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December 18, 2024 19 mins
Buck Sexton dives into Trump's fiery press conference, breaking down why the media needs Trump despite their disdain. Buck breaks down Trump’s response to the assassination of UnitedHealthcare’s CEO and the media’s portrayal of the suspect., Eric Adams' political troubles, and the potential for a surprising Trump pardon. Buck also unpacks the baffling drone sightings over New Jersey and the Biden administration's questionable handling of the situation.

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
You're listening to the Buck Sexton Show podcast, let make
sure you subscribe to the podcast on the iHeartRadio app
or wherever you get your podcasts. A Trumpian press conference
for the Ages Great Way to Almost End twenty twenty
four went for over an hour. We'll discuss what was
in that. Also Eric Adams, is he going to get
a pardon? Part of that press conference? But particularly interesting

to me Trump is Man of the Year, which is yeah,
of course he is. And also the drones. What's going
on with the drones. I'll start with the press conference.
So here's the thing about Trump.

Speaker 2 (00:47):
And the media.

Speaker 1 (00:49):
They hate him, but they need him. Without Trump, what
happens to the so called news channels other than Fox obviously,
which has increased its audience post election, and its audience
was already very high. I think seventy five percent of
the cable news audience is now watching Fox News. So
it's basically Fox News, and then there's almost nothing else

that could even be called a competitor. And that's an
amazing fall for MSNBC and CNN from say, twenty years ago,
when Fox was the upstart. But here's what you see,
here's what's going on. They need Trump because they're gonna
have to start covering the administration again, and they're gonna
have to build back some credibility that they're not completely insane.

And I really mean that, not just that they have
to do some honest reporting for a while, not just
that they have to stop the propagandizing or at least
limit the most obvious propagandizing that they do. But they're
gonna have to go a few steps further and report

for a while on the Trump administration like people who
are not insane. They're not going to be unbiased. They're
going to be partisans, just like they always have been.
But it's gotten too silly. I can't even watch Morning
Joe anymore. There's nothing to watch. It's just sad or
over there. You know, they're trying to almost do a
variety show now in the morning. I'm waiting for Joe

Scarborough to talk about what the best canna pays are
for your next cocktail party or something. It's just it's
a total waste of time. It was way more fun
when they were just talking about how Trump is Hitler
and the world's going to end because you were watching
people fake a nervous breakdown in real time and get
paid millions.

Speaker 2 (02:32):
Of dollars to do it.

Speaker 1 (02:33):
It's a remarkable sight to see and to be completely
dishonest about just a lie about everything that was going on.
I thought that was really really entertaining. I mean, it
wasn't like it was teaching me or telling me very much,
but it was entertaining. And then Trump got into some
specific things. For example, he talked about the United CEO.

Speaker 2 (02:55):
Quick United Healthcare shooting.

Speaker 1 (02:59):
Can you give us your thoughts about that and what
do you make Well?

Speaker 2 (03:03):
Does that tell Yeah?

Speaker 3 (03:03):
Yeah, I think it's a terrible thing. I think it's
really terrible that some people seem to admire him, like him,
And I was happy to see that it wasn't specific
to this gentleman that was killed. It's just an overall
sickness as opposed to a specific sickness.

Speaker 2 (03:22):
That was a terrible thing.

Speaker 3 (03:24):
It was cold blooded, just a cold blooded, horrible killing.
And how people can like this guy is that's a sickness.
Actually that's really very bad, especially the way it was done.
It was so bad written a back and very bad,
very thing like that. You just you can't believe that

some people and maybe it's fake news. I don't know,
it's hard to believe that that can even be thought of,
but it seems that there's a certain appetite for him.

Speaker 2 (03:55):
I don't get it.

Speaker 1 (03:55):
Yeah, Please look, I understand that people are angry about
the healthcare system. This has absolutely no chance of doing
anything to make that better, and even if it did,
it's still grotesque in him moral and the people who
have tried to pivot this into their usual discussion of oh,

but you know the big greedy healthcare companies. What about
the big greedy hospitals, one of the big greedy medical practice,
what about the big greedy ambulance chasing lawyers. I mean,
there's so many people that are trying to loot the
system for everything they can, and they have no interest
whatsoever in dealing with the challenges of the system into

giving people better care. That's not what interests them. That's
not what this is all about. So there are a
lot of people if you wanted to pick the bad guy,
so to speak, there are a lot of people who
could get some degree of the blame. And that still
doesn't give you the right to take violent matters into
your own hands like.

Speaker 2 (04:56):
This guy did. He wasn't even covered by United Healthcare.
This whole thing.

Speaker 1 (04:59):
He's clearly has some kind of a mental breakdown. This
guy he's like had some back injury and he couldn't
you know, have sex anymore, is what was reported.

Speaker 2 (05:08):
Was freaking out.

Speaker 1 (05:10):
So yeah, I think that it's good that Trump came
out and said, look, this guy is monstrous when he
is terrible, because I was hearing from some people on
the right telling me, no, you don't understand, the healthcare
companies are murdering millions. No, the healthcare companies are not
murdering millions of people. That's not true, or even hundreds
of thousands or tens of thousands of people. Sometimes they

engage in unfair business practices, engage in fraud, they do
things that they should be fine for, maybe even they
should be in prison for. But nobody's doing something of
the healthcare companies that they should be subject to the
violent whims of an individual or the mob. And if
you believe otherwise, you just believe that then anyone can

have the right to do whatever they think is just
in society at any time and take matters into their
own hands. So Trump came out very strongly on this one,
and I appreciate it. Also on the Eric Adams pardon,
Yeah would partnering.

Speaker 2 (06:05):
Area Adams, Yeah, I would.

Speaker 3 (06:10):
You know, I think that he was treated pretty unfairly.
Now I haven't seen the gravity of it all, but
it seems, you know, like being upgraded in an airplane
many years ago. I know probably everybody here has been upgrade.
They see your all stars and they say, I want
to upgrade that person from NBC. I'm going to upgrade him,
and that would mean you'll spend the rest of your

life in prison. I don't know somehow I would. I mean,
i'd have to see it, because I don't know the facts.
I think he was treated. You know, it's very interesting
when he essentially went against what was happening with the
migrants coming in, and you know, he made some pretty
strong statements like this is not sustainable. I said, you
know what, he'll be indicted soon. And I said it

not as a prediction, a little bit lightheartedly, but I
said it.

Speaker 2 (06:57):
I said, he's going to be indicted, and.

Speaker 3 (07:00):
A few months later got indicted. So I would certainly
look at it.

Speaker 1 (07:05):
So here's the thing about Eric Adams. He has also
been denied matching funds in New York City was a
big deal because it's eight to one, eight dollars for
every one dollar you get in funding from donors, so
it was he's already raised four million dollars. He was
supposed to get another four million dollars of matching.

Speaker 2 (07:27):
Funds from the City of New York.

Speaker 1 (07:29):
And you know, I can't do the math on how
this stuff works out whatever, but the point is they've
denied him that because they say that he misused the
program before because of the criminal charges, so they're essentially
trying to stop him from being able to even run
for mayor, and they wanted to go to federal prison.
Do I think that's at some level a and you know,

a just a you know, reason for him to switch around,
to switch things around and decide that he's going to
be more willing to engage on healthcare, sorry, on immigration issues.

Speaker 2 (08:07):

Speaker 1 (08:08):
Yeah, I think that when people are trying to lock
you in prison and want to stop you from being
able to run for mayor from your own party, I
think that there's plenty of reason for you to decide
that maybe you should look at the other side. And
I think a pardon from Donald Trump of Eric Adams
would be a brilliant thing, honestly, because the charges are crap.
I mean, if it was actually in any way a

real crime, I'd say, look, I mean, you know, do
the crime to the time.

Speaker 2 (08:35):
This is nonsense.

Speaker 1 (08:36):
Getting upgrades on flights so that he could expedite permits
or something. This is crap, total nonsense. So I think
that a pardon would be a good way for Trump
to build even more of a political momentum for himself
going into the start of the administration. Let's talk about

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So yeah, Trump is Man of the Year, and I
think a big part of it as we look at
this is not only the win of the election, but
what he has done for the country because the defeat

of law fair is in many ways the salvation of
the republic. I know that may sound excessive to some people,
it's really not. It's true the ability to use prosecutor's
offices as a tool to derail and destroy your political opponents.
If that had been successful in this election, it would

have been something that Democrats, I think, go to again
in the future, and they would use it not only
for presidential races, but also Senate state races, governor's house,
whatever it may be.

Speaker 2 (10:37):
They would just view this then as the way that
they do business.

Speaker 1 (10:41):
And I don't know how you can get around that
in this country once you have that precedent that it's successful.
Remember this time, it's not just that it didn't work
in the courts, it didn't work in politics. The American
people rejected it, rejected what.

Speaker 2 (10:58):
Was going on.

Speaker 1 (11:00):
And that is why the victory is so important, I think,
and so powerful because it didn't work in the courts
and the elector shut it down. And we're seeing some
big wins for common sense and common.

Speaker 2 (11:16):
Decency these days.

Speaker 1 (11:18):
You know the fact that Daniel Penny is not serving
a long prison sentence, for example, there are a lot
of people who are waking up around the country. I
wish everybody would wake up. We'd be imagine this place.
Imagine what America could be like if we all just
decided that rule of law and a merit based society
and a yeah, free markets, free speech. Imagine if we

really embraced the founding principles truly, wouldn't it be such
a fantastic thing. I think Trump is going to try
to get more of that than we've seen going in
a long time. But there's going to be opposition. There's
all these people who still think that if the government
were in charge of more the government's their friend. The
government's going to fix things, and they think they should

be in charge of the government too, So it's like
a self fulfilling prophecy. They think they're the smart people,
and they think the smart people should be in charge.

Speaker 2 (12:11):
Therefore, guess who should be in charge.

Speaker 1 (12:14):
So I'm happy to see that everyone recognizes that the
Trump even as opponents recognized that trump victory is seismic.
This is not just some blip on the radar of
our politics. This is going to I think the salvation
of the Republic in the short term or even maybe

the long term, insofar as lawfair is the end of
it all. And Trump defeated the most aggressive campaign of
outrageous law fair any of us have really ever seen.
So yeah, that's what's going on there. Now we can
talk about drones here in a second. The International Fellowship
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The drones, My friends, this is getting completely out of hand.

It's very weird, and I don't know how it's possible
that anyone can think that our government is.

Speaker 2 (13:52):
On the ball. I mean, Joe Biden's not really the president.

Speaker 1 (13:57):
I think that's clear, and no one really believes that
Joe Biden's calling the shots are in charge that it
hasn't been the case for a long time, but I
think they have given up on the fiction of it
at some level. You know, the fiction that Joe Biden
is in charge has fallen away. They're not even trying
to keep that going. Let me tell you what this is.

What CNN says as of a like an hour ago
about the drone situation New Jersey, mysterious flying objects overhead,
concern and confusion and calls for military intervention. This isn't
the plot of World the Worlds, but rather the result
of numerous possible drone sidings in recent weeks. The flying
objects have been spotted over residential neighborhoods, restricted sites, and

critical infrastructure. The sightings have put intense pressure on federal
agencies to provide more information about the aircraft, as officials
have urged common emphasized there was no evidence suggesting the
sightings pose a security threat. Okay, so what the hell
is going on? I mean, if they can tell us
that there's no problem, why can't they tell us what
it is? And they're all sort of agreeing that this

is not a big deal with then they they must
know what it is, So tell us what it is,
or tell us that you know for sure what it is,
but you're not going to tell us the specifics. At
least they could do that, right FBI and DHS issued
a few days ago joint statements saying there's no evidence
the drones pose a national security or public safety threat
or have a foreign nexus. Well, sounds like they know
what they are, so just say we know what they are,

it's classified, don't worry about it. But that would mean
that they would take the hit from people who would say,
hold on a second, why are you doing this at
this stage of the Biden administration. Why doesn't you know
the Trump team has no idea what's going on? How
important could this really be to be unsettling things just
weeks before the transition is supposed to happen. But it

also goes to the complete lack of faith in government
institutions that so many people have now, which is understandable.
I think faith in government institutions has never been lower,
and faith in Donald Trump's ability to fix them has
never been higher. So that's the good news. But there's
something obviously very wrong that is going on here when FBI,

DHS the assumption that we have is that they're lying.
The assumption that I think people, not even just Republicans,
people on both sides come to about all this is
there's something up here, there's some sort of a scam
afoot with the government. They cannot be trusted, including national
security agencies. In fact, maybe more so than anything else,

national security agencies.

Speaker 2 (16:39):
Of the CDC is pretty awful too.

Speaker 1 (16:42):
So yeah, I think that this is showing us once
again the inaptitude of the Biden administration, the lack of
public faith and institutions. And then you get to what
could these drones actually be. I have heard all these,
some theories that are plausible, some are kind of crazy.
I honestly have no idea. My belief is these drones

are some kind of government program that one agency is
running some kind of a surveillance with and they don't
want to talk about it, and so they've told the
White House to just say nothing. And the White House
is too weak right now under Biden to pick a
fight or to tell them not to or that's the

best I can come up with. If it turned out
that this was actually foreign then I don't know. I mean,
the Democrats do they have any more credibility to lose
at this point? Probably not, So that's my best guess
on it. I really don't know, though, I mean, I'm
not a drone guy. I've never even flown a drone.
Probably would be fun to fly drone around a little
bit another drone operators. It gives you amazing footage, you know,

think about like natural like wildlife footage. Now even footage
of properties and landscapes and things you can do with
drones pretty incredible. So yeah, it's a crazy world of
technology we live in. Hopefully this isn't the Russians getting
some huge technological advantage on us or something. I don't
think it is. I think that's all. It's not little
green men because aliens don't exist. Can argue with me,

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