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July 23, 2024 • 25 mins
Mark as Played

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Tap in and say what's up there? iHeart radio apps, half the talkback
Mike to send John, Jay andRichard message. Now, Selena, you
have a best friend betrayal story?Yes, I do. What happened is
the one? Well, so mydad left my mother of about twenty years

of marriage. And you will notbelieve who he left him or left my
mom for? Who? Her sister? My best friend, your best friend?
Oh, yeah, I should havesaid best friend because we just said
best for betrayal. Yeah, okay, is exactly. So he left my

mom's for my best friend and nowthey have their own little family together they
have Yeah, the kids are obviouslyhalf my age. I have to believe.
Yeah, I am half siblings andmy stepmother. It's my best friends
your friend. Oh, she's notyour best friend anymore? Obviously not you

twist. No, we don't likedo you ever go to your siblings birthday
parties and have to like stay awayfrom her or you just stay away from
that in general? No, Ithink it would be a Jerry Sprinker episode
if that happened. Actually, youknow what, she didn't happen to Game
of Thrones where there were two bestfriends and then one of the best friends
had to marry the other one's dad, and she became queen. Yes,

whoa, Yeah, that's literally happento Game with Thrones, Like Game of
Thrones was real, Like that literallyhappened in the history book. Crag,
go open your history books. Rightbefore the dragon came, there were still
a dragon eggs. Duh, yourfriend, you think about the betrayal at
some point she's like, this ismy best friend. If I ever did
this, she'd probably never talk tome again. And she still chose to

go for your dad. That's love. Love is the one emotion you can't
control. You can't control who youfall in love with. Yeah, you
can, you can kind of stopyourself before it starts. I was literally
at a red light, literally ared light, just like literally gave a
thrill, and I said, loveis the one emotion you can't control.
You can't control you fall in lovewith it. The long bumper gave it

throw You can't control, but youcan control if you take it to the
next level. Yes, all right, Lena, that's a good one.
Man. Thank you for calling.Yeah, thank you, Hi, George,
thanks for holding you have a bestfriend betrayal story. But I do
it's wild. Okay, what happened? So I had a friend. Uh,

we were close. It's like kindergarten. So that's how long our relationship
goes. Back when we got intohigh school, he started falling in with
a bit of the wrong crowd,and uh we drifted apart a little bit.
Uh he ended up dropping out.Then after school he'd called me every
once in a while, we'd catchup a little bit, and then he'd

ask to borrow a bit of moneyhere in the you know, twenty bucks,
fifty bucks, one hundred bucks.And after a while of this going
on and me not seeing most ofit back, if ever any of it,
I kind of broke it off.It just didn't make sense to keep
somebody that was just using me inmy life. And two years ago I

ran into him again and he waspanhandling on the street, and it turns
out life was a bit rough forhim. But we were close for so
long. So I took him backto my place, let him get showered,
let him get cleaned up. Andthe next morning, when I woke
up, I noticed that a lotof my stuff was gone, and he

took my car and disappeared. Oh, oh, my gosh, and you
were just trying to be nice.That went bad fast. They went bad
within less than the day. Yeah, whoa, that's the no good deed
goes unpunished right there, right,you think your health, You probably knew
that that was that was a badidea, but your heart was like a,

we got history. I knew that, like I wasn't going to get
anything good out of it, butI didn't expect him to rob me.
You know, you know each other. Yeah, that's crazy. And have
you seen or heard of him again? I mean you said this was two
years ago. No, I haven'tseen or heard of him again. And

that's kind of what mind boggling,because like we get play dates together,
you know, we know each other'smoms. This is just it's crazy.
Did you report the car stolen?I did? It ended up in Mexico
apparently according to my car insurance company, So that kind of sucked. Yeah,

jeez, but like how low,how low to be to rob your
child friend? Tough on, he'sprobably going through some really bad stuff.
He's living in your car on thebeach and makes living a good life,
right, He's like, look athis free car. Thanks George, George,
everyone my friend George is the best. Give me all this stuff.
You guys gotta go see it.I mean, did you at all go
over your words? Did you eversay help yourself? I mean I said

help yourself to whatever you wanted thefridge. You know, in the court
of law. In a court oflaw, you can't. He can't get
in trouble for that if you saidhelp yourself. Do you guys know that
I've just made that up? Okay? I was like, but he said
to the fridge, all right,George, thanks for calling me. Dude,
all right, have a go on, Tabitha. You got a best
friend betrayal? I do. Mystepmom was my mother's best friend. Whoa

okay, go on, dad.Yeah, So me and my sister got
sat down by my parents when wewere like thirteen, and they told us
they were getting a divorce and thatmy dad was now with my mom's best
friend. For like two weeks,my dad shocked up with her, and

then they made my mom move outof the house, and then my mom,
my my now stepmom, her bestfriend moved in like literally two weeks
after an awkward righting. How didyou guys deal with that? Not?
Well? Yeah, I was reallyyou know, really angry with my dad.

I ended up moving in with mymom for a little while and then
eventually moved back home. But yeah, it was it was pretty bad for
a very long time. So howis your relationship with your stepmom now,
Like, do you still kind offeel some type of way because obviously they
screwed over your mom. I mean, yeah, there is always that there.

But she kind of became more ofa mother than my mom. Actually
was so very odd. Well,my mom after my parents got divorce,
kind of went off the deep end. She kind of lost herself, got
into drugs and yeah. So then, yeah, it was my dad and

my step mom for a long time. And but it was weird because not
only was you know, my dadmarried to my mom and left her.
My step mom now he was alsomarried and left her husband at the same
time. I hear about stuff likethat. Yeah, so dad made a
good choice then eventually eventually made agood choice. Well, thank you for

sharing a story with us, Yes, thank you so much. Bye.
Hi Okay is this Leila? Yeah, hi Leilah. So you have a
best friend betrayal? Absolutely what happened? Oh I got a best friend.
She she was We've been friends forfourteen years and she'd been my maid of
honor in my delivery room with me, just you know, like a sister

to me and long star s veryshort. I caught her and at my
at that time, my husband,our ex husband, sleeping together. You
caught them, like physically in theact. Yeah. Yeah. I showed
up to the house that her carwas parked out front, and it was

a downstairs apartment, so I walkedaround before I walked in. I walked
around to the bedroom and I heardthem having sat. Oh yeah, yeah,
what do you say? Do youthink about your line when you bust
through the doors? Like? Whatwhat? What's your what's your line when
you walk through? So I didn'twalk through, I said outside, I
called my friend because I was soangry that I like all I could see

was red. And it was veryquick. I was standing there and my
ex husband walked outside, not knowingthat I was there, and I just
kind of came around the corner andhe he about died and I tried to
get into the apartment, but hewas trying to protect her, I think,
so that didn't happen, and that'sprobably a good thing. I was

much younger so probably wouldn't have beengood for anybody. If I would have
got through that door, right,I was gonna say, I would probably
be taken away in handcuffs. Ifthat was the case, I would be
Yeah. Okay, So so whereare we now? Are they still together?
Oh? No? Oh? No, so he didn't. The funny
thing was is that he didn't evencare for her, Like the whole time

we were friends. There was onetime he didn't even want her in the
delivery room because he thought she wasannoying, and so it just never crossed
my mind. But that was evenan option because he just did not care
for her. Well, it doesn'tmean he will be able to sleep with
her. He just told you hedidn't care for her because actually he had
a crush on her the whole time. Or she was just one of those

people that he knew was very easyand he could get what he wanted.
So they're not together now, No, they never were. He was just
sleeping with her. Yeah. Areyou remarried? Yeah? Okay, good,
good for you. Is she stillyour friend? Does she still hang
around? No? Okay, no, no, I mean after that,

there was just to me, that'san extreme betrayal. Yeah, right,
Yeah, no, no, thatwas done. She to me, I
have I believe in the friend codeand if you you know your your friend's
men, whether they're together or not, to me, it's just off limits.
Yes, thank you for calling,Thanks for being on our show.

Have a great day. Thanks youtoo. It's John Jay and Rich.
It's John Jay and Rich, metoo. What happened? I wasn't going
to say because I'd have to becareful what I say here. But like,
my neighbor died last week, andI met this person a few to
thank you so much. Thank you. I only met him twice, right,

and it's still sad. Yeah,And I was like kind of rubbed
me the wrong way. Nice guygenerally speaking, but rubbed me the wrong
way, you know what I mean. I don't want to get too into
why, but he just did.So he died. I met him a
couple years ago he died, andand a couple of people that I talked
to about him after he died,I feel bad because I kind of explained

to them how much he rubbed methe wrong way. That's your like,
your eulogy for him is that herubbed you the wrong way. Well,
I got into detail of why herubbed me the wrong way, right,
So I felt it and it kindof made me feel bad that I did
that, right he did? Whyam I? So anyway, I'm on
Instagram the other day and I havethis post sent to me and it's like
what happens when you die? Andthey did all these tests? And I

didn't really pay attention to the post, but I got the gist of it.
Was like they did all these testson people when they die or something,
and somehow there's proof that when youdie, you leave your body and
you actually you're at your funeral andyou're and and that's as far as I
got, but it was implied.I felt that that they these ghosts,
and these spirits can follow you,follow people that they want, kind of

like the movie Ghosts. I kindof from post. So anyway, this
morning, I'm in my hot tub. I do my routine, rabbit,
I'm a hot tub, cold punch, you know, I'll do all that
stuff right, and then my hottub and I have like I don't know
how many jets are in a hottub. Let me just make it,
but let's say there's twelve jets ina hot tub. And I had this
one jet I always go to,and I'm rubbing in my bat and I
got my back and I'm thinking aboutthis guy, and I'm upset at myself

for the things that I said.I didn't say aything bad, but I
mean, the guy died. Ididn't want to put it. Why did
he have saving negative? Yeah,So I'm sitting in a hot tub and
then I'm thinking about that Instagram postand all of a sudden, this has
never happened ever. Half the jetsturn off. What like I'm talking about
the jets are like this also,just half of them. The one that's
on my back just stops. AndI'm like, what the hell? And

I thought, did someone turned itoff? And how do you turn No,
you only turn off the app unlessyou're over there, and you could
turn them all off. Why onlyfour or five jets shut off? Why?
And then I'm like, oh mygod. And I started and I
was mid thought of the guy thatdied, and then I was like,
hey man, just so you know, I like regret like the stuff I
said. Like That's why I'm bringingyou up right now in my brain because

I feel bad. I shouldn't havesaid those things. I didn't say anything
bad about you. I just didn'treally like you, but that's not me.
I'm sure if I got to knowyou a little bit more. And
then the jets turned on. Igod life. He's like, okay,
I can wrap this up now.And I heard that, you know,
spirits deal with you through electricity,right, So I was just like blown

away, jets go back on.Are you like okay? Thanks'rer We're good?
Obviously that's what that was. It'slike there was a little moment like
good. I was like Friday,I was driving by his house and the
funeral. The funeral's there, they'rehaving it right there, and there's so
many people. It was like picturea massive outdoor wedding. It was like

that. It was beautiful, buteverybody was in black. He must have
had a lot of people that lovedhim, and that many. I was
kind offended. I wasn't I wasn'tinvited, and then I was like,
why would't I be invited? Likeyou know, and then I thought,
I think they pust it on Facebook. But then I drove by slowly.
But it was just weird. Youknow. I wouldn't go anyway, but
a part of you, but apart of you didn't just say, well,

I did not like him, somaybe why would I be? In
my head, I have a wholescenario like why wouldn't you invite me to
your funeral? To you? Youknow, I don't you don't want to
go, but you want to beinvited to the funeral because I know they
posted on Facebook here's the funeral serviceswill be held. There isn't part of
you that looks at yourself and howlike your interactions were like why would I
be invited? He doesn't know thathe irritated me. He didn't know,

you know, he thinks we're bestfriends. Invited I know what bothers me?
Damn it. Well, anyway,I'm good with it. So you
don't have to visit me anymore.You're rest in peace. We're good.
A lot of other people that funeral. You can follow around now, Sorry,
I closed the garage door when youcame over to say hi on your

skateboard. So funny, it's likehe like passed away and he's like following
everyone around and he's like, Iwant to go hang out with my friend
John. And then you're like hereally rubbed me the wrong way. He's
like, oh, I don't gethim but he's not something that he shut
off all the jets. He wasn'tstrong enough yet. That's why I looked
at it. His powers weren't there, his powers, his powers only strong.

No, maybe you wouldn't have secondguessed it if it were all of
them, because you're like, allof them shut out at the same time,
not half an electrical problem. That'sso weird. That's weird, right,
I mean, that's really really weird. I've never had a problem at
all with the Jacuzzi jets. Itwas really weird, and it was mid
thought about this guy. Yeah,really weird. That's John Jay and rich

Paulina. Paulina, thanks for holdingI hear you're venting. What are you
venting about? Oh my gosh.So I am a ballet teacher and I'm
a front desk person and I getthere at eight fifty am and she's like,
just know that we're late, andI was like, oh, the
class cars at not you know,She's just supposed to be here at eight

forty five. And I was like, I've been teaching here forever and you're
new. What where do you comeoff telling me that I'm like going to
be marked late for my own class, which I'm like never late for,
So that was just so annoying.So I'm so glad I got that ou
would be un Do you kind ofhate her already or are you gonna give
her a second chance? Oh?No, I hate her already because that's

your first impression. It's tough,hey, And I bet you she came
in, you know, she's likereally wanting to make an impression on your
boss. She's like really trying tostick to our guns. But it's like,
dang, girl, you might bestepping on a little bit of toes
a little too comfortable ballet toes.Yeah, hy period rich Yeah definitely,
and like this is this is someother things like she uh, I don't

know she There was one time sheasked me to stay late because she couldn't
handle the people in the lobby.And I'm like, I get we're you
know, we all work together,but I'm a teacher and you're Edmund,
like you're the administrator. You shouldbe able to hand all this. And
I did stay. It was justlike I've never had that before in all
my years of teaching. Is thereany way you could teach us ballet over

the phone? Put your toes toesapart. Yeah, like ye. First
position together position I've seen this before, but literally in the studio position.
Well, it's kind of like yougo dunky alone. Second position, that's

feet apart, arms open. Doyou have Do you have great calves?
Every ballet dancer I know has greatcalves, and I know tons of ballet
dancers do. Yes, I dohave big caves. Do you have high
arches? Yes? You know Ihave very high arches, and I've been
told by ballerinas that ballerinas would killit from my feet because I have high

arches. Some people are naturally inclined. That's me. What's your take on
the I've been pitching this idea toKyle to take pictures of her feet,
of her arches and call it archmadness. I like it ch madness.
We help you with all of yourproblems mine. Yeah, Kyle laugh.

That's a thumbs up for me.That's good to go. That's a toes
up. That's a position one.What's the best ballet movie? Is a
White Knights or is it single WhiteFemale? Or is it the I forget?
What's the other one? The onewhere the ballet with the one with
which one would center stage I don'tknow that that is that what Julie sUAS

that we're talking about. No oneso many ballet movies. Wow, what
about tap? You like cat dancing? Can you teach us how to tap?
Yeah? I actually know tap two. I teach tap too. When
you take a bath, you takea bath in the bath that you point
your toes, yes, because that'swhat I do. And I think a

bath. When I think of bath, I feel like I have to like
this. If I'm in the bath, I think I feel like Pauli,
who maybe wanted some help, butI feel like what you brought her comedy
relief. J I don't even knowwhat she's talking about. We said you
needed help. Help, She neededinventing with Vanesses back. She needed new

receptions. Her receptionist is being ajerk to her, and she's been there
forever. The receptionist is new andshe needs to see. I missed all
that because I was trying to getsomeone answer phones. Know what's answering that
was? Yeah, I just kepta new girl break. Even though you
hate her already, she might warmup to you. All right, Pauline,
I have a great day. Peirwet pet. She's been liking on
Instagram. But she's turning kickball change, kickball change. Allright, we'll see.

Thanks Paulina, good stuff. JohnJay and rich Hi Eric Hi are
gonna play game. You're played forSeaWorld tickets. That's surprise. You have
to win this game to get theSeerrel tickets. What's the game? Great?

Oh? Oh my goodness. Weare playing the four second rule today,
America's third or fourth favorite game show. Very exciting for all of us
in the room here. So I'mgonna go around the room. I'm gonna
give everybody category and you have fourseconds to name three things in that category.
You're probably wondering, what does fourseconds sound like? Rich Ooh,

that's it. Everybody, got it, got it? We good to go.
John j. Van asked, westart with you, brother John Jay.
In four seconds. Oh, bythe way, these are all water
or ocean themes. Since we're givingaway SeaWorld tickets, I thought a little
thematic thing. You know, it'sexciting for all of us today, John
Jay, in four seconds, namethree waters. Desani e vos there he

is, nice job, incredible.So with that being said, in four
seconds, Ridge, name three wateranimals that are delicious shark, a dolphin
and baby dolphins. I don't thinkcoming after today, delicious baby dolphin.

If you ever had baby dolphin withwhite spotted owl for the eating of tasty
animals? Good answer, but nopoints for your ridge. Tough tough break
for you, Peyton Whitmore. Wemove over to you. Peyton. In
four seconds, name three oceans Pacificand Atlantic and really hard questions. Yeah

I got Ocean. Yeah, butI didn't think that was right. Dang
it. Good job, good effortthough, paid no points for you.
Kyle and FuG Kyle in four seconds, name three animals with fins dolphin,
baby dolphins shirt. I'll give itto you. I hadn't think about it

yet, but I wouldn't need him. Kyle tied with John Jay. Aaron.
Let's see if we can get youon the board. Aaron, if
you rearrange the letters in ocean,it spells canoe. So with that being
said, in four seconds, Aaron, name three sports you do in water,
kayaking, water polos. Nice job. Tied it up with John Jay

and Kyle after round one. RichPeyton. No points on the board,
John J. Vans, We moveover to you, John Jay. Swimming
is dangerous, right, very dangerousactivity. It can be, It can
be, so, John Jay,in four seconds, name three activities more
dangerous than swimming, scuba, cliffdriving, cliff jumping, and chainsaw carving.

I mean cliff driving sounds very dangerous. Yeah, there that one.
Driving and cliff diving. I gottasay, I gotta say no points for
John. What you get what Isaid? Uh what a scoo? DI
said cliff. Then I said cliffjumping. Okay, and then I said
change. Yeah the chase saw youdidn't get it in before the buzz.

You said chainsaw and then it went. We replay cliff jumping and chainsaw carving.
No point to today host Rich Baryl. We move over to you.
Rich. In four seconds, namethree things you don't want to get wet,

electronics, your car in your face. Ooh, no point for a
Rich. Nice try, though,Peyton whitmore. According to science, the
ocean is moving, So Peyton infour seconds, name three things that move
that probably shouldn't clouds the earth andyou'll creative answer. Nice job. Peyton

on the board tied up with JohnJay and Kyle and Aaron Kyle on funk,
We move over to you other thanboats. Kyle, name three things
that float jet skis, fish,and anyone when they're in the Eightian Ocean.
I'll give it to you. Anice job taking the lead with two
points, Aaron, you could winit all here. This one's worth five

points, Aaron. In four seconds, name three animals. If you win,
you'll probably see its sea world lookingraise sea lions and dolphins. Oh

very good, Aeron, hold on, we will set you up with the
serial tickets. Congratulations, Thank you, thanks for listening. It's John,
Jay and Rich
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