Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:05):
M hm.
Speaker 2 (00:21):
Welcome back to the show. I'm dye to noon. Time
for two more big boys back. Just listen. I know
right this old fashioned ass kicking right here, that's a fact.
Speaker 3 (00:56):
Oh ho you harm.
Speaker 4 (01:22):
Alrighty y'all, Good morning, good morning, boom.
Speaker 2 (01:30):
Nine to noon is in the air.
Speaker 4 (01:31):
The goal today unveiling roots to one in a row,
four ko, five in a row, four gorgo and three
in a row for de Vincenzo. And joining us now
from sunny and warmer Orlando, Florida, is Chris Finch, head
Master of the Howl.
Speaker 2 (01:50):
He's the head coach of the Minnesota Timberwolves.
Speaker 4 (01:52):
Chris joins thanks to second Harvest Heartland and two Harvest
dot Org and a prize picks and Chris is with
us now. Good morning, and and let me guess, Sonny
and warm and you and assistant coach Mike and Norry
are basking in the glow of sunshine next to a pool.
Speaker 5 (02:12):
Well, Sonny, yes, warmer, yes, but it's forty three degrees
down here, and it's a cold staff in the south,
so it I wouldn't. I wouldn't. It's not pool weather,
that's for sure.
Speaker 4 (02:24):
And in the speaking of pools, in the in the
sassy vein of say swimming in it. How about these
magic Uh both Wagner's are down along with ben Karo
and Suggs has missed two in a row. Can't but
but with tonight, can't let the anonymity of it all
throw off the players, right absolutely?
Speaker 5 (02:48):
I mean, and this team is you know, they've they've
got some big wins without a lot of their key players.
And then the reason for that is their defensive led
team and they're very very physical, They're well coached, people
know their role. Some of the guys that you know
now coming off the bench for them and playing lesser roles.
Guy like Cole Anthony you know, had been a starter
very early on in his career and is h can
put the ball in the basket at a high level.
And so it's when they when they go to their
bench or they you know, Jonathan Isaac who was a
starter well on his way to being a really really
highly impactful young player in this before he's hijacked by
multiple injuries. Like these guys are now playing, you know,
get you know, a little bit deeper role on the bench,
but still very very capable when they're called upon to
step up. But Jamal Mosley, the head coach here, has
done an amazing job. He's built a great culture. They've
kind of stepped by stepped it over the years, and
you're seeing that now. And that's what happens when you
can kind of, you know, have some consistency through your
roster and you just you know, you kind of build
expectations from within.
Speaker 2 (04:00):
How how does Isaac play these days?
Speaker 4 (04:02):
And I'm glad, I'm glad you mentioned his name because
he was quite bally hood as a seminole. Then he
missed a couple of seasons with injury, and it just
seems like it's all changed.
Speaker 5 (04:14):
Yeah. I mean, he's one of the most impactful defensive
players that we have in the league. He can guard
on the perimeter, he's got great links, He's an incredible
rim protector. He can execute all different pick and roll coverages,
really really good timing as a shot blocker. You know,
I think that's where he really makes his name. But
he's also got skill offensive skill as a two way player.
And like I said, unfortunately it's you know, it's severe
knee injuries early on back to back seasons. I believe
it was, or he came back just for a little
bit and then got hurt again, has derailed him. But he's,
you know, in a perfect role right now.
Speaker 4 (04:57):
Uh, coach, what what were you doing in nineteen ninety
five when Shack and Orlando played Dream and Houston in
the NBA Finals.
Speaker 5 (05:11):
I believe I was watching OJ go down the highway
like everybody else. I think that was was that the finals? That?
Speaker 2 (05:18):
Speaker 5 (05:19):
Maybe not that, not that one. But I was actually
living in Florida.
Speaker 2 (05:24):
I was home for.
Speaker 5 (05:27):
Home from Europe. I was still playing in Europe at
that time at that time, so I didn't go up
to any of the games. I was living in Lakeland, Florida.
Speaker 2 (05:36):
At the time.
Speaker 4 (05:38):
Remember remember Nick Anderson, he was quality stock back in
the day, wasn't he.
Speaker 5 (05:44):
Oh he was for sure missed those two free throws
at the end of game one that would have won
would have won them game one right right?
Speaker 2 (05:52):
Uh now.
Speaker 4 (05:53):
Dante de Vincenzo Dante quite possibly could be one of
those guys whose best when he starts, right.
Speaker 5 (06:03):
I mean, he's certainly a starter level player, and you know,
I think sometimes guys like him they need longer runs
to be able to catch fire. Oh he'll be he'll
knock a few shots in in a row, you know,
and if he's playing a lot of shorter stints, sometimes
it's harder for him to get that groove. But you know,
we've been we've tried to play him in long runs.
But right now, you know, he's a good fit in
our new starting lineup for sure.
Speaker 4 (06:35):
And you know, I would imagine Chris, all your years
coaching basketball and and and you know, be being in
the NBA, that there are some players who just are
not at their best starting right like like Jordan Clarks
and Lou Williams, Microwave Vinnie Johnson from the Pistons back
in the day, but they're just more comfortable in that
sixth seventh man role.
Speaker 2 (06:58):
Why why do you think that is?
Speaker 1 (07:00):
Speaker 5 (07:01):
Yeah, I think it's that that's a great, great point.
Speaker 2 (07:05):
Speaker 5 (07:05):
You know, there's certainly starters. They're certainly starter level players.
They have the talent to start. It's so it's very
much what does that starting unit need, And you know,
maybe their best attribute, and certainly the guys that you
just mentioned, their best one of their best attributes was
just come in and score, score score. You know a
lot of time the higher usage guys, they leave the
floor at that point in time, and they come in
and get some instant offense off the bench, and guys
that are kind of wired to score that way, you know,
it's comfortable for me. They don't have to really kind
of accommodate much else that's going on out there.
Speaker 4 (07:44):
And and you know, to to that in that band, Chris,
with current players, you know, props to Norman Powell and
Malik Monk who like like they've overcome if there is
a stigma, they've overcome it and and now are scoring starters.
Speaker 2 (07:59):
Right, Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 5 (08:01):
Absolutely, And again it's, uh, you know, it's what does
your team need and what is it that these guys
best provide? And you know, I think, uh, with both
those situations, they those starting units definitely needed another score
out there. And you know, in Sacramento's case, they're they're
definitely a high octane offense. So the more scoring on
the floor, you know, the better for them. And and
with with with the Clippers, I would believe again that
you know, they need another guy who can pretty much
get his own basket at times alongside Harden, who creates
so much offense for everybody. But it's always good to
have one more guy who can you know, being on
demand score And that's what a lot of these guys are.
You know, they're they're kind of offensive ecosystems unto themselves.
They can get their own offense, which is, you know,
a very valuable trait.
Speaker 2 (08:58):
I was.
Speaker 4 (08:59):
I was in a ten didn't a little Caesars before
my favorite football team took that l on Sunday night?
Speaker 2 (09:05):
What what? What did you say to them after that one?
Speaker 1 (09:10):
Speaker 5 (09:11):
So we got to fight some urgency. You know, I
think just our energy was low in that game, and
we came out, they out physical enough, we got behind.
It was kind of a funky game. You know, Anthony
had a big game, for sure, he got you know,
at times he was the only one carrying us. It
was the only consistent offense we could generate was through him.
But I just didn't really like the urgency at which
we were. We played defense and we rebounded, and you know, unfortunately,
through a long season you have some of these lulls,
and we had one there. But that team, that Detroit team,
you know they're now up above five hundred.
Speaker 2 (09:49):
Speaker 5 (09:50):
You know they're probably better than well, they are better
than advertised. Uh and you know, our guys you know,
might not have had the proper mind set going in there.
I don't think they thought it was going to be easy. Yeah,
but I'm not sure they thought it was going to
be as a physical affair as it turned out to be.
Speaker 2 (10:07):
Yeah, JB's JB is doing a good job with that team.
They excellent job. Yeah, they they they won.
Speaker 4 (10:12):
Another one after you guys, and and they'll probably be
Golden State tonight. This yeah, this, This is Chris Finch,
head coach of the Minnesota timber Wells, courtesy of Second
Second Harvest Heart LAMB two Harvest dot Org and prize
picks Wolves and.
Speaker 2 (10:25):
Orlando this evening.
Speaker 4 (10:27):
So, so, why do you think you guys can have
a game like that one Saturday yet yet play the
champion Celtics tooth and nail every single time you see them.
Speaker 5 (10:39):
Yeah, yeah, I mean I think you know it's for
the Celtics. Well, first of all, you know, we're still
a very good team. You know, we're in we have inconsistencies,
but we believe in our long term talent and our
long term uh you know, we'll be there in the end.
So working through those inconsistencies has been pretty much you know,
our full time job like, and it's one night, it's turnovers,
one night's shot making, one night we can't rebound, and
it just seems to be different a little bit every night,
you know. So some of those issues are are kind
of omnipresent, but we might do them a little better
at times, and when we do it, you know, it
adds up to usually good results for us. Uh. You know.
As for the Celtics, of course, we we feel like
we match up pretty well against them. You know, we
have good length against their side. Uh, we we have
a pretty good feel for what they're trying to do.
You know, It's it's not necessarily a ball containing game.
You know, it's more of a it is a one
on one game. But you know, they're trying to get
up a million threes, So it's you've got to really guard,
guard locking and guard the three point line. That's something
that we've traditionally been able to do well through a
variety of means. And you know, so I think that's
you know, that's what it's what it's really come down to.
You know, what we we haven't been able to do
this season is uh, you know, close against them. They've
been able to get us both times at the end.
Speaker 1 (12:09):
Of the game.
Speaker 2 (12:09):
So they're there.
Speaker 4 (12:10):
I mean, there are just so many teams in the
NBA like Boston that want to push the pace and
shoot fifty three pointers a game. And you know, you
you mentioned Orlando and and defensively sound as the team
is down, you know, certainly it's best two players in
Franz Wagner and Ben Caro. So like tonight is tonight,
you know, whether subs plays or not, do they like
walk it up? Do they push the pace? Like what
kind of game do they want to get you into?
Speaker 2 (12:35):
Speaker 5 (12:37):
I want to get into the mud because where they
really want to get you. I mean, they're they're going
to try to you know, be you know, slow you
down physically. You know, they're not a super fast team.
They're bottom five team in pace, but that doesn't make
them a walk it up team. They are gonna cash
in on your turnovers. They're gonna they're gonna opportunities to
leave fast break you. They're gonna be you know, smart
with their with their offense. They're not gonna, you know,
try to outscore you. They know that their best chance
to win is uh, you know, using their second ranked
defense of of uh, you know, and try to just
kind of make it a fist fight, which you know
we've been We've been pretty good in those games. We've
been pretty good there because if we can take care
of the ball and not turn over, not feed an
offense that needs to be fed like turnovers do, uh,
you know, we'll be pretty good. Like we've just come
to the realization that, you know, we're in a lot
of tight games and uh, you know, we got to
just try to be as good as possible in those
clutch moments.
Speaker 4 (13:45):
Oh, that was a game against Orlando, a target center
within the last three years that actually was a fist fight.
And and when when mow Bomba ran off the bench,
I was like, hide the women and children. Ain't nobody
looking to mess with this man, you know what I mean?
Speaker 5 (14:00):
Yeah, I forgot all about that, But you're right.
Speaker 4 (14:03):
I mean, you just you just see the look in
in a player's eyes sometimes and you're like, nah, that's
we ain't gonna be messing around anytime soon. It's like
like when you guys have that unfortunate situation a late
couple of seasons ago with with Gobert and slow Mo,
and as it started to stop, I mean, Torrian Prince,
he popped into that thing like, I'll take everybody here
on if we don't stop this, you know what I mean.
Speaker 5 (14:30):
Yeah, exactly, So I know it's it's you know, these
are emotionally charged games, right.
Speaker 4 (14:39):
Uh So for you guys after tonight Memphis here Saturday
and at the Wizard's Monday night, and looking at your
guys schedule at ESPN dot com for the Washington game,
it said tickets as low as four dollars, I'm like,
that's crazy. I mean, any idea what's going on out there?
Speaker 5 (14:58):
I mean to going through a rebuilt, I mean, it's
just plain as simple. You know, they're going through an
organized rebuild. Uh. And you know, at that point in time,
you know, they're trying to do two things. I would imagine.
I would imagine they're trying you know, they're they're veteran players.
They're trying to keep them in the shop window, uh
up until the trade deadline here and see if they
can spin them off for future assets or good young
players that they can continue to try to build around.
And then of course they're they're obviously focused on developing
and playing their young players. And you know, it's it's
very hard for young players to drive winning in the NBA.
It's just it's one of these facts. I mean, even
the best top players, uh you know, top five draft picks,
they might play they might play at an even or
a plus one net rating when they're on the floor.
Most of them play at like a replacement level player
through their first year or so. So it's you know,
when you have a lot of young players, it just
makes it it makes it tough to win, but it's
good for their long term development. It's the tricky part
about these rosters and sometimes how they're constructed, is that,
you know, it's very hard to kind of do do
both at the same time, which is, you know, what
what we have other mechanisms to do for whether it
be G League and player development program or you know,
try to you know kind of force feed or spoon
feed minutes here. But when your margins for air are
super tight, it's it's very difficult. It can become very difficult.
And but when you're worried mostly about development, you can
really lean into it and you know the results.
Speaker 4 (16:42):
Will be what they be all right time for two
more so you can get out to that forty three
degree weather right next to the Bowl in Orlando of Florida.
What Rudy Gobert. What got into Rudy after the Pistons game.
I mean he's blocking every shot and grabbing like every rebound.
Speaker 2 (16:58):
Speaker 5 (16:59):
Oh, that's what we need him to be. I mean,
if we if we want to be the team that
we know we can be, we have to have him
playing that type of basketball every night at a super
high level. So I think it's a recognition of how
you know, sub urgency, as we talked about, Uh, for him,
you know, for him and everyone else to kind of
up their activity level.
Speaker 1 (17:20):
Speaker 5 (17:20):
And we got to go start seizing these games.
Speaker 4 (17:24):
And lastly, let's let's close with Anthony Edwards hitting six
threes a game this month and at a fifty clip.
But but he's getting to the line more now. I know,
Little Caesars he went there fourteen times, so that's going
to skew the number.
Speaker 2 (17:39):
But he's still get in there more.
Speaker 4 (17:40):
And and I'd imagine that's super key to your long
term equation.
Speaker 5 (17:47):
Yes, and his free throw rate had been down by
nearly fifty percent through up until like the end of December,
so we challenged him to get to the line more.
Last year he was going six times a game up
until you know, up until the first of the year,
he was going four times a game. So and some
of that was, you know, I'm shooting more threes, and
those threes were going in at a at a good
rate and shooting the ball so well. But it still
felt that there were opportunities for him to get to
the line more, get to the you know, rim more.
And he's done that. He's responded in that way, so
he has the ability to score at all levels. But
getting to the free throw line is still one of
the most effective things that you can do because you
can slow the game down, you know, efficiently, efficiently. It's
very high and then you know you're putting files on
the other team's best players and because by nature usually
guarded by their best guys, so.
Speaker 4 (18:50):
The best safe travels. We will chat next week. I
appreciate the conversation and it was very chill and tear
up those magic tonight, all right. You ye see about
Chris Finch, coach of the Minnesota Timberwolves, weekly on the
nine to noon show. Courtesy of Prize Picks and Second
Harvest Heartlin at two Harvest dot Org.
Speaker 2 (19:09):
Today is a Thursday we Go.
Speaker 4 (19:13):
Brilliant introduction, meaning tomorrow is a Friday we go, and
if tomorrow is a Friday, that means the Friday football
East of Buffalo wild Wing Savage and Nordo producer of
Nine to Noon. If tomorrow is a Friday football feast
and the National Football League playoffs are unveiled this weekend, yeah,
it gives us an opportunity to just kind of start
thinking about this right now, Like Nine to Noon, have
we told you lately how great we think Kenny Clark is?
And I mean my man out of UCLA. I don't
know if I saw many defensive tackles come into the
National Football League draft, yours truly, for what it's worth.
Speaker 2 (19:52):
Coveted the way I coveted.
Speaker 4 (19:55):
Kenny Clark, and then to watch his career and then
to see how compliment him just masterfully.
Speaker 2 (20:03):
It's beautiful with the beefeater TJ. Slayton.
Speaker 4 (20:06):
You know, there were those who mocked the new defensive coordinator,
Jeff Hafley for having Rashawn Gary in essence put his
hand in the grass and play like a defensive end
and he was ineffective. Well quite honestly, he wasn't ineffective.
Hafley had it all figured out from jump. Yeah, he
was setting everybody up for this time of the year,
and it's just masterful.
Speaker 6 (20:30):
It's been unbelievable, whether you look at what they did
with a former fifth rounder in Kingsley and Nigbare, or
you speak to Hafley in the way that in Swiss
army like fashion, Yes, that Edgering Cooper has emerged in
the midst of injuries to kway Walker and others, and
the mountain of burden on the shoulders of this rookie,
and how he has handled it with your words a
plumb Yeah, he's been fantastic. Yeah, And I just think sometimes,
you know, taking time to acknowledge those things is really important.
Speaker 4 (21:02):
And Edgerin may be the steal of all steals ever
to steal in a draft. Texas A and M go
crazy with that kid. That's a very good point. And finally,
you know, like I mean, seriously, good luck to the
Eagles finding Jayden Reid. I mean he's all over the place.
So that wow, wow, that's uh, that's going to be
a good one this weekend. And hopefully you enjoy the
goodness in the radio show today because courtesy of timber
Tech and timber tech dot com. What's on deck nine
to noon include some football uh of course during the
UH during the conversation following Russo Radio, which is around
the corner. Uh, we had three in a row hopefully
for de Vincenzo Monday night, one in a row, four
Ko and five in a row for Russo. That'd be terrific.
Russo Radio is next.
Speaker 2 (22:23):
Wild Michael Russo.
Speaker 4 (22:27):
He's got Russo Hockey via Twitter and he joins us
now with the Minnesota while taking on the Colorado Avalanche
this evening.
Speaker 2 (22:35):
Good morning, Michael, Hey, how you doing all right? Bud?
Speaker 4 (22:38):
If the Minnesota Vikings happened to end up in, say, Arizona,
Vegas would be a long shot at Arizona. I think
the game is going to be in Los Angeles, but
we should know more within the next forty eight hours.
But if it ends up in Arizona, maybe you come
to the game and act as young Alex sidebar guy
for this playoff game. You're gonna be in Vegas the
night before and good morning.
Speaker 7 (23:02):
Yeah, and a couple of days after because I'm actually
sitting down with Jack Icel Monday, which is why you know,
I was hoping if they moved the I was hoping
if they moved the game it would be to Vegas
and then I could be Alex Prentice and help them out.
As you know, though more than anybody, PA, it's usually
not good when I'm writing sidebars from from Vikings games.
I've done it twice in Arizona, and both times, as
you know, it didn't go well.
Speaker 4 (23:28):
Yeah, nine, Yeah, I didn't. A linebacker broke a femur.
Speaker 2 (23:32):
What's that? What's the other one? Oh?
Speaker 7 (23:34):
There was another game as well, and they lost that
one too. Was it the the fembur game?
Speaker 1 (23:40):
Was that? EJ?
Speaker 2 (23:41):
Yeah? It was Henderson yea.
Speaker 7 (23:43):
And wasn't that the game that Weren't they undefeated going
into it?
Speaker 1 (23:47):
Or they were nine to one or something?
Speaker 4 (23:48):
Yeah, they might only have had one loss. They went
six and a with FARV. Then they lost at Pittsburgh
and then things went a little pear shaped when you
went to the game.
Speaker 7 (23:58):
Yeah, and then I if you remember, there was that
Washington preseason game in the US Bank that they were
down like thirty to nothing at a halftime, and I
decided to leave, and then they came back when I left,
And then there was the game against Aaron Rodgers at
TCF where I did against it at the right hand
a PA and you.
Speaker 1 (24:18):
Lost, and you basically told me I wasn't allowed back.
Speaker 4 (24:20):
So yeah, yeah, you might need to stay away. Yeah,
but it's always great to see you.
Speaker 7 (24:24):
Do you really think it's gonna stay in LA Like,
I just think even just the you know, from you know,
you know, they can't close that roof right.
Speaker 2 (24:33):
Right, I don't. I don't have any team intel.
Speaker 1 (24:36):
I was.
Speaker 4 (24:37):
I was texting with somebody in southern California who works
in the newspaper business this morning, mostly about the fires.
Speaker 2 (24:45):
But then I was like, you know.
Speaker 4 (24:47):
Sporting events can can galvanize community. Yeah, no doubt in
super tough times. But I'm not sure that this would
be the case there because a not many people there
care about the LA rams And secondly, it's not like
a community. It's just a massive so Cow region, you
know what I mean.
Speaker 1 (25:06):
Speaker 7 (25:07):
The only issue, like I'm thinking, is that from you know, one,
it's so close to the fires that are still aren't contained.
Obviously hope you man, hope hopefully by Monday, but but
you know, you just wonder if from a you know,
air quality standpoint, they want guys breathing that stuff in,
so it just feels.
Speaker 1 (25:23):
Like it's going to be moved. But that's just.
Speaker 4 (25:26):
And the person with whom I was texting, you know,
basically laid it out like, you know, I can't see
them moving the game now. The winds have dissipated a bit,
but but pockets are popping up all over the place.
Speaker 2 (25:38):
So I don't know.
Speaker 4 (25:39):
I'm gonna be out at the Vikings facility today and
I'll i'll see if I can get a lean now now,
speaking of getting a lean, and I forgot to look
this up at Russo Hockey via Twitter. So maybe maybe
there's an answer. Maybe there's not rock Favor what's happening
with him.
Speaker 1 (25:56):
You know, I don't know yet.
Speaker 7 (25:57):
We're going to find out at the morning skating about
an hour or if he's on the ice, you know,
if if if the injury is what what we think
we found uh rewatching the game yesterday. You know, it
looks like he might have suffered some sort of head injury.
You know, on the first shift of the game, thirty
seven seconds in, he caught an elbow from Jake Nighbors.
He played three or four more shifts and but because
his last couple of ships, there's really it was very innocuous,
like nothing obvious happened, and he the way he sort
of skated gingerly to the bench, it made you think
that he had a lower body injury. But when they
Wild called it an upper body injury, then you start
thinking concussion or a bleak or something like that. But
if it's that that elbow he caught, and then obviously
I would think that they'd need to keep him out.
Speaker 1 (26:43):
But brock Faber has you know, surprised us in the past.
Speaker 7 (26:47):
I mean a couple of weeks ago, it took a
puck to the neck and everybody thought he sustained a
major injury and he was, you know, taken to the hospital.
Turned out that it was just for precautionary reasons that
he went to the hospital and he was fine.
Speaker 1 (26:58):
So we'll see today.
Speaker 7 (27:00):
But looking at the Wild roster right now, it looks
to me like they that David Yurachek is now on
a regular recall and not an emergency recall, which would
make me think that Brocks out tonight.
Speaker 1 (27:11):
The other thing that.
Speaker 7 (27:13):
They did yesterday that and this is the first time
really since they sent Jasper Volstadt to the Miners before
the Saint Louis game, game four of the season. They're
now having to manipulate their roster and basically, you know,
arguably play lineups that they don't want to play because of.
Speaker 1 (27:28):
The injury situations.
Speaker 7 (27:29):
So what I mean by that is that the only
way to get a defenseman onto the roster yesterday David
Yurachek was to place somebody on LTI R. They just
could not afford a recall. So what they did is
they took Jacob Loalco, who we're told is ready to
come back. They put him on LTI R. They brought
your check up, but you can't have Luco and your
check at least the way I do the math, really
on the same lineup, because they'd be over the cap
unless you.
Speaker 1 (27:58):
Put somebody on lt I R, which was Lalco.
Speaker 7 (28:00):
And now that they could go over the cap, if
you if you're following me, they've recalled Devin Shore again,
who was sent down.
Speaker 1 (28:06):
Yesterday in just a paper move.
Speaker 7 (28:08):
So essentially yesterday they pulled off they had a you know,
do a bunch of roster manipulation to get a defenseman here.
And so again what they did is they put Lalco
on l T A R. They sent down David Shore,
they recalled David you're a check. Now suddenly Devin Shore
is on their roster this morning, which makes me think
that they only put Loco on L T I R
to be able to afford a full lineup. And and
that's that's tough because if Loco didn't suffer a setback,
they're going to really have to, you know, get with
him and explain why this happened, you know, today and
and and why he's not playing.
Speaker 5 (28:42):
Oh geez, can you repeat the part of this stuff
where you said all about the things.
Speaker 4 (28:48):
So just just overall, with the four consecutive they've won,
what what you have a trained die? What what do
you like about the way they have been playing?
Speaker 2 (28:58):
Speaker 7 (28:58):
I mean, first of all, the two games in Washington
rallies as impressed as I've been with them all year long.
Speaker 1 (29:03):
You know, you go on that.
Speaker 7 (29:04):
Road trip, they don't have Caprice stuff, they don't have Middleton,
and then they lose Spurgeon the night before they go
to Washington and you're just thinking, how are they even
going to get one win against these two Eastern Conference heavyweights?
Speaker 1 (29:14):
And they instead get both.
Speaker 7 (29:16):
They played from to me the drop of the puck
in Washington to the end of the game in Raleigh,
sixty of their most consistent minutes of the season. You know,
they just were They had the puck all night long.
They really there was never really sustained pressure against them
in any of any of the two games, and I.
Speaker 1 (29:36):
Just thought they played fabulously.
Speaker 7 (29:38):
Then they come home and last game was just, you know,
from an entertainment standpoint, terrific. Lots of emotions in that game. Obviously,
you go up to nothing, then you give up four,
and then you score four unanswered to rally back. I
definitely think that the Faber injury sort of rallied them together.
You're playing five defensemen for fifty minutes. Clearly, the way
they were going after Jake Neighbors the rest of the game,
I think that the Wild felt that Neighbors did something
dirty to Favor whether it was an accident or not.
That kid plays hard, he's a really good player, and
I think it rallied them together. They It was just very,
very impressive the way they you know, took advantage of
a goalie. I don't think Bennington was on his game
that night, and you know, Middleton added a lot of energy.
They had four left shot d's playing right shot throughout
the game, which is why I think your check has
to be in the lineup tonight a favor is and
you just can't do that, you know again, and have
these guys just you know, playing with everybody.
Speaker 4 (30:39):
Now now, whether it's the the the battling of attrition
and fighting through it and winning games and having fifty
six points into the night's game, which which is fantastic
that do you believe this success can sustain?
Speaker 2 (30:52):
I mean top three in the league in points?
Speaker 7 (30:55):
Yeah, I mean, look, we're forty one games into the
season and for a team that's been just inundated with
the injuries, they really haven't had a full lineup since
Game two of the season. If you remember, that's the
game that they lost Ericsonak to the to the to
the elbow, to the face that broke his nose from
Adam Larson, and then Spurgeon woke up not feeling well,
you know, his back issues again or a hip in
Winnipeg and had to come home and miss much.
Speaker 1 (31:18):
Of the road trip until he returned.
Speaker 7 (31:20):
I believe it was in Pittsburgh, so they you know,
they they've just continue to play well when we just haven't.
You know, you're just always expecting to shoot it drop
when you have this many injuries. Well, here they are
at the exact halfway point, and they have the fourth
most points in the NHL, and they're second in the division.
And I don't think that any of us hand on
the Bible could say that we would have expected that
at the start of the year, especially when we saw
the gauntlet of a schedule that they had to start
the year with the seven game road trips. So I
really do believe it's sustainable. I still think that they've
got to get some things fixed in their game. There's
penalty kill. It's just amazing that it hasn't killed them yet.
The reason why it hasn't killed them yet is they
been one of the most disciplined teams in the league.
They've only been shorthanded ninety nine times, which is fifth fewest,
and and yet they're, you know, twenty nine to thirtieth
in the penalty kill. If they were, you know, as
undisciplined as they were in the Dan Everson years, this
team would not be where they are in the standings
because their penalty kill is that lousy. So I still
think that it's it's that's not sustainable. In the playoffs
you can't and we saw it against Dallas. They gave
up nine short handed goals, but five on five they
were they were on par, if not better than Dallas
and that entire playoff series. But their penalty kill just
just killed them, and their power play wasn't very good.
Speaker 1 (32:36):
So I but I do.
Speaker 7 (32:38):
I mean, when you're forty one games in the season
playing this well, ye and you're doing this, you're winning
games constantly without guys of Capriso or Spurgeon or Brodein
or Middleton or you know the times without Gustafson early
last month. I mean, you just you do have to
give this team just a boatload of credit right now.
Speaker 4 (32:56):
Michael Russo, the Athletic, Theathletic dot Com at Russo Hockey
not nice enough to join nine to New Wild and
Avs this evening at the X. What in the most
recent game, Saint Louis, what did you think of Brodine's
thirty three minutes against the Blues?
Speaker 2 (33:11):
Holy cow?
Speaker 7 (33:13):
I was thinking leaving that game like, it's just what
a success story, you know? I mean, this guy was
drafted in twenty eleven, and he is just He's a
gamer every single night. He's probably the one you know,
I was glad Joe Smith went to his hometown last
year and did a when we were in Sweden for
the for the Global Series and did a big thing
where you know, he went to his house all of
a sudden, his mom's there and we got a real
good inside look of who ber Odean was growing up.
Because one of my biggest disappointments that I've been, you know,
covering this team for the last fourteen years is I
don't feel like I have written a really good profile
on who this consistent player is on a nightly basis.
He skates like nobody else he I mean, you know again,
I mean you know, as other coaches say, the guy
can skate backwards faster than most guys could skate forward.
He gets himself out of a dime. You wish it
didn't take so many hits because I think he'd be healthier.
He but because you know the reason why he takes
so much hits is said, he's so gutsy for a
guy that's not huge. I mean, he's got he's tall,
but I could see him in the locker room. He's
not a big, big, giant man, and yet he just
puts himself in harm's way all the time. And that
shift the other night was absolutely incredible. You know, the
wild You know, sometimes you just wish in those situations
they especially in a one goal lead, they don't go
for the empty net.
Speaker 1 (34:25):
They just chip it out and allow line.
Speaker 7 (34:26):
Changes because you know, could you imagine if Joe Hanson
iced it a fourth time and missed that empty net,
like what would have happened those last forty seconds? But
he the way that he slumped into that bench was
just it pretty much epitomizes the entire game. And again,
my colleague Joe Smith did a great gamer and where
he really dissected that entire shift.
Speaker 1 (34:46):
I was sitting next to him in the press boxes.
Speaker 7 (34:48):
I was working on something else, and he was watching
video of that entire three minute shift and just going
through everything that happened, so he could really document and
write a really quality gamer and I loved it.
Speaker 4 (34:59):
And he if you were to eliminate Capriceo from the equation, Mike,
who's the wild MVP?
Speaker 2 (35:06):
And why?
Speaker 7 (35:07):
Definitely Philip Gustuson, I mean eighteen six and three two
thirty one goals against his say percentages nine to twenty two.
Speaker 1 (35:13):
He'd be probably the front.
Speaker 7 (35:14):
Runner for the VESNA if Connor Hellibuf didn't exist, as
we wrote in our mid season report today, and so
I just have been shocked by the way that he's
come back. I expected him to be better this year,
especially knowing the pressure of jessper Volstat potentially on the
roster and pushing him. But the way that he went
to the World Championship after a really tough year, had
an incredible World Championship, and then really took it to
heart this past summer that you needed to come back
in much better shape. And when you're in much better shape,
you know, things just become second nature to you. He
also listened to Freddy Schabad. If you watch him this year,
he's a lot deeper and more patient, and he's a
lot deeper in his crease and much more patient, not
challenging guys as much. Has been quieter in net and
he's he's really been their backbone.
Speaker 4 (35:58):
Hi heinz minds really is high on John Merrill right now,
and understand that ly so. But from your standpoint, what's
he doing so well?
Speaker 1 (36:07):
Speaker 7 (36:07):
I mean, first of all, he's he's a minus three,
and you know, obviously, you know, on a team that
has a lot of pluses. I think sometimes people look
at that and think that he's not playing well. But
if you think of the consistent minutes that he's given
for the most of the season, other than pelty kill
at five on five, he's been he's been quality, and
you know, he's been put into positions like the other
night where he's playing right shot right side, left shot
left side, and you know, and just playing much much
better now. One thing, he gets a lot of hate
online from from Wild fans for myriad reasons, you know,
But I think the one thing that we all need
to always realize is there's a.
Speaker 1 (36:44):
Reason why he's a third pair of defenseman. You know,
third pair defenseman.
Speaker 7 (36:48):
They're gonna they're not gonna look the prettiest at times,
you know. Just saying that, I think of that great
Nate Prosser line from his dad, from one of my
favorite features I've ever written, where I'm sitting with Chris
Prosser's dad and he goes number thirty nine, and he
takes the swig of his cigar and he goes, he's
not pretty, you know, but you look at Nate Prosser
and he gave you steady minutes all the time. I'm
not saying John Merrill is that, but that's that's what
the third pair of defenseman is. You can't expect, you know,
Zach Bagoshon and John Merrill and Travis Dermott to look like,
you know, Jake Middleton and jared's Burgen and Jonas Berdein
and Brock favor that they're in that position because they're
you know, they're not.
Speaker 1 (37:23):
Top four defenseman.
Speaker 7 (37:25):
But for the most part this season, especially considering what
we saw last year, you know, he's given them quality minutes.
I still think this is his last year with the Wild,
which you know, half the fan base and world.
Speaker 1 (37:36):
Will probably be happy about. But for the most part, considering.
Speaker 7 (37:38):
How banged up this this roster has been, John Merrill
and Zach Pagosin have given them incredible minutes. And you know,
I wouldn't say incredible, really solid minutes, Like I loved
Zach Pagoshen's game the other day. These guys aren't going
to be perfect, but the other night. How many years
have we been asking Wild defencemen to just bury guys
in front of the net, Barry. Guys in the corner
play a hard, hard, physical game, and Bagosian played angry
the other night, and I just thought he was beyond
entertaining to watch, especially in the third period.
Speaker 4 (38:08):
All Right, lastly, Russo Radio Colorado, tonight quite hot these days.
I mean, shoot, the Abs beat Winnipeg what not last night,
but recently, what's what's tricky about tonight for the home team.
Speaker 7 (38:21):
Well, as usual, as all Wild fans know, it's it's
their top three, right, I mean, it's it's Rannon, it's
it's McKinnon and it's mccarr.
Speaker 1 (38:30):
You know, I think the Chushkin.
Speaker 7 (38:31):
Believe is still hurt. But you know, Blackwood's been really,
really good since he got there from San Jose Ranton.
So they lost last night in Chicago, which was shocking,
which actually scares you coming into tonight. Rantan lost his
fourteen game points streak yesterday. McKinnon lost his seven or
eight game points streak yesterday. But these guys have beaten
the Wild for fun the last couple of years. They're
fourteen to four and two in their last twenty against
the Wild. They've won four in a row. In Saint
Paul six the last seven in Denver in the Wild
play their next week. McKinnon had ten points against the
Wild in the season sweep last year.
Speaker 1 (39:05):
They've been on fire lately.
Speaker 7 (39:06):
Other than last night there they were eleven three and
one in the last fifteen. They're seven to one to
one in their last ten, six and two in their
last eight on the road. I mean, these guys, you know,
mccars on pace for almost one hundred points. These these
guys could light you up. But if you shut those
guys down, you have a real good chance to beat them.
And and I do think the Wilder are playing well tonight.
I like the fact that they're gonna it looks like
we're gonna see David Yurachek's debut, which I'm excited about
because you know, you hear so much about, you know,
negativity online from Colambus Blue Jackets fans. I want to
see this guy with my own two eyes. So this
is gonna be a tough game for the While tonight.
But you know, as we've said all along, they beat
the East for fun. They had the best record of
any Western Conference team against the Eastern Conference. They beat
Dallas in their last meeting, but for this team to
be team that a lot of teams, a lot of
people actually believe are real contenders. They've got to beat Dallas, Winnipeg, Colorado,
La Vegas on a consistent basis, and they haven't done
that the last.
Speaker 1 (40:07):
Couple of years. So this is our first meeting is Colorado.
We'll see how it goes.
Speaker 2 (40:10):
My man.
Speaker 4 (40:11):
I enjoy the game tonight. Save travels to the seven
oh two and we'll call you next week.
Speaker 1 (40:15):
Speaker 4 (40:16):
That is Michael Russo Radio, courtesy of the Athletic and
Theathletic dot Com. All right, now to the football portion
of the equation. Next segment involves the NFL. It's called
buy in sal That's followed by Ben Leaver Beloved Nachio
at ten o'clock, RAMS play by play voice JB. Long
at eleven oh three, don't leave nine to noon football
FeAs the twenty twenty four National Football League season has
come and gone, and there are myriad head coaching job openings.
The Tennessee Titans have the first pick in the National
Football League Draft and the playoffs commence on Saturday. So
off the conclusion of the season, let's play. Let's play
an off the cup out of nowhere game called buy
or sell and why? And let's begin here. I'll fire
the questions, the buy or sell and the why provided
by mad Producer, And here they are. The Buffalo Bills
are as good as they ever have been because Stefon
Diggs no longer is on the team.
Speaker 6 (41:36):
Are you buying or selling that the con or are
you kid me? I'm absolutely buy that. I might buy
two just to have an extra one around in case
I lose the other one. I think there is absolutely
a cultural dynamic shift a post Stefon Diggs and the
look at.
Speaker 2 (41:54):
Me moments of him standing.
Speaker 6 (41:56):
There a couple of postseasons ago outside of the cocker room.
I believe it was the chiefs who were celebrating, and
then we hear about certain disconnects and all the negativity
that exists on the sidelines.
Speaker 2 (42:09):
It can be as subtle as a look.
Speaker 6 (42:11):
It can be more overt in the regard of short answers,
short answers during press conferences, the cryptic tweets, we dealt
with it. I loved Stefan Diggs when he was here,
but then when it went south, it went south in
a hurry, and suddenly he was gone. It was awesome
in Buffalo. Then things got weird. It went south. It
went south in a hurry, and then he went south
as in being traded to the Houston, Texans. I think
the bills are better for it, and the best that
they have been in Josh Allen's tenure.
Speaker 4 (42:41):
Number two. Bryce Young has become better than c J. Stroud.
Speaker 2 (42:52):
Oh my goodness.
Speaker 6 (42:53):
Okay, well, I might just be windows shopping on this's
this one's difficult.
Speaker 5 (42:57):
Speaker 4 (42:57):
See those at the buy and sell stock market, they
were in there, they heard the bell and they're like,
what these commodities are up there?
Speaker 2 (43:04):
This is a stone cold sense.
Speaker 6 (43:06):
Speaker 4 (43:06):
Well then they got into the recency and the equitable
wherewith all of the two individuals and they see one
stock soaring and the other stock descending.
Speaker 6 (43:19):
Well, like any you know, if I'm buying crypto, I'm
buying the dip, and so I would buy the dip
on CJ. Stroud and I would hope that that dip
brings me some profits down the road into year three.
Speaker 4 (43:32):
I like that because CJ might have been a seventy
five dollars stock last year.
Speaker 2 (43:36):
You can get in for twenty two right now. Yeah,
let's get value on this thing.
Speaker 6 (43:39):
I will say this though, if it was just simply
if I'm buying or selling on the twenty twenty four,
I gotta buy Bryce Young. I gotta buy Bryce Young
on a worst team. I gotta buy Bryce Young in
a destitute situation. Yeah, and CJ Stroud the combination of injuries,
the combination of living up to some expectations that were
built from an awesome debut campaign into a sophomore slump.
If it's twenty twenty four, I'm buying Bryce Young, but
I might want to buy the dip on the backside,
maybe try to double up my profits with CJ bouncing
back In twenty twenty five.
Speaker 4 (44:15):
Number three, Cleveland will not select a quarterback with the
second overall pick.
Speaker 6 (44:25):
I am. I'm selling that. I'm selling that.
Speaker 2 (44:29):
Okay, you know what it's it's.
Speaker 6 (44:31):
You're gonna sell short. Well, here's here's the thing. And
I don't know how Haslam works, you know. I just
I love their head coach. We know that, and they
got some issues to figure out. The defense went Healthy's
championship ready, and they've struggled with the injuries to Nick
Chubb the last couple of years, devastating knee injury and
all that. This quarterback situation is a disaster. Ken, Jimmy
haslam As he already signed off on the idea and
he got hurt.
Speaker 2 (44:58):
Along the way.
Speaker 6 (44:58):
Of course, Ken, he's sign off on just eating that
cash and moving on. I don't know if he can
at this particular moment. I'm selling that they will select
a QB in twenty twenty five. They will actually make
a smart decision and officially move on and just carry
the debt of that Deshaun Watson l and the problem
they put themselves in.
Speaker 4 (45:21):
And the quarterback they select quite possibly could be from Boulder, Colorado,
Colorado Buffalo.
Speaker 6 (45:28):
I think Kevin Stefanski with a run game, Shador.
Speaker 4 (45:32):
That's not a buy or sell here, it is okay
number four. The team that drafts Shador Sanders will have
Don related distractions every step of the way, buying and
selling that.
Speaker 2 (45:47):
I am buying a bit of that.
Speaker 6 (45:48):
I am buying that because Dad's busy. But Dad's busy.
Dad has figured out how to live in the now,
live in social media, live in front of microphones and televisions,
and balance running.
Speaker 2 (46:01):
The Colorado program.
Speaker 6 (46:02):
I think I think Dion is absolutely whether he's his agent,
he's his hype man, he's his hof dad. I think
Dion's a big part of the early stages of Shador's career,
and I think in some ways this is a bad
example because I have infinitely more respect for Dion overall
as a cachet and player. Remember LeVar Ball, Remember that
situation where as an outsider it became a problem and
it became again hype man, merchman and a big baller
was a big baller.
Speaker 2 (46:34):
Brand or something like that.
Speaker 6 (46:35):
He was at every game, he was in front of
every microphone. I think in some ways his children had
to live in that shadow.
Speaker 2 (46:42):
I kind of felt bad for him.
Speaker 6 (46:43):
Now a Lonzo has been an injury problem, is most
of his career sad for him. LaMelo when he's healthy,
is hurt every day. But he's a stud in Charlotte,
you know, so he's kind of he's I think he's
risen beyond Dad.
Speaker 2 (46:55):
Speaker 6 (46:56):
I think Dion in some ways is just a more
credible lev our Ball. And I think it's going to
be obnoxious, not only for the fan base but for
the front office. Off whoever Draftshidur number five, buy or sell?
Speaker 4 (47:08):
And why Philadelphia will beat Green Bay by two scores
or more.
Speaker 2 (47:15):
Yeah, I mean, I'm I'm all in on Eddrian Cooper
and you.
Speaker 4 (47:18):
Know, okay, bit aside, yes, preference for I'm buying no
pack go and and hail to the ret hal to
WF hal to.
Speaker 2 (47:31):
The commenders, hal victory that.
Speaker 4 (47:34):
To the side. Yes, Uh, be an elite football mind,
buy or sell. The Philadelphia will beat Green Bay by
two scores or more.
Speaker 6 (47:43):
Josh Jacobs is the machine that runs the entire Packers offense.
Speaker 2 (47:47):
I think Jordan Love.
Speaker 6 (47:48):
You can look at statistics and you can say, well,
for the most part, he's been pretty damn good.
Speaker 2 (47:52):
He's not turning them all over.
Speaker 5 (47:53):
Speaker 6 (47:54):
He's going to throw at least two picks this weekend
against the Eagles. I believe that whatever the concussion related,
they're hanging that out there, he's still a concussion protocol.
Jalen Hurts, his postseason trained Siriani, at least for a week,
can keep from just being a jackass. Aj Brown. That
connection is going to be pure. They won't be able
to stop Saquon. I think that this is actually will
be one of the least entertaining games of the weekend
because the Eagles will indeed dominate the.
Speaker 2 (48:22):
Pack in the silence you hear is lambeau Field.
Speaker 4 (48:25):
All right, now, I was gonna save this for Birchie
Birchie tomorrow, but then I realized he can only name
a hand full of defensive players in the NFL.
Speaker 2 (48:33):
So I'll unfurl it with you.
Speaker 4 (48:35):
Yeah, let's see one, two, three, four, number six. Cincinnati's
Trey Hendrickson led the NFL with seventeen and a half
sacks and absolutely is the best pass rusher in the NFL.
Speaker 2 (48:52):
I'm buying or selling that. Yeah, you're buying or selling that. Take.
Speaker 6 (48:57):
I'm selling that he's absolutely the best pass rusher NFL.
Speaker 2 (49:00):
What do you mean has seventeen and a half sacks?
Like too clear from everybody else? Yeah, and TJ.
Speaker 6 (49:05):
Watt and Pittsburgh I think missed some time. He's perpetually
injured and still the elite of the elite. He's gonna
get more double teams and chips that Trey Hendrickson could
ever dream of.
Speaker 2 (49:16):
And you have.
Speaker 6 (49:17):
Of course, we just talked about Cleveland. Miles Garrett is
an absolute stone cold killer.
Speaker 2 (49:23):
There's got to be at least.
Speaker 6 (49:25):
Three to four and maybe five yep that you're going
to jump in front of him as an absolute pure
pass rusher. The only thing that I will say is
an aside because I'm selling that. Yeah, he ain't the
best pass rusher in the NFL, thank you. How good
was he out of a presumed one hit wonder with
the Saints? He gets that cash with Cincy. He has
been really productive for the Bengals. So Trey Henderson pretty
damn good player. I'd take him on my team, but
I wouldn't substitute my guys for him.
Speaker 2 (49:50):
He is not the best pass rusher in the NFL.
Why don't you put your pants back on, sappy.
Speaker 4 (49:54):
Miles Garrett, I believe is the only player in the
history of the NFL to have at least fourteen sacks
for consecutive seasons.
Speaker 6 (50:02):
Yeah, he might. He might be actually just be the
best pass rusher.
Speaker 2 (50:05):
Speaker 4 (50:05):
Watt included, Well, there's one out of side, out of mind?
Oh well, Daniel oh Aiden Hutchinson, oh Aiden, he's out of.
Speaker 2 (50:11):
Side, out of mind? Now, well he's out of side.
Quickly they forget he's.
Speaker 6 (50:15):
Out of sight, but not out of mind, as he
still leads the Lions of the league with seven and
a half sacks.
Speaker 2 (50:19):
Yeah, sure, matter to us.
Speaker 6 (50:21):
Sunday Night hasn't played mid season, but but yeah, it
did not matter.
Speaker 2 (50:24):
Sunday Night.
Speaker 6 (50:25):
Aiden Hutchinson is stud I actually would not at this stage,
still would not put him though, in the category of
a Miles Garrett or TJ.
Speaker 2 (50:32):
Watt. Thank you, thank you.
Speaker 4 (50:34):
Buffalo, wild Wing Savage tomorrow for the feast, and maybe
some more buy or sell for the Charchy, Charchy. But
into the second hour of today's presentation is ten o'clock,
Good morning, Ben Lieber at Nacho Lieber, a beloved not
cheto joins nine to noon a KFA n around the corner.
Speaker 2 (50:50):
Don't leave