All Episodes

July 22, 2024 • 52 mins
Nordo opens the show recapping the awesomeness that was the KFAN Rube Party. Gophers football VOX Mike Grimm stops by the studio to preview the upcoming season.
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Episode Transcript

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I say anything, nothing to say, thinking, what a gorgeous Monday morning

here. Thanks for hanging out nineto noon listening to the fan whenever you
choose to do so. The six' five one carpets plus studios. My
name is Eric Nordquist. I amNordo in for PA. PA returns tomorrow
and I'll get to the timber Techset list. The rookies for your Minnesota

Vikings returned to the scene yesterday.Veterans reporting tomorrow, the first practice on
Saturday. And this sounds like agood soundtrack. Chilling out on the perch
watching practice. How's JJ looking?How's Jefferson looking? Man? Sam Darnold

no more? Tommy Trimbles is gonnabe good a handful of days from now.
Max Fuller producing Max? How didthe how did the Initials game turn
out? Listen? You know,I'm sure some teams when they played against
Michael Jordan were like, I mean, come on, guys, he's not
that good, Like he's getting overhyped. We got this, we got

that dog in him, and thenthey realized why Michael Jordan is Michael Jordan?
And Doe Young park we I scoredthe first one. Kevin Falness scored,
Gavin Cason scored, and then DoeYoung Park scored about eight in a
row, dunked on us from thefree throw line. I mean it was
like the ant dunk on on Collinsearlier this year. It was all up

in our faces, in front ofour families, in front of the entire
world. It was. It wasembarrassing, but happy to be a part
of history. He set the recordfor most points scored in an initials game.
He did, yeah, tied therecord with AJ and Sauce. He
got eight in a row. Soyou got the first one. I got

the first one, and I'm proceededto call myself fro Young Park. I
called Doe a nerd. I saidI was going to stuff him into a
locker. Yep, that sounds aboutright. And none of that, None
of that came to pass. SoI'm sure I'm like a lot of listeners.
I was just on the other sideof the glass in the prod studio,
putting things together, listening to JoeMauer's speech, seeing if any of

it could potentially enhance some conversation takenlater that we'll be doing later in the
show. When you got the firstone and I heard fro Young Park being
screamed across the airwaves. I'm like, well, this thing's over. Yeah,
I don't even need the less soI turned it off. Actually,
so, I just said, youknow what, it's in the bag,

and I can't wait. I've alreadypre written an entire opening segment, assuming
that you would want. So youwere telling me that that is not the
case. That is not the case. I thought it was in the bag,
but there was a hole at thebottom of the bag, and it's
proceeded to slip out and down thehill and far, far far away from
me. I could have sworn thebravado that I heard following the very first

clue good answer. I thought thatthat carries I mean, you were you
were floating. I thought I wastoo, And beach House was literally the
only guest that even came to mind, so said baked Ham. At one
point, I did listen to more. I heard Boulder holders of the fallness
just and apparently he wasn't that faroff. No, he was. That's

the right idea, wrong wrong bodypart, wrong chapter of anatomy, So
Dell Young Park did. Indeed,he was victorious. He was victorious.
I see that you so that meansif I'm doing the math here based on
so so Orton or Beloved Wolves vox. Uh yeah, he was kind of
just happy to be there. Itsounds like it was. Well, man,
he's not going to be happy becausehe's not allowed at the next party.

He's still got to shake off thatthat old Timberwolves spirit. He had
that old Timberwolf spirit where I'm justhappy to be here. I understand,
go have a loser's lament. Hewas just kind of dipping his toes in
exactly not ready to win, justnot really understanding what it's like to stand
on top. Alan Horton with thegoose egg radio fallness he wore his fortieth

ranking. Well, it sounds likeKevin Cason all lapped. We don't have
any like snowplow sounders or anything youmight be appropriate. The initials tournament of
a lot of a lot of bleep. Talking from yours truly right now is
I don't have to go until it'salso a Monday, but I'll be facing
off August nineteenth against Tom Pella SeroBen Leeber will be Fox's finest Amy Hawkert

Oh sweet, yeah, I don't. I don't stand a chance. So
but you got you did pretty well. You. I was in your group
last year. I'm pretty sure.I'm pretty sure you just ran right through
the group. Yeah I smoked youand post. Yeah, I just I
just keeping it low right now.See, I go the other route,
I go the other rout. Yes, And then as as common would do,

give, I will. I'll waituntil victory is secured, and then
I will devolve into being a manchild, overly celebrating and going completely nuts.
Speaking of celebrating the Roote party onFriday, oh Little Route Party recap
nine to noon. So many ofyou showed out. I don't know how

many people ultimately found their way toForgotten Star Brewing, which is a freaking
destination. Jim out there and Fridleyawesome hosts. But it felt, you
know, fifteen hundred and two thousand. I don't know how many people ultimately
were there, but it was anabsolute blast five years in the making.

As it was billed, we hadthe live edition of Doctor Dan. See
this is what I was sweating allweek because yeah, Barrero and GUARDSI they
do the live edition of Doctor Dan'sInbox. It was awesome. You got
the initials game up on stage.Some Rubes got to play you got password.
You're seeing this theme here of gameswith common Antennabee nine to new we

don't have games. Yeah, now, a few years ago, we used
to do Stump to snob and Ihad even thought, but this is what
I was sweating all week, likewhat we were going to do because we
don't do games nine to noon.We just do hardcore sports and high end
reporting weekdays nine to noon on thefan. We used to have Stump to

snop sports trivia game. Have youever seen Stump the schwab No, I
never saw. It was an oldESPN game show and it's just sports trivia.
But we did that, I believe. I mean in twenty twenty there
was nothing going on. No,yeah, we played it several times when
I was here meet Sauce, andI once spent an entire well not an
entire Okay, it's a two hourshow. There were tons of elite prep

and talkers in the mix. Butmaybe let's just say we did spend nearly
a full hour watching like Scandinavian weightliftingcontests syndicated on Bally's. Back when these
were the good old days, backwhen we just had Bally's. Those were
the good old days for like anhour in the summer of twenty twenty,
marveling over deadlifts. I remember talkingabout the Boondesliga. There you go,

absolutely dig and Bavaria and oh tremendous. So we did Stump the Snob and
it was a fun game show,but I don't think my guy liked playing
it. And if he was inthe lead, he was taking it seriously
and it's all good, but ifhe was having problems, he would just

start randomly naming adult film stars names. And as much as I love my
guy like, I don't, Idon't like it's like it takes some of
them took like ninety minutes to prepare. Yeah, and then you hit me
with insert name here, and andso that kind of faded off into the
realm, and then real life wasupon us again, and and we didn't

we didn't have to We didn't haveto do Stump to Snob anymore. But
I was thinking about that, andultimately, Jake is the room's name.
He was at the party we diddo in your best vox impression, and
you could see kfan on the socialchannels. I think they got some pictures
or video of it, but buthe he was unfreaking believable. And then
Hawk's band came out and were youdancing on stage? Oh? Yeah,

I was dancing on stage. Didthe shirt come off? The shirt was
off? Okay, the cap ofthe eight ninety nine bottle of black velvet
was off. The next day myguts were coming off. Yeah, no
doubt, right, yeah, ohyeah. Saturday was a stay at home
dad yeps sobsolutely. It was BusterDouglas versus Mike Tyson. And let's just

say I was Mike Tyson. ButHawk's band and Hawks's showman, right,
I mean the band was to TommyOlsen. He's a showman. He's a
showman. I think the crowd.He knows what he knows what the crowd
wants. There's no doubt you guys. Bit was one of my favorite bits

of the whole night though, thatthat was a brilliant bit. And those
guys really like they gave. They'reall trying to mimic calls. It was
ja Jake was so good and andand here's just just being honest about it.
If Jake hadn't been so good,I intended, or at least had
hoped, because the crowd, youknow we're in the Roman Colisseum now and
it stumbs up, thumbs down,vote with your voice. We had Nancy,

we had Hayley, We we hada few females up there. I'm
just hoping one of them wins,right, and I just I want to
hear that high pitch. I wantto hear the no. It can be
as ridiculous as anything. I justI wanted one of Jake was too good.
He was just too good, sowe couldn't even fix the race.
But no, it was. Itwas an absolute blast. We probably should

should start doing that more often again, I mean, black velvet or not.
It was so much fun. Butyeah, I was basically drinking nail
polished. I just got this texttoo. During the pandemic, Nordo and
saw Us had almost an entire Saturdayshow dedicated to their favorite little DeBie Stack

and he signed it mail it inGuy Perfect Perfect says it all. That's
classic. That was four years agoat this time, four years a well,
four years ago at this time aswe kick off nine to noon,
but seriously forgotten. Star Brewing awesomehost to the Roo party, and it
was fun to have all of ustogether, and you know, we sit

in the studio and I the onlyperson I'm going to be looking at other
than my next guest, Mike GrimVoice of the Gophers. Max is the
only guy I'm going to see forthree hours. And you guys communicate via
text, you communicate via social emails, good, bad, ugly. We
love it and we're here because ofyou, and we're just really thankful for
that and hoping that we can wecan make the Rube Party a yearly affair

again. But let's jump to thetimber Tech set list, brought to you
by TimberTech TimberTech dot com. Therookies have reported, the contracts are signed
and it's party on for the MinnesotaVikings training camp is gonna lift off later
this week. Everybody veterans in themix tomorrow and then Saturday kind of the
bring it. It's like the welcomeback party. I forget how the teams

specifically framing it up or Rubes aregoing to be out at TCO down and
Egan pads on practice ago and it'sgonna be an absolute blast. Certainly part
of the talker later today. Ithink Kevin o'connelly Quacy might be speaking later
today as well. Like right,after lunch, just during the lunchtime hour
of the program, so Common caneat his lunch and you can get to
hear from the head coach. Andthe GM Twins swept over the weekend at

two Gamer, a couple of closeones by the Brewers at target Field.
I believe the Fills are in townnow. Summer League ended, and I
hope you bring it up in Newsmaxbecause Dillingham finally showed up, and he
showed up in a big way.Summer League now done for the Wolves and
oh yeah, another weekend of provingthat real life can be more surreal,

more incredible, and more absurd thananything that we watch in sports. But
Max Fuller is here, he producesI'mnordoin for Papa back in this spot tomorrow,
welcoming him back. Excited for that, but I'm also excited for any
opportunity to give away money to listeners. And Max has a keyword. Yes,

Sirthfan and big deck dot Com wantto give you a shot to put
a grand in your hand with ournational cash contest. Enter the keyword credit
at cafan dot com now for yourshot at winning That's keyword credit. Enter
it now at cafan dot com.This happen, Welcome back nine to noon,

nor for Pa and joining me.Now you must be going straight from
here to the airport almost. Italked to you on Friday night at the
rub party. Yeah, how didyou? How did you like it?
I thought it was great. Iliked it because I just kind of melded
in rock to the Chris Hockey banduntil the wee hours of the morning.
Watch Max take off his shirt acouple of times. I mean, that

was that was fun. So heactually so you're saying he disrobed, re
robed. Yes, it's kind oflike it's kind of the performance and disrobed
again. Oh yeah, I meanI had to disrobe for Mouth Guitar Guy,
of course, because it's one thingjust to be shirtless. But but
that's the process, the process,right. It's like Hulk Hogan could have
just came out with no shirt,but the people wanted to see him ripped

the shirt off, you know whatI'm saying. Oh yeah, I saw
yeah, Mouth Guitar guy was thereand that you know, that's almost like
the national anthem to start something,right, But I mean he starts and
then everyone just stops. What they'redoing and watch it. Whenever he does
his bid I always stand remove mycap, just like you find find the
nearest spangled banners. My heart.It's it's truly, it's truly a beautiful

thing. And I am embarrassed alittle to say this, but my weekends
are are usually full. So thatwas the first time I got to see
the Chris hockey bend live and inperson. In all the years I've lived
here, I've seen him perform thenational anthem at a Vikings game and a
couple of other things, and thensaw videos. They tweet out their videos.
I'll see that. So that wasfun. It was a good show.
He was great man, such atalented dude. Super talent. Was

good. And then he brought upall the all the personalities and oh yeah,
I was mixed in the crowd,so I stayed out. You didn't,
you didn't jump up there. Itwas good. I was just find
to be part of the part ofthe audience. See, first of all,
you would have been you would havebeen more than welcome up there.
But the key is once you goup there, as you saw, yeah,
you gotta have that preferred dance move. So you got to you gotta

have something in the tank. Andit's fair. It's you were not warned.
No, no, I would ifyou had gone up there. Yeah,
I don't know if I mean,twenty three year old can you crip
watch and dog would have been finedancing. Fifty three year old Microm probably
not okay, anything worth watching?All right? That's why I mean.
I mean back in the day,man, I love shake. You know,

the roofs would have loved it.So you're getting on a plane today,
and I believe you're going to India. We are going to Indianapolis,
Indiana underrated airport. I think theyhave I don't know, maybe stop on
your way out, Harry and ishe's get the shrimp cocktail. Yeah,
if you're into such, they havea we have a reservation Wednesday night for
the Saint El Moves. Oh thereyou go. Uh. Guardy of course
has taken a late DT and Iare going today. Guards he's going to

meet us. He'll come in Wednesdaynight. I think he's gonna miss the
dinner, of course, less timehe wants his little I'm with us as
possible. He's a little you know, is there anybody with more difficult travel
arrangements than justin guard Let me saythis, there's nobody that brings on more
travel on purpose problems, Like hecould make it simple. He just chooses

to make it difficult because I don'tknow why. And now he's if he's
listening, he's he's mad at me. But yeah, it's all self imposed,
like people feel sorry for him,Like what are we feeling sorry for
Guardia about the world is it's alife of choices. He makes the choice
to make it tough when the choiceis there to make it easy. And
God bless him. God bless him, God bless him. We love GUARDI.

Anyway, Yes, we're leaving todayBig ten media Day team, so
it's gone from a two day eventto a three day event. The Gopher
Day is Thursday, so that's whyJG's gonna come out Wednesday, DT and
I are going to go on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, okay, and
we'll find out about all eighteen teamsand do some interviews. Isn't that nutty

because I think they've they've gotten ridof the divisions and it truly and maybe
that's you know, this is yearone, right, so maybe in the
in the future that changes but andof course with the Gophers, if we're
doing it locationally, well yeah,we'll get all four of the Yeah,
the new teams, but it shouldbut it's just top two in the roost,
right it is. And I'm Idon't like that. I think they

probably I think TV probably pushed forthat because they want as many marquee matchups
as you can get. It's atwelve team playoff now. So so when
you said it'll probably change, itwill absolutely change. The whole landscape will
change. I was talking the otherday with Joel Maturi. DT had his

had an open house at Boulder Options, and the former Gopher athletic director was
there. Is he still local?Maybe that's a dumb question. Yeah,
yeah, yeah, he's still hereand and he goes still goes to a
lot of Gopher events. That's awesome. Anyway, we had I don't think
he'd mind me sharing some some ofthe conversation we had, but he's like,
we both agreed it'd be fun tohave a crystal ball and see what

it looks like five years from nowtoday, Like what five years from now
two thousand, that would be whattwenty nine, which is crazy to think
about, but what will it looklike, because it's it's changing by the
minute, and we'll see. Isn'tthat amazing though, sometimes how this sort
of stuff works and it takes somuch so I get it. But it's

the slow bleed. And then it'sinstant. Where you talked about the idea
of whether it's conference realignment or youknow, the PAC twelve. This is
not a new conversation, right,it's you know, five, six,
seven, eight years or longer andso, but that's just a thing that's
off in the future. It's fodder. We love PAC twelve after dark,
the whole thing. But then almostovernight, deal's been consummated. You know,

Kevin Warren was a big part ofthis to start. And then I
forget what the new guy's name is, the commissioner of the Big ten whatever.
Yeah, but it's a slow bleed, and then it smacks you.
Yeah, the the UCLA us Cthing. I remember, I was just
down the hallway here in my Mand N studio, which is just around
the corner fifty feet from here.I think that was in July two years

ago, and Spencer Tollics in Texassaid USC and UCLA question mark, and
I'm like, what are you talkingabout? And within minutes, all of
a sudden, everything is coming outthat they that they're going to join the
Big ten. And that was thatdid catch me off guard a little bit
because there was, as you mentioned, lots of discussion about things, but
I think the general theory was amongsteven insiders, was that this was going

to be a ways away. Andthen Kevin Warren pulled a rabbit out of
the hat and got those two tojoin into what Kevin Warren does. Yeah,
in that sense, it triggered thecloses deals, this chain reaction of
events that the PAC twelve is nolonger in existence. It took a little
longer to see if Washington and OregonI think the TV people had something to
do with that. Was that goingto add enough value? Because as you
start adding teams the pieces of thepie, there's more pieces of the pie

to split. So yeah, youknow, if you got just like,
if we got a million dollars issplit up amongst us three, if we
can cut Max out, that's ahalf a million each. Why are we
cutting Max? Well, I'm justsaying that. So you have to you
have to fair make any money.How do you know where my allegiance is
line. No, I'm just I'mjust using this as an example. Okay,
let's say you cut me out,you two get to split up the

three we throw knives into the middleas part of our little group here we're
gonna Now the option is, oh, we could add we could add Pa.
How much value does he bring tothis group of four? And is
it enough that instead of three hundredand thirty three thousand dollars each out of
our little million dollar can, hebrings an extra five hundred thousand. Now
everyone gets more? So did Oregonand Washington bring enough to the pie to

make it worth adding? And eventuallythey came up with the formula that said,
yes, it's worth it. Andyou think about organ in some cases
in some preseason magazines, they're thenumber one team in the country, right
yeah, And so Oregon, Idon't know what their schedule is up off
the top of my head, butOrgon, Michigan, Organ, Ohio State,
organ US. Think about some ofthe marquee matchups that Fox and CBS,

NOW and NBC, those are thethree main characters in this thing are
going to get and then they're stillgoing to be PAC twelve after Dark it's
just going to be big ten West, so to speak, after dark.
And that also, this whole thingstarted with you asking about the divisions.
No divisions this year. I thinkthat's got to change eventually. I think
what they'll find, in my opinion, because everyone says, oh, well,

with Kevin Warren's background, he's tryingto help as he started this the
NFL model. But the NFL modelhas divisions, and there's a reason divisions
are there because it gives everybody hopethrough the end. Like you can be
sitting at six and eight, youknow, and the Vikings were right at
one point last year, kind ofon the outside looking, but there was
hope almost up until hope, right, And that's why we're here. We

say you're Minnesota, or you're Nebraska, or you're Wisconsin or Iowa or Illinois
or Purdue, and it's October fifteenth, and you're sitting there at three and
four. Whatever the record might be, I say it's October twenty eight or
whatever, you're out of it.You have no chance of making the tournament
or of making the championship game,where previously with divisions, yeah, you

might win the division, which wouldget you in. So division will play
now with an eighteen team league,you'd have to have some semi finals and
I don't know how many weeks youwant to add to an already season that's
expanding to twelve teams in the playoff. Probably down the road it'll be sixteen.
So anyway, it's a it's ahuge conversation, and that's why it'll
be fun to see where it goes. And it'd be real fun to see

what it looks like five years fromnow if you could see it today.
Well, I think what's really coolabout it is for Gophers fans that have
been pining for years, like youknow how long it's been that we've played
in a Rose Bowl. Well,yeah, we just brought UCLA into the
conference, and now we can playin the Rose Bawl. Well that's the
only chance because the Rose Bowl aswe knew it, as I grew up
with the Rose Ball, I metthat whole thing's done. Now it's over.

There is no Rosebanks like growing upin Big Ten Country. That was
the glamorous Oh yeah, granddaddy ofthe mall. It's what people in Big
Ten Country tree every year strive forthat, and that's what people have asked
me, you know, what doyou think of expansion? I'm like,
well, with everything involved, nowthat the Rose Bull is basically as we
knew it. First of all,the PAC twelve doesn't even exist. But

the PAC twelve Big Ten Annual matchupis out. It's going to be part
of the playoffs. I'm in forthe expansion now. And this is not
a knock on any Big Ten city, but I've I've been to Champagne enough,
and West Lafayette enough and East Lansing. You know, I always want
to mix a little bit. Let'sgo to Seattle, Let's go to La

you know, and we'll see whereit all takes us. But I'm from
a selfish standpoint, as a guywho travels with the team for each game,
I'm in for some new places togo. Does so so top teams
in the conference you mentioned, youknow, preseason bits, but it's kind
of interesting, Like Michigan, howmuch did they fall off post Harbaugh?
So you got Sharon or Sharon Moorecoaching the team. Now you got Washington

who played in the National title game. But they're replacing Penn San a head
coach. I think a lot ofpeople are latting with Jed Fish has done
there. He got far, He'shit the portal heavy. Jed Fish a
former offensive coordinator at Minnesota. Youknow that's right. Yeah, absolutely,
one or two years I can't rememberfor Tim Brewster and he then moved on.

He was where's Tim? Which whichclass at crop? It tight ends?
Is Tim Brewster currently he's he's stillat Colorado Arlotte Now he's at Charlotte
Charlotte. He's back in North Carolina. So is that a good or a
bad sign when a person jumps fromplace to place? Well, he went
in coaching ranks. Yeah, hehas been in a lot of places.
I don't know. I don't knowfor sure what the right answer is.
Okay, I didn't make that up. He was with Dion last year,

was and Jackson Jackson state with himas well. He was at Florida for
a couple of years. Florida,he was at Texas A and m uh,
he was at Minnesota. Yeah,he's been in the CV. He's
got to have very small print withthis thing. Yeah, okay, Well,
yeah, he has been up toCharlotte. He has been around Charlotte
forty nine ers. Charlotte forty nineers. They have a coach who I'm
a fan of. Though the headcoach at Charlotte, uh doesn't say what

his name is. I'm trying toremember Biff. I think is his first
name at Charlotte. Yeah, Biff. Is it Pogi? Yeah, Pogi
or something like that. I don'tknow how to I've just seen enough of
his year. So we're looking forWe're hoping for tick. You need an
uptick. But I've seen enough ofhis, uh of his the videos and
stuff at at his clinics. He'sa great talker, so I've been a
fan of his just watching videos overthe years of him. Uh. But

yeah, you're right, Washington,coming off of national title appearance, Oregon,
USC's got all the talent in theworld. Let's see now, you
know, they lose the the formerHeisman Trophy winner who goes to the Bears
and Caleb Williams. But apparently theygot some cat is a Miller Moss?
Is that the name? And that'swhat they're gonna do. They're just gonna
you know, you know what theproximity to players there, so you have

people in the world that have twofirst names. Yeah, what was the
guy? We have found? Ago I think it's Miller Moss. Okay,
he's got two last names, twolast names. Very interesting point,
good point. And then you gotthe buck Eyes. I just saw somebody
make a wild prediction that they're gonnawin it all. And I think they've
got the talent too. Be interestingto see what the how their quarterback situation
plays out. They got the KansasState transfer, and I think there's some

thought that they're such a talented roster, yeah, that there's other quarterbacks on
that roster that could also push hima little bit. So we'll see.
And then there's just this muck inthe middle, i'd call it, right,
and without dens where to go,yeah, and without divisions, it's
gonna you know, it's gonna probablywe'll have a pretty firm idea of who's

in it and who's out of it, and then where that leads you for
the postseason. The other thing iswith twelve team playoffs, and maybe not
this year, but at some pointthere's going to be four Big ten teams
that make it in the twelve oftenyears it'll be three, and so they'll
be there could be a Big tenteam that's a ten or eleven and two
team ten and ten and two regularseason, not make the championship game and

get it. Nine and three mightbe pushing the luck a little bit,
but with strength to schedule different things, it's gonna be a weird with twelve
teams, it's going to be aweird thing to get used to for a
little while before you figure out whoyou know. On one hand, it's
going to be hard for the Gophersto necessarily get into like well, first
of all, as we said,there's no Rose Bowl. But on another

hand, it it opens up.There's more possibility, Like if on a
year you just happen to hit itand you're in the top three in the
conference, you're gonna make the playoffs. Yeah, you know. And so
if Pie in the Sky is beingabsolutely tops in the division, that is
certainly Pie in the Sky. Yeah. But maybe you get to four,
maybe you have a dream season.Yeah, and that puts Yeah, that's
it this way in twenty nineteen,and again it's a different looking schedule than

to now. They were. Theywere ten and two in the regular season,
and I think at the time andwhen the playoffs would have been announced,
they were around twelve to fifteen.If that Wisconsin game didn't there,
if you win that Wisconsin game.If it's a twelve team playoff you're in.
Was that Quintin Cephas like right outof the gates with like a fifty
yard touchdow in twenty nineteen. Actuallythe golfers scored a touch a long touchdown

to start that day. They did, and then it went the other way,
and then it went the other way. Yeah, in some snow right,
that was a snow game. Itwas a snow game. Game day
was here, the whole bit everythingand didn't work out the quarterback situation in
Nebraska. Now, I'm just I'mjust I'm hitting you with in Big Ten

media days this week in Indianapolis,I got Mike Grimm and studio. He's
the voice of Gophers, not onlyGophers hoops, but Gophers football as well.
North Carolina on the horizon, pj'sare already working hard. Dylan Rayola,
So I don't know anything about thiskid, but I remember his dad.
So his dad, Dominic Rayola.He was with the kiddies. He
spent like fourteen seasons as an alignment. Now he waking about him as like

Hall of fame. But he wasgreat at Nebraska too, fourteen years with
an NFL team like that, that'sequity. And he was a terrific Husker
as well. Is this guys,is he more highly touted than like the
Adrian Martinez types one. This kid'sthe number one rank quarterback in the country.
So this is a cream and theCrops committed Georgia. He was committed

to Georgia, and I think that, as we find out later, the
Scott Frost coaching staff had some issues, including the head coach. It sounds
like and it just wasn't a mixa match. And then when that coaching
change happened, Matt Rule can recruit. I think we were seeing that there.
And now with name, image andlightness, they've got some resources that

maybe some other schools don't have.And all of a sudden that became back
on the table. So he decommittedfrom Georgia and then he had a great
spring game, and so that haspushed everyone into thinking can this be the
year? This is hard to believe, right, Nebraska is a blue blood
of college football. They have notbeen to a bowl game since twenty sixteen.

It's the longest drought of any Powerfive team or Power four team.
Now think about that, I mean, what would the odds have been if
in two thousand and two, whoI'd have said, you know, from
twenty sixteen to twenty twenty four,it would be Nebraska that was on the
longest bull drought. You would havegotten long odds and made a lot of
money. And it is and it'sbeen a three or four year process now.

Even as Scott Frost's career was windingdown, every preseason magazine had them
over ranked because there was always hope, there was always a good recruiting class,
there was always this. It probablyalso helped that they have such a
ravenous fan base that if you rankthem a little higher, you might sell
a few more magazines or get afew more clicks on your web page.
Even the Gophers in an awful seasoncan find their way to Detroit. Yeah.

I mean the quick playing balls justsitting there for anybody, and Nebraska
has not been able to do that. So the question is is this the
year? Yeah? Is where allathe guy that can do that? Is
this the year that they live upto? And again, they're not being
billed as a Big ten title contender. I don't think many people would say
they're going to finish in the toptwo but they're gonna finish where and is

it better than they have? Andis this the first year they're going to
make a bowl game since twenty sixteen. I wonder how much bitterness there will
be with these new squads rolling inIf you just look at the standings five
months from now, and it's justit's Oregon in the top spot, it
is USC probably now UCLA Washington figuresit out with Jed and you're just in

Michigan's fifth in the conference. Tobe like, what, I get it.
TV dollars rule all here, guys. But and it's also got fun.
There's also sidebars to the whole thing. First of all, if people
have an ESPN app or a CBSsports app, click on just just for
the fun of it on your phone, Yeah, click on college football,
click on standings. You can't getall the teams on the page. You

have to scroll. It's eighteen teams. There's no division. You have to
scroll, So that's weird. Andthen secondly, you're right, like the
Wisconsins of the world, who havebeen pretty good, the Iowa's are the
world Penn State, right, they'reprobably that next tier. Where do they
fall in here? By the way, Iowa or I'm sorry, Minnesota and
the Nebraska do not play this year, which will be a little strange as
well. Getting back to Nebraska,but where does Nebraska fall in that?

Where does Minnesota fall in that?This eighteen teams. Wisconsin traditionally had been,
you know, a all time contenderin the Big Ten West, although
they haven't won it in a while. I always won the last two in
the West now that division, andMinnesota's been in contention, never been able
to get over the go get overthe hurdle there. But I mean,

what pleasure are just throwing in tothis batch of eighteen. It's an unbalanced
schedule. It's just going to bereally a weird feel, I think as
the season goes on. Yeah,I mean the chance to win the West
and go get absolutely waxed by Michiganor Penn State. That's the Ohio state
that that became a Big Ten tradition. Yeah, and they've they've taken it

away from us. Speaking of quarterbacks, your thoughts on Max Brosmer entering the
mix and as part of and eventuallyI do want to get to a couple
of things specific PJ talking, Imet, I met Darius Taylor last week.
Yeah, we can, we canhit on all of that next segment,
but just Max Brosmer, I thinkhe's representing Minnesota. There are gonna
be some players that are showing upin India. This week's what's good with

the New Hampshire Wildcat turned Gopher intotwenty twenty four. Yeah, so just
to you know, to re establisha little background here because with the summer,
I'm sure you know it's not exactlyon the front page in terms of
you know, the Gophers have beenworking out all summer and it's Brosemer,
Max brose Rosmer, not Brosma,that last name. He's a bro,
not a bro He's a bro,you know. And so he enrolled in

January. So he's been with theteam since January after coming off the season
at New Hampshire in which so NewHampshire's is an FCFCS, same as Northern
Iowa, North Dakota State, GoBuyston, Illinois, all those all those
teams. South Dakota State the reigningchampion in that division, and New Hampshire
had a decent season. I thinkthere were nine and four. He was

among the best quarterbacks in that entiredivision. Now and they have what the
Heisman Trophy is to FBS, theWalter Payton Award is to FCS, and
he was one of three finalists forthat, so it tells you he was
an accomplished quarterback. So now thequestion is, and the Gophers have hit
on a couple of guys, nonquarterbacks from that division that have come in

and started. And in fact,a guy like Jack Gibbons has gone on
and now he's playing with the TennesseeTitans in the NFL, has moved up
from FCS, played for the Gophersand now is in the NFL. So
they have hit on a few ofthose guys that have made that transition.
It's a little probably different at quarterbacks. So now the question is because it
translates, he's clearly going to bethe starter, and I don't want to

put too much on him, butto me, it is the number one
key to the season. If thequarterback is good, then this team has
a chance to be good. Andif the translation or the transition isn't as
good as Gopher fan hoped or weall hoped, then the season probably won't
go as well. And again there'sa lot to talk about defense, offense,

returning short special teams. But tome, there's a central part of
it. Yeah. I mean,if he's good, they can be pretty
good. Now the question is asa translate watch him in spring ball,
and from day one of spring ballto the end of spring ball there was
a lot of progress. I couldsee a lot of progress. Now,
I'm not a coacher and evaluator,and sometimes I see stuff and then it
turns out like what was I talkingabout? Other times I'm right on.

So who knows if this is goingto be working right? But I think
he's a smart guy. I've saidthis before. He reminds me a little
of the year's Northwestern have been good. You know, they kind of go
two or three years good and thentwo or three years bad, two or
three years good, and a lotof it is dependent on quarterback play.
The years they've had good quarterbacks,they're not Heisman winning quarterbacks, but they're

smart guys that move just well enoughto avoid the rush and find a guy,
throw it on time, on target, make the right decisions, and
all of a sudden, the game'sover. Northwestern's won it, and you
look, whoever the quarterback is,whether it's Kafka, who are some of
those guys, but Brett Bazena orwhoever else you look and they're like man
twenty four for thirty nine, twotouchdowns, no interceptions, And I think

that's what the Gophers have to hopeto get out of him. And those
are the years Northwestern's been good.They've gotten good quarterback play like that,
And I think if Minnesota's gonna begood, they'll get quarterback play like that
this year. That's my comp Ithink the year's Northwestern's been good, they've
had good like I don't think MaxBrosman, if you watch him, he's
just gonna, Oh, he's gotan NFL arm, he's gonna throw sixty
like he's good. But I thinkhe's smart. I think he can make

right decisions. I think he can. He's savvy enough and veteran enough that
he'll make He'll step step up inthe pocket and make a perfect throw and
just deflate a defense. That kindof stuff. That's Mike grim At Mike
Grimm with two MS and the numberthree following VIAX. He's the voice of
Gophers football and basketball when we return. So Darius Taylor, now we need

Brozmer, not Brosmer, Brosmur tobe good this year, but in the
end they're going to hand it toDarius Taylor a bunch. I met him
last Thursday. I love the kidlooking forward and he's going to be in
India as well. But another segmentto go for football related conversation, Big
ten related conversation with Mike grim Aroundthe corner, it's noordowin for PA.
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kfaan dot com keyword calendar, snortowin for PA. Another segment with Mike

Graham, Voice of the Golden Gophers. Mike. Darius Taylor was in studio
with me last week. That interview, if So Inclined, can be podcasted
free. iHeart Radio app just lookfor the Paul Allen channel. Darius was
awesome man, and then looking intoit and just kind of prepping for the
interview. I was texting back andforth with Paul Rovnak Media Maven for the

Gophers athletic department or the football programin particular, and you know, freshman
season and if you're just looking atstat lines, right like you only played
in six games I think, andwe were talking about the Huskers. His
first carry I think of the yearwas just one in that entire game,
that thirteen to ten win I believeagainst Matt Ruhle's squad last year. But

then the damn broke and in hisnext five games he was averaging a buck
sixty and a score and he wentfor two hundred plus in the quick Lane
Bowl, like there's and then Iget to meet him, and it's just
there's a there's a quiet like intensityand commitment from this kid. His his
background story is so interesting and it'sit's sad, it's heartbreak, and he

was raised by his aunt and hisgrandmother. His father. Unfortunately he's in
prison for murder. Like there's aStar Tribune article about it and people can
read that story and so but butnow he's here, he's entering his sophomore
year. He even said in himself, we like to run the ball at
Minnesota. Probably played in you know, everyone's going into transfer portal these days,

but he didn't and that's probably playingit like he knows he's going to
get opportunities. But you know,I hope Brosbur's good. Yeah, but
man, I like Darius Taylor.Yeah, and they've got four offensive lineman
starters returning, and I think theylike the new center, Greg Johnson.
He's from Prior Lake. He actuallystarted I think a game last year and
was rotating in at the guards.So they've got five experienced guys ready to

go. So yeah, there's nodoubt it's going to be a run first
operation still, and Taylor is sotalented. I think the question will become,
you know's what's the meld point,the mesh point, the you know,
how many carries do you think youwant to give a young guy sure
to try to keep him healthy becausehe was getting thirty five forty carries and

maybe you still write him. Idon't know the answer to that. I
think they feel good about the depth. They've got a couple of transfers in
the running back room. They've gotanother freshman in. They've got Jordan Nuban,
Tyler's brother, who had a prettygood end of the year last year
when everybody else was getting hurt.He was a walk on, and Taylor's
a good story. I mean,he was a high school receiver as a

junior. And then the coach saidat Wall the Lake High School, I
don't know if that's exactly the namein the Detroit area. Hey, we'll
try it running back and boom ithit and well, traditions great. Great.
He's got great vision, great patience, and he's like my coach.
My coach said, you know,you're a pretty good wide receiver, but

if you play running back where theoffers are going to come from. He's
like, believe me, commit tothe position. You'll do it. And
he's like he's like, you know, he's a confident kid. I would
have gotten a few offers, youknow as a wide receiver, but you
know, mailbox was full when theywhen they saw me running with the ball.
And he he is a tackle breaker. He also can make you miss.
He can also run you over.He can also get you know,

an extra yard when you need theextra yard. He also, i think,
with the year under his belt,learned a few things. There were
a couple of plays I'm thinking specificallyof a play where he had a really
good game at Northwestern that crazy gamethat the Gophers blew a twenty nine point
ly just a fluky yah of aweird game. You know, you hope
that's once in a you know,a decade kind of a loss. We
had a couple of those late,those weird ones. Yeah, last year,

you think they went five and seven, now too, you know,
flip two games, So seven andfive still doesn't make it a great year,
but it changes maybe the tenor thingand aden you're eight and five with
the bowl win, and maybe you'rein a different well, you're almost certainly
in a different bowl game too.Anyway, the Illinois game late where with
a minute to go, they gothree plays with the backup quarterback eighty some

yards and hit on a forty someyard touchdown to win it with with almost
no time left, which that gameat one point was I think Minnesota is
ninety eight percent to win it orninety nine percent to win it was they
had Illinois and you needed something reallydumb nor foe from their own eleven.
I think with a minute or soto go, I'd have to go back
and look exactly. Anyway, theNorthwestern game specifically, PJ talked about this.

There was a short yardage situation,and he went a little too much
laterally as supposed to. Look,you gotta get a yard, just got
to move. So just just sothose things. You know, he'll learn
that. And because again he's ininfancy as a running back. And then
you saw him in the bowl game. The Gophers through what was it six
passes in the bowl game. Yeah, it was some super miniscule number,
and they were able to just youknow, move Bowling Green down the field

and control the ball. And Taylor'sa big key for that. And so
the question is you want him fortwelve games? And and last week during
a media availability, Taylor said hethinks it'll be by committee. Now again,
if it's a three man committee,you me and Max here again.
Yeah, you know, whoever's playing, Darius Taylor is probably going to get

sixty to seventy percent of those carries. It's not going to be an even
one third. But I think youwill have to I'm just happy to put
the uniform on every Saturday. Itfits a little snog. Yeah, I
figure that out. I think youwill have to put some I think you
will have to put some pre plannedseries in where we're just gonna we just
got to take some even if it'sone series a half, sure, just

take some of the hits off ofhim. But he's such a good player.
Like last year there was look,god bless everybody else who was in
the running back room last year,but there was a there was a significant
drop off from him to the rest. And and so as a head coach,
when you're paid to win games,it's hard to say, well,
let's just punt, I mean notliterally punt, but let's punt on this
series. And we're going to putin a backup when you know you're going

to be better when the starter's in. And so I think a lot of
these games are grinds, too,grinds, and that's that's that's the close
game. Am I gonna am?I gonna put the big horse on on
the bench. That's that's a toughdecision, right, And every points valuable,
So every drive is valuable, andso those things will be decisions.
The hope would be that the quarterbackplay has improved enough that you're able to

maybe score a few more points maybe, I mean that could also be a
way to lessen the load on arunning back, is throw the ball more.
He's not going to have to carryforty times if you throw thirteen more
times a game. I mean therewere a couple of you know, low
number of passing plays in a game. And so if that again, if
that position is good with Max Brosmer, then you can maybe automatically reduce the

number of carries and the number ofworkload. And look, if he's completing
eighteen yard passes, twenty five yardpasses, six yard passes downfield, it's
all for a positive outcome. Youdon't have to move the ball exclusively on
the ground a couple more for youhere? What is your role? And
I guess maybe this is a completelydifferent question, but I'm kind of interested,

like what are we expecting to hearfrom PJ? Like it's it's a
positive thing, right, It's onthe front end of the season. You
know, there was UCLA here andnow that you know, there was some
talking about that job opportunity was thatwas that a real opportunity? But he's
still here and now UCLA is inthe conference? Is it to Sean Foster
that took that job? It wasyeah, a former Panther, I think,

yeah, in a former UCLA Butwhat do we what do we expect
to hear from from PJ. It'sit's all positive. It's all into twenty
twenty four. More teams, morecompetition, more opportunities of course to get
better. Is that kind of thevibe. Yes, that's that's exactly what
we'll hear. I just did hisspeech for you and then or if you
want to write it out and sendit to him. Yeah, they're gonna,
you know, talk about and soit's a three day deal. Minnesota's

day is Thursday, and then youknow, I guess that must be six
teams a day if my math isright there, So minnesot will be one
of six on Thursday. Cody Lindenbergyou had already mentioned the other two guys.
Ody Lendenburgh will be the third guywith Brozemer and Darius Taylor and the
kicker, Dragon Kessich, who's agreat personality the Power Trip sounds like an

awesome dude, great dude, andhe will be on the trip as well.
He will be posting, He'll bedoing interviews and posting on something media
and different things. So keep aneye out for that on Thursday. And
I'm sure they'll have some tape stuffthat will get out there later in the
week and into the weekend as well. Yeah, I think it's just you

know, look, everyone's optimistic atthe start of the year. One of
the nice things about Big ten FootballMedia Day is you get to hear from
the coaches at a point in whichthey're all speaking from a reference of optimism.
And then as the season starts togo, every team has the chance
to make the playoff. This YEAROTzero and zero and every team there's so
many good players. I think morethan ever, there is an opportunity that

that coaches feel like we've got skill, Now can we translate that to wins?
And I look this Gopher team Ivoted this morning. They do the
they ask us to vote on atwelve player preseason all Big ten. I'm
looking at the stats from last yearand based on right now, Look,
there's some transfers coming in. Gabrielfrom Oregon has to be one of those

twelve. Came from He's at Oregonnow, came from Oklahoma. Put up
big numbers there, so you sayhe's one of them. Who else do
you put in there? All ofa sudden, I'm looking Darius Taylor one
hundred and thirty two yards rushing agame that was number one in terms of
yards per game returning, you counthim as one of the twelve. Daniel
Jackson has the second most receptions andreceiving yard combination returning. Arianta Erstrie the

top right ten offensive lineman. Sothere's some skill. There's some talent on
this team. Cody Lindenberg, ifhe's healthy, will be amongst the conference
leaders in tackles. So then thequestion becomes what do you do with that?
How do you work the schedule?And at I think all this muck
in the middle, as I calledit earlier, you're looking at Minnesota,
Purdue, Northwestern, Iowa, Wisconsin, Nebraska probably falls in there, Michigan

State probably slots in there. Thedifference between the best of that group and
the worst of that group, themargin of error could come down to five
or six plays over the course ofthe season, which can make or break
your years. So it you know, we can break it down all we
want, but it's going to comedown to just a few things here and
there, and again, the quarterbacksituation is going to be important for Minnesota,

as will many other things. Well, I appreciate you hanging out with
me today. It was kind ofit was an on the fly Friday night
conversation like, hey, you wantto come hang out. I know you're
heading to indye and sounds like youchose the right airline so your flight's not
going to be camped. So far, so good. Darryl and I are
so far set to take off thisafternoon and hopefully we get there. Man,
just insane phrase. The airline industryhas been but no, thanks for

all you do. Looking forward tohearing and seeing your updates from Indie and
we will real quick. We'll haveGUARDI and I will host a PJ Flex
show which will air from Indianapolis Thursdaynight. Here. I believe it's at
seven o'clock. Oh party, I'mthat's gonna be awesome. So Thursday evening
we'll hear the coach Flex show.That's great. We're going to see you,
of course at the State Fair.Yes, sir, that's one of

my favorite days of the year.And then and that's lift off point right,
that's lift off North Carolina. Yep, tar heels in town August twenty
ninth. Man, that's no.Drake made it to defense, so we'll
see who I have not looked atNorth Carolina yet, so we'll dive into
that as we get closer. Yougot to what We're still trying to figure
out. Who is going to bethrowing the ball for Washington. Who's going

to you know, Miller Moss,the guy with two last names? What's
up with that? These are thethings that we need to know more by
Thursday night. Hey, that's perfectat Mike Grim with two MS three the
number three at X. You canfollow him there for all Gophers related bits,
both hoops and football. Thanks asalways, man, have a safe
and fun trip. Nordo, youare awesome. Thank you as always.

Max. Good to see you aswell. Hey, thanks Grim, good
to see you too with my sirthis time. Yeah, thank goodness.
We're gonna pause. Second hour aheadcoming up at eleven. Uh Lavelli Neil
the Third was in Cooper's town towatch Major League Baseball's Class of twenty twenty
four that included Jim Leland, thelongtime manager. I still want to know

if you just had a couple ofcigarettes up on stage while he was doing
the speech. But Adrian Beltray,Todd Helton, and Joe Maher and he's
gonna join us at eleven and justkind of catch up on the Hof weekend,
but Vike's Bites is around the cornernext because training camp is upon us
this week. We're super pumped forat your home for Vikings Football the Fan,
so we're gonna chat about the Purplearound the corner. It's nine to noon
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