All Episodes

April 26, 2024 • 71 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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It's that time, time, time, time, lucking load. The Michael
Berry Show is on the air.It's Charlie from BlackBerry Smoking. I can
feel a good one coming on.It's the Michael Berry Show. Oh yes

it is here, Yes it isFriday Drive. Two six packs, Shiner,
ninety nine cent Putaine Ladder, lookas track center, fifth of Patrol.
I s down at egg glue cooler. Take a guess at all the

door. I can feel a goodone coming off. Throwing a real Wiy
Hubbard sing alone, red deck Mother, any blues I had before God,
another working week is over, nochance of staying sober. I can feel

a good one coming on. Yeta week out night. Were gonna get
the feelin a rind. We gonnakeep this party rock until the break of
doll. Yeah. I can feela good one. I'm coming all.

Oh yeah, great week, everybodygreat. We give yourself a hand,
well done. Three blocks in arack toop. Mustang followed us down to
legging. Didn't have to think aboutthat too long. Skinny diving in the

bright moon situation couldn't be more right. I can feel a good one coming
on, yelling, we gonna getto feel it right, We gonna keep
this potty rock until the break ofdon Yeah, I can feel a good

one, feel like a good one. I can feel a good one coming
off who I want you to takestock of where you are in your life

right now. What is your mood? Our mood is fleeting right. We
might just be feeling really angry orreally tired. We just found a quarter
in our pants that we don't rememberhaving there. Gives you a little little
bump, whatever that may be,when you think about your mindset. I

want you to think about this particularemail I got Czar. It's been seven
long months since I've listened to yourshow. This time last year, I
was homeless in Spring Texas. Forthose of you outside of this area,
that's about an hour north of Houston. This time last year, I was

homeless in Spring Texas. I tooksome advice you gave me, and I
ran with it. I moved toDayton, Ohio with the help of my
son in September of last year.I had a non compete with my son.
It was that until I get onmy feet, no political TV or
radio. That unfortunately included the MichaelBerry Show. I wasn't happy about that,

but you advised me to go,so I did, and my son
helped me as much as I wantedand needed. Now I'm happy to announce
I am back on my feet listeningto your show starting today. I humbly
thank you, sir. God blessyou, and God bless you too,

Brian. I remember that call.I remember it well, and I remember
Brian calling. I didn't know hewas homeless when he called, and I
remember Brian starting into a litany ofall the things wrong in the country,

and he was talking in a feverish, fiendish manner. And he was out
in the woods about a half milefrom a home deep or Lows. I
don't remember one of the big boxstores. And he was out in the

woods, living out there, andhe would go in and beg when he
needed money. My guess is probablyabout a fifty five year old white guy.
I think he had been a constructionworker earlier in his life. And
I'm sure he's had some drug problems, at a minimum with alcohol, probably

with some other drugs as well.And he had a radio, battery powered
radio or maybe it was a crankand he would listen to our show and
when he came on and he startedinto this whole thing I needed to get
I needed to put him into context. So I said, Brian, hold

on, I need to understand what'sgoing on with you. What do you
mean? So we kind of unpackedthis thing. It turns out he's homeless,
he's living out in the woods.He's coming in and out and begging.
And so I said, Brian,there's bad things going on in this

country, terrible, but we couldfix those tomorrow, and you're still going
to be in a bad place.Let's fix you first. So I said,
you need to stop focusing on what'sgoing on in Washington, d C.
Nancy Pelosi and Hunter Biden and JoeBiden, and you need to focus.

Let's get you stabilized. Let's getyou off of hearing things that you're
not able to process at this pointin your life. They're causing you to
spiral, and they're distracting you fromgetting yourself into a position where you can
live within four walls. So hesaid, you know, my son says

the same thing. Yeah, yourson loves you. I mean, how
lucky are we to bring a childinto this world and get to a point
that they're big enough and strong enoughthat they can take care of us when
we need it most right, that'sthe circle of life. That's a beautiful
thing. And he said, well, my son wants me to move to
Dayton, Ohio with him, AndI said, go, well, here

we are. He's doing better.And I say that because we're all not
so far from spiraling out of control. I'm not going to minimize my concern
over what's going on in our schools, our courts with Donald Trump in Washington,

d c Oh, I'm not goingto, but I am going to
tell you that if our warriors,and that's you, are not taking care
of yourself. We can't be soworried about the battle tomorrow that we don't
eat our dinner tonight so that wehave the nourishment for the battle, or

we will lose this war. Sojust take stock of your blessings from home.
Gotta have some degree, take stockof the things that you're fighting this
fight for. Why are you soconcerned? What is America to you?
It's your spouse, it's your kids, it's your parents, it's your business,

it's your friends, it's those whocame before you. It' spend just
a moment giving thanks that you havesomething that you care about enough that you
don't want to lose. Spend alittle time on that. It'll improve your
mood. Trust me, ladies,make yourself useful and grab your fellow or

girlfriend. Le beer pop and topicis right around the corner. On the
Friday drive home edition of the MichaelBerry Shows Friday New six o'clock. You
know my friends were twisting off.I'm at the house just turning on the

TV. Well that didn't take long. The media is back to giving a
platform to convicted fella Michael Avenatti toanalyze the Trump case while he sits in
prison. Ramon, what was BrianStelter potato head? Can you find that

audio? Brian Stelter the potato Hewas the fat guy on CNN who loved
Michael Avenati. And you remember Stelterwas finally released from CNN and it turned
out everybody thought he was sixty five. I was like thirty one. How

does that happen? Anyway? Sohe had it was interviewing Michael Avenatti.
And you'll remember that Avenatti was StormyDaniel's lawyer and he's a complete cond man.
In fact, there's an American Greedepisode on him. It's really good.
He's this kind man PLAINUS lawyer whosues everybody all the time, just

sues everybody in the hopes they settle. He ended up getting busted over the
Nike case, and honestly, ofall the awful things he's done, I
talked to a number of plaintiff lawyerswho said that what he did was standard
practice. They called it extortion.He threatened, if you don't pay me,

I'm going to sue you, Andthat's what plainiffs lawyers do. I
don't understand, but hey, I'mnot here to defend Michaelavinatti, not by
any stretch of the imagination. Iwonder who he made angry because he was

the toast of the town for theDemocrats, and then all of a sudden
he wasn't you have it? Sothis was here? Listen. Yeah,
I don't know, I agree withI don't know if it's a good thing
that star power and TV savvy isrequired for the job, but I think
it is. And by the way, I think President Obama also had a
lot of TV star power and thathelped him pre Trump. But Trump is

more evidence of this. And lookingheat to twenty twenty one reason why I'm
taking you seriously as a contender.Is because of your presence on cable news.
Brian Stelter, political genius, tellingus it Michael Avannatti might be a
serious presidential contender because he's on CNNbeing interviewed at the time. Well,

it turned out he was stealing hisclient's money. He was running all sorts
of game, all sorts of hustle, all sorts of crimes, and he
goes to prison, including stealing moneyfrom his own law partners. I mean,
this guy is the lowest of thelow. He's a complete scumback.
When you deal with a guy likethis, you notice a pattern. Everything
about is come, which is exactlywhy MSNBC's Ari Melbourne is having him call

in from Los Angeles' Terminal Island prisonwhere he's serving a nineteen year sentence to
discuss Trump's case in New York andthe rest of the media are just breathlessly
reporting on his commentary. And Melbourneknows that he's making a clown of himself

by doing this, but he can'thelp himself. He's the town marker.
He cannot help himself. He's gotto have Avinatti only what's Avnati has nothing
else to do? He's been overand picked up the soap four times today.
At some point you gotta do somethingelse. So Ari Melbourne at MSNBC

defends Avenatti, saying he's quote verynewsworthy and legally relevant. No, he's
not. Nobody thinks that Michael Avanattiis in any way relevant as as a
person offering his opinion on Trump's casein New York. Nobody who spent a

day in law school believes that tobe true, you have to show the
world that you know nothing about thelaw to go, well, Michael Aavanati's
a lawyer, will have him onit, He'll talk about him because he's
a lawyer. You don't even understandwhat you don't know. You look so

so stupid thinking that in some waythis makes sense that I almost feel sorry
for you. This is the hatredof Trump to such a degree that you
you beclown yourself in public. Wellhere it is. Here is a montage

from twenty twenty one put together bythe Washington Freebacon. So credit Washington Freebacon.
It is the Trump haters and neverTrumper's gushing over Michael Lavnatti. They
cannot get enough. He's the greatestbecause he hates Trump, and he threatens
Trump, and he's gonna sue Trumpand turns out he's a fraud and goes

to prison. He's Donald Trump's words, nightmare. Michael joining us once again
is Michael Avanatti. That's Michael Avnati, MICHELEVENAUGHTI, Michael Lebanatti, Michael Abanatti.
Thank you very much. He's outthere saving the country. Don Meacham
says he may be the savior ofthe Republic if you are something of a
folk hero. Now, oh,Michael, an apology. I've been saying
enough for ready, Michael, I'veseen you everywhere. What do you have

left to say? I was wrong? Brother, you have a lot to
say. I am just dying tohear what you think because people all like
you. I'm the only person righthere Donald Trump fears more than Robert Miller.
We think you guys are the tipof the spear that's going to take
down Donald Trump. Michaelavanatti is abeast. Okay, that's true. He's
a beast. He's a beast.I hated to her and to Michael Abana,

and he has a great, biggercalling here. That being a lawyer
is minimal compared to what he's doing. No one has talked tougher directly to
Donald Trump on TV than Michael Abanatti, and Donald Trump is afraid to mention
his name. It's fascinating. DonaldTrump is terrified of Michael Lebanati. Now
does Trump run for his money thananybody else. Michaelabanatti's existential threat to the

Trump presidency. The Democrats could learnsomething for you. You are messing with
Trump a lot more than they are. He has no doubt, created sheer
panic and Donald Trump's very fragile mind. Avanati is laying down the law as
guest co host and really thinking aboutrunning for president. One reason why I'm
taking you seriously as a contender isbecause of your presence on cable News.

You look at the field of Democratsright now, and Avanatti's the one who
stands out. If they decide theyvalue a fighter, most people would be
foolish to underestimate Michael Avanati. Ihave always said that they need a fighter.
Look, I mean we're going tocontinue to use the media. I
think we've used it with great success. Lewis, You're on the Michael Berry
Show. Yes, sir, Itruly believe Ojy did it and also Michael

was the deal with Roman numerals.I for one, don't get it.
I for one, very clever.I like what you did there. That
took me a second. I'll admitit. It took me a second.
But well played, well played.I will use that one later. That's
a good one. Tom, you'reon the Michael Berry Show. Welcome to
the program. Good sir. I'dlike to why he am on the abortion

for just a second and go withsomething that no one else has really thought
of. Instead of saying I amfour or I am against. Why don't
we just legalize abortion right up tothe second of their eighteenth birth date.
You'll get the debortion debate out outof the way totally because no one will

go for that nonsense except for theparents, and they would go for it.
They would love it, and you'donly have to knock out one or
two kids and the rest of themwould fall straight in life. I get
it. It would be cute andclever, but I think we lose the
moral high ground of being in favorof the viability of a human life and

how precious it is. And Ikind of feel like the left would have
won at that point. I agreewith what I get your point. You
know it's crazy, Tom, itreally is. And I think a sense
that you get this and this isthe place from which you make such a
statement, is How on earth arewe arguing whether a baby is a human

life? How on earth are wearguing whether releasing murderers back out on the
street after they've committed a murder iscriminal justice reform? How on earth are
we arguing that the police officer whoarrested George Floyd should go to prison for
life? On earth are we arguingdefunding the police? How on earth are

we doing these crazy things we hearat the Michael Berry shoewd believe that a
grown ass man or a lesbian womanshould be able to pop a cold beer
on the drive home on Friday.Pretty good, Dragon Big. I love

fried chicken, if you haven't figuredout, and that's why fried chicken comes
up a lot on our show.There's always good stories around fried chicken,
and I think this is one ofthem. There's a fried chicken joint in
Huntingdon, West Virginia called Crispy's Chicken, and this particular location is not doing

as well as they would like.When a restaurant struggles. The manager often
gets creative to bring in business.They formulate a strategy to drive traffic,
a gimmick. Well, Crispy's Chickenis no different. Credit CBS thirteen News

in Huntingdon. Well, it wassupposed to be a positive development in the
heart of Huntington has turned into controversyafter accusations of racism and discrimination went viral
on social media. We're talking aboutKrispy's Chicken. It's a restaurant owned by
NFL Hall of Famer Randy Moss.But A thirteen News reporter Jordan me tells
us the manager of the restaurants saysthe community isn't supporting the business, and

he claims it has nothing to dowith the food. The original video,
the great energy, great food.You know Randy mosson this time invested his
money that sparked it all. Well, since we've been here for the past
a few months, it has beennothing of the negativity from the community.
The community not supporting. That's themanager of Crispy's Chicken, a fast food
restaurant in Huntington. In the videoposted just last week, he lashes out

at the community, saying the criticismgoes beyond the food and service. The
entire community is food with negativity.In an African American company, this is
who we deal with on a regularbasis. Unfortunate. You know, we're
not the old color, which isunfortunate to you guys, because if we
were the old color, I'm sureyou'll get a lot more respect. After

the backlash from his post, themanager, who would only tell us his
first name, called out a localhost of a podcast to do an interview.
I'm going to try to be positiveand have a positive effect on the
community, but it just wasn't havingit. But from that interview came more
controversy. Did our community do theytours them like they always do the African

American community, we are known totear each other down. The Chinese is
not known for it. The Europeansis. Nobody else is known for That's
something that Talk Huntington hosts. DavidWilliams, who goes by the on air
name of Alligator Jackson, says hetried to de escalate while addressing complaints.
Thirteen News spoke to Kurt today,he doubled down on his statements. Anybody

that misunderstood what I said on thatvideo, you have to think it was
clear as day would I said,it was clear. It was clear that
that's what African Americans been going throughfor centuries. It's clear. But you
know what these people did on thatpost. They took it and made the
wasting. That's what he did.They made it a black and white thing.

And for me, if you feltlike it was a race saying that's
something, in my opinion, ithits your heart. So maybe it is
a little bit of racism with inyourself, because if it touched you that
much, that must be you.There is a series I don't know if
it's on Netflix or Amazon or Apple, you can find it. It's called

Nathan for You. It's a guynamed Nathan Fielder and he is a Canadian
comedian and kind of a let's see, who would I compare him to,
kind of Kevin Green kind of deal, a little bit of Jackass, a
little bit of maybe a little Stevemartin In there, but he's got this

social anxiety and he embraces it andhe's really weird and really kind of awkward.
Kind of a Dimitri Martin if youknow that comedian kind of like what
he does. But Nathan for Youis him being hired by businesses to help
little tiny businesses to help promote theirbusiness. And one of them, it's

a yogurt shop, and he comesup with the genius idea that they're going
to have a Pooh flavored yogurt andit's called Pooh yogurt. And so he
asked the owner of this Asian guy, I wants you to make yogurt that
looks like Pooh. And so theowner takes a few days to mix it

and then it looks looks like crap, looks like Pooh, and then they
begin handing it out. But theysend a press release that people are protesting
against the Pooh at this yogurt shop. But it was all designed to get
attention, and that of course gotpeople to come in and try the pooh,

which was terrible. Apparently I didn'ttaste it. And then the guy
I told him he was an idiotfor it. And that's that's kind of
the running gag with them with thewhole thing, And that's that's what I
think a lot of what passes asnews actually is ramon. There's a movie.
There's a quote from the movie Dodgeballthat comes to mind. Here,

can you guess which one I'm talkingabout. If you can dodge a wrench,
you can dodge a ball. No, that's not it. So bold
strategy, Cotton. Let's see ifit pays off for him. That's the
one. It's a bold strategy totell customers that the only reason they haven't
tried your restaurant yet is because they'reracist. If I was white, you'd

eat here. It's not the besttagline. It's like a bit from a
committee named Doc Brown. You're nota loser. It's just that everybody's racist
some dark times right where I usedto think it was like me against the
worlds, you know, and inthose times you got to remember it's them,
because when you're down and out andyou're really up against it, just

remember the basics. It's a mantra. Repeatedly say this. You're not a
loser. It's just everybody's racist.Yeah, that's right. I said,
Why do you think nobody ever giveyou any credit? Why you last on
the list of your doctor's patience chronological? Or is your surgery racist? What
type oft on the pavement in frontof your house alsatian racist? Say you're

tightening in a search engine trying towrite haters with a Z at the end
and your computer goes, did youmean haters? That's how you know Google's
racist? If every time an aggluesmade this always why Eskimo's racist? So
now you know the truth is plainthis. Your car won't start an engine

racist to team, don't think youthese guys racist jeans don't fit you,
Levi, it is racist. Youcan't lose weight every time you try it.
I guarantee your diet is racist.On your birthday railed in places,
Klaus, the whole sky is racist. You go on, I put shuffle
in a playlist that ain't picked.Reggae in the world racist. Can you

get to the queue? You're thelast in the queue, Dude, that
you's racist? And then when youget to the front the staff say,
hey, thanks for way, andthat's racist. Who's the whole post office
off? What do you think theytry and sell you second class stuff to
worse institutional racism. You go Nando's. Suddenly they make chicken and you might

want chriscus or just soup to theyman, they already judged you. Celebrating
the grown ass working man and lesbianwoman or Friday drive home on the Michael
Barry shows on bread and mitter beansand you most the table eating them beans

and well, it's that time inthe program where we check and see who
called us, sometimes in a drunkenstupor sometimes on their way to work when
we're not on the air, sometimesright after we go off the air seven
one thousand. You can leave usa voicemail most anytime, actually literally anytime
unless we're live on the air.But when we're off and you have a

random thought, we love to showup and get our very Hello, boys
and girls, it's Friday, soyou know what that means. It's time
to check. Michael age all,I see yours called. This week,
we start off with Rick, whocalled into let me know that I had
underestimated the left. Michael, youunderestimated something. You said that the left

don't care if you're agitated. Oh, they do care. They want you
to be agitated. That's their power. That's where they get their attention.
They do all these things just toagitate you. And so we should win,
we should not give up. Thanks. Well, I think we're quibbling

over the same issue. And Isaid the left doesn't care if you're agitated.
I meant the left does not mindif you are agitated. The left
is not deterred if you are agitated. I disagree on one pedantic note,
however, the goal of the leftis not simply to agitate us. It's

important to remember this. The goalof the left is not simply to agitate
us. The goal of the leftis to get from point A to point
B. They fully understand and arecomfortable with that's going to upset you,
But you upsetting them is a sideeffect. They're not just wanting attention,

They're wanting a goal. They willuse your own college age kids, your
own teenage kids, blacks, someimmigrants, transgenders, teachers, they will
use those people to irritate you becausethose people have a need for your attention.

But make no mistake, the peoplecalling the shots, they want something
more than simply your annoyance. Yournineteen year old daughter at college getting really
upset and being in protests and gettingtattoos and dating a guy who's going to
end up beating the snot out overin five years after they've had two kids

and she wishes she'd never met him. She's doing that for your attention.
But the people driving the left,they have goals much grander than just upsetting
you. Keith called to tell methat the pro Palestinian protests are just the
flavor of the day. Hey,it's Keith from French Settlement. This freeing

Palestine is just the flavor of theday, the most convenient excus So,
they're trying to create more civil unrest. It's like they did last time for
an election. Let's get everybody stirredup and fighting, and you know their
opposition will roll over for them.It's funny how all of a sudden,

palettes of bricks have started to showup, conveniently located wherever they're having protests.
Did he say Frenk Settlement Louisiana.We just had a call from French
Settlement Louisiana last week. Finally,we have a voicemail from a gentleman that
refers to himself as the Other Donald. He has a lot of Donald Trump's

soundbites that he wants Ramon to startplaying on the show. It's the Other
Donald. You need to play thatDonald Trump's little speech that he made there
for at least once in the morning, once in the afternoon every day.
And here's something other things you canthrow in there that I'm sure Ramone can
fit in somehow. Now and thenan r demersion is over. Abota will

never be a socialist. China hastotal respect for Donald Trump's very, very
large a brain. You heard allthat well from us? Your fire,
you get out, Oh, comeon your little controversial. We're talking about
illegal immigration. It's illegal China bytwo simple rules, High Americans and higher

America. I think I'm doing agreat job. I would get myself an
eight plus soup. Can I gohigher than this? Simply put all's work
at all, safe lives. Iguess together we will make America great.

A guess got it? I thinkso? I hope, so all right,
be listening, Bye bye. It'snot every day that someone calls us
to play Trump's clips of Trump tous when we spend our whole day sifting
through clips of Trump. But hey, that's the point of the open line,

isn't it. Ramon. Carol Burnettturns ninety one today. You know,
I grew up sitting with my grandmotherand grandfather watching the Carol Burnett Show,
And I have to tell you thatwas quality comedy. That was wholesome,

good, decent comedy. I thinkabout what I didn't sit on the
couch. I'm sit on the floorat the feet of my grandmother. And
I think about often how much Ienjoyed those moments. I don't watch TV
now, but the idea of thetelevision. Remember, we didn't have a

computer, we didn't have a cellphone. It's such a different time.
But what was coming through that box, well, that was important stuff.
And there were things we did notmiss. We did not miss the wheel
when the wheel came on at sixpoint thirty. Whatever happened before that,
you sat, You were there forthe wheel. We didn't miss the Miss
America pageant. We did not missIt's heathl Eedburr. And we did not

miss the Carroll Burnett Show. Caroburnettturning ninety one today. This is a
scene from the Carroll Burnett Show andMissus Wiggins is having a tough time working
the intercom system where she's contemplating whereto go for lunch. Hello, don't

the price your bucking on? Hello? Don't mind? Yeah, I mean,
what's the guy? I'm in there? I'm getting ready to go to
lunch. Look like you're in thetrans trying to contact the chili dog.

No, I have a date forlunch, and I'm trying to think of
a restaurant he could take me to. Well, why don't you get a
nice official lunch. It's just supposedto be braining the foods in New York
that you'd have to order a whale. Carol Burnett, Harvey Korman, Vicki,

Lawrence, Tim Conway, Lyle Wagner. I mean, you know,
Dick Vandyke was on that show fora low while Dick Van Dyke said he
wasn't up to it. I meanthat's saying something. I think Dick Van
Dyke is a great comedic actor.That was a show right there. It's

that time, time, time,time, just luck and load till Michael
Arry Show is on the air.It's Charlie from BlackBerry Smoke. I can
feel a good one coming on.It's the Michael Berry Show. Oh yes,

it is chim Ter Restrict. Drinkingand driving here is viewed by some
downright fun democratic two six packs,Shiner ninety nine cent pute, ain't Ladder,
lucky Strack center, fifth of patronI stown at egg glue cooler,
take a gas at all the door. I can feel a good one coming

on home, throwing a Red WiyHubbard sing along the Red in Decking Mother.
Any blues I had before or goneanother working week is sold. No
chance to staying sober. I canfeel a good one coming on. Yeah,

we are rolling out, man,We're gonna get the feeling around.
We gonna keep this party rock untilthe break of don Yeah. I can
feel feel a good one coming all. We just gotta getting calling this one.
I can't. I put in ahard day's work, put in eleven

foelve hours a day, and theyain't getting you. Drucked in the last
right and one or two beards,three blocks in the rack top Mustang followed
us down to the legging. Didn'thave to think about that too long.
Skinny dipping in the ride, moonout. Situation couldn't be more right.

I can feel a good one comingon, yell, we are all long
night. We gonna get to feelit right. We gonna keep this party
rock until the break adn Yeah,I can feel a good one. Feel

like a good one. I canfeel a good one coming off. They're
making it lost where you can't drinkwhen you want to. You have to
wear a seat belt when you're driving. Chris, you gonna become this country.
Whoo yeah, we are loud night. We gonna get to feed in

right. We gonna keep this bodyrock until the brig of down we are.
We're gonna get to feed in ray. We gonna keep this body rock
until the brig and don Yeah,I can feel a good one. I

feel like a good one. Ican feel a good one coming off.
Every Friday morning, our sonic friendingfor the beginning of our first show of
the day, which most of youdon't get in your market, but you

can always hear on the podcast,is we play a gospel song. It's
called Oh Happy Day, and itwas on this day, April twenty sixth
in nineteen sixty nine when Oh HappyDay entered the Hot one hundred, becoming
the first pure gospel song to makethe chart, was by the Edwin Hawkins

Singers. And I will tell youthat has become our Friday morning show a
show song. And people will tellme Thursday night that they can't wait till
tomorrow's show to start the show withOh Happy Day. And what we do

is we use that song to centerus, to restabilize us. And since
most of you never hear that,I'm gonna play it for you whether you
listen to our morning show starting nextweek or not. It is it is
such a great time for us tocome together as a community of show that's
you and us listeners and participants andand just kind of get our head back

straight. Just just give it alisten. Wheny why dear see you the
way it's that happened? A happyday? You're a happy day winter loose

war, Oh witty war, windyloose war three away, give you a
love happy day? He happy day, oh happy day. Habit when Jesus

wool waiting wol George Patten would visitas soldiers more than any other general when
they were wounded during the war,and he was removed, I think set
up or being a soldier telling him, you know you're being a coward.

You gotta be tougher. Well,they don't talk about, which has been
widely written about from his soldiers,is him visiting Nobody else did that?
You know why he did that.Wouldn't the world be a better place if
every crown ass man and lesbian womanpopped the top on the drive home?
You bet it would. It's theFriday Drive Home on The Michael Berry Show.

You could say I'm just a goodold boy, dipped them look better
Country Friday, washed in the bloodand wrapped in calm a flaw, A
staunch defender of the rat satin.I grew up a custom to the railbal
flag under the shadow, promes downweather colors album next to ways. And

some folks are still mad because thesound lost. But I'm a good hearted,
freethaking sun I'm mad, sound littletrash, but I don't hate any
warm lot of black people, avery very happy people. Fifty fourth birthday

today to our first Lady, MilenniaTrump, born on this day in nineteen
seventy. Yes, indeed, Idon't need the media to tell me who
the good and bad people are inthis country. She did a wonderful job
as first Lady. She cared.She brings an immigrants passion, love,

humility, and gratitude to this countrythat frankly, we could use more of.
We absolutely could use more of.This weekend, when our show will
not be live, we have twopodcasts for you. We've started doing a

Saturday podcast. So for those ofyou who listen to the show. The
reason for the Saturday podcast is peoplesaid, you know I'm on Saturday when
I'm doing things I like to listento the show and you're not on.
So we started pulling together long forminterviews, segments, things that we were
tossing back and forth, most ofwhich wouldn't fit within the week because we

have about nine minute segments and thena break. Nine minute segments and a
break, and it would chop themup too much. So we started doing
our Saturday podcast so that while you'reout gardening, cutting the grass, working
on your car, doing whatever itis, you're driving to see the grandkids,
all the sorts of things you doon the weekend. This weekend is

a rap either eye opening discussion betweenJordan Peterson and Mosab Hassan Yusef on the
brutal reality of the Middle East.And it is a brutal reality, to
be sure. And for those ofyou who have been watching the pro Palestinian

protests on college campuses and trying tomake sense heads are tails of what's going
on with regard to what they callPalestine, the Israeli government, Hamas,
Gaza, the region, the history, the people. This is one thing

you should consider in the midst ofall of that. That will be our
Saturday podcast. I hope you enjoyit. Well, I don't know if
aybody's gonna enjoy it. I hopeyou learn something from it. We also
have started pulling by request some ofour favorite interviews, discussions, monologues,

this one in which those are labeledas archive. This archive request comes from
a fellow named Mickey, who writesZara after listening to Ted Nugent on your
radio program last Friday, I'm remindedthat some years ago you did a hunting
show. On that show, youhad a fellow on who wrote a cookbook
about how to cook fish and game. For the life of me, I

can't remember who he was. Hisname was and still is hank Shaw.
His book is Hunter, Angler,Gardener, Cook hank Shaw's Wild Food Recipes.
So Chad Knockanishi went into the archive, pulled it out and we will
be posting that this weekend as well. It was a fun interview to do.

It's about a guy hunter, angler, gardener, cook. It's about
a guy who goes out and killsall sorts of things, and then he's
the and prepares them and cooks themand tells you about the process from starting
to finish. He does the samething with fish, and even if you're
not a big angler, even ifyou don't go catch your own, he

has some wonderful recipes and methods ofpreparation for fish that you may never have
thought about. And what's interesting aboutthat is that most of it is open
fire, very natural, because that'show he likes to eat, and that's

how he likes to celebrate, youknow, our ecosystem and what we're eating.
But it also has the side effect, luckily, fortunately, happily,
of being very healthy. And it'sinteresting when you live and cook and eat
this way, there are side effectbenefits that you may not have been thought

about before. It's very natural.I tell my kids, you know,
you've got two parents, Mom anddad, Dad who grew up eating fried
foods and processed foods, and foodout of a bag and food out of
the freezer that came in a box. That you know, my mother's milk

is not food that improves my performancemental or physical. My mother's milk is
French fries and potato chips and processedsugar sodas. And I'm not unashamed of
that. Those are great memories,and that's that's what Americans did at that

time, right, that's that's whowe were and what we were, and
you pay for it on the backend, not just being fat, but
not feeling good, being lethargic.My wife grew up in India in a
family where fresh food was important.They didn't have food in bags, they
didn't they didn't eat that way.So she learned to eat fish, She

learned to eat healthy, fresh vegetablesand the like. And so over the
years, I've tried to focus muchmore on those sorts of things, not
just for the how much I endup weighing and how you look in a
picture and what's better for your jointin your back and you're sleep and all
that, but for how I feel. I find that my mind is sharper

I have. I embraced intermittent fastingsseveral years ago, and I did it
because I wanted to lose weight,which that worked. But I also found
that I'm much sharper. I'm muchI have greater clarity, I have greater
recall, And I tell people.Listeners will email me all the time and

say, well, I just don'tknow if I can do that, and
I say this, and I meanit. If I can do something,
believe me, you can do it. I am not a person who,
through the course of my life hashad incredible discipline. When it comes to
food, I just haven't. NowI'll outwork anybody when it comes to showing

up into the office, you know, putting a work product out, studying
hard, performing on a test,doing the academic things, building a business,
I'll do all of that. Butwhen it comes to you know,
I got to give up ice cream, I got to give up junk food.
I got to give up burgers andfries. That was very, very

hard for me to do. Andmy point is if I can do it,
and I can, then you certainlycan do it, and you will,
and then you will find that yourbrain releases certain endorphins that make you
more alive, that build your confidence, that build your energy level. That's

why we do hard things. That'swhy we do difficult things, because our
brain then tells us, guess what, You're in control of yourself, not
Joe Biden. Joe Biden doesn't controlyou. Nancy Pelosi doesn't control you.
The evil Left doesn't control you.You control you. You control how you

feel, You control how much energyyou're going to have. We can't just
sit around and get fat and lazyand depressed and let the left win.
Because our parents didn't do that,our grandparents didn't do that. We have
to be the warriors for the nextgeneration. Maybe this he has a stir

of success. Brought up in Arne, Texas. Broke ass hole scholarship is
way to two law degrees, includingone from her majesty to Quiney elected three
or four times, a lawyer,a husband, a father, but most
of all are ignorant ass asking yourseat belt, pop your coat when you

get ready for more of mister michaelberHayes word you guys started to realize that

turned chest mm hmm, yeah,I'm sorry, means yeah, step up,

be signed the saw. So it'sa dad stand up cool my whole
euse fans and two the friends sayhere was like seven to that? Why
sum there is it's the madhouse andme it's like being called my being famil

down that mo that time? Whereare I go along that I go to
firm tight the masks, I mean, I bet up man and shign up?
Where am I to go? Now? That bars one of the bullet

piss the ball, so you goone of the bullets pissed the ball.
I'm follow that the spiral this missionalone. This week I mentioned an attempt

by somebody or something to get anentry in the Guinness Book of World Records,
and it reminded me that when AnimalHouse came out, I think in
seventy seven, there was a fellownamed Widows, was it John Widows?
Who was one of the stars theywanted to have. They wanted to go
to a party. Well, thiswas filming. They wanted to get a

better sense of the fraternity scene.So they went to a party. It
was an SAE party, but Iforget where it was, ah, I
can't remember. Anyway, Belushi didn'tgo because he was back in New York
at filming Saturday Night Live, butsome of the other stars of the cast

did and they get into a fight. Where was it Widows? But where
do you know where the campus was? I don't remember where it was.
But they get into a fight andone of the one of the dudes knocks
Widow's teeth out, loses two anda half. He ended up taking the
third tooth out to h takes ashot. Well, when Belushi gets back,

Belushi wants to go over there andwhip all of them. He wants
to go over there and fight himhe is mad, which they talked him
out of doing. But they spentfour and a half million dollars marketing Animal
House on college campuses, and sothey would throw these parties on college campuses
because that the idea was, that'swhere the interest was gonna was gonna come

from. And one of the oneof the schools wanted to get an entry
into the Guinness Book of World Recordsas the largest movie watching part I don't
know what it was, but Iwas talking about another issue and I can't
remember what it was about the GuinnessBook of World Records. And Jim Mudd

sent me a message, our creativedirector, and said, how cool was
the Guinness Book of World Records Whenwe were kids. I still remember the
World's Fattest twins who had to beburied in a piano box when they died,
and I sent back I remember,I think it was on page one
twenty seven. I remember the Indianwith the long nails. Do you remember

him? Because there weren't that manyphotos in the Guinness Book of World Records,
but the photos that there were,whatever the page was, I would
always go back and look at him. And he had the nails that just
curled and curled and curled. Andover the years that has always been that
whole, the whole Guinness Book ofWorld Records. Well, great joy of

my life. My oldest son,Michael T. Will be graduating high school
here any day, loves the GuinnessBook of World Records. And I just
bought him this year's version and Ileft it on the table for him,
and he sent me the nicest messagesaying, Dad, thank you for my
againness book. He loved, andhe's loved it since he was a little

bit of kid. It's remained consistent. I don't know if there's something in
the Guinness Book of World Records thatyou remember as a kid, but feel
free to send me an email overthe weekend. Just go to Michael Berryshow
dot com and you can send mean email there with whatever that was,
and I'll probably remember it. JoeBiden had another run in with the teleprompter.

These never end. There's a storythis week that they're trying to keep
him from being seen walking because it'sso awkward him walking. As you know,
Joe Biden has a storied history withthe teleprompter. It is noteworthy that
the percentage of women who registered tovote and cast a ballot is consistently higher

than the percentage of the men whodo so. End the quote. Women
are not without electoral and or politicalor or maybe precise not and or or
political power. That's another saying youthe women America can determine the outcome of
this issue. The repeat the linewas their direction to him, And here's

his latest. See what we cando next four more years? You know,
this week he claimed that his uncleBoseie was eaten by cannibals. There

really is no end to this.I mean, he is basically he told
some truck drivers, you know,I can drive a truck. I'll drive
a eighteen wheeler. He just therereally is no end to how this thing
plays out. It is crazy.You want to know one way that kids

are different today than we were.When we were playing as a kid and
had to stop, we'd say timeout or stop. Kids today say pause
because of video games. They alsogrow up with the ability to pause live
TV or whatever they're streaming, sothey say pause where we would say stop.
Imagine what we can do next fourmore years? Pau You know you

make me vunut pause pause, pawn, you know it's another work week in

the books, getting you geared upfor the weekend. It's the Friday drive
home. On the Michael Barry Show, up the start of the show by

talking about blessings and gratitude, beinggrateful for the good things in your life.
And if you can't see them,it's your problem. They're there.
You don't have a terminal illness.A friend of mine, her father,
rang the bell yesterday. It's ait's a thing at the Texas Medical Center
when you have cancer and you finishyour course of treatment, which can be

brutal. Chemo is awful, poisonin your body, poison fighting the cancer,
and you ring the bell and yourloved ones are invited to join you,
and you ring the bell. Yourtreatment is over. This is you
know, you've accomplished this thing.Wow, it's a finish line. Yay.
It's a cool thing, you know, a cancer diagnosis. It's it's

a reminder that we're not going tolive forever, right, And it's a
reminder that our bodies are fallible,going to fall apart, We're imperfect,
We're only here for a moment,and on and on. Right, So

she she and her father rings abell, and it's kind of a good
reminder that I'm happy I'm alive.Well, be happy that you're alive.
Be happy that you can state youropinion, and that nobody says to you
that you should be ashamed of youropinion because you're not allowed to have that

opinion. Stephen A. Smith wason with Sean Hannity, he's a sports
guy on ESPN, and he sayspeople find black folks find Trump relatable.
Listen to this, But I gotto tell you something. As much as
people may have been abhorred by DonaldTrump's statement weeks ago talking about how black

folks he's hearing, that black folksfind him relatable because what he's going through
is similar to what Black Americans havegone through. He wasn't lying. He
was telling the truth. When yousee the law, law enforcement, the
court system, and everything else beingexercised against him, it is something that
black folks throughout this nation can relateto. With some of our historic iconic

figures, we've seen that happen throughoutsociety. So no matter what race,
what ethnicity you may emanate from,we relate to you when you're suffering like
that because we know we have,and that's what he articulated. So Steven
A. Smith, he likes totalk like he's his own man. He's
a tough guy. He talk hecost people out because I'm black and I'm

tough, and I know these professionalplayers and I'm great. You ain't nothing
but owned. Listen to how hehad to backtrack after blacks started coming out
and trashing him for daring to saythat black people find Trump relatable because he

talks about the problems of an hourwhat a controlled government. Here's here's Steven
A. Smith. He's mistery.I make millions of dollars a year.
I'm my own man, y'all.Hear me. I know you're not be
grateful, folks. Be grateful thatyou can come to your own conclusions that

you can't be browbeaten, that youdon't belong to anybody. Listen, I'll
take this to the break. Listenand laugh at what a fool he had
to make of himself to apologize forsaying something nice about Donald Trump. I
wanted to touch on something that Imade news about just a few days ago.

Let me say this, ladies andgentlemen, accountability is where everything needs
to begin. In this world.There's something I say quite often, I
certainly never hesitate the whole folks accountablewhen mistakes or mishaps occur, so I'm
certainly not about to run from itmyself. I'm fully aware that I've been
in the news over the last fewdays, paraded all over social media as

well after comments I made during myappearance on Fox News Is Hannity last week
with the one and only Sean Hannityhimself, and I'm fully aware of the
outcry that has ensued because of it. A lot of folks in Black America
seemed pretty pissed at me right now, from friends and loved ones to colleagues,

contemporaries, and dare I say,even the NAACP itself. Quite a
few folks were put off if andI flat out offended after my words were
interpreted as associating support for Trump fromthe black community with all the legal issues
he's facing. For that, Isincerely apologize. To be clear, my

words were misconstrued. I'm stating righthere for the record that my words were
taken out of context, misrepresenting anddepicting me in a way I found every
bit is insulting and disrespectful, asfolks in black matory evidently felt about what
they thought I said. But I'llown it anyway, because you know,

please know that, I know thebuck stops with me. I'm in the
communication business. I've been here forthirty years, so regardless of whatever interpretation
that accompanies any words coming out ofmy mouth, the responsibility ultimately lies with
me first and foremost before anybody else. I've always felt that way. I

still do, I always will period. Blacks who refuse to support Trump are
ware of his history of issues,and we'll never forget how Trump claimed Obama,
the nation's first black president, wasn'teven qualified to hold office because he
was born in Kenya, although Trumprecanted the statement during his twenty sixteen campaign

run for the presidency. Yet Trump'sdissenters were not the topic of discussion when
I was talking to Hannity. Thesupport he appears to be receiving in the
polls was what was being discussed.Five Polls, Countum, five, Emerson,
NBC News Daily, Guss Costs,New York Times, and Ras Mussin

all big national polls had Trump leadingover the last few weeks plus. According
to five thirty eight, recent localpolls also put Trump ahead in battleground states.
He's up six points in Michigan,Arizona, and Georgia each in so
far as Trump gained his support inthe black community. Will How about various
publications with these headlines The Chicago Tribune, This time Trump really does seem to

be making black voter in roads.Why The Washington Post? Voters of color
are shifting right? Are Democrats doomed? How about the New York Times.
As black voters drift to Trump,Biden's allies say they have work to do.
Axios wrote big Biden bummer. NewYork Times poll shows gaps with key

demographic groups. Wall Street Journal Bidenloses support among black men. The Hill
Biden losing support among black voters inswing states. Colon Survey, Al Jazeera,
Why are black voters backing Donald Trump? In record numbers? And CBS

News Black voter support for Trump upfrom four percent to twenty three percent poll
fines. Why did I say allof that? Because I want to show
you I didn't just open my mouth. I read, I listened, and
I've seen a momentum shift as weall have anywhere I appear, no matter

my subjectivity, relating to what Ifeel is still going to be based on factor
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