Episode Transcript
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Kanye West, Why is he thenews? Kyle? What happened? So
rich the Kid actually posted screenshots oftexts between Kanye West or Yay I guess
we're supposed to call him that nowand and himself, and basically Yay said,
I'm considering retiring from professional music.Blanket statement, right, And then
riche Kid like responded all these thingslike the youngsters need you, everybody needs
your music. You're so important,and then so imposted the headline that Kanye's
retiring from music, and the Richthe Kid reposted that and then commented trick,
we're coming out in We're releasing Julynineteenth, so he's got an album
'rire the Kid's got an album comingout July nineteen. And then Kanye West
announced that he's going to do likea Vultures listening party in Korea in August,
like late August. So I don'tknow if maybe after that he's retiring
or if that was just a Yayreaching out needing a little extra, a
little extra support, a little extraencouragement. What did we have? Actually,
she saw the headline yesterday and Ididn't want to click on it.
The Kate Beck and Sale stuff.I hate it, like details. Okay,
So it was like I think likea month or two ago, like
like Kate beck and Sale hospitalized fora mystery illness. Nobody knows what's going
on. And then she posted apicture it was like kind of like a
sexy picture and someone commented like,you're gonna need to work out more.
You lost your booty, and thenshe responded, actually, I just sat
and watched my dad die unexpectedly inthe hospital, and then her mom died,
and then she was hospitalized because shegot so depressed because of that and
wasn't eating and it like burnt likeher esophagus. Oh, and so she
like it was it was like wow, Like if you're the person that made
that comment and that was the responseyou got from Kate Beckinsale, you're like,
oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I had no idea you were
going through that lie with and that'swhy I lost my booty. Yeah,
that's yeah, which she did inthe hospital. She did say she lost
a lot of weight because of thestress and depression and got really sick because
of it. And that's a goodreminder that you don't know what people are
don't know, so you don't haveanything nice to say. Just keep it
to yourself. Just zip it.So what's the Taylor Swift stuff with Postpone.
Well everyone's really excited. Well,swifties are really excited because Taylor Swift
and post Malone released an acoustic versionof Fortnite. You gotta be honest,
love it, Love it so much, like it better than you Ridge difference
that exactly. It sounds exactly whatwe talk about yesterday. Tator Swift's being
accused of re releasing certain things sothat she stays on top. It does
sound really this sounds exactly like thesong I hear on the radio. I
can't tell, but what do Iknow? Anyway? What about Gypsy Rose?
Why is she so famous? Andwhy what's the news now? Well,
she's so famous because she killed hermom. She murdered her mom her
and but it's like, what doesthat make you a celebrity? I mean
yeah, because her mom had munchhousing by proxy. So basically she was
saying, Gypsy Rose, her daughterwas sick, had cancer, had all
of these things diabetes, and shedidn't And Gypsy Rose found this boy on
the internet and they they did her. They're wrong. Yeah, And then
Okay, So then she goes she'sin jail, she meets her now estranged
husband Ken right, and then theybroke up, and then they announced that
they're having a baby. I ameleven weeks pregnant. We're both very excited.
This was not planned at all.It was completely unexpected, but we're
both very excited to take on thisnew journey of parenthood. Hopefully she doesn't
go down the same row. That'swhen she said, she was like,
I don't want I want to bethe mom My mom was never for me.
Yeah, and there was a lotof mixed emotions on her announcing her
pregnant, the babies with the husband. Yeah, that they had broken up,
but obviously they still weren't totally brokenup hanging out because when she got
released, she had another husband,That's what I mean. I remember,
and then they like got divorced.There was a whole thing. And then
I thought she got a boyfriend rightaway and her estrange husband that she married
in prison, so she got backtogether. It's a mess. It's as
released, so we're happy for them. Anything new going on with Diddy.
Diddy is living his best life.Don't Jay, didn't you just went on
a trip with some of his kids. He's white water rafting, posted a
picture having the best time ever,and Cassie's lawyer was like, oh no,
you don't miss her. I loveI love the response from Cassie's lawyer.
She literally said, and I quote, I don't think that this is
going to prepare him for the choppywaters that lie ahead. I thought the
Cassie case with him and her wasclosed already, like they paid her off
and everything. I think it's reopenedin case all the other stuff and others.
And yeah, what about Drake.Drake's he's got new music coming out.
He took he took an l withthe Kendricks. That song still blown
up. It's it's so blowing upthat that song is literally like whatever the
Burger Joint and Compton is that's inthe music video is now blowing up because
of Kendra Kumar's song. Not likeus and his music video that he dropped.
But Drake, he's been working onmusic and his uh, his team
put out a memo basically saying,like, new stuff from Drake is coming.
It's gonna be heat. Okay,I've seeing the meme of Drake at
the Michael Rubin Party. I sawhim like, Canila Cabeo, is you
talking about that? No, it'sjust a picture of Drake and like the
background of someone else's picture, andit literally looks like Drake is twenty years
older. Oh yeah, yeah that'sand everyone's like an age. Yeah,
he's a because of the distract thatthis has taken so much life out of
him. So it's like, ifyou get this picture of Drake, know
that I'm tired of you. TheInternet is literally so funny. I'm so
glad. Gosh paid how did yousee it? He was setting the paint
all the time, sending it topeople, guys,