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September 16, 2024 32 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
It's that time time, time, time walking loot. Michael Very
show is on the air.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
This aspect of what is now being investigated as a
second attempted assassination of former President Trump has been identified.
If I already say, his name is Ryan Wesley Roath.
He allegedly poked his muzzle of his AK forty seven
stars rifle through a changling fence as he was hiding
in the bushes of former President Trump's golf course at

West pomp Beach, Florida. That's when an agent saw it
in open fire.

Speaker 3 (00:39):
Real history.

Speaker 1 (00:43):
You know, that's a little bit old.

Speaker 4 (00:44):
That that yarts a couple of months old.

Speaker 1 (00:46):
And if you want to.

Speaker 4 (00:47):
Really see something that said, take a look at what happened.

Speaker 3 (00:50):
Over show you don't love case, see your last case.

Speaker 5 (01:15):
Let's remember Charlottesville where there was a mob of people
carrying tiki torches viewing anti Semitic hate. And what did
the president then at the time say, there were fine
people on each.

Speaker 4 (01:30):
Side, but you also had people that were very fine
people on both sides.

Speaker 1 (01:35):
And you had people and.

Speaker 4 (01:37):
I'm not talking about the neo Nazis and the white
nationalists because they should be condemned totally.

Speaker 5 (01:44):
Donald Trump, the candidate, has said in this election, there
will be a bloodbath if this and the outcome of
this election is not to his liking.

Speaker 4 (01:53):
Those big monster car manufacturing plants that you're building in
Mexico right now, and you think you're gonna get that,
you're gonna not hire Americans and you're gonna sell the
car us. No, we're gonna put a one power for
in every single car that comes across the line, and
you're not going to be able to sell those gus.

Speaker 1 (02:12):
If I get elected.

Speaker 4 (02:14):
Now, if I don't get elected, it's going to be
a blood bath for the whole that's going to be
the least of it. It's going to be a blood
bath for the country. That'll be the least of it.

Speaker 3 (02:23):
Shine Shine, sh Shah.

Speaker 1 (02:59):
A second assassination attempt on President Donald Trump? Where does
it end? How far are they willing to go? We
haven't seen the edge yet, we haven't seen the limits
to which they will go to stop this man. Before

we get too far into the show, we want to
welcome our newest affiliate and we are honored to be
aired starting today on WTAAM eight fifty, a fifty thousand
watt most you can have in Virginia Beach, Virginia. It's
particularly delightful because there are a lot of military folks there,

and it is always interesting to get insight from folks
who are currently serving our country as to what is
being reported in what is actually happening. If you are
new to the show in Virginia Beach or anywhere else,
drop me a line Michael at Michael Berryshow dot com.

M I C H A E L B E R R.
Michael at Michael Berryshow dot com. Make it brief, but
tell me where you're listening, who you are, and believe
it or not, this always surprises people. I do read
every email. I can't promise you I will respond to
every email. I can't get over one thousand a day,

but I do read them. And if you'll be brief,
you'll be assured I will read the entirety of the email.
So we look forward to welcoming these new folks into
our show. Very very excited about that. Julie Worden, who
is ably running that station, a Sinclair station, and we're

just delighted to have you as part of our listening audience.
All right, let's get to what happened this weekend. An
assassination attempt was being carried out against President Trump. The
left will say it wasn't an assassination. In fact, the
White House immediately issued a statement that he was not
the target, but we know he was. Folks, keep your

wits about you. They're going to deny everything they've done
to him. Kamala Harris is going to claim she's for
the border wall. She's going to claim that she came
up with the no tax on tips even though she
voted against him. They will have you all what happened, Oh,
you were cleaning? Who was cleaning? His trigger in there?

They will have you twisted in the principl angry because
they're always on offense. Don't get caught up in it.
And you know what's amazing to me, how many people
on our side. It's very hard for us to win
because there are a lot of people on our side

who were so concerned with us running up the score
or that we may be doing something that they wouldn't
be happy about. You look at how many Republicans are
going so I'm talking about eating the dogs and cats.
It's racist against the Haitians. How's that? How embarrassed are

you going to be would more of these cases of
eating cats and dogs come out. You think we wouldn't
be talking about this if it was Irish doing it,
or the Italians or the Yugoslavians. You think we wouldn't
be talking about it. Then there are a lot of
people on our side who are so well trained that

whatever they do, they'd rather lose the election and be
able to hold their head up and say, no one
called me a racist. I was able to defend myself.
I'm not a racist. They would rather lose the election
and be subjugated by the left than to do anything

that wins the election. There are people on our side,
folks who are afraid to criticize Kamalin Harris because their
sister will call him a racist. And make no mistake,
the left knows how to play this game. They're very
good at it. They use this to their advantage. Everything

is racist and they know that that threat lingering makes
you so nervous. Tucker Carlson expressed his fear that President
Trump would be assassinated.

Speaker 6 (07:42):
Over a year ago. They called him names, he won anyway.
They impeached him twice on ridiculous pretenses. They fabricated a
lot about what happened on janu racist in order to
impeach him again. It didn't work. He came back, then
they indicted him, It didn't work. He became more popular.

Then they indicted him three more times, and every single
time his popularity rose. So if you begin with criticism,
then you go to protest, then you go to impeachment,
Now you go to indictment, and none of them work.
What's next? I mean, let you know, grasp it out, man.
We're speeding court assassination obviously.

Speaker 1 (08:22):
Is that so crazy? Two attempts on his life two
first one was July thirteenth, then two months later, thirty
four convictions. They booted him off the ballot in several states.
They've dragged him through the court everywhere. They impeached him twice.

It's not Trump they're after, it's you. They are afraid
they're losing control.

Speaker 7 (08:49):
You really believe that the worst thing that ever happened
to America with slavery Michael Barry Show, and the best
thing that ever happened to slavery was America and the
Republican Party.

Speaker 1 (09:03):
Do Victor Rick. NBC's Lester Holt isn't trying to hide
his contempt for President Donald Trump, going as far after
Trump had a second assassination attempt on him as to
blame Donald Trump for the fact that these crazies are

out there trying to kill him.

Speaker 8 (09:27):
Today's a parent assassination attempt comes amid increasingly fierce rhetoric
on the campaign trail itself. Mister Trump is running made
j d Vance continue to make baseless claims about Haitian
immigrants in Ohio.

Speaker 1 (09:42):
They don't know that those claims are baseless. That is
called victim shaming. Route there suggesting that Donald Trump deserves this.
The man was shot two months ago. And it's this
kind of language from Lester Holt, the media and the Democrats.

We're going to get to more of it. Do you think,
Lester Holt, that eight years of comments like the ones
made by then Senator Kamala Harris bear any blame taking.

Speaker 9 (10:16):
An elevator with either President Trump, Mike Penser, Jeff's sessions,
who would it be?

Speaker 1 (10:23):
Does one of us have to come out alive? You cackling?
Lester Holt's not the only one. Elise Jordan of Time
Magazine was on MSNBC with Alex Witt and they both
blamed quote the rhetoric of the Trump campaign. Remember Retrick

and Vitriol, Remember us criticizing about illegal immigration and crime
and inflation and theft and fraud and all the evil
that is these people us criticizing that's very upsetting to them.
And is there crazy people to want to kill us?

Speaker 9 (11:02):
Do you expect there to be called from within the
Trump campaign to do that, because he's going to reach
out to his supporters and say, let's take this down.
We do not know again, the source of any gunshot
or gunshots, We don't know who's responsible for this. The
whole thing has yet to be one hundred percent confirmed

from start to finish how this all played out. But
do you expect to hear anything from the Trump campaign
about toning down the rhetoric, toning down the violence, or
would that be a typical of the former president?

Speaker 10 (11:38):
Well, Alex remember back to the assassination attempt on President
Trump's life and how you know, there was talk of
a new tone, and then the Republican Convention was by
Trump and standards muted, and it did seem like he was,
you know, just trying to take it down a few notches.
But then by the end of his engine speech, you know,

we were kind of back to where we started, So
I don't know how long this could likee you know,
this moment of unity for the country, where we come
together and we say I don't want any political opposition
to be under threat of violence. It's not okay, any
threat of viron violence. You know, we don't want. I

would love for us to have a unity type moment,
but I think it's probably going to be pretty fleeting
as we've seen in the past.

Speaker 1 (12:28):
Oh really, is that right? You want a unity moment?
You want a unity moment? Okay, it's the Republicans. It's
you and me. We're the ones stirring all this up.
People aren't shooting at them. It's their people who are shooting,
which is exactly what they want. You want to listen

to their media and their party explicitly calling for the
use of political violence. It's their protesters. They're shooters, they're
school shootings, they're trnifestos. These people want civil war, that's
what they want. But they can't have an all out

civil war because we got the guns, and we got
the veterans, and we have the hunters. We've got the
people who will defend themselves, men and women, there's a
lot of you out there listening right now, a lot
of you ladies. I know, I see you at the
gun range. I walk into the gun range, Ramona, and
I've had this conversation. There's a little old lady over

there with white hair. Maybe she went and got maybe
she got her hair did today. She's got her purse,
she's got little pumps. She's seventy five years old on
floral print dress, and she's down on the inn lane,
got her hearing protection on in her glasses into busting
rounds because she's not going to be a victim. And

the Left knows this. They got plenty of thugs and
plenty of crazies like this Ryan Road that did this.
But they know they don't need an all out war.
So what are they doing picking and shoes in their
battle sites and stirring up their crazies. You see, they
know their people are crazy. They know their people are crazy,

So what they do is they keep stoking this language.
We're gonna get to this shooter in a minute. This
guy was all in for the for the Ukraine and
for the Nazi group in Ukraine. He probably had CIA ties.
That's that's not a stretch. He voted Democrat in March.

He's been obsessed with defeating Trump. And Trump is a
threat to democracy. So what you're gonna kill him? This
is the mindset of these nuts. So you're gonna kill
him because he's a threat to democracy. This is the thing.
No Democrat primary. Then they just replaced Biden with Kamala.

These unelected bureaucrats, these intelligence industry officials. But listen, listen
to them. They say that we're calling for violence, but
listen to them.

Speaker 11 (15:13):
I just don't even know why there aren't uprisings all
of the country, and maybe there will be.

Speaker 12 (15:17):
People need to start taking to the streets.

Speaker 1 (15:20):
This is a dictator. You know.

Speaker 9 (15:22):
There needs to be unrest in the streets for as
long as there's unrest in our lives.

Speaker 1 (15:26):
Enemies of the state. Show me where it says that
protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful.

Speaker 13 (15:32):
Do something about your dad's immigration practices effectless moment they
go low, be kut.

Speaker 5 (15:37):
How do you resist the temptation to run up and
ring her neck?

Speaker 4 (15:40):
Biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most
of them radicalized right up to the right.

Speaker 1 (15:47):
I thought he should have punihed him in the face.

Speaker 5 (15:48):
They said, even if you lost, he insulted your wife,
he's on the escalator and called Mexican's rapist.

Speaker 1 (15:53):
Immerged. He said, well, what do you think I should
have done? So think you should punish him in the face.

Speaker 14 (15:55):
And then gotten out of the race.

Speaker 1 (15:56):
You would have been a hero. I'd like to punch
him in the face, I said, if we're in high school,
taken behind the human beat the hell out of them
some people in the face.

Speaker 15 (16:05):
When was the last time an actor assassinated in a president?

Speaker 6 (16:09):
They're still going to have to go out and put
a bullet in Donald Trump.

Speaker 15 (16:12):
And that's a fact.

Speaker 1 (16:15):

Speaker 9 (16:16):
His character is stabbed to death.

Speaker 1 (16:18):
Where is John Roke's booth when you need him in
this way?

Speaker 16 (16:25):

Speaker 10 (16:25):
I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the
White House.

Speaker 1 (16:30):
A Missouri state senator is under investigation by the Secret
Service after saying she holds President Trump is assassinatees.

Speaker 14 (16:38):
I will go and take Trump out tonight. And if
you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in
an apartment, staff and a gasoline station, you get out
and you cry a guy, and you sat on.

Speaker 3 (16:54):
Them, and you tell him there now come any.

Speaker 11 (16:58):
Knowing, anywhere, and sadly, the domestic enemies to our voting
system and are honoring our constitution are right at sixteen
hundred Pennsylvania Avenue.

Speaker 5 (17:10):
They're not going to stop before election day in November,
and they're not going to stop after election day, and
that should be everyone should take note that on both levels.

Speaker 15 (17:18):
That is, they're not going to let up, and they
should not.

Speaker 1 (17:21):
Do you think you say nothing yet? I am one
said have you tried that? As we both laughed so
hard it's kind of embarrassing action. He's are idiot to
what Delia. It's very important when you're running an op,
very important with messaging that you get your lie out

before the truth. Very important because your lie as the
first bit of news, will be repeated because there's a
dearth of information. No one knows anything, so you push
out a lie and everyone wants to be the first
person to know, Oh, hey the guy shot Trump he's

a Republican. It's not accidental that they get these things wrong.
You realize that, right, That's why they'll tell you something
someone is a white male, women, it's a Muslim or
a black or an illegal alien. That's why they do
that in this case, this white male, it's a registered
Democrat who's contributed to ActBlue, and we have his social

media posts. They're all about Kamala Harrison, how much he
hates Donald Trump. So why would MSNBC Jonathan Lemire on
Morning Joe, Why.

Speaker 17 (18:38):
Jonathan Lemir a long ravishing from this guy. He actually
in twenty sixteen he supporting Donald Trump, but then it
was disillusioned with Donald Trump well before the Ukrainian War,
the Russian Ukraine War, the Russian invasion, and saw some
possible support for other Republican candidates in twenty twenty four.

Speaker 1 (18:59):
What do you know?

Speaker 12 (19:00):
Yeah, you're right, there was on his social media County
and suggested that he had backed Trump and twenty sixteen
and then soured on him. There was also some tweets
suggesting some support from Mikiy Hailey, vivik Ramaswami, you know,
and the like. His politics though fairly unclear at this point,
and certainly we should give credit to the Secret Service,
as you did, and that this is you know, as
much as Butler County went wrong, that it's in tons

of antry months ago. Seems like yesterday they did everything
exactly right. And these are the sort of incidents that
do happen from time to time, perhaps not as close
to the principle like this one was where a man
actually had a gun and was preparing to strike, But
there are instances all the time where Secret Service disrupts
these sort of incidents where there's still arrest. Someone proposed
some sort of threat to the sitting press.

Speaker 1 (19:39):
Well and Jonathan.

Speaker 17 (19:40):
Part of the confusion leading into the press conference YS
today was that there was just some bad misinformation that
came out very early. People came out with with segments
very early and started with shots fired in the vicinity
of Donald Trump, suggesting at Donald Trump others. There was
stories for a couple of hours, and Secret Service saw
the direction in.

Speaker 1 (20:00):
Which the shots were fired from.

Speaker 17 (20:02):
And then we find out later though it was shumbled
at the press conference, we find out later that it
appears the only shots fired were from the Secret Service
toward the man to get him to do exactly.

Speaker 12 (20:15):
What he did, and no shots fired. A Trump at
that point was still several holes away.

Speaker 1 (20:19):
We continue CNN's keyon Law reports that Ruth has had
run ends with law with the law in the past.
He's from North Carolina. He once had an incident. We're
pulled over and he's got a record, and he goes
for his gun, but then he decides to flee, and
then he barricades himself inside a roofing company that he

owns for three hours. By the way, at this point
he has a machine gun. This guy's very unstable, typical
angry democrat. Listen to this.

Speaker 13 (20:56):
Actually seeing the first images of him. Our investigative team
has been going through the internet, going through various social
media websites, and we now know that this is Ryan
Wesley Routh.

Speaker 1 (21:06):
He is aged fifty eight.

Speaker 13 (21:09):
The images that you are seeing here are publicly available
on social media websites and these are posted the ones
that you saw with the Ukrainian flag behind him and
with various soldiers that he went to Keith. He went
to Ukraine, went to the front lines, and he traveled
there in twenty twenty two. He was raising money for
the war effort. He personally traveled there. He was encouraging

others to join among his friends as well as just
across social media, encouraging this fight for democracy. As he
was writing on social media. We're also getting a fuller
image of who this fifty eight year old man is.

Speaker 1 (21:48):
We know that he had been.

Speaker 13 (21:49):
Living in Hawaii as well as in North Carolina. In Hawaii,
he was a self employed affordable housing builder. He started
his own company in twenty eight called camp Box Honolulu,
and it builds storage units for those tiny houses that
you see in a lot of urban areas. And those
tiny houses, according to an article written about him in

the local newspaper, was to help homeless people. In North Carolina,
he had been registered as an unaffiliated voter without a
party in twenty twelve.

Speaker 1 (22:21):
He voted in the state's Democratic.

Speaker 13 (22:23):
Primary in March of this year, according to the North
Carolina State Board of Elections, and he had contributed more
than one hundred dollars to Act Blue, that is the
website that processes donations for Democrats, and this is according
to federal campaign finance records. We also are learning that
he did have brushes with the law, especially in North Carolina.

There are several incidents. The two thousand and two incident
that you had been talking about with some of our
experts on set there that he was arrested after being
pulled over by police and had barricaded himself with a
firearm inside of a business. That was confirmed via law
enforcement and also public record confirmed a number of cases
dating back to the nineteen nineties, he has been repeatedly,

repeatedly accused of not paying his taxes on time. Judges
have ordered him to pay tens of thousands of dollars
to plaintiffs and various civil suits.

Speaker 1 (23:17):
This is like Ted Bundy's mom saying he's a good guy,
don't you know, don't take his life well, not based
on his actions. So his son says, he's a good guy.
He's got a long criminal record, and he's set up
to kill President Trump, and he ran from the scene
and they caught it, and he had a go pro
because he wanted a trophy. He wanted to share this.
He felt like he was some sort of creepy hero.

This is the Michael Bays. I want to play some
audio of Ryan Roath, the man who set out to
kill President Trump. Son says he's a super swell guy.
His son was quoted as saying, yeah, he hates Trump
like all reasonable people do, but he wouldn't do something
crazy like trying to kill him. Well, was he set up?

And then he tells us he's a good, decent, honest guy,
cares for people. Actually, he has a lifetime of doing
the opposite. He's just like a democrat. He is a Democrat.
Newsweek has released a video of Ryan Wesley Roath being
interviewed in Ukraine. Now, a lot of people with intel

experience are making the point that this guy is intersecting
with ciaops a lot over the years. He's giving interviews
on American soil to American media about recruiting Americans and
Afghan mercenaries to go to Ukraine to fight. Well, this

it's not your average run of the meal sort of stuff.
Let's get into some of this. This was with Newsweek.
Here he is a video in Ukraine, and according to
his own bragging, he's met with the top folks in Ukraine.
I don't need to remind you Ukraine is where the

Bidens laundered cash. And by the way, it's not just
the Bidens who were involved in laundering cash through Ukraine.
Remember they put Hunter Biden on the board of Barisma,
the national oil company. Remember that, Remember the millions they
paid him. Remember when Donald Trump got wind that Biden

had been engaged in criminal activity in Ukraine, so he
called the president and people within the United States government
then ran and said he has to be impeached. He's
interfering with foreign governments. No, no, he was over the
target and he wasn't peach. You remember Vindman. Well, he's

going to come back in this story. Ukraine is very
very important. Ukraine is a bipartisan pit of vipers. Zelenski
and that crew, the oligarchs, and how the United States

government and the CIA has been involved in Ukraine over
the years. And you're just supposed to keep thinking Russia bad.
Therefore Ukraine good. Please tell me who you are and
why are you here?

Speaker 16 (26:42):
Fifty six from the US from North Carolina. Originally so
live in Hawaiian noun, so it flew all way from
Hawaii here. So the question as far as why I'm
here to me. You know, a lot of the other
conflicts are gray, but this conflict is definitely black and white.
This is about good versus evil. This is a storybook,

you know, any movie we've ever watched. This is definitely
evil against good.

Speaker 1 (27:07):
I mean, we're.

Speaker 16 (27:08):
Valing a situation here where you know, the Ukrainians and
the rest of the world are caring and kind and
generous and unselfish and take care of one another.

Speaker 15 (27:19):
And it's just a matter of you know, we need
to stand up for that.

Speaker 16 (27:23):
That is the most important thing in the world, is
just to show human beings that we're kind and we're caring,
and that we take care of one another, and that.

Speaker 15 (27:30):
The world is united, so that we feed each other
and make sure that, you.

Speaker 16 (27:35):
Know, we all move forward as one collective, whole unit,
so you know, we feel the pain of one country's
failure and their conflicts, and we enjoy the successes of
other countries that are doing good, and we all work together.
And for some reason, Russia does not grasp this concept
that we're all one unit and we have to get

along and work together and.

Speaker 15 (28:01):
Being in all the human beings. This is twenty twenty two.
We have to work together.

Speaker 16 (28:06):
It seems asinine that we have a leader in a
country that does not understand the concept of being unselfish
and being generous and being kind and just the basic
moral values that are required by human beings these days.

Speaker 1 (28:25):
It blows my mind, just blows his mind. Now he's
going to blow somebody else's brains out, that's his goal.
He initially went there to Russia, he claims, or to
Ukraine to fight the Russians, but he was told he
was too old, so then he started trying to recruit again.

See how openly he speaks about things that the average
person would never speak about. And what are you doing
here in Ukraine?

Speaker 15 (28:58):
My initial goal was to come and fight.

Speaker 16 (29:01):
I think, you know, everybody around the globe should be
motivated to come here and support the Ukrainians and to
support the army, no matter what gender, age, anything, everybody
should be here supporting the army.

Speaker 15 (29:12):
But I'm fifty six. So initially they're like, well, I
have no military experience. So they're like, you're not an
ideal candidate. So they said not right this minute. So
Plan B was to come here to Kiev and promote
getting more people here. You know, we need thousands and
thousands and thousands of people here fighting with the Ukrainians.

Speaker 16 (29:32):
We need you know, we've got one hundred and ninety
countries around the world and we need thousands from all
of it.

Speaker 15 (29:39):
If the governments.

Speaker 16 (29:41):
Will not send their official military, then we civilians have
to pick up the torch and make this thing happen.
And we've gotten some wonderful people here, but it's a
small fraction of the number that should be here. If
we have five thousand, you know, to ten thousand people
here fighting. You know, that is just a menuce amount
of the five billion people on the globe. You know,

we need everyone here fighting. That's that's why I'm in Key.
So every project that I provoked is about getting peoplehold
you're here to support the Ukrainians. We were at a
critical juncture in this war where we are sitting on
the fence as far as whether good or evil is
going to win. You know, right now we're looking at
a situation where the world is waning and it's and

it's thinking that this is important or not.

Speaker 15 (30:29):
And we're at a point where, you know, all right,
are we going.

Speaker 16 (30:32):
To stand for humanity, for human rights, for for everything
that is good with the world?

Speaker 15 (30:39):
Are we just going to ignore it?

Speaker 16 (30:40):
You know, if we if everybody is complacent and doesn't
join this, this this fight, then guess who's going to win.
It might take ten years, but we're going to lose
this battle if everyone around the globe does not stop
what they're doing and get off the couch and come
to Ukraine and defend defend the human rights.

Speaker 15 (30:59):
And everyone around the globe. This is the most important
thing going on in the world today.

Speaker 16 (31:03):
So sitting around and letting life go on as normal
and complaining about das prices and complaining about you know,
your luxury life in whatever country you live in is unacceptable.
As human beings, we must support each other. We cannot
turn our backs on anyone around the world and expect
the problem to go away. So I've been dealing with

a Russia for my entire life. You know, we have
one period where it was okay, but now we let
us slip slip back into into terror terrorism. So it's
just the world needs to respond. You know, why world
leaders are not sending military is beyond me. We're going
to have to elect new leaders the next go around

to have a backbone and you know, have the fortitude
to say, hey, we're.

Speaker 15 (31:51):
Not going to tolerate this type of behavior. This type
of hator is.

Speaker 16 (31:53):
Sunday Central anywhere, anywhere, any place, you know, So it
just it's totally uncomfortable.

Speaker 15 (32:01):
Why do boor a Panier have run out
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Monster: BTK

Monster: BTK

'Monster: BTK', the newest installment in the 'Monster' franchise, reveals the true story of the Wichita, Kansas serial killer who murdered at least 10 people between 1974 and 1991. Known by the moniker, BTK – Bind Torture Kill, his notoriety was bolstered by the taunting letters he sent to police, and the chilling phone calls he made to media outlets. BTK's identity was finally revealed in 2005 to the shock of his family, his community, and the world. He was the serial killer next door. From Tenderfoot TV & iHeartPodcasts, this is 'Monster: BTK'.

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