Kerre Woodham Mornings Podcast •

Lynda Hallinan: Rare indoor plant worth thousands of dollars stolen in Christchurch - Kerre Woodham Mornings Podcast

Kerre Woodham Mornings Podcast

A rare indoor plant has been stolen from the Christchurch Botanic Gardens amid the current craze over house plants.
The variegated monstera is hard to come by here due to our biosecurity laws, making it prized by houseplant lovers.
It's estimated that a cutting of the plant could be worth $3000.
The increasing interest in indoor plants has seen a rise in price - Trade Me recently hit a new record for house plant prices – a variegated minima that sold for $8150.
Gardening journalist Lynda Hallinan joined Kerre McIvor to share her knowledge on the rare plant.

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Lynda Hallinan: Rare indoor plant worth thousands of dollars stolen in Christchurch - Kerre Woodham Mornings Podcast