Kerre Woodham Mornings Podcast •

Bonnie Robinson: Presbyterian Support Northern CEO on Lifeline's struggle to keep up with demand - Kerre Woodham Mornings Podcast

Kerre Woodham Mornings Podcast

Lifeline is calling for a lifeline as they celebrate their 60th anniversary. 

The Mental Healthline is struggling to keep up with demand, taking around 7,000 calls and 20,000 texts a month.  

On average, 17 people at high risk of self harm or suicide call Lifeline every day. 

Presbyterian Support Northern is the charity behind Lifeline, CEO Dr Bonnie Robinson telling Kerre Woodham that while the Police are often called to do mental health checks, they don’t want them doing that. 

She said that Lifeline would love to take on more of the demand but they’re unable to as they simply don’t have the staff. 

Robinson said that even if organisations were to consolidate, the capacity issue wouldn't go away, as demand currently outstrips the resources the sector has as a whole. 


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Bonnie Robinson: Presbyterian Support Northern CEO on Lifeline's struggle to keep up with demand - Kerre Woodham Mornings Podcast