Should you get a second booster shot? I speak with Jessica McDonald Science Editor of about the latest information on boosters. you ever gone to the vet and come away having spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars? Or have you put off going – just because you know a vet bill would break the bank? That’s where Emancipet comes in providing low-cost preventative veterinary care. I got all the details from Jenna McElroy, Chief Development Officer with Emancipet. I speak with H. Patrick Clancy, President and CEO of Philadelphia Works about a multi-
industry career fair Thursday, April 21, 2022, 9:00 AM -2:00 PM at Citizen’s
Bank Park (1 Citizens Bank Way, Phila, Pa 19148). With more than 50 top
employers from education, healthcare and manufacturing industries looking
to hire talented individuals.
Registration is preferred but not required. For more information, please call