All Episodes

November 14, 2024 • 76 mins
KARAOKE SHWANDING.... WHO'S IN??? Happy Thursday, you know what that means... AN ALL NEW - WAR of the ROSES! Also, Sabrina Carpenter RALLIED THE VALLEY last night and Payton was there! Then, find out why Rich's holiday party ideas got SHOT DOWN (and buried frankly) before we discuss bringing back The Johnjay and Rich CHOIR and visit memory lane. All of this and MUCH MUCH MORE (including the famous GLADYS KNIGHT CLIP) today on Johnjay and Rich!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Wake your ass up, John Jay and Rich.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
What's crack a leg?

Speaker 3 (00:07):
And this is the Big Boss Dove Snoopy Deagle.

Speaker 4 (00:09):
Double gigsel da boom. What you don't do.

Speaker 3 (00:13):
We're not talking about rid ten team.

Speaker 4 (00:14):
We're not talking about last year. It's the one and
only dog.

Speaker 5 (00:17):
Y'all have glasses last the big Snoop Eagle double jibble
in your face to me and in the place to be.

Speaker 3 (00:22):
And you're listening to John Jay and Rich.

Speaker 4 (00:24):
Wake your ass.

Speaker 6 (00:25):
Sucks, John Jay and Rich eight seven seven ninety three,
seven one to four seven. You can call us right now,
jump on the air with us right now. You can
also text us, text jj R and your message to
nine six eight ninety three. Peyton was out late last night.

Speaker 7 (00:41):
I was, but I'm here kicking and screaming time.

Speaker 4 (00:44):
What time was the controver? What time did you get home?

Speaker 8 (00:46):

Speaker 9 (00:46):
So I went to Sabrina Carpenter last night. Doors opened
at six, show started at seven. She didn't get on
until about eight thirty, and I was in my car
on the way home before ten.

Speaker 6 (00:57):
Oh. Yeah, so you had her. You could have had her.
I got the Impress year up all night.

Speaker 7 (01:00):

Speaker 4 (01:01):
So you went to bed at a normal I mean
reasonable time.

Speaker 9 (01:03):
Yeah, I actually went to bed earlier last night than
I have every other.

Speaker 4 (01:06):
Day this week.

Speaker 7 (01:08):
She was absolutely epic.

Speaker 9 (01:12):
It was not just a concert, like it was a show.
She put on a performance. It was really really cool,
and Jenna just told me I had no idea, but
she kind of took a bite out of Taylor Swift's
bag with the bracelets that light up and they kind.

Speaker 7 (01:23):
Of flash everywhere.

Speaker 9 (01:25):
Jenna had told me that apparently That's Phoenix's Show was
the first show that they've done that, and apparently we
were kind of like we're on the radar. People think
that maybe we are part of a documentary that Sabrina
Carpenter is going to drop later.

Speaker 7 (01:38):
That would be cool.

Speaker 9 (01:39):
Yeah, So I was me and my brother. We got
there later, so we didn't get any cool bracelets, but
we got there before the show started. But we got there.
We got there at like eight fifteen, eight twenty. I
wasn't gonna wait.

Speaker 7 (01:53):
I was like, let's go get some food and some.

Speaker 9 (01:55):
Drinks before we go in. So but it was it
was such a great show. There were so many people there.
I was actually kind of shocked to see a lot
of like kids there I was like, Okay, you go,
I love that. Yeah, Like she's a little bit spicier
and you know, I know, she's like a Disney star
and stuff like that. So I think when you hear
Sabrina Carpenter, you don't really go and listen to the

words of her music. But it was really cute. I
saw a lot of like mom and daughter duos where
it was like, obviously their first concert, so I.

Speaker 4 (02:24):
Was cool, What was your favorite song that you performed.

Speaker 9 (02:28):
My favorite song was probably Taste, which was just to
taste me such a hit, you guys, like she opened
with this song and yeah, she opened with Taste and
then she like and then also like, she has the

song Juno, which everyone freaked out about. But Juno is
like the one where she kind of gave like an
ode to the movie Juno.

Speaker 7 (02:56):
So she's basically saying like.

Speaker 9 (02:58):
I like you, I would let you make me, you know,
and then she does like her little pose that goes
super viral every year for every show.

Speaker 7 (03:05):
So it was also one of the reasons why, man,
I'd be safe.

Speaker 10 (03:08):
I know, I know.

Speaker 9 (03:09):
I was like, Okay, and our side of the venue too,
we really got to see what was going on but
the setup of the show actually kind of gave me
like hair spray vibes, like you know, where they're like
recording and it's like everyone's dancing and having fun.

Speaker 2 (03:22):
Her outfits are kind of hair sprays.

Speaker 9 (03:24):
Yeah, she definitely gives like eighties Hollywood I think. But
then she does this like little thing where it's like
spin the bottle and it picks like a random song.
And the random song we got was Dolly Parton's nine
to five and.

Speaker 6 (03:38):
Pull Myself Up. You know, why should do that song?
I bet you did you see last week? Oh my god,
what's the girl's name from Nobody Likes U? That was
in Frozen? Yes, Kristen Kristen Bell jumped on it with
a band and the band is the guy who's the
agent from the other two, you know, the funny band

or whatever. Yeah, and she jumped on stage with them
and sang the song and she crushed it. Oh wow,
it was nievable. I mean because that was all over
like a couple of days ago. That song so one
of that songs that make a comeback or something.

Speaker 7 (04:10):
Maybe, who knows.

Speaker 2 (04:11):
It's been stuck in my head ever since The Island
in the Street Scratch that scratch that.

Speaker 9 (04:17):
Yeah, she had her little country vibe, like she sang
slim pickens Sew, which was also slim Pickings.

Speaker 7 (04:26):
It's very like country. I feel like totally just second
says the good ones are deeased her taken.

Speaker 11 (04:39):
I'll just keep on wanting.

Speaker 2 (04:43):
Probably a lot of country. I just said, wish they
had that song?

Speaker 7 (04:45):
No, I mean, yeah, probably she was. She's so good.

Speaker 4 (04:50):
I think I have the Kristen Bell thing here somewhere,
but I don't know. Maybe I do or don't.

Speaker 2 (04:55):
We got something going.

Speaker 4 (04:57):
I had it. I had it was she bells really good.

Speaker 12 (05:00):
We know she can sing, I mean from Frozen.

Speaker 7 (05:03):
She kills it.

Speaker 13 (05:07):

Speaker 4 (05:09):
What about the part where you said your brother people
mad that you took your brother.

Speaker 3 (05:11):
Oh my gosh.

Speaker 9 (05:12):
Yeah, So I mean Sabena Carpenter, Like this show was
sold out last night, right, And I have like a
lot of friends, you know that like to go to
a lot of shows with me, And specifically last night,
I had a lot of friends I wanted to go
to Sabrina Carpenter. And I didn't know I was going
to Sabrina Carpenter until yesterday, like in the morning. So
I'm like, Okay, obviously, I'm gonna bring my brother, Like

that's a no brainer.

Speaker 7 (05:34):
And I can't tell you.

Speaker 9 (05:35):
I probably got like three or four different texts from
a couple of my friends, like super salty that I
didn't bring them, and I was like, what makes you
think I wouldn't bring my brother?

Speaker 14 (05:43):
But okay, it's like I would think in like, if
you're gonna go hierarchy, you would go to your brother first.

Speaker 9 (05:48):
Yeah, I mean it goes Cadem's first, and then it
would Jalen.

Speaker 4 (05:53):
And then said, I want to go to Sabriena Carpenter's night.
Would you be like my brother.

Speaker 7 (06:00):
Out a Sabrina Carpenter. I don't think you do, So
I'm bringing Jalen would be back?

Speaker 12 (06:05):
Are you mad at Jalan?

Speaker 7 (06:06):
Ye? Because you know you would.

Speaker 9 (06:07):
Want to go more than you I know, totally, but
like could you wanted to go to Drake? And I
made sure he was at Drake, So like.

Speaker 12 (06:13):
Yeah, I feel the happiest I've ever seen.

Speaker 15 (06:15):
Kind of.

Speaker 4 (06:17):
Check this out.

Speaker 6 (06:18):
Actor Ken Marino has a side project called Middle Aged
Dad jam Band, and he's the agent in the other two.
I know, you know Kyle exactly what I'm talking about.
You know what I'm talking about. He was the it
was a show on HBO Max. He's hilarious, he's really
really funny, and he's the one agent he represented the
young kid. So anyway, and Kristen Bell jumped on stage
with them to sing Islands in the Stream and it

sounds so good when there.

Speaker 2 (06:43):
Was peace on No, I said, I to get you
with a fine tooth cold.

Speaker 8 (06:50):
I was something inside, there was something good and no, you.

Speaker 7 (07:00):
Do something to me that I can't explain.

Speaker 3 (07:05):
Hold me closer and I feel no pain. Every feed
on my home.

Speaker 2 (07:14):
Oh my god, Wait, wait till maybe the look you
know from praz Kendle.

Speaker 3 (07:18):
Love is blood.

Speaker 16 (07:20):
It requires a dedication love we feel need no conversation.

Speaker 6 (07:27):
We ride to give the.

Speaker 15 (07:33):

Speaker 17 (07:34):
Here we go.

Speaker 4 (07:37):
The street.

Speaker 17 (07:40):
I didn't want any.

Speaker 3 (07:43):

Speaker 4 (07:46):
I think the Rich Bear band needs to know that song.

Speaker 2 (07:48):
Oh yeah, right back.

Speaker 9 (07:49):
But you can totally hear Anna in there like all
your love is an open door.

Speaker 4 (07:55):

Speaker 6 (07:57):
Pictures and video up at John Jay and Rich on Instagram.
From Peyton's Knight, It's Serena Carpenter. Kyle's coming to the
three Things you need to Know.

Speaker 12 (08:03):
I'm going to tell you how you can find out
if you have tourist syndrome. Next with John Jay and
Rich The.

Speaker 3 (08:10):
New Thing Is John jaye Rich are live on the
pre iHeartRadio.

Speaker 4 (08:14):
App Kyle Ona What's Trending?

Speaker 14 (08:16):
One are three things we need to know as we
ease into this holiday season. There's a lot of travel
plans that are about to become reality. And when you
jut off, here's how you know if you have tourist syndrome.
That's when you do something out of character just because
you're on vacation. So most people feel like, you know,
vacation when you're traveling, it's just a time where you

let your hair down, have some fun, and for many
that means getting out of your comfort zone, trying new things,
maybe even rebelling. There were about half the people in
this survey that said they'd actually broken the law on
vacation that they wouldn't have at home, because there's just
something about being away from home.

Speaker 12 (08:53):
People don't know you, and you feel like they can't
find me when.

Speaker 4 (08:55):
I go home Chicago, Let's go robble place.

Speaker 12 (09:00):
That's like kind of what they're saying, but not not
always the extreme.

Speaker 14 (09:04):
It's like, hey, you may never go skydiving, but you're
on vacation, and everyone on the trip is kind of going.

Speaker 12 (09:09):
You're like, you know what, whatever, I'm on vacation, let's
do it.

Speaker 9 (09:12):
Yeah, totally, Like I want a turking contest in Mexico.
One time, I would never do that here ever on
a bar.

Speaker 13 (09:19):
It was.

Speaker 9 (09:20):
It was at a bar and it was a tourquing
contest between like five different people, and I wan got a.

Speaker 7 (09:24):
Bunch of free beer Tourist Central exactly. I would never.
You wouldn't catch me dead doing that over we are
on vacation. It's so why not.

Speaker 4 (09:31):
Actually, Francis and I looked at Kate bath house. I
haven't done that yet.

Speaker 12 (09:40):
Now you have a term that that coins the behavior.

Speaker 2 (09:43):
Now we know.

Speaker 14 (09:44):
Ozembic is a diabetes drug that has become a popular
drug for weight loss, but it turns out it's got
another use that could help tens of.

Speaker 12 (09:51):
Millions of Americans.

Speaker 14 (09:52):
Apparently it's incredibly effective against alcohol addiction and even opioid addiction.
And they don't totally know why, but ex where it's
do believe it's connected to how the drug creates a
feeling of fullness.

Speaker 12 (10:04):
So you don't really necessarily want to go drink some
alcohol because you.

Speaker 14 (10:06):
Feel too full to do it, although they say they're
like it's really important that they do more research on
that specifically, Like they don't say just go out and
start true to yourself with those zempic if you have
that addiction, but it could be promising for those that
are looking for a solution eventually after some more testing.
Everybody knows nostalgia right now. It's kind of like all
the rage. It's nineties nineties everything right, and Sega Yes Sega,

which alone is a total nostalgic nineties reference, is capitalizing
on that. So they're releasing the Emo Jam and they
are saying they want to bring back nineties pager culture.
So these emo jams are basically little pagers where you
and your friend can send emojis back and forth. You

can't call them, you can't.

Speaker 12 (10:52):
Actually text words. It's literally just emojis back and forth.

Speaker 14 (10:55):
And they're like, it becomes really fun because you and
your friends basically up creating your own language. And it's
sort of like also fun because it's puzzle solving, like
what are they emojis?

Speaker 2 (11:07):
It's simple.

Speaker 12 (11:08):
Yeah, it's very simple.

Speaker 14 (11:09):
It's called Emo jam And if you and your friends
want to get in on that. That's maybe a great
holiday gift idea. And that's three things you need to know.

Speaker 4 (11:16):
Horoscope time, Peyton, what's the vibe?

Speaker 9 (11:18):
I'm going to tell you how each zodiac sign handles
being ghosted.

Speaker 6 (11:21):
Oh good, I you know sunny. Today's National Pickle Day.
I thought for sure you're gonna have some sort of
pickle horoscope.

Speaker 4 (11:26):
Yeah, which pickle are you today? How do you handle
getting ghosted?

Speaker 6 (11:30):
Call us at eight seven, seven, nine, three seven, one
four seven Payton's predictions after Sabrina Carpenter.

Speaker 3 (11:35):
John Jay, and Rich caught an impression.

Speaker 4 (11:44):
The vibe for horoscopes Peyton with Moore.

Speaker 9 (11:46):
I'm going to tell you how each zodiac sign handles
being ghosted. If each a birthday today, you are a
Scorpio and you share a birthday with King Charles and
Travis Barker.

Speaker 4 (11:55):
You know, we got a couple. It's funny say that
because it says we got a text. John J.

Speaker 6 (11:59):
Rich, today's my mom's birthday. Her name is Deanna. I
was wonder if you could wish her a happy birthday.
Happy birthday, Diana. So if your birthday's today, you are.

Speaker 9 (12:08):
What You're a Scorpio, Yeah, and a Scorpio. If you're
a Scorpio and you're getting ghosted, you're just gonna send
a text that says, oh.

Speaker 7 (12:15):
This is war.

Speaker 9 (12:15):
Scorpios don't just get ghosted, they get even. So first
they're going to delete every trace of you, and then
they're probably gonna post some mysterious subliminal message and they'll
make sure that you feel their absence just as strongly
as they felt your presence.

Speaker 6 (12:27):
You know what to Antoinette is a Scorpio too. Did
you hear that, Antoinette? I did, but I understand you
also had you had another question too.

Speaker 18 (12:36):
Yeah, I did have two questions for you guys. Okay,
One Kyle I sent a talk back a while ago
and I never ended up hearing. The response is Addie
saying it's not the eighties because of blue because I
just have to know.

Speaker 12 (12:47):
I'm pretty sure.

Speaker 14 (12:48):
I'm pretty sure it is because I do remember that
episode and they watch Bluey NonStop. But also she goes,
yesterday we were driving the car, and she goes, so,
you know how you like listening to music all the time,
that's like a total eighties thing.

Speaker 17 (13:04):
Why is that anazing?

Speaker 12 (13:05):
Like people like listening to music currently? Like you like
listening to music.

Speaker 3 (13:10):
So I don't know.

Speaker 14 (13:10):
She has some weird obsession with the eighties too, that's
maybe because of Bluie.

Speaker 18 (13:15):
I love it. And then this second question I had.
So a friend of mine, we've listened to you guys
for years when we worked together, and her son, she
found out, passed away in a car accident out here
in the valley like Les, a little over twenty four
hours ago, And so I was wondering, I think you
guys could talks in her a prayer.

Speaker 4 (13:32):
Sure, absolutely, blood tells her name.

Speaker 18 (13:35):
Her name is Monique.

Speaker 6 (13:36):
Oh so sad, defastate, praying for money. Thanks tonight, Thanks
for calling in.

Speaker 18 (13:41):
Thank you guys, Love you guys so much. Have a
great day.

Speaker 4 (13:44):
Ali. What's your sign? Ali?

Speaker 17 (13:49):

Speaker 19 (13:50):
Sorry, just like Kyle.

Speaker 9 (13:52):
Okay, So, if you guys are getting ghosted, you are
going to send a text saying like did I miss
a red flag? Because I'm definitely not the problem, Libra,
the O, the type tick, consider all sides and probably
give you the benefit of the doubt. But when they
finally accept that they've been ghosted, you guys are just
gonna craft the classiest but shadiest goodbye text just to
keep the vibe kind of respectful, and then you're gonna
piece out with zero drama.

Speaker 19 (14:14):
Yep, that is definitely mean.

Speaker 7 (14:16):
My leavers are never the problem. So there's that all.

Speaker 5 (14:22):
You too.

Speaker 4 (14:23):
What's up? Rick?

Speaker 2 (14:25):
Hey, good morning guys.

Speaker 17 (14:26):
How are y'all doing?

Speaker 2 (14:27):

Speaker 4 (14:28):
All right, what's your sign? Dude?

Speaker 7 (14:31):

Speaker 3 (14:31):
My daughter?

Speaker 9 (14:33):
Oh heck yeah, okay, I'll hit Aries first and then
we'll get into Pisces because Rich is a Pisces too.
But Aries, if you're gonna get ghosted, you're gonna send
the text that says, oh so you're going to ghost me.

Speaker 7 (14:42):
Aries, You guys are gonna get big mad.

Speaker 9 (14:44):
You're gonna be ready to pop off in a hundred ways,
and your first instinct is to go full savage mode
with texts like have a good life.

Speaker 7 (14:51):
So that's kind of you.

Speaker 9 (14:52):
That's you for my Aries, but for your daughter, who
is a Pisces and Rich are also a Pisces, your
response to getting ghosted is gonna be guess I'll just
write a.

Speaker 7 (15:01):
Poem about it.

Speaker 9 (15:03):
You guys are in your feels and you're gonna listen
to sad playlists, rewatch your favorite rom coms, and probably
write a little bit of poetry. But once you've gone
too deep into your emotions, you'll.

Speaker 7 (15:11):
Let it all go.

Speaker 2 (15:12):
You'll go all right, that's got to create art from everything.

Speaker 4 (15:15):
You get that, Rick, Yeah, thank you? What about for you?
For Leo?

Speaker 9 (15:22):
Leo, We're gonna hit you with the texting bold choice
ghosting me, Leo, we are shuck. We cannot believe that
someone would just disappear on us, of all people. So
after a dramatic selfie dump on Instagram, just to remind
everyone what they're missing, we're gonna simply decide that whoever
ghost of them probably didn't deserve our energy anyway.

Speaker 6 (15:39):
Okay, now before you do, Virgo, I'm gonna guess what
Virko is. So this is like if how I would
react if I was ghosted. I think it's two ways.
Either I will blow them up or I just don't
care and I ignore it.

Speaker 9 (15:51):
I mean, I feel like you're kind of in the middle.
Oh really, yeah, because your response would just be like
should have seen that coming?

Speaker 3 (15:59):
Like I get it.

Speaker 9 (16:00):
Burgo probably predicted that this was coming, and you had
a whole strategy to deal with it. So after dissecting
the entire situation, you're gonna decide that you were actually
too good for them anyway, and then you're just gonna
file it away as another life lesson and get back
to living your best life.

Speaker 4 (16:13):

Speaker 9 (16:14):
Pretty much, you'll be upset at first, and then you'll
be like, whatever, you.

Speaker 7 (16:16):
Don't deserve me.

Speaker 6 (16:17):
I have this friend of mine who's a famous football player,
and there was a movie out about his life, and
I saw the movie and I texted a men's movie
was freaking great, great movie.

Speaker 4 (16:25):
Never responded, ghosted, ghosted right. That was a couple of
years ago, And every once when I go back and
look at.

Speaker 12 (16:31):
The text, it's still no text back, no.

Speaker 4 (16:35):
Textback, no Shelby. What's your signatari?

Speaker 9 (16:41):
Okay, Sagittarius, somebody ghosts you, you're just gonna be like
you're so lame, Sagittarius. You get ghosted and you just
shrug it off, like kay, guess that's over. You'll probably
have plane tickets to three other cities for all your
little side pieces to hit up anyway, so it's barely
gonna phase you. You're just gonna tell the story later
as a h remember when moment.

Speaker 20 (17:02):
That's great.

Speaker 17 (17:03):
I love it.

Speaker 4 (17:04):
I shall have a great day. Thanks for listening. Guess
go go on question. Okay, I had a question.

Speaker 5 (17:10):
For you guys.

Speaker 20 (17:11):
So all day yesterday I was listening from nine am
to five pm for that keyword. Is it one keyword
or is it a keyword per hour?

Speaker 12 (17:23):
Keyword per hour? I want to win the money and
the trip.

Speaker 4 (17:31):
Hour For the.

Speaker 20 (17:32):
Money, I literally want the trip.

Speaker 5 (17:34):
I was like, oh my gosh, all those artists.

Speaker 20 (17:37):
Are going to be there. I do daycare and literally all.

Speaker 19 (17:40):
Day I was like, guys, like listen, like listen, see like.

Speaker 20 (17:44):
I need I need to hear the word. And I
only got one. I was like, well, I got my
headphones ready, I'm ready to go.

Speaker 17 (17:53):
So good luck, good luck, Thank you so much, guys,
have a day, Thanks for listening.

Speaker 6 (18:00):
It's Christmas wish season. It's efficially here. So if you
know a family could use a little love this holiday season,
submit a letter and email at John d Rich dot com.
Tell us about that deserving family and they might get
a Christmas wish John jayd Rich dot com for more
details here Sizza John Jane Rich Madison, good morning.

Speaker 21 (18:23):
Hi, good morning, you said to us a text I did.
I was listening to the podcast the other morning and
when Rich was looking for some water backstage, It just
reminded me that it had the same exact vibe as
Gladys to Knight looking for a.

Speaker 8 (18:40):
Bag of tip.

Speaker 4 (18:41):
So what do you mean he is on the podcast
he told the story about looking for water.

Speaker 6 (18:46):
No, so yeah, he was.

Speaker 21 (18:48):
Looking for a bottle of water before the Love Pub
Family Fat before he went out, and he was just
like frantically looking for a bottle of water. And I
was like, somebody needs to get rich a bottle of water,
since want and perform.

Speaker 2 (19:00):
Hard to same when you haven't had no water.

Speaker 21 (19:04):

Speaker 4 (19:05):
And then you could have said because of this man,
I was able to.

Speaker 12 (19:08):
I mean, I feel like we got to play the
Chip story in case people don't know what Yeah, like
Aladys Night vibes.

Speaker 4 (19:17):
I know.

Speaker 2 (19:18):
I met Gladys Knight when I worked in Dallas. I
worked for a station that did these concerts and she
was doing a like a little show for the radio station.
They were all hanging out in rehearsals and she walks
up to me. She say, I'm supposed to go up
and rehearse, but I ain't had one chip. Give me
a chip, give me a bag of chip, So I'm one,
all right, I'll go get your back of chicks. So

I go get her a bag of chips. Nothing said,
she does the concert. She thanks me during the show
for a bag of chip. She's like, because this man,
I got a bag of chip. That's why I'm sick
of to night. So she was pretty cool. I like
her a lot. She's a cool lady.

Speaker 13 (19:49):

Speaker 2 (19:50):
Did I tell you that the lady that made the
love Pup sweatshirts made us some chip shirts? She did
have them my truck. I'll bring them up tomorrow morning. Yeah,
let's walking through the crowd.

Speaker 4 (20:04):
She stop me because it's lady you're singing to that
mad is the Thanks for calling.

Speaker 21 (20:10):
In, Thank you bye?

Speaker 4 (20:12):
Rich? What you got for life?

Speaker 2 (20:13):
Haacts Today it's a busy time of year for traveling.
You're gonna be in a car. We've got a couple
of hacks to make it go easier.

Speaker 4 (20:19):
Sacks and hacks cot up next with John Jay and Rich.

Speaker 3 (20:21):
Hey got a wake up and Rich wake left.

Speaker 4 (20:28):
We're gonna do some stacks and some hacks. I got
stax information. Rich is live hacks.

Speaker 6 (20:33):
The average American man has eight friends total, including five
general friends, three close friends, and.

Speaker 4 (20:43):
Two best friends. I think you by stretch.

Speaker 22 (20:47):
I have that.

Speaker 6 (20:49):
Today's National Pickle Day a pole ass. Do you ever
drink the pickle juice straight from the jar?

Speaker 2 (20:53):
Yep, yep, every time? It's delicious.

Speaker 6 (20:57):
An annual list of the worst passwords just came out,
coming in number one, I think for the second year
in a row.

Speaker 4 (21:05):
Secret. That's the passwords.

Speaker 12 (21:07):
Oh, I thought you're gonna say no.

Speaker 6 (21:09):
That's number two, six passwords, number three you. Number four
is what do the revising? Seventy eight nine according to
a Mexican chef. And I think this is very, very
important because there's a lot of Mexican restaurants here actually everywhere.
Here's how you can tell if you are in a
bad Mexican restaurant. The problem is so many of these

restaurants have been Americanized that people just used to it.
I'm not going to name names which restaurants because i
know from my family some of my family members are like,
let's go here, and I'm like, oh, but here's how
you can tell you're in a bad Mexican restaurant. The
wacamole's pre made. The sauce is cold, which actually I'm.

Speaker 4 (21:48):
Not gonna lidey. I like cold sauce, so it's supposed
to be room temperature. The chips are thin and brittle.
I'm not gonna Lidia. I like that too. Stale chips,
And it's not just a Mexican place.

Speaker 6 (21:56):
If they got other things there, like you know, sushi
or p's a it's not Mexican restaur.

Speaker 2 (22:01):
Yeah, but sometimes you want to sweet and sour burrito,
you just do.

Speaker 9 (22:05):
I kind of think that like that's a good gauge though,
Like if it's a good Mexican restaurant, like the chips
and guac and salts that have to be good. And
it's the same thing like if a restaurant has good
fries and good ramps and it's probably a good restaurant
in general.

Speaker 6 (22:16):
Here's the best way I think that I always judge
a good Mexican restaurant if there are Mexicans in the restaurant.

Speaker 4 (22:22):
That's how you can tell if it's a good restaurant.
Say with Chinese food. Yeah, you know, nine.

Speaker 6 (22:27):
Percent of people say they always or usually take a
photo of their food when they're eating out.

Speaker 2 (22:33):
I try.

Speaker 6 (22:33):
I kind of almost do every time they bring every
time they bring on food, I take a picture of it.
It never looks like it does through my eyes.

Speaker 4 (22:40):
I'm so bad at it.

Speaker 12 (22:41):
Hard to capture the colors.

Speaker 6 (22:43):
Seventy percent of Americans say that thoughtful messages are more
valuable to them than gifts. Some to think about when
we do secret Sound of this year, if I get
any of you guys and be like, you're awesome, Yeah, you.

Speaker 12 (22:57):
Should probably know the person's love language first.

Speaker 6 (22:59):
In China, uh, some cops prefer guard geese over guard
dogs because geese are more territorial and have better eye sight.

Speaker 7 (23:08):
Yeah, say you ever seen a geese.

Speaker 2 (23:12):
Geese when I was a kid. I'm still terrified. But
life hacks rich all right, to talk about road trips,
and everybody thinks when you go on a road trip,
you need to drink lots and lots and lots of water,
and doctors are saying don't do that. Here's the hack,
because if you drink too much water, you're actually overhydrating,
which means you're gonna pee it all out, which means
you're gonna be dehydrated again. And you don't have time

to be stopping on the road every twenty minutes to
go pee. So here's what they say to do. Get
electrolyte water. It's gonna keep you hydrated. The salt's going
to help you mineralize, You're gonna feel better. And if
you're in a car for a long time and you
start feeling nauseous or queasy from the car ride, of course,
look out the window, put down your phone or your tablet,
but smell rubbing alcohol. The smell of rubbing alcohol actually

will queeze your nau art will fix your nauseousness in seconds.
I didn't know that, but you can smell rubbing alcohol.
God bless your's tight and then you would be better.
So those those live hacks and many more can be
phoned at John Jane Rich dot com.

Speaker 3 (24:08):
John Jane Rich, John Jane Rich, John Dane Rich.

Speaker 6 (24:13):
I didn't get into this show, but I know a
bunch of people that did. The Golden Bachelorette finale was
last night, So I think the dude proposed right is
that I'm going to tell you that.

Speaker 4 (24:24):
I want you every day.

Speaker 7 (24:26):
I promised that I waited tell this moment to tell
you that I loved you, and I want to.

Speaker 14 (24:34):
Spend the rest of my life into I've been waiting
forever to Javis, who are you marry me?

Speaker 7 (24:44):
Crystal married?

Speaker 2 (24:50):
That's the guy who came back his mom was sticking
with to go see his mom, and he came back
for love.

Speaker 4 (24:55):
Also, this is gonna be big in my house.

Speaker 6 (24:58):
This is so stupid, I feel released the trailer for
yacht Rock a documentary. Now my wife is all excited
because she likes the band. That band that comes around,
and I was like, Blake. The documentary is not about
the band. The band that you like is a cover band.
The documentary is about all the bands that the cover
band covers. She likes the cover band better than the

band's like. The cover band is called Yachtlee Crude. She
follows them around everywhere. But this is a little bit
of the documentary.

Speaker 4 (25:23):
It rocks, but it doesn't wrong too hard.

Speaker 2 (25:25):
The singers all seem to be saying, Hey.

Speaker 4 (25:28):
It's gonna be okay.

Speaker 2 (25:31):
Oh wait, I think I might be him.

Speaker 3 (25:33):
It's perfect sitting down dancing.

Speaker 15 (25:36):
Music also known as yacht rock, Steely Dan, the Doobie Brocks, Toto,
Kenny Longin's, Christopher Crossed.

Speaker 3 (25:43):
Michael McDonald.

Speaker 4 (25:47):
I expected to be totally forgotten by the end of
the age.

Speaker 7 (25:53):
The term yacht rock merged from comedy show. All of
a sudden, this new genre we may not started to
get embraced by the world.

Speaker 2 (26:01):
God, I gotta be I think I'm gonna be in
on that. It sounds coraot.

Speaker 4 (26:07):
I'm probably gonna watch it, but I just can't see
me being interested more than five minutes.

Speaker 2 (26:10):
Right trailer trailer's amazing. Good songs are in there.

Speaker 6 (26:14):
There's a documentary about Martha Stewart's in the top ten
and I was watching it. And here are some things
Martha Stewart says that sound dirty. They're not dirty. Okay
when you hear this, but when Martha says it.

Speaker 16 (26:27):
And now things that Martha Stewart says that sound dirty
but aren't.

Speaker 12 (26:32):
So now take off your apron five fingered palm.

Speaker 7 (26:35):
There it is. Look how big that is.

Speaker 2 (26:37):
It looks real nice.

Speaker 3 (26:38):
It's not as hard as you think. Well, here we
have it.

Speaker 12 (26:42):
We have more meat than you can possibly imagine.

Speaker 14 (26:44):
These two can be drained until they're glossy and stiff,
too inches deep and the inside moist.

Speaker 4 (26:53):
And now we can do the rest by hand.

Speaker 16 (26:57):
Yum, Wow, that was that Martha Stewart says that sound
dirty but aren't all right?

Speaker 4 (27:04):
Rich is here by your holiday party?

Speaker 2 (27:06):
Yes, so we're having a holiday party. That I think
Stacy and I now feel like we weren't really intending
to have. She said, you should talk about this on
your show because I didn't really can. She's like, you're
talking about she said, She's like, how come you haven't
talked about the party that we're having that we don't
have anything to do with. So I think, well, I've

talked about Tamra on our show, who is the home organizer,
and Peyton has used Tarma, and Tarma kind of comes
in your house and she's great. She's awesome, incredible human being,
very funny, but very like she knows what she knows.
She takes over, she takes over. And the last few
years we've been to a Christmas party at her place
and she takes over that too, like she'll say, you

go over and talk to this person you haven't met
them yet, like that kind of take control of the party.
So this year she's helping Stacy kind of get ready
for some stuff at the house and she says, you know,
I'm not having a party.

Speaker 4 (27:56):
I moved.

Speaker 2 (27:57):
I've got too small of a place. So I really
like doing these parties. Why don't you guys pick a
day and outs organize your whole party for you. So
Saycey and I start talking and we're like, well, we've
always wanted to have like a yearly thing, like a
night that is our thing, and so we decided on
Black Friday this year. But then I realized that nothing
I want to do with the party is happening. Because
I thought it would be cool to get one of

those people that brings in a pizza oven and make
custom pizza for people. Delicious shut down. It's a charcuterie board.

Speaker 7 (28:25):
So I say, I'm like, wait, Stacy, are.

Speaker 3 (28:29):
Pretty awesome, elevated.

Speaker 2 (28:35):
It's like chacuterie board everybody loves. I'm like, no, people
walk in, they say chaguti board because people like to
say chakutarie. It's a fun word.

Speaker 4 (28:42):
Tocide the cheese on a chacuity.

Speaker 2 (28:44):
Well, you're not excised. You're not excited about a chacuterie board.
And she's like, what if we have shrimp I'm like, yeah,
but then that shrimps sitting out all night, but a
pizza guy making pizza just for you, it's gonna be awesome.
I've been shot down on them. I could go rogue.
I could go roge and bring in my own pizza
person should do it.

Speaker 12 (29:04):
I want it, and then I want to be there
to see that.

Speaker 9 (29:07):
I'm like, I dare you, because like Stacy's like one
of my favorite people to have a drink with that
this party, I'm like, I want to be able to
have some pizza with my nice wine.

Speaker 4 (29:15):
You know.

Speaker 2 (29:16):
Well that's what Stacy said. She's like, Peyton's going to
be there. We need a bartender.

Speaker 4 (29:20):
Yes, you just had a party for Audrey's graduation. That's
not enough. That was like asking people to come all
over your house. That's a lot.

Speaker 2 (29:29):
Well, so then I start talking about the guest list,
and Stacy and Tamra say, we already know the people
that you want to invite. You don't need to worry
about anything. I'm like, well, what do you mean? Said like,
we got all the addresses that we need, we're sending
out invites. I'm like, can't I just text my friends
and tell them to come over? And they're like no,
because that's not elevated. A party invitation is elevated. So

I don't even get to pick the people that I'm
having at my party. So I think it's going to
be Tamra and Stacy's friends at the party at the
ship with the ship board party. So maybe I've got
to do like a like a splinter cell party down
in the alley next to the house up and in
a bar tender. You'd be like, hey, I've never been

less in charge of anything, any social event in my house,
in my whole life. I guess I'm okay with that.
But no, I say no to securitary boards because no
guys really like a chicardier board. Nobody does. I mean
women probably think it's pretty.

Speaker 14 (30:26):
I mean I had a charcuterie board party and it
was pretty well yours.

Speaker 2 (30:29):
What's different? Like you were like, bring your own, right.

Speaker 12 (30:32):
We had a taco bell.

Speaker 2 (30:34):
If I see tacos on a security board, I'm all like,
I don't know where the whole sacrudery thing came from.

Speaker 6 (30:39):
But I mean, like to me, it's just on a
cutting board. I don't care where it is. I like
the food, you know what I mean, I put it
on the table, put it on a plate, and make
it look nice. But like I said, every time I
was at this thing at the Governor's house and he
had he had h the the whole countertop.

Speaker 4 (30:54):
Was whatever you call chi board. The whole thing. So
I would just grabbing handfuls of cheese just I love cheese.

Speaker 2 (31:00):
But you don't go to a party thinking I'm gonna
need some cold salami. It's gonna be awesome. No, I
have better food there. In fact, before I went to
that party, I was like, is there food? And they're
like chaguttery stuff to me, that's not like a meal.

Speaker 4 (31:12):
You need a meal, Yes, you need a meal. All right,
I'm hey real quick.

Speaker 6 (31:19):
Kyle brought up on TV the other day that Mike
Tyson documentary with Paul Jake Paul. I'm almost done with it.
It's so good, it's really really good, and it fights tomorrow,
and I had it's it's turning into a big thing
in my house because I think Mike Tyson, if it's real,
it's going to kill him. I like, kill this guy
if it's real. The problem is, it's what I was

trying to tell my son Dutch, is that it's show business.
It's not a real boxing sanctioned by the whatever. Right, So,
and Jake Paul is flash and he's he is pushing
Mike Tyson so far that Mike Tyson should the way
we know Mike Tyson kill him before the fight.

Speaker 4 (31:56):
Like somewhere else, what do you mean.

Speaker 7 (32:00):
The documentary or what?

Speaker 6 (32:01):
Oh, like yesterday he's wearing the gold a diamond crusted
ear protector. So Mike Tyson and this stuff he's calling
Mike Tyson out on and the training Mike Jake Paul's
only been boxing for four years. Mike Tyson grew up
in the worst conditions ever.

Speaker 9 (32:17):
Right, Well, I mean, like he said before, like when
he fights, like he blocks out, he sees red, like
he's like, this is not a game.

Speaker 4 (32:27):
When you see Mike Tyson's like softer side when he's
with his daughters playing tennis, that he takes her shopping
when he's with.

Speaker 6 (32:34):
But in the documentary he takes his daughter shopping and
she talks about how he doesn't brush his teeth. Yeah,
and I'm like, I wonder if that's for boxing.

Speaker 7 (32:41):
Like he breathed all over the guy, he see green
coming out of his mouth.

Speaker 14 (32:46):
But like, honestly, like I think the only way I
could see the Jake Paul winning is if they made
some kind of deal, because several times in the documentary
they talk about like if Mike Tyson loses, it's not
going to do anything to his legacy. He's still going
to be this amazing boxer, but it could legitimize Jake
Paul as a real boxer because he's not getting a

whole lot of respect in the boxing industry.

Speaker 6 (33:10):
And Jake Paul's getting like forty million for the fight,
Mike Tyson is getting maybe ten million or something really or.

Speaker 4 (33:15):
Something like that.

Speaker 6 (33:15):
Yeah, but but if it's real, Mike Tyson should kill him.
Should I mean, it doesn't, He's it's I almost feel
silly watching it.

Speaker 7 (33:25):
But are we scared for Jake Paul right now or.

Speaker 2 (33:28):
Unless the fix is in and it seems like that's well, yeah,
the only.

Speaker 14 (33:31):
Thing is is that they will get him with the
stamina because they've talked about, you know, like he's a
lot older than Jake Paul.

Speaker 4 (33:38):
It doesn't matter though.

Speaker 2 (33:38):
Man, you see him train, and you see him now,
like compared to two weeks ago, Mike Tyson looks even
meaner now.

Speaker 14 (33:44):
Watching Mike Tyson train in this documentary, it's like he
is a beast. He's explosive in everything he's doing. Like
he's on a bike and I'm like, I think he's
gonna kill the bike.

Speaker 6 (33:57):
Number two on Netflix right now, it's so good anyway.
At the War the Roses, we got Elisa on the line, So, Elsa,
what's going on?

Speaker 19 (34:03):
I think I found another girl's jacket in my boyfriend's car.

Speaker 6 (34:07):
Okay, all right, let's accept this case. War the Roses
starts next with John Jay and Rich.

Speaker 4 (34:25):
Not only do you need to know if they're cheating,
you deserve to know the truth.

Speaker 3 (34:29):
War of the Roses right now with John Jay and Rich,
John Jay and Rich.

Speaker 6 (34:33):
Time for War of the Roses. We got Lisa on
the line. She thinks someone in her life is cheating
on her. Hi, Lisa, what's up?

Speaker 19 (34:38):
Hey? I need your help. I think my bird friend
is cheating on me.

Speaker 3 (34:43):
Your bird friend my boyfriend.

Speaker 19 (34:46):
Oh okay, god, it me so much easier if he
was a bird.

Speaker 4 (34:50):
Uh, what's the story?

Speaker 19 (34:53):
So Miles and I've been dating for a year and
everything's great in the beginning, but last weekend we went
out with friends, I say, over his place. The next morning,
we're all, you know, romantic and stuff, and then all
of a sudden, I find a hoodie in the back seat,
and the thing is is brand news still in the packaging,
and it's not mine. So I asked him where is,
who's it FORB? And he's like, it's for a friend,
and I'm like, what's kind? I know all your friends.

And then he gets all weird and studdery and he
says it's a girl from work. But the thing is,
I've never heard about this girl, and I don't know.
He just wouldn't buy clothes for someone that he's not
furious about. I was looking for a photo on his phone, Okatt,
I don't just look through his phone for no reason.
And I find a bunch of messages from this friend
and their text about you know, where they hang out,
and she sends him selfies and I don't know. I

feel like he's seeing her behind my back, and I
need to know if he's cheating on me or not.

Speaker 12 (35:43):
He seems like some pretty damning evidence. Then something's going on.

Speaker 4 (35:47):
What about this? What kind of work is he in? Like?

Speaker 6 (35:49):
What if he works, by chance at a printing place
and he that's what he does, he puts logos on hoodies.

Speaker 19 (35:56):
What if he does he works in country instruction? So
I just assume there's not a lot of girls around.

Speaker 4 (36:03):
Oh that's so sexist. I know plenty of work that
are construction workers. Plenty of us.

Speaker 15 (36:07):
Not a lot.

Speaker 9 (36:08):
I mean.

Speaker 12 (36:11):
A dominated job.

Speaker 6 (36:12):
Is it someone's birthday? I mean we buy Kyle stuff
for her birthday, and Peyton about you brought you clothes? Well,
the wives would know about it.

Speaker 4 (36:19):
Well, actually they buy it.

Speaker 2 (36:20):
Yeah, that's something that's.

Speaker 14 (36:23):
It's not necessarily that he had the hoodie. It's more
like the reaction and then even the post reaction. The
fact that he's like avoiding you now is verydicular.

Speaker 2 (36:30):
If I was getting anything for any any woman, I
would ask my wife what to get first, and she would,
you know, like you would. You would have the conversation.

Speaker 6 (36:40):
About girlfriend wife. You're saying wife, So I get it
because you're already committed or another thing. But if you're
how long you guys been dating?

Speaker 19 (36:45):
About a year?

Speaker 7 (36:46):
Yes, you will definitely.

Speaker 2 (36:49):
Ask Yeah, that might be on the edge because it's like, well,
we really don't talk about work stuff, so maybe a year.

Speaker 12 (36:55):
Maybe I don't think you're on the edge.

Speaker 7 (36:57):
I was going to say, no, year, you're in a
committed relationship, be a month. Yeah, this is weird.

Speaker 4 (37:03):
All right, Well we'll call him. Do you happen to
know the coworker's name?

Speaker 23 (37:06):
It's Sarah.

Speaker 6 (37:07):
Okay, so Sarah. He's texting with Sarah and he's getting
Sarah a hoodie. Oh man, nothing says love like a hoodie.
All right, always, Lisa, hold on, we'll gethim on the phone.
In fact, we'll do that next, Hold on the line.
War the Roses continues next with John Jaye rich John

Jane Richard the middle of War of the Roses. You
got Elisa and Miles. They've been together for a year.
She found a hoodie in the backseat. He said it
was for a coworker. She snooped on his phone and
saw text messages with someone named Sarah. Selfie's back and forth.
Like Kyle said, damning evidence. You say damning, You're damaging.
I said, damn damming, damning evidence even worse. So we're

gonna call Miles. Are you ready?

Speaker 4 (37:57):

Speaker 12 (37:57):
I'm ready?

Speaker 4 (37:58):
Lisa? You ready?

Speaker 19 (38:00):
I'm ready?

Speaker 2 (38:12):

Speaker 12 (38:13):
Is Miles available?

Speaker 3 (38:16):

Speaker 13 (38:17):

Speaker 17 (38:17):

Speaker 12 (38:17):
Also, my name is Kristen. I'm with a new company.
We're called jan R Flowers.

Speaker 14 (38:21):
And you've actually been chosen to be a micro influencer
for us. So pretty exciting news for you. You get
to send our most romantic bouquet of roses. It's our
pure passion bouquet and you get to surprise somebody special
in your life.

Speaker 12 (38:32):
It's going to be totally free for you.

Speaker 14 (38:33):
We just sort of asked that in return, maybe you
post about JANR. Flowers on whichever social media platform you
use the most. So it's been, you know, like this
little social media marketing campaign that's been working really well
for us because you know, it doesn't cost you anything
and you get to like surprise someone special with a
romantic gesture.

Speaker 12 (38:51):
Oh cool, yeah, cool, So we can move forward.

Speaker 14 (38:55):
I don't need any personal information from you, like credit
card or new work, because we're not going to bill
you or anything like that. But you can get as
personal as you like on the little card that we're
going to attach to the flowers. I usually tell people
this is just sort of your chance to you know,
depending on the nature of your relationships.

Speaker 12 (39:10):
Some people are like a little fun or a little flirty.

Speaker 7 (39:12):
Some people get like dirty.

Speaker 14 (39:13):
I mean, I've kind of seen it all, But let
me know the message that you want to write on
the card, and then we can go to my next
screen and get like, you know, name and address.

Speaker 12 (39:20):
And all that good stuff.

Speaker 23 (39:22):
Okay, I'll say I am always going to be here
for you. You're amazing.

Speaker 14 (39:31):
Do you want like love Miles or what do you
want to sign it at the end with xoxo?

Speaker 6 (39:37):
H Miles?

Speaker 4 (39:39):

Speaker 12 (39:40):
So just Miles, Okay? And then who did you want
to address this to?

Speaker 7 (39:43):

Speaker 23 (39:48):
Sarah? She's been gone through some tough stuff lately and
I want to share I'm thinking about her.

Speaker 19 (39:57):
Here's Sarah, Miles, Miles, it's meat. Why are you sending
her flowers? I know about this?

Speaker 4 (40:09):
You know?

Speaker 19 (40:12):
Are you seeing her about coming?

Speaker 23 (40:13):
Max? Hey? Well, you know it's not what you think.
She's just a friend from work. I have been helping
her through a tough time. It's okay.

Speaker 19 (40:31):
I don't think helping her through a tough time, like
you don't need to be sending her messages in selfie
at night? Okay, Like I see those late night text
and send.

Speaker 6 (40:40):
Her Hey, Miles, can I jump in for a second.
Are you not all weirded out that your girlfriend's talking
to you right now when you were just getting flowers?

Speaker 4 (40:48):
You know what I mean?

Speaker 2 (40:49):

Speaker 4 (40:49):
What you want to know what's going on now that
there's a guy talking to you? He's like, well, what's
going on?

Speaker 23 (40:54):
So the third voice or yeah, no, I'm not really
sure what's happened.

Speaker 4 (40:59):
Well, let me tell you what's going on. Miles.

Speaker 6 (41:02):
I can see for miles and miles, miles. This is
a radio show John Jaye Rich radio shows called War
of the Roses. You were talking to Kyle. Kyle was
talking to at least think you're cheating on her and
it sounds like you are. Am I going too fast
for your miles?

Speaker 4 (41:24):
No? Okay, yeah, Alisa, anything else you want to say?

Speaker 19 (41:33):
Can you just be real with me? Are you cheating
on me?

Speaker 6 (41:36):
Because you aren't and some sort of denial. I think
you already caught him before you came to us pretty much.

Speaker 7 (41:41):
Yeah, yeah, but sometimes you just need that right.

Speaker 2 (41:44):
Well, he said the flowers to someone else's pretty laid
back about it, so he doesn't seem like he's busted.
So I could get where she could be like, can
you just tell me what's happening?

Speaker 6 (41:51):
Well, I feel bad for her because you can see
what's happening. Yeah, you can't see the forest through the trees.
I don't know if that applies here, but sure no,
I think so.

Speaker 9 (41:59):
And it's like at least too, I feel like, is
like pretty calm right now for just finding this out,
which also worries me a lot. For you, Miles, that
is a scary thing if somebody's just has no major
reaction like that.

Speaker 23 (42:13):
Can we like, I'm sorry, this is never happened me. Sorry,
I'm not like it's on the same boat as like
analyzing my reaction. I am pretty flustered. I want to
talk to at last directly ahead. I never wanted you
to find out like this. I'm sorry. I didn't know

how to stop and it just happened, and I can
we talk not?

Speaker 19 (42:44):
You know, I think I'm most upset the fact that
I wasted this much time having to find out, rather
than you being honest with me. So I don't know,
I think the whole sir, right, I got to move on.
I got to figure out my life because clearly it's it's.

Speaker 14 (42:58):
Not with you.

Speaker 19 (43:02):
No, don't even try to apologize, Yike, you can go
light to syrup, Okay, I don't need your life.

Speaker 6 (43:18):
I'm sorry, all right, So this relationship is over, Alisa,
you agree, Miles, you agree?

Speaker 4 (43:24):
Yeah, Miles, sorry, that'll give you some peace.

Speaker 7 (43:28):
I think I'm sorry, Lisa.

Speaker 6 (43:30):
All right, Well, thank you both for going to the
radio with us. Thank you, Thank you, Miles, than you.
That's one of the roses with John Jay and Rich.

Speaker 13 (43:44):
I could call you bad, you could call me okay,
let's say hello to Melissa.

Speaker 4 (43:55):

Speaker 17 (43:55):
Hi, Hi, guys, how are you?

Speaker 13 (43:58):
How are you good?

Speaker 18 (44:00):
Can we call oh what was his name?

Speaker 5 (44:03):
Anyways, whatever he was on, I need some of that
chill in my life.

Speaker 2 (44:06):
Totally busted, totally chill.

Speaker 7 (44:09):

Speaker 13 (44:09):
Oh my gosh.

Speaker 6 (44:10):
It was like he was on a bunch of edibles.
Am I wrong?

Speaker 2 (44:15):
He's like, you know, it's not what you think it is,
Well it is what do you think it is?

Speaker 4 (44:19):

Speaker 22 (44:20):
There was such a long pause between everything you said,
and then we had to wait, like with baited breaths
for him to finally say, so.

Speaker 4 (44:28):
I know the war of the roses that it funny.

Speaker 12 (44:31):
I was like, I'm hillo, I care about something. Come on, Miles, where.

Speaker 4 (44:35):
Are you going to listen? What are you doing today?

Speaker 21 (44:37):
I'm taking my kids to school.

Speaker 4 (44:38):
Say hi girls, thanks for listening.

Speaker 22 (44:45):
Thanks guys, have a good one.

Speaker 4 (44:47):
You too.

Speaker 6 (44:48):
Paint yesterday you were back there in the back room
and you were like, bring back to John Jane Ridge Choir.

Speaker 4 (44:54):
I was like, I wanted to know what happened? What
are you talking about?

Speaker 7 (44:56):
Well, so I was in the producers room. It was me,
Nick Green and Jenna back there and Grant.

Speaker 9 (45:02):
Sometimes we'll just randomly pilay like a bunch of videos
from the John Jay and Rich YouTube channel, and we
get to like go and see stuff that you guys
did ten fifteen years ago, right that we've never seen.
And he started to play this one and it was like,
you guys were singing part of your World from.

Speaker 7 (45:18):
The Disney movie Aladdin.

Speaker 3 (45:20):
And I was like, what is this.

Speaker 9 (45:22):
He's like, well, this is what we used to do,
and we just used to be absolutely ridiculous and we
would just sing randomly on the air and it was
the John Jay and Rich Choir.

Speaker 4 (45:29):
That's what it was called.

Speaker 7 (45:30):
That's what it was called, was the John Jay and
Rich Choir. No, we need to bring this back.

Speaker 9 (45:35):
I was like, this is hilarious because you guys were
like kind of trying.

Speaker 7 (45:39):
But also not really kind of trying. Well, this is hilarious.

Speaker 4 (45:42):
This is part of it from Aladdin. No that's not
the cliff.

Speaker 14 (45:50):
Describe thing, so tumbling feeling.

Speaker 6 (45:57):
Through and in this time instead, and then you saw
then he played for you and he did back to
your bus.

Speaker 4 (46:11):
I wanted that way.

Speaker 6 (46:12):
He's the number one boy band pop song of all time.
So we thought we're gonna do our own choir.

Speaker 7 (46:21):
That's a guitar you my, I never wanted you say.

Speaker 6 (46:37):
He's So here's the moment yesterday when we were the
show was over. We're sitting here and this is the
moment you came in through.

Speaker 4 (46:51):
The walkie talkie and this is what you said.

Speaker 16 (46:54):
Can you guys hear me back there?

Speaker 8 (46:56):
I'm to sign a start up position.

Speaker 4 (46:59):
I think we should bring back at least once a week.

Speaker 23 (47:01):
To John Jane Rich choir.

Speaker 9 (47:03):
I feel like we need to run him back.

Speaker 2 (47:05):
Very funny the choir.

Speaker 4 (47:06):
When did we do that?

Speaker 5 (47:09):
Do you guys not remember singing Aladdin on the air?
And I want it that way?

Speaker 2 (47:15):
Hilarious Bank radio fun again.

Speaker 6 (47:21):
So I went back there and I was kind of
like picking your brain, talking to you without letting you know,
and and you were kind of singing Espresso, and I
was like, I have an idea. So these are the
lyrics Espresso. We have the instrumental, and now we bring.

Speaker 7 (47:40):
Back everybody has to do.

Speaker 12 (47:44):
The chorus.

Speaker 4 (47:44):
When we know Jane Rich choir Sabrina Carpenter's Espresso.

Speaker 7 (47:56):
Now think about me every night. That sweet.

Speaker 9 (48:00):
I guess so, so you can't sleep, baby, I know
that's me, Espresso, ut it up down left ride o
like me can know you can't sleep baby, I know
that's not me, Espresso.

Speaker 7 (48:16):
I can't release to destobation. I give up.

Speaker 9 (48:23):
On vacation and I got this one, bo and you
won't stop calling when they act.

Speaker 2 (48:30):
This way, I know I got them too bad.

Speaker 7 (48:36):
A dream came true to pot stop skin and not
presumed to for I know my mouth sinder, but that's good.

Speaker 12 (48:48):
Did that song is your backup book?

Speaker 6 (48:52):
That song isn't an Aladdin Backstreet Boys level just yet
because it's only a year or two so I.

Speaker 4 (49:00):
Don't know the words. I know this Z.

Speaker 2 (49:02):
That's all I'm working like catch down a singer.

Speaker 7 (49:06):
That was me last night though, I was like, I'm
working late and I have to be here.

Speaker 2 (49:15):
Crushed out.

Speaker 4 (49:15):
You're officially a member of the John Junner's Choir.

Speaker 3 (49:22):
That was awesome.

Speaker 4 (49:24):
Good job.

Speaker 6 (49:26):
I want to tell you about a TV show that
I saw yesterday. Did you see the most recent episode
of Shrinking?

Speaker 4 (49:31):

Speaker 6 (49:32):
I have never laughed so hard. I laughed so hard
at this show. I was all by myself. My wife
came in and think to see if everything was okay,
because I was crying.

Speaker 4 (49:41):
I was laughing so hard.

Speaker 6 (49:42):
It was to me the funniest episode of television that
I can't think of. Yeah, I the part where he's
sitting there with when when the gay best friend is
on the couch with the daughter and they're confronting the
drunk driver.

Speaker 4 (49:55):
Yea, and that whole scene. I know it sounds just
because how unco he was so uncomfortable and the way
he reacted it is. It is just genius in my
point of view.

Speaker 6 (50:06):
Genius writing, genius television, genius acting. It is laugh I
couldn't handle it. It was so funny, like I lost
I lost it. I completely lost myself in this show.
You didn't think so.

Speaker 7 (50:18):
I thought it was funny.

Speaker 14 (50:19):
It's a good I think all the episodes are great.
But I wasn't like crying laughing it was funny. I
think all the episodes are really fun.

Speaker 6 (50:26):
Also, it also depends in your environment. Like I was
by my stake, godd, I was by myself on the couch.
I played a little game.

Speaker 2 (50:30):
It's the best way to watch TV. I play a
game at my.

Speaker 6 (50:32):
House where I put on let's say Netflix and I
wait to see how long before I get interrupted, right,
And because my wife was on a zoom the whole time,
I didn't get interrupted at all.

Speaker 4 (50:41):
So I got to watch the whole show and it
was great, and she.

Speaker 2 (50:44):
Was probably unassumed that you should have been on.

Speaker 4 (50:48):
Joelynn, Hi, good morning, good morning. How you doing good?
What's going on?

Speaker 19 (50:53):
I just had to say that Peyton seeing that song
reminded me of Ariana Grande covering it on SNL.

Speaker 2 (51:04):
That that the wedding song they did about their yea.

Speaker 4 (51:07):
It was so good.

Speaker 2 (51:09):
I think Grande should be a cast member on SNL.

Speaker 4 (51:12):
She's great.

Speaker 9 (51:13):
But like the comparisons I've had to people on SNL.

Speaker 7 (51:15):
Lately is insane. Gandhi doing your espresso. I'll take that compliment.

Speaker 6 (51:22):
Thank you, Jones, thank you. Also on Max Penguin, the
Penguin series ended right.

Speaker 2 (51:34):
Oh my gosh, did you watch the finale?

Speaker 4 (51:37):
So I'm halfway through.

Speaker 6 (51:38):
I got three episodes left, so I started and it
just where I'm at is it's a really graphic show.

Speaker 4 (51:42):
It's a really good show. But all I've heard is
how dark this episode of the season finale was, and
you saw it.

Speaker 2 (51:48):
I watched it, and it is so if you're not
in the superhero movies, think of this as almost like
a gritty crime show because just because they have somebody
named the Penguin and it doesn't really matter, it's like
a mob show. And the way it ends is the
darkest thing I'm talking I'm talking about like a Game
of Thrones dark Times two. It was really over the top.

No spoilers, but I don't think there's gonna be a
season two, and it is absolutely it'll tunnel you out.
You'll be in the weirdest mood all day. But it's
worth watching it.

Speaker 6 (52:18):
If you say there will be a season two, that's
implying that Pond dies it's possible or is it something
like you peng with dies? But then kind of like Dexter.
How you hear they're making that? Do we talk about that?

Speaker 4 (52:29):
How they're making Dexter?

Speaker 6 (52:30):
They're making it like in the last Dexter it seemed
like he died and then now it's like he's coming back.

Speaker 2 (52:36):
Here's the way I'll say it. I think that they
were one and done with this. It's supposed to be
one and done. It late, like they put everything into
the series, but it's so popular they're asking Colin Ferrell
would he come back to do a season two, and
he said, if the writings as good as season one,
then of course, But how are you going to top that?
It's one of those are.

Speaker 7 (52:52):
You guys watching Abbot Elementary? No, you guys got to
get into it.

Speaker 9 (52:55):
I feel like it's right up your alley when it
comes to terms of like stupid humor.

Speaker 4 (52:59):
It's my fare I have.

Speaker 6 (53:00):
The problem I have with Avidant Elementary is the same
problem I have with a lot of shows when they're
on normal networks.

Speaker 4 (53:04):
I just don't think they're that good.

Speaker 7 (53:06):
They're so good though.

Speaker 9 (53:07):
It's so good, and like the pop up, the cameos
are so good. They're about to do a collab with
the cast from It's Always Honey in Philadelphia. They're about
to do like a crossover episode and I'm very excited about.

Speaker 7 (53:18):
What do you watch it on on Hulu?

Speaker 3 (53:20):

Speaker 4 (53:21):
I know a couple of text messages about your singing,
how bad I am? Get it girl? I want to say,
what's up to my girl?

Speaker 7 (53:32):
One of the worst singer ever. She told me to
stop singing every time.

Speaker 6 (53:34):
Johnjy Rich, Oh my god, please please keep the John
Jy and Rich choir as a segment or a game
singing more recent songs.

Speaker 4 (53:41):
It'll be a whot.

Speaker 2 (53:42):
Yes from SNL. Here's the clip from Ariana on SNL.

Speaker 9 (53:49):
And yeah, guys on the dance club groove and yeah,
we say not thanks to you safe And yet.

Speaker 4 (53:56):
She's trying to sound bad and doesn't sound bad.

Speaker 13 (53:59):
I know.

Speaker 4 (54:02):
Are we gonnaet some entertainment news?

Speaker 6 (54:03):
By the way, Christmas wish the season is happening now,
so we want to hear from you. So if you
know a family can use a little assistance this Christmas,
let us know. Submit an email at John Jane Rich
dot com telling us why they are deserving John Jannrich
dot com.

Speaker 4 (54:16):
You can't submit for yourself or your immediate.

Speaker 14 (54:17):
Family's a part of the show this morning, No worries,
It's all there on iHeartRadio.

Speaker 4 (54:23):
Let me ask you something.

Speaker 6 (54:25):
Do you think if Taytor Swift wasn't dating Travis Kelce
that we would know who Jason Kelsey is Kyle your thoughts? Nope, Peyton,
no way Rich? No, okay, because I saw the dude
who's got a Christmas album?

Speaker 14 (54:39):
Yeah, well it's the it's the one he does with
his football players like they've this is the third or
fourth edition of this Christmas album.

Speaker 4 (54:45):
This one is with Stevie Nicks.

Speaker 12 (54:47):
Yeah, I thought that was a song on that album.

Speaker 4 (54:50):
What was up saying?

Speaker 6 (54:50):
You've got a Christmas He's got a Christmas album with
like a real singer, like would would we care about that?

Speaker 4 (54:56):
And it's pretty good? Did you hear it?

Speaker 17 (54:57):
This is it? Man?

Speaker 4 (55:04):
This Christmas I mean something more.

Speaker 19 (55:08):
Maybe this.

Speaker 4 (55:12):
Will then ever before.

Speaker 11 (55:18):
And forgiveness, we'll ask.

Speaker 4 (55:22):
Us do call anyway? Mary Christmas? What else you got
with Jason Kelsey?

Speaker 14 (55:26):
Well, that song actually is number one right now out
of all the Christmas songs. And so they're like, oh,
Jason Kelsey dethroned Mariah Carry So Jason Kelsey is now
the new Queen of Christmas. And they talked about it
on their podcast and it was funny because I at
first he's.

Speaker 12 (55:43):
Like joking around, but then I think he's like realistic
about it.

Speaker 10 (55:46):
I've fought my whole life to be the Queen of
Christmas and the fact that we're finally there, it's just
really special, you know. I know, we we caught it
in early November. We'll see if it holds up throughout
the rest of Christmas. We kind of caught it on
the Christmas.

Speaker 4 (55:59):
Down slide up.

Speaker 10 (56:00):
Too many people are listening to Christmas.

Speaker 4 (56:01):
Music, so we kind of jumped up in there. Yeah,
I get it. I'll take you when I can get it.

Speaker 9 (56:05):
I wonder how Mariah feels. She's probably like this, dude,
it's not even Taylor Starts boyfriend. It's Taylor Starts Boyfriend's brother.

Speaker 7 (56:12):
Are you kidding me?

Speaker 12 (56:12):
I know, she's probably like just wait till December.

Speaker 7 (56:15):
First, she's like, I'm still deep. Frosting made exactly.

Speaker 12 (56:19):
But then I guess.

Speaker 14 (56:20):
There was also this football player this week who people
noticed that there was like.

Speaker 12 (56:27):
Like stuff on the backside.

Speaker 4 (56:29):
Oh yeah, yeah, I saw the headline.

Speaker 12 (56:30):
They're like, oh my.

Speaker 14 (56:31):
Gosh, he poop his pants while he was on the field,
Like what Jason Kelsey said, it's kind of a common thing,
like it's happened to him before.

Speaker 10 (56:37):
Well, you know, like when you when you when you
and you know that there's a possibility something just came up,
but you're not certain to get off the field. That
turned to my buddy and I was like, hey, can
you check me because I think I might And he
checks me. He says, you're good.

Speaker 4 (56:50):
I go out for warm ups. Do the whole warm ups.
Lane comes up to me after warm ups. He's like, Hey,
you got all up and down your pits, right, So
it's common.

Speaker 12 (56:59):
Then that's a he says.

Speaker 14 (57:00):
It's like it's it happens definitely, But I'm like, that
can't stay our queen of Christmas.

Speaker 6 (57:07):
You're right, he's a short lived. You gave it to
him but took it away. What about the robbery? Do
they address that robbery?

Speaker 12 (57:17):
The him and most Jason Kelsey didn't.

Speaker 14 (57:19):
I Patrick, Patrick Mahomes did, but Travis Kelsey did not.

Speaker 12 (57:23):
Both of their homes were robbed.

Speaker 14 (57:25):
And it's interesting because Patrick Mahomes he addresses it, but
then also says like he can't really get into it.

Speaker 8 (57:32):
Obviously it's uh, it's frustrating, it's disappointing, but uh, I
mean I can't into too many of the details because
the investigation is still ongoing. But obviously something that you
don't want to happen to to really anybody, but obviously yourself.

Speaker 2 (57:44):
Didn't you say it's like an FBI is involved, not
just regular police.

Speaker 14 (57:48):
Yeah, you can't say anything because opposedly, because the FBI
gets involved, it has something to do with organized crimes,
so it's much bigger than just a simple burglary a
so Ariana Grande and Cynthia Arriva. They're doing like so
many interviews for the Wicked movie. I don't Peyton and

I get to go see a screening of it this weekend,
and it's gonna be I'm.

Speaker 12 (58:11):
Really looking forward to it.

Speaker 14 (58:13):
But they were getting interviewed by Hodah and Savannah and
they surprised them when Hodah and Spanna asked like, here,
are there any songs that you guys have like ever
wanted to sort of sing together, but you kind of
feel like maybe you could release it.

Speaker 12 (58:26):
At one point, and they just like start breaking out
in song.

Speaker 4 (58:29):
Whatever you.

Speaker 7 (58:31):
Well, anything you want to save.

Speaker 11 (58:44):
Whuz everyone it's sole me, it's.

Speaker 7 (58:59):
I don't know they could have casted better for this movie.

Speaker 12 (59:01):
I'm like, ah, I mean, nobody can question the vocals
of this movie.

Speaker 9 (59:05):
I don't have you seen did you see like the
reactions of the La premiere?

Speaker 1 (59:09):

Speaker 2 (59:10):
People going crazy crying.

Speaker 7 (59:12):
Like snot tears.

Speaker 14 (59:14):
I don't want I actually don't want to hear that
because I want, like, I want my expectations to be low,
because you know, when your expectations are so high going
into a movie, it's hard for it to live up
to whatever you've can call good.

Speaker 6 (59:26):
Even the previews look like that I know nothing about
this movie, nothing about the play, nothing, so I'm going
in with nothing, so I hope to walk out of everything.

Speaker 14 (59:34):
I think that's that you got to keep the baseline
and then you want it to wow you, but you
don't want to.

Speaker 12 (59:38):
Have like these super high expectations and then be like down.
I wish I saw this.

Speaker 6 (59:42):
There's a thing online because I guess that it opens
Thanksgiving weekends, so it's like, what are you going to
go see Wicked, Moana two, or Red one?

Speaker 4 (59:51):
And that's like this huge debate. But to me, the
only movie I'm hearing about is Wicked.

Speaker 14 (59:56):
Well, Wicked comes out the twenty second and then ma
Wana comes out the next weekend, and then so it
comes out the weekend the friday before Thanksgiving week so
Wicked has one week on top of Milana, Yes, Nick and.

Speaker 3 (01:00:07):
Yeah, and Red One is out tomorrow.

Speaker 12 (01:00:10):
Oh they're all separated Thanksgiving weekend.

Speaker 14 (01:00:14):
If you haven't gone to Wicked yet, you are probably
gonna pick Milana too over Wicked.

Speaker 12 (01:00:19):
I mean most people I love.

Speaker 7 (01:00:20):
I want to see Mohana. I know that I want
to see Malana too, but Wicked's taking precedence.

Speaker 6 (01:00:26):
Text us, text jj R and whatever's on your mind
in nine six, eight, ninth three and we could call
you back.

Speaker 4 (01:00:32):
Because that's what happened. Nicole said, his a tax about
a crazy X. What do you got, innoll?

Speaker 17 (01:00:36):
So I was baiting this one guy for a while
and he was obsessed with my toes, like always changing
the colors and everything. So I'm like, okay, it's fine.
His sister owned the salon, so Steve was Adam and
we go there. I thought, you know, hey like supporting
each other's businessist or whatever. So he would take me
on a time and he would never let me go

to his house. So I was like, oh, I'm here, like,
we gotta go to your house. He was going he
find this stay off, stay out of my room. Well,
when he was in the shower, I went in his
room and I found a jar of my toenail clippings
on his dresses.

Speaker 7 (01:01:15):
That is so gross.

Speaker 12 (01:01:17):
I hope you confronted him.

Speaker 17 (01:01:19):
No, I just laught and never came back.

Speaker 4 (01:01:22):
How do you know there were your toenail clippings?

Speaker 17 (01:01:25):
Could be my name.

Speaker 4 (01:01:27):
Oh wow, so you had like different jars with a
piece of tape on it and your name on.

Speaker 7 (01:01:30):
It they labeled it.

Speaker 12 (01:01:32):
Yes, I mean the creepy thing would be when she
finds the rest of the jars, right.

Speaker 4 (01:01:35):
Yeah, yeah, all the different people.

Speaker 2 (01:01:37):
He did say stay out of his room.

Speaker 4 (01:01:39):
So he worked.

Speaker 6 (01:01:40):
You think he worked in conjunction with his sister, so
you would get the petticare and she would save your
tonail clippings.

Speaker 19 (01:01:46):
Yeah, she would.

Speaker 2 (01:01:47):
She's creepy too.

Speaker 4 (01:01:48):
There, she's a good sister though. Wow, she doing is creepy.

Speaker 6 (01:01:52):
But she's like helping her brother or whatever, like, Okay,
that's weird, but whatever, you know. And then she gets
rid of the bodies at the crematory.

Speaker 2 (01:02:01):
I think there's gonna be so much craft involved in that.

Speaker 9 (01:02:06):
Or something, because why would you need somebody else's tell else?

Speaker 3 (01:02:10):
I hope not.

Speaker 17 (01:02:11):
I'm put that on me, please.

Speaker 7 (01:02:15):
I hope you're all right?

Speaker 17 (01:02:17):
Yes, I'm fine. You ever look back blocked them on everything? Well,
I'm perfectly fine right now.

Speaker 4 (01:02:22):
Okay, Okay, Well, thank you to Cole, thanks for sharing
that story.

Speaker 17 (01:02:26):
You're welcome by guys, John Jaye Rich.

Speaker 6 (01:02:30):
We've got somebody on the line wants to tell the story,
but they don't want to tell us their name. They
want Kyle to pick their name. If I'm getting this right,
because you wore the roses, always come up.

Speaker 4 (01:02:38):
With a clever now I do. So, what's the name
for her?

Speaker 7 (01:02:42):

Speaker 4 (01:02:43):
Okay, Sadie, good morning, you're on the air.

Speaker 22 (01:02:45):
Good morning.

Speaker 4 (01:02:46):
Hi, what's your story?

Speaker 2 (01:02:48):

Speaker 22 (01:02:49):
I dated a guy for quite some time and we
had split and he he started sending me things in
the mail. And one of the things I received was
a voodoo dog he had handmade. He had cut his
own hair and attached it to the doll. He'd cut
his shirt and made like a little dress shirt, made
little cargo short shorts for it, and sent me little

push pins he had handmade.

Speaker 2 (01:03:14):
Well wait a minute. So usually the voodoo doll, as
I understand, it would be of you, and he would
do things to do voodoo doll. But he sent you
a voodoo doll of him that you could put pins in.

Speaker 1 (01:03:25):
Yes, he did.

Speaker 7 (01:03:26):
That is so weird. So he hands it to you,
He's like, here's this voodoo doll of me.

Speaker 22 (01:03:32):
He nailed it. No, he nailed it home.

Speaker 7 (01:03:35):
Oh my gosh, so did you.

Speaker 9 (01:03:36):
Respond back or did you just the voodoo doll Catholic
got freaked out?

Speaker 15 (01:03:41):
Yeah, it went in the trash.

Speaker 22 (01:03:44):
I do don't have the push pins, but I've been
in the trash.

Speaker 12 (01:03:48):
I'm surprised you didn't go ahead and just stab it,
if you know, right.

Speaker 6 (01:03:53):
But you put it in the trash and went away,
and then he went away, so I guess that would work, right. Yeah,
Sadie sent me the dam when we were going back
and forth, and I asked her to come on there
with us, and she said, you can't. Don't say the
state I'm in and don't say my name because she's
still afraid of the guy.

Speaker 7 (01:04:06):
Yeah, that's crazy.

Speaker 2 (01:04:07):
Why would be too?

Speaker 6 (01:04:08):
That's pretty psycho what it must be some sort of
like sado masochist Like he's like, yes, like, oh yeah,
so he wants he wants.

Speaker 4 (01:04:15):
Her, He wants you to hurt him.

Speaker 14 (01:04:17):

Speaker 4 (01:04:19):
Were you ever intimate with him?

Speaker 1 (01:04:21):

Speaker 22 (01:04:21):
Yeah, we need it for quite some time.

Speaker 4 (01:04:23):
Okay. And then is that he is that what he
would like like you to hurt him? Yes? Interesting.

Speaker 6 (01:04:30):
I think you're making it seem like you're not in
there too, But you got a little freaky digg too,
ain't I right, sad May, All right, voodoo doll is scary.

Speaker 4 (01:04:41):
So he must have written a letter to tell you
this is my hair, this is my clothes. Right.

Speaker 22 (01:04:45):
Oh no, I recognized it. No, he didn't mention it.
He wrote me a poem that was disgusting that it
accompanied the voodoo doll. But that he was said about
the voodoo doll in the letter, it was just there.

Speaker 2 (01:04:57):
It's weird though, that you threw away the voodoo doll
but kept to the pins that we're supposed to go
in the voodoo doll.

Speaker 4 (01:05:04):
This all right, Sadie, have a great day. Thank you
for listening.

Speaker 9 (01:05:11):
Oh you guys back, that's crazy, Yeah, that's freaking what
Hike muster horn a beat Hope.

Speaker 4 (01:05:19):
John J.

Speaker 2 (01:05:20):

Speaker 6 (01:05:20):
We need to contest and we're gonna play beach zam
eight seven seven nine three seven one oh four seven.
Call us right now to play. In the meantime, there's
this guy and we paint his picture for you. He's
he's skinny, white dude, blonde hair, you know, like a
thin face, and he does the best Arnold Tortzenegger impersonation

you ever heard. This is this guy calling a restaurant
as Arnold trying to get a reservation.

Speaker 2 (01:05:47):
Hey, this is Arnold.

Speaker 4 (01:05:48):

Speaker 1 (01:05:49):
I will be in the area tonight around eight o'clock.
I mean, if you can have any wiggle room, it
would be absolutely fantastic. We can for eight o'clock if
you could use a south and I think we should
use ari aar I Schwartz.

Speaker 4 (01:06:03):
I mean they will not know.

Speaker 1 (01:06:04):
All right, you are a thank you so much, and
do see you soon, right, ask to Leavista already, all right,
thank you, And I will say if I get diarrhea
at this rest around, I will not be back.

Speaker 2 (01:06:17):
Pretty good, pretty good, right, just I wouldn't be fooled.
I would totally buy that.

Speaker 4 (01:06:24):
A little.

Speaker 6 (01:06:26):
Oh here, some some text messages. We got a contest already.
Now right, Alicia is gonna be as well. I'm gonna
read the text. Couple of text messages, but we have
contestant already. Hi Alicia, Hello, Hi, we're gonna play next
to the host?

Speaker 3 (01:06:44):
Ready, Nick, I'm ready? Are you guys ready?

Speaker 15 (01:06:47):
Yeah? Guys, I like to see my games. What what's
everybody talking about these days?

Speaker 2 (01:06:52):
Carpenter your phones?

Speaker 4 (01:06:53):
Yeah, you guess all wicked?

Speaker 3 (01:06:55):
Good guesses.

Speaker 15 (01:06:56):
Let's go with wicked. Okay, Okay, Wicked out next week.
I know Kyle and Peyton are going to see a
sneak preview this weekend. Uh So we're doing music either
by Ariana Grande or inspired by Ariana Grande or Wicked. Okay,
so you have seven seconds to guess the name of

the song. If you can do that, you get a point.
If you think of a collaborating artist in the song,
you get another point as well. But all the songs
are gonna be but it's gonna be just real fun game, guys. Okay,
all right, let's go with John Jay first. Yes, correct,

I'm gonna say that's okay. I mean you're not gonna
get a point? Yeah, boy, is mind is correct? Way
to go, Peyton, Way to go John Jay. One point
for John j No points.

Speaker 3 (01:07:48):
For Peyton Rich. Remember we had the the people who
did the like music that brought here.

Speaker 15 (01:08:03):
Yeah whatever, guys, that all we did a whole podcast
the the guys who did the music.

Speaker 3 (01:08:10):
For that song.

Speaker 4 (01:08:11):
That's neat.

Speaker 3 (01:08:12):
Yeah anyway, all right, pe Peyton, I'll teach you the.

Speaker 11 (01:08:17):
Proper boys when you talk to the boys.

Speaker 7 (01:08:23):
Shoes, when you fixed your head. I'm so excited for this.

Speaker 15 (01:08:27):
Well done, Peyton, that is correct, Garon and Grande Popular.

Speaker 3 (01:08:31):
We'll move right on to Kyle.

Speaker 12 (01:08:36):

Speaker 5 (01:08:38):

Speaker 3 (01:08:38):
Do you know who else is in that song? Nicki
min Edge is correct.

Speaker 15 (01:08:42):
Yeah, we're gonna go. I think everybody's on the board
here and we're gonna go right to Alicia.

Speaker 5 (01:08:57):

Speaker 3 (01:08:59):
Correct. Does anybody know the name of.

Speaker 2 (01:09:01):
The song that song?

Speaker 7 (01:09:02):
Last time?

Speaker 3 (01:09:03):
One last time?

Speaker 4 (01:09:04):

Speaker 15 (01:09:04):
Correct, way to go. Uh So, after one round, everybody's
on the board. Peyton actually in the lead with two points.

Speaker 9 (01:09:11):
I believe in your face, in your face specifically.

Speaker 15 (01:09:15):
It feels like maybe it's a little aggressive considering you know,
I gave you the easiest clue.

Speaker 3 (01:09:21):
We'll start around two with John Jay.

Speaker 4 (01:09:24):
Baby right carry.

Speaker 3 (01:09:31):
Next the name of the sorry Santa tell me? And
but you're so close you did.

Speaker 2 (01:09:38):
Here's what happens, she says, stopped after.

Speaker 4 (01:09:47):
Okay, Rich.

Speaker 7 (01:09:50):
And yeah, God on.

Speaker 2 (01:09:51):
The Dean prom this is the wedding song that they
did to their friend.

Speaker 3 (01:09:55):
That's yeah, way to go in Espresso parod. It's just silly, Kyle,
It's just a silly, silly game. Now he's think.

Speaker 7 (01:10:06):
About me every night.

Speaker 2 (01:10:08):
It's a nice thing.

Speaker 7 (01:10:09):
I guess that is me singing espresso.

Speaker 15 (01:10:13):
Yeah, we were looking for Peyton Whitmore addition edition of
of Espresso's a good Job.

Speaker 4 (01:10:21):
Not exactly related to the game, but.

Speaker 3 (01:10:25):
Kyle, Yeah, whoa wow.

Speaker 15 (01:10:37):
At the end of the song, Uh so, Alicia, we've
got decadence passes on the line right now.

Speaker 5 (01:10:43):
You have to get this right though, please Ken, Yes, Ariana,
we can't be friends.

Speaker 4 (01:10:58):
Hold on, We're gonna set you up. Thanks for playing,
Thanks for listening.

Speaker 19 (01:11:01):
Thank you.

Speaker 4 (01:11:02):
Have a good day to Kyle's kind of three days.

Speaker 12 (01:11:04):
You know, Amazon is trying to compete with Timu, and I'm.

Speaker 4 (01:11:08):
Here for it.

Speaker 12 (01:11:08):
I'm gonna tell you how to get some great deals.
Next with John Jay and Rich.

Speaker 3 (01:11:11):
Good morning, start.

Speaker 7 (01:11:14):
Your day with John Jay and Rich.

Speaker 4 (01:11:15):
I wake up with my favorite artist.

Speaker 7 (01:11:17):
Hey, this is Sabrina Carpenter.

Speaker 16 (01:11:18):
What's up, guys, boone and you're waking up with John
Jay and Rich before we do three things.

Speaker 6 (01:11:23):
You know, I got to I saw this thing on
Reddit that it's so funny. I mean, it's just really
interesting how there are some things in movies and books
and TV shows that romanticize things but in reality not
so great. For example, Traveling Solo says, I'm sure some
people truly find it liberating and exciting. But I've never
felt lonelier as what someone saying or in TV shows

and movies. When you write a novel, people don't necessarily
think it's easy. But even when you're on a roll,
it's the biggest timesuck. It's not something you can squeeze
in before work as a permanent routine, making love on
the beach.

Speaker 2 (01:12:00):
Saying get some places camp begets not.

Speaker 4 (01:12:02):
It's not at all how they make it seem in
the movies. It's terrible. A self sustaining family farm life.

Speaker 6 (01:12:09):
It's practically impossible for a lone family to achieve that
starting a business. Everyone talks about the freedom and potential money,
but the reality is constant stress, long hours, a ton
of financial risk that wouldn't be fun to see in
a movie.

Speaker 2 (01:12:22):
Yeah, well no, but I mean how many movies are
there's somebody who's like starting their own bakery.

Speaker 12 (01:12:26):
Okay, Number one because the montage skips all of that stuff.

Speaker 6 (01:12:29):
Number one on this list is running a cute little
coffee shop bookstore. Yeah, I bet you picture yourself having
a cup of joe and chatting with someone about a
book with a man in a tweet coat. You're never
going to be profitable, but you don't realize until two
and a half years in. Oh no, right, isn't that
funny about how movies? It just like that, what are
three things we need to know?

Speaker 14 (01:12:49):
So Amazon realizes that they're losing business to the tea Moves,
the Shean's, the fast fashion, the super super affordable websites
right now, and so they are switching things up. And
they have just introduced Amazon Halls, kind of a play
on words because like if you ever like followed influencers
and they're like, check out my she and hall and

they have like two thousand shirts that they just bought
for twenty dollars or whatever.

Speaker 12 (01:13:15):
So they're they're basically.

Speaker 14 (01:13:18):
Playing off of that, and Amazon Halls will focus on
selling items for twenty dollars or less. The thing is
is you can't access it right now on like a
laptop or a computer. It's a mobile only experience right now.
But if you search Amazon Halls and you are on
a computer, it'll give you a QR code to go
to Amazon Halls on your phone.

Speaker 4 (01:13:36):
It's already upwards starting.

Speaker 12 (01:13:38):
It's already up It's in its beta.

Speaker 14 (01:13:39):
Even at the top of it it says beta and
I started looking, and they do. They're like shirts for
thirteen dollars, thirty dollars.

Speaker 6 (01:13:45):
I remember when I first discovered wish I bought like
thousands of dollars of.

Speaker 2 (01:13:48):
Things every day. Every day something would come from you
from wish it.

Speaker 4 (01:13:52):
They have these really cool eyeglass cleaners. N I got surgery.
I don't need ice, I don't need a reading glasses anymore.

Speaker 14 (01:13:58):
So I mean it's just wait for them to compete
because they realize, like Amazon's expensive now, right, and so
this is your chance to get some great deals and
you know, no guarantee on the quality. I guess we
should say Friday. This Friday is stand Up to Bullying Day.

Speaker 12 (01:14:14):
We're all encouraged.

Speaker 14 (01:14:16):
How to learn how to stop aggressive unwanted behavior, you
can go to stop Bullying dot gov and explains the
like the three Parts of bullying, it actually explains how
to tell if someone in your life is getting bullied,
like unexpected or unexplained injuries, lost or damaged clothing or
other property, check for changes in sleeping or eating habits,

suffering grades, sudden loss of friends, different certain things that
you should look out for.

Speaker 12 (01:14:42):
And then there's also advice on how to deal with
the actual bullies. So definitely a good thing for all
of us to get behind.

Speaker 14 (01:14:50):
If you've realized maybe lately you've just been getting bored easier,
Like we've talked about this a little bit before, there's like,
you know, you look to your phone to stop from
being bored, but then somehow you're still very bored scrolling
through all the things. They say, people in general are
just getting more bored, and it is because of digital

media use.

Speaker 7 (01:15:11):
They say this has.

Speaker 14 (01:15:12):
Contributed to high higher levels of boredom because everything online
is designed specifically, and the alder algorithms are designed specifically
to stimulate your brain.

Speaker 12 (01:15:24):
So when your brain gets something you wants, then.

Speaker 14 (01:15:26):
It wants more, and it wants more and more and
more and more, and then you just can't satisfy your
need for seeing all the stimuli at once. So it's saying,
once again we've heard this many times that if you
find yourself getting bored, more digital detox.

Speaker 12 (01:15:40):
Is what you absolutely need.

Speaker 14 (01:15:42):
Off the phone, Put the phone away, put it in
a different room, lock the room, tell someone to guard
your phone. Literally, give yourself a digital detox, and you
will start to find more joy in you know, I
guess the old fashioned.

Speaker 2 (01:15:55):
You've got to practice a little bit, a little bit slower.
Here's what I do. So Stacy and I my wife,
we go to dinner a lot, and like if she
gets up to go to the bathroom, Normally I would
look at my phone.

Speaker 6 (01:16:03):
Now I try not to and just look around and
just take further. If I go to dinner my wife,
I don't take my phone. Oh that's that's how it
goes to the bathroom.

Speaker 4 (01:16:11):
I just sit. I'm just staring at something.

Speaker 14 (01:16:14):
And it's really healthy to do though, it really is.

Speaker 22 (01:16:17):
I mean it is.

Speaker 12 (01:16:17):
It's a very difficult thing.

Speaker 14 (01:16:18):
But if you can get yourself to do some sort
of digital detox move every day so you lessen your
use of it, it's going to help you in the
long run big time.

Speaker 12 (01:16:28):
And that's three things you need to know.
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