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December 23, 2024 • 14 mins
Buck Sexton discusses the horrifying case of an illegal immigrant from Guatemala, previously deported, who set a woman on fire in a New York City subway car. This unthinkable act highlights the dangers of unchecked illegal immigration and the failures of enforcement. Buck also examines President Biden's decision to commute the sentences of 37 federal death row inmates, including individuals convicted of terrorism and heinous crimes. How does this reflect on the administration's stance on justice and public safety? Plus, Buck shares insights on the priorities for the incoming Trump administration, including the critical need for mass deportations and restoring law and order.

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
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Speaker 2 (00:20):
And already deported illegal immigrant lights a woman on fire,
kills for the New York City subway system, and Biden
is commuting everybody on federal death row. Pretty much will
dive into this one of our last Buck briefs of
the year. Let's start with this absolutely monstrous attack in

the New York City subway system. Burned a woman to death.
An illegal, an illegal Guatemalan, an illegal alien from Guatemala
lit a woman, a sleeping woman on fire in a.

Speaker 1 (00:56):
Subway car as she's dead.

Speaker 2 (00:58):
One of the most horrific and painful ways that a
person could die imaginable in the New York City subway system.
We won't show the video here because it is too horrific,
but there is video of the woman on fire, and
it is absolutely it is the stuff of nightmares. And

it just happened on the f train in New York City,
a train I have taken hundreds, if not thousands of times.
It is a reminder to all New Yorkers just how
absolutely lawless these subways can be and also a reminder
of the whole country of the costs of pandering to

illegals for so many years. The most important thing that
Donald Trump can do, that the new administration can do
in twenty twenty five is to port every legal alien
criminal out of the country, every single one out of
the country gone. That's the single most important policy agenda

item for Donald Trump and his whole team. I have
been told by all of them, including the President himself,
that they will do this and that they will pursue this.
But I think we all understand what the stakes are here.
Our country was in the process of being completely given
away by the Democrats, absolutely horrific stuff, and people have suffered.

People have suffered murders, rapes, all kinds of heinous crimes
from illegals who should have been deported, many of whom
were in custody, many of whom have already committed crimes.
They should have been expelled right away.

Speaker 1 (02:42):
They were not.

Speaker 2 (02:43):
An affirmative decision was made by the government, the same
government that says if you don't pay your taxes, you
go to prison. If you do any number of minor
process crimes, you can go to prison. If you're a
J six defendant and you walked in the capitol, you
go to prison. That same government, that same government says
illegals can get away with all this stuff. Why because

to enforce our immigration laws as racist and nothing is
worse than the charge of racism, right, or rather, nothing
is worse than being called a racist, even if it
is false, as it is. When we talk about enforcing
immigration laws, these are laws duly passed by Congress. Every
country around the world that anybody wants to go to,

and even a lot that don't have people that want
to go to them have borders, have immigration laws. They're
able to enforce them. No one says it is racist.
But no, we have to be full of white guilt
in this country. We have to be the welfare state
for the whole Third world. Everybody gets to come here,
everybody gets, they get to not learning this English, they
get to not obey our laws, they get to not

actually be net benefit, a net benefit to.

Speaker 1 (03:52):
The American people, the American.

Speaker 2 (03:54):
People of all different races, creeds, colors, And we're supposed
to just sit here and take it no more, no more.
This illegal was deported, the one who committed the heinous
crime in the New York City subway system. Lit a
woman on fire. Think about that, Actually, don't think about it.
You have nightmares. It's the most horrific thing imaginable.

Speaker 1 (04:14):
She died.

Speaker 2 (04:14):
Litter on fire, immolation. This guy was already deported from
the country, he was already sent back to Guatemala, and
then he snuck back into the country. Let me be clear,
that's a felony. If you're deported and you come back,
that's a felony. And I bring it up just because
they should have been on the lookout for this guy.

They should have been able to pick him up. They
should have been able to put him in a federal
prison for ten years and then send him to what
themal He should have been on the streets at all.
But the law, these laws aren't enforced, and YPD is
not allowed to enforce these laws. It's a disgrace, Honestly,
it is such a disgrace. And then there's Biden, speaking
of disgrace, commuting sentences, including of child rape and murderers,

child rapists and murderers. That's what Biden's doing on.

Speaker 1 (05:07):
His way out the door. We'll get to this yere
in a second. Look. I understand that bills are piling up.
For a lot of people.

Speaker 2 (05:12):
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Speaker 1 (05:19):
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Speaker 2 (05:19):
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Speaker 1 (05:30):
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Speaker 2 (05:32):
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Biden commutes the most federal death sentences ever thirty seven inmates.
Now we're going to serve life without parole. There are

three involved in cases of terrorism and hate motivated mass murder.

Speaker 1 (06:17):
That still face execution.

Speaker 2 (06:20):
So this is what Biden's decided to do to talk about,
you know, undermining our justice system and also just our basic.

Speaker 1 (06:27):
Sense of justice.

Speaker 2 (06:31):
You know, this is this is a moment where you
see what the Democrat Party is really doing. They want
to tear down everything that is civilized and defend civilization
in this country. They are communists at in their heart,
they are communists. Honestly, they don't think that criminals are
the bad people. The people that tell you criminals are
the bad people, those are the bad people like me

and you, And they want to do something like this.
And you'd say, the people who are on federal death
row are guilty. They've been adjudicated guilty, they're guilty beyond
a reasonable doubt. They've had many appeals. It's almost impossible
to get on federal death throw. It's really hard. You
have to be a really truly horrific and one hundred
percent guilty person. But this, this is the Democrat Party on.

Speaker 1 (07:15):
The way out.

Speaker 2 (07:17):
The Democrat Party has decided to show you, or the
Biden regime has decided to show you they are lawless.
They are on the side of chaos and barbarians and savages,
and they like to They do this because I think
it makes them feel good about themselves. And also they're
deeply insecure. There's something off about the psychology about the

mentality of these democrats, and so they do things like this.
Joe Biden does something like this. I think that the
death penalty is something that reasonable people can have some
disagreements on it and the application of it, But when
you're looking at.

Speaker 1 (07:55):
The individuals, some of the people that have have done this.

Speaker 2 (07:59):
First of all, are always told all about the people
that are that are innocent.

Speaker 1 (08:03):
I mean, does I didn't really think any of.

Speaker 2 (08:04):
These federal death penalty now off death penalty death row
individuals were innocent.

Speaker 1 (08:09):

Speaker 2 (08:10):
They also love to lie to you about people being
executed in places. There's this whole movement of people I
just saw this recently, whole movement of people that will
in the most obvious case of extreme guilt possible, right,
I mean, where no human being with two brain cells
surrupted together could think someone's innocent. There's this whole Apparatus
Innocence project and all this, and they come together and

they and they just start bleeding online about how this
guy there's reasonable doubt this guy was innocent, undermining the system,
doing the work of the demons, honestly undermining justice, undermining
morality and decency itself by making it all so confusing. Well,
I guess nothing is we can never know, right, How
can you have any justice if you can never know?

That's their attitude. But of course they could know, like
Jay six people, they knew all they're terrible, lock them
up twenty years, twenty years guys who aren't even there,
twenty years ferginal conspiracy that they'll do lock up J
six people if they don't like your politics.

Speaker 1 (09:08):
This is just this is like all the communy.

Speaker 2 (09:10):
This is communists in the Chinese Communist Revolution, the Soviet Revolution.
Find me a communist revolution anywhere. And if they don't
like you, you're to be destroyed. If you're a monster
who murders lots of people, I don't know, Maybe you
serve a purpose. That's the way they do this. Just
what could be more demonic than that? What could serve
the purposes of evil better than such a grotesque embrace

of injustice. And you know, Biden is a feeble dementia
adult fool. As we all know, he was always dumb
and now he's demented and dumb. And they just show
you who they are on the way out. I mean,
the Democrat Party is really unrepentant for how horrific they
have been, not just a Trump, but how horrific they've

been in power. And their tears, their sadness is a
wonderful thing because it is justice.

Speaker 1 (10:06):
They should be deeply upset. They should be.

Speaker 2 (10:11):
Feeling terrible about things because they've earned it. And with
things like what what Biden just did? I mean, you know,
commuting the sentences of death row inmates.

Speaker 1 (10:20):
Probably because it's racist. What have you know?

Speaker 2 (10:22):
I don't even know what the races are of the
death row, and it doesn't matter. It's racist, that's what
they'll say. You know, this is the ultimate fallback of
the morons. It's just like in the communist revolutions. They're
against the revolution, so anything is justified then it's it's
really it's crazy when you think about it. Look, if
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dot Com paid for by wide Mote Research. Now on
the on the good news side of things right now.
I gotta tell you, I was happy to see my
friend Bridge Colby has been named a Deputy Secretary of Defense.

So this new Trump administration is coming in and putting
some great people in some key positions. You know, Bridge
and I go go way back. It's pretty funny. Actually,
I think back to this now. I was just a
little junior CIA guy, junior analyst, not that wasn't my title,
but you know, I was in my early twenties, twenty

four to twenty five. Ridge, I think at that time
was maybe either I forget. I think he was at
the State Department for a little while, but we would
occasionally cross paths in d C have a drink. We
always got along very well. Like this guy's sharp, he's
he's going places, and I was going to be I
think other under secretary of Deputy Secretary of Defense for policy,
which is a very important position of the Pentagon policy

planning or policy. And I think he's gonna do a
great job. So, you know, that makes me. That's encouraging.
There's some encouraging news on the you know, how things
are going to go here in the final stages of transition.

Speaker 1 (12:44):
Makes me happy, I've got to say. And the other
thing I want.

Speaker 2 (12:47):
To share with all of you is that I really
do I really wanted to circle back to it's all
about these deportations. Getting the deportations done absolutely critical. Has
to turn this around, has to change the incentive structure.
Tom Holman, the fate of the nation is kind of
on Tom and Trump's shoulders, and they have to get
this done because if we continue to be a place

that takes in ten million every four years illegals were,
it's not America anymore. I don't know what this place is.
It's just not America anymore. I'm already worried that maybe
it isn't the America we thought we were living in,
based on how lawless it has been and how much
of a destruction of our sovereignty has already occurred. But
I'm hopeful that Trump and his team can fix this

and also get us out of backing and endless war
in Ukraine. And you know, the people that have been
pushing with that war the whole time, they're going to say, well,
he stopped Ukraine from becoming part of Russia. Well, a
part of Ukraine's going to become part of Russia probably,
and how many people have died in this conflict and
how much earlier could it have been ended? Those aure
be the questions we'll want to focus on. Our sponsors,
the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. They wish you

a blessed beginning of the holiday season as you gather
with your families, grateful for the blessings that God has
given us. It's also remember those who are facing hardships
and a need of fellowship right now. Israelis are particularly
thankful to the Fellowship for food and basic assistance, life
saving items, and your gift of twenty five dollars will
help provide a food box an elderly or a Jewish
elderly Jew or a Jewish family who are suffering and

in desperate need. A gift of one hundred dollars will
help provide four of these life saving food boxes this
holiday season.

Speaker 1 (14:19):
Please consider standing with Israel and the Jewish people.

Speaker 2 (14:22):
Go to support IFCJ dot org to make a gift
now that SUPPORTIFCJ dot org.

Speaker 1 (14:27):
We're called to give an eight a.

Speaker 2 (14:29):
Eight four eight eight IFCJ that's eight eight eight four
eight eight four three two five one more pod for
the year, my friends, chill time
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