeight people or Democrat primary supporters were on
his on his ballot this time.So, yeah, we will be closing
the primaries. That's a done dealat this point. The convention spoke clearly
about it. That's one of ourtop priorities. Yeah, we're going to
go into that in the next fewmonths. But in the meantime, you
know, won't be primaries again forsome time. So what do you do
as you take over the party?As we've got another legislative session coming at
us, and absolutely we've got torip in the fabric. A cage fight
is how some people call it herein the state of Texas. In differing
factions of the Report Party aided oneside, I would say, again by
the Democrats who are in the legislature. Yeah, well, with the party
is going to support a speaker whois not going to put Democrats as committee
chairs. That's clear. We havemultiple candidates at this point talking. We
have one, Tom Oliverson, who'salready announced, he's made the promise publicly
that he will not support Democrat chairs. So we have we have good mechanisms
in mechanisms in place at this pointto make sure that that's not happening.
I don't think date philm is goingto be the speaker. I don't think
the Republican legislators are going to gosupport him, even though he announced that
he's going to be. The partyis not going to be getting behind him
for to be the next speaker.That's just very clear for the time being.
Yeah, it would seem the governorthinks that enough change happened during this
primary season for Republicans that got ridof enough rhinos to put it that way,
you know, to get school choicethrough. You feel fairly confident that
school choice as an agenda item willmake it through the state legislature this time
around. I think so a lotof these new members are going to support
a school choice. What kind ofa school choice? That's a whole different
conversation. I don't think they're goingto support anything that has strings attached to
homeschooling or even private schools, SoI'm sure. I mean, this is
going to be a really conservative sessionregardless of who is the speaker, so
we're expecting good things coming out ofit. Yeah, your job really is
a chair is what just support toraise funding to raise What will you be
doing because you're not really that involvedin issues, are you? Well,
my whole campaign was the reason peopleelected me is because my campaign was I
don't want to just elect to Republicans, I want to hold them accountable.
And Matt Ronaldi, our former chair, did that and he moved the knee
all in conservative legislation. So wewill not be of writing bills, but
be sure that will be involved inpolicy making every single day. Okay,
what do you see is the toughestpart of your job wrangling your fellow Republicans
to get all on the same page. Yeah, you can say that,
and also holding a mcconnable. It'snot easy, because electing Republicans in state
of Texas is not that hard,but holding the mcconnable two priorities and to
our principles is the hardest party youOkay, Well, best of luck to
you, sir. Appreciate your timetoday. That's the new Texas GOP chair
Abraham George seven twenty six. Itis time to take a look at your
money. Whatdy, Donaho's here?Well, good morning, Jimmy. Stocks
are in the rud this morning,dew Future is down two hundred and twenty
five points. There are concerns fromtraders and interest rates will remain higher for
longer as inflationary pressures away In Americansoil this morning rising at eighty dollars a
barrel. Another attack on a shipin the Red Sea is adding to geopolitical
tensions in the Middle East. Oilhas risen this year due to output cuts
by OPEK. Major deal in theenergy industry, Conoco Phillips agreed to acquire
Marathon Oil and a deal valuing thecompany at about seventeen billion dollars. It
adds to a wave of recent megadeals as producers look for new drilling sites.
The company sees the deal closing inthe fourth quarter, pending regulatory approvals,
and more than half a million electricityconsumers are still without power in Texas
and over one thousand flights were canceleddue to the powerful storms yesterday. So
far, it looks like one hundredand ninety eight flights are canceled in Texas
this morning, according to flight Aware. Courting's on a Hope Bloomberg Business on
News Radio seven forty KTRH. Youare Old Houston's News. Why there are
traffic plus breaking news twenty four toseven. This is use Radio seven forty
KTRH. Trial Everywhere, boys,ir app more of what's happening now from
the John Morris Services Studios. Seventhirty is our time. Now you're in
Houston's Pony News. I'm Jimmy Barrettalong with Sheriff Ryer Monger Top Soores is
haf hour. The Trump trial goesto the jury today. Biden sends out
to narrow and coming up at seventhirty eight a soda shop where you can
custom make any combination you want.Details in the minutes ahead. You're in
Houston's Boning News. First, we'rechecking out that morning drive. Here's the
skuy Mike all right, Southwest Freeway. It's a big drag from the fountains
call it Highway ninety. Connect thosedots to the west Loop and another smash
right at the split, and we'relooking at twenty one extra minutes of Southwest
Freeway two ninety. We cleared thewreck that was inbound at the belt.
Nick from Cyprus with a sticker onhis head. That's a backup from Huffmeister
East Belt east Side, Bruce.Good morning sky Mike, southbound exit ramp
to Hide ten. We do youhave a four car conversation at the moment
messing up all of the exits?All right, sounds like everybody's okay.
But yeah, I see that smushcoming down from wood Forest. I'll look
the rest of the media. No, I'm in the Generator Supercenter dot Com
Traffic Center from r KTRH Generator Supercenter, twenty four hour Weather Center. Chances
with scattered morning storm, more widespreadfor the afternoon today, looks like about
eighty seven for the high temperature.You'll get the complete forecast from Jeff Barr
Infterry today at the Weather Channel ineight minutes. Right now, it is
seventy one at your official severe weatherstation, News Radio seven forty KTRH.
It is time now for the newshere's Sheriff Fryer. Morning. Everyone is
seven thirty two on news radio sevenforty KTRH and our tough story this hour.
It's going after Joe Biden's political eponentbecause he can't do it himself,
Donald Trump. Outside of court yesterday, the jury will take the case in
the Manhattan sham trial later this morningto start their deliberations. Fox's Eric Sean
as more. Then Jodge will lookat the jurors and take about an hour
giving them their instructions. He basicallygives them the legal guidelines that must be
used as they sit in judgment ofthe former president. Dirductions lasting about an
hour, then they were retired tothe jury room for their deliberations. Court
resumes nine am our time. Bidencampaign trying to grab the attention though in
that in front of that court houseyesterday, they used actor Robert de Niro
as a Biden spokesperson weapon. Hedoesn't get blood on his hands, No
he doesn't. He directs the mobto do his dirty work for him.
He was talking about Trump. TheTrump campaign called de Niro a quote washed
up actor. Other things that makeyou go hm, well, Biden,
Joe Biden, the president paid avisit to his former daughter in law,
Hallie Biden, the widow of hisson BeO. This past weekend Sunday evening,
she's expected to testify in the federalgun trial of Oh Yeah, her
former lover, Hunter Biden. Shetook up with him after her husband died.
Meantime, the judge overseeing the briberytrial of New Jersey Democrat Senator Bob
Menendez rule that the prosecution cannot usethose text messages that they have their hands
on related to getting aid for Egyptas evidence in bribery. The Fed's call
those texts crucial to their case.Seven thirty three is the time Texas House
Speaker Dave Feelin he survived a primaryrunoff challenge by David Covey, endorsed by
Trump, but he won by lessthan a thousand votes. Six pro school
choice Republicans, though, including formerTrump spokesperson Katrina Pearson, did beat sitting
House incumbents. What we are seeingis a real renegotiation, and in some
ways a very contentious renegotiation over whatit means to be a conservative in Texas.
Yeah, that's UT's James Henson onAustin TV and Houston a paratite race
is still not officially called. MollyCook leading Jarvis Johnson in that Democrat primary
Senate race, States Caroline Cain leadsKenneth o'murui, and the Republican race to
challenge the Democrat incumbent Congresswoman Lizzy Fletcher. Texas Republican Congressman Tony Gonzalez. He
beat this challenger, Brandon Arrera,in a runoff that was got some help
though from actor Matthew McConaughey. Hedid a robo call for the incumbent.
Matthew does not get involved in anyrace that I know of other than mine,
So I was excited about that.McConaughey, as you know, floated,
was floated as a gubernatorial candidate inTexas at one time refused to run
against Abbott. Economy's a major factorin our upcoming presidential elections. In down
ballot stock market can be a tool, they say, to predict election outcomes.
So what is the market saying aboutthis November? And at the end
of the day, if people thinkin the future things will be better,
then they start buying stocks today.They don't wait until the future. Heritage
Foundation economists EJ. And Tony toldKTRGE the stock market doing right now well
is assigned that people are hopeful fora Trump win. It's seven thirty five
Gulf Coast storm two weeks ago didup to eight billion dollars in damage in
Houston. Now another thirty eight thousandCenter Point customers are still in the dark
because of damage from yesterday's storms.The number of outages were over three hundred
thousand at one point yesterday. Somedowntown streets blocked off again because of falling
gas in the high glass in thehigh rise buildings first damaged by the storm
two weeks ago, and there wasa sixteen year old Magnoliac construction worker who
was killed in the collapse of abuilding under construction by the weather. Yesterday,
seven thirty six is our time.Well, we skip appointments sometimes can't
unavoidable, but guess what it maystart costing us? Businesses are having to
implement cancelation and no show fees.What people are trying to do is get
people to make it commitments, stickto the commitment, and most importantly,
do so in a way that doesnot require them to charge a late fee.
Customer service expert there Richard Way Lamb. He told kat orh not showing
up for a scheduled appointment actually coststhose businesses twice their revenue, and this
is a way to cut down onthat lost money. There's a new medical
research review that shows that modified rinna that is in the COVID shots may
contribute to cancer developments. Doctor MaryTally Bowden says the shots were rushed.
This is why most products we don'tput on the market for five ten years
with a brand new technology that we'venever used in humans before. So why
we need to take these COVID shotsoff the market so people are not harmed.
Further, Doctor Bowden, i shouldsay, still battling with the Texas
Medical Board over the way she treatedher COVID patients with conventional medicines and says
these shots should be halted until moreresearch is done. Doctor Anthony Fauci's top
advisors we have been revealed to havebeen deleting emails to get around requests for
freedom of information. It's quite likelythat it did come from that lab.
Okay, if anybody with the brainsort of could have thought was at least
a real possibility at the time,because as John Stewart famously said in twenty
twenty one, if there's a giantchocolate leak in Hershey, Pennsylvania, maybe
with a chocolate factory Investigator reporter AlexBarrison on with Clay and Buck. Yesterday,
Stro's lose to the Mariners, fordto two. The series continuing tonight,
though another chance pre game seven thirtyon Sports Talk seven ninety and here
on KTRH. The first pitch willbe at eight forty. I'm Sherwy Fryar
on news Radio seven forty KTRH.I live in their park, I live
in the Woodlands. You're reliable forecastnext on the ten on seven forty ktr
H. You know, there's nota lot of new ideas under the sun,
but I have to admit this oneintrigues me just a little bit.
There's a customizable soda shop that's justnorthern opened up in northern Kentucky. I
think it's roots go back to NewYork City. This is not the only
one. It's called drink alogy.But the idea behind it is I don't
I don't think we have any here. The idea behind it is is that
they sell any kind of soda youwant, any kind with a whole bunch
of other flavors, and you cancustomize any drink you want. You can
put together all kinds of combinations,separate syrups, yep and their co two
the yeah, all that stuff,and I'll give it. Yeah, I
give you a couple examples. Theseare ones that they they you know,
that are on their menu that youcan get a butterscotch brew, root beer,
butterscotch and vanilla cream. That soundspretty good. They might be tasty.
What is it supposed to taste like? Though? You've got all these
supposed to taste Are they enhancing flavorsor are they competing flavors? I would
think those go pretty good together,because you know, cream would go very
well with root beer, just likea root beer float, you know,
butterscotch. I don't know how thatworks with root beer, but but it'd
be interesting to taste it. Here'sanother one, doctor berry, doctor pepper,
raspberry piree and vanilla cream, Afruity dew, mountain dew, strawberry
piree and manga yeah, mango paraelime in the coconut coke, coconut cream
and fresh lime. Okay, that'sfine, Yeah, yeah, I know,
I know you're They do have anorange cream suckle though too orange orange
of soda, vanilla and half andhalf. I like mixing flavors. Yeah,
yeah, the strude it's an interestingI put butterscotch in my in some
of my stroodles. Put chocolate andcherry rather than raisins in some of my
stroodles. It's not a traditional strudle. It's it's not always either. What
the flavored is is the amount andwhat you're making for your set. You're
making it for yourself right exactly,and that's what this is all about.
You can you can customize any kindof a so so do you want to
try interesting idea seven forty one dimefor traffic and weather together? Sky Mike
is here, Yeah, root Bearfloat share. When you put some Bluebell
ice cream in there? What downthe specks open, sheriff, put some
rum in there. I've been eatingthat oo gooey butter cake ice from Bluebelt,
that new flavor from Bluebell. Ohman, you know what, let's
going that way. Let's come dangerousfrom Brenham and Chapel Hill. Doing the
two ninety thing now Northwest Freeway twoninety's been so much better in recent years.
I've got backups. Now right afterTelgi we had this earlier wreck at
the Beltway that's gone. Then you'llsquish up a little thirty fourth on the
inbound. You lose about ten minutes. Stay the course to ninety. I
think that'll get better. Katie Freewayinbound west Side Mary seems to think something
was up right around Barker serprs.Did you know west Side Mary manages the
Texico building that's inbound eighteen extra minutesthat way. I feel like a big
shot just knowing her. Inbound.More breaks from Yale and you lose ten
minutes there. Look at the WestPark to always starting to cram up at
fourteen sixty four into the Beltway,Southwest Freeway, your back doors, the
fountains, another big smush. Rightafter Kirby, you've got Golf Freeway suckage
now from about Airport up in thedowntown Nord Freeway. I can't believe we've
had no collisions so far. Stillslow from West Road Golf Freeway. Here's
Craig from Galveston Mike ed North.There are no delays and no lay enclosures.
Everything looks good all the way throughLeague City and I wanted to double
check and see if that online roadworkwas real after the lowry. Apparently they're
wrong. That's why you get itfrom am SKYMIAEL the Generator Supercenter, dot
Com Traffic Center from r k RHGenerator super Center, twenty four hour Weather
Center. Time to check in againwith Jeff mar We're on the lookout for
more thunderstorm activity. Jeff, We'vehad plenty of it. Yeah, no
shortage unfortunately for this month. Andit looks like we're going to about to
change the calendar as we had intothe weekend to start off June. The
weather pattern is not going to changemuch until early next week when we start
to drive it a little bit.In the meantime, another out of scattered
showers and thunderstorm should developed this afternoon. The highdre eighty seven through the storms
may produce gusty winds and heavy rainfall. Most of that rain tapers off into
the evening with an overnight low ofseventy six, but we'll see a lot
of clouds and also some more scatteredshowers and thunderstorms Tomorrow and on Friday.
Is high as hit the mid towoper eighties. The risks for a few
severe thutderstorms during the afternoon and eveninghours on Friday. Right now, seventy
one at your officials, Severe WeatherStation News Radio seven forty k TRH.
What you need to know for theday ahead. This is Houston's Morning News,
brought to you by New South WindowsSolutions. More frustration from the rage
in Cajun James Carville, who stillcan't understand why the Democrats don't get that
they have a messaging problem. Morein that story coming up next. First
though, traffic and weather together.Jimmy, Yes, guy, Mike,
what's going on myself into the tollwaytoday? I'm pretty sure. Oh,
they coming to get you today.Yeah, the glove fits. It's obvious
I did it. Let's go tothe north part of the tollway. I
mean, they're not out looking forthe real toll violator. Northwest side.
You've got West Sam switched up nowfrom two forty nine past the horse Track
down the West Road. Lose abouteight minutes that way. At listen,
we're not bumping into each other onthe west side of the Sam. You've
also got backups now from Belford backup to West Park. Eleven minutes there.
The West Park tollway. You bigshots are backed up from just outside
Highway six loose about seven minutes.There are more breaks at Fondering and two
eighty eight toll lanes if you canafford them. They're okay for now.
The main lanes are crammed up nowfrom the Beltway up to the south Loop
six ten. I'm sky Mike fromthe Generator Supercenter dot Com Traffic Center.
While you're there, can you askthem if I get a refund for being
stuck in traffic for over ari yesterday? The heart Sorry about yesterday. From
our KTRH General super Center twenty fourour weather center. Chances scared morning storm
more widespread for the afternoon. That'spretty much the same forecast today, tomorrow
and Friday. Looks like mid deepereighty's all three days. Temperature right now
seventy one at your official severe weatherstation, news Radio seven forty KTRH.
It's time to get you caught upon our top story. So here share
seven fifty two on news Radio sevenforty KTRHR. Headlines are sponsored by D
and M Auto Leasing. Thousands ofCenter Point customers in the dark again this
morning after yesterday's storm. Joe Bidencampaigning in Pennsylvania again. He's been there,
what eight or nine times? He'sdoing it today. Major League Baseball
now will fully recognize stats from theso called negro leads, which means records
like ty cops point three to sixtysix career batting average will now be second
all time, wow, behind JoshGibson's point three seven to two. All
Right, Latest news anytime at KGRHdot com. Our next update is at
the top of the hour. Lifeit's stop and go. Well, just
go talk, keep up with oursteady flow of updates to continue onward ride
with News Radio seven KTRH. Youbetter hurry with that message. You got
a messaging problem. James Carville complainingabout that again yesterday. Here he is
with some reaction from Greg Gutfeld.We keep wondering why these young people aren't
coming home to the Democrats, whichis why blacks are not coming home to
the Democrats, because democratic messaging isfully That's why, and why are we
forgiven student loans for people that goto Harvard, which, according to Scott
Galloway quite accurately, accurately, isnothing but a hedge fund that has classrooms.
Well, they got a fifty twobillion dollar purpose. Why are a
taxpayer is going to bay a lease? People out? Grandma Clampett has a
point. He represents the second halfof the equation, screaming at the first
half, the part where the Demsgo, you know, don't you don't
vote for Trump? Well, thesecond part of the equation is what have
you got instead? So basically whathe's screaming at the party is saying,
you are not telling people what youare going to offer. You're just saying,
don't vote for that guy that's notworking. You know what he is.
He's like a therapist who's had enoughof his patient, right, you
know, the patient comes in foran hour and just complains. That's a
democratic party. They're just complaining,complaining, complaining, but they keep doing
the same thing. So he's basicallygoing, like what people are gonna go,
like what you They don't want fourmore years of Biden. So you're
saying, don't vote for Trump,but why aren't you telling us what you're
going to do? And then meanwhilethe Dams are feeling all this bleakness and
fear in their own lives, whichis directly caused by the leakness in fear.
They've been predicting if Trump wins,they've essentially brainwashed themselves. They again,
they got high on their own stash, and you know, they're just
gonna get more of the same.That's why they're not gonna vote Democrats.
He's saying, you got to sellthem shouting Trump. Oh my god,
Trump is not working. It's notworking. People aren't buying that anymore.
You gotta have a positive message,whatever that message is. They don't have
one. Everything they've done is whatthey're going to take away from you,
not what they're gonna give you,other than student loan relief. I guess
it's been going on forever. Yeah, like heard it already, been there,
done that. Yeah, what elseyou got? All I know is
were you better off? I was? Did Trump? I think we all
were, and I think we allunderstand that. Yeah, all have a
great day. We'll see you tomorrowmorning, bright nearly five. I'll see
you this afternoon at four on AMnine fifty KPRC.