Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Wake John Jay and Rich.
Speaker 2 (00:06):
What's crack a leg?
Speaker 3 (00:07):
And this is the big bulls dove snoopy diagle, double
gigsel dang boom.
Speaker 4 (00:11):
What you don't do, John Jay, we're not talking.
Speaker 5 (00:13):
About rid ten team, We're not talking about last year.
Speaker 6 (00:16):
It's the one and.
Speaker 7 (00:16):
Only dough you know, the glass last, big smooth eagle,
double gibble in your face to me and in the
place to be.
Speaker 2 (00:22):
And you're listening to John Jay and Rich.
Speaker 4 (00:24):
Wake you as s John Jay and Rich phone numbers
eight seven, seven, nine three, seven, one four seven. You
can text us text jj R and whatever's on your
mind to ninety six eight nine three. Christine called they
should be holding for a little bit. Good morning, Christine,
thank you so much for holding.
Speaker 1 (00:42):
Good morning.
Speaker 4 (00:43):
How are you good? How are you Christine? And Glendale?
Speaker 8 (00:47):
I'm good. I was just calling in to set that
other lady's minded ease about her boyfriend, who like is
in the face cream and scentsive candles.
Speaker 4 (01:01):
Go ahead, How are you going to do that? She
just has to.
Speaker 8 (01:05):
She just has to boyfriend exactly the same way he
gets his eyebrows wax. He has scented candles, one in
his room, one out in the kitchen. He's a complete
neat freak, which is the absolute best. Totally cleans up
dofter himself all the time. I think the first time
that he stayed the night at my house, I think
he took a picture of like my bed before we
got in it, because then I took a shower, and
like the next morning took a shower, came out of
the bathroom. My bed is made exactly the way I
make it, with the throw pillows in the right spot
and everything.
Speaker 2 (01:44):
That's a good guy.
Speaker 9 (01:45):
I know.
Speaker 8 (01:49):
He is exactly right.
Speaker 4 (01:52):
Every time I come to bed and the throw pillows
are on there, I said to my wife, why are
these here?
Speaker 10 (01:56):
Speaker 8 (01:59):
Speaker 2 (02:00):
I'm glad you appreciate it, but awesome.
Speaker 5 (02:04):
I think it's great too, But I don't think my
wife appreciates it as much because my nickname at the
house is chores.
Speaker 2 (02:09):
Hey, chores.
Speaker 5 (02:12):
I'm just like, why are you wipe me down the
counter because it's dirty?
Speaker 4 (02:17):
Christine? Thank you so much for why are you upsolurtly?
Where are you going? What do you do?
Speaker 8 (02:21):
I'm on my way home from his house, actually headed home,
and you know, get ready for the day, right, little boy. Well,
we spend weekends.
Speaker 4 (02:31):
Together, so well, thank you so much for calling in.
Speaker 8 (02:35):
All right, thank you you guys, have a great day.
Speaker 4 (02:38):
Speaking of relationships. Yesterday, I have this thing. You know,
we have this little bathroom like downstairs, you know, like
every kid's got their own bathroom, but we have a bathroom.
What do you call that? Let's just a powder bath. Yeah.
And for years, when I use the powder bath, if
I just go number one, I don't flush, okay, because
if it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush
it down right. And I feel like flushing after one
pee is a waste of water. So I just pee. Well. Yesterday,
and I've done that ever since I pretty much known
my wife. Yesterday, she went to that bathroom and starts screaming,
like at the top of her lungs because our dog Pablo,
who is rambunctious and out of control, was drinking out
of the toilet. And she's like, you guys could just
mean Dutch. Dutch is eighteen. She's screaming to both of us.
He's on one side of the house, on the other
side of as you guys from no one no more
leaving pee in the bathroom. Do you understand me? Babo's
faces and the plot he's drinking the peak and that's disgusting.
It's right, and it's disgusting. And I'm watching TV and
I pause it. I'm like, ah, it's disgusting. So then
she comes walk it out and she goes, did you
hear what I said? Did you hear me? She's like,
she's not like that. It sounded like my mom yelling
at me. And I was like, wow, I go, I
guess I go. If it's yellow, let him mellow.
Speaker 9 (03:56):
Like no, No.
Speaker 4 (03:59):
She's gross, disrespectful. It's disrespectful.
Speaker 11 (04:03):
She's stuck.
Speaker 12 (04:04):
Give me the dog the bath with p all over
his face.
Speaker 13 (04:06):
Right, and then when the dog comes to kiss you
on the face, like you you have.
Speaker 2 (04:12):
Speaker 4 (04:13):
While the other dog, Charlie, he goes and eats all
the dogs. We have to rush to clean up dog
poop in the backyard because Charlie eats the other dog poop.
You don't want to kiss Charlie.
Speaker 5 (04:21):
No, your wife put like some of that blue toilet water.
I'm gonna get you some tabs. We can't use him
in my house anymore.
Speaker 4 (04:27):
Last night, like then, after all that, right, we go
to bed and she's like, you know how you do
pillow talk. She like sitting face to face and she's like,
you know what I mean, right about flushing and after
youp like if it's yellow, let it mellow. And she's like, no, no,
I just feel like I read somewhere. I heard somewhere
every time you flushes eight gallons of water, and I'm like,
that's a lot of water. Changed the reason I do
because I heard you flesh eight gawns a while.
Speaker 10 (04:52):
That's a waste, Okay, but no more.
Speaker 4 (04:54):
No, She's like, we can conserve water in other ways.
We don't have to do it that way. Flesh chefter
you pete. All right, So this morning in my our
bathroom flush, Oh is that loud noise when you're sleeping?
Speaker 2 (05:05):
Yeah? Oh my god, sorry, it's that loud noise.
Speaker 7 (05:07):
Impossible anyway, You're the worst, like the actual worst.
Speaker 4 (05:12):
Anyway. So Peyton, let's get in your voting and your mom. Yeah.
Speaker 13 (05:16):
So on Friday, my mom texted me and she's like, Hey,
I'm gonna go to one of the voting polls and
drop off my ballot. And I was like, okay, yeah,
maybe i'll meet you. I don't know. I'm like, right
in the middle of taking a nap, so we'll see
about that. I didn't end up going with her, but
she texted me she was like, hey, I'm done voting,
and word for word this is what she said. I
met a new friend for you.
Speaker 9 (05:37):
Her name is Kate.
Speaker 13 (05:38):
She does TikTok and she's gonna follow you on Instagram
twenty seven single move to a Z in February and
she's really cool. So my mom's out at the voting polls.
Speaker 9 (05:47):
Making new friends Friday and I just texted her back.
I was like, that's really.
Speaker 13 (05:50):
Sweet of you, but like I have a lot of
friends already as it is, like, can we not be
signing me up for step like this? Well, then I
get on my Instagram and sweet girl Kate from the
voting polls dm me and she was like, I met
your mom in the line to vote yesterday and she
told me about the show you're on in the cool
videos you make, and we're in the same age and
we're both in Chandler want to go to happy hour.
Speaker 2 (06:09):
Let's go bring her in here.
Speaker 4 (06:12):
First, Let's interview her. Let us interview her before she
could be your friend.
Speaker 10 (06:15):
Let's scare her away.
Speaker 4 (06:17):
She makes TikTok, Like does she have a TikTok following.
Speaker 9 (06:19):
We didn't get that far.
Speaker 13 (06:20):
I don't know, we didn't get that far, but I
was like, okay, sure we could go to Happy and
then but then there was like one thing and I
kind of thought of you, John Jay instantly as it happened,
because the way I was like, I don't want to
do that.
Speaker 5 (06:32):
But that's.
Speaker 13 (06:35):
Speaker 9 (06:36):
I did that because.
Speaker 13 (06:37):
She texted me and I was like, oh, I'm down,
and she's like, yeah, we have a pretty good girls
group that live in Chandler. I'm like, there's more of you.
Speaker 4 (06:43):
No, you know if she's if she's a because your
mom says she does TikTok, which could be everybody, but
the way your mom said, I wonder if she's a
TikTok person. So it'd be funny to get her in
here in the next couple of days, interview her and
see are you really a TikTok person? Okay, finish, just
phrase my money, don't jingle jingle whatever, give her a
bunch of TikTok. Oh, you're not a TikTok person. You
can't be her friend.
Speaker 10 (07:07):
If you want to hang out with her, Peyton, that
would be.
Speaker 2 (07:09):
The way to do it go on.
Speaker 13 (07:11):
I'm sure Jesse's really sweet, Like we follow each other
on Instagram, but like just like I'm just so busy
as it is, and I'm like.
Speaker 9 (07:17):
And my mom did this, and then I feel like
I have to do it anyways.
Speaker 4 (07:20):
By the way, I would figure that of voting in line,
you don't like talk to people where you're voting because
you don't want to get.
Speaker 5 (07:25):
It in your vote for so, so you must talk
to anybody no matter where we are.
Speaker 9 (07:29):
She's a yapper.
Speaker 4 (07:30):
So are you going to go to happy hour?
Speaker 9 (07:32):
That's the plan?
Speaker 4 (07:33):
When is happy Which happy hour?
Speaker 14 (07:34):
Speaker 9 (07:35):
No, Well you didn't really get that far.
Speaker 13 (07:36):
We were like planning on hanging out this week, but
I've got a lot of stuff going on.
Speaker 9 (07:40):
Basketball tryout start this week.
Speaker 2 (07:41):
So happy hoursortant?
Speaker 4 (07:43):
Let me he zips?
Speaker 9 (07:44):
You I do like zips. I can go for a Zambrina.
Speaker 5 (07:46):
You know that even if it's a bad conversation, you
got zips.
Speaker 9 (07:49):
That's true.
Speaker 4 (07:50):
Uh. Family Fest is this Saturday, four pm. Virtuccio Farms,
Shine Down, Performing Free. We're gonna find homes for hundreds
and hundreds of dogs. Every dog rescue in the state
will be there. More information go to Love Pup Foundation
on Instagram. Kyle, what's coming up? Three Things we need
to know?
Speaker 10 (08:07):
The word of the Year has been crowned. I will
tell you what it is next with John Jane Rich.
Speaker 4 (08:13):
Call the show and join the fun with John Jaye
Rich Kyle on the three Things we need to Know.
Speaker 12 (08:21):
Election Day is tomorrow, and if you are completely sick
of all the ads you're getting, just know that they
are intense. They say there's been just shy of one
billion dollars spent on political ads up and down the
ballot in the last week alone.
Speaker 9 (08:38):
That's insane.
Speaker 13 (08:39):
I literally just counted to come in here and tell
you guys, I had twelve missed political calls. Just yesterday,
two people came and knocked on my door and I
gotta call it ten pm last night, Sun.
Speaker 4 (08:53):
I think the knock out of the door that he's
so disrespectful.
Speaker 9 (08:55):
Oh my gosh, Jean was not very happy when you
opened up the door.
Speaker 4 (08:59):
They woke us up from our I haven't got one
text or a phone call.
Speaker 10 (09:03):
I don't understand.
Speaker 4 (09:04):
What's your off the grid man?
Speaker 13 (09:06):
Do you have that thing on your phone where it's
like unknown numbers can't come through.
Speaker 4 (09:10):
I don't think, so I don't know. I know, I
love numbers. I usually like to answer those, and usually
from the Red Cross.
Speaker 5 (09:16):
Did you guys see SNL? When my Rudolph was saying
ask commly, She's like, I have to go. I need
to text everybody in America right now.
Speaker 12 (09:23):
Yeah. So this is the time of year where all
the dictionaries and all of the publications come out with
their something of the year, right, so Collin's Dictionary will
just give them high five because they're.
Speaker 10 (09:35):
The first to do it.
Speaker 12 (09:36):
They have crowned the word of the year as brat, being.
Speaker 10 (09:41):
Hot, sexy and having fun.
Speaker 9 (09:43):
Partying clubs, just like being feral.
Speaker 12 (09:46):
Being yourself, dirty, grimy.
Speaker 15 (09:48):
Whenever you're trying to do something and you think, do
you have like second thoughts about it, just like, don't
have second thoughts and just do it.
Speaker 8 (09:55):
Take a breath, be present, ask yourself what you want
to do, and then do whatever it is that the
first thing that comes up.
Speaker 9 (10:01):
Just be hot, sexy and be yourself.
Speaker 10 (10:04):
And that's Brett.
Speaker 12 (10:05):
They say, not only was it like a like, it
was just it blew up as a word. It just
became a cultural phenomenon, which is why they picked it
as word.
Speaker 2 (10:12):
Of the Year.
Speaker 9 (10:13):
I love it.
Speaker 13 (10:13):
I'm bet sure Charlie XCX is on like cloud nine
right now like she did that.
Speaker 9 (10:17):
It's pretty dope, I know, I know.
Speaker 10 (10:19):
They also they also gave like a top ten.
Speaker 12 (10:22):
Delulu was on their brain rot romanticy era obviously and yeah,
just most of the things that came like really huge
over the year.
Speaker 10 (10:33):
It's funny because Peyton, you.
Speaker 12 (10:34):
Actually said one of them earlier about your mom yepping,
You're like, she's a yeahpers.
Speaker 9 (10:40):
The top ten.
Speaker 5 (10:41):
That's what we do.
Speaker 10 (10:42):
So I think we've.
Speaker 12 (10:43):
Long time known this, right, and we've said this every
single one of us at separate times over the last
whatever at least decade, right, that alcohol is truth serum.
So what they've done is they've done actual research and
they found that alcohol literally turns off your front your
frontal lobes, and that's why people send to just go
b like literally barf the truth out. The frontal lobes inactivated,
people display punished behaviors that are usually unacceptable, like when
your friend makes out with your boyfriend because she's always
attracted to when she's drunk, because that frontal lobe is
shut off, she doesn't have the thing they're going, hey,
maybe don't do.
Speaker 9 (11:22):
That that I did. Drunk words are sober thoughts.
Speaker 12 (11:24):
I know true, Just know, yeah, they weren't lying when
they were drunk. They were probably really just telling you
the truth. And that's three things you need to know.
Speaker 4 (11:33):
A couple text messages real quick. You text JJR and
whatever you want to say to ninety six eight ninety three.
We'll probably call you back, or we could just read
your text like this, John Jay and Rich, would you
rather have sex with someone dressed as a Pokemon or
do an impression of doctor Phil? What would you pick?
Speaker 9 (11:49):
Speaker 2 (11:50):
Pokemon, Doctor Phil.
Speaker 4 (11:51):
I'm just excited that you want that sex, John j. Rich,
My rumba beat me to an abandoned Cheeto and astray
Halloween Reese's pieces. This is how the robots start taking.
Speaker 9 (12:02):
Over taking your candy.
Speaker 4 (12:07):
What's the vibe for horsecypes today, Peyton?
Speaker 13 (12:09):
Well, it's National Candy Day, so I'm gonna tell you
the candy.
Speaker 9 (12:11):
That fits your vibe best. They swimm your ZODIACCI calls it.
Speaker 4 (12:14):
Age seven seven nine three seven one four seven to
get your signed read after shipbooz each John Jay and
Rich by John Jay and Rich. The vibe for horse
grops Peyton.
Speaker 13 (12:28):
It's National candy Day, so I'm gonna tell you the
candy that fits your vibe the best based on your
zodiac sign.
Speaker 9 (12:33):
And if it's your birthday.
Speaker 13 (12:34):
Today, you are a Scorpio and you share a birthday
with Matthew McConaughey.
Speaker 4 (12:38):
Oh, Susan, is it your birthday today?
Speaker 16 (12:41):
Speaker 4 (12:41):
Did you send a text? Did you send a text?
Speaker 17 (12:43):
Susan no, I commented on Facebook.
Speaker 4 (12:46):
Okay, well we got a text that says a message
because my birthday is today, I'm thirty six to the
single mom of seven, I really won't be doing much
for my birthday. I just want to hear the horoscope.
So this number and Susan, happy birthday.
Speaker 9 (12:58):
Happy birthday. It's a funy day.
Speaker 13 (13:00):
Well, Susan, the candy for you for your birthday today,
just go get a bunch of these.
Speaker 9 (13:04):
It's sour patch kids. First you're a little sour.
Speaker 13 (13:07):
And then you're extra sweet, So you're gonna keep people
guessing today's scorpios and they're gonna love it. Don't be
afraid to add a little bite.
Speaker 9 (13:13):
To your day.
Speaker 13 (13:14):
It's what keep things interesting, especially on your birthday.
Speaker 17 (13:17):
Ah, thank you.
Speaker 9 (13:18):
You're welcome. Have a good one.
Speaker 4 (13:20):
Speaker 18 (13:20):
Thanks, thank you.
Speaker 4 (13:22):
Hi Sady, what's your soign Hi?
Speaker 6 (13:25):
I'm on a I'm January twentieth, So Capricorn and Aquarius.
Speaker 12 (13:29):
I just kind of picked the best ones from whichever.
Speaker 9 (13:32):
Peytony Okay, I love that. Let me give you Capricorn.
Speaker 13 (13:35):
Capricorn the candy for you kind of boring but also delicious,
chocolate covered almonds, practical but with a touch of indulgence.
Speaker 9 (13:42):
Today, Capricorn, you are handling.
Speaker 13 (13:44):
Business as usual, but you're giving yourself a little treat
on the side. Just remember balance is key and you
can hustle and enjoy the sweet things in life.
Speaker 8 (13:52):
Great, that was.
Speaker 9 (13:54):
A good one.
Speaker 2 (13:55):
Thanks fabyank Aquarius too or no, sure?
Speaker 4 (13:59):
Sure? Yeah?
Speaker 9 (13:59):
I got you?
Speaker 13 (14:00):
Okay for my Aquarius. The Aquarius candy for you is
pop rocks, electric fun, totally unique. Pop rocks are the
life of the party, just like an Aquarius, making everyone's
day a little bit more exciting. So embrace her quirky
side and don't hold back. It is time to pop off.
Speaker 12 (14:15):
That's awesome.
Speaker 17 (14:16):
Thank you, I love you guys.
Speaker 4 (14:17):
H isn't it weird this National Candy Day? Like five
days after Halloween? When was Holley we see Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
four days a good job.
Speaker 12 (14:27):
It's kind of like by now you're kind of sick
of the candy.
Speaker 10 (14:29):
I'm like, I don't want to see it anymore.
Speaker 4 (14:30):
Right, you know what happened on our street on Halloween November?
Hold on, I'll get to you one second. Our street
on the Halloween was like packed with people. Right. So
the next morning, my wife was walking the dogs. We
were on the air, and she said there were candy
wrappers up and down the street, and she kind of
like got into his own and she's just walking the
dog and then she looks down and Charlie, our gold retriever,
had a whole slice of pizza in his mouth. Go okay.
November the Taurus, Good.
Speaker 2 (14:55):
Morning, Good morning all right.
Speaker 9 (14:59):
For Taurus, the Candy Bar for You or the Candy
for You.
Speaker 13 (15:01):
Is a milk chocolate bar, smooth classic, and everyone's go
to comfort. So today you are all about the cozy vibes.
Treat yourself to something luxurious, whether it's a sweet snack
or a mini self care moment.
Speaker 9 (15:12):
You deserve it today, Taurus.
Speaker 4 (15:15):
That sounds good.
Speaker 19 (15:15):
I was hoping I was gonna be a Snickers, but
then it might be a little nuts.
Speaker 9 (15:19):
I mean yeah, but that works like a chocolate bar and.
Speaker 13 (15:24):
You are nuts. Pis for Rich, Yeah, Rich, for you.
The candy for you, it's not clusters or sorry, no,
it's not not nerd.
Speaker 9 (15:38):
Actually, you really do love nerd clusters.
Speaker 12 (15:40):
Speaker 5 (15:40):
I've never had them before and I had them for
the first time last week and they're amazing and I want
some more right now?
Speaker 9 (15:44):
You want some more right now?
Speaker 4 (15:45):
Well, how about that?
Speaker 9 (15:46):
Rich, you can have.
Speaker 13 (15:46):
Nerd clusters for your candy for the day, just you know, full,
a whole bunch of stuff and colorful moments and good times.
That's you for for nerd clusters for that. Libra, Yeah,
Libra Kyle candy necklace, sweet, stylish, a little nostalgic.
Speaker 9 (15:59):
You're all about sharing the today.
Speaker 13 (16:00):
Libras has spread those good vibes and maybe have a
little flirtation on the side too, okay fun. Also, what
about for Virgo Virgo peppermin Patti, one of my favorite candies.
Speaker 9 (16:11):
Cool call and refleshing, refleshingly.
Speaker 2 (16:13):
You refreshing, reliable.
Speaker 13 (16:18):
You're the voice of the reason Virgo, so keeping everyone
grounded today You're gonna need the need to freshen up
a few.
Speaker 9 (16:24):
Areas in your life.
Speaker 4 (16:25):
We're a love for you, Leo.
Speaker 13 (16:26):
Together, we're a lollipop because we're bright, and we're bold,
and we're hard to ignore. We're all about main character energy.
So that's why we're a lollipop. Any kind of lollipop
flavor we want.
Speaker 4 (16:34):
All right, if we can get to your sign there,
I'll post it on our website, John jy and Rich
dot com. So I don't know where is the best
place to get news now because of you know, all
the fake news, the whatever news, and you know plus
So sometimes I go to YouTube, sometimes I go to Twitter.
A lot of times I go to Twitter and see
what's going on. And there was a story over the
weekend that I don't understand, and I said to my wife,
I go, do you know this story? And she goes yeah.
By then she told me a little bit about story,
and then Jenna on the show, twenty three year old
Jenna was affected by this story and it's kind of political.
I think it's turned into but I don't understand it.
So I was like, I don't want to know anyth
about it. I want Jenna to explain to me. So
I want to hear a gen Zer, explain it. Whatever
this story is sound good? Yeah, do that after Subrena
Carpenter John Dane Rich. So, Jenna, new to the show,
does our social media stuff. She's pretty badass, twenty three
years old. Kind of knows what's going on in the
world to a certain degree if you're a fan of
Love is Blind and other star show Love violand Love Island,
Love Island, and Dance with the Stars. But so I
was over the weekend. I kept seeing all this stuff.
Elon Musk posted it, but it wasn't enough for me
to google and see what the story was. And it's
something to do with the squirreling peanut And I don't understand,
but I know that it's gotten political somehow, right, So
what happened Jenna? Guys?
Speaker 20 (17:54):
First of all, rip Peanut, Okay, I just got to
start off by putting that out there.
Speaker 9 (18:00):
I know it's been a tough.
Speaker 20 (18:01):
Weekend, okay, And I like you had started seeing it
everywhere right all over TikTok, like Peanut, Justice for Peanut.
Speaker 9 (18:08):
I'm like, who is Peanut? What's going on?
Speaker 20 (18:11):
So basically, the world's most famous squirrel, Peanut, was euthanized
over the weekend. For no reason because the New York
Environmental Conservation Department. Oh wait, the Department of Environmental Conservation
raided this guy's house, his owner, and they ended up
taking Peanut along with Fred the raccoon, and they ended
up euthanizing them.
Speaker 4 (18:33):
So you mean, like I get the visual of guys
and guns and yes, yeah.
Speaker 20 (18:37):
He said that he was locked outside his house, like
couldn't get in for hours, and they were just going
through every part of his house. And Peanut had been
living with him for like seven years. He first rescued him,
and they had never had an issue, had taken care
of him.
Speaker 9 (18:51):
He even tried to at one point release.
Speaker 20 (18:54):
Him back into the wild and it didn't work.
Speaker 5 (18:56):
Some of the story was popping last week. The owner
was saying that this is a viral squirrel lives inside
the house. This is how I make my money. He
is on the internet with the squirrel, like people know
the squirrel. It's never been outside. It was rescued when
he was.
Speaker 10 (19:10):
But it doesn't only make him money.
Speaker 12 (19:11):
He like has an animal sanctuary and he like rescued
three hundred different animals and that was like his main
source of income to help all of the other animals.
Speaker 4 (19:20):
So what happened?
Speaker 9 (19:20):
I understand politically.
Speaker 12 (19:23):
Complained that he had a squirrel in a raccoon and
you're not supposed to be able to have a squirrel
in a raccoon living in your house.
Speaker 4 (19:27):
Is this sen ship crazy?
Speaker 20 (19:29):
Speaker 10 (19:29):
Well, we all saw what happened to herd too.
Speaker 4 (19:31):
The tiger king. Yeah, so how did he get political? Like?
Is it's political? Right? I kept seeing stuff like the
Dems and the Republicans and this and that, and I
was like, how do you go there?
Speaker 9 (19:40):
I didn't see anything.
Speaker 4 (19:42):
Oh, I saw a whole bunch of stuff but made
me not want to click.
Speaker 12 (19:45):
I didn't understand how it was political, just that it
was like somebody complained about it. And then I think
it got politically political because the owners now are like
devastated and they're going on this rant saying, hey, like
we've got a a lot of problems here in New
York and this is what you're spending all your resources, right,
And I think maybe that's how it got political, because
then it's like then you go down the road of
like how did New York get to be such a whatever?
Speaker 4 (20:11):
I was going to be like whoever took this dog
down or this squirrel down. I'm voting the other way.
The things that I voted tomorrow.
Speaker 13 (20:20):
The things that I saw right now, is just that like,
Trump is really upset that Peanut got euthanized.
Speaker 9 (20:25):
That's all. That's literally what Google sensor.
Speaker 4 (20:30):
So like Trump follows his Instagram. Trump's alone in the
back of the limo. He's like, he's funny.
Speaker 5 (20:37):
It was a beautiful squirrel.
Speaker 13 (20:39):
He told a rally that the death of Peanut the
squirrel raised questions about government priorities.
Speaker 4 (20:44):
Oh wow, a little bit. What's the clip of audio
we have the owner.
Speaker 12 (20:50):
The owner, he was like kind of explaining what happened
to him.
Speaker 4 (20:52):
We don't know who.
Speaker 21 (20:53):
Made the complaints. Again, Peanut was an indoor squirrel, not
harming anybody. We had him for seven and a half years.
He became the world's most famous squirrel. We weren't hiding
him by any means. He was all over TikTok. He
became the first scroll on TikTok to ever hit a
million followers. He did every news station around the world,
and then we started a nonprofit animal rescue called Peanuts
Freedom Farm to help animals like Peanuts.
Speaker 2 (21:17):
Fight a good fight.
Speaker 21 (21:19):
We used his platform to help raise money for the
three hundred animals we have at our sanctuary.
Speaker 9 (21:24):
That's so sad, squirrel.
Speaker 4 (21:29):
Yeah, well, thank you Jenna for that up day. Anyway,
what do you got coming up for Saxon hacks?
Speaker 5 (21:34):
Rich, Well, there's a hack and I think you guys
are going to appreciate this for people who don't like
to read.
Speaker 4 (21:40):
Oh man, dude. I was at a reading event over
the weekend, two different author events with five authors, and
I think I was the only one there that doesn't
read or know how to read.
Speaker 5 (21:51):
Well, I got the I got the.
Speaker 2 (21:54):
Laziest good I can't say.
Speaker 4 (21:56):
But we also got Saxon acts coming up next, John
Dan Rich.
Speaker 9 (22:00):
Room and Dad, you were day.
Speaker 15 (22:01):
With John Jay and I wake up with my favorite artists.
Speaker 17 (22:03):
And Philo's Billy Eilish, It's Teddy Swims and you're listening
to John Jay and Rich Max.
Speaker 4 (22:09):
I have staxed of information, which has life hacks. Peyton
was talking about earlier how her mom made a new
friend for her. Forty percent of Americas say they haven't
made a new friend in over a year. A similar
amount of people haven't goteen to a party in six months,
and twenty six percent of people say their socialized feel repetitive.
I made a new friend about a month ago, and
I've hung out with them a few times already.
Speaker 9 (22:27):
How's that going.
Speaker 4 (22:28):
He's going great? Go hiking. He motivates me the hike
because I'm hiking like once or twice a week.
Speaker 5 (22:32):
No, No, you're starting to wear hiking gear too. I've
never seen you wear like a hiking shirt to work
this year. That looks like a hiking shirt.
Speaker 1 (22:37):
Oh no.
Speaker 4 (22:37):
I wore this shir to a charity event yesterday and
I felt I could get more use out of it,
so I wore today.
Speaker 13 (22:41):
I've had this year for years, so totally looked like
you could whack down a tree with that.
Speaker 5 (22:45):
It's like it's like a blue and black flannel handed
out paper tells to people.
Speaker 4 (22:48):
Thousands of people lined the street in Dublin, iron And
for a big Halloween parade they heard about on social media.
Turned out there was no parade. It was ai. It
was a site in Pakistan. Spread the rumor and the
whole thing was a hoax, But thousands of people showed up.
Speaker 10 (23:03):
That's so lame, I know.
Speaker 4 (23:04):
I wondered, that's like, how do you not follow up that?
Crazy people are sharing signs that show someone has very
low intelligence, like being able to empathize with people in
situations that you haven't personally experienced. Ding, that's me. A
lack of curiosity in trying new things, Ding, that's me.
Speaker 2 (23:27):
He don't like to try new things.
Speaker 4 (23:28):
And celebrity worship ding that's me. Not putting your shop
the cart away. No I do that, but maybe that
saves me. Guy in Missouri got a call from his
wife telling him, hey, you forgot your lunch at home.
He's like, oh man, all right, I'm just gonna go
store and get something mean. So that's the story. He goes,
let me get a lot of ticket. Boom wins three
million dollars.
Speaker 10 (23:49):
That's amazing.
Speaker 4 (23:50):
I love those stories. Martha Stewart said that Ryan Reynolds
isn't funny in real life.
Speaker 9 (23:55):
I saw that.
Speaker 4 (23:56):
He replied, I disagree with her, but I tried that once.
It is unexpectedly spry. She really closed the gap after
a mile or two. I don't know what that means.
Speaker 5 (24:05):
It means she chased him down. Yeah, funny or not funny?
If your Mark Stewart.
Speaker 4 (24:10):
In the Wicked movie credits, Ariana Grande is gonna be listed.
It's Ariana Grande but Tera. But Tera is her father's
name and they recently mended their relationship.
Speaker 9 (24:18):
Good for her dad.
Speaker 4 (24:20):
Venom last Dance held on to the top spot at
the box office. And did you hear Olivia Rodriguez dating rule?
You know rich rule? Anybody thought?
Speaker 12 (24:29):
Speaker 10 (24:29):
Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 4 (24:30):
She asks every date guys she wants to date her.
Speaker 12 (24:32):
One simple I know she's dating a guy named really Yeah.
Speaker 20 (24:39):
Speaker 4 (24:40):
Dating question, she says, she asked them if they'd like
to go to outer space. If they say yes, she
will not date them.
Speaker 2 (24:48):
Doesn't make sense to me.
Speaker 4 (24:49):
I just think if you want to go to space,
you're a little too full of yourself. Olivia's twenty one
and currently dating British actor Lewis Partridge, who we can
safely say has no interest in being an astronaut.
Speaker 13 (25:00):
I seen the new Guts Like World tour on Netflix
that dropped.
Speaker 9 (25:03):
It's like her movie of her to the concert rule.
Speaker 2 (25:06):
Yeah, is it awesome?
Speaker 9 (25:08):
It's cute.
Speaker 5 (25:08):
She's pretty good live yeah all r. Let's talk about reading.
I know a lot of people in this room are
not a fan of reading. In fact, I'm reading a
book right now called The Fourth Wing. If you're into
like dragons in the Hunger Games, read that book because
it's cool. But maybe you don't, but you just want
to know about it. Here's what you can do now
if you're too too lazy to read a full article.
The Chrome extension is called t L d R. It'll
summarize the whole article for you in like two sentences,
which is pretty cool, so you can sound like you're
pretty informed. And now Apple AI and Google AI has
a thing where you can say, Hey, Google AI want
you to read this book, and I want you to
tell me what happened in about two paragraphs, so that
I think is going to really work for you. In fact,
you can even say, just read me the highlights and
if you see a bunch of words pop on the
screen like no, no, that's too long, on you to even
make it even shorter, it'll make it even shorter, so
you just take away the nukets. So no longer do
you have to read books, Kyle.
Speaker 12 (26:02):
I didn't feel the pressure to read books. I ever
need to be in a situation like that.
Speaker 4 (26:10):
I was at this charity event Friday night and Saturday,
and it was called the Author's Luncheon. They bring because
We got invited last year and it turned out to
be the best of My wife loves that event, loves it.
And it's put on by the Arizona Women's Something and
Irma Bomback Foundation, the Kidney Foundation is a really really
nice event. Every year. They bring in five authors. They've
been doing it for forty years and you get to
spend time with these authors and talk to him and
they'll sign the books and stuff. And one guy there,
he he's a famous director and producer and he's he
did he did Shakespeare in Love, he did Legends of
the Fall, he did About Last Night, he did thirty something.
He did. I mean, the guy did every He did
the Last Samurai with Tom Cruise, he did all these movies.
And so I meet I meet him, and uh, he
has a whole book about his life. And when I
found out about the movies he did, I was like,
quote in every movie. The guy was like, what the hell?
I knew every fricking movie this guy did. So I
gave him the book to sign and he said, stop
stealing my material, said and then when I told him
I can't read, I can't read. To read the book,
douse you ever read it yet? I'm like, no, you
just gave it to me. I didn't. I'm not a reader.
I'm here because of my wife. Anyway, it was first class.
I'll tell you what else is first class. Love Pup
Family Fest. It's this Saturday, November ninth for Tuccio Farms
in Mesa, four to eight pm. Dogs from all over
the valley going to be up for adoption. Some of
the best food trucks in Phoenix, Rand Dizzel's going to
be there. Plus on the music side, you got Riches Band,
country star Austin Burke and headlighting this year for free
is shine Down twenty one number one hits. It's all
for free. More info a Love Pup Foundation on Instagram.
Speaker 22 (27:45):
Live from the John Jay and Ridge Maoria Ford Studios,
John Jay and Rage start your day on iHeart Radio.
I knew where you are on iHeart.
Speaker 4 (27:54):
Radio, Sehn, Jay and Rich. So, by the way, this
author's luncheon, I went to it, so I guess about right.
So my wife, who was it was just it was
a thousand people at this lunch and I told you
about that. I was. I knew all the movies at
this One guy, his name is ed Zwick, is the
author's name. He's got a new book out about his life,
and I mean he did, you know, hung up with
Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, everybody. So the we
had one of the authors on our podcast last week,
Adriana Right. She had a sick accent. I don't know
where she's from, but she had a thick accent. And
at some point she was the MC of the whole
event and the table I was at I had, I
was my back was facing the stage. Tried to turn
my chair, so it was like it was like I
had a front row seat because I had to turn
my chair. So she gets to the podium and she's talking,
and she did a lot. She talked a lot, and
then when she was going to bring the author up,
the guy he was the headliner, she goes, oh, and
uh Edswick is coming up. His book is unbelievable. I mean,
there's some people here that know all the movies he did.
Am I right, Jan Jan. She kept killing me John
Jan with a thick accent.
Speaker 10 (28:58):
I was like, oh God, he's not smiling that.
Speaker 4 (29:04):
I don't care to get my name wrong, but to
say it out loud on stage and then look at me,
and I mean like I'm in the front. It was terrible.
By the way, Kyl and funk have you started watching
The Diplomat season two?
Speaker 10 (29:15):
I you know what.
Speaker 12 (29:15):
I watched the recap and I don't think I ever
finished The Diplomat season one, and so I got uninterested
and did not not know.
Speaker 4 (29:22):
I think you did finish season.
Speaker 12 (29:24):
One, but I didn't remember a lot of the things
in the in the recap, and I was like, I
don't feel like I'm interested in the show right now.
So I started watching the number two show on Netflix.
It's The Abduction, the alien abduction story.
Speaker 4 (29:35):
I started watching last week. The lady bothered me, so
I stopped watching it.
Speaker 10 (29:38):
She's kind of funny.
Speaker 4 (29:39):
Lay the cigarettes that keeps smiling on from But I
do think if you go back to season one and look,
I think you should check because I feel like you.
I feel like you and I talked about it a lot.
When I know I.
Speaker 12 (29:48):
Remember watching it, I just don't. There was a lot
in there that I was like, I don't remember this.
I feel like I can't start season two.
Speaker 4 (29:54):
Let me tell you it's It's Diplomat Season two is
number one on Netflix right now. I started to watch it.
I had to go back and watch the end of
season one because I don't understand they start to start
talking to you as you're watching. Is that they're talking
about people you don't know who they are. And it
took me three episodes ago. Okay, Okay, now I kind
of get it. I know, right, because I had nothing
else to watch except for Penguin, which is good. Penguin,
by the way, I highly recommend it. You're done with Penguin, right,
or you're all caught up.
Speaker 5 (30:19):
I am all cut up on Penguin. I'm all caught
up on Tulsa King. I got eight episodes. It's pretty good.
And I watched the number one movie on HBO Max,
which is that movie Trap where they set up a
concert to Oh.
Speaker 9 (30:31):
That's the m Night Shyamalan movie.
Speaker 5 (30:33):
Yeah, it is full of plot holes. I mean it
is so dumb. I mean they basically they find a
concert ticket and they set up a whole sting around
an operation to catch this guy that they think is
a killer that's at the concert.
Speaker 2 (30:45):
Okay, why don't you just go to a seat just
the rest of them.
Speaker 9 (30:48):
Can you guys watch that time Cut movie? It's on Netflix.
I think it's like number one.
Speaker 4 (30:52):
Oh the girl, the girl gets paralyzed.
Speaker 9 (30:54):
Ginny and Georgia.
Speaker 4 (30:55):
Oh no, that's the girl with the she jumps back
to two thousand and three.
Speaker 9 (30:58):
I watched it.
Speaker 4 (30:59):
It looks so good.
Speaker 9 (31:00):
A boid you Okay, it's it's kind of corny.
Speaker 4 (31:03):
She's boy. She brings her iPhone back to two thousand.
Speaker 9 (31:05):
Let yourself like get into the time travel. It's cute.
It's basically like, this.
Speaker 13 (31:09):
Girl travels back to two thousand and three to try
to solve a murder of the serial killer, and her
sister is one of the victims, so she has to
like go back into time. And basically this guy is like, hey,
you can't mess with time because then it's going to
change your reality and you might not exist.
Speaker 9 (31:21):
In twenty years. But it's really cute if you let
yourself get into it.
Speaker 16 (31:24):
Speaker 4 (31:24):
I like the part where she goes and she brings
her it's two thousand and three and she's got her
news you know, iPhone sixteen and she showed it to
a guy and he's like, what is this? And you
think about it? I don't think when did the iPhone
come out? Two four, two thousand five?
Speaker 2 (31:35):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, and it.
Speaker 13 (31:36):
Shows like the face unlocked because he's like, I don't
believe that you're from the future, and she's like, look
at my phone now the internet.
Speaker 9 (31:41):
It's cool.
Speaker 4 (31:42):
Yeah, yeah, Hey, I.
Speaker 5 (31:43):
Watched that movie this weekend and it was it was fun.
Speaker 4 (31:46):
I didn't love the ending.
Speaker 2 (31:47):
The ending was kind of whack.
Speaker 5 (31:48):
But yeah, they just made this movie like six months ago.
Speaker 4 (31:50):
It's called on Netflix. It's called Slasher.
Speaker 21 (31:54):
Something or other and they went back to the nineties
and it's like the same premise, way better movie.
Speaker 4 (32:00):
Google it you can find it. Going back to the
nineties of an iPhone is more shocking than two thousand
and eight.
Speaker 5 (32:05):
Sud Be like, Okay, well maybe they came out with
it's just not out yet.
Speaker 13 (32:09):
Speaker 4 (32:10):
Anyway, uh so I went to dinner Saturday night with
Kyle's husband and do you remember that podcast I did,
the podcast of my life? Right? Yes, So the guy
that does the podcast of my life that I went
I went to La to do that, they interviewed me.
That guy works with Kyle's husband a lot, right, they
used his voice for stuff. Right, So he was coming
to town and he said, can you guys meet me
for dinner? Like sure? And there was a bunch of
like funny little obstacles along the way. Hey, but Kyle's
husband's fish was with Kyle up north and had to
drive all the way back down to go to his dinner.
It was very inconvenient for him, and he was able
to do it, and a lot of it's my fault.
I had to change the times around, changeing days around.
But what's funny is neither one of us wanted to
be at this dinner. Right. So at one point, the
guy that hosted the podcast and I did a whole
thing on my career. It was like a two hour podcast.
He found out a couple other things about things that
I didn't talk about the podcast. So he starts to
ask me a questions about it, and I just didn't
want to answer, you know, like the fight I had
with the K pop band the one time we were suspended,
which we never talked about. And he was like asking
all these questions, and I go, you know what, I go,
why don't you do a part two podcasts and we
can bring these up on a part two podcasts because
that's a great idea. And her husband leads over and
he goes, if you do a part two podcast we're
gonna have to have another dinner. I was like, right,
let me tell you what happened. It was so funny.
Your husband maybe all well a couple of times.
Speaker 12 (33:32):
He had a good time though. You know, it's like
one of those things that you like kind of dread
going to, but then like when they were there, you're like, oh,
it's pleasant.
Speaker 4 (33:39):
I had a really good time.
Speaker 16 (33:40):
Speaker 4 (33:40):
I enjoyed myself totally, really and I was home by eight.
Oh I know, but what's your story with the GPS thing?
Speaker 23 (33:49):
Speaker 12 (33:49):
So Friday Easton my my son. He's seven years old.
He's in first grade. They were doing a field trip.
Speaker 23 (33:56):
And I I had.
Speaker 12 (33:58):
Debated whether or not I could go because as the
field trips always start like in the morning when we're
here at work, and so I had said, no, I
can't come. But then an email came out last week
early last week that said, well, our tour doesn't start
till ten forty five, And I was like, wait a minute,
if I leave right after the show, I think I
could be there because I wanted to do because when
I told East and I wasn't going, the look of
disappointment on his face like killed me as a mother.
So when I found out that their tour didn't start
till later, I'm like, I feel like from where the
station is, we can get anywhere in town in a
half an hour. So I email the teacher and I'm like,
i'd really like to come. Is it still possible for
me to go? I could pay for my own tour
separate and no big deal. If it works for you,
can I still try to make it? And she's like, sure, absolutely,
come along. So Friday after the show, I get in
the car and there was a couple things that I
had to finish right after the show, so I didn't
leave the building until like ten ten, and I go downstairs,
get in my car. I put the place in GPS.
It's fifty minutes away. No, I'm like, you've got to
be kidding me right now.
Speaker 4 (35:02):
So it's my fault.
Speaker 10 (35:04):
It, well, it's my fault.
Speaker 12 (35:06):
Because obviously I should have put the GPS in ahead
of time to scene where it was literally like, I
feel like you could get anywhere in a half an hour.
So I'm like driving frantically right, trying to be safe,
but like also driving like thinking the whole time on
my way there, like the same look of disappointment that
you had when I told him I couldn't go in
the first place, would be ten times worse after I
told him, I get to go, and then I don't
make it on time. So I'm driving and I'm like,
it's really out here. It's in the middle. It's like
literally in between Phoenix and Tucson, but not where Cassi
Grand is Okay, it's like in the outskirts and college
no Stanfield.
Speaker 4 (35:49):
Oh yes.
Speaker 12 (35:50):
So I'm like driving, driving, I have nowhere, no idea
where I am, let alone where I'm going, and it
says I'm almost there. I'm three minutes away, and I'm like,
oh my gosh, this is amazing. I think I'm actually
gonna make it on time because it's like I'm gonna squeak.
Speaker 4 (36:02):
In and ride.
Speaker 10 (36:02):
At ten forty five and I'm driving.
Speaker 12 (36:05):
And it says to go down this dirt road, and
I'm like, this looks really weird because I don't like
see anything down this road, but.
Speaker 10 (36:10):
I'm just gonna trust the GPS.
Speaker 12 (36:12):
So I turned down the road and it takes me
into this like driveway, this dirt road driveway, and it's
just a house and there's one car parked in the
drive and I'm like, I think I would see the
bus or maybe some of the other parents' vehicles or
something else, and so I'm like, oh my gosh, the GPS.
Speaker 10 (36:28):
Brought me to the wrong place. So then I tried
the GPS.
Speaker 12 (36:31):
On my phone and it tells me I'm ten minutes
away and I'm like no, So I.
Speaker 10 (36:38):
Go down the dirt road.
Speaker 9 (36:39):
I'm like driving and I'm.
Speaker 12 (36:40):
Like texting one of the other moms in the filter.
But I'm like, JPS, probably to.
Speaker 10 (36:43):
The wrong place.
Speaker 12 (36:44):
Stall if you canstall, because I don't know how it works, Like,
we're going to Shamrock Farms. Can I join the tour
if the tour's already started. I have no idea. So
I'm like, really zooming now. I probably should have been
pulled over, but I didn't, thank the Lord.
Speaker 10 (37:02):
And I pull into Shamrock Farms.
Speaker 12 (37:03):
And as I'm pulling in, I see the tour that
was right before ours had just pulled in and the
kids were exiting the bus, and so I'm.
Speaker 10 (37:11):
Like, oh my gosh, I think I made it. I
go in, I park, I walk in. They're lining up
to get.
Speaker 5 (37:16):
Into many years of therapy for that kid.
Speaker 12 (37:22):
I know and literally Easton sees me like from far
away and he runs up and he was so excited,
and I was like, I'm so grateful.
Speaker 9 (37:29):
When I made it.
Speaker 11 (37:30):
This is amazing.
Speaker 12 (37:31):
So if you ever get the chance to tour Shamrock Farms,
I highly recommend it.
Speaker 10 (37:36):
It was amazing.
Speaker 12 (37:37):
They did such a really cool like tour and the
kids like were enthralled the entire time.
Speaker 4 (37:42):
Free milk.
Speaker 10 (37:43):
You got milk and ice cream?
Speaker 9 (37:44):
Ye yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2 (37:46):
They have the best of cheese on the planet.
Speaker 9 (37:48):
That's everything. It's so good.
Speaker 4 (37:49):
Oh, we're going to talk to Diego. He's on the line.
Apparently he got kicked out of his house this weekend.
Doesn't know if he's valid if it's valid it or
not validated or not the reason he got kicked out,
so he needs advice. We're going to talk to him
after don Omar Diego, good morning, Thanks for holding man.
Speaker 18 (38:13):
Yes, so I'm calling because I need some I don't
know someone else's perspective on this.
Speaker 16 (38:18):
I got kicked out of my house this weekend and
it was.
Speaker 1 (38:22):
All because of a Christmas tree.
Speaker 4 (38:24):
Okay, yeah, so I.
Speaker 18 (38:27):
Figured it'd be nice to kind of like get everything
organized and get a jump on, like this whole holiday season.
Speaker 3 (38:34):
But our Christmas tree was already up, and you.
Speaker 18 (38:36):
Know, don't ask me why she puts it up so early,
like Thanksgiving hasn't even come. But I stepped down the
Christmas tree and I put it in store, thinking she'd be.
Speaker 16 (38:45):
Okay with it.
Speaker 2 (38:46):
But I don't know.
Speaker 16 (38:47):
She came home and saw.
Speaker 18 (38:49):
That the Christmas tree wasn't in the living room, and
she flipped out. She was all like, you.
Speaker 3 (38:54):
Don't care about my family traditions, about our holidays.
Speaker 18 (38:57):
That tree was part of my vision.
Speaker 3 (39:00):
She like accused me of destroying her holiday spirit. So
I'm like standing there at a loss with my keys
in my hands. She's yelling at me about a Christmas tree,
and I'm.
Speaker 18 (39:12):
Like, is this even happening right now? So I need
to know what's taking the Christmas tree down? Like dumb,
really dumb.
Speaker 5 (39:20):
No, no, no, just taking it down. Like for instance,
if my wife Stacy moves a candle to the left
side of a thing and I move it back, I
know I'm going to hear about it. Because as a guy,
you have no right to decorating anything anymore. You just
need to do you just need to roll for you
to take down something. She put up that is.
Speaker 4 (39:38):
Really so you said, you go. I came home there
was a Christmas tree, so I thought she'd be okay
with it, so I boxed it up and put it away.
Speaker 2 (39:45):
Yeah, of course she said okay.
Speaker 4 (39:46):
Why would you think she'd be okay with it if
she took it out of the box and set it up?
Like if anything? Hear me out when I say this,
are you talking to us on a cell phone right now?
Are you in a cell phone?
Speaker 16 (39:54):
Speaker 4 (39:55):
You should have gotten to your cell phone and called
her and said, hey, did you put out a Christmas tree?
It's a little too early for that. Do you think
is it okay to put it away?
Speaker 18 (40:05):
It was kind of the test test in the area.
Speaker 4 (40:08):
The area, the way that you're calling us.
Speaker 12 (40:10):
You could have called her, you know what she would
have said, and he's like, it's a little too early
for that. She's like, yeah, we're gonna do it anyway.
Speaker 24 (40:19):
We're gonna do it anyway.
Speaker 10 (40:24):
While you're opining on taking the Christmas tree out tonight.
Speaker 12 (40:27):
How annoying it is to take the Christmas tree out.
Speaker 4 (40:31):
You destroyed her holiday traditions, destroyed your holidaymatic.
Speaker 5 (40:38):
Every wrong move you could have made it sounds like
you made and it's like you really shouldn't care, Like
as long as like the stuff I need, like a
toothbrush is where the toothbrushes generally are, then I'm good.
Speaker 12 (40:49):
Okay, I guess so sorry, Diego, we were just really
not on your side.
Speaker 4 (40:55):
You gotta you gotta compromise, the little bit man. Thanks
for calling in, dude, Yeah, all right, thanks, it's being
a compromise. I said, what happened last night. So I'm
getting ready for bed, but I still haven't prepped our
show yet, right, And when I prep the show, I
don't have an office in my house. At one point
I had an office with the computer, and then that
turned into something, and then I have just the laptop.
Now my son has my laptop. I don't even have
a laptop anymore. He just have my phone. So I
like to prep in silence, right, I don't. I want to.
I get my phone and I communicate with you guys
and do stuff, you know, playing stuff on the show,
and I like it to be silence. So I'm prepping
my show. My wife says down next to me, and
she's watching a documentary on her phone, and she says,
is it Okay, if I sit down here and listen
to this next to you, She's She's like, where you
are calling that, like right next to me? And I'm like,
yeah sure, you know, like I kind of want to go.
And I'm like, yeah, sure, compromise. So I'm on my
phone and I'm prepping, and then she starts to this
down I wrote down a word for word what she said.
In fact, it looked like I was prepping, but I
was writing down things that she was saying to me,
and she was saying it, okay, right, this is what
she says to me. So I'm trying to prep and
she says to me, do you mind if I if
I sit here and watch this? I'm like, no, go ahead.
Every five seconds she looks, she goes, look at this
fear in Vegas and she shows me this sphere in
Vegas on her phone. If I lived in Vegas, I'd
want to see what was on this sphere in Vegas
every day. It was like the Dodger's logo. Ye right,
And I was like, okay. So I go back to
my phone and she's like, did you see Trump issuing
CBS for ten billion dollars? Now she was watching a
documentary I'm prepping in silence, and I'm like, yeah, I
saw that. I saw that earlier today. Oh look at
this meme. The key to a happy marriage. One person
has to have stomach issues, the other person has back issues.
This just popped up and I'm just like, I'm like,
all right, you said you were just gonna sit here
and watch this, and now you're talking to me. You're
including me and what you're watching. I don't want that.
I'm trying to prep a show for tomorrow. So if
today's show sucks my bag.
Speaker 2 (43:05):
Well she gave you some prep. You talked about it,
but I didn't.
Speaker 4 (43:08):
I didn't bring that to her at all. I didn't
say aything. I just wrote it all down and then
I was like, but that's how it is. It Like
if Danga was still on the phone and be like
you got to compromise stuff, you know what I mean?
Like I could have I guess mean, actually, m what
Dango did? I'm bringing up to you guys. Oh man,
we have fun here, We have here.
Speaker 9 (43:27):
We do.
Speaker 11 (43:30):
A nasty girl, nasty, A nasty girl, nasty a nasty
nay nasty nasty.
Speaker 4 (43:40):
John J. Rich Kiara, thanks for calling in. Thanks for holding. Yeah, Hi,
what's up.
Speaker 1 (43:46):
Speaker 15 (43:47):
So I went to my friend's bachelor at party in
Vegas recently and it started it started off to really normal,
like you know, there was cool drinks, cute pictures for
in the and then out of nowhere, I can't make
this up. One of the bridesmaids who had been suspiciously
quiet all night, like I even clocked. I was, like,
she's usually pretty loud, but she was quiet. She stands
up and out of the door, she says, I have
a surprise for the bride. And so, at first, like
we're thinking, okay, stripper, something fun, dope. She pulls out
a key card to a random hotel room where we're
staying and says, like, I thought brought someone special here
for you, babe. Turns out the bridesmaid has secretly invited
bride's ex boyfriend, the one she broke up with like
right before she met her fiance who she's about to marry,
and the dude is waiting for this for her in
this like random hotel room, thinking he's getting back with her.
It was like it was insane, you guys, Like at
first I thought it was a joke, it was not.
And it broke into extreme chaos like the bride, she
obviously freaked out. Bridesmaid got into a fool on cat
I like nails and scratching because everybody was, you know,
a little tipsy drunk with the maid of honor, and
someone like no one knows who called the groom to
tell him absolutely everything that went down. So it literally
ruined the weekend and honestly our friendship group is destroyed
from it.
Speaker 4 (45:16):
Whoa I do that?
Speaker 12 (45:18):
I don't understand, Like, had the bride expressed to her
that she maybe was having like second thoughts or feelings
for her ex?
Speaker 15 (45:26):
No, I've thought about it a lot. The only thing
I can think is like, you know, yeah, therese moments
of doubt, like leading up or when you're like Kim
drinking a bottle of wine and your girlfriend and being
like man like, I wonder what would have happened if
I stayed with my ex, But nothing like I want
to get back with him.
Speaker 25 (45:42):
I don't want to get.
Speaker 15 (45:43):
Married like, nothing like that.
Speaker 1 (45:45):
I don't.
Speaker 15 (45:46):
I don't know what the bridesmaid was thinking, but I
just like, who does that?
Speaker 8 (45:50):
Who does that?
Speaker 13 (45:51):
That's probably one of those friends that's like your friend,
but is secretly jealous of you and like wants, yes,
sabotage that, Like that's.
Speaker 9 (46:00):
A I mean it's awful.
Speaker 2 (46:01):
What about the ex shows up and like is waiting
around for that?
Speaker 13 (46:05):
Yeah, that's also kind of weird because I'm sure he
knows she's getting married.
Speaker 4 (46:09):
Well, I was wondering what his attitude was. Was he like, yes, sure,
I'll go one more round with her, Like they think
I got this, You got me in this hotel room.
We're going to tear it up one last time. Let's go.
Speaker 9 (46:18):
That's terrible.
Speaker 4 (46:18):
I mean does he thinking that or is he thinking
is he being tricked? Like she wants to get back
together with you? What?
Speaker 15 (46:24):
Yeah, really like wanting to get back together.
Speaker 1 (46:27):
I mean he always like which makes it even worse.
Speaker 4 (46:30):
It's like because you hurt him now, Yeah.
Speaker 2 (46:33):
So he's not a dirt bag. He thought that she
was really wanting him back.
Speaker 1 (46:38):
Yeah, I think.
Speaker 12 (46:39):
So that's all bad, all bad all around.
Speaker 13 (46:42):
And that's like a terrible friend. And like, I mean,
we're not here for violins, but I probably would have
faded to are you not?
Speaker 4 (46:49):
There's even there's even you check this out if you
can step back for a second. Yeah, and there's there's
a there's another violation, because no matter, let's put that
in a bubble, right, that's that's all this chaos happened there,
and it's turmoil and the friend group's broken up or whatever.
But that still should have stayed in Vegas. Like the
fact that they called the fiance now and now he's
like what the hell? Now? He's like, why, why is
this happening? Do I want to marry this woman?
Speaker 13 (47:16):
Like urt, yeah, more, I can't even trust you to
be around your friends anymore.
Speaker 4 (47:22):
But then again, if he would find out five years later,
he'd be pissed too. Yeah, that's one of those. Boy. Man,
what a terrible, terrible, terrible friend.
Speaker 15 (47:29):
Horrible right, I feel I'm like, I literally fall asleep
at night. I'm like, what was she thinking? Like I'm
still trying to piece it together?
Speaker 2 (47:37):
What does she say?
Speaker 4 (47:38):
So when it's happening, Like what do you do? Like
if I'm pictured it in my head like a movie
like what happened?
Speaker 6 (47:42):
Speaker 15 (47:43):
It really felt like Bridesmaid, but like a drama version
of it or something. I honestly, she's just like very
she undercut it. She's like, I don't see what the
big deal is, Like everybody has like one final little
fun playing.
Speaker 9 (47:57):
They don't right, she's trash human.
Speaker 12 (48:00):
Yeah, yeah, that's tough.
Speaker 10 (48:05):
So sorry that happened.
Speaker 4 (48:06):
I thought this was a go with the bride or
the bridesmaid or the whatever name. The bride is like
hooking up with somebody before the thing. I remember my
sister with the Mexico one time for spring break and
there was a bride there and she told me that
the bar. She was at a bar on the beach
and there was a long line of guys standing line
to make out with a bride under terrible. She literally
they're all standing. She was like sitting at the bar.
She was like, let's go, this is my I'm getting
married next weekend. And she was like French kissing the
next guy. Then the next guy.
Speaker 13 (48:39):
Monod curiously like I want to say.
Speaker 9 (48:42):
It was like about a year ago.
Speaker 13 (48:43):
I was at a club in old Town Scotts was
like during the day. It was a Sunday Sunday, and
there was a bachelorette party to the right of us,
and the bride was like dancing all on the table
and she starts grinding with this like black guy. Mind you,
they all have tattoos of the groom's face and it's
a total white guy, and all of her friends around her.
Speaker 9 (48:58):
Like yeah, girl you And it was actually.
Speaker 13 (49:01):
Like really disturbing to watch and see. And I'm like, okay,
I feel like she's like fulfilling some type of fantasy verb.
But the fact that her friends are feeding into it
too was so disturbing and disgusting. I wouldn't It was
like eleven o'clock in the morning. It was like so
disturbing and like very odd. We all kind of were
just like looking over like is everything okay?
Speaker 9 (49:24):
Over there? Like there was just something.
Speaker 13 (49:26):
About it that felt super super wrong, right, all right,
Well we gotta open it up then, Bachelorette Stories.
Speaker 4 (49:32):
Spill your secrets. Let's go with Bacherette Secrets eight seven
seven nine three seven one oh four seven or text
us your Secret jj R and your Secret to ninety
six eight nine three. Thanks Kiera, thanks for calling in.
Speaker 1 (49:44):
Thanks guys, It's.
Speaker 4 (49:46):
John Jay and Rich John Jaye Rich. All right, we're
gonna do a quick round of a super wing. You
hurt yourself because Rich hurt himself and I really hurt
myself in a stupid way, really bad into her, really bad.
Speaker 5 (50:00):
How'd you do it rich just walking walking down the
stairs at my house and completely twisted my knee. I
don't even know how it happened, but last week I
was hobbling around here like crazy. I have done rehab
p T, I have done neural muscular treatment, I have
done the chiropractor, and now I'm okay. But I was
just walking down the stairs. That's it wasn't running down
the stairs. Just walking down the stairs. Something popped, heard
it go and it was like, Eh, don't you have
like hip issues?
Speaker 13 (50:27):
Said yeah, I'm like, like my doctors have told me that, like,
I'm gonna probably have a double hip replacement by the
time I'm like forty because my hips are so bad
they literally just pop out of socket. And I want
to say it was like two weeks ago. I was
just walking in here, literally just walking straight to my seat,
and all of a sudden, I felt this like huge
pop in my hip completely popped out of socket. And
I did the test on my feet and my right
leg is like two inches longer than my left leg.
But once I pop it back in a socket, then it'll.
Speaker 2 (50:52):
Really do that. That sounds like that of the chiropractor.
Speaker 4 (50:55):
Okay, so those are two ways. You guys heard yourself.
You don't really know how you hurt yourself. Yeah, I
was walking yesterday, you know, it was it for some reason.
It was raining the last day two it was really
strange rain. So I was doing my I did the
twenty minutes in the sauna and then I usually jump
on the hot tub and then the cold plunge. My
son Dutch, was going in the backyard to shoot some baskets.
We're both walking out around the same time. I kick
off my slides and I go to step in the
hot tub, but I'm not there yet, and I literally slipped.
I slipped and landed on my hip and bounced into
the hot tub.
Speaker 2 (51:32):
Oh yeah.
Speaker 4 (51:34):
And then Dutch he caught it out of the side
of his eye and he's like, you know, thought it
was the funniest la, big old laugh, and I popped
up really quick, and I you know, I popped up
in the and stood up on my feet and I
was like, I'm good, man, I'm good. It was awful
and embarrassing, and I believe it is the only spot
in my backyard. But we don't have cameras, so I
was like, God, this one little spot doesn't have cameras
so we don't have to rewind it. But then I
got in the whole plunch and I was like, I
should be fine, and now this huge bruise is forming
on the left side of my left It feels like
you ever get a really big injection. Yeah, and if
you know, for like a needle of medicine or something
in your butt. It's like, I feel like they did
that several times.
Speaker 9 (52:15):
Ouch, that's sad. Dutch laughed at you. My mom fell
one time and I cried like baby.
Speaker 4 (52:21):
My wife when my wife heard the story start laughing.
She laughs every time I get hurt. She's funny, singing
the world it's wrong with these people.
Speaker 8 (52:29):
I know, I know.
Speaker 4 (52:30):
So eight seven seven nine three seven one four seven
I want to hear about the stupid way you hurt yourself,
or you can text us. Text JJR and the stupid
way you hit yourself to nine six eight ninety three.
Hey Marcia, stupid way you hurt yourself.
Speaker 19 (52:43):
Hey guys, good morning.
Speaker 1 (52:46):
Yeah, this was so wild.
Speaker 19 (52:48):
I was at a hot springs in Colorado with my
friends and I got out of the water to open
up an avocado and have that for lunch, and my
friend handed me a Swiss army knife and I went
to do the old you know, flick the knife at
the seed in the avocado, and I don't know what happened,
but the knife went straight into my palme. Blood shot
up in the air everywhere. I thought I was going
to pass out, and so I walked into like this
office area and laid down on the ground. I didn't
care what was going on. I was holding my hand
and someone there was a nurse, and they were like, yeah,
it looks like there's some tissue hanging out, and I
was like, oh my god, I'm gonna lose it. Guys,
I need to go to a doctor, like please. And
we were like in the middle of nowhere. So my
friends were concerned, but also it was unfortunate we had
to leave. But yeah, I had to get my hand
sewed up. I cut something called my Olmer nerve, and
my like pinky and ring fingers still have messed up feeling.
Speaker 5 (53:58):
Boy, you really that was a sharp Swiss sarknife. I
didn't think they were that.
Speaker 2 (54:01):
Sharp me neither.
Speaker 1 (54:03):
I'm telling you. It was so wild.
Speaker 19 (54:06):
I couldn't believe any of it happened. But yeah, to
this day and that was like probably six or seven
years ago.
Speaker 10 (54:13):
Wow, those avocados are dangerous.
Speaker 12 (54:14):
I mean, that's like one of the number one kitchen
injuries is when you're cutting an eye.
Speaker 19 (54:18):
Cut is I learned. I learned all about that when
I went to see a doctor. I had to have surgery.
Bagels and avocados. Guys, be very careful now. I do
not even get a knife anywhere near an avocado.
Speaker 1 (54:29):
I have this really cool device.
Speaker 8 (54:32):
That my friend got me.
Speaker 1 (54:33):
They were like, you never have to cut your hand.
Speaker 4 (54:36):
Marcia Marsha. What was the name of that nerve?
Speaker 19 (54:40):
Olner like ulna R. I think is how it's spelled.
Speaker 8 (54:44):
As he said, down your arm.
Speaker 4 (54:46):
I thought, you said on my nerf and I thought,
what a great name. That's probably where that phrase came from.
You're on my nerve, you're my nerves, you're my nerves,
You're all my nerves. All right, thank you, Marcia, Glad
you're okay?
Speaker 19 (54:57):
Yeah, thanks for calling, guys, Thank you.
Speaker 1 (54:59):
I love you, guys.
Speaker 4 (55:01):
Rashid tells about Supery You hurt yourself.
Speaker 16 (55:04):
So I was ten years old. My parents took me
and my brother and I we were going to this
apartment store called Best kind of like best by Circul City,
and they were looking for something, and as kids, we
kind of ventured off. I see a good of treadmills,
so I just get on one of them, and I
was just wanted to walk. I felt a little too
fast for me. So everything like this is usually you know,
higher means higher, lower means lower, but for whatever reason,
the settings on this one higher meant slower and lower
meant faster. So next thing you know, I go down
to the I slide down to the bottom of the things,
think I'm going to go. I'm going to walk on it.
The belt goes super fast. I fly off, hit my
face on the belt. A bunch of associates start trying
to run around to figure out how to turn this
thing off. They don't know how to turn it off.
They unplug all of the display treadmills all around there,
and then we had to leave. Of course, there was
a CBS at the mall, so my mom gets a
bunch of like band aids and stuff. My dad's holding
me and telling me to be careful, and my little
brother's just staring at me and just shaking his heads
like how could you do this? So, yeah, it was
definitely the moment I realized I hated running.
Speaker 5 (56:20):
Traumatic You're like, why not just run outside? It's free, right?
Speaker 13 (56:24):
No movie that reminds me of when I was like.
I was probably right around the same age as you.
Speaker 9 (56:29):
And I was on an.
Speaker 13 (56:29):
Elliptical and I had no shoes on. I was at
my friend's house and I just had like one foot
on one side of the elliptical and I'm just going
on one side and.
Speaker 9 (56:37):
I slipped fell back and I broke all like the
first three of my toes, my.
Speaker 13 (56:41):
Big toe, the first pointer toe, and then the middle
toe because my toes got stuck in the wheel of
the Olympic.
Speaker 9 (56:47):
I got in so much trouble.
Speaker 4 (56:48):
Okay. I was in the treadmill as a gym and
I'm running on the treadmill and I don't like to run,
and the TV is on and a John Jay and
Rich commercial comes on TV and I was like, oh
my god, and I'm looking around as I'm running. I'm like,
I wonder if anyone knows that I'm at And I
hit halfway through it and fell backwards because I was
looking around. My foot hit half the treadmill and half
not the treadmill. You don't talk about yeah, and I
just shot back it was terrible.
Speaker 2 (57:13):
That must have been a while ago. We haven't had
a bunch of pretty TV in.
Speaker 4 (57:15):
A long time out here, or she'd have a great day. Man,
Thanks for listening.
Speaker 16 (57:20):
Thank you guys.
Speaker 4 (57:21):
Stupid way you hit yourself shoot us a DM or
Texas JJR and the stuper woe you hit yourself to
ninety six eight ninety three, tap in and.
Speaker 15 (57:29):
Say what's up?
Speaker 22 (57:29):
Sure, open the free Ieheart radio app and tap the
top back. Mike, just send John, Jay and Richard message.
Speaker 4 (57:35):
Now do little entertainment news to me? The stories I
kept seeing over and over again, well the big one
was to me, the Jason Kelsey story. I know, I
think I saw it wrong and then and now I
think I have it. He didn't he didn't do any
bad except knock somebody's phone out.
Speaker 12 (57:47):
Right, Well, he may have done something bad.
Speaker 10 (57:49):
So here's what happened. So he was in Pennsylvania.
Speaker 12 (57:51):
He was walking in this big crowd and some fans, like,
you know, notice he's in, he's there, and they kind
of start heckling him. And then one guy called his
brother Travis a homophobic slurs.
Speaker 4 (58:05):
Chelsea, can I get a fist boin.
Speaker 12 (58:13):
Can I get so, Then Jason takes that guy's phone
and smatches it on the ground, which isn't.
Speaker 10 (58:20):
Necessarily the right thing to do.
Speaker 23 (58:22):
Then the guy says this to him.
Speaker 12 (58:33):
And then Jason three or four times says the same
homophobic slur back to the guy.
Speaker 10 (58:37):
Who's the blank now?
Speaker 12 (58:39):
Who's the blank now?
Speaker 10 (58:41):
And so everyone's going, yeah, he probably could.
Speaker 12 (58:44):
Have dealt with that in a better way.
Speaker 10 (58:46):
That was in Philly, Pennsylvania.
Speaker 14 (58:49):
Okay, wherever that is?
Speaker 12 (58:52):
I otter whar is?
Speaker 5 (59:00):
He played for Philly? Right, So you think he'd be
a hero there.
Speaker 10 (59:04):
Yeah, But there's a lot of people that don't like
or Taylor, and.
Speaker 4 (59:07):
You know what I mean, you'd almost think that the
Taylor would be like, Okay, listen, we need to have
a little family meeting. You guys gotta understand how to
handle the press. You got to take some media classes
or do whatever, because you got to let that sit.
You know, sticks and stones, right and things like that.
Speaker 12 (59:20):
Like, because you're in such a spotlight, people are going
to target you and they are going to try to
get a reaction out of you because then, oh, cue
the lawsuit, and you've got the money to pay a
big hefty fee to maybe not go to.
Speaker 4 (59:31):
Court Sticks and Stones. James Vanderbeek.
Speaker 12 (59:34):
James Vanderbeek, Oh you guys, I'm I'm sad about this one.
James Vanderbek announced that he's actually battling colo rectal cancer.
He his announcement came with like kind of a positive ending.
Speaker 10 (59:47):
He was like, don't worry about me.
Speaker 12 (59:49):
There's there's still like a light at the end of
the tunnel, so there's still a reason to be positive
and hopeful, which he didn't really explain, but summer wondering
like has he already started treatment for it, and maybe
the treatment's going well or whatever, and we don't know.
All we know is that he's trying to be optimistic
about it and wants everyone to.
Speaker 10 (01:00:07):
Also be that way as well.
Speaker 4 (01:00:08):
We'll have the Chris Martin.
Speaker 10 (01:00:10):
Chris Martin is.
Speaker 12 (01:00:11):
The latest celebrity or I should say artist to fall
on stage. So he's on stage and there's this trap
door behind him, like some of these I wonder are
these planned right? Because he's walking backwards and he's talking
to the crowd, and then when he falls, there's actually
like a stage hand that's like that that literally you
can see him like maybe someone's like he's walking towards
the door.
Speaker 10 (01:00:33):
He's walking towards the door, so we'll.
Speaker 12 (01:00:34):
Get there, right and you see the guy like basically
catch him.
Speaker 4 (01:00:43):
That's a look funn Thank you for catching so much
yellow than you did.
Speaker 9 (01:00:53):
You say that that was not planned? Yes, okay, so
that was planned.
Speaker 12 (01:00:59):
It that the guy was literally right there like waiting
for him.
Speaker 10 (01:01:02):
Didn't look like he had to scramble at all.
Speaker 2 (01:01:07):
Speaker 4 (01:01:07):
Yeah, yeah, I think this is big news if it's
true what you're saying about Tom Cruise.
Speaker 10 (01:01:12):
So, Tom Cruise, I knew you would be excited.
Speaker 4 (01:01:15):
About this, John because of the success of Mission Impossible
and the success of Maverick.
Speaker 12 (01:01:19):
Yes, Tom Cruise is eyeing a Daze of Thunder sequel,
even though it wasn't one of his you know, like
the biggest movies, because of the popularity and all that stuff.
They're hoping.
Speaker 4 (01:01:30):
That's where you met Nicole Kidman on the set of that.
I didn't know that he played again him cold Trickle.
You build me a car and I'll win Daytona next year.
Did so?
Speaker 10 (01:01:39):
I have to wait and see.
Speaker 12 (01:01:40):
It's like nothing, he's not even like working with a
studio yet.
Speaker 10 (01:01:42):
But he's just like eyeing it.
Speaker 12 (01:01:43):
And I'm sure if Tom Cruise brings that project anywhere,
they'll green light it.
Speaker 4 (01:01:48):
Agree, John Jay and rich Rich heard himself walking down
the stairs it happened, and heard herself sitting in the
chair and here this morning, I fell on the floor,
slipped into the hot tub and hurt my hip. We
want to hear about the super boy. You hurt yourself, Christy,
stupid way you hurt yourself.
Speaker 6 (01:02:10):
So my son I went in to give him a hug.
He was bing a baseball practice and he moved out
of the way and I lost my footing so I
fell like tripped over my feet, but I hit my
face on the pool fence, so it dented. So he
thought that was the funniest thing ever. And then they're like,
get up, get up.
Speaker 17 (01:02:33):
I couldn't get up.
Speaker 1 (01:02:34):
Turns out I had broken my rotator cuff.
Speaker 6 (01:02:36):
And this was just like Thursday before Mother's Day. Oh
he last forever.
Speaker 1 (01:02:40):
And now he's like, well, you should have like really
tried to hug me.
Speaker 6 (01:02:44):
And I'm like, I'm saying, wow, you're leaving a baseball practice,
So yeah, just understand.
Speaker 4 (01:02:49):
He dented the pool face the pull fence with your face.
Speaker 5 (01:02:52):
Speaker 4 (01:02:53):
Speaker 1 (01:02:58):
My sister and my dad are like, get up, gab.
I'm like, I can't move my arm.
Speaker 6 (01:03:02):
So I thought I had maybe just pulled something until
I went to the doctor, like two three weeks later,
I broke my rotator cuffs so that.
Speaker 20 (01:03:09):
I cleaned a lot.
Speaker 4 (01:03:10):
All right, that's a good one. Thank you so much. Christy.
You have a great day. Take care of that face. Jessica,
stupid way you hurt yourself.
Speaker 25 (01:03:17):
Yeah, yeah, okay.
Speaker 24 (01:03:19):
So I am walking into my kitchen, just minding my business,
going to wash my hands, and the palm of my
hand hits the countertop of my kitchen island.
Speaker 25 (01:03:32):
And I kept walking forward, but my body got jerked
back because of the contact with the counter.
Speaker 1 (01:03:38):
I ended up dislocating too, rich, carrying a rotator cuff,
and giving myself whiplash.
Speaker 7 (01:03:44):
Jez Louise, oh my gosh, kitchen that you've walked around
a million times before, exactly.
Speaker 1 (01:03:52):
And I want to add I was completely sober.
Speaker 5 (01:03:54):
There was Everyone asked me that, or are you drunk.
Speaker 1 (01:03:57):
I'm like, no, I was just walking into my kitchen too.
Speaker 4 (01:04:01):
Will be safe, be very safe.
Speaker 25 (01:04:03):
I will watch out for those cows.
Speaker 4 (01:04:05):
Oh thank you. Jessica, I'd be safe, Charman, super you
hear yourself?
Speaker 25 (01:04:08):
Hey, Yeah, I have insomnia. So I was put on
the medication ambient, and I guess I went downstairs to
get something to eat, and I fell down my stairs
and cracked my chin open.
Speaker 1 (01:04:25):
But I didn't even I didn't even.
Speaker 25 (01:04:27):
Realize what had happened till I woke up and my
husband was like, why didn't you try to go downstairs?
And I myself, I didn't know why, but he said
that I had said something to him about having the monchies,
and when I went to walk downstairs, I fell and
I cracked my chin open.
Speaker 5 (01:04:46):
If you're an insomniac sleepwalker, I think you would want
your bedroom on the first floor.
Speaker 4 (01:04:50):
Anyway. That sounds like a dangerous But what if you
don't know you get insomnia after you already moved into
the house.
Speaker 2 (01:04:55):
I guess that's all right.
Speaker 25 (01:04:56):
But we didn't have any bedrooms downstairs and they were
all upstairs.
Speaker 4 (01:05:00):
So all right, Charman, Yeah, take care of yourself. Thanks
for calling that, right, Bye, bye, Stephanie. Stupid way you
hear yourself?
Speaker 17 (01:05:09):
Hi, So my uncle made us all what is it called,
like piggybanks out of these glass blocks, and I cut
mine open for gas money and left it on my floor.
My mom kept telling me to pick it.
Speaker 16 (01:05:21):
Up, pick it up.
Speaker 12 (01:05:22):
I didn't listen, and I.
Speaker 17 (01:05:23):
Was walking to the bathroom one day and I fell
sideways on it. Spliced my shin straight to the bone.
And it took twenty Yeah, it took twenty one stitches
on the inside and twenty three on the outside. And
I lost a huge chunk of skin.
Speaker 13 (01:05:36):
Oh my gosh, that reminds me of this kid. I
will never forget him. His name was Jeremy, and we
were in the sixth grade. And you guys know how
like when the bookstores would come and you could like
pick out all the fun little gadgets or whatever. You
know those pens that have like five or six different colors. Okay, yeah,
So he had gotten one of those, and he was
trying to.
Speaker 9 (01:05:54):
Be like the cool guy whatever.
Speaker 13 (01:05:56):
So he puts the pen down and he goes to
like step on it to try to break it and havel.
Speaker 9 (01:06:00):
But he steps on it, it.
Speaker 13 (01:06:01):
Goes straight through his foot, through his shoe. And this
man literally had like plastic inside his foot. He had
to get like same amount of stitches, probably a zoo
Stephanie like on the inside.
Speaker 2 (01:06:11):
And the outside.
Speaker 4 (01:06:12):
She shall go through his shoes, his foot pop out
the other.
Speaker 2 (01:06:14):
Side of the shoes, the shoe.
Speaker 9 (01:06:15):
It was insane. He literally well he went on it
like he's just like this and then he can like
a big bunny hop and then was everywhere.
Speaker 13 (01:06:23):
It was like we were like at recess and there
was probably like thirty kids watching him do it. It
was like, instead, that's crazy snarley, and that reminded me
of Stephanie.
Speaker 2 (01:06:31):
Oh my gosh. She's like the opposite of Chris Angel.
Speaker 4 (01:06:37):
Thank you, John d Rich Mariah, good morning, thanks for
holding Hi.
Speaker 1 (01:06:45):
Good morning.
Speaker 4 (01:06:46):
Speaker 1 (01:06:47):
So I just moved into this apartment and everything's going great.
You know, it's a brush start for me. It's a
new vibe, you know how it goes. And last night,
you know, I decided to settle in with like a
nice hot shower, and I'm in there and you know,
it's the bathroom starting to like steam up. I get
out and I look at the mirror and I see
like words in the mirror, like out of nowhere, and
it's someone had scribbled like a bunch of crazy things
with like almost like an invisible marker and I'm not
talking like doodles and sweet messages. I'm talking and said,
like don't trust them. Yeah, they're always watching, right, Like
what does that even mean? What does that mean? My
heart starts racing. I I honestly, I'm sorry. I feel
like I'm like walking into like a horror movie. Like
this is like crazy. I can't believe this is my
real life. It's not my handwriting, so like who was
here before me? And like are they warning me about something?
Like what are they trying to say? Them alone? So
like this is wild. I ended up checking every single closet,
every corner, like totally on edge. I was convinced the
walls were like gonna start whispering or something because it
was so creepy to me. Maybe I watched too many
horror movies. I don't know, but that was so weird.
And just as I'm getting out of the bathroom, I
hear like vibrating and I freak out. It's my phone.
It was just a notification that my groceries are delivered,
but it freaked me out so bad. Like I don't know,
I'm still freaked out. Maybe this is just like someone's
idea of like humor, like some sort of practical joke
just to like give me the creeps permanently. I don't know,
like it's so weird and I don't like it.
Speaker 4 (01:08:51):
Was it written like with a finger, you know, like.
Speaker 1 (01:08:54):
I have to assume, I have to assume. I don't know.
It was very like like chick can scratchy. I don't know.
Speaker 4 (01:09:02):
It's in the mirror, and it's this is your host,
this is your you own this house.
Speaker 1 (01:09:06):
Yeah, I'm along renting for a year. Okay, this is
like my new place for the next year.
Speaker 4 (01:09:11):
Your first shower, your first shower in this new place.
Speaker 1 (01:09:14):
The first time I've had a chance to shower there.
This is my first time staying the night.
Speaker 4 (01:09:19):
I think it's the probably the old owners having fun.
I do this all the time.
Speaker 2 (01:09:22):
Actually, okay, you're love.
Speaker 4 (01:09:24):
I like to screw with my family all the time
and the right stuff. But it doesn't it doesn't last
very long.
Speaker 2 (01:09:29):
So it wouldn't last long. Don't say that. Don't say that.
Speaker 4 (01:09:32):
Because it just turns into like a blue like a blur.
After all.
Speaker 5 (01:09:35):
Well, so then I would say to you, Mariah, somebody
is in the house here, And a lot of times
you write with your sure, no, gross, probably right now,
you need to get out, try to.
Speaker 13 (01:09:45):
Just like windows stay there, or like ask like whoever
you're renting from, or if you're like in an apartment
to like get a whole new mirror.
Speaker 2 (01:09:51):
Don't trust them put amazing. You can't trust them.
Speaker 1 (01:09:54):
I might have to ask for the mirror. I might.
What if they're crazy? What if they're the crazy people
I'm being warned about. I go to them and I say, hey,
these people are warning me about you, and then they
kill me.
Speaker 4 (01:10:03):
You might just want to break your lease.
Speaker 13 (01:10:05):
That's like that crazy roommate story on the Netflix show
and the oh my god roommate was the dad or
the roommate killed her? Nothing?
Speaker 1 (01:10:15):
Never, you're not helping me feel better. You guys were
supposed to make me feel better.
Speaker 5 (01:10:19):
Well, I mean, this is the last time we'll ever
talk to you. It sounds like, oh my god, No,
maybe you should just call the police them come take
a look and just see what they.
Speaker 4 (01:10:30):
Say, or talk to them.
Speaker 1 (01:10:32):
I'm literally so close, Like, don't even joke, I'm not joking.
Speaker 2 (01:10:36):
Yeah, so I might.
Speaker 4 (01:10:39):
All right, Well, good luck to you and thank you
for calling.
Speaker 12 (01:10:41):
That's it.
Speaker 1 (01:10:41):
That's all you got for me.
Speaker 4 (01:10:44):
You want to send us a picture of it.
Speaker 1 (01:10:46):
All the time I thought, yeah, send you a picture.
I listened all the time, and I was like, you
guys will definitely be able to help me. You guys
are always helping other people. This is not what I
was looking for.
Speaker 2 (01:10:55):
I said, break your lease.
Speaker 18 (01:10:56):
And move out.
Speaker 1 (01:10:58):
Well that I wish that was an I can't do that.
Speaker 4 (01:11:02):
Wipe it off, wipe off the mirror, wipe off wherever
it is there and see if it comes back. Then
it comes back. If it doesn't come back, then you're
being pranked.
Speaker 12 (01:11:14):
I think you know what I would do is I
would say I will go in the shower again. But
then I would have like someone you know, hiding in
the bathroom right just to see if somebody walks in.
Speaker 9 (01:11:26):
How creepy.
Speaker 12 (01:11:29):
Yeah, just get a roommate. Get a roommate, because then
if you've got someone else there, at least you're in
it together.
Speaker 1 (01:11:33):
And then you got my chances of getting murdered after
you tell me about the Netflix show, are you for real?
Speaker 10 (01:11:38):
No, like a roommate that you know and trust. Listen,
we can't help you.
Speaker 15 (01:11:41):
Forget shoot down every.
Speaker 2 (01:11:42):
Piece of over here. Anybody that you trust.
Speaker 1 (01:11:49):
You guys are so funny. Well, thank you, thank Maybe
I'll let you know how it goes.
Speaker 4 (01:11:57):
Rich We're play a game. Who grants the host of
the game? We ever contested? Eight seven seven nine seven
four seven, Kyle was the prize you sold me earlier.
Speaker 12 (01:12:08):
Fifty dollars gift card to Rallies checkers rally.
Speaker 10 (01:12:14):
Yeah, so good.
Speaker 2 (01:12:16):
That's a great price.
Speaker 4 (01:12:16):
Whenever my parents want to have a family meeting, I
would always go, I would take my finger it. I'd
be like a lasso and I'd go, Okay, it's time
to rally rally. If my dad would go, what are
you doing? We need to contest it? Eight seven seven,
nine three seven one four seven. While Nick finds us
a contestant, shall I read some text messages?
Speaker 5 (01:12:38):
Get after it, dog?
Speaker 4 (01:12:40):
Or maybe we don't need to contestant, we need to
contest it.
Speaker 2 (01:12:43):
We can just have fun.
Speaker 4 (01:12:44):
Let's just play with us, and then maybe we'll give
away the rallies.
Speaker 13 (01:12:47):
Like who doesn't want to rallies gift card right now?
Speaker 9 (01:12:49):
Free food and this economy?
Speaker 1 (01:12:50):
Come on?
Speaker 4 (01:12:51):
All right, Well we'll just play the game. Then we'll
give it away too.
Speaker 5 (01:12:53):
All right, Well, we're playing the four second rule, guys,
are you ready?
Speaker 4 (01:12:56):
Hold on, now we have a contestant.
Speaker 2 (01:12:59):
Oh now, we got a contest it out to contest it.
Speaker 4 (01:13:01):
You're called cow and I.
Speaker 12 (01:13:02):
Think if somebody called in, we should respect they called
in and let him play.
Speaker 6 (01:13:07):
Very good.
Speaker 4 (01:13:07):
Now we got one hundred contestants.
Speaker 5 (01:13:12):
All right, so we're playing the four second rule. I'm
gonna go around the room, give everybody a category, and
you have four seconds to name three things.
Speaker 4 (01:13:19):
Insaid category Tammy.
Speaker 5 (01:13:22):
Hie Tammy. You're playing the four second rule? Are you ready?
Speaker 4 (01:13:27):
Speaker 6 (01:13:27):
I'm gonna try.
Speaker 4 (01:13:28):
All right.
Speaker 5 (01:13:28):
I believe in you. I have faith in you.
Speaker 2 (01:13:30):
You can do it.
Speaker 4 (01:13:31):
John j.
Speaker 5 (01:13:31):
Van s is looking sharp today with no undershirt under
the flannel shirts.
Speaker 4 (01:13:35):
That's good. Look.
Speaker 2 (01:13:36):
I think you should go one less button.
Speaker 4 (01:13:38):
Do it?
Speaker 2 (01:13:39):
Do it, do it, do it? Bring up.
Speaker 5 (01:13:47):
All right, John, four second rule. Martha Stewart doc dropped
and it's awesome. It's fantastic. Did you watch it?
Speaker 4 (01:13:55):
Speaker 2 (01:13:55):
It's great, really good stuff.
Speaker 5 (01:13:57):
So John Jay, in four seconds, three ways you'd better
yourself in prison.
Speaker 4 (01:14:04):
I would be somebody's bitch. I would sell everything half
darn it. I think somebody's bitch covers lots of things.
Speaker 5 (01:14:13):
You are a facilitator of many things, Rich Barrow, Are
you ready?
Speaker 2 (01:14:17):
Speaker 5 (01:14:17):
I made corn chowder last night, delicious, so Rich. In
four seconds, name three soups uh Minnestroni, chicken noodle and
bean soup, Peyton whitmore Love Pop Family Fest is this weekend,
November ninth, featuring headliners Grant and the Rich Bara Band,
So Peyton with that in mind. In four seconds, name
three songs the Rich Bara Band plays.
Speaker 9 (01:14:46):
That's not fair. That's not fair.
Speaker 2 (01:14:54):
The sound the same.
Speaker 9 (01:14:56):
That is not a fair question.
Speaker 13 (01:14:57):
You're taking like a question out of Nick's bag.
Speaker 4 (01:15:00):
All the things now, all the If you want to
see the Rich Band play, it's going to be at
the well. He's changed the name of the band, did
you Yeah, it's great and the Rich Baron Richard has
changed it to Richest Band, Rich's Band. The Rich can't
really talk about it. Oh like it Rich talks about
He goes, hey, yeah, you want to come see Rich's Band,
and then he'll look like he's some weird third person.
Speaker 12 (01:15:30):
You've already branded it.
Speaker 4 (01:15:33):
That's what I said. So that's anyway, Rich's Band is performing.
You can come see him perform for free Saturday at Fest.
Speaker 5 (01:15:39):
Kyle on moving over to you for a second role.
Hell's kitchen is great this season. It's all head chefs.
It's getting hot, it's getting heated. So Kyle with that
in mind. In four seconds, name three ways to hurt
yourself in the kitchen.
Speaker 12 (01:15:54):
Oh, you can cut your finger, you can cut your face,
you can cut your body.
Speaker 5 (01:15:58):
Nice job on the board, see Tammy.
Speaker 2 (01:16:01):
Are you ready?
Speaker 1 (01:16:02):
Okay, I'm gonna try.
Speaker 2 (01:16:03):
All right.
Speaker 5 (01:16:04):
Tom Cruise just announced he may or may not be
working on a Daze of Thunder sequel. So Tammy, in
four seconds, name three movies that need sequels?
Speaker 15 (01:16:16):
Really an easy one?
Speaker 3 (01:16:24):
Me something hard?
Speaker 5 (01:16:26):
That's all right, we'll get your next round. All right,
moving on round two.
Speaker 2 (01:16:31):
John Jay van asked, did just get Peyton.
Speaker 9 (01:16:33):
Or no questions?
Speaker 5 (01:16:36):
Oh yeah, John Jay sad news with Peanut and Frank
this weekend all Frank?
Speaker 2 (01:16:44):
So John Jay?
Speaker 5 (01:16:45):
In four seconds, name three unique.
Speaker 4 (01:16:47):
Pets squirrel, raccoon, and a duck bill platypus.
Speaker 2 (01:16:54):
Nice job.
Speaker 5 (01:16:55):
Are there gonna be any duck bill platypuses?
Speaker 2 (01:16:57):
I love pup.
Speaker 4 (01:16:57):
If there's a rescue, it will be there.
Speaker 5 (01:16:59):
All right, rich Bara love quack. Yes, have you ever
seen Ed Sheeron shirtless? I have yes, he has a
big lion tattoo. Dude, he's he's fully covered. GQ just
did a whole thing on him and he did all
talked about all of them fully covered. So Rich Barra
in four seconds, name three things you can collect stamps,
coins and dolls. Very nice, two points, taking a commanding lead.
Peyton went Moore. Switch to still hasn't dropped, no release date,
no pictures, nothing, and I'm so excited for it. So Peyton,
in four seconds, name three things you can't wait for.
Speaker 9 (01:17:38):
An Intenda switch to the relaunch of a PSP and
the relaunch of the Nintenda.
Speaker 2 (01:17:43):
I'll take it.
Speaker 7 (01:17:44):
Was looking for engagement ring well, nice job, Peyton, Kyle
and Fugg move over to you.
Speaker 5 (01:17:55):
Chris Martin fell through the stage this weekend. Who was hilarious?
Speaker 4 (01:17:58):
Did he get hurt?
Speaker 5 (01:17:59):
No, that's OK, so it's still funny. So Kyle, with
that in mind. In four seconds, name three celebrities you'd
like to see fall down.
Speaker 12 (01:18:09):
Let's just go with Kanye Wes, Kim Kardashian and her sister.
Speaker 2 (01:18:19):
Speaker 4 (01:18:20):
Are you ready?
Speaker 14 (01:18:22):
Speaker 1 (01:18:22):
No, it depends what kind of question you're gonna ask me.
Speaker 5 (01:18:25):
It's gonna be a good one. So strap in, Tammy. Uh,
my wife got me sick and also took great care
of me this weekend. So thank you, Caitlin.
Speaker 4 (01:18:37):
I love you.
Speaker 2 (01:18:38):
You're beautiful.
Speaker 5 (01:18:39):
So Tammy, in four seconds, name three people in your
life you can't live without.
Speaker 8 (01:18:45):
Oh, Broy, Rocky and.
Speaker 2 (01:18:49):
I think you can live without. I think it's a spare.
Speaker 15 (01:18:58):
Speaker 19 (01:18:58):
Actually, I'm talking about Kawnnie Carson from hutch of By Nursery.
Speaker 12 (01:19:02):
Oh yeah, that's my youngest daughter.
Speaker 10 (01:19:06):
Oh no way, that's amazing.
Speaker 4 (01:19:08):
I thought you were talking about Connie from The Zodiac Killer.
Speaker 2 (01:19:11):
Oh, the oldest daughter.
Speaker 4 (01:19:15):
Can you hold on? We going to set you up.
Hold on, hold on? What do you got coming up?
Three things you know?
Speaker 12 (01:19:20):
Scientists have figured it out the maximum age you could
live to.
Speaker 10 (01:19:24):
I'll tell you what it is next with John Jay
and Rich Sean Rich.
Speaker 22 (01:19:28):
Call the show at eight seven seven nine seven O
four seven.
Speaker 4 (01:19:37):
Content Rich Columbug. Three things you need to know? What
you got?
Speaker 12 (01:19:40):
Scientists have found the maximum age a person can really
live to more than one hundred and twenty years. It's
one hundred and fifty years old. Not sure if I
would really want to live one hundred and fifty years.
But they say they found that the body's recovery powers
sort of burnt out.
Speaker 10 (01:19:57):
And I'm like, how did they figure that out?
Speaker 12 (01:20:00):
I don't know if I've ever heard of someone who's
one hundred and thirty years old.
Speaker 10 (01:20:02):
They used AI.
Speaker 4 (01:20:04):
There's a guy named Dave Aspury. He's trying to live
to be one hundred and eighty. Now, if you read
the book I'm going to call it the Bible, I
believe Moses was six hundred.
Speaker 5 (01:20:14):
Oh, yeah, that's true. But then God's like, hey, I
don't like this plan. And then he's like, nobody's gonna
live over one hundred and twenty from now on.
Speaker 1 (01:20:20):
Speaker 12 (01:20:21):
So they do say that the development of drugs could
allow your bodies the aging process to slow down enough
for someone to live like up to two hundred years,
but they don't expect that to be the norm anytime
soon now. Since political tensions are so high right now,
experts are recommending you kind of get to know how
to survive the workplace the day after the election. So
our election is tomorrow, so on Wednesday, They're like, you
really kind of need to be intentional on how you
act around the office, because no matter what the outcome
is a very large number of people will be disappointed,
right because it's like what do they say, like fifty
to fifty or whatever. They say, try to be restrained.
It's not a football game, it's not a tennis match.
Some people will be very distressed. Colleagues will do their
best if they try to keep their focus onto work,
don't focus on talking about the election results or.
Speaker 10 (01:21:13):
Anything like that.
Speaker 12 (01:21:14):
And if you're candidate one, they say, there's no need
to be overly upbeat at work that day, just knowing that,
like you're kind of rubbing it in if you're around
the people that are disappointed, and if you are on
the side that is unsuccessful and you see yourself being
really affected by it, they say, maybe a good day
to consider working from home or taking a mental health day.
Speaker 9 (01:21:34):
Yeah, keep the peace, Keep the peace.
Speaker 12 (01:21:37):
Now, companies are expecting people to go big for the holidays,
and so some things that are getting ridiculously large. Have
you guys seen the eight foot wide TV? So they
just release this TV. They're calling it an x Excel
TV screen. It measures more than eight feet across. That's
wider than the standard three seat sofa or king size bed.
Speaker 10 (01:22:02):
I'm like whose wall are they putting is on like
one eight foot y TV.
Speaker 12 (01:22:07):
I personally think this is amazing, Like, have you ever
seen the there's a TV called Samsung, It's by Samsung.
Speaker 10 (01:22:13):
It's called the Wall.
Speaker 12 (01:22:15):
It's Google the Samsung TV called the Wall, and you
will be blown away. It's like one hundred thousand dollars
is something crazy like that, but it literally will take
up an entire ginormous wall.
Speaker 10 (01:22:26):
The eight foot TV obviously not that big, but maybe
they're trying to bring the bigger TV down to the consumers.
Speaker 12 (01:22:33):
But I'm like, you know, some people like I think
my father in law would probably go for.
Speaker 13 (01:22:37):
This, totally have each other in like all of the
Kardashians' houses.
Speaker 10 (01:22:40):
Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Speaker 12 (01:22:41):
We just know this like TV's are getting bigger. The bigger,
the better when it comes to the TVs, according to
the TV people.
Speaker 10 (01:22:47):
And that's three things you need to know.