Episode Transcript
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Wake up, John Jay and Richwhat was cracking like? And this is
the big bulls dove snoopy Deagle,double gigsel bang boom. What you don't
do? We're not talking about rinten team. We're not talking about last
week. It's the one and onlydough y'all last days last they picked smooth
peple, double jissel in your faceto me and in the place to be.
And you're listening to John Jay andRidge, wake your ass suck.
Grant is here. Whenever you callour show, Grant usually picks up the
phone. He also is our videoguy. Hello and some stuff. So
what happened yesterday than you? Iwas I was violently attacked yesterday, cool
no on on the way to workyesterday. I kept it myself because I
was away here yesterday. Yeah.I wasn't sure how Yeah, dude,
it was a whole thing. Iwasn't sure how to. I didn't even
think I should call the police untillike probably like ten eleven o'clock yesterday morning.
So that was pretty far removed fromthe situation. But I was driving
into work on the road, justgot off the highway driving in, and
it was, you know, nota busy morning. Uh. But as
I'm approaching, Uh, I justgot through stoplight, there is a person
on the side of the road andit kind of looked like they were dancing.
And I was like, oh,this is fun. Nice. No,
it wasn't Rich nice early morning danceparty. And then as I got
closer, I realized, Oh,this person's unstable. That's what this is.
This is this, there's something goingon here, And no, it
wasn't Rich. And I see themhold hold something up I don't know,
in their hand, and it lookedlike a you know, a little little
stereo or something very very small.And then all of a sudden, I'm
driving by and I just see themthrow it at my car. Yeah,
and it was a brick, Ithink, because it was not, because
it hit my car and it puta giant dent in my back quarter panel
and scratched all my paint off thisone section. And yeah, and it
at first I heard the thumb andI saw red. Guys, I did
I did the right thing. Ijust kept driving because I my brain wanted
me to turn around. Second,really dangerous. Yes, as unstable as
they seem. If they were anywhereas unstable as I am, it would
have been a bad situation. Itwould have been fire and ice connecting.
And I got really mad because,dude, I'm driving down this road.
There are so many cars driving downthis road. I'm the one guy who
gets hit, right, I'm theone person that gets their car damaged.
I'm like, there are so manylike nicer cars on the road. If
you're fighting the system throwing bricks atcars, why are you throwing it at
a twenty sixteen Ford Fiesta that's thathas already has a broken windshield, that
already has all these problems with it. And it's like, dude, you
could have hit like a BMW,you could have hit a Mercedes. There's
all kinds of other cars you couldhave gone after. Those people would have
fought back. Maybe this person knewthis. I don't know. It just
I handled the situation wrong. Ishould have called the police the moment it
happened and been like, hey reportedit, so maybe other people wouldn't have
at their car head. But didthe person go back out and get their
brick? I don't know. I'ma dark outside. Yeah, it was
dark and probably in shocked. Yeah, And I just I was like,
Grant, don't do it. That'swhat I kept saying. I'm just trying
to is a black belt. I'vegot three belts. I could have done
some serious Damn that caught the brick, then I should have if I.
Yeah, it just I handled thesituation wrong. And yeah. My my
fiance was like, well, didyou call the police? I was like,
I didn't even think too. It'sso crazy. I think I would
assume that you would file. Ifthere's a police report, then you get
insurance and they'll fix everything. Well, but then I'd be paying for it
because it would come out of mypremium and come out of my deductible.
And the person who threw the brickproblem, I'm assuming does it doesn't have
insurance. Yeah, so it justwould have come back on me. Any
chance it could have been anybody herefrom upper management, that wouldn't have been
surprising. I didn't recognize them,so no, but it wasn't Rich because
that could be one of his jokes. It's a brick. What would you
guys have done? Would you havecalled the police? I probably would have
stopped, but that would have beenstupid. Yeah, right, I really
tried to put myself in a situation. I don't know. I would have
done the exact thing, would havegot out of my car here and been
like, oh my god. Yeah, well Caitlin said, she was like,
what if it went through your windshieldand killed you? And I was
like, that would have been awesomethe show. You guys'd be really mad.
The ratings would be up, youguys wouldn't killing Yeah, she'd be
married right away. Yeah, definitely'dbe like, I got this venue,
I need somebody fourteen she has afiance on deck. Yeah, Color fourteens
or new fiance Michelle, good morning, you're on the air. High Hi,
good morning. I just wanted tocall in and I was listening to
Grant's vehicle being vandalized yesterday, andI think I just wanted to say that
you did the right thing that continuedto drive, but so a lot of
people listen to you guys, andI wanted to to know that it's always
good to call the cops because thatperson might have been in a manic attack
and when needed, like medical attention. Yeah, we have a lot of
that out here when gets really warmtoo. But I just wanted to share
that, So, yeah, thankyou, thank you. I think about
it now at the end of thesegment, Like, I feel like if
it was me, I probably wouldask them to get in the car and
bring him here and put them onthe air, put them on the air,
and yeah, and it would itwould have been interesting if I would
have if I was a better producer. Yeah. No, he just had
somebody call in and say, Grant, it was they knew the person that
threw the brick at your car andit was the daughter of the person you
threw gum at their car. Karmatook a while to buy bag. But
yeah, I get it. Ideserve it. I get it. Yeah,
I really grat We hope you getbetter. It's John, Jay and
Rich. That's a part of theshow this morning. No worries. It's
all there on my Heart Radio thisweekend. You were with your boyfriend Kiddem
and you said something that I thoughtwas interesting that made you fall even more
in love with him, curious ofwhat he do. Honestly, we just
talked, like as ridiculous as thatsounds, we literally just had conversations where
it's like it feels like our worldsare moving out one hundred miles per hour
all the time, and to actuallyjust like take the time to sit down
to put our phones away and actuallyhave a conversation about real life things.
I just fell so much more inlove with him. I'm just like,
I love you so much. Ilove talking to you. Like there's a
reason why you're my person, youknow. I don't know. It just
it brought me back a little bitbecause you know, we've been living together
for three years, and it's likesometimes like I can't stand him, you
know, And I feel like everybodyfeels that way, Like I don't know
why. It's like him and mymom know how to get under my skin.
Those are the two people. ButPeyton, I think you are easily
annoyed. Oh yeah, I gota very short fuseic, especially when I'm
not feeling it. And he's kindof the same way. But like I
said, just a couple of pinutcoladas down and just off the grid for
a little bit, I think didso much for our relationship. I got
home yesterday and I was like,that was so nice, Like I loved
hanging out with you. Did hetalk or just did he did? He
did? He talked? That That'swhy I think I fell more in love
with him, because when he talks, I'm like, yes, like what
did he say that made you fallmore in love with him? No,
I don't think there was one moment. I think it was just the fact
that he wanted to be with justme and he like, let me know
that quality time and like dating orjust hanging well both. But like Kadem,
he's very observant. I do mostof the talking, like you said,
John Jay, So like when hetells me how he feels and like
what he wants in life and ina family and in marriage, it's like,
oh, you feel the same way, Like that's great. I don't
know. No, I totally getit because when you life does get busy,
life gets kind of crazy, andwhen you reconnect and actually reconnect,
you're like, wow, I missedyou. Like sometimes I do that,
like with Scott, like we havekids and so it's usually a lot of
the times it's divide and conquer,But like when we sit down and like
have lunch together or just spend oneon one time together, I'm like,
I remember why I like you.Yeah, Like sometimes you just need to
hit that reset button and I didthat, and I'm so happy. Do
you guys go on dates? Wedo. We do go on dates,
But I think that was it too. Like on Friday, he had asked
me a couple of days before.He was like, let's go to dinner
at like four thirty, and Iwas like, okay, you never make
plans for anything, so like thatwas cool to me because I'm always the
one that's like, make the reservations, you know. I don't know.
It's just so little and kind ofbid. But I'm like skiddy this morning,
like I'm in such a good mood. Joy always said, it's it's
the little things. Yeah. Sometimesmy wife says to me. Every one
song she says to me just forno reason. In the middle of nor
she goes, she'll say, Ireally like doing life with you, and
that's wrong. Like, man,that feels good. It totally does.
So I got a little bit ofthis weekend. She never says it that
when she's speaking of dog poop.John J. Rich all right, let's
get to Peyton's predictions. Peyton,what's the vibe today for horoscopes? I'm
gonna let you know if you area cry baby based on your zodiac sign
eight seven, seven, nine,three seven one to four seven calls right
now, you get patched through Liveto find out how your days ago.
Let's say hello to oh, Iate the wrong line. I hung up
on November remember morning. Remember theTaurus? All right, remember the Taurus.
I'm gonna let you know if youare a cry baby Taurus. You
guys aren't very emotional people, andyou are less overwhelmed by problems. But
you prefer to work hard and livethat dedicated life. So you Torns,
you specialize at problem solving. Sosince you don't want to show your feelings
to others, your caring nature iskept hidden most of the time, so
you're sensitive. You just don't letpeople know. Very true. O gosh,
I'm just inside your mind. It'sall right, I know, I
know, all right. Well,thank you guys, have a good one.
Thanks for listening. Nicole, what'syour side? Hello, I'm a
Gemini Geminis. You guys are talentedand innovated individuals. You guys are emotionally
fragile, and it's difficult for geministo return to normal after getting hurt.
They will take their time, whichmay be a lifetime. And Geminis,
you guys have a hard time controllingyour emotions when somebody backstabs you. Yeah,
so true. I am very emotionallike little things like I really get
emotional outcry for little little dumb reasonsand stuff, right right, yeah,
sometimes this could be overwhelming, Likelast night I was watching the Tina Turner
movie and I started crying. Waita minute, you're watching, You're watching,
You're watching. What's love got todo with it? That one?
Yeah? Yeah, that's such acrazy movie, right, I mean,
the abuse of that movie seems soreal, the way Lord beats up talented,
She's so talented, like I don'tknow. Her music is so like
uplifting. I love it. TinaRocks rocked. Stevie, what's your sign?
Cancer? Cancers? You guys havea tendency to feel intensely and to
psycho analyze everything on the outside,You guys seem to be a lot stronger
than you actually are, but you'rereally emotional and sensitive and you get quickly
saddened and in distressed. That soundslike me, aw man. I feel
like my cancers though, are likethe most sensitive out of all of the
zodiac signs. You guys, justyeah, I think so? All right,
Stevie, have a great dog aboutKyle Libra? How sensitive sheaf?
Kyo? My Libra Libras. Youguys are emotionally well balanced people. I
mean, you guys are the signof the scales, your perfect emotional range.
My I say, perfect emotional rangemakes you guys both really powerful and
sensitive. And because of your failureto make decisions though sometimes your emotional maturity
is evident. Yeah you God,that's a positive one. It is about
for rich Bear or the Pisces,my Pisces, Pisces, you guys are
the zodiac sign with the most sensitivepersonality. That's what it says on the
charts. I don't necessarily agree,but you guys are emotionally insightful, and
no one is quite as emotionally perceptivethan you are. So people born under
the pissy signs have the ability toprocess emotions on a more depth and extreme
basis. Well, you say youdon't agree. You don't think that I'm
emotionally insightful. I think you're emotional, but I don't think you're the most
emotional out of all the zodiac signs. I think cancers are or insightful.
Well, that's true, you arevery insightful, Richie. What about for
you? For Leo Leo's we arestrong and we are brave, and our
ability to conquer challenges is supported byour powerful and less sensitive nature. Leo's
we are more egocentric and self centeredthan all of the other zodiac signs,
so we are responsive and sentimental onlywhen it comes to circumstances involving people that
we care about. I don't agreewith that. No, no, I
you are. I am such acry baby. I cry over everything everything.
Okay, how about Virgos Virgos,John Jay Virgos. You guys are
generous. You guys are courageous,and you desire to live life to the
fullest. But your issue is thatyou are influenced by what other people say
about you, whether it's to yourface or behind your back. So your
emotional intelligence is stronger than it mayseem considering your blunt self criticism. Interesting.
Yeah, okay, if we canto get your sign, they're all
posted on our website, go toJohn J. Rich dot com. Remember
that thing we did where I say, Hey, tell us something that sounds
made up, but it's totally real. Yeah, right, Okay, Alex
has something. Alex tell us somethingthat's totally made up, but it's one
hundred percent real. Sounds made up, but it's real. Okay, So
my uncle was actually lost at sea. He was working on a cargo ship
back in nineteen eighty and they leftout of I think it was like Philadelphia
or New York and they were justnever heard from again. There was no
mayday call, there was nothing.They never found any debris, nothing,
and there's like thirty five guys onboard and they all just disappeared forever and
still no follow up. But westill don't have closure. Nope, still
to this day. That's crazy.No ship, nothing, no people,
nothing. Wow, Bermuda Triangle,That's what I was going to say.
I don't I'm not sure. Actually, all I know is they were going
out of the East coast over towardslike Egypt. So they think like either
a storm or maybe like pirates orsomething could have got the ship and taken
it over. Like Johnny Depp,like, you're right, it just sounds
so unreal, like who goes outto see, right, even just that
in general, but man, yourpoor family to just be left hanging this
entire time. Yeah, I meanit's been long enough now obviously they've accepted
it. But yeah, what ifhe's like living on an island, like
Robinson Cruso, or what if he'slike went through some sort of time to
mension, like Matthew McConaughey an Interstellarand he's on the other side of the
bookcase trying to talk to you.That's movie if you looked at your bookcase,
Alex, look at your bookcase.I don't have any bookcases, so
let's probably know. Did you seeInterstellar at all? By chance? I
did? Yeah? Oh good,oh good. I just watched it over
the weekend. Oh you got throughit finally? Yah, it was three
hours long. I got through it. I really really really liked it.
It's mind. I mean, itcould be your brother in law. He
just disappeared. Yeah, I meanyeah, Well, Alex, that's a
weird story. I mean, unlesshe's living on an island having a great
like Robinson Cruso, you know whatI mean, like doing the whole thing,
surviving thirty five guys. You know, yeah, that's glassful. Yeah,
somebody will find him someday. Allright, Alex, thanks for sharing
that. That's definitely something crazy.Yeah, yeah, thank you, guys.
Hey, Jim, what's up you'reon there? Hey? Guys?
So, yeah, I had amotorcycle accent a few years ago, actually
about twenty years ago. I hada couple of buddies behind me, and
as I was going around the curve, I felt like I was going to
go off the highway, so insteadof going off with the bike, I
ditched it. Well, being aformer gymnast came in handy here because I
hit the ground on my feet,or hit the pavement on my feet,
if you will. I did afront flip, started to twist a little
bit, did a side flip,did a back flips, ended up bouncing
on my back a couple of timesoff the pavement, and got up and
walked away from it. What biuh? Well, it was my brother's
cross rocket and the bike was total. It ended up in a convert and
you walked away. That's insane,I did, you know? And I
was telling Grant, I believe this, Grant that you know people I've told
people that story over the years.They just kind of look at me like,
yeah, you did that minute.But but I saw one of those
guys a few months ago and hesaid, I was just talking about you.
He said, I have never seensomebody do so many flips down the
highway, get up and walk away. But wait, when when you said
you did the flips, that's justbecause that's what your body was doing because
of the inertia from the motorcycle,right, Or were you doing the flips
like a gymnast like did you talk? No? No, no, no.
I had no intention of trying todo any blips. I was just
trying to get away from the bike. Okay, is the way you described
that. I figured you started,I'm a gymnast. So then the bike
get this car acent I figure you'rejust like like John cald Van. Damn,
you're talking. You're flipping your land. You know, you did a
whole dismount with it. Just camein the heady and I got lucky.
Yeah, I mean I it hitmy I hit my feet every time.
The last time I landed on myback. It's basically balance the other bikers.
I'll give you a score of ten. They should have, right.
I mean it's probably the muscle memory, right, you do those slips all
the time. Your body just getsyou ride into it. That's cool.
Well, you know I'm thick andyou're right, Mayden. I think that's
exactly right. And you know oneother funny thing is I still whenever I
tell the story. When I wasdoing the backflip, the guys behind me
on their bikes, I can seethem for like the split second. My
brother was not really impressed with me. I'm sure his bike was ruined.
Thanks for calling in, Dog,have a great day. Hey, Hey,
thanks for having me. Guys.Bye, it's John Jay and Rich
check in with John Jay and Rich. There's something called the birthday effect,
and I've heard this before. It'sin the news right now people talking about
it. Statistically, you're more likelyto die on your birthday then on a
normal day. They say it's becausecelebrating too hard with the alcohol leads to
accidents and heart attacks. Oh too. I was gonna say, like,
if you wanted to go skydiving orsomething on a birthday, maybe increases your
risk. But I had heard along time ago that this is if you,
like, let's say you don't dieof whatever, you just died of
natural causes. I heard that youdie at the same time and day that
you were born, Like you're bornat one fifteen in the morning, you
die at one fifteen minutes. Howaccurate your body goes. That's just what
I heard. I don't know whatthat's wild. I never said my stacks
of information is facts. A websitecalled mentalflos dot com has a rundown of
the twenty most popular middle names.Kyle, what's your middle name? What
was Anne? I know that's apopular one. It was Anne Peyton?
With your middle name Ireland Rich what'syour middle name? Elizabeth? Mine is
Gerardis. The most popular middle namesfor girls are Marie, Grace and Rose.
Boys there James, Lee and Michael. Some diners are going viral after
the return two hundred dollars for ameal. They thought was it all you
keep a fee? They're actually beingcharged by the plate. That's a bummer.
Robert Downey Junior says he would happilyplay iron Man again. I don't
know if that's I don't know whyhe said that. I feel like that's
a t Yeah, iron Man's comingback. Anything's possible in the multiverse,
bring it back. Okay. SoI think this is something I've Riches brought
up before, like and grant toWhere do you guys stand on people wearing
T shirts with bands on them butyou don't know where the band is?
Yeah, what do you mean?You had a Sound Garden shirt on the
other day? Oh? Sound Garden. Yea a sound gardener. I did
not sound Actually, yes you did. And I was gonna ask you if
you knew any of the songs fromsound Guard, but I knew that you
wouldn't. Here's the rule. Here'sthe rule. If you're gonna wear a
band's merch, you better know atleast three of their songs. Yeah.
I think it's who cares? Ifyou like the shirt, you like the
shirt. Grant name three Death RoadRecord songs right now? Oh my god,
all eyes on me? What's yourphone number? In California? Love
two of America's most wanted loose control? Yeah, no, vacilin, dude,
let's go on the I don't know. I don't agree with this.
I think you should. I thinkyou should have because people get excited if
they see you wearing a shirt.Thirty four percent of Americans own a shirt
from a concert they've ever been to. I know Kyle's wearing a deaf Lepper
shirt the other day. You don'tany def Lepper songs? I mean,
I probably do, but I can'tname any of those. The average The
average person spends four hundred dollars onband shirts in their lifetime. Now the
most popular music artist T shirt inAmerica right now? Nope nope. Death
record nope? Is a classic rocknope? Is it on that line?
Is it deaf Leppard nope? MarkanWallen Nope nope. Is it Aerosmith Nope
nope. Is it Madda Nope?Nope nope. Give us a genre of
music, We play it now.We play this person right now, nope.
Teddy Swims nope. Weekend Drink Nopenope nope. Adele Versus sold out
or sold out venues everywhere she goes. Weekend Gaga nope. The game than
ever, the game rocketed. Okay. So that annoying thing that gets stuck
in your eye? Who likes that? Nobody likes that, and you can't
get it out no matter what youtry. So the life hack medical eye
experts have come together and they say, here's the most simple and quickest solution,
and here's what you do. Whetheryou're in the car, probably pulled
over. If you're in a car, all you need to do is look
down, blink rapidly, and thatis the most effective way to get something
out of your right because you're lookingdown and you're created tears. So to
fall right out try that. Youmight not need it today, but when
you do, you'll thank the lifehalf experts for putting it together. That
life hacket many more could be finda John Jayanbridge dot com. So we
got like a drunk dial, Wegot talkbacks, we got a whole bunch
of stuff that we got to getto. If you are on the iHeartRadio
app, you just tap the microphone. You can leave us a message or
a voicemail. Tell us your nameand where you're calling from or where you're
leaving us from, where you're listeningto us from, so we can play
it back. So we got somethingright, You got it. Craziest thing
that ever happened to me when Iwas getting on with my husband as our
fourteen year old walked in. Itwas not a good situation. She is
twenty seven now and tells everybody thestory. How could you know, Like
that's a pretty traumatic experience. Yeah, jeez, Louise, Hey, John
Day and Rich that's a good whistle. Okay, that's very strong. I
think her and Blake should have awhistle showdown. My name is Ruby and
I'm calling from Oregon and my whistlethis is the quickly to call my cats
because I trained them to come tothis whistle. You guys are just talking
about Nick getting high off of likesuch small doses. Well, I normally
take half of that. I takelike two and a half, and uh,
it has like a great effect onme. So when I broke my
rib last year, my girlfriend hadgotten me a tincture which is like really
high at CBD and TFC NELI hasto say. I was left on myself
and I accidentally overdosed myself and therewas a point in which she came back
and I was like, David,I don't think I'm breathing right. Yeah,
you had an episode. You know. I saw Nick on social media
doing some karaoke. He was likeowning the room. Oh my goodness,
dude, dude, where were you? What were you singing? And where
were you? Because you were likework in that room. You. I
thought I was watching Taylor. Ithought I was watching Morgan Wallace. You
throw a chair. I will tellyou I'm a star in my own mind.
When karaoke starts. We were atI can't even remember the name of
the bar, but I started witha little journey and I know what you're
thinking. No, it was notdon't stop believing. It was faith Lely
and then we wrapped up with KunaMatata little duet with their wife. You
know, hey, guys, it'sChristy from like a figure of an organ.
I wanted to add to the watchlist and see if any of you
guys have watched Physical one hundred onNetflix. It's in the second season now.
It's a really good show. Justwanted to add my bit and see
if you guys haveld be interested inmuch it we are. I know,
I am, I know Grant is, and I've currently been catching up.
I'm almost done with the second season. Dude. It's such a it's such
a demoralizing watch because I'm like,all these guys are so much hotter than
I'll ever be, and all thechicks are so much tougher than I am
currently so and then like, literallyI spent forty five minutes watching like ten
guys do pull ups, and I'mlike, I could have done like ten
pull ups in the forty minutes here. So it's just bad news. It's
a good show, though, itreally sucks you in. Oh my god,
I had to call you guys.You will not believe what my boyfriend
just did. We're standing outside thisbar and this guy just bet him one
hundred dollars to drink out of thetoilet bowl and he did it, and
he did it with a straw.Okay, anyway, I love you guys,
and I had to let you know. Uh wah bah gross. I
feel like the straw just makes itten times grosser. Like the fact to
just take a straw, put itin a toilet bowl and then drink it
is foul. I actually feel likeit makes it less it. Yeah,
yella, that's so gross. It'sgross. I order, how about you
a hundred bucks? You on ahundred bucks that. You know, when
you're drunk, you do stupid stuff. I remember one time at some beach
bar in San Diego, and noone dared me. I just did it.
You know, the you guys probablydon't. You girls don't. In
the urinals, they have these thingsthey're like hockey pucks that that there's like
a hockey pucks and it's for you. Pan is supposed to make a smell
smell nice. But everyone peas onit and I grabbed it and I walked
out of the bar with it,and I after I did that, I
was like, well that was stupid. Please, I didn't drake it.
Hey what's up, guys, Terarylfrom Los Angeles, California. How you
doing. I got a very littlesecret for you. So so my buddy
and I we just graduated college alittle bit ago, and the roommates together
right now, and you know,living with somebody sharing a bathroom with them
kind of rough. So like we'reboth clean guys. But my buddy,
he takes I kid you, notan hour and a half in the bathroom
sometimes. You know, I'm I'ma healthy guy. I try to eat
by I drink a lot of water. So you know, when you drink
a lot of water or it goesthrough you, you gotta pee. Sometimes
when my roommate is in the bathroomfor like the entire afternoon, I really
got to go. So my littlesecret is when he's in there, I
sometimes go in the kitchen. Thinkso I fund with that one truly a
dirty little secret. The way thatI actually may have contemplated something like that.
I had three people staying in ourone bedroom, one bathroom, four
in total. I may have runinto a bathroom problem like that. This
weekend. I thought about it,like I have to go to the bathroom
so bad, and when I haveto go to the bathroom, everybody else
halse go the bathroom. What.I guess it's relatable. I kind of
feel like in the sink, it'slike that's a better option than anywhere else
because at least you can like rinseit down and watch this the pipes the
same rut your dirty dishes in thesink that you're dirty. I can't clean
dishes, right. So my dadwas in the restaurant business and he was
the supervisor of I think it waseight stores of a restaurant called King's Table
and they opened they were opening theKingks Table in the New Fiesta Mall,
and my dad took me there andthey were going to open the restaurant the
next day. And we were walkingaround and I had to pee so bad,
but someone was in the bathroom whatever. So he picked me up and
stood me over the kitchen sink andhe had me pee into the sink in
the restaurant. Traumatizing. Yeah,no, it didn't traumatize me at all.
But I just thought about that forever. How many people like got their
dishes cleaned or did whatever it wasthough, think about it's really not that
bad. But that's why they closeddown the mall. They found out about
it. John Jay and Ridge Igot a DM for Josh. He has
an idea for a game, andI was like, let's do it,
Josh. I think it's a prettyfun game idea. Josh, good morning,
Good morning. How you guys do? So what's your concept? So
the concept was that ideally you eitherhave somebody who's really good at whistling or
not so very good, and onethat's not so very good. And I
started whistling just random little choruses orquick notes of songs, and I thought
about if you guys had somebody thatcould do that to a chorus or kind
of one of the more well knownlyric parts of the song, and then
somebody would have to guess what thatsong is actually from. Okay, so
do you have an example, Whydon't you whistle a song? We'll try
to guess. Oh gosh, well, they put me on the spot.
Here put you on the spot.You had twenty four hours on the show.
No, no, no, nono, I've been practicing all night.
We're talking about ready, this isactually you're pretty good a whistling.
The beginning threw me off, sothat that song's a little bit on the
older side. Oh and it's definitelyprobably like like the well most well known
course of that song. Okay,okay, so now we don't know what
it is. So what is itthis weekend? I thought that was a
sister, Oh my sister, ofcourse. No, no, but now
I know. Now that's pretty good. That's pretty good. Can anybody hear
it? You whistle a song andwe'll try to play the game. I'll
try, I'll try, I'll try. This is a collabo that I'm gonna
try to whistle, a very famouscollabo we played still even twenty years after
it's been out. Okay, sosee if you can get it. I'm
in love with the monster. Yeah, mobster, I can whistle pretty good.
Okay, all right, let's go. Let me think. Okay,
you guys will know this one.Yeah, that's web. Gotta be web.
No, keep going, keep goingsomething Drake. That's that song is
canceled. That song is canceled.Pain. And we're talking about songs that
were playing on the radio unless yougo category. This is all like,
you know, you gotta do somethinglike what we play right now? Like
I mean someone current, I gota current one. I don't know if
we play it right now? Okay, well, okay, I'm not that's
okay, Okay, you got togo to work. Okay, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, it's gotta work.
We're gonna work on a whistling,breathing like a I like to hear
love. Sorry, baby, Yeah, a lot of blowing. You know.
We're gonna play the blow game.What the song is that? Okay?
Nick, you got one? Yeah, I feel like part of the
game should be you actually like haveto whistle? I tried. Okay,
I don't know. Is it justa bird? A bird in the wild?
Well, your husband's gonna puppy withpinocolars. We play this song every
hour. Begin Yes, thank youfor your time. Tough game on both
sides. What do we call thegame, Josh oh Man? Whistle while
you work? There you go?I love it. Yeah, that's exactly
how it happened. And I eventold John Day, I said, I
don't know if this is just aination of how fricking crazy I am,
or it's just because I spend thatmuch time alone working. What's the while
you work? Works? Pretty well? That's a great game, Josh Man,
Thanks for calling into it. Iappreciate it. That's awesome. I
think we might take care guys.It's beautiful things. I say, thanks
for holding hey, thanks for havingmate. Sure, what can we do
for you? Okay, So I'mhaving some issues with my friend group.
Like seven months ago, one ofmy friends came to me and she'd been
looking for a job. And Iwork at a really nice law firm.
I'm an assistant there, and youwere looking for a receptionist and it pays
really well, and so I waslike, well, we're higher at work
and it's a nice amount of money, especially for the position, and so
she was like, can you pleaseput in the word for me? So
I did, and then she endedup being the worst employee literally ever had,
Like she only came in when shewanted to, and she like had
a bad attitude when she was there, like answering phones, talking to clients
like you were just like, shedoesn't want to be here. So I
was honestly like so annoyed. Forlike two months before she got fired.
I was like, you're making melook terrible. I kept trying to like
talk to her, and she wasjust like, there's not an issue.
I don't know what you're talking aboutlike I, you know, so it
made me it felt like I waslike in a really uncomfortable situation. So
she obviously got fired because you can'tyou can't do that in a professional setting.
And now she's going around telling allof our friends that I got her
fired, that I like made upall these things about her, and that
I turned everyone in the opposite againsther because I was worried that she was
going for my job and that shewas just doing so much better than I
was, and that I sabotaged her. And so like, now all my
friends are mad at me because theythink that I got her fired from her
job, when really she almost likeshe put me in a bad position in
my career. Well, so letme ask you this. You know,
I go to marriage counseling every time. I learned a lot about stuff and
how to talk to people. Solet me ask you this. I'm going
to talk to you like you're mywife. Do you want us just to
listen or do you want us togive you some advice? I would love
some advice because I don't know howto like diffend myself to my friends without
coming across like crazy, you know, instead of being like, no,
it wasn't me, it was her, you know, in founding so and
so I'm like how how? ButI'm also like, do I even want
to be friends with people who thinkthat I would do this kind of thing?
That's terrible? A bad friend.Throw some advice. So when I
was in high school, you know, when you're in high school and you
start getting everyone starts getting jobs,you know, a entry level jobs.
My dad was the assistant manager ofa restaurant in town and my buddy Chris,
and it was it was kind ofa high end restaurant's called Harbor House
in San Diego. And my friendChris asked me if I could get him
a job as a bus boy.So my dad I asked my dad,
and my dad said sure, andmy dad hired Chris. And then one
day my dad says to me,what happened to your friend Chris? I
go, what do you mean?He goes, he just stopped showing up.
Like what? So when I sawChris, I saw Chris, and
I was like, what happened?He goes, well, yeah, I
quit, but you just stopped goingHe goes, yeah, that's how I
quit. I'm like, dude,this is my dad, like my dad's
were life in respect and that's thesame, douchebag. I think I told
you, sir before where my girlfriendI went to her. I went to
go see her at school. Shewas going to school and there was a
rose on her car and Chris.I left the rose on my girlfriend's car
with Chris, and I didn't knowwhat to do. I was so angry.
I bit the rose and I spitthe pedals out on the floor.
So Chris seventeen. So Chris,I don't talk to anymore. I think
you had it right there stage,like do you even want to be friends
with people who are going to thinkthat you did that? I mean,
I feel like as a girl,like all of us has kind of been
in that like what's that can't fightkind of drama stuff like that, But
everyone always chooses sides. And whoevergoes with your friend, I would let
them be. I would let thembe friends and talk about their manipulated ifs
on their own, and I wouldtake several steps away from that friendship.
I'm very big on keeping my circlevery tiny. Well, that's that's good.
What you have more BFFs that anybodyhave ever met my life more than
Kyle. That's true, that's nottrue. But your circle is not freaking
West. I can't count more thanten on my fingers. That's a Rahmbus's
circle. Just because you have onefriend, John jed that. Well,
you could go to your friend who'sspreading this rumor about you and do the
You know, the reason you're notthere anymore is because of this and this
and this. You could have thatconversation one time. But if she screws
you over, then even I whocut loose, nobody would cut her loose.
I wouldn't be friends with that girlever again. If she put you
in a position like that, Iwould not talk to her. But you
want to give somebody at least oneNo, I'm on that side because also
it would drive me nuts not knowinglike are you really are you really that
dense that you don't know why yougot fired and you think it was me?
Or are you telling our friends thatto save face? Like do you
because this has been like just asjust me being a friend to you for
your next position, you can't dothis and keep a job. I don't
think that conversation is a waste oftime. I think that's actually a good
conversation because it clears you too inyour own head. And then when if
anybody ask you about you don't getdefended. You just have to say it
didn't work out with her. Butthat's kind of because of her, not
because of me. But believe whatyou want. You got two and two.
Yeah, Kyle Richard one way,Peyton and I are the other way.
Well, and then it's also like, how how do I get work
to trust me again? And trustmy? You know, like my,
you don't you have to leave?I just apologize, like, wow,
I did not see that coming.I'm so sorry. Yeah, and I
and I did. I definitely waslike I did not think that she was
like this at all. Do youhave to deal with I have to deal
with John Jay when he's like,good hire Bara, you have hired all
right, look at the highers Ihave. Peyton's a good hire, good
higher grant. I did, andwe kept him. We did want to
leave rich first, Okay. Forbescompared the fifty most populated US cities across
five key metrics. Right public safety, fatal accident is caused by drunk drivers,
fatal accent is called by distracted drivers, and fatal accident caused by speeding,
So this is more serious and justtailgating and not using turn signals.
These are the top cities with theworst drivers that led to actual deaths.
Albuquerque, New Mexico number one,then Detroit, then Tucson, Arizona,
Kansas City, Dallas, Louisville,Phoenix, Arizona, fort Worth, and
Tampa Dan. I don't like thatwe got two cities on that. I
know, so sad. You needto pay attention to the roads. Baby
no in the studio, his grandmalets him a voicemail message, and how
old your grandma? She's seventy five? Seventy five? But when I heard
the voicemail message, she sounds tome like she's in her nineties. She
sounds like that, right, Andyou know Noah's mom Winifred got the voice,
this is to her right, that'swhat mister. Yes, okay.
I was trying to figure out aname for it. I don't want to
know grandma's name, but I figuredit's like Vera or Gertrude or Mildred nice,
one of those names. Yeah.So what happened was Noah played and
then it was like, wait aminute, that sounds like something so here's
the voicemail message you left from Noah'sgrandma. Oh, it's me. I
wanted to give you an update,but I don't feel like typing, so
give me a call when you can. Don't you sound like an old lady
totally? So then Noah heard somethingbecause all he thinks about is tylor Swift
seven. It's me. I don'tfeel like typing, so give me a
call when you can. Exhausting andto keep I don't feel like typing,
so give me a call when youcan. Grandma's the anti hero Mildred Holy
Mildred would give birth to Winnifred,which then gave birth to Noah the cycle
of life. This past Saturday,the inventor of pop tarts, Bill Post
passed away at the age of ninetysix. That's so sad. Do you
know Jerry Seinfeld has a movie comingout about this guy? Really? Yeah?
Is it going to be like theHot Cheetos movie? I don't know,
I don't know think about it,and I didn't know the guy died.
It just popped up on my goodone. So yesterday we're on the
air, Peyton's talking about how emotionsshe went. She was crying over rets
dressing. I suggested, like,that's where you're pregnant. I was Everyone's
like I was gonna say the samething as name. Oh and the look
of panic in her eyes was likejust terrified, like razy what she agreed
to get a pregnancy test and she'sin the bathroom right now? Hello,
Peyton, whitmore? Hi? Sohave you taken a pregnancy test before?
No? Okay? Soyle, whatdoes she have to dole? Have you?
I have a few You have toopen it up. You have to
take off the protective cover, andyou got a little pee on the stick,
put it right there in the stream, and then you put the cover
back on, and then you waitand then you run in here. You
got to run in here. Okay, so we can see. We'll watch
it. And is it two redsticks that make it right? It depends
on let's see the box's okay,Peyton, and you pein already? Can
I go? Yeah? Yeah?Go ahead? Okay, wait, I'm
opening it. I'm gonna mute itbecause I don't want to hear it.
I don't want you guys to hearme. Go body, yeah, no,
that's okay, you definitely mute it. So this particular pregnancy test.
We will see a plus sign ifPeyton is pregnant, and we'll see a
negative sign if she is not withchild. And just to review. And
maybe this is wrong, but Ifeel like what I've heard is if it's
positive, you don't get a wholelot of false positives. So if it
is positive, there's a baby inthere, right, Yes, there can
be false negatives though, Oh youdid it, you did it, I
did it. Okay, run downhere now, Okay, I'm putting the
lid back on what she said.Putting the lid back on it. Okay,
of the Yeah, it's just likeand then you definitely want to wash
your hands, tell you that.So this I'm going to come back.
Okay, come back, Okay,bye, I'm so excited. So it
says, what's it? What is? It says that she can find out
five days before the missed period.So that and this one says it's ninety
nine percent accurate. So that's prettyaccurate. Really gonna have that. You
know, we're doing this for fun, but willn'll be crazy? She was
really pregnant. I know she genuinelyterrified. Results in just two minutes,
Oh my god, so long?How exciting. I hope we should have
Kadeem on the phone. Oh mygod, you're right. How do we
not we should have like maybe Kyletell her she is or isn't, Like,
don't let her look at it,don't you think? Like, because
what if she if she let's takeher slaughter, run down the hall and
get back over here. Wash yourhands. She's waiting. She moves slower
now that she's with child. Ohno, So what do we think in
the room, Kyle, do youthink she is? I don't think she
is, because Peyton gets emotional alot of times, so I kind of
felt like that was normal behavior.Forgot what studio we were in pregnancy brain?
What do you don't I don't thinkshe's pregnant? But then Party is
like, oh my god, whatif she really is pregnant? And He's
like the changes everything, I mean, life happens. What do you think
rich? I kind of feel likeshe might be. I took it forever.
I'm sorry, I'm going to bemad. We didn't call him.
I actually was like, should wecall you in the morning. He was
like, no, okay, don'twake me up exactly. So you give
it to Kyle. So she cantest. Yes, decided there is where
I'm honored. Oh no, okay, So we think it's because it's set
results in two minutes. We thinkthat it's already on there. Okay.
So if it's a plus, I'mpregnant. If it's a minus, I'm
not pregnant. Okay, hold on, is it okay? We said again,
if it's a plus, you're pregnant. Is that what you said?
Yes? Is there answer? Ohmy gosh, I'm gonna answer. I'm
just so up. You're not drinkingtoday, celebrat perfect time for you,
because it going to waste over today. We'll find out before that of a
Debbie daughter that would have been myfeelings would have been so hurt. It
would be a blessing. I'm sweating. Wow, you can breathe. That
was an experience. I you know, I never thought that I would take
my first pregnancy test live on theradio with all of you, you guys.
I'm so happy to share this momentwith you. So is there all
relief or a little like, ohthat would have been cool? No,
I don't think I think it's onerelief. Last last night we went to
dinner. I was walking into therestaurant with you, and I said,
we're talking about this. I said, what, oh, what if I
can't remember how I said it,but somebody being pregnant? I go,
oh, you'd be so bummed.You're like, not really, yeah,
really, I don't think I'm thatbumm. You might have like mixed feelings
if if you were. Yeah,but I don't think I was convinced that
I was pregnant. Therefore this doesn'treally like hit for me. God,
maybe if I really was like,oh yeah, yeah, I'm like sure,
then maybe I probably would have feltsome type of way. Right now,
I'm good, I can't wait.Drink answers, we answers. All
right. So, if you're justtuning in, Peyton is not pregnant.
She is not. She just tookthe test. Lave on the air,
Crazy, It's John Jay and Rich. Good Morning Room Moments, Dared Your
day with John Jay and Rich.I wake up with my favorite artist.
Hey, this is Sabrina Carpenter BensonBoone and you're waking up with John Jay
and Rich Higheart Radio, Lisa HighHi, tell us how Kyle saved you?
Oh my gosh. So we havelike a sensory bind in our kitchen
and my almost four year old daughterplays with her little dried beans, and
this morning she stuck one up hernose and she looked at me and said
that she did it. And Iwas like, no way, you did
not. You're almost four. Thisis ridiculous. And then I was like,
oh my gosh. Immediately I thoughtof this story that Kyle told about
her son having something up his noseand that she did like the mother's kiss,
where you plug an nostril and thenblow into their mouth. And I
didn't even hesitate. I just grabbedher and did it and it flew right
out. Oh my gosh, I'mglad that worked. I am so glad
too, because I was like,my husband had just left for work.
I was not prepared, and Iwas like, oh my god, Like,
what else do I have to choosefrom here? Wow? So that's
called the mother's kiss. Yes,should you do that? And I've never
thought i'd have to use it,but I'm so glad I had it in
my back pocket. People if there'sno beans up their nose, just for
fun, see what comes out.I don't know about that, but you
what do you think? What doyou think a wife's kiss? Is we
didn't go there. Wow, yousaved your way to go probably to Kyle's
life hacks. No, No,I don't remember doing that, but I
guess I did. Life is crazy. Wow. I just remember the name
and everything, so you I knowyou did it. I just don't wan
to win. I did it.I did it. I will. So
you put your mouth over their noseand blow. You put your mouth over
their mouth and you cover the nostrilthat's not blooked, and then you blow.
I can't see that working. Ican't that. You get really lucky.
Let's let it. Let us tryit. Let's try Okay, let's
get okay, okay, okay,it works. It was also and it
was there all right. Thank you, Lisa, thanks for listening, Thanks
for sending us that message. Yeah, thank you guys. Have a great
day. Thank you too. Ijust feel like if you blew in someone's
nose, like you would make likethe mouth. I know, I'm saying
he blown someone's nose. Oh yeah, I'm just saying I remember putting my
mouth on my kid's nose and doingsomething. Maybe just because I loved them
so much. I was like,you know, can you remember you talking
about that? Just want to wantto eat her face. Yeah, anyway,
And Kyle, what's funny about thatcall from Lisa that you don't remember
any of it? I don't,but I'm sure that happened. Yeah,
because she's I mean, she's callingyou out and she's like, I was
listening to the radio station. Kylesaid, this is what happened. That's
great. But did you google mother'skiss at all? I wonder if that's
the thing, would you make thatup? Did you know I didn't make
that up? No? Yes,Noah, I remember, and I remember
when it aired, and I'm workingon pulling the audio. Oh that's so
crazy. That's a memory. That'show Kyle doesn't remember a guy getting naked
in here pulling out his junk.How is she going to remember getting her
kid getting something stuck up his nose? Hi? John Jay and Rich can
I help you? Hi? Goodmorning guys. Hi. I'm calling into
with my answer to your question,what was okay? What would you do?
I would not use it again becausethen every time that's one of the
things that everybody asked to look at, is the wedding rings. And how
would her husband ever have sense apride that he purchased it. You may
not makes sense. Yeah, Ididn't think about that. What's your name?
My name is Sabrina, Sabrina,thanks for calling. One time I
got a wedding ring stuck up mynostril and I didn't know how to get
it out. And you know whathappened. Kyle blew on my nose and
I toted. It didn't work.It's called Kyle's kiss, the Kyle's kiss.
Kids, you were to tune anyway, Sabrina. Guess what. Guess
what? Noah found the audio ofKyle's kiss. Here it is, so
I'm going to google. This issomething called a mother's kiss. So I
take Easton and I plug the sideof his nose that the plastic is not
in, and then I open hismouth and I blow into his mouth like
like, and it's supposed to sendthe air up through his nose and shoot
said whatever object is in the noseout. So it did happen. It
did happen. It's that's why.Guess what I have the audio the guy
getting nked in the studio? KindI remember, No, I do have
that. That is somewhere that ison video. Actually. Comedian Bobby Lee
Bobby Lee, that's his name.Great's your commite? Yeah yeah, he
came in here, got pulled hischunk out and Kyle does not remember.
No, stop just yelling at theradio. Call us eight seven seven nine
four seven live on the free iHeartRadioapp. Payte. What's the problem or
the issue with your face? Well? I have this double chin that came
out of nowhere. Oh yes Ido. It's not a double chin,
but it is something. It's somethingvery weird. So it's like literally under
my chin and it's like I thinkit's a muscle because I talk too much.
Well Rich would have one of thosetwo actually, my mother of God.
But it's like because it's like whenI pinch it, it doesn't feel
like it doesn't feel like fat,but when you poke it, it's like
very strong. And I was literallyjust sitting on the couch with my dad
the other day and he just goeslike, this is like that's my talk
muscle. What's that called? Rememberit? There was a wattle. Wattle,
it's a wattle. But but waitwait, so the technical term you
see it. There was a showa long time ago where someone had a
wattle fetish and would walk up topeople go touch their china. Wait wait,
wait, So it's funny because yousaid you know of course when someone
said have double chin? No,you don't know, you don't. But
then call's like, no, there'ssomething there. So is there like a
medical issue here because you know,can you come over here? Could I
could? I? Yes? CanI poke your double chin? I just
don't know if it's a maybe?Is that a gl end of some type?
Let me see first, because I'venever noticed that before. Okay,
now go is it a lymph node? Oh my god? Right, I
think it's a or something. No, it's definitely fascinated. I am vaccinated.
Is that Is that something you've alwayshad or is it something you just
noticed? Like it's new. It'ssomething that I've noticed probably within the last
year. I think we all havethat. I have. That's hard right
here. It's very strong. Youdon't talk enough, keep it coming.
I don't think they have that kindof It feels a little different than the
rest. It doesn't hurt, butit's definitely a double chin that I don't
want. You have very nice skin. I've never touched your face before.
I should touch your face more often? Do you have to think Kyle has
like touching Peyton's chin. We couldn'ttouch your chessh. It's like literally,
that'd be a great like payoff.Everybody gets to that. I would agree
to a lot of different bets.But do you think what you have it's
not genetic? Because my sister hasthe there's a thing in the Mexican's side
of my family. We all havethese amazing double chinska and my sister like
is definitely still has it. No, I like to make fun of her
for it. That's me. It'sdifferent than your double chin. I know,
I don't know what's going on.Maybe I need to go to the
doctor. Yours is like a musclebelow your chin. Yeah. Actually,
I have a doctor friend, soI'm gonna call her and be like,
what the heck is wrong with me? Et even kids chin working at her
face? Now? Yeah, wellwe'll put pictures in video of the Payton's
double chin, which is her doublemuscle. Yeah, j rich budget.
So I guess plumbers there's this thingis all over there in it. It's
just a list of the strangest thingsplumbers have seen people flushing accidentally or not
right. So as I go overthis list, call eight seven seven ninety
three seven one four seven, oryou guys Peyton Rich Kyle, think about
maybe something you didn't intentionally flush,but you've seen something wild catt in the
toilet, maybe thanks to a kid. But anyway, here is a list
of the strange things. Legos suremm hmm seeing the legos of the torow
them in there, h Lego boatsI know in my house when my kids
were little, there they go,they running adventure, rubber ducks, socks,
sex toys made you called the plumberbecause you're toys clogged. They pull
out a bringing sex toys literally mortifyingteeth. Oh that it's best with boy,
how do you find teeth in thetoilet? But assume it's it was
mixed up with turkey bones and Brusselssprouts. I'm sure the Brussels sprouts were
dumped in there by mistake. Noone those way Brussels brouts. Somebody found
plumber found bananas in the toilet.A pipe that was stuck in another pipe.
This part, I don't get thisthing stuck in a toilet, A
two man tent and a sleeping bag. How yeah, I know know the
physics on that. I'm assuming youto get too far before the plumber just
had it came and pull it out. I would assume. I don't know.
One plumber said, I've seen allsorts of weird and wonderful things blocking
pipes, everything from chopsticks to lettuce. It's really important to think twice before
flushing something because it can cause longterm damage to plumbing systems everywhere. You
know, every time I go tothe bathroot of the business, you always
say, you always see, youknow, only flush toilet paper in here.
Do not flush sanitary napkins. Right, you know, I've done this
and probably it's not great, butI've definitely flushed a live scorpion or two
in my day down there because they'restill alive and I feel like I'm not
going to kill it. But ifyou survive down there in the sewers,
right, because you can swim,yeah, wouldn't you just be like,
I don't think I could do thatbecause I would be worried every time I
sit on that toilet that scorpion's comingback up through the water. I guess
you feel like maybe the force ofthe toilet going to take it a good
seven or eight miles down the river. No, I'm with Kyle on that
one, But for me it's scarier. I mean for Kyle with the scorpion,
the scorpius like, Hey, everybody, she's going to the bath again.
Let's go sit there with their sunglassesand chill out. Oh an applaud?
What of you guys? What ofyou? Disgusting? Absolutely, I
dropped my phone to the toilet beforebat in the flesh. I've drop a
couple different things in the toilet,and you're like, if you stick your
hand of the toilet, grab somethingout there. Yeah, I'm trying to
think what it is, but Ican't off top of my Yeah, Grant,
Hey, this is the John Jayand Rich backchecking department. I just
wanted to correct something that Peyton justsaid. What I just googled if scorpions
can swim? It said scorpions arenot natural swimmers. However, they can
move in water and live submerged upto forty eight hours without any harm any
damage to the scorpions. So myfiges can check. I was right.
Said they could swim. They cannotswim. You said that they are not.
You said that they are not naturalswimmers or whatever. People learn how
to swim. Grant, Yeah,was that a half assed flush? Why
not the fact that said they cansurvive in the water. I'm right flush
right here, that's not that's nothurting the scorp No, no, I
mean they can survive down there.But if that's not up to me,
you're in my house. I wouldhave killed you. But now I'm giving
you a chance to survive. It'slike my own little scorpions quid game with
a toilet. You just turned thattoilet into like a jacuzzi for you just
turned that brown frown upside down.Anyway, that's just a little a little
plumbing fun fact. So be carefulwith watch what you flush. Be careful.
Do you guys look at you whateverwhen you go to the bathroom,
do you look at it everything?Absolutely, I'll pull it out. Look
at it. It's John J.Rich You guess see what tickets online?
We play games? Sierra. Hello, Hello, how is everybody everybody doing
good? Think right? I'm good? Richie doing good? Yeah, amazing,
Kyle, you're doing good, andthanks for asking Sierra and John Jay
doing good. Nick you're doing good. Nah, I'm fine. Okay.
Nick is the host of this game. So you're playing for SeaWorld tickets,
Sierra, SeaWorld Sierra. Okay,yeah, what are you doing, Nick,
She's gonna Sierra the world if shecan win Noise Machine today. Here's
how this works. I'm gonna playa noise and you guess what it is.
I will tell you today is veryhard. It is damn near impossible.
But we're gonna. We're gonna we'regonna make secrets sound like what's this
noise? And like, yeah,So the sounds are all based on sea
creatures. A lot of sea creaturessound the same, and none of them
are are all that fun. Butwe're gonna have fun in here anyway.
Okay, all right, So we'regonna start. These are creatures from the
sea, and we're gonna we're gonnastart with seaun j Vans. I'm gonna
say a seal sea lion otter oneof those. Okay, I mean it
was very it was very very closelooking for a see tortoise. Oh wow,
I know they made noises. Thatdoesn't sound like you know what that
sound is? He's having sex?Really yeah? Weird? That sounds like
after I don't want to hear brokingkazoo mating call? Are those that you
googled? Nick? No, itwas a totally other research project I was
doing. I just happened to havethis sound already. Thank you, sir
Rich it's your turn. Well that'scomplicated. You know, that's a pretty
pretty deep noise. I think that'sa dolphin. Okay, that would be
incorrect. We're looking for or alsoknown as a killer one. Is it
having sex? Not doing? Notdoing it? Just hanging out? Sorry
Rich for the letdown there, Peyton, Oh my goodness, that's a penguin.
Okay, also incorrect. Anybody else, nob we are looking for an
otter? Okay, no one onthe board. Yeah, Kyle, here
we go. That's an animal.It sounds like somebody drowning asking Rich to
save them. Like they're drowning RichRich and Rich is just too busy on
his phone. Maybe the kind ofboat was named Dave oh Man. Okay,
that is the elusive You need ananswer, all I'll say, sea
lion. Okay, so close,we're looking very seal that close lion?
Do we hear the gallahad Rich?Rich Rich your ground? Stop stalking Georgia
Nouri. You know what I'm gonnagive you that one, Sierra. Oh,
we'll say, uh, seahorse,sea horse, you know what that
was close? Because this is thisanimal does live in the sea. We're
looking for dolphin. That was veryclose, so close. Round two,
speed round. These are all moviebased. Okay, a little easier,
John Jay. Just keep swimming,Just keep swimming, keep streaming. Dory.
That's is that? Yes, findingExplora Rich Okay, so that should
be Jaws, but I think thatis from that is from finding Nemo.
I think that's Bruce, Bruce theShark. Okay, we were looking for
Jaws Bruce uh Peyton. That isthese are sea animals se movies. That
is, it's an animal from thesea. That's the sea lion in ice
age. It was. That wasnot close, not even close. You're
looking for the Moses saurus from JurassicWorld. That's not a animal that is
that's at the end. Never mind, Okay, Kyle, I'm the protector
of the team. I am Aquaman. Sierra. If you get this,
you're gonna go to Sea World.Oh that's oh what is his name?
Not flounder, that's the fish fromLittle Mermaid. You got the movie,
I'll give it to you and likeI know the song. All right,
Sierra, You're going to Sea World. Congratulations, Hold on the line thank
you, you gotta hold on flegall right, it's John Jay and Rich