All Episodes

January 14, 2025 • 83 mins
HAPPY TUESDAY! It's time for SECOND DATE UPDATEEEE! Plus, we asked YOU for things TSA has TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU and WHY? Then, Kyle tells us about her Denver trip and Payton was at a creepy restaurant with dolls? Also, FOUR SECOND RULE!! Buckle up for a BIG TUESDAY
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Wait, you ass up, John Jay and Rich.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
What's cracking like? And this is the Big Boss Dove
Snoopy Deagle double.

Speaker 3 (00:09):
Gigsel dang boom.

Speaker 4 (00:11):
What you don't do?

Speaker 3 (00:13):
We're not talking about Rid ten T and we're not
talking about last year. It's the one and only dog,
you know, the last last he fixed me eagle double
jig in your face to be and in the place
to be. And you're listening to John Jay and Rich,
wake your.

Speaker 2 (00:24):
Ass John Jay and Rich. Our phone numbers eight seven
seven nine three seven one o four seven our text line.
You text jj R and whatever you want to say
to the number ninety six eight nine three. And when
you text us, I can just read your text on

the air. We'll call you back. But I want to
read this text that we just got. It's about the
Snoop Dogg intro. You just heard. Snoop Dogg introduced R.
He's been introduced us since the show started. And our
iHeartRadio app is free and it's been upgraded. They changed
it like a week or two ago, I think, right,
and it's like it's got all these new features. It's
got a preset button, it does whatever. So this eight

O eight number which I believe is Hawaii, says John
Jay and Rich won't let you know how the iHeartRadio
app transcribes your intro. Wake you ass, John J and Rich,
what's crack a g? And this is the big Boss
Dove snoopy Deagle, double jizzle, baby boom, what you don't do.

We're not talking about Ridge ten team, We're not talking
about last year. It's the one the only dog. You
all at the glass likely fixing people. Double jibble in
your face and be in the place. B And you're
listening to John Jay and Ridge wise.

Speaker 3 (01:42):
I hope Noah, you take what John J. Just didn't
make that.

Speaker 2 (01:44):
Our your intro.

Speaker 4 (01:48):
So you text us, text jj R and whatever you
want to say to ninety.

Speaker 2 (01:52):
Six eight ninety three.

Speaker 3 (01:54):
Oh, he's were still working up, working the bugs out. Yeah,
making a little more street.

Speaker 2 (01:58):
I was, Uh, I've been trying to. I've been really
focusing on my sleep a lot lately, you know, and
I can't I cannot get I cannot get a good
night's sleep. And I monitor it on the on the
oar ring and on the whoop like no matter what.
And there's so many other factors going on. But yesterday,
after the show was I was gonna go work out,
and then I was gonna go hiking with my friend Rick,
and I was so tired. My sleep sucks out the

Sun's game the night before it was late, and it
just sucks. So when I went to the gym, I
thought that maybe there was something there at the gym
because my gym is also a doctor's office, right, And
I asked the woman who runs a gym, Sofia, I said,
is there something that I can have that gives me
a little kick?

Speaker 4 (02:39):
Shees, do you want some coffee? Do you want a culpural?

Speaker 2 (02:41):
I'm like, I don't know. She was here, I got
an idea. So I'm working out. She brings me something
I never had before. She brings me two espresso shots
over ice. Right, I've never had that before. She was
just a wake up. So I drank just half of it,
and I had never been more wired in my entire life.
Like I worked out. Then I went, it's.

Speaker 4 (03:03):
What's a devil show?

Speaker 2 (03:04):
Oh that's what you were drinking all the time.

Speaker 5 (03:05):
Yeah, but I was mixed with some cream sugar and whatnot.

Speaker 2 (03:08):
But yeah, I was like, I had never felt that.

Speaker 3 (03:10):
But the brain of Carpenter's right.

Speaker 2 (03:13):
I went, I did my workout, and then I went
and I went hiking, and then I like did I
went home. I did a bunch of stuff at home,
and then I when I went to bed last night,
I was hard for me to sleep, and I think
part of that is also because the espresso was still
in my body, probably, And then I got up this
morning and I drank the rest of it because I
didn't drink all of it last night.

Speaker 3 (03:30):
No wonder you run around here so fast this morning.
Maybe that's gonna be your thing. Mark my words. This
is John Jay's new thing.

Speaker 5 (03:36):
John Jay's new to the espresso world.

Speaker 3 (03:38):
He's going to be a noon workout espresso.

Speaker 2 (03:41):
Well, then I started thinking about like I'm really focusing
on my sleep and I can't get good night's sleep.
And then I thought those people you know when when
you're like, if you're single and you're trying to find someone,
you know you're trying too hard.

Speaker 4 (03:52):
Just stop.

Speaker 2 (03:52):
It's right there in front of you. You'll find a
good partner. Or if you're trying to have a baby,
someone always says stop.

Speaker 3 (03:58):
Trying some hard, right which I and you'll get pregnant.

Speaker 4 (04:01):
Like I feel like, okay, even need to stop focus
on my sleep and I'll get a good night's sleep.

Speaker 3 (04:05):
Is it because you're interrupted at the beginning? Because I
know I am constantly with dogs, and you know people
going mom, mom, funny, Well not me. My wife, her
son comes up a lot, and he won't knock on
the door. I'll I'll just hear him down the hall. Mom, mom, Mom?
Like what is happening here?

Speaker 2 (04:22):
Look, I'm like other factors, Like I mean, like last night,
I wanted to go to bed. I've had potential to
go to bed at seven. Yeah, And as I was
going to plug in my phone, my son Camp who's
in Hawaii, he's three hours earlier, text me, Dad, I
gotta tell you something. I got some good news. Like okay,
he goes, I'll call you in thirty minutes.

Speaker 5 (04:41):
You can't take that, I know, So.

Speaker 2 (04:43):
I just wait. I'm waiting and waiting, and then thirty
minutes he goes. Ten more minutes and then my wife's
at dinner with her sister and Kemp calls and tells
me the good news. And then I call her at
dinner and she does to pick up the phone and
I call her again. Now I know she's going to
see that I called her and at some point call
me back, which is it's weird that she doesn't pick
up that doesn't know that I called her because she's
got that stupid Apple watch, and every time I'm with

her someone calls her, she stops the conversation with at watch. Right,
So then she calls me at eight fifteen, and she's like, oh,
what's the good news. I go, well, you call camp. Okay, well,
I'll be home in fifteen minutes. Now it's eight thirty,
and I gotta wait for she comes home at eight
forty five, she's Okay, I'm gonna get ready for bed,
and then I gotta wait for it to get ready
for bed. So now it's nine fifteen, nine thirty.

Speaker 3 (05:24):
Nobody knows what we go through because they figure they
go to bed a little later than us, but they
sleep hours after we get up.

Speaker 5 (05:30):
So true, I have similar situations, but just in a
very different way. It's like I need to do like
we all email each other at night, right, we call
it our prep.

Speaker 2 (05:39):
I know when Peyton does it.

Speaker 5 (05:42):
It depends on the day.

Speaker 6 (05:43):
Sometimes I gotta get it done in the morning. When
I wait, I have to rely.

Speaker 2 (05:46):
I have stuff from Rich at five, I can rely
on stuff from Kyle no later than eight pm, and
then I'll be up late and don't get any from Peyton.

Speaker 6 (05:54):
But like I feel like I have let you guys know.
My day does not stop at eight pm. I said
the eight pm doublin. It does not work for me.
And that's what it is. My life is still going on.

Speaker 5 (06:04):
It's sorry. I tell my kids that's my homework, and
I'm like, I have to do my homework. Mom, can
you help me with this? I need help with my homework.
I'm like, okay, fine, I'll be with your homework.

Speaker 1 (06:14):

Speaker 5 (06:14):
I need a snack. We just ate dinner. I okay, fine,
all right, kids, go get ready for bed. Mom, I
can't find my toothpaste. Oh my god. Okay, I'm gonna
buy your toothpaste. Okay. So they get in bed and
I'm like finally starting to do my homework and they're like,
I can't sleep, and I'm like, oh my godwork because

then they relate to it because they're like, I hate homework.
I'm like, even when you grow up and you have
a real big person job, you probably still might have
homework like mommy does. And so then they kind of
understand that I have to do it, but doesn't always
translate because I get interrupted about ten thousand times.

Speaker 2 (06:53):
Well, I am looking forward to getting to your homework. Yeah, okay,
yeah right, lots of good homework stuff. I really really
enjoy when you go to Kyle's Instagram. In fact, if
you go, is it just at unfugged on Instagram my
nest Go to Instagram, go to add unfug and look
at her stories because you're so photogenic, even when you're
getting your face worked one. But then whatever filters they
are given to me because I'm like it. Because you're

doing a lot of stuff with a light. I was like, boy,
I look at other things now like I'm like the
lighting in there looks great.

Speaker 5 (07:21):
Because you're in the photography I am.

Speaker 2 (07:22):
I'm on hell of a photography. Remember, someone takes a
picture of Kyle and it's better than me. I'm like,
who did that? What's coming up? Through things? You need
to know? Kyle.

Speaker 5 (07:31):
There is a rumor that there's a huge potential buyer
for TikTok and he's American. I'll tell you who it
is next with John Jaye.

Speaker 2 (07:40):
Rich Call the show and join the Fun with John
Jaye Rich You guys see last night was a wolf moon.

Speaker 6 (07:50):

Speaker 5 (07:51):
My wife so bright, it looked awesome.

Speaker 2 (07:53):
She was at this she was at this dead with
her sister, and like I said, I was trying to
go to sleep and she comes up.

Speaker 4 (07:59):
What's a wolf mood? It's a wolf moon.

Speaker 2 (08:01):
All these great things are happening because it's a wolf moon.
And I woke up this morning, I did my hot
tub copluncing and the moon was bright. Man, my back
yard was lit up. And anyway, what are the three
things we need to know? Calin food?

Speaker 5 (08:13):
The California wildfires are only about twenty percent contained, and
that's being conservative with that, and they are increasingly worried
about the potential wins because they're going to be up
to forty five seventy miles per hour, which of course
creates an explosive fire growth situation across La County. This week,
in fact, the National Weather Service issued an ominous particularly

Dangerous situation warning for the La and Ventura County areas,
just cautioning everyone saying, these these crazy fast wins, the
dry air is a higher risk of rapid fire spread
and extreme fire behavior. John jay, I don't know what County.
Your sister is in, but it.

Speaker 7 (08:53):
May be it may really be time for her to evacuate.

Speaker 5 (08:57):
Of course, they're letting residents know separately via tex who
needs to evacuate now. Yesterday it was reported that Chinese
officials are evaluating a potential option that involves Elon Musk
acquiring the US version of TikTok.

Speaker 3 (09:12):
You guys were hinting at that yesterday, just like it
was reported.

Speaker 7 (09:16):
However, the actual company.

Speaker 5 (09:19):
Is like, we're not doing that. Why would we do that,
Why would we even comment on that? It's just fiction.

Speaker 2 (09:24):
I saw mister Beast post Okay, I'll buy TikTok.

Speaker 6 (09:27):
Yeah, well that would be cool.

Speaker 5 (09:28):
He's thrown his name in the hat. The guy from
Shark Tank, Kevin O'Leary, has thrown his name in the hat.
And so far it's not even official that it's gonna
get banned. They are expecting word from the Supreme Court
as early as Sunday, the nineteen, so that's when we
find out if it does indeed get banned. Like I mean,
between now and Sunday, you can still download the app.

If it does get banned on Sunday, you won't be
able to download the app anymore, you'll still be able
to use it, but then it will slowly trickle its way.

Speaker 2 (09:57):
We should all like throw in whatever money we have
in our pocket and then put out a press release
that we're willing to buy TikTok for whatever. One hundred
and thirty seven dollars do it.

Speaker 5 (10:07):
So Starbucks had this rule that like, anybody can come in, right,
you can hang out without buying something. You can go
to the bathroom if you need to. And now they're saying, actually,
we don't want to do that anymore because they there's
been transience, there's been situations, and they said, so here's the thing.

Speaker 7 (10:23):
That rule that.

Speaker 5 (10:24):
Everyone was welcome isn't necessarily the case anymore. If you're
coming in just to use the restroom, you got to
buy something. If you're coming in just to hang out,
you got to buy something. You have to be a
paying customer. And they say this is for the paying
customers safety. They're trying to prioritize their people. And that's that.

Speaker 7 (10:40):
So new rules at Starbucks.

Speaker 5 (10:42):
And that's three things you need to know.

Speaker 2 (10:43):
Well, I wonder how you handle that when because you
always heard that there's a Starbucks bathroom, right, So if
you go in there, just use the bathroom, and they
that's not anymore. Now you're being kind of They.

Speaker 5 (10:52):
Actually said that they're training Starbucks employees on how to
enforce it, and they're authorizing them to call like police
if they need to.

Speaker 3 (11:00):
Oh wow, that's not going to be a problem.

Speaker 2 (11:02):
I wonder that if it's going to be people that
that look like they shouldn't be there, you know what
I mean, Like like you said.

Speaker 3 (11:07):
That's that's why it's going to be a problem, because
somebody could be a Look, I was just walking in
and I got kicked out. It's because the way I look,
you know that's gonna happen.

Speaker 6 (11:14):
It would be I mean maybe unless they put like
those little lock pads with the numbers on the doors
like they do it like some of the life probably will.

Speaker 2 (11:22):
Be Ye, there's a I was. I was at a
Starbucks in Hawaii a couple of weeks ago, and it
was in an area where there's it.

Speaker 4 (11:29):
Doesn't seem safe and they have you have to get
the code at the Starbucks or keys.

Speaker 5 (11:32):
They still have bathroom keys sometimes.

Speaker 2 (11:34):
To horse grub time Payton. What's the bib of horsecopes?

Speaker 6 (11:37):
I'm going to be telling you where you should head
this year based on your zodiac sign, or you should
what head like traveling? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (11:44):
Eight seven, seven, nine, three seven one to four seven
calls right now to see where you're going to travel
this year. Payt's predictions after Hozier, Ja Jay and Rich
Peyton the Vibe for Horscopes.

Speaker 6 (12:04):
I'm going to tell you where you should be traveling
this year based on your zodiac sign. And if it's
your birthday, we still are in Capricorn season, We're not
here for much longer. But if it's your birthday today,
you share a birthday with Emma Watson and ll Cool.

Speaker 2 (12:17):
Jay, Mike, good morning, what's your sign?

Speaker 8 (12:21):

Speaker 6 (12:21):
Good morning, Sgtari Okay, Sagittary. So Mike, this is your
day and you're already halfway out the door with your
backpack and your passport. Just don't forget to actually book
your flight because impulse trips are fun, but your destination
to be determined isn't really a plan. So make sure
when you go ahead and you book your flight today
that you make a good decision on where you're trying

to go.

Speaker 9 (12:43):
Wait, thank you so much.

Speaker 2 (12:45):
Miike eight seven seven, nine three seven one four seven
how about for libras. How about for Kyle who just traveled.

Speaker 6 (12:50):
Yeah, Kyle, you're gonna spend the day texting your friend.
Should we do Italy or Greece this summer? Libra, the
group chat is exhausted. Okay, choose a vibe and go
with it because either your Instagram stories.

Speaker 5 (13:01):
Are gonna sligh, Okay, it'll increase. I'll have a little
group trip I want to go. I can't imagine myself
going that far, but that would be amazing.

Speaker 2 (13:10):
Yeah right, what about.

Speaker 6 (13:12):
Yeah, Rich for prices, you're gonna spend the day scrolling
on tiktoks of destinations that you'll quote unquote visit someday,
but Rich, some day is today. Go and book your
ticket and live your travel esthetic in real life.

Speaker 3 (13:24):
Okay, where are you going? I think we're going to
Hawaii this summer? I care it should be nice.

Speaker 6 (13:29):
Look your flight today because I think that's where all
the deals are.

Speaker 2 (13:32):
What about you?

Speaker 6 (13:34):
Yeah, for leos, we're gonna book the most extra trip possible,
Like I'm talking private jets, five star hotels, all of
the works. And we're not just traveling us Leo's. We're
making a statement. So we need to remember that the
only thing that belongs in the spotlight right now is
our budget. Quite honestly, I don't think I'll ever have
the money to be able to book a private jet,
but never say never.

Speaker 2 (13:56):
Hope I'll for me one days.

Speaker 6 (13:59):
Yeah, jo Jay, your travel spreadsheet has tabs for every
possible scenario, and it might be a good idea to
ditch that forty seven step itinerary and leave the room
for a little bit of chaos. So check out like
some like alien invasion places. That's where you should be
traveling this twenty.

Speaker 2 (14:15):
Twenty five sounds like a hoot. All right, if we
can get to your side there, I'll post on our website,
John Jaynrich dot com. Kyle, let's get into your face.
I said earlier about the videos that you posted on
Instagram of you over at the Comstock and you were
getting the workout done, the workout electronic workout on your muscles.

Speaker 4 (14:37):
In your face.

Speaker 5 (14:38):
Kind of got the whole shebang. Yesterday at the Comstock,
I went and I got you're supposed to do like
a series of the pure Impact treatments. And the Pure
Impact treatment is basically like they set you up with
all these nodules, all over you and they pulse and
your muscles contract, so it's like you're getting a workout
and it takes a half an hour and all of
a sudden, like two days later, you're super sore and

you're like, we was just laying there watching a TV show.

Speaker 2 (15:02):
Well, you know it's funny though the video you posted.
You're so tiny, right and so like for me, like
I have these electrodes on me and there's lots of
space between electrodes. Cows are like.

Speaker 5 (15:18):
It's a wild experience. But because I was doing some
other things, I was like they had this like numbing
cream on my face while I was doing the beer impact.
I'm like, this looks insane. So afterwards they did I first,
they did a soft wave treatment just under the eyes,
because this area right under my eyes is like it's
the area I hate right now. It's my problem area.

If you will, it's like where the fine lines, wrinkles
they're coming out, they're coming out hard.

Speaker 7 (15:42):
My makeup starting to like.

Speaker 6 (15:43):
Not go on right.

Speaker 2 (15:45):
A wait, so makeup is going right, and that's because
you you might have a wrinkle.

Speaker 5 (15:50):
So when you start to get like more fine lines
and wrinkles and you wear as much makeup. As I
wear it starts to crease and look really gross.

Speaker 2 (15:57):
Oh wow, or at least it.

Speaker 5 (15:59):
Does on me. So I went in and Jamie recommended
this treatment because you can get like they have a
tool with the soft wave that gets really close up
under the eyes and it's a laser. And I've done
a lot of laser treatments on my face, a lot
of different kinds of micronaedling, and then like the intense
pul slide, like all different lots of different types of lasers.

I've never felt a laser like this one done this.
I'm not sure if you've done this, like the cool peel,
which I did after this one, I know you did,
but this one was like it felt like the laser
was cutting to the core of it felt like it
got in it was like the penetration was that it

was like far in there, and I was like, Wow,
this is intense, which is awesome because then I feel
like it's working. Yeah the soft wave, yeah yeah, And
that's what she actually said. She said, the laser does
actually go deeper. Even though I had numbing cream on
the numb and cream numbs like the top layer of
the skin, and so I was like, oh wow, I
feel that just feels it just felt incredibly like hot, like.

Speaker 7 (17:04):
Like really hot.

Speaker 5 (17:05):
So anyway, so I did that. It was really quick,
so it wasn't like terrible, like it was like whoa.
But then it was over like that. Then I went
and got another laser treatment, which is called the cool Peel,
and that was for my face, neck and chest.

Speaker 7 (17:18):
The neck and chest because you.

Speaker 5 (17:19):
Can't forget the pedestal, you know what I mean, You're
not gonna put a beautiful cake on a plaster sheet,
you know, for presentation. So so this laser is like
it's like a CO two treatment, which is usually really intense.
Usually with CO two it's like you're almost this is
not the technical terms, but you're almost like taking off

the first layer of your skin. So this one is
kind of like that supposed to have the same results,
but less downtime. When you do a CO two treatment,
you're out for like a week and you're doing like
vinegar wraps on your past.

Speaker 6 (17:52):
That's what I showed you the picture of my mom.

Speaker 5 (17:53):
Yes, yeah, I've done one of those, and it's really intense, brutal.
So I did get home last night and my was
incredibly red it's still swollen and red right now, but
I courss covered it with makeup. But yesterday when I
left John Jay, I kind of related to you a
little bit because they send you off in this like
one of those masks, like the jail masks, you know,
And I was talking it would like slip down and

kind of like flap of my lip, but just like
keep it on as long as possible. It helps with redness,
elves accelerate the healing. And who doesn't want that, right?
So I'm like driving away with this mask on, and
I'm I swear anyone who looked over at me had
to be scared, Like, what.

Speaker 7 (18:31):
Is that driving that vehicle right now? What is that?

Speaker 2 (18:35):
Exactly? It's like your Hannible electer and you got someone's
face on you.

Speaker 5 (18:39):
Yeah, And like all of a sudden, I'm driving on
the freeway and I see police lights like behind me,
and I'm like, you've gotta be kidding me. You're joking,
Like I can't get pulled over, Like that's gonna be
the most humiliating moment of my life. And so I
kind of start to slow down and I see the
cop like he goes around me and goes and pulls
someone else over, and I.

Speaker 6 (18:57):
Was like relief, especially the luckiest.

Speaker 4 (19:02):
He told you.

Speaker 2 (19:04):
Of the car, I think I got murderer.

Speaker 5 (19:08):
Where's are you about? You look like some type of
alien like So I actually didn't go home. I went
to go pick up the kids, and I'm like waiting
and pick up line and I'm like, do I pick
up the kids with the mask on?

Speaker 7 (19:23):
I took it off because yeah, it'll.

Speaker 2 (19:25):
Be fun if you kept it on and then scare them.

Speaker 7 (19:27):
No, I don't want to scar them for life.

Speaker 5 (19:30):
I know I know it would because like like mascots, okay.

Speaker 7 (19:34):
And they don't like mascots.

Speaker 5 (19:36):
But one day I was wearing a beanie and I
took it off and it like left bumps on my
forehead that looked a little bit like I was like
one of those lizard people or something like that. And
Easton couldn't even.

Speaker 7 (19:45):
Look at me, like he would cover his eyes.

Speaker 5 (19:47):
And I came and I was like, but it's just
for my head. He's like, why is your forehead like this?
So I knew if I showed up in the mass
like I would be up all night because they'd be
having a nightmares. But success, And so the next couple
of days. My skin's supposed to feel like sandpaper, and
then the sandpaper sloughs off and it's like, do you.

Speaker 2 (20:05):
Put makeup on your neck? All right?

Speaker 4 (20:07):
Well yeah a little bit.

Speaker 5 (20:08):
You have to blend it.

Speaker 2 (20:10):
I can see your neck is first time, because you know,
I really pay attention to Kyle, and I could see
your neck is pink, and I've never seen it pink before.

Speaker 5 (20:17):
I know, I put a lot less today. Actually, can
you see my chest?

Speaker 10 (20:21):

Speaker 2 (20:21):
Yeah, okay, that's what it looks like.

Speaker 5 (20:23):
Yeah, that's how it feels too.

Speaker 2 (20:25):
So I Jamie who owns this place. He's been a
friend of mine for years. Right, So I don't really
know the treatments I get. She'll tell me, hey, I
got this, come in, come in and do it, and
I just do it. So, as I was asking Kyle,
I don't know. So I texted her and I said, hey,
have I done soft Wave? Which is the one the
first one you did? And she's like, yes, it's the
tightening device we did on your neck and I'm like yes,

She goes, you did that back when I first bought it.
You could do it again if you want. We got
a new hand piece that goes around the eyes too.
That's probably what you did. She goes. I go, oh,
and I did the other treatment too, Which is the
other one that you're decemberb She goes, yes, that's the
one you're doing again next week. And I was like, oh,
I don't even know.

Speaker 5 (21:04):
She said, you're doing a series. You're actually gonna be
like interviewed during that.

Speaker 3 (21:09):
What attention to conversations.

Speaker 7 (21:15):
You talk to you about it?

Speaker 2 (21:17):
She said, yes, So whoever, she said, when she talks
to me while I'm on the air, I don't really
pay attention. But what I like about I believe both
those devices is my idol. Brian Johnson who wants to
live forever.

Speaker 3 (21:28):
Oh he gets that done too, don't die? Yeah, yes,
but he looks like he's slipped into another dimension of human.

Speaker 2 (21:34):
He looks gray. He looks like, yeah, I'm sure. Isn't
there some about great people?

Speaker 3 (21:38):
Yeah, the Grays, the grace?

Speaker 2 (21:40):
Yeah, these aliens live forever?

Speaker 3 (21:43):
An alien with abs hm.

Speaker 2 (21:45):
Anyway, so that's the place that Colin you're talking about
is called Comstock and there she's legit. It's fantastic. They
could help you look younger and healthier, just like Brian Johnson.
What he got rich for life hacks today.

Speaker 3 (21:57):
The simple hack to being just a little bit more
were happy. It's gonna surprise you how easy this is.

Speaker 2 (22:02):
I also got this really cool thing. The viral moments
of the twenty twenties so far of the tooth, what
do you call it? Twenty twenties, Yeah, twenty twenty. It's
pretty crazy when you think about this stuff that's happened
so far. We'll get to that. Stacks and acts coming
up next, John Jay and Rich.

Speaker 11 (22:16):
Good morning, went start your day with John Jay and Rich.

Speaker 10 (22:20):
I wake up with my favorite artists and Sili, It's
Billy Eilrich, It's Teddy Swims, and you're listening to John
Jay and Rich.

Speaker 2 (22:27):
BuzzFeed is recapping the top twenty five viral moments that
could have only happened in the twenty twenties. It features
a lot of things you will recognize this so far,
just from twenty twenty.

Speaker 1 (22:39):
I'm standing in a kite with Bob Bulgrim Tigers in line.

Speaker 3 (22:42):
Okay, let's see if the sandal is hey.

Speaker 2 (22:48):
This song because of the skateboarding gap, Cranberry juice.

Speaker 12 (22:51):
Remember, yeah, imagine there's no heaven.

Speaker 6 (22:57):
It's easy, Utia.

Speaker 9 (23:03):
What do you like about carne. I'm going to very
very mindful.

Speaker 2 (23:18):
And it's wirly halfway through.

Speaker 5 (23:19):
Okay, by the way, why did my daughter ask my
my husband what hawk Tua meant the other day? I
don't know where she heard that. I don't know why
she heard that. But he's like, it's just in something
interpropriate on the internet. Just forget it.

Speaker 2 (23:31):
Did she ask him or did did you hear it?

Speaker 6 (23:33):

Speaker 5 (23:34):
I wasn't home. He texted me immediately afterwards, and he's like, what.

Speaker 2 (23:38):
Maybe who's indirectly asking you for something?

Speaker 4 (23:41):
Hint hint.

Speaker 2 (23:43):
No, I'm gonna go home and be like, it's weird.
Kyle's husband was asking about what is that? Exactly? Did
you show me? According to a new survey, one in
five I have young adults cannot change a light bulb really,
and gen zers are spending more than fifteen hundred dollars

a year calling in pros to do basic jobs that
they could probably do themselves.

Speaker 6 (24:11):
Definitely, this is another one.

Speaker 2 (24:13):
For you payting here. One third of couples say their
partner acts like a baby when they're sick. Oh my gosh, yes.

Speaker 6 (24:19):
I live with the biggest baby. When Kadima is sick.
I'm like, are you like you're a twenty eight year
old man, Like, come on, you can take care of yourself.

Speaker 2 (24:27):
There's a list of the ten best cities for cat lovers.
What do you think is number one?

Speaker 5 (24:32):
Take a guess, Portland, organ Oh yeah, that's a good one.

Speaker 2 (24:34):
None, we're in the United States. Number one is Warsaw,
Poland number one for cats. Of the biggest health trends
of twenty twenty five could be they say, cutting out
processed foods, healthy aging, and improving gut health. That's big stuff.
What is a seemingly cheap hobby that quickly becomes very

expensive if you keep doing it? Golf? Golf is number
nine on the list, Tennis, tennis, pickleball, let's see drinking,
that's true. Coffee is number fourteen, CrossFit is thirteen. Then
there's gardening, crochet, golf, snowboarding in the winter, surfing in

the summer, cycling, fish keeping.

Speaker 4 (25:22):
What is fish keeping?

Speaker 2 (25:23):
Is that a pet keeping?

Speaker 4 (25:24):

Speaker 2 (25:25):
Boating? Horseback riding is number two. Number one cheap hobby
that quickly becomes expensive is woodworking. Someone joked, why buy
something when I can make it half as good for
three times a price? In a couple of months. Real quick,
weird food stories, weird food news. Doritos They've been around
since the nineteen sixties. They always been triangular. Some people

notice Dorito's UK Instagram has a square chip, a square Doritos,
which I'm not a fan of because it's usual to
put in your mouth when it's got the point.

Speaker 4 (25:55):
Cheetos is releasing Cheeto Puffs, which is big news.

Speaker 2 (25:59):
I love Cheetos. I had Cheetos over you know, because
I always try to get healthy, but over Christmas, I
let loose. I just love Cheetos.

Speaker 5 (26:05):
They're really good.

Speaker 6 (26:06):
Cheetos are good. But there's Cheeto puffs already.

Speaker 5 (26:08):

Speaker 2 (26:09):
Oh it's pizza pizza cheapuffs. I puffs Cheese Pizza Flavor
is the new one coming out. What do you have
for life?

Speaker 3 (26:19):
Ax Rich So experts have studied people that say that
for most of their lives they're pretty happy. So they've
kind of looked at what they do and they've come
up with a list of seven things that they do.
Happy people ignore nonsense. That's that makes sense, right, you know,
get caught up in the drama. They talk less, they
learn new skills, they help people, They laugh all the time,

they wake up early and they've got no entitlement. If
you want to see that list or maybe some that
with somebody who you think might be able to use it,
we have stuck it all up at John jayand Rich
dot com.

Speaker 2 (26:52):
Got a text Jess, now, when are you guys that
do another justin Timberly ticket game? I don't know. We're
doing an hour from the speaking of justin Timberlake. When
I got in this morning, I saw this video justin
Timberlake and it bothered me so much. I posted on
my Instagram so you can see it on Instagram and
there's like a fight going on in the comments. And

but I'll play the audio for you and then I'll
get in to explain what the fight is.

Speaker 4 (27:19):
So it's a car. Have you seen the video? A
car load of people pull up, So justin Timberlake.

Speaker 2 (27:22):
There's a bunch of guys driving in their car and
on the road and I guess they see justin Timberlake
in the car next to him. They're like, oh my god, Justinberlake,
and they're you know, waving the rod down, waving at him,
and just like you saw happen with Arianda Grinder, remember,
and then she starts singing with them, Well these guys
chose the participant. And he rolls down the window and

he's like, well, here I'll play for you. Here's what happens.

Speaker 7 (27:51):
You want something, you want something, let's raise you want something?

Speaker 6 (27:59):
Stop what a bummer? Because it's like you can hear
the excitement when they're like, roll down the window, roll
down the window. It's like just smile and say hi, Like.

Speaker 5 (28:10):
What but what happened before that?

Speaker 6 (28:12):

Speaker 5 (28:12):
Like I want to give Justin Timberlake the benefit of
the doubt, although I mean we have the evidence, but
like maybe they were being jerks in the car ahead
of time or something like maybe they were swerving into him.

Speaker 6 (28:23):
You never know.

Speaker 5 (28:24):
But then also it's like their fans kind of like
you kind of gotta.

Speaker 2 (28:29):
Like, hey, well you guys gotta drive watch because you
see his he rolls down the window and he actually
looks really.

Speaker 7 (28:34):
Pissed, and he also saying did they like were they
had vast?

Speaker 2 (28:40):
I posted the video, It's on my Instagram John Dave
Vans And the argument going on in the comments right
now is that, well, he's a celebrity, he signed up
for this, and then someone else like he's been famous
as he was a kid. He didn't know who's getting
into and then all these people going back and forth.
Well he should be nicer. Oh, you know, the whole
drink and the driver because you know, he got a
y and he actually looks his eyes lazed to me

when I'm looking at early. Yeah, but that's I shouldn't
say that.

Speaker 5 (29:03):
But we could all be nicer.

Speaker 2 (29:05):
Yeah. You know, yesterday I was driving, I was gonna
go make a left. I hate to say what what
I'm about to say you is wrong, but I'm about
to tell you I was gonna make a left and
it was traffic. And you know how the left lane
is like if it sometimes it can be open, but
trap you have to get further back before you can
make a left lane. Get in the left lane. Does
that make sense? Like there's a left hand turning lane. Yeah,

and maybe there's one car in the lane, but traffic
is so far.

Speaker 3 (29:29):
Back you can you can kind of ride the turn
lane just a little bit to get to your stop.

Speaker 2 (29:33):
Yeah, but I wasn't gonna do that. I was gonna wait.
And I was also on my phone, right, so the
traffics I was on my phone. I'm gonna wait till
I get so I can get into the lane to
make the left. And then finally when it got to
turn to make a left, someone came out behind me
like I was going to crash into them, but they
were at fall but they honked and they went really
they got really violent. But I was on my phone,
but I wasn't in the wrong. I hate that they

were in the wrong, but I was on my phone.
Did you get what I'm saying?

Speaker 8 (29:56):

Speaker 3 (29:56):

Speaker 5 (29:56):
I want to hand pull it out?

Speaker 3 (29:58):
Be like, what's your problem?

Speaker 6 (29:59):

Speaker 5 (29:59):
You're backing?

Speaker 13 (30:01):
You know?

Speaker 2 (30:02):
Anyway? Anyway, so the Just and Timberlake thing check out out.
Go to John J. Vaness on Instagram. Okay, shift Gears,
Where were you last night? Peyton? Where I saw all
the dolls?

Speaker 14 (30:14):

Speaker 6 (30:14):
My gosh. I was at a restaurant in downtown Phoenix
called Hanni's. Have you guys ever heard of it. It's
like a cute little like restaurant and bar, but then
they have this like downstairs basement area and apparently it
used to be like some old bar that's haunted. And
there's a table with probably twenty dolls just sitting there

staring at you.

Speaker 3 (30:37):
Well, it should be haunted.

Speaker 6 (30:38):
Wait because we went. Me and my brother went out
to dinner last night and went to go grab a
drink and then he was like, have you ever been
to the basement? I was like, oh, like what's in
the basement? And he like took me down to the
basement of this restaurant.

Speaker 2 (30:53):
Oh my gosh, can anybody go in the basement?

Speaker 6 (30:55):
Yeah? Literally, look here's the dolls. Can I see?

Speaker 5 (30:59):
Oh my gosh. That literally it looks like something out
of a horror movie.

Speaker 2 (31:02):
Ye're behind a fence.

Speaker 6 (31:04):
They're like behind a fence that you can't walk in
those dolls?

Speaker 2 (31:06):
Like were they there when they open up the restaurant?

Speaker 6 (31:08):
I do not know like the lore of Hannie's, but
if you know, please let me know because I was scared.
Like I walk down with him and I was like, Jalen,
like I believe in this kind of stuff, like the
haunted wicked. I want to leave.

Speaker 15 (31:21):
Can we go?

Speaker 4 (31:22):
It's good?

Speaker 2 (31:23):
Brother? Imagine on a date, you want to go down
to the day freak show shoe from you? Yes, but
didn't you say something about you You get to argue
with you your mom because you like to go drink
by yourself at a bar.

Speaker 6 (31:37):
It wasn't an argument, but she called me weird. My
mom and my boyfriend could even called me weird because
I like to go enjoy a happy hour by myself
every now and then, Like I enjoy being in a
social setting like that and just eating my food and
having my espresso martini by myself and scrolling my mic shone.

Speaker 3 (31:55):
But like sometimes you'll talk to people around you, and
sometimes you will yeah, exactly, you've got the opportunity to
chat chat, but.

Speaker 6 (32:03):
Like nine times out of ten, like I don't want
to talk to anyone. I will if you start talking
to me, but like I just want to scroll on TikTok.

Speaker 2 (32:10):
So then you're at the bar and everyone can hear
people can hear your ticket.

Speaker 6 (32:13):
Oh I bring my headphones. That would be rude.

Speaker 4 (32:14):
So you're at the bar with headphones, having a drink
by yourself, scrolling on your phone.

Speaker 6 (32:18):

Speaker 5 (32:18):
What is it about being around people while you're doing
that that you like other than just like sitting on
your couch at your house alone.

Speaker 6 (32:23):
I don't know. I think I just like to like
be around people, okay, but I like to be by myself.

Speaker 5 (32:29):
I don't know.

Speaker 6 (32:30):
I guess it is weird.

Speaker 16 (32:32):
I don't know.

Speaker 6 (32:33):
I do enjoy it though.

Speaker 2 (32:34):
When my family was out of town when my kids
were younger, my wife would take the kids and go
up north for the summer and I would go up
on the weekends, and then during the day or at
dinner time, I would go to one restaurant, which tea
by myself, and most people by theirself would order there
at the bar and sit at the bar, and I
was like, there's no way i'ma sit at the bar,
so I would have to wait for a table and
I'd sit by myself at a table and just eat.

And I love that.

Speaker 4 (32:56):
I love I love eating alone.

Speaker 6 (32:58):
I do.

Speaker 2 (32:59):
I don't want to hit the bar the bigger chance
for people to talk to you. Yeah, it feels like
you're asking for people to talk to you.

Speaker 6 (33:03):
Know, and like a lot of times, like I mean,
I think I'm a very approachable person sometimes, so I
I do end up with a lot of the side conversations.
But I enjoy it because you learn about people and
then you get to hear fun crazy stories that I
get to come.

Speaker 2 (33:17):
Back and tell you guys, what was your modely thing? Yeah,
I saw it like you did. Some you were like
had makeup on and you were like doing, Yeah, I did.

Speaker 6 (33:23):
A photo shoot last night for my friend Angel. She
owns this restaurant called Love Bite Dumplings. I told you yeah.
And it's like kind of like your healthier version of
your Grab and Go. It's like a cute little shop
in downtown Phoenix, and she's gone viral on TikTok like
a handful of times because it's like, seriously the cutest shop.
And she asked me if I would be down to

model in her photo shoot for Valentine's Day and I
was like, heck yeah, girls. So basically I was a
runaway bride and she like dressed me in all white
and I basically like did this photo shoot with the
super dope photographer in this studio and it was so cool,
such a funny experience because like I was like so awkward,
like I don't model Like also, I like don't have

the body shape to model like that, so I'm all
like self conscious and like awkward.

Speaker 5 (34:07):
But it's gorge They're george. I can't wait to see
these pictures.

Speaker 6 (34:11):
Are gonna be nuts. I'm so excited. They're gonna be
so fun when.

Speaker 3 (34:15):
You get to see them.

Speaker 6 (34:16):
I'm not exactly sure when I get to see the pictures.
But I have some behind the scenes photos that I'll
post for you guys, so you guys can see it
on the John Jay and Riche Instagram. Yeah, I'm really
really excited. It's gonna be so fun.

Speaker 2 (34:28):
Was it weird being in a wedding dress?

Speaker 6 (34:30):
I wasn't really in a wedding dress, but it was
weird being in white. Like I sent the picture to
my friends in my group chat and they were like,
did you send this to Kanem to show them how
good you look in white? Like that was kind of
like the conversation. But then I was also like, oh
my gosh, Like if I post these pictures on Instagram,
like people might think I went and got eloped and
like just got married.

Speaker 13 (34:48):
But who knows.

Speaker 5 (34:49):
It was fun.

Speaker 6 (34:49):
I was wearing a veil.

Speaker 2 (34:50):
It was cool this weekend when you were in Denver.

Speaker 5 (34:53):
Oh my gosh. So we went out for my sister's birthday.
She had like a milestone birthday. So she had this
huge party and I think she had thirty five, forty,
maybe even fifty people there, and they're at the end
of the party. They wanted the party to keep going,
Like half of them so there's probably about twenty five
people and Scott and I had I mean we had
flown in that day, so I'd been up since three am.

My sister comes over and she's like, we're going to
a speakeasy. Are you guys coming? And I look at
Scott and I'm like, Okay, yeah, totally, let's go. Like
I ge't bail on my sister for her birthday. So
we go and we try to find this speakeasy. We
find it and they're like, your party's too big, we
can't let you in.

Speaker 6 (35:31):
And we're like, oh yeahs me.

Speaker 5 (35:33):
How rude.

Speaker 7 (35:34):
So we walk even further from where we were.

Speaker 5 (35:37):
My jid's freezing out. There's snow on the ground. We
walked to this bar and the bar is like it
was fine, but it was kind of lame at the
same time. And so we're sitting there and I'm just
like watching my sister get super drunk. I don't really
drink very much, so I'm like the sober person in
the bar at this point, and I'm getting so tired.
And my other sister, Jenny's like I need to go home,
like I need to leave, Like I'm out here, I'm

gonna get an owo were, and so me and my
other sister, Yeah, there's four of us. We were like,
we're not gonna let you walk out there alone. At
least let us walk you to your ubers. We get
out of the bar and Jenny's like, I can't deal
with these shoes anymore. I'm over it, I'm done, and
so she takes off her heels. It's okay, I I
I understand the pain of like walking in heels and

just being totally done. I have walked through Vegas barefoot.
I do not judge with the barefoot thing, because once
those heels get you in that spot, it feels so
satisfying to take them off and you don't care what
you're walking on.

Speaker 7 (36:31):
In fact, she didn't care because not only was she walking.

Speaker 5 (36:35):
Barefoot on the streets of downtown Denver, but she was
walking through the snow. As we crossed the street, she
was just like, that's how bad she wanted to get
out of there. I had to take shit.

Speaker 2 (36:46):
Walking bare and snow is so painful.

Speaker 5 (36:50):
Yeah, so I had taken I had I had forgotten
socks on the trip, but I had remembered, like slipper socks,
and that's what I was wearing with my boots and
so it was making them tight and uncomfortable. So I
had taken one of the socks off and it was
in my first At one point, She's like, you have socks,
don't you. I was like, I have a sock. It's

gonna borrow my one sock and walk down the street.
But then the uber showed up and so did it happen.

Speaker 7 (37:20):
But it was a night.

Speaker 5 (37:22):
It was definitely at night. It was definitely an adventure.
It was like such a fun theme and like randomly,
me and my sister ended up picking out the same jacket.

Speaker 6 (37:31):
I loved so fun.

Speaker 2 (37:33):
He picked up the jacket in different parts.

Speaker 5 (37:35):
We had no idea. In fact, we bought them from
different places, in different sites, different places, different cities, different websites.
We bought that from wild It was like literally the
same jacket.

Speaker 7 (37:46):
But you know, I guess like sisters think alike.

Speaker 4 (37:48):
Sometimes it's funny, you well, Peyton by herself at a
bar and Kyle with twenty five people.

Speaker 2 (37:53):
Not getting into a bar.

Speaker 13 (37:55):
Too many people.

Speaker 2 (37:57):
It was shift cares it's Tuesday, it's time for second
date update and we got Kenna on the line. Kenna,
tell us, what's going on.

Speaker 17 (38:04):
I'm trying to see if what seemed like the perfect
date just went nowhere.

Speaker 4 (38:09):
All right, we'll take your case.

Speaker 2 (38:12):
Second date update starts next with John Jay and Rich's.

Speaker 14 (38:19):
Getting It was supposed to be the start of a
beautiful relationship, but somebody screwed it all up.

Speaker 2 (38:30):
Second date update right now with John, Jay and Rich
have a second date update. Let's say hello to Kenna.

Speaker 12 (38:35):
Hi, Kenna, Hi, how are you?

Speaker 2 (38:37):

Speaker 4 (38:37):
Get a whoop?

Speaker 6 (38:37):

Speaker 2 (38:38):
Kenna. Second ate update is about you going a date
with someone you expect there to be a second date.
There isn't one. So we want to hear all about
how you met this person. Want to hear about the
first date and then how they're blowing you off, and
then we're gonna call them. All right, So what's your story, Kenna?

Speaker 8 (38:54):

Speaker 17 (38:55):
So yeah, so I met this guy Jays. He's really cute.
We were at this coffee shop on campus and he
was in line behind me and it was just cute.
He made this joke about like I ordered this muffin
and he said that that's the one he wanted, and
we just wound up talking and he wound up asking

me out, and our date was really cute too. It
was like about three weeks ago and we just kind
of grabbed dinner and we walked around downtown and yeah,
it was just really nice and he was like super
sweet and I was really into him, and I thought
it was like, you know, mutual and everything. So I

don't know, we got along, but he's he's he's ghosted
me after, like he never talked to me again, and
I tried to get over it, but like I finally
did text in last week. I did like a just
like a like a how's it going kind of thing
that's in major and he didn't even respond to that,
So I don't I don't know what happened them at all.

Speaker 2 (40:00):
It's really frustrating any nuduty on this date.

Speaker 17 (40:06):
No, No, he was also like places, so it was
what it was places what you say, It was like
we were we were in public the whole time.

Speaker 3 (40:15):
Public places.

Speaker 6 (40:17):
Well, did he like insinuate maybe going back to his
house or something and you were like no, and he's
like I don't want to mess with someone that's you know,
not down.

Speaker 17 (40:26):
Oh No, I mean no, he really didn't, like he
was just super nice and you know, yeah, I don't
recall that at all, like one of.

Speaker 5 (40:39):
Those situations where he's already got a girlfriend, got himself
into it.

Speaker 3 (40:41):
Like yeah, kind of be nice and no sparks. Maybe
it was fine, but there were no sparks, right, Maybe the.

Speaker 5 (40:48):
Plaiture wasn't as good as it was at the coffee.

Speaker 4 (40:50):
Maybe she didn't give him the muffin.

Speaker 5 (40:53):
The muffin, you say, well, I think she just told
us she didn't give him the uff.

Speaker 2 (40:56):
Remember, he wanted a muffin. He took muffin that muff
you pervert.

Speaker 5 (41:00):
She told us she didn't get him the moment.

Speaker 14 (41:04):

Speaker 6 (41:05):
You said your date was like three weeks ago, which
is like right around like Christmas time, right, So maybe
it was like finals. I mean, you said you guys
were on campus, so I'm assuming you're like in college
or something, so I'm like, maybe you're not too caught
up with like finals, and then like kind of really
just forgot about you and didn't have your number saved,
and it's like who is this?

Speaker 17 (41:22):
Yeah, yeah, that's like that's kind of what I thought too,
But then like that's why I texted him again.

Speaker 4 (41:30):
All right, Well we can call him and we'll find
out why he's blowing you off? What's his name?

Speaker 17 (41:35):

Speaker 2 (41:36):
All Right, we're gonna call Jase. We'll take a quick break,
we'll come back. We'll call Jase and find out why
Jase is blowing off. M Kenna, Johji and Rich. Second
ate update continues next.

Speaker 4 (41:46):
Stood stud just lack of food and girls. The rest you.

Speaker 2 (41:56):
Alone, Joji and Rich. You got Kenna on the line.
Who met Chase about three weeks ago? They went out right.
I think the line he used was she had the
last muffin at theffee shop and he was like, oh
I wanted that muffin or something.

Speaker 4 (42:08):
Right, cute, cute.

Speaker 2 (42:11):
Then you guys went out and had a good time, right,
you guys did the whole thing for some reason. A
picture you're holding hands walking to the boardwalk.

Speaker 17 (42:21):
Well, yeah, like downtown, like by the shops and everything.

Speaker 2 (42:24):
Okay, that's nice and then that's it. No kissing, goodbye, nothing,
nothing too forward?

Speaker 17 (42:29):
Right, great, Like, here's a gentleman.

Speaker 2 (42:32):
Okay, are we gonna call him find out why's bowing
you out? Because you texted him and he doesn't respond. Okay, okay,
let's do it.

Speaker 6 (42:47):
Hello, Hey is Jason available? Uh?

Speaker 18 (42:51):
Yeah, Hey, my name's Peyton.

Speaker 6 (42:53):
I'm with John Jay and Rich and we just wanted
to talk to you on the radio really quickly if
you have time this morning.

Speaker 8 (43:00):
Okay, Well, what's up?

Speaker 2 (43:02):
Well we have what's the possibilities the making of a
cute rom com? You know, we got a call from
a woman that says she met you in line at
the coffee shop and you made a comment about her
getting the last muffin and you guys went out to
eat you. I went on a date that night, and
then she hasn't heard from you sense and so yeah, yeah,

her name is Kenna and what.

Speaker 14 (43:27):

Speaker 8 (43:27):
Yeah, so Kenna told you about us.

Speaker 2 (43:31):
Yeah, yeah, it sounded cute. But now we're we were like,
we kind of like bumping our heads because we can't
figure out where things went wrong according to her the
way she was telling the story. So we wanted to
hear from you. What went wrong?

Speaker 8 (43:42):
Oh man, yeah, yeah, no, I remember Kenna. I haven't
texted her back, and honestly, I feel bad, but man,
I just can't. She's like allergic to everything. I'm not
even exaggerating too. It was it was nuts, Like at dinner,
she told me she couldn't eat gluten dairy, soy nuts

certain fruits because they give her like a reaction. And
I was like, okay, that's a lot, but signed whatever.
People got dietaries restrictions. And then we walked downtown and
she said she couldn't stay too close to the trees
because Paulin makes her throat close up way. And then
while she was yeah, while she was talking about that,
she also mentioned she's allergic to cats, dogs, perfumes, certain fabrics.

And then this one was the one that kind of set.

Speaker 2 (44:26):
Me over the edge.

Speaker 8 (44:27):
Electricity. She said she gets energy sensitive rashes if she's
near too many devices at once, and I was like, bro,
how is that even real? I started thinking, like what
if she's one of those people who think WiFi is
poisoning them?

Speaker 3 (44:39):
I just I just like couldn't deal.

Speaker 17 (44:41):
It was way wait, like, so you've been ignoring me
because you think I'm allergic to too much stuff?

Speaker 19 (44:47):
Like hat are you?

Speaker 2 (44:48):

Speaker 3 (44:48):
Wait wait wait wait, Kenna, she's in the her medically
sealed apartment right now, bubble boy.

Speaker 12 (44:57):
Oh no, Kenda, I mean it's it wasn't just that,
but it was like, wait, so not just that, so
that's true, So like that's why I.

Speaker 8 (45:10):
Look like it was a lot to take in all right,
like every five minutes we just have a normal conversation,
and that was something new. Oh, I can't eat that,
I can't touch that, I can't walk near that tree,
and like electricity, Kenny, you told me were allergic to
Wi Fi, so.

Speaker 17 (45:29):
I kind of get rashes if, like I get around
too many devices like gez.

Speaker 15 (45:34):
That's that is real, Like you need to look it up.
That's real.

Speaker 8 (45:37):
Okay, okay, how that sounds like how would we even
go on dates? What if it ordered the wrong thing?
Like what if like my phone gives you eyes? What
if we go by the wrong tree, Like it's constant
in your death scenarios every time we go outside.

Speaker 12 (45:50):
That's there's there's so many eppens though.

Speaker 8 (45:57):
That the full purse of just EpiPens is so heavy. No,
I was.

Speaker 17 (46:03):
I was fine the whole date, right, Like you're acting
like I'm a bubble person like I was.

Speaker 12 (46:07):
Wasn't I find you were fine?

Speaker 8 (46:08):
But I was because I spent the night like making
sure we didn't accidentally kill you. But it's so stressful.
I can't live like that, Like what if I have
a peanut butter sandwich before seeing you and then boom,
like you're dead, and then there's like a case and
then like a Netflix theory.

Speaker 5 (46:20):
Well really yeah, I mean there aren't a lot of allergies,
but I mean it is kind of like where do
you go?

Speaker 2 (46:29):
What do you do?

Speaker 7 (46:30):
That would be a little intimidating.

Speaker 17 (46:33):
I mean I can see that, but like he's okay,
So you're blowing out of proportion, like you're being dramatic
about it. Like most of my allergies are like super manageable,
and people date with allergies all the time in Keith.
You haven't known anyone.

Speaker 3 (46:46):
With allergies manageable.

Speaker 8 (46:49):
Dude, you told me the air quality in my apartment
might be too spicy for you hair, Like, what do
I do with that?

Speaker 2 (46:55):
It's just air.

Speaker 3 (46:57):
I think she was talking about your sexuality.

Speaker 2 (46:59):
Because you know what I just looked up. I just
looked up. Is it possible to be allergic to electricity?
And it's called e HS is believed to be triggered
by electronic devices, but has no scientific proof symptoms. They
have to do the symptoms may happen due to other
disorders or beliefs about electromagnetic fields. Mm hmm, so there

is a little bit of a you know, a crazy person.

Speaker 12 (47:22):
On extromagnetic fields really hard.

Speaker 3 (47:27):
That keta, Like where do we go?

Speaker 8 (47:30):
Like if my air in the air in my room
is too spicy for you, Like I don't.

Speaker 3 (47:34):
Know what to do?

Speaker 17 (47:35):
Like we could like go to Like I was joking
about that because like I'm good at joking about myself
because I know that it's it's crazy how many allergies
I have.

Speaker 13 (47:43):
So that was a joke.

Speaker 8 (47:45):
Okay, I'll take the laws on that one. But like
I could not tell because by that point I had
no idea there was there was like fifty allergies.

Speaker 4 (47:52):
That's a lot.

Speaker 8 (47:53):
Well it's like forty nine real one in one joke.

Speaker 2 (47:55):
That's a lot. If you're married, do you have a baby,
and the baby had the child create, it has all
those allergies, you know. But if you're getting meeting someone
for the first time, you're like just kind of jump
ahead and go that's a lot to deal with right now.
I don't know what you know what I mean, that's
the first date. That's take the pen Jenna before Jase
or Kenna, all of you. Take that bipin and shoot

it before you go in there.

Speaker 6 (48:18):
I don't think that's how that works.

Speaker 3 (48:21):
Remember you guys, remember the producer we had that was
allergic to the color orange. No, not just oranges, but
anything orange. No, you don't, because I thought that was
so fascinating. You got to add that to your list.

Speaker 8 (48:33):
You're visually allergic to.

Speaker 6 (48:34):
That's not kind of You'll find someone out there that
that'll be perfect.

Speaker 5 (48:39):
They're equally allergic to.

Speaker 6 (48:41):
That's what I'm saying. Like my friend Hayley, she's gluten
free and she found herself a girlfriend that's gluten freeze.

Speaker 3 (48:49):
There's there no sy either though.

Speaker 8 (48:52):
All right, So, like if you find a way to
like do EpiPens and like shots or something, make it
like a party game like that could be he you know.

Speaker 2 (49:00):
Hey, so do you want to go at her again?
Because that's kind of where we step.

Speaker 8 (49:02):
In, Oh man, kind of like you're really nice, but
I cannot. That's so many allergies. I think you're gonna
find a great person you cannot with.

Speaker 6 (49:11):

Speaker 3 (49:12):
I'm best of luck to you, but I don't think
i'm there, all right, Kenna, that's why he was pulling
you off.

Speaker 2 (49:17):
It's tough to hear.

Speaker 17 (49:19):
He could have been mature, but it's just gonna go
after assuming that it's going to be difficult to date me.

Speaker 12 (49:25):

Speaker 2 (49:26):
Hey, incidentally, you guys, before we say good bye to you,
I was typing in my search engine can people be
allergic to electricity? And I typed in can people? And
you know how it feels in the rest of the sentence.
When it feels in the red sentences, I mean, a
lot of people have searched that, or.

Speaker 5 (49:39):
That's what the algorithm thinks you're gonna ask.

Speaker 2 (49:41):
It says, can people lay eggs? And then it says, no,
humans do not lay eggs?

Speaker 3 (49:46):
Fair enough, weird, Now that's attitude.

Speaker 4 (49:50):
We can't she's allergic. By the way, I've allergic to eggs. Anyway,
all right, thank you guys for going there with us.
All Right, that's second it update with John Jay and
Rich John Jane Rich.

Speaker 2 (50:08):
Yesterday Kyle was telling us how what you were in
Denver on your way to Denver and the airport popped
you for carrying illegal makeup brushes.

Speaker 5 (50:15):
They were illegal makeup brushes, but it was an illegal
amount of liquids, my makeup brush, solution cleaner, and lotion,
and they threw it away and it was really sad
because they were brand new.

Speaker 2 (50:26):
So we want to get into eight seven seven, nine, three,
seven one oh four to seven colltels. What did TSA?
What did the airport confiscate from you? David sent me
a DM what did the airport get from you?

Speaker 17 (50:36):
All right?

Speaker 15 (50:36):

Speaker 3 (50:36):
So we were pretty much take a tip to Mexico.

Speaker 1 (50:39):
You know a long times have we had gone. Let's
go for Christmas, surprise everybody. And we're just taking a
bunch of random gifts. I mean, you're talking about enough
phone on Jacobs, perfumes, you name me, knife sets, just
random stuff that people might need one household items.

Speaker 17 (50:57):
So we get to the to the airport down in Mexico.

Speaker 15 (51:00):
We're running late.

Speaker 1 (51:01):
We can't even take in our bags.

Speaker 3 (51:03):
Will they tell us? Just run to the gate, take your.

Speaker 1 (51:06):
Bags and we'll take your bags from from there. From
the gate, they told us to go through and that's it, okay,
So we go in. The guys starts going through the scanner.
He immediately just stops our seven bags going through, starts
popping out Victoria's secret blow shits, best body works things,
knife sets, per fumes. He puts everything down and just.

Speaker 12 (51:27):
Have you guys ever flown before?

Speaker 3 (51:32):
Have you ever flown?

Speaker 2 (51:35):
Probably when they took the knives out. They're like, what
kids are these people?

Speaker 4 (51:38):

Speaker 1 (51:38):
Yeah, he definitely stopped at the knife staying.

Speaker 5 (51:40):
He just looked at us like, really, do you just
say I'm going to miss this flight and get the
next one because this is too much stuff to lose.

Speaker 3 (51:50):
So so here's the thing.

Speaker 1 (51:51):
We booked flights in what is Mexico to save three
four hundred dollars to not fight from Phoenix, but we
lost five hundre dollars plus of gifts that we were
gonna give away.

Speaker 3 (52:03):
You literally just said take them. We had to make
our flight.

Speaker 1 (52:06):
Well, I mean the plane was literally just waiting for us.
They had a hellowplane stop. We have six passengers running
to the gates and it was either leave the items.

Speaker 3 (52:16):
Fight with the people.

Speaker 5 (52:17):
We couldn't.

Speaker 1 (52:18):
There was no way around it.

Speaker 3 (52:19):
So we arrived.

Speaker 1 (52:21):
So we arrived, and then we also paid eggs for
baggage for those items. It was it was a nightmare.
And ever since then we just said, you know what, forget.

Speaker 2 (52:30):
It, forget it all right. That's a good one man.
Thank you, David, Thanks for calling it. Dude, Have a
great day, all right. Take care eight seven seven nine
three seven one four seven we want to know what
was confiscated from you. We were trying to travel, you
made a mistake or you didn't know have you ever
traveled before?

Speaker 3 (52:47):
What that made you feel to it would feel so us.

Speaker 2 (52:51):
We'll talk to you next. It's John Jay and Rich
Hi Nikki, what did ta take from you?

Speaker 19 (53:08):
So we were coming back from Disneyland when I was
about seven, and I had like a little fainting pack
and they pulled it aside and they started pulling everything out,
and I had one of those little rolls of the
Hubba Bubba bubble tape and I guess there is like
there's like powder coating on it. And they were like

suspicious of that, and so my mom was like, my
child isn't a smuggler.

Speaker 12 (53:34):
Like it's just.

Speaker 6 (53:36):
It does look like a little like white powdery substance.
So I can understand.

Speaker 3 (53:40):
Got the hub of bubble?

Speaker 4 (53:42):
You know what that is?

Speaker 5 (53:43):
Like everybody knows.

Speaker 8 (53:43):
I know.

Speaker 6 (53:44):
I'm like, did you not have a childhood? Like how
did you not know that that's on the hub above?

Speaker 4 (53:48):
Because the hubb of Bubba not just the powder, but
it looks like C four So I could see how
they can see that.

Speaker 2 (53:52):
I get it. I totally get it now.

Speaker 4 (53:54):
One of the things I do with that Hubba Bubba tape,
by the way, is you take it out and you
see it's like a it's a spool and like a
bite it like a hamburger.

Speaker 6 (54:01):
Stop it. You're like just a string cheese and eats
the strings.

Speaker 2 (54:06):
Well, what I ut string cheese. I'll eat three or
four string cheeses and I do them differently each one.
There you got, nih Jessica Hie. What did Hi.

Speaker 20 (54:20):
Ta took from us? Was a magic eight ball because
my son was trying to sneak it through and didn't
think anybody would notice.

Speaker 2 (54:30):
Because of the liquid inside of it or something.

Speaker 20 (54:33):
Yeah, because it's a liquid and they're like, they can't
take this on the plane. And my son was so
upset because he wanted to take the magic eight ball
to his grandparents' house.

Speaker 5 (54:45):
I don't think there's be that much liquid in that.

Speaker 3 (54:48):
He probably asked the eight ball when he was in line,
can I take you to my grandma's house and said sure,
no problem.

Speaker 20 (54:53):
They say no, so sorry because it's the liquid.

Speaker 3 (54:56):
Absolutely not.

Speaker 20 (54:59):
I was like, of all things, a magic eight ball,
and he was so sad because he wanted to take
it so he could show his grandparents and then use
it the whole week he was there.

Speaker 2 (55:09):
You know, the same thing happened to Rich, but it
was a different eight ball.

Speaker 8 (55:12):
Oh my god.

Speaker 3 (55:14):
Rules were different back then in Japan.

Speaker 20 (55:17):
Yeah, a little different here all right.

Speaker 2 (55:20):
Thanks Jessica, thanks for calling in.

Speaker 12 (55:22):
You're very welcome.

Speaker 20 (55:23):
Thanks so much.

Speaker 15 (55:24):
Have a great day.

Speaker 4 (55:25):
If you have any other ones, shoot us a call
eight seven seven nine four seven or DM John j
Vaness It's John, Jay and Rich.

Speaker 7 (55:33):
Tap in and say what's up?

Speaker 5 (55:34):
Sure, open the free iHeartRadio apps, top the talkback Mike.

Speaker 6 (55:37):
Just send John, Jay and.

Speaker 2 (55:38):
Rich a message now, don Jay and Rich shoot us
a text anytime, like when you're listening to the podcast
later today, text us text JJR whatever you want to
say to nine six eight nine three. Here's a text.
Hannies is awesome. They have a great margarita pizza.

Speaker 6 (55:54):
Oh I have the honey hot Pepperoni pizza last night
and it was delish.

Speaker 4 (56:00):
Kyle skitsmittib news do that. Let's get to it.

Speaker 2 (56:03):
What did you like to hear about sizza?

Speaker 5 (56:05):
Okay, I knew Fighton would like this one. So on
Sis's new album, She's got a song named Drew Barrymore.

Speaker 7 (56:10):
She was on the Drew Berry Moore Sure.

Speaker 6 (56:11):
One of my favorite siss songs of all time.

Speaker 5 (56:14):
Yeah, And so Drew was like, I, you know, when
I saw that you had a song my name as
the title, I was so honored. And Sissy was like,
your name's not just the title, like your name was
the inspiration. And then Sissa like went into how much
she really admires Drew Berrymore.

Speaker 21 (56:33):
I guess you know, when you're younger and your black women,
it's not a lot of examples all the time. And
one of the few lovely white women that I looked
up to so much on television, it was you, because
you were so yourself. You were quirky, your smile wasn't perfect.
I have like a slight speech impediment. It just reminds
me of all the things about myself that make me nervous.

But on you, its shine so brightly. You gave me
permission to like be myself and feel like this is so.

Speaker 6 (57:02):
Cool, and so you just see all these I like.

Speaker 2 (57:07):
Ill, my smile is cricket.

Speaker 6 (57:10):
She actually she actually chuckled in the interview, and she
watched that when I watched it, But I watched the
whole thing because like Scissa is my goat, Like she's
my all time favorite, and I love Drew barrymore. Like
Fifty First Dates was like my comfort movie as a kid,
and so like to see that it only like it
just made me love Scissa as an artist so much
more because it made her real to me. Well, like
she is like my Drake, you know, so I'm like,

you're actually real and I actually connect to you and
I really did, and they did, Drake, this is a
good date.

Speaker 5 (57:38):
And you can totally like feel the love with Drew Berry,
like she just like reaks out, you know, like free
spirit and just so kind.

Speaker 6 (57:45):
And if you haven't heard Drew Barrymore by Sissa, go
listen to it because it's so good.

Speaker 2 (57:49):
Does talk about a cricket smile on the.

Speaker 6 (57:50):
Song No one doesn't Ja Cole does.

Speaker 2 (57:52):
I thought that's what she was talking about that put
these lyrics in the songs more than just it's mo than.

Speaker 6 (57:57):
J J Cole mentions having cricket teeth.

Speaker 3 (58:00):
Oh, talk about.

Speaker 2 (58:04):
Working on this vision board right, and like tonight my
family are doing the vision boards. So I went to
go look for magazines again yesterday and did you Drew
Barrymore has a magazine.

Speaker 5 (58:12):
Yeah, I bought one of her magazines from my vision
board that we put together, and my daughter did ours
last night.

Speaker 4 (58:19):
This is It's Drew, And I was like, I had
no idea what she got in there, just her.

Speaker 5 (58:24):
Do you want to know One of the big ones
that I took from her magazine it says Joy really largely.
I'll show you.

Speaker 4 (58:29):
You had your vision board here, Yeah.

Speaker 5 (58:31):
Keep it in my planner Joy that came from Drew.
That costs seventeen dollars, it did, because I don't know
what else I took from this.

Speaker 2 (58:40):
So the vision board. So your vision board fits in
your little diary right there.

Speaker 5 (58:44):
Yeah, because I feel like if I'm going to be
looking in this all the time to be planning things,
it's like I have the constant reminder of my twenty
twenty five vision.

Speaker 2 (58:51):
No, that's good. But I went to Michael's over the
weekend and I bought these this construction stuff for our
vision boards. And my wife said me last night, she goes,
I saw the stuff yet for the vision board. They
look a little large, don't they? Do we cut those
in half? I'm like, no, I think they're supposed to
be big, and then I see Kyle's little one.

Speaker 5 (59:07):
You can do it any size you want, So mine's small.
Like I said, I did it with my daughter last
night and we took one of those large foam boards
and then we cut it in half for her, so
then she is like a phone board, but half of one.
You can do it whatever size.

Speaker 6 (59:19):
Yeah, mine in my office is a full side post ward.
It's huge.

Speaker 2 (59:22):
I guess it could be any way.

Speaker 3 (59:23):
Where are you gonna keep you ror? Is it gonna
put in here? You're gonna keep it? You know what?
You should keep? Your vision board, John Jay is outside
the window of your sauna in the garage, so you
can see it when you're I was gonna make the
visioard and.

Speaker 2 (59:33):
I was gonna burn it.

Speaker 5 (59:35):
Why would you do?

Speaker 2 (59:36):
What about Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift?

Speaker 5 (59:39):
So everyone's freaking out because he was doing an interview
and fans think he cryptically told us that there's new
Taylor Swift music coming out. He was really trying to
not answer the question that was a question directly about
new Taylor Swift music.

Speaker 3 (59:56):
Have you heard any?

Speaker 4 (59:56):
Have you heard any?

Speaker 2 (59:58):
Are you You're like, you know, I can't I can't
say any of that. You know, I I hear music everywhere.

Speaker 4 (01:00:04):
Okay, let's say you're hanging out, no, I have a
little dinner. All of a sudden, the creative juice sparks
and the absolute.

Speaker 1 (01:00:09):
Beast that you're sitting with who is going to go
down is maybe the most famous icon in the history
of music.

Speaker 4 (01:00:15):
And she starts thinking something.

Speaker 2 (01:00:16):
And you go, oh, I like that. Are you a
motivator at every single time?

Speaker 6 (01:00:19):
Are you?

Speaker 13 (01:00:20):

Speaker 1 (01:00:20):
Now you know it?

Speaker 6 (01:00:21):
You know it?

Speaker 3 (01:00:21):
I don't.

Speaker 15 (01:00:21):
I don't.

Speaker 3 (01:00:22):
I'll never I'll never chime in, but you already know
it's I'm here to support it.

Speaker 2 (01:00:25):
I'm here to see where it can go, you know
what I mean.

Speaker 5 (01:00:28):
And then at one point said there might be a
few Well, yeah, there might be, there might not be.

Speaker 6 (01:00:32):
You know, why wouldn't you just say I don't know
what's going on with that? Like he could have avoided
He probably does know.

Speaker 5 (01:00:37):
He probably does know what's going on. Yeah, I know.

Speaker 6 (01:00:40):
Fool's all like, why why it's okay?

Speaker 2 (01:00:44):
After speaking of new music about a week and a
half ago, when over the break, I was in astuly
longer than that, I was in Hawaii, uh because my
son plays basketball there and my son, Dutch goes, Dad
stand like this, and I stand and he and he
films me out stand like that, do this? Like all right?
So I do it. I'm like, what are you doing?
There's nothing? And later he posts it was a TikTok

he made. I don't know if he was making fun
of me or not. I go, what song is that?
And it's uh is le Angela Ball's song?

Speaker 6 (01:01:12):
Oh yeah, I was gonna ask you if you heard
it and saw that he signed to the Deaf Jam's
record label.

Speaker 2 (01:01:17):
I saw that last night.

Speaker 6 (01:01:18):
Yeah, right, thirteen million dollars.

Speaker 4 (01:01:21):
Yeah. I feel like I'm ahead of the game because
I had a TikTok with his song that I already.

Speaker 6 (01:01:25):
Opened then blew up a week ago.

Speaker 2 (01:01:28):
It blew up a week ago. Yes, okay, thank you, Okay,
it's on my sword. Did you see the video I made?

Speaker 6 (01:01:35):
I didn't see the video you made, but that the
video I made, Dutch Bank he's been parading that song
around the house for the last week and a half.

Speaker 4 (01:01:42):
I made that video. Yes, yeah, I could. This date,
whatever date this was January fifth, is when I made
the video.

Speaker 3 (01:01:48):
You were thing posted on my post.

Speaker 2 (01:01:50):
So you're welcome. Leangela Ball for your thirteen million.

Speaker 21 (01:01:53):

Speaker 6 (01:01:53):
People are saying that that song, though, like brings you
back to like the nineties, like early two thousands type
of music. So that's why people are just loving it.

Speaker 2 (01:02:00):
But I'm also hearing now the Heidi Montague. Everyone's talking
about her song too, Oh my gosh.

Speaker 5 (01:02:05):
Well because for some reason, her song from her twenty
ten album Superficial. Somehow, for some reason, it's gone viral
again and it's like number one on iTunes.

Speaker 3 (01:02:16):
Because of the fire stuff with them talking about the fire.

Speaker 5 (01:02:18):
I guess, so yeah, but she was like beside herself
because you know, they lost their home, they lost everything
in the fire, and she was like thanking everyone because
because of this, it's spent such a light during a
really dark time.

Speaker 10 (01:02:30):
Thank you so much to everyone. Number one on iTunes charts,
Oh my gosh, thank you for the overwhelming club and
support of my music. And really rowllying behind us is
devastating time and making it such a blasting.

Speaker 6 (01:02:47):
So thank you.

Speaker 2 (01:02:50):
How weird that her and Spencer Pratt now are on
the news every day.

Speaker 4 (01:02:53):
I know again like ten years ago, it was like it.

Speaker 5 (01:02:56):
Even literally feels like a flashback.

Speaker 6 (01:02:58):
You guys, we're talking about Spencer Pratt and I'm like,
they were.

Speaker 5 (01:03:01):
Like a reality reality show star.

Speaker 3 (01:03:03):
Seriously, they were the stars in the world.

Speaker 2 (01:03:08):
Really is this reality show?

Speaker 6 (01:03:10):
Yeah, I've never heard of it.

Speaker 2 (01:03:11):
And he was We had him on the show many times.
He was he was a press hound. He was just
he was It's almost like you could almost say, did
he start these fires? So they're in the news.

Speaker 6 (01:03:20):
They didn't start that.

Speaker 2 (01:03:22):
Burn our house down, and everyone's going to talk to us.

Speaker 4 (01:03:24):

Speaker 5 (01:03:24):
They were just like, I mean, any headline they could get,
they would. And then she she caused all these headlines
because she basically like got every plastic surgery procedure you
could to like completely change her.

Speaker 6 (01:03:34):
Look, Oh my gosh, I'm gonna have to do deep
like twenty ten.

Speaker 2 (01:03:38):
So they were famous before that then because it was
probably two.

Speaker 7 (01:03:41):
Thousand and eight then because then right yeah, right in
that ear that's.

Speaker 2 (01:03:44):
Crazy John Jay and Rich Melissa. What did t s
A take?

Speaker 13 (01:03:53):
I had like a nine inch dagger in my backpack? Yeah,
And what happened was I was packing for a trip
and my suitcase handle broke, so I grabbed my husband's bag,
emptied out, threw all my stuff in there. But forgot. Well,
I didn't know this was in there. And so I
go through a TSA and they're like, do you have

anything sharp in your bag? And I was like no,
and they're like, well, what's this? And they pulled off
the knife and they walk me across like all the
lanes of TSA like holding this knife up, and they
took it from me, like they offered, you know, I
could either take it back to my car, they would
confiscate it. I was like, keep it, keep it. I

don't want it anywhere to hear me.

Speaker 8 (01:04:36):
It's not mine.

Speaker 12 (01:04:37):
I'm just a mom.

Speaker 13 (01:04:38):
I'm just traveling for work, innocent. And about three months later,
I get a letter in the mail for the TSA
saying I dang for.

Speaker 6 (01:04:47):
Life for free check.

Speaker 3 (01:04:49):
Oh no, that's the saddest news of all.

Speaker 13 (01:04:52):
It's the worse I know.

Speaker 2 (01:04:55):
So well, thank you for sharing that story, Melissa. Sorry
you can't travel pre check anymore ever. Yeah, yeah, I
Sam what got confiscated TSA.

Speaker 22 (01:05:10):
I was traveling to Cuba with my ex boyfriend and
they tried to take his mom's ashes.

Speaker 3 (01:05:16):
Oh were you gonna do? You were gonna dump them
somewhere in Cuba?

Speaker 22 (01:05:20):
His mom's from Cuba. So we were taking them there
to uh to disperse them and kind of bring her
back home and stuff. And as we were going through TSA,
I didn't speak Spanish. He didn't speak Spanish, and they
were trying to ask us what it was because we
just had it in one of those boxes and I
didn't know what to tell them, and they were like
trying to take it away and they were going to

test it and everything, thinking that we were bringing something
into the country. And I'm sitting there kind of like
with my hands in the air, going I don't know
what to tell you, and they're speaking Spanish to me.
My boyfriend steps over and gets behind me and he goes,
where'sday Dust?

Speaker 12 (01:05:55):
And I go, what in the world?

Speaker 22 (01:05:57):
So yeah, so he told them where day Dust?

Speaker 12 (01:05:59):
And I was like, oh my god.

Speaker 22 (01:06:00):
They put their hands up. They gave it back to
me and they said keep moving.

Speaker 2 (01:06:06):
Means dead. So He's like, dust, Sam, thanks for calling in,
Thanks Joanne? What got taken away from TSA.

Speaker 16 (01:06:15):
I was traveling and I had my little Yorki with
me and he needed medication and they were in two
round drop a bottle.

Speaker 20 (01:06:23):
And tessee goes.

Speaker 11 (01:06:25):
My flight was delayed in Tsa goes, you can't travel
with this.

Speaker 16 (01:06:27):
I said, there's key rounds bottles.

Speaker 17 (01:06:29):
He said, I'm sorry, you can't. I said, but I
don't understand.

Speaker 19 (01:06:32):
I mean, let me give my dog the medicine.

Speaker 11 (01:06:34):
He said, absolutely not.

Speaker 16 (01:06:35):
He said, all right, he takes it, he throws it away,
s Alica walking around it.

Speaker 15 (01:06:40):
He goes, what seems to be the problem.

Speaker 16 (01:06:42):
I said, he my flight's delayed.

Speaker 11 (01:06:44):
And then he wanted to throw my dog's medicine away.

Speaker 16 (01:06:47):
And he's like, what do you mean they want to
throw the medicine.

Speaker 11 (01:06:50):
I said, he won't.

Speaker 3 (01:06:51):
Even let me give it to him. Now, the police
take it out.

Speaker 15 (01:06:54):
Of the garbage and said, here, have a nice flight.

Speaker 3 (01:06:57):
No really, I wonder what was going on.

Speaker 5 (01:07:00):
TSA agent wanted the drugs.

Speaker 15 (01:07:02):
Little both New York.

Speaker 17 (01:07:03):
You know, I'm sorry and I'm from New York.

Speaker 4 (01:07:07):
What are you doing right now?

Speaker 13 (01:07:08):
I am driving to work.

Speaker 2 (01:07:10):
Oh it sounds like someone's like typing everything you say here.
Every time she's talked like, yeah, I thought you're doing
data interet.

Speaker 17 (01:07:18):

Speaker 5 (01:07:19):
Maybe it's like earring.

Speaker 2 (01:07:21):
She's like, I'm also a court reporter and I'm in
court righth we hear your hoops?

Speaker 3 (01:07:25):
Is that we hear your hoops.

Speaker 2 (01:07:27):
I hear it. Joan, have a great day. Thank you
for listening.

Speaker 4 (01:07:30):
Hi Frean scene.

Speaker 6 (01:07:31):

Speaker 15 (01:07:32):
So I was coming back from Mexico with a piece
of dead coral that I found on the beach and
coming through Tsa and all they heard was that I
had a coralie a piece of coral in my luggage,
and they lost their minds. They took me into a

special area. They took all of my belongings, like they
ran everything through. There was a group of people that
were off in the corner just whispering and looking at
me like side eyeing me like I had just like
killed a baby will or something. It was horrible, and
we finally I showed them what I had and they

were like, this is a rock and I said, yeah,
it's a it's a piece of dead coral. And they're like,
oh my gosh. We thought it was like a piece
of live coral and that's illegal and you can't do that,
and oh my god, oh yeah it was. It was horrible.
I was like, how would I first of all bring
a piece of live corals hold me in my luggage
like it was wrapped in a sock.

Speaker 2 (01:08:37):
Fancy. Thank you for calling in.

Speaker 15 (01:08:39):
Thank you have a good one.

Speaker 2 (01:08:42):
D Tree. You got advice to Kyle?

Speaker 13 (01:08:45):
Yes, I do.

Speaker 22 (01:08:46):
I was listening to her story about she has a
compensating her stuff and I actually have.

Speaker 8 (01:08:52):
The same thing.

Speaker 13 (01:08:52):
Happened to me.

Speaker 11 (01:08:53):
There's actually a website.

Speaker 20 (01:08:55):
You can go to and they saw that stuff that
you lose and.

Speaker 11 (01:09:00):
You can get it for theyr cheap.

Speaker 6 (01:09:03):
Oh so they like auction off all the stuff. Yeah,
what is the website?

Speaker 2 (01:09:08):
Get that makeup brush back?

Speaker 7 (01:09:09):
It's like TSA stuff dot com or something.

Speaker 12 (01:09:12):
I can send it to you guys on I'll send it.

Speaker 22 (01:09:15):
To one of your instagrams or something.

Speaker 4 (01:09:17):
I've never heard of that, but I've done that.

Speaker 12 (01:09:19):
My friend actually told me about it because I have
the same thing.

Speaker 22 (01:09:23):
Happened to me, brand new stuff just taken.

Speaker 5 (01:09:26):
Wow, it's so sad. You know what though, I like
my sister put it into perspective. She's like, at least
it wasn't like expensive perfume or something like that is
not gonna cost a way more.

Speaker 2 (01:09:39):
Well, thank you shoot us a d M. I want to,
I want to know. I want to. I want to
buy Kyle's brush back and go here. I got you,
Bye cat, thanks for holding what did t s A
take from you.

Speaker 11 (01:09:53):
Well, it wasn't necessarily ts A. But long story short,
I was involved a crime, and of course they take
your car into evidence, and in my trunk of my car,
I had a first aid kit full of all my
sex toys in it. And uh so, so when I
finally get my car out of evidence, I'm like, yes,

I'm gonna go get my first aid kit. Well, my
first aid kit's gone. And I'm like no, because that's
a lot of money, you know what I'm saying. And
so I call my attorney and then then he calls
the detective and he's like, hey, she wants her first
aid kit back, and.

Speaker 13 (01:10:29):
The detectives like, yeah, she can't have that back.

Speaker 6 (01:10:32):
Call it's like, what are you doing.

Speaker 11 (01:10:34):
With my first aid kit?

Speaker 3 (01:10:35):
Yeah? Why would they? Why would they want that? Why would.

Speaker 8 (01:10:44):
It was?

Speaker 11 (01:10:44):
It was just you know, bad bad times back then,
involved with wrong people.

Speaker 13 (01:10:49):
You know.

Speaker 2 (01:10:50):
Okay, but let me let me ask this. You called
in because we're talking about what did TSA take away
from me? Right?

Speaker 15 (01:10:56):

Speaker 2 (01:10:56):
Huh, okay, good. I just want to make sure.

Speaker 11 (01:10:58):
Because I just yeah, no, well I thought I heard
you say, like what is what did something get confiscated?
From you, and I thought it was pretty funny, because.

Speaker 2 (01:11:05):
No, that works. No, No, that's fantastic. I'm glad you
called that. I want to make sure they did that.
I was going to question the phone screener.

Speaker 11 (01:11:11):
Yeah, I mean, I guess they're like TSA.

Speaker 2 (01:11:15):
Right, Yeah, No, that's that works perfectly.

Speaker 3 (01:11:17):
What will have been the chances if we said what
sex toys got taken away from you because of a crime.

Speaker 2 (01:11:23):
Or what do you put in your first aid kid
other than first A tools?

Speaker 3 (01:11:26):
We probably would have never gotten to those.

Speaker 2 (01:11:29):
All right, Kat, perfect, Thank you so much for calling you,
Love you too. To wrap this up, I thought this
was interesting as heck. These are six weird things that
can get you flagged by TSA. Arguing or being aggressive,

using too much cologne or perfume. They might think you're
trying to mask the smell of drugs, so they'll pull
you over. If you're extra chatty with them, they think
something's up and get you padded down because they might
think you're trying to distract them. These guys are trained
not making eye contact. If you don't make eye contact,
it's another sign you're nervous you have something to hide.

How about this This one I thought was so like, So,
if you're a TSA agent and you see someone in line,
you think it looks suspicious and they're yawning a lot.
Could it be their do morning radio? Oh no, yawning
a lot. When people are stressed, they tend to want
more oxygen, so they start yawning. And if you are yawning,
they pull you aside and give you a strip search.
And this is your TSA just number one thing. They'll

get you flagged at TSA. If you're being dressed wrong
for the weather, like having way too many layers in
the summertime, it could mean you're trying to hide something.

Speaker 6 (01:12:43):
What it's just freezing on the airplane in the airport,
like I always layer up no matter I think.

Speaker 2 (01:12:47):
What if where you're going is cold?

Speaker 8 (01:12:50):
You know?

Speaker 2 (01:12:50):
Then again, I was under the weather and I took
a big thick jacket with me when I went to Hawaii,
and I wore it on the plane and I take
it off and I roll it up and I put
it underneath my lower backs.

Speaker 4 (01:12:58):
It feels better. But I never got flagged.

Speaker 2 (01:13:01):
I bring it.

Speaker 3 (01:13:04):
You're poking doing all those you're probably yawning. There's no
way too Chatty not be too jetty.

Speaker 2 (01:13:12):
Alright and Rich, thanks for j rich Troe play game, Dina.

Speaker 3 (01:13:28):
Hello, Hi, how are you doing?

Speaker 11 (01:13:31):

Speaker 2 (01:13:31):
Grants, the host of Sam hold on thing. We have
technical difficulties right now.

Speaker 5 (01:13:42):
There's a lot of.

Speaker 3 (01:13:43):
Hello, oh hello, Hi, how are we doing?

Speaker 18 (01:13:46):
We're probably the four second rule America's favorite game show obviously.

Speaker 12 (01:13:49):

Speaker 18 (01:13:50):
Basically how this works is I'm gonna go around the room,
give you a category, and you have four seconds to
name three things in said category. Now, Dina, you're probably wondering,
what does four second sound line?

Speaker 2 (01:14:00):

Speaker 3 (01:14:05):
That's four seconds that happens fast, Dina. Are you ready
got it?

Speaker 13 (01:14:09):

Speaker 18 (01:14:10):
I am ready Awesome, John Jay van as we start
with you, big og, John Jay. In four seconds, name
three things that your partner makes fun.

Speaker 2 (01:14:21):
Of you for my clothes, my face, my walk, my rear,
end up chin.

Speaker 18 (01:14:27):
My eye, nail it point on the board for John Jay.
Rich vera, yes, sir.

Speaker 3 (01:14:35):
In four seconds, Rich, name three things you say when
you're surprised. Oh my goodness, crap, Hey what's that nice job?

Speaker 2 (01:14:46):

Speaker 3 (01:14:46):
On the board?

Speaker 18 (01:14:47):
Hot start big game today, Peyton Whitmore you said earlier,
Sizza is your favorite all time artist? Yeah, my go
all right with that in mind, Peyton. In four seconds,
name three things that fit in your pocket, your.

Speaker 6 (01:15:02):
Phone, your wallet in a quarter man trying to throw
me off.

Speaker 18 (01:15:07):
Right there at a little bit. Kyle, are you ready?
In four seconds, Kyle, make three different animal sounds.

Speaker 3 (01:15:19):
Okay, great job. Everybody on the boards.

Speaker 2 (01:15:29):
Got hyper dog? Dina?

Speaker 3 (01:15:33):
Are you ready? I am ready, all right, Dina.

Speaker 18 (01:15:37):
In four seconds, name three things you can't resist.

Speaker 20 (01:15:43):
Chocolate, cake and pop.

Speaker 3 (01:15:47):
Did you say pop?

Speaker 17 (01:15:49):

Speaker 11 (01:15:49):

Speaker 3 (01:15:49):
I'm old school, that's Midwest.

Speaker 1 (01:15:51):
I like that all.

Speaker 18 (01:15:53):
We got everybody on the board after round one. Moving
into round two, the questions might get a little harder.

Speaker 2 (01:16:00):
John J.

Speaker 18 (01:16:01):
Vans in four seconds, name three types of trees.

Speaker 2 (01:16:06):
Uh, eucalyptus, pine, and.

Speaker 3 (01:16:11):
That has a wood that we don't all give it
to you.

Speaker 4 (01:16:15):
You can get mahogany from the mahogany tree.

Speaker 3 (01:16:17):
True, we'll count it. We'll give you.

Speaker 18 (01:16:19):
John Jay gets two points. Perfect game for John Jay
Rich Barra Rich. In four seconds, name three things you
can cover in chocolate, strawberries, cake, and a donut. Come
on your mom, she loves it. Peyton, whitmore. You planning

any vacation soon? Any exciting world travels that I am
all right. Well, Peyton in four seconds, name three French
words we and.

Speaker 14 (01:17:00):

Speaker 6 (01:17:00):
It's right, Pepe is grandpa, mamme is grandma, and we
is yes.

Speaker 18 (01:17:04):
I would have also accepted bagette or all right, Kyle
on fog, let's keep the streak alive.

Speaker 3 (01:17:18):

Speaker 18 (01:17:19):
In four seconds, name three things you steal from a hotel.

Speaker 5 (01:17:23):
Oh, the lotion chimpano conditioner.

Speaker 3 (01:17:29):
I would have also accepted robe towels.

Speaker 5 (01:17:33):
It's I think they charge you.

Speaker 2 (01:17:34):
Yeah, they do charge you for it.

Speaker 18 (01:17:36):
You're right, all right, Dina, Yeah, okay, this is for
all all the points. Thank you, all right, Dina. In
four seconds, name three things to put.

Speaker 3 (01:17:54):
In coffee.

Speaker 20 (01:17:57):
Creamer, heavy cream, and.

Speaker 6 (01:18:01):
She said chocolate.

Speaker 3 (01:18:02):
I heard you heard chocolate. I heard chocolate. Then we
will give it to you. Dina, you have won the game.

Speaker 18 (01:18:05):
Four second rules all yours says.

Speaker 2 (01:18:09):
You're awesome. Dina, Hold on, well, you will set you
up with those tickets at Kyle's coming with three days.

Speaker 5 (01:18:14):
I'll tell you change one company's making that may change
Pizza Knight forever slay what that is?

Speaker 2 (01:18:20):

Speaker 7 (01:18:21):
With John Jaye Rich Sean J.

Speaker 8 (01:18:23):

Speaker 5 (01:18:23):
She called the show at eight seven seven nine three
seven were four seven.

Speaker 2 (01:18:27):
We're talking about what tsa confiscated for you all because
Kyle got her makeup confiscated, and then lots of people
called and told us they're about their conversations and how
they got confiscated on conversations, and then we have a talkback.
We have really talked about the talk back feature on
the Ahet radio app. But if you're on the Iheat radio,
you just tapped the microphone and you can participate in
the show.

Speaker 16 (01:18:47):
Hey all, I just wanted to answer your question about
what has been something that's been confiscated for me while
traveling on an airplane a Cuban sandwich. Apparently it is
not legal to bring workover from Mexico through the US. So, yep,
I got detained and they took my sandwich.

Speaker 5 (01:19:07):
Oh my gosh, extreme it's a sandwich.

Speaker 10 (01:19:13):

Speaker 2 (01:19:13):
So you can always shoot us to talk back anytime
about anything on the show, and you can also text us.
You text JJR. Maybe you want to say to nine
six eight ninety three Kyle. Are three things we need
to know.

Speaker 5 (01:19:22):
We all know how devastating catastrophic the fires have been
so far, right, well, this this doesn't make things easier
for people in California right now who have lost everything.
The government just said we are going to offer a
one time payment of seven hundred and seventy dollars to
individuals devastated by the wildfires in La seven and seventy dollars, Okay,

obviously in stark contrast to the billions and billions of
dollars being funneled overseas. But that's that's where we're at now.

Speaker 3 (01:19:51):

Speaker 5 (01:19:52):
They say this may change Pizza Night forever, Pizza Hut,
it's getting a whole new look.

Speaker 7 (01:19:58):
So they are going to remodel stores.

Speaker 5 (01:20:00):
They're gonna make them far more tech forward and customer friendly.
They've got touchscreen kiosks, a customer facing pizza making station,
a drive through. They've got their Hut and go menu
where you can just go in, tap the little touch screen,
and they've got like items ready to go in those
warmer warmer bins or those kind of like that, but

they'll have all the all of them ready to go
and you can just pop the thing open and take
them and go.

Speaker 7 (01:20:27):
I think this is absolutely genious.

Speaker 5 (01:20:30):
Because they also say they're gonna like it's gonna rival
fast food prices, which have gotten like insanely expensive, and
they say they're gonna be cheaper and it's gonna be
an option for delicious food.

Speaker 2 (01:20:41):
On the gop.

Speaker 3 (01:20:41):
And have you seen their dining remodels.

Speaker 5 (01:20:44):
They look so good. They're super modern and they like
they look amazing. Yeah, they really do like cool good
for pizza huts, just like paving the way in the
pizza world. So, if you have stuck with your New
Year's resolution and you've been hitting up the gym, usually
Januaries are the busiest months at gym's across America, and

all of the regulars are holding their breath for the
end of the month for everybody to give up on
those New Year's resolutions because they want their gym back.
I say, during the month of January, it's like if
you can find parking, classes are all booked and they
just say, listen, the people that don't gym all the
time don't gym right, Like they don't wipe their sweat

off the machines. They just don't rewrack the weights and
whatnot and all the things. So just so you know,
the gym rats are just waiting in the wings. They
maybe want to even entice you to give up on
your New Year's resolutions. I say, don't, don't do it.

Speaker 2 (01:21:38):
Last gym I was in, I'll move to Miami.

Speaker 7 (01:21:44):
You can never resist such joke anything gym related.

Speaker 2 (01:21:48):
January twenty twenty four, my wife started going to the
yoga class at five o'clock in the morning and it
was packed. I was like, of course it's packed. I go,
it's New Year's everyone does everything. It's slammed. I could
just give it a month, just like you were saying
right months later, still packed. Just give it a month.
For some reason, that's the class.

Speaker 7 (01:22:08):
It's never died down.

Speaker 2 (01:22:09):
It never died down.

Speaker 3 (01:22:10):
It's packed all the time in five A and there's
probably more so sis January, there's probably more people.

Speaker 2 (01:22:14):
It's crazy. And then you know how I was telling
you guys, how I bought that treadmill. Yeah, and it's
still outside my front door.

Speaker 7 (01:22:21):
I was just going to ask if you brought it inside.

Speaker 2 (01:22:23):
I took a picture of this morning. It's literally to
the monitor. It's still outside the front door, leaning against it.

Speaker 3 (01:22:28):
I can't imagine there's going to be that much set
up to it, right, I mean, I think.

Speaker 4 (01:22:30):
He just pulled the box, I know, but I was like,
I was trying to visualize how I could put it
in the back of my car and drive it here.

Speaker 2 (01:22:37):
And I just don't see me doing that. Welled in
the back, sat about find a picture of that in
the magazine.

Speaker 3 (01:22:43):
I'm got a truck. I could come get you, just
like I always do, throw the back.

Speaker 2 (01:22:46):
Of the Yeah, you know, I think it could fit
in my car, but I haven't gone to look at it.

Speaker 4 (01:22:52):
Like, I don't even go to the front door.

Speaker 5 (01:22:54):
I go into the back, you know what I mean, So,
what's your package? It's gonna look like nobody's home, I know.

Speaker 3 (01:22:59):
Get Yeah, I don't do that, all right, They're gonna
leave the treadmill.
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