All Episodes

May 31, 2024 • 32 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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The Michael Berry Show. Eleven yearsago. Today was the deadliest day in
the history of the Houston Fire Department. Four firefighters died in a terrible tragic
fire on the Southwest Freeway, justsouthwest of Hillcroft, on the south side

of fifty nine. There was alittle rundown hotel called the Southwest Inn,
and four firefighters died that day andone would die later. Captain Matthew Renault,
EO, Robert Bebe, Firefighter RobertGarner, Firefighter Anne Sullivan, and

iron Bill Dowling would hold on fora few more years, further adding to
the legacy of the reason he wascalled Iron Bill, but he too would
succumb to injuries that he received thatday. One of my greatest honors and
fondest memories of the RCC was thatafter the service for those firefighters, the

firefighters asked if they could come tothe RCC and gather. They didn't want
to be around any media, theydidn't want to be around any politicians,
they didn't want any speeches. AndI said absolutely. I said, how
about I don't even bring staff.I'll have Uncle Jerry and two or three
folks to run the taps and fetchyou beers. You can have whatever you

want. And we just gave themthe place and they said, would you
come, and I said, Idon't have to. You can have the
place to yourself. We'd like youto. So I went for about an
hour, but I knew they neededsome time by themselves, and yeah,
yeah. The joy of having theRCC was was to be able to do

things like that, to break therules, to be able to say I
didn't have to ask anybody's permission.Yeah here. It is so a rough
day in the history of the HoustonFire Department. To be clear, let's
go back to Jeff, who isone of my favorite casts, Jeff on
the Black Line. Go ahead,my man, I'm I'm here. What

do you do for a living?Now? Because you chuckled and didn't correct
me because I told you not,What do you do? I drive?
I drive for Walgreens? Still Walgreen. I'm out here in the rain.
It's yeah, yeah, it's comingdown in Baytown and I'm glad you didn't
cut back in any soon. Ihad to jump down in the rain to
close the doors. And where areyou are you delivering at a Walgreens right

now? No? No, no, no, no, I'm picking up
at a place called Palmer Logistics outhere off a Mayor port in town,
big warehouse complex out here. I'mpicking up a back haul that's that's just
gonna go up north that Walgreen's kindof venturing into. But I'd like to

encourage everybody this this thing's far fromover. It really is. It's far
from over. My mind, mymind goes to the fall of Abraham Lincoln,
and I would imagine that the countrywas in a great deal of shock
after that. You know, theguy did such a great thing and ending

slavery, and then it looked likea whole different battle was started. You
know this, we we've we've gotto put our boots to the ground.
I'm I'm I'm going home to putmy Trump shirt on. My flag is
already is always on my porch.My presence is known on my in my

neighborhood. I don't have to goout and say Trump Trump, Trump,
Trump, Trump, because it's mycountry I'm fighting for. That's what my
dad raised us to believe and tounderstand the opportunities. So I'm gonna go
home. I don't have to goto DC, I don't have to go
to Austin. I'm gonna go outto the restaurant, me and the wife

on tomorrow, have our breakfast asusual, do a little bit of laundry,
and I'm gonna put my shirt on. But we've got to again,
Trump, even if you were towin, that's only one part of the
government. That's just the executive branch. We've got those other branches we got
to deal with. And as Isaid, I think once before, we've

got to invest ourselves into looking forand electing men of good report women too.
We this thing is not going torating itself out until we've got good
people, men and women, writingthe laws, enforcing the laws in the

in the House, in the Senate, and so forth, in the DOJ,
FBI. If we decide to keepthose branches in there and so forth,
we got a lot of clean enoughto do. And uh uh,
you know, it feels like maybeLincoln went down yesterday, But that's okay.

We got a it's us. Itwasn't. Lincoln is not the totality
of the fight, just as Trumpisn't. Trump has done a hell of
a job of exposing the rot asyou put it earlier. Now, grab
a broom, grab a mop,grab a saw, grab a hammer,
grab whatever. Fix the schools,fix the neighborhoods, fix the con fix

it all. It's us. It'son us, not just on Trump.
It's all all on us. Solet's get busy, let's show I will
support. Let's get out there andlet them know. You hit us,
but you didn't knock us down.We're still here. Matter of fact,
we're gonna be here in greater numbers. Let your support, Ben, smile,

go out and have breakfast. Mike, you want me to treat you
to breakfast tomorrow, I'll treat youto breakth you know, Jeff, you
and white to breakfast. Yeah,if anyone was doubting Jeff on the black
line is Jeff. You called meMike, which is one thing. But
you did something else that only blackpeople do. And I wonder how many
people notice that you said you weregoing to take your wife for dinner on

tomorrow. White people won't take it, will say on the fifth, or
on the eighth, or on thetwee, but we will drop the d
It's a black thing I noticed yearsago. Little things like that are fascinating
to me. I am not thefan of Abraham Lincoln you are, but
I'll say that for another day.I don't give him credit for ending slavery.
Let me go. I love itWHENNA call thanks The Michael Berry Show

Man seven one, three, nine, nine, one thousand and nine,
one thousand. I have a specialtreat for you every day, Joyce.
The Sage of Sunnyside is about tobless us with the gospel here in just
a moment. But first let's goto the two calls that were on,
and then I'm gonna give Joyce sometime. Chuck, you're on the Michael

Berry Show, Chuck, what sayyou, sir? Sorry, Jim,
I messed up the phones on you. You go ahead, Chuck, you're
up. Hey, Michael, everybodyyou've had on this morning has been just
spot on. Uh, the thething I'm I'm I'm most proud of and

it's hard to be proud right now. But no one said we need to
go burn a city down or something. You know, you spoke on that
and my first thoughts were, weneed to burn something down. Now we're
not them, you know, that'sthe way they do it. And uh,

you know what's the same Jesse thatwas on, Jeff that was on
before yea you know, the drivesof truck. He said it right.
Put your Trump shirt on, showyour support, you know, let let
everybody know who you believe in,because what was done yesterday was done to

all of us. Amen and Amen. I'm glad to know you're out there,
Chuck, I am glad to knowyou're out all. But thank you,
brother. Let's go to Steve Jim. I'm having trouble on my inn
on the phone, so you haveto do it for me. Thank you,
Steve. You're on the Michael BerryShow. Go ahead, sir.
I agree, I'm something the goldtrunk of Michael. How you doing,

Yes, sir, I'm you know, me and my wife were talking this
morning. I'm I'm concerned for ourcountry. I think all your callers this
morning have been spot on, butuh, you know, I'm not sure.
I'm afraid. I guess I shouldsay that we're pass the point of
just voting. I don't know thatvoting is going to be able to get

us out of this. It's we'vewe've crossed the line into the Banana Republic
territory and the powers to be Imean, obviously they want to control the
voting. That's why they cheated inthe last election, and I'm sure other
elections so voting, I'm not sure. Excuse me. We'll get us out

of this, but we need toask ourselves what are we willing to do
to get ourselves out of this?What what we do? What would our
forefathers do? What what our fathersdo who fought in wars to protect this
country and and protect our freedom?What would they do? What are we
going to have to do to getus out of this mess? And that's

my contribution this morning. I thinkthat's very well said. Thank you.
You know, folks that have emailedand called, especially yesterday, they want
some comfort and they they want meto tell them what's going to happen,
and I cannot do that. Peoplewant to know what can I do right

now in the next fifteen minutes beforeI get back to my life, that
can solve all this. We wantimmediate gratification. It's not going to happen.
It's a long and arduous war.It is a it is at this
point a relatively non violent war.Relatively one side is firing shots. But

it is a long and arduous fight. That's that's why we lose, is
because the for the other side,it is religion. For us, it's
a civics lesson and those two don'tmatch. And now, because y'all have
behaved, remember if you would behaveyour mamould, let y'all start for ice
cream on the way home. Becausey'all have behaved, you get a treat.

It is our own, our beloved, the Sage of Sunnyside, Joyce,
welcome, sweetheart, to take you. You know, when the wicked
rule, the people mourn, andyou know this nation is in morning this
morning. But I hope in thisperiod of morning that we wouldn't become angry,

resentful and think about doing evil likethat has been done. And you
know, you can take any situation. I don't care how diary it is.
And that was really diary yesterday,and you can become bitter or better.

So let's make up our minds,and really, people of faith,
make up our minds this morning thatwe're going to become better because of the
situation. We're not going to aresort to burning buildings and blocking freeways like

the evil men do, because we'rebetter than that. And if we're better
than that, let's show this nationthat we are better than the evil that
took place on yesterday. And yousee, this kind of stuff didn't just
happen overnight. This has been goingon for years, and we've been sitting

back doing nothing. If you donothing evil, we'll prevail. But you
know I've been praying. I wakeup in the middle of the night and
I can't sleep, and the firstthing I do is I start praying.
And I have prayed so hard forTrump. And you know, if I

could speak to Trump this morning,I would tell him, pray for those
that despitefully use you. That's noteasy to do, but act as if
because I've got it. Pray forthose that despitefully use you. Because my
God has a way of making yourenemy of your footstool. So my message

to the nation this morning, donot resort to hatred and getting back.
Let's go closer to God because withGod, pace is possible in this situation.
So let's do what's right for thisnation because we are in trouble.

But let in this morning six morningsystem period, let's resort to doing the
right thing that's going to bless thisnation instead of cursing this nation. So
that's my message to the nation thismorning. Michael, as always Joyce as

always wise. Thank you, sweetheart. How many years? How many years
old? Ninety two, ninety one, ninety one, ninety one? That
is wisdom that comes with age.You know, you and I have talked
many times on air and some offabout what you've been through in your life

and the struggles, and they've broughtyou to where you are today. I
mean, and without those struggles.Perhaps that's true. I took all that
pained that I have received in mymarriages. I was in abusive relationships,
but I took all that pain andit was painful, and I turned it

into a ministry. And Michael,if I had a dollar for every thing
that will come through this house tohelp people in this community, I would
be a multi millionare to day.So somebody said, take your pain and
turn it into a blessing, becausethat's what happened in my life. And
I haven't told you. I haven'tready shared all the pain that I suffered.

But I didn't let it make meangry. That pain made me want
to do out in my pain.How many young ladies I've helped and told
them, hey, you don't haveto do what you're doing to take care
of your children. I learned thatthrough all that pain that I went through
with and I used that pain tohelp somebody else. So do that today.

And you know I seased this morning, Michael. I'm not kidding.
I am that piece because I'm dependenton a power I enjoy of talk radio,
The Michael Arry Show. Michael Marry, how you doing. You know
you got a lot of people thatlisten to your program up at the Prison

of State Penitential in Beaumine and Huntsville'sand Gates Fells, or even right here
in has County. They listened atyour high jinks and your shenanigans and things.
And I feel like you don't takeenough time to listen to the defendant
side of the story. And Iwould like to read a poem for you
which I have wrote it. It'scalled not Guilty. I helped my head

high as I drove in my Pontiactill the po pole pulled up and about
give me a heart attack. Comeout, lay on the ground, don't
move, and all that claim Ihad swerve it a buick and off had
flew my wig hat I said,if this car had been drove by episcopagion
or some crack of white trash boywith eminem playing, y'all would have smiled
and waved and drove right on past. No, y'all got nothing better to

do than to harass my black makingme walk a straight line with my hands
out the sides like a taxi inaircraft while y'all live at my thighs.
Who know they alphabet backwards? Ishow as hell, don't y'all feel?
Somebody test was designed by a punk? How you gonna claim I was intoxicated
If you was in the car,y'all don't know nothing of who I am.

You was not at the bar makingme breathing the things? Oh please?
Who would defend me? Sheila Jackson, Lee, a congress ladd except
them McKinley, Your honor, Ibegged this card for mercy. I've been
sitting in jail since midnight on Thursday. Y'all. Flow is nasty. Y'all's
walls is fifty, please, yourhonor. I am so not guilty,

Yes, Lord, And now backto the Michael Berry Program of Ignorance one
thousand. Let's start with Paul.Paul, you are on the Michael Berry

Show. Welcome, sir, peopleon the phone before you, because I
was that angry guy. And uh, but you know what, I'm more
angry because I'm a veteran and howmany hundred thousands of millions of young men
and women we sit to foreign countriesto fight things just like what's going on

right now. I mean, Icould be wrong, but a whole lot
of people have died fighting this kindof stuff. And yeah, I'm I'm
I'm kind of melting. Yeah,I'm glad. I'm glad the Sunnyside Angel
got on the phone before I did. You know, because what you said,

what you said made a whole lotof sears. Well, what you
said made a whole lot of sense. That's a very good point. You
know, the United States has destabilizedregimes around the world, and and a
lot of Americans believe that we didit for democracy. It's such crop that's

that is such crop that that isnot true. In fact, when when
when Egypt finally got democracy? Becausewe assisted in the destabilization through the riot
that appeared to be a grassroots,organic uh protest at Tarira Square, we
lost our ally in Egypt and andand the reasonable stable nation of Egypt and

and democracy replaced it. And democracywas the radical Muslim brotherhood, and that
was not in our interest, andthat was not in the region's interest.
In terms of stability. There area number of occasions where we destabilized regimes

or simply overthrew regimes and put thepeople in that country in far worse shape
than before we started meddling. Andit is often the case that in order
to build part of the propaganda inthis country and the manipulation is to tell
the American people we're out there fightingfor democracy. That's crap. That is

complete and utter crap. There isalways a reason, and it's never democracy,
it's never self governance, it's neverwhat's in the best interest of the
people of that country. Never.And how many of our young men,
with the best of intentions and justpatriotic blood course and through their bodies have

been killed in pursuit of this nonsenseby the same groups, in fact,
some of the same people and theirdescendants who are behind such things as this.
And they're not all Democrats, bythe way, it's important to note
that they're not all democrats. PaulI, thank you for your service,

sir Hunter. You're on the MichaelBerry Show. Go ahead, sir.
Well, well, well, itfeels like we kind of crossed the point
of no return yesterday, at leastno return without a fight. Because the
way I assess what's happened now,if Trump manages to win the election,
we're going to have to fight.If they steal the election, we're going

to have to fight. It feelslike all roads are we need to a
fight at this point. Am Iwrong in my assessment? Jim described you
as a strange dude. I don'tthink you're that strange to have a real
weird voice. Well, you know, some people actually like it, some
people find it rather palatable. Listen, I'm just explaining what's going on.

I mean, I'm being truthful.It's not an insult. Let me.
Can you say what you said again? Because I was trying to figure out
if it was the voice or thecontent that made you strange. Did you
call in about student loans before?Yes? That was me. Oh well
let me tell you. Let meexplain something. Huh. So our phone

system I thought I was so smart. I bought a whole new phone system
when we moved to our studio,and it's a web based phone system,
so that I or if we hirea call screener, which I keep wanting
to do. We could have athird party call screener so that Jim could
work on the show, Chad coulddo the back office, Ramon could be

across the glass, and we wouldhave somebody who could just focus on phone
calls. Well, the way thisworks is if you called in as Hunter
with that phone number, the systemwill automatically populate as Hunter, strange dude
student loans, So Jim didn't evenprobably think you were strange. Hold on
and I'll let you make your point. Folks, I want you to understand

that everything is an opportunity. Ifyou have not sat down with the members
of your family and talked through whathappened last night, why not see what
we're doing a horrible job of issharing and persuading. And I read emails
every day. If somebody, ifa listener who's a hardcore listener, thinks

that I haven't hit a point properly, they don't say, hey, you
may want to consider this. Theygo, yes, stupid idiot, you
did well. You catch more beeswith honey. I don't immediately think wow,
let me contemplate incorporating what that guysays into tonight's presentation. I think
you jack ass, you have zerosocial skills. I'll bet you're hated everywhere

you go. And the fact thatwe both vote for the same political candidates
doesn't make the way you are anybetter. You've never learned to communicate.
You're not persuasive. Therefore, you'regoing to be bitter because you are an
island of one, even though everybodyelse would love the content of your message.

Speaking of the content of your message, Hunter and again, now okay,
yeah, so did you understand whathappened? It auto populated with Hunter
and your phone number and then strangedudes, student loans. That's what Ramon
must have thought, was something youcalled in on student loans about yes,

yes, yes, can we moveon to today? Now? Sure,
I was just trying to explain,all right, So make your point.
I wasn't paying honestly, I wasn'tpaying close enough attention to the content of
what you said, and you deservethat, So go ahead, my man,
Well here, let's go for it. Then. So, in my
assessment with what's happened now and what'sgoing to continue to happen to Donald Trump,

it feels like we're steering towards aninevitable fight because if Donald Trump manages
to win the election, there's goingto be a fight. If they steal
the election from him again, there'sgoing to be a fight. The Democrats
have no intention of backing down.It seems like, it seems like until
they get punt, this isn't gonnaend. I couldn't agree more. That

is the problem. You know,if if someone breaks into your home or
your business and gets away with stealingsomething and they realize that the police never
responded and there are no consequences,it's shocking how often they come back.

Republican elected officials, almost to aperson, there are very few, but
almost to a person, are unwillingto confront the Democrats. There comes a
moment where a guy, let's sayhe's trying to crash into an event and
he doesn't have a ticket. Therecomes a moment where he keeps pushing and
they go you have to stop,and once he gets through a door,

you either have to take him downand physically remove him, or else he
keeps going. There comes a momentwhere there is a physical confrontation. There
has to be something that stops theinertia of the movement of that body.
And if you're unprepared at the beginningof the conversation to do that, and

the other guy knows it. Theyhave no reason to stop. And Republicans
do not want to confront the Democrats. They do not want the fight.
I said it last night and I'llsay it again. I'm sure they're so
angry. I'm sure that the Republicansin Congress are so angry that they're going
to consider holding hearings because the consideringholding hearings will get them a will get

them a press release, and they'llget some coverage. And then the holding
of hearings. Oh and then andthen, good, honest, decent Americans
who served in the wars and raisedthe kids will tune into the hearing because
we're going to get something. Andnothing ever comes of it. The comer
hearings, nothing ever comes of it, and people are people are exhausted.

This is one of the reasons peopledidn't leave New Orleans during Katrina is because
they had been told to flee thecity so many times and spooked because that's
what the local news does. Thatpeople didn't ever believe the flooding would be
that bad. And that's what happenswhen when when when you you you say
these things for so long and don'tanything about it. Hunter, I have

figured out, Hunter, what doyou do for a living? What do
you do for a living? I'ma pool technician. Remember I'm a pool
guy. But you see, Ihave a dream, Michael, someday I
want to be on the radio two. I'm a bit theatric, you see.
I can tell you have a littleof a Ben Shapiro cadence to you.
You know, you would be greatas an old time news reader.

You remember the old You probably notold enough to remember this, but when
you'd go to the movies, youknow, in the forties, they would
give you an update and and theywould tell you, you know, the
news from the from the warfront.You would be great for that. We've
got some news from the front hereon the Eastern Front or more. Yeah,
you're really sign to the Nazis andall that. I don't even think

you the reference to the Nazis iswhat the English would have said, and
you get extra credit for that.You. I don't even think you need
to alter your voice. I thinkyou could just literally just read it.
We can just go for it ina neutral delivery, just come right at
you. We're just gonna give itright to you straight, just like this
when you said some people like yourvoice? Who who would that be?

H? Drunk women? Oh?Really, what do they do? They're
like, they're like, you're soweird and you're short, but I like
your voice. It's just so unique. Oh you're short with that voice.
I'm the pull package you seek.You have a great you know what,

you have a great sense of humorin that you can laugh at yourself and
and that is endearing to anyone,but women love that. So I give
you credit for that. How tallare you m Yes, and then I'll
tell you five six? You nailedit. Yeah. Any anything else that

be considered a strike in terms ofyou know what, what are generally considered
most desirable traits, like you gota lazy y or you know, eight
teeth missing or oh no, nono, I have good teeth and I'm
good looking. I can grow afull beard, and I actually weigh one
hundred and seventy five pounds, soI'm not a complete pushover a bucks seventy

five on five six, I mean, depending on your frame, that's you're
not a skinny fellow. Well I'mnot fat, I'm just stucky. I've
been having to work and buss mybutt for so many years outside, and
I'd like to eat good too.How much do you make as a pool
tech? Okay, so this timeI'm not going to curse to get thrown
off the air. I only makewell. Actually, it's pretty decent in

this company. Like it can beanywhere from sixty to eighty k annually,
depending on like how bad I wantit, how much I want to work
on it. So last year Imade sixty two K with these guys.
I'm on pace to be around seventyK this year. Wow. Thanks,
I want to go independence. Callback sometime seven one three nine nine one
thousand, seven one three nine nineone thousand Your calls coming up. If

you like the Michael Berry Show andPodcast, please tell one friend, and
if you're so inclined, write anice review of our podcast. Comments,
suggestions, questions, and interest inbeing a corporate sponsor and partner can be
communicated directly to the show at ouremail address, Michael at Michael Berryshow dot

com, or simply by clicking onour website Michael Berryshow dot com. The
Michael Berry Show and Podcast is producedby Ramon Roebliss, The King of Ding.
Executive producer is Chad Nakanishi. JimMudd is the creative director. Voice

is Jingles, Tomfoolery and Shenanigans areprovided by Chance MacLean. Director of Research
is Sandy Peterson. Emily Bull isour assistant listener and superfan. Contributions are
appreciated and often incorporated into our production. Where possible, we give credit,

Where not, we take all thecredit for ourselves. God bless the memory
of Rush Limbaugh. Long live Elvis, be a simple man like Leonard Skinnard
told you, and God bless America. Finally, if you know a veteran
suffering from PTSD, call Camp Hopeat eight seven seven seven one seven PTSD

and a combat veteran will answer thephone to provide free counseling.
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