Simon Barnett & James Daniels Afternoons •

Simon Barnett and James Daniels on the road in a campervan - Simon Barnett & James Daniels Afternoons

Simon Barnett & James Daniels Afternoons

Pukekohe firm TrailLite Campers is turning 70.

They sell $57 million of campervans (and some caravans) a year and its origins trace back to two cabinetmakers, Brian Penman and Jim Crotty who made furniture and caskets.

In the mid-1950s they made their first caravan which carried the TrailLite name and that’s stuck ever since.

The luxury motorhomes can sell for $460,000 - half the average house price in New Zealand - so the finished product has to be just right.

Joint managing director Shaun Newman joined Simon Barnett and James Daniels for a chat.


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Simon Barnett and James Daniels on the road in a campervan - Simon Barnett & James Daniels Afternoons