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July 2, 2024 45 mins
Nordo talks to Aaron Bourdage of Northern Fire BBQ about the secret to making the perfect ribs. Fill-in producer Maxx Fuller gives you the latest sports news including: Jayson Tatum's New contract, Twins/Tigers, & more!
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Episode Transcript

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Failed as the Nicest Man in ata stand up twenty twenty one Grammy nominated
comedian Night bar god See is headof the State Fair grand Stand. See
him on the Be a Funny Tourwhen he takes the stage on Saturday,
August twenty fourth, when the ticketsare still available. For more info and
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ten am hour aty fourth of Julyearly. We're a couple of days from
now. Sounds like the weather's gonnabe a little rough on Thursday as well,
so maybe the fireworks you're gonna dohim at two am any night.
Freak my dog out if you doa Wednesday into Thursday at two am.
Maybe maybe Friday and Saturday at twoam, so you can freak my dog

out. New baby at home andall that, and she's gonna be up
anyway. Baby doesn't care, Solight your fire works off. Just work
around the rain potentially, but it'sgonna be an amazing holiday. The the
Independence of a Nation in studio nowAaron Boor Dodge Northern Fire Grilli and Barbecue
Supply when I fill in and actuallywhat this is is it's a way for

me to ask you all the stupidquestions that I would ask you privately,
but then also just have a chanceto shoot the bleep about barbecue for a
segment. How you been, Man'sgood, good man, Thanks for having
me back in. It's always funto chat barbecue and hang out with you
guys and pretend like I'm some kindof you know, sports phenom for a
minute. Well, you're you're ahuge You're a huge Vikings fan. Yeah,

you're a season ticket holder. Yep, you love you love Dallas Turner.
Yeah, you're optimistic about j J. McCarthy season. Yeah, I
think we've got some chances and andJets mister Jefferson now signed long term so
we don't have to there's no moreweeping and gnashing of teeth. We're gonna
have a ton of cap space intothe future. Yep. Yeah, I
mean, I think it's all goodthings futures. But it's it's it's it's

the golden era. So last time, last time I had you in,
it was about cooking the perfect brisket. Now, last time, well,
a couple of weeks ago. Sowhen I had the baby, had a
couple of weeks to chill at homeand thank you, and I cooked a
brisket. It was a beautiful thing. It was really good. It wasn't

the best I've done. Yeah,I don't want to say I was disappointed.
Yeah, but it didn't. Itwasn't It wasn't as good as I
could do it. Yeah, SoI'm going to work on that. That's
kind of nature of barbecue. Youalways, you know, you hit one
out the out of the park,and then you you want to repeat that
cycle. And sometimes it just doesn'thappen. And sometimes it's the meat.

Sometimes it's your timing. You know, it's just random occurrence. Don't beat
yourself up. Have you ever cookedsomething where everyone's like, oh, this
is amazing, this is fantast andyou're sitting there, You're you're biting your
tongue like you don't want to eatit. You're so mad, You're you're
thinking, you're microanalyzing like one stepin the process that could have changed the
entire game. They're they're sitting there, appy as a lark, yeah,

and you are absolutely pouting. You'reyou're throwing in an inner fit. Yeah.
I think that's true for anybody thatgets into barbecue, for any period
of time that I think the cookis always the one that's the most judgmental
of what they got going on andwish they would have done something different.
Meanwhile, everybody's just going, whatis your problem? He thinks they're awesome.

But yeah, it's just especially usdork competition cooks, and we really
get in our own heads and overthinkthings. You've probably won a contest or
been on the podium and you've alot I didn't bring in yet. Yeah.
I wasn't going to say anything.Should have brought Brad in though,
I mean we're talking about yeah,Brad next time. But but you've cooked
something that they loved. Yeah,and you were like this is going to

be awful. Oh yeah, Yeah. It happens all the time. Like
the last contest we were at,I thought both days I just absolutely nailed
brisket. I was just sitting therewaiting for my first place call and the
judges disagreed. So it can goboth ways. Sometimes you turn in things
that you think are great and youdon't get a call, and then other
times you turn in things you thinkare terrible and you get first place.
You just never know cooking the perfectribs, yeah, man, so we

talked about cooking the perfect brisket.Now we're going to cook the perfect rack.
Yeah of ribs are we doing?Are we doing baby backs or are
we doing spare ribs? What arewe doing? You can do either,
I mean, you know, Ithink what we see at the shop is
more people are cooking spares than backribs. You know, back ribs are
a little a little fattier, theycook a little faster. I don't think,

you know, it's it's basically thesame piece of meat. It's just
a different end of the ribs.So you can call me, you can
call me stupid here I thought thatspare ribs were a little fattier. No,
not the case. No, okay, So if you you think about
the story with back ribs and spareribs, so back ribs, if you
went back to the you know whatever, seventeen hundreds, the people with money

got back ribs. They were thepeople of wealth because back then we needed
more fat in our diet, andthat was spare ribs were literally with the
kitchen staff got because they were leaner. That's nobody want to see these These
are terrible. So they're literally spareribs for that reason. Didn't know we
were going to get a little historyon feudalism while we were doing this today.
This is interesting, okay, well, a lightning period. Well it

helps people figure out, you know, so high in the hog, that's
the term high in the hog backribs, So that's that's the term.
So so either way, what arewe doing? I still prefer spares,
but I can go either way everyevery year, especially when we get to
about this time of year, middleof summer, and we've been doing the
Kansas City style ribs contests all overand I like doing a couple of racks

of back ribs and just with abrisket rub, just dumbing it down and
just go straight ahead doing it whatsome people would call Texas style and just
getting out of the vein. Butokay, so that's always fun. How
much how much is too much seasoning? I think backwards can take a lot.
I think if you're like the Texasstyle I was talking about, I
would go lighter with that. Butthe Kansas City style stuff, we hammer

him pretty good. You know,I was using are we talking salty versus
sweet? Is that the comparison thatyou're making? Yeah, and you know
the Texas style. You know,salt and black pepper and garb, and
there's plenty of flavor especially you know, just throw just throw a gallon.
Olivia is on there is what you'resaying. Yeah, that's it. Yeah,
Livy is our go to for sure. So yeah, that's good stuff.

So Kansas City is going to bea little sweeter. Are we doing
Are we doing mustard in the mixhere or are we just season Yeah?
You know there's there's all these mythspeople talk about mustard. I know it's
a binder oil or mustard. It'sa binder. It is, that's what
they call it. I'm not abeliever in binders. And maybe I'm crazy.
But and by the way, allyou people out they're listening to radio
Land. Whatever you like, dowhatever you like, don't think well that

is the disclaimer. By the way, is there's nobody out there that should
be able to tell you how tocook barbecue. I'll tell you what,
you know. I've got some opinions, but you know, but that's an
important disclaimer. Whatever you love,do it, do it? Yeah,
absolutely, yep. I would tellyou that I'm not a believer you put
something between your your ingredients and yourmeat. And you're going to get a

better product. I like putting therub on the rack of ribs. Like
when we talked about brisket. Thefirst thing I do is hit it with
some table salt, and that saltis going to start drying out moisture and
that that to me is your binder. But you know, make sure you
leave yourself on that time when youseizon them. You want to get those
things on your counter, your youryour significant others probably going to freak out

that. You know, hey,you can't leave meat on the counter for
half an hour. Well you kindof can, so yeah, but definitely
get them, get them out there, get them seasoned up, and let
them hang out. So so Ilike that. So I'm out of the
fridge, I'm pulling the silver skinbit off. Yeah, or if i'm
you know, I mean some placeswill do that for you. Yeah,
it's weird. Back ribs are usuallypeeled and spare ribs aren't. But yeah,

it's uh, well that doesn't taketoo long. But and you can
also just score them with a knifeif you're really frustrated, don't feel like
you know, if you're if youjust cross cut them, that that membrane
will kind of render. It's notgoing to ruin your day if you just
score them. So you've seen meremove one. Yeah, what do you

think? What do you think?Monkey and football reference here? Someone?
What do you think is more painfuldoing it yourself or watching me that time
when I did it? Well,you know, when I'm doing hundreds of
acts a year, it was youwere fine, you were figuring it out.
But uh, it wasn't that bad. So I'm taking I'm taking the

I'm taking the membrane off and I'mhitting it with a little salt. Let's
soak up some moisture. Then I'mputting some seasoning on. Yeah, with
with you know, with the withribs, all the rubs, the majority
of the rubs you're gonna put on, there have plenty of sault in them.
Just hit them with the whatever you'regonna use first, hit them with
a light layer and let them hangout, come back in ten minutes and
then you know, continue, Sonow what what am I cooking them at?

How low and slow do we go? My friend? I mean,
and ultimately it's a timing thing,right, how long do you want to
you want to endure this? Yep? You know with my tragger, for
instance, I would go at twotwenty five, like I want to use
like the super smoke function. Yeah, the super smoke because on the on
the pellet grills, you're always you'reyou're I mean, and some of these
are fantastic, yep, but andit's a great grill, but you're you're

kind of you're begging for smoke.Now on an offset a stick burner,
yeah, I don't. I willkeep it at two seventy five. Where
do you sit on all that?It's another you know, whatever your day
looks like, you know, makebarbecue work for you. As a term
we throw out there all the time. It's if you if you need to
get them done in four hours,you certainly can. You can cook them

a higher temperature. And I don'tthink anybody's going to say they're not smoky
enough, especially in Minnesota. Butyeah, two twenty five, you're gonna
it's gonna be a longer cook.You're probably gonna push six hours if you
cruise through it to twenty five.But if you're cooking it two fifty two
seventy five, you're probably talking fivehours. So and then again it depends
on what you're cooking on and howdirect your heat is so the most important

thing, and I think people willoverthink the temperatures, pay attention to what
the meat's doing, and don't worryas much about what the temperature is doing.
Okay, well that's my question becauseanytime that we've we've brought this up,
and you've probably heard it from countlessnumber of customers. You know,
a simple it's a numbers game,as in a three two one numbers game.
I hate that. So but buthow so, so if you're if

you're throwing a couple of racks on, tell me tell the rubes you know?
Are are you? Are you probingit? Is it a maybe?
It's just a field game for you. At this stage, I don't probe
ribs. I just look at themand then I then the rap goes on.
But how do you how do youplay that game? And maybe for
somebody that isn't his experience as you, when are they making that decision that
it's time to wrap? Yeah?Well, rap is another thing that I

have say. Thing, wrap themwhen you like the color. You can
wrap them when they're you know,between one sixty one seventy if they happen,
if you wont eighty. It's notthe end of the day. I
mean, it's just the The theoryis that after about one hundred and sixty
five hundred and seventy degrees, you'rereally not pound in more smoke flavor.
So it's a good time to wrapthe old Texas crutch. Double foil wrap

is what I always say. Don'tdon't do one layer, do two layers
because the bones will start poking throughone layer. But yeah, and it
and you're right, trying to tryingto figure out the finish temperature on ribs
gets tricky, especially when they're foilwrapped and you were you know, you
can kind of feel them, butyou know, that's when you use that

therma pen get in there and tryto figure out the temperature. I like
to be at you know, twoa five. Yeah, you know,
but that seems right to me.So before we got to the wrap,
were we spritching. Yeah, somepeople like to do that apple side of
vinegar apple juice mix. I'm nota fan of that. You can sprint
with water, you can sprits withapple juice, you can basically anything you

want, whatever you like, justkeep it wet. Yeah, yeah,
when you you know, when theystart looking like they're kind of drying on
the surface. Then you start hittingthem. So the first hour so you
really don't do much anything. Andthen when you start when they're starting to
tack up, you know about everythirty minutes or so, give them sprints.

So I've seasoned it, and Ihave taken the memo while you take
the membrane off first, do thatbefore ye season absolutely, absolutely, then
I throw it on. Timing isyour choice. You look to me like
a two seventy five guy. Yeah, it kind of depends on the same
thing, you know, timing andeverything shop. And I know it's going
to be kind of you know,when we cook at the store, you

never know what's going to happen,so I usually cook lower there, but
if I'm on my outlaw, it'sgoing to be two seventy five seventy five.
Yeah, And then you're looking forcolor, you're looking for it to
start to drive. You hit thatone sixty one seventy range, which kind
of feels, I mean, that'skind of you if we're talking about a
pork butt, that's kind of thesame some range in terms of wrap.
It's almost when it's it's almost likeit's it's it's technically cooked. Now,

I mean it's it's it's technically inthat safe range. Yeah, it's it's
edible. It might not be delicious, but it's technically edible. It'd be
a little chewy for sure, onehundred percent. Yeah, that we are
not recommending that as part of theis not done. Okay, the there's
more to be, more to besaid, more to be had. Uh,
once we get to that point,we've spritched it with our choice.

You you you chastised me on theon the brisket end of things about the
about the beef broth. You're you'reyou're out on beef broth. You said
it goes too salty on beef.Yah. I think it gets kind of
pot roasty. Okay, I'm nota fan of that flavor. That's fine.
Yeah, and uh, well you'renever invited over. Actually I went
with water this last time. Yeah, so I think I'm gonna go with

water on the brisket moving forward.It's fun. Yeah, it worked great.
The the butcher paper and the tallowis where the magic starts to happen.
There's no doubt about Thattella helps.But back to the ribs, so
now it's wrapping season. Now it'swrapping time, and we're loving the look
of it. We're loving the color. Yep, what are we putting in
the wrap? I think the mostsimple version. If you're a competition cook,

forget about what we do. It'soverkilled, it's ridiculous. It's it
turns in a good product. Butif you're at home, I would say
four tablespoons of butter, a littlemore or whatever. Rub you're using,
a quarter cup of apple juice,and if you wanted to, you can
throw on some brown sugar or Tourbinadosugar. I prefer terminado. Like a
little honey. Yeah, I likethe MIC's hot honey. That's that's another

thing you can definitely throw in there. Any honey. But you know,
if you're if you're looking to adda little heat and some more sweet.
Yeah, hot honey is the wayto go. Okay, So the and
then we double wrap. Now arewe doing bone side up or down?
You could do either if you wantto retain your color and you know,
kind of if you if you feellike you pull them off and they look

great coming off the smoker, youknow, put all those ingredients in put
to put the rack in with thosethe butter and everything on the bottom.
By the way, that quarter cupapple juice when you wrap them up,
do double foil, like I toldyou'd leave one end open and then that's
the last thing you dump in isthat quarter cup apple juice. So but
I do meat side up. Soso if you like the color meat side

up, yep, yep, andwhat what are you looking for? Then
if you go meat side down,you can do the same thing. And
if you do a lot of brownsugar and you do meat side down in
that foil, you're gonna get adarker rib. Okay, it's they're still
gonna be delicious, it's just sothey're going to resent a little bit different.
So you can do either one.And then so we wrap that thing
up tight and we got the applejuice in in there, and then then

what put it back on? Putit back on if you feel like you're
behind, you know, if ifif mom's looking at you saying, hey,
we're gonna eat in an hour,you know, you can always crank
the temperature. It happens to meevery single time I cook something. She's
done all the sides, which isa heck of a lot more work,
by the way, the meat,just cooking this meat, And she said,
it's always if I say it's six, it's six forty five. If

I say it's five thirty, it'salmost seven. You know that sort of
thing every single time. Yeah,that that seems to be another universal problem.
But uh so you wait until youhit it at two o five.
But we're still combining kind of thefeel of it. Right. And by
the way, after you wrap thoseribs, if you have the opportunity,

if you're cooking on a pellic rill, pellic grills tend to be you know,
there is a diffuser plate between yourfire and your food. But if
you get the opportunity, I liketo have them on the top rack,
get them a little more separation.When you add all that sweet and sugar
inside that foil. The last thingyou want to do is to get too
much heat, and then they caramelizeand then you get you get you get
a crust on them and kind ofyou know, almost setting up caramel.

And I've had that, I've hadit. The crust. It it's a
little bit harder bite, even ifthe meat's tender. And I don't want
to say runs experience, but butI've made many many racks of ribs where
it's like I had a little bittoo much in there. Yeah, and
the crust ends up kind of takinga little bit away from the finished product.
I honestly think that sometimes that's drawnby humidity, so especially in Minnesota.

But so it probably might not beyour fault, That's what I'm saying,
but it happens. It'd be niceto me. But at the end
of two oh five, we unwrappedthat thing that oh, I mean,
just the juices, the smell,the eurma rubs, and we've made the
perfect ribs, right well, wehope. So you know, of course
in Minnesota, you know the falloff the bone legend is I really wonder
if that's just the Minnesota thing.But you know, I'm not trying to

make fall off the bone ribs.I know you're not either. We would
like to use our teeth and actuallyhave a little bit of bite, a
little bit about tender, but notfall off the bone. If you want
to fall off the bone, youknow, go up to two hundred and
ten degrees, you're good. Butby the way, after that, foil,
this is your opportunity to really screwthings up. In my mind,
and this is why I always saydon't do three two to one ribs.
So three two one is three hourson thismoker, two hours wrapped, and

one hour sauce back on the smoker. So if you think about that,
they're you know, it's setting thesauce. But I think that is the
biggest opportunity to screw up because ifyou put a bunch of sweet sauce on
those ribs and you put them backon the smoker, depending on what temperature
that's, you really have an opportunityto burn sugar on those ribs, which

is a terrible flavor. So ifyou're going to set sauce, I would
say do that for ten or fifteenminutes. I would never do it for
an hour. Never for an hour. And then ultimately, we haven't talked
about the rest period. How longam I resting before I open that foil?
So out a contest, we liketo if we're really lucky and our
ribs do what they're supposed to do, we rest them for about forty five
minutes. Okay, you know youcan and what is the rest? Just

like the brisket, you can openup that foil you want to let them
steam out. You don't want themto keep cooking because you've built that little
convection of it with the foil,so you want to open up that foil,
let him steam out for a littlebit. Then you know, you
just loosely wrap them up and putthem on your counter in a foil pan
or something. Let them hang out. You don't have to with ribs.
Ribs are a little more. It'snot like a brisket. It's not a

big piece of meat. But ifyou need to, you can. You
can let them hang out for fortyfive minutes an hour and they're still gonna
be good. They're definitely gonna snugup a little bit. They're gonna they're
gonna you know, if they werefalling up the bone, they might tighten
up a little bit. But butyeah, that you don't have to rest
ribs. And now we've made theperfect ribs. One would hope. That's

awesome? Is the plan every time? Easy enough? Just do it like
that, like Aaron says, oryou can do it however you've done it
because you have your process. Youyou know you're grill, you know it
well or whatever whatever you love.But that is one way to do it,
and it's a very tasty way todo it. We're out of time.
I wanted. I wanted to talkmore specifically about grilling over the last

four years because I had heard somethingwhere basically grill people buying rills in the
country. Yeah, it's falling throughthe floor. And it's because everybody in
twenty twenty, I'm one of thesepeople, bought a grill. I got
my tragger in twenty twenty. Then, you know, I just I wanted

to be like the big kids,and I got that Anchor offset Anchor grills
super sweet Minnesota made, so Igot that a few years later. But
everyone now just has their grill.They're set for life. Yeah, we
haven't seen that. I know.I've been reading a lot of trade articles
about, you know, this kindof big decline, and I think our
market's a little different than maybe thebig box stores are. So I don't

know, we haven't seen that.Okay, knock on wood, so well,
thank you for well. Actually,before we go one more, have
you ever done no rap? Yeah? On ribs? Yeah, those Texas
style ribs I was talking about,So we know we don't wrap those and
do you sprits them? Every fortyfive minutes at all or do you Yeah,
just the same thing. Just justkeep them moist and start to dry,

get to two oh five dig in. Yeah, you can actually go
a little further on the on thoseback ribs, Okay, but yeah,
they're they're delicious. I mean,in the end, they look wildly different
than what we're used to. ButI love them. Thank you so much.
Erin thank you. That's Aaron NoNorthern Fire and Minnetaka, my my

resident barbecue expert. Anytime I'm fillingin for Pa and I just I need
to talk about meat. Aaron's myguy. Absolutely go vikes and we might
jump into that conversation. We might, we might howl a little bit.
As NBA Free Agencies underway, Maxand I are going to talk about some
moves that have been made some newsby the end of the hour as well.

Parker Fox in studio during the elevenand it's it's nordal win for PA
on a Tuesday. Thanks for hangingout with us on the fan. Fantasy
Football training camp is back that TreasureIsland resort and casino. Joined paulch arch
In in the Fantasy Football Weekly crewin the Full Deck Ballroom on Friday,

August sixteenth, from six to ninepm. Stop by for the live broadcast
from six to eighth, then stickaround for the Fantasy Football Deep Dive.
Great prizes to be had, includinga one thousand dollars grand prize. Get
the full details now at campan dotcom keyword calender. Yeah, cool stuff

going around this summer, whether it'sFantasy football training camp, the Rude Party
itself, just a couple. Ithink it's two weeks from this Friday,
Yeah, July nineteen, Forgotten StarBrewing looking forward to that. It's been
five years since you've done the RudeParty, and it'll be an absolute blasted
Forgotten Star, cool place, coolbeer, should be a should be an

absolute party. In fact, it'sa rude party. Well we named it
that way. Free agency in theNBA. I saw a rumor, did
you see this yesterday? That LORIIMarketing Yep, that the Wolves were potentially
and whatever that conversation exists, isn'tit it's and they got all the first
round picks they got on the lovewhen the Wolves and Connolly got Rudy Gobert

from the Jazz and that rookie campaignby Walker Kessler, all those blocks in
college became block party and six andseven blocks in some games for Walker Kessler's
rookie season. How terrible is thatteam? And I don't know exactly at
this point. They have like sevenpoint guards on the team and it's just
been an absolute disaster for them.Is there anything that's risen new? I

just saw the one thing on Lorimarketing, but otherwise quiet, like Luca
Garza back in the mix. We'lltalk about him momentarily, But that kind
of hit me a little yesterday whenthis team has no money, and that
was kind of the excitement of themgoing in on dilling Ham, Rob Dillingham
with the eighth pick, taking himfrom the Spurs. Cool trade picks not
for seven years. Pop's gonna belike eighty two when they get to use

that pick. Might be amo tomove up next year, and then you
get you get Terren Shannon Junior attwenty seven of the Illinois cat Like.
I thought that was exciting because ofso little money that they had to spend
in free agency, that this wasthe best way really for them to continue
to add on in their quote unquotewin now mode. Right, This marketing
thing kind of hit me a littlebit yesterday. Yeah, I was a

little I was a little confused bythat too, because I'm not not entirely
there's no way that they could evenacquire Lori Marketing without dangling Karl Anthony Towns
to the Utah Jazz. I wouldimagine just I mean financially and just in
the sense of, you know,a fair trade for the Utah Jazz.
Plus I read you know the Warriorsare interested in Lauri marketing, the Lakers,

There's a couple other teams that arein the mix. I probably have
some better packages to offer than KarlAnthony Towns, especially if the Jazz truly
are rebuilding, which this is whatthat's signaling, if they're not going to
try to bring back marketing in.But I mean, man, could you
imagine if we had Lori marketing comingoff the Not that he would want that
role, but no, God,that would be That would be freaking amazing.
This would be an all star team. But there's not really a role

for him in the starting lineup.Obviously could come off the bench, but
a lot of other places in GoldenState, he's the second option if he
goes to Golden State at this point, So I would imagine that he's probably
gonna go somewhere else. But yeah, the Utah Jazz is just an absolute
disaster of a franchise right now,and they're just going to tear it all
down and restart. Let me beforewe resurrect. Who do you Who?

Radio around eleven fifteen with Parker Fox. He's he's at the dentist right now.
Maybe he's listed, who knows,Maybe he's getting to grill, you
know, listen with that nil money. Bring one in and we'll get his
opinion on Luca Garza. What's what'syour quick twitch on on Luca. Happy
to have him back. I thinkthe offense is there, and he's offensively,
he's ready to be a part ofthat bench lineup. It's just the

defense. He's got to get thedefense. He's got to find his way
defensively a little bit more. Ilike that bringing him back. I know
a lot of people wanted to seehim in the lineup in the playoffs.
The timberl has had a relatively shortrotation throughout most of the year and especially
in the playoffs, depending on thematchup, so it'd be nice to just
have another big man into spell Cator to spell Rudy Gobert and again Luka

Garza when he comes out there,man, he's just a flash of of
offense and he'll hit a couple ofthrees and he's not afraid to pull that
trigger. It's just defensively obviously,I mean, obviously it was a tough
ass. But we saw in theDenver game in the regular season he got
absolutely cooked by Nikola Jokic. Whichwho doesn't get cooked by Nikola Jokic not
named Karl Anthony Towns, but stillthat's the type of guys you're going to

be going up against if you areLuca Garza. But happy to have him
back and hopefully he can find hisway into this rotation that I mean,
Yeah, the Wolves had a lotof depth last season, but there's a
lot of open space on this benchroster right now. I mean, besides
Niki, Alexander Walker and Na's Reed, I would say every spot on the
bench is wide open. Yeah,and unless something is popped this morning,
just kind of and we'll dig intoit again this more just because we're kind

of on a little bit a shorttime. But you know, Luca for
me, you know, Monte Morrisis a talker. Kyle Anderson is a
talker. I don't think Jordan McLoughlin'sa talker, but he is a person
that was on this team. Hedid exist, and now he's entering potentially
free agency. I don't think hecomes back. We'll see. I could
be wrong. But with Luca,I got a buddy, my buddy Ken

He's got to be a season ticketholder to the Iowa team, and he
is Luca. Like Luca Garza hasthis, it's it's almost and naz Reid's
mythical aura has actually manifested itself,right six Man of the Year Award.
At times when when Cat was justa complete unmitigated disaster in the playoffs,

suddenly it was fourth quarter one ofthe ash was it the first Yeah,
it was the first Nuggets game.I think he had like thirteen or twelve
or fourteen points in the fourth quarter, nas did. He was the hero
of Game two in the Mavericks Seriestwo until the Luca shot, until the
soil, the Lucas shots, allthat. But so that that has manifested
itself. But it feels like duringthe playoffs that if there was any like,

let's you know, we need tospark some offense. We need to
do this that there was like almosta little mythical or he's got a fan
club. It's what I'm getting to. Luca Garza has a following, there
are cult members, there's blood lettinginvolved, there's certainly some sort of membership
initiation to it. There are rights, R i t. E. S
involved in this, In this thisthis capal of just absolutely Luca Garza loving

Wolves Fans including my buddy Ken,can't stop talking about him. He might
be the third most popular player onthe team. But at some point,
at some point, there were therewere rumblings like is did he piss off
the coaches? Like this was earlierlast season and teams winning games, so
it's you know, nobody's necessarily missingLuca, but people are like, why
the hell isn't he playing? Whyisn't he getting minutes? And I couldn't

like, was it an eternal thing? And no, idea can't speculate on
it, but but is it justsimply that defensively, he's he's an absolute
liability of liabilities and there's got tobe a growth process there. Yeah,
I think it's all defense because we'veseen him go out there and score in
bunches. We've seen him go outthere and contribute offensively rebounding. He's a
pretty good rebounder. It's just defensively, he's got to work on his footwork

defensively. From what I've heard fromyou know, more elite NBA minds than
myself. But I think he couldreally add to this to this Wolves bench
team, especially especially because of therole that he's in being a big man
and being the defense, being thestaple of this team. If you are
going to spell a guy like RudyGobert, then you'd better be able to
take up the defensive assignments that RudyGobert was assigned to before he went to

the bench. So I would say, yeah, it's just all defense,
and hopefully he's working on that thisoffseason, maybe putting on a little bit
of muscle, because the guy canscore with the best of them, and
he always brings a lot of energy. First first Team All All high five.
He's the first guy to give aguy a high five off the bench.
So he's a he's a great teammate, the fans love him. Let's
hope that he can contribute to thisteam that has a lot of openings in

and maybe maybe Rob Dillingham. I'veread. One of the things that I've
read is that one of the bestparts of his playmaking is lobs to big
Man. So maybe Rob Dillingham couldunlock a newly found side of Luca Garza's
offense. But yeah, let's hopethe defense comes along as well and then
that way he can get into thelineup. I'm still laughing about that.
I was prior to the show.You came in and I was like kind
of out of it, like Iwas in the Twilight Zone. Well,

I was trying to do math inmy head because I'm putting some best of
together for Thursday and Friday, andone of the segments I'm going to play
back how Rudolph joined PA last Thursdayafter the NBA Draft and he's a massive
lifelong Wildcats fan, grew up insouthern Ohio and it was an xavier for
him. In the Cinciaria, itwas the Wildcats. As I mean,
it's like people with Yankees caps,like Lakers fans and Wildcats fans. You

find these people who are just inlove with Lexington and they come from all
corners of the planet, and Rudolphis one of those guys. But he
basically made Dillingham sound like John Moran. Yeah. As a matter of fact,
he actually said he has the athleticismof Jobrant, which is I mean,
that's well, I a bold statement. I Joh can jump flat footed.

It feels like halfway to the freethrow line. He did it against
us in the playoff series We're justout of nowhere. Eases his way into
the Key Lucas style and suddenly hisentire torso is above the rim. Right,
So I don't know if that's that'shigh expectations for mister Dillingham. Now
you know the other end of it. You know, John's been having trouble

making games recently, We'll say,so you know, hopefully that aspect is
not a comparison, uh to JohnMorant. But then Tarren Shannon, Tarren
Shannon sounds like basically a less talentedAnthony Edwards. So that's what we got
in the first round of the draft, and Moran two point zero. And
that is why I love drafts,even the NHL draft. Once we figure

out how to pronounce some of thesenames, you learn about where they come
from, you get those those playercomparisons, and uh, and I'm so
pumped. We we will because we'regonna pause. And I'm sure some men
conversation will pop up in news too, because it is these some of these
deals that are coming out, themoney that's being spent, and hey,
you know what, what are theplayers and the owners that are making these
these these dollars. So I'm coolwith that, but I mean the money

that's that's being thrown about right nowis insane. We are going to get
into that. But in the elevenAM Hour, Max kind of the theme
or the vibe with Parker is kindof how the West is changing, because
there have been some things in shiftingand you know, whether it's it's uh
and Chris Paul's at the very endanyway, but they waive him in Golden
State. I think he's headed toSan Antonio. That's right, that'll be

great for Wemby absolutely, And andso you have that happening now Klay Thompson,
who is very nearing the end aswell. I don't know if you
saw this, like all of asudden, now it's like nobody wanted to
play with Clay, Like he getsthat deal with Dallas. Now he's going
down and suddenly it's like he wasjust somebody said on on the it's It's
the game in the Bay ninety sevento five. I think out out in

San Francisco, Oakland area. Uh. Somebody reported that he was just as
much a distraction as Draymond. Hewas just quieter about it, Like did
he punch Jordan Poole? And Imissed that when when we were watching him
choking out Rudy Gobert, was Claygetting on Jamack or was he just walking
around holding that four sign up andwith all those rings? Was it given

Moses Moody wedgies in the back orsomething? Talk about lofty comparisons. I
have a hard time believing that thisnever comes out. He goes to another
team and suddenly just couldn't deal witha fou He's complete disaster. You see
him on the bench, he wouldn'tbelieve it. In practice, Well,
you don't have video of him punchinga guy, right, and no,
But none of the reporters that wereat any of these practices or in any

of these locker rooms had any ofthis to say. Throughout the regular season.
Yeah, it's it's ridiculous, Butwe're gonna talk kind of the shaping
of the West if you are awin now team like the Wolves appear to
be. That's the conversation after aWestern Conference birth, What does that look
like the quote unquote wild West.We're gonna talk about that during the final
hour, but let's pause, takea break. Come back. Max has

got some news, some meanderings wecould call them, and we're gonna continue
the fun here nine to noon ofthe fan There save the date for the
thirty fourth Annual Polo Classic, thepre eminent polo event in the Twin Cities,
is back Sunday, August fourth atthe Twin City Polo Club. You

can find out more at campan dotcom t word account. Welcome Back News
Denord is brought to you by thecasino at Canterbury Parkcanterbury Park dot com for
all event details. You're feeling thefelt right poker, blackjack, table games.
They have that all year round,every day, each and every day.
But then, of course live racingis in play, and I think
there are four race days this week. They have a fireworks celebration on Wednesday

night, the third, and theyhave all those details of Canterbury how early
probably you should show up. Ithink first race pops off around four o'clock
four thirty something like that. That'swhy you go to the website Canterbury Park
dot com because I clearly am notentirely dialed in on it. But it's
the best place for the family.I'm going to be bringing baby hann out
there sometime this week, looking forwardto that. But fireworks on the eve

of the fourth of July. Beautifulplace to be, Canterbury Park. What
do you got, Max? Well? I mentioned it's a rainy day here
in the Twin Cities. It's rainingin Boston in a whole different kind of
way because the Boston Celtics ownership ismaking it rain on. Celtics star Jason
Tatum will agree to a five year, three hundred and fourteen million dollar contract

extension, the largest contract in NBAhistory, and now between Tatum and Brown,
the two richest contracts in NBA historyby total value, now both belonging
to the Celtics. Yeah, howmany years is that again? Is it
five years? Yep? Okay,so we're we're north of sixty million dollars

a year, and and Tatum isa big timer in the league. And
I'm not I'm not in the businessof saying somebody deserves or doesn't deserve it.
There is an argument I would andI've seen Celtics fans having it.
Jalen Brown might actually they might lovehis game a little bit better even than
Tatum's. Right, specifically when itcomes to clutch situations. Uh, Jalen

Brown is is an absolute stone coldkiller. And they're hoisting the trophy and
Celtics fans are goneing. It's justit's their eighteenth, you know, they
kind of golf clap and move onwith their lives. We'd be would we
still be? I think we'd stillbe celebrating. Actually, you wouldn't have
slept in days. My skin wouldn'thave felt the I mean yeah, correct,
yeah, absolutely, and it wouldhave been it would have become a

bit much, but we but wewould have appreciated it because it would have
been our first apparently the eighteenth inBoston much less fanfare, but good,
you know, congratulations that that dynamicduo of Brown and Tatum is is unbelieve.
It feels weird to think that withthe with the eyeballs. I honestly

I don't know who the highest paidis is it still I don't know who
has the highest per year, andI should have looked this up as I'm
just rambling aimlessly. Now the quarterbacksin the NFL, who has the highest
salary? And is that Mahomes?I know Kyler Murray's getting to the fifty
million that that that extension he hadis about to kick in. I believe

it it might be Trevor Lawrence andJoe Burrow after I think Trevor Lawrence got
the he got a historic contract justa couple of weeks ago. And I
know Joe Burrows the highest paid inthe NFL right now, so I would
imagine it's one of those two.So it's annual salary fifty five million a
year for both of them. Sohere, here's where I was going with
this. There, you know wehave fifty three guys. I think the
salary caps based on your top fiftyone is kind of how they play that

game. And then the the eyeballsthat are on the average NFL game.
Not to mention ultimately one hundred millionor more people are watching the Super Bowl.
It does sit with me kind ofthe wrong way that Jason Tatum makes
more money than the highest paid quarterbackin the NFL. And if you want

to nitpick it even more. ShouldBurrow make should should anybody make more money
than Patrick Mahomes in the NFL?No, And so it's just it's it's
weird when you hear these numbers.But again, you know, TV deal
revenue and things coming in from anoperational standpoint less overhead, those sorts of
things, and the ability I meanagain, I use Jaden McDaniels as a

reference, Like Jade McDaniels. Ithink it's one hundred and twenty five or
one hundred and thirty million dollar contractjust on like a rookie extension. Tyler
Hero I don't know if he's beenpaid yet or if he if he if
he may have. You know,these these guys, these six men that
are getting massive deals. The dollaramount just seems astronomical to me. But
Tatum, hey, he's finally hoistinga trophy, whether the fan base is

yawning or not. And again duringthe final hour, you know, talking
about guys staying Donovan Mitchell stayin inCleveland. There's a couple other reups that
are interesting, a couple of guysthat are on the move even more interesting,
and we'll dig into we'll dig intothat more during the final hour.
Yeah, we a couple of otherguys got paid. We'll talk ye that
more later. You want to talkabout Paul George, don't you? Yeah?

I do. Actually ridiculous, It'sso ridiculous. I don't understand it.
Obviously. I thought you were gonnalead with that, because Tatum,
it makes sense. You have themoney, you pay that guy. Paul
George shot two hundred million dollars.How desperate are you if you're the Philadelphia
seventy six ers. I get itmakes them better, But does he have
a player option too? I thinkso? Oh my gosh. And we

all have that team that wants tohave playoffs success, right, isn't it
Joel Embiid I saw on ESPN herethey were having a talker. Is anybody
more desperate for winning right now thanJoel Embiid? So you want to win
games in the playoffs and you canPaul George. Oh, I wish the
Timberwolves were in the East. Soso bad. Moving over to Kansas City

last night Nordo, the US men'snational team crashed out of the twenty twenty
four Copa America after losing to Uruguayone nil. Uruguay's one goal was very
controversial. I am by no meansan elite soccer mind, but looking at
all the screenshots online, it lookedto being off sides. But that is
Hu was offside. Yeah yeah,that's not how the the officials saw That's

not how the var saw it.So the United States bounced out of the
Copa America Early mini soccer fans aroundthe United States very disappointed. And the
pitchforks are out, well they Theinteresting thing so Greg Burhalter, the the
manager of Team USA at one pointnot too long ago, they actually the

federation spent more than a million dollarsto hire a firm to find his replacement,
and you know what they did amonth it brought them back. So
think about like being so it's andI don't know, is that an indictment
on the firm, the federation whoit is to the point where it's like,
Buralter, we don't want you aroundanymore. Your key card no longer

works. And a month later,yeah, you know, like our top
seventeen candidates they all said no.So I mean, if you're if you're
like just interested in re upping thisthing, I guess you know, we'd
love to have you back and youknow the key card works again. Uh
new parking spot. Yeah, youkind of move, you move down.
There's a marketing gal has it now. But but you you're the coach again.

And then what we've seen now thetalent level, I don't think it's
hyperbole that from a soccer standpoint thatthis is. And and they're still pretty
young too. When you think aboutMcKenny and Adams g Arena, I'm actually
not that big on Grena, butyou know, Balistic of course is the
name. Everybody knows that they're astalented as they've been in a very long

time. That's super exciting. AndI thought they showed pretty well in the
last World Cup. Now you're hostingthe World Cup, so you don't need
to worry about qualify you're in rightnow. Just be better Globally, they're
offensively challenged. You know, youcan't teach someone to score goals. Mickletty
was talking about that, like PatrickLeone when we were talking hockey with him
in the first hour. You can'tteach just offensive intuitive know how in any

game really and soccer is one ofthem. They can't score. I mean
that's just a thing. They cannotscore. So at a global level that
we're looking at, this is notan elite bunch. You beat Bolivia,
you embarrass yourself against Panama. Yes, the early red card don't care.
They needed to get out of thisgroup. This is I think. And

again it's just like there are realdisasters in the world and then there's the
frivolity of sports. This is itis brutal. It is brutal and uh
and I would be of the personthat says that that they need to finally
make a change on Burholter and personnelwise, we can nitpick that all day,
but ultimately, part of his jobis to put these kids in a

spot to produce. He hasn't donethat. I don't know what the high
end expectations for this group is ingeneral. I think competing in the World
Cup at the highest level, Ithink that's too lofty for this particular group.
So, but Burhlter needs to go. And it was an ugly showing
at Copa America. Moving over totarget Field, the Twins open up a

three game series against the Tigers inMinneapolis tonight. The Tigers have actually won
eight of their last twelve games againstthe Twins, Simeon Woods Or Richardson will
be on the mound from Minnesota withTyreek scoobl telling the rubber for Detroit.
Woods Or Richardson has given up nineruns over his last fifteen and a half
innings. The Schoobol cat is absolutelyfantastic. Legit man by the way er

under two and a half tons ofstrikeouts. I think he's nine and three
so far this season. And SimmonWoods Richardson, I mean, he's he's
kind of mid lane, he's learning, he's growing. All of that.
Bats are cooking right now. SoI'd like to see that continue, but
maybe tonight's not the night for that. I think it's six forty pm first
pitch. But they came off atremendous road trip and it was a bit
of a grind at Dan Hayes Onyesterday you talked about, you know,

just kind of bouncing around really forthe better part of the last month.
So spending the Independence Day at targetField in front of the home fans.
Let's get after Tarik Tarik Terrek.Let's get after him tonight and run his
Tuesday evening a target field. Lookingforward to that, let let's continue this

conversation around the corner, jump backinto the NBA Parker Fox is going to
be in studio eleven ten, eleven, fifteen ish, But around the corner
we'll continue talking not only about thebaseball team, but also in any other
meanderings that Max has up at sleeve. Get into some NBA notes and follow
our way down the yellow brick road. It's the final hour ahead seven am

Nordowen for PA on a Tuesday withMax Fuller. You're listening to the fan
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