Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Come, oh, come, oh, come, Sorry, we're just absorbing the
Christmas time over here.
Speaker 2 (00:32):
Thank you, You're welcome, Fargo. Flash Tommy, what's the best
day of the week?
Speaker 3 (00:40):
No bad labor day, Carla Zucker's on a way in carl.
Speaker 4 (00:42):
That's a new sweacher, isn't it your mic song?
Speaker 5 (00:45):
I am not exaggerating, Tommy. I have seven of the
six Act sweatshirt. Now, oh I can just I could
wear it every day, not like other people on the show.
Sometimes I legitimately seven of these because they were so
cheap and they're crazy comfortable.
Speaker 4 (01:03):
So I have seven.
Speaker 3 (01:04):
Speaker 4 (01:05):
Do you go to the Egan outlet?
Speaker 5 (01:06):
No, this is online because they had a bunch of
sales in the last month, like Black Friday in Cybero whatever.
Speaker 4 (01:11):
I just loaded up and said, that looks good. Fine,
give me seven. I do some of that stuff too.
I think it's weird, but I start to do it.
I got the same work shoes. I'm super sits. That's
the mentality. No decisions uniform.
Speaker 6 (01:23):
And then you have a couple of you string together
a couple of good days in the same outfit.
Speaker 5 (01:26):
You're like, oh, here we go. I'm not saying it
is a good outfit. I'm not trying to. I just
think it's comfortable and.
Speaker 2 (01:31):
I don't care a truth time everybody truth truth circle.
Everybody's gonna be cool.
Speaker 3 (01:35):
Truth circle. Okay, not like we just had over here.
Speaker 4 (01:38):
This is on hair stuff in Meg thirteen.
Speaker 2 (01:42):
How many days on average do you wear the same
pair of pants?
Speaker 4 (01:46):
Oh? Probably, I'd say maybe once a week.
Speaker 3 (01:51):
I change, Yeah, I'm jean three days and then I
wash them.
Speaker 4 (01:54):
Uh what was the how many days do you.
Speaker 2 (01:58):
We wear the same pear pants before you put out
two three? I'd wear a different para day every day,
no kidding, But I don't wear jeans though. That's the difference.
Speaker 5 (02:05):
Don't they say you're not supposed to wash jeans after
every year.
Speaker 2 (02:08):
I needed to hear that one time, and I was like,
thank you, Like if.
Speaker 3 (02:12):
Somebody told me I never need to brush my teeth again?
Right good.
Speaker 5 (02:14):
I think me going sevens probably too much. I think
I should be more in your range. The three to
four day Yeah, that's probably the sweet spot. I think
seven's probably push it, because.
Speaker 3 (02:23):
There is a sweet spot if you go for more
than three days.
Speaker 5 (02:25):
If you know, yeah, I think mentally, don't you just say, well,
I'm changing my boxers.
Speaker 4 (02:32):
Of cares about the jeans, right, I don't know.
Speaker 5 (02:35):
I mean if somebody could tell that they smelled, then
I would hope at some point one of you would
have said, how many days in a row are you
wearing those jeans? I'd go about seven. They'd be like,
cut it back to three or four. Yeah, I'm okay,
I'm appreciate it.
Speaker 2 (02:47):
I'm skillful of that kind of thing. I'd be waiting
to wear in a big group of people, like, go,
somebody smells like.
Speaker 4 (02:51):
A Is that somebody's jeans?
Speaker 5 (02:55):
Yeah, somebody's black jeans six or seven days in a row?
Speaker 4 (02:58):
That is that what that smells? No, I don't know.
I probably should cut it down now.
Speaker 7 (03:02):
We talked about this a couple of weeks ago, where
we talked about when there used to be smoking in bars.
Speaker 4 (03:07):
So I'm in.
Speaker 7 (03:08):
Dallas this week for work and I go to the
sports bar with my team called Flips.
Speaker 4 (03:13):
They're smoking in Dallas in a bar. So I'm unpacking
my clothes.
Speaker 7 (03:18):
Last night, there's I had a I had a pair
of jeans that they ring.
Speaker 4 (03:23):
Yeah, if that's the case, then you're washing them every time.
I thought that everyone was done with that I usually have.
Speaker 6 (03:28):
Like weekly work outfits, but then I'm driving so much
right like and then with their foot up, with the
foot up, and then so you can start to like
get the musk, what you get that smell of your undercarriage,
you know it's.
Speaker 4 (03:44):
Like yeah, like a couple three four days.
Speaker 6 (03:47):
Oh, and someone was talking about who is so want
Someone on the Vikings radio network likes to pee in bottles.
Speaker 3 (03:55):
I don't know what it is, but somebody who knows.
Speaker 4 (03:57):
Who that might be.
Speaker 6 (03:58):
Yeah, that's that's a that's a salesman road roy or Classic.
Speaker 4 (04:02):
So you've done that a million times, probably sales training.
Hey what do you mean probably every day? Yeah, because
you say you stop at holiday gas stations all the time.
You know they have bathrooms, right, I know.
Speaker 6 (04:14):
But core sometimes you're on the clock and you got
to get going, and you got and it pit stop
five minutes, like you got to get to your next meeting,
Like you gotta go. What about to stop and get
out of the car and go into free.
Speaker 4 (04:28):
Foot No, that's fair.
Speaker 6 (04:30):
Like in college I used to not get out of bed,
just had bottles land up.
Speaker 5 (04:33):
What I've told you before the aviator I was so
that was.
Speaker 6 (04:41):
The thing when we used to, like people were coming over,
like for a party or something, you had to go
hide your bottles.
Speaker 4 (04:46):
Dude, how about throw them away? Why would you hide
them keeping? Wait?
Speaker 3 (04:59):
Wait, why wouldn't you take it out of the when
you got out of the room the next time? Why
wouldn't you immediately remove it from your room?
Speaker 4 (05:07):
No, you just go dump them. It's usually like a
weekly thing. You dump them.
Speaker 8 (05:12):
Tommy, look to have to go for football. This is
not like mob mentality. I'm a lot of recruits.
Speaker 5 (05:23):
This is definitely one of the times your parents are
shaking their heads, gonna text you and go, Tommy, please
stop talking.
Speaker 4 (05:28):
That's so gross. I think. I believe, Tommy, of course
I believe. That's why I'm terrified. It's just it's one
of the things.
Speaker 9 (05:35):
It's not one of those things, Tommy's Let's say, God,
let's say I have four or five bottles of urine
in my in my room and people are coming over.
Speaker 4 (05:50):
Why wouldn't you just throw them away or dumb them
down toilet.
Speaker 6 (05:54):
Because then if you go to bed that night with
no bottles, then you gotta get out of bed.
Speaker 4 (05:57):
You have a couple in stocks and is Sometimes you
find the right bottle. Not every bottle work bigger, open hands.
That's why we had.
Speaker 6 (06:07):
Fargo because like the power bottles, you get thirty two ouncers.
We had that, like you got that big yeah.
Speaker 4 (06:16):
Yeah, so anyway you had an Acto cooler.
Speaker 6 (06:20):
We got a little hug yeah no, but so yeah
we so Eddie and I each had those like right
next to our bed.
Speaker 4 (06:29):
But Mikey had like a gallon jug. So Mike you
why didn't any of you just go peeanu toilets?
Speaker 6 (06:36):
You guys, the six to seven steps would wake you up,
and then you couldn't be harder to go back to bed.
Speaker 4 (06:40):
You could one eye. You guys are caring men. Your
room a bottle doors.
Speaker 6 (06:45):
If you fell asleep while you were peeing and then
it just went everywhere all asleep, it's not understand the
tiredness that you had.
Speaker 4 (06:55):
It's yes, did.
Speaker 10 (06:56):
You say you and your brother were sharing a bed, No,
he was in the a bottle.
Speaker 4 (07:01):
No, we never shared bottles. No, that that's a lot.
That's gross. That's where Tommy draws the line. But no,
you usually change out the bottles like once a week.
Speaker 5 (07:12):
Honestly, your room then at that point was just missing
a human head otherwise your dahmer. Yeah, you're so close
to being a serial killer. You just have bottles of urines.
Speaker 4 (07:22):
Right around your room.
Speaker 7 (07:23):
Here, here's an idea you could see because I know
if you can, you imagine a cleaning service for dinky
town athletes.
Speaker 4 (07:32):
Wouldn't that? Would that not crush it?
Speaker 1 (07:34):
Speaker 4 (07:34):
It's kind of gross, that gig very good.
Speaker 3 (07:38):
The rates of depression would go out.
Speaker 4 (07:41):
Nobody's going into the bottle.
Speaker 2 (07:43):
What the correlation is here? But people who take this
job seem to be very sad.
Speaker 4 (07:48):
Did you wash the bottles?
Speaker 11 (07:49):
Speaker 4 (07:50):
You threw them away after about a week.
Speaker 3 (07:51):
Okay, Yeah, I think he's changing the story. Yes, make
it seem less weird at.
Speaker 4 (07:56):
This This is all true. I thought I've told you guys, this,
this is you might have. This is normal. Are you
going on some sales calls today?
Speaker 6 (08:04):
But no, Like so Sess wants me to stop because
she thinks it's really gross.
Speaker 4 (08:09):
And she still do it in the car when I'm driving. Yeah,
with her in the car, Not with her in the car.
Speaker 3 (08:13):
Do you do it in the bed?
Speaker 6 (08:14):
Like sometimes there's a loose bottle in the back and
she'll see it.
Speaker 4 (08:17):
And she's like God, but oh, my god.
Speaker 6 (08:24):
Yeah, yeah, you can tell there's you know, it's not
the colors don't match the gator.
Speaker 11 (08:30):
No, that's should do.
Speaker 9 (08:34):
Sometimes sometimes there's no amber flavored Gatorade, says the sea
salt flavor.
Speaker 5 (08:42):
I don't know if Cess is a saint, if this
is Stockholm syndrome, if she is also insane. Something is
a miss because you see bottles of urine in the
back seat and go, that's my husband.
Speaker 6 (08:56):
She's getting interested. It doesn't happen all the time. I
do a good job of cleaning it up for the weekend.
Speaker 2 (09:00):
But like sometimes, let me defend all the positives outweigh
the negatives.
Speaker 4 (09:05):
Thank you.
Speaker 3 (09:06):
There's a must be a lot of positive.
Speaker 4 (09:08):
There has to be a deal breaker. The bottles of
your truck. We'll talk.
Speaker 3 (09:18):
You must have a robotic tongue.
Speaker 5 (09:22):
That might be covered in your in No, might be
well accidentally taking a sip at the Gary.
Speaker 4 (09:29):
Let's not go down that road. Get Tommy, you derailed
gopher talk. We were supposed to talk about time. We're going.
Oh my gosh, I just thought this was normal.
Speaker 2 (09:44):
I thought, but we know that you you tell us
stories and we're shocked and you don't buy it because
to you.
Speaker 3 (09:53):
That's how you've lived.
Speaker 2 (09:54):
Everybody nor we completely have talked about that behind your
back a lot.
Speaker 11 (10:00):
The man.
Speaker 12 (10:02):
You distorted reality completely different from the rest of us.
Speaker 4 (10:06):
My dad's very disappointed right now.
Speaker 6 (10:08):
Yeah, this is the most tame thing in my head
of all of it.
Speaker 4 (10:13):
I think it's not It shouldn't even be talking, like,
not even talking. It's so gross. His phone is blowing up. Yeah,
but it was college. That's no, No, it's not college.
You're still doing that. Bottles of your doing better. I
clean the car out every day. Now, this is fine.
Speaker 2 (10:30):
I have I have an important question to ask. I
hate to continue on this topic, but I have to.
There is a phenomenon this time of year in the
lovely part of the country we live in, where things
in your vehicle freeze sometimes those bottles can.
Speaker 4 (10:50):
Speaker 6 (10:50):
Never, no, is that what you're gonna Yeah, no, no,
because there's no like pressure.
Speaker 4 (10:54):
You know, if it does, it's just like water freezing.
Speaker 10 (10:58):
There is somebody else who does that that works on
this station, and it isn't Paul Allen. Really yeah, common
does that too. See he peas in bottle.
Speaker 3 (11:08):
Did he tell you it was okay to talk about that?
Speaker 13 (11:10):
Speaker 4 (11:10):
Yeah, he talks about it on the air.
Speaker 10 (11:11):
Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's why it doesn't
like ride with anybody.
Speaker 4 (11:15):
He pee's in bottles too.
Speaker 5 (11:16):
Look, you know you say everything you do Tommy to
you feels normal. I'm I think an absolute freak. Right,
I'm a weird guy in a lot of ways.
Speaker 3 (11:28):
Ye give me that I'm.
Speaker 4 (11:34):
A weird guy.
Speaker 5 (11:35):
I totally understand that I'm the most normal person that
works at.
Speaker 4 (11:39):
The fan and it's not even close.
Speaker 5 (11:41):
All I do is listen to everybody else to stories
and going like I just throw my hands up and go,
I think I'm weird.
Speaker 4 (11:46):
I'm not even close to it.
Speaker 3 (11:48):
Well, I'm gonna tell you right now on this show.
Speaker 5 (11:50):
You're right, that's very very but I'm more normal than common.
I'm more normal than Paul Allen or Errero by light years. Right,
It's not even close.
Speaker 4 (12:00):
We will feels good, doesn't it?
Speaker 9 (12:01):
When we just said, like half the station bottles, half
the station in a bottle all the time, I'm.
Speaker 2 (12:10):
A d percent sure if you could read my mind,
you wouldn't be my friend.
Speaker 10 (12:17):
Two of them have have do it in the privacy of.
Speaker 4 (12:21):
Either their own car, their own home.
Speaker 10 (12:23):
One of them who remained nameless pisses in a russ
area full of other people.
Speaker 3 (12:30):
Listen, Really, what kind of car make a vehicle? Do
you drive? Tommy?
Speaker 4 (12:41):
A pickup truck?
Speaker 2 (12:43):
So there's a possibility that if you see Tommy drive
buying this pickup truck, there's fluids flowing out.
Speaker 4 (12:48):
Of and he's watching a certain music video.
Speaker 6 (12:54):
But like I do it so like I always know
there's cars not buy me, right, you gotta check the perimeters.
Speaker 4 (12:59):
You got slow down your speed.
Speaker 3 (13:00):
Up performance anxiety.
Speaker 5 (13:02):
Yeah, there's no way you haven't accidentally pissed on yourself
a little.
Speaker 4 (13:08):
Bit every time. That's the thing. Like, that's when you
know you got to change because you can sell. Is
your car moving? Of course? Did you just hear what
he's anybody hear what he just said?
Speaker 5 (13:18):
That's when you know you have to change your pants
because you can smell the piss.
Speaker 4 (13:27):
You're like a new boy.
Speaker 5 (13:29):
I felt guilty about wearing the same jeans for a
week when they're not covered in your and you're when
they hit the urine.
Speaker 4 (13:36):
Smell, they they have to change.
Speaker 11 (13:38):
Speaker 4 (13:39):
Yeah, well, anyway, we won the axe.
Speaker 12 (13:42):
Was this during the same era you were taking people's food,
eating food off their plates as well.
Speaker 4 (13:47):
Uh oh, that's that's so you are a domesticated raccoon. Yeah, brilliant.
Speaker 3 (13:55):
Yeah records, don't be a buck.
Speaker 5 (14:02):
Outdoor cat the raccoons from the movie The Great Outdoors.
Speaker 4 (14:06):
Yeah, more civilized than Tommy Nelson.
Speaker 3 (14:12):
All Right, I promise we'll talk about the Gophers when
we get back.
Speaker 5 (14:15):
Okay, you got a glass? Can you stick around for
a couple more minutes? All right, more of the Power
Jim Morning Show after this. I think I'm the fan.
Speaker 13 (14:22):
Time now for the Vikings Report, presented by Ivy, the
official grocery partner of the Minnesota Vikings. Linebacker Jonathan Grenard
joins the Power Trip next thanks to Ivy.
Speaker 4 (14:34):
What's going on?
Speaker 14 (14:34):
Podcast listeners Zach Elverson here, and I know that you
guys want to be included as well in this awesome
twenty twenty five World Junior Championships giveaway trip to Ottawa
which is next month, So be ready. If you have
your passport and you're ready to go to Ottawa, go
to KFE dot com, go to the contest page fine
the World Junior Championship Giveaway. Click on that and use
the exclusive podcast code Champion. That's Champion that is your
keyword to use when you enter, and you could be
going to Ottawa if everything goes in your favor, So
good luck. Use that code, Champion, and thank you so
much for listening to the Power Trip podcast.
Speaker 4 (15:28):
Hey boys, real.
Speaker 15 (15:29):
Quick, Well everybody recovers in the control room, all right, given.
Speaker 4 (15:42):
Way trip to Ottawa.
Speaker 15 (15:43):
The keyword at campe dot com keyword contest is.
Speaker 4 (15:47):
Skates. Well it should have been zamboni, but it's skates.
Oh god.
Speaker 10 (15:55):
And we'll call you in the eight o'clock hour if
you win and you get to pick you Mikeno.
Speaker 4 (16:04):
Was it a zamboni discussion? No?
Speaker 2 (16:07):
All right, I mean you are a You are the
most interesting man in the world.
Speaker 3 (16:14):
You really are, Tommy, and I love you.
Speaker 2 (16:16):
Okay, we have town Tom Polison on the next segment,
so we can't go too long this segment, so let's
get right to it. They not only won, but they dominated. Yeah,
bad Wisconsin. It was good to see.
Speaker 7 (16:25):
I think it's you know, and if a Wisconsin fan
would say we were dominating for years and they have
that that this was before PJ. Fleck, you know it
was here at Minnesota. This wasn't really a rivalry, right,
I think Wisconsin had won like fourteen consecutive games at home,
and what PJ has done, He's done a nice job
making this a competitive rivalry. In Minnesota, you know, simply
is a lot better than Wisconsin at football. Right now,
Wisconsin football has no quarterback there. They just finished up
the second year of the Luke Fickle era. The first
time in twenty two years. Wisconsin isn't going bullying. So
Wisconsin's got a lot of things to figure out. And
for Minnesota, it was a nice way to finish a year.
I think we'll always probably end this looking back on
twenty twenty four. I'm less disappointed in Iowa Michigan. I'll
probably always think what could have been with Rutgers and
Penn State, because I do think a nine to three
Minnesota team that would have won like seven games in
a row probably sitting somewhere like sixteen seventeen eighteen.
Speaker 2 (17:20):
And let's go back to the first game of the
year too, that was still yeah, that hurt. Yeah, yeah,
especially as bad as they turned out to be.
Speaker 4 (17:26):
Speaker 7 (17:27):
So I think all in all, given where we were
sitting here in mid August, really nice finish how.
Speaker 4 (17:33):
The year finished up.
Speaker 7 (17:33):
I think we wish we could have grabbed a couple
of those wins in November. But all in all, it's
a good year. And I will say this, it's we
are now in the world of transfer portal. Yeah, signing
date quite candidly doesn't mean what it used to mean,
because who knows that these guys will even be around, right.
It was a nice recruiting class. They got a nice
quarterback coming in from California. But what happens on Monday
is the transfer portal opens up. It's going to be
open for twenty days. It'll be open for ten days
in April. And this is where you flip your whole roster.
I mean, we're losing a lot of main contributors for
so for PJ. Fleck, you have to go introduce yourself
to players that you really didn't recruit for a number
of years. It's for really a kind of a number
of weeks and see kind of where the dust settles.
And there's a ton of areas to address. But I
think what we talked about off air, besides the Tommy stories,
is we were saying you probably got to go find
another Max Brosmer.
Speaker 4 (18:29):
Yeah, I think I.
Speaker 6 (18:31):
Think looking back on this season, the most one of
the most talented teams we've had in third years, Like
they are so talented, most fun I've had Washington Gophers
team in the past twenty years, like even more.
Speaker 4 (18:42):
Than twenty nineteen. I think this team because of the
threat of passing.
Speaker 6 (18:45):
Yeah, And I think it's such a credit to Max.
Speaker 4 (18:47):
That was literally where I was going with the court
your spot on thanks man, where I really appreciate it
to you.
Speaker 6 (18:52):
Where when he came in and we changed an entire
offense because one guy could do it, it was that's
credit to him. How good he played this year. I
think he played so well he'll get a chance to
play in the NFL. That's how good he did this year,
I hope.
Speaker 4 (19:05):
So we're gonna miss him so much. He's going to be.
Speaker 6 (19:07):
Such a guy that we're gonna look back on be like, man,
he was so good, he was our whole, like he
was the guy him and and then Daniel Jackson will
miss a ton too, But.
Speaker 4 (19:15):
Like this was such a fun year.
Speaker 6 (19:17):
We can't look at how like this team was one
of the best, most fun ever.
Speaker 4 (19:23):
So I'm just excited to see what happens. I best
PJ Fleck team for sure, easily easily. I hope, I
hope we go to Nashville.
Speaker 6 (19:31):
I don't not sound like we are if it's the
Duke Mayo bul it's the Duke Mayo Bowl.
Speaker 5 (19:35):
Speaker 4 (19:35):
I think I'm going to either one, though I can't.
It's gonna be a fun.
Speaker 7 (19:38):
Yeah, it's more than likely the Duke Mayo Bowl, which
should probably be against a pretty good ACC team, think
like a Duke team's pretty good. Music City is the
outside chance which would be against an SEC team, which
that prefer, like LSU. And then there is an outside
outside chance that you're going back to New York against
another ACC team. So I think we'd all like Charlotte.
I think we love nash Phil. We'll find out Sunday.
Speaker 4 (20:01):
Is there any.
Speaker 6 (20:01):
Way we bounced to Arizona or is that the least
likely I've seen it mentioned in one project?
Speaker 4 (20:09):
Speaker 5 (20:09):
But since we lost to Rutger or is that what
don't you want to that's a worse bowl.
Speaker 4 (20:14):
This is a worst ball.
Speaker 7 (20:15):
But that's where would teams take rud Kers ahead of Minnesota?
Speaker 4 (20:20):
Speaker 7 (20:20):
But even though we have a better record, we did that, we.
Speaker 4 (20:22):
Lost ahead and then the Michigan jump us like a lot.
Speaker 7 (20:25):
Of people start the Michigan hurt, Minnesota's bolt, Yeah, and
then Nebraska since they have a bigger following, do they
jump us?
Speaker 4 (20:31):
So we'll see.
Speaker 6 (20:32):
You know, if Arizona is the worst we can do,
let's do it?
Speaker 4 (20:36):
Sounds great? Who does like old Town? It's a dream
and we get to go to zips uh flash.
Speaker 5 (20:43):
The last couple of days we've been talking about Koe
Parritch and how much money the Gophers have to spend
a lot. You mentioned that revenue sharingything that kicks in
next year. Yeah.
Speaker 12 (20:51):
Speaker 5 (20:52):
Do we have honestly the funds even with that to
keep coy or is he gonna essentially find a deal
out there somewhere that's just gonna blow you do?
Speaker 7 (21:01):
I think what it comes down to you have to
figure out you have to have a general manager mentality.
Speaker 4 (21:05):
Speaker 7 (21:06):
So there's a couple of different revenue streams that provide
you know, funds to these student athletes now, and you
know the one is nil. But the one that really
breaks through from Minnesota is the revenue sharing that you
get from the big ten TV contracts. And so it's
somewhere in the world of somewhere between ten and twenty
million which I know is a lot, but it's across
the entire athletic department. So how much does Mark Coyle
give to the football team. I think we'll all figure
that out over the course of time, but they're giving
out some big checks. And I think Cooy Parritch is
a guy that you know, unanimous All Big Ten first team.
I think when the All American teams come out in
a couple of weeks, he'll for sure probably make like
a third team, which is Finally, he's one of the
five finals for Freshmen of the Year. I'm cross the country,
so he's putting himself in position to make a lot
of money, and I think I think PJ. Flex got
to give it to him. He's a big time name
and he's listen home hometown kids, So I love it.
Speaker 5 (22:02):
Thanks Slash appreciating him justin Gadzemia Stafargo Flash h Tommy,
appreciate the time man, you had drive.
Speaker 4 (22:11):
You made it interesting today, Harry, Christmas, everybody Christmas. Christmas.
Speaker 5 (22:16):
Hey Tommy, just a little piece of advice before you leave.
By the way, I know you bring in a water
bottle every day there, uh huh. I want to slow
down the intake you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 4 (22:25):
Just sip it.
Speaker 2 (22:27):
Thank you all around, and thank you Carbones. Tom Pelisara's
next Love You Get Friends Bank.
Speaker 4 (22:35):
By Hey Rubes.
Speaker 12 (22:42):
This football season, Bell Bank is giving one Katan listener
each week one thousand dollars to pay it forward to
a charity of their choice. Just head over to kapan
dot com keyword contest to learn more and enter today.
That's kappan dot com keyword contest.
Speaker 2 (22:55):
Kevin to coom slash watch as well, because it's that day,
it's that time.
Speaker 3 (23:01):
Not only is Carly in there, Hi Carly.
Speaker 2 (23:04):
But we have from his palatial mansion, the lovely and talented,
the beautiful Tom Pellasero are NFL expert thanks to our
friends of Bell Bank. Hi Tom, You're looking good today
as always.
Speaker 11 (23:15):
So are you Hawk.
Speaker 16 (23:16):
Look at you guys back there, You know, have having
a good time on a Thursday morning.
Speaker 11 (23:21):
How about that Happy holidays.
Speaker 3 (23:22):
It's a very very merry Christmas in here right now. Tom.
Speaker 2 (23:27):
And we're excited because I think maybe the most excited
I've been for an NFL game that doesn't involve the
Vikings is happening tonight on Thursday Night Football.
Speaker 11 (23:35):
It should be a really good one.
Speaker 16 (23:38):
If you're a Packers fan, you have to feel like
you're catching the Lions maybe at the right time here.
Speaker 11 (23:45):
You know, they've been unbelievable.
Speaker 16 (23:47):
Obviously they're on a long winning streak here, but they
got really beat up along the defensive line last week.
You know, they got three other defensive linemen who were
ruled out for this game, including DJ Reader who popped
up with the shoulder, and they signed three guys off
other teams practice squads, and it sounds like all those
guys could be playing tonight, So not an ideal situation.
Speaker 11 (24:09):
You know, they're also a team that.
Speaker 16 (24:10):
Can score fifty points on you, so you may have
to find a way to you know, score big as well.
But Josh Jacobs is going to go. He was limited
price this week with a calf. It sounds like no
restrictions on him. That's gonna have to be, you know,
how you take it to him here, You're gonna have
to control the game, keep that Lion's offense off the
field and hope that you can take advantage of all
the guys, not just defensive lineman but linebackers too. They're
really beat up in the front seven for Detroit we'll
see if the packers can exploit it.
Speaker 4 (24:37):
Tom, you travel a lot, You're on the road a lot.
Speaker 5 (24:39):
Did you ever have an empty gatorade bottle and you
had to peet it in a pinch?
Speaker 16 (24:46):
Not recently? That's generally frowned upon in air travel.
Speaker 4 (24:50):
If that's I.
Speaker 11 (24:52):
Don't do a lot of long drives anymore.
Speaker 16 (24:54):
Last time I can remember having to procure such an item,
Corey would probably be college on the way to a
Weezer concert is getting stuck on the highway between Boston
and Foxborough and had pregamed a little bit.
Speaker 11 (25:09):
So I do recall that one, but nothing in the
last couple of decades.
Speaker 5 (25:13):
Kirk Cousins obviously plays here on Sunday, and you know
they're not going to pull the plug on Kirk after
what six interceptions and no touchdowns in the last three games.
Speaker 4 (25:21):
Because this is his homecoming.
Speaker 5 (25:22):
They're obviously going to give him a shot to play
against the Vikings. But there's already rumors right that Pennix
is ready and that the Falcons fans are ready to
move on. Can you talk about how that's going to
work and contractually, what happens to the Falcons if they
try to move on from Kirk.
Speaker 11 (25:36):
Well, this has.
Speaker 16 (25:36):
Always been an inevitability that this conversation would happen, and
the Falcons made a calculated bet when they decided to
draft Michael Pennick six weeks after signing Kirk Cousins to
a contract that include one hundred million dollars guaranteed. You
know that they knew that this was the environment. And
you know, by having a young first round pick backup
who you chose instead of takeing somebody to help you
at another position, you know there was always going to
be pressure to play him if the offense didn't look good.
Speaker 11 (26:06):
I mean you had that after week one.
Speaker 16 (26:08):
You remember week one, they didn't run any play action
and Kirk didn't play particularly well. There are all these
calls of you know, is the Achilles messed up whatever?
Then he came out the next week and I can't
remember it was week two or week three, but they
won that game. The comeback in Philly. You know, they
found a way to win some games late. It's been bumpy,
no question. In the last few weeks here they got
a first time play caller at Zach Robinson, who's really
really highly regarded and he's going through something a lot
of play callers do, which is, you know, defenses are
reacting the things that they're doing. You got to be
able to CounterPunch. You continue to get the ball into
your playmaker's hands. You know, in terms of the contract
Cousins is due, I believe he's making sixty million this year,
He's on the books for like thirty next year, and
then he's got ten million I believe fully guaranteed out
into twenty twenty six. So in the event that you
wanted to move on from Kirk Cousins after this season,
you would have teams in on a trade, because thirty
million dollars is you know, bottom half of the league
quarterback money, and I would certainly anticipate, you know, there's
not thirty two of those guys out there that there'd
be a market. But Cousins also has no trade clause,
so he could basically force your hand and say, all right,
if you're going to trade me, I only want to
go to this one team. I won't sign off on
anything else that impacts your ability to get value in a.
Speaker 11 (27:23):
Kirk Cousin's trade. There are still conversations that are ways off.
Speaker 16 (27:27):
I don't really anticipate that you know, this is a
situation where Cousins could get benched in the game this week.
But absolutely, this is a conversation again that the Falcons
knew was going to pop up. They were surely hoping
that it wasn't going to pop up in twenty twenty four.
But when you're six and six and the offense is
stumbling a little bit, that's how you get here.
Speaker 10 (27:45):
Do you think in a month, let's say, well, let's
say it's December, in like four months, do you think
Sam Darnold is basically priced himself out of coming back
to the Vikings.
Speaker 16 (27:55):
I think that there is certainly a possibility that it
becomes too expense to get Sam Donald back. I mean,
he's playing right now like a top ten, top twelve
type of a quarterback in the NFL. You know, I
was at that game on Sunday against the Cardinals. I
mean it was bad for the first three quarters. Really,
you know, midway through the third quarter they go three
and out again, they're getting boot off the field. The
Cardinals go right down and score, and it's a thirteen
point game at that point.
Speaker 11 (28:23):
But then you know they kind of.
Speaker 16 (28:25):
Put the governor off in the fourth quarter and Donald
was putting in to some tight spots.
Speaker 11 (28:30):
None better than that.
Speaker 16 (28:31):
I believe it was fourth and five when he put
it between double coverage and Justin Jefferson. You know, Kevin
O'Connell's done a really good job of not making Sam
Donald have to make those throws throughout the game.
Speaker 11 (28:44):
I mean, they could go out there.
Speaker 16 (28:45):
And try to have a you know, Star Wars type
of an offense and score forty points every game, but
that's not really how they're built right now.
Speaker 11 (28:53):
They've got really good playmakers.
Speaker 16 (28:54):
They don't want Sam Donald to have to make, you know,
twenty great throws a game. If they can make it,
you seven to ten great throws a game. Other than that,
just kind of manage it and get the ball to
the open guy. That's, you know, probably the right balance.
But then when you get in that spot you're down
a couple of touchdowns, it's okay, go out there and
make those plays. And Donald's done it at a at
a really high level. And that's something I talked about
on Game Day Morning last week on NFL Network is
you know a lot of people are looking at this,
and I know one particular member of the media tweeted
something in that third quarter about like how soon can
the Vikings get Daniel Jones ready? This was never the intention.
This was not about Daniel Jones playing in twenty twenty four.
Wasn't it about him being the number two in twenty
twenty four. We'll see at what point Jones is active
and in uniform for a game, but there's no rush
on having him be one snap away from coming into
the lineup.
Speaker 11 (29:45):
This was a long term play with.
Speaker 16 (29:48):
Daniel Jones in terms of giving them the optionality when
you get to March and if somebody offers Sam Donald
thirty million dollars and based on what you've got invested
in JJ McCarthy and what you're trying to do in
other spots on the roster, because there is going to
be a lot of turnover on this roster again in
twenty twenty five. You've got somebody in Daniel Jones, who
you're training for six weeks, who has played a lot
of football games, who is really physically talented, and the
process that they're going through with him is, you know,
he's spending from what I was told like an extra
hour each day with either Kevin O'Connell or Josh McCown
or Grant Yudinsky, who's the assistant offensive coordinator, and just
kind of flushing everything that he's been taught about playing
the quarterback position. Start from the baseline, get him into
the game plans, get him into the language with the offense,
and just kind of bring him along that way as
if you're getting him in March and April. Again, that
doesn't mean that he's not going to play, but this
was much more you know, the vikings staring down the
reality that you know, again, based on what they've invested
in JJ McCarthy, what they've got to do on this roster.
Sam Darnold might be too expensive for him in twenty
twenty five. He's earning that week in and week out,
and depending how this thing finishes here, it's certainly possible
that Sam Darnold ends up finding green and pastors elsewhere.
Speaker 5 (30:59):
Tom I've seen a couple of people mentioned that the
Bears job is going to be, if not the most
wanted job in the NFL. It's obviously in the conversation
because there's a lot of talent there. There's a lot
of offensive weapons. Saw a list of like the top
ten most likely candidates to fill the Bears job and
Brian Flores wasn't one of them, which just made me think, like,
I wonder if the Bears aren't even considering him, And
who knows, that was just some random writer's speculation, But
if he's not even in the conversation for a Bears job,
then is he still just completely out of the NFL
head coaching speculation for twenty twenty five.
Speaker 16 (31:32):
I would fairly tell you I don't know what article
that was, but I would fairly tell you the Bears
are doing research on Brian Flores. That's one of the
many people that they're looking into right now. And there's
a lot of background. I mean, we've talked about a
plenty of times on this show. You have to look
into Miami, both the good and the bad. You have
to look into what he's done so far in Minnesota
and having one of the top defenses in the NFL
with a bunch of guys who are not necessarily household names.
Flores is going to be in this cycle. I can't
sit here and tell you that he's going to get
a job. I can't sit here and tell you any
candidate right now is going to get a job. Because
you know, the big chess pieces in this whole thing
are Bill Belichick, Mike Vrabel, and Ben Johnson. Well, Ben Johnson,
you know, he's not looking for the perfect job, but
he wants something where he's going to have alignment and
a chance and a setup that's going to give him
an opportunity to have long term success. With Belichick and Vrabel,
you know, those are different situations. They're both a certain
type of culture that wasn't in vogue last year. So
for the Bears, I listed a bunch of names on
TV last week, I would certainly believe Ben Johnson is
going to be at the forefront of their search, you know,
the opportunity to weaken a division foe and also bring
in a guy who has already had one reclamation project
with Jared Goff and not the Caleb Williams is a
reclamation project.
Speaker 11 (32:46):
But Ben Johnson has shown what he can.
Speaker 16 (32:48):
Do with a quarterback who a lot of other people
had counted out when Goff got to Detroit.
Speaker 11 (32:55):
Joe Brady, the Bills offensive coordinator.
Speaker 16 (32:57):
I'm gonna be another name who's going to pop up
for a lot of these jobs, you know, back his
first year as Carolinas OC which I want to see
was like twenty twenty ish.
Speaker 11 (33:06):
You know, he interviewed for like five jobs that year.
Speaker 16 (33:08):
The Falcons interviewed him again last year for their head
coaching job. He's going to be another name, another young
guy with an offensive background. Thomas Brown, who is the
interim coach there. I would not rule him out for
the Bears. He's got a really good relationship with Caleb Williams,
which is obviously, you know.
Speaker 11 (33:23):
A huge part of what they want here.
Speaker 16 (33:26):
And then you know guys like Cliff Kingsbury obviously has
the connection to Caleb Vrabel Flores.
Speaker 11 (33:31):
Those the types of names.
Speaker 16 (33:32):
That are going to pop up in Chicago, and there's
gonna be more too. I mean, they're going to be
looking into candidates. I would fairly tell you, knowing Kevin
Warren and how methodical he wants to.
Speaker 11 (33:42):
Be in something like this.
Speaker 16 (33:43):
When Kevin Warren's gonna look at this, of course, he's
a former Vikings executive, was most recently the commissioner of
the Big Ten. You know he's gonna be looking at
this as we're making one higher.
Speaker 11 (33:53):
We're doing this once.
Speaker 16 (33:54):
We're gonna get the best person, the right person, the
guy who epitomizes Chicago know the grit and the tough
mindedness and the willingness to coach people tough, You're gonna
get the right guy and we're not gonna run another
coaching search for the next decade. So I would anticipate
they turn over every leaf. I would anticipate they look
to the college level, anything you can imagine. But and
I certainly and what's going to be popular with your
quarterback is going to be get somebody in who's going
to have a really good plan for that offense to
make it go.
Speaker 10 (34:23):
Don If the coaching search was treated like the NFL
Draft and the worst team that needed a coach had
the first pick, is Ben Johnson the number one pick.
Speaker 16 (34:33):
Ben Johnson's the number one pick, I think that that's
you know, now, listen, every team's gonna have different criteria.
There may be some teams that are looking for, you know,
something different in terms of leadership, style or the personality,
whatever it might be. But Ben Johnson is the most
coveted candidate. I think that that's very fair to say.
But this is not like the draft, where just to
get somebody offers Ben Johnson the job means he has
to take it. That the last two years when he
was certainly the top pick for the Carolina Panthers. They
had a plane waiting to take him to Charlotte and
all I he was gonna be offered that job, and
he decided that night before, I'm just not comfortable with it.
You know, his wife was pregnant at the time. They
loved Detroit, he loves Dan Campbell. He had never been
to the playoffs. There were a lot of things he
wanted to experience. He decided, I don't need to do
it right now. Last year, he was the top candidate
for the Washington Commanders going into the process, and if
you had asked the Commanders and given him true serum
this time a year ago, they would have said, Ben
Johnson's gonna be our head coach. But there are a
lot of things that he wasn't really comfortable with in
terms of, you know, he had new ownership there, what
they planned to do with the GM spot, how they
were going to be structured organizationally. He decided, you know,
I'm not gonna do it. And good for him. There's
not many there's not many coaches out there who turned
down opportunities like that.
Speaker 11 (35:55):
Demiko Ryans did it.
Speaker 16 (35:56):
The year before he as I remember, you know, when
the Vikings hider Kevin O'Connell, they wanted to bring Dimico
Ryans in for a second interview. He was another one
of their top candidates, and Dimiko was like, I'm a
one year coordinator. I think there's a lot more that
I can learn in this process. I'm going to stay
in San Francisco for another year. And he did it,
and they did really well, and he got the Texans
head coaching job. And to this point, even though they've
they stumbled a little bit here recently, they've had a
great deal of success. So Ben Johnson's going to be
a top candidate, if not the top candidate, for every
job until he takes one. But that doesn't necessarily mean
that this is the year that he actually follows through
because it has to be the right fit.
Speaker 2 (36:33):
One more quick one for you, because I know you
got a TV hit, So we'll let you go and
I'll do the bell Bank read right after we let
Tom Pelisser go thanks to our friends at Bellbank. But
one more quick thing. There's been quite a reaction this
week to the Trevor Lawrence hit and the suspension of
the cornerback. Do you think there's any reaction from the
league changing rules because the reaction around the league has
been so strong to the hits on the quarterback and
how random they seem to be.
Speaker 16 (36:58):
Well, you know, it's tough question, Hawk, because the NFL,
above and above everything else, they want to protect players,
and they want to protect quarterbacks in particular because we've
seen seasons like last year where there were a rash
of season ending quarterback injuries. It impacts the product, which
impacts the ratings, which impact revenues. The quarterbacks are the
moneymakers for the league. They've got rules in place to
protect every player on the field, and that's why they
strengthened the rules in terms of hits on defenseless players.
You know, cut blocks and things like that are much
more limited. Blindside blocks which protects defenders. They've they've eradicated
a lot of different things from the game. I saw
the comments and I was certainly, I don't want to
say taken aback, but I was surprised how strongly the
Texans brass came out in defense of his ease al
Shire because Dimiko Ryans first prior to the suspension being issued,
who is basically saying like, yeah, you know, should you
know bad hit happy, Trevor is okay, but he slid late,
and you know that that's tough. It's tough on defensive players,
which you don't often hear people say that. And then
Nick Cassario who called it embarrassing and inconsistent and bs
and a variety of other things, you know, really going
directly at the league. And I don't know this for
a fact, but I would certainly think Nick Cassio might
have a FedEx coming his way.
Speaker 11 (38:19):
From the league office this week as well.
Speaker 16 (38:22):
But really their point was, yeah, it's inconsistent and it's
unfair to the defensive players because and Casio pointed out,
you know, there had never been prior to this an
injection for his ease alse Shire and he had never
been suspended, and then all of a sudden you leap
to a three game suspension. But you also have to
remember he has been fined on multiple occasions. He was
not ejected for punching Rochewan Johnson on the face mask.
I want to say it was in week two or
three on the sideline because there was no flag so
they couldn't eject them. But then the league also decided
not to suspend them, and I want to say they
find them like eleven grand or something, which was less
than a lot of people thought it was going to beat.
It was the totality from what I understand of this,
which is why the suspension was handed down and why
ultimately was upheld by Ramon Foster, who was jointly appointed
by the NFL and NFLPA to hear these appeals. It
was not just the hit on Trevor Lawrence. It was
the fact that there have been a couple other hits
the disease el Shire has had that have run a
follow of the rules. And then it was everything that
took place after you know, Evan Kram jumps them, you know,
gives them the business, stuffs his face into the turf,
and then al Shire got to get separated from the situation.
But then he's pulling off his helmet and he's going
after Brandon Sheriff, and then you got a second little
brew aha that breaks out there.
Speaker 11 (39:39):
It's all that stuff.
Speaker 16 (39:40):
It's the same reasoning why the NFL, you know, comes
down on players for you know, taunting, pointing at the opponent,
spinning the ball in somebody's face, you know, talking trash.
Speaker 11 (39:49):
If it's particularly egregious.
Speaker 16 (39:52):
It's not that they think on its face those things
are bad, it's what it can it lead to. And
you had multiple actions by as He's al Shire there
that contributed to a situation that escalated really rapidly. Here,
I thought, just watching a live, right, that's the eye test.
Ultimately you'll watch it live. I'm going that's illegal. He's
gonna get ejected and he's probably gonna get suspended. And
if you told me to guess, I would have said
two to four games, it ends up being three. It
gets upheld. It's right about in the bandwidth. The Texans
don't like it. I get that part of it as well,
because now.
Speaker 11 (40:25):
Remember this too.
Speaker 16 (40:26):
Once you suspend somebody three games, the next one, the
next violation is in all likelihood going to be much
more stringent. So all of a sudden does a zidel
Shire go from a guy who's been fined a couple
of times too, he's one step away from being fontest
perfect and banned from the league. That's the other part
of this is why the Texans are frustrated.
Speaker 3 (40:44):
Go be a TV star. Thank you Tom, Thanks.
Speaker 11 (40:46):
Tom, Thanks everybody, Thanks all there you go.
Speaker 3 (40:48):
Yep man again real quick as I see my main
man behind me, Hi Parker. Good to see you, buddy.
Speaker 2 (40:54):
We have to thank our friends at Bell Bank and
don't forget this football season. Bell Bank is giving one
cafan listener each week a thousand dollars to pay it
forward to a charity of their choice. Nominated your charity
of your choice right at caffan dot com. Just put
in an E keyword bell Bank or just key keyword
bell It'll take you right to the right page and enter.
Speaker 3 (41:10):
As our person did this week.
Speaker 2 (41:12):
That would be Margo McCreery, who nominated Brianna's Gift. Brihanna's Gift,
an arts program offering dance, visual arts, music and performing
arts experiences and workshops for children with cancer and other
serious illnesses. Their mission is to bring smiles to the
faces of children with cancer and other serious illnesses through
the magic of the arts. Brianna's Gift. That's b R
Briannasgift dot org. Uh and thank you so much again, Margo,
and thank you to Bell Bank. A thousand dollars going
to that charity. Thank you, Bell Bank. And uh, we
have a special guest in studio over there. Well right
now do we not Carly?
Speaker 13 (41:51):
Speaker 7 (41:51):
Not me?
Speaker 4 (41:52):
No, Siala Hi Hi?
Speaker 17 (41:55):
Do we have time before break?
Speaker 18 (41:57):
Please please see So just quickly off off air, I
was telling Corey, I think I'm to blame for Tommy's
shares is continued open shares. So we were you we
were at fashion Fest and he comes up to me
and he goes, you know, I've listened. I listened to
your podcast and it really inspired me to be myself
and to continue to open up and just put it
all out there.
Speaker 3 (42:25):
Thank you.
Speaker 19 (42:25):
Yes, And I'm like, you know, tom like not the
exact same thing, but yeah, but I do love that
you just want to be yourself and so yeah, so
I think part of part of this.
Speaker 17 (42:38):
Continued opening up, thank you, I have inspired it.
Speaker 18 (42:41):
Which, Man, if you can leave a legacy and you
can inspire people, this is what I was hoping.
Speaker 5 (42:47):
I think your goal was to create a community of
people who are struggling with something right, that need to
not feel isolated or alone, that we can all do
this together. I don't know if your mission statement included
admitting you urinate in Gatorade bottles when you're on long drive.
Speaker 18 (43:03):
You say multiple times that nothing's comparable on when I
say that on the podcast, So trauma, I can't compare trauma.
Speaker 17 (43:11):
So that's it for Tommy. If that's it for Tommy,
that we love yet we love ye, No, but we do.
We have a great friend and studio today, Like I.
Speaker 18 (43:23):
Don't know you go ahead ahead, ya, Dana Helstrom is
joining us.
Speaker 17 (43:29):
This is Tucker's mom.
Speaker 18 (43:30):
So you've heard us talk about Tucker and Dana a
million times on this show thanks to you guys. And
the gifts was inspired, uh, Tucker inspired give sixteen of course.
And so Dana is joining us in studio because it
was just Tucker's eighteenth birthday.
Speaker 4 (43:47):
That's awesome. Yeah, so that was a rough one.
Speaker 20 (43:51):
When was there Saturday, November thirtieth, he would have been eighteen,
So that was that was I didn't think that year
would be much harder because he should be a senior
in high school and this would have been the only
year my younger two the three would have been in
school together. And then on top of that, as I
was counting the days, I'm not gonna make anyone cry today.
But that was his ninth birthday party that I had
with his friends that he's been gone and he only
had nine alive, So those are miles stones.
Speaker 4 (44:25):
Yeah, you know you.
Speaker 17 (44:27):
Don't want to have to celebrate.
Speaker 2 (44:28):
Yeah, I'm sure, and I'm sure one of the only
ways that you can positively deal with all of this
is is doing what you do with your charity and
raising money. And that's why you're here today, and that's
what we're here to help you with. So please tell
us how we can help.
Speaker 20 (44:41):
You, all right, Yes, So, Team Tucker we went through
a rebranding. I was telling Kily about it. We our
focus at Team Tucker is now called the Team Tucker
Family Foundation because I have always known that not only
so we help kids and the whole family of any
kid that has a life threatening disease, which ninety five
percent of the time it's cancer like my boy had,
but there's you know, Tucker suffers. But what I really
wanted to emphasize with this new name and this new focus,
is that I also take care of the Casey and Sierras,
my two daughters, who were seven and five when we
went through the trauma. I was going to say, can
you say the H word? But in fact it was
one of my rules with Tucker when we talk about cancer,
we can swear, but otherwise we can't. Because he was nine,
but Casey and Sierra were seven and five. And I
shared with our fans this year and our donors that
you know, the emotional trauma and I've done the research
is just as hard on the healthy siblings as it
is on the sick child. Our first talk was November sixteenth,
and with the doctor and my little seven year old
who was Tucker's best friend. Casey and Tucker were inseparable.
I try to separate them from their rooms like three
different times, but Tucker as a baby, would help her
escape her.
Speaker 4 (46:09):
Crib of course sleep with her.
Speaker 20 (46:11):
And I tried to break them again at eight and
He's like, nope, that's my sister.
Speaker 4 (46:14):
I'm staying there.
Speaker 20 (46:16):
But she looked right at the doctor and the doctor
asked if there's any questions as she explained what cancer
is and what chemotherapy is, and my little seven year
old looked and said, is my brother gonna die? And
that's what she lived with for the next eight months
and listening, you know, to his pain. So what we
we get in there and you know the story of
you know, the perfect parallel of that is when Tucker
did need a shot and my sister would come over
to help me with it. My sister Lisa did everything
with me, and we would find Tucker hiding in the
closet and then I'd have to restrain him and Lisa
had to give him the shot. And then after the
first one, we couldn't find Casey and she went into
the closet and was under clothes because she couldn't handle
hearing her best friend cry like that. So so what
Team Tucker Family Foundation does is we help the Tuckers,
the Casey's in Sierra's and and the danas. I you know, somebody,
it's really easy. I get a lot of gratitude that
it's just simply clicking on our website and for a vip,
Tucker as everything sports, as you know, even after his
leg was amputated, the infamous picture of him still shooting
a puck connected to his ivy pool ye more, and
and he's famous, and he had over a thousand people
show up to a celebration of life. And part of
that was even the week he found out his leg
would be amputated and he let out a scream. I
can still hear, but he two days later went to
his hockey game, his mic for hockey game, and I
all but begged him not to go because he would
never play stand up hockey ever again.
Speaker 4 (48:07):
And he was.
Speaker 20 (48:07):
Nine, and he looked right at me and he said, Mom,
but that's my team.
Speaker 4 (48:13):
You show up for your team. Yeah.
Speaker 20 (48:15):
So I brought him, and you know, he was in
his wheelchair, and he got amputated the next week, and
there was another game a couple days later and he
went on the bench. He was on the bench for
every game that he wasn't in the hospital. And then
he didn't get a prosthetic in time for baseball. So
he went on to coach his baseball team. He would
pitch behind an l screen sometime at practice. He would
definitely warm up the kids at first base. And the
coach is a good friend of mine. He's on the board,
and as a fellow coach of a couple decades, I said,
you know, I get you're trying to include my son,
but you're putting him at first base all the time,
in his wheelchair and his one leg and his bald head.
He's like, yeah, we're working on accuracy.
Speaker 3 (48:56):
Speaker 4 (48:57):
Well, everyone wants to nail their buddy.
Speaker 2 (49:00):
Wait, speaking of accuracy, by the way, I want to say,
because I've had a couple of people already on the
screen here as they're watching them. Camvan dot com, Team
dash Tucker dot Org that's the website, right, yes, and
it's really easy just to donate and learn more about
the information and everything like that, but to find ways
to help Team Tucker Family Foundation, Team dash Tucker dot
org correcactly fantastic.
Speaker 18 (49:20):
Yeap, and quickly, I just I mean, we wanted to
really acknowledge you guys again because last year, yes, you
have the number that was raised when you guys mentioned
this on air last year and she was doing the
birthday campaign, massive amount of money that was.
Speaker 20 (49:37):
Raised, You guys very much showed me up, which was great.
Speaker 3 (49:40):
I was.
Speaker 20 (49:41):
I announced it on eleven, twenty nine, the day before
his birthday, and I was very proud of the fact
that I had one hundred and four donors come in
and raise seven thousand dollars.
Speaker 4 (49:53):
And then people called.
Speaker 20 (49:55):
Me because Carly surprised me with her cameo appearance from Arizona,
and my phone started blowing up. They're like, Carly just
talked about you, and I watched the donor page. Yeah,
in the next two hours, one hundred and forty came in,
which over doubled mine, and another another eight thousand dollars
came in.
Speaker 4 (50:12):
So it's great the power of k fan.
Speaker 17 (50:15):
Yeah, and just from these listeners. So let's try to
beat that this year. Let's do it again. All right, awesome.
I we could go on and on and.
Speaker 5 (50:27):
Yes, all right, let's let's flood it and raise some
fund that would be awesome.
Speaker 4 (50:31):
Data. You're the best, Thanks, thank you, thank you.
Speaker 5 (50:33):
All right, more with Carly in a second. Parker Fox
is here. He had a game last night and he
showed up this morning. Anyway, look at that power to
morning show. Back after this on the van