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So I told you. I putthe post up on Facebook asking people to
tell me about their small business.Until all the three hundred and forty thousand
people on our Facebook page about theirbusiness, and it absolutely blows my mind.
I will never understand it. Peoplerunning a small business is twenty times
harder than you can imagine. Peoplehave no clue how hard it is getting
started, getting your documents in order, getting your bank account started, certifications
and licenses and tax IDs and bankaccounts and all that. And as you're
doing all that, you're trying tokeep your records in order because the government's
in your business at every turn.You're short of cash. It's taken all
the time that it takes away fromyour day job, or at this point
maybe you've lost your day job orleft your day job. And people work
long hours trying to make a goof it, and nevertheless it never fails
to amaze me. I say topeople, hey, tell what you do,
where you are, and someone willput their website and not another word.
You've just been given a free opportunity. I've asked you to do it.
To tell who you are, whereyou are, what you do,
how to reach you, and someonewill put their website. What are you
short on time? Are you shorton the opportunity to tell if ten people
read what you do? No,I'm going to put a link and out
of a thousand people who've posted toMichael's site, I'm going to assume that
they'll click through my website, goto my website and dig around and find
the information that they would like tofind, because I'll never understand it.
Well. A fellow named Bob Bassresponded, and I will read to you
from his website, And I'm sorrysome of you are going to comment that
we've been on this bee thing lately, but I thought it was interesting,
and I thought he might be alittle bit kooky, but kookie in the
way that I like kookie, likeoff the grid kookie. All right,
So it says the honey bee maybe our world's greatest asset, and in
pictures of bees, with hopes offree honey and a tax exemption, we
began a crash course in bees.We started out knowing very little about keeping
bees, but remained persistent. Withthe help of some guys that had experience
and some bad advice from those whodidn't, we learned no one does it
the same every year we learn moreand more about the honey bee and the
massive benefits they provide. We thoughtwe knew what it would take, but
that was not the case. Thankfully, thankfully, our passion grew more with
everything we learned about and from bees. Our honey Ramon is different, and
we are reminded that by everyone.We are reminded of that by everyone that
tries it. Our main difference iswe don't feed our bees. Giving bees
sugar water, in our opinion,makes a sugar water honey that tastes just
as it sounds. With the exceptionof replacing the queen when necessary, we
keep a natural approach to bee keeping. Our hives are primarily bees rescued by
us from swarms or removals from structures. Ramon, what if they're going and
just stealing people's bees and bringing themin. I like the thought of that.
Bob Bass is our guest, Bob, how you doing? Michael Good?
Has anybody ever described you as alittle bit kookie in a good way?
More often than you would think?First of all, no, no,
no, actually not no, Iwould think I would think I read
your emails. I would think,yeah, so yeah, go ahead.
I don't stick around too long ifthings get stagnant. So as far as
learning, that's just I'm never goingto stop, so I just keep figuring
out what I can. So uhit says My brother and I ran the
Texas State Militia South Houston unit fora few years. He's still a part
of it, but I stepped down. They trained at our parents' house sometimes,
so I keep in touch. Yousay you wanted some backstory. You've
done welding, electrician, plumbing,mechanic, millwright, heavy equipment operator,
pile driver, roof for carpenter,but most importantly husband and father. Are
you this is this ramon? I'vehad sixty four jobs. Started laying asphalt
at fourteen, flew a plane atsixteen, road bulls and became a bullfighter
at eighteen, all before getting twohonorable discharges. You could have been the
subject of a Hemingway novel if hewas still around. I'm not currently working.
I've taken the last couple of monthsoff to remodel my house. Are
you making any money on this bbusiness? Not really, mainly because we
give away half to two thirds ofeverything we make. That's been our business
plan since the start. Just giveit away. It's you know, it's
better than a business card. Peopleget to try the product. We go
on vacation or just go out oftown or just go out to eat.
We take it with us and wegive it to a waitress for anybody we
meet. So that's that's our mainour of our products. It says we
make lip bom, tinted lip bomb, beard butter lotion, and rough Paws
for pets. I like to imagineyou, Bob. I like to imagine
you going around town like a realityTV show set in Mayberry and with no
money, a cashless economy, completebarter and walking in and then you know,
could I interest you in some lipbalm? And could I get a
burger, fries and a coat?And then they would, you know,
y'all would haggle a little dicker overthe lip balm, how much you would
give them, and you would payfor everything you needed with your beeswax.
I'm not gonna lie. There isa little bit of that. There's a
reason we're in a couple of bars. So you know, maybe we'll get
a tab when we restock them.I don't know. It says we produce
the best honey in the area andwork with Kb's Kitchen and Laporte to produce
a Hobbannaro infused honey for their brickoven pizzas. Yeah. So Cavy's Kitchen
is located at Main Street Food TruckPark, and that's owned by Brandy Perez,
which is very jealous of me rightnow for being on your show.
But Cav's Kitchen produces the best pizzayou've ever had, And I'll argue with
you to the end of the daysuntil you try it. So, how
do you infuse the honey with hobornarofor their brick oven pizza? So it
we get the dried habin arrows,because if you add any moisture to honey,
you can risk fermentation and then youwind up with alcohol. Yeah,
mead, So let's froll with that. Oh, there's nothing wrong with that.
But we infuse it for it takesabout a month or two, depending
on the strength of the haveb andarrows. And then once it's reached its
peak or if it's gone over,we may cut some honey back in it
so it doesn't get too hot,and then we bottle it. And he
has the large bottle there he getssamples out with pizzas. If people want
it, but it's amazing. I'mchicken, ribs, pizza, anything,
so I like it and I likeyour style. I'm kidding with you,
calling you kooky. I mean notreally, but I mean in a way
that I like. His website isBass Brosbes b A S S Bros for
Brothers b R O S Bees,Bass brosbees dot com. We kissed me
off every day to see what's goingon in my coustin Michael Very Show.
And this is my damn country.I fought for this country. This is
mine, bally a green basted nothing. It's about time for the little Houston
crime Report. What do you say, Let's see how all the fourth largest
city did over the weekend in thecrime department. Shall we Well, it's
lonesome in this old town, justlogging and I mean going back to your
step steam And now The Michael BerryShow presents the Houston Crime Reports. At
about two thirty on Saturday, officersin the midwest part of town responded to
a shooting having just occurred in theseventy two hundred block of Guestner, Arriving
to find a victim with a gunshotwound to his chest. Somebody went center
mass. The wound was only agraze and did not seriously injure the complainant,
who heard noises outside his apartment andfound the suspect breaking into a vehicle.
The victim confronted the suspect, andthe suspect fired a shot, grazing
the victim. The victim was nottransported to hospital. Why would you go
outside if you think someone's breaking intoyour vehicle and not be armed? Okay.
At about four point thirty in themorning, officers on the southeast side
responded to a shooting having just occurredin the eighty one hundred block of Jutland,
arriving to find a victim deceased inhis driveway. Officers are still trying
to determine what exactly took place whattook place. The suspect, which is
rude, was gone on arrival.On Sunday, at about seven thirty in
the morning, officers downtown responded toa dead on arrival call in the fourteen
hundred block of Louisiana at a parkparking lot in downtown Houston. Officers arrived
to find a white Ford explorer witha victim inside. Construction workers using the
parking lot noticed the victim inside thevehicle and called a popo. The victim
was pronounced dead on arrival by respondingFire Department personnel. Victim's vehicle was recorded
on camera pulling into the parking lotyesterday morning that would be Saturday morning,
at approximately seven o'clock in the morning. There were no signs of trauma to
the victim. Homicide Division was contactedby seeing personnel and an investigation was begun
into this suspicious death. At aboutthree point fifteen in the afternoon, officers
on the northwest side responding to ahome invasion in progress call in the ten
thousand, five hundred block of Hammery. This is the case we told about
earlier. The caller contacted the popoand stated there were three people who broke
into his home and he shot allof them. When officers arrived at the
scene, they found the three decedentsin the hallway of the apartment. The
caller is in custody and under investigation. At about eight thirty in the evening,
officers on the northeast side responding toa shooting having just occurred in the
sixty one hundred block of Tidwell,arriving to find a man with a gunshot
wound to his head. The victimwas conscious and talking, but was transported
to Bentob Hospital to wait behind allthe illegal aliens who were there with a
cough. He's in stable condition.Based on a witness's statement, the victim
was shot outside of church by awoman following an argument. Oh my goodness,
outside a church by a woman followingan argument. It was not during
a church related event, nor wasthe church open. Okay, all right.
The suspect has since fled the location. Huh. I wonder what they
were arguing over. Probably whether JesusWept was really the shortest verse in the
Bible or not. You know whatit could have been? And I've seen
this a lot, the New InternationalVersion versus King James. I like my
King James because I like the soundof it a little better. She might
have been a new International, orshe might have been the purest and he
was new International. Could have beenover the meaning of the red letter.
Who knows, it could really beanything outside the church. Just before eleven
Just sorry, just before nine pm, a shooting having just occurred, call
dropped in the thirteen hundred block ofNorth Post Oak. A female victim was
shot more multiple times, and apossible suspect left the scene in a black
suburban. Officers arrived to find twopersons deceased with multiple gunshot wounds. The
victims got into an argument with thesuspect. Witnesses heard the argument and then
the gunshots. What do you figure? They argue over Ramon, wouldn't you
like to know? Just before midnightSunday evening, officers on the Northeastide responded
to a shooting having just occurred inthe seventy four hundred block of Bunita Street,
arriving to find a victim with aminor gunshot wound to his foot a
gunshot wound to his foot. Thevictims said he heard gunshots but did not
see where they came from, anda stray bullet struck his foot. He
was transported to LBJ Hospital. Thatmight have been one of those Plasico Buris
deals. Remember that he's in thenightclub with a gun and shot his own
damn leg. Just after eleven PM, officers on the southwest Side responding to
an assault having just occurred in thetwelve in the twelve one hundred block of
Almeda, arriving to learn that avictim was hit in the face by a
suspect. The victim was transported toBen Tobb. Officers followed up the hospital
and the victim was found to bedeceased. He died from being hit in
the face. Wow. Just afterthree am, officers with the Central Division
responded to a shooting having just occurredin the eight hundred block of Fairview,
where they found a victim with agray's wound to his leg. The victim
refused transport. The shooting stemmed froman argument. The suspect left and returned
with the gun he shot at thecomplainant twice. The victim does not want
to cooperate with the investigation. Atthis time, investigators were notified. I'm
not sure I'd spend a lot oftime on the case if the victim really
doesn't want to help In any case, I mean, how many cases was
HPD backed up under Sylvester Turner?How many one hundred thousand cases? And
then before you know it, itturns out so is the Harris County Sheriff's
Department. I mean, the goodnews is you're paying more in taxes than
you ever are you ever could SylvesterTurner and Rodney Ellis's buddies are all getting
rich, and if you have afamily member who's murdered, they won't investigate.
There's a good place to live.I mean, unless you maybe care
about murderers and rapists being arrested,or your tax is being too high,
or streets being driveable, or gettingsome cash out of the bank not being
jugged, or your water bill notbeing seven thousand dollars a month, or
you know the things you could expectin other cities. Have you ever paid
money off of it? We didn'tget nothing the hard time. To Michael
Show, it's a damn shame.It's a damn shame. It's a damn
shame. It's a damn shame.Heaven. I'm told that the city of
Friendswood has passed two tax increment reinvestmentzones, which I'm told the citizens opposed.
Now, I don't know if that'sjust a general people were just runald
that my emailer knows, or ifa vote was taken and it was shot
down. My guess is it's peopledisgruntled, But we don't know for sure
that the population was opposed to itas a general rule. People don't know
what a ters is and they don'tpay attention to it. And the reason
you set up a ters. Let'stake Friendswood because being smaller it makes more
sense. I don't know how manysquare miles Friendswood is, but you got
people. Friendswood is mostly residences,and then you've got a few businesses,
and the businesses are kind of scatteredaround. It has a very rural feel.
I like friends with a lot askind of a rural feel and businesses.
You know, you've got businesses thatare basically converted residences and and my
suspicion is that there's like a mainstreet type area or there's some area where
somebody who's politically connected. And thegood news is, I don't know who
any of these people are. SoI'm not taking a passive shot at somebody
because I don't know who did this, But whoever did do it, if
you look into it, I'm surebecause I've seen this happen again and again
and again, and it happened inHouston. You've got somebody very well connected
who you can't blame them. They'retired, they want their area to be
nice. They're investing all this moneyinto their real estate, into their strip
center, into their bank or restaurantsor whatever else. And they know that
the city's never going to make thearea as nice as they would like it
to be, so they say,hey, give us a TERS right here.
It won't hurt you. We'll justkeep the incremental revenue that we were
paying in. It won't actually costthe city anything. When I was on
city council, the city was thestate law was supposed to require at that
time. I believe that no morethan fifteen percent of your taxable entities could
be in a ters, or maybeit was no more than fifteen percent of
your budget, I forget. Thenumber that sticks in my mind is fifteen
percent, and the city was atthe fifteen percent threshold or close enough,
and so it was going to bevery hard to create another of these districts.
But each of the districts really wantsto be in a district. So
what you're doing is creating the havesand have nots. And it's a perfect
example of what happens in Congress.But when you can do it on a
local level, you can really seeit. You can see the raw cruelty
of policy when it's so localized thatyou're forced to say yes, you people
can have nice things, and bydefault, you people can't. Nobody consciously
says, your neighborhood over here,it's going to be neglected, crime ridden,
busted up and crap. Now,you'll still have to pay your taxes,
but the good news is you'll havefewer taxes to pay because you pay
based on an assessment of evaluation.And the good news is, since nobody
wants to buy in your neighborhood,your values will stay low, so you
won't have any new purchases to driveup cost. But even that, we're
not going to let you enjoy becausehere's what's going to happen. Because your
area is so undervalued. Somebody's goingto come in and see if they can't
lock up enough to reach a criticalmass. Because nobody wants to buy just
your five thousand square foot lot orthree thousand in some of the poorer neighborhoods.
Nobody wants to buy that and tryto be the first person to build
a town home in this neighborhood becausenobody wants to buy into that. But
if we can quietly lock up afew blocks here with dirt cheap I mean,
with really cheap dirt, and wecan build a row of town homes.
We can flip this thing. Sothe good news is that will then
increase your taxes without actually ever increasingany city services. These are the things
that happened day in and day out, and residents do not understand them.
They just don't understand. And theygo to church on Sunday and the preacher
says, we got to put selvesterin there. We got to have somebody
that looks like us. Yes,somebody that looks like us. We've had
too many mayors didn't look like us. They don't know what we go through.
But Sevester the knows. Sevesters froma Chris Holmes. He's from the
fall foe went off to Harvard.Could I get somebody to give me an
a man? Come home and practicelaw, went to the state legislature where
he represented us where they don't carein Austin ticks what happens in a Chris
Holmes what Semester does. And hehas for decades been here among us,
representing us, fighting for us.And no, they didn't always want to
hear what he had to say.But he's gonna say it. Can I
get an amen to that? Andwhen we put him down there in that
mayor's office. We're gonna have amayor from a Chris Holmes, and all
them white people and river Oaks aregonna have to look him dark as underside
of a skillet, and they gonnaknow we got us a man now.
Cattle like cattle. Luck. Ihad a fine box of gun. I
had Michael Berry the Well. Evenif you haven't watched a single game all
season long, if you enjoy baseball, you are in for a treat tonight.
It is Game three for all theMarbles. College World Series, Omaha
Nebraska, the number three I thinkTexas A and m Aggie's against the number
one team in the land, Universityof Tennessee Volunteers, And I will tell
you it has been a hell ofa series. I didn't watch any college
I used to watch college baseball andall sports religiously, passionately, obsessively loved
it. Don't anymore. It's moreof a time thing, and I spend
my time differently. I have noshame in watching a sport when it gets
to the playoffs. The hardcore fanshate that because they've been there since spring
training or you know, two daysor depending on the sport, they've been
their preseason and they don't want youto come in at the end. They
want to have all I can bethe only thing. But you want people
to like the sport, don't you. Anyway, the Aggie's and Longhorns had
a hell of a game. Idon't know, it's been a few weeks
ago, and it went into extrainnings and the Aggis won. And whoever
came out of that pairing was whoI was going to root for. I
didn't go to A and M.I root for A and M. I
root for Texas teams and that's wherewe are. But this Aggie team is
they're special. I mean, thesekids are. They are. What's the
kid's name, Ramon, Jake l'aviolette, Where is he from? That's
a grown man. That dude looksthirty years old. He looks like Wade
Boggs when Wade bogs left the league, which he was probably forty years old
by that time. Anyway, thatgame is tonight at six, So don't
watch the first hour because that'll beour show. But you can watch the
after we go off at seven,or you can have us on. Maybe
we'll just call the game during theshow. Ramon that'd be good. We'll
do a live broadcast of the showon the air and then you can watch
it on your TV screen. Wasit Gene Peterson that was the voice of
the Rockets, because I remember peopletalking about a lot of people would listen
to the radio broadcast while they werewatching it on TV because he was so
good at the broadcast. But anyway, Charlott cue Licker wanted to pay special
tribute to the Aggies, who Ihope win it all. But either way
have gone to the championship and goneto Game three against a phenomenal Tennessee volunteer
team and they may just pull itout. So here's to all you Aggis.
What y'all want me to stay in? This? Here? Fuck?
What is this evil? Okay?Yeah? How you pronounced the words chuck
them alut in that connect tabal whocome in? Goodbye to Texas University of
Texas, Goodbye to Urge and whyLord, good luck to them. They're
on Texas Agis. There is theboys who knows how to fight. The
eyes of Texas is upon you,his Lord, that is the soul they
sing. So it's all like hell, oh, goodbye to Taxa's University.
Now father Agi is looking here Chickenwier bone with chicken diggado go he get
down hugging? Or what the worlddid that mean? I think to close
the show, we'll open the phonelines with a simple question, and that
is name your favorite Texas A andm Aggie sports figure. I will make
you my list of top ten.Can you write these down? Because I
don't hang any where to write itdown, and I'll try to limit this
to ten. Are you ready?I will start with my all time favorite
Aggie and that is RC Slocum fromRiverside in orange Stark High School graduate number
two, my Orangefield High School classmateJeff Granger, who to this day still
holds, I believe, the strikeoutrecord in the Southwest Conference, which will
never be broken because there's no SouthwestConference anymore. He also had the distinction
of being a starting quarterback and theace on the baseball team in the same
year. That's a pretty big deal. Then we'll go to our dear friend
Shane Leckler, who was recruited asa quarterback and a punter turned out out
to be one hell of a punterand I think should go into the Hall
of Fame as a punter. Becausestatistically he's the greatest punter of all time,
better than Regg Guy, better thanReggie Robi, better than Russell Erks
Laban or whoever else you think.Look at his numbers. There's no question.
The problem is punters don't make itin the Hall of Fame, but
Shane Leckler should great Aggie number four. No, I don't want to do
Kyler Murray. I'm not a bigKyler Murray fan. I've never been a
big Kyler Murray fan. Let methink on this. Oh, you gotta
go with the with the the brothers, know the siblings. What is it
McKinney, Was it the McKinny boys. Of course you gotta go John David
Crowe. What does that get me? Two five? Let me think I'm
having to span a lot of you. Oh, Bucky Richardson. I got
to put Bucky Richardson because I loveBucky and I will never forget. Were
you watching the preseason game against theCowboys Ramon where Bucky is scrambling left.
They must have had a bunch ofscrubs and scabs and and people that weren't
going to make the team. AndI think Bucky was a third string quarterback
at the time, and it wasn'tclear he was going to make the team.
And he's running for his life andBucky was not a fast runner.
And he's running down that he's he'sscrambling to his left at a full sprint.
He's got somebody hanging on him.He moves the ball from his right
hand to his left and throws apass with his left hand, and the
story goes, that was when theCowboys figured out, we may have to
have this guy blocking on punk returns. We might have to play him,
you know, in our dime package. We may have to put him in
as a as an extra linebacker whenwe need it. But no, he
may have to rush the field goals, whatever we do. You want a
guy like this on your team.This is Bill Bates level tough. And
the story goes, I don't knowif it's true or not that that was
when he made Okay, So BuckyRichardson, let me think for a moment.
People are gonna email it. Hey, you shign so because I just
decided to do it on Oh,Johnny Manziel, Absolutely, Johnny Mint,
thank you. Yes, I loveJohnny Manziel, love him. I don't
understand why people hate him so much? What he could have been a great
NFL quarterback and he blew it?Okay, well, let me look at
your career and what you could havedone better than you have. You could
have been a CEO of a company, and look at you. You're why
are you bothering Johnny Manziel. Ifyou like the Michael Berry Show in podcast,
please tell one friend, and ifyou're so inclined, write a nice
review of our podcast. Comments,suggestions, questions, and interest in being
a corporate sponsor and partner can becommunicated directly to the show at our email
address, Michael at Michael Berryshow dotcom, or simply by clicking on our
website, Michael Berryshow dot com.The Michael Berry Show and Podcast is produced
by Ramon Roebliss, the King ofDing. Executive producer is Chad Nakanishi.
Jim Mudd is the creative director.Voices Jingles, Tomfoolery, and Shenanigans are
provided by Chance McLain. Director ofResearch is Sandy Peterson. Emily Bull is
our assistant listener and superfan. Contributionsare appreciated and often incorporated in to our
production. Where possible, we givecredit where not we take all the credit
for ourselves. God bless the memoryof Rush Limbaugh. Long live Elvis,
be a simple man like Leonard Skinnardtold you, and God bless America.
Finally, if you know a veteransuffering from PTSD, call Camp Hope at
eight seven seven seven one seven PTSDand a combat veteran will answer the phone
to provide free counseling.