Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
John Jay Rich is a new number one show on Netflix.
I watch the first episode yesterday to watch you Kyle
no The Perfect Couple with Nicole Kidman and Leev Shreivere.
This is a series. It dropped yesterday. She does all
of them?
Speaker 2 (00:13):
Wasn't she just in like a rom com? Yes?
Speaker 1 (00:18):
This is about an absurdly wealthy family in Nantucket and
there's a murder in the day of the wedding. Already
huge wedding, but it's these You get so mad because
these really, really really rich people are so rude and snobby.
It almost makes you not want to watch it. There's
a murder, and now I want to find out what happened. Anyway,
Number one on Netflix. Anyway, So there was a bunch
of news and I'm not a newsperson, so I only
read a couple of headlines, but about the Venezuelan gangs
in Tnver, right.
Speaker 3 (00:48):
And it was like, well, I mean, it was like
like flooding my social media feed that these gangs were
like taking over apartment complexes. And when I read into
it further, I'm like, it's actually in Aurora, which is
where my dad lives.
Speaker 1 (01:01):
He doesn't live in.
Speaker 3 (01:02):
An apartment complex, but he's right there. So I started
getting really worried, and so obviously I text him. I'm like, hey, Dad,
you know, I saw the news about the Venezuelan gangs
and I just want to make sure you're safe and
make sure that you're like because supposedly they're like terrorizing
other parts of the neighborhood too. And I never got
a text back, and I'm like, okay, So I text
him like the next day, Hey Dad, nothing and I'm like,
so a couple hours go by and I'm like, what
do I do here? I call him, there's no answer,
and then another hour or two goes by and he
just texts back yes, And I'm like, yes, is this
someone with his phone right texting me back? Because now
they know I'm getting suspicious, and now I think that
he's like, I'm getting all the mental pictures of him
in like I don't know, handcuffed or like you know,
duct taped on the side of the documentary.
Speaker 1 (02:01):
He said, that's where your mind goes, and I get it,
and so I'm.
Speaker 3 (02:04):
Like, okay, how do I respond here? I just called
there was no answer. I was like, did the Venezuelan
gangs get you? And then nothing comes back. I'm like,
oh my gosh, what is going on here? So then
like probably about fifteen minutes goes by, but it felt
like a really long time. And my phone rings and
it's my dad and I'm ready. I'm ready to answer
and have them be like you know, they're asking for
ransom or something right, and I'm like hello, He's like hey, Kai,
I'm like Dad, He's like, yeah, I'm trying to see
if you're safe, dude. Like they're like taking it, like
gangs are taking over where you live. He's like, that's
on the west side. We're on the East Side. We're fine.
I was like, why.
Speaker 1 (02:46):
Didn't you text or call me back? Okay? So you
remind me so much sometimes with my sister, Like yesterday
was go get gas before I came into the studio
and I put a little Instagram story getting gas and
she's like, don't do that. While you're getting gassed before
the show. You're gonna get carjacked, You're gonna get cards
acted to kill and like relax. Then my friend Jim,
my friend Jim called me two days ago right at
night and he goes, I go, Hey, what's up, Jim.
He's like my girlfriend she's missing. What do you mean
she's missing? I think she's been taken and I need
your help. Like, what the hell am I gonna do?
Because let me read you this text. He's reading this
text and it doesn't make sense because that's not how
she talks. And Blake goes, I bet you it's talked
to text and I said, my friend Kyle does a
lot of talk to texting and it doesn't really make sense.
Sometimes he goes, No, something's wrong, something's wrong. So yesterday
I called him and I said, I'm just checking up.
Did you find your girlfriend? Because yeah, apparently it was
a tex to text thing. Yeah, of course, Like so
you thought she was kidnapped? And I'm like, what is
going on in the world? Netflix? Netflix, there's so many
documentaries that totally that that's what your mind goes.
Speaker 3 (03:49):
As bad things happening in the world, Like, yes, you're Netflix.
Speaker 1 (03:54):
Murder podcast and everybody listening to murder podcasts too.
Speaker 3 (03:57):
I wanted to scold him as if I was a parent,
because he's like, I was golfing.
Speaker 1 (04:03):
That's why you didn't call me back, that you couldn't text.
Speaker 3 (04:05):
You need to get the tween holes.
Speaker 1 (04:06):
You get him on your three sixty app so you
can see where he is. Whenever my kids are golfing,
I zoom in and I can see him on a
golf course. You're like, okaet her golfing.
Speaker 3 (04:13):
I'm going to need to know where you are, who
you're with, and I'm gonna have to talk to their
parents before you go.
Speaker 1 (04:19):
So with all this casts, I think that a lot
of us are on the edge, right, like especially road
rage and stuff like that. But then what happened to
you at Costco?
Speaker 3 (04:26):
Yeah, so yesterday I'm at checkout and it was like
glorious because you know Costco. It's like you don't go
in there knowing exactly what you need, your paper towels,
toilet paper. And then Costco's like, here, have an arcade game, right.
I saw the arcades going through with some snacks. I
didn't plan on going in therefore, and I'm pretty happy
about it. And all of a sudden, behind me, I
hear someone screaming profanities.
Speaker 2 (04:50):
Like expletives, explotives like.
Speaker 3 (04:52):
Angrily, and I kind of look look at the cashier
and he's looking behind me, and I'm like got to
turn around for this one. And I see this guy
in the food court and he's pointing in this Costco
employee's face and.
Speaker 1 (05:08):
Yelling at him.
Speaker 3 (05:09):
And I look at the cashier go. Things are getting
pretty heated over there. Huh. He's like, yeah, I wonder
what that's all about. Then two seconds later, the guy
who's getting yelled at and the guy who's yelling at
him start walking out, and somehow he got the guy
to just leave. I'm like, I wanted.
Speaker 2 (05:25):
To probably chicken people will just cry down.
Speaker 1 (05:29):
Give me a chicken.
Speaker 3 (05:30):
Dude, you're at Costco. What would you be so angry
about in the world.
Speaker 1 (05:38):
He's still a dollar whatever it is. They got five
thousand of them on the shelf, so they're not out
of anything. Over to yell at somebody like that in
public or.
Speaker 2 (05:49):
Well, did you guys see that video that went viral.
It was a mom and a daughter in a Costco line.
It was like viral on TikTok, probably about like a
couple of weeks ago, and these people were getting into
this huge argument over the Costco line and cutting the
lines because on the weekends apparently the lines are like
absolutely but they live. But they were very much.
Speaker 3 (06:06):
Like the guys I could see getting mad about that yeah,
but he wasn't in line interesting that I don't know,
so yeah, I do not know, but I'm like, calm down,
you're at Costco.