Episode Transcript
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The Michael Berry Show. It isopen Line Friday, and we will open
the lines. But before we dothat, I want to lay out my
approach, and that is, thisis not Question and Answer hour. Everyone
has a lot of questions. Thereare uncertainties. We have entered into a
realm of uncertainty, and that's wherethe anxiety comes. For instance, someone
says, I'm so stressed out?What do we do? Is Trump going
to win in November? There arepeople who will say, yes, Trump
is going to win. I can'tdo that. That's not my personality.
I'm not going to say something thatI don't know to be true. Is
Trump going to win in November ifhe gets more votes, more electoral votes?
Is that going to happen if peopleshow up to vote and if they
don't cheat. So if the questionis, Michael, can we do it?
I don't. The answer is goingto be I don't know. This
is an opportunity to share your perspectives, and I want to be clear on
that because many people do that andI don't do it. And that's why
I don't typically do breaking news onthe air. I talk about things and
provide analysis. I don't do predictions. For a reason. I want you
to be able to trust what Isay, not because it's what I happen
to think. All right, fulllines are open seven to one three nine
nine nine one thousand, seven onethree nine one thousand and to get us
started as we always do, courtesyof the greatest executive producer and all the
land CHATTACONI NUMBERNISI you're a weekend move. That's why it's true favorite hymn Stacy
Jerusalem the Golden. Okay, giveus a little bit of that Jerusalem the
Golden with milk and honey, blessbeneath your contemplations, think heart and voice
oppress. You shouldn't come because ourhours are so much better. We're the
super Bowl champion of I'm serious,ours are just glorious. Once upon a
time, a few dollars could purchasea quick meal at a fast food restaurant.
I think people should be able toeat good food without spending much money.
But these days, grabbing a burgerand fries takes a much bigger bite
out of your wallet. Long goneon the days of the five dollars foot
long going viral. The big macmeal priced at eighteen dollars at a Connecticut
rest stop. This is a paradigmshift from my childhood. It was a
food you could eat away from homethat was considerably less expensive than sitting down
at a restaurant, and that wasa huge appeal. One ninety year old
veteran in Metai is still pushing shoppingcars at whind Dixie and in record high
temperatures. When she saw him workingin the heat, she launched a gofund
me totaling over two hundred thousand dollars. When I get the seed of money,
you gotta figure that fella. Henot buying his bananas green and he's
thinking two hundred thousand dollars. It'stwo hundred million dollars to him. How
long for y'all and give it tohim? Well, we want to wait.
I take it now. I'm alofe some lottery winner. Don't pay
me out over time. I don'thave time. And I'm a keyboard warrior.
You know, your typical basement dwelling, resentful keyboard warrior. People get
behind the keyboard and they start sayingthings that they would never say to you
to your face. If you lightme up in an email, especially with
insults, you're gonna get it back. This is the Michael Berry Show show
feeling. I do not think Trumpwill end up jailed because of the appellate
process, but I am minded ofwhat happened when Stephen F. Austin went
to Mexico City to plead for Tahasto separate from Coalhuela, and they threw
him in jail. When Stephen F. Austin finally returned to Tahas, well,
you know what happened. Then tothe phone lines we go. We
will start with Jean. Jean,you're on the Michael Berry Show. Welcome
to the program, Sir, You'rethe first call of the week. Be
excellent, Good morning, Barry.Yes, sir. I wanted to say,
everybody's hurt, everybody's upset, everybody'smad. I won't hurt than anything
else. And what I mean bythat, we're losing our country, Mike.
We are losing our country right herebefore our red eyes. And if
we don't and we don't step inthe booth on the Member of the fifth
by about one hundred and fifty millionof us and turn this thing around,
it's all for us, for us, our kids, our grandkids. It's
over. We got to stop sittingon our hands. We got to get
up, we got to move whateverwe have to do. I'm not talking
about violence. I'm talking about wehave to stand up and make the stand
for our country. We live inthe most blessed, awesome country ever,
and this leftist, idiot, idiotpresident that we have is trying to destroy
it, and he's going to destroyit if we as a people don't put
us troup to it. Amen.Amen, Sirs, it's sad, Mike,
it's sad. It is Nick.You're on the Michael Berry Show.
Go ahead, sir, Hey,Michael, your insturmountable times and bad things
that are happening all the time.I always go deeper and deeper my faith,
which I'm very faithful person, andI think right now people don't have
faith when things are happening and wecan't control. I know we can control
things November fifth, and hopefully wedo, and I pray that we do.
But people don't have faith. That'sa great time to reach to it,
because when you start digging into yourfaith and your and your beliefs in
God and Christ and things kind ofare a little bit easier to uh to
swallow. At times, I couldnot agree more. I could not agree
more. I would expect the churchesto be full this Sunday. I would
expect that, Oh yeah, sir, because when you put your faith in
Man, it is misplaced and itwill disappoint. And I think a lot
of people at a moment like thiswill begin to seek solace in other place.
I do not mean by that thatwe simply pray and don't act,
that we do not do everything inour power. Yesterday wasn't the moment we
lost our country for anyone who thinksit was. The bringing of the case
was not the moment. The bringingof the case in Fulton County, Atlanta
wasn't the moment. Raid on marA Lago wasn't the moment. The persecution
of January sixth was not the moment. The Jack Smith prosecution in DC was
not the moment. The first impeachmentof Trump for nothing was not the moment,
nor the second. The over twoyear investigation by Mueller was not the
moment. The stealing of the electionin twenty twenty wasn't the moment. The
riots after George Floyd was not themoment. We could go on and on
and on. This is this isa slow and steady slide. It is
frustrating, but you know, addictslearn that they have to hit rock bottom
before they're ready to fix their problemand admit their problem. I got an
email from a fellow named Joe thismorning in Kingwood who writes, I think
quite accurately, Zara, I knowthat you are a huge and longtime admirer
of Rush Limbaugh. As am I. One of Russia's thirty five undeniable truths
of life is number six. Oursis a world governed by the aggressive use
of force. I agree with youone hundred percent that the Democrats will continue
their treachery until we stop them.They impeach Trump twice for absolutely nothing.
House Republicans should impeach Biden at leastfour times for failing to uphold the Constitutional
oath, failing to enforce the law, and committing numerous crimes. I also
agree with you that Ken Paxton isthe best state attorney general in the country.
Paxton should immediately indict and try Bidenfor violating Texas law. Other Red
states attorneys general should do likewise.Again, I agree with you, then,
until the Democrats pay a price fortheir treachery, they will continue.
As Rush often stated, the aggressorsets the rule. Very good email,
Joe, very good email, indeedless political. But Bert writes, severe
weather. These multiple weeks and daysof severe weather are fantastic for old men
who like to talk about the weather. Makes me miss my grandpa. Hell,
I'm fifty one in talking about theweather. That's our own, Bert
Harvey. Andy, you're on theMichael Berry Show. Welcome to the program
sir, take it away, Michael, Thank you, sorry, thank you
for taking my column. Oh boy, this is loaded. Okay, good,
all right, listen to a geneone. He called in. And
I spent twenty one years as aNavy seal, and then I spent twenty
years in the petroleum industry. I'mone hundred percent and disabled as our most
all of my teammates. And I'mnot upset, I'm not angry. I'm
straight up pissed off. I donot know what I just witnessed yesterday,
and I was hoping maybe you couldhave helped me out. Andy. I
would like to tell you that whatyou're feeling is not accurate, that it
is misplaced, but I cannot dothat. What you witnessed yesterday was the
manifestation of the rot in this country. What you witnessed yesterday was the taking
of a certain flag, not thewinning of a war, but yet another
battle in their march to take downthis country, a multi decade march.
What you witnessed yesterday was the longtime decline of our media, our schools,
our family, our political institutions,the Republican Party character, conviction,
strength. What you witnessed yesterday wassimply a manifestation of a lot of things.
They've been threatening to assassinate Trump fora long time. Let's remember that
Kathy Griffin was photographed with a severedhead of Donald Trump, holding it with
blood dripping. Can you imagine allof these are steps in their march.
Thank you for your service, brother, I feel your pain. I really
do. Michael Berry. Closer tohome, at least for our Houston folks.
Another intense cell this morning. Itwas described to me as it's stretching
from Scyphair to Kingwood and it sweptwest to east, easing an intensity the
closer it got to the coast.So it's unclear whether downtown in the Inner
Loop got pounded. There was highwinds, branches down, maybe three or
four inches of rain in an hourat five am. It was beautiful,
sort of the calm before the storm. It was comfortable and pleasant until it
wasn't, as from an amateur meteorologistlistener who shared that so if something in
that is a little off. Ireceived an email from a listener this morning
who is a friend and I knowhim and I know his mother, and
he said, I was on mywalk this morning before the deluge, the
deluge, and my mom called.His mom is widowed, and he makes
time to talk to her because it'simportant. We made small talk for a
while. She's excited about her upcomingtrip to Virginia with her best friend Karen.
To look at her or something,which means like a guy, you
know guys how this is, whichmeans she was talking about something he didn't
care about, so he kind oftuned it out. We all do it.
She asked how Pennsylvania was. Hejust got back from Pennsylvania. It
was good. It was good.She asked how Michael was. He's good,
He's good. Then she got aroundto the to the Trump trial quote.
I'm not watching one more second oftelevision, not local, not national,
none of it. It's like theyjust want me to be terrified and
stressed. I'm only listening to Michael. He's gonna tell me the same stuff,
but not in a way that makesme scared. And plus he'll talk
about funny stuff and make people uncomfortable. I can read this point by asking
how much money they make who myfriend said, I swear this is true.
She said this to the word.And I think there are lots of
my moms out there. Some ofthem are thirty five and some of them
are seventy five. But there area lot of people out there who don't
need to be further fright. Iwant you to understand that running around and
screaming I'm nervous, I'm stressed,I'm angry, I don't know what to
do does not make you a bettercitizen. It does not make you a
bigger part of the solution. I'venot been in war, but I've talked
to men who have, and onething you learn is that a great warrior
is calm in the face of dangerand adversity. I think one of the
greatest gifts rush Limbaugh gave us,of all the talents that he used on
a loan from God, one ofthe greatest gifts he gave us was navigating
us through treacherous storms as a calmhand at the helm. That's what I
want to be. I don't needto frighten you how bad things are.
You know, they're not just badfor Donald Trump. They're bad in your
schools, they're bad in your workplace. But one thing I hope I can
contribute is the understanding is that thesearen't particles in the air. They're not
a weather system, they're not anaturally occurring phenomenon that cannot be affected.
They are people, aggressive people withagendas, and you cannot rely on those
people to stop their onward march.Yesterday emboldened them. They're not ashamed.
Yesterday told them they can get awaywith it and there won't be riots.
There won't be mass violence, beno consequences to them. Personally. They
are delighted and there shouldn't be riots. We don't riot. They're thugs,
We're not. We don't riot,we don't burn things down, but we
do, in a measured, strategicway, take action. And the question
is going to be do we dothat? And I think we will.
I do think we will. Iam hopeful. I'm not naive. I'm
hopeful. To the phone lines wego. Let's go to Jeff. You're
on the Michael Berry Show. Sir, go ahead, Jeff. Thank you
very much. Michael, yep,yeah, I hear you. Go ahead.
Thank you very much for your show. Man. I spent a lot
of time in Vietnam, and I'vedone a lot of things I wouldn't proud
of. But let me tell youthis morning, they wash my sins away
said, I'm proud. Sorry forbeing so emotional, but the song every
Friday morning is uplifting and it shouldbe to everybody. Thank you. I'll
let you get on with your show. Thank you, Jeff, Thank you
for sharing. You know, thereason meetings are important to people, whether
it's AA or grief meetings or thereason these things are important is because it
tells people, It shows you,It reminds you, It comforts you that
you are not alone. And ata moment like this, the power of
the of the talk radio format is, and it's as comforting for me as
it is for you, is knowingthat no matter what, I'm not the
only one who feels the way Ifeel. I am not the only one
sad for my country. I'm notthe only one hurt. Because I believe
in truth and justice and fairness.I'm not the only one thinking that,
no matter what anybody thinks of DonaldTrump, we should never put a president
through what they've done. Even hisworst enemy should be willing to say that.
Seven one three nine nine nine onethousand. Seven one three nine nine
nine one thousand. I'm just sittinghere listening to Michael Berry, our creative
director, Jim Mudd, sitting infor the first hour of the show today
and perhaps longer. Ramon Robeless ison daddy duty. He is, It's
not really duty. He is delightedto be there. He is at his
youngest son, Oliver's kindergarten graduation,and this is not to be missed.
So he asked if he could beout for the first hour of today's show.
Our team never missed his work.I've never seen anything like it.
Our team, they never call insect, they never have some personal day.
They work their schedules around what wedo. And there's an incredible commitment not
just to me but to our showand you. I mean it. I
don't want to get too sappy aboutit, but I've never seen anything like
it in all my years. ChadKnockanishi hasn't. I don't think he's ever
taken a day off. And I'vetold you the story. His dad passed
and he waited till the show wasover to come in and sit down across
the table from me, which Iknew was a problem, and told me
that his dad had passed in themiddle of the night in a car wreck
in Hawaii. And I said,why didn't you tell me before the show?
And his answer was because I knewyou would be crying. You wouldn't
be able to do the show.I mean, Chad is the rock Ramon.
I mean, just doesn't miss.Jim's only been well has it been,
Jim. Jim's only been with usfor two years. It feels like
longer than that because he just hejust blended right in. But again,
they never asked for time off.They work around, they travel if they're
traveling, they travel when we're noton the air. It's incredible anyway.
So Jim is in and doing agreat job today, and then he will
leave, he works from home andgo back and start building new shows.
September eighteenth, seventeen eighty seven,the last day of the Constitutional Convention.
It's important to go back to thefounding to understand moments like what we're seeing
right now. Our founders expected thesesorts of things. McHenry, who wrote
the History of the Moment, recordsthis quote. A lady asked doctor Franklin.
He's talking about Benjamin Franklin, whowas, without a doubt, the
most respected venerable personage at the convention. He didn't do all the writing.
He was a governor Morris was.I think Ben Franklin was eighty two.
Gouvernor Morris was about that age,eighty two in seventeen eighty seven, was
Matthuselah. You didn't live that long. I could be wrong in eighty two,
but I recall that Ben Franklin wasthe most was the most respected as
being wise and mckenry writes, Alady asked doctor Franklin, Well, doctor,
what have we got? A republicor a monarchy? A republic,
replied the doctor, if you cankeep it. The arc of history bends
toward tyranny. Self governance had notbeen tried in the modern era. It's
a messy business. The idea thatthe people can govern themselves. How do
you keep the majority from imprisoning theminority when they win an election. How
do you peacefully transfer power? Howdo you keep what happened yesterday from happening?
Good men in office? Good men. I use that term loosely.
Ladies, I'm sure you know this. It's a historical term. Good men
and women helping good men and womenget elected to office. Good men and
women reporting on what's going on inthe media. Good men and women serving
in the judiciary. Good men andwomen at home holding those elected officials accountable.
It's not a perfect system. Thearc of history bends toward tyranny.
It's much easier to have an authoritarianstate. You don't have dissent, you
don't have protest, you don't havecriticism. They envisioned exactly what we're seeing
now. But it's not a selfregulating system. There's not there's there's not
a flip that switched, a breakerthat flips that puts this thing back on
track. These are uncharted territory.This is uncharted territory. This is going
to test the metal of this country. Let's go to Jeff on the black
Line. Jeff, you know whatI was thinking about this morning? What
said Mike. By the way,I get a lot of compliments on you
a lot of people. I'm notgonna say you're the Sage of Sunnyside just
yet, but I get a lotof people say, who really appreciate your
optimism? They do? They say, you know, that guy's out delivering
whatever it is, potato chips toCBS, don't correct me, whatever it
is, And yet he has he'salways happy, right, And I have
to tell something interesting I was thinkingabout before we started the show today.
This is the first national division inthe country in a little while that was
not on the basis of race.That's right, Yeah, that's right.
But the shock is not much different. Mike and I think that's what we're
going through. We're shocked at thelevel of descent that we're seeing. I
don't think any of I think we'veall gotten a little comfortable in freedom this
country allows us. That I spentprobably three hours on the phone yesterday with
two good friends of mine only tofinally have this conversation about Trump, to
discover that they were on the sidethat they were, and it hurt.
It hurt, it really did.But I held my ground and I stuck
to the facts and try not toget too emotional about it, and had
to accept the fact that this,This is what freedom allows. It allows
them to have that opinion. Now, this is where we are, Mike.
We got to fight for what wewant. Jeff, hold on right
there and hold right there because we'llget a break. Okay. I think
it was James Leyne Allen, butI'm not positive who said that. Adversity
does not build character, it revealsit. What you just learned is a
revelation brought about by this event,not that someone has changed. Sometimes when
terrible things happen, people reveal apart of them that was lurking there all
along. It just took this momentto reveal it. Your call's coming up.
Seven one three nine nine nine onethousand seven one three, nine,
nine nine one thousand. If youlike the Michael Berry Show and Podcast,
please tell one friend, and ifyou're so inclined, write a nice review
of our podcast. Comments, suggestions, questions, and interest in being a
corporate sponsor and partner can be communicateddirectly to the show at our email address,
Michael at Michael Berryshow dot com,or simply by clicking on our website
Michael Berryshow dot com. The MichaelBerry Show and Podcast is produced by Ramon
Roeblis, the King of Ding.Executive producer is Chad Knakanishi. Jim Mudd
is the creative director. Voices Jingles, Tomfoolery, and Shenanigans are provided by
Chance McLain. Director of Research isSandy Peterson. Emily Bull is our assistant
listener and superfan. Contributions are appreciatedand often incorporated into our production. Where
possible, we give credit. Wherenot, we take all the credit for
ourselves. God bless the memory ofRush Limbaugh. Long live Elvis, be
a simple man like Leonard Skinnard toldyou, and God bless America. Finally,
if you know a veteran suffering fromPTSD, call Camp Hope at eight
seven seven seven one seven PTSD anda combat veteran will answer the phone to
provide free counseling.