Episode Transcript
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This is Big Boys Neighborhood Full showepisode podcast, Big Boy Neighborhood, Beautiful
in the Neighborhood. Thank you onceagain for being in the neighborhood. We
got a whole lot more show comingup for you to do. Continue to
hang out with us, man,Kendrick Lamar. We've been speaking about it,
man, everyone's seen it, notlike us. The video has dropped.
I love it, yeah, man, seen it probably about fifty times
already. Doctor. To be honestwith you, hey, bro, and
do you do like he's not overhyped in his mannerisms too, and you
can tell that that's like on purpose? Yeah, you know, but oh
my god, I thought it wasgonna use some of the pop out footage
in that. I was hoping theywould just like everyone's singing or even coming
out when you had talked about thatclip. Everyone just singing, not like
us. Hey man, I watchedit quite a few times, right,
and I was My wife loves it. And so it's at one point towards
the end, I was like,baby, I said, you know,
he's in that crowd. She's like, where's he at? You know,
when they do that long that crowded, it's like a shot with it.
I mean it looks like they seeingpeople and then they zoom in and he
Kendrick is in there. I thoughtit was a great video. Man in
the Queen again yet all at theend. Yeah, man, yeah,
so they got a good one man. And it's crazy because you were waiting
on it and when it came you'relike, okay, I love it.
Man. Shout out to Mustard aswell, just everybody that came out.
My boy, Elijah Bank, yousent me a phrase frame. He was
like, yeah, a cameo.I'm like, no, you're not in
a That's not a cameo. Yougot in the front. There's a difference
between cameos when somebody invite you downand Kendrick slap your hand. You just
got in the front, bro,That's that's Kendrick. Didn't give you a
cameo, Elia Bank, So slowyour role, bro. And also on
the Kendrick tip as well, Man, we dropped our Big Boys Neighborhood,
our exclusive BB Big Big Boy TVour documentary, So make sure you guys
check that out. Man, it'sa lot of Kendrick in there. It's
it's Mustard, it's it's people speakingabout Kendrick and it's Kendrick throughout the years,
but it stop by the neighborhood.Man, So make sure you guys
check that out. That's at Radiobig Boy dot com. That's for Big
Boy TV. And also, mancan't stop talking about Cardi b Oh my
god, no, big one isyour videos went viral from BT weekend and
non stop till this day, likeafter fourth of July and everything. Everyone
is talking about how she's pregnant.She won't admit it, but a lot
of people just looking at some ofthe footage that we posted on your TikTok
and everything, they're like, Nope, she's pregnant again. Yeah, man,
And looking looking at Beet you knowwhat I'm saying all the jersey I'm
not I'm not a betting man,but if I had to bet, I
would, I would. I wouldsay that. Yeah, there's a couple
of things. She also stopped themusic and said and announced that she was
tired. Yeah, man, Andshe said b is fat right now,
you know what I'm saying. Soif she is, congratulations, you need
that. And also, man,votures in Korea, Oh yeah, what's
going down? So Kanye's gonna begoing back to Korea, like it's been
fourteen years st he's ever performed there, but now him entired and be having
like this listening experience end of Augustand people think that's when vultures too is
coming. Yeah, man, theybetter not do votures too in Korea.
Why do you know why? Becausethey should do votures to here. You
know what, you sat down anddid that entire interview. Man, we
were talking about that was like thethe lead in for votres too and it
hasn't happened as if yet, Man, but I don't man do it here
d the event here Foruiz. Hewas going down voters in Korea with he
what was happening and can't stop talkingabout Cardi B. Is Cardi B pregnant?
And also Kendrick Lamar not like usthe videos there and the documentary is
there a Big Boy TV as well? You'll continue to hang out with us
Big Boys neighborhood. This is BigBoy on demand, Big Boys Neighborhoods.
About that time for your nineteen it'sto win phone tap man shout out to
a malo of argus, A maloof argus man He and Sean Garcia Ryan
Garcia's brother. They had fight overthe weekend, man, and it was
you know, one of the oldhalf to go and a Mado pulled it
off. Man, stop the fight. Let me tell you, bro,
the Nicks fight must be dog fightwas great. But just being there in
person and seeing a sold out toHonda Center, there was so much like
anticipation for that fight specific man,and there's so many people you got Garcia,
Garcia, it was they sold thatout either. I'm not mad at
it, man, yeah, man, yeah, man. I was watching
it on TV and one of themain sponsors was MAGA, but it was
like but it was you know,Magni. It was make America great again
again and they had to keep sayingit. You know, Tonight's fighters brought
to you by a Mecca, makeAmerica great again and again. You know
yeah man, so but it washell of the fights, the hell of
the fights. And I love fightsout here in the LA area. Man.
So once again, shout out toa model man that Fernando and Emiliano
Doctanellavargus Junior. The dynasty continues.So about that time for your nineteenness to
win phone tap for your nine tenntesto win phone tap. You want to
pay very close attention. I gota pair of ticket to Big Boys Comedy
Fiesta, the second show first sosold out within days, so we had
to add another. If you wantto see Rene Vodka, Concrete, Frankie
Kenyons, Christ Estrada and Jay Valentino, that has gone down July twenty sixth
at Terrace Theater in a Long Beach. Tickets are on sale right now ticketmaster
dot com. But I got apair of ticket to Big Boys Comedy Fiesta
right now. Nineteen. Listen towin phone tapping your nineteen. It's is
to win phone tap is Avasar's daughter. This is where Luther would like to
make a doctor's appointment for his daughter, and he has a hard time getting
the message across because they do notspeak my own. So you go from
my own to English. It's gonnaget into your nineteen. Listen to win
phone tap right here, Big BoysNeighborhood to make it all stick like gott
I help you. Yeah, Iain't called the bank a finement from my
daughter. Friends are called the scorein the battle. Okay, So how
you say alamndro elementary, Yeah,it's the god nimn throne. They say
that I'm for cerro. Uh huh, excuse me? My English is yeah,
my daughter, yeah, that's fine, eight years old? No,
no, she ate the male sheate, Yeah, that's fine. I
won't affect. Okay in the Passolipicentdro and the physical and oh yeah,
okay with the big bond, withthe baseball, the big bone, the
big buye, what big bar,the big bine. I don't know what
you're saying or trying to explain.Oh to borrow, No, saparo tomorrow,
saparo, okay, you have thiseither or the lever of pringle?
Can now bringing now? Yes?And sorrow? Did you say the second
sick? Yeah? I ask can, I say, are you sick?
And she said pappy and gay sheis? And I say your tommy hator?
She said yes, my tummy hurtand I say, I hurt my
heart. You know, but shedoes need a physical before school, I
would think, so, okay,so do I just walk her straight in
or bring her on? And noproblem? No, no, no,
we ain't in line. That'd beI think. No, all right,
can you put us on the listplus two? Yeah, no problem.
What's your name? Yeah? Myname is Luthor. Her name is stakey
Elizabeth. Yes, yeah, okay, I ain't thank you for no problem.
You can't care him. I don'tcare him. Thank you so much.
Hold on, hold on, I'mnot done crying yet, big boy.
Neighborhood is going down. DJ questionsup in here, whatever questionified?
What's good doing? My thing?My brother? We walked on Saturday night
together. Man, we sure didSomebody's club and lo BCV. May you
got a good crowd out there,bro, Bro, it's a dope crowd.
Yeah. Yeah, you came out. You killed it. Thank you,
bro. We did the damn thing. You know what I'm saying,
My man, I ain't mad.I love seeing you mixed live too,
Bro, appreciate it. Yeah,man, it was a good thing.
I suggest when we talk about wherehe's gonna be at, Man, you
guys get out there and y'all checkit out. What we got coming up
in the Mickey Picky mix quest checkit out. But I got that j
I D Surround said, I alsogot that k out euphoria coming up in
the Mickey Ficky minute. You seeit not like us video? Oh man,
amazing. Yeah, there's so muchin there. Yeah, there's so
much to decipher it's beautiful. Yeah, I'm still breaking down the songs.
Yeah, you know what I'm saying. Let alone the video, I'm still
breaking that, Like, Okay,that's what he meant. Believe that.
But shout out to kendrickg once again. Man, they got a great video,
but not like us. You makeDJ Quest up in here, Big
Boys Neighborhood. You're checking out anotherfull show episode a Big Boy's Neighborhood on
demand, Big Boys Neighborhood. Luigiis up in here with a blog.
Kendrick Lamar Damn right, Kendrick Lamarboy talking about they not like us,
They not like us, Bro,it's here. Yeah, we saw the
social stuff come out in this cityfilming not like us. The music video
and it's finally out. Just happenedto drop it at the same time that
we. I think he knew Drakewas gonna get some shine at this all
white party, right. I don'teven think that was on his mind,
man, I gotta do. Theysaid it was then your Glamar and not
like us. Less weekend for thatthat part of that billionaire party. Yeah,
yeah, the Hampton's or whatever,damn god. But it was dope,
bro. If you saw. Ifyou get a chance to watch the
video, or if you haven't seenthe video, you need to check it
out because so many, so manylittle things that you're gonna catch on from
the beginning. And I think Kendrickgives us some new music right in the
beginning too. We incorinated life goesone my babies looking for the Barkley,
keep a horn on me that comemy seat, Pete on the ship.
The broke print is by me,Mr kid Off, I get off my
feet, amen, this dude.And then it kicks off. Yeah.
Man, there's so many things thatare like from the beginning, Dog you
see him, you know, theytalk about his wife and his kids,
and the very dancing video family,Dave freezing there slapping heads. Ay man,
I just thought it was a youknow, I thought it was enough
for a good look for everything.Yeah, Timmy the clown and his dancers,
you know what I'm saying. Andthen can you can you know?
The white room? But then alsoI was like, man, they did
a lot on the street. Thenseeing him go out to the street as
well, I thought I thought itwas a great video. Man and Mustard,
there's an out being out there thathe gets down and churts man and
at the end of the cage.Hell yeah. And it's perfect timing because
BBN, we just dropped our KendrickLamar documentary, Big Man, And one
of my favorite pieces was when hewas in here while a couple of years
ago. But we were asking himlike, dude, how has life changed?
But how is it now? Hasthat been a difference a change from
the last five years to today,not just record success but just life and
everything. Oh yeah, definitely mebeing able to support my family. Can
you support mine too? Yeah?Come on, at least just one,
you know what I'm saying. Butyeah, it's gotta be great. That's
great. Uh, inspire you know, my little brothers and sisters, inspire
my little cousins, my city.It also makes me more hungry though,
though, Yeah, why yeah,because it's it's a need to never be
content or to be comfortable. Youknow, you all want to continue to
grow. So whatever that challenge is, I'm always looking for Do you feel
like you wrote your best verse yet? My best verse yet? No?
Damn nope? Do you ever alwayssearching for that? It's obvious now that
has he hasn't wrote written his bestverse if you ask him, no response
would be And still I don't thinkKendrick Lamar has written his best verse yet,
you know what I'm saying, becauseit seemed like he just gets better
and better and it's not about it, not like us. It's been just
great bodies of music that you givefrom Kendrick. Oh yeah, you know
what I'm saying. And when wewere speaking about the BBN Big Boy Neighborhood,
our documentary, it's right there RadioBig Boy doc Um Big Boy TV.
Make sure you guys check that out. Man. It's a great documentary
that we put together with Kendrick andso many others that's speaking on him as
well. Your continue to hang outwith us right here Big Boys Neighborhood.
Big Boys Neighborhood on demand, fullshow episodes posted daily. Subscribe to our
YouTube channel, big Boy TV formore. Check out Radio big Boy dot
com Big Boy Neighborhood. Alright,now, Honi is up in here?
What up? Hon? A nothing? CARDI B what's that the mame Big?
I think she's pregnant with her thirdbaby. And I'm not the only
one who thinks this either. Soyou know, we had gone to BT
weekend. We saw her perform likea few weeks ago, and then we
had posted videos that have gone viralon your TikTok, and you know,
I love reading comments, Big andreading all the comments, there's thousands and
thousands. Every single person is like, Yep, she's pregnant. Look at
the jersey she's wearing. And thenJuly fourth comes and she's out and people
are zooming in. They're like,wait, why isn't she drinking alcohol?
She's pregnant, And then anything sheposted her like, man, this means
we're never gonna get any new musicfrom Cardi but Big. When we did
see her perform, she kind ofgave us a hint that she is pregnant
when she said this, hold up, yeah, she said it'd be as
hot and fat up during her show. Yeah, and she had an oversized
jersey on and everything show though.I was like, damn yeah. And
she was working too with the dancerswith her booty and everything. But people
are like, this is the shirtthat a Shaunty wore when she was trying
to hide her pregnancy. But Big, then people start getting like, really
really ain't had hers and Cardi bhad her shoes that like the pregnant Jersey
when you're pregnant. But they're sayingthat, you know what, Cardi B
does, This mean you're not goingto be dropping any new music because you're
pregnant. You're gonna have to dealwith the lot And that really upset her
big. So she came on andshe also previews some new music mean a
new album coming up? I hopeit does three seconds. You know why,
I think it's gonna mean that itdoes because when an Invasion of Privacy
came out, she was also pregnant. She was that cochella she was she
was doing it. So I thinkshe's gonna try to prove prove people wrong
a thing if Cardi B is pregnant, you know what I'm saying. So
I'm saying if if she is pregnant. She did a hell of a show
that night. She did We've seenthat before out of card Yeah, no,
was it that big? Like herperformance was great, but she got
on so late, Like, ifyou're pregnant, you probably need a nap,
you need to be in bed bythat time, but it was almost
midnight. You don't come back whenyou come in to the neighborhood. She
gonna say, well, how didyou know, how did you believe that
she is? Congratulations? Yeah,leader sticking around your radio, Big Wood
Neighborhood. You're inside Big Always NeighborhoodFull show episode podcast, Big Boys Neighborhood.
Man Louis G is up in here? What up? Lou Dogg turned
down listen. That's a big announcement. Man. He recently was talking about
how Vultures two is already done.He could drop it in second now,
any moment now. But now wegot an announcement, says Vultures Listening Experience,
Korea, eight twenty three twenty four. So they really doing it,
man, They taken it to Korea. There's a date that's on there.
Yep, it says eight twenty threetwenty four, so August twenty third.
Right, all right, we wentto the first listening experience that we got
to check out. Oh h louderthan announce it, And honestly, it
was a listening to experience exactly that. Man, It wasn't a performance because
we were like, all right,it wasn'nna touch up my one live mic.
No. Yeah, man just walkedup the ramps, got on stage,
and I saw a lot of peoplearound, kind of pissed off about
it, bro, but I enjoyedit. It was still a spectacle obviously,
and then the setup that they hadin the middle and everybody around it
in smoke us any ba. Look, you know what I'm saying, it's
good to be at but them doingthis in Korea? Why would you do
it? I know? Man?And you know what's crazy about that is
when we sat down with high Dollarsigning Yay Voltures. That interview was because
it was a role out for Volturestoo, and that's been months. It
was an exclusive. He even satdown, he was telling us how he's
God. You know, there's ajoke. That's why I'd be like surprised
I'm still alive. There's an industryjoke. There's two jokes. One joke
that a friend of mine, I'mnot gonna put them blasses because it's just
about the joke more than it's aboutthe name. He says. He is
a manager. He said, youknow what I hate about artists? They
take eighty percent of my money.Wow. And the other joke they had
is what would we do if artistsfigured out their own distribution? And the
punchline is we'd have to kill them? So i'd be surprised. And I'm
still alive every day. How didyou not so called disappear? Like,
because that's a hell of a fight, because you know, because I'm God
and any want to disagree, I'mthe God of me and you can't tell
me who I am. I can'ttell y'all. Hey man, there was
a lot in that forty eight secondyou know, the manager thing, and
even when he said the manager thing, I got it. I understood it.
But now I'm over overstanding, youknow what I mean, Like,
yeah, I really understand what thatmeans. Man, But this cent of
my money, Yeah, that's crazy. That's crazy. But yeah, that
hopefully. I don't know if hewas interested in another interview to for the
release of Ultress two again, Yeah, in Korea, but yeah, I'll
take it. Well, like yousaid, there's a date there, but
who knows if it's even gonna happen. Yeah, man, But you know
what's crazy about that he's been inJapan a lot. I'm surprised they didn't
pick Japan, even in Japan alot. Like bouncing back and forth as
well. Well, we shall see, we shall see, y'all. Stick
around your radios, big boys,neighborhood A big boy from Big Boys Neighborhood
on iHeart Radio. We have themost fun on your radio. It is
going down. Hey, sussuphvid upin here? Hey man, what part
of the Mexico is the family from? Like pop? My dad's from over
the on so nor that. Mymom's from a little ranch now with water.
It's like next to a man hall. It's very close to where Fernando
Lenzuila's from. Amen. Have youheard have they talked anything about the first
female Mexican president. No, I'vemeant to call my dad. I don't
even want to because I know it'sgonna be politically incorrect. I don't know.
I don't know what you're gonna say. Why would you say it would
be politically incorrect. I'm just saying, I don't know, if you know,
because Latinos they're still on something likeclif righty things. They still haven't
grown up on that. Yeah,I mean in public that they're keeping it
low key because they're seeing all thisCancel coaches. But I know in my
house is till eighteen ninety three.Thank you for listening. It is you
finding a big boy Big Boy's neighborhoodyou can catch more of us right here
on iheard radio. Listen to whimphone tap is Freezer Fat Away. Why
not call a woman about her fatremoval procedure and then she denies it?
Of course she denies it because shenever made the appointment. Were tell her
that her boyfriend probably paid for it. It's going to get into your eighteen.
Listen to win phone tap ice Cbig three tickets on deck right here,
big boy neighborhood, pay attention tomake it. Hello, my speak
to please. Yes, my nameis Luther Lufay from Freezer Fat Away,
and I was calling I need alittle bit more information from you for your
upcoming procedure. I've never been toyou, guys. Is someone there with
you and you can't speak right now? No, let me tell you body
sculpting, fat reduction, freezing yourfat away, hon This is so common.
We have so many men and womenthat come in and some people are
good enough to go right back towork. I don't need that. I
didn't call you that question. Whydo you have my name? It's just
an appointment with you, guys.Okay, so you're getting some cold feet
with that colde fat huh? Allright, well, this is what we're
gonna Excuse me who says that onthe phone. First of all, I
have a twenty five inch waist.I don't need that freeze your sideway.
Twenty five does sound small. ButI don't know, Okay, I don't
know if we're doing you know,your bat wings or you know, I
don't know if it's if it's say, light on your butt, maybe that
way, you know. Come on, hon when you when you go and
you put your hands over your headwhen you're not using a filter, think
about that. What name do youhave on this theater? Okay? The
name that I have is what yes, and it's been it has been paid
for in four but it's been paidfor half. So already you've got three
hours, so you might as welltake advantage of the three hours and let
me freeze your fat away. Ididn't set up this appointment. You don't
know anything, and you're making alot of assumption. I'm sorry for calling
and trying to give you to givethe you know, freezing your fat away,
but you put the food down yourthroat, so you need to take
the responsibility, and oh my gosh, responsibility, yes you are. I
am done with this nobody speaks tome that way. You're up joke.
They're pretty much alright. Now you'reeighteen in is to win phone tap right
there, Curtiy say your good friend, mister Luther lu Faith you make you
Ficky makes it is going down.DJ Quest is up in here with a
questified. What's good big maintaining mybrother and everything good with your man,
Everything's great. Happy Monday to you. Many hot today, yeah, and
then at night, like it's supposedto be cold, it feels humid sticky.
Yeah. Yeah. Annie was inPalm Springs. Man, you said
there was record heat out there.Yeah, at one point looked at it
and said one twenty one, thenit went to one twenty two, then
in the car one twenty seven.That's crazy, man, Yeah, it
was crazy. They said the devilwas chilling them about pool on social media.
Yeah, that was on social media. That's just something that I saw.
Kleida. What we got coming upin a Mickey Ficky mixed quest check
it out because got that Metro twentyone savage in the weekend Creeping. Also
got that three one old baby SoakCity coming up in the ninety two minute
commercial Freemicky Fiking man. Once againyour eighteen inste to wear phone tap Big
Boys Neighborhood Boys Neighborhood on Demand formore, subscribe to our YouTube channel,
big Boy TV, and check outRadio big Boy dot com. My just
talk with Jose and you're talking abouthow he felt Spanish right, and I
was like a lot of people feltEnglish as well, and he was like,
oh man, I thought I wasgonna zoom through that but different Spanish
to take it. Hell yeah,I remember shout out to DJ Ray Ray
got me through on Sprandish class.Yeah, man, I think I gotta
see he gotta be He wasn't.He wasn't great, you know what I'm
saying, But shout out to RayMan. Shout out to Jimmy who me
there as well. Man, he'sout there hanging out listening to the neighborhood
as well. We got to seeeach other. Man, Hey, man,
did y'all see that man smacked thatthat kid, because man, Jimmy
was like, y'all know what todo? Man. I called Jimmy like,
whaha, did you see the foundingin the You know what's so messed
up about that too? Is that? And I know in real time,
you know, we start to lookback at things and like, oh,
but you could tell that the kidwas on a spectrum. Yeah, you
know, and you could see it, man, And ain't no telling now,
man. And that man already hadcases on him because I googled him
too, so apparently he had domesticviolence cases. Angry man. He lucky
that people just going to the house, you know, protest and so on
and so forth, because man,that's did you see? And then when
you saw the family, did yousee the family break down? No,
dude, the family lives in likea truck, a non running truck,
man, So they got a greatgofund me as well. Man. And
if you have it, if youhave it kicking, you know what I'm
saying. But but yeah, they'vethey've been raising money for the family,
you know, and and it's alot, man. I can continue to
go into it, but it isit's a hell of a story. That's
really cool that they have a goon me though. Yeah, man,
yeah, and it was it wasjust wrong, big boy up in here.
Annie. There has been a Drakesiding. Oh Drake siding. I
love it. So everyone is talkingabout the video that Kendrick did drop for
not like us oh yeah, man, we know that. They like,
I thought he did a good videowith that dude. He did enough of
everything, man, of course.Big. You know, whenever this did
drop, a lot of people werelike, all right, where's Drake?
Has Drake seen it? What's goingon? And that was actually the same
day that Drake was attending this hugeparty he attends every single year. It
was fourth of July that this videodropped, but it was the Michael Ruben
party. Who's like this super billionaireCEO guy. I think he even owns
a team, is what the commentsare saying, because people are like,
who is this guy? But wheneverwe did see Drake there big. One
thing a lot of people notice ispeople that he's taking pictures with. So
everyone that Drake has a picture with, they're like, oh, so that
means Drake is cool with Glorilla.I saw a picture with her, Drake
is cool with Kim. I sawa picture with her, and then I
saw a picture of him and littlebaby and remember this line and not like
us, Oh yeah, so Ithought for in my head, I was
like, oh little baby was mentionedin the song. That means like him
and Drake aren't cool. The littlebaby and Drake not only were in a
picture together, but they also performedtheir song girls Like Girls as well.
And I don't think that people hateDrake. Yeah, you know what I'm
saying. I think something went downwith Drake and Kendrick, you know what
I'm saying, And there was therewas a beef that was going on.
So when people take pictures with Drake, it's not like they sided. You
know. I was at a particularparty and it was hosted by and it
was a birthday party, and theyplay not like us. Oh yeah,
you know what I'm saying. Andthat person was at that party taking a
picture with Drake, well you know, but they're not the DJ. I
mean, if if a record comeson, it comes on. It is
true. But like a lot ofpeople on line, I don't think anyone
is asking you to pick a side. No. No, even when I
showed up to the pop out right, I showed up out of love.
You know what I'm saying. Idon't hate Drake. No, I'm saying
I just loved what was going down. I love the passion of everything.
I mean people, but again,big online people are just like no anyone
Drake seem with me because then thereyou know, in the video there was
like DeMar Rose. I believe hewas in it and he was cool.
He was cool with Drake at onepoint. So now people are like,
wait, why was he in thevideo? What's there with him? He
picked a side though, Yeah,like with that one he in the video,
you know what I'm saying. Butit's definitely not over for Drake,
no matter what Reddit says, nomatter what the common says, because he
does have a new song with CamillaCabeo and it is so good trying my
patients, trying something a man.That is a very Drake song, right,
And That's what I'm saying with Drake. Just do your song, Just
do Drake. Yeah, people doyou want to hear his music in summer
music? They're over like the Drake. We just want the Rake. Yeah,
that's Drake is cool too, yedad man, you make you figure
it is going down. DJ Questis up in here, Big Boys Neighborhood
you're doing you're checking out another fullshow episode A Big Boy's Neighborhood. On
the Mad Big Boy's Neighborhood, BeautifuldadNeighborhood. Man Louis g is up in
here with a Blue Dog. IsCarti be pregnant? Bro? Everybody's talking
about it, and everybody in thecomments sounds exactly like this. Everybody think
Cardi be pregnant. Celebrities need toeither confirm that they pregnant or say they
ass in the house, because I'mtell y'all trying to pull a Halle Bailey
to come outside. Look like youabout James the giant peach up underneath your
dress. And we're not even supposedto say nothing about the baby elephant in
the room. Right, everybody inthe comments, why did you party have
to tell you that she's pregnant?You know what I'm saying. Why does
she have? Of course, whenI started the BET Awards, you know
what I'm saying, she looked pregnant. Yes, you know what I'm saying.
And when she's coming to the neighborhood, how you knew I'll tell her,
Tony? You know, come on, come on, I mean,
damn, I'm pretty sure that there'ssome things in other people lives that you
need to just go ahead and payattention then in your life, then you
know why Cardi be not saying she'spregnant. Yeah, like you said the
videos that when we were at theBET Awards at the concert, Like we
put the video up and it wentviral and everybody was like noticing the jersey
that she was wearing the booze andthen she would stop the mic and say
things like this, hold up,she said, to be as hot and
fat, those are typical signs.Bro. She wanted to take some drink
of water. Well, I washot and fat for years and I wasn't
pregnant. But she wasn't moving there. Yeah, she did a little bit
of twerky and like she was amovie the same, like it was upping
her down the stairs. Different.Yeah, it was just I'm not a
betting man, but I would betthat Cardi B Is pregnant. Yeah,
if she has. Congratulations Cardi,that's awesome. Said when you want you
know what I'm saying. I mean, take a picture of a kid.
It's three months hearing me like,hey, here's the baby. I didn't
tell y'all about everybody got a problem. She needed to just announce it.
Yeah, announce your own thing.I'm pretty sure that there's something that you
hiding that you need to announce.Not you, Louis and Anne. I'm
just talking about you. Know yeah, man, come on and tell you.
Yeah, man, that's crazy.That's if she was pregnant. She
came here. Did we give herlike a like a baby shark kind of
yeah, yeah, yeah, wegot it like some Gucci stuff. Yeah,
we gotta do it again now.Hell no kids brought out of that
stuff. No, man, didn'treally make it to the house. You
know what I'm saying, Like,I'll go get some beams from Target.
You know something, you could reallyuse the darters three for one man.
We want some glochy stuff, man, Like what the hell I wonder if
they're gonna do like a gender review. Sure one Gucci hoodie and hearing I'm
buying her baby. Yes, thehell is true. We didn't get her
little baby like some gluccy stuff onlike man with the head we fell into
it. Man, I want takeyou straight up. We didn't pay for
it anyway, instead the same youknow, thank you doctor. We don't
know whether she's prigging or not.And just wait till her till she announced
right right, right right, she'spregnant. Yeah, you know, y'all
fig around, y'all radio jamiey figuremixed It is going down? Quest is
up in here, Big Boys neighborhood. This is Big Boy's neighborhood. On
themand Big Boys Neighborhood. Louis gis up in here. Oh Annie's up
in here? What up, Honnie? Oh them? What got honester?
So you know, the Not LikeUs video is already here, a lot
of it. I'm pretty sure everyone'spretty much seen it at this point.
But it is so good. Andthen when you go on TikTok, when
you go online, all you seeis people breaking it down, finding different
clues like, oh did you seethis? Did you see this? And
one thing that people did catch issomething on his jacket that he was wearing.
You had this blue jacket and therewas a date on the right hand
side, so people zoomed in.They're like, that says August eight,
twenty twenty four. That means he'sdropping his album. But when you do
more research and you actually search thejacket that he's wearing, that's just what
it says. Basic if you buyit, like those are the numbers,
it's very fush that it's just areally fancy brand and multips right there.
It's is people thought it would youget hopes? Yeah, that's that whole
internet thing. Man, that's that'sus. It is. But I think
it's so cool just to go throughthis and then we research our own.
I let when people break down things. Man, when it broke down,
even with Mustard, must was like, no, that's not it. That's
crazy man. I love that.I mean, you know, I remember
even Kendrick in the Neighborhood has mentionedhow he sees all this stuff online.
But another thing he mentioned in ournew Kendrick Lamar documentary is just his relationship
with j Cole and Drake. Whereare you at with a lot of the
cast not like the j Coles ofthe world are or the Drakes of the
world. Just to let you guysknow that this is not current. This
is from the documentary. It's newnow, but this is like footage from
when he was in you know,the neighborhood many a time. So I
don't want nobody thinking like, oh, they had an exclusive and they're cool.
Now where are you at? Whata lot of the casts, not
like the j Coles of the worldare or the Drakes of the world.
Where are you guys at the sameplace, same place? That's all I
love her moment. I did theverse the after the verse, you know
what I mean. I think hiphop is a sport, so you're going
to have these little spits and spects, and it's all good because personally,
I respect these dudes as you know, as people, you know what I
mean. So outside of that,it's really nothing. Specifically where are you
at, like with the j Coles, specifically where you're at with the Drake
or so on and so forth.I respect them music like that for sure.
I respect him as individuals and creators. I think what the media tried
to do is is insane because theytake these black you know, young brothers
and really try to clash it andmake bump heads, and uh, that's
not right, right I look atit. I think it's not right,
and I think that's why it's greatto really show people how we support one
another because hip hop was something thatwasn't supposed to be here for this long
I'm sure you know, big.And the more we do that, the
more they try to tear it down. How do you pick and choose who
do you come out on stage withor is it just availability? It's really
artists. I respect and and andjust have a love for the music and
off the record too. You know, it'd be some real cool individual out
there and it be some real Ireally don't rock with you know what I'm
saying. So a lot of peoplethat I work with it just have a
mutual mutual bonding because everybody wants theKendrick verse. Like I don't even do
music and I want it. Howdo you pick and choose? Is it
the same kind of thing where it'slike, you know, I definitely gotta
rock with that person. It's reallyall in the music at that point.
Yeah, because you can rock withthat person. I can't. I'm not
inspire. But so the records justhave to be something that I could connect
to. Man. I love thatwhen you right here, J Coles,
the world Breaks of the World.Were you guys at the same place,
same place? It's all I lovelike Relei. And you can find that
documentary right there, man, it'sa radio. Big boy dot Com is
right there for Big boy TV,our YouTube channel. And as you're watching
that Big Boy's Neighborhood documentary for KendrickLamar, make sure you hit that subscribe
button as well. You make youthink makes it. It's going down.
DJ West is up in here.Big Boys neighborhood. You're finding a big
boy from Big Boys neighborhood on iHeartRadio. We have the most fun on your
radio. It is going down.Heyesusup covid up in here. Hey man,
how are your parents' grandparents great?Great? Treat your your child better
than to treat you, way betterthan the treating me. Yeah, way
better than treating me. It's sofunny that my dad what the tet told
me when I was there, becauseI'm taking care of the baby, I'm
walking up. He said, Hey, you're loving him too much. I'm
like, what do you mean?You love it too much? That boy?
He needs to be sad? Sad? He's one perfect you love it,
love him. Thank you for listening. It is you find a big
boy big boys neighborhood. You couldcatch more of us right here on the
radio is up in here. WhatI'm loo man further the neighborhood. John
Cena Man w he was doing hisrounds for the movie Argyle. He sat
down and did an interview and hewas talking about like somebody was like,
hey, I heard that you weregonna like thinking about retirements and this was
his answer, No, that's nota maybe there at that time is going
to come, and it's gonna cometo sup. I never wanted to just
go out there for the sake ofgoing out there. And I'm gonna be
forty seven this year. I feelgreat. I want to have the passion,
the same passion as the fan base, and I want to give them
exactly what they give me. Andthe miles on this ondometer say like,
hey, that's got to be wow. So even when he said that,
people are like, man, isyou retire before he fifty? But he
doesn't hit fifty yet. But hemade not a wear and tear on his
body though. Man, you gotto figure over twenty years wrestling. And
he finally came out and made thebig announcement to all the fans tonight,
I officially announced my retirement from theWWE. I want to say thank you,
thank you so much for letting meplay in the house that you built
for so many years. Thank youso much. Always for your voice because
it's really loud, and you're honestybecause it's beautifully brutal. You're a WWE
superstar. If you want some,hurry up and come get some comes last
time is no damn, that's crazy, man. John Doug, so many
epic moments. Hell, yeah,it's crazy because when I was growing up,
my my friend Andrew, his littlecousin, he was a huge John
Cena fan when he was like one, then two, then three, then
four. Then I seen him growingup. Now he's like sixteen seventeen,
and I'm like, he's still JohnCena fan. He's like, I still
love John Cena, bro. AndI'm like, that's years. He's been
like impacting kids and adults. Bro. We've had John Seena in the neighborhood
for decades now. Yeah, it'scrazy saying. And it's crazy you to
see the evolutions of him coming infreestyling hat backwards, you know, his
shorts with with nikes, and thennow you see him you know, extremely
corporate actors, suits and everything.Man. The movie I was talking about
earlier, it was it called NickyRicky Nicky or something like that. Yeah,
that's that's a good one, man. Hilarious. Oh you gotta check
it out, Doug. If youguys haven't seen he also does Peacemaker,
if you haven't seen the Peacemaker series, and if you want to see a
rated R version of and we're talkinglike Deadpool, status. Amen, it's
a great show. Dog. Iremember just early interviews with him as well,
man, when he would just talkabout even even at Johnsena that we
knew. Yeah, he would getrented cars, have to drive himself to
like you know, fights, andyeah, it was crazy. Man.
He's He's paid a lot of tothat tuition, a lot of tuition to
the school of experience when it comesto wrestling. Yeah, man, so
tranning to be over in twenty twentyfive, Yeah, yehud to be returned,
so man and of a legacy.Yeah, he'll probably stop back here
like how we see the Rock andother wrestlings do so as well. Think
sevent Team to hang out with usright here. Big Boys Naylor, Big
Boys Neighborhood on demand, full showepisodes posted daily. Subscribe to our YouTube
channel big Boy TV for more.Check out Radio big Boy dot com.
Big Boy loon t is up inhere. What I'm loudg The Drake side,
Oh Man, Drake has been seenout in public, yes, man,
So you know the annual all whiteparty that that CEO Michael Rubin throws
on fanatics. Still I was ata party, right, Yeah, they
did a Kardashian fortieth birthday. HuhAnd we were there really and Veronica was
like, oh yeah, Michael Rubin, I would have. I was like,
dude, why you didn't point himout because you know I'm teching enough
to go to him. Hell yeah, Like, man, that dude was
in the room, and everybody goto his party. Everybody wants to be
at that party, Doug, Andobviously Drake was one of the people.
And one of the things that cameout was obviously Drake and attendance. You
got a bunch of celebrities, abunch of athletes together, and you have
an all day kind of party goingon together, right, live DJ with
live DJs, And they said therewere several DJs throughout the day, throughout
the night. But the one newsthat came out is that a lot of
these DJs, all the DJs,all the DJs, did not play any
Kendrick Lamarty. Yeah, man,And you gotta think I guess when Drake
probably showed to Michael Rubin's parties allthe time. Yeah, And I'm pretty
sure man, if that was myguest, I would tell them too,
like, hey, man, Kendrickdoes not come to the parties. Yes,
let's not be disrespectful. You know, I could I could totally understand
that. Yeah. From DJ's perspectivethough, it's like one of those things
were like, dam I can't playthis song. I can't play That's why
I play this song. And outof respect to like, if you want
to be the idiot DJ that's probablynever gonna get hired again, to writer,
you should probably respect that too.If it was told to you,
like, hey, don't stay awayfrom sdrick, don't play the records.
No, man, I wonder whatreaction would have happened he did have the
nerve to do it, dog probablyget you know what I'm saying. For
one, you would have been yelledat, possibly touched, Yeah, you
know. And do you want tobe that guy? You want to have
that viral moment? Do you wantto be the one either that release a
you know, a do not playlistor they told me that that sucker stuff.
Man If Drake is there in attendanceand drank is cool with Michael Rubin,
yeah, of course you don't playthe record, gotcha, DJ,
It'll be been awkward and it couldbe embarrassing. The only DJ in the
world that I think would have thenerve to do it and just be like
he wouldn't be invited. It wouldbe a DJJ. Yeah, I knew
who you're talking about. He wouldn'tbe invited. Hand main pert will be
to go there and have you rockingfor a few minutes and put that record
on and he it wouldn't mind beingkicked out, none of that. Yeah,
and I can go West Coast,make sure hey get this play.
Yeah, you know what I'm saying. Dog. At least we know Drake
is out in the bounties happy.You look happy. There's a beneficials out
there. King's Drake bro from me. All right, believe that y'all stick
around, y'all. Radios Big BoysNeighborhood Embarrassing Big Boys Neighborhood on demand,
Full show episodes posted daily. Subscribeto our YouTube channel, big Boy TV.
For more. Check out Radio bigBoy dot com. This neighborhood,
Beautiful day in the neighborhood. Annieis up in here. What up,
Honie? Oh, that's when Anniejust celebrated a birthday once again. Happy
to be lady. Birthday too.You we say happy birthday to year as
well. Yeah. It was thetime. It was the record heat like
one hundred and twenty two one pointone hundred and twenty seven in the car.
Oh man, yeah, yeah,man, do you definitely for the
July barbecue though, Just put yourmeat on top of the car. Believe
that what we got coming up rightnow? Baby girl? What's the vultures?
Yeah? Man, man, I'mthinking I'm not not that I'm getting
tired of vultures. Drop it already. Come on, I'm not gonna lie.
They'll think I love when Kanye doesthings like this. He'll be like,
yeah, I got an album comingout, and then he kind of
drags us because I feel like we'rejust watching his show and I'm like,
come on, give it to me, Kanye. Hey man, let me
tell you there hasn't been a Yaalbum that's come out on time when he
was working with with with Pusha Tiana, when he was working on Them seven's
album, Nas Yeah, Nas Votures, Votures Too. We should be on
Voltures nine by now, yes,you know, by the rollout schedule.
But Voltures Too is coming. Ihope it is coming big. And the
reason that a lot of people area lot of us think that it's happening,
it's because Ty announced that he's goingto be in Korea with Kanye August
twenty third, and it says it'sa listening experience. But if you do
look at some other articles that werewritten from Korea, it says that Kanye
is doing his first solo concert infourteen years in Korea. So I'm like,
wait, what does this mean.Is Kanye going to maybe perform and
do his album in Taija saying it'sa listening experience or are these blogs computing
tho those two different things. Alistening experience and ya performing live yup,
And it says August twenty third iswhen you read the articles. So I'm
like, well, I went toVultures and that wasn't a performance. It
was an experience. Yeah it was, they tell me, not at all.
You know what's really cool about thatis like you get to experience that
with Kanye and Tie and they're bibingin that whole vibe. Everyone around you
is excited. They're like drinking,smoking, doing all that good stuff.
But when we did have Kanye inthe neighborhood and Tie in the neighborhood for
Vultures, we asked Kanye why didhe choose to work with ty Tom made
it where I was able to makemusic. He just didn't bring none in
a music industry bullet to the table. Sometimes I feel like people get into
music because they don't want to haveto actually work, like even we did.
Donda had people show up at eightam because I thought, like,
when people are in the league,they got to they gotta show up.
They gotta work, no matter howfamous they are and no matter how much
money they get. But music issomething where we'll be working at three eight
am or sleeping in. And myfocus over the past year and a half
was the music, then the clothing, mostly the shoes. But Tye,
you can give him something, evenlike just a murmur of something, he
could bring it back with the words. He can fix all the notes on
it. He could bring the drums, the music. But more than anything,
he brought hisself as someone who stoodbeside me when a million people told
him to not stand beside me.And he also brought hit records A man
and Tie is extremely talented. Yeah, I think people understand how talented Tie
Dollar Sign is not at all.He's just like here. But no dude,
man pick up any instrument and everything. Man, So I'm wondering,
what does his voltures do sound likeI wish it would have did it here,
but to get the experience over toKorea. All Right, it's not
gonna happen anyway. Go ahead,it's not gonna happen. You gotta stick
around. Your radio is big.You're checking out another full show episode podcast
of Big Boys Neighborhood, Big BoyNeighborhood. Alright, now Annie is up
in here? What up? Annie? What a big nothing? CARDI B
what's that in the main? Big? I think she's pregnant with her third
baby. And I'm not the onlyone who thinks this either. So you
know, we had gone to BTweekend, we saw her perform like a
few weeks ago, and then wehad posted videos that have gone viral on
your TikTok, and you know,I love reading comments big and reading all
the comments. There's thousands and thousands. Every single person is like, Yep,
she's pregnant. Look at the jerseyshe's wearing. And then July fourth
comes and she's out and people arezooming in. They're like, wait,
why isn't she drinking alcohol? She'spregnant, And then anything she posted her
like, man, this means we'renever gonna get any new music from Cardi
but Big. When we did seeher perform, she kind of gave us
a hint that she is pregnant whenshe said this hold up, Yeah,
she said it'd be as hot andfat hold up during her show ye,
and she had an oversized jersey onand everything. She was kid on her
show though. I was like,damn yeah, she was working too with
the dancers, with her booty andeverything. But people are like, this
is the shirt that is chanty forwhen she was trying to hide her pregnancy.
But Big. Then people start gettinglike, really, really, card
be at her sus like you're pregnant, jersey when you're pregnant, but they're
saying that, you know what,Cardi B. Does this mean you're not
going to be dropping any new musicbecause you're pregnant. You're gonna have to
deal with a lot. And thatreally upset her Big. So she came
on and she also previews some newmusic album coming up. I hope it
does three seconds. You know why. I think it's going to mean that
it does because when Invasion of Privacycame out, she was also pregnant.
She was that cochell. She wastalking, she was doing it. So
I think she's going to try toprove people wrong if Cardi B Is pregnant,
you know what I'm saying. SoI'm saying if if she is pregnant,
she did a hell of a showthat night. She did. We've
seen that before out of Cardy.Yeah. Not only was it that big,
like her performance was great, butshe got on so late, Like,
if you're pregnant, you probably needa nap, you need to be
in bed by that time, butit was almost midnight. Don't come back
when you come in to the neighborhoodshes gonn say, well, how did
you know? How did you believethat she's congratulations? Yeah, sticking around
your radios, Big Boy neighborhood,you're finding a big boy from Big Boys
Neighborhood on iHeart Radio. Here's anotherin case you missed the moment with us,
it's going down, hayesus covid upin here doing your pop shall relationships
still good, that's great. What'shis favorite curse word in English? Sign
up? But yeah, yeah,sign up. He loved signed up.
He doesn't even say it right,which that's what I love because it's like
his version of it is little twangto sign He's okay, that's all.
He's in the right place for everything. Sign out. The thing is that
he learns English and construction sites.That's where he learns them. And I'm
like, yo, he can That'snot how you speak in real life.
You know, that's over there andfor everything my mouth to use that in
like normal life. Walmart is like, that's two hundred. I'm like,
they talk like that, man,Thank you for listening. It is you
find a big boy, Big Boysneighborhood. You can catch more of us
right here on iHeartRadio. Big BoyNeighborhood. Luisi is up in here and
it's about that time for alright inLuisi, who are giving his idiot award
to my brother? Sometimes when Ihear these stories, I'm like, why
would you do something like this,especially when from a professional athlete. So
this idiot award is going to theCubs pitcher Colton Brewer. So he was
having you know, he started pitchingfor the Cubs during one game and he
wasn't doing that well. So whathappens when you start pitching horribly, you
get kind of taken out right andreplaced by another picture. That's what ended
up he ended up getting mad aboutit, going inside the dugouts and got
in a fight with the wall.He ended up punching the wall, breaking
his freaking ham man. And nowhe's on them, bro, and now
he's on the injured reserve list.Really kicks sixty months, hey man.
And I'm pretty sure just in life, you've hit something, yes, and
it hurts you don't understanding. Butas a professional baseball player that's not doing
well at that moment, to hitthe wall, now you're out for two
months. Yes, with your pitchinghand, you decide to punch the wall.
Bro, Come on, don't worryabout it. Here we go.
He can't throw an effort strict Youare a smooth idiot, my brethren.
I think we mentioned this how athletessometimes have things in their contracts where it's
like, if you're a basketball player, you can't do crazy things like,
you know, go even ride amotorcycle. Yeah, man, class claus
in baseball where it's like, Bro, you kept punch walls. Yeah,
if you're young, hands my mantalking about to take your hands. But
I know I've hit a wall inmy life. I've kicked something. You
know what I'm saying? Where youthink, oh, damn, yeah,
that was stupid. I punched ahole in the wall one time and I
was like, damn, pretty strong. And then I tried it again and
had that beam right there. Wejust stick around your radios, man,
We're gonna come back with some ofour neighbors in the neighborhood as well.
Man, what dumb way did youget hurt? Y'all? Stick around y'all
radios, Big Boys Neighborhood, BigBoys Neighborhood on demand. For more,
subscribe to our YouTube channel, bigBoy TV, and check out Radio big
Boy dot com, Big Boy Neighborhood. Alright and out, we had to
give an adye the war. What'sthe what's the baseball player's name? Colton
Brewer? Col Tim Brewer, manin front of the clubs, wasn't doing
well, so he took him outthe game. He's a picture and he
decided, you know, hey,I'm naset, frustrated hit the wall.
Yeah, and now he's out forus two months. So we were saying
in the neighborhood, man, whatdumb way did you get hurt? All
right? All right, doc,So social media, you know, makes
you do some stupid things and tryto imitate a lot of things, but
there was a there was a trendwhere it was like parkour, Right,
everybody's like jumping up the walls anddoing like front flips and jumping from here
to there. I don't know ifyou remember it, but I remember seeing
it. I was like, dude, this would be fun. So one
time me and the homie were superdrunk and I was like parkourp bro,
and I was like, stand rightthere, I'm gonna jump on this bench
and then jump on top and landon your shoulders. Bro, It's gonna
be so cool. Dude, whatwere you drinking? Yeah? And whose
shoulders was gonna land? Come on, man, I was like, here
we go. So I did soundlike a bad As soon as I jumped
on the bench and I went upin the air big, I was just
like, what am I doing?Bad? Totally missed the shoulders, fell
on my back, tops on thefloor looking at the sky, and I
was like, oh, that wasa bad idea. Yeah, yeah,
but at least you were drunk.You weren't amazing a baseball ga. It
wasn't the only one though we putit on social media. There's so many
people telling me things that they didthat was stupid and how it hurt them.
This is one of them. Yeah. So when I was a kid,
I was at the brightest of themall, you know. So me
and a friend were always lighting stuffup. We're big o'pyro kids. One
day he put a lighter underneath hisshirt and check it out, like when
we're at nights. So it glowed, and I'm like, oh, snap,
I want to do that too.So I did the same thing,
put a lighter under my shirt,lit it up. Next thing I know,
I was just running around burning andmy whole was all lit up and
I was all burning. Luckily myparents are outside and they saw me and
threw me in the ground put meout. Yeah, I'll be it,
my man said. They threw meon the ground and put me out.
Definitely. Oh my god, man, this is the kind of stuff.
Man, You ever did stuff whenin your life, Like we used to
jump from rooftop to rooftop. Weusual to jump off of roofs. Man.
Now I can't even jump off achair, let alone jump off the
roof. And like it's crazy becausewe didn't have all the games and everything
that everybody have now. If Iwalked outside and Jade and my kids,
or Jade was on top of theroof, I'd be like, man,
what the hell y'all doing up there? But that was pastime for us.
Even as a kid going home.We used to mark this one pit like
this one dog dogs just like itis. Hit the fence, everybody.
Oh yeah, I'm like, dude, that dog eely jumped off killed.
We had one that bus through thefence. Yeah, man, oh yeah,
yeah, chase us bad. Iremember one time, dude, I
was rolling home. I was ona bike. Yeah, and this dog
shout out of me. Man andhe man, he ripped my pants to
shreds. Yeah, all right,what it is? What it is,
y'all, Stick around, y'all radios, Big Boys Neighborhood. This is Big
Boy on demand, Big Boy's NeighborhoodPhone Tap on the tens time, ladies
and gentlemen. This is fireworks refund. This for Luther had some leftover fireworks
that he didn't pop and you know, didn't set off, and he wanted
to ship him back, and Ilove him a man. On the other
line, he seems like he's reallytaking a liking to Luther. So Luther
said, you know what, letme take advantage of this. It's gonna
get to your phone. Tap onthe tins right here, big boys,
neighborhood to make it an I helpyou. I was calling about some information
on about sending some packages. Okay, and what is it that you're sending
well? For the fourth of July. I had somebody send me out like
some some firecrackers, some m adsome bottle rockets, some roaming candles,
and I didn't get a chance topop everything. So I need to send
it back so I can get myrebate. We don't we don't ship those.
No, I'm gonna ship it.What I'm saying, like seven bricks
of firecrackers. We can't carry firecrackers. No, I don't need you
to carry I need you. Ijust need to send them back because he's
he's waiting on it. Okay.But what I'm saying is is we cannot
accept fire crackers as a ship man. What if I just wrapped it up
myself and I put like some coffeebeans or something in it, and I
didn't have to expect every package forFAA regulations. We are an airline now,
I wouldn't get in trouble for makingthis call. What I know you
won't get in trouble. Yeah,I don't want to get you in trouble
because you sound delicious. Thank you. Okay, well do me this favorite.
Would you like to buy any fireworks? I know not I like some
firecrackers or some you got somebody thattroup said with you want to buy a
half a stick of dynamite? SomeRoman candles, no bottle rockets, twizzlers
them black snakes that come off theground. Can I do like insurance claim
and just claim the money then insurancefor what you're scaring me. Now I'm
hearing clicks and everything. Oh no, I'm playing it alrighty well, thank
you for not taking that bait.Okay, well, thank you for calling
your name is once again? Allright? Okay right. Big Boys Neighborhood
on demand. Full show episodes posteddaily. Subscribe to our YouTube channel,
big Boy TV for more. Checkout Radio big Boy dot com, Big
Boy Neighborhood legs up in here whatI'm lowt all Friend of the neighborhood.
J J Head My Breaktha the CoastGuard, one of the DJs for Ken
and Friends who popped out kicked offthe night basically Bro which was dope man
and he brought like fifteen guests out. Yeah, and even the guests,
like there were so many talk aboutlike why do you bring this person out?
Why do you bring this person out? And he gave us find the
man insight on how the list myriadoops is me oh man, he brought
some people out with him. Manthat I was like, I love it,
man, Yeah, And I thoughtI was like, oh man,
he put his list together. That'sDJ head but he's bagged to different.
Tim basically called me and was like, yeah, do want you to open
the show and you know, andI'm like, oh, like okay,
what's like do I what am Idoing with It's like we're gonna they had
gotten Dave and the team and everybodyAmazon is all involved. We're crafting the
line up now and we'll get backto you whatever whatever. And I'm like,
all right, cool, all right. So when we see Ken and
friends and then you have your part, right, were you did you curate
the guys the artists that came up? Did you have a hand in that.
I had a hand in just inthe curation of it. But they
picked, they hand picked who theywanted on the stage. Wow, So
like yeah, that was like thatwas more like, hey, this is
who we were like on this stage. Ay man. They really had their
hand on the pulse because I knowyou do facts, you know what I'm
saying. I know you do.I made suggestions, but it was more
like this is who, this iswho we want on the stage, you
know. And it was a collectiveeffort. It's not just that it's not
Kendrick, it's not me Mustard.It's like Amazon is Amazon Music is involved
pg Lang and then you also havethe Free Lunch Agency with Tim Henshaw and
his whole team. So it wasa collective effort. I can't take credit
for that. Hey man, Ithink they did such a great job with
curating everyone. Yeah, dude.And then I'm just wondering which were the
ones that almost made it? Gotchaman? Or were there some that,
even even with Kendrick, was theresome that was like they couldn't move their
schedule? Yeah, because even DJHedry had a lot of guests like Jason
Martin, ak Problem, ojz RJ, Blue Bucks Clan, like oh yeah,
west Side Boogie came out of methe sense like a man, it
was I'm a Kaitlyn for real helloalbum in stories right now? You know,
what I'm saying, So whatever,you know, but that but that's
one of those things, man,where it was put together so well and
each person that came out really didtheir thing as well. Man, you
know what I'm saying. I thought, I thought it was a great night
and the rout embraced everybody. Ohyeah, everybody, even if they didn't
know, Like it was an introductionto a lot of people too. And
also Lou it was an early showup. Yeah, it was so dope
people. Yeah, early man trippingout. I was like, it's daylight
outside. I've never been in thatconcert in the three o'clock hour, you
know what I'm saying. And that'swhat the festival that we were throwing.
Y'all stick around, yall radios,Big Boy Neighborhood. You're inside Big Boys
Neighborhood. Full show episode podcast,Big Boy Neighborhood. Annie is up in
here. What up, Honnie?Oh nothing? W L O L.
We love our listeners. Who weloving on Anonymous? Anonymous Love Anonymous.
We were talking about why does yourboss suck? And she had a special
one for us. I had twobosses that sucked in the same location.
The main boss was doing fraud witha lot of people's car here in La.
I'm not going to stay in thepark the place. But they no
longer exist because the bureau showed up. But and the other boss. She
was smashing the mechanics and then hittingup their wives to have them break up.
Wow, damn she they they didn'tknow that they were smashing her,
but she would do it. Andthen she would make face profiles with other
beautiful girls pictures, and then shewould hit their girls up and tell them
I did this with your husband andthis and there, and then a lot
of the mechanics end up breaking upwith their wife. Yeah, damn.
And it was she stink and she'sthink, let me just put it wait
wait stink. Yeah, and Idon't care. I don't care about her
name. I could be anonymous.But her name was Norman. She thinks,
right, did you say norma?Rmona? Her name was Norman.
She knows, she knows what sheis, and she's listening right right down.
Say well, now, was yourman mechanics? Yeah? Really was
mastering? Was your man one ofthe mechanics that worked there? No,
they did front on my car whenmy car got messed up. I brought
my car in to get it FACEDOK, before I knew that they were doing
frock. And then one day Ileft early home and I came back and
there were smashing cars against each otherjust to get more out of the shirt.
Oh damn bum man. Yeah,I want to put you on hold
Anonymous before I get the PENI heymn. I forgot that she had that many
damn layers to it, man,sleeping with this person with the doing.
Then when she said and she stink, oh my damn, yeah, a
man, can you imagine a onetime you step out on your relationship and
she stinks, Come on, man, come on tag night. Oh man,
that's something I wanted to know,I sir, looking up like certain
mechanic shops around LA that clothed Iwas like, I wonder which one it
was, Man, find it,dude, there's a mechanic shop every I
mean, yeah, I can't evenbelieve that you even start trying to start
that mission. Oh, it wasjust like a movie. Listening to what
she said, I was like,oh, didn't you heard the part when
she said that they were closed downtoo. I tried to look for a
one that closed down. I heardthat. Yeah, that would have been
real beneficial. You think you canfind out more on cannon friends and certain
things. It's like low hanging frule. Yeah, there's nobody out there,
like I wonder give it to fiftycent Maybe he could do an investigative report
she's producing. Believe that. Y'allstick around, y'all radios, Man,
who why does your boss suck?We'll talked about it in the neighborhood as
well. Y'all continue to hang outwith us Big Boy Neighborhood, Big Boys
Neighborhood on demand, full show episodesposted daily. Subscribe to our YouTube channel,
big Boy Tv. For more.Check out Radio big Boy dot com.
Big Boy neighbor speaking on it,Man, why does your boss suck?
Well, I have boss. I'mnot your boss. It was the
other job and I was on thestreet team. I thought like the person
was really nice and everything, notto call anyone out, but like they
would kind of do a little favoritismthing. So like there was a guy
on the street team he would getmore hours and you know, we would
only get like fifteen hours max.So it was like really big, a
big deal to get it. Butthe reason that guy would get more hours
is because they were smashing. AndI didn't know this until later on,
and I was like, what,that's not fair. Girl and a guy.
The girl and a guy. AndI was like, oh man,
that's why I didn't get those hours. And I was like a minimum wage.
Yeah, man, well d wasthis in radio or another worked in
radio? Yeah, remember already youknow what it is. That's crazy,
man. Man, if he wouldhave known that, you would have got
more hours, would you have smash? No? Exactly? Man, Man,
all right, why does your boss? So I had a boss dog
who had like he just he wasrich, right, So he just had
like rich money ideas. He thoughteverything was like super affordable. So when
I would be like, hey man, I'm trying, everything was super affordable,
affordable, I guess comfortable. Sofor example, like he would be
like, yeah, man, youshould just get one of those like new
turntable things from Pioneer. And Iwas like, brother's so expensive, don
what are you talking about. They'relike two hundred bucks, bro, yeah,
look him up to like three thousanddollars or even to him, it
was always like even if they weretwo hundred bucks, man, it's different.
Yeah, you know, you justdon't have it laying around. I
used to hate when he used todo that to us. We should be
like, dude, what's the nameDoe again? How much did he tell
you? That was what it waslike? Twenty fifty bucks? Bro,
They're like four hundred dollars. Dog? What he talking He's talking about to
him? Those are prices to him, rich prices. Man. I hate
when he did that to us.Hey man, when people be like,
man, were going out and wegot a table, I'm like, nah,
I don't do that, you knowwhat I'm saying, Or Man,
we're gonna go set it says likeman, Man, the Louis stores and
all that kind of stuff. Missedme with that, miss me with that?
Man. Yeah, anybody got anythingon doc no suck? Yeah no.
When I was working you guys,I worked at the welcome center at
my community college and it was great, right, yeah, So you would
come if you had any questions,You're welcome them. Yeah, help me.
I'd be like, Hi, doyou need help? Do you want
me to help you sign up forschool? Man? I can't imagine you
doing it. So like my bossat the time to get mad when I
would like, let people use mypants and I'm like, what why that's
your deal? Yeah, man,sorry about that. We na you guys.
We ran out of time again.We ran out of time on Auntie.
But we'll we'll take more calls,man, We'll take more calls.
Why is your boss son? Y'allhate us up? Big boy neighborhood.
Adies, you're finding a big boyfrom big boys neighborhood on iHeartRadio. We
have the most fun on your radio. Hey, susuphvid up in here.
Hey man, you say y'all grewup. I grew up different, but
you and your your girl girl different? Like, what's what's the difference.
Well, the hugs you got,the confidence ro Mount gave my girl told
me. She said, yeah,we never said I love you. My
girl said was because like we were, I love you family, I love
you, I love you. She'slike, yeah, we didn't really say
that. Yeah damn yeah exactly.Like her mom just gave her confidence,
like tells her like because you're thebest, and I'm like, you're the
best. My dad still brings upthe stuff that I didn't kidderguard. He
still can't get over. He's like, hey, the best. He couldn't
even spell dark. Thank you forlistening. It is you find a big
Boy, Big Boys neighborhood. Youcould catch more of us right here on
iHeartRadio. Boy Neighborhood. We're speakingon it. Why did your boss suck
that he was going down with ShadeShae? Hello, Hello, Hello,
there's Shade Shae. Why does yourboss suck? Shay? My boss suck
because she wrote me up for notbeing at work to day my father passed
away. Are you told me thattechnically I did not have any bereavement time,
so it was absent without leave,no bereavement time. She wrote you
up as absent the day your daddied. Yeah, yeah, you know
what I did? What you do? I went to my desk. I
called my husband. I said,I'm about to quit this job because if
I don't, I'm going to puta stapler through her forehead, right And
he was like, okay, justleave the keys on the desk and walk
out, like, don't do nothingelse. But that's what I did,
a man. Congratulations to you.And I'm gonna tell you straight up,
I'm petty enough. I would havetook the staple I want. I want
to shot on the head with itbeing and I was quitting, but I
definitely would have had that stapler atthe house. How long had you been
working at Shade, like four months? Four months? And had you had
any like conflict or any problems withher prior to never? Wow? Never.
She was just kind of evil,you know. So she got upset
and that's what she decided to do. So I was like, Okay,
that's your choice, and my choiceis gonna keep us both safe. I'm
just gonna head out. I heardthat man's first, she said, the
stabler in the forehead. Now,she said, my decision gonna keep us
both safe. Yeah, that's havingsomebody want to put their hands on somebody.
Believe that. So after you leaveand you walk out that day,
do they ever try to get backin touch with you. Yeah, they
call me that afternoon because I hada really good reputation since I had been
there. So the recruiting agent calledme that hired me, and she's like,
you sure you want to pork foryour position? I said, I
absolutely must, because I can't physicallysee this person again. I heard that.
I heard that man, especially underthe circumstances your dad passing, like
even as a as a boss,I would just say, you know what,
we don't really but go ahead andtake that. Yeah, go ahead
and take that. Yeah, yougotta you gotta be a human being first.
You gotta be a human being.Alrighty, Now, why does your
boss suck? Big Boy Neighborhood,Big Boys Neighborhood on Demand. For more,
subscribe to our YouTube channel, bigBoy TV, and check out Radio
Bigboy dot Com. Big Boy Neighborhood. Beautiful Day, the neighborhood, Ladies
and gentlemen. I've been waiting onthis one, Concrete, Welcome to the
neighborhood. Brothers. Goody, let'sgo, man. It is a pleasure
to see you, brother. Letme tell you, Concrete, man,
I think we have a lot incommon that you probably don't even know because
and the reason why I say so, man, is because I think we
both have a love for like hiphop music, entertainment and we were one
of those people that you wanted tobe next to it. However it was
yep, and you throw everything upagainst the wall. I threw all the
meat on the grill. Yeah,man, I do all the side on
the grid. You know we're goingto get in one way or another.
You know what's crazy because I didit all, bro, I DJ rap
great dance, graffiti. I didit all. Yeah, yeah, you
know, And I've always had thatattitude of like I got it. I
can yeah yeah, I can pickup you know, uh a turntable,
put on the and start spinning it. I can. I can do it.
But like I can, you know, like you know that when you
feel that something's just made for youwhatever, or that you were born for
something, you know. And musichas been my passion for years. Film
has been my passion for years.I mean I've recorded a ton of music
videos with a bunch of artists.Hey man, give me into that two
concrete because those that know know thatthere's a backbone of concrete that's rooted really
in hip hop and as an artist, as a producer, as a DJ,
but as an artist, because there'scertain times when we feel like,
oh man, we own you knowwhat I'm saying. Did you have those
moments where you was like, ohman, I'm on, I'm an already
stamp. Yeah, I mean definitely. I mean you know, I mean
getting signed, you know, likein my twenties and being in you know,
the same management team with Nipsey atone point was like big for me,
you know, like I remember meNipsey had a record out at the
same time. I had a recordcalled Industry Beefs. He had a record
called Bulletin Got No Names, Andthose were like our big street records.
And I remember at that point whenI got signed, I was like,
I'm on, dude, yeah,man, super here. I already try
to counting my money. I waslike, I don't be asking me for
nothing, you know what I'm saying, like, yeah, yeah, I
want to change. I'm definitely gonnachange. I'm body here, yeah man.
And then once I found out Iwasn't gonna make it right, all
right, little pivot here. Yeah, so you need to be a real
one out here. You really needa game bag cool. I ain't never
killed nobody. I guess I'm notgonna wrap it. But I smoked a
lot of people on my records gotshot up. And now we come full
circle and you're like, man,I could have made it today. I
was like, man, I was. I was a big studio gangster,
you know, trying to make ithappen. Uh, you know, but
luck was running out, wrapping backhairs, running out. The gangsters was
showing up to the show. We'regonna do a meet and greet. What
it's gonna be a meet and beatyour ass? No, no, no,
I'm good, or you must notunderstand I'm good, must not understanding.
I was you said you start seeingyour audience. I'm wrapping your stories.
Man, I wanted to start doingrap karaoke. I just start doing
the greatest hits you know, likewho that is real? When you say
they start showing up to the showman. What am I saying was like
playback and it's like dudes from differenthoods. And I was like, oh,
you guys don't get along. I'mgood. I'm good. Y'all can
keep this man. You stick aroundyour radios. We got more with concrete
in the neighborhoods, Big Boy neighborhoodhadies. You find a big boy from
Big Boy's neighborhood on iHeart Radio.Here's another in case you missed the moment
with us back up, been herewith our good friend haysusup covid up in
here. You're in your pop show. Relationship is still good. Gotta call
him see how he's doing. Dothey make it over a lot? Yeah?
He goes over there, back andforth back yeah. Man, Yeah,
what's gonna work Mexico he has moneyand here he's poor. That's that's
like Mexico. He enjoys himself andposting on Facebook like he's like, what
ten bucks over there? It iscome back overhead to struggle is real on
Facebook? Well he tries to havea face. Yes, he has like
a hitting account. I know hedoes because you'll bring up stuffing like chie
men from like Mexico, and I'mlike, how do you know that?
He just posted that? And thenI don't know how, but i just
have feelings. Thank you for listening. Hades U pining a big boy,
big boys neighborhood. You can catchmore of us right here on iHeart Radio.
Big Boys neighborhood ladies, and itis a pleasure to have this man
in the neighborhood. Concrete in theneighborhood. Amen, your your family?
Are they owned a party rental storeor for a long time? Yeah?
So my mom used to rent meas a chamberlaine at Kentinta stop. I'm
that serious. You know how manykings have me on their Are you on
the water? They don't even knowme? Look if you look at look
if you had a Vinciana anywhere fromninety five to two thousand and one.
Check your wallet might be on yourpicture player, he said. Mom used
to rent them out. Come.Mom used to rent me out because you
dudes would call out or couldn't makeit. Amen. Do your kids like
you have a daughter, Yeah,she's she's the little she's okay, okay,
So so you can parently play theKing Sinatta like nobody's business. I'm
going to be that champan on thenorth. Yeah. Man, I'm going
to be the main guy. Trustme. That's that's that's gonna be it.
Brother, Hey, bro, that'scrazy as hell, like yeah,
he couldn't show so and then what'sthe colors? And my mom used to
the suits, what what's the colorschemes? Yeah, my mom used to
let the suits too. So Ialready had it up, like you know
Batman suit. I already had iton, had already like a Batman.
You're like, what's what's the great? Okay? Yeah. She would put
the little chump of lin light onit on the sky and I would just
come out and pull up like Batmandog. She would put then how old
are you when this is going down? Damn? Ever? Since I can
take direction dog like ever since.I can the two steps as soon as
I learned the choreography though I wasout. How many years did they do
like that business? I mean mymom she just sold the recently, so
she did it for almost thirty years. Now my sister took over. I
thought the sand fron down the malland she took over and she put her
vintage and that it was slower therenow. But I mean they did it
for thirty years, man, Sowhat did it consist of? So my
mom used to have so she usedto you know, so she was the
violence instructor. She used to doI so so so like me, like
I was able to decorate your hokin Sanda, like I know how to
the candy cane balloons said, andI used to put like like everything and
it wasn't you know, you knowat the time, it was embarrassing because
I was like twelve, and youknow, like as soon as Father's Day,
Mother's Day, you know, Valentine'sDay hit, like my mom would
take me out of school so Icould sell flowers at the corner with her.
Wow, I was a kid andI was you know, I was
the one that learned how to.I taught her how to put like the
you know, the bears inside theballoons, oh man. And so they
would roll up and be like Chris, hey, Chris, is that you?
And I'm like, no, that'snot that's not me, man.
That's why when he gave me theseflowers, he's like, oh, I
could have had those for thirty years. You're like, these not gonna go
away. Those peo pussed them outof my farm broke frozen for thirty years.
Concrete in the neighborhood Big Boys NeighborhoodGet Us. Big Boy has left
the building.