Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The Michael Barry Joe here is a very good example
of media bias in what they cover and how they
cover it. I'm going to play two different reports of
the same story. The first one comes from CBS News Colorado.
Right now, police are on scene as dozens of people
living in a now condemned apartment building are evicted.
Speaker 2 (00:20):
Yeah, your reporter Justin Adams, has been outside the fits
some into police apartments. It's located on Callfax and Nome Street.
That's where tensions are running pretty high right now, Justin, what.
Speaker 3 (00:31):
Can you tell us what's happening this morning?
Speaker 4 (00:33):
Well, right now, right behind us, you could go and
see the trash that is being picked up in this
parking lot and it just mounds and mounds of trash
that I've been here from earlier this morning. And police
officers arrived to the scene here at this apartment complex
just before seven am, carrying out evictions and now dozens
of tenants who used to live here are now looking
for a place to stay. You could see just the
red and blue X that are on these apartment doors,
and that's just a sick that this place has been
that they have already carried out the evictions that this
place has been vacated and now the cleanup begins here now.
We watched as code enforcement and police officers went door
to door to make sure that each of the apartment
was cleared out piles of trash. They're being cleared out
in the parking lot, which showed you that a little
bit earlier. But the City of Aurora, they are also
paying for this trash to.
Speaker 5 (01:23):
Be picked up.
Speaker 4 (01:24):
Last week, the city gave the fifty families are notice
to vacates, saying they're condemning the buildings, citing poor conditions
and code violations including rat infant stations, trash, and a
lack of heat and electricity ten It says that a
week's notice wasn't enough and they asked for a nine
day extension and they weren't able to get that. The
city is now offering security to positive assistance, as well
as hotel vouchers and place bus passes to the residents
as they look for new places to stay. Now, as
for the apartment complex, you could see right now that
there are individuals who are carrying just would to be
able to board up the doors. Were already seen a
couple of the windows off to our left that are
being boarded up. You can see a young man right
now that's currently taken that wood and looks like he's
going to put it over the glass over to our right.
But that's what will be the project for the rest
of the day here at this apartment complex as the
doors and windows will be boarded up in Aurora. I'm
your reporter Justin Adams covering col On First.
Speaker 1 (02:25):
Now, this next report comes from ABC seven in Denver.
Same story, same sorry, same story, different channel. See if
you can spot the difference.
Speaker 6 (02:38):
Tonight, we are following up on the City of Awars
plans to close an apartment complex. It houses a large
population of new immigrants, and they're closing it because of
code violations. Some believe, though, there's more to the story,
and they say it involves a South American gang. Denver
seven's Brandon Richard shows us how city officials are responding
to those accusations.
Speaker 5 (02:57):
Well, if you've been on social media here in the
last couple of weeks, you may have seen a lot
of information being shared about a Venezuelan gang that people
say is causing all kinds of problems in Aurora. Well,
this morning we learn APD has set up a task
force to look into those allegations. The City of Aurora
says it's closing this apartment complex and your Colfax in
Peoria due to a long list of code violations going
back years. We are not buying this a 'or. City
Councilwoman Daniel Drinsky and some of her colleagues believe there's
more to the story.
Speaker 3 (03:32):
We believe that yes, there code and violations, but this
started because of a gang takeover. That's what we believe.
Speaker 5 (03:39):
The company that manages the site says the same thing,
that a gang from Venezuela ha taken over the property,
making it too dangerous for their staff to be there.
A rora please have not said whether those claims are true,
but say they are investigating.
Speaker 7 (03:54):
I know it's venturings here, but it's not because people
from here. It's people from all places. Dot COM's here
looking for problems.
Speaker 5 (04:03):
Residents at the complex told us now manager has been
on site for a while.
Speaker 7 (04:08):
We've been trying to get in touch with the manager.
He quit and we have no manager.
Speaker 5 (04:16):
At a public safety meeting Thursday, Aurora Mayor Mike Couffin
once again pointed to code violations as the reason this
city was closing the complex.
Speaker 2 (04:25):
I know that the owners are talking about that it's
a gang issue.
Speaker 1 (04:31):
It's really the problems there.
Speaker 5 (04:34):
I go way back. On top of creating a task
force to look into alleged gang activity, a Rarer police
say they've also started reviewing criminal reports from the past
year to see if they were gang related.
Speaker 1 (04:45):
So we're actively looking at those things right now in
conjunction with the task force, our federal and state partners.
Speaker 5 (04:50):
Also, Council of Mandridsky says it's long overdue.
Speaker 3 (04:54):
I think it's coming maybe six to eight months too late.
But I hope that we are able to track some
of these people down.
Speaker 5 (05:02):
But she hopes it will finally provide some answers. In Aurora,
Bredan Richard Denver seven.
Speaker 6 (05:09):
And that gang that some claim has taken over that
property was designated as a transnational criminal organization by the
White House last month and today and I spokesman told
Denver seven they are aware of recent violent crime involving
members of that gang and say they are working with
partner law enforcement agencies.
Speaker 1 (05:26):
If you like the Michael Berry Show in podcast, please
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directly to the show at our email address, Michael at
Michael Berryshow dot com, or simply by clicking on our website,
Michael Berryshow dot com. The Michael Berry Show and Podcast
is produced by Ramon Roeblis, The king Ding Executive producer
is Chad Nakanishi.
Speaker 5 (06:09):
Jim Mudd is the creative director.
Speaker 1 (06:12):
Voices Jingles, Tomfoolery and Shenanigans are provided by Chance McLean.
Director of Research is Sandy Peterson. Emily Bull is our
assistant listener and super fan. Contributions are appreciated and often
incorporated into our production. Where possible, we give credit, Where not,
we take all the credit for ourselves. God bless the
memory of Rush Limbaugh. Long live Elvis, be a simple
man like Leonard Skinnard told you, and God bless America. Finally,
if you know a veteran suffering from PTSD, call Camp
Hope at eight seven seven seven one seven PTSD and
a combat veteran will answer the phone to provide free counseling.