Simon Barnett & James Daniels Afternoons •

Grant Robertson takes part in Six and a Song - Simon Barnett & James Daniels Afternoons

Simon Barnett & James Daniels Afternoons

Labour's finance spokesman Grant Robertson says that his sexuality has never been an issue while in Parliament.
Joining Simon Barnett and Phil Gifford for Six and a Song, Robertson says that he was already out when he joined politics so it never proved an issue.
While he is completely comfortable with his sexuality, Robertson says that the more prominence you get, the more people learn about you, which leads to an "endless journey of coming out to people". 
"I said in my maiden speech that it is a part of me, it doesn't 100 per cent define me. It gives me an insight into some of the ways in which people can be discriminated against." 
Robertson says that he does recognise that being in such a prominent role does have impact on people, as he often gets letters from younger people who are struggling with their own sexuality.
"It is important that people can see that you can become the Minister of Finance and be gay and that's okay." 
Robertson, who is also the Minster for Sport and Recreation, says the scheduling for the upcoming Rugby Championship is ridiculous.
The schedule sees the All Blacks playing their final game on December 12, which means players will still be in quarantine back in New Zealand on Christmas Day.
Robertson says there was an agreement between Rugby Australia and NZ Rugby on a tournament timeline.
"That would have seen the All Blacks come back after their last game on tthe fifth of December, and now they have shifted the goalposts.
"I really hope Australian Rugby comes to the party and support New Zealand Rugby to go through with the agreement they actually had."
Robertson also talked about how he became interested in politics, his relationship with his father, and making friends across the aisle.

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Grant Robertson takes part in Six and a Song - Simon Barnett & James Daniels Afternoons