Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:04):
John Day Rich Natalia, good morning. Hi, how's it going, God,
thanks for holding You're on the air.
Speaker 2 (00:11):
Okay, I've been seeing this guy for a few weeks.
It's still pretty new, but I'm so far having like
a really good time. Everything's great, except for one thing.
He has this habit of bringing up his mom in
like every conversation we have. So we'll be talking about
like hobbies or favorite movies, favorite food, like what we're
doing for the weekend, and he'll just find a way
to like bring up his mom and mention like, oh, well,
my mom's favorite movie is this, or well, my mom's
doing this this weekend. And I'm kind of torn because
like it's sweet that he's so close to her, but
I don't know, it's it's kind of weird, and I
don't know if this is like a red flag so
early on that he like keeps bringing her up, Like
I don't know if I really want to date.
Speaker 3 (01:01):
Like a MoMA's boy.
Speaker 2 (01:03):
So I don't know. I guess I'm just looking for
advice and like like how close.
Speaker 3 (01:08):
Are you with your mom?
Speaker 2 (01:09):
And like do I bring it up with him or
do I just kind of like wait and see if
he calms down.
Speaker 4 (01:15):
Have you gotten to the point where you've met his
mom yet?
Speaker 3 (01:18):
I haven't.
Speaker 4 (01:19):
I've heard a lot about her, though, Okay, because what
I'm thinking is, obviously she's a very important person to him.
So what I'm thinking is is maybe he's really into
you and he wants you to know these things about
his mom so that when you do meet her, you're
going to make a good impression on her and she'll
like you. Hmm.
Speaker 2 (01:37):
Oh, I hadn't thought about that. See, I thought, you know,
Natalie is gonna go with her boyfriend to meet his
mom and they kiss on the lips when they see
each other. And then he's totally like, you know, there's
those people out there.
Speaker 1 (01:50):
Son is a little too close to the mom. That's me.
I kissed my mom on the lips. There's a point
right there, but I mean to relate. She kiss run
the lips like like soft and you like, you know,
like friend's lips. Yeah, I did that. I did all that,
and my dad what we kissed my mom on? Didn't
know that about my mom kisses Scott on the lips.
Speaker 5 (02:12):
Oh my gosh, I'm learning way too much about your guy.
Speaker 1 (02:15):
Yeah, I don't think it's in my opinion that part
is not a bad thing. I think that she's always
he's always talking about it is a little weird. But
what would happen if you found out that his mom
died like twenty years ago? Like, does he talk about
her like like it's current? Right?
Speaker 3 (02:29):
Oh, I hadn't even thought about that. No, I mean
he's the way.
Speaker 2 (02:33):
He talks about her.
Speaker 3 (02:34):
It seems like no. He talks about like.
Speaker 2 (02:36):
How she has plans and like what she's doing. So
if she had passed, that would be really weird.
Speaker 1 (02:41):
Right, That's what I'm saying, And that's what I'm saying.
Speaker 6 (02:43):
What if she did pass, Like my mom loves the Yellowstone,
and you find out she died twenty years ago, he's like, man,
you get to you get to the house, and he's good,
and he makes you dinner, and then he comes out
in her clothes.
Speaker 2 (02:56):
God makes sure she's still Tell you do you need
to keep us updated on this because if Johgey's right
and that's the case, that's dark.
Speaker 5 (03:06):
But you would much rather have a boyfriend with a
great relationship with his mom than one who has a
terrible relationship with his mom, because that's going to be
problems for you.
Speaker 1 (03:16):
Speaker 2 (03:16):
See, that's the thing, Like it is kind of sweet
that they're so close, but at the same time, like,
am I always going to be number two to his mom?
Like that's I guess that's kind of what I'm worried about.
Speaker 1 (03:26):
I think.
Speaker 4 (03:27):
I mean, I think it would like talking about his
mom isn't a problem, but I think when it would
become a problem is when his mom tries to come
in between decisions that you guys are making together. I
think that's when that relationship being too tight can cause
a problem. But I would think overall, you definitely want
that relationship to be healthy because then it will bleed
into your relationship with him.
Speaker 5 (03:47):
It probably is healthy because you've been dating him and
she hasn't insisted on meeting you yet.
Speaker 1 (03:52):
True, so she's not that well. Yeah, I don't. I
disagree over here. I feel like I'm talking about his
mom all the time. Is weird.
Speaker 4 (03:59):
I would want to know about your mom.
Speaker 6 (04:00):
I would too, but not like I would want to ask.
Speaker 1 (04:02):
I would ask questions.
Speaker 5 (04:03):
I'd be like, hey, like, what's your mom?
Speaker 1 (04:04):
Like, what's it is?
Speaker 2 (04:05):
I don't want you to insert into every single conversation
we're at. No, I agree with you what if we're
about to like get it on and you're talking about your.
Speaker 1 (04:11):
Mother and does that happen Natalia? Does he bring up
your his mom? But you guys are getting intimate.
Speaker 3 (04:18):
No, not yet, but now I'm kind of worried.
Speaker 1 (04:22):
You Like, if you're sitting to having dinner and you
order potato skin appetizers and he goes, oh, that's my
mom's favorite, you'd be like, okay, I hear that. And
then you're going to the movies and you get popcorn
and he's like, oh, my mom loves popcorn butter, and
he's always bringing her up. It's a little weird, like
there's right time spree room. I don't think you talk
about your mom too much unless it's like that there's
something not right, So maybe you have to investigate, all right,
and then also let us know calls back, let us
know she's alive.
Speaker 2 (04:50):
Okay. If I'm living in a Hitchcock movie, hipscock?
Speaker 1 (04:54):
What I heard her say? Hipscock? I've never heard that
guy before. Baker, Thanks, Ntal, you have a great day.
Speaker 3 (05:03):
Thank you so much.
Speaker 1 (05:04):
It's John J. And Rich. How John J. Rich? I
got a DM from Andrea. Really really interesting situation she's
in and well, I said, can we get your number?
You got to come and tell the story. Andrea, good morning.
Speaker 3 (05:22):
Good morning, guys.
Speaker 1 (05:23):
What's going on.
Speaker 3 (05:25):
Well, my poor grandmother. She's in her eighties and my
grandpa passed away recently and she was married to him
for over forty years and now she is single and
ready to mingle and has a very active Facebook life now.
And we've noticed she started sharing a lot of pictures
of like Kevin Costner and like sharing from the specific site,
and we at first were like, oh, that's weird. And
then the more she started sharing, the more we started realizing, Oh,
she she thinks she's talking to this person and she
doesn't even realize it. Says Kevin Costner fan page. But
this account had started commenting on her stuff. She started
commenting on his stuff, and we thought it was cute
at first, it was kind of silly, you know, he
would say how beautiful she is, and then as the
weeks went by, we realized she's definitely spending this man
money and she has no idea that these comments are public.
And John Jay, I think you'll like this. She also
thinks she's talking to Mark Harmon.
Speaker 1 (06:39):
No, she's a little for your grandma.
Speaker 3 (06:49):
Mark definitely doesn't type make Kevin Costner is definitely her
number one. But yeah, we we I told my dad
and I said, you got tell her like she she
doesn't know that these are public messages and not him,
And she got pretty defensive. She said, no, this is
this is Mark Harmon and this is Kevin Costner. Don't
you worry. You know, it's just friends and I'm not
sending him money. But her Facebook posts are definitely insinuating. Otherwise,
why was she send Kevin.
Speaker 1 (07:24):
Costs her money?
Speaker 7 (07:24):
And I know.
Speaker 1 (07:26):
Because he's like, hey, I'm on not season six? What
like you know what I mean? Like, why would she
do that?
Speaker 5 (07:35):
I know?
Speaker 3 (07:36):
Yeah, but she's very happy and does not want people
to disrupt her happiness. But she definitely has no idea
that these are public messages.
Speaker 1 (07:47):
Is your grandma? Like, is she like losing her mind?
Speaker 2 (07:50):
Like seriously, because you know, when you get older, like
things change and things like that.
Speaker 5 (07:53):
Is she a little crazy?
Speaker 2 (07:55):
I think she's.
Speaker 3 (07:56):
Getting older or one thousand percent, but still has the
capability of sending money.
Speaker 5 (08:05):
Isn't that the slow roll where they just get for
compliments and then soon I'm air quoting Kevin Costler's gonna
be like, I need a little money to help Horizon
to get off the ground, but I'll pay you right back.
Isn't that the way those things always roll out exactly?
Speaker 3 (08:19):
But then what's that is? At one point, her most
recent message was on his comments and she said, I'm
tired of you. I'm tired of you like giving me
mixed signals. I just want to know the truth. So
she's kind of she's kind of catching on maybe that
maybe he's a little shady.
Speaker 1 (08:40):
But does she call him Kevin or Kevin Costler?
Speaker 5 (08:42):
Speaker 3 (08:46):
I think Kevin.
Speaker 1 (08:48):
Speaker 3 (08:49):
Look, but anyway, that reminded me of Grant. I just
want to know how he handled his situation back in
the day with his mom. I feel like I never
heard a follow up here.
Speaker 1 (08:57):
But let me just read you this headline. I just
typed in Kevin cost Scams and it says this woman says,
big article, I was scammed out of two hundred thousand
dollars by a fake Kevin Costner.
Speaker 4 (09:08):
Damn man.
Speaker 1 (09:11):
Yeah, yeah, all right, So Grant, what happened to you?
Do you remember your mom was sending money to Nigeria?
Speaker 7 (09:16):
I mean, I don't well, I mean to several people
who all ended up being I think the same person.
Speaker 1 (09:23):
But you got very involved.
Speaker 7 (09:24):
Oh man, I got blocked by like I was calling
down there like probably four or five times, like a
week and getting a hold of people and talking to
them to record evidence basically that hey, this is your mom.
Speaker 1 (09:37):
Yeah, not for a government or to no no no. Yeah.
Speaker 7 (09:41):
I mean there's no jurisdiction anyway, Like nobody can do
anything here for a crime that's happening over there. But
I think like ultimately, the stuff that ends up happening
with like this Kevin Costner scam is they'll say, oh,
you caught me. I'm not Kevin Costner, but we have
this amazing emotional connection, right and then they're like, yeah,
he is a scammer, but this is why he did this.
We still have had these conversations, We've still talked, We've
still established this connection. Even though he lied to me
about being Kevin Costner, he's still a really great guy
that needs two hundred dollars for a new pair of
shoes or like some.
Speaker 1 (10:15):
Like your mom felt for that. Yeah, a is your
mom done with the Nigerian people? I think?
Speaker 7 (10:20):
I think so, I like, honestly there's a point too
where it's like, I love my mom and I'm not
gonna be I'm not gonna be her boss. I'm not
gonna be the guy who's like, you can't talk to
whoever you want to talk to, you can't do what
you want to do. So at a point I was
just like, you know what, I did everything I could.
I've literally become enemy number one in this Nigerian hair salon.
So I did my part, and she I think has
now moved on and is now vi cos. Yeah, Kevin Costner,
I'm going to Kevin. I'm going to Uncle Kev's.
Speaker 1 (10:55):
But you brought up Mark Harmon, by the way, Andre,
you brought up Mark Harmon, and we're big fans of
Mark Harmon. Over here. Hello, I'm Mark Harmon, Mark Mark, Mark,
Mark Harmon, Mark Harmon. This movie Starry Mark Harmon On TV.
Look at Mark Harmon. It starred Mark Harmon. Wait, look
at look up Mark Harmon too. Mark Harmon played him early.
I think it might have been in the eighties or something.
And Mark Harmon is really good. Yeah, that's Mark Harmon,
that's Mark Harmon. What do you see here? Lois we
have what do you see a picture of Mark Harmon.
Speaker 5 (11:24):
A picture of Mark Harmon, the greatest actor who ever lived?
Speaker 1 (11:28):
Do you see a wheelchair under Mark Harmon? Pull Mark Lewis?
Do you see a wheelchair under Mark Harmon? No, I
was a big fan of Mark Harmon. Well, we hope
she stopped sending the money to Kevin Costner.
Speaker 3 (11:46):
Yeah, me too. Well, Grant, I'm glad your mom is
doing well too well.
Speaker 7 (11:50):
Thank you. I would just tell your dad or whoever
is involved, just like yeah, you know, be like, hey,
what's the deal? Ask the questions. They are hard to
give logical answers to, like have you met this guy?
Are you planning on meeting this guy? What's Yeah, what's
his plan moving forward with you? And because you know,
you're you've got a financial and you know thing going
on that you don't know.
Speaker 1 (12:11):
It was just coas started no way out. Yeah yeah,
asking about Kevin or Kevin Costler trivia see if she
gets it right. Thank you, Andrea, thanks for calling. I
hope Grant helped you a little bit.
Speaker 3 (12:26):
Thanks guys, I appreciate it.
Speaker 1 (12:27):
Okay, bye bye