Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Good morning, Lorraine, thank you for holding I swear my
dating life is like a joke at this point.
Speaker 2 (00:07):
Like first, I want to date with this guy who
brought his mom to our first date his mom, And
then like a week later, there was a dude who
spent the entire dinner talking about his crypto losses like
I was his therapist. Oh my god. And I could
never forget mister. I don't believe in paying for dates
because capitalism is a scam. Like seriously, I have tried
being open minded, but I literally went on a date
with this guy who asked me if I had allergies
mid bite into a peanut butter dessert and yes, I
am allergic to peanuts.
Speaker 3 (00:40):
Oh my god, yeah, you're having a run.
Speaker 2 (00:45):
And get this. There was this guy that I want
today with who showed up forty five minutes late because
he forgot he had a date. There's a dude I
went on to day with who insisted on splitting the
check down to the exact penny and he ordered two
appetizes and a steak while I got a salad. Oh
my god. And there's this one guy who spent the
entire night talking about his ex like ex's favorite color,
her dog's name, her birthday. At the end, I was
literally like, am I on a date with you? Or
the ghosts of your.
Speaker 1 (01:09):
Ext Oh my god, you buy there's so many things
unpacked with your story. You remind me that we remember
we talked to that woman for a while that was
like trying to date her therapist son, and now she's
happy in a relationship. You got to keep calling in, Lorraine,
and we'll just check in with you until you find
somebody that works out.
Speaker 3 (01:26):
Just a question, though, are you getting all these guys
from the same dating app? Because I would say, maybe
stop using that thinking.
Speaker 2 (01:31):
The same thing. You know, I swapped between a few.
Speaker 3 (01:34):
Wow, how do you bad luck? How do you get
so many extreme bad ones though in a row.
Speaker 1 (01:39):
I just feel like that's a sign that you need
to not date right now, Like.
Speaker 3 (01:42):
Just focus on yourself, Lorraine. You don't need a man.
Speaker 2 (01:45):
Where I'm really like, is it me at this point?
Like do I attract these kinds of people? There was
literally there was this guy that I wanted to it. It
was who didn't own a car because he thought walking
builds character and made me walk home like three miles
heels after the day, Like, this is really I cannot
make this up.
Speaker 1 (02:03):
Did he walk home with you?
Speaker 2 (02:04):
He walked like halfway?
Speaker 1 (02:07):
Get an uber?
Speaker 3 (02:10):
That's terrible.
Speaker 1 (02:11):
Yeah, you know the thing about the one guy you said,
he wait, he was forty five minutes late. Like, I
think at some point you've got to have boundaries where
you're like, it's been fifteen minutes, I'm out of here,
Like why'd you wait for forty five minutes?
Speaker 2 (02:22):
If I was a braver woman, I would have just
gotten up and left.
Speaker 3 (02:24):
But no, Well, at this point, she's probably morbidly curious
about how it's going to go sideways beyond that. So
maybe she's really I'm just waiting.
Speaker 1 (02:32):
Why don't you tell us a little bit about you?
And maybe someone's listening who is like she's perfect for me?
Speaker 2 (02:38):
Okay, Well I love movies. I have two dogs, you know.
I really am just a normal, nice person, Like I'm funny,
I've got friends, I love to go out. I don't
know how I keep ending up in these situations.
Speaker 1 (02:55):
What's your favorite movie? Since you said you love movies?
Speaker 2 (02:58):
Fight Club?
Speaker 1 (03:00):
Speaker 2 (03:01):
See dimensional.
Speaker 3 (03:05):
We like you club?
Speaker 1 (03:08):
Well, thank you, Lorraine. You keep your number on file
and when people start calling up to meet you. And
also the next time we got on a date, give
us a review the next day. Oh, I will all right,
have a great day of Loraine.
Speaker 2 (03:18):
Thank you YouTube