Episode Transcript
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Two days. Michael Berry's show issponsored by the TV Test Pattern. You
know, kids today have no ideawhat we endured at their age. My
kids were dumbfounded when I told themthat television programming wasn't always twenty four to
seven. No. Television programming wouldend for the day, usually around one
thirty in the morning. That's whenthe TV test pattern came on until the
next day of business. But thetest pattern wasn't just a placeholder until the
new day started. No, itserved a purpose for both the television station
and the viewer. Test cards usuallycontain a set of patterns to enable television
cameras and receivers to be adjusted toshow the picture correctly. For example,
they have gratings for resolution testing,grids to assist with picture geometry adjustments,
and grayscale for brightness and contrast adjustments. Rather than physical test cards, which
had to be televised using a camera, television stations often us a special purpose
camera tube. This tube had thetest pattern painted on the inside screen.
Each tube was only capable of generatingone test image, hence it was called
monoscope. Most recent test cards includea set of calibrated color bars that will
produce a characteristic pattern of dot landingson a vectorscope, allowing chroma intent to
be precisely adjusted between generations of videotapeor network feeds. You know, when
we were growing up, you knewyou were up late as a kid when
you were watching TV and a pictureof an American flag would come on and
the national anthem would be played.But not all stations played the anthem,
No, sir, some of themplayed America. They're beautiful by Ray Charles.
That's a good way to start theday. I really enjoyed reading your
responses yesterday throughout the course of theday, and they've continued to come in
till late endo the night from somany of you who were poor students but
found success in life, and talkingabout how the fact that you did not
perform well within the constraints of thetraditional educational system and yet went on to
incredible success in your realm of studyperformance as mothers and fathers and business owners
and inventors and warriors and pastors.And I think it ran the gamut and
it simply affirms what I knew tobe true. But it was delightful to
read the stories and have people tellme and then look down at the bottom
and see that the person is thepresident of this or that oil and gas
company, or technology company, ormedical facility or any number of other things.
It made me very happy, veryhappy, indeed, to see that.
So the House of Representatives, theRepublicans in the State House, I
will read you the tweet that SteveToath put up this morning and it said
State Reps Brian Harrison, Tenderholt NateChat's line and I that's toth? Is
it tooth or toth? I've neverasked Chance McLean and he told me,
and I always get a confused,we're just censured by the Republican caucus of
the State House. What were wecensured for for campaigning with Greg Abbott,
Dan Patrick, Ted Cruz and KenPaxston against liberal Republican incumbents. We will
not surrender our voice. We're inthe midst and you know this because many
of you showed up and voted inour primaries and our primary runoffs, and
no Drunk Daid wasn't defeated. ButI'm hearing that the folks who sort of
kept Drunk Daid in office, whichwas Texans for Lawsuit Reform, are moving
On. I've not heard this directlyfrom them, and I know some of
those folks pretty well. I don'tknow that I would be the first person
they would tell. But if Texansfor Lawsuit Reform decides that they're done with
drunk Daid as the speaker, thenDrunk Daid is done as the speaker.
The problem for Drunk Daid is hehas to have every Democrat on his side
to vote for him in order towin, and now there are too many.
It could be well over forty Republicans, which is the majority of the
Republican caucus who refused to vote forhim for speaker. Now he could still
get elected, but that's going tolook very very ugly to the Bass,
and it's going to further alienate theBass. It's bad enough that all these
people supporting Nicki Haley and the Republicanproduct. At some point, we've got
to bring the party back together.And that means Trunk Days How to Go
Berry Shop. Ramon plays music inthe studio in the mornings before the show
while we're getting ready because he's testingdifferent audio sources and volumes and streams and
all these sorts of things. Andtoday he has been on an Old Beg's
Kick, and I am here forit. I love it. I usually
don't comment on the music. I'mjust sitting and listening to it while I'm
working, and it's kind of thesoundtrack of what we're doing. And I
can hear that he's adjusting things andall that, but I don't know.
I never know where it's going tocome from. But today was Old Begi's
and I absolutely love it. Ireceived an email from a fellow named Larry.
Don't know that I know him,but he says, zar and there's
a picture of a newborn with aparent's hand over it, and the newborn
is just squawking away as they do. This is my good friend's newborn,
Damien Servera. He was born viaC section a few hours ago at Methodist
on Itent. Kudos to the doctorsat Methodists for another job well done.
Damien is a healthy nine pounder andhe's about twenty five inches long. My
heart is filled with joy for multiplereasons, mainly because my offer to bring
them waterburger at the hospital was partof the birthing plan. You know,
when you see a picture of oryou're around a newborn baby, it really
is invigorating. And exhilarating, andnot to make this political, but it's
real. It's not just political,it's cultural. There is a cult of
death on the left, and youhave to understand. You have to bring
that baby into this conversation to understandwhat we're talking about. If you can
look at that baby and not seethe true miracle of life in the eyes
of God looking down upon you,if you can manage to avoid all of
that, God help you, becauseyou are hollow and dead. And so
be it. Brenda Grimsley, whoalways comes on our Marlago trips and our
Aspen trips, says Zar. Itis a long o as in Toath.
It is Steve Toath. I hadhis daughter in my high school debate club
back in two thousand and seven.Is pronounced with a long oh. Brenda
Grimsley, all right, so wewere somehow we're putting out an all points
bulletin for Steve Toath. I've calledBrett Legaan, the district attorney. I
do not know the new sheriff.Some of you have really enjoyed that I
supported Rand Henderson instead of Wesley Doolittlein the sheriff's race. As if somehow
now you look at me. Ican't move around Montgomery County because I got
the race wrong. Look, Ihave nothing ill to say of Wesley Doolittle.
I don't know the man. Isupported the person who I had worked
well with and thought was doing agood job. The voters went with Wesley
Doolittle. I respect the process.You know, many people struggle to understand
that you can have two good candidatesin a race. You can. You
can have two good candidates and outof those two good candidates, one of
them is going to win. Idon't necessarily have to say the other guy
is a bad guy if I'm supportingthis or that person. I had one
woman who was a due little supporter, and I think she might have been
kind of high up in the campaign. I'm betting he would not have wanted
her to do this because it didnot reflect well on him. But she
would send me the nastiest messages thatI was just the devil incarnate for not
supporting the candidate she was supporting.Lady, I've been involved with campaigns for
thirty five years. This ain't myfirst nor last. If you're going to
take it this personally, you mightbe out of your depth, because that's
the way this works. Competition isa good thing. And hey, the
voters of Montgomery County chose a newsheriff. It's the Montgomery County residents who
get to choose these things, andthat's who they chose. Texas Ranger Wesley
Doolittle. Period into the story,I had a lot of friends who were
do Little supporters, who knew Doolittle, who had history would do Little.
I had already supported Ran Henderson,and I do not regret that decision.
He was somebody that we had workedwith on several projects, had a great
relationship with the District Attorney, hadalso endorsed him. All the people that
I trusted in Montgomery County that sharedmy view, So so be it.
The voters of Montgomery County had somethingelse to say, and I absolutely respect
it. Will I eventually meet upwith Wesley Doolittle if he's open to that.
Absolutely. We do a lot ofWe do a lot of things in
Montgomery County and we want to havegood relations with every elected official there,
and we do the County Judge,the commissioners, the County Judge's chief of
staff, who I think is justsmart as a whip and very able,
the commissioners, the constables, allof them don't know the sheriff yet.
We'll get to we'll get to that. Sorry, I'm reading something, Ramon,
Senate. We'll get to meeting WESLEYE. Doolitttle if he's open to it,
at some point or another, andI will look forward to that.
In the meantime, Henderson's people arestill in place, so we have put
out on all points bulletin with theMontgomery County Sheriff's Department for Steve Toast.
We don't know if he's at awaffle house. We don't know. Ramon,
where would you you take? Youthink toasts the waffle house? He
kind of strikes me as more ofa water burger taquito guy. A Mexican
restaurant? What would he be ordering? What would Tooth order at a Mexican
restaurant? Manchicaa? What Barbarica forbreakfast? What kind of weirdo do you
think he is? Who orders BarbaraCoA for breakfast? I wonder what the
best? Now there's a question,I wonder what the don't call just email
me what is the best breakfast?Text mechs in Montgomery County. You know
the problem? I was just talkingto somebody the other day. Lyle Lovett
has a great line about you don'teat text Mex north of Dallas or east
of Bluffkin. I forget the exactline. Some of you know it.
There's a meme of it, andit makes its way around and it's such
a great line and it's so perfectlyLyle love it. But one of the
things in Russell Lebar and I werejust talking my this other day. One
of the great frustrations of the benefitof living in Houston is that I like
to eat text mechs a lot,and when you leave Texas, you can't
get decent text Max. And I'mgoing to tell you this. We've been
on hunting trips down to South Texas. This happened to me a couple of
years ago. In fact, Iwas on a border trip with Ted Cruz
a couple of years ago and wejj Isbell and I broke off. He's
from Pasadena, he knows his textMex. We broke off on our own
because it was this long briefing.I can only be around political stuff for
so long because he just drags onand on and on. And there was
this long briefing with the media,and we'd already had our briefing with the
border Patrol. I didn't need tosit through that boring stuff again, so
I said, let's go eat.So we go into I remember it was
Harlingen, maybe Reynosa, McCallen,Edinburgh, I can't remember. It was
one of the towns there. Ithink it was Harlingen, and you would
have expected it, being South Texas, it would be good text mex And
I remember we go on the fatherSon hunt bird trip for years there and
there's just no good text mex.There is what they call Mexican, which
is more Mexican interior, and that'snot text mex. You don't have any
cheeses. It's a lot more dry, it's a lot less delicious. A
lot of the things that we reallyenjoy about text Mex or that I do,
are noticeably absent. Do you knowwhat Steve Toat drives. We're gonna
put out We're gonna put out aAPB. You have his license plate,
ramon figure, I forget he drivesa white. They're all Duncans, and
you know Duncan means yo yo yo. To my knowledge, this is the
only song because the Beaches wrote alltheir stuff and they wrote this song.
So my knowledge, this is theonly song that anyone covered better than the
original, and that was of courseConway's version. Well, we have a
call in to Wesley Doolittle to welcomehim through the program. Hopefully he will
accept our humble and gracious overture ifyou know the sheriff, and would ask
him to call us seven one threenine one thousand. We look forward.
We hope to a long and fruitfulrelationship. He won. He's the sheriff
and we're here to help. ButSheriff Rand Henderson, who is the outgoing
sheriff, as his last act assheriff, we put in the all Points
bulletin and he personally tracked down SteveToathe, who is our guest representative.
Is it how did you decide togo with total instead of toth? What
what was that process? So it'sbeen it's it's it's uh, you can't
swing up Bratton Budapest hungry and nothit a toad and it's crowns. Toads
like to ot over there. Butit's a common angle saxonized here in America.
Is that where the family is from, That's where that's where that's where.
Hello, Yeah, yeah it is. It's Budapest, Hungry. I
had a bad connection on you,my my oldest son, Michael. What's
that? Oh you Okay, wehad a bad connection on him. Michael
t is in Budapest right now,oddly enough, on a little uh on
a little europe tour after graduation,before he starts college. We'll get Steve
Toath back on. So when Isay this, I want to be very
clear. The reason we're talking toSteve Tooth is that he and three other
state reps were censured by the RepublicanCaucus yesterday. And that is a sort
of you know, Nana, Nona, boo boo, you're a bad guy,
we don't like you, scarlet lettersort of thing. And I know
that all of the parties involved listento this show, and if they're not
listening live, they get reports.I know that for a fact. So
I'm going to say this, andI'm going to say this in the most
gracious way I can and most diplomaticway I can possibly say, because I'm
not trying to be provocative or entertaining. I'm trying to be serious, which
occasionally I do. We have gotto stop the nonsense. We have got
to stop the nonsense of attacking thegrassroots because that's what's happened that the Dade
Feeling speakership. This isn't about theelection to unseat Dade Feeling. This is
about what has happened in Austin.And I'm going to tell you in as
pure terms as I possibly can,this is not advocacy. This is this
is not an attempt to persuade.These are facts. Dade Feeling was engaged
in giving Democrats a very large shareof the governance of the state House of
Representatives against Dan Patrick and the stateSenate and Greg Abbott and the state and
the state's governor the executive. Whatthey were doing was contrary to what grass
roots Republicans and Texans want and havevoted for again and again and again.
Now a lot of people don't knowthis because what goes on just as it
does in Washington, d C.Except there's less coverage in Austin. What
goes on behind closed doors, whatgoes on in late night legislative sessions is
hard for the layman who's a welderor a construction worker or a school teacher
to follow. You would have tobe there to realize that the parliamentary procedures
and the games that are played tokill a bill that's popular without having to
vote against it by killing it incalendars so it never makes it on the
floor. Then what happened was theHouse of Representatives was fighting against every initiative
that Dan Patrick and Greg Abbott wereadvocating, which were very popular initiatives because
the voters wanted them, in manycases seventy five percent of voters. What
Dade was doing was working against becauseDade had two masters, and he was
in a real pickle. One ofhis masters is the wealthy Republican donor class
that has made peace with the Democratsand John Arnold and all of that,
okay, and the criminal justice reformand all that. So they're bringing to
bear all of their weight and money. And these have been the big boys.
And I've said it before and I'llsay it again. We owe a
great debt of gratitude to these peoplewho started with whose successes started in the
nineties and continued for over twenty years, and brought us lawsuit reform, MEDMOU
reform, business regulation reform, andthey led to a lot of our prosperity
and doctors coming back. Those folkshave chosen the wrong side. And those
folks have now declared war on thegrassroots and they're going to destroy our party.
And they're heard themselves as well.Their war with Ken Paxton needs to
end, and it needs to endnow for the sake of the stage period.
End of story. And they knowwho they are, and they're great
men, and many of them,the mentors, are mine. But it's
got a style. Talk to SteveTost, I've got nothing going on down
there, probably, And I thinkit was Thursday we spoke to Jacques van
Gouli, who is the Dutchman whowas hosting who owns backstage auctions, and
he was hosting an online auction thatwent through the weekend of Alex van Halen's
stuff, and there was some prettycool stuff. And I don't know if
I'm allowed to disclose what some ofthose items fetched or if that is private
information, so I won't, butI will tell you because I don't think
this is a surprise to anybody.You could buy any automobile that you have
craved that off the assembly line now, other than maybe a couple of the
highest end rare addition Italian cars forless than some of these items went for.
The whole memorabilia business is incredible tome. My friend Kenny Duncan Junr,
who owns US Coins on Iten inaddition to being the largest buyer and
seller of gold, silver, preciousmetals, those sorts of things, he
also expanded because he has a passionfor it into memorabilia. And when Kenny
does something, he does something.So he signed Rick Flair, he signed
Pete Rose, he signed Mike Tyson. Was that yeah, Mike Tyson And
so now he's got them signing thingsand doing events and he was in New
York at some event and they hadhe sent me a picture of the line
down the street for an event he'shosting. This Houston guy is going to
New York and doing these sorts ofthings. It's incredible. If you go
over there to US Coins and yousee the memorabilia that that that whole industry,
the guys that did the cards,and now Kenny's gotten into cards.
Rare baseball cards has been for along time a big deal. Anyway,
we had located Steve Toath after anAll Points bulletin was put out. It
turns out he has a black ChevyTahoe. They were able to pull him
over. He wasn't in any trouble, but we have located him and then
and then his phone. So areyou okay? Yeah? I don't know.
Technology is great till it isn't well, because we didn't know where you
were and nobody could get a holdof you, and we thought you were
at a Textmax restaurant. I lookedup cinsure because it said you were censured
by your peers express severe disapproval ofsomething or someone, especially in a formal
statement. But that doesn't mean youwere locked away or anything, does it.
No, sir, No, sir, okay, clear your throat twice.
If you're in danger. We areclearly not in danger. We're in
silly. This is silly season forthe Republican Party. They have spent a
million dollars over the past four yearstrying to take me out. They spend
a half million dollars in this lastprimary election cycle trying to take me out.
But Michael, I'm supposed to justsit there and take it. I'm
not supposed to say anything. I'mjust supposed to sit there like a good
little boy, keep my mouth shut. While Karl rove in the Associated Republicans
of Texas tries to take out everyConservative, so I should just sit back
and keep my mouth shut. AndI'm not going to do it. Neither
neither of Tony, neither's Brian,neither's Nate. And we've got about twenty
plus Republicans coming in that have replacedthese rhinos, and they're not going to
keep their mouth shut either. SoI'm going to go to a tweet I
saw that you put up give mejust a moment, because I thought I
thought it was a very succinct andpersuasive presentation in a short tweet, and
it said this representatives Brian Harrison,Tony Tenderholt, Nate shottsline and I that's
Steve Toath. We're just censured bythe Republican Caucus. Four. Here's the
crime. Campaigning alongside Greg Abbott,Dan Patrick, Ted Cruz, and Ken
Paxton against liberal Republican incumbents. Wewill not surrender our voice, not now,
not in the future. I don'tknow who came up with this clever
line that y'all gave a couple ofdays ago, but I must say a
tip of the hat because this wasthe sort of thing I used to pride
myself in this is a very JohnKennedy, Republican senator from Louisiana, you
know, having a bonemont read todrop in at a moment like that,
and it was we regret that wehave but one Republican Caucus membership to give
for our state. I thought thatwas very clever. Whoever did that a
pat on the back for that,Brian. Brian thought it was. I
thought it was he's sending me messagesas we speak. Yeah, he's uh,
he's pretty good. I gotta say, uh, he's pretty good.
Early. So did did they dothey meet to? I mean, how
does this come about? Do theyhave a zoom call They're like, hey,
let's shred the party in half?No, So what what ended up
happening was the vast majority of theseknuckleheads that are being voted out are butt
hurt right now, and they wantedthey wanted, they wanted us kicked out
of the caucus. And to TomOliverson's credit, he fought them off to
keep us from being kicked out ofthe caucus. And they just turn it
into a censure and so it's justit's just insane. So it was basically
it was it was three members ofHouse leadership that were holding off the entire
rest of the caucus. Who theywant us kicked out? Tom Oliverson is
the leader of it, and itwas kind of a double negative. Oliverson
was doing a good thing. Whoelse? Shelby Slawson? And that's really
it, those those two And they'reright now there, so is Tom.
So is Oliverson. Yes, Andthey've come out publicly against Daid. They
want to remove they want him tostep down. So I'm thankful that we've
got House leadership that's willing to comeout and challenge that jerk. What would
be what would be the actual practicaleffects to being kicked out of the caucus?
Just like you can't you don't getfree coffee? Like, what what
would happen? Nothing? I mean, it's so stupid, right. Alls
we would do is form our owncaucus, which we're fine, and Tom
said, hey, go ahead anddo that. You kick them out of
the caucus. What they'll do isthey'll form their own caucus, which will
be about thirty to forty people,and then you'll have a Rhino caucus and
a conservative caucus. Guess which oney'all will be in Steve. Steve,
you are the most Texan Texan I'veever met who wasn't born in Texas.
Where were you born? I wasborn in New York, fifty miles north
of John Will you promise me you'llnever say owls again? As in alls?
They did? Was because that onethat's red flag, that's the Yankee
term right there. We just gotto eliminate that. We got to replace
that with a y'all and drop someg's at the end of our sentences.
Steve, we're going to have abreak here in just a moment, but
I want to talk on a seriousnote, not about the campaigns, not
about the politics. We've got tofix this rift that just happened and how
we do that coming up