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January 17, 2025 • 32 mins

Sean reacts to President Biden saying a key regret of his administration is not taking enough credit for his team's accomplishments... what accomplishments?!  The American people were (and are) the judges of that!

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
All right, thank you Scott Shannon, and thanks to all
of you for being with us right down our toll
free telephone number. This is a historic day for this program.
It's eight hundred nine four one, Sean. If you want
to be a part of the program later on, we'll
get your thoughts, your hopes, what your dreams are, what
your desires are for the next administration. This will be

the last show radio show on seven hundred and fifty
great radio stations that we do with Joe Biden as
president and Kamala Harris as Vice president when we reconvene
on Monday. Although we'll be in the DC swamp that
part freezing cold. I'm not looking forward to Donald J.

Trump will be the forty seventh president of the United States.
My gratitude, by the way, to all of you and
all that you did, and everybody was all hands on
deck and everybody was just spoken the wheel and everybody
took it seri and you were able to ignore the
noise that is the lying and the conspiracy theory pedaling

by the likes of Rachel Maddow and Fake Jake and ABC, NBC,
CBS and The Washington Post and The New York Times
and the La Times, and you went out there in
spite of nine years of NonStop, frankly persecution.

Speaker 2 (01:26):
You know, the whole list.

Speaker 1 (01:27):
We've discussed it too often for you not to and
look what Look how excitingness is for the country. And
I keep arguing that this can be the most transformational presidency.
But you know, Democrats revert to form. We expected that
they didn't. Really, they have not laid a glove on
any nominee that has gone before them. Although I did

read a report today that Senate Democrats are trying to
delay a confirmation vote on Defense Secretary nominee Pete Hegseth,
and a desperate did to you know, find some negative
information on hag set that could torpedo his support anyway.
This Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Robert Roger Whitker told

Politico that though heg Seth has the votes, who be confirmed?

Speaker 2 (02:17):
A lot of people here, uh.

Speaker 1 (02:19):
Sense, By the way, since they get over here, uh
sense has been in the Free state of Florida all week.
And we call this winning, don't we? But because how's
the temperature been down here? What's the temperature up in
New York where you live? You got to speak into
a microphone.

Speaker 2 (02:36):
Are you getting tired of winning?

Speaker 1 (02:38):
No, I'm not getting tired. I'm not sick of winning.
I'm absolutely not sick of winning. By the way, is
that Ross behind you? That's y Ryan and his beautiful wife, Cindy. Oh,
this is Ross's girlfriend. Hi, girlfriend, how are you nice
to meet you?

Speaker 2 (02:52):
And uh?

Speaker 1 (02:53):
And Sunshine is here? How great is that? I mean,
everybody came in all together.

Speaker 2 (02:58):

Speaker 1 (02:59):
Anyway, Linda, you want to say hello to everybody. They
can't hear you, but you can say hello.

Speaker 2 (03:03):
Hi, everybody, Hi, everybody.

Speaker 1 (03:06):
Linda is excited because she wants Donald Trump. I think
I wanted him to win the most. He would argue
on that point and argue that she probably did. Anyway,
great to see you all, Welcome to stay here. Let
me just have a show to do. I have people listening.
We have seven hundred and fifty stations. Why digress like this? Well,

what's the big deal. What I love about Sense's kids
is they're both killers, Ryan and Ross, both of them.
And I'm a pretty good martial artist. I'm a situational
street fighter. We've talked at length about it. I know
some of you roll your eyes. He's talking about his
martial arts again. There he goes again. But I love it.

It's a passion. I am black and blue every part
of my body because he's been so aggressive. This all right,
stop stop, I'm doing a show. You can't do it
right now. Not a good time. But we've been training
in person and it's been a it's been a great week.
Actually we've added a lot of new things. Anyway, back
to this whole. So they want to delay the the

hegset vote, and to the extent of which they are
free to do under the rules, this is not something
that needs to get dragged out. He's got the votes.
They know he's got the votes. Jack Reid, who opposes
the confirmation, said Democrats wanted more information. We've made it
clear we feel there's more information that should be provided,
and they don't need more information. They didn't lay a

glove on Christy Nome today. She's going to be great
at the Department of Homeland Security. One thing I've learned
about Christy Nome, they've been a friend of this program.
She's been on TV. She is one tough cookie and
she's not going to take any more crap. It's not
going to have open borders with you know, radical Islamic
terrorists unvetted in the country, no more cartel members, no
more gang members, murderers, rapists. The big challenge for her,

you know, I believe we will secure the border quick
and Donald Trump will do that on day one and
begin the process of doing it on day one, and
then beyond that, I think the biggest challenge is going
to be to find these people and get rid of them.
You know, if you want to know who the biggest
losers and idiots, Richard Blumenthal, Elizabeth Warren, I mean, you know,

of course Pocahontas, as Donald Trump effectionately calls her, the
congenital liar. Adam Schiff got schooled by Pam Bondi this week.
It was great A Senator Horono also terrible moments this
week speaking to Bondi, you know, and I mean, and
some of the questions that they have put. Look what

they said to Doug Bergram, We played that yesterday. Have
you ever made an unwondered of advance against this? Was
Horno that did this. I mean, what kind of opening
question is that to somebody? Have you ever faced discipline
or entered into a settlement related to this? Kind of conduct.
You know, have you, you know, as a legal adult,

have you ever made an unwonted request for sexual favors
or committed any verbal or physical harassment or assault of
a sexual nature. I mean, how do you even answer
the stupid question like that? By the way, James Comer
is urging the soon to be Attorney General Pam Bondi
to prosecute Jim Biden for lying to Congress that issue

that referral had already taken place. The statute of limitations
have not run out. We're going to watch that very
very closely. We are officially on preemptive pardon watch. We'll
see what Joe does in the next number of days.
But Biden's now saying and claiming his biggest regret is
that he didn't spend enough time taking credit for all

those accomplishments. Okay, the American people will judge his accomplishments. Okay,
are you better off economically? Most Americans have been hammered
by inflation, hammered by high energy prices. They have been
hammered by by record interest rates. It is killing the
American people. Joe Biden, by the way, on his way

out the door, announced he is commuting twenty five hundred
criminal sentences for non violent drug offenses that he deems quote,
disproportionately long. I don't really have a big problem with
the pardoner of the power the power of the part. Sorry,
sound like Joe Biden may we're getting old James Clyburn
delusional literally thinks that Joe Biden will go down in

history as one of the greatest presidents we ever had. No,
he's gonna go down in history as one of the
worst presidents America has ever had. A Fox News poll,
over half of Americans say the Biden administration made the
economy worse.

Speaker 2 (07:44):
Not only did they make the economy.

Speaker 1 (07:46):
Worse, Ask yourself, are you more safe and secure because
of Biden and Harris Well, just look at the murderers, rapist,
cartel members, gang members, and known terrorists in the country.
And you know the answer to that. Look at Europe
or there, look at war in the Middle East, you know,
and and Joe Biden won't give Donald Trump any credit

that there might be a peace deal now in the
Middle East and the hostages would be released. Not the
best deal in the world. We'll talk to Senator Tom
Cotton about that in a little bit.

Speaker 2 (08:14):

Speaker 1 (08:14):
You can blame Biden for homelessness, you can blame Biden
for record deficits and debt. NBC News is reporting this.
That is the as Biden approaches the end of his
failed presidency quote, the White House feels like a Morgue.

Speaker 2 (08:31):

Speaker 1 (08:31):
Finally they beginning to realize that he is in significant,
real cognitive decline. Unbelievable. Anyway, Joe Biden ascended to the
highest office in America with the pledge to unite the country.
Failed on that front. What what did he do to
make anybody's life better? He entered the office as a
media darling. He had the They gave him full quarter.

They protected him the entire time, under the guise of COVID.
He hid in his basement. We pointed out that he
was a cognitive mess. Nobody wanted to pay attention to us,
and then we had got excoriated for telling the truth.
Biden defended inflation policies, and then he blamed Red States.
They really screwed up their economies. What the hell is

he talking about? You know, now he's warning about oligarchs. Well,
the Biden family knows a lot about oligarchs. They were
dealing with oligarchs out of Russia. Alena Batarina, remember that name,
he heard it often, former first Lady of Moscow three
and a half million dollars to zero experience Hunter or
the oligarch that sent the just enough money so Hunter

can get a brand new Porsche. He's warning about concentration
of wealth in America. He says he changed with the
basic formula for the economy. Yeah, we paid more for everything.
That's the biggest change that he made, and Americans have
suffered needlessly. You know, he's even taken full crew it

for the idea there's a possibility of a ceasefire and
hostages will finally be released. Look, I don't like the deal,
but I'm not going to be critical. I'm not going
to be critical of families that want their family members
back that were taken hostage October seventh, in twenty twenty three,
I'm not going to get in the way of that

deal with criticism. I refuse. Do I think that it
should be in my view? Do I think it should
be an unconditional surrender?

Speaker 2 (10:30):
I do.

Speaker 1 (10:31):
I think we'll talk to Tom Cotton about this. It
should be an unconditional surrender. And do I think that regardless.
Once those hostage hostages are free, then Israel and the
United States has every right and frankly duty and obligation
in my view, to make Gaza demilitarized. And the same

goes for Lebanon. The hooty rebels need to be neutralized,
and it goes on from there, and then you got
to deal with the head of the snake. And that's
a wrong. And Iran we keep reading reports. I have
sources telling me that they're within what four or five
six months of being having nuclear capability. That can't happen

because those radically moms would bring about a modern day holocaust.
You don't have to be Elon Musk or be a
genius or graduate from Havid or MIT to figure any
of this out. It's not that complicated. A new study
suggesting that President Trump's election, this is very interesting to me,

has kicked off a global voter revolt against left wing leaders,
and I believe that could be true.

Speaker 2 (11:42):

Speaker 1 (11:42):
We saw a realignment with Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Pope
John Paul the Second at the time, and I think
we're even seeing a bigger realignment worldwide. In the US,
Western Europe, progressives are more unpopular, with their left leaning parties,
securing only forty two percent of vers inspective votes. Conservative
candidates meanwhile one fifty seven percent of the average votes,

representing the widest gap since nineteen ninety according to this analysis.
In the wake of Kamala Harris's defeat, leftist parties in Canada, Australia,
Germany already predicted to suffer similar losses and upcoming ballots.
And I'll tell you what this really is. It is
the failure that is socialism, Marxism, Stadism, redistribution. You know,

they like to do it under the guise of environmentalism,
but it's really just a socialist that what was the
New Green Deal? Everything's going to be free, cradle to grave,
womb to the two. Here's the problem with socialism. I
did a whole chapter in Live, Free, or Die about socialism,
the failure, the history, the failure of socialism. And that

includes whatever manifestation it takes on, whatever name it takes on.
Is you have promises that are made, they are never fulfilled,
You end up being more poor in the end, and
then you calculate how much freedom you lost in the process.
Donald Trump put up on truth social today. I think

he made the right decision. That is my obligation to
protect the people of our country. Before we begin, we
have the inauguration itself. The weather forecast for Washington, d C.
With the windshill factor, it's probably going to be well
below zero could take temperatures to severe record lows with
this arctic blast sweeping the country, says, I don't want

to see people hurt. I don't want to see people
injured in any way. It is dangerous conditions for the
tens of thousands of law enforcement first responders, police canines, horses,
hundreds of thousands of supporters that will be outside for many,
many hours in any event, if you decide to come,
dress warmly. Therefore, I have ordered the inaugur inauguration address,
in addition to prayers and their speeches, to be delivered

in the United States Capital Rotunda as was used by
Ronald Reagan in nineteen eighty five. Because of the very
cold weather, the various dignitaries guests will be brought into
the Capital. This will be a very beautiful experience, and
we will open the Capital one Arena on Monday for
live viewing of this historic event and to host a
presidential parade, and I will join the crowd of Capital

one after my swearing in, and then all of the
other events as scheduled. The inaugural balls will be at
one of them. We'll tell you more about that as
we continue. Anyway, eight hundred and ninety four one, Shawn
our number if you want to be a part of
the program. All right, as we roll along. But think
about this. In Canada, polls showing fire brand Conservative now
leading a little Justin's Party after the lefty leaders abrupt

resignation earlier this month. Australia's Conservative Party is also inching
ahead of its ruling Progressive government. I mean, the world
is changing and Donald Trump hasn't even been sworn in.
Now Trump is expected to head to tap the head
of his security detail. It's somebody that I happened to

know after the disaster at Butler with Kimberly Cheatle and
after the disaster at Trump International. Sean Kerrn is the
guy and a close acquaintance of Trump, loved by the
Trump family, and I have every believe he can get
the Secret Service back under control. Apparently, Donald Trump and
President She had a pre inaugural call. I'll give you

the details of that when we come up. Also, his
latest pull number show that he's now rating far higher
than he was in January twenty seventeen.

Speaker 2 (15:48):
This is what's right with America.

Speaker 1 (15:51):
You're listening to the Sean Hannity Show, all right, twenty
five now till the top of the hour, toll free.

Speaker 2 (15:58):
It is. What did you say to me? I did
not hear you. I'm sorry.

Speaker 3 (16:03):
I was just telling you to do your read.

Speaker 2 (16:05):
Do your read bus I'm doing. I'm doing my read.
How you doing? How's things in? I don't? All right?

Speaker 1 (16:11):
Pennsylvania? Are you in New York of Pennsylvania?

Speaker 2 (16:16):
This week?

Speaker 3 (16:16):
I did New York and Pennsylvania so that I was
properly prepared for all elements of DC.

Speaker 2 (16:23):
Okay, you know what d C is gonna be.

Speaker 1 (16:24):
It's gonna be freezing, freezing, freezing, freezing cold.

Speaker 2 (16:30):
I like it.

Speaker 3 (16:31):
The cold keeps all the weirdness inside. Only the brave
will brave the cold.

Speaker 1 (16:36):
Oh okay, So that means you go to a restaurant
or you want to have a drink one night, good luck.

Speaker 3 (16:41):
That's not exactly what I mean.

Speaker 2 (16:43):
That's not exactly what I mean. Okay, Well, all the
lunatics will be there.

Speaker 3 (16:47):
They won't even walk to the restaurant.

Speaker 2 (16:51):
They won't walk to the rest of the walk because
you can't walk.

Speaker 3 (16:55):
You gotta walk everywhere because Secret Service is closing down
the streets. We don't even know the street cliw yet,
so we're all training it and playing it in.

Speaker 1 (17:03):
I got to get a box of tow warmers and
hand warmers, pair of gloves and all this crap. I mean,
I'm leaving seventy degree temperature for this, hey man, A
price of freedom Monday. It's the price of freedom.

Speaker 2 (17:17):
True. If that's the price I have to pay, it's
it is well worth it, exactly.

Speaker 1 (17:22):
I don't have to, but I don't have to live
there forever. We do have a lot of announcements of
things that are coming up, but I'm going to hold
it back for now. One big announcement. You voted big
government out, you voted a phishing government in. Thank you,
And one way you can save money because we'll still
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wireless company. Now, we have a lot of good things
on the program today. Our buddy Stephen A. Smith is
on Hannity last night and he feels like he was
misled about Kamala Harris and he felt sad watching Joe
Biden give his farewell address and I'm not sure why.
And Steven and I have a great relationship and he's
a dear friend of mine. And it's interesting. Whenever I

talk sports on this program, he'll text me. If I
talk sports on TV, he'll text me, Hannity, stay in
your lane. And whenever he talks politics, I write him
and I'm like, will you please stay in your lane,
which is sports? But I think he's I think there's
an awakening happening. Glinda, do you sense this too. You've
been You've actually been friends with steven A longer than

I've been friends with steven A.

Speaker 3 (19:36):
I think that stephen A is representative of a lot
of people and how they feel, you know, even Charlottemagne,
who I'm have a lot of feelings about. But you know,
these are just people that feel like dang, you know,
like we were wrong and they really tried to lie
to the entire party. And we're not asleep at the
switch anymore. We're paying attention to steven A's credit. Though

stephen A has always been informed you know, he's been
a writer, you know, and he's kind of he's he's
an equal opportunity hater, he's an independent I just think
now he's really kind of seen the light. And after
the speech the other night, he's like, oh, come on, man,
like it was. It was embarrassing.

Speaker 1 (20:14):
It was it was embarrassing, but it really did embody
everything that I had been saying since early twenty twenty,
and that this man is not cognitively up to the job.
And I wish I was wrong. I wish he was
cognitively up to the job, but he's not. President elect
Trump had a what's described by the Epic Times as

a productive call with President she of China. The call
was very good for both China and the US, he
said on social media. On truth Social he said, the
conversation covered balancing trade, fentanyl, a Chinese media platform TikTok,
and many other subjects. It's my expectations that we will
solve many problems together and starting immediately. The call follows

confirmation that she has said, and his deputy to Trump
swearing in ceremony on his behalf. Donald Trump extended the
invitation to cheat to come. It wouldn't usually be normal
for the president of China to come.

Speaker 2 (21:12):
Anyway. So Trump will enter.

Speaker 1 (21:14):
Office with a far higher approval rating than he had
in twenty seventeen. One interesting thing, I have off the
record knowledge of some of what happened here. But let
me let me see how I can extend some of
this knowledge to you without revealing too much. Eric Adams

was at mari A Lago.

Speaker 2 (21:38):

Speaker 1 (21:40):
Eric Adams is getting along with Donald Trump. I really
believe that Eric Adams thought when when Harrison Biden opened
the borders, that it would be the compassionate thing to
do to welcome people into the country. And then it
became an unmitigated disaster, and then it became cost prohibitive,

and you had people sleeping on the streets, and you
had more violent crime than ever before. And he made
a reversal, and then, interestingly the timing of this, then
all of a sudden they started going after him and
everybody else. I think this relationship is real. That's about

as far as I can go. Milania Trump said that
when she first went to the White House in twenty seventeen,
she said, it was very challenging. We didn't have much information.
The information was withheld from US, and she's talking about
Michelle Obama and Barack Obama, and she said, but this time,

I have everything. It's a very different transition this time
the second time around, and this time I've had everything.
And she's ready to spend a lot of her time,
she said in Washington, d C. Which I think is
great news. Donald Trump named Sylvester still Loan, mel Gibson
and John Void as ambassadors to troubled Hollywood. I can't
think of three better people. I don't see anybody so far.

They haven't really laid a glove on anybody. I think
they're saving their biggest fire, probably for cash.

Speaker 2 (23:15):
For tell.

Speaker 1 (23:16):
I'm not sure why they want a weaponized and politicized
that BI like they've had under call Me and Director
Ray turned a blind eye to all of the illegal
immigration that was going on in the country. And as
the leader of the what was once the world's premier
law enforcement agency, he should have been enforcing the law.

President Biden today put out today, I am affirming what
I have long believed and what three fourths of the
states have ratified. The twenty eighth Amendment is the law
of the land, guaranteeing all Americans' equal rights and protections
under the law regardless of sex. In other words, the
Equal Rights Amendment is now law of the land. There's

a problem because there's actually a timeline and a history
and a process to amending the Constitution. And Biden said
that he believes the Equal Rights Amendment met the requirements
of ratification, but his remarks are frankly symbolic. Every legal
scholar that's worth listening to is saying the same thing.

He even declined to order the government to finalize the
process by officially publishing it. That's a move that would
invite legal challenges. So under the Constitution, Biden does not
have a direct role in improving amendments. And if you
listen to the National Archivist, he said last month they
could not certify the amendment due to established legal, judicial,

and procedural decisions. The amendment would guarantee equality for women,
improving pay equality, strengthening domestic violence and sexual harassment protections,
et cetera, et cetera. This is all part of him
trying to sabotage Donald Trump on the way in Now,
the amendment had been ratified by thirty eight states, but
it didn't happen within the deadline. That was set by Congress,

and they note that several of the thirty eight states
have since moved to withdraw their ratifications. The Equal Rights
Amendment was first introduced in Congress in nineteen twenty three
and in nineteen seventy one. The amendment was introduced in
every session of Congress for decades, and in seventy two,
following the House's lead, the Senator proved the amendment eighty

four to eight. In twenty seventeen, and by the way,
lawmakers said the law needed to be ratified by thirty
eight states within seven years, and a deadline that was
later extended to nineteen eighty two by President Jimmy Carter.
The topic became the subject of intense legislative fighting and

political campaigns. You might recall Philishchlaffley, who created the stop
Er movement against ratification and arguing that it would counter
traditional gender roles by forcing women to serve in combat,
among other consequences, and her work slowed its progress. But anyway,
decades after the expiration of the initial seven year deadline

for ratification, Nevada became the thirty sixth state to approve
the amendment, generating a new momentum towards the thirty eighth state.
A year later, Illinois passed it, leaving it one state.
Hi Virginia became the thirty eighth state, and under Donald Trump,
the Office of Legal Council said that year that because

the law was not ratified by the congressional deadline, it
had expired and is no longer pending before the states.
And that's pretty much where it is, so that if
they really want this, they have to start all over again.
So Joe Biden, he's even recognizing such either way? Does
anyone have any theory why the FBI would have shuddered
the DEI office ahead of Trump's inauguration, the Office of

Diversity and Inclusion?

Speaker 2 (27:07):
Why would they? Why would they do this? Now?

Speaker 1 (27:09):
Donald Trump is out there thinking something the farious as
I believe is going on too, because they quietly closed
their Diversity Equity Inclusion office a month after Donald Trump's victory,
and they said in a statement that the Federal Law
Enforcement Agency did not say what the motivation to shut
of the office was. And Donald Trump put out a

truth post corruption and anyway wants an investigation and is
demanding the FBI preserve and retain all records on why
they would close this one great column by Greg Jarrett
that came out. Should prosecutors be prosecuted for their lawfare
campaign against Trump? I won't go into the specificity of it,

but it does raise a lot of questions. And Comer
is now officially requesting that Donald Trump DOJ prosecute James
Biden for making false statements. Has already been an FBI referral,
and we'll see what happens with that. On the immigration front,
Stephen Miller is urging House Republicans to begin to defund

sanctuary cities and states, which by the way, makes sense
by definition, if you're a sanctuary state or city, you
are aiding and embedding federal law breaking. Remember the authority
to deport rests with the federal government supremacy clause is
it transcends any state law, any city law, and that

means that they would have the right to go to
New York City, San Francisco, Los Angeles, to state of
California and remove anybody that entered this country illegally, and
that will happen under Tom Homan. I can promise you,
and can you explain the one hundred and forty five
House Democrats that voted against the bill to deport illegal
immigrants who commit sexual assaults. Why would you ever vote

against that? Chicago Democrats evolving into a civil war over
sanctuary laws that shield these illegal immigrants. A California town
famous for its illegal immigrant population takes a stunning step back,
you know, to back, you know, to support the mass deportation.

I mean that's a pretty big change that's in the
San Diego sector because they're sick and tired of what
they've been living through. They've been living under this, you know,
now going on forever. The border patrol operation to arrest
over seventy illegal immigrants with criminal records has begun. The
trend Dee Arragua gang is now in nearly twenty cities

across the country and getting more violent by the day.
So all of this is going to be dealt with
on Monday. This will be our last show with Joe
Biden as president and Kamala Harris as vice president. You know,
if you really want to know, while I tell you
all the time don't trust government, well, how is law

and order and safety and security in your town? After
defundismenttal and nobail laws? How's government working for you there?
How's government working with Social Security and Medicare because they're
headed towards insolvency. How are those promises on Obamacare? Keep
your doctor, keep your plan. Average family saves twenty five
hundred dollars a year. Millions of Americans lose their doctors,

their plans, and we're all on average paying close to
three hundred percent more. Forty plus percent of the country
only has one Obamacare exchange option.

Speaker 2 (30:36):
How's that working out for you?

Speaker 1 (30:37):
You know, what is the government doing right that you
would trust them from the cradle to grave, womb to
the tomb with the Green New Deal? I mean, there's
a story in the front page of the New York
Post today. It says it doesn't add up. Unions now
have driven spending per student in New York City to
thirty six and ninety three dollars in any other city

or town in the country, the highest amount per capita
per student. Now New York fourth graders ranked thirty second
nationally in reading and forty sixth nationally in math. How
is that working out for you? With all their environmental activism,
how did you know? How did we get to a

point where we had empty reservoirs. We cut the fire
department budget. We had hydrants that didn't work. They didn't
practice the science of forestry. On top of everything else,
they're spending six hundred and fifty million dollars to make
the LA Port green. They're paying eight hundred thousand dollars
for green street sweepers in Los Angeles while simultaneously cutting

the firefighters budget. And on top of that, Gavin wants
to spend billions on wind turbines and billions on green vehicles.
Now tell me if we if America bails out California,
and I'm not against helping them, there has to be
conditions attached to it so this can never happen again.

We're not going to bail you out again and again
and again and again and again. Eight nine four our
number if you want to be a part of the program.

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