All Episodes

January 21, 2025 • 32 mins

Peter Schweizer,  President of the Government Accountability Institute and Host of the Drill Down Podcast, and author of many NYTime’s Best Sellers, including Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans and the book that exposed the Bidens and more.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Stay right here for our final news roundup and information overload.
All right News Roundup, Information overload. Our toll free Here's
on number is eight hundred and ninety four one Sean
if you want to be a part of the program.
So Joe Biden pardons his family, he pardons the JA
six Committee, he pardons Fauci, he pardons General Millie. We've

gone over a lot of details involving every one of
these cases. But I guess the greatest hypocrisy is the
whole issue of preemptive pardons. And if you go back
to twenty twenty, when it was being discussed only by
the media. I don't recall Donald Trump talking about it himself.
He might have, I don't know. I don't recall it independently.

But Democrats they were apoplectic. They were livid, they were angry,
They couldn't believe it. They thought it was unconstitutional. Here's
Adam Schiff and Chucky Schumer speaking out when Donald Trum
might have done it and what they thought of preemptive pardons.
They think very differently today. What a shock list it.

Speaker 2 (01:07):
Have you ever heard of somebody getting a preemptive pardon
who was innocent of all crime.

Speaker 3 (01:13):
Who's just an innocent person?

Speaker 4 (01:14):
Have you ever heard of that?

Speaker 2 (01:15):
Just somebody getting a blanket pardon and they're an innocent person.
But no, here, it's an effort not only to prospectively
pardon people for things they have not yet been charged
with and may never be charged with, but also it's
the president's own family.

Speaker 5 (01:31):
President's reportedly asking his staff whether he can issue preemptive
pardons for himself his family members. Rudy Giuliani, there's a
simple answer, No, No, mister president. That would be a
gross abuse of the presidential pardon authority.

Speaker 1 (01:48):
A gross abuse of the presidential authority. Now Adam Schiff
went first, How ironic that Adam Schiff was one of
the recipients of these preemptive pardons.

Speaker 4 (01:59):
Kind of can't make this up. And then the guy
that gave.

Speaker 1 (02:02):
These pardons, former president I like saying that, Joe Biden.
Here's him in twenty twenty bashing the issue of preemptive pardons.

Speaker 6 (02:12):
What a shock Listen, Does this concern you all, these
preemptive pardons, Well, it's it concerns me in terms of
what kind of precedence sets and how the.

Speaker 7 (02:24):
Rest of the world looks as us as a nation
of laws and injustice. You're not going to see an
our administration that kind of approach to pardons.

Speaker 1 (02:37):
You're not going to see it in my administration now
when you think about it, and I don't really think
there's been much analysis as to, you know, why Joe
had to do this to his extended family, and you know,
there's been so little coverage of the Biden family syndicate.
We've covered it in great specificity, great detail. How many

times have we had on James Comer and Jim Jordan
House Judiciary Committee members Chairman Jordan and Peter Schweizer who
wrote Secret Empires and exposed all of.

Speaker 4 (03:14):
This back in the day.

Speaker 1 (03:16):
But I really have not heard a lot of analysis,
you know, because when you go back a number of
years and we've been unpeeling the layers of the onion
and then you've got Elena Batarina and three point five
million dollars and then you know, millions and millions more
invested in some real estate venture with zero experience hunter.

You know, that's what made Joe Biden's comments about American
oligarchs somewhat laughable, because the Biden family, you know, they
were getting money from Russian oligarchs and Kazakhstan out oligarchs,
and Ukrainian oligarchs and Chinese oligarchs, and you know they
got filthy rich in this. But if you go back

to the Biden family syndicate and this, you know here,
look at Joe Biden himself, he should have pardoned himself
and more relatives of Biden. You know, I think will
be exposed eventually for having received money from these foreign entities.
Now you can take it a step further, and that
is what Alan Dershowitz said, and at New Gingrich referenced

it earlier in the program today, and that is that
on this issue, once you take that money, I'm sorry,
once you take that pardon, they already took the money.
At that point, you lose your ability to plead the fifth.
That means that everybody that got a pardon now can
be investigated by Congress and they're going to have to

answer those questions or they will be in contempt of Congress.
And if you think that doesn't matter, tell that to
Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro. Anyway, the guy that broke
this story wide open from day one, Peter Schweitzer, is
with us now Secret Empires, only one of his many
best selling books. Peter, great to have you, my friend.

Speaker 8 (05:04):
How are you always? Great to be with you? Sean?
Thanks so much for having me.

Speaker 1 (05:08):
All right, let's talk about first your reaction. And you know,
Joe Biden I think left himself vulnerable, although I think
he's so. I think the her report probably nailed it.
That any jury would see him as a nice old
man that's very forgetful, meaning in complete cognitive decline, which
I predict is going to rapidly progress because probably whatever

they were using to prop him up, I'm sure it
was just caffeine. I'm sure it was nothing stronger than that.
You know, I'm sure it wasn't adderall or any would
I wouldn't believe that if you paid me a million dollars.
But so he's not going to be that vulnerable. But
there might be other family members, isn't that So?

Speaker 7 (05:52):

Speaker 8 (05:53):
I think there is. I mean, look, the first thing
that stands out with the pardon in the last minute yesterday,
in his earlier pardon of Hunter is that these are
all people that owned LLC's connected LLC's that received money
through this scheme. So that's where I think he came
up with a punch list of the family members who

were given this pardon. The second thing that stands out, Sean,
is the date. They are very specific dates. If you
look at the pardon Hunter and the other family members,
the pardon deals with any criminal activity beginning January first,
twenty fourteen going forward.

Speaker 1 (06:31):
Why oh, the Barisma years. Is that what you're about
to tell me?

Speaker 8 (06:35):
Exactly? Borisma, China and Russia. Elina Batarina sent the money
in the spring of twenty fourteen. The remember it was
in December of twenty thirteen that Hunter and Joe Biden
flew on Air Force too to China, and that deal
was consummated when in January of twenty fourteen. The Ukraine
money started flowing in April of twenty fourteen. So the

subpoenas specifically lines up with these foreign deals that you
and I have been talking about since twenty eighteen. That
the Biden said there was nothing too. But here's the
other side of it, Sean. That's curious to me. It covers,
in the case of Hunter Biden, all crimes going up
to December of last year, and for these other family

members up until yesterday when he signed it. So that
opens the question of what other activities might the family
have been been involved in. You've got, of course Hunter's
art deals, right, This would cover any irregularities involving his
sale of art deals. It also covers another curious time period, Sean,

and that's when Joe Biden had that disastrous debate performance
against Donald Trump, and then for about a month he's
resisting calls to step down. Hunter Biden is with him
in the White House, and I believe, I don't have
any direct evidence, I believe that the Biden family negotiated
financial deals to secure Joe Biden's exit as candidates in

the November election, and this would cover any sort of
deals that might have been done at that time. So
this was precisely written to deal exactly with these kinds
of deals we've been talking about all these years.

Speaker 1 (08:19):
Let me go to legal scholar, Harvard Professor Alan Durschwitz
warning Democrats that these blanket pardons for Biden issued for
the most prominent members of the syndicate won't preclude the
Republican Congress from sending out subpoenas for major players to
testify about the Biden family syndicate and their global shakedown racket,

and what he said yesterday is Biden now has opened
his family to potential jeopardy with sweeping pardons.

Speaker 4 (08:52):
And anyway, he went on to warn that while.

Speaker 1 (08:54):
The pardons protected the Biden family from criminal charges, they
also cost the Biden the ability to plead the Fifth
should Congress subpoena them. Now, I can't imagine any scenario
where the likes of James Comer, who just came out
with apparently a best selling book on this very topic,
and all the research that they did in the Judiciary Committee,

I don't suspect he's going to let it go. I
don't suspect that Jim Jordan's gonna let it go. I
think I know these guys pretty well. So now if
Congress does subpoena them, they're going to have to testify.
They can't plead the fifth and Biden's brothers, brother and
son and others will be called before these committees. And

one of the reasons the President gave them the pardon
is he doesn't want his relatives and friends to be
subject to the expense of massive investigation.

Speaker 4 (09:46):
You really can't stop that, Kenny, No, he can't.

Speaker 8 (09:50):
And the fact I was talking he won't mind me
saying it. I was talking with Congressman Comber earlier today
and he told me the exact same thing. That the
House Oversight Committee is continuing the investigation into the Bidens,
and that he has written to Pam Bondi, who we
all hope and believe and know is going to be
the next Attorney General, saying that the Department of Justice,

the same rule applies there. The Department of Justice can
bring in members of the Biden family, ask them questions,
and again they don't have a fifth Amendments appeal anymore
because there's no criminal jeopardy for them and Sean. This
is why it's so important. You and I have talked
about this before, but we really have to emphasize it.

Some people say, look, Joe Biden's out of office, we
shouldn't care about this anymore. But it's about justice, it's
about truth. It's also about deterring other people potentially from
doing this. You know, as we've talked about there are
questions about Gavin Newsom, about Adam Schiff and their financial

entanglements with people overseas in Washington, d C. If you
let people get away with activity that is criminal and
or corrupt, and they do not pay a price for it.
Other people are going to imitate it. So this problem's
not going away just because the Bidens are leaving. Somebody
else at some point is going to be approached or

is going to approach somebody overseas as a scheme to
get their family rich, and they're going to look at
the Bidens and say, well, the Biden's never paid a
penalty for it, so why shouldn't we do it. So
we absolutely have to do this. It's not just about
looking past and getting Joe Biden. It is ultimately about
preserving the integrity of our political leadership from these kinds

of schemes.

Speaker 1 (11:38):
Quick break right back. We'll continue more with Peter Schweitzer
on the other side. Our town hall with Speaker Johnson
House Republicans tonight at nine and then Donald Trump's first
interview in the Oval Office. That'll be Wednesday night. Busy,
busy time in DC. As we continue, right, we continued
with Peter Sweitzer. He exposed the Biden family, sending it

from day one, I am not as outraged over the
preemptive pardon issue as other conservatives are, and I'm going
to tell you why, and maybe I'm thinking long ball
here in a major way is we never saw anything
as bad as the weaponization of the DOJ and the

how the weaponization of the FBI and the intelligence community.

Speaker 4 (12:27):
Then what they did to Donald Trump.

Speaker 1 (12:30):
And my thought is, Okay, now they kicked the door
wide open, and maybe it'll experience a court challenge. We'll
see over time. Regardless of that. At least now the
precedent has been set. And what is any Democrat going
to say if Donald Trump leaves office this time and says,
I'm not going through the hell you put me through

last time. I'm pardoning everybody on the way out the door,
even if they did nothing wrong.

Speaker 7 (12:58):

Speaker 8 (12:58):
I mean, you make a great point, Shawn. This is
unfortunately the new normal. And and for all of the
screaming and yelling that people in Washington have been saying
that Donald Trump was the one that was throwing aside
all the norms and you know, he was breaking all
these room rules and these understandings that have been in place,

it's actually Joe Biden that's done it. I mean, he
used law fair to go after his political opponents, Donald Trump,
and he is now using the law to shelter his
family from a legitimate inquiry, an inquiry by the way,
that started during the Trump administration, not by Donald Trump,
but by people within the Department of Justice, and something

that Joe Biden has consistently lied about and obstructed about.
So I agree with you from the standpoint that it
is it is the new normal, which is terrible. But
I'm still angered about it because this is this is
a dangerous place for our country to be where you
have a political leader, a president of the United States,

who in my mind, was clearly clearly involved in a
corrupt enrichment scheme for his family to the tune of
tens of millions of dollars. And by the way, was
he getting it from Wall Street or Big Oil, which
would have been bad enough. He was getting it from
our foreign adversaries. And he has figured out a way
to make sure that his family's not going to suffer

any legal consequences. So what we have to do is
make sure the truth gets out and that people are
aware of what happened, every single raw detail, so that
at least history will fully understand what this man has done,
and his reputation will be severely damaged beyond the fact

that he just was a terrible president.

Speaker 1 (14:45):
Well as the head of the Government Accountability Institute. It
is important that the record be shown that you broke
this story. You were the one to first shed light
on this story, and we wouldn't know about any of
it if not for your diligent research, hard work and dedication.
Peter Schweitzer, Thank you, my friend. Appreciate your time. We'll

see how this unfolds. Take a minute here, let's go
to the White House where the President is going to
talk about infrastructure and apparently take some questions from the press,
and we'll carry this live.

Speaker 7 (15:19):
Thank you very much, and it's an honor to be
here today.

Speaker 4 (15:22):
We have.

Speaker 7 (15:24):
First full day as president. We're back and we had
a great first term, but we're going to have an
even better second term, and I think we're going to
do things that people would be shocked at. We're starting
off with tremendous investment coming into our country at levels
that nobody's really ever seen before. And they're very happy

with the fact that I won the race and that
they feel confident in their investments. And it's big money
and high quality people. So my first stay back from
from having a nice life, it's my honor to welcome
three of the world's leading technology CEOs. And in the

case of Larry Larry Ellison, it's well beyond technology is
sort of CEO of everything. He's an amazing man, an
amazing business person. But to announce the largest AI infrastructure
project by far in history, and it's all taking place
right here in America. As you know, there's great competition

for AI and other things, and they're coming in at
the highest level. We're joined by Oracle Executive chairman Larry Ellison,
SoftBank CEO, my friend Masa Masa Yoshi's son and CEO
of Open Ai, and I would say the by far

the leading expert based on everything I read, Sam Altman.
So that's great that you're coming in together. That's a
massive group of talent and money. Together these world leading
technology giants are announcing the formation of Stargate. So put
that name down in your books, because I think you're

going to hear a lot about it in the future.
A new American company that will invest five hundred billion
dollars at least in AI infrastructure in the United States
and very very quickly, moving very rapidly, creating over one
hundred thousand American jobs, almost immediately. This monumental undertaking is

a resounding declaration of confidence in America's potential under a
new president. Let me be a new president. I didn't
say it, they did, so I appreciate that fellaws, but
it'll sure the future of technology. What we want to
do is we want to keep it in this country.
China is a competitor and others are competitors. We want

we wanted to be in this country, and we're making
it available. I'm going to help a lot through emergency declarations.
Because we have an emergency. We have to get the
stuff built. So they have to produce a lot of electricity,
and we'll make it possible for them to get that
production done very easily at their own plants. If they

want where they'll build at the plant, the AI plant,
they'll build energy generation and that will be incredible. But
it's technology and artificial intelligence all made in the USA.
Beginning immediately, Stargate will be building the physical and virtual

infrastructure to power the next generation of advancements in AI.
And this will include the construction of colossal data centers,
very very massive structures. I was in the real estate business.
These buildings, these a big, beautiful buildings, they're going to
employ a lot of people, and physical campuses and locations
currently being scouted nationwide. They're making their choices of locations.

I think they have their choice. I'd like to ask Larry,
Sam and Masa to say a few words and just
talk about a little bit about what they're doing and
if you have any questions, and then we'll go into
a couple of other subjects also. But this is to
me a very big thing, five hundred billion dollar stargate project.

I think it's going to be something that's very special.
It'll lead to something that could be the biggest of all.
So Larry, maybe we'll start with you and we'll go
down the line.

Speaker 9 (19:38):
Thank you, Thank you, mister President. We certainly couldn't do
this without you. It would simply be impossible. AI holds
an incredible promise for all of us, for every American.
We've actually been been working with Open Ali for a while,
Massa for a while. The data centers are actually under construction.

The first of them are under instruction in Texas. Each
building is a half a million square feet. There are
ten buildings currently currently being built, but that will expand
to twenty and other locations beyond the Abilene location, which
is which is our first location. The kind of applications
that we're building to give you an idea, maybe the
most charismatic and the one that I think touches us.

Speaker 7 (20:20):
All is.

Speaker 9 (20:24):
Electronic health records. Not just maintaining electronic health records, but
by looking at electronic health records, understanding the condition of
the doctors, better understanding the condition of their patients, and
being able to provide healthcare plans that are much better
than the otherwise would be. A doctor in Indian River
Reservation would be able to see how a doctor at

Memorial Sloan Kettering would treat the patient, or a doctor
at Stanford would treat the patient. We actually provide all
of that information, all of that guidance to doctors who
are treating cancer patients or or patients of any other
kind of disease made possible by AI. I'm not going
to take a lot of time. I'm gonna I'm gonna

pass it to Massa. But this is a very exciting
program for Oracle to be a part of. Thank you,
thank you, help you.

Speaker 7 (21:21):
That's good. That's great.

Speaker 10 (21:24):
I feel toold now. Thank you well, mister president. Uh,
that's that's Massa. I came to celebrate your winning and
promised that we will invest one hundred Vidio dollars and
you told me, oh, Massa, go for two hundred. Now

I came back with five hundred.

Speaker 5 (21:50):

Speaker 10 (21:51):
Because because this is the as you say yesterday, this
is the beginning of Golden Age of America. This is
one great example, I think, right, we wouldn't have decided
to do this. This is the beginning of gold age.
We wouldn't have decided unless you won't. And yesterday we agree,

we signed to make this happen because of this day.
So we would make this happen. We would immediately start
deploying one hundred billion dollars with the goal of making
five hundred billion dollars within the next four years within

your town, right because of your success. So we are
very very excited to do this. And our partner is
of course Soft Bank, Open Oracle and additionally investing partner
with MGX. On top of that, we have technology partner

MBDIA and of course Microsoft has been very very supportive
to Sam and continue to support all our success. This
is not just for business, as Rady said, this will
help people's life. This will help solving many many issues, difficult,

things that otherwise we could not have solved with the
power of AI. I think AGA is coming very very soon,
and after that, that's not the goal. After that, artificial
super intelligence will come to solve the issues that mankind

would never ever have thought that we could solve. Well,
this is the beginning of our golden is Thank you
very much.

Speaker 3 (23:59):
I don't have too much to add, but I do
want to say I'm thrilled we get to do this
in the United States of America. I think this will
be the most important project of this era. And as
Musa said, for AGI to get built here, to create
hundreds of thousands of jobs, to create a new industry
centered here, we wouldn't be able to do this without
you and mister President, and I'm thrilled that we get
to I think it'll be an exciting project. I think

we'll be able to do all of the wonderful things
that these guys talked about. But the fact that we
get to do this in the United States is I
think wonderful.

Speaker 7 (24:28):
So thank you very much.

Speaker 11 (24:30):
See in one word, I think there's so many positive
things about what it's going to do for medical research
and for solving things cancer and all the different problems.
How will AI help us with the flight against the
various problems diseases.

Speaker 3 (24:48):
These guys can maybe share more about some of the
work they're doing there. I think they'll jointly be some
of the leaders about driving progress here. But I believe
that as this technology progresses, we will see diseases cured
an unprecedented rate. We will be amazed at how quickly
we're carrying this cancer and that one and heart disease.

Speaker 8 (25:07):

Speaker 3 (25:07):
And what this will do for the ability of to
deliver very high quality health care, the costs, but really
to cure the diseases at a rapid rapid rate, I
think will be among the most important things. This technology
does very very good.

Speaker 9 (25:27):
So we're currently working on all right, no, no, no,
I'm not I'm not that. I'm not that, I'm not
that dot I'm not done. Thank you as your president.
One of the most exciting things we're working on you
again using the tools. That's that that Sam and Massa

are providing, UH is the cancer vaccine. It's very interesting
early diet. It turns out I'll be quick all of
our cancers, uh, cancer tumors, little fragments of those tumors
float around in your blood, so you can do early
cancer detection if you can do using A, you can

do early cancer detection with a blood test and using
AI to look at the blood test, you can find
the cancers that are actually seriously threatening the person. So
we can again cancer diagnosis using AI as the promise
of just being a simple blood test. Then beyond that,

once we gene sequence, Once we gene sequence that cancer tumor,
you can then vaccinate the person. Design a vaccine for
every individual person to vaccinate them against that cancer. And
you can make that vaccine, that mr NA vaccine. You

can make that robotically again using AI in about forty
eight hours. So imagine early cancer detection, development of a
cancer vaccine for the for your particular cancer aimed at you,
and have have that vaccine available in forty eight hours.
This is the promise of AI and the promise of
the future.

Speaker 7 (27:12):
Thanks, thanks, questions, Yeah, just one second, you will finish up.
But uh, you know these are highly respected guys. I
was shocked with Larry because I don't even think Larry
does this stuff. He did a very good job for
a guy that doesn't do it much right, But he's
so respected and the group and it's it's really an honor.

But for Larry to be here and do this is
very unusual because he doesn't do this stuff. He doesn't
need it.

Speaker 10 (27:43):
He does and you don't need it, do you?

Speaker 7 (27:47):
You don't need it. But I just I think it's
an honor to the UH, to the country. It's a
great honor that this group, with these are the top
people that they they're going to do it, and they're
going to do it here, and we're going to make
it as easy as it can be. A five hundred
millionaire Stargate project comes in addition to a separate pledge

between one hundred and two hundred billion dollars from as
we know from MASA we talked about before, also twenty
billion from the MAC which was great. And we have
many others that are calling. Some might just say just
announce it. It's easier, but with some I know them
and they're so highly respected, I'd rather do it this way.

Many would like to do it this way, but we're
letting the world know what's happening. This is money that
normally would have gone to China or other countries, but
in particular China and total. Before the end of my
first full business day in Washington and the White House,
we've already secured nearly three trillion dollars of new investments

in the United States, and probably that's going to be
six or seven by the end of the week. Tremendous
amounts of money are coming in or for many things
other than even AIAI seems to be very hot. It
seems to be the thing that a lot of smart
people are looking at very strongly, and our country will
be prospering like never before. I think that's true, and

it's going to be the Golden Age of America. As
I say, yesterday we had the most ambition, ambitious, action
oriented day of any administration in history. There's never been
a first day like yesterday. As you know, I signed
a sweeping slate of executive orders to stop the invasion
of our borders. I launched a government wide effort to

defeat inflation and bring down the cost of daily life,
and bring down the cost of energy magnificently, bring it down.
And when an energy comes down, Larry I say, generally speaking,
when energy comes down, everything else comes down. The prices
of food and the prices of everything else come down.
Energy is the big that's the big baby. And we

just led a national Energy emergent to drill baby drill,
our term that we use with a drill baby drill
like never before. We ended destructive DEI mandates across the
federal government and returned to our country to a merit
based system and a common sense system. As you know,
the Supreme Court gave us a decision on merit where

things in this country can be based on merit now
instead of a lot of different rules, regulations, and things
that really put our country at a big disadvantage. We
permanently stopped government censorship and restored free speech. I was
signed yesterday. We were renamed the Gulf of Mexico the
Gulf of America. Sounds so beautiful, the Gulf of America,

and returned the name of a great president, William McKinley
to Mount McKinley. They took off the name and he
was actually a great president.

Speaker 1 (30:52):
He all with Speaker Johnson and House Republicans. That's from
the Capital tonight, and we'll come back on the other
side a lot more about this next as we continue.

Speaker 4 (31:04):
Firing torpedoes of truth at a wall of lies.

Speaker 7 (31:10):
This is the Sean Hannity Show.

Speaker 1 (31:22):
All right, that's gonna wrap things up at today. We
have an amazing Hannity tonight nine Eastern on the Fox
News Channel. We're remaining in our nation's capital as we
have a town hall speaker Johnson House Republicans. They better
understand that they're gonna succeed or fail together. And the
agenda is the Trump Agenda. We'll have that then, don't forget.

On Wednesday, the first interview with Donald Trump from the
Oval Office is Triumphant Return Atile Era Wednesday night on Hannity.
That's all the time we have for today. Thank you
for being with us, Thank you for making the show possible.
See you tonight with Mike Johnson and Republicans the town
hall from the Capitol. Back here tomorrow, Donald Trump, Tomorrow night.

I have a great night,

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