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June 11, 2024 3 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Hi, Jordan, you're on theair. Hey, how are you,
dude? How are you? I'mdoing okay, thank you. So what's
up? Well? My boyfriend andI moved in together a couple months ago.
We're going through the normal growing pains, like our bathroom habits, how
you clean dishes, how you dochores around the house. Whatever. Overall,

everything is great, but there's onething he claims he just can't do.
He says he can't do laundry,doesn't know how to do laundry.
And not just that, he sayshe's scared to do the laundry because he's
afraid he's going to ruin my clothesand his clothes. And I'm just going
to be really honest here, Ijust have a feeling that he doesn't want

to do the chur Yeah. Imean, if you say you don't know
how, like, let me showyou. I have a funny story.
My mom, actually my stepdad,had her doing like both of their laundry
and she hated it. So sheruined a couple of his favorite shirts and
she's like, I'm just not greatat laundry. And then from then on
in their entire marriage, he didhis own laundry she did on purpose.
Yeah. Wow, No, that'samazing. Mark, Well, you're looking

at this all wrong. John Jay'sshe didn't have to do it the rest
of their marriage. It's pretty smart. Wow. I have to tell you,
like your boyfriend, I've never donelaundry in my life. In my
life, so I don't know,lady. When I walk into laundy room
and those those two, the twomachines, the washing machine a dryer,
I don't know which one's which.I have to look, Oh my gosh,
I don't know which one's which.True, Sorry, never done it.

I have no problem not doing it, don't plan to ever do it.
I will not get But you knowhow if you had to? No,
I don't. I don't know howto do it. I mean it's
like two buttons on. I don'tknow how the soap works. I don't
even know how the soap works.And dishwasher. I love the dishwasher,
but I do know how to turnon. Oh my gosh, how are
you so uninvolved in life? Mymom did everything for you growing up,
and now my wife does that stuff. In fact, the other day we

came home and she immediately starts doinglaundry and I'm just in my mind,
I'm like, relax. You gotsomeone doing your chores for you. You
get to relax all the time.She's probably like, great, another load.
He might be into it. Ifyou showed him how to do it,
he might. Your boyfriend might thinkit's cool. You know, he
might go, oh, this isnot that hard. I don't even have

clothes. Like, every time Ifold close, it doesn't look like it
does the store or the way mywife does it. Not a fold.
I just roll everything in a ball. We need like life one oh one
class for John Jay and Jordan's boyfriend. Yes, yes, so that's the
problem for you. He does notdo laundry. Well, I just think
that he's making an excuse. He'snot telling me the truth. He's probably

the truth. You think it is, Yeah, it sounds like it.
Well, I mean it's also youhave two stories. You have Kyle's stepdad,
you know, so maybe so,I mean, you've just never done
it. I've never done so,Jordan. I will say this. If
you fish for a man, heeats for a night. If you teach
a man to fish, he eatsfor life. So you can tell him

you're teaching him this life skill sothat you have it for life. But
I will tell you this, holdon because you know I didn't. You
know, I wasn't always married,right, so I had I had my
mom do my laundry up until certainpoint. Then I moved out and I
was only without someone like that fora year, like without my mom or
my wife, you know. Butin between, I discovered what's called fluff

and fold. Fluff and fold.I would take my clothes to the laundromat
and they would fluff them and foldthem for me. It was seven dollars,
pretty nice. So before I madeany money, before I did everything,
fluff and fold was a priority,before rent, before food. So
there you go. I will never, ever, ever, no matter what
happens. If if my wife saysI'm out of here, I'll be like
fluff and fold. I got fluffand fold. See you fluff and fully

all right, Jordan, have agreat day. Thanks for calling in.
Hi. Thank you fluff and fullJordan,
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